The Story of Cms Medical Missions
I N :t-iAZARllTII NOIV A g unshol paLi ent arriving al Lhe ~I ission H ospital on camel back \'rum .Va:;a r t:Lh w l'v day. l\.cproduced by 1.. ind pcn11b3ion uf i'de ~~n, \ V. Cn::c 11 & Son, LLd ., J1; Ji11Uurgh THE WAY OF THE GOOD PHYSICIAN BY HENRY T. HODGKIN ,M.A., M.B. SECRETARY OF THE FRIENDS' FOREIGN MISSION ASSOCIATION, SOMBTIME l'.USSlONARV AT CHENGTU 1 WEST CHINA To WHICH IS ADDED THE STORY OF C.M.S. MEDICAL MISSIONS CH URCH MISSION ARY SOCIETY SALISBURY SQUARE LONDON, E.C. Printed in Great Bt'itain by Turnbull&,, Spears, Edinburgl, TO MY WIFE WHOSE FELLOWSHIP IN MY MISSIONARY SERVICE, BOTH ABROAD AND AT HOME, HAS ENRICHED IT IN COUNTLESS WAYS, SEEN AND UNSEEN PREFACE DR HODGKIN writes as a medical man who has served in the mission field, as an administrator familiar with all the hopes and hardships of a mission board at home, as a member of the Medical Missions Sub-Committee of the World Conference Continuation Committee, but last, and chiefly, as one ever eager to do the work of an evangelist. The book will, it· is hoped, afford sufficient, but not too much, material for those who have hitherto done little or no mission study. On the other hand, it is believed that the lines of Dr Hodgkin's treatment are sufficiently generous, and the references to other literature sufficiently full, to make the book an adequate basis for work by advanced students. Editorial acknowledgments are due in the fullest degree to the author, who to his enthusiasm added patience, and to the many medical friends who rendered help on both the manuscript and the proofs.
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