
POLITICAL WHAT IS POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY? Political use the spatial perspective to study political systems 2 Perspectives 1st Focuses on the impacts of economic, cultural, and on political systems Essentially, how the environment/cultural landscape affects Ex. Theocracies in the 2nd views political systems as the driving force behind different ’s economic and cultural systems Essentially how politics affect the environment/cultural landscapes Ex. The between and Muslims in India/Hindus in Pakistan FOCUS OF POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY Local politics, National politics & International Politics

The fundamental units of political geography are , which are formally known as STATES

The U.S is one of the few countries to call its smaller ‘states’ most others call them , or some other variation WHAT IS A ? An area organized into a political unit and ruled by an established Things states need to be considered states 1. Control over its internal and foreign affairs 2. A defined on the earth’s surface 3. A permanent population 4. Recognition by other states The states we perceive as “natural” and “always existing” are relatively recent phenomena.

In 1648, was divided into dozens of small . BELL WORK

What is the difference between a and a state?

Where did these ideas first originate?

What is ? In your opinion, is it a good thing or a bad thing? NATION-STATE Earliest rulers ruled over a group of followers-not fixed territories. Medieval concept of the Nation- State began with the Roman -that created “dominium” rule over a defined territory. Merovingian Kings 5 th -8th cent. Called themselves “Kings of the Franks”, later Capetian Dynasty 10 th - 14 th cent. Called themselves “Kings of ”. Rise of the modern nation-state saw the development of distinctive territory. RISE OF THE MODERN STATE European Model of the state diffused from Ancient & . - fragmentation, on mainland, Dynastic rule & strong leaders led to greater national cohesion, Norman invasion ended the fragmentation of . Muslim invasion repelled. New technology-horseshoe, stirrup, horse collar, wheel barrow & wind mill introduced. RISE OF THE MODERN STATE -political nationalism & economic nationalism in the form of mercantilism developed- concept of diplomacy developed in . Mercantilism-states should acquire wealth through-colonization, plunder, protection of home industries & markets, a favorable balance of trade. RISE OF THE MODERN STATE Reformation-brought a religious split Roman Catholic versus Protestant- led to a series of wars. Monarchies benefited from the Church’s loss of political power. Age of Absolutism- emerged with Louis XIV of France as a prime example. Monarchies became the focal point of national awareness-ended and aristocratic local control RISE OF THE MODERN STATE Powerful dynasties- Habsburgs, Bourbons, Tudors & Stuarts struggled for power. Thirty Years’ War began as a religious struggle-but ended as state & dynastic struggle for control of Europe. Peace of Westphalia 1648 ended the war- created defined boundaries & guarantees of security-Modern Europe emerged. TAKE OUT THE ANDERSON ARTICLE

What different things did he argue gave rise to nationalism?

How does relate to the formation of modern states?

Nation – a culturally defined group of people with a shared past and a common future who relate to a territory and have political goals.

• People construct nations to make sense of themselves. • Nations are “imagined communities” -Benedict Anderson

• imagined = you will never meet all the people in your nation • community = you see yourself as part of it STATE AND from the word “status” or “standing”-a political entity-used interchangeably with country. Nation-an ethnic or cultural group with similar language, religion, customs and territory-historic connection. was a divided between 2 states-West and East Germany- but it was a nation split by divisions of the DEFINING THE NATION-STATE

A Nation should have A Nation-State has: • A single language • Clearly delineated • A common history territory • A similar ethnic background • Substantial population • Unity from a common • Well-organized political system. government Cultural homogeneity • Shared political and not as important as cultural history “national spirit” or emotional • Emotional ties to commitment to the institutions or political state. – * systems or an ideology. EUROPE AN BOUNDA RY CHANGE S

Fig. 8-13: Twentieth-century boundary changes in Europe, 1914 to 2003. Germany’s boundaries changed after each world war and the collapse of the . WHAT DO ALL OF THESE COUNTRIES HAVE IN COMMON? GEOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF STATES States vary greatly in Size-some huge like 6.6 m. sq. miles, others large with 3 m. sq. miles like US, , , -some are - Vatican, , , Grenada. Shape-some are compact while other are elongated or fragmented. Demography-some have huge populations like China’s 1.3 billion or tiny like with 250,000. Organization-monarchy, democratic, dictatorship, theocratic. Resources-natural and skilled population Development-subsistence to tertiary Power-both economic and STATELESS NATIONS -complete control over a territory’s political & military affairs. Some nations do not have their own state-this can lead to conflict. are the most well known example-a stateless nation in conflict with over territory. -about 20 million people live in -which covers 6 states-since the 1991 War- Kurdish Security Zone has been virtually independent.

Territoriality – “the attempt by an individual or group to affect, influence, or control people, phenomena, and relationships, by delimiting and asserting control over a geographic area.” – Robert Sack

Sovereignty – having the last say over a territory – legally.

Territorial Integrity – a government has the right to keep the and territory of a state in tact and free from attack. TERRITORY

Territorial Morphology- shape, size & relative location of a state. Compact-distance from the geographic center does not vary greatly. Fragmented-consisting of 2 or more separate pieces divided by water or other territory. Elongated-long & thin states. TERRITORY Prorupted-states that are nearly compact, but have a narrow extension . Perforated-having another state lie within ones territory. Exclave-an outlier of a state located within another. Enclave-the counterpart of exclave-it lies within a country and is independent or ruled by another country. AN ENCLAVE IS A TERRITORY WHOSE GEOGRAPHICAL BOUNDARIES LIE ENTIRELY WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF ANOTHER TERRITORY


Fig. 8-7: The Tin Bigha corridor fragmented two sections of the country of . When it was leased to Bangladesh, a section of India was fragmented. LANDLOCKED COUNTRIES Landlocked states have a serious disadvantage in trade and access to resources. has more landlocked states than any other continent. Sahel is poorly linked to the coastal ports; linked by rail; access via South African and Mozambique ports; & Burundi the world’s most isolated states; & Malawi have poor connections. - & are landlocked with rough terrain, great distances and limited communication, , , , & . - and -lost coastline in war Europe-, Switzerland, , , , Belarus and Bosnia

WHY DO BOUNDARIES BETWEEN STATES CAUSE PROBLEMS? AND HOW ARE BOUNDARIES ESTABLISHED? LAND BOUNDARIES Not just a line, but also a vertical plane that cuts through subsoil, rocks and the airspace above-coal, gas & oil reserves often cross these lines. Belgium, Germany & argued over coal seams & natural gas reserves. Kuwait Oil drilling prompted the 1991 Gulf War (Rumaylah Reserve) LAND BOUNDARIES

3 Stage Evolution of Boundaries: definition-a document is created that indicates exact landmarks; delimitation- cartographers place the boundary on the map; demarcation-boundary markers such as steel posts or concrete pillars, fences or wall marks the boundary LAND BOUNDARIES Frontier-a zone of separation that keeps rivals apart can be natural or manmade- such as Korean DMZ. Boundaries keep out adversaries or keep citizens inside-limit smuggling, migration, etc. Internal boundaries- provinces or states within a larger state. TYPES OF BOUNDARIES Geometric-straight line boundary such as US- Canada or many in Africa. Physical or Natural- Political Boundary-river, crest of a mountain range or some other physical landmark Cultural or Anthro- Geographic Boundary- breaks in the human landscape, such as most of Europe’s boundaries AOZOU STRIP: A GEOMETRIC BOUNDARY

Fig. 8-9: The straight boundary between Libya and was drawn by European powers, and the strip is the subject of controversy between the two countries. Left-the between North Korea & is heavily defended by both sides Bottom left-the US-Canadian is the longest undefended border in the world. Bottom right-the Rio Grande forms the border between and the which is porous enough to allow million of illegal immigrants. GENETIC BOUNDARY CLASSIFICATION Richard Hartshorne, a leading political developed this classification system; Antecedent Boundary-physical landscape defined the boundary well before human habitation-- Indonesian boundary on Borneo is sparsely settled. Subsequent Boundary--China border results from a long period of modification. Superimposed-forcibly drawn boundary that cuts across a unified cultural boundary-New - West & Papua in the East. Relict boundary no longer serves its purpose, but the imprint is still evident in the landscape-Vietnam-North South boundary, West and East Germany boundary, especially in Berlin.


Fig. 8-14: Ethnic boundaries do not match country boundaries, especially in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. DIVISION OF CYPRUS

Fig. 8-10: Cyprus has been divided into Green and Turkish portions since 1974. THE FERTILE CRESCENT

Fig. 8-3: The Fertile Crescent was the site of early city-states and a succession of ancient . FRONTIERS IN THE

Fig. 8-8: Several states in the Arabian Peninsula are separated by frontiers rather than precise boundaries. WHY DO BOUNDARIES CAUSE PROBLEMS? Boundaries inside states • Unitary states- highly centralized government where the capital city serves as a focus of power. • Example: France • Federal states-a government where the state is organized into territories, which have control over government policies and funds. • Example: , Belgium, the United States • Globally, there is a trend toward ’s Federal Government – Allows states within the state to determine whether to have Shari’a Laws

Shari’a Laws Legal systems based on traditional Islamic laws The U.S. Federal Government – Allows states within the state to determine “moral” laws such as death penalty, access to alcohol, and concealed weapons. Minnesota’s concealed weapons law requires the posting of signs such as this on buildings that do not allow concealed weapons. ELECTORAL GEOGRAPHY

A state’s electoral system is part of its spatial organization of government.

In the United States: - territorial representation - reapportionment - voting rights for minority populations Gerrymandering – drawing voting to benefit one group over another. Majority-Minority-districts drawn so that the majority of the population in the is from the minority.

Key Question:


Neither the central nor the state governments Central are subordinate and they cannot get rid of Government each other

The States and central government are independent in some areas (anything not included in the is the right of the states. Can you think of any examples?)

Both state and central gov. have power over citizens, specific rights as well as limitations

ADVANTAGE -ability to govern a large area more effectively by dividing responsibilities among various divisions of government State CONFEDERAL Government SYSTEM

Central Central government is subordinate to the state Government Governments and only acts when the states requires

Federal (central) law can not pass unless the law is agreed on by each state -What problem could arise here?

Federal (central) government cannot raise taxes, regulate trade, pay war debts, coin money or regulate foreign affairs

ADVANTAGES high degree of regional/local independence and power State Government UNITARY SYSTEM All state and local governments are subordinate to the central government Central Government

The Central Government can disband the states

States are not sovereign (independent) and are not guaranteed a representative government by central government

ADVANTAGES -Great deal of efficiency and fewer levels of government Nigeria’s Federal Government – Allows states within the state to determine whether to have Shari’a Laws

Shari’a Laws Legal systems based on traditional Islamic laws The U.S. Federal Government – Allows states within the state to determine “moral” laws such as death penalty, access to alcohol, and concealed weapons. Minnesota’s concealed weapons law requires the posting of signs such as this on buildings that do not allow concealed weapons. UNLIMITED GOVERNMENT

- Governments where there is no effective means for the people to restrain those in power, often called a dictator or tyranny

Key Question:

WHAT ARE SUPRANATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS, AND WHAT IS THE FUTURE OF THE STATE? SUPRANATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS A separate entity composed of three or more states that forge an association and form an administrative structure for mutual benefit in pursuit of shared goals. Many supranational organizations exist in the world today: U.N. N.A.T.O. S.E.A.T.O. (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization) United States, France, Great Britain, , , the , and Pakistan Pact REGIONAL SCALE – THE EUROPEAN UNION INTERNATIONAL VS. SUPRANATIONAL

Supranational organizations are by definition international, so what's the difference?

Inter= between Supra=beyond or above

Examples: The EU is a supranational organization whereas th INTERNATIONAL VS. SUPRANATIONAL NAFTA (NORTH ATLANTIC EUROPEAN UNION FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION Supranational International Organization Agreement - Member states - The US, Canada & give up some Mexico have power in areas agreed to open such as economic their borders to and military policy. increase trade. - The EU has a - However they central have not given up administrative their individual capital in Belgium powers the way and a single EU members have currency Global Scale – The HOW DOES SUPRANATIONALISM AFFECT THE STATE?


economics Economic Forces that Unite the EU ECONOMIC Common Market (Single Market): COOPERATION 1.People have more choices 2.Prices on goods are lower 3.Workers can travel between countries to find work 4.Common Currency (Euro) adopted in 2002 – don’t have to exchange money EU works to create jobs, develop resources, and make improvements like roads for trade Economic Forces that Divide the EU ECONOMIC COOPERATION All members don’t always agree on spent money and issues they face Major Issues: 1.Western Europe cost of living is higher and paid more than Central and Eastern 2.EU spends more money on Central & Eastern to help bring their standard of living up 3.West fear of losing jobs to East, companies move East because it saves money POLITICAL COOPERATION IN THE EU CENTRIPETAL FORCES The EU encourages Political Cooperation EU political system: • Has a common government • Does not replace countries individual governments • Operates above the individual governments • All members participate 1. Brings members together to focus on issues they all share 2. Encourages Europeans to think of themselves as citizens of Europe EU POLITICAL BODIES:

Council of the European Union – main decision making body (leaders from each country) European Commission – executive body- what do they do? 1. proposes new laws, handle daily business – legislative body – what do they do? 1. elected by citizens, pass laws, approve budget POLITICAL COOPERATION IN THE EU: CENTRIFUGAL FORCES

Divides Europe: Countries expected to give up power to EU Follow decisions even if they don’t agree Population grows, so have differences – too many cultures and countries to please fades away in the eyes of some members CULTURAL COOPERATION IN THE EU: CENTRIPETAL FORCES How EU Promotes Cultural Identity Flag, European Anthem (played without words) , Europe Day (May 9 th ) Cultural Programs rotate featured city witch highlights culture, language programs CULTURAL COOPERATION IN THE EU: CENTRIFUGAL FORCES

Forces Working Against a European Cultural ID Multiple Languages – info translate into 20 languages and all documents National pride Traditions – Ex) Czech food slow cooked , EU rules states no food served over 2 hours old CENTRIPETAL AND CENTRIFUGAL FORCES

Richard Hartshorne, a leading political geographer described Centripetal forces as things that bind or hold a nation together & promote national unity: • Strong leadership-charismatic leader • External threat • Education • Ideology-Fascism, Communism or Democracy CASTRO’S CUBA The Cuban economy has been hampered by the American trade embargo and the collapse of the Soviet Union, which ended economic assistance. CENTRIPETAL AND CENTRIFUGAL FORCES

Centrifugal forces are things that that divide or tear a state apart: (also called Devolutionary forces) • Ethnic or cultural differences • Religious differences • Linguistic diversity • Economic disparity • Movement or circulation • Physical geographical differences – Movement of power from the central government to regional governments within the state.

What causes devolutionary movements?

Ethnocultural forces Economic forces Spatial forces THE FORCES OF DEVOLUTION After USSR collapse in 1991, optimism-a New World Order? Supranationalism, no more costly arms race & negotiation replacing confrontation?? Yet despite optimism- powerful self-interests contribute to centrifugal (divisive) forces. -the study of within a geographic framework THE FORCES OF DEVOLUTION Since 1990 about 26 new states created. Ironically with EU & adoption of euro greater centrifugal forces in Europe. ’s decision to join EU encouraged . 1990s Scottish National Party encouraged devolution. 1997 Labour Party gave Scots & Welsh chance to vote-both voted to have their own parliaments ETHNOCULTURAL DEVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENTS rise in independence movement is coupled with: - European Union - Scotland’s oil resources

THE FORCES OF DEVOLUTION-CULTURAL FORCES Most of the world’s 200 states have multicultural populations. -Basque & in 1979 signed agreements • Have their own parliaments • Languages have official status • Control over education • Power of taxation But Basque separatist were not satisfied-continued bombing & terror attacks THE FORCES OF DEVOLUTION-CULTURAL FORCES Belgium-Flemish (Dutch) in north, Walloons (French) in south -Muslim north & Christian south -, a Hindu minority fight for independence from the Sinhalese a Buddhist majority The Forces of Devolution-Cultural Forces Greatest tragedy was which erupted in Civil War in the 1990s Thrown together after WW I with as the core of “The Land of the South Slavs” 7 major, 17 minor ethnic groups, 3 religions & 2 alphabets North- & -Catholic South- are Orthodox, Muslim enclaves Rule by royal house of Serbia, during WWII German occupation the Croats supported the Nazis, Serbs fought as anti-Nazi partisans. Josip Broz Tito emerged as a communist leader after WWII-nationalism suppressed under his iron fist. THE FORCES OF DEVOLUTION-CULTURAL FORCES After the death of Tito & later the collapse of communism- of Croat versus Serb and everyone versus Muslims emerged again. , Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia- & became independent. Bosnia-no clear majority, Dayton Accords partitioned Bosnia & ended the civil war-Muslims 44%, Serbs 32% & Croatians 17% Robert Mugabe’s dictatorship forced thousands of white farmers to flee Zimbabwe.


GENOCIDE Genos , greek for tribe or family, -cide from Latin to kill. Last 100 years over 50 million people were murdered due to race, ethnicity, religion or political persuasion. • Mao Zedong-30 m. Chinese • Stalin-20 m. Soviets • Nazis-11.4 m. , Slavs, etc. • 10 m. Chinese, etc. ETHNOCULTURAL DEVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENTS

Eastern Europe devolutionary forces since the fall of communism THE FORCES OF DEVOLUTION- ECONOMIC FORCES

Italy-Mezzorgiono (region of the south is poor & agrarian) feels neglected and there is a growing disparity between the industrial North & agricultural South Italy has moved to a federal system due to pressure by the north. ECONOMIC DEVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENTS

Catalonia, Spain Catalonians in Spain site reasons for economic independence-6% of territory, yet have 25% of exports & 40% of industrial exports.

Barcelona is the center of banking and commerce in Spain and the region is much wealthier than the rest of Spain. THE FORCES OF DEVOLUTION-ECONOMIC FORCES Brazil-1990s the 3 southern states: Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Parana claimed the govt. misspent money in Amazon-had a leader, created flag, and demanded independence for the Republic of the Pampas. THE FORCES OF DEVOLUTION-SPATIAL FORCES Spatial factors-remote frontiers, isolated , rugged topography or repeated historic invasions contribute to devolution Many islands such as , Sardinia, Taiwan, , Zanzibar, Jolo (Philippines) and have demanded independence. -indigenous population demand autonomy; Puerto Rico small, but vocal independence movement; Cascadia-Washington, Oregon & British Columbia. SPATIAL DEVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENTS , Hawai’i A history apart from the United States, and a desire to live apart in order to keep traditions alive. DEVOLUTION OF THE SOVIET UNION 50 years a Bi-Polar World of Cold War arms race & danger of nuclear war. In 1980s centrifugal forces increased-multiculturalism, multi-nationalism, economic troubles Gorbachev loosened the Soviet grip on Eastern Europe & at home introduced perestroika (restructuring) & glasnost (openness) Fall of 1989 the Iron Curtain collapsed, the was opened. THE DEVOLUTION OF THE SOVIET UNION Failed coup attempt in August 1991 led to the collapse of communism & dissolution of the USSR on Dec. 25, 1991. Commonwealth of Independent States created, Baltic States & Georgia stayed out & became completely independent. Muslim Azerbaijan & Christian Armenia had armed conflict. Georgia had a civil war, in Northwest declared independence Near Abroad-what the Russians called the 25 million Russians who live in the former Soviet Republics. THE DEVOLUTION OF RUSSIA Within Russia-16 autonomous homelands for some of the minorities-boundaries were changed to reward or punish certain groups Soviets created many geographical problems just like the colonial powers in Asia & Africa 1991-95 about 5 additional republics recognized in Russia Checho- became and Ingushetia Chechnya-Muslim population in the Caucasus demanded independence- refused, war & destruction of resulted-terrorist attacks in Moscow, Beslan, etc. Russia had given in on many occasions-created 21 republics & 68 regions in a federal framework. Russia is still the largest nation on earth, but only 6 th in population THE STATE OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER With cross border travel & trade, transnational capital investment & the internet national boundaries are losing importance as are national governments Yet states not provinces or regions maintain armed forces and enter into multinational military alliances. Perhaps a multi-polar world will emerge with 5-6 clusters of regions with a dominant power. Expansion of economic, social and cultural interactions Financial & trade links tie people together (US has never bombed a country with a McDonalds) Multinational corporations in transnational legal & political environment have taken major roles • Hollywood films worldwide • Italian fashions in Japan • Mexican soap operas in Russia • Southern Mexican activists used internet to gain world-wide support • Spice Girls were popular in Africa & Australia GROWING INFLUENCE OF RELIGION Ironically in an era of science & secularism-millions of people are turning to religion Religious fundamentalism on the rise in areas of oppression & where prospects of democracy are dim. Shiite fundamentalists led to the fall of the Shah of Iran in 1979 -Islamic fundamentalists ready to gain majority in 1992 so govt. canceled elections- violence erupted. REDRAWING THE MAP Problem-the antiquated state boundary network. Supranationalism & devolution are symptoms of this problem. Rapid after World War II and the collapse of Communism in the late 80s & 1990s drastically changed the boundaries. A critical issue is the diffusion of nuclear weapons THE DOMINO THEORY The domino theory holds that destabilization from any cause in one country can result in the collapse of order in a neighboring country-a chain of events that can affect a whole region. Indochina War (1964-1975) US backed South Vietnam in a struggle against communist North Vietnam-war expanded into & -US feared it would lead to communist expansion in Thailand, Malaysia, Burma & so on-didn’t happen. Yet domino theory has validity-in 1989 the fall of communism followed the domino effect, instability in Yugoslavia followed the same pattern-other examples religious extremism, economic and environmental causes can cause spreading havoc. The Former Yugoslavia – A state with more than one nation. Slobadan Milosevic, leader of Serbia launched 4 Balkan Wars that killed 250,000 & left 2.5 million homeless Multistate Nation – A nation with more than one state.

Transylvania – homeland for both Romanians and Hungarians. Two Waves of Decolonization First wave – focused on decolonization of the Americas Second wave – focused on decolonization of Africa and Asia The Capitalist World-Economy The World-Economy is more than the sum of its parts. It is composed of “dots” but we must also understand the “whole.”

Sunday on La Grande Jatte by Georges Pierre Seurat Immanuel Wallerstein’s World-Systems Theory: 1. The world economy has one market and a global division of labor. 2. Although the world has multiple states, almost everything takes place within the context of the world economy. 3. The world economy has a three-tier structure. European nations and those settled by European migrants established throughout the world to extract wealth. This period of colonialism established the current imbalance in world economic and political power CONSTRUCTION OF THE WORLD ECONOMY Capitalism – people, corporations, and states produce goods and services and exchange them in the world market, with the goal of achieving profit.

Commodification – the process of placing a price on a good and then buying, selling, and trading the good.

Colonialism – brought the world into the world economy, setting up an interdependent global economy. THREE TIER STRUCTURE Core Periphery Processes that incorporate higher Processes that incorporate lower levels levels of education, higher salaries, of education, lower salaries, and and more technology less technology * Generate more wealth in the world * Generate less wealth in the world economy economy

Semi-periphery Places where core and periphery processes are both occurring. Places that are exploited by the core but then exploit the periphery. * Serves as a buffer between core and periphery

Key Question: HOW DO GEOPOLITICS AND HELP US UNDERSTAND THE WORLD? GEOPOLITICS Geopolitics – the interplay among geography, power, politics, and . German School-eg. German Geographer ’s (1844-1940) organic state theory British / American School- eg. British Geographer - Sir ’s (1861-1947) Heartland Theory Nicholas Spykman, a critic of Mackinder, in a 1944 book coined the term “Rimland” and stated that the rimland of , not the heartland held the key to global power. MACKINDER’S HEARTLAND THEORY: “WHO RULES EAST EUROPE COMMANDS THE HEARTLAND WHO RULES THE HEARTLAND COMMANDS THE WORLD ISLAND WHO RULES THE WORLD ISLAND COMMANDS THE WORLD” GEOPOLITICAL WORLD ORDER

Temporary periods of stability in how politics are conducted at the global scale. bi-polar-after WW II the U.S. & U.S.S.R. multi-polar-many major powers unilateralism-one state (U.S.) acting alone- which creates resentment and hostility.

Will individual states remain the dominant actors in a future geopolitical world order? THE WAR IN IRAQ The 2003 invasion of Iraq was a unilateral decision by the US No weapons of mass destruction were found, Iraq posed no threat to the US or its neighbors-it was being contained by the UN imposed sanctions. Current unemployment of 50% contributes to the sectarian violence Antiwar Protest on 42 nd street in City- 18 th , 2006 – the 3 rd anniversary of the start of the war-similar protests took place around the world

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Lebanon’s political system is one of the most inefficient and convoluted. The state is hampered by invasion and intervention by Israel and as well as civil war between the ethic & religious factions. ’s 15 year Civil War ended in 1990. Since then Israel has invaded twice to dislodge the PLO and later Hezbollah.

Destruction in the Dahiyeh neighborhood in , Lebanon