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Cover Page the Handle Holds Various Files of This Leiden University Dissertation. Author: Krahe Cover Page The handle holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation. Author: Krahe, Cinta Title: Chinese porcelain and other orientalia and exotica in Spain during the Habsburg dynasty Issue date: 2014-09-18 Chinese Porcelain and other Orientalia and Exotica in Spain during the Habsburg Dynasty GENEALOGY OF THE SPANISH HABSBURG ROYAL HOUSE ROYAL HABSBURG OF THE SPANISH GENEALOGY 279 Cinta Krahe 280 Chinese Porcelain and other Orientalia and Exotica in Spain during the Habsburg Dynasty BIBLIOGRAPHY Abad Zardoya 2005 Carmen Abad Zardoya, La casa y los objetos. Espacio doméstico y cultura material en la Zaragoza de la primera mitad del Siglo XVIII, Zaragoza, 2005. 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