For Ancient Authors See Al5o Index Locorum)
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INDEX OF NAMES (For ancient authors see al5o Index Locorum) Academy 20, Old:72 Aristotle 3, 4, 7, 77, 81, 124-5, 215, Acco 215 257, 261-2, 267-8, 278 Acheron 174 Arius 15 Achilles 67, 240, 291 Asclepius 86 Acragas 210 Asia 312-3, 317 Aedesia 1, 16 Athanassiadi 6, 15 Aegina 266, 322 Athena 18, 191, 280 Aeschines 56, 68, 218, 263 Athens/Attica 99, 105, 118, 138, Aesop 314 270, 272, 281-4 Agamemnon 139, 269, 291 Athenian School 1-2, 25, 38 Aiakos 312-3 Atticus, platonist 262 1\jax 64, 139, 187 Augustus 15 al-Farabi 21, 57 Aujoulat 1 Alcetes 154, 158 Alcibiades 18-19, 66, 183, 185, 261-3 Behr 22, 217, 239 Alcidamas 63 Bellerophon 291 Alcinous 21, 30 Beutler 145 Alexander the Great 245 Blumenthal 1, 6 Alexander, son of Alcetes 154, 158 Bowersock 265 Alexandria, Alexandrian School 1-2, 4, 9, 11, 15-16, 38, Callias 271 117,152,191,254,257,259,277 Callicles 56, 322 Amelius 24, 28 'Callicles' 46-48 etc. Ammonius 1-3, 8, 11, 16, 32-33, 38, Cameron Alan 3, 6, 8, 15 47,99, 178,201,217,252,257, Carbonara Naddei 88, 95, 161, 317 262, 267, 273, 282-3, 293 Cebes 261 Amphion 192, 201, 229 Cerberus 283, 303 Amphis 215 Chaerephon 56-57, 62, 65-68 Anaxagoras 63, 135 Charmadas 20 Anaxarchus 239 Charmides 66 Anaximander 317 Charon 302 Annikeris 266 Chelidonian Isles 153 Anteia 291 Chimaera 282 Antiochus of Ascalon 63, 257, 267 Christians 1-3, 6, 9-11, 15, 33, 105, Antisthenes 263-4 140, 171, 174,204,221,232-3,256, Anytus 264 272,296-8,302,308,318 Apollo 12, 192, 270, 312 Chrysippus 72, 121 Apollodorus 62 Cimon 17, 47, 217, 224, 271 Apuleius 21 Cinesias 226 Arcesilaus 12 Cleandros (Alcandros?) 280 Archelaus 154ff, 177, 239 Cleanthes 121 Archimedes 247 Clement of Alexandria 21 (Ps.-)Archytas 13 Cleopatra 154 Areopagus 138 Cocytus 174 Aristides 22, 39, 47, 70, 217, 237-40, Crete, Cretans 255, 317 247-8, 255, 261-2, 269, 271-2, 287 Critias 261, 263 Aristides son of Lys. 322 Cronus see Kronos Aristomache 265-6 Cyanian Isles 153 Aristophanes of Byzantium 20 Cynics 191, 283 Aristophon 76 Cyrene 265 INDEX OF NAMES 345 David 4 Heracles 190-1, 240, 266, 279, 283-4, De Ste. Croix 19 302 Democriteans 7 Heraclitus 9, 135 Demos 183 Hermeias 1, 16 Demosthenes 9, 17, 56, 69, 91,102, Hermes 268 125,218,268 Hermippus 215 Dike 300-1 Herodicus 76, 81, 102, 109 Dillon 7, 23, 25, 30, 31, 294 Hesiod 48 Diogenes Laertius 21 Homer 9, 48, 63, 269, 291-2, 301 Diogenes of Sin ope 149, 170 Hypatia 1, 9 Diomedes 244 Dian 265-7 Iamblichus 5, 11-14, 23-28, 57, 72, Dionysius II 261, 265-7, 284 92,190,201,249,295,317 Dodds 5, 184, 250, 252, 317, 319, Ibn al-Nadim 21 321 Irus 153 Donnay 19 Irwin 10, 44, 128, 184-5 Doris 265-6 Isles of the Blessed 302, 304-5, 313 Dzielska 10 !socrates 9, 18, 69, 264, 268 Egypt 11-12, 152, 183, 185, 252 Jacob (doctor) 257 Eirene 300-1 Jones R.M. 21 Eleatics 7, 13-14, 135 Julian 15 Elias 4 Justinian 6, 8, 15, 38 Elpinice 271 Kannicht 160 Elysian Plain 302 Kennedy 16 Empedocles 7, 63, 135, 210, 235 Kronos 24-28,32,49,207,298 Ephorus 19 Epicharmus 231 Lamberton 301 Epictetus 46 Lenz 70,217,239,247,274 Eros 294 Leptines 265 Etna 265 Libanius 22 Eudemus 268 Libya 265, 317 Eunomia 300-1 Lyceum 262 Europe 312-3, 317 Lycurgus orator 9, 18, 268 Eustathius 316 Lycurgus Spartan 9, 47, 279-81, 285 Eutocius 3 Lysias 184 Festugiere 13, 34 Maas 181, 274 Magi 12 Galen 2, 21, 57, 73, 79, 122, 201 Mansfe1d 7, 35, 72, 121 Ganymede 255-6 Marcus Aurelius 15 Geryon 191 Marinus 5, 14 Glaucus 148,244,291 Marrou I Glucker 6 Maximus of Tyre 21 Gnostics 140, Megarians 263, Decree 18-19 Gorgias 36, 56, 62-63, 104, 134-5 Metes 226 'Gorgias' 41-42 etc. Meletus 264 Gregory of Nazianze 86 Menelaus 64 Miltiades 17, 47, 217, 224, 271, 275 Hades 26, 206, 283 Minos 310, 312-3, 317 Harlot I. 1, 11, 36 Minotaur 282, 284 Harpocration 298 Mithaecus 274 Hector 187 Mueller 7 Helen 64, 104 Munychia 105 Heliodorus 4 Helius 282-3, 299 Neanthes 266 Helmbold 21 Nero 15 Hephaestus 301 Nestor 63 Hera 32-33, 86-87, 185, 291 Nicev 225 Heracleodorus 268 Numenius 249, 298 .