N Citation Index
Cambridge University Press 0521855004 - Myth, Ritual, and Metallurgy in Ancient Greece and Recent Africa Sandra Blakely Index More information N CITATION INDEX Accius Aetius Amidemus Book 2, 262n.26 Philoctetes fr. 525, 50, 236n.19, 236n.24 Aetna 363–65, 273n.99 Aelian Akousilaos FGH 2 Nature of Animals fr. 20, 236n.19 6.58.24, 239n.82 fr. 26, 198 10.14, 261n.20, 262n.23 fr. 34, 244n.90 10.40, 154 Alciphro I ep. 15 .5.3, 239n.82 Varia Historia 5.19, 243n.78 ps-Alexander of Aphrodisias 1.4, 262n.25 Aeneas Tacticus 20.3, 32.5, 241n.21 Alexandros Polyhistor FGH 273 Aeschylus fr. 77, 236n.8, 246n.124 Choephoroi 631, 237n.26 Alexander of Tralles Eumenides 937–87, 260n.39 2.579, 143, 262n.37 Isthmiastai, 50 2.47, 261n.16 Kabeiroi, 36–37 Alkaios TGF fr. 97, 236n.19 PLF fr. 34, 251n.22 TGF fr. 95–97, 240n.18 PLF fr. 14, 264n.73 Prometheus Bound Alkiphro Epistolographus 1.15 .5, 265n.98 133, 207 Ammianus Marcelinus 457, 273n.103 22.9, 193, 236n.6 442–68, 478–506, 245n.97 22.8.21, 272n.82 482–512, 53 Anthologia Palatina 715, 272n.82 4.33.89, 258n.12 Prometheus Pyrkaieus, 49 5.166, 264n.73 Seven Against Thebes 6.301, 264n.83 103–07, 238n.56 6.245, 260n.46 560, 50, 244n.90 7.8, 264n.83 scholia to 304, 253n.69 9.1.2, 258n.12 Suppliants 11.321.2, 239n.82 291, 198 11.346, 264n.83 548, 271n.47 Antikleides FGH 140 fr.
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