Established, June 23, 1862. Vol. 6. PORTLAND, SATURDA Y MORNING, JUNE 29, 1867, Terms Eight Dollarsper annum, in advance*

___ — -___ _ w*—^_ REMOVALS. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS is published BUSINESS CAKUM. MISCELLANEOUS. lASEIUANCfc The Ckampugne District. ev-rytlay, at No. I Printers’ (Sunday excepted,i Robert Tomes Exchange, Comma rial Street, Portland. has written a book entitled R DAILY PRESS. N. A. FOSTER, PROPRIETOR. BKABBUliY* BR1DBCBY. the E MOV AL. INSURANCE NOTICE. “The Champagne Country.” Mr. Tomes was 'Ihkms: —Eight Dollar!' a year in advance* PORTLAND. consular agent of the United States in uu \ Counsellors at W. D. LITTLE & CO„ ancient city of Sheims, the chief commercial THE MAINE STATE PRESS,is published at the Lair, BENEFIT a MUTUAL removed their Insurance and Katlwav FOYE, COFFIN & centre of the district. This dis- Same place every Thursday morning at $-.00 year. linn It SWAN, M Champagne Having* Vuildiug, Excbaafic Si, HAVETicket 01)1 res tYom Commercial Slrect and Mai- Saturi*/ mine;, June 29, 18o7. Invariably in advance. trict is remote from the usual lines of Amerk Biou Bradbury, J ket Square, to their new office in the Deerlng Block, UNDEBWKITEKS, of inch of A. Life Insurance —AND— but its famous wine attracts for- Rates advertising.—One space,tn W. Bradbury, j PORTLAND. Company, uYo. can travel, length oi June 27-dtt 40 1-2 Exchange column, coii.MiiuteP a •■square." Street, as all want to the arti- : 76 NOMINATION. eign tourists, try pure 'V1 5<» per square daily IIwt week cents per 1ST. J. Second over store of William D. General Insurance KJSPUBLICAN Newark, story, Robinson. there is an oc- week three insertions, or leas, 81.00; coctinu- June 27. Agents, cle at its fountain head. Now alter; W. T. BROWN & CO., d3w have returned to their old •nj? other alter fir*! week, 50 ceuts. in 184S. Charter taud, every day Organized Perpetual. ean of liquor, called Champagne, drank in this Hall Square, three inset lions or less, T5 cents; one General Commission Merchants, FOR Ocean insurance Co.’a COVKR.VOlt, never nearer the Chani- aceiv, r*0 cents ]»rr#wt*ek alter. No. 90 C ommercial II 1C M O V A Block, country which was I-Z Mroel, losses on deceased members tc $5,125,425, and ~Ll Under head oi *‘Amtsemknts,*’ $2 00ner square Having paid amounting IiXClIAKGK STKhET, l district than New Jersey and some other pet week; three Insert inns or $ 1.5c. (Thomas Block,) pagne less, GEO. L. Air. Tomes iai. Notices,$1.25 per lor the first in- : Willaud T. > to tbe tbe sum of with assets well FICKETT, represent first class localities in the United Btates. square Brown, PnttTIPortland. ^ declared in Dividends living $6,002,830, in c?ntl“UB Cum- JOSHUA L. CHAMPEELAIN I verti.>n, and 25 cents pel for Waiter H. t Successor to Stephen Gale, lias removed to his new panles all departments oi insurance. square each subsequent Brown, I throws a deal of light on this subject and insertion. store, aityustfcd and OF good Sole Wholesale Agents tor the Boston Match Co. seeui-ed to over has declared its TWENTIETH annual i'ebV promptly paid. BBUNSWICK. Advertisements, ! amounting $12,000,000, just Utf^kty l we wish to let our readers See a few ot its inserted in the “Maine State for Maine. By permission r 1'er to liana & Co., J. 143 Congress, near Washington Street, Puffs’* (which has a large circulation in every pnr- W. Perkins & Co., Joslali II. Drummond, Where he will a choloo u( the Statelier Burgess, Dividend, being 50 per cent. keep stock of Diuirs and $1.00 per square lor first insertion* : Fobes&Co. junc26dtt and American PURELY MUTUAL I >0 cents Medicines, English Fancy Goods. The Brpublirun *i' )s « vast deal of per Square lor each subsequent iuser- THE Cunuln. 'Vest; cheating am\ The Annual Income for was ^/"Physicians prescriptions carefully compound- al w T. II. 1866, $4,034,855.39. Wh *n the manufacture and sale ot ---| HASKELL, ed.__ _Je22dtf always expect enthusiasm and good with England Mutual humbugging.. it is It continues to issue all classes of Life Policies, at the lowest rates consistent LAW feeling at a -iQultf. quite scq- NOTICE. Republican Convention. The late no on* liquors u»u of aloo- business cauds. & Counsellor to the members. Its features are economy in Life Insurance assembly of fossils in this was *U*atjudges Attorney perfect security distinguishing expenditure, of Comp’y, city obliged to toaee bow boston, mass. ougakizeh 1843. devote itself ing many '*autfyl Hun- and care in CHARLES W. GODDARD, almost to the Over Firm National Bank, its management. Cash Assets, solely “hitting nai: hoiic we have in January 1,1S07, $4,700,000. on liquors «mg Cash the head,” as the ealls jh?ir Charles P. Dividends of IS04-5, now In course o! Argus it. Not dreds and thousands Mattocks, It no stockholders for the use of no bonuses or commissions to officers, being pride themselvc Corner Middle and Plum Streets, pays capital, & Solicitor in payment, UOfl in with the of Lawyer Bankruptcy. Total sympathy feelings the its Surplus o people judgment and taste, and their and no immoderate to HAS REMOVED TO Divided, 400*000 were power to *tfJ* and Counscller at MB. compensation agents. Losses PaVd In managers forced to exercise ail their skill Attorney Law, POitTl,AJO), 1«;8, criminate between pure and total Losses <» tic" in order to adulterated June 20. dlw&eodlw# All its Directors attend its and serve on its committees. Its risks are care- No, 100 Paid, non clothe the atrocious hq'' CANAL, BANK meetings, Exeli&Dge Street. Income for doctrines ot the and it is as BEII.UING, 18GG, 1 778 uors, yet quite easy to vitiate a in losses and in 000: modern in N» Mi selected so as to secure sound lives. It is careful adjusting prompt Bank Distributions in Cash, Democracy language that would in man’s taste as Middle Street Portland. s. freeman & co.. fully Opposite Saving* Bonding. juuelgtt 83^“Annual[ jw it is to adulterate Wo Ml MU 50 Local Agents and also some measure liquors. Wanted, Canvassers can conceal tbe once payment. make good arrangements degrading spirit knew a young man of excellent Commission Merchants l Removal. to work for the above Oo. that characterizes talents J. W. them. The Augusta Con- and fine who SI.VOMH, Its funds aie invested with regard to security, never hazarding principal for interest; EXPRESS has removed to No. culture; became au inveterate IGl <5 Street. tention labored under no Broad street, PRINCE’SKxchanae embarrassments of drinker and of course he a Counsellor at lienee it has never lost a dollar on its investments. After losses and expenses, and drank good deal Law, paying June 17, 1607. dtl this kind. A declaration of Middle 8ajuitel Freeman, \ the real senti- of bad Nil) St, tOauul Bank Building,) E. V. Appleton. all it has always made an annual dividend of liquor. ) NEW YORK. reserving tbe value of outstanding policies, PHCENIX ments of the could be delegates attended with Gin was his and of C^P^Farticular attention to the R E M O principal drink, course it Mayll-ltl_l‘OUTLANU._ given purchasing return premiums to tbe members, aud paid them when due. y A L no and there was no of Flour and Grain. Mutual danger, need to resort to was poor but then it had UKS. Life Insurance liquor; the “luddle” CHADWICK & FOGG Eeb-ieuces—Da^ Id Eau £. & Company! long rigmaroles and awkward in Keazer, McKenney It is a “MUTUAL BENEFIT” Company, haring hut one class of members, all life policies, generalities.— it, and that was all he was after. Some of 301 1.9 CBNOB1CWS «1 It Li t Co., W. & C. R. Milllkeu, J. B. Carroll, fcnq., T. H. Of Hartford, (onn. Weston & Co. divisiou of a dividend on COOK & They could hit the nail on the head to his friends one a BKOWM'9 SEW BLOCK. Junelldtf both new and old, sharing equally in tbe annual surplus, receiving AYERS, EDSON some day procured hottls ol pure FESSENDEN, President. without Holland May 18-dtf purpose taking auy special pains to giu from a sea Captain for the L. F. Fk.UiREE, every premium paid. JAMES F. BUBNS, Secretary. pur- do so. we find that the pose of testing the DRAPERS AND IRVING Accordingly resolu- question touching this cor- C. J. 8CHUMAOH12K, Pattern and Model Maker and It in to act in all as a faithful trustee for tbe members. Having for TAILORS, ROUGH, General A gent, Machinist, ; endeavors, brief, respects tions adopted are a frank and ruption of a uiau s taste. This No. 4 l-i HAVE REMOVED TO 65 meiely open pure gin was Exchange aired, it in the and offers its Exchange St., Portlaud, Me. F it over twenty years pursued this course, it proposes to continue future, avowal of the principles which the given to a bar-tender with special FSCO PAINTER. JuuelOdlm Over C. IJ. Farley’s Nautical Store. Dividends paid in Republican instructions Chambers 65 1865, SO percent. has to set j advantages to all who desire to insure iu a Company so conducted. Exchange Street, party made dear to the -American the bottle on the counter when tbo OBte at the Drug Store of Me****. A. G. ScLlotter J Dividends paid iu I860, 50 cent. people. young B. U. & G. tV. VBRBIU., per man called for on Equal rights, impartial his liquor. It was at a beck & Co., LEWIS C. President. ami have haml a good assortment ot Dividends being paid in 1867, Be per cent. suffrage, approval of saloon & Counsellors at i GROVER, in he Attorneys Law, Congress passing and of Gou. Sheridan In was in the habit ot .'10*1 EDWARD A. Secretary. BENJ C Vice-President. It allows the Insured to travel and reside in frequenting. Presently Cougrcka Mjt'oKluiiil, Itle, No. 17 Exchange »t., Portland, :?lt. j STRONG, MILLER, any the the man executing reconstruction acts, gratitude to young stepped into the saloon and one door above Brown, Ocean Insurance ALEX. H. JOHNSON, Cashier AMZI DODD, Mathematician. .WOOLEN goods: portion of the United States and at and _ja12dtf Building. Europe, any the soldiers aud called for his usual dram. March 18 dtim all seasons of the sailors—with these This bottle was set Medical Examiners. Suited to the season, which will be year without extra charge. .just priu- can the counter II. M.BBE It throws ciples they go to the aud upou and he turned into a WEB, D GABRIEL M. out almost all restrictions on occupation people ask their tum- A. N. NOYES & JOSEPH B. JACKSON. M. GRANT, D., bler the usual (Successors to J. Smith & SON, Made to Order at Fair Prices. from its suffrages with one Co.) EDGAR HOLDEN, M. D., F. G. SNELLING, M. D. policies. perfect confidence in the result. quantity. Taking swallow Mauacactuser of I.rather Its are all Xt further or rather his mouth Belling. Manufacturers and dealers In June 17. d3w policies non-tbrfelting, as it alwavt al- any assurance of success were neces- filling preparatory to Also tor sale lows the asaur* to DIRECTORS. t surrender his policy, should he sary gt is found in|the renomination of General swallowing—he spat it out upou the floor, Belt Backs & Laoc Stoves, Ranges & Furnaces, R~E~M A. L desire, the company giving a paid-up policy therefor. Chamberlain. A and at the same time dashed the Leather, Sides, Leather, LEWIS RANDALL H. EDWARD A. O.V great revolution must glass into C. GROVER, GREENE, STRONG, It all Its KITETS and pays losses promptly, during the sixteen pieces, with au BUBS, Con be found iu their HENRY McF ARLAN, J. H. FROTHING HAM, JOSIAH O. LOW, take place in the minds of the of exclaiming oaih, “Give me SHEPLEY & STROUT of its existence never people Maine, Hfiadtl n 311 fctireet. CHARLES S. JOHN R. JOSEPH A. years having contested a claim. some and not such d-d Congress MACKNET, WEEKS, HALSEY, before they will consent to sec the giu stuff as this.” NEW BUILDING ON LINB ST., A. S. BEN J. C. MILLER, soldier who SNELLING, NEHEMIAH PERRY, While this he made a received the surrender of Lee djiug up terribly look- W. P. FREEMAN & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Tbo subscriber is now prepared to give place to the CO., (Opposite the Market.) give prompt ing face as il his tongue was cot State OFFICE. attention to all matters pertaining to this agency de- man concerning whom the irate gentleman sufficient to Where they will he pleased to see all their former WARREN SPARROW, Agent, OVER partment. express Ins utter contempt of wliat he j CANAL NATIONAL RANK, AH from Freeman made such suppos- customers and receive orders as usual. n persons desiring iniormatiun as to startling revelations. (jpSioliterers augUdtf insurance, ed was adulterated His friends j And for Maine and New No Middle St. I he practical and result ol all tic Gov. Chamberlain has liquor. raised and Manufacturer* of Superintendent of Agencies Hampshire, 861 working different been steadily gain- lorms of policies of Hie &c., will be a shout of but could J. U. & F. G. r. SHEPLEY. juncSIlm a. a. steodt. insurance, at- in the affections laughter, they not con- FESSENDEN, tended to by at his ing and respect of the citi- PORTLAND, MAINE. callingin persuu office, or address- vince him of tne mistake he had FUBNITUEE, BED-STEADS ing him mail. zens of made. LOUNGES, by Persons ah eady insured, aud de- this State ever since he commenced removed. siring additional will receive all Some of tho hotels and Spring-Beds, Alattresues, Few Cushions, i AT and who desire to act as tor a which insurance, necessary the of liquor shops in New COUNSELLORS Persons of intelligence reliability, agents company information, and can discharge the duties of his He LAW, effect their insurance through position York and other cities No. 1 Ulapp’e Black- foot Che.inul him upon the most thvorablc has large employ icint-UiMtur* Street, ] 450 Exchange has no superior, will please apply as above. apr80dtojy29 Hartford and Connecticut terms. proved strong where his enemies contend- Parties throughout the state to net as whose duty it is to select and more Portland. desiring he was weak. He liquors, vit- JAMES D. Agents lor this old and will ed has shown that a scholar Fkeeman, D. W. Deane. C. L. FESSENDEN, \ Jb'ire popular Company, be lib- iated palates cannot bo found than these Qpinbt. | EBA.NCIS FESSEND4N. f ME. Insurance Co.’s. erally dealt with. w. IRVING he a man of pro- n PORTLAND, PAPER Gough, may practical views and adminis- _tf June 17d3ui ELEGANT CARRIAGES COLLARS! General Agent, G5 Exchange Street, Portland, Me. fessional wine-tasters possess. Their palates — trative Since AT — subacribar, Agent of the above well eitab- June 10. dtr ability. his most admirable in- are not only vitiated so that their of HOWARD A THElislied and reliable Insurance has re- opinions CLEAVES, M. Companies, augural address this question has not been pT king, moved to the office of W. H. WOOD -v ®aihl«>> Geueiai insurance Broker, are not but their at S.ON, 1 liquors reliable; hearts uro of- Cloth the Button Hole. L®*• would miorm his trieuds and the nuol'c raised to his That many disadvantage. address wus teu & Counsellors at C. P. generally that he is to continue the corrupted by the bribes ot the liquor sell- Attorneys Law, Kimball’s, No. 07 St. prepared Insur- au illustration of the one who wears paper collars be- Exchange ance as increased which should, Business a Broker, and can Life strength ers. A New York wine merchant once M PHOTOGRAPHIST, examine the place Fire, told PORTLAND, iNK. Preble EVERYfore purcbasng, lEREniAU DOW. and Marino Insurance to any extent in the best Com- liberal culture gives a man of sound sense and Street, jides in the United us that the of wiuo was ofteu deter- 137' Middle Portland, May 24,1867.-dtf p States. All business entrusted native Its quality Ojjlce Xo. 30 street, enre large ability. suggestions had not a Exchange Street, Portland, Mnine. NEW COLLAR, to my shali be faitbfuily attended to. mined by the price asked for it, especially Jbaepb n Nathan Cleaves. Office at (J. M. Rice’s Mo. 183 trace of those notions Howard, Jy9tt PORTLAND, ME. TAKE in to j With Cloth at the button hole, which makes a paper Paper Store, Fore St, antiquated which men oi Tilth great pleasure saying my frjeudsand where orders can among the residents Avenue. A the same as linen. R EMOVA L beleit. jullGtj large June 12dU I customers that I. have now on hand, and am con- collar strength are popularly supposed to from a DltS. bring college dealer in Montreal once informed us PEUME & FEBNALD, stautly making, a large number of the most! Elegant I The fiuisli of this collar gives the same beauty and liquor the lecture room, hut they were those of a mau -S' Carriages, in Style, Finish and durability ever offer- appearance of finest linen collar made. that his priucipal stock consisted in adulterat- WAX & BARRETT, ed in New Linen Finished Oxford Sliake- W. who had made the wants of his England. I Byrons, Enameled, F.~TOM>, Brooms ! and Interests ed manufactured DENTISTS, enlared I hereaf- spaar Linen Finished: all with cloth button hole, tor Brooms, liquors, expressly lor him.— Having greatly my factory, hope State the of a aud hud arrived Bankers and to sale all the fiist class and Has Removed bis study lifetime, Ho NO. 173 MIDDLE STBEET. Brokers ter be able 10 supply my uumcrt us customers, by clothing tarnishing Stock of 1010(01 A \ I, It IS HSU IftANH* said he was ofteu amused to see the Yan- with all kinds deu'ers. ( at a clear ot tho ac- of tine Carriages, including my cele- goods FACTOKV.—All quail ties ;md ou.tom comprehension legislative kees drink Canada O. N. PEIRCE. S. C. FEBJfALD. 15 brated *• The Trade ,Iacs, liquors and smack (heir Exchange Street, Jump Seat,” mvouted and Patented by me in supplied by made to order. Sold at wholesale. Cornerof Wash- tion by which they could he best subseivcd.— 21. dtf WC4. in addition to those heretofore built which 1 TitUE dr Clocks ington and lips with such The February Dealers in Stocks, Bonds. WOODMAN, CO., Watches, and Ompress Streets. Orders tr m abroad Nor did his gusto. general unpies* Government, have greatly improved, I have invented an en- for Maine. Jewelry, atten- ed to. suggestion pass unheeded. The State, City and Town Securities. Just junelld3m Agents promptly oion has been that pure are soid in tirely New' Meat, with to From L'5 Free to tbe new and commodious Way 4. tt R. NELSON BROWN & OO. of last liquors Style Jump Buggy Top street, Legislature winter, inspired the ap- GOLD BOUGHT AN1) SOLD. fall back or take six dittcient the by abundance iu Canada. But that a Milliken & Co., off, making ways Store, of great is Deering, same can be D. W. CL A peals tho gave an to 7.30 Notes converted into 5 20 Bonds. carriage used, each perfect in itself, and UK, Governor, impetus mistake. ot manuiaclared A Any quantity aciuiieraieu liquors Exchange on Boston. by no other concern In tfie United CARD. movements for the resources of Wholesale developing the are lulu Gold coupons, and interest notes States. Tli«secarriages give the most perfect satis- No. 69 imported Uauuna and sold and Dry Goods, compound bought. House Market Exchange St., State that cannot fail to there, BUbiness •action, as some hundreds of testimonials I have at Ice result in in- paper negotiated. Street, undersigned having REMOVED from Ware’s greatly Yankees are generally soid themselves when 08 A GO Sliddle Street. Portl lh67. my ofiice will prove. Cuts of the seut Where he will be to sec bis old customers and its Uld, April 20, Apl 20. Sm Jump .beats, Ojllce 32 Exchange Street. happy THEHall, will creasing wealth, prosperity aud power. by mail to those 10 to reroive uew orders. they purchase and drink them. Maine. wi>hing puichuse. Governor Chamberlain has nugtil-dtl_I*o.'tls.ud, All persons arc hereby cautioned againt*making or Portland, April &S, lt>07. ap27dtf not proved less G. A. SUSS Mr. Tomes gives very lull statements in re- KRAUT, selling the Kimball Patent Jump Seat without first OPEN THIS DAY skillful iu administering the affairs of his de- A. WILD (It AC puichasing of me a to do as inventions It K M OVAL gard to and his remarks are in- CL, I1HPOKTEU, right so, my THK1K than in champagne and Patents cover possible movement to NEW STORK partment suggesting legislation. His So 112 Trciuont Street, Poston, manufacturer and dealer in every structive. The United States receives about bot h .-eats. «J AMES O ’DONNELL, inexperience in tho class of duties and Dealers in All sold me are made In requiring two millions of bottles out of the Importers carriages by my fac- his attention has thirteen mil- Furs, Bats and tory under my own supervision, bv the most skillful Ho. 3 Free St. not resulted iu the WELSH AND AMERICAN Caps, Counsellor at Block, lions sent to market from workmen, nearly all of whom have been Law, into annually Kheirns constantly & of And would invito the attention of (he goverumeut’s passing the control 13G Middle Street, in my employ lor and their work can PRICES FOR 1807 t Nolury Public Coniuii«*iouei Ueed«, and its Tue chief many years, SEASON of aud vicinity. exporters state, ac- not be excelled. Ail arc warranted Has removed to Hew “rings” wire-pullers. No one ! MAINE. my carriages and Clasp's Block, to this Slates PORTLAND, sold tor lower than the same cording autuor, that tue wine sent to Roofing for prices quality and fin- 10 lbs. a day, trom June 1st to Oct. 1st, 8G.00 COR. EXCHANGE AHD who has had business to CtT“0a»b paid Shipping Furs. imJldtl « FEDERAL STREETS, & Goods transact at KST-All colors and slating nails. Caret jl attention ished carriages can be purchased for at an other es 15 8.00 Clothing, Tailoring Dry the markets oi the world is not of the « Jan 15. s Fruit Trade to their the has hist paid to shipping. warlSdoin tablisliment. Please call and examine betbre pur- 20 lO.Oo (Over Sawyer Store.) dtt capitol gouo away with auy doubt rest- quality. They keep that for their own use. chasing. PORT? CENTS PEB 100 POUNDS. and well iug upon his mind as to who was iu command. WALTER COREY & Large Assorted Kew {stock Iu of his KASKELL & COT C. P. Preble I^e will l>e delivered earlier than 1st June and later R E M V A speaking drinking the pure cham- DAVIS, MESEIiVE, OO^T KIMBALL, St. O L ! Of The General's versatility of talent enabled him Importers and JobUi's of Manufacturers and Dealers in April 23- iSm ■ than 1st October, at the game rate per month as dat- pagne, Mr. Tomes says: to enter at once the of his du- ing tlie season. W. D. upon discharge CLIFFORD, & Domestic X now Goods and Foreign as a found, instead of Dry It' not taken tor the full season the will be Woolens, ties with full of na- off my a price comprehension their tossirg ajass Woolens, LOMING & and l.s Arcatlti 18 Free FURSITIIB1! i CROSBY, Coixnsiellov at swallowing contents wnn Street^ 10 lbs. a $2.00 Law* ture as if he had never heard a agu.p “us I Slatrrs day month, Tailors1 college recita- naU been wont to uo in F. and Tinners, 13 of Trimmings, order to secure DAVIS, 1 2.50 And Solicitor Patent*, —AND— *Ue tion or set a squadron in tho tlcld. evanescent auu h tsteu Looking/ Glasses, Mattresses, respectfully announce to tlie citizens of 20 3.00 Has Removed to spuncle too expected Portland and that arc to Notice of CHANOE op tuat tire wine ?/. f: “S PORTLAND, MB. WOULD vicinity, they xeady RESIDENCE, If given at (lie Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods S exoneration, trickled srowiy [ ioucr and Massachusetts. PACKARD, Stationer, maybe so far a cosmopolite that ho can feel con- United Five Store Lots 20 • l'ound at No. 337 St., corner of Oak Jan. 29 dtf HAYING REMOVED TO THE ft. Front, H Congress States annually we dare not ROSS o can be scalp quot- Gen. Rawlins (for self and commits HUDSON, Jtt., lic shod, Grant) Having been saveil, so as by has resumed generally, that while to maintain our Music business. Strange rain searcn oi musical iu- aud he who Bootinu has ed in the Western as All work warranted satisfactory. fire, again endeavoring requires only to call on papers worth $20. They himself to the of the References— and taken tbe reputation tor selli ng the best of BEEF, and all kinds strumcuts he invites to a trial before support radical policy, Stiout & master business, I purchasing will find that all ARTIST. McKonkev, builders; Brown & ot MEATS ami VEGETABLES, we have added to elsewhere, them in instance constitutional ptovisioDs thus: aiul stucco workers. assuring every complete C. F. MOULTON & CO. Crocker, plasterers Store No. 40 our stock a choice variety ot pure groceries, and hope sutisfoct'im. to the Studio Xo 301 1-2 Street. d3m. Exchange Street, granting people valuable rights Congress April 1,1*67. by selling tbe best of goods for tbos°> beautiful Pianos made And examine their of That the constitutional amendment In the new Agent by Henry stock propos- block lately erected by the Preble aud franchises ooutuin ever an 13^ Lessons given in Painting and heirs, Al the lowest Cash Price.! l<\ Miller, Boston, which are pronounced by com- ed by the last was an Drawing. where lie otters for sale the lollowing ami Congress indispensable WRIGHT & articles, to a tair petent musicians equal to tbe best. invidious 1—«tf BUCK, others too numerous to mention: merit shared patronage. The same atten- exception of “Indians, not taxed." necessity created by tbo war; that Congress February tion S36’"The and tuning ot Musical Instru- Greenwood aa heretofore jabi to ordera for Meats and Vege- repairing Boots& Shoes The did right in proposing it, and In its Proprietors of Mill, Books and Stationery, Children's all ments aud attended “not taxed” will not save us from their an- making Carriages, tables for dinners. Cart will call for orders every promptly personally ratification a of the Bird a Ladies' to. Same store with A. G. in We feel cjdfldent that we can an prerequisite lecognition of J. 8. C. styles Cages, large variety Work Bas- if desired. S. WINSLOW & CO. Corliss, dealer Fancy givo you assort- for have not been J. BUI-KKVH.I.K, kets anil morning imadversions, they allowed government in the rebel States. That the MAYBURY, Stands, Lunch and Picnic Baskets, Ladies’ No. i!S Street Market. Goods. ment of Goods of all kinds, any in Yelluw Pine Timber aud Baskets amt Spring to retain of their domains to amendment in all its declaration of Ship Travelling Bags, Children's Willow. 8. WINSLOW. c. E. 90 enough consttute parts,—the DEALERSStock. Orders 'elicited. and PAGE. Exchange Street, For Great and for Bmall, and for Old of ATTORNEY AT High Bucking Chairs, Boosing Horses and Ve- 11. d6m a citizenship, the limitation representation to RAW, January May 13. 3m PORTLAND, Itt£. and for basis lor taxation. They have been driven References—R. P. Buck & New locipedes, Bobber, Foot ami other Balls, together Youug. those admitted to suffrage, tlie inviolability of 170 Co., York; with the Base Children’s to the far until the FORE STREET. Win. MeGilvery. Esq., Searsport; Ryau A: Davis, regular Ball, Chairs to team step by step West, cry tbe national debt, the repudiation of the rebel 3 dtf them te walk, Doll a as- We would call the attention April Heads, bodies, anus, lurge C JL. O OKS ! particularly of Ladies which they utter at each new of the disfranchisement of those rebels who Portland._mariMdtf surtmont of dressed ami other New and Store. »ur infringement debt, Dolls, Workboxes and Paper to added Bag their dies on had official to Writing Desks, Violins, Accordions. Double Sole Foxed that we arc rights the prairies before it can psrjuiy treason,—w&g HOLDEN & PEABODY, L. VAN JDE Banjos, UuitarB, Serge Balmoral, sell- wise and and of its SANJVE, Flutes. Fifes and Concertinas, Bird ( ages all for and warrant just, necessity there can kinds, Calendar ing $2.00, every pair. reach the ears of the philanthropists who con- DEALER IN Parrot and Squirrel Cages, Heluisch ami I.emour’e MITCIIEJlX & Clocks, be no doubt. ;mt feel warranted in mH£ beat in the world tor CUTLERY, keeping Polishing Mahogany, On the Site See his prices. B S. Ac., I8t>7, noon, when the roll of each house Old occupied by tlicm to the BRO W 1ST f of July, boards of registration at exp use t/ X Walnut, .Stair-Posts, Kails, or any previous1 A’ ■ up large Counters, die. »• Tailor. I 1867. SPRING. 1867. Ever in this xvhlrh are the fol- b immediately calle I, and immediately Lind of Furniture. This Polish lias been used Mr great BEEVES, presented city, among shall suit new issues coming in at the eleventh hour. by April 23. dti Fine Double Barrel cause the Portland, March 16. tf near lowing, viz: Hun*, common do. the officer of each bouse shall be n Louisi- Ciossman tor last twenty years, giving perfect sat- Federal, Temple St. presiding The registration will completed all. li Breech-Loading do. Single Gun*, Revolvers, single the officer of the other house to be isiacllon to is warranted to stand a tempera- «>K. A. J. presiding ana at the time specified, unless I am ordered IF. and double Pistols, Wesson’?. Allen’s, w«d or not a lure oft wo hundred dogs, oi heat, and 13 not other L.OCMLK, IF. C Alt It , dent of the Senate and the Speaker of the the Directions on April 1,1SC7. POOR & C Fishing Hods, Baskets, Boxes, I do not see should ho the bottle. No. :t EXDH.1NGE STSCE urnr RRETT, 'O., Farriers why my registration KT, Fore, 54 & 5G MIDDLE Lines, Braided Silk Pocket. Knives, House of ltepreseulatives shall immediately when other district Uelerence—Messrs C. *V L. Frost,Capi Inman,USA, Nos. STREET, Line^, TailoEn’ and on the time a No. 90 Middle Knives. Razors and Bait*-1*’, their houses without dependent Beni Stevens, Win. w, s. i> i i: it WhSe we shall keep good assortment ot street, Would invite the attention of Straps, adjourn respective delay. I have given more ?ii!!S'ML?wJN. iVl. Tukey, Jr., respectfully purchasers other Shears. Patent Fruir and Flower Clippers,Scis- commanders get tligoiigh. Allen, Woodman. TiAVE now instock a full to their new and attractive stock of a‘* of Louisiana than For sale assortment ot 0Mns- large, sor*, Patent Key ^c> '*iC *^c> Members are already beginning to arrive time for the registration by Burgess, Robes A Co, W. P. i-.EMOVri) OVEK *'•“«“ suit Tweezers, quite for I 11. b. Phillips Fruit, Mu.i.u 1), rape r- sold at LOW PRICES. to give to their commands, Co., bay Ac Co, Samuel Roll. H. W. & A. Confectionery, Cigars, H-s Slialiw***’ freely at Washing toil. A letter from Speaker they propose beering. II. II. IIAYS DRV GOODS, u. commenced six weeks before they did. 1 re- STOKE, Briar CiILHiai'1' UAIL1SV, is the differ with the Tobacco, Meerschaum, Curlatn and Small Wares. Colfax published, urging attendance gret fbat I should have to Pres- An«l other Fixtures, Ac., Atf, Woolens, li Below middle. that I have '~V5i many Muds of Pipes, «5tc. &c., which we 55 L Xt' II.i.lH NT.* of members ou the first the session. ident, but it must be recollected AViofsTte-itT08116 Junction Free and Middle Streets. Will stdl at lair or Feathers, Mattresses of all Ageuts for Maine for day %of Maine. prices, at wholesalt* retail, and hinds, flllowv been ordered to execute a law to wiiicb the _Portland. would be to see June 21, i867.-d2w There are doubtful rumors that .June C. eodlm pleased all old friends and the public Ac., uiways on Bnui). Gray’s Patent Molded Collar. prominent President has been in bitter antagonism. NITROUS generally. BOLTING CLOTHS. Also a full assortment ot all (lie makes and to the and time is to be OXIJJM CAS ! TO LET.—Two AYe keep cons iantiv on leading gentlemen, belonging House It, alter this report, the extend- laige CHAMBEBS. 50 hv 20. tuiu.i at! tUc numbers of the st vice of Ladies’ and Gcnileinen’s Paper Goods, in- Notice oi Assignment. * rife anil Kimball & celebra' /,! “Ankar favor the idea of the exist- ed please notify aud it will be done. I would pleasant Anesthetic in the extraction ot Prince, ^ W- * Brand ot Bolting cluding the that Isaac o» Senate, altolishing ■loeth. A jgggg>> CABR> VTOriCE io hereby given Emery at once, but the President’s telegram was iministered every April 25.UO,. Cloth._ /micSdft did on in Southern do’it £»> Jew Linen Finish Foliar wish Cutis to 1\ Portland, in the Couutv of Cumberland, ing provisional governments the and there is sutticieut time left to TUEMDAl' AMD ^uxfxr Match. twentieth of May, A. D., 1867, make to the conditional, F1HDAV Dentists. CAMDFN the day States, anil adopting the territorial plan advo- the orders. an ot all his property, real issue necessary -Br— O Y S Ag ents lor Maine for the uudei signed assignment TE R rks! Opposite (lily Hall, WILLIAid H. notice, as provided by the statutes o! the Stale of w# DARTOBf, WOODMAN, TRUE at CO. in —Tbe Pall Mall Gazette says that Lord Cl*pp>e Block, Congress arc Maine, become parties to said assignment propor- Street, POBTLAND, MAINE. This Nos. 231 & now making ANCHOR?' Wisconsin, says he C stores. 233CougressStreet,u«ar WE of an .-lzes, and Portland, March 4, 1867. dt t tion to the amounts of their respective claims, anti Mouck is to the of Can- —An editor in Ripon, Mg. Kimball, D. D. S. oclOeodti Fred A. Print. New is MAKI appointed Viceroyalty feb.tdtf_PORTLAND, A Cl.y Building, constantly receiving tresh ™ ««»■ three months are allowed to become losahl lot iu that town, which ho 14*. arrivals ofNew aud V* parties and will owns a house aud ioo York Virginia Oysters, which he ZUf'ZESFX&a'SS!" Board. and that said may be feui d ada for a limited, period, probably lor M.iinportedanadoinesticCiear A Is assignment, assignment for a bar CIt-A.sale c. & WEBB, Attorney! aad prepared to sellby the or or & ia said Portland. is to trade iu part payment by 0. MJTCblvLL SON, at tbe gallon, quaVt bushel, A PLEASANT suite of suitable for at the ottlce of Shepley Strout, , leave the office to a successor in about a willing uUlt* DUBlidlSl'.nnwll.n, Bnody House, corner el served up in any stvls. rooni9, gentle- 178 Fore Street Congress and Cbesinutatreeta. man anti wife or two single gentlemen, at No. A. A. STROUT, Assignee. rel ol flour. January 0,1807. lit! aiwSw£d3m twelvemonth. Camden, Sept. 19, 1866. ^*a"SdO**‘ 56 Clark Street. junu20utt Portland, May 29,1867. may Sto.K»t*da!“-Oa i Ibe Wvsvly fcne«»irstd ItiMd i« tfar At Wttt Attbnrw MtitMMi j Portland and Vicinity. ns? return from ihetTnU SPECIAL WTIC(8* SPECIAL SOTICES. NEW Convention off ADVERTISEMENTS. THE PRESS, t'actfli'. ci,o«k or ran tmiwo.it ro* tit| oovssit- | vei*uU|! to-dayr raking up | ftfcvr idveHlrdutut*! T*'£>ay. I find an Bit. 9. p. It Will lie remembered that an island has re- atan. your paper, advertisement of ilid rarcn, Batchelor** Mnir Dye. festival at OK 711 B HOAD WAY, NEW YOliXv, Aiuher of ;bs June 1867. been discovered on the hue of the Strawberry Stevens’ Plains, iu This splendid Hair Dye is the best tn the world. Saturday Komingi 29, cently nearly The Star's special report gives the following Six Lec tures on the Prevention and Cure of l*ulmo- security • USUAL NOTICE COLUMN. is The true and Reliable. and which it spoken of as a Promenade Concert. nerv Catarrh. ! only perfect Dye—Harmless, steamship route between California Japan abstract of the for the Consumption, Asthma, Dysjepsia, No No closing testimony gov- will be ur Instantaneous. disappointment. ridiculous — Notice—Dr. S.S. Fitch. He ut, ami Chronic J>i-ea*e», Preble House The be more According to the strict sente of the word this tints. Natural black or Brown. Remedies the ill rgt Payc to-day Eepubliott and China. Nothing could opportune; ernment: Portland, TUESDAY July 2nd, aud WEDNESDAY COLUMN. be but as effects oi* Bad Invigorates the hair, leaving The Man without a Country; for the obstacle to the success of the en- AUCTION may true, generally understood it Is duly until 2 o'clock I*. 31. ami ever) 4th week Dye*. Convention; great Cross-examination of Clitlon Harris, by Co. Jd, it soft ami bealftUtul. The genuine is fdgnsd \V>t- F. O. no means so. aiterwnrd on the same of Oen. Gram’s Flat- is ct infinite in es- concluded. Witness Bedsteads— Bailey. by We aro to lmVo the Band, days. liam A. But rhetor. \\\ other- are mere d el; Se.voon Congress; terprise, which importance Attorney Bicknell, Dr. Eitcn treats all Diseases of Iho imitations, head, Scalp, and should bo Sold all and ihe Gis- relations with is testified as follows: I met Verrill last he NSW ALVL3TISEMENT COLUMN. which we expect will discourse most excellent Avoided. by Druggists INSURANCE ! form; Sheridans Ceiter; Champagne tablishing commercial Asia, fall; Eyes, Nostrils, Face, Throat, Lungs. |S'oma.h, Skin, Per tumors, New York. to that “the factory 61 Barclay street, told me to Perkins'; big girl Co.—C. C. Eaton. and v;e a Heart, Liver, dowels, Files, Kidneys, Joints, which attends bo go International music, expect and social time, Biop- Mewnrr of a reuutcrfeit. triet. the difficulty carrying large kind of He Steamship happy s to and 5^" there was a nice girl,” &c. intimat- I asm Auce—Loring & Xhmston. sy; abo DDeas- poo "liar Males io|Fomales.— November 10. I6G0. from as for the steam- but there is of course to be no 1 dlvfu r'ovrth Pajc- The Fairy Flower, a quantity of coal isnecessary ed that lie wanted revenge on her; that she City ol Portland. dancing. Lost Coinplexiion perfc'Ctly restored. 31ot,t pei>ons. S. somewhere from lo toeO have one er more bad fits ot Hotelier's ‘\SoitvooJ.” to consume. Put this situated about had refused to go to ride with hint. I was fre- Hackney Carriages—John HealJ. speak of this that there maybe no misunder- ers island, sickness. Cure them aud will live tea with Verrill at Perkins’ and Taxee— Goo. O. Codin&n. We wish wholly, they Why Butter irom Sores? LORIIKi A between the termini of the route, will quently played To standing. everything to be plainly to fifty- years Dr. Fitch’s most prominent midway with him and the Let, with Board. longer. oi Wmer cards girls. I was on good is the ot human life. Wlifii, by the use Ihc OINTMENT, Tlic qiiMiiici. a station at the & Co. and understood. speciality prolongation ABKICA afford oallng exact terms with him. I was arrested on tho Croquet—Chat. Day, Jr., fairly you can b« easily cured. It b.*u point second A A respectable plusicuu 3&hl to mo, four weeks relieved thousand* A movement far the supply of the c ity with Card—P. M. Blues. Mas. £. B. ago, from Burnt, where it is most dt si 1 side that there should be day of February; Verrill on the fifth. Verrill II. Jerris. Bonham. “For .-eventeen years you have me well ..i dis- Scalde, Chapped //«nrf«. Sprains, Cuts, To Let. without Board—W. kept f and the water front Inui commenced in has with me all eases pronounced incurable several eml- founds, everf/ Complaint of shin. Try it, THURSTON, ynuo Sebago, one. The Alta Californian of the con- spoken along while in jail, say- For Sale—T. A. Koberts. utterly by j 31th ult. ne..t or it costs but 25 cent*. Be ourc to ask tor and the for such a consum- ing, “good Once he said he wished American Musical Instruments.—Ameri- physicians." earnest, prospect tains the account of of morning.” Mrs. Elizabeth following the discovery to with but! refused can and Huntington Long writes, (Saratoga Hale's Arnica It would be speak me, to speak with energy, ingenuity perseverance are March Ointment, mation grows brighter every day. sett island in the Springs, 3,1867,) twenty-three years ago the General Insurance this North Pacific, already mm. Bcligious Nolice. triumphant in whatever they s ri«usly under- for vale all druggists, or semi your address Agents, this continent that had ulcerated lungs aim true, seated, hereditary con by ami difficult to find a city on brb W. V. testified that he is services of this take. Ic is interesting to watch tho progress 39 cents to O. P. SKY MoUR & CO., Boston, Hy reported by telegraph: Louglitou Marshal New Jerusalem Cuubch.—The ot whieh her slater died. I cured bar per- Mas*., orc sumption, and receive a box bv return mail. W. K. i:. an water mors than of the of at the Park street Church to- of manufactures and observe how we < & needs abundauce of pure I he that the of the city Lewiston; that he examined Society will bo hold rapidly fectly. 14 years later she had a bad attae of heart Phillips story goes captain barque morrow 3 o’clock. Sermon on John Co., agents lor Maine. aprilSCdlyvo lartlier and no prisoner in regard to tho hatehet. Prisoner afternoon at are excelling Old World. Nor is this merely di case, ol which her brother died. CM this 1 cured Portland, and we go say, city Washington, being on a voyage lrorn the Preacher of her said ho knew nothing about that he went the Baptist, the Repentance. in those common articles w hich require little perfeoflj. She says, “I always remember you a lake of water or mure convenient Sandwich bound to the Northern any; with bat purer Islands, to Mrs. Lakin’s SCMNETt Stukict Church—There will be services skill in their construction. It to be gratuude, lor, under Uod, 1 owe my life to HEKRY 1*. IV. Xu. 7 coast, when in 1,ul'tli lati- in search of a hatchet, hut appears 11KKRIU., !>., Exchange Street, thau this Nature has doue her part well about forty degrees at the Sumnsr Street Church to-m.»rrow (Sunday) at fact that the the you." city. in a found none. the greater ingenuity required Miss tude, found, while running that the m Anna at N. June and fog, 3 o’clock 1\ M. Sebbath School Concert at 7| the sure is our laud to off Judklu, Portsmouth, If., and Surgeon, in us Lake on the one hand Apollos C. Howard testified that when talk- the mure Yankee carry 7, 18C7, said: I Physician (Three Doors above Merchants’ Ex giving Sebugo water had color, but there not being All arc invited to attend. “Twenty-three years ago was your hange.) changed with evening. the and on the and now it remains in the it did ing Mr. Holmes after the murder he inti- palm. patient, very b-id’with lung disuse. 3ty mtber, 1C8 C0NGUE3S STKKET. such a harbor other, any land laid down chart, not Central J. S. of Bruns- PRENTISS LOltING, mated to him that Wm. Keith knew more in Church.—Rev. Sewall, In for instance,it is well known fo.ir brothers and three s: lad died with con- Give us strike him at first that bo was on piano-fortes, store, May 4-gJidlf for our citizens to act well their part. soundings.— wick, will preach at this Church to-morrow. makeis us al- I was I-at» & Co. he ordered regard to the murder than any other man ex- that those of tho best among sumption. wholly giVeu Up. lu six mouths Coring, suekjio!# After a time, out the lead and Al- cured me. n stream of water from Sebago to refresh Spiritual Association.—Mr. J. Madison if do not the best ol you I have now enjoyed pert* ct health STEPHEN K.THl puro found water, but as he sailed along and cept the negro; whereupon Verrill interposed ready equal, they excel, ty*A oldier who had lost the use of his limbs liSTON, dw-p lyn, of Quincy, Mass., Inspiration speaker, will lec- such twenty-two and a half years; not a single show oi 01 and make it aud us the “if would arrest Keith and the ne- Euiopcau makers. In reed instruments, troui Rheumatism lias been cured and en- Kacuiilly the C:m „f A l>avU. our city clean, give sounded, he found the water shoaling until ho saying they ture at Tem]terance i tall to-morrow (Sunday) at 3 P. lung diseases nil that time.-* completely tlcGilvery, Rjfui would do as Cabinet the is yet more abled to abandon Ida crutches oue bottle of Met- Western railroad to its into ten fathoms, when he commenced to gro they something.” M. and 7} o’clock P M. Children's Lyceum at 101 Organs, superiority D. D. Benjamin, ot N. “Over by contemploted pour got with the American instruments. It Union, >T., says, calfe’* UUKAT liKELMAflC KlCMLDY. It Is for after Thomas Littlefield—testified that he arrest- o’clock A. M. All are invited. decidedly twenty years a„o, I an l my were both hi tfui> W« solicit wharves look land, and, awhile, discovered brother the wonder ot the re.pecUally the attention ot our patron* stream of traffic upon our from the the ed that when ho arrested him he said is conceded by the best judges that the Mason eonsuinption. IIhad age. Apl Hiaulow* through fog an island, along which he Verrill; Si ate Street Church.—Rev. TIugh S. Carpen- blooding aud ulcerated lungs. and lot and Portland will receive a that he knew about the that & Hamlin Cabinet which have at- My brother refused and died lu tbre pari dedrlng RUI.ivbiu iawIH- teeming West, coasted for some mile*. The laud was nothing negro ter, of Brooklyn, N. Y., will preach at State street Organs, treatment, forty at are far months. You cu ed roe, and I DvtclieCs Lightning Fly Killer will cer- that will send her and dotted with and would do any one any good, without lining Church to-morrow, morning and evenimr. tained so great a reputation home, have not had any ANI U to the tallowing new impulse ahead birds, the water alive with cough or lung trouble in vears. tainly exterminate these pests, if its u-e is p»rrcvei- informed for what he was to be arrested. to foreign instruments of the twenty I was then Give seals and first Mount fort St. M. E. Church.—Services in this superior any ana am now o:d*." ed in. Beware of bogus which some deal- make her a large and prosperous city. sea-elephants The last number of “Sew Zoitschiiit forty, sixty years fly Paper, The island was not la.d After hia arrest, asked him lor his hatehet.— church io-morrow (Sunday) ail day,at iho usual hours. class. All consultations are tree. ers Koep because ran get it tor no.irlv nothinv- f i h chow in down on his chart and wholly they i: us these two things aud all else wilt on He said he had a old hatehet in an the Rev. John T. Sabbath fur the famous Leipzig musical jour- be swindled. Ask for which inquiry, after his arrival here, he could not rusty up Preaching by Hayslett. Music," Don’t DUTCHER’S Is drew a of a School at the close of the afternoon service. All inter- has a notice of one of the Mason & Ham- Dr. Fitch's “FAMILY a sold all live sn rapid succession. find that any one else knew of land there- old green trunk; picture hatchet, nal, PHYSICIAN,” mostex- by Druggists. JslTd&wlirt ested are invited. which editor has and of 76 25 abouts. The latitude of the which resembled the one found very much.— lin Organs, the seen, cellentbookinallfamil.ee, pages, cents, sent This vraf-t question has been delayed long reported discover- free of to stud no Insurance ed land is be asked him (being jailor) if he wished to talk Williston Chapel.—Sabbath School to-morrow which lie admits the superiority, not only in postage, any address, money un- Companies, forty degrees and thirty minute* til the book aud it Diroct ul> enough. We have pure air and health-giving with the He did not. (There had been (Sunday) afternoon at 2 o’clock, at Williston Chapel, full volume ol toueand general eharacteristicts you get approve letters MARRIED. north and the one hundred and negro. lor books or consultation to 26 Tbkmoht now let us have longitude fifty- Dan forth street. Prayer mect.ng in the evening at 6 “tho mellow and aiuiti, braesej from the ocean, and one three arrested before Verrill.) That Verrill but especially in pleasing degree* west, or about 1500 miles in a due o’clock. All are invited. Boston, 31 ass. Represented him one time that Blake had taken a character of its tones.” This favorable testi- by Vs, water on and Portland line from told lu June bv Rev. E. Bean, Geo. D. Clark, pure Ir S“bsgo Lake, westerly Capo Mendociue. The Second Parish ths courtesy of Gray, 21, tooth from bis vest and he was inform- Church.—By mony is just. Those who have not heard these ol Portland, and Miss Wealthy 01 All of which liava been the finest w Captain did not land and take of pocket the First Parish Dr. Carruthers will Libby Gray, thoroughly to-led, and will become one of atering places possession ed that lie was to make it that Church, preach beautiful instruments have little idoa of the Tlie New Skirt ! lu Gorham, dune Key. S. C. Oliver the but states that the federal going appear there to-morrow at 3 P. M. j 12, by Strong, We see the island, report C. Watson and E. 7 Association this (Saturday) evening, at their Wmthrop. June 9, W. F. Smith and Eva The sumo paper of the 2tith nit. gives addi- w oarer. For sale by \ both of “new" because they were erected long after take it. rooms, Evan's block, No. 145 Middle street, lrom8 to 9 Ant club in the State wishing to contend Plummer, Acgusta. tional as Keen—testified that he lu Fai iield. June 20, ltev. A. K. of New York. works to distribute tb3 waters of the river particulars, follows: Mr. Deputy Sheriff o'clock. Ladies are invited to be present. at the by Sylrester. Security, the for the silver ball coming Tournameut, Kev. A. 1). Dexter and Miss Hloomte E. a arrested Sirs. Lakin (sister of the prisoner); ANDERSON & Co, Tobey. The new From gentleman who has been trading on Thames were built. works are about her to the and found In her to become members of tho Associa- the Pacific Ocean siuce 1810, wo learn that brought jail, pos- wishing Skirt and Corset Store, 333 Congress et, sii miles from the and the fountain is ession a hatchet on which he discovered United Slate* District Court. to sond to Atlantic of New York. city, veart. ago this land was known to him to exist, blood; tion, arc requested delegates the may Sdtrttf Above Casco. that it in his and it to only two or three springs that flow together lie had seen land birds in about the latitude he kept possession gave JUKI TEBU—JUDGE l'OX PRESIDING. next of tbe Association. Address tbo _DLED. Blcktiell. mooting are reser- and lougitude named for the Island; aud an Attorney This Court Is now In session at Bangor. We learn and their waters pumped up into at Brunswick. Tho next meeting lu Juue old sea on Pacfic at the K. C. Bickuell—testified that he visit- Seerotary F&nuingtou, 8, Mr. Weudall D. Eaton, Hanover of Netf York. dog, who sailed the Au’y from the Whig that the Grand came in on FREXCllCOllSETS. voirs. The works on the Thames are some ten ed the in was witli him Jury will be held at on aged 31 years 9 months same time, reported that he had sailed a whole negro jail frequently; Portland, Tuesday, July 2d, when he made his confession and Thursday and reported twenty bills of indietnieut. A New In Phid.ps. June 8, Mrs. Marv Smith, formerly ot miles above the city. This water Is also pump- day along the coast of an island, and that he immediately at tho room oi the Eon Base Ball ciub. Importation S. of and Thomas W. Farmington, aged 7» yoars seen a had Verrill arrested, in the same room Whiting Clark, Bangor, Providence el into reservoirs and filtered. But both these bad it second time, but after that he placed Charlies A. JUST RECEIVED AT lu l.i ctitield, June Mr. Geo. W. Stevens, td Washington, with the face to caused the of were admitted as of Kino, gave it a wide berth, as he was not inclined to negro, lace; negro Vose, Winterport, Attorneys Gardiner, aged 42 years. OF sources combined form no such fountain as 8e- to his after which he M. A. B. B. P. PROV1DEACII. find a new land by piling Us craft upon the again repeat confession; the Court. Secretary &Co’s In Mnchia.*, June 13, Mrs. H. N. Allen, formerly If the Londoners had this lake that. Ver- A.isrr>ER80]sr W bago Lake. rocks. asked Verrill what be had to say to The indictment against James W. Scott, for resist- Brunswick, June 2d, 1867. oi hiting. its fame all Eu- Its has vouched ill “it is false; every word of it. X can Skirt and Corset Store, tiny would soon spread over existence been for by sev- replied, ing a customs officer at Macbias, (a smuggling case,) Merchants of Providence. it prove where 1 was.” When he eral parties, and lying us does in llio track questioned Special Notice to dealers 333 ik.re luck. Tope. there was was opened to the jury Verdict, guilty. ccni'eclionery tu&ySdtigs liMpm, IMPORTS. of tha China stOutliers on the homeward voy- Verrill about the hatchet he said A is now to bring this another hatchet which the have Bion Bradbury for G. F. Talbot, U. As we find common candies “played out,” Mr. company prepared age, it will, if found, be a valuable coating sta negro might prisoner; District n R.S. S. FITCH’S Tradesmen’s of New York. water, purer than the Cochituute, as has been lion for those vessels. The fisheries in its Attorney, for Gorernmeut. Brackett tbe (jure home made candy maker CADIZ. Barque Dlrlgj— 273 lasts salt, to K G bounds will l>e found to Dr. Burbank—testified that he saw Verrill Charles C, ol Willard. actual analysis, into the city, all probably valuable, say Sanderson, convicted intention to de- will furnish confectionery dealers with his Our fectlioies for lines of iusuraiics proved hy in left him some medicine “Family Jt*lly»ioi»n,,, uKa>DTUBK.TI. Barque Llisa While—51.0 eifecting heavy nothing of Its worth to our people in view of jail; once; nothing fraud the Revenue, (in false returns of man- for on a single condition. making fruit, and r-roam candies at 80 cams per bushels salt, to order. on ull tluiei or ready distribution, its a cunvenicut on that oould make his mouth sore. That he had nut, : 25 cents. Sent to ad- iusuraMc property ms .vn»j>le, uni being calling place voy- ufactured goods), was fined $1000. Seventy-six pages price any The work will ho For the first ten on the Pacific to our no uonversation about a tootli. Blake was pound, and pure molasses at 20 Cents. Candles dress. No money required until tbe bwok is received, expensive. ages from distant ports w pledge our best etforta to those wbu us An Indictment against Winslow D. Ramsdell, tor ami It j? a to tbs L*ay fovor tho enterprise cannot bo remunerative. Russian territory. present at his first visit. He once examined packed and shipped to the country with special read, fully approved. perfect guide UEPAK1LRE OP UUA \ STEAMERS years a customs was on trial on sick or Address Dlt. S. &. 29 with their prisoner's tongue. resisting officer, Thursday. iudlsposed. FlTCH, SAM* FROM FOB DAT*. patronage. Tlic company ask the city, as u measure of re- pains, at No. 2, Casco street, Portland. 1'rouiout Street, Boston. s.v Jan29u. ....«luno 2- after the After two or three other witness- No taken for less than 5 ibs.— lief, to pay during the first ten years Kelipious lutcllipcuoe. examining G. F. Talbot for Government. P. 3. orders ilavaua.New Vera.. Kle Janeiro .June T: es whose is the 2‘ water is actually here, tho sum of i50,o00 an testimony unimportant gov- Those who want it at retail will have especial Y A C HI1 I INT Gt. Persia.New York.. Liverpool... .June ••.agie .New York. .Havana.June 27 Marine which shall l>e wanted for —The Free Baptist Annual Conference wet ernment announced that its evidence was all A. Insurance ! uually for the water attention paid to them. J. Brackett. America.New York. Bremen.June 27 Municipal Uuurt. 'i'U* ccmutaduus ulsting of Ida er, Corsica.New Y'erk..Havana.July day lbs face and no emotion. Now $300 lor his appearance at the October term of the Yolk.. 2- Coastwise and on the union of pale evincing as life lasts. Dessert, and Tea Services, etc., are beingextensive- sentia.New Liverpool....July Insuring would $1500 a tor water in Stephen Thurston, different as long Freights willingly pay year when the counsel pictured the lonclim as of the Supreme J udleial Court. offered lor sale by Autcricaii manufacturers, and Europe... .New Y'ork. .Havre.July 27 Christian Communions in small towns. Rev. ly —— his house. I)r. Foster’s on the accused, his forlorn condition and teeblc thit there are also English imitations in the market, .■ ’-rj" -irss report sanitary health, We advise all our readers to use the “Eu- Bros. A. H. 8. P. Morril and A. 'W. the for the first time broke und bot h of in trior our go.Hls may be procur- Cargoes. condition of Portland, has recently instructed Morrill, prisoner down, Sabbath School Anniversary.— State quality, Miniature Aliuaimr..Jane 2V* His face was flushed with emo- Hair Restorer.” It is warranted by the ed from responsible dealers tlnrouzUo it the country, Purintoll were a committee to con- wept freely. genie Sub r» e*. M0«ill rl9Q».... 2.29 AV us as to the need of water to the appointed aud may avoid counterfeits ] pure promote and be was much affected. The Street Sabbath School will hold its 15th anni- to restore and faded hair to its purchasers by noting i fer with other denomination!) on this tion, evidently proprietors grey our trade-mark on every article of eur own manu- San wet-.7.40 High water.0.4>AU Inland health. Our growing manufactures subject. counsel stated that the would he eall- and the Williston Sabbath Insurance. general prisoner versary Chapel natural color, protect its falling off, is a perfect facture, thus: Rev. Mr. of the American Tract on his own behalf and at arc more and mote water Cone, agent ed to testify his uwn School its 1st at the »'« »k prepared la i needing every year. anniversary together, and in a word is in every »pc.\ made soma statements request. The defence will rely upon an alibi, dressing, guaranteed I’oliciee of Hit 11 at so comparatively moderate an expendi- Society, interesting State Street Church to-morrow af- UJ MAKIISTE 3ST EW'g Security Inuruucg Coia- upon the argument that Verrill could not have (Sunday) way to suit the purchaser. Mammoth bottles about the missionary work of the Free paaf > Cjvci iu| OKA ami the city, availing itself of private enter- Bap- was which KtOUK, IN, OKKEKAL ture, committed that rape. It nut denied that ternoon, with appropriate exercises, in to he obtained of W. F. ****“»•*€# tists the Southern States. only 75 cents; Phillips OF MEltCHANDlsK IN can meet its necessities in this in blood was lound on Verrill’s but it All goods this are heavily on PORT 1'UKUA.VU, TRANSIT AON S3 THE prises, direction, hatchet, the of both schools will take part. An Slmd&w bearing stamp plated pupils may25-. the finest Albaia or Nickel and we H VICKS AND UY KA:e Eiio.U no will he —The Universalist State Convention assem- was that blood might be found on al- Oliver, guarantee XHK WEST. we hope untimely objections heard. argued time he them in to the best Shelf!eld most hatchet. Detective Blake exceedingly interesting may anticipa- every respect superior Friday* Jane 8L bled at Stockton ou The officers for any carpenter’s * We Invite the attention or MERCHANTS We. understand the company is to com- Tuesday. A person troubled with Moth and Frecklo plate. ARRIVED. and ready was criticised and the government ted. It is expected that the former pastor of the coming year are Hon. Perhaui of severely GORHAM MANUFACTURING CO, U S Survey steamer Oorwiu, troin Key West via SHIPeEKS to this syideuiol Insu.iinre, and to the mence work in thirty days, and will expect to Sydney knife bandied. State Street Rev. II. S. in the face, can earn ten dollars, by first apply theory severely Church, Carpenter Silversmiths & Mann aeturers of Fine Electro Plate, Port Royal. l.beral la es at which It he Paris, President, Rev. J. M. Steere of Lewis- after the in conversa- may vllecht*. have the water flowing through our streets Verrill, adjournment, will be present and deliver un address. The iag Schlottorbeck'a Moth auJ Freckle Lotion, June 15# a jr wed & hat 6m Providence, R. I. Steamer P'ngn, Sherwood, New York. ton, Rev. A. R. Ab- tion said it was hard for him to sit there Steamer Caxiotta, me, Hallihx, NS. within two years. It is a consummation de- Corresponding Secretary, pretty for two to one side of the Mag so os exercises will commence at 3 o'clock, daily weeks, only lie bott of Sahb-th School and be looked at much, he was not used Steamer New England, Id, st John, NE, via LORING to ho wished. Rockland, Secretary. two addi- lot & voutly to being in public. Being asked it his courage lace, and carrying t’10 contrast for Lostporr Boston. THURSTON, Mr. Abbott’s School (ol Rath) B’air, Cadis 2'J. Sunday report represents was good, he replied ‘‘Yes." He was perfectly tional after which time can pur- Barque Dirlgo. April Office No. 7 Exclutufce Nt. Tbeatkb.—The lovers of amusement will weeks, they <— :: => Barque Hum Whitt, (of Bor land) Look, Grand New llnmpfckiac Lr^iiliKnic. (he various schools as generally in a good con- self-possessed and snti.*y free iu|con.’cr:a • 1 of the Cheice Fruit* nail Spiers. Portland, J uuc ^9, lSt.7. did on chase the Lotion at 30 cents a bottle to make Turk, f I. lMli inst. Report a, Unit day out. lost over- anu manner. bear in miml that Monday evening, for the PASNAGE OF THE PORTLAND AND OGDEN8BUI10 dition. About 300 delegates were in attend- Their strict purity, delicious flavors, unrivaled board A st mate, spoke. lftth. barque Joasie N fob FIFTH DAY. first time in Mr. Whitman will both sides look alike. s trenjf h and o he at econo m y, are attraetin r a trade lo from RAILROAD RILL, ance. Portland, bring olaa. ol Searsport. days Now York, just go the took the stand at the from Were ot choice flavors which is wltheuta Into Turks Islands. BRADLEY'S PATENT The New Hampshire House of Representa- Yesterday prisoner out the sensational play of the Black Crook, mg —The Reformed Dutch Church, having opening of the court. He began to testify in a Tourists.—No one should leave home this parallel. Sch lleurv R, Treiethen. Mob begin. tives has the bill the Port- which has had such an unparalleled run in Their great success if a imply bonus* on* third qj Sea First Tha well. passed chartering found the title a hindrance to it* very low tone of voice, appearing very cool, his season without themselves with Hodgkins, Harps Dutch, pioviding the quantity i* more than to the White Mountains and rail- lace hut flushed. The counsel sug- Boston. He will prodace it with the original equal ordinary flav- CLEARED. land, Ogdeusburg has discarded and will hereafter be slightly Cure to sudden ectracis, and are tho true rich flavors of ! growth, it, Coe's Dyspepsia guard against oring they 11 \ Sim >utr. J. G. Holland fTfmothv Tlfcomb), the well One-elcbth ct ocbr C F Young, el Port'a ad, ill Statio roads now New cleansed with the least abatement of built iu lias been sold to Richardson, Patunis, wuieh eetuio to ut the running through Hampshire eleven millions of fn tho United A Case or possible known author, of Mv«., save: “They t<>ns, I860, Cap exeli sivo right w Spiritualists The of Verrill was as follows:— Springfield, rale o. — testimony Embezzlement.—Something are the standard In all tills Viclnl ol Mt Desert, ut the fjooo. She will bo com- all they can do —and lor the new road too. States. their freshness of color by the use oi the Steam y.” manufacture Croquet Sell with INLEXICAL We take it from tho Star. more than six months ago one J. O. of Dealers treble their aulcs with them. Sold whole- manded by Capt it. which has been Small, over BALLS, ELATED ^TIig opposition threatened —The Maine Conference of Unitarian lie fined Soap. Their superiority ordinary sale aud retail, Portland, Me., by Samuel Chadwick, BRIDGES, and SOCKET Am 40 years old last November. Never ac- Pawtucket, was found to have embezzled some BRIDGES. would l>e short:sighted as well as selfish. kinds of in this regard is remarkable. and by Grocers and Druggists. »p;-,7 W&^dmsn [FROM OUR COltRESroXDEXT.] Titeeo ».o the prommmtt pu.nte on Churches met at Bangor last with Mrs. never in her house soap Wednesday. quainted Kinsley; tivo thousand dollars to a Provi- KENNEBUNKPOKT,.I nno 27— Ar. sch whlcu we claim the ot A bill was to a third author- belonging Webster, superiority our Croqueterles passed reading, Bourno of over until after the murder. Have been acquainted Western 7J0 Judge Keuuebunk, presided deucc and was indicted in December Co. have some of tho best mould- Grant, Banks, with qtis Ash; got her ercr all others. Jn with Harris one Heard his testi- concern, Geveu & MIX ERA L BATHS AT HOME. addition tothuiwwo have ilw izing the Nashua & Epping Railroad to unite the deliberations of tho Conference. The offi- nearly year. sale wet. Mr. but last the Grand of Providence in tho aud frames f improved Shape .Mallet. Our « outer with the Portland & Rochester Railroad. mony relative to visiting Perkins’, by Jury county. ing city, persons wishing Launch £l>—by Capt Bradford Oakes, a goxl mod- ! tinned cers for the are Gen. J. C. Cald- OVSI'KPHU CTKED el sc In oi l-o tons, meat- uta ensuing year never was there with him; never spoko about He got away and has been at large since. will de well to call. and well built (eai yenter’i Packing Bea, le of Ohuiuiu' tit tidied In ell, A bill the valuation of the in KHDUMATHM ( ( IlKD ure(intended for the trade, and Is lor sale. reducing poll well, President; Rev. Dr. A. Secre- any girl to him. I never asked either girl to coasting and pro.lded with nicial earner, that Whoeler, that he went East a few O will in a lew weeks a Aue sebr ot give great me. the mur- Learning days ago, EtSI PTlONS sntbe BACK CDBKB Capt complete assessing taxes, from $2.40 to $1.30, has passed Rov. Dr. ride with I know nothing about to the boxes. the last tary; Paifry, Hon. S. H. Dale and Marshal Heald was notified of the fact and ar- .80 tons. durability During twa jean der. This knife never was shown me; have Varieties. 8CROVDLA CUBED the House. Rev, C. C. Executive and our Croquet has gained a reputation ter dm Everett, Committee; never seen the hatchet. The blood might have rested him at the Preble House on ability The bill t<> abolish town settle- Tuesday.— BY TREATMENT WITH MINERAL WATERS. DISASTERS. anil fluiah that we are not proposing R iv. J. T. Dr. K. W. Morton and Rev. been the hatchet time when I only dcteri'tlned to sus- Jiewes, gotten upon any Sheriff Goff came and took him back on a re- —As an instance of an typo- Sell Eliza, from Boston tor St Pierre, was to- ments and have all taken care ol at with unpleasant Ho away w((h ,11 your varlon* Hint ortun porut- Alary ta:u but to Increase ibis season Er “Brad- paupers Dr. committee on had hurt uiv band; have worked uiy wrecked on Sable Crew sired. Inquire Wheeler, Missions. The the editor of Flake’s Gal- dun, and u„ a ;cw hatha tally Cape recently. nana wnue sore. quisition yesterday. graphical blunder, ilru^s aridquack modiciuc, ley*! Croq et,.‘ aud he auto tliat Ute hoc is marked county poorhouses has been inndefinitely post- of the State Rev. Dr- with No p rtieulars. icport Missionary, tj me have not seen that he pruj'arud Il this kuii'o belongs veston Bulletin says recently wrote, Ship W K ^torer, lrom IJverpoo), which took the atthoh'P, "lirudley’s C equa I, Pul’d April poned shows that the ideas of Uuitarian- it some Accident.—We regret to state that the wife tl Castle New wbll- Wheeler, tor a long time. 1 had old shoe with due Paul, "and was as- ” grou off Garden, York. 2Uh, 17, 1806” The has instructed the Railroad Com- plainness,‘‘Saint "SIR UMA TIC SALTS ! to her came off and went to her House ism are in the State, old churches knives in my trunk. On the night of tba of our venerable aud respected fellow-citizen towing pier, 27th spreading tonished to find that the made him These SALTS are i-\,r eaie, wholesale and retail, mittee to into the of en- murder I was at Mr. there printers made from the concentrated berth. by inquire expediency and new ones The re- Tribou’sjhadbeen Joshua F. Weeks, Esq., sustained a severe ac- *'f tho Mineral Well ofthe Penn’a Salt Man- CD AS. DAT, .IK., & CO., growing springing up. since Lett work Wednesday night of “Samuel Price!” Liquors o law regulating the tarifta on passen- Sunday. cident speak ta^ttiring Co., in Pittsburg, and are packed la air- DOMESTIC PORTS. June29-eod£w ttfi Exchange Street. acting lation between specific dotrinal beliel and at little to Mr. Tri- Thursday afternoon. While fixing up past nine; won;.directly boxes. One sufliuient for a and on and to —There was manufactured aud sold iu the tight always bath. Di- SAN FRANCISCO—Ar 2f.tb Southern gers freight railroads, report by was discussed Rev. Messrs. Ever- bou's saw at Mr. Mr. and Mrs. some window she from the rections inst, ship religion by house; Tribou's, curtains, slipped are attached. Chief, Port Townsend. bU\ ov otherwise. did not to town of Vt., last year, over three iligsms, International Co. ett, Howes, Sholdou, Palfrey, Savary, Judge Tribou; go directly bed; stopped chair and fell to the floor, breaking the left Cambridge, INTERNALLY USE GALVESTON—Ar 17th. brig Elizabeth. Ames. Steamship The house has alio instructed the Special there the entire week. Worked one time for at 08 the Mr. Mr. Gen. wrist in two besides hundred tons of butter, which, cents, Beaton. Committee on the bill to Bourne, Simpson, Prentiss, Isaac Keith. From there to Mr. com- plaees, receiving injuries “Strumatic Mineral Waters!" Constabulary inquire Lakin's; amounted to two hundred Cld l*tli, brigs Rolerson, Scott, and Llzabtl, Pano, Calais St. into the expediency of enacting a liquor license Caldwell, Revs. Messrs. Murray and Eldridge. menced work for Mr. Holmes Monday before on the head and back. The wrist that was average price paid, In bottles of one and a half pints. One sufficient for New York. Eastport, John, and to bill or otherwise. and thoutand dollari. Did any a day’s use. NEW ORLEANS—Ar 20lb Inst, eebs A M law, report, by The discussion touched a variety of in- the murder. He got me a boarding place.— brokon has been broken before. twenty-eight Bird, WINDSOR AND HALIFAX- upon Yesterday CfF"SoM by Druggists generally. Men ill, Rockland; L L Davis, Pendleton, Btazo DIGBY, (Hatchet produced.) I should this hatch- New town beat that? Mei-t-iii teresting and important subjects, and the gen- say Mrs. Weeks was in a vary comfortable condi- England jBtre, No. jrM stale fit.. Roston ; Itayn* Ms, Santiago. A Hournsrts Pateii’s Views or the et is tbo one which I olapbnardea with. Last i rail Co, l\o. i0« l- ulton at., New w Joivp a ucw lav. ill lorce in i. 11- ludi, i. o’. lock P M. lor vt and Sr. John. Congress passed land, and Major Gen. Russell, were present at ity of the Thames avater was never strained, JACKSONVILLE—Ar l'th, brig Ne He Gar, Gav, Eusip That the restoration ot the Southern States I think I never stated how the blood came on to insure all classes of insurable Yew York; 17th, sch .Mary E Hopkins, Fer- Ketum ng will esveSt. John ana Eas port on the property.— London have had a that Gage, the animal Convention of the Young Men’s the knife. Retired ten o’clock on the but the people fancy JHenewer. nand! na. same uays. can only be secured by their acceptance ot the past This firm has an enviable name for already a Haver to HAMPTON ROADS—Aid 20tli lust, schs at East port with the Steamer Balia measures of adouted in reference to Chrifiian Association, held in Montreal, last night of the murder. Wheu I went into my its peculiar condition gave special RENEWS THE HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR Alqulzer Counseling Congress, houorable aud River for Char- Brown for St. Andrews, Bobl inston anti < nlais, wUIl the restoration ot the seceding States to the room took out my watch, hung it on a nail at dealing professional courtesy, the ale of WHEN GRAY Watts, Rappahannock Thomaaton; week, a letter wasrcceived from Rev. C. H and porter by way compensation.— lotte Fiai». Baltimore lor Boston the Eew Brunswick and Canada Railway, for Wood- V we no one will If there the bead of bed. On retired and if rumor some of the best Reuow. the nutritive matter which nourishes the ni'jn, presume deny. of Loudon. my Monday speaks truly How will the relish this novel addi- GEORGETOWN. DC—Cld 2ftth. barque Ephraim stock and lioulton stations. no Spurgeon about had in the Tues- Cockneys hnir. are any such, we address argument to them, ten; company evening. names in the city are to be found on their WiiPams, Perry, Boston ; sch Farragut, Coggins, Connecting at St. John with the fcimiuer Em- are —Eev. Dr. Dix of retired at nine. On Wed- tion to its flavoring powers. RA'A'E )VS THS press for and w E. if at this day any yet unconvinced upon Morgan Trinity Church, day night half-put books. tROWTHOF TUR1IAIR WHEN Pembroke. Windsor, DLby tlalilkx, amt ith Mc- BALD. JK N. A. tor and with b.e&iner lor this no power of human reasoning can New in his on in the nesday eve went from the shop with Mr. —The Prussians are at Luxem- PHILADELPHIA—Ar 25tli, sch J Griffith, Cobb, Uullway SlictJae, point, York, essay Ritualism, very busy Fred eric not. we into the move them from their prejudices. To them, Kenny at St 1-2 o’clock; went Tax Portland Men’s Christian Asso- Renews the brash, wiry hair te silken settnee*. Bangor. July Galaxy, observes: “The Baptists build Young up all the guns and artillery Ai 26th. sch Clara UP Freight received outlay* of sailing until 4 o'clk. we would regard it as a waste of time, to ad- house, washed, took oil' our boots, sat and burg packing Beanllfal Hair Rankin, Rankin, KenneLuuk, Gothic ciation hold a in the Ittewieg. (and c d ..n retain.) C.C. EATON, a word of remonstrance. to those splendid churches and decorate them warmed us and went to bed. There was talk public meeting High stores in the the of which is dress But, fortress, quantity One buttle shove Its effects. Ar at Delawaie Breakwater sch of Street 24th, Vicksburg, >**tf\gmul. who have already suffered so long and so much, in polychrome; the Unitarians the arresting all hands and make them state Church to-morrow (Sunday) evening, so that it will a of months employ ga- great require couple li. P. HALL * CO Naahua, N. H„ Proprietors. from Bangor lor Philadelphia. that they must have relief or cease to live—to ble and where they were on the night of the 15th and at 7 1-2 o’clock. Addresses will NEW YORK—Ar 26th. R S Hassell, To Owners of spire cross; even the Methodists erect commencing to get through the work. There are a great Per Rale all brigs Staple*, Haclui 'y lardageg. them we would address ourselves. And when next. Holmes said we were all right i» we hy Dr.i'>i:Uto. Rmete.iineewlm Cardenas: Anna \C Knight, lvnlght. Cow Bav; schs their maible and name them be delivered by C. A. Lord, Esq., Chairman of hu Tiluu.id of the City Couneil, spiroicd wc to we feel and know that we stately temples worked late This directed at- many ancient guns among the military lum- Aicor.i, Talbut, Nuevitas; speak them, every night. my Georgia, Dickey Bangui B\ May *3, 16C7, it is made the du tl thu City a after saints. The the the stained tention to the time of each the to the Montreal Convention of gov Arnold, Sami Ferris, Wood, do address large -the largest— portion of the organ, chant, my retiring night, delegation ber, some of which are valuable as DU. Perry. Cherrydeld; Marshal loiu-iec all on ike curiosities, SWEET’S Ellsworth fur Ki gatou. liuchruy Ca«.u,,es ot the State and of the South. To the flowers used in it ever had any conversation relative to two old Men’s Christian Association* of North krai Monday in Julv, und Jcnimry oi caik people glass windows, profusely Young but as uolbing else. The Luxemburgers la- Ar 27th, brigs das Stuart. Khulee, NS ycais them wo that their their on- women, except it would be a “deed of Aturchie, before u u. kUkc is stained. say only security, no to one de- charity Rev. E. R. Rev. W. H. Fenn Kate Foster. lioudoui toi an Eaeuru decoration, longer belong any to America, Reyes, ment bitterly the loss of the garrison, which is INFALLIBLE Foeter, port The owueis ot all u>ed for tLe is in the ot the go aad kill two eld women." Wednesday Th« LINIMENT, » hackney eunfmges, ly safety, acceptance provisions Or*af External Cures chs Westover. ouans, WMndsor, NS; A J Dyer. oi of the last nomination, hut are gladly employed by all.” we commenced on a new of shoes. Deter- and Rev. Dr. Stockbridge. All are cordially not as it has been calculated Reinod, I urpo'c carry in, pa rangers ftoiu one place to of the acts Congress, faithfully and pair very unnatural, l Kel ey, Musquash, NH; Leduskia Eaton,Ellsworth: Kheuinatlsin, atasae wseiMa, another, wltnln thecliy, are her. by noti; cd to j.ro- as the measures, aud the only measures —The Rer. Ebenerer F. Newell—known a* mined to make 30 pairs eaeh day; consequent- invited to attend. one and wood. do lor Kingston. fully, that the Prussians spent hundred Ncuralgiu, Toslhacbs. 1 j^ewls. eut their to ilm lor commence id 27th. PI cm no, cartiag<.s unatubigneu ins.ee- by which.they can accomplish those great “Father at ly had to early and werk late; Mtifl'Ncck and |1U|) t-hoever, CJ^arpool bituilri at his office on Newell”—died Johnsooville, S. C., thousand a the Joints,Mores, Ada tlon, Chestnut seed, tu Munda,, seven to ninety pounds year among Carter, Kenney, Havana; Rambler. Fuokard enas. worked from A. M., nine F. M. Have Railway Tbafmc.—The are the Brui*e», rbe first day of at ten o’clock in the lore- about the first of this month. Ue was following Ulcers, New Orleans brigs F Eaton, Currie. Mar eilIes duly ne^.t, In the which are made to the Presi- ninety- been troubled with neuralgia, and cannot As some little compensation, Headache. Bsmi and Scald*. noon. appeals receipts of the Grand Trunk for the townspeople. Nettie Waru, Ware, Ja>‘k.onv lie; A 1> Jordan Per- we can so far as that offi- one of and has been a of the the with Soon af- Railway €»ont« John S. Otv Marshal. dent, only see, high years age member sleep through night turning. the King Grand Duke hes offered to make the Chilblains, kins, Belfast. _ 1ILALL>, for ter to on of cue murder week June 8th, 1867: l.umbi|*, Kites aud stings. Portland, June 21, Util. cial is concerned,the preparation involving Methodist Conference for more than half a going bed tho night ending NEW LONDON—Ar ?6tb, sehs of the Ocean. j«;Edtx' town a present of the tm- Snrains, Lady him in another controversy, more violent, and came into uiy room and a Passengers. $49,875 80 buildings previously Pitcher, Bangor for Norwalk; Alarm Lunt, Boyn- century. Ciias.MoKeuny put Amo the must efficient remedy lor LAMENESS. Town of U m >ro than that through which he on my bed. Have often met Harris in Express Freight, Mails and Sundries,. 4,800 00 p oyed for military purposes, as slso of the ton au W P ttitdde, Free thy, do for Norwich. ortbrool:. determined, qnilt and SPRAINS, GALLS. SCUATCfcUfiS,&e., in horses. has And we do said Freight Live Stock,. 57,79* 8* PROVlDENCh— Ar 27th sch Thus U iKTASl BEH’a OFFIl Juiu- 18CT. just passed. sincerely hope jail: have “good morning”in to him; ground gained by the destruction of the forti- GEo. C. GOODWIN & C J., Matiufeclui- Seymour, 1', *J8, reply Boston, Buryi s,, Banger tor Pawtucket. OriCEis to a-u-rt that he will give no heed to the counsels of Coiigrrgadonaliii Stale Caafereace. never sought an interview. I heard that Har- ei» and Sole Amenta. Sold by all Druggists. JU hereby given trident owners Total,.$112,47* 00 fications. As this donation is not valid with- Sid, fen Jos W Fish. Baltimore. .Iv oi real cstato .h u the ! axes lor those who have in the past been so Little able ris said that Bicknell and Blake and Co). Lit- niehl^eodlCwsi* WUey, 1CM?. Maa t- TILLED DAY— THURSDAY. Corresponding week last year,. 108,807 00 PAWTU* KKT—Ar 27th, schs Palos. Cotuius, lU® unpaid, have been returned the lolled r t» to defend biin from the assaults have tlefield said that he must stick to what he had out the assent of the Chamber, the latter was by they pro- Manillas Hero, Matthews Bang. v. me sod (but bu.-h esuues will be advertised tor rah* voked. fC there be one more than At 5 1-2 o'clock a an earnest and auima- a.iid. Had a little one eo to meet on tbe dOt.li inst. to confirm the act. Sid. schs 'l ker. Pi ii tLe condition, m.; difficulty nearly year Increase.$3,080 Lung Sought For l • J Stanley. llattelnhia; Golden taxes are not paid previo b to o u 6 b, another, which would u*ud to the ted prayer meetiug was held in the Lecture ago; and did not him when we met. Joseph hickson, Rule. Sylvester, New York, (or Bangor ) CEO. C. ’iivusurer. develop- j greet —A about one thousand COD.MaN, ment ot a degree of confusion and disorder, Room of the Pine St. Church, and another at Saw the negro at Ferkins’ and played cards a Seerelarv and Treasurer petition signed by Come at Last l BRISTOL—Ar 2«ib, sch Susan & Jane, Torrey, June^O-dtw that would be with the «uo«t lamen- t» o'clock at Auburn. few a of the first citizens of Boston, praying for tlis pregnant | limes, nearly year ago. NEWPORT—Ar sche New trnn table it would lie the At $ o'clock the first Psalm was read the Seal Estate.—The house ou Monument 2rttb, Globe, Bray, City or Portlund. consequences, personal by abolition of whipping lu the schools, Will, it Is Calais for Providence; Fa.l Elver direct interference of the Moderator. Mains’ Elder Wine. Belle, Whitmore, and President in the which was advertised to bs sold at auc- Berry lor EIlswoi th. street, said, soon be presented to the Boston Board of In tbe j#sr eighteen kuucned and sixly-nc ven. enforcement ot the provisions of what is called A resolution to th<; of some State Items. W« take pleasure in announcing that the above UOLMEV HOLE—Ar Win A Dresser referring subject tion F. O. has been 22d# brig An Ordinance audttoi al to ihe uralu. .u Acts. to-day, by Bailey, disposed E location. There has been, of a named article be tumid tor sale all i.ca at ng the Reconstruction The President has change in the arrangements ior the annual late, good may by City Hatcii. Darien lor Waldoboro. to t Druggists and first class Grocers. livu.gretu tiDi'dn done all the sense of duty required of was referred to a Committee to re- of at private sale. of scandal out of Country Ar d. sclis We»;o'«r, Cousins, Windsor, Ns, for i Bt it oriiauied the A highest meeting, —A vandal broke into the Free deal arising the abuse of ths As a MEDfetSE Wine in by Mayor. bier nun, am! Com* al th«* recently Mains’ invaluable, being New M& for do. him. When these Acts of were port next and to be at 3 York; y Ann, Bryant. Jonesport m -u iu t Council u*»Oi.; as Congress meeting, published cut On Monday, o’clock, Mr. Bailey will sell teachers in the among the it not the best, lor colds ami Council, uy W«i, follow^ three mouths Baptist House in South Llnnngton, the whipping power by public best, remedy Clara •>eil Ainesburv ltockport for viz: over his veto they were to him the Jaw previous. Manufactured t’rotn the Wilmington. passed at auction soma valuable houses and pulmonary complaints, pure bria for Boston. l. land. When the Court refus- The resolution oil a State of Sab- carpets, aud then a lot dwelling schools of New and noto- • Ar24tb, Moonlight, Small, Magna One-fourth paitot tbe ninouut it- of the Supremo meetiug cushions, &c., piled up England generally, niceof the terry, and unadulterated by any impute fm Boston for ou for ■‘Cbs Seventy Six. Teel, Pbilade plna cei-eti ironi the sale-‘t* lots in ed to interfere with the of ho bath Schools, Christian Associations and Con- of and in the ante-room under lots Munjoy, particulars ol which see his of Massachusetts. ingredient, we cau recommend it to' the sick SLCTlON troigrcen Ctui- operation them, shavings fagots riously heartily Delaware, Crockett, Rockland tor New Yor*; Edw and uli euiua as a medicine. oLery. rcc*iveo Irom tran nr of lou, became confirmed in the correctness of bis de- ventions, was reported to a Committee which advertisement. tor do- the stairs, placed the Bible on the and set —The Begistrar-General of Victoria asserts Klug, Kuliev, .lonotpcrt Fair Wind, Srdtb. together wbb ail dona Iona tr a !e the ho dels ot to on force that a of top To the of the it addetb for Providence: Senator by termination, previously expressed, subsequently reported committee days aged length, Ellsworth Grimes, Gove, inte, or other pervuna, cbail (onsiimte a itiml to bo Are to the the that the fusion of different nationalists in that • them and in accordance with the three lie to confer on the pile. Luckily wretch shut the To the mighty it addclh alriis !• r Algoma, Smith, do lor New called faithfully appointed matter, The Water Question.—The special com- strength,” I’ridgepo'I; “fcver^icou Bund/ th. inieres' o \»ld<*fc shall ’Tu a balm lor the a fur the well— Yor- ; Samuel Tew Wood. Ellsworth lor Con- I spirit and the letter of toe Acts. with those interested, iu calling said Conven- door, thus excluding the air, so that the fire colony is rapidly producing a new national sick, joy is, do; be appropriated .o improving iuid ornamenting the mittco tho Council on and Grocers and sell Pierce, Uocklaud lor do tion. Rev. R. B. Howard of Rev. appointed by City Druggists buy eord, ground* and lots iu Paul < eincitry and the Farmington, was smothered. typo. Ar sch from Boston lor keeping had a conference with the LfDtiRBKKKV ‘.*5111, KlngJove, Wooater, : same «n order under the d.rect.iii ol the com At Sea in a Spoon.—The Jittle schooner S. P. Fay of Bangor, and Deacon T, R. Hayes Thursday evening, WI1KR good Richard a member of the —An iu a state of Pli.ladelphia. mitiee on cf melon* and 1c of Portland were said Committee. —Capt. Leavitt, egg, perfect preservation, nov "Tss d&wtl pub ^roum TL*e jay- John appointed Directors of the Water Company SM.aeba Wcstover, f'lara Bell, Ar n, Dela- u a sum T. Ford, of only two and a half tons yesterday is Mary ntof not icm than twi my-uve d'dla< • uto Tlio report of the J. S. Wheel- city Council and a well known citizen of Sa- said to liave been found twenty-eight feet ware, Fair Wind, Harriet Sen- Treasurer, afternoon, for Ike of having a full con- Seventy-six, Puller, the laud for each lot «*y inc holder oi an;, other per- which was fitted out in Balti- of was purpose ator S S measurement, wright, Esq., Bangor, read by him. Re- died at his residence in that on Mon- under the earth at Nolan’s in Grimes, Algoma, I-ewis, King love. s«ju shall entitle the donor In have the tie* co, city sultation all matters connected with this brewery Albany. Make Your Own / i.t gnu;- more to cross the Atlantic to Havre, and and expenditures, upon Soap BOSTON—Ar 27th, barque Fanny j.ewis, Gillian, ed t.y him, to t in oud onlrr l Ihe ceipts $396. day morning, after a short illness, aged 72 —A correspondent of the Ch arleston Mercu- y superintendent to Rev. J. K. Mason having resigned the office important question. The committee eame to Cootantmople. of ».aid ixmet'ry lorever. Ami tbe sa d «• minima thouce Paris, left Fortress Monroe on Mon- UK* 1.1.TIB NBCEMMAKV: 4 id 2»lh H Houston, Turks f.i which be was years. ry says of Secretary Seward: Ho looks as it brig French, Islands; ou cciuetir.ea s..all iu tbeir oi scroti- uca oe Miehcarc elected, (the Corresponding no conclusion the matter. sch The crew consists of two men and a upon Oularto, Hun:ley, Philadelphia. an t attentlcu to be bestowed n a day. hoy, Rev. A. E. Ives of Castine was —A of the Oxford Democrat his reverie loft was in a ferment and up such lots may Secretary) correspondent always Ar 28tb, sch OliveO Towei, oi Boston) Ten iu C. W. John in his Blob, tie accordance with ihe written request ol ti»e du- Gould,captain, mate, and elected place. — and Your Wes* feth inst via Slianey, says—The citizens of this ancient burgli are New Books. Messrs. Boberts himself up among the cobwebs solving some Bj Saving Uaing Waste Create Islands, Indies, Newport, iS »e uois. The bodies with whom this Brothers, made the to 5 E dock hand. Sbe is built after the Conference is in ONE passage N-wpoit in days, probably Bkction 2. The Treasurer .‘ha I ? are the Murphy, very over the of a will about the 1st of a problem. I can liken him to created BUY BOX OE X1IE Oity were heard from. jubilant Haltering prospect Boston, publish, July, nothing the quickest lime ever made bv a sailing vessel.) care and manner of a whale and correspoudeocej tus'od. of said fund, aud suclt p rtion of boat, fully stocked rail save a old rat on dd 2Stb National San Fran- Rev. Dr. Davis reported from New Hamp- connection with the rest of the world. A new book entitled “Curious Myths of the Mid- sly, gray, sitting the corner ol Heims vl vania Balt M’J'g. Co’s ship Eagle. Crowell, the same as mu*’ not ho wameJ lor inini <1 «i- use in with canned •, the cisco ; brig Essex. Bueklin, Uocklaud. to load for n o il .* provision limited conven- shire: Rev. H. N. Gates from liis a acoc rdancc w ith the pr<»\ erdinauve, Connecticut; public meeting will soon be held, when all dle S. Gould. Also anew hole anil diagnosing hag of corn. New tubs Ages,” by Baring Orleans; Currie never, I biluihd- < cr ml ur« iences no Rev. G. P; Matthews Iroiu the Maine Poland, may be loaned to the Uy on iiiiorcsf, ly in- allowing cooking apparatus, u small Belfast; W tor Baptist will seize the opportunity to scatter their volume of poems Jean entitled “A —When Willie J—had reached the mature S A.PONIFIER phla: Adaline, Kvan, amnion. Laid, vested time r the UitvtUn oi si:id e onmittee on used to attend to the Rev. F. II. by Ingelow, lamp being boUiug of eol- Missionary Association; Marling Ellsworth; Kosciusko, K.chards'-n, loe Tlunu&stou cemeteries and public grouti ». t nd all in'ete »s re- from Rev. II. B. Abbott from the greenbacks, and materially help on the enter- Story of Doom.” of three he manifested much (Patents ot 1st and 8tb Feb., 1851).) Eden. foe and tea. or fathoms of Canada; age years eager- Dexalo, Leland, ceived, duriug tael* vn.r, above tl»e expend! uisa Twenty thirty iin# -ok- Jos Fish, Maine Methodist Conference; Rev. F. B. prisers do doubt they are very anxious to do. ness to learn to read. His favorite resort for Kid, ship barque Te.juca; briga Mary A msde.'Lali bo added U» t* e principal cl .lio luud. attached to a in order to make the Base C: ase. J McIntyre, and H Houston. shall a: the heavy drag Wheeler from the General Assembly of the —The Oxford Democrat Ball.—The game of base ball played The Tr asnrer close oi each uanciai says:—Dr. Uray> was the stove, with its CONCENTRATED BELFAST -Ar 2 to vessel heave to in a with small sails Church. The Moderator knowledge sitting-room LYE. uli,vcb Lapwing, Durham, Port- year, report the City Couuv.il lb# slate of the con- storm, Presbyterian happily by the “Muffins” yesterday afternoon attracted and eld 22d for responded. who has been home on a furlough, has been or- black letters around the hearth It will mulce 12 pounds excellent bard or 20 land, Bangor. dition ot the luud*. made a large ranged soap, from somewhat limited amount of can- a and much was created. of tbo best soil for Suc**>x ll. i\)| ordinance* or of ordiruuai-j Letters were, read from dered to New to take of the large crowd, sport gallons very soap only about 20ct9. parts delegates represent- Orleans, charge thereof. Having learned S. and O..B. was FOREIGN PORTS. iBc-oasiiw, from ,J iue •. *. 1m»7 £ intrepid navigators. read ed mol'd CO; This Bill mg Secretary, the of the state of promising. K. seemed next in to Be in for Salt unc. buving been lead twice to b. jr. report order; and, pointing it, particular asking Pennsylvania Saigon; l’eguln, Moore, 4 4 patted ^ iUrc^e3* Manufacturing Co’s Saponilier. At 7th nH Martha Rfcisont, tor dallied. AUG. fe. Tiie Manifactuiuno Companies at Lew- A^tions during the year, —Mr. Joseph Bourne, weir know as a violin- his aunt asked if he could tell what letter it uol7KXeod&wly Singapore sbipe STKVISVg 18*»4 Cahhieb Wanted.--An intelligent and faith- New Yor;% via Padang: Borneo, Matthews, J'tyL Brest. Board died his residence iu * iston.—The semi-annual meetings of the Di- me lo raioiullon ist, very suddenly at ful carrier wanted at this was?” Looking at the It for a moment, he At Newj»ort 11th in.it, ship Vesia BuT’fd.lor Port- In Board op Common oti.xr »* lowing on Temperance office. No one need Some Folks Can’t Slick* Nights.—We are land; barques Tuckev, and V »ee® ot lb .luno 27, rectors of tiro various adopted: Fryeburg, Tuesday night. His wile lieoring who exclaimed: auntie, I guess how prepared 10 the Eupopa, { manufacturing corpora- apply is not over 16 years of age. One meditatively “Well, supply Hospitals, Physicians, Fleet. Sco t, lor do; Palo Alla, Wylie, lor Cardenas, This BUI liliving been read twice pus*/ j That this Conference trade and the great with the stand- t0 y)e or_ tions located at this have been held. Jteiolved, reaffirms its him breathe unusually loud got up to light a that’s B, with his foot up taking a wittcl walk! public generally, aulothoie. dained. place belief in tile entire who can come well and desires ard wad invaluable Dodd's which ...... necessity of the prohibition recommended, remedy, Nervine, Ar nt Lfimarotto 2f-th ult. brig J M Wlswell, Leask The Hill will a dividend of 12 lamp, but before she could do so be died with- article all known for ™f»au* »w, SMUta,,. Company pay of the traffic in drinks; and a permanent situation will be well —A notary in Italy named M. Oolpani, a con- surpasses preparations the cure St Nil. June 2>, !-i.7. intoxicating that paid. ot all form sol Nervousness. It is John, Approved per cent. iu with the of out a struggle or a word. Mr. Bourne did a rapidly superceding at St ) 8tli i«*t, brig K Juub'-'U. 'I.iw AUU. K. heartily sympathy object the law firmed drunkard, recently made a bet that he of Ar Jag Mary Thompson, Sl’SVliNrt, Mayor. every preparation opium—the well-known result of Warren Boston. The will recently enacted, we will our support to good work in Prediction.—The fortune tellers en- is to Androscoggin Company pay 5 per yield day’s Tuesday, being apparently Gipsey would break several hundred with his which produee costiveness and Hirer serious Nuovftaa 22th ult, Minna all wise and efficient to in- plates Ar at brig TrauL, True, A Curd. cent. This legislation suppress as health as usual. in this that on the dittK ulties; it allays irritation, restlessness and spasms, Corporation has extended its facil- good camped vicinity, predict did and won New York 4At head. He so, his wager; but on aud induces action of the bo wet ri’riK Hortlanil Mrohnnic ities the temperance. 4th of tho regular and secre- Ar at I rinidftd 12th. brig Dingo, Sma’l, A f pin wall 1)1'it's Amnclail. n lun.lcr dining past six months an —We learn that the wile of Dr. Kit- coming July upper part of the tive J their thank* to K. by impor- A/ternoon.—Administration of the Lord’s Asaph city returning home was seized with a burning fe- organs. Sid uth. brigs Omaha. Tool baker, lor New York: Opt. At. I'oH.-n li.r the entt; tant addition to its Rev. F. r‘l'ge ot will be as the lower was No preparation to* Nervous Dl«ensC9 ever gold so H taintm-ut given them a: h.s hou-u in their return buildings. Supper, B. Wheeler of Baris, died very suddenly on Thurs- destroyed by fire, part swelled a 19th. E Rich, Hopkins, Ph ladeb bla. Poughkeepsie, ver. ilis bold to frightful size, aud or met with from the N. from the readily, such universal approval. F ir Kntout 15th, brigs J D Lincoln, vierriman. from Islands, Wednesday evuniug. Tho Franklin will a Y., delegate Presbyterian church day moining. At 6 1-2 she on the last 4th of July. Company pay dividend oclock, complained he after some hours of suf- Sleeplessness, Loss of Energy, Peculiar Female } o tii.n l, tr ftn June&iilt* Pu Ordeb. oi the United anil Rev. J. O. Fiake of of distress expired excruciating 12tli, ding; Dirigo, Small, Aapinwall, of 6 per c< nt. States, about the heart and stomach and Weaknesses and Irregularities, ami all the tearful wtg; and others. Bath, officiating. Deputy state constables.—Stato Consta- feriag. mental ami that follow in train All of these are wa3 assisted to her bodily symptoms the Ar at Havana istli inst, I rig Benj Caiver, Me.verb. To Let. without Board. payable on the 1st of Remarks were made by Rev. W. H. Fenn of bed, where she died almost —An as wise the ot nervous diseases, Do.ld’s Nervine i9 the best reme- July ble has F. C. and E. A. exchange quotes especially Boston Orinoco Norton, New York. ril WO f irnished wi Liu two minutes wsiF at the office of the No. Portland, and others. instantly. Nye appointed Emery dy known to science. Sold by all Price $1. rooms, >oi Treasurer, 40 State St remark of Felix Holt that' a line is a druggists. Sid lfllb, sob M D Haskell, Barbour, Sagua; l9lh, I the Prehlu House. Will mcommodate tw< After the usual Sawyer, of this city, Deputy State lady squir- Geo. C. Good win & Co., H Morton. New /cr Boston. The Bates and tile singing hymn of Christian —Dr. J. K. Eaton has been Post- Constables, brijr l.ije Migli-oti, York. four single gentlemen. Apply iw Continental Mills to appointed rel-headed with small airs and small no- aaglbnlyJAw u Wholesale Agent*. Boston. « bartered—Fur New Or'eaua. 3C0 fellowship, adjourned meet at Thomaston in vice and they have been qualified, and are ready to thing, brig Wenondi, Jan< «.9du W. H JERR pass their dividends. master at Wilton, S. Cram removed. to rt July June, 18(18. about as to the business of hhdi sugar, $10 each or home p $?•; 11 U Borrv enter upon the duties of their offices. tions, applicable tO For The Confeience lias been the —The Rockland G alette Moth and Freckles. 150 hints, at Bemod.iv-. $ each. Philadelphia. Houtio lor Sale. < iLivmi Optic's largest gather- says: “A Mr. Rob- 1U« as a pair of tweezers ta the clearing of a Frig Ben) Carver, 525 hhds a- Sagua. 97 j * ach. Magazine, “Our Boys an,i ing from the churches of the The reliable remedy for those brown dbcol sugar story house n»r ssL, comer c.i Duuio Ah Congregational inson and three sons came usborc Challenge.—It is that only if- North ot Hattcras. brig Sieniien 5 0 h'uli f|VWO and for State ever and here. A Aquatic reported forest.” To which a pretty at our aMons on the lace called Moth patches and Duncan, JL Maple S tree .a. Fui terms, appi 4.. Girls," July Gtlj, which is tlic first number held, the meetings have been of school-girl Freckles, P 3- 0 bnds u» load at man tu/wx, $'« S Hawes, znolasscS, T. A. unusual youug procured from Dr. a Walter the is Penny's Mu rit and FreckleJLonoN. Prepar- BoBE of the lierv and im- interest. Riehardsou Brown, champion sculler of Amer- elbow retorts that tweezers were not made to Sagua, *44 pr 110 gallon- ATS, volume, appears enlarged ed only Dr. B. C. Pkkrv, Dermatologist, 49 Bond June.Jdlw Painter, Tleturni c street. bctlle ol liniment composed of has the by Sin itu v.u an/as JOti. uli, ach M C Mo-eley, Ur aim proved. It contains a aconite, arnica ica, challenged Kelley, English cham- olear forests, but they ai e much better for soma N. V. Sold all drugg*u in Portland and fine portrait of Oliver have St, by lor Philadelphia. Patents.—Patents been granted to A. and a bottle of He came on be whore, price bottle niarlud«&w6iusii and the first whiskey. board pion, for a contest to settle international su- thau a axe. Isn’t slie per A rat (nrdenas lith, To Let Oldie, two chapters of a new Mu of purposes pioneer’s right? barque Eagle, Wilkinson, Kenney Portland and S. Carpenter ©f the vessel the Robinsens came in and New Yo k. TI7ITH K04KD, large i.letuant 0(I0, su|;aLl|e Story by him—entitled on, in premacy. —The Hew Bedford Mercury says “a for “Breaking or Patten, tor Knight Pure Si 120' h, brigs Ueo and Reiuhaw > T *enl1eiu..u ki d w it«. ut 62 iw .tree! Away,” improved device; Ros- the course of the afternoon went Mams’ Elderberry aud Cur- Harris, French, the Sortunes of a boot-lacing away with who wub a steadfast New York. June 29 ilt r student," a great of coe G. Dennett of The members of the Girls' School Lib- Templar, temperance man, Snith, variety Saco and B. Den- the High rent Wines. I. Liberty youngest of the Robinsons and told tho was another a of —-—rjv1 stories, sketches and a found by taking glass hock illustrations; marked nett of for rary are requested to returu their books for the So reeommeuded mav la SPORfclN. Portland, improved window screen; others that if wanted a drink highly by Physician*, I), ruu the usual they they would ■oda in Boston on ‘How is this?’ in- found at wholesale at the stores of W.W W Cleansed and tarnation, Bebussca, \V iliiams ot annual this be- Monday. drug hip- May 20, lat 30 N, ion 41 bar Courser, from Clothing Impaired Enig- Augustas Sebec, for find some in his examination, (Saturday) noon, .V Co.. H. H. W. F. & E. JL. W, quo OCe. This planting hoe; whiskey bottle. The man the second ‘I you was pi.* Hay, Phillips Co., Bost n tor WILLIAM BROWN, formerly ar 91 Federal mas, Charades, number comes with Ebenezer Tuttle of tween the hours of 12 and 1 o’clock. quired Knight; thought Stun woo. and J. W. Perkin* A Co. Otago. Can*au, for went for the and took the jatiP2*Ndly Juno 2’, on tbo Bahama barque Helen BYstreet, is now located ai his new store NoGi Fed- a beautiful cover, in improvement liquor liniment and a temperance man.’ ‘So I am;’ replied tire im- Ranks, printed color, and is de- in water James H. Sands, Utis, 85 davs from I I6r Now Of leans, eral »l, a lew doors t>elo\v Lime will attend wheels; of Old- drank of it. were Iverjmd street, illustrated. Roundey They toon taken with fresh from ev- biber ‘but I live to the motto on my frkr Mir awn tic Malta anil Mtrnmntlc Min- (had been three times round Ahaco, tbs to Id** moral business 01 un i li ntly Published by Bee & to Strawberries, Connecticut, ; up rega- »wept by ekunslng Repairing. Shep- town, assignor self, and Amos H. eral just received amt lor sale of ail kind* with his umuiI P GO. Roundey alarming symstoms. One son died iu a short ery noon, for saie, wholesale and retail, at Per- lia. In hoc vincet." The smile became Water*, by current) Clothing promptness. J, Boston, SI of same fur $igno J. W. PEUKINS A CO., June 2.1. lat 40 ion Ocean from % kale ut tuir place, churn. time and the other and the 43, GO, barque Eagle, Hr'Second-hand C'lollifug *prices. father recovered. kins’ Candy store, Morton Block. mutual at once.” no249Neod&WMwly No 86 Commercial St, New Orleans for Bordeaux. Jan b—Ut t

9 Aft# Fftfh Ufcrlnti ! rtlSCBLLAJfEOtB. £MTEftTAlKMEKTS. wasted, ■Hi iJA'.IIsd ti H li fctttfitVi hiadwififts, 1 wer* i'rw it. —lrr~ •»—ay AUCTION Aten OS SALAJs. It is dated dept. SI, 13ci. 80* Sttert Tou, Just fcALSfi.__ _ NEWS' directed to WeichTaic, the November letter saitti.SWbalte, Middling uplands at xtc. 12* n« 1*ATTKII LATEST however. VEERING HALL. Wanted. 4k t'0.j Attctlsu««rs witness never received sales bbls.; State at 7 50 ® Horn*, at offer the let-era Flour—declining; 8,0f*0 SMART active in & store. OFFICE EXCHANGE STREET. carriages, &c, Auction BY TELEGRAPH TO THE Mr. Picrropont proposed to 11 50: rouud Loop Ohio at 10 55 1220; Western af Boy Clothing Ap- B. F. WHITMAN.SOLE JVIANAGEn A pl, to Messrs O. \V. lUcii Ji ui, 173 Fuie »t. “ 11 o'clock A. M oh new in evidence. 7 20 @ 12 50; Southern at lu 20 £ 15 75; California at UNION PACIFIC June 28 dlw RV““X S^1Lk‘,!1>AY> en- ***>•*. 1 tUii Mil H.*, PRESS. Mr. Bradley objected, and an argument 12 00 .<£11 50. ALSO of Whitman’s Continental Tluatre, Boston. House and Land on Lincoln POUTLAND DAILY in tales White Street sued in to admissibility of the papers Wheat—dull; 4,000bush.; California, RAILROAD CO. a\.^i jy. F. Auctioneer. regard ot the •ales L ush. at 3 02 3 05. Wanted to Kent. at iuctiou. BAULtV, evidence that were never in 4,000 J --- possession Corn—dull and 1 L*e sales Arc now constructing a Railroad from A the officers of tho @ lower; 42,000 bush.; good, genteel house, situate.:above High TUESDAY, July 2d. at 124 on the until by new Extraordinary Announcement!!! the o’clock, o 1C E prisoner captured Mixed Western 1 07 @ luO; old do 1 124; White j jl street; possession by 1st or Sviiteii.Ur ONpremises,I. ncoln between Franklin and \\ilmot AT 5,AlT Wostein 1 Yellow Delaware 1 15. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, ait or G. It -OK M mine; June 29! 1867. k C7; Irf-V Inquire DAVIS & CO Sneers, will be tuMu new twe and a ball stoi.ed Saturday Court admitted the letters iu evidence, Oats—1 sales Iicaioisiu Beal &o 1 The (g 3c lower; 31.000 bush.; State at windward towards the Paeidc Oceau, wit iista.o, Morton Block wooden «1 w.llmg. with bat emeu i, together with the 81* tl making POSITIVELY ONE June 27-dlw real and Mr. Bradley excepted. 664c; Ohio b6j <& 864c; Western 75 76c. WEEK ONLY! land. The house is built and finished In tho most estate p. — Mr. Tierre- Beef— :irin. lu connections an unbrokeu line ON — The examination was resumed by COMMENCING MONDAY thorough in amir r, ana convenient]-^ arrange 1 lor he was I* t»»ilwr,Jw7 and thut ho proposed going THE BYern parr ol the city, containing dvo or six rooms. l«l,liC7,»lJ«'c|»,k p. Si. Tub continuation of Welchman's testimony speculation Rice—dull; v arolina at 114 @ OlilGINAL L then to Matamoras, Mexico, to 12|c. Ad lrc88, P. O. Box 2174. je2ld2w inti- verpool and Suaar—Arm; Muscovado at 114 (& 12c. Furniture, Bede, Mirrors, < rock- Thursday afternoon went to show great his brother, Issac Surratt; he also FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS lhrei hunt up Conee—quiet. • ry. a c., at Auction. Homes and Iwen Htuse Lota! and ihe oil business, and ho once re- Molasses—dull. t to and l eaxing annual in- j macy between Booth, Surratt, Atzerott, said he was in having irty years run, Black Wanted an1 lot for the on of and Crook! O TUESDAY. Jnl, at lu A at offico noW OTTI10U •»* C. me to write an article newspa- Naval Stores—Arm; Spirits Turpentine594 @60c. terest, payable thetirst day January July, 'T purchase, lour small for saddle or car- (VS 2nd, M, TPHvW* occupied by and various circumstance* quested Ponies, *«'*d liuiUo Cl cornsi.\(; tBGA«,» bcr.. iluwcre In nbuuuai.ce.— ing horses, bidding ter is in disguised hand, Omaha 303 mile* Library at Auction. **Ua w > ue of ilie and declined 8 sales No. 1 In the This road was completed from Apply 10 N. M. PKltKLNS * Uucat leslueuc. a on the I.Ui. c m- and was to are in bis usual hand. A @ 10c; Spring early Co., 3, saying he at the bottom map The MONDAY, Juiy siu at .. a tin. view ot “good-by,” April going day at 11*8, but weakened and closed with sales at on the 1st ot 1367, and ia Largest Dramatic Combination ever a Prce st., Me. li 4 vl niauding uaeco bay, lalaud- and ant- the witness out wasl, January, folly Portland, about VIXI vuis. Welchman's ride Mrs. Sur- was exhibited, and pointed the 1 00 and 1 02 1 travelled the Inne/dtr_^_Mo ON f rounding country. Alao one ioc iu 6d Montreal; of with regular, @ 934 in lots Corn steady are over it.— through New worki^’a °! adjoining, by lie took in to Cauada. equ.ppod, and trains regularly running loud them tho latest publications. feet; cau be ex.miutl route going an 1 unchanged. Oats dull and unsettled at an U- Lug States, Patent and 'jevkuSd any anernoou ptcvioiu 10 ratt into the country April 14, when she ashed has now on hauo suihcleut Employment Office, Cross-examined by Mr. Met St«u- vance; sales at 55* @ 57c or No. and 51c for re Tho company iron, tics, Bradley. 2, a road at what were It c dull eastern iu ail WASTED! e°, two new Loums on Montreal on the tirno the pickets raoro at Little Texas April 31, 1863, oil Good Jected. and almost nominal; light sales at etc., to finish the remaining portion to the Numbering Seventy Fiva Fersone! WASTED!! Lot of Land on Quincy Street, one i3 l 01 tor No. 1. Lane llt oy «w, ana on* 'l‘l by o to* b icuute met e.- and was eve- Surratt and I went to Texas or Barley flat. Provisions more active; 212 which is PMPLOYBliS, Men, poHa, withdrawn, told at eight in tho Friday; Alton; base oi the Koolcy Mountains, miles, Boys, tliris, Agents, Every- en nnUbea ana sales dry salted shoul lers on the river at Li body! O .e hundred Auction. rooti.e, with Woodabcti aua«b»i. Gowan and I introduced Surratt to St. Mississippi done 1st oi tub The Grand Ballet is led ,.ootl girl? wanted for all With JO B 40 and of similar circumstances and de- Mario; 7*c for loose and under eoutract to be September by the French Artiste sensor a by b€ icct with Bileuuid ning; short clear sides; Lard at lll(jgli4c; -dilations! Men 10 wois on ,\c. virtue ot license Horn the Judge of Prohu?*. each, bite lev I left the following Monday; I never visited Pork will A.l laxuis, garden. tails. Mess inactive at 20 50 2100. year, and it is expected that the entile road Le |air.011s male or leiualc BY for Cumberland b hall sell at iu with Surratt hut 1 (j$ wanting good Leins for County,! at tamo Texas company once; bbls. MARIETTA can uction ou tno «vi»o, time and place, Iioubc June 28. Receipts—2,50J flour, 4,500 bush, wheat. in order trom Omaha to its western connec- RAVEL ! any employment, Tie supplied at this office at prem-sos, on the tuua. twenty* lota* WasbDTOTON, was in X was never told an running v*«.uesday aituateu ou Wi .don,iuii and not tin-re 1865; by short notice. Patentscd all kinds undp.ncnt 0) day oi July next, at ten o’clock in the fou- North, lib, VV&luui .mb. The Surratt trial was resumed this morn- with the Central now And Includes tlio Little Imam Ui-hts* (lo) aiul Nuatern X would be tion I'acihc, being rapidly DanscuscLA FA It IE nt) the v. i-ionjenaue, oe borne oi the :iai* bt lota officer of the Government hung too Cincinnati Markets* A- J- «« & CO., ou, olio ing rai estate, namely A lot of 14; 1670. only 3J years old, '“f*®^\.. lanj u eon.mau.iiu* ILo tiucii v.cwb ot lota to ing- uules-1 testified to more than X had. built eastward from Sacramento, Cal., during 3U1J Congiess St. i.hciiorth-uusu.-rly siuu oi (juincy In any be Cisoinna? 28. JuiuKi^tl_ Lane, .1. *‘®t‘ c»t>. aud wiilun Laeive iu.uuu.a Mr. Welchman continued his testimony.— it.Tune I'cTilau 1, wnure ^aiuuol aouie ioruiuriv U.e .V1 wink 01 Mr. l'ierrepont objected to the question as Flour to ehoico at resided be- io». .aiec. Mrs. on firmer; good .advancing; family »b Utsut. tea. ou Surratt’* manuer all the way down, Means of the Company. iy Reserved Sea's for sale at Wanted. (00) said Laue, and about improper. 12 50 @ 13 50; fancy 11 00 15 O’J; superfine 8 00 @ the Theatre Satur- co,,. ..*• Pu‘Mt an be ob:allied on 14th to was and @ A LEW Male and tony lour (44) met deep. qualify my April Surrattsvillc, lively to show 9 00 sa us day morning, June 29tli. good entitle Agents immediate- Mr. Bradlev said lie intended that Wheat firmer but scarce; No. 2 72; No 1 Juneii7dtf T* ill be tad “**11 jr,*lu iw we at and X re- the distance to bo built tho Union y * or further subioc. u right ofdower of tlio widow icet ,SWr1?aiklI«ilia: cheerful; arrived SurratUviUe under at 2 80 2 83. Corn dull and nominal a 75c. Oats Estimating by particulars ml.tress.wiih s amp ot utaCp, win wa»u or bbavo. the witness was testifying here threats. i£fl or call on said damucl i>ou!e. Terms cash. moved tue from the and dull and at 50c lor No. 2. at 1 19.— Pacific to bo miles, the United Slates Govern- J. H. w HATE, lioucee or lou can bo examined package buggy gave Tho cross-examination was coutinuod at drooping Rye 1,563 -7 Market WtEKiAM L. any day pvv ioue it lo Mrs. and she went into Mr. vniskey steady at 30c. Vess Pork quiet at 2100. bonds to Square, up Stans, Portland, Me. 1'UTNAM, loaole.oy calling „u M... .tioul Surratt, length, hut new was elicited. ment issues its Six per ©out. Thirty-year Festival ! Juno 5. data Administrator of toe Estate of Sumuel laiuia BoNo? kLu«t nothing Bulk Meats s .los at 74c Strawberry Soule. lavorwbie wmi made known ut in a short tune she called me firm; 250,000 lbs for shoulders J-ne time ot li 1 v. Lloyd’s parlor; At 3 o’clook the court took a recess until to- the as the road is finished at tho average *» and loo f »r Bacon in Company -AT THE -- Junu^ aud desired me lo write a letter for her to Mr. sides. good demand at fka.ll J-btla»3wtuonodwor«ak, o. bAU.LV, Aucfr. morrow morning. shoulders sides clear sides 12c and rateot about per anmuntiug to $44,- Wanted. td_F. she told me to write that unless Mr rates; 11c, 124c, $28,230 mile, Xathey; clear rib sides held at Items In demand New Univeraalist Uic. 15|c 208,000. Church, BARBELS, at Potest Mew iud-.to.us at came forward aud the bill at once r 4*50 LOST AMO F >VNO. Auction. UTathey paid f sugar citrod; slock light. Lard dull; the Euro- City Sugur West Com- sue Would a suit 1 wrote Tbe Company is a'.so permitted to issuo its own MTKVENfP "VJ'-'A/Vy Refinery. Monday, lat, at 10 bring against him; Reception of the President at Rnllluiere pean news fialened the market. PLAINS, merrm’, near foot of Emery street. July o’e.ock A. to »< o’. uu an ainouut. and at ONlice, la all acil out bandied now the letter in the house April 14,1803; she First Mortgage bonds to equal Proposals will also jo received lor now ,i ,'»d. l„ Monday Evening:. July 1st, 1867* Sugar Bar- Wallet Lost—$10 Iteward Ulorougu. will l>a aold Oesired me uiso to tor her June 28. are rels, and a i»c acou ! Tuoy without reacr li cumpute Uie’iuterest Baltimore, New Oilcans Markets* th© same time, wldok by special Act of Congress may at Urn ouae oi the ■o.a sample or ucar the Boston to amt purcuoaera. o. Mn.iv on for thirteen X scaled the let- The President and arrived here at 4 Company, Commercial, at c-oruer ol Union Si. loepol In this city, on Sat- 847,000 years; party New Orleans, June 28. made a First on tbe eutire line, Ilia bonds *J uno ml), dtd this Mortgage MU3I0 BY THE >ORTLAND T. C. HtksKV AX urday last, oontuiiuug ab-ut ibirty dollars m ter aud placed it in an envelope, aud she gave o’olock atternoon. Largo crowds of peo- Cotton—sales Low for the BAND! and Middling 24c; receipts of the United state* subordinate to them. teblid&wlt_ money, sundry unto, oi no value cie m tbe were at the and cheered him on bciny pt it to Mr. G win to deliver to Mr. hiathey; 1 ple depot, week 2208 bales against 2395 bales for same week last TICKETS TWE1ITV-FIVE wuei, as payment on them bus Tne Government makes a donation of 12 800 acres CENTS. been stoned; tlso -Auction Sale. then Went out and drove the auu landing. Gov. Swann aud Mayor year; exports amount to 19,112 tales; stock in Port a Bate ihe Under will boggy up Chapman GET* The managers ol llie Horse Railroad have Flour Barrels Key. receive tbe above rewsru down the at 8.30 Mrs. Surratt into ook the in and es- 00,585 bales. No sales Louisiana Sugar, and no Mo- oi land to tne mile, amounting to 20,032,000 acres, Wanted! by leav.n* it at ibis dice road; got distinguished party chargo courteous v arranged t > run oxtri cars oui at 7 and "ll1 j corted them to lasses iu tbe market; Cuba unchanged; stock large. jer7dlw» CCXMCB ** *>M at auction ou the buggy to go to the city; 1 saw Mr. Lloyd Barnum’s Hotel, where quar- estimated to bo worth $30,000,000, making the toia o clock to return at 11 lor Uie and after FEltKlNS, We.tP land. TH.ERE TUESDAY. o’clock, accoiuuio- January 2d, 18C7, we aliall reauuie iu i.io lore anu ne ana noticed mat me- ters had been The crowd iu the im- da*iouoi friends. .7a*Ju^ ioou, (uuk*» recognized mo, provided. resources, exclusive ot the $118,416,1.00; but city OXtuopuici.as.uoi Hour Bils. ai ol Cemnsicittl—Per Cable. capital, Je2>d3t forCAbll, iLe previous u:EVos«.i ai private *alcj, ai Luu.j td** tro ut sspriug wus broken; he called Mrs. mediate vicinity cheered as they entered the Office ot the Lost. *‘A bu buggy tbe lull value et the laudseaunol now be realised. il» 6'1’JiAfeJMi fcAoXi.U& Ciii. Surratt’* attention to and she told him to the President London, June 27—5 P. M. Chatham street and it, building. Subsequently appear- Abe authorised stock ot the Portland Tewkesbury's *l>*2*'«1 1111,1 »uxiiliurw luinjote. ana on Consol* are at tor Capital Company is Grand Fair ! Suffar Co., Court, a liook A r Boa '*** !**iu Ui get a string aud fix it, and he did so; dou't re- ed the balcony in front of the hotel and was quoted 94| money. BETWEEN ye wouutiuiug geo—two pal nou„h repair, cOi i*"r-ta» American SECCitiriES—The are the l-’i leptaulceu, member Mrs. Atfert that left 8ur- addressed Ex-Guy, Brad- following one hundred million dollars, of which five millions Ladles of Notre Dame Academy, of Port- Dttufortii M„ twenty dollar bi.la aim the remainder fives and tens, -iioaauUrccoppa.«Hi, lit lb^i. L feral- seeing day; complimentary by current f r Amur can securities: Untied will t he Under ui.l ..pcrworaa, quotations have beea und oi it is noi 11IIKland, hold a Fair to the debt be lew. rued It at uew iu lattvillo to return homo at one tho ! ford, aud welcomed to the already paid in, which liquidate upon B. BROWN & SONS. smtab.y by leaving « Jui.e, lb. i>, auu ol ilio U,| 6.30; way cordially city. States 5-20’s 73; Illinois Central Railroad shares tueir on Froe yebftltr__J. toe residence oi James lit.Uciifununfc, 794; Academy Street, at Breliau, ou bo.« .trtet, be- (juuiUj. ui ihe m.^t approvoa t-aumu auJ home Mrs. Surratt said she was anxious to be ! The President in reply returned sincere Erie Railroad shares 41 Atlantic and Great Western supposed that more than twenty-five millions at ween v hatuam and j; Frankllu slieets. JciT-utw m-uu. aud u. ,cr uu «“ ut home at 9 o’clock, as she was to moot a gen- thanks for the kind welcome. He alluded to shares 25. most will be MECHANICS> Wanted cacoyi* required. HALL, Ju-’t h*ou yamuid; . mi uu 1 tlemen I usked it it was bis excursion to North Carolina aud Massa- June 27—5 P. M. Immediately *um cb.mclum l““ there; Booth, and she Liverpool, Th© cost of th© road Is estimated <, anchor.,me- Urn »,n..u. ev Cotton firm by oourpetont COMMENCING —AT THE— engine and la II- mads no I said about Booth chusetts, aud said his iu the North and unchanged and rather more doing; MONDAY. JULY 1st, UXUINKKU OFFICE OF FOKTS AND SEA 0 puiny», n„»„•, auo reply; something reception sales engineers to be about one hundred million dollar s A-j Uomlcu iveryimng ehio mcceeary .or a a indi- estimated to-day ut 12,000 bales; Middling up- waLcs, Harbor, 75 Slate Sire. t bos- ■iiei-eiase not acting, aud *ho replied, “Booth is doue aud South had been ot character which and continuing every day and the yawengei fctiim.oi; i. 7o7 un.» ulu n ta«- lauds Middl ng Orleans Breadstufik un- exclusive ot evening during ton, Alass., June 22, ibo7. u.n aud is to New cated to him an era of aud recon- lid; tljd. equipment. on New luimioi.i; tu etaic-iuviue, and can Lend 23a ■acting going York very soou, good feeling Provisions week, cloaiiig Saturdry evening with Office ! will bo paa- changed. generally unchanged; Bacon Employment i*ropo»*i* reca*v*d at this office until noon eugc'o. lcng.no null. I -.llano V never to aud she askod me if 1 dia not ciliation between the two sections of the Un on. '•t Wolke. -New ts return," i 42s 42s 8d. Scotch Iron 5£s 6d. aARUDAV, July lo, lor the 01 me & Pig for next, u“ier4 “>*'»*» one oi it.o to. kuow Booth was ou A was and a Prospects Business. Dramas, Operettas, Vo- No delivery ic. t crazy oao 1 (Applause). boquet presented, Tableaux, 229 1-2 to.lowing ucsenbo 1 cat sea wall b£.?\,ndJUia on tintu*"*"*' uae.uru subject; Conyress St, granite facing, upon uaure, aud u all lar said 1 did aud sheord But state 1 voice “I thank God it is so.” cal Uio boacu 01 Hove l's many not, the suLieci exclaimed, (Ko- Beaten Beet and Sbee Market. The railroad connection between Onmba and the and instrumental Id Door of lslaud, b st.u liai bor, t*. Music, Went City Building (up stair*.) twt-eir tome; ou saw tho ou then newed In tho dawn of the diflicul- tbo 15th day of August and tbe l.jtu 01 returning pickets applause). Boston, June 27. East is now complete, and the earnings of the Union tud the annual distribution uay AUO, oack to aoout when one ot the Uuion threaten- of premiums to tlic IRLS of all kinds of October next. way Washington; twro mile* ies, portion There it Utile the lor fall trade on the capable doing house-work. v *""• tl,u »•«»« beyond Paoldc section* finished for tho first scholars of the This .iton- is to bo on e sale. ono-kw. of his which was preparation* already Academy. I to whom situations will bo oi the ion and llw liom Washington is a nigh hill, and tho city ed the other, he took position, to notice in the boot, and shoe trade. The Cl gi»od given. following dascrip »itA.UtKDAMLL with present two weeks in ware These sectional Also LABORERS for various amount, tho odor tLo e cr i.eial WiLSlLK, oM-lllUt h« was I made >ome remark known to the now addressed. There demand is but as as May vll3,t‘00. kinds of work, and stating pri 4 supei met appaiei auu luiuiture illuminated; about peoplehe moderate, Ailly good formerly taco measure «or tbo tumpleta. al t i. u, „r. as the road W-Tlm will CLERKS for kind of business. front 01 tbo wall, ana separate- aaii weil g„„u the return of aud sire “I am are two kinds of courage which in the dull seasons. Prices aro on earnings, progresses, will much mete Fair July 1st, and #tb every uer, (baud ui c mi,lujia peace, replied, strengtheu unchanged, and, open 8.1,3.1,8tli o are at ly mv the la.e o tbe Thu amount ot stone unis, li;u turns account from 2 to 3 and 7 to 10 o’clock F. M. ;.5r“U ablo ail times to parties In coping. auuau ir&id all this will bo turned into mankind iu the face of meuace and threats, of the advanced prices of some kinds of than pay the interest on the and July 4th w 11 supply is lor nuse, pumps utborapeuruuunces uobessaiy rejoicing Company's bonds, eo front any part of the St.to with U ,0 required the and of CJu to sou linear “* a leather aro quiLe llnu. Manutact urers, tor the ot 3 1012 A.M.,2 to 8 and 7 to 10 o’clock p. 11. »RELIABLE HELP, lacing coping u.st-class boat. S and all this to sorrow J and denounce their conspiracy to overthrow great- the business over the line of either as icutoi wall. For lue three passenger imula re nnu ben- mourning gladness ;’’ er have through only railroad Domestics, Mechanics or Laborers. toeing coui«e>—Ihe >ou- uuw, au. a.l iu which a man part, boon working on orders himself on the of Gov- January, good supply be 2 leet rise, and the couise 2 loe. 1 tuie-roomr, end uan and she said that alter sunshine there was al- plant (irmly principles boi t and shoos on and liekeia 28 cents each. supplied with Men ami Boys tor all kinds ol em- upper iuch rise; her hand, buyers who coutem- auo the shall oerah^Opu. iwi.gm*; boiler is good ior uro or a aud that tho were becom- ernment acid hid defiance to all where- Ju“e 18. ployment Free of Charge. Don’t the num- coping ..ave a rise 01 2 feet—the who e tureo ways storm, people fury plate a visit to this market will bud a prime assort* Value and w tbrgol seasons; bus a splendid in o:- Security of the Bonds. CodtlHjylthcUu.il a trout of wall 8 ieci For eng.Uc. pci lsct too licentious auu God would soever it may come. It is to the ment ot from which to and at low ber, 2_nJJ Congress Street, nexttoCiiv budding, Port- making high llie lacing uor; wiui ing punish them; easy apply good* setae, rates, the be s sngbl expense, sum as puiu.ing, &e, is land, Me. IIC U H I' A K. siren are not to be more than 8 feel on as We came at the word traitor to me, as some hut X de- cousiiieiiug the advanc-d of materials em- BlTIil long inauy lor business. XUu OLber ba.t tau just toBenus.ylvuuiauvouue, have, prices Tim Company submit tliat tbo above the and arc be purebas- in rojpecttUlly Feb face, pi average in width equal to the eu ai a tail we saw* a aud a*- any man to his on their nianu aciuro. There has keen but Proprietors. prieo ai pi.vate solo, sbo Capitol, torchlight procession, fy put finger any govern- ployed statement of tacts deiuonstratts the 22—dtf_ use, not more tin u lucnes .rom wu-re-caulked, little iu this which will of fully seourity o varying that roias.uuou, auu bau new the horse shied at tho we turned Sec- ment of the Constitution or of liber- change styles summer, be THE GREAT wiu h. breadth spoueoim in u.ioaer last.— light up principle ORGAN The of the h«auer» 101 on Wanted tne Sue is ad vintage to the buyers, as they can make such so tho•. MoUafc, J Committee. door, and tne steps went to the parlor; wrecked mariner, looking to the Constitution the upper or 2 It. 1 in.course, ana (he beds, bunus they bonds an Tickets, 50 cent Five lor K. 1£. a as the last of pay annual interest on tho present cost o $2.00. Jcl5d3m ami jo uts ol all llie will L HaKBING, ) sounded like mart’s steps; about five minute* plank liberty, while night and will pay 30 cents each tor Erst class Flour stretchers, be “rough Lam Bath, June 1807. N«w York Block Market. ered that out of fi, Je28dtd a terwards heard the same steps go down the tempest may close around you. I have, my WEBau cis suitable ibi sugar. straight"; n», wind, true to the New June 28. Mine square or ocvpI. with goou I mi and the arrises stairs; Mrs. Surratt did not come dowu stair.-, fellow-citizens, tried to discharge niy X York, |*cr Cent., LYNCH, BARKER* joints, duty; Stocks CO., snal bo to a Sale ol Timber alter have committed very strong. UovlMU 131* Commercial street. straightened uccorulag bailer ou the Lunds for Bates’ iUid supper I aud tne otlieis went to tin may errors, hut they have not oi American Gobi.1364 and it Is believed that en the completion of the road, Over a Month ! wad 1 il. to 8 ft. iu beigjt. Tne coping to be 2 f Mrs. Surratt alter a while asked nit been of the heart. Now that au era of good U. S. 2,000,000 to be not less than 4 ft. college. parlor: Five-Twenties, registered, 1862.107 J like tho Government will ri^o, doop iroru the front, which the has let us one bonds, they go above par. S3^“ None but clan made icast W idtu 2 way torchlight was feeling commenced, iorgive U. S. to first yoods by this ft. 8 nioi.es anu to at lead 0 fr procession go- Five-Twenties, coupons, 1*62,.1104 The Company. average Land Okpicc, i 1 auother iu the of U. S. Company intend to sell hut a limited amount at lo LET. and tne beds are to ing; replied that 1 ibougut they were going spirit charity, aud iu order Five-Twenties, coupons, 1861.i074to Wide, be tougn hainmtre>- Bangor, March 7, 18C7.} U. S. the and the of •’ to serenade the Bresidcm, aud she said she to a closer fellowship. The X’resideut was re Five-Twenties, coupons, 1865.107 present low rale, and retain tho right to advance straiglu, joints alternate stones of the Uleroby giv«u, m pu*b Uticc of We- U. S. new coping 1 recall her manner now she registered.lOo frout, eighty-tour eighteen bundrtu »jx- appeared ner- U. >. will he received in New Board. Pleasant Rooms at 30 .ceiuistance from the fr in Ten-Forties, coupons.100 Subscriptions York by the llaniortlr at. ont the,? wnl be 4 inches ua»- ty-iour f..vur ot Laics’ Coll, k and J usked her what was ge, appioxu elru- vous, the matter; U. S 1st WITHjune 25 dlxv* rower man ou the (ace.tho uuui cr 2 that Foreign New* per Nieamer. Seven-Thirties, series.106| to Continental National Banc, No 7, Nassau St. remaining nan in ary lew, townships numbe.to s, Lang. IT »ho said she did not feel she had bead* If. s. 2d o these stem, s uut wiin loz ugc-shapeu uul I'. W p well; Seven-Thirties, series.lOtt (5 Dodge & Talented June coping being lut^nge a, auuatcu upou the 111 er in her and was U. S. Clack, Co., Bankkbs, 51 Wall St., 19, 1809. to ill these doVetai,*. ^aiiil John hand, walking up and down New Yoke, June 28. Seven-Thirties, 3d series.lOGf ($/ Store to Let. joiut hiver, excepting the buuiht ait quaite-r John J Cisco «fc Bankxui. Also lobs doi.vcrod r-aid beach at oi the last room; sue once asked me to for her The steamer Union advices Boston Water Power Company,.24 Son, No. 33, Wall St Pairs required upon named towusiiij., will be omred tor rale fire pray brings European 000,000 Ordered BRICK STORE AND BASEMENT to ti.e hist Western Union and Weekly! Lovell's island,beTore of comber next, about oy public auction tor the bene, t oi iuteuiious; I asked her what her intention* to the 18tU inst. Telegraph.46 by BANKS AND BANKEUS generally AQOODlet on Market street near Middle. n.u College, at New York tuUO t» eeo.» cuoic .eet ofJuri.ee stouc; anu up-u the cue Land Oinco in on aud said I never Central.104 the All Culls heretofore me do at 55 street. nau^or, Weuuesday ihc 11th were, prayed for any one’s in- The wrath of the in throughout United Statos, o> whom and Paper have been nearly Enquire Exchange ltoach on the inner ai-e of a.so populace Waterford, maps Deer about day oi September at I* o tentions unless I knew wuat «6|(jpf worthless, on noeottut ofihe groat of L. BAILEY. isiauu, next, does, noon. they were; Annu- Ireland, against the informer on the Fenians Erb; descriptive pamphlets may he obtained. difflcuhy pul- ■bob (o 6000 cuo c leet as may be needed, of jot let uue third ;»uh and preferred. 74 (a 75 They ling in and uu tlio which the Cult' Je2ssau Now on jection nho'ly obv.ated in the Cuff wiik-h payment. too much aud ia a M street, Yo;k, application. Duple have at WoodiortP* Corner, cP.se to the lower, or ra her .uucr anu ouu-r bcus, and iug noise," piayiul manner smashed with stones. chigan Southern,.78} is made under tlie patent of ti e Ne Plus l ltru Collar they m-j ISAAC K. CLARK, Subscribers will select tbeir own in whom Horse Railroad, a nc-w s.orv and halt house, vary irom 18 10 24 inches m threkueas, and even rn drove us lrom the room; Miss Mrs. The fever at Mauritas carried 200 Illinois Central,.1214 Agents Company, with a new us d in no other uiaredtSept 11, Laud A Surratt, yellow ofT button-lude, 8 wlilr ihe same slo e, but ho inoi must have gen* Miss Jenkins Chicago & Rock Island,. 06 have who alone will be which cm the MWecontaining rooms, good dzed stable and t; they good Fitzpatrick, and 1 leit her room hud died of it. they confidence, responslbl cun, hies weaier to in or take cut per day: 10,000 persons pm X o. mu acre ol ground lor guidon. split oages, uoi varying more ban cue iuch to the auu leu Mrs. Pacific Mall.141 to them for the sale of the stu s INSTANTLY, walkout tearing or together Surratt alone iu the The Memorial Diplomatique says tho effect delivery the bonds. injuring G. K. DAVIS & CO- f .*ot from the square w.th tho best bed or the the cuff or button-hole in the least. A this lace; c. W. parlor; I went to my room at a few minutes on the Empress Carlotta when inlormed of tho JOHN J* Treasurer. Ciijf' of JiIlC 3. eodtf Kcal Estate ei.hfe need not square with the edges, but sbouiu HOLMES, Bovieu Moili CISCO, kind will wear more than three times as as Agcuts. they alter 10 Miss Surratt and Miss of Mai, Img any have spilt cuds. They mat irom 2 to a leet in o’clock; Jen- captivity Maximilian, and that his life was NEW YOUK. other. are made et vary at They heavy pure white but not more 1nan A.TJ kins a room and u in was Sales the Broker?’ June 28 H. ery width, ou. mot at the ends or the CTIONEER occupied above, bade me danger, that she appeared suddenly to Boaru, W. WOOD & SON, are agents lor the sale of stoi k, in exact imitation if and aie water- To Let. at American linen, s-nre sloue. ihe leng.b of the stonrs may vary from good night my door; Mrs. trick occu- recover a 1 her clearness of intellect. She de- Cold. the above in pruned by our new in the san e manner oi 300 F.tsjia 137| bonds this city, June3d&w3m process room over Vickery & Hauler's Dry Goods* 8 to 8 led. averaging between the two anu Congress Street. pied Airs. Surratt’s 1 was that clared tho United States Coupons. July... the Duplex Collar, our ordt.s warrant us in lengths, room; unwell Mexican nation could not be capa- 1371 say- THEstore. No. 31 Free now Htr- the as will Sale* of uifed State* 3881. 113 street, occupied by dimensions, tiny square with one of the any kind of property in the city night and was out in the yard the ble o! so odious an act as to a Coupon Sixes, ing that in less than one no other Cufl man S Kaler & Co. lor a during night, raise murderous year Paper Wholesale Mill.uery and Sides .tnu one e-ge, length bieaihir and thiokness aim vicinity, promptly attended to on tbe moat favorable aud about a o’clock United States 7-30a, 1st series. 10CI REMOVAL. will bo called lor or sold by the trade throughout Straw Goods got book to bed and Was bai d a Prince who business. the cubic leet 10 be .. ursea tarms. against had devoted him- 2d We also 011 eucu stouc. apr26dtf scries. iiu I the country. manulacture the water room will .juiit falling asleep wiiuii the boil rung violent self with so much self to the This be vacated some time in .Tune. Utfeis wilt be recciveu tor Urc cut stone and for the denial, regenera- 3d Series. t'«} Line Cuff" (a very heavy enameled Cuff)eorre>- For iy: I went down stairs aud rapped on tbe door tion of tho particulars enquire ol H. S. Kaler «Xr CO. or Jctfee stone, either »ep*ia?4:ly or aud for HENKY country. United States 18«2 .. Uhl with the Collar of that name. together, F. BUHGE8, 5-20s, ponding They have VICKE&Y & MAWLEV. tire stone on iuside -aud asked “what was aud was The Czar has a ** June3.utf Jcitee diner o, the Jsiauus wanted,” left million for the poor of 1884. Hft} JOSEPH. H. WEBSTER, the patent button-hole, tne same as the Duph x Cuff. separately, toid "Government it t.esired. Each offer must be at officers were there who Paris. Daring his visit he spent £200,000, and 1885. 1071 accompanied by IOO BK iv A Rooms to least two anu to cover one Auctioneer and er. tvautou to iiuu Johu li. Surratt and J. Wilkes the Czarwitch £40,000. Juty. 1865. 1102 (Successor !• IS. Webster Sc Sen,) 1$ RDl—One hundred dollars will ho Let. accepting sureties, lcurtL Apprai paid tor infermatiou which will convict snv Denier lire amount bid. and Le certihud as to their suffici- door mi Haiti «■—ni.anune, Fur- 1 that neither were The united Statos T.m-forties .. FEW gentlemen can be Booth;” replied there; assassin, in his im} lodgers accommodated «* u<‘arc, Farm*, Ut Beregopsky, deposition, u >ston ol selling ufl's not made by tho Ne Plus Ui'tia Col ency by some principal Umteu Sides 4 ivii *.«*•.» OUT ramnuj enrol*, dtuc prviupily demauded and Maine Railroad. 128 A with pleasant rooms on Pearl Street, ti e or they admittance any how; I went says since his infancy he had medidated his lar ol Biddeford. lnquireot the vu mfrj. oy aay on eomuiiBSluii. oilice No. Pi Company, Me., having button- at this »Si W. ane ini rmed Airs. who said art. INSURANCE “1, juuodd.f _ nnniMw, Uxcuun^e Street, at S. H. Coieawoi Sunatt, “let AGENT, holes like those in the Duplex Cuff, as t e exclusive oittcm__ tby’s Book Store. them in lor Col mol oi Lnginear, Residence No. ldOxtbru Street. Gods sake;” I expected the house SPKBn ha. removed patent/—- »*y» tioi-eu male* for si-ell a button h dels Front OIL, hie office to tlie ww»«d l)V fiftlil (yODumi'y «va»a w»ii <..«Yii>3cweucs Will Office, june27eodlw bvi. Waj.Oeu. U. S. A. May 24. dour. would he searched; 1 then let iu half a dozen oi Prom Mexico. WHALE OH be prosecuted to the extent of ike law. OECOND Story to let, No 16 Excliange street. Ap- them; aiuoug them X remember Ciarvol aud First National Bank FJ to New Orleans. Jura 28 NEATS FOOT Building, JOHN NEAL. To l>uniel Morrill of a Janice oi this OIL, Falmouth, F. O. McDeviit city; tho house was then The Picayune lias tne louowing extract from Or J. P CLAFLIN, BAILEY, aud LARD OIL, Corner of Middle and Plum Entrance of Iho Peace for the Coaaty of Camber- searched, they searched uiy room, aud X Galveston, News, of the 24th, relating to Mex- Street*, _ap21 dfcl No 7, nearly opposite. (Sueoeuor to U. Bailey & Son,) asked them lor God’s sake to tell me what hau ican ati'airs: I.FBItlCA TING OIL, an Plum Street. load. and why this search was om- For sale Wholesale and Retail by Largre Hall and Offices to Let. happeued made; The 15th of May is hereafter to be a grand undersigned being three member* of the First Commission ul mem turned and asked if X did not know U Auctioneer, Merchant, national fcs ival in honor of the victory of W. W. WHIFFLE & CO., Patten’s, Nos. and 16 Exchange stieet. T>11EChurch uud Fari»b in Falmouth, und pew own what bad (lay Mb. WKBeiEBret.hu the of Front ami -aho — iiappened that night; X replied X did the Liberals over Maximilian. Agency the 'J'Uls Collar lithe most perlect imitation of linen OVER back offices, with consulting rooms, oie therein, dcsi.e a meeting oi >aid Church and It market Nqunro. and a not; the officers to he The ever made, and is bv a secret large hall. t'arUn, at their CLurch buiidii.g, m in appeared astouished; Mexican press are firm and unanimous June tcater~proofe To be 1 eased of an act entitled “An act to authorise me First April I, 1841. dtf it is the President’s J. WiikiS Booth senior member ot the late Him o'* E. Webster & Son blood; public, every Mexican apparently aceusing one iB MOLDED to f irm a space tor tlio and Farish iu Fa.uiou h, to sell uud certain lias in for the last v cravat, a term, a very desirable lot ot land In convoy murdered Anrahaui Liuuolu aud Johu others of thisdiy twenty-tour ears. turn d on a full curve tuakl them long the lanes” Steel and Stoned and line, g the most centre oi on approved February twouiy-th.ru, JOHN CROC KETT, H. has treason. STAMPS, Alphabets He aUo has the agency of other reliable Fire Insur- Fill trade Exchange si roet, an I on which eigmevn Surratt assassinated the Secre- It is stated That Gen. has and Sioncil Plates. kinds of beau'i Ut and best fitting Co lar ever cut out ot ta- hundred ana bxiy-Msv-tx, elect Ueubtn Men ill, Na- Escobedo threat- STEELFigures, AU ance Companies, with the uia.v lio erected a large store, either lor wholesale or Auctioneer tary ot X then weut down together per. They ean als > be HE V I Its or worn either thaniel Merrill and k.. N. txusiees for ihe and Appruiecr, State;” stairs ened to ilopose President J uarex should the D, reuiil business. Also seveiul lotson Wilmot Street, Tukesoury, with Ciarvol and Kibbou and *eal side out, giving the wearer the honour ot a liuen fin purpose ot selling and iu behau oi the McDevitt, and Airs. Sur- latter not order the execution of Maximilian. Hand Presses! Hartford n. ar the new Park. Apply to or address, lor partic- conveying (Office with Evan* & Balloy) Life and Aocident Insurance Oo. Lit and p ain Collar all in one. Wherever Fhst Church and Farish in acres 01 ratt came out other room and "What Furnished at M&nufuetureiV thev lutvo ulars, 11. C. Falmouui, sixty said, prices. been Introduced uu.versallv baunesT laud in said to c mr30 NOS. 1 tit 2 do lJresident has CV Persons wishing insurance In sound and relia- they take the lead ot aprgt, Me. Falmouui, granted said much unu FREE STREET BLOCK, dtf you think; Lincoln been as- G. I.. 55 Street. other lu Farish under BAILEY, Exchange ble arc invliod to call. every Collar; tact, many dcaert have dll_Portland, their Lame then ot the secern sassinated aud Booth did she raised her New Yoik Items. Juue 25 d2w companies, all it;’’ May 30. dtf thrown otbors ouo side and soil the Duplex and church auu Fa.Unoi Falmouth, ut New Casco, to. hands and God! no said, “Aly you don’t tell me New Yobk, June 28. other kind, a-- thev Bay a greater projit and give TO LET ! tho Ubo ot their minister ana hl» buccossors m over, mo hi this time Alias better MEDICAL ELECTRICITY Surratt, Miss Jenkins Alexander Bernard, the villain who commit- Board at the Seaside. satisfaction. All sizes aud sty.es constantly In New Canal National Dank Middle by the proprietors of Falmouth, January twenty- and Mrs. were In stock. Building, St., seventeen hundred and the lfitspatrick not in the narlor, ted a rape on a girl four years and a half old, OOD Rooms aud g nteol Boaru furnished by the uue, seven:y-tour; ptu- One Store on ceods 0 such sale to be invested said trustees hut they afterwards appeared; after in was sentenced to twentv- ClIT subscriber at moderate charges. French Prints! the Lower by tor talking Brooklyn, to-day Story, use und DR. N. some Address the benctitof the ministers ot said FxrUti W. DEMING, time Anule Surratt wept aud said, “On, flve years in the State Prison. The 6biid died ROrEKT F. ^KILLINGS, OFFICES IN THE Till ICS STORY, and his successors lorevcr, according to the touor 01 Ala, all this will bring suspicion on our from the effects of the of the fiend. Poaku* island, house;’ butchery Caro of TnKrBxiiiL.v, Portland, Maine. ONE the original grunt. Medical Electrician J we were of Booth been Dennis was lOOO HALL IN FOUR TH STORY. speaking having there Demis, 75 yotrs old, arrested to- Juue 111 dOw WhoroiOiu they apply to you to issue your war- an hour before the murder, and Mrs. Surratt day in Brooklyn, charged with violating a lit- Apply at Canal National Bank, Middle St. rant calling i.aid meeting »or bald puipjees. and it 114 MIDDLE S18EKT, said, "Come what 1 think Booth was tle uino years old, and held for trial. This Is a first 10. dtl tho tiino au aioie*aid to either oi said mem- will, only girl JOB LOT Heal French Prints! class, Very lisuvy p’aln Collar, made _April plate \earlf Oppa»lte ike I vilee Stmts Heie an instrument to The annual of the Hoboken Yaoht ot white linoti bers and d r mm 10 the punish this proud aad licen- regatta OF pure stock, costing 10 j or c ut. mure ctingaud auihorizing notify tious d*d not see the mau foot- Club took The bouts started at anil warnin'od to ba finer, whi .or and sti than For Rent. y'-mbe.s of said eburcu and Finish thereoi cuord- he would announce to people;” whose place to-day. FOB unger to me mpertmiiy ■ In the third mg law. oi X heard iu the X was iu the din- five minutes 10 o’clock. The Couellia the stock used in any similar oliar. they are made story c. building on corner WHEREcitizen* Tor •.land and vicinity, that he l steps evening; past of and wou SPANISH LINEN! by the new process used only bv the Ne Plus Cl.rn OFFICESExchange Milk Streets. Enquire at ot- JOSJAH RICHARDS, permanent*} located in ibis cite the three ing lOuiu aud the windows were closed: I re- the first prize, having arrived at 2.30 P. M. ficooi Luring FOB 85cts. Per Yard.! Collar Company, beingMOLD D to term alpaca tor OCEAN INSURANCE CO, 1>AVU> U. YuUNti, year* we buve been in tli a c ly. we have cured ton e turned to my room and did not see Mrs. Sur- There were eight entries. Feb. 25. bAVlb tho cravat, turned on a lull curve line andean be tf Exchange Stj eet. WYa4X.N. oi the worst term* oi dtaease In persons who have ratt again till ot the at break- and morning 15th, Dusters Travelling Dresses. ltLV BUSED or worn eithar side out. Maue m all tried other loim* oi treat mem in vv u, >41 id curing last X told Mrs. To David U. ; Surratt 1 had suspected some- sixes and styles. Youwg: paiieuu in short a .in** that .he <;ui-*tion is oiicd Railroad TIlOmES, 8MARDON & CO In lance oi thing, and that 1 a as going to the Government Accident and Loro of Life. purs tliu above application which la e-aou, do they stay cured*/ To aut»wer ibm u speeihed, and you arc years, regular graduated physiclui. Q. Did you go to the Government aad railroad, ran off the i» to give track at C In mu ng, caused AStermlnoiiln consaquenee of the City id fm thtnd ncreb) authorized anu uirecie to notify ihv uitui- Electricity pcrleeity wl'ipled chroulc diseases inlormation? A. -:—-w-«^a»»«- ocib ot tue luriu ol nervous or sick Yes, sir. by the breaking of a rail. The engine, tender, THOMEsTsMAEDON&Oa, Building Loan boing a l.dlure, to sell Iheir entire said Church and Parish ol said unsung by ht-dac-Lc; ueuraui.a in Air. JOBBERS OF This Is well knowo as the standard enamelled stock f »r at a oi the head, or Bradley objected, and noted an objec- postal, baggage and smoking cars were thrown oi- twenty days gioatiy reduced prides, 1 posting up cerunod eop> this wan am aud ap- ueek, extremities; consumption when ler 01 tbe und e made bv IIIJ tut water am lor other ilireo week* •n the acute .Urge, or where the are tion. down an embankment a distance of trade, pa compelled reasons to sell my plication beuiio ho uiue ol meeting on lungs uci iiihy 20 or Double Faced Blaek Silks, s> used ibo acute or chrome tineproc solely Ne Pius Ultra Collar toe outer door of the o. luvo.ved, rheumatism >v uuess resumed. Mr. liollohaii was iu the 80 feet. The Figured by puncj|»al lueoting-hcuee v:iom!a hip engineer, fireman and one pas- tl e on v motbod oi white au«l be JVOOEEJVS, Company, being by which a perfect Children’s ouiluiug said Church and Parish, aiid iu one or di*anies, swelling., splual disoMe.-, cuivuttus house, weut with uio and told all he senger were killed. The cars AND enamelled see, the deal to mar cml Burlington, Vt, evening the l'Jth, stopped Chapters, Kcsmy, Archibald, TUley Francis O. Tliumee. Juifriraetf Geo. H. Smardon. at at lins, May 17—eodSrn the nuibiod lorin to move upright: the blemikbes ol the American Hotel; registered a taise WHOLESALE AGENTS: f »uth are obliterated; the AixiliEXis ot lusdute hie name; hie ussuaed name was Leave ha* been tho C. SIMONS TUton db Thompson; left granted by government K. Babb’s, 9 Clapps BROS. & CO., No 8 Otis at. Bootou McJh'arland, prevented; the calami tie- 01 olu atte obviated and an on the of the to Thomas Boruett of Block, morning anti and went to Mon- Clifton, giving him the Hew to active circulation maintained Goods, Something New! Dealie call the attention to the tact that more than treal; from Montreal went to and re- exclusive right to the and Cheap. COSiCSRESS STREET. BENNETT, STRICKLAND & FELLOWS, Quebec stairway pathway LA U I K » turn- reached to Falls. To je2Mlwteodtf 39 Paper and Envelopes, beautifully d; Washington on the was leading Niagara prevent extor- at 300 Barclay s rect, Kevr Vorks stamped 4 O 29t!i; opened Congress St. a lot of White In colors or wirn n w and Lave cold hum., anu at -M: a. Surratt’s house on thu tion the rates to be are to be NOTE plain, elegant style Who wet; weak stomachs, lam- Kith, and Payne, charged regulated JUSTMarFeii.es, Linen Colored ALEXANDER cut for this Booth aud the lease. Napkin* Doylies, BUSH & CO., 314 Market st., type, expressly purpose. Of their Safes gave AMPLE PROTECTION in the aud weak backx; nervous and sick headache, uuii- Surratt cam e into my loom at li P. by Doyliow, Linen B racked and Iris Diaper, Crash, Brown paper is put up in Faney Boxes, nicely ar- late tire. Parlies desiring a neas and swimming in the head, wub indigestion nod M.; Surra:t cume in first and had Sh«i Linen Shirt a hue stock Paints! Paints I Paints! Pki.udclpbia. his pants ling, Bosomft, of Linen ranged for use. constipation ol the bowel*; pain in the bide and back; tucked iu his The Murder Table Ddina>k tbe IIODQES 23 Hanover hoots, aud seemed much excited Trial nt Lewiston. by yard. Louies and tienU Hose, BROTHERS, 8t, BAILEY Sc NO YKS, FIRST RATE leucorrbma, (or whites); tailing of the woiuh with in- and uad a four Iidkik, Parasols, Uiubullas, &c.. &c. For sale SAFE, barreled pistol; Surratt rais.-d Baltiuerts New Portland ternal cancers, tumor*, bolvnus, and all tint h>ug Lewistojj, June 28. very call and see. W. Block, Exchange Street, his urms and said tn an excited V cheap, P. PHILLIPS St CO. June 21. ood‘lw At a MODERATE will call on train of diseases will lind in a sure uieuu* way, “my hopes emll, the prisoner on trial for murder in Juno 21-Uti. THOMES, SHARDEN & CO., P«rliuu«l PRICE, please [ Liectrlclty are gone, my are 1 EMERY «Jfc WATERHOUSE, of cure. Pur palniul luen.-iruation, too ^.jtnso prospects blighted,and want Auburn, was put on the stand this Are now ready to offer to tlie trade and con^umeia, June 17-MonWed&Sat 13t can’t forenoon, Middle Sued,Portland. I menstruation, and all oi those long line oi troubles something tod.., you get me a clerk- and testified that he went to boil at 10 o’clock the best was with young Ladies, Llectrlcit) is a certain speettu*, be excited, aud I told him not to on COW Or at I ship,’’ he the night of the and did not rise MILKER! Maine Central U, R. HO fladlftsry Street, Baston. and In • short ttn.e, restore the suflerer to the toolisli; came iu murder, will, Payne next, dressed In gray until tlie usual time Boots and Shoes! ! oi health clothes and next morning. He swore Pure White Lead ! Kf’Seconrt-liand Safes taken in exchange for sale. vigor wearing pistols; Booth came in that he knew third and was squarely nothing about the mur- TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS! Fare Reduced Parties desiring Sanborn's Steam improvement at- TEETH 1 TEETH I I dressed in aud had a One-Hail' to and TENTH black, rid- der. He was cross-examined over two LIXSEED OIL, VARXISUES! AT RETAIL. tached to Ti ton «& M Farland*.- Satbi, can wider 01 whip in his hours, From all 8tnlion« on this line Dr. D. still continues to Extract Teeth FIFO ing hands; Booth walked a out, and sustained himself during Emery, Waterhouso & Co. i>) and at hist did fairly. The delenos most Important and valuable Invention of tlse rmciTY wiruoOT fain. Persons not uotio- ine; Payne, Booth this aiteruoon and oil materials used fur painting, NO. 8 the week ending Jane ill, Jan 10— exisiw in each moaadv remainder of time. having decayed and Surratt then introduced witnesses to an al- THEnineteenth century, EXCHANGE STREET. teeth or stumps they wish to huve removed fo- reset- weut to Payne’s room in the alibi. leged AT f- at station ting he would give a polite Invitation to call. atiic, aud utter about half uu THE VERY LOU EMT PRICES. ______r«w*) Persons can purchase any hour the tlicee THE of Portland. Llkci uu Magnetic Ma.mines lor sa altar AMIEIOAN 00W MILKEE ! ^ffijgOTggiEoii this linen ticket to any other station City Superior leltjSu.ratt wards told me that Our Simon Lead or with instru- tioua. Payne From California* A sure pure is the very best in the on tue line and ieceive a return tlcke^ which will be the Council b their order pass- family use, thorough and Booth went to New cure tor aebiuz bands and eowa. thing City York; all three were kicking By market, as it is ground on for us. No other eu June diieeel mi tie on Dr. D *an accommo«laio * «w with board 8an tbi» ni in bine cows are purpose J. & C. J. good tor any train during ilie week but nut alter WHEREAS 21th, 1J>U., the Com patients __ milked much Mrs, Surratt Francisco, June 28. | .erectly dry in from house has BARBOUR, end treatment at his bouse. excited; liked Booth and two to three this brand. We have other brands at low- that. Laying o t New Streets, to widen Park street bv con- him l>ark lrom Honolulu minutes, and it bus prov. er M •called her pet; she ou one Cambridge, June 5tb, n, by practi- prices, and warrant them all to satisfaction. mule additions to their stock have tinuing the south-west hue ol said h.reel Oftre hours from 9 o'clock A. to 13 M.; irom said, occasion arrived ere, 1° be more to tneeow than give large je^U2» EDWIN NOYES, Supt. above'Yurk, that ho staid in to-day. c'd. agreeable hand now in store a assortment ot York io # P. M sud 7 to 9 on the eighth day an absence iif ircni wt Bv Mr. What meat a had of illiainshurg, abuucting a girl named capitalists to thinking. Territory Is Suitable for ihirfy-iour years Bradley. you Uockla lust secured of July, 1867, at our o'clock in tne after- the Miller. He leit on the Golden Citv in being b\ sagacious business who received at 300 a larae lot AFTERb.nb place. years ngofiom last Apr •, knowing hand-writing? Witness. 1 have men, ANNUAL MEETING. Congress street, at the corner of Park Vo. k street*, Forty-two of an are a solid noon, and while a with Charles father ol the seen Booth and charge officer. laying foundation torsucces (Jail and of t-ilver Plaot Ware, of the host styles aud partner Frost, write, have his aud examine lor Men, Women, Misses. Boys and JUST and w ill then and there to determine ami 1 autograph, Legal tenders 731-4. yourselves, office 18} Market Street, from me best Manufactories in the Country. proceed pieaent Charles It. & LutLo. E. Frost ol this city, have received a aud 1 know Annual meeting of tliePlumer Patent Last quality, adjudge whether tho public convenience said ou telegram, Booth’s (formerly Lime). Childrens Wear, Also a stock of fineTal lo for sale at a requires we move i the old F*r«t ia isb Alteuugl.mise, JuuclUeodlw* THEBoot and Shoe will be held in Port- Cutlery, street or to be laid ont. handwriting. Company, £oo-l way •-undress street, scveuiceit tect towards Chestnut st, at tlieotiice of To which they invite the attention of their friends great discount lroin usual prices. Given under w itness was land, our hands on this twenty-fourth dsy and back sj as to make lOvUi >or the Slone Chur. li allowed to as to the From New Orleans. and tne if. testify Ft E M ItKcawra. A. & E. 91. Mo. 1G Free St public generally. 8TEV Ar CO , 300 Ceufiretm of Juue, A. D., 1867. lot. 'i be handwriting, and said it was OVAL.! Rsud, , which now viands upon the society occupied Booth’s. New June 21-dtt ArG. E. was Mr. June 28. JOHN BARBOUR. 0. R. BARBOUR. Stkvkxh, the old house one ar after we lnond it, this Bradley noted an exception. The Obleans, J. BARBOUR. R. y. The rumor is current here that Geu Sheri- AunuosE Giddinos, .ho time to. k iOi.nishup ibe new houic. At that telegram is as follows: B. F. May 25-eod 3m CiiAt li> M. dan is to be relieved HMIIH & the 9 th of next, Sealed Rick, time ll w as called a greut under aking to move a March by Geu. Itousseau. In CO., Tuesday, day July Proposals “Wdthini/lon, 13—To Mr. Jot. e. 1 ••techie f cm tie leli deck McLaufliu, cousequeuce of this rumor the Times this af- At 10 o'clock A. M. Je27(ltil* be roc e! ed by the undersigned until July Bbadlord, meeCngkou vp, by Lxeter street, Baltimore:—Don’t Elias Chasc, urcbusc tall, We eked Into Corai css you fear to ternoon contains a C O OB E RaTgTe 186?. for the proposed Iterations in Me (he use of'a pi neglect your eulogistic biography of the PHOTOGRAPHERS! WILL3rd, W. P. Fills, 1 he excitement was giea at lhe time; there business. V ou had better tomc- latter General. will chanica’Hall. 1*1 ns anil Specifications may be seen Street. at once. I sell on favorable terms as to Committee on oui New Streets. to be twooi three ikons md us pxes- Have removed trom No. 1 Market at the othce of C. P. Kimball Preble and T. J. Laying was Judged pert Booth." Square NOTICE.payment, or let for a term of years, the lots on subscriber taken the Shop st., June 26. lw where they have been lo- having Cooper’s Union street. 0111. ,i, exhibited directed to temporarily the eoraer ol Middle and Franklin strectr. and on THE occupied bv Mr W. *. at the Sparrow, l ave le,2PftnVwas IVaibiBglou Correspondence. taiedto tl.eir formerly Phllbrook, Wonderfnl changes and ducoverie* taken P y’ a,ld franklin the corner of franklin and foot ot C. P. KIMBALL, dlltcd March 27,18W5, as street, including Plum, between Fore and Commercial street*, aim e tit t time,and among the last is a mastic to follows New fore B. 2ud, place Yoke, June 28. streets. to WM. HILLIARD, Banger, is prepared to on ihe bu iness in all its LAUABEE, LECTURES. ri ol a I New and Apply carry depart- take the place of sh.ugh s,upon on,or ciaphoari “Get word to and he Commercial's a spacious Rooms or SMITH & ULlvD Portland. ments. A share of the is TUcMAS CUMMINGS. Tom, coTOU with or wltli- special says proposition Attorneys. iyl2tl public patronage solicited. upon the wails of buildings, which 1 now ffei to he will be made in to WILLIAM D. June 23-dtjy3 u .d »l V''e9ailtbat Congress repeal the Milita- No. 152 STROUT. EW course of Lecture, do liver public. It Is an Elastic Fire J'rool Cement, the bill Middle Street, 1867. Museum will be sent dav Wt'thidae',d‘lJ'Tw*'■ J 1LKB1 ry and throw the whole reconstruction executor’s Sale. Portland, June 26, dim ANNow York of Auatomv, ground work of which is stone, and which by uxnos- aa/v. *, Booth Corner oi OF PORTLAND. “e “ Witness also J over to the Cross, CITY to parlies unable to attend tlieu.; th«v u. e to the weather, in time, hardens Into Hope with recognize this as hi Booth** question long session. Influential stock of in No 3 Clapp's New Block or How to Which have been fit tod » p lor the PlIOTO- Millinery Tue&subek'h Office, June 21,18«7. Importance to all; the subject- coo.o'loe out Inking its tlas it can be lm sL«d up to take handwriting. members tavor it. expressly THEis now ottered ter sale at two thousand dollars J. A. FEND EIt & Aletu.ltv eml icily; li and are second ON, is to le* real Live? unit what to live for? Youih, the ibr with the flu sh oi first class A letter was BUSINESS, to none lu ($2,000) less than cost. It must he sold hereby given par1 owning place any exhibited wbisli witness New and far immediately 18oti Old Manhood reviewed. or lh« tieat- witlbeauty less recog- England, superior to any in this vicin- to c ose the estate ot the late H. W. Kobiusou. Wholesale Dealer in NOTICEestate, on which the taxes tor the vear re- A-e, Ktncra'.ly budding; cost than sh iiglcsapd will t&st a nized as liis own and as a lor the lucut and of Flatulency uwd Ner- handwriting, letter From ity convenience and accommodation ot cus- June 28. dtf main that the time required by tile statute cure India, s'ton, life time. A sample of this Ajasuc, which 1 as been he wrote for Mrs. Wuiifliingtoii. tomers. Portland, unpaid, considered Surratt while at SurraUs- Our personal aitention will be to ev- to the advertisement lor having ex- vous d scares, Fbifosepdcmly to the weather three rs can bo t-eeu at given previous sale, Marriace *>“ exposed jo ville uu April H, above referred Mrs. Washinoton, June 28. ery Picture, and we ass re our former and Domestic such estates will be advertised for U etc. Those N<> **§ 8i. Lawrence >tr« et, one at to; Sur- T* patrons and Foreign Fruit, pired, sale, imports,wl my home, by any the on .taint*. by addressing- Secretary, ratt directed uic to sign tier name to it. and I wife of President Juarez left for New public generally that we intend to do a sui»erior Rooms and Board. such taxes are not pal 1 previous to July 1st. roceint ol fjur nay time. This Masilc is the result of live years’»e- clasa ot New of and Sc cuce. did so. The letter was uneitiki en routo fur work, and we satisfaction In and two entitle on Funoy Groceries, HENltY P. LORD, Treasurer. York Museum Anatomy p stand uj>on its own menu.— admitted in evidence. home, to-day. guarantee everyJ GENTLEMAN wile, and f Vork- riminungabdw.il case. «1S Broadway. -Se'v awoiti us to with the I am It was a business revenue amouut- A can obtain pleasant furnished rooms and board Sweet Pure June 21 ed jyl Feeling keep up times. simply letter to mon- re*eil’ts Onions, Potatoes, Cheese, Pickles, Spi- ___ relating ed to to-day The public are invited to call and Mav 31. to contract t build kind ol that ey transactions with Mr. SMSiS1 examine speci- by *i’l»lyi» g atNo33 Danlortli st. je28dlw ces, Fancy Soaps, Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery, rcaJy any buildings Arthur. T.T&SSm*__ to ic to Mr. mens of Nuts, Dates, Prunes, Fruit Baxkets, &c. Seminary Notice. the public may want, or supply tti*•> Mas any Pierrepout proposed to put in evidence ri'illf* ItlcKay Mewlu| Macbiac tlie only building already erected or In c ntemplation. Trustees o Wiatbraoli are all the contents ol Booth’s some MUrcll»uc.u> Porcelains, For Lease. ISo. 9 Exchsuge Street, I'orlluuU. Seminary hereby machine in existence which a sewed bool or tvnxiA.n A. Nine. diary, except will be I. by A new valuable lot 01 land corner ot Mldille and notdied that their Annual Meeting li* Id to all kinds, add photographs which they did not w sh to in aud Beautiful Piotubi, made only by ua fpHE May 24-ood&wtf THE alio© can l»« made. Adapted styles Portland, June 24, ltk>7. joUSoodlw* put ti,» r u Omaha, Juno 28. u in a 01 on 2d. at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, with unless the counsel for the defence .ine l. S. Conimtssioiw In tills city. I. 1*1 1. Streets. lor term years. Enquire Tuesday, July sizes oi l>oot* and shoes. 200 pairs can be made insisted up- UJV el AT at the Building, in Westbrook, for the houis. on additional miles Kip-Particular uttentlor to C. C. MITCHELL SON, Seminary ease l»y oue u*nn. with oue machine, iu ten it. Booth’s was of lint l paid leaflet. — diary and wit- 1 1110 K *, re. i;« Koru transaoi ion or t lie following business: mar- Seizure of Goods. exhibited, IiBlslicd in luula v aim Aug. ldOi-illi Street. C. WINSHIP cC co. These shoe* ake of allot hers (n the ness Identified the road, making 285 miles to Photographs Ink, if Water olll ors lor precedence handwriting as J. AVilkes dau°" lsi—For the choice of the ensuing y*'ar- are made at the oust v/ describ- No lurther Color, by the best \ilia's. of ket, and substantially lag- Is hereby given that the followiug Booth’s. trouble is Are to do all kinds o! 2d—T fill vacancies that may occur In the Board Ma- on anticipate! May 15,18ti7. May 15. eort Slu Quilts! Quilts! prepared ging. In use by all ti e loaning manufacturers. NOTICEed goods were seized et this port, the Ki>ON McKi Y, t> Bath they' should all he The card of to the Coirmi'“’blA''SCMarkU. S. Court to Marseilles Also Scotch apply Agent, st Portland, schooner ‘‘Kate proved. spoken Dowmg be tried Said Farm is about hall a mile Quilts. Lancaster, Bridal, At short notice in the best manner. All orders Grounds. Vass. lft. dtn June 7, 18€T. t«lied Mr. Dawson as in fo^^ and for sale at the lowest be taken in ref- street. Bosh>ii(* Apl her tackle, and by having fallen from Booth’s jury registration against the from Fieeport Corner ana De- Honey-comb Quilts, very promptly alten. ed to. 4tli To see what measures shall Brown, ©t Thomasion, apiaicl Vest provision-,^ ccs. seizeu at Portiaiul, <-C0 t Igors. pocket ill the National Hotel the Alexandria Constitution. pot ; is in good order and well divid- pr JeJildtf erence to the erection ol ‘*IKr*-y furniture. June 7, baggage lelt at No. corner ot Green •Jab’’ Jeweler. the sam aie re- room was now shown to ed. Cals aoout tons bus J3T*0rders can be 1, 6th—To take Into consideration the o-tabllshmeiit OTitnufaerurinsr Any i-ereon or person* claiming witness and recog- twenty hay; ! such chiim within wta- June 28. * »ud or No. 5 Plum street. any oilier busi- RUUVKft. manufacturer of to appear and make nized as iu bureau's hand TT u Savannah, Ga., largo Orchard o1 good fruit, and Just Received, Congres-' streets, of the Protess rship, a-*d totransact every drs-rlp- uuested writing. It bore the L.o. Fitch in 18. at said meet- tlio uate hereof. Otherwise the said Attorney answer to a letter A'k use. The house is two May eod3m# ness that come before them Wm lion of Jo.vclrv, established himself at iv da• * ironi loll owing wards: “J. Harrison »n«r*nj lamily storied LARUE lot ot ltain Water Filterers and Water may legally C1 hating w ith the Aue Surratt—I tried addressed to hiui,has 335 is uow to makeiui*'- w 11 be disposed ot in uccuraame to leave expressed the ‘VIUtt*ued aud convmieut, with ell, wood-house, Coolers. aJso on loo 1Ul!' Congicss Street, preiuued cootl* get hut could not succeed." opinion A hand Refrigerators and iu sucu case made and provided. that the President's restores bai u all in hI Notice. GRENVILLE 51. STEVENS, tliiu-j in the lino. Persons iinitialling their owu a,0i Congri* sa Iu answer to a pardon the indi- 'rw-i.sf*'1 hirge attached, go repair.— Chests of all sizes. F. & C. B. NASH. Special gold WASHBURN Jr. viestiou by Mr. vidual to all «evor wells of water and brick will sail for Hal- Board Trustees. cau hare their jewel* made to order. 1).amends and ISRAKL witness said lie Plerrepont, previous rights includin'' the falling May 7. dtf 174 Fore Street. » Steamship Carlotta Secretary Celle© tor, was iu 18 Pearls reset. Uair raided uuu mounted le the Lai- expertr detecting anti elective franohiso. i-1.mdill l.,-? h0UWJ l-teasautly situated, aud sui- uirect, trom Galt Whan, on Westbrook. June 18,18G7. Je-0dtJy2 comparing \ letter touud th,> ami oilier trees. eat styles. Jewelry, Iilbs, cauea, pipes, Ac., rejmirvd Portlau 1, June 15, lbCT. dlawttw Mr. handwriting. by Hadanath was aud witness said WUl ^ Boldlow‘ ^or f^rthcrparticu- For Sale. OBHH FRIDAY, June ‘JSlh, aud mounted. A large as.-'oruuent of cheap jewsky exhibited, larsiidross1 Ice Pitclicrs, rce Pitchers ! for sale. G. HELVES, UlTki lT UKi A KJNtil.NKKCKINO, “ SECOND HAND one hoi so “Kaiffen” Mower,, June 29th. as adver- th°U«h •«» »'««« THE MARKETS. lusiead of Saturday, previously lor sule ui Great No. 335 aireet. Messrs. ANDKRSON. BONNKLL 4 CO., have in OreiiniiiPAntihn c* WAITE, as good as new. ANDREW HAWES, Ilia best style, and quality jun^idtr Coiig.e-a AUi oudisguised band** epqair0 *t the Freeport* A tised. John POliTEOUS, Agent. made with Mr. an Architect At 12.10 Mr. ptoqtees. June2£kllw* Stroud water. OFBargains, at arrangement' bTKAl), Plerrepont announced that the Financial. JelOeodiw*_ June 2ti-dtd ilOO 1'onxrcaa HI. oi established leputalion, and will in future curry on was done Jcildtr French Yard. prosecution with the witness and the Brilliant 30 cts. per Architecture with their I usiue»s us Lngiueer*. Pur- * New June 26—G ~ 'sland Snlt. Court took a recess or hah an York, P. M. Silver Plated Castors. FOR SALE! this at A Co.**, 300 Con- lie- intending to build are Invited io call at tLsir hour ■ day Stevens There is more activity in money, to "LSutLS. Pol sale bee huu Bril- Louis J. owing specula- )(>()( III iock but live ale at 30 cts. tion' ami plans oi churche.', batiks, store*, block* ot and Mr. Salt, — for tncre being nothing ot 1 lie wide, Recalled, Plerrepont said he had some ly met at 5 @ 6 per cent, on call, and 'a> 7 cent, ueeoiumodaline terms THE operation; 1- C$ per A discount ol 21 cent, June 21. it a *1 lor the busi- O’DUROCHFR, Builder, is prepared to take J unu 10. dt f buildings, 4c. j letters which he omitted to show witness lor prime discounts. Gold closed at per allowed ior e isb Vessels dtt_ in the city, presents go opening and Exchaugo chartered lor New a with a will contract'* tor building, either by JOB or by be now desired to oilier them. A closed dull at 101)$ ($£ The stcauicr York, Boston. WmSdelphla eir- m ss. if not nold partnc small capital MU letter was cx 110$. to-morrow a. u aud southern to DAY WORK. Can furnish First Class workmen minted will take out some and silver ports free o For Sale. b# received. For terms apply Wear Tents. which witness as m gold bate, but very littlo ‘o Apply Cloth for Men’s and Boys’ recognized bur- CALVIN K J. H. WILLIAMS. and material of all description. of of all for sale at ntt a com. Governments uuiei and firm. There knoFS ca. large Lathe. to •« t. 4 PULL supply Terns, sizes, handwriting. It is dated wan a 17 Engine Apply Counsellor at Law. Residence AMERICAN HOUSE. off cUvmp at Mo OongreM Su Surrattsville, _ South St., New Voik. W. E. STEVENS & store Commercial Street, head of J*ov. ral y in the prices of Stocks at closing. Miri- ONE CO., India Portland. Hlricu. A Va.'a. A. WUlgery'g 12,1KU4. Another letter was shown aud Or JOHN H. lUCYNoLflS & end of Corner of Congress and Chestnut Sts, Portland. Street, SKI.LlNQ Wharf. Juiic2tkltt {;euoralng shares strong at the afternoon board. CO., Cape Elizabeth, sopth Vaughan Bridge. Juno 21. tlil juuela eodlai Turks Island. June 27-isefdtw June23-dlw# August 17th,18t>t> aug?0dtf ^cidc<0tl Wiorv. COPARTNERSHIP. BEAL ESTATE. fllLIilHANDJSJE. MOTELS. MEDICAL. **r e a ni:iM. f Ha U.ium iu. Till: R1IUY 1‘LOWKU. Dissolution oi Copartnership. FOR SALE. Flour, Flour, I'lour! Is A rjpHE firm of Bra (Urnry A Swett this day dh»- Delightful Summer Mott, Aii Invaluable Medicine FQB boston. Portland & Kennebec 1 solved b> mutual consent. brick No .’»« 700 BBLS. BFRTSCHVS UE.S'i. -FOK- R, R, v desirable iwo-storv hot'sc*, •• Du*- the tv was a Uitii whose name w is Vjfr^ -WO Hood Double Extra girl EKAI>BTKY, Pleasant containing 11 ilnislied looms;— Spring. Suturner she L. D. M. SWEAT. IftH'L si, lOOO r ii *: THi: Pl'RIFVINO OF TMK Ml.OOi*'. Arrangement! Nuiziutt-i Ci.iv tfh«* had a vt n kill’d heiftt, but jJUjLpiped Tor heated by furnace, with abuud- Extra Spiin^- Aivniagcuinn, .him* gas, All fresli and r reived faud for r’.tle ..ji child unload been rsO much Jj. 1m,,. je«7-d.;w ume oi haul Mater. Lot about 3*2 l»0 It. ground good, ju-t v\. only pelted uud »oli by bv HIM UU SPUING HOi Si: «I. W. Poluud'M The new and I>. UOZliK, a superior sea-uoinit /m o that the v like to become very •elfish. Too Terms liberal. Immediate I*»iiet$iQn given. through train* I No. bU Comiuert-ial " BKO0KS, an* Dally Utiessn lot ton, Portland Oi.sb.ololion ol ol JOHN C. PROCTER. Sticet, up stairs, Al West Bethel, in the beautiful and erriand 1... L« v mother lane nod liiut she had indulg- Copartnership. Inquire situated a ■ 'I \ MONTllI.Al,, been fitted the At muter. riuu 21. d2w ui the HUMOR DOCTOR. having and strove to re it the lui'- ia that the June 28-d3vv Valley .vmhoscoggin River, and on | at great evp^nae U her So much, pa cmcE hereby ylvtu copartnership the •■p.aatnJjUeitp with a ,arv„ exiiUiur botweeu Thomas J Skilliu and lim- or the Grand Trunk Is A Positive for ail Kinds of Humors, Br>l*i“rn,Ji,iunil. r or chiei and 1» make Clahi think oiother people’s >tI lately Railroad, Remedy beautiful state Koomc, under the name aim of Skil Horn, Horn, Horn. nuw open ibr company. Tula in a as follows: 1,uvc at ip. oi hot Willi .in 1 Suiidl, style lor deligbt- PARTICULAR I. Y will run the seabuu lM|,.Ara4fs M.ior and not solely own. On A Ueisirul'lc Ilesid*.nee $2,0410. lul summer jlujl all &tationo on this an9 aa» dissolved to mutual consent. BUSHELS Prime Velio* icaort, surieundcl by loRy line, for Lew*., a could be more little pti \4 \i \ mountains Dealing ’Atlantic Wharf, Portland, ton ana »:u;ions on the AmU sonic day nothing charming T. J. blvlLLiN. cottage, eight rooms; spring wuler* iJVXVJVJ iO,OOi> IJuAnla -Mixed Western and the umst romantic scenery', Kn»ih,f4alt ItheuuijSitref and India tacoggin Koad. AU. me in Wharf, Boston,ove’i day a ? o’clock, P. si Bangor and stations on Aluim.- Contial than Clara's way .She was gentle and oblig- WILLIAM T. SMALL. ,n kitchen; all good order. A line garden, just received and tor sale t>\* ationUiig wrdks and drives un ijuade t in New Fng- (ann- road. V^ICAT iila, Carbuncles, Boils and Files. uals Port laud ior Bath aud all and made one .June tet>7. | fi uit dees; also ;i g.>od stable on the premises. Und, and il»4- streams abound in troui. A beautiful oncepled.) Augustas* &.15 p M in', und sang day long, every Cape Lticabeih, ft, DAVID AvfcAZER, ■1 mUu oie due at I rbe lot is beautifully situated and contains over (,2oO lorest of woods sutrouml 11:.- am! on It is very easy to say of this, or any other medicine j Cabin fare,. Portlauu ut «.S3 A. Maud ‘i 30 who came near her happy by lw-r agreeable No Bo Commercial street, up stalr= l*ou>e, ti»cprem- & i ,0 P. -d. feet. l'h»s. Is situated on ises ara the reiebi Jie«l boot known. It is uoi and 6.'Li Then adorned her I have this mourned all debts and demand• -qa%it property Congress Portland, June 19,1567. je30d2w “Mineral si prints,” which “It is the very Remedy Dock, l.oo maimer. everybody her,and day •irect well Known tor it. It llie thr u^a Trrnn with the Driu of .iLiiliii A near, West End Chapel. Terms easy. Apply are theirmnm eitecu vecurcs. Abun- always so easy to prove is, however, exceeding- freight paisenger car at and aunt were sure that she wus cured ayuin uaui Small, and »L*d Freight taienas usual. leaves Portland lor mother within ten to GEO. E. DA V IS ife Cu.. dant evidence of (he of water caa to the Proprietor of this medicine, that, t;n-Led, czkowhegan morn •jviidiiue the idull OtLyAiity and Dry Goovii bu*h*e*»d days Flour peculiar efficacy the ly gratifying L «v*rv3 a“ oi her itfsh the next Dealers In Real and Corn Meal. oe from to tne that this Is a most BIDDINGS, Agent. '“gat 7 o.c’ock p. disposition.*. Hut, very c 1 Estate, No. 1 Merton block. shown, -everal ami while l>e declares public a* licit r ohu J SKIUA* assaylsi mauy pr>inli- June 14, leOI-dU An oil her were June 27-dlw < F SACKS Call! nnia ne m bur.e. itourists d wondert.ii effective specific tor Humors, as stated Express Train leaves «Jtllv at 4 w day, charming ways exchanged. Juue v, ifcb7. j«7d3w " Flour, nhysh Families^ ai invalid5? and Augusta p Cape Elual-etb, his ™ lit Shi carried u moody nice. She was no longer £3TArgus copy. J /V/V / I JO iibls, old dry coin meal, DUita | seekingneaifh ami theI'defraWvs 4.1 ref ran e n* in the above, ho has abundant proof at Laud to sustain liosiou, COUlltUtll.g io, CitUid will, fc?sn/uu •• 7 came near her hie i*»r 4‘ounlry, will tind the lioti'H*” a stamm (‘at. at ‘'■'i'001- al,d in courteous, and every one who Dissolution ! shipping. spring quiet,chain For the uriiviug of Copartutn'sfiij> For sale IPIf AM Ar ADA uu*l desirable For sixteen the Humor Doctor lias been Islands! ufffp'jj11'1”* felt tin* chill of her manner, uaif uu east wind A Fine Residence on Cedar Street by MS, hoiim, Transient ainl permanent years dune18-rt2w lloadCentral Whan. boarders solicited.' nio and has increased tui* r ,u“ 10 summer *lWms if-rnte. Gnrrfages vvi'l maiiuiaciurod'uiui sold, every year U,wtat0«. were with her breath. One rrUTE under the amount ol its ii u keudt"m V\,T„by WateniU#, blowing coj artnershlp heretofore **^u*r for Sale. beat West Bethel Depot 4,11 the at rival ui the cats, tins value of Its reputation, ana the t "> ,!ed ,u th stun fur at noni- passengers , MuirulMiiT .Matna to kef room. The moon was its full, and d.tv disced\ ed bv mutual on*eu1, Tysons fourteen rooms, hard and soft water, ce- i *»OHN reinedv for humors i>. so An eminent STEAMER GAZELEE fcr . e oo to gas. /\A CASKS IIighFalla RosenduleCement, KINGSBURY, Proprietor. highly prized. ,,UH, 10,“. such floods us' blits a.Minst the linn, are reqnmodI present meuted all iu in through the window iu that t*~h- cellar, good repair. Lot 40 by lor sale bv •I unc 'SI. etllRv physician (now an army surgeon) when practicing *1U«,i{? poured tor those Indebted will please call WL JLv/V/ Will commence tier to chute tt'koto ‘,“- heeded no other Clara sat down them payment, and Oas fixtures go with the house. Terms easy.— nt. Now Hampshire, purchased between UK) und sixty tri|*» toKtSli?; r’A ’Xci’ »*« “k- tho light, by x. imrLLbi:, | lugth. cara oo Skew begun, Me l lur China. Past a si An old aTL feet, ith one-half acre of land and more If want- 4.500 \\ kite Caves, has been recently with reference the Humor Doctor was well known and and sit',1, 1V*ku range thing happened. man, very u ill keep constantly uu hand hulU, special particular!) Burnham* Wharf for Peaks’ Island at 9 aud A. but.,' at. assui- on of I AO Floin. 10$ \H-aathuro'; tori’nity a, i-'" camo und iu his basket which ed, situated eastern end Cbebcaguo Island.— BarreU lilauclieiter to the wants of the p eamre-i public. It valued for the numerous and womlcrUd cures 2 and P. M. * *d* 1 feeble, in, hi* “ raveling nighlv M., and 3$ sud tor Causun ut Piston’s i1 ri “YliVa, Enquire of CHARLES SAWYER, 15 Kye Float. contains fifty spacious, we.l ventilated and neatlv which it effected. Though manufactured in iurgc ! y. seemed able to bear, was a handful of Ret li ning leave rushing’* Island ior Portland at H A I < hardly JPIAJNTO FOitTES junc24dlw* No. 123 Commercial Street. 500 Bu»b«h Out* furnished ro nus, nom all of winch views oi ! the was frequently exhausted, and il, Su|M'| illft-aa •flowers, and two great stones. He came to grand quantities, supply 9.15 A.M. and 2.45P. M. Augusta, Juno 10 IS.,7. tioui the BEST them Schooner FrancF from Baltimore, mountain scenery inwv Iw bad. No pains w ill he purchasers had to wait for more to be made. In that Jttutlo.lUjuueiVV’ | MANUFACTORIES, among Cargo Adams," Leave Cushing's Island, touching at Peak*’ Island, Star and c« Clara and said, ‘.\ly daughter, will you help soared to make this a favorite resort for some very severe case* of were tr Arguj py. the A Good 1 1-2 now landing and lor sale by tourists and region Erysipelas at 11.15 A. AI. and 5.15 P. M. am too old to carry this load; please | Story Hou-e, seekers. P&riicului uiteuiiou will bo treated were cured! sores, I me,Tor j CllASE BROTHERS, pleasure paid with—and they Erysipelas Tickets dow n aud back 25 cts. Children 15 cts. Then Clara at him For Sa' to or thoae were entire- make It fighter?* looked ! Celebrated juneTdtr Head Lung Whan. totporUanen; and conveyance the lakes, and all cai bunclea. ugly, painful ulcers, dune 11. dti RORThANo Then he instrument, was _ _ with pouting, and &aul, *(Jo a way-* Steinway rooms, places of Interest will no furnished on reasonable ly removed wherever lids medicine faithfully | not which he ran sell at the mauuluctuiKi’a brick &c. Price only $1700. Horses and cart and to So it was with Scrofula ami Salt Rheum. Ti e said,‘1 an* poor and sullering. M ill you cistern, terras. luges saddle-horses used. Apply to W. H. JEBR1S. Je2Gd3w* let. A Saloon ix connected with the Humor Doctor cured them. PORTLAND AND NhWfOhk SACO & my load?' Then Clara condescended to LOWEST HKICE8. good Bowling PORTSHOU ill 0. R. lighten Coal aud Wood! house. For the sake of showing what is thought of it, a STKaMSHII* I'Mll'AM to take the flowers out of the basket. Thej a aKsotiinenfot ORGANS and MEI.ODE- A carriage will 7»e in constant attendance to con- tew testimonials are here inserted: SU1IMER were and ^he laid them in her Also, good For Sale, ARRANGEMENT. very beautiful, ONS. OLD PIANOS taken In otter and deliver to all pHtvhasrs wanting vey guests of'the hou.e from and to the depot, ou itliltou Bo»tou. Cvaucuiluji Mouiluy, exchange. HOUSE lust on Lluooin CSule, I.sq., SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. April »3ihi lsu» lap. finished, Street, WEeither hu ge or small lots, Cargoes oi" Fresh the arrival and departure of passenger trains. between Franklin and Wilniot Streets. 1 that 1 was afflicted with i'a»“n^<‘r Train, loar. i'iio old man said : W Order* lor tuning aud repairing i»rotuptly At- ANEW Apply Mined OTt ransleni and permanent boarders -ollcKod. hereby certify sorely Portland r,o to SMITH & Boils for iwo themselves upou my “‘Mv have not lightened my tended to. FICKETT, June lfi-dlw years, developing The splendid and fast Steam* l'- W‘“» daughter, you on lied White and lUnba and other of The sufferings the WM. G. TMOMBLV. June24dlw the premises. Lehigh, Ash, Ash, part* my body. ■Idpa DIlUl.O, t’apt. 11. SUCK* have'only taken pleasant are basket—you November 26,1666. dtf which 1 endured from them indescribable. Sul- wuoin and FRANCONIA, Capt. A- SI-«J «• out ot it and left the heavy Cumberland or Smith’s Coal, most t-iiugu heavy, WALKER HOUSE liee it to sav that 1 faithfully tried several of the W. W. miluwood, will, unii* lift one of them out of the Valuable Real Estate for Sale. the AAlh.HAMr.su <1 ladoiikh’s sioucs. Oh, please all the favorite which we popular luimor remedies, but without removing further run as follows: Train will Imvi Embracing descriptions IE. notice, u late the residence ot Mrs. 1*0 III LAND, II At the earnest of an Galt’s W liktiiriKi daily, Sundays excepted t 0 A aj basket!' Dwelling House, wurraut pure as any mined, and will sell at lowest | affliction. length, by request Leave hurt, Portland, aveiy WEDNES- ! ’’ Mn»1 with the land connected with was induced to Dr. J. W. Po- Saco tu »i O*, arriving' lu •*» Hand ut o. in. "Then Clara was angry and said: THELucy McLellau, market rotes. Intimate friend, I try DAY und SATLTtDAY, at 4 P. M.,and leave P1m j FUMITVEG ! lie same, situated on the corner o! Dantorth and Boston and St. John, Ban- I land’s Humor Doctor, and am very happy to attest 3h Lasi New York, \V i Kvtturnlug, v»iil leave A’onuud lui .Swcoaud "No you gone—1 will not touch those Also best qualities of Opposite Depot Ulver, every Li)NLSDAY and Bid- get Park streets, is offered for sale. awl Machiai Steamboat that all Boils were removed, and my neaUh was SATURDAY, at 1 o’clock P. al. Jeiord Aiiu xuiermediat iiuLious ui t>.lul*. Ji. stones.’ gui Lancing. my dirty This lot is 14*5 Seet on Danforth Street and 150 foot and SOFT WOOD. restored by using Dr. Poland s at'ore-aiu medicine. Thttc vessel* are ut.vd with tine A fcpedu! ixej^ln train, miIIj l a-.itir cr rax had she said this than the old HARD up accoinmoiht* idlab- No sooner on Park street. The estate will be sold entire, or MILTON GALL tiou* tor this the e«J, will leave Tort land at V.lo a. Si (or One of Nova Scotia received. ■EEOPENED JUNE 1867, | passengers, making most s-peedy, f ‘aiJ» man to belore and became the house and vacant land on each w ill be cargo superior Just 1st, tfkldelord. and leave began chauge her, the street 1 Boston, January 11,1 sou. sale and comfortable rou'c for traveller* be tweet.’ ruictninj,', Bkldeturil at k-aB,°* after lenovatdd and new- and Bacoat #40A.ai. so bright and white, that lie looked like a col- THE UNDERSIGNED sold separate. HOGKRS A being thoroughly New Volk and Maine. Pa* age, in State Room The house Is In has thirteen DKERING, furnished FRANCIS umn of crystal. Then he took one of the good condition, room* ly throughout. % A. €. Wallace) U«q., Manchester, N. it. $0.00 Cabin passage $5.00. Meats extra. liliASf:, S. nt and Is well calculated for a 170 Commercial St., head Merrill's Wharf. The central location nt' the house and ts nearness to Goods this line to and ; Fordand, April li, lik>7. stones and 'threw it out of the window and it conveniently arranged, Du. J. W. Poland—-Dear Sir:—1 very cheerfully lorwarded by from Mol* apradti calls I he allcalisu af the or lor a one June 4d3m G. W. GREEN'S. the Railroad ots and Steamboat Wharves, reuder Respectfully private residence, boarding house, being Formerly Dei in favor of Humor Doctor as treat,Quebec, ttangoi, Bath, Augusta EastportanO hew, and tiew, and flew, and fell down on the It the most desirable of in the lor the travel- give my testimony your «r the most elegible situations in the city. any city ac- bt. doll a. eastern side of a where the sun shone Ciliwst af 1‘aiilaad a ad Monde.-, April jjn, A two and a halt' brick con- Lors, and attention will be to the corn- J. F. Pier 38 East Kiver. nidus will "And then the old man took the how story residence, rank, every given Munches ter, N. June 11, lsr4. AMES, WT*!^uirem, Wat.' Pci .land tot crystal 11., auu ail tabling tan rooms, good w ell and cistern vrat- ’MI IB 1I.VY BFCEIVKU tort, convenience aud pleasure of guests. May 2», 1865. dtl iUtugu. uAei uic.naie etulnm a tuts uia. erB out of her lap, and they were wet with -AND- cilia er. A very desirable location for parlies doing anj fur sale 11. and he shook them over her by ADAMS & PAT*!., Proprietors. iUm. Pitocr, Haver, %, moisture, head, busint s on Commercial Street. to DIBEOl \ma. *'"1A"|*“E&.S Apply £. L. O. ADAMS. jelltl W .CAUL. DovtiK, N. 1*., July 22,1855. U:*ot u.td said: GEO. B. DAVIS & G’EHIOX, BIERCE d CO., gar freight trains for Water CO., Dk. Puunu:-I received your letter Inquiring a* Hail Line vllle and all .uterine to a flower! Go and the in Beal No. 1 Morton Block. Street. diate stations, leave J-orflamt ai * "•Change standby WELL SELECTED Dealers Estate, No. 152 Commercial to the effects ot your medicine on sea-sickness. 1 Steaiaislii|» J5 a a, dlw I 'Irani iron) is due at stone, till your shadow shall bo marked upon June 22. [Argus copy. June 4~ tf. am to that l think it is “the medicine” for Langur Portland at 7 15 p ii happy say 111 Hcasou to. ui-iit. f witb tbs rock.’ ^SUMMER RETREAT, that dreadful sickness. 1 tried various prescriptions, Halilax, IN. H. tram ioi iiOftoii. ftoui Lewiston uml Aubui a * iii a was Real Estate for Sale. South of IVult'b EdauJ, but found none that settled the stomneu and cleared oi»lv,ai lg :\ ju second, Clara growing by tlic side Valuable Side The Steauiillip CAREOTTA, J, $7. Coal. $7. the head iiko the llumor Doctor. 1 left ns though 1 of a wide flat stone, and the moon cast the STOCK Dweliug Houses on Stale street—with Cheap W. Mu0une, -Muster, will sail for could wait to to entreat you to In- shadow ol a benutitul llower, with and good lot 70 tieet front and 135 net deep, HENRY M. Proprietor. hardly get ashore, Halil.*..*:, dimi, from Cult’s \Vhart, ! long i can now offer nice CHUESTNfJT C»AL BRACKETT, troduce it into ship chandlery stores, that it may slender stein the* rock. She was Apply to \ATE I upon very —OF— mTwo ▼ at delivered at of the tin. t Its wav to those who the V $7.00 per ton, any part tor Gen teal Board*. is—three miles from Pori- sufterupnn mighty deep and the dew came WM. H. JERRIS, Open KVERV wretched, and comforted Also lor sale at the lowest market trom sea-sickness. If who take their Inin* SATCBDAV, at 4 o'clock 1*. H. siftfltt TRUNK June 22-dlw* Real Estate Agent. city. puce, land, Me., within thirty r >«ls ot the ocean—with good captains ! iiSli.W»I and in the she could not wkh or as should trv it tor leave Ol * anurta. her, morning help i opportunities lor IT-hibg, 3* a Bat lung, unit Wider Hies them, carry * engers, Returnii^ Pryor’s WLaii, Halilax. looking at herseil m the brook, and that came Old Co. Leliigrli, Excursions. The steamer Gazelle leave Bui. hain’a once, they would never he willing to voyage without tor Portland, every Tuead rv at 4 o’clock P. M. A Good Lot for Sale Cabin close to the stone, and she saw bow beautiful Wharf, tout limes for the Inland. it. Passrtice, with Scute Room, $7 .Meals extra. SPRING Pearl street, between Congress and Cumber Portland, daily since its introduction For further ini rmation ARRANGEMENT. sue was. All her on LOAF June U0-d?m 1 have used it in my family apply to L. BILLINGS day shadow loll the rock, ! laud size about 38 1.0 leet, with cel- SUGAR LEHIGH, Gh and otter FURNITURE streets, by headache and hu- Atlantic or CBBtBBSflD ON to the public, fo* bilious habits, Whan, A'cndag, April lo.lWJ, and w hen the sun went away her shadow went lar all stone. This is a hue location lor a re.-kitnee. For Furnuces. dS*8»"^BPr Iranis will run as follow mors about my children, and have always iound it a JOHN POUTtOUS, Agent. too. All she threw a OF to W. H. JEURJS. _apnSUil away night pale shadow- CONSISTING Apply For and Cook Stoves, Joliu’s White sure cure. Train for South Paris anil Lewiston at 7 Under Lancaster Hall. Ranges "Ali'ttIjSTA \. &t on tne ock, and in the when the Juue2.’-dlw* l»«-d which arc Ifcee ol all TlbUSEV am lond name in Mali Train lor morning Ash, Diamond, A*h, I not of having my appear pub- Watervllte, Danger, Cerium i-ian J Inluud. Houte. moon went away tho siiadow went away too.— Impurities and very nice. Also Cumberland A lic, and would not consent to it on any other ac- Pond, Montreal and Quebec at 1. lo p ; For Sale. for use. STATE STREET, This tram And the rock lay suit all day and all and cargo just lauded, fresh mined, Blacksmith count but to relieve the suffering: but if the forego- connects wiUi Jsxpress tra il lor Toron- night Street, near South Street, about 5,000 to. aud did not care for the nor feel its P.4RLOK, Spring will be of any service to voti or the public, you Detroit Chicago. Sleeping cm* llower, shadow, leet of with a two house, for Foundry Use! ilE. ing attached noL, ON laud, together story Leuigh Lump, AUGUSTA, can make use ot it. Your«, To Mt. and Island Poud toQueoce andJioniical. and longed; but what could a ten- barn and located. For fur- Degert Machias. longed,and large garden. Centrally We keep constantly on hand a lull assortment oi Kl..o!,*..-7. shadow would stay upon the rock. JA€KSO> * 3w Proprietor. lor I used bo ties b foie commeidAl Apr!] .New I wo Story House for rale, PEKKISW, CO., been several mouths. eight rr train3 will run tu folio- “Xben she asked the wind to Street 302 Commercial, help her, and well the High Wliart, i felt safe to give it up entirely, but they cured me. train* leave Sato Liver ijT On Cushman Street, built, by day, of street Pu>»enger Portland at the wind blew the and blew- r FURNITURE loot High Harriet wheedle. Inside Steamboat 5.30 and 9.00 A. away spider's Wcu, ! less than two years ago. Containing twelve pr29dtt Line BL, and 3.40 P. M. J <»vePorHand so that its 5,1856. lor Saco hard theilower lay whole length up- M finished rooms. Pleasantly located on the Sunckam, Mass., July TO BANGOK. Kiver 7.1B A. B1 2.0 ami 6.13 P. M. on the but when me w ind left side. Good Convenient tor The 9 o'clock Lain trom Saco and roc*, her and Al l. ALLI suiiuy neighborhood. LUMBER, Rlvei, the 2 «|F DESCRIPTIONS UM be on o’clock Irani \* she rose up, there was no shadow there? two lamilies. Lo^ 38 by 6‘.*| feet. Will sold aud lie tail. THREE TRIPS PER WEEK. Portland, ill be freight irain* with pas- t Wholesale cars sue said— is favorable terms. Apply W. F. & senger attached. ‘And What beauty w ortfi, if it KEPT IN A l'lunk, Nliingli* aiMiSi .mtr.ngoI all tut!, Phillips Co., Jf!*be beautiful, staunch and swill William h. jerris, Steam Car, Accommodation Tiaiu.- Leave Gor- the side of a stone that does not oil hand. Reamer “Miiion Al- grows by leel I 25 dCw* Real Estate Agent. BOARJbs,constantly Geueral Agents for the State. iMurliu,” ham at 8 A. M. ami 2 P. 31. or care for it?' may material sawed to order. ~>■«**• t Wood, will make her it, Building Master, Leave Portland at 12.1*1 and 4 P M. I ISAAC OVER. HHHIbEBSB regular trips io Rail- hen she asked the dew to help her. And First-Class House. For *1,250 ! ! UETA1L AUKNTS. Bangui,leaving Mr Liar©i,ot*iiije3l at Gorham inr West No. Uuion Wbaxt. road What*, foot of State every dor^ani, the d«oo*.-,ar^, oebaifo. Bbb'ii corner of aud Free Liiz- Saturday Mornings, o’clock, contentedly in darkness. I put on my the High street. Cape nian S: Co.. Kdw. Mason, A. G. Schlotterbeck & Co., toiiehniy at Ilridgtou, Lovell. Hiram, Br.^ulieia, iriy*buf*;, beauty with five finished rooms and all Rockland, Camden, Belthst, Soarspori, only ro please other 1 let the sun closets, Tanada^late for Sale. Holiin* me through my l know it will HIS FACILITIES Cummings Returning .11 leave Bangor every Freedom, tirops, thohgh ter, and well finished, very plea.-antly located within A Monday, At Bu tton Center ior V,o i consume me.' ■4 Lest Canada Slates. Par- pi ‘j—1, eod Wednesday and at *ix oVW* k iiuai.-l, Loob. Eacia, thiee minutes’ walk of tiie ferry landing. Will be Squares quality Friday Morning, 8»ntn J.UU ties building on the Burnt District are en- This sieauicr will touch at ten.uii a Harbor Lm-.ngtOfi Liuxfai'3 a, Limer.ei, b .«wi»t:«•(. AI/ll’street and extending -id ft to Foie st, the .*uue hours daily, unit irom 8 A. M. to' It p. M. rock.' Ibcu the took lroin her meet with, a tuccofrs kuown to but few American In- ands of Ike venerable population of New England -Ur. For Reliable and Ticket* at young iady now by B. F. Noble & Lo. extra, II. atlilr-Mt* tliore who are sutt'e.-inr Invoksiatios, the occupied vein ions. has < under the • auu in a moment It recently been embu sed in an alee are sustained in health, their life prolonged, to u otvt ht call at the case a pencil, traced the Appl? to J. DROWNE, KAMI I-!', oy -i!lli- lion ot rival.: diseases, wlu tlu Iron Rales, report from theconiiolttee appointed by the i’orl- and old the use of J>r. Rich- arising shadow of the Commbiud upon the and Stutied Goods !! 1. tf 10 State Street. -VO. 1, vigorous Jiunp.v age. by Impure comuu tiou ot the lunlut vice ol nick, {All .May lund Marine Society.” ik the I. 1 low ardSou’s SHERRY-WINE RITTERS. sell-abuse Union and Grand Trunk Ticket consisting big Ilia entire ume lo that I Office, ween she had done aue reached her liana and UI.KIXK, well — UevolHij! particular raueb ot known gellthmeu flu* HERBS can be obtained and may the Before purclisxiu;' elsewhere. stem low down ami it Made either of House ou Pearl Street lOr Sale. separately, medical prolcHrtjun, he RjeJa warrant**! iu (irAJf* took the broke off'.— K!ii:.>ncAi,oi)ivie, 0. M. IhVVlS, bAMEf be in small in or witU a tlitee tuoried. genteel, modern butit CRAMS'S 1- l.J^UOAi’i:, prepared dpnntditv, water, AXTKn.su a Ci i:« in ai Cam whether of Otbi.f of»x^>she Prebk TTotise, under I.an. aster Hall. Then Clara h from her chair the sale, iTK.VT, JAOoiS Mill. JO. CllA> iJ. All w.-ie or Rrice GO cents s, long prang up by brick nine rooms with closets. CAST1 LAN, ASK, spirit. per package. dundiug or le. FOR house, containing SODA. AMI AMERICAN Cti, PiS'eKk 61 cully contracted, entire) \ removing rh« IK window, and mere stood her Lata and soil water iu Hanna. Office, Hanover Street, Boston, and sold bv or' disease U. Jt;L lX( UJ1. mother, saying: Piped for gas; plenty of the dregs from the system, and making a u*r- 0, Atjl. All Pure or Otherwise The and 12 eod<&«vjm May 30— you are! Come, Importing chemicals, using only by C. FAKULY, oi lu> long-standing and well-carnal reputation aud Lot on best material?, and aaouv are uninuiacturcd Ascni lor the Stale. sudicicnt hasten to bed/ All Goods Valuable House High goods BOBBINS' tariiHdng assurance of bis skill and su«- Lea will be Warranted under the oi our senior tess# Ac Perrins’ *ic was tor Sale. personal supervision partner, many days beiore Claia could Street, who has had in the No. 4, Exchange street, Eortlnnd. j#er- two bouse and Jot. No. S thirty years practical experience suade herself tuat she had dretunen story High street, ( «udoo u ik PeMic. UKLKHRATES only It as Recommended l the late Wm. Akerman hot business, we therefore assure the public with con- Also tor sale all kinds of Panacea. was months before she told THEthe residence of Vegetable many the tiream House cememed dence that we CAS and will tarnish the xVan tic nl Every intelligent ami thinking person must know about 10x120 feet. well arranged, Insb'uiuoBts. bat. iemedic* out to her mother. And when she did. her moth- mav 2 tf there 13 a in handed tor general use should kiv< Worcestershire AND £ellai, brisk cistern, together with ga. fixtures, fur- Panacea the world it is this picpa- nelr Sauce / er PRICES ARRANGED ACCORD- efficacy established hy well tested e in Said: abundance 01 hard and sott water. There is Best Goods at the Lowest Prices! IFration, it is sate and simple, particularly useful experiem PBO^OUSCED BY nace, the hands of a educated whose EXTRACT would all now on the with room as a convenient In sudden regularly ph\skian, *Ah, Clara, that girls might INGLE : a good stable premise., ample Having recently enlarged and erected NEW MI LLI r\ ER V. | family medicine, Colds, preparatory studies lit bun for all the ! and a car- Febrilo yore Co duties be must diearn, If it them as as ! to construct one much larger, complete all the modem we Attack*, Hoarseness, Throat, tight;, the i'ouufti.lieura oi a letter from a only made good your WORKS, contains* improvement*, and I'uiu.i tulfll; yet country is dooded with poor nostrum* cut ranee. ot oi-th* Cramp Rheumatism, Sprains, i»» the side, dream has made ”—Beecher’s riage are enabled ro lurateb a supply Soaps and cure-alls, purporting to he the best in the you.’ Norwood. joac« <■'. demmirt J?.i TT*- NIKS, COD5I stomach, bowels, or other paid of the fVntrf-' world. To Inquire or pkucteii, iicei <£utilities, adapted lo tko body, wiu.L (lie not be Medical Gentleman 1 i •otl.ii. CcU only uselem, lutt *. i-oiff lteat Estate Broaer. autlDoiucstlc sa to her patrons, > tu tne i>uO.. ;,n- ach-, he, hand-' and tcet, Dial'vhreo, ll.c always injurious J C'A.N Itorl tudsiiiuplidil. unioilunate skuu'.d he paui«cuj n: OFFEIi WGCJI.Derrtlly, chat she'cr..itfml6; ;J:lj bu^Ae; her Dyseufery, t hAc»ri, FYveiiiHd iu sclc* tine hi to Annie,Chilblains, Ac., hi ai' ian, us iL is a luuiuntuLtc The “4»Mly Madras* his House Lot t«or Sale, Ac. li rarely Iiua- to Umg out the in phy yet incontrovort:- dwelling house, eruptions t»le ih'-t, that many Mi-other at BAJINUM 'S on west bide of St. John Street, M by LEATHE h; and these diseases aie syphilitic patients are made uiis- (IITUATED -A- •stable with mined constitutions Carlor Suits at and lOOfeet. K.T. Moody, No. Cotton Strotl, often oeicd will. ill:. Pan at:, a U.H-.e.' And lor that JLiy maltrcntment 1 Worcester 1801. $75 upwards tj Porpartleuhus enquireof irom in Good Sauce !” vMay, or B. No. 10 Atlantic most letiible of all hi h. I mexpBriciked’physkiana general practice; tor I St. Jolin Street, E. Allen, St, nUere cau be (juikI ali tbe late lea oj ;)<*?•*, *ipi*jrtiei:i.», ihwprepa a Bathing- Booms ! STEAM REFINED SOAPS I it is point c.enerall v conceded the best sv “Tell “ “ Portland, Me. JuuelTJSw ration Lu> not iii wjtsal in lite World. hy phi to'/ra- l.ea & Per- -AT- SOLD BY ALX. THE ptors, that the study ami management of these Ai.'l to rins I'iue riwmber 38 Bonnets, Itibbons, ,vc. 1 hi., me liciue is or lcccm bat ex- cou.c »t'VlkaUe that their Sauce Sets, Flowers, date, k»$ boon should engross the — plaints whole time of those who l.s $1,500 Wbtilesale Groreri Throughout the Slate. N. B B.it a few steps from Free Street. tensively nRed tor the cure of the v »rioua disc as 3 highly esteemed iu Capo Elizabeth Mineral would be competent and successful in their KVKftr VJMMTJ Spring*- j a story and a huh house and 7, dii for ouivh c is and it treat- India, and U la my “ “ “ “ buy good May recommended, has proved, ment Olid cure, the nice lot of land 50 11* a Jhw steps be- over a wide its immense inexperienced gcuerul pravci- opinion the most pal- addition to the Water Walnut 95 by leet, country, superi.vitv over neither Salt ami BatLs. Price lioner, having opportunity n^r time tornak- cii atable 8? well as rhe introduced yond Tukcy’s bridge. only $1,5-0 Ijeatlie S i'hitlii ini A, to the nuiue to Isaac barium. dred bushels of fruit las: year, Will be sold LEVIS, AMiGET All who have apply tiporioua Compound, the pub- grafted A at should have this slm pie o\ committed au exces? oi auy kmd Pcrtland, June, 16C7, je8dtl low. ORGAN 8UAVINU.1ENGOOWftHAVE remedy coutiauaily them, whether lic Is respectfully and pan .oularlv those tt\mg away tirouv-inedleal aid. it be the solitary vice of youth, or the earnestly requested to see that “ “ rebuke of siiug' P O RTLAND i ash JOHNSON’S & MB HUY’S, Directions with each Bottle. Price 35 cent?. Sold ing misplaced confidence in maturer years, the names At Lea & Per was are up*m tbs Dining Chairs, SEEK FOR Wrap- Fei * AH ANTIDOTE IN A Store at ry Village Over McCarthy s & Ben ’s Shoe More. jtjrf Mer- | hv dealer In Medicines e\cry w here. Ask for “liOB- SEASON, per, Label, Stopper and Bottle. Meloilaon fhe Pains and and Lassitude — AND— Now a will be sold on tavora- ry having a place he can call his own, Is enabled 10 PAls AChlA,” and take 111. other. Aches, and Nervous Five Gents Bank. doing good business, P rostra lion tliat follow Manufactured by Savings with the if wanted. A say he can wait linen his friends and old «un, Do P£RUI\S, U urceiter* ticular W. Perkins *1 Co not wait for the consummation that is sure to eiilrauee ou Plum All Other Furniture! add *23 per cent to the trade. Apply to Mtentlcu paid to uttingrt hildren's Hair. W. W. Whipple A Co. and H. H. fol- »air») Street. low: do not wait tor W. H. J EU It IS, 'SYT* Remember the place- -opposite Mechanics' Hay, Portland, Wholesale Agents. Apr 17 -43m. Unsightly Ulcers, tor John ItiuH'.an’s -AT- junelOdSw Real Estate Agent. ix o. m Hal), lin-bUMliu Disabled Limbs, tor Loss of beauty Sons, in this Bank made on or before Q. and July riicsiuui A. MkKRY, IT If. JOHNSON, UK. MILLER'II Complexion. NEW YORK, Agents for Hit Dulled Stiles. DEPOSITS3d, will be put on interest July 1st. Spec- Low Prices! Farm tor Sale, j une 19 dtf Mlnny Tfeowaxitda Ciui tu Tfcti ortSUly ial received at Equally by y deposits any time, drawing interest IS acre?, more or leu, situated within 1 j tulles > Portland, t'nlupH Grprrlenrc! from the date of the deposk at such rate as may be of tlie Post of Portland, bounded on tbs fc'AlBBAti&S Soothing Balsam, Young men troubled with emissions In sleep,—a OP Office, andJloaling °oui*w„, agreed upon. road west beyond the Westbrook Alms House farm, rtitim-.M generally tlia 1?Mait G1 a j,atl babi, ^ Glass Bivideudiu youth,—treated a»u Shades & S tands* April last was at the rate ci seven per Having the agency for the sale ot and continuing down to the canal on the lower side. WILLIAM I*. HASTINGS VATUItE’S ASSISTAXT. «B*.u«kal!y tll7°“ar cent, SIANDAIiD ranted or no charge made. per annum, tree of Government tax. It is a place for a market garden, or a has infallible tbr Frozen Bank very fitting now to attend to the wants of his fonnei proved Burns, Limbs, a passes but we are consulted open every business day froiu 9 A.M. to 11*. beautiful for a residence, as there is a prepared Hardly day by one oi AO SEE 11 ST OR Y place private and IT Bruises, Sprains, Wounds of ail kinds, Pains in more men M., and from to 5 P. M. JSpatrons and customers, the public generally young with the above disease, some oi Messrs. Smith & Co.’s splendid orchard in a very high state of culiivaiton, the Side, Back or Shoulders, Chilblains, Mnnntacturirati.l Dealer In It:.-amt NATH L F. Stephen The superior character of his instruments, especial!) Chapped whom uro as weak and emaciated as though the> had r.Eo Seat* D£E1UNG, Treasurer. on the farm. The farm t uts about46 tons of hay; it BCALES, Hands, Still Neck, in the Face or Ear Chimkey Iteces, Sea June 10. d Lis Ague Breast, the consumption, and by (heir friends are supposed ro Beackets.Vifk ua, Ghats* 1SC7._ junel8 a widyS CELEBRATED lias been very well manured for the last ten years, Ache, Heartiest, and Inflam- *[0 CuisufEY Tow. IniEnrl. and ileit'er In UPRIGHT Made of tlw best Poisoning, Erysipelas have it. All such eases yield to the proper and only Eng- consequently gives a very large yield of produce, ORGANS♦ mation of the For Rheumatism it i» not a German and French Flower materials, ami in Eyes. correct course oi Ucaiiueiii, and in a short tune are ir Pots, EOlt 8 ALE. also hLs a very good b&in, and is insured or $500. it which in style ot ftnisli resemble the upright Piano, is ! ceuam cure, yet hundreds have been relieved by it Hanging \ aaea, Parian. undBri.i.zoStatuerts the most thoruU"li made to rejoice in perfect health. ind Bisque. i would be very comenieni lor a splendid brick yard, too well known to require an extended notice. He ; when other remedies had failed. Busts. Glass Shad* s and Walmu S'.mds, Bolie- &c. manner.aml veeetv- tuUu and Lax BARK ST. Tables, Desks, as there is any amount ol brick material on the will keep 011 hand a full assortment of instruments oi I As an internal whon takon in it Vntk-s and oilier warm. JAGO, 222 tons new mens vunstauc im- medicine, aoasoa, Perfect tide For further the Aii^r will cure Idiildle-Agt'd Dflen. 112 THEM*»NT urement, now lying at Merchants I promises. guaranteed. nuovmeots under | Inflammation of the Bowels, Dysentery, SfKKET Studio Building of H. mar • Wharf. particulars enquire DOLAN, tin* at Ki lney (.'amplaint and Cholera Morbus. It willalso There are many men of the age of who ate BOs'l >N. Mass. MERCHANTS. BANKERS, Portland. Most and Patterns, / s’jv-rvision I thirty lfclttni_ ror terms ic. jelfitf 237 Fore street, Approved Styles ! cum and Asthma. troubled with too evacuations iroiu the blad- applr to AJiD AT — the Original In- Diphtheria,Dry Cough frequent CHURCHILL, BROWNS & JIANSON. AND ventor* This medicine is vegetable in itscomposii Ion, der, otlcn accompanied by a slight smarting or burn- OTHERS, Hotel ttor Sale. of All !! purely Valuable Property Prices Will.in the Kracb soothing and healing in its influence, and may be giv- ing Mmaacton, and weakening the system in a man- Oxford situated in the vil- I en to sex ner CfMIE House, pleasantly iuid trusts that the superior excellence of tone, as weli flay Coal, ltailroad. PJaUorm and Counter, Ihtiz- any age or with perfect safety. It bus been the patient cannot account tor. On examining FIREWOKHS! MAV BE ASSt’RED OF GETTING 1 of Oxford county, Maine, is of- before tlie the a Circular Letters lage Fryeburg, as the excellence ot his workmanship, may, as here- gists Butclu is', Grocers*. and Cold public during the past nine years, and has urinary deposits ropy sediment will often be THE of Credit, fered for sale at a bar if for soon. Confectioners, gain, applied commend him to the lavor au<> Scales. for sale at our wrought some of the most astonishing turns. The found, and some Mines small particles of semen or al- ANY OF in with furniture tofore, public pat- Beams, Spring Balances, Ac., ATAILAB1.E FOB T8.VTE1.ERS THEIR WORK AT The House is large, good repair, proprietor challenge* the world to produce bumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin milk- Fourth of he with all ronage. it*superi- July will CeVb rated. * and fixtures throughout, together necessary WAltEllOIJSt: or as a For sale all Ish hue. again to a dark and turbid amniar- in am. oototbies op September 17. !&CG. eod&wtt remedy. by druggists. changing outbuildings. C* MP. EF.JtCT,Proprietor, Springfield, JVIaas. ance. There are many men who die of this Bo.vmr of 118 iVliik Street, Boston, Mass. dltlfculry HE A D-(J VJJtTE S 8 Europe, Asia and Airica, prices, For full particulars inquire CELEBRATED fs ATE) IHEROV Domas Barnes & Co., 21 Park Bow, New York ignorant of the cause, which is the HORATIO BOOT ll BY, will also the trade at List Trices. SECOND hfAULOF SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Fur every deacripUou ot ISSUED ON FREIGHT ONLY ADDED. Fairbanks, Brown »€• Co. supply Proprietor. W. F. Phillips «& Co, \Y liolsefale Agents, Portland. I can warrant a cure in such cases, and a Or Hanson A Union st. fur sale of perfect OUK Dow, 54^ Agents iuarch2fieow I vr foil and healthy restoration of the uriuarv organs. BANKERS Sept. 1866. dtf Persons who cannot FIREWORKS ! Particular attention given to Fryeburg, Tilton Gt IHcFarlaud’i Safes, U'hile't Pa- personally consult the Dr., tent fiesiou'a can do so by In a a For Sale. Money JUrniverA, umi writing, plain manner, desertp- Tlit- Stuck! <2n» Iic;uh Best known as the containing about 10,000 Pobtxand, All Quality! —BY— ed Goods, Mattresses, THE Boyd lot, ROGKBS’ correspondence strictly confidential, and will feet; also about 300,000 Brick and 200 perch of Stone. HOVSfE our stock ol PLEURISY PAINS, 1)IE8. Only Wlioled tl« l'ej*of lor ilie celebrated J.&C. .T. TUi: DR. HUGHES invites all BARBOUR, situated on Cove street, containing seven RHEUMATISM, twirtfeularly Ladies, whi DEALER;, in M antly need a medical to call at Ids room*. No. 14 X. XL. rooms, and will be sold at the extremely low figure PAPE It TOOTHACHE, adviser, WORKS, HANGINGS, Preble Street, which will flail tor CHAS. B. above named. HEADACHE, EARACHE, they arranged theii SHOUT STICK £ PATENT METEOU POCKETS. Premium Patent WHITTEMORE, which comprises many new designs in Golds and s i I FF especial accommodation.' Hoyt's Hbottad Oak and —Also— KECK. to Satins, as also those ot {hufo common For Dr. H.’s Electic Medicines are I3T*Display* Ibr Citi***» aud Towns furnished Lots fur sale at from 1 cent to $2 per loot. quality. DJPHTHEEIA, Renovating unrival- Hemlock (Successor to Geo. T. prices sale led iu ami superior virtue In uny amount. Jim bulm Burroughs % Co.,) 1 of 11EWITT & BUTLER, KOI'.E THROAT aud ACHJE. ettlracy regulating all uquire female Irregularities Their action is Apl ltitf Real Estate Agents, 22»I Congress St. Low for CnsH Also invaluable in all cnses of Sprain* and Bruises. specific and Leather Tr v certain of relief in a short time. lieSfing, BY lt|t»d yo*i will bo satisfied. Mimutyttured and producing Taunton Co. “Lancaster Hall,” ou Commercial street to sold wholesale and retail bv W. W. fAOUv will find it invaluable in all rase? of ob- t'oj»i>ci- Lacc Leather and T,iijh1 Rbgcisudamnden structions after all other Hemp Laetciny. Lease. MAP BUTT. POOB Jltdtile Stk'CCl, Pot’tirtUti. the least Injurious to die health, and may be take) Yellow MetaJ and Copi** Slieatliiug, on and will lease a or \ 'i une 17-dliu THE Commercial fireet, pait WEED .T.me o--.f with perfect safety at all times Slcnm I the whole lor a term 01 Nails, Spikes Bolts, Hoar, Dnrlting, lotbiu^, ir.,At. years, Sent to any part of the country, with full dire, tions. or he will erect suitable for manulhctur- fOH SALtl LlV Ho. 8 ICxchanga SLec-t, buildings by addressing DR. U Colt. orotber if uesdred. Mercantile UWHES, ^ i FebTeodCui PORTLAND, MK. Stray iug purposes, Machine Berlin Mills Library Association. ant.tfiftSd&W, No. H Preble Street, Portland. mui oBrv, t^ui., one r will be received E. E. UPUAM, or Sewing Company. 1*S CoLiinerciai it. S MiA* £5.*^° my premises, he stout colored Proposals by Organized and Inuoi porated loM. ,Vhrt,,'r°JiiV2!. b ^la‘k mane and tall; indeed to be the subscriber. Sju-ucc aud Fine l.uinber & Laths. farllan.l, W inuy.’lclti olJ* N.P. RICHARDSON. rkddy, WILL Id M LO WEL L, Jlie 0WTlL‘r fan have the tunic SALESROOM 'Aliia Association •y proving ami mav31dtf rrMIF. Berlin Mills Company ha* lari lilies for man* having Mh.• MERCHANT TAILOR, DEALER IN property paying cost and charges. MaySOib. WILLIAM MITCHELL. 1'ree, Street Block, 1 ufuc.turiiu; all kinds of Diiuemdon Spruce and AND DRAlRR IN e AS FI XT UR E S ! v v _ No. 1 Re-Established its North Yarmouth, June For Sale. lMie lyr names, cither la go or small: with u Library GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, 22, igl work. Fort land, Maine. and at that cannot tail to goods of all kinds, and will aell tliem low nn they be ihere is t ruth in tie rumor or not. ’Hint Company, WEDN LSDAY and BATU1U>A Y atu rnoon iroiu g prices please, — has proved SUITABLE KOK A in Host on, New York or e he where. —AND that CHARLES HAMILTON, Agent, tod o'clock. thoroughly shrunk and satisfaction g-'*nimced. bought not the Fenians but people to all Also Saturday Eveu.ugs from 1 to 10 »*muUul to friends only belonging Hotel or Private Benideucr. Wi- Warrant tiie Macliiue iter 40. cotui o’clock. A call b resjiectiulb elicited. JOHN In ion *ireei, House societies mid have Lecti most extra- a liVNflH.iN, Furnishhifi Coodsi, classes, malting tor past patronage, hoping to continuance ut M>1.1.111 FUltTI. ME dec raids with those most of is at the termination of the to ratlsthctlon and ; Any person to Become a member of INL>, (tinned effective wrap, property In every particular, give pertect wishing this tin* saute. P*rtta-» »«• on the of Portland Horse Railroad at MoitUI’k Corner, to refund the In ll T H 10 i. A S T Association,the annual assessment ol which is .. MayU. '**.r™* ons, greenbacks) clothing California Cheap guarantee money every Instance, Two janUdtr At d. RLDD\ Proprietor. John, and tbe said Fenian* and said people belonging m'i'beand is now ottered for sale. The house is the machine do»-s not ftiltill all we claim lor it. Dolinin per y«*«r, or wishing to avail themselves ( IIA i 1.1. S (l HIM M HR, 10all societies and are invited 10 »bice story—built of brick, in the most substautinl Of the Use of the Library, will leave «Pib*c«, cordially C. E. iMOMHEIt, Agent. please their (Late ot the 17th Infantry Baud) CHOICE continue said where they manner; un abundance of haid and soli water; u X IC W T ¥1 a X U ! names at Library Room as oi with SOUTHERN YELLOW raids, will yet the bestvu/ue June 24. tt above, either ot for tticlr tine stable and The house i« sur- tin- o. Ai. uquouqcc^ to the citizens <. i‘o. tlM uocessai jr arraiureintms, arc now to wdi ht promptly nttcuv'ed by the premises jeli-dtt ? OFfin:. Millinery Making prepared Paine. P OUT LA y I) ICE and teed pump aud been /••'U all articles in their line, at a» low j.rices, when ol References—Mr. It. I» ct_sc Linar; Mr W. CO, having Jur.e??. dlv, ijr EnirAitn A rebuilt in same a« at any other store la Portland Aprn 9M?in* n. Bunorx v'“ public patronage in abundance. Good cellar under the whole Perfect Pit and Garment, ping Paper. Twine, paper Bags, Eruours, Brush*.!, APEcin.ico u^ortiuent oi k£ZEflfiSituauaUL II. SEAR HEAD OE.DREES STREET.. Stylish Wooden and at the season, Urnss ,r W3T WALKER, i-xes.es-Ouse: well and cistern water i’ui? is Wore, proper Agent property ! returned of Fash- JtlK.tl, lieas.aitlv located, a view ol the Carriagest Carriages Having just from the Emporium Seeds, Garden Seeds. Mower P«»ts: Fertilizers, such AM» CHICKED commanding city, has the OORN are ISO Fdr.IE S ion, ns and Coe’s of harbor and country. The grounds under a high P0BTLAKD, Meiodcont. Cigars, Otii.ar?, Bradley Superphosphate Lime, CAMPFI’IHCiS! tradc from lOOto COO A merica state of with a fine lot of Iruit trees and Violins Fine nas. ilnsir I Ground Bone &<*., nt mannferturers'prices, togeth- \},Vc!lc'^a!e bushels prompt- iTTuoyd*•> cultivation; PI Banjos, Core'’. Con- Olioicest of' Patterns oi Now Pattornaoi' •>-*«« Terms to 303 wtreet, certinas. Turn b ines. Mute er vrith aU other articles usually kept in a first class Con-Eti** T J°ry pri<*». Also, OUoTkh urdensjued, haring been duly appointed Ma- Grapes. easy. Apply Congress AcoorJeons, Flageo- ifoTK^AfLl v-ry purest salt rine E. & I'icaios, \ lalin In Drones hud Chlldrfr.e Garments. store. t« known,put upiu THE Surveyor for tf ic State of the pro- GEO, DAVIS CO., lets, clarionets, la.w., Jius.c stools Cloaks, grocery "r^.l O, ton and me Maine,by us atfhir },* pound poplar hose-, oi ba prietors of Dc; 'Amerfcan L oyds of Amer- Dralets in Deal Estate, No. 1 Morton Block. Musk Stands, Drums. Fite-!, Sleet !\ln*k, Music BJT*Dress and cloak Trim»nings always kept.«^iJ Got exchanged foroountfy prmluoe prices Velvet Tspestries, '°Ur a“d »7 Register J. M. KIMBALL & CO,, sold on and re- *Ueat M«“- ican and Foreign. hereb> tenders hisEei- Jane 10. djw Books, Violin atid Uniiar Strings, Sterccscf.i eb anti Country produce commission quick ami I^e Pceel!' Sbotu^nd Shipsing,” now on hand and for sale the lanrest Orders for WfcDDlAG SUITS Prompt- 11—<1& wcod.^m Brussels Tapestries, vico3 for the cf j^aificauon ot ves*cls ir. this and Views, Umbrella Canoe, Blocks, Bird Cage*, I o,,ii- urnsmaue. npr April 15. diwteodtf building best assortment of ever ottered in tbis Filled. State, and tor vessels whose classes have or HAVE Carriage? iug Albums, Stationery, Ink. Hockin'* ly and Satisfactorily Tliree Supcrlinei, expired.— Fine Lot for Sale Lease. market, hi Pens, l'ljs, Dflicc at Ocean i insurance Me. consisting part ot the following celebrat- Hrrscf. PleWree find Frames. Eancv Chil- Company, Fortlaud, occupied by Edward Howe. Esq, ou ed viz: Baskets, ^"Mrs ITatch * HI take two apprentices; < no Siatioiiary and Portable Mraw CHARLES W. FORD. stylea, Extension Top CabrioJctis, PlatJoiui dren's » a. iages and a great variety of otlio.- articles. good Hemp, Matting, T _ Cross Street, near Middle. The lot Is 100 feet at other at T>rr:30>:<$ Clearing the riiiir*or June 20. FORMERLY Spring and Porch, very light: Light Carryall?, Old Pianos Tal.'cii in Millinery the Dress-Making. diffgine cellar? wll tlMu WtaifiEm. P*&tents, Seat; Shades’rofelegantpattern; Sood-m_ _ A variety ol Engines; also. Oil Carpetings! ROUNDS. Patents, unellaOw Real Estate Agent. “KoadWagons,”veryliflit; “Hancock,” “Godttard,” Notice. i riee IOVKST « A*H 1‘HICES, LOT ol on a Top Buggies as f230.00. Concord Company, our *Lt. TKi%eTter»b6? Ciil atj ita .*e new intents it Land Hanover street- Also nice style fice, Mo 117 Commercial and receive div- st. and in >uss, snd at wagons trom SloU.OO to 32U0.00—Warranted, Also street, their ple & Co.’s rc, comerCongrcss Pearl Streets, uJkctorv. CllAELtsxowN, 21. A second-hand two-wheeled chaise. idends. Pdrffand, Wednesday. 107 Liberty Street, STREET. -May (Lut Two beat Wagons for Farmers’ use. every Kelly’? celebrated VYaEEHOESE, XO. 90 3ITODLE Kos'nVuSt. 1"8 Col igre^ Street, ALFORD DYER, C. M. Treasurer. Medicines to be had at her office and retddeuce. New York. aprtJd&wgm DAVIS, Jane S-d2m •Apl IS- WKW1TV & BUTLER. ]un«13eod3w 27 Market Square. Portland, Juno 21,1:07. Je25dSw March-'S. U3m. apr23eodCm COOK, BYMES & CO.