PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. Established, June 23, 1862. Vol. 6. PORTLAND, SATURDA Y MORNING, JUNE 29, 1867, Terms Eight Dollarsper annum, in advance* ___ — -___ _ w*—^_ REMOVALS. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS is published BUSINESS CAKUM. MISCELLANEOUS. lASEIUANCfc The Ckampugne District. ev-rytlay, at No. I Printers’ (Sunday excepted,i Robert Tomes Exchange, Comma rial Street, Portland. has written a book entitled R DAILY PRESS. N. A. FOSTER, PROPRIETOR. BKABBUliY* BR1DBCBY. the E MOV AL. INSURANCE NOTICE. “The Champagne Country.” Mr. Tomes was 'Ihkms: —Eight Dollar!' a year in advance* PORTLAND. consular agent of the United States in uu \ Counsellors at W. D. LITTLE & CO„ ancient city of Sheims, the chief commercial THE MAINE STATE PRESS,is published at the Lair, BENEFIT a MUTUAL removed their Insurance and Katlwav FOYE, COFFIN & centre of the district. This dis- Same place every Thursday morning at $-.00 year. linn It SWAN, M Champagne Having* Vuildiug, Excbaafic Si, HAVETicket 01)1 res tYom Commercial Slrect and Mai- Saturi*/ mine;, June 29, 18o7. Invariably in advance. trict is remote from the usual lines of Amerk Biou Bradbury, J ket Square, to their new office in the Deerlng Block, UNDEBWKITEKS, of inch of A. Life Insurance —AND— but its famous wine attracts for- Rates advertising.—One space,tn W. Bradbury, j PORTLAND. Company, uYo. can travel, length oi June 27-dtt 40 1-2 Exchange column, coii.MiiuteP a •■square." Street, as all want to the arti- : 76 NOMINATION. eign tourists, try pure 'V1 5<» per square daily IIwt week cents per 1ST. J. Second over store of William D. General Insurance KJSPUBLICAN Newark, story, Robinson. there is an oc- week three insertions, or leas, 81.00; coctinu- June 27. Agents, cle at its fountain head. Now alter; W. T. BROWN & CO., d3w have returned to their old •nj? other alter fir*! week, 50 ceuts. in 184S. Charter taud, every day Organized Perpetual. ean of liquor, called Champagne, drank in this Hall Square, three inset lions or less, T5 cents; one General Commission Merchants, FOR Ocean insurance Co.’a COVKR.VOlt, never nearer the Chani- aceiv, r*0 cents ]»rr#wt*ek alter. No. 90 C ommercial II 1C M O V A Block, country which was I-Z Mroel, losses on deceased members tc $5,125,425, and ~Ll Under head oi *‘Amtsemknts,*’ $2 00ner square Having paid amounting IiXClIAKGK STKhET, l district than New Jersey and some other pet week; three Insert inns or $ 1.5c. (Thomas Block,) pagne less, GEO. L. Air. Tomes iai. Notices,$1.25 per lor the first in- : Willaud T. > to tbe tbe sum of with assets well FICKETT, represent first class localities in the United Btates. square Brown, PnttTIPortland. ^ declared in Dividends living $6,002,830, in c?ntl“UB Cum- JOSHUA L. CHAMPEELAIN I verti.>n, and 25 cents pel for Waiter H. t Successor to Stephen Gale, lias removed to his new panles all departments oi insurance. square each subsequent Brown, I throws a deal of light on this subject and insertion. store, aityustfcd and OF good Sole Wholesale Agents tor the Boston Match Co. seeui-ed to over has declared its TWENTIETH annual i'ebV promptly paid. BBUNSWICK. Advertisements, ! amounting $12,000,000, just Utf^kty l we wish to let our readers See a few ot its inserted in the “Maine State for Maine. By permission r 1'er to liana & Co., J. 143 Congress, near Washington Street, Puffs’* (which has a large circulation in every pnr- W. Perkins & Co., Joslali II. Drummond, Where he will a choloo u( the Statelier Burgess, Dividend, being 50 per cent. keep stock of Diuirs and $1.00 per square lor first insertion* : Fobes&Co. junc26dtt and American PURELY MUTUAL I >0 cents Medicines, English Fancy Goods. The Brpublirun *i' )s « vast deal of per Square lor each subsequent iuser- THE Cunuln. 'Vest; cheating am\ The Annual Income for was ^/"Physicians prescriptions carefully compound- al w T. II. 1866, $4,034,855.39. Wh *n the manufacture and sale ot ---| HASKELL, ed.__ _Je22dtf always expect enthusiasm and good with England Mutual humbugging.. it is It continues to issue all classes of Life Policies, at the lowest rates consistent LAW feeling at a -iQultf. quite scq- NOTICE. Republican Convention. The late no on* liquors u»u of aloo- business cauds. & Counsellor to the members. Its features are economy in Life Insurance assembly of fossils in this was *U*atjudges Attorney perfect security distinguishing expenditure, of Comp’y, city obliged to toaee bow boston, mass. ougakizeh 1843. devote itself ing many '*autfyl Hun- and care in CHARLES W. GODDARD, almost to the Over Firm National Bank, its management. Cash Assets, solely “hitting nai: hoiic we have in January 1,1S07, $4,700,000. on liquors «mg Cash the head,” as the ealls jh?ir Charles P. Dividends of IS04-5, now In course o! Argus it. Not dreds and thousands Mattocks, It no stockholders for the use of no bonuses or commissions to officers, being pride themselvc Corner Middle and Plum Streets, pays capital, & Solicitor in payment, UOfl in with the of Lawyer Bankruptcy. Total sympathy feelings the its Surplus o people judgment and taste, and their and no immoderate to HAS REMOVED TO Divided, 400*000 were power to *tfJ* and Counscller at MB. compensation agents. Losses PaVd In managers forced to exercise ail their skill Attorney Law, POitTl,AJO), 1«;8, criminate between pure and total Losses <» tic" in order to adulterated June 20. dlw&eodlw# All its Directors attend its and serve on its committees. Its risks are care- No, 100 Paid, non clothe the atrocious hq'' CANAL, BANK meetings, Exeli&Dge Street. Income for doctrines ot the and it is as BEII.UING, 18GG, 1 778 uors, yet quite easy to vitiate a in losses and in 000: modern in N» Mi selected so as to secure sound lives. It is careful adjusting prompt Bank Distributions in Cash, Democracy language that would in man’s taste as Middle Street Portland. s. freeman & co.. fully Opposite Saving* Bonding. juuelgtt 83^“Annual[ jw it is to adulterate Wo Ml MU 50 Local Agents and also some measure liquors. Wanted, Canvassers can conceal tbe once payment. make good arrangements degrading spirit knew a young man of excellent Commission Merchants l Removal. to work for the above Oo. that characterizes talents J. W. them. The Augusta Con- and fine who SI.VOMH, Its funds aie invested with regard to security, never hazarding principal for interest; EXPRESS has removed to No. culture; became au inveterate IGl <5 Street. tention labored under no Broad street, PRINCE’SKxchanae embarrassments of drinker and of course he a Counsellor at lienee it has never lost a dollar on its investments. After losses and expenses, and drank good deal Law, paying June 17, 1607. dtl this kind. A declaration of Middle 8ajuitel Freeman, \ the real senti- of bad Nil) St, tOauul Bank Building,) E. V. Appleton. all it has always made an annual dividend of liquor. ) NEW YORK. reserving tbe value of outstanding policies, PHCENIX ments of the could be delegates attended with Gin was his and of C^P^Farticular attention to the R E M O principal drink, course it Mayll-ltl_l‘OUTLANU._ given purchasing return premiums to tbe members, aud paid them when due. y A L no and there was no of Flour and Grain. Mutual danger, need to resort to was poor but then it had UKS. Life Insurance liquor; the “luddle” CHADWICK & FOGG Eeb-ieuces—Da^ Id Eau £. & Company! long rigmaroles and awkward in Keazer, McKenney It is a “MUTUAL BENEFIT” Company, haring hut one class of members, all life policies, generalities.— it, and that was all he was after. Some of 301 1.9 CBNOB1CWS «1 It Li t Co., W. & C. R. Milllkeu, J. B. Carroll, fcnq., T. H. Of Hartford, (onn. Weston & Co. divisiou of a dividend on COOK & They could hit the nail on the head to his friends one a BKOWM'9 SEW BLOCK. Junelldtf both new and old, sharing equally in tbe annual surplus, receiving AYERS, EDSON some day procured hottls ol pure FESSENDEN, President. without Holland May 18-dtf purpose taking auy special pains to giu from a sea Captain for the L. F. Fk.UiREE, every premium paid. JAMES F. BUBNS, Secretary. pur- do so. we find that the pose of testing the DRAPERS AND IRVING Accordingly resolu- question touching this cor- C. J. 8CHUMAOH12K, Pattern and Model Maker and It in to act in all as a faithful trustee for tbe members. Having for TAILORS, ROUGH, General A gent, Machinist, ; endeavors, brief, respects tions adopted are a frank and ruption of a uiau s taste. This No. 4 l-i HAVE REMOVED TO 65 meiely open pure gin was Exchange aired, it in the and offers its Exchange St., Portlaud, Me. F it over twenty years pursued this course, it proposes to continue future, avowal of the principles which the given to a bar-tender with special FSCO PAINTER. JuuelOdlm Over C. IJ. Farley’s Nautical Store. Dividends paid in Republican instructions Chambers 65 1865, SO percent. has to set j advantages to all who desire to insure iu a Company so conducted. Exchange Street, party made dear to the -American the bottle on the counter when tbo OBte at the Drug Store of Me****. A. G. ScLlotter J Dividends paid iu I860, 50 cent. people. young B. U. & G. tV. VBRBIU., per man called for on Equal rights, impartial his liquor. It was at a beck & Co., LEWIS C.
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