..~. Weather Genenn, r.Jr with UhIe · .. Page 4 diaJlJ'e In temper.ture to· Physical Therapy for Polio Patients day and Monda)'. HI.h • . . Page 5 tod. 15; low, 55. Fall Paqe of Picture. at · .. Page 6 Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leaaed Wire - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Sunday. September 3. 19SO--Vol. 84, No. 282 labpr Day,Traffic Joll Starts State 'Drive Right' / Campaign aSuccess Rise; 100 Dead in Accidents Despite Death Toll Reds Open Drive on Northern Front; CHICAGO nil - The traIflc toll {or the Labor Day weekend DES MOINES lIP) - The Iowa cUmbed s_&ly Sliturday night No Iowan Tuesday "Drive Rieht" campaign Is pray­ and safety experts warned It The Daily 10"'IIn will not be Ing wOl'thwhlle IIf~r aU. would acceleute toda:l' and Mon­ Though the campaign basn't re­ Battles Rage published Tuesday. I lnce Iowan on "120-Mile Perimeter day. employees w .1I be .Iven Laber duced the automobile death toll. The 78-hour holiday was but 30 D.y ofr. the number of persons Injured in hours old when tbe lOOth traffic There I no re,ul.r MondaI' traffic accidents ha been cut more * * death was counted. Drownings than 29 percent. 2nd Division, Is ue ot the Iowan, 80 the next UN Air Power Hits cl.lmed eight lives, airplane acci­ Issue published will be that o( III addition. not one tet1l·a,e dents four and miscellaneous mis· Wednesday, Sep&' 8. c.r driver has been Inv.lved in haPS 20. • r.tal aeeldea' .. far. Reds to Help Stem First Marines The tr~tllc death rate was less The "Drive Right" campailJl oP­ than that necessary to bring the ened Aug. 22 and wm close Tues­ Advances in Korea tlnal colJ~t of 435 predicted by Manpower Requ@sfs dllY. One goal of the drive waa to Start Attack the NaUiIr!a\ Safety cOuncil. But (JP) - " a life a day." In recent TOKYO (SUNDA V) The TOKYO (SUNDA V) (.4» - Ko· the council warned that pleasant years, an IIverale at 27 persons one thin. Red Korean prisoner rean Reds smashed more than weather today would clog the high By Truman Scuttle has been killed In Jowa trattlc say they fear most - United two miles {rom the north today ways and result In a higher acci­ accidents In the Aug. 22 - Sept. 5 Nlltions air power - slashed o1t to wlthin 12 miles of TaeiU, slrn­ dent frequency. Congressional Recess period. attacklna Communi ts Saturday tegJc United Nations center, as In addltlol) to those killed in The hope was to cut the death with all its tury. furious flghtine enveloped the trattic, 21 other accidental deaths WASHINGTON IlPI - Senate toll by 14 in the two weekS, or to FreId commanders eagerly cre­ whole- 120-mlle Korean battle per­ dited the air strikes with a malol' were repOrted. leaders figured Saturday that a total of 13 or less. im ter. Among them were two drown­ But 11 penou had dleel In role In .temmlng the onslaught The new Red effort t. rap· President Truman's decision to and permitting American ground Inp - on,e in Mlchiean and one tnfflc ...... huPtl up at 5 ,.m. ~ure Tun Wall reported by AI· In Colorado - and 19 resulting double miHtary manpower and .turda,. That II one above the trOQps to roll back the enemy t odated Pre CorrHPGDdeD& from airplane and railroad mls· boost war production has ICUttled aver.'e of recent 'e.... for tlIe mllny points. n.1 Boyle In • field cllsp.&eh at haps, tires lind miscellaneous any chance congress had for 3 period. Lt. Gen. Georle C. Stratemeyer. 12:28 p.m. (1:21 p.rn. Iowa time long recess. causes. In other ways, the picture Is Far East alrlorces chief, said th t aturday). Democratic Leader Scot! W. Lu­ all types ot planes went Into the Nine persons were kiUed in 3 brighter. The number of accidents Taegu. prOVisional capital 01 cas, Illinois, told a reporter he battle - from 8-29 to li~ht South Korea lind the advanced railroad colUslon near Milwaukee. Is down slielttly. from a 3·year observation craft. About 50 were hUrt when two in­ will insist when congres~ takes a Amcricnn supply base, would ot­ breatlter later on that it do so with averaee of 1,247 to 1,154 to date. tqurban trallll, filled with sight­ That Is a cut ot 7 percent. I t WIIS the second lime since fer the Communists hiehway In­ the clear understanding It wl\l re­ the outbreak of war lhol the Sup­ vasion routes to the only two .eeing model railroad fans. smash­ turn to work after the November Also, youthful drivers apparent­ ed Into each other. erlortresses had given direct sup­ good ports In UN hands - Po· elections. ly hllve been more cllretul on tlte A pilot and a bystander were pOrt to tr0und troops. The big hang to tlte cast. Pusan to the highways than adults. A i4-yellr­ bombers unloaded their 200 - ton killed wtlen a private plane crash­ The bl,. Job at thla stue II old boy was kllled when a trllctor southeast. ed Into II 'crOWd at Hooper, Utah. \a put up the money President bomb load a lew mllcs back of Tbe developmenta aloD& the Truman needs \a push the Ko­ turned over on him. Other than the {laming western tront. A mother and child djed when a that the teen-agers have looked f1amln, front In brier: Salt Lake residence burned. rean flchtlnr and build up the From dawn to dark, wave alter good in the drivi¥lg statistics. wave ot the Fifth (tactical) alr­ On th 55-mlle northern tront , A Pennsylvania airplane crash armed strenrth of thl and olll­ - from Wae,wan to Pohan, - er free nations. force's C1ghters nd IJght bomb­ THE E BRIDGE AT SEOUL, KOREA. Ihow the effects of continued a lulls by Amtrlcan W.r ~lled two others. (U •• alrforce photo via AP wirephoto.) the Reds opened a eeneral attack He told the country Friday er. roared Into the battle zone to today. I bomb, strate and rocket troop, night that close to 3-million men Cops Crack Down They (l) 6(lIlhered vital hel,hts T~r.eatened GE Strike must be placed under arms, and equipment and suppUes. south of KIgye. nine miles north­ Tiny unarmed T-6 two - sellter ~y Hamper War Ou~put po ~s ibl~ more. He also called for Ku Klux Klan Sen. McClel~an Asks west of Pohanl, (2) advanced two sharp Increases in the output of On ttlilners used as observation plane Nisei Soldier in Korea and one-half miles southwllrd NEW YORK (.4» - Possible guns. tanks and planes. flew over enemy lines throuahout CONWAY. S.C. (11'1 - AutltOrl­ down the "bowling a\ley" toward dl~uption of a segment of the the day plckLng targets tor the for 'Peace-or-War' Taegu, and (3) gain d nearty two notlon's Wllr production loomed Even as the President spoke. ties put a damper on the : 1 Klux fra&mentntion bombs. lasollne Pentagon o([icials were reported Klan's hocdowns In both South Helps Save 25th Division miles in the Waellwan sector, 12 Saturday In a threatened strike. Jelly, machLneguns and rockets of miles northwest Taegu. by congressional sources to be and North Carollna Saturday Reds WITH U.S. 25TH DIV]SION rN foxholes - but George company ot sei for TueSday, against the big their blager buddies. Showdown with Along the w tern defense lines, working on new requests tor mill­ night but brother Klansme1l made KOREA (IP) - The gallant stand bent them back ach time. Gen'lral ·Electric company. tary spending that would push WASHINGTON (A")-Sen. John extendin, down to Masan. re­ Sfx GE plants in the east al­ up for it In Florida and Alabllma. of Company G. credited with a the defense budget close to $50- McCleUan (D-Ark) caUed Satur­ Thc R ds overran the third eroup d Reds were attacking ev­ reudy were hlt by walkouts of Grllnd Dragon Thomas Hamil­ day for an ultimate "peace-or­ wrge hand In saving the enlir platoon's tood and water supply, billion for the present tiscal yeal'. Two Weeks' Delay 25th divi,ion, has as Its Indlvl- erywhere except In a 25 - mile sotn!' 23,000 workers. ton of the Carolina Klans, jlllled war" showdown with Russia B captured two 60 mlllimel r mor­ stretch ot th Naktong river west .The CIO international union of Oplnlon dUfered In lenaU on II charla of l>rovoking II riot lawmak r plcdi~ \.IppOr\ ;tor. ual hero II oun&. JaPlin c- tar and II 75 min reeoill. we· circles..&ll \a whelJau na­ of Yongsan. eWc\i'lcal wotXet'8 MId its other "I. In a· NegrO sec on of 1\tyrtle Seen for Tax Bill Presld~nt TrU)1'Ulll'1 plan ~ booIlt American who 1Ia\ Gut World War pon . Tlte third platoon wa in a members would quit Tues­ man's decision to put nearly 3- Tbere the U.S. eCCln~ 11l- 3G;pOO BeaCh, S.C., last Saturday nicht. the nation's fiahting lorces to II In a Washlnl(ton Internment tight del nse perlm t r o{ 30 yard, fantry dlvl Ion. reinforced b, day liit 'pllints across the nation to million men under arml would put up $5.000 bond 50 be could WASHINGTON (JP) - A prob- 3-milllon men or more. camp. now. The Reds went. aCter 50 requjre Immediate chances In the Firat Marine brlcsde. w .. p~h! their pension and pay de­ address a rally In 'I'lIllah.ssee, l'la. able two weeks delay In enact- McClellan, a member of the qeoree company they call It. caliber machine gun but were on the oftenalve. mamis. . the selective service .ct. At the lame time II Itu,e rally ment of the $4.508.000.000 war tax senate appropriations committee, There's one to every regiment. driven back. 1·~ '. At the south end, 8 seesaw bat· Sens. Chan Gurney (R-SD) and of Klansmen from Georgia. Alll­ bill I n·t budaina the treasury', was one of the first In conrress to but It may not be more closely Then Cpt. Hldeo Hashimoto of -i, UN8 HOJ,.D POW-WOW Lyndon B. Johnson (D-Texas) ot tle raged between two battered bama and TennesSee got under­ plans to start coU ctlng a bluer speak out tor the sort of preventive Identified. San Franci co left hi Cox hoI and Red divisions-bolstered by fresh 'l'H.AMPTON. N.V. (JP) - the armed services committee ex­ This particular Gooree company way at Oxford Lake. near An­ slice out at individual paychecks war Mr. Truman told tbe coun­ crawl d out to the lip oC the ridge troops - and the U.S .. 25th di­ ~. {dns ot more than a dozeo pressed belief that with the newly­ nlston, Ala., in an area where Ala­ stllrttng Oct. 1. try in a Friday nl,ht radio talk held a hOlback ridge a few miles looking down a tew yards below vision. The Reds still wer~ nine tribes took 'Part in the opening approved family allowance biJl bama offlcel"8 were seekin, a Klan Rep. Wilbur Mills (D·Ark), a that the Unlted States does not south of the junction of th~ Nam him. off. the annual pow-wow on the the present law will suttlce unleSi miles away from Masan. the town connection with a stabblll,. member of the tllX-wrllini house believe in. and Naktong rivers. After Pearl Harbor he was In­ S~lririecock r~(lrvation here Sat­ Mr. Truman raises his sights still they are under orders to capture C. 1.1. Hunter, one of five men ways lind means committee. said Wllh other lawmaken ap~ September was just five min­ terned in We hinglon stllte. Quite utdliy. higher. indicted for the nightrlder slaying Saturday it is unlikely that the plaudlnc lIIe President', deel­ utes old when the Reds attacked. today. . "; an athlete. "Hash" once pitch d Boyle old tank-supported Reds of. Charley Hurst last February, bill can reach the White House alon to PUlh. af miUw, man­ This was the big drive toward I I tor bis battalion bnscbaiJ team. struck down the "bowlin, alley" WliS stabbed in tl1e head, neck before Sept. 15. at least. power, McClell.n called for all- the pOrt of Pusan. The enemy had ,'; . From th ir (oxholes the men of - a straight stretch ol highway ;; \:". and IIrm Friday night while IIt­ There was no talk, however. out mobilisation. to win George company's high LiHle Eager, Aren't Va, Bub' tending a carnival at Pell City. of changing the Oct. J date for H said American strength around It they hoped to crack th the third platoon to~sed hand it' - directly north of Taeeu-where seven doys of Irontal attacks by 35 Increasing the income talC lIa- should be built up as quickly liS American defenses In this sector . nade$ to l'Jashimoto and hc hurl d ., . BROWNSVILLE, KV. {IP\ - Auctioneer Lije Demumbrum miles from the site o{ the rally. But in South Ca.rollna the high­ billty at more than 50-mllIJon in- possible to the polnt where the In darkness the enemy swarm­ them down the ridee Into the tace 50.000 Reds failed two weeks a,o. 'rOde his mule to a nearby mountain homestelld to seU a yardfull way patrol wa ordered to break dlvidulil taxpayers. United States cOuld demand ed across the Nam river. For 38 of the enemy. TbHe Oommunl,ts penetr.te. 'ot household goods. up any Klan pllfade that mater· Internal revenue bureau offl- through the United Nlltlons that hours they lough t to trY to dis­ Sgt. Matsuo Shimamura, ot Chi­ between four compeanlH of the He gaveled off everything In a hurry and cleaned up the job ialized and to disperse "all con· clllls faced the po slblUty of a Russia aer e to join this countrY lod,e Geor,e company. They sur­ cago, grinned as h told about . . Flnt Caval" division an4 moved with a mile 01 lhe te_ by auctlonln~ a saddle for $38. centrations of people or cars on race with the clock to get new in disarming and International In­ rounded It. cut Its supply lines Hashimoto. Shimamura. al 0 in­ . Then he started to get back on his mule and discovered the highways that would Impede trlll­ withholding tax tables into em- spection guaranteeing that such lind almost overran the men In t rned In the last war. enlisted oC Tabu. Thl Wal the blchw.· ter mark ., the recent leven· . saddle he sold was his own. fie." ployers' hands. an aereement is carried out. in the army nine months after "I! Russia refuses to enter into his release. day usault. * * * "This is the most concentrated the spirit of internlltional cooper­ War at a Glance "] guess Hash stayed out there ation tor peace then, we would throwing grenades tor two hours." attack we have had since we land­ have our final answer and could Korean War fron": North he said. "When we ran Ollt of ire­ ed in Korea July 18," said Mlj. SO be governed accordingly," Mc­ Koreans launch eeneral attack nod s, he threw rocks just to Gen. Hobart Gay, commander ot Nine"Killed; Injured in Interurban Train Crash the First Cavalry division. Clellan said. along entire northern frent, push score them." MILWAUKEE (JP) - A nalion- \ Emil H. Beck, Detroit. miles from doWlltown MIl,.,...· bits as one telescoped inw the "Under l ueb conditio.... I back American troops about two a1. cOnvention of model railway William Greenaway, Louisville, be, was ~WMII two IPeCIaI otber, splitting the sides back would ravor oar Rrln. tlIe Rnt miles in Waegwan sector and re­ fans opened tra~cally Sa turday Ky. two-e.~ exclll'lloD ValDl 0' &lae lUte a banana peel. The rear shot III • w.r lh.t thell woald capture high ground south of Kig­ when nine of them were killed William A. Wight, 25, Wauwa- Milwaukee aa;l. ~_, aU coaches ot both trains remained be Inevilable." ye; Reds renew attacks on south­ a'l

1 PAGE TWO - THE DAlLY IOWAN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. 1950 Congress Sp~ed~ Action on War Bill~

From Tile lowon', LeaBed Wire" Drops FEPC, Statehood ·Legislation • WASHINGTON ([PI _ Status of I s~eak attacks. one - year draft extellliOll; cWc- Way Opened for Dewey's Third Term - major bills in congress: Schools - HQuse • senate cort- tors - dentists draft; bill booIdbc ALBANY, N.Y. (.4» - Lt, Gov. Joe R. Hanle, Saturday withdrew War 8pendlng - Senate action terence committee approved $175- price support funds by $2-blpl4a; as candidate for the Republican gubernatorial nomination and urged awaited on house-approved $16.7- million in 1ederal school bullding rent control extension; .. C overnor Dewey to run for a third term. billion emergency war spending aid over three years tor commu- million military construction tin The 74-year-old Hanley made known his dl'Cision in a statement bill. nities swollen with federal work- 70 - group airforee authorizaSiin. released in his offiCI! by James C. Hagerty, Dewey's Secretary. GambJjDg - Bill to ban inter- er5. Liberalization of displaced pir- The way was thus cleared for Dewey to bow to a draft move­ .>tate shipment of gpmbllng ma- Bills dead for this year-FEPC; sons law; 20 presidential reorain­ Ill ::nt which has been aalnin, momentum [or several weeks. chines in house-senate conference electoral system revision, Taft- ization plans (seven killed); 13," Hagerty said Dewey would make a sta,tement Monday or Tuesday. committee. Hartley repeal; unemployme t 248,450,000 foreign economic lid Taxes - Senate passed $4,508,- compensation expansion; cabinet authorization ; bill to curb pOllIO The governor Is expected to announce his wilHngness to accept 000,000 war tax bill. welfare department; health in- ~urpluses and expand cotton and the nomination for governor at the GOP state convention to be held Communists - House passed surance; international trade or- peanut plantings; oleo tax repIIl­ ilt Saratoga Springs Wednesday and Thursday. anti - Communist bijl ; senate to ganJzation; $900 _ million-a-yetr ed; Korea - Formosa ald. Hanley definitely will have a pillce on the state ticket, possibly debate similar measure next week. general aid to education; St. La~- Federal cl'edit for private boW- thc nomination for U.S. senator. an authorized source disclosed. All' security - House passed renee seaway: Hawaiian - Alas- io&; $1.5-bi1Jjon in riveri, w­ air traffic control bill to prevent kan statehood; universal military bors, and tlood control projects; A"1erican Legion Commander I)efends Johnson - training. $:t50-milljon navy modernization; WASHINGTON IU'I - MUch-criticized Defense Secretary Louis Major bil18 passed - Social se- measure permitting summary cIl.s­ Johnson got a pat on the back Saturday {tom the American Legion. U.S. Auto Industry curlty expansion; $36-billion gen- missal of federal employeS dean· National Legion Commander George N. Craig said in a statement eral appropriations blti; bills re:- ed to be security risks; $1,188,000,­ th at Johnson "has done an exceptional job under most difficult moving arme8 forces' manpower 900, two - year leder'al road aid ci rc Imstances." Employs 1 out of 7 ceiling and extending enlistments program. Since the start of the Korean war, Johnson has caught a lot of one year; monthly allowances flf Major bills passed bu~ lllUet ~, brickbats from congressional and other critics who blame him for. Of Nation's Workers servicemen's families; 70 - grou'\> ve\o - Kerr bill to exempt in­ the state of U.S. milltary preparedness. Ualled Pr... I.rr C.'r.. pon"en~ I alrforce au,t~orization; $1,222,500 - dependent natural gas produl.'ell This week Johnson issued a 3,500-word reply to his critics in DETROIT Itl'I _ When you get 000 arms ald. ~ from federal regulation; basinC \ h he rejected demands that he resign. He issued it on the same ...... -- in Ihat Labor day traffic jam don't Emergency economic control~; point bill. day that the Veterans of l'orelgn Wars recommended a shakeup in " 1 e,ENl'KAI, rREli1i lh·e· native ,popUlation. and none at Okinawans three years of medi­ wiSh the automobile had never bolll tHe state and defense departments. OKINAWA - To the 557,000 all {or export. LivestOck, another cal training in Japan were estab­ been invented. Just remember your job may Craig paid his compliment to Johnson in announcing that the native still living here, the battle pre-war export,· was'· largely de­ lished receDtly by the health and Moscow AHmits Red Koreans Slowed of Okina ..... a is still going on - a stroyed by war and hunger. , depend on the automobile Indus­ dc;fl' lSe secretary will address the Legion's 32nd national convention welfare department. try. ill 1-'1s Angeles Oct. 9. Johnson is a former national commander of battle against almost total devas­ Til .. avtra,e Okhlawan fami­ WAS~INGTON Itl'I - Moscow has told Ihe Russian people lor tation. Until this trained corps returns At least nine-million persons thc L..egioQ. ly ot IllI: penoDi baa ICII tIIan the lirst time that the Communist ortensive in Koren has been at an acre of land. which by eare­ to help set up an eff(cient medical are employed by the varlollS The campaign which won , the system for the island, the depart­ highway transportation Indus, least slowed - slowed by U.S. fOrces Cighting "with the dU)lIIlr of , isl::llld as 1'I base for the last tnrust r.1 cul&lvaUon will barely sup­ the doomed." port four ptfHllS. ment must do the best it can, us­ til res. That's one ou' of seven again~t J apan left In its wake a ing inferior medicines of Japanese employed persons In the United This was disclosed by governmcl1t ofIieials who arc careflllly shattered economy aqd a ravaged Hat-makillg. typical ' of th~ pre· manufacture, and trying to per­ States. evaluating a recent Moscow bmadca§t intended only for Rusalan ItnkS, Ships'r Planes Shipped land, which the people are now war cpttage indlistrieli, is reviv­ suade native doctors to adopl From 1900, when a puny 4,192 ears. The broadcast, monitored here, was the first Soviet struggling to put back together. Ing. However, a worktnap receives admilllQII modern methods. ~a l's wre produced, the automo­ Filth is everywhere, in the only one dollar for the 1ive to that the Red campaign Ih Korea )s meeting resis tance. 'lve industry - including tires. streets, and between the crowded eight days' labor on each hat, CARE has now extended Its The broadcast purported to "explain" why the North Korean's food and tedilc package: serv­ '}attcrics, petroleum products and To Allies Around .World huts which are all that remain of which will in the United have not succeeded in pushing the Americans into the sea. It mad~ Ice to Okinawa, olferlng the Is­ :Jurts - has develop.cd into a $25- the city or Nuha. With soap re­ States for $50. no reference to participation of United Nations forces in the Korean landers the pe.-son _ to - persol\ ':lillian a year business. WASHlNCTON (UP) - The United States has sent more tailing at 70 cents a bar, cleanli­ • o • war. ness is a luxury to Ok ina wan fam­ help wlllch has been so effective 20 Percent lhall 200 combat aircraft of all types to Allied countries llllder The inverted economy in Oki­ 10 other ravaged countries. Acco rding to the 30th edition One of the chief reasons for l he new tut'n of events, the Moscow ilies with an income of 15 to 35 nawa to'day is another block to radio said, is that "the U.S. command, with the despair of the doomed, Jlll1tllal defense assistance programs. cents a day. The Land Reclamation program )f Automobile Facts and Figures. re<;overy, Protessiol}tli people are :his means that 20 percent of all has thrown its units Into const~nt counterattacks in an attempt 10 Under these progrllIn$, including the North Atlantic Defense They must pay 15 cents a pound not wanted in a cOuntry rebuild­ is one ot the largest-scale projects now under way In Okinawa. Crew< the retail tradc in the United hamper the progress of the peoples' army." for rice, the m!\instay of their diet. ing itself truck driv" pat'! , more than two dozen ships have been sent or arc being phy~lcally. · A are building miles of irrigation States is based on the automo\)He. Radio Moscow has not yet discugsed Gen. Douglas MacArthur's Soybeans arc 20 cents a pound, er's wage is about $25 a month, nwt1 e ready for transfer to our Allies. Among them are subma­ flour, 8. pipelines to tced new rice paddies The industry has come a long recent Formosa statement. But it did pay its respects to him. It as compared with a. ' teacher's $22. way since men like Ford, Dur­ rilll's. destroyer escorts and These arc prices on the black reclaimed from the land by co­ called him a "\lapel' " and ~id "he will have it coming to him. A driver COil tak/! advantage of operative associations of Okina­ vea and Olds toiled in theil' ma- In mli:1 g craft of various kinds. market, which exists in every vil­ the dog." Truman's Speech lage, absorbing most of the scarce food lind clothing bargains wan farmers. 7hinc shops on their Iirst horse­ L :I t week the flnt tanks for commodities. Officially - estab­ throughOUt the 'island, can The money put up by GoverrJ­ 'ess carriages. rl'jc" Uy Wesiern European na­ scro~nge 14mber and other ma­ lished prices are meaningless, in ment and Relief in Occupied Area~ In 50 years, morc than 130-mil­ lioll ~ were on the. 11irb seas. teriClls lor, his home. For exanwle, lion vehicles have rolled off as­ Aired Around Wor~d mo:;t ca~es. will be rcpaid by thc cooperativ(lf The'e were 20 M-4 medium .. ., the ainbulance d~iver of Koza Gen­ if lood production ever reacho< ;embly lines. Right now, II1'Jre official dciill 'hrlT' ans for France and several The tubproulosis, Interoal pa­ eral hospital has built a \yeatheli­ the export level. 1re more than 45-million cal'S and f • prooL wooden house for his fam­ trucks on the road in the United o l1 'rl'~ for Belj(ium. She~ma1'ls By America i1 'Voice' rasites, skin infec4ions, malaria, With projects such as these, to ily: whleb the director of the hos­ states, more than in all of the will I e sent Norway and the and other dlseal!es fostered by aided by the struggles of a hard WASHINGTON (tl'I - President pital Ilvps \\llth his wif~ and five N<'lll<" lands ill Ihe ncar future. poverty a nd dirty are treated working people struggling to re­ :lther countries of the world B U' L.. ·t E TIN Taoks Reactivated children in a two-room-and-k.i t­ ~ombined. Truman's foreign policy declara­ by 130 iIItraincd native "doc­ bulld their homeland, the United SEPTEMBEIt 3, 1950 : VOL. XXVI, NO. Ut LIutdreds of Shermans arc be­ chen sl)ack wlthout walls. } More This Year ~NDAY, tion boomed around the world Sat­ tors." Only employes of 'he Clv· States hopes to make Okinawa II i'lq 1'\' lctivated al the Raritan, N. Last year I1l0ne, American n.ak­ urday as a warning that the Unit­ iI administration or tbe mUl­ The ambUlon of enry Oklnai frontier of democracy, as well ~l! J .. nr· ~ nal for transfer to Europe. wan boy Is' ~ be truck drIver. ers turned out 6.253,602 cars and C\~ States stands ready to Iigh t if tary program receive adequate a of defense. U N I V E R 5 I T Y' CALENDAR trucks. This year the figure will Th~ Shermans gained consider­ Russia breaks the peace. care. The (Ir18 ,hope to he housemaidS' ;\\)1(' rIme during World War II, At the hospitals, a patient's fam­ be even higher, despite threaten­ UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Jlems are scheduled Power.rul Voice of America 10 Ayner\can ho!pel, Wblch wU\ DENIES CHURCHILL CHARGE hut. ~ ubstantial hmk improvements ily moves in with him, sleeping be­ assure them of three meals a, ed shortages of materials nue to In tile Preslden", office, Old Capitol transmitters spoiled at strategic IHlve heen developed since then. side his bcd, and cookIng his day. • , LONDON (JP) - Britain wi1l not the Korean war. Foreign countrie~ locations here and abroad relayed Wednesday, September 6 Sunday, September 11 Ho\,. ever, Qen. J. Lawton Col­ meals in the wards. The Givil ad­ By h1akul", them our fro.nt line allow her sales of machine tools oroduee onLY about one-fourth bS in more than a score of tongues _ Close 01 independent study 4 p,m. - Univcrsity v ,.. lor lins, f1L'mY chief of stal!, said on' a ministration . i~ Iighting not only of defense In the Pacific, Hie to R,ussia "to damage essential de­ '\'lany. Ule message Mr. Truman delivered I \,recnt visit to Tokyo lhat the the ravages of war, but the cen­ United Siates has \\ocepted j'~- fense needs," Prime Minisler Att­ Despite record production lInit. new students. to the Americ;1n people Friday IlponslbiUty for the rehabilitation lee declared Saturday night. He since World War n, «Z percent I\londay, September 11 Shel'l' ans proyed adequate against turies of primitive tradition which Thursday, September 14 _ Registration. the russian • built T-34's lIsed \light. govern the lives or the people. of t~e Ryukyu Islands, of whiCh' dismissed charges made a week of all automobiles In use were - Beginning orientation 01 Ilew Tbursday. September ~l by th ~ North Koreans. .Fearful millions on both sides Since the fishing industry was OkinaWA is t e lllrg~et. ago by Winston Churchill th'lt 10 years or older on July I, students. 7:30 a.m. - Opening . I 'f! :} Sherman welrhs 35 tons of the iron curtain h'eard the destroyed in Allied bombings, • ". British tools are helping build 1949. 0/.' c1aJfes. and :nounta a 16 -mm run. The President commit the Un i ted there has not been cnough fish for Scholarships' 10 ~lve ' 3Q young Russian arms. That figure is slightly lower (For Information rerardln, dates beyond thIs 'lelledlle, '­ T-31 is a 38 - t.on &ank anel States to this stand: peace If pos- lOW, the average car on the high. ICe reservations In the office 01 tbe President, Old CaplloL mAlinta an ,5-mm run. sible, all-out war if necessary. .vay today is about eight years f'll lment 01 tanks to Europe Mr. Truman said the United old. One out of five cars has been GENERAL ' · NOTICES \v1I~ d }lllyed for a time while mill- E'.tates will double its armed forces driven at least 80,000 miles. In compiling the Automobile t ~ry oJ(icers studied the Korean to 3·milUon men and will mobi­ MacArthur. . r . !-.l.. R.'ep4 • • ~ .. 'o-rts to ,UN GENERAL NOTICES lIhould be llep08ltect wltll the city edllor .f TIll e. • dluallon. The spokesman said no IIze further i1 need be: military Manufacturers association's year­ Dal11 Iowan in the newsroom In East Hall. Notices must be su1lad*' C'lui p llent is being sent to Europe production and industrial capacity book, AMA statistician Oscar P br 2 p.m. tbe da1 preeedlnr first publication; they will NOT lie ... that is needed in Korea. will be increased, and essential Pearson came up with these facts: eepted by p\1one. aa" mUlt be TYPED OR LEGIBLY wtJ1'nlr Comb.. , Equipped materials will be stockpiled in 0n Koreon'ar _P 'rogress Four-Door Preferred Ind SIGNED br a reapOnllble pe'noD. He said the tanks being sent to . ever-greater quantities. LAKE SUCCESS IlP1 - Gen. The Russia,h 'demand tha.t the ria as war prisoners 01 thc Rus- More than 70 percent of the Allie1 countries are being taken Congressional leaders of both Douglas MacArthur's unified coul'1cll "proposel' (0 the U.S. sians.) families in the United States own ALL UNIVERSITY Libraries partmental library will be posled 0111 or "moth~al1" stores. ,The parties rallied behind the Presi­ command reported to the Unlt- that it withdraw Its forces was The MacArthur report made automobiles, lind the four - door will be closed , Monday, Sept. 4, on the door of Ihat unit. t aJlk; sent to Korea alteady were dent. The only R4:publiean com­ cd Nations Saturday that there rclilti~ely mild after a dirllCt So- no mention of information con- ~edlln is the most popular type car. in observance of Labor Day. OFF - CAMPUS HOUSING bu· "om' It-equipped and all set for \llaint immediately heard was Ihat arc Indications" that Koreans viet charge in the council that tained in news djs~atches from The average life of a car has reau needs private home liJUn"1 . he should have taken his stand are being recruited in south- J\me~ic~n forc,es were guilty of his headquarters that the Amer- ,loubled since 1925, and its rrule­ MACBRIDE llALL and Serials­ for students requeslloe IiV~1 AI -1.S aid is ,oing to Europe and sooner. eastern Manehuri ~ for service a~gresaion. ',I;'~j~ charle was r.e- ican troops lighting under the age before hitting the scrap ileap Reserve reading rooms will ob­ the Pacific in a steady flow. with the J:'lortl1 KOre;ln army. peated in the iesolut\pn, which UN had captured Russian guns has increased four times. 1uarters. Persons who hat's I 0" the wes{ coas six landing Res p 0 n sib I e congressional serve Ihe following hours during will have rooms available fOr f In the third report from the would hav~ ~be council declare and munitions from the North Dr! v ing all of these cars aad ship support vessel have been sources guessed that Mr. Truman's the interim period, Thursday, Aug. UN's overall commartd, MacAr-' thllt it: Koreans. But his mention of tL'ucks arc 59.3-million persons. tall semester are asked to ~U . 8- rr;I<" :vated fOf trander to Indo- manpower and rearmament decl­ II, througll 'Wednesday, Sept. 20: 0511, exlension 2191. RoomS and thur again expressed "grllvest "ConderpllI the said acts ot indications that the Chinese And although it's the largest nurn­ Chin". AbouL 100 French and Indo- slons would swell this year's mili­ Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to apartments for married cou~ concern lor a prompt build-up the goverpment Of ilie United Communists were permitting bel' in history, the number of traf­ Chin"se naval personnel are train- lllry spending to $50-billion. Be­ fic dea ths per vehicle mile is de­ 4 p.m.; S~turQay , 9 a.m. 10 12 as well as rooml for single JIIIID inl! III the Pul'let Sound orea to (ore the Korean war, the defense of the now out - numbered Stil,tes. of Amc:r\ea as a~ act of recruitment in Manchul'il!- was cUlling. noon. The interim hours fo~ a de- and women are in demand. 1\111" t\'le ves~)s . budget had been set at $14-bil- g\'ound' forces of this com- agGression I\nd as ~ intorven- viewed seriously here. mand." tion in tbe intern'll affairs Some observers believed that '-'llher 12 .oUbe.158-foot land- lion. ot " . inc ·.·essels arc being rl''lcijvO,1ed The President signed legislation At the same time, Russia cir- China." '. this reference, contained in one culated a draIt resolutiQn call- Covertng ?perllUons il\ the short paragraph of MacArthur's .' WSUI PROGRAM CALENDAR for tndo-China at the Mat~ Is- Saturday authorizin,:: the armed ~an Reporters from 1;",,1, Calif., shipyard, the s);lOkes- (orces to start spending an addi- ing upon the security council period from o!\\lg, 1 to Aug. 15, repol·t, made it unlikely that T •••d' l, sotember •• 1131 ' JU:30 8.Ul , Baker's DOICII "to propose to the government the unified comrnand report car- l'eiping would agree to the 0:00 1I.J1). Mordtl'\C Chapel 11 :00 a.m News Ill" ;' said. tiona I $16,771,000,000 in emergen- 8: 16 a.ln. News 11 : 15 a.m. Music of M.nhaU.n 'l'ralnln, at Bostoa cy military funds which congress of the United States of Arl'\erjea rled this ir(lpllcaUon otopen American suggestion that In- Pinpointing Units 8:30 •. m Mljsle You Want li:45 •. m. Iowa SUIte Medical Socitl1 that it immediately withdraw aid to the N:orth ~9reans trom dia and Sweden be permitted TOKYO tIP) - General MacAr­ 9:00 a.m. Y6ur Navy ShoW 12:00 nool1 Rhylhm Rambles has not yet formally approprla lcd. I St,mmy Kaye i ::;. me 10Q Netherlands navy all its air. sea and land forces the territ6(y pi cotiUtiunlsl Ohi- ttl send a cOmmission into the thur's headquarters Saturday 12:30 p.m. New. . 11(",·, ·,)nnel are training at the Bos· The house has approved that t:I' a:.m. · ProUdly We Hall t2 ~ 45 p.m. Sports Time from the island of Taiwan (for- nil : , . .' Cummunist-held territory to in- clamped a temporary ban on pin­ 9:4~ a.m. Guest Star 1:00 p.m. Musical Chilo \0:\ navy yard befqre taking qe­ sum and the senate wilt act short­ 10:00 ••11,1 . Sweelwood SerenaM 2,00 p:m. N~w. mosa) and from ot\1er terl'ito- , "]n ~ th~. .enemy _rear·. areas, a vestigate the charge that U.S. pointing ~ peeific Allied or enemy 10:15 a.m. TIle B&pkshelf 2:U p .m. SIGN OFF Ih' C' ;'y on two destroyer escort~. ly - probably with an amend­ units Qn the flaming western front , ment raising the sum substan­ ries belonging to China." IaiaC! troop con~l).tratiol\ ' was planes had raided an airfield TI) r Netherlands previously re­ in Korea. tially. First Reaolutloa ~w~ted J ne~ , t~e ' tio,r\he'i!stern north of the Korean border. C!'i \l zd two destroyer escorts from This was the first formal re- ,bo·Fder. 9t Korea. lridtcatili, pas:" . Alrloroe Praised Col. M.P. Echols, public in10r­ Ih l'l Unittitt States. ' : . Military spokesmen already solution submitted on ·the · ques· ~ , MbIC ' recr ul~61'ltlot ' J(otepns' :: The rePort trom Headquarters mation officer, explained to news­ T .vo lpor:e destroyer eseorts. are have advised senate budget ex­ tion of Formosa, whfl:h • tlJe It.ont southeastern r .~al}chjlrlat " Uhlded ·the work of t.he UN' air- men: Ill" ' g reactivated at the Philadel­ ~i'ts that at least $15-billion more 'The Daify council decided last week. ~ ' (ThiS :, was. ih~ ' fir8t . o11iel~1 ~orees but did not mention the .. Any Information conccrnlnr Iowan " phi l n~val yard for FJ:ance. France will be needed before Ihe end of w~th the U.S. in agr.ej!meill . - .s l)ifti, . ~owcv.~f 'r:ten~I$, ', that ComnlUnist charge. the loca&lon ot our troops In­ PI''' Iiously received two of these '1950'. volves securUy and wili not be ESTABLIS~ 1868 sh' ·lS. • ._ to place on its agenea for future Manct(uri,o ,ecruili may be Oil • MacArth,ur's plea for a faster Chairman Walter F. George (D­ given at this time." SUNDAY, SEPTEMPER-3~,-1~95~0------~~ 'rhe Pbiladelphla yard also III debate. .! the POint "ot ' ~tcri!tlC' ,he . 1(~: .bllild - up of the UN ground Ga) of the senate finance com­ The issue is based on the Pei- ' rean"' wal' it they; are not al- forces was considered less ur- He said that pinpOinting po­ r- wtJvaUur 'he submarInes mittee prcdicled thai congress \~it1 ping government charge that ready In -action. gent in view of the fact that sitions would "supply infrrmation Publlebed daily except Monday by MiMBER OF THE ASSOCIAT&D PIIII l' :ower and Bumper for 'he Sludenl Publloatlons, Inc .. 128 Iowa Ave .• 1'h. A ••oelated P..,.. ia onlilled ...... back up the President by voting the U.S. is guilty of invasion Koreana In World War II his report covered the period to the enemy which we doubt he lowl Clly. lowi. Inl.red as lecond clasa I.ely 10 lb. UBe for ..,pubiicilioa at .. T II'kbih navy. another $7-biLlion to $IO·bilJion of Chinese territory through Cautious observers pointed only up to Aug. 15. Since then had." mall mailer It tile pOllOtllce I~ Jowa lhe, local newl prinled 111 1l1li _ 'i.'urkish naval personnel were Clly. Iowa, under . lit. Ict of oonlre" Pifer IS weU IS IU AP new. d.,.. tax increase next year. President Truman's action in out, however, that thousands of more and more allied tr06ps Correspondents, operating under rlt ·'! in the Uhited States ovel' a voluntary Lecurlty code, were of ~Irch 2, 111 •• George said the $4,508,000,000 sending the U.S. Seventh fleet Koreans fought with the Chi- have been reported ready to CALI. • - 2 1 I I I. , ••••••, ..... th l" weekend for some refresher asked to cooperate and delete such ,our n.u, 10".D ., ,:...... tax boost passed by the senate was to patrol the strait oC Formosa ' nese armies In World War II. sail for Korea and British units , lIub.cription rile, ~ by carrl.r In 10WI 1\ tning before taking over the gecgraphic identifications trom ro.. ..ryl.. I. ,I... O. 011 ... "ooly the beginning." House :md and prevent an ahack on the Many of them were in ac,t1on actually have landed. Greece Ojly, 10 cenlo Weekly or fI per year ti .rro,. ,e,o,le. ., .:. •.•• ~ -avanee: IIx mll11\hs n.ll!· three monllt l' :' derwater craft. field copy. 1>.11, I..... Clr.... U.. D~ Submarlnell to Turkey senate eon1erees will go to w.:>rk Nationalists' island redoubt by I in Manchuria and some re· joined th,e rank.s of the UN Echols indicated the restriction 11.... By mall III lowl ".110 per yelr I. I"" r.I' ., Old .r ....aIioJD'-"'; on that measure next week lnd the Communists. mained there as aettlers, Jt WIl$ . members ready to go into ac- ,Ix mOIUhI n .lO; Ihre. monthl U.OO. Ail at ...... was adopted in its connection with ollter m.n lublcrlpllon. II per year: IilI' .1." nn..... ••• .-. Turkey has received a number ."t. IIr... ':11 •.•. It 11 • .". fill may send it to the White Hou 'e Soviet Charre possible also that MacArthur' tion with an announcement Sat- monllt, lUI: IItr •• lIIonlh. A,III. I ... I:., , .•. I. I:. , ...... , .. f'( submaril'les and othel' vO'isels the presen t western front battle the following week. Peiping also alleged that the might be 'referrin!! to Koreans . urday that it was prepared and would be lifted when that ..,I ••••• ,.••••• , _·IIIf' ,:It .. '4Dl ....• ,. .,"' •• , .... a._ .' fnm the United Slates uodcl' earl­ Mr. Truman made it plain in U.S. is maintaining "airlorce I who fought with the Japanese to send "a unit" of ground I ,. assistan('e agreements. The ('onflict is clarified. It does not ap­ his address that the American contingents" in For,mosa. ond were detained In Manchuo forces. ply to ( ther battIe areas. 1 5S Bluebird, submarine rescue people will pay in other ways be­ \ 'ssel, was transferred to TU1'key Editor ...... "., ...... ~ .~~... ~~.~~~I :~~~~~ .. ~t~08ePb V. 8I9~ , sides taxation for their world (. It.- Iy in . August. Ma,nalln.- Edl&or ... .' ...... Glenn C. Ur .... leadership. He said the econolnl~ P,)rlugal Is the lat4ilst or the New,' Edlto~ ...... , ...... ,." .... , ...... Reynold H.... control bitt now awaitlng his r ~ orth A tlanUe treaty nations to AIII.&an& Nt"'s EditOr ...... Mar'ln Ban., signature will be used "to make LONDON wl-"!~~;}~r,I~~~"'~~!~i;l~! f'~~"' ~,l ' Mililary CO~~~~~~~ ",nn._t pro- J ~q uest military assistance. An many changes in our way of living tantie pact nations soon may namq Washington In a lew days to lilY Because 'of her acknowledged grams, however, are largely de- Aulstlnt News Edlt.or '" ...... ""'''' ...... Rlcbard JacUIP . rms aid commission left tor Por­ and working." an American peacetime command""-, U,e pro})(nal be1Ol'e President Tru- skill afloat·, Britain . presumably pendent on a fresh flow of Amerl- AssIatlllt New. Editor ...... Robert Hena.., tugal last week. • er in chief to speed the building,, ~ man and Secretary of State Dean would be called on' to furnish a can dollars to Europe. Clb Editor ...... Barbara lIell,. Ano&laer mlaaloa Is m lOulb· "We shall have to eive liP western defenses against mllitall~ Ach~on. n,aval commander. Sport. t:diter ... c.. ...!...... Hobert DbeaII Jr, . east AlIa. It bu made .urve),s many things we enjoy," he Said. communism. ' As M.vlsared I.. &aika of the A handtul 01 W~stern European Premier Rene Plevea of Soeleb Edlt.or ...... : ...... AnD Ru.eII' .In ....o-Olalna. the PlaDitJPi.-, ':We shall all have to work harder France said la a lpeecb at and 10Di!!r." ' The. civilian directors df the 12-., dlrCllten - clllle' DIe "ounell.., nations have tak"l1.. first steps Strasbour, s..tllrday hi. nation Ohlef Phot.o ..... pher :...... T... c..... ". ~ra. ud TbaUaad. ". aD 1...... :'...... "...... natIOn alliance, who have head- oJ DennUe. - American toward raising bulwarks against If · the "'-billion su~lement­ The President said he intends "".. ,. could not bear 'he IInanclal pc- quarters in London, want a coun would be eD&rufted with DIe the East, bu..",. the. o.v"rall picture rltloea alone anti "we will uk £,."ortal AUI·~~~ .. i~;~~.... d~~~~ ..St;lUlam ~~ ul appropriation for military aid to deliver another "fireside chat," terpart of the World War II ~u- overaU cemmani III reeocnlUon s\Ul appears clouded. Britain, IIOW penditlg in congr~ is ap­ pUDr he signs the bill, to explain preme allied command to brin ~ 0' C"lted 8&atel ~blp In France, Belgium l4n.d . tiny Luxem- for aid wltllou& blushla.... . B,IIIln..... M.II•• er ...... , ...... ,...... Robed J. De .... proved. it \\IiU ~ina " the total for just what the aovernment is gu­ order ou~ ot the threatened chao~ &be ...... ' Co_1IIIlIt.,- bourg' hive &Ilnounce4, p1ans for France ~ lengthening tho term AIIIIIs"ni BpsinCII Mana.er ...... I4w.. Mar.ban B, Nelson Jr, forllian anna assi8tRn~ , to ut ing to do to strip tho home front of European attempts to rearm. p~ . putting mo(e. !icl)~6ni,ng into their of military S r,l(ioe from ~ . ),cnr Olualfl~ ~lIa,er ...... , .. 1I1I1I&lal{ k. .,S-billion, _ ". em:. \Var. .. _ c'harr.man~ Ch~rl~~ . ~po.ffo~~ A FrepclwiL'!Y.o~l~ ~~a~• • al~ d~~ftees. ;. " . .'. ~~.:-:. : ., . to 18 , mon!hs• .l~.saici- V~, .. ~.u~~nt ...... Slanl., G. Q,_.. .'

~. , THE DAILY lOWA.." , EPT. 3, )9;;0 - P GE TllRE£ Student Builds Miniatur Cathedral Wobstor County to Bogin Ask Military Interurban ·Passenger Conservation Program DES ,fOINES (JPI - fhe first Tells of Collision conservancy di trict in Iowa t(, be To Name U.S. t up-.under an act ot the 1949 legislature may be esLablished Outside Milwaukee soon in Webster county. tne ,lOLe EclJ~r ' Dote: Frank W. Cor­ ICOn! Nation commission ha~ an­ Dell, Lewiston, N.Y., was a p - noun AW~H~G!a ~ge!~" ..1 Rnl'er aboard one of the Inter­ The obJecU\'es oj ueh districts defense group said Saturday night urban trains " 'hich tollided are to combine and coordinate that U.S. ciUe cannot plan eUec­ hudoD outalde Mil_ullee kill­ oil con.s ration, flood control lively unless the military tells in, at 19.IIt el,hl peno Ind and drainage work conducted by them whi,-h are the most likely IJJJurIUl' another 47. Be " ,eoarate altencies. such a county A-bomb t'argets. treated lor hoek and rele cd soil conservation district . Th conclusion was ba ed on :I from the hospital. Here II hill The law i a companion to the all survey of American cities of dHcrlption of the er It. one t nacled by the 1949 legisla­ 300,000 population or more by B1 FRANK W. COIUIo'l:LL lure establishing the sUite natural the All American Defense associa­ _('sources council. " '1'.1. t. TII~ I:DII.... P r~ tion. The association is a private MILWAUKEE 1PI - I looked group working to spur defense ac­ IUt the window in the rear car tivities., It my train and saw the olher She Sings, Too urve)' bow ome Preparinl' rain cominl, so I doubled up Three-fourths of the cities sur­ lown behind the seat. veYed, the association said, "are proceeding with tull-scale organ­ n eemed like the crash came ization ot civil defen e agencies." Imo t immediately. There was no But onl)' two cltlts - t. '/ arning and I didn't hear any Paul and Pit burl'h - actually rakes applied. have made .. Wi OD "tbe rul­ ru soon as we hit, people ran ly expensive and difficult iUk ,ut of the car and others were In civil defen e," dllperul ot Ued up inside. I don't know what vilal 'adUties and phnical pro­ appened to the people alongsid · tectlOD a ..Jut bomb blu.. nt. They seemed to disappear What the 'cities need most now, The wbole plaee look ed like the association Inqlcated, is some parhetfJ. I couldn', tell wbose straight talk from the military as lep beloDl'ed to who. The art to which would be the ripest atom­ ..eemed to crumple and there ic targets. wu a lot of O)'inl' 1'1 MllSt Know Danl'er of thll ret,lJatie clay mIntature I saw some injured with bone· . '" p per, ticking out. lslated he1plng peo­ SrlCY AS AN AUTU~Il'\"DA.Y ,Is this old-fashioned outhern molas es-pecan pie. Combine • "Obviously," the association cathedral were of 011 placed tbere to "nnl b Il off ril'bt" by ,Ie crawl out of the wr ckage. I ,redlents for the filling, put In a j)i crust and bake. The result wlU be six sUce of ,ood ealin,. said, "the xtent to which local U. creator, Arthltteture tuden, Bill Weede, of EI Cerrito, CaUl. lon't know how many people ] ageneles should be o~anlzed can I:e determined only If they know lulled out, but I kept on aOing 'Zion Church Scene how great Is the danger. .mtll I couldn't do it any more. Molasses-Pecan Pie, Elaine Vogel Weds .. Orne of tbe In,er dUes are Says Senator Weakened Social Security Act I gu s I passed out and un known to be rll:latlvely III: Im­ ambulance brought me to the MADISON, WIS. fIl'\ - Atty. people judge." ,ospital. ASouthern Favorife, Of Marriage of Paul Orcutt Here, portant u ~ar,e1a for atomle Gen. Thomas E. iairchild accused rn Kenosha, Gubernatorial Can­ I' explosion than ome mailer Sen. AI xander 'Viley (R ~ Wis) didate lAonard Schmitt hit agalr Is Tasty Anywhere J-oretta Emma Frei ones. Friday night of voting to weaken at a plank in the state R publi· West Sranch Soy Both SUI Students "The otflclal ot municipalities the new social security act can organization's campaign plat­ An old Southern favoritl' which are reluctant to embark on ex­ form. might well top off a modern meal Two Iowa Citians, Loretta Fairchild, a Democrat, said the Sentenced to Jail Two SUI studenL~, Elaine Fay tensive prog'rams of relocation ot Schmitt, who seeks the COT In any part of the country i~ , thi~ Emma Fre! and Delbert Wayne Republican ~ natal' whose seat Vogel and PaUl Orcutt, were mar­ facilities or shelter construction he is seeking had cast his vote nomination as an anti-organlzatlor Buddy Lee Kintz, l8-year-old molasses-pecan pie: J' Snyder, were married here Sat- unless they have r a on to believe 3 beaten eggs . urday at 6 p.m. In the Zion Luth- ried here at 2:30 p.m. Saturday against an amendment for public candidate said the plank woulC West Branch youth, was sentenc­ at the Zion Lutheran church. th y would enJOY high priority on aSSistance to the needy disabled "smash the primary law, upor d to J 0 days in the county jail I . cup molasses u; ' eran church. a potential enemy's list." The bride is a graduate of he and other "strengthenina provl~ which all progress in Wisconsir Frlday for driving while his li­ Ih cup white corn syrup I The bride is the daughter ot was dependenL" The plank woul cense was under suspension. 2 tablespoons melted butter or, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lawrence SUI collcge of nursing. She is the slons." daught r of Mrs. AUlust Heneke, Th 0 mocratic candidate said allow the names of candidates no­ Kintz was also tined $52.50 by margarine Frei, 1131 St. Clement street. She tc Maquoketa, and Edwin Vogel, Veep Asked to Talk he b iieves th new law "doesn't minated by party conventions Police Judge Emil G. Trott for ~iJ teaspoon salt is a graduate of Iowa City high go directly on the ballot, without reckless driving and $50 for a pre­ \ teaspoon vanilla s~hool. Farnhamville. go (or nough." nomination papers. 50 1 cup pecan halves Med enlor I vious tine which hod bcen Bride's Attendants In Six Iowa Cities Meanwhile the Republican can~ ' lispendcd. I ta blespoon enriched flout The groom, a renior in the diate (or Ilttorney general, Vernon The groom is the son of Mr. DES MOINES (JP) -'Jake More, I' 8.-II\ch ul\bi\ked pie crust High Costs Force Close Because th ckles driving nd Mrs. William Snyder, 502 W. C::UI college ot medicine, is t.he Democratic state chairman, said Thonlson, turned down a chal­ Gombine eggs, molasses, syrup, charie was the third such convic­ Benton street. He is employed at son of H.B. Orcutt, Walker. He is Friday Vice President Barkley ha; lenge {rom a Dcmocratic rival, Of Oakland Daily Paper shortening, salt and vanilla. Mix tion In the past year, Kintz's driV­ he TOWil State Hygiene laboratory affiliated witp Alpha Kappa Kap­ becn invited to make six addrt'~ e Reuss, to debate Thom­ OAKLAND, CALIF. (ll'! - The nuts with flour and stir int the er's license was also revoked. ere. po, profe. sional m dlcal fratern­ In Iowa prior to the November son's charg or corrupt practices Onkland Post - Enquirer, an art­ mixture. Pour 'into an 8-inc Ity. eleclion. by the state 0 mocralic party. ernoon newspnpcr published by pan lined with unbaked pas Attending the bride were Joyce Iowan Among Officers Frei, Iowa City; Evelyn Smith, The bride's aUendants were Mar­ Appearanc s hav been request­ Thom.on had aceu ed the Dt'mo­ the Hearst Publishing company, Bake 40 minutes or until filling ed at Ottumwa, Mason City, Cre - Homestead; Catherine Evans, 920 jorie Kroegor. Cedar Rapids; Pearl crats of falling to report about suspended pubUcation Friday. Of Veterans Auxiliary is Ii I'm in a modern oven (375 de­ ton, Davenport, Sioux Oity and Dearborn street; Esther Miller, 670 Ailen, Iowa City, and Carolyn $100,000 In campaign funds. Reuss In a two-column box on pOi grees). Serves six. Heneke, Maquoketa. Flower girls Dubuque, More said. The latter hod otcered Thom. on even mt­ one, the rtewspaper sold: CHICAGO (IP) - Mrs. George Additional pecan halves 'may S. Governor street, and Marie Milley, Iowa City. Judy Frel, sis­ were Elaine Orcutt, Walker, and two had becn tentatively scheduled n\lt s' time on his radio broad­ ''Th management of the Oak­ A. I1g of Edgewood, R.I., Saturday garnish the top. If pccans are tOQ I1ean Vogel Farnhamville. prior to the Korean war tor ad­ ~'\lSt in Thomson's home town, land Post - Enquirer announces was elected national pre ident of expensive, peam.t halves mJ~ bf! tCI of the bride, was flower girl. We tlawn R ceptlon dresses by Pre Ident Truman, the t({chland center, Sept. 7 to debate discontinuance of pUblication ef­ th ladle auxillary, Veterans of substituted. Ch urch Reeeption chairman explain d. Best man was' William Rogers, the charge. tective with this issue. Prc ent Foreign Wacs. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ___ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. ------Rober Rowe Jr., 608 S. Madi­ An Associated Press dispatch The ejection and installation of (or Cedar Rapids. Ushers were Thomson sold he'll I;ontinue to costs muke this decision . nI'CCS­ son street, was best man. Cletus from Washlniton Friday said Charles Plows. M4, Ottumwa, and make the cha,rge and "let the ~ary." ~lficers ended th auxtUary's fiv ". Nylon Suit Dress Calta, 716 Walnut street; John Barkley has been lined up to Whlt'h d Rlchora Acker, M4, Iowil CIty. lay meeting. p raBel the ,s- Snyder, brother of the bridegroom; pinch-hit for President Truman '\$t encumpment or the VFW. Edward S. Rose .. Following the ceremony, a re­ STOP at Drug Shop to have Bob Henderson and Joe Bontrai­ in an active campaign to reelect it JFirst Citizen of the World' Other nt'w oflic('rs arc: Mrq. er, both of Iowa City, were ushers. ception was held In the Westlawn Democratic membcrs to congress. Ier .. chel H. Griffith. Blooming­ your PRESCRIPTION filled A reception was held in the parlor. The couple I ft tor a trip The vice-president said he is on, Ind., senior vice - prcsldent; or obtain some Vitamin-Drug­ to the Ozarks, aiter which they church parlors following the cere­ almost certain to appear In Iowa \1rs. George L . Holm, Chkago, Medicin or allied ite mony. Following a wedding trip plan to make their home at 528 and It other states. unlor vice - presid nt; Mrs. why not STOP today - thank to Wisconsin, the couple plans to S. Dubuque street. ,ranL Rigby, Zane. viiiI', Ohio, live at 1123 St. Clement street. Christensen Aslcs reasurer: Mrs. Ellis H. ~~hlll, New you - Champ Crowned, Orleans, chpplaln; Mrs. Thomas F. Change of Venue Holtz, Philadelphia, conductre , DRUG SHOP 'Slight Edge Given Mother Detained 1nd Mrs. Sherman L. Olson, 0 n­ DES MOINES (JP) - Dr. C.J. hison, Iowa, national ,uard, DES MOINES (IP}' - The two Christensen, member of the state To Iowa Republicans curly-haired blondes who won coard of chiropracllc examiners, champion boy and girl honor at Saturday asked that hearing on DES MOINES (JP) - Republi­ thc state fair acceptcd their prizes an ouster action tiled against him Beautiful, Dependable Watches can candidates for U.S. senator under unusual c:lrcumstnnces. be held In Clinton county instead llnd governor led by narrow mar­ A watch from Fuiks fine collection is a The boy, Martin Ralph Scharfi', of in Des Moines. gins in the tirst poll results an­ He filed a moUon tor a change c.ombination of heauty and utility - th nounced by Wallace's Farmer and 2, ot near Hedrick. was one or the first to claim the champion­ of venue in Polk county district most d pendable lime piece available, Iowa Homestead. ship in the absence of his mother. court on the grounds that Clin­ comhin d with the stl ing and beauty U.S. Sen. Bourke B. Hicken­ Martin's father, Ralph J . Scharf!, ton county is his home county and looper, Republican, received 45 per explained that Mrs. Scharff was that the action must be heard ou desire. Assure yourself of s, ti fac­ cent of the vote, taking among at home because they are expect­ where he Is a resident. He lives lion by s lecling a nationaJly known farmers only, to 30 percent tOI' ing Mr. Stork. In DeWitt. make of watch, bnckecl by 'r. Fuik. p T­ cAlbert J . Loveland, his Democra­ The action was brought against The girl, Cinda Mac Barlow, ~onal guarantee. tic opponent. The other 25 percent nearly 3, Dumont, won five tro­ Dr. Christensen by Polk County was undecided. phies and for the first time in the Atty. Ed S. Thayer in lhe name Gov. William S. Beardsley, Re.­ contest swept the field in the girIs' of the State of Iowa. Sparkling, Treasurable Diamonds flubUcan. received 5 L percent of division. She even beat out her Thayer's petition claimed Dr. ~he vote, while Lester S. Gillette, twin sister. They are the daugh­ Christensen is serving on the AMERICAN ZION) T pre enled PresldeDt Tr1lll11n with a plaqae Regardless of your diamond Democrat, received 29 percent. The at lbe White Hous in reco~nhion of his centrlbatloD to human ters of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bar~ board illegally because his name wi he , certifi d quality and other 20 percent was undecided. low. was not on an appointment list welfare, accorded him tbe dUe of "The Flrt' Cltlsea of tht World." Wallace's Farmer and low!! aiven to Gov. William S. Beards­ MakinI' tbe presentatioD are Rep. Abraham J. MIlI&er (D-N.Y,), weight and lasting beauty are Homestead said the tirst in Its se­ When it came to the tinal (left), and Benjamin G. Browdy, Zl9n1at president. score, Cinda Mae was 99.2 per­ ley by the Iowa Chiropractic asso­ yours at 1. Fuiks. af guard ries of polis "indjcates that any~ ciation. thing can happen, particularly in cent perfect, and Martin Ralph yourself again t the common was 98.6 percent perfect_ "Door Open 1:15-9:45" the sena te race." -Ends mi.stake of judging diamonds by The results corresponded clos~ price alone. Let Fuiks rri ndly ly to those in the paper's pol! in Attorney General Studies Tuesclay- NOW gem expert give you a sound August, 1948. Lakes Sewer Finances '"l1ft'3 mTI~ knowledge of your diamond jn- Thru MARRIAGE LICENSES DES MOINES (JP) - State con­ TODAY TUESDAY t JIR~ t RUN Hlfl • Nlqba. 45c v tment. Marriage licenses were issued servation co,mmission otficials have )'011' Jeweler For Our Years In Johnson county clerk's oUlce conferred at the attorney general's ·18 Friday to William R. Crow Jr. oUice regarding the future of FOR TRAVELING COEDS, and Betty Petrick, both at Iowa state aid in financing operation of brewn and white checked n Ion City; Paul E. Orcutt and Elain F. the Iowa Great Lakes sewer line. I. FUlKS lait dress can't be beat. 'rhe Vogel, both ot Iowa City; Robert Commission Director Bruce F. Jeweler and Optometrist bJtwlng sleeved ja ~ kel ,has ~. Russell and Rose A.M. Dono­ Stiles said Assistant Attorney 220 Ea.t Washington ,houlder spread collar overlalll hoe, both of Iowa City, and Clair General Kent Emery will make a witb white pique, repeated on A. Wilson and Jaquelyn Morris, study of the subject before giving the euUs. The belt is b"'wn both ot Cedar Rapids. an opinion. "a~nt. ' . Ii ~ARSifV NOW) NOW Z BII' .. " .. rA.~, COOl Ends Mon.! ... -\ Ends Tuesday Adlon Hits I.

PLva RICHARD e.l., c ...... "II.... ',F UNOA DARNEll .... Bla" VERONICA lAKE Late If..... PAGE FOUR-THE DAILY IOWAN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1958

TIl' JIle!lt Yanks Dow"n N~ts; "Tigers Beat "Chicago pyer %81 rarr.~, DiMag Leads Hal Newhouser ],y Al NATIONAL LIAG Do.... DUI\ftft.... w L po~ ~DIT~R. J,eJI PhiladelphIa ..... 1!4 4, Brookl,·" .,t:'U , Ja~k ... New Yorkers Dittmer's call to the ,Boston Braves Friday climaxed an &lie I Hurls Win, 8-2 Boslon ...... U3 iIIl 10' . Now York ...... [HI iIlI .33~ I~" NEW YORK (JP) - Jolting Joe extraordinary rise in professional baseball for the former Iowa foot· raP' SI. Louis .6. ~U .~H IUIlt ,nce DiMaggio drove in rive runs on DETROIT (JP) - Vi~Wertz and Chl ..,o ...... ~ I 71 .4S't ~.l ball and baseball star. " his Detroit Tiger teammates had Clo

~~--By BENNETT CERF----- RITA VAN DOREN'S three-year-old grandson awoke in the I middle of the night, complaining that he had a horrendous dream. He wouldn't go back to sleep until he was allowed to stow his favorite cap-pistol under his pillow. A half-hour later two shots rang out. His parents rushed in to find him PHONE 4191 twirling his gun in the ap­ proved Hopalong Cassidy lET THE ClASSIFIEDS WORK FOR YOU manner. "That dream came b ack." he explained, "so I shol it. Of course, this is just a pretend gun - but luckily. LAFF-A-DAY the dream didn't know thaU" • • • Wolcott Gibbs, who can pick up odds and ends faster than a blue serre suit, came home from one Broadway revue with only one clear Impression: a lady who confided to her companion. "She. was a 1I1 y'"mlnx-the only one with sense cnoug); to come to th e party naked." EverythJng else In the show-music, scenery, lyrics, ., sketches-wall a blur In Mr. Gibbs' memory. COptrl&b1. lV:IO. bY Btl1llell Ctrl. DlltrtbUIt4 by Killi F.atu ... Syndlcat •. 100M AND BOARD


flN'IHAD r~NE"rA Al,MOS71O MAMiI"' llD "'JOIN ).IF P/CK.·DVP n-u.r'lf04DtlP ALARM ON T/rM POL/c. ~O"'. ~7'lNro , MSJAlOAOY~ t:~~~~~IJ§§uei IJ6RE~I$ - ' htTON 7JI6" SCENT"- (!}NI'- WILL. ST}'\RT Cop •. 19}O. Ki"& ftalu.os SyndlC>! <. tttCf'II4. .1 DOING SOME "Of course I dKln't forge t today's your birthday. Happy .... SKING- 'birthdll)C, dear." _.1 PAGE SIX - TTlE DAn.V IOW.<\N, SUNDAY, SEPTEM11ER 3. 1950 • United Nat.ions Forces Fight Hard, Yield ~iftle .. South Koreans Man 705 mm. Howitzer

Holds Gavel

NEW CHAIRMAN or United Na tions Secuity Council tor the month of September is Brit­ ain's Sir GlajJwyn Jebb, who with U.S. Delegate Warren Aus­ OF tin lashed out continuously at t\ Aohr;son is pictured bere u It I Uussla's Jakob Malik who held f I stepped hom a car just btIl11 the gavel during August. his press conference in W_ ington where he decl ared ~ should the Chinese COQUllilail~ join In the Korean war In II~ port of North Korea they .'011 become a"ressors in vIoiltlel of the United Nations eharlu .

· ~r • , SOUTH KOREAN HOWITZERS IN ACTION against the North Kore;xn foe I was forced to move into a new position by relurn fire from North Korean ar- are pictured in this shot. Shortly after the picture was taken this battery tillery. Before retreating the battery fired 120 rounds into enemy positions.

Bomb Iron Works Last Fling Before Battle .. 'Buil~ . ,Upon Stol1e'

:,; ~"':~~:-~~ "-~ ,x ~ .~

A FLIGHT OF BZ9s roars over KyomUo; North Korea, to BEFORE GOING TO THE Joseph D. Luar W A CATHOLIC stands unscathed in a 240 tons of bombl on iron and steel works there. Mexico dances witb a pretty South Korea n miss in a Pusan )light fought-over' Pohall&" hot spot In South Korea. S!)ot.

Third War for Grandpa South Koreans Fight Back Near Pohang Marine Replacements

WITH A CHEERY S~LE, EUlene A. Kelley, four time &,randfather IN THE POHANG AREA, a South Korean gun ere " of the 17 th regiml'nt prl'llared ~ tire on North MAK~1l RIJ'LAl()ENll!jl'rs a& 50, starts for Navr puty In Lon&' Beach, hi. third war. In World Korean positions. Tblll area Is the scene of the enem y's biggest current Ilr.lvc toward the port of PUian. the fJrHtln&, War I he Wal a Oremaa on the battleahlp Mlasl ..lppl. In World War • 0 64 mll~ north, n be was an eiectrlclalUl mate In CallforDia.