..~. Weather Genenn, r.Jr with UhIe · .. Page 4 diaJlJ'e In temper.ture to· Physical Therapy for Polio Patients day and Monda)'. HI.h • . Page 5 tod. 15; low, 55. Fall Paqe of Picture. at · .. Page 6 Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leaaed Wire - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Sunday. September 3. 19SO--Vol. 84, No. 282 labpr Day,Traffic Joll Starts State 'Drive Right' / Campaign aSuccess Rise; 100 Dead in Accidents Despite Death Toll Reds Open Drive on Northern Front; CHICAGO nil - The traIflc toll {or the Labor Day weekend DES MOINES lIP) - The Iowa cUmbed s_&ly Sliturday night No Iowan Tuesday "Drive Rieht" campaign Is pray­ and safety experts warned It The Daily 10"'IIn will not be Ing wOl'thwhlle IIf~r aU. would acceleute toda:l' and Mon­ Though the campaign basn't re­ Battles Rage published Tuesday. I lnce Iowan on "120-Mile Perimeter day. employees w .1I be .Iven Laber duced the automobile death toll. The 78-hour holiday was but 30 D.y ofr. the number of persons Injured in hours old when tbe lOOth traffic There I no re,ul.r MondaI' traffic accidents ha been cut more * * death was counted. Drownings than 29 percent. 2nd Division, Is ue ot the Iowan, 80 the next UN Air Power Hits cl.lmed eight lives, airplane acci­ Issue published will be that o( III addition. not one tet1l·a,e dents four and miscellaneous mis· Wednesday, Sep&' 8. c.r driver has been Inv.lved in haPS 20. • r.tal aeeldea' .. far. Reds to Help Stem First Marines The tr~tllc death rate was less The "Drive Right" campailJl oP­ than that necessary to bring the ened Aug. 22 and wm close Tues­ Advances in Korea tlnal colJ~t of 435 predicted by Manpower Requ@sfs dllY. One goal of the drive waa to Start Attack the NaUiIr!a\ Safety cOuncil. But (JP) - "save a life a day." In recent TOKYO (SUNDA V) The TOKYO (SUNDA V) (.4» - Ko· the council warned that pleasant years, an IIverale at 27 persons one thin. Red Korean prisoner rean Reds smashed more than weather today would clog the high By Truman Scuttle has been killed In Jowa trattlc say they fear most - United two miles {rom the north today ways and result In a higher acci­ accidents In the Aug. 22 - Sept. 5 Nlltions air power - slashed o1t to wlthin 12 miles of TaeiU, slrn­ dent frequency. Congressional Recess period. attacklna Communi ts Saturday tegJc United Nations center, as In addltlol) to those killed in The hope was to cut the death with all its tury. furious flghtine enveloped the trattic, 21 other accidental deaths WASHINGTON IlPI - Senate toll by 14 in the two weekS, or to FreId commanders eagerly cre­ whole- 120-mlle Korean battle per­ dited the air strikes with a malol' were repOrted. leaders figured Saturday that a total of 13 or less. im ter. Among them were two drown­ But 11 penou had dleel In role In .temmlng the onslaught The new Red effort t. rap· President Truman's decision to and permitting American ground Inp - on,e in Mlchiean and one tnfflc ......huPtl up at 5 ,.m. ~ure Tun Wall reported by AI· In Colorado - and 19 resulting double miHtary manpower and .turda,. That II one above the trOQps to roll back the enemy t odated Pre CorrHPGDdeD& from airplane and railroad mls· boost war production has ICUttled aver.'e of recent 'e.... for tlIe mllny points. n.1 Boyle In • field cllsp.&eh at haps, tires lind miscellaneous any chance congress had for 3 period. Lt. Gen. Georle C. Stratemeyer. 12:28 p.m. (1:21 p.rn. Iowa time long recess. causes. In other ways, the picture Is Far East alrlorces chief, said th t aturday). Democratic Leader Scot! W. Lu­ all types ot planes went Into the Nine persons were kiUed in 3 brighter. The number of accidents Taegu. prOVisional capital 01 cas, Illinois, told a reporter he battle - from 8-29 to li~ht South Korea lind the advanced railroad colUslon near Milwaukee. Is down slielttly. from a 3·year observation craft. About 50 were hUrt when two in­ will insist when congres~ takes a Amcricnn supply base, would ot­ breatlter later on that it do so with averaee of 1,247 to 1,154 to date. tqurban trallll, filled with sight­ That Is a cut ot 7 percent. I t WIIS the second lime since fer the Communists hiehway In­ the clear understanding It wl\l re­ the outbreak of war lhol the Sup­ vasion routes to the only two .eeing model railroad fans. smash­ turn to work after the November Also, youthful drivers apparent­ ed Into each other. erlortresses had given direct sup­ good ports In UN hands - Po· elections. ly hllve been more cllretul on tlte A pilot and a bystander were pOrt to tr0und troops. The big hang to tlte cast. Pusan to the highways than adults. A i4-yellr­ bombers unloaded their 200 - ton killed wtlen a private plane crash­ The bl,. Job at thla stue II old boy was kllled when a trllctor southeast. ed Into II 'crOWd at Hooper, Utah. \a put up the money President bomb load a lew mllcs back of Tbe developmenta aloD& the Truman needs \a push the Ko­ turned over on him. Other than the {laming western tront. A mother and child djed when a that the teen-agers have looked f1amln, front In brier: Salt Lake residence burned. rean flchtlnr and build up the From dawn to dark, wave alter good in the drivi¥lg statistics. wave ot the Fifth (tactical) alr­ On th 55-mlle northern tront , A Pennsylvania airplane crash armed strenrth of thl and olll­ - from Wae,wan to Pohan, - er free nations. force's C1ghters nd IJght bomb­ THE E BRIDGE AT SEOUL, KOREA. Ihow the effects of continued a lulls by Amtrlcan W.r ~lled two others. (U •• alrforce photo via AP wirephoto.) the Reds opened a eeneral attack He told the country Friday er. roared Into the battle zone to today. I bomb, strate and rocket troop, night that close to 3-million men Cops Crack Down They (l) 6(lIlhered vital hel,hts T~r.eatened GE Strike must be placed under arms, and equipment and suppUes. south of KIgye. nine miles north­ Tiny unarmed T-6 two - sellter ~y Hamper War Ou~put po ~s ibl~ more. He also called for Ku Klux Klan Sen. McClel~an Asks west of Pohanl, (2) advanced two sharp Increases in the output of On ttlilners used as observation plane Nisei Soldier in Korea and one-half miles southwllrd NEW YORK (.4» - Possible guns. tanks and planes. flew over enemy lines throuahout CONWAY. S.C. (11'1 - AutltOrl­ down the "bowling a\ley" toward dl~uption of a segment of the the day plckLng targets tor the for 'Peace-or-War' Taegu, and (3) gain d nearty two notlon's Wllr production loomed Even as the President spoke. ties put a damper on the : 1 Klux fra&mentntion bombs. lasollne Pentagon o([icials were reported Klan's hocdowns In both South Helps Save 25th Division miles in the Waellwan sector, 12 Saturday In a threatened strike. Jelly, machLneguns and rockets of miles northwest Taegu. by congressional sources to be and North Carollna Saturday Reds WITH U.S. 25TH DIV]SION rN foxholes - but George company ot sei for TueSday, against the big their blager buddies. Showdown with Along the w tern defense lines, working on new requests tor mill­ night but brother Klansme1l made KOREA (IP) - The gallant stand bent them back ach time. Gen'lral ·Electric company. tary spending that would push WASHINGTON (A")-Sen. John extendin, down to Masan. re­ Sfx GE plants in the east al­ up for it In Florida and Alabllma. of Company G. credited with a the defense budget close to $50- McCleUan (D-Ark) caUed Satur­ Thc R ds overran the third eroup d Reds were attacking ev­ reudy were hlt by walkouts of Grllnd Dragon Thomas Hamil­ day for an ultimate "peace-or­ wrge hand In saving the enlir platoon's tood and water supply, billion for the present tiscal yeal'. Two Weeks' Delay 25th divi,ion, has as Its Indlvl- erywhere except In a 25 - mile sotn!' 23,000 workers. ton of the Carolina Klans, jlllled war" showdown with Russia B captured two 60 mlllimel r mor­ stretch ot th Naktong river west .The CIO international union of Oplnlon dUfered In lenaU on II charla of l>rovoking II riot lawmak r plcdi~ \.IppOr\ ;tor. ual hero II oun&. JaPlin c- tar and II 75 min reeoill. we· circles..&ll \a whelJau na­ of Yongsan. eWc\i'lcal wotXet'8 MId its other "I. In a· NegrO sec on of 1\tyrtle Seen for Tax Bill Presld~nt TrU)1'Ulll'1 plan ~ booIlt American who 1Ia\ Gut World War pon . Tlte third platoon wa in a members would quit Tues­ man's decision to put nearly 3- Tbere the U.S. eCCln~ 11l- 3G;pOO BeaCh, S.C., last Saturday nicht. the nation's fiahting lorces to II In a Washlnl(ton Internment tight del nse perlm t r o{ 30 yard, fantry dlvl Ion. reinforced b, day liit 'pllints across the nation to million men under arml would put up $5.000 bond 50 be could WASHINGTON (JP) - A prob- 3-milllon men or more. camp. now. The Reds went. aCter 50 requjre Immediate chances In the Firat Marine brlcsde.
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