Department of Customs Harmonized System Codes (HS Code 2017)

Import Classification item

I. Section Chapter 01-05 Animal Products 31 II. Section Chapter 06-15 Vegetable Products 102 III. Section Chapter 16-24 Food Stuffs 111 IV. Section Chapter 25-27 Mineral Products 31 V. Section Chapter 28-38 Chemicals and allied Industries 1349 VI. Section Chapter 39-40 /Rubbers 197 VII. Section Chapter 41-43 Raw Hides, Skins, Leathers & Furs 57 VIII. Section Chapter 44-49 Wood and Wood Products 168 IX. Section Chapter 50-63 Textiles 312 X. Section Chapter 64-67 Footwear/Headwear 81 XI. Section Chapter 68-71 Stone/ 183 XII. Section Chapter 72-83 Metals 451 XIII. Section Chapter 84-85 Machinery/Electrical 1135 XIV. Section Chapter 86-89 Transportation 1720 XV. Section Chapter 90-97 Miscellaneous 480 Total 6,408

Export Classification item I. Livestock/Animal Intestine 5 II. Hides and Skin 4 III. Fish and Fish Products 25 IV. Gums (Xabkaha) 10 V. Animal Fruits and Vegetable Products 7 VI. Hand Crafts 9 VII. Fertilizers (Bacriminta) 4 VIII. Limestone and Salts 7 IX. Mineral and Precious Stones 29 X. Crude Oil 1 XI. Cereals 9 XII. Fruit and Fresh Vegetable 5 XIII. Beverages/Sweets 3 XIV. Soap 2 XV. Coffee 1 XVI. Medicated Trees 2 XVII. Scraps 5 XVIII. Water Tanks 3 XIX. Transshipment 16

Total 147

Takaaliifta Noocyada I. Aircraft Fee and Charges 2 II. Landing Fees and Handling For Class A airport 10 III. Takaaliita kale 10 IV. Immigration Fee 7 V. Manifest Fee ( Arrival and Departure) 6 VI. Royalities 3 VII. Ruqsooyinka Kale 3

Total 41

Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ %

Chapter 1

Live Animals 0104.1000 Sheep/Goats 001.210 Per Head $ 30 35% 0105.1100 Live Poultry 001.411 “ “ $2.0 35% 0102.1000 Camels 001.110 “ “ $100 35% 0102.1000 Cattle/Calves 001.110 “ “ $ 100 35%

Chapter 2

Meat and Edible Offal 0201.1000 Fresh Meat of Sheep/Goats 012.111 KG $ 4 35% 0202.1000 Frozen Meat 012.111 KG $ 4 35% 0207.1100 Frozen chicken Meat 012.311 KG $ 0.5 35%

Chapter 3 Fish and Crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates 0302.1100 Fresh Fish 034.121 KG $ 2 35% 0302.1200 Fresh Chiled 036.339 KG $ 2 35% 0303.1100 Frozen Fish 034.400 KG $ 2 35%

Chapter 4 Dairy products: Birds, Eggs,natural honey, edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere Specified or included 0404.10 Fresh milk Sweetened 022410 Lts $ 0.66 7% 0404.10 Fresh Milk Unsweetened 022410 Lts $0.66 7% 0402.10 Concentrate Milk in Tins Sweetened 022410 Lts $ 1.5 7% 0404.10 Concentrated milk in tins un-sweetened 022410 Ltr $1 7% 0402.21 Milk Powder in Tins 02222910 KG $ 1 7% 0402.21 Milk Powder in Foil Paper 02222910 KG $1 7% 0402.21 Milk powder in Bags 02222910 KG $ 0.8 7% 0402.21 Sweetened Frozen Milk with Fruits (Yoghurt) 02222910 KG $0.55 7% 0402.21 UnSweetened Frozen Milk with Fruits (Yoghurt) 02222910 KG $0.33 7%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 0405.10 Butter 02301090 KG $ 1.2 25% 0405.10 Butter Ghee 023023090 KG $ 1.2 25% 0405.10 Cattle Ghee 023023090 KG $ 0.50 25% 0405.10 Ghee in tins 023023090 KG $ 0.80 25% 0406.90 Cheese in Packet (tri-angle shaps) 024990 KG $ 0.80 25% 040819.00 Eggs 025221 Doz $ 2.00 35% 040819.00 Hagged Egg (beed digaagad noqonaya) 025221 Doz $1.00 35% 0409.0000 Natural Honey 061600 Ltrs/KG $ 0.25 25%

Chapter 5 Products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included 0507.10.10 Ivory, Elephants 291.161 KG 0507.10.30 Horn. Rhinoceros 291.161 KG 0509.00.00 Natural Sponges 291.270 KG 0505.10.00 Feathers 291.959 KG

Chapter 6 Live trees and other plants; bulbs ,roots and the like; cut flowers and ornamental foliage 0601.10.00 Bulbs, tubers, corms tuberous roots 292.611 Per KG $0.5 10% and rhizomes. Dormant 0601.20.00 Bulbs, Tubers, Corms 292.611 “ “ $0.5 10% 0604.10.00 Tuberous roots and rhizomes, in growth 292.611 “ “ $0.5 10% or in flower 0604.10.00 Cane ( Aala-Sonkor) 292.611 “ “ $0.05 10% 0604.10.00 Date Palm (Geed Timireed) 292.611 “ “ $0.36 10%

Chapter 7 Edible Vegetables and certain roots and tubers 0701.10 Potato 054111 Per KG $ 0.090 15% 0703.10 Onion 0545100 “ “ $ 0.090 15%

0702.00 Tomato 05411900 “ “ $ 0.090 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 0703.20 Garlic 05452100 “ “ $ 0.090 15% 0708.11 Carrots, Cabbage etc. 05454100 “ “ $ 0.090 15%

Chapter 8

Edible Fruits, Nuts & peels citrus fruits 0804.10.00 Dates in Sacks 05796000 Per KG $ 0.30 7% 0804.10.00 Dates in Tins 05796000 “ “ $ 0.30 7% 0804.10.00 Dates in Ctns & packets 05796000 “ “ $ 0.50 7% 0803000 Banana 057300 “ “ $ 0.18 15% 0801.11 Coco Nuts 057711 “ “ $ 0.18 15% 0804.3000 Pineapple 057950 “ “ $ 0.18 15% 0808.10 Apple 057400 “ “ $ 0.18 15% 0804.50 Mango 057975 “ “ $ 0.18 15% 0807.190 Papaya 057911 “ “ $ 0.18 15% 0804.50 Guava 057975 “ “ $ 0.18 15% 0805.10 Oranges, Mandarin Etc 057110 “ “ $ 0.18 15% 0805.30 Lemon, Pampelmo. 057210 “ “ $ 0.18 15% 0806.10 Grape Fruits 057510 “ “ $ 0.77 15% 0807.11 Water melon 057911.10 “ “ $ 0.18 15% 0807.11 Resins, “Sabiib” 057520 “ “ $ 0.70 15% 0807.11 Other Fresh Fruits 0570980 “ “ $ 0.55 15%

Chapter 9 Coffee, Tea, Mate, Spices: 0901.00.00 Curry 0071112 Per Kg $ 1.7 25% 0901.10.00 Coffee Beans “Arabic” 0071112 “ “ $ 1.00 25% 0901.10.00 Coffee Beans “Rebusta” 071113 “ “ $ 1.20 25% 0901.90.00 Coffee With peel 071399 “ “ $ 0.80 25% 00902.30 Coffee Husks 0713910 “ “ $ 0.50 25% 0904.11 Tea Loose in sucks/Boxes 0747120 “ “ $ 0.80 7% 0904.11 Black Pepper “ Filfil” 075111 “ “ $ 0.80 15% 0906.10 Pepper in Powder 075115 “ “ $ 0.80 15% 0907.00.10 Cinnamons “ Qorofol” 075220 “ “ $ 0.80 15% 0908.30.10 Cloves “ Dhaga-yare” 075241 “ “ $ 0.80 15% 0908.30 Cardamoms “Hayl” – Indian Type 075253 “ “ $ 3.50 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 0909.10 Cardamoms “Hayl” – east Africa Type 075253 “ “ $ 2.50 15% 0909.30 Coriander “Xulbad” 0752621 “ “ $ 0.80 15% 0910.10.10 Nutmegs “Joos” 0752511 “ “ $1.00 15% 0910.30.10 Common seeds. 0752631 “ “ $ 0.80 15% 0910.10.10 Dry Ginger “Sinjibiil” 0755271 “ “ $ 1.00 15% 0910.20.00 Saffron “ Sacfaraan” 0752811 “ “ $ 0.80 15% 0910.20.00 Food Color Powder 0752811 “ “ $0.80 15% 0910.30.10 Tamarind “ Xamar” 0752911 “ “ $ 0.50 15% 0910.50 Kabsare 0752812 “ “ $ 0.80 15% 0910.50 Black cumin (xabaasuud) 0752812 “ “ $ 0.80 15% 0910.99 Other Spices 0752920 “ “ $ 0.80 15%

Chapter 10 Cereals 1001.90.00 Wheat 041200 Per 50 KG $ 2.50 7% 1003.00.00 Barley 430000 Per 50 KG $ 2.50 7% 1005.90.00 Maize 044900 Per 50 KG $ 2.50 7% 1006.20.00 Rice Asian 042200 Per 50 KG $ 9.4 7% 1006.30.00 Rice American 042200 Per 50 KG $ 13.00 7% 1006.30.00 Rice Basmati 042200 Per 50 KG $ 15.00 7% 1006.30.00 Rice ( Boosh Cade) 042200 Per 50 KG $ 9.00 7% 1007.00.00 Sorghum White 045300 Per 50 KG $ 2.5 7% 1007.00.00 Sorghum Red 045300 Per 50 KG $ 2.5 7% 1007.00.00 Tukhan Sorghum(SudanType) 045300 Per 50 KG $ 2.5 7% 1008.900 White Kindey Beans 045990 Per 50 KG $ 2.5 7% 1008.200 Red Kindey Beans 045990 Per 50 KG $ 2.5 7% 1008.200 Ethiopean Daafi 045990 Per 50 KG $2.5 7% 1008.200 Wheat Husk ( Buushi) 045990 Per 50 KG $0.60 7%

Chapter 11 Products of milling industry; malt; starches ; insulin; wheat gluten

1101.00.10 Flour 046110 Per 50 Kg $ 8.55 7% 1101.00.10 Flour For Baking Purpose 046110 Per 50 Kg $ 10.00 7%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 1108.00.00 Starches 046110 Per 50 Kg $12.5 7% 1108.00.00 Shuuro (Maize) 046110 Per 50 Kg $3.5 7%

Chapter 12

Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits 1209.1900 Water melon seeds 29254100 KG $ 0.40 7% 1209.9900 Tomato seeds 29259000 “ “ $ 0.40 7% 1209.21 Chilies seeds 292521 “ “ $ 0.40 7% 1209.21 Onions sedds 292549 “ “ $ 0.40 7% 1209.91 Sisin seeds 292549 “ “ $ 0.40 7% 1209.91 Pamiya seeds 292549 “ “ $ 0.40 7% 1209.91 Baqal Franji seeds 292549 “ “ $ 0.40 7% 1202.10 Cucumber Seeds 292549 “ “ $ 0.36 7% 1202.10 Ground Nuts 222110 “ “ $ 0.18 7% 1209.91 Geedo-Adari Seeds 222549 “ “ $0.40 7% 1214.39.00 Kat Miro “ Kenyan” 1214.39 “ “ $4.50 65% 1214.39.00 Kat Hereri “ Ethipian” 1214.39 “ “ $1.421 65%

Chapter 13 Lac, Gums, Resins and other vegetable saps and

extracts 1301.10.00 Lac 292949 Kg $ 1 15% 1301.20.00 Arabic Gum 2929949 Kg $ 0.80 15% 1301.30.00 Others 292949 Kg $ 0.6 15% 1301.30.00 Xabag Cadaadeed 2929949 Kg $0.15 15% 1301.30.00 Xabag Hadi 292949 Kg $0.15 15% 1302.19.90 Sisal Sludge extracts “ Liif” 22294 Kg $ 0.14 15% 1302.19.90 Of pyrethrum of the roots of plants 292949 Kg $ 0.5 15% containing rotenone

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ %

Chapter 14 Vegetable Plaiting Materials; Vegetable products not elsewhere specified or included 1401.10.00 Bamboos 292310 KG $1 15% 1401.20.00 Rattans 292310 KG $0.8 15% 1402.10.00 Kapok 292310 KG $ 1 15% 1403.10.00 Broomcorn 292310 KG $ 0.6 15% 1404.10.00 Mangrove bark 292310 KG $ 0.7 15% 1404.20.00 Cotton Linters 292310 KG $ 0.8 15%

Chapter 15 Animal or vegetable Fats and Oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible fats, animal or vegetable waxes 1515.21 Vegetable edible oil ( cooking oil) 421610 Lts $ 0.40 7% 1515.50 Sesame oil 422910 Lts $ 0.44 7% 1515.50 Black cumin oil (saliida xabaasuda) 422910 Lts $ 0.80 7% 1515.50 Shark Oil 422910 Lts $ 0.64 15% 1513.11 Non Edible Oil 4229310 Lts $ 0.64 15% 1513.11 Olive Oil 4229310 Ltrs $0.45 15% 1516.10.10 Vegetable Ghee 4229310 Lts $ 0.15 25% 1517.10.10 Margine, excluding Liquid Margine 4229310 Lts $ 1 10% 1518.00.00 Other animal/vegetable fat whether specific or 4229310 Lts $ 0.50 10% mixture but edible 1522.00 Medicated Oil (Abufaas) 431339 Crnts $ 5 10% 1522.00 Medicated Oil (Figis) 431339 Crnts $ 5 10%

Chapter 16

Preserved Fish and Meat 1602.50.00 Tinned Meats 017610 KG $ 2.00 35% 1604.11 Preserved Fish Tuna 037110 “ “ $ 1.00 35% 1604.11 Preserved Fish Mackerel 037110 “ “ $ 2.00 35% 1604.11 Preserved Fish Sardine 037110 “ “ $ 1.50 35% 1601.00 Sausage 07017200 “ “ $ 3.00 35%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ %

Chapter 17

Sugar and Sugar Confectionery 1702.11.00 Glucose Powder 061111 KG $ 0.40 30% 1703.90.00 Artificial honey Whether or not mixed 11703.90 25% with Concentrated Natural Honey Lts $ 2.5 1701.11 Refined Sugar 062290 Per 50 Kg $ 10.26 7% 1704.90 Cubic Sugar 062290 KG $ 0.60 30% 1704.90 Sweet Drops 0622290 KG $ 0.12 30% 1704.90 Sweet Drops with honey 073220 KG $ 0.15 30% 1704.90 Sweet Hard Drops 0062290 KG $ 0.12 30% 1806.20 Chocolates 0062290 KG $ 0.15 30% 1806.20 Lolly Pops 0062290 KG $0.15 30% 1704.90 Sugar Candy 602210 KG $ 0.15 30% 1704.10 Chewing Gum 062290 KG $ 0.18 30% 1704.90 Xalwo 062290 KG $ 1 30% 1704.90 Daaxuuniyad 062290 KG $ 1.20 30%

Chapter 18 Cocoa and cocoa preparation 1805.00.00 Cocoa powder not containing sugar 1805.00 Kg $ 2.30 30% 11806.10 Cocoa powder with sugar 073100 Kg $ 2.30 30% 1806.90 Chocolate in Cocoa 073990 Kg $ 0.5 30% 1806.31 Other Food Preparation containing 073311 Kg $ 2.30 30% added sugar or sweetening matter

Chapter 19 Preparations of cereals, flour, starch or milk pastry cooks products. 0901.10 Daibetic Starch 098930 Per/KG $ 1.5 30% 1901.90 Custard powder 0989949 Per/KG $ 0.6 25% 1901.90 Maxlabiyad 0989949 Per/KG $0.75 25% 1902.12 Spaghetti 048319 Per/KG $ 0.36 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 1902.19 Macaroni 048319 Per/KG $ 0.46 10% 1902.19 Instant Pasta (Noodles) 048319 Per/KG $0.50 10% 1901.10 Infant Food 098930 Per/KG $ 1.50 7% 1904.20 Corn Flacks 048160 Per/KG $ 0.50 30% 1904.20 Chips 048160 Per/KG $0.50 30% 1904.20 Oats 048160 Per/KG $ 0.40 25% 1904.20 Oats in sacks/bags 048160 Per/KG $ 0.15 25% 2005.40 Beans Foul ( Preserved) 056791 Per/KG $ 0.30 30% 1902.30 Biscuits European origin 048429 Per/KG $ 1 30% 1905.23 Pop-Corn KG $0.40 30% 1905.30 Abu Walad, Hudhud ETC 048429 Per/KG $ 0.18 30% 1905.30 Waffers 048429 Per/KG $ 0.18 30% 1905.30 Gullan biscuit 048429 Per/KG $ 0.20 30% 1905.30 Ealvan chocolate kingtat nuss& power 048429 Per/KG $ 0.15 30% 1905.30 Parle glucose biscuits 048429 Per/KG $ 0.10 30% 1905.30 Biscuits with Honey/Fruits 048429 Per/KG $ 0.25 30% 1905.90 Ice Cream Powder 048429 Per/Kg $0.4 30% 1905.90 Ice Cream Biscuits 048421 Per/KG $ 0.30 30% 1905.90 Chocolate cream 048421 Per/KG $ 0.40 30% 1905.90 Chocolate powder 048421 Per/KG $ 0.35 30% 1905.90 All Bakery Production cakes ETC 048494 Per/KG $ 0.30 30% 1905.91 Empty Catchets 48491 Doz $ 0.2 30%

Chapter 20 Preparation of Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts and other parts of plants 2001.10.00 Onions with vinegar or acetic 056712 Kg $ 0.45 40% acids ( Processed) 2001.10.00 Satric Acid LTR $0.44 40% 2002.10.00 Tomato paste 056720 KG $ 0.65 15% 2003.10.00 Mush Rooms/truffles 056741 Kg $ 0.99 15% 2005.90 Pepper paste ( Basbaas) 056799 Kg $ 0.55 15% 2007.99 Jams 058109 Kg $ 1.16 30% 2007.10 Fruits with jelly 098131 Kg $ 1.65 30% 2007.91 Marmalades 058101 Kg $ 1.65 30%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 2008.20 Pineapple with Juice 058930 Kg $ 0.22 40% 2009.20 Grape Juice 059200 Kg $ 0.39 40% 2009.20 Fruit Drinks ( Junior) 059200 LTR $0.24 40% 2009.20 Fruit Drinks 125MLT 059200 LTR $0.24 40% 2009.20 Small Fruit Drinks 126-250 MLT 59200 LTR $0.29 40% 2009.20 Small Fruit Drinks 125 MLT 59200 LTR $0.24 40% 2009.20 Juices, I.E 59200 LTR $0.31 40% Mango,Pineaple,Apple,Orange,etc 2009.20 Concentrated vimto in bottle 059200 LTR $0.31 40% 2008.70 Beaches with Juice 059200 Kg $ 0.39 40% 2008.92 Mix fruits with juice 058970 Kg $ 0.39 40% 2004.10 Onions preserved 056610 Kg $ 0.50 40% 2004.90 Other Vegetable mixture 056690 Kg $ 0.50 40% 2006.20 Vegetables, Fruits and Fruit peels 062100 Kg $ 0.50 40% 2008.20 Apple, Orange and Mango (all Kinds of 058930 Kg $ 0.35 40% fruits)

Chapter 21 Miscellaneous Edible Preparations 2101.12.00 Roasted, Grinded or Ness Coffee 074322 Kg $ 1.5 25%

2101.20.00 Tea in Packets ( Lipton, Red label etc ) 098611 Kg $ 2.5 7% 2102.10.00 Yeast: active or inactive; other 098420 kg $ 0.50 15% singlecell micro-organisms, prepared baking powders 2103.20.00 Tomato Ketch, Tomato Sauce, Hot 098500 Kg $ 0.76 15% Sauce and Others 2104.10 Other Soups in any Form all kinds 098490 Kg $ 0.80 15% 2101.30 Mustard Pudding 098430 Kg $ 0.30 15% 2106.10 Preparing or flavoring food preserved 0998991 Kg $ 1 15% Others ( Salad ) Dressing 2106.10 Mooniyoos 0998991 KG $0.70 15% 2103.90 Other Spices preserved 098490 Kg $ 0.9 15% 2105.00 Ice Cream and other Edible Ices 2105.00 Kg $ 0.4 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ %

Chapter 22

Beverage, Sprits, Vinegar 2201.10.00 Mineral Water 2201.10 LTR $ 0.32 40% 2201.10.00 Zamzam Water 2201.10 LTR $ 0.195 40% 2201.10.00 Aerated Waters 2201.10 LTR $ 0.195 40% 2009.11.12 Powder of soft drinks 059190 KG $ 0.39 40% 2009.11.12 Protein powder drinks 059190 KG $ 2.00 40% 2008.80 Highly concentrated 058952 LTR $ 0.39 40% 2203.00.00 Non-Alcoholic Bear (Malt) 112320 LTR $ 0.50 40% 2203.00.00 Non alcoholic beer 2203.00 LTR $ 0.50 40% 2009.20 Energy Drinks 59200 LTR $ 0.50 40% 2206.00.00 Coca, Fanta, Seven up, Orange, Vimto 112200 LTR $ 0.50 40% ,Sprite weather in bottle, tins or other container 2206.00.00 Pepsi cola 112200 LTR $ 0.50 40% 2206.00.00 Rani Tufaax with Soda 500ML 112200 LTR $0.35 40% 2209.00.00 Vinegar 2209.00 LTR $ 0.84 15%

Chapter 23 Residues and waste from food industries Prepared animal fodder 2301.10.00 Flours, Meat offal of fish purposed 081410 Kg $ 1.00 30% fodder animal 2321.10.00 Any kind of cereal purposed 081240 Kg $ 0.25 20% 2321.10.00 fodder animal (Calafka Xoolaha) 081240 Per 50 KGs $3.00 20% 2303.10.00 Residues of Starch Manufactures and similar 081510 Kg $ 0.25 20% 2304.10.00 Oil Cake and other solid residues 0811320 $ 0.25 20% 2306.90.00 Fodder Animal Seeds 081389 $ 0.40 20% 2309.10.00 Dog, or cat food preserved 081950 $ 0.40 20% 2309.10.00 Hay (Grass for animals) 081950 50 Kg $0.50 20% 2309.10.00 Mankaal (Qashinka Sisinta) 081950 50 Kg $3.00 20%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ %

Chapter 24 Tobacco and manufactured substances 2401.10 Electric Cigarette 121100 Per Pcs $3.00 80% 2401.10 Tobacco in Leaves ( Jamali, Xamumi) 121100 Kg $ 0.60 80% 2402.20 Benson 14 kgs 122200 Gross Per/Kg $ 2.75 80% 2402.20 Rothman, Cartier, 122200 Kg $ 2.50 80% Marlboro, Dunhill, Craven, Embassy by Gross weight 14 kgs 2402.20 Player, Peter, Benson, Bond, Kent 122200 Kg $ 2.00 80% Winston, London Gross weight. 12Kgs 2403.30.00 Royal. 12 Kgs 2403.30 Kg $ 2.50 80% 2403.40.00 Other Cigarettes. 12 Kgs 2403.40 Kg $ 1.50 80% 2403.91.00 Tobacco in Tines 122391 Kg $ 1.8 80% Packets and any kind of tobacco homogenized 2403.99.00 Chewing Tobacco 122391 Kg $ 1.5 80%

Chapter 25 Salt, sulphar earths & stone plastering material lime and cement 2510.10 Chalk 272310 Per PKT $0.02 25% 2501.00. Rock Salt 278910 Per Kg $0.04 50% 2510.10 Asbestos sheets 278400 Per sheet $3.00 10% 2524.00 Rock Salt 278310 Per Kg $0.04 50% 2501.00 Common Salt 278390 Per Kg $0.05 50% 2501.00 Table salt 278390 Per Kg $0.50 50% 2523.21 Cement 66122 Per bag of 50KGs $2.00 10% 2523.21 White cement 66122 Per bag of 50KGs $2.50 10% 2523.21 Gypsum Powder 66122 Per bag of 50KGs $2.50 10% 2523.21 Bentonite Powder 66122 Per bag of 50KGs $2.50 10% 2523.21 Limestone 66122 Per bag of 50KGs $1.00 15% 2523.90 Magadi 661290 Per Kg $0.10 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ %

Chapter 27 Mineral Fuels, Mineral oils and products of their distillation, bitmuminous sulances;mineral waxes 2715.00 Bitumen 335430 Per Tons $ 50 15% 2715.00 Agglomerated 335430 15% 2703.30.00 Peat for cooking 2703.30 15% 2705.00.00 Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and 345000 Per lts $0.15 25% smaller gases, other than petroleum gas and others gas hydrocarbons 2710021 Jet A1 3341100 M3 $424.30 5% 2710042 Gas oil FL 13% 33430 M3 $250.10 10% 27100027 Mogus ( petrol) FL 13% 334113 M3 $209.30 15% 334505 Engine Oil FL 3.5% 3344090 Lts $ 0.40 15% 27100059 Hydraulic Oil 334505 Lts $ 0.80 15% 27100059 Brake fluid 334505 Lts $ 0.60 15% 27100032 Kerosene 334219 M3 $ 140 5% 27100059 Gear Oil 334505 Lts $ 0.40 15% 2711.19 Butanes 342500 Lts $ 0.30 25% 2710.00.49 Ordinary Grease oil 334501 Kg $ 0.35 15% 2710.0049 Other Gases 334401 Lts 0.30 25% 2710010 Crude Oil 334301 M3 $ 100 15% 27100041 Heavy Duty Moe-sine 335430 M3 $ 126 15% 271500 Asphalt 351000 Tone $ 75 15% 271600 Electrical Energy 351000 1000 KW/H $ 0.32 5% Chapter 28 280620 Hydrochloric Acid 522311 LTR $ 0.50 25% 280620 Caustic Hydrocholoric Soda 522311 LTR $0.30 25% 280700 Sulphuric Acid 522321 LTR $ 0.50 25% 280700 Distilled Water 524992 LTR $ 0.05 25% 280700 Water Radiator 524992 LTR $0.10 25% Chapter 29 Organic Chemicals 2901.29.00 Acetylene 2901.29 Kg $ 0.40 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 2915.22.00 Sodium Acetate 2915.22 Kg $ 0.50 15% 2933.61.00 Melamine 2933.61 Kg $ 0.60 15%

Chapter 30

Medicines European Medicines General Anaesthetics 3004.10 Ether (Anaesthetic) 2 X 500 ml (UN 1155) 542130 $15.75 10% 3004.10 Halothone 250 ml (UN2810) 542130 1 L $20.25 10% 3004.10 Ketamine 50 mg/ml. 10 ml 542130 1 Bottle $14.25 10% 3004.10 Thiopental sodium 0.5 g/vial 542130 25 Vials $12.16 10% 3004.10 Thiopental sodium 1.0g/vial 542130 25 Vials $16.5 10% 3004.10 Local Anesthetics 542130 25 “ 3004.10 Bupivacaine 0.5% 20 ml 542130 $20. 5 10% 3004.10 Bupivacaine 0.5% Spinal heavy, 4 ml 542130 5 Vials $14. 30 10% 3004.10 Lidocaine HC1 1% 50 ml 542130 5 amps $10. 33 10% 3004.10 Lidocaine HC1 2% 50 ml 542130 25 Vials $10. 33 10% 3004.10 Lidocaine HC1 2% + epinephrine, 542130 25 “ $20. 5 10% 1:100,000 50 ml 3004.10 Lidocaine HC1 2% + epinephrine dental, 542130 25 “ $24. 5 10% 3004.10 Lidocaine HC1 5% spinal heavy (with 542130 100 crt $9.5 10% dextrose 7.5%) Pre-operative Medication 3004.10 Atropine sulfate 1 mg/ml, 1 ml 542130 $7.12 10% 3004.10 Analgeics, Anti Pyretics, Nonsteroidal Anti 542130 100 amps Inflammatory Drugs, And Drugs Used To Treat Gout 3004.10 Acetylsalicylic acid 300 mg 542130 $1. 5 10% 3004.10 Acetylsalicylic acid 500 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $3. 10 10% 3004.10 Allopurinol 100 mg 542130 1000 “ $16. 5 10% 3004.10 Ibuprofen 200 mg coated 542130 1000 “ $6.40 10% 3004.10 Ibuprofen 400 mg coated 542130 1000 “ $7.5 10% 3004.10 Indometacin 25 mg 542130 500 Tabs $13.5 10% 3004.10 Diclofenac sodium 25 mg (etc) 542130 1000 Tans $2.38 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Paracetamol 100 mg 542130 1000 “ $3.325 10% 3004.10 Paracetamol 500 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $0.235 10% 3004.10 Paracetamol 120 mg/5 ml syrup 542130 1000 Tabs $0.425 10% 3004.10 Paracetamol 120 mg/5 ml syrup 542130 60 ml $12.5 10% 3004.10 Pertazocine 30 mg/ml, 1 ml (pt) 542130 5 L $15.425 10% 3004.10 Trmadol 50 mg/ml, 2 ml 542130 100 amps $3.475 10% ANTI ALLERGICS AND DRUGS USED IN ANAPHYLAXIS 3004.10 Chorphenamine maleate 4 mg 542130 5 amps $2.25 10% 3004.10 Chlorphenamine 10 mg/ml, 1 ml 542130 1000 Tabs $7.125 10% 3004.10 Epinephrine 1 ml (=adrenaline) 542130 100 amps $8.475 10% 3004.10 Promethazine HC1 25 mg coated 542130 100 amps $3.7 10% 3004.10 Promethazine HC1 25 mg, ml 542130 1000 tabs $7.7 10% 3004.10 Promethazine HC1 1 mg, ml Syrup 542130 100 amps $10.625 10% Antidoted 3004.10 Carbon adsorbent 125 mg 542130 $9.00 10% Anti Epileptics 3004.10 Carbamazepine 200 mg 542130 $20.6 10% 3004.10 Diazepam 5 mg/ml, 2ml (pt) 542130 1000 Tabs $20.625 10% 3004.10 Magnesium sulphate 50 %, 10 ml 542130 100 Amps $12.3 10% 3004.10 Phenobarbital 30 mg (pt) 542130 25 Vials $3.525 10% 3004.10 Phenobarbital 50 mg (pt) 542130 1000 Tabs $5.00 10% 3004.10 Phenobarbital 100 mg ( pt) 542130 1000 Tabs $6.26 10% 3004.10 Phenobarbital Sodium 100 mg/ml, 2 ml (pt) 542130 1000 Amps $7.5 10% 3004.10 Phenobarbital Sodium 100 mg, Coated 542130 100 Tabs $6.025 20% 3004.10 Phenobarbital Sodium 150 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $7.00 10% Anit Infective Drugs Anthelminthics Intestinal Anthelminthics 3004.10 Ablbendazole 200 mg 542130 100 Tabs $39 10% 3004.10 Ablbendazole 400 mg 542130 100 Tabs $63. 7 10% 3004.10 Levamisole 50 mg base 542130 100 Tabs $5. 10 10% 3004.10 Mebendazole 100 mg 542130 100 Tabs $6. 30 10% 3004.10 Mebendazole 500 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $14. 8 10% 3004.10 Niclosamide 500 mg 542130 500 Tabs $26.25 10% 3004.10 Pyrantel 250 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $6. 375 10% Anti Filarial Drugs

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Diethylcarbamazine citrate 50 mg 542130 100 “ $4.124 10% 3004.10 Diethylcarbamazine citrate 100 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $5.30 10% 3004.10 Suramin sodium 1 g 542130 1000 “ $32.75 10% Anti Schistosomals 3004.10 Praziquantel 600 mg 542130 $55.25 10% Anti Bacterials Penicillins 3004.10 Amoxicillin 125 mg/ ml, dry powder for 542130 500 Tabs $18.75 10% suspension 3004.10 Amoxicillin 250 mg 542130 40 X 100 ml $20.75 10% 3004.10 Amoxicillin 500 mg 542130 100Caps/Tabs $39.25 10% 3004.10 Ampicillin 250 mg 542130 1000 Caps/ Tab $20.75 10% 3004.10 Amppicillin 500 mg 542130 1000 Caps/ $39.25 10% Tabs 3004.10 Amppicillin 500 mg 542130 1000 Cap $6.8 10% 3004.10 Amppicillin 1 gram 542130 50 Vials $13.875 10% 3004.10 Amppicillin 125 mg/5 ml dry power for 542130 50 Vials $18. 75 10% suspension 3004.10 Benzathine pencillin 1.2 MIU 542130 40 X 100 ml $9. 225 10% 3004.10 Benzathine pencillin 2.4 MIU 542130 50 Vials $9.27 10% 3004.10 Benzathine Pencillinle 1 MIU 542130 50 Vials $9.75 10% 3004.10 Benzathine Pencilline 5 MIU 542130 100 “ $17.5 10% 3004.10 Cloxacillin 250 Mg 542130 50 “ $22.75 10% 3004.10 Cloxacillin 500 Mg 542130 1000 Caps $15.10 10% 3004.10 Phenoxymethyl penicillin 250 mg (Pen V) 542130 100 Vials $13.7 10% 3004.10 Phenoxymethyl penicillin 120 mg/ 5 ml, 542130 1000 Tabs $20.00 10% dry power for suspension 3004.10 Procaine Penicillin 3 MIU 542130 40 x100 ml $11.625 10%

3004.10 Procaine Penicillin 3 MIU + benzypenicillin 542130 50 Vials $12.25 10% 1 MIU (Fortified provainr Penicillin) Other Anti Bacterial Drugs 3004.10 Chloramphenicol 250 mg 542130 $15.08 10% 3004.10 Chloramphenicol 1 g ( as sodium 542130 1000 Caps $11.7 10% succinate) 3004.10 Cholramphenicol in 500 mg/2 ml 542130 50 Vials $147.5 10% 3004.10 Cholramphenicol 125 mg/5 ml suspension 542130 100 amps $6.63 10% 3004.10 Ciprofloxacillin 500 mg 542130 1 L $18.13 10% 3004.10 Co trimoxazole 100 mg + 20 mg 542130 10 Tabs $4.00 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Co trimoxazole 400 mg + 40 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $9.9 10% 3004.10 Co trimoxazole dry powder for suspension 542130 1000 Tabs $115 10% 200 mg + 40 mg/5 ml 3004.10 Doxycycline 100 mg 542130 250 X 100 ml $13.38 10% 3004.10 Erythromycin 250 mg base 542130 1000 Tabs $39.75 10% 3004.10 Erythromycin 150 mg /5 ml, dry powder for 542130 1000 Tabs $10.7 10% suspension 3004.10 Gentamicin 40 mg/ml 2ml 542130 10 X 100 ml $9.43 10% 3004.10 Nalidixic acid 500 mg 542130 100 amp $43.75 10%` 3004.10 Nintrofurantion 100 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $5.73 10% 3004.10 Sulfadimidine 500 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $8.38 10% Anti Leprosy Drugs 3004.10 Colfazimine 500 mg 542130 $45.00 10% 3004.10 Clofazimine 100 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $88.001 10% 3004.10 Dapsone 100 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $4.25 10% Anti Tuberculosis Drugs 3004.10 Ethambutol HC1 400 mg 542130 100 Tabs $22.10 10% 3004.10 Ethambutol HCI 400 mg/ isoniazid 150 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $12.88 10% 3004.10 Isoniazid 100 mg 542130 500 Tabs $3.58 10% 3004.10 Isoniazid 300 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $7.25 10% 3004.10 Isoniazid 100 mg + Thiacetazone 50 mg 542130 1000 “ $4.5 10% 3004.10 Isoniazid 100 mg + Thiacetazone 150 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $11.00 10% 3004.10 Pyrazinamide 400 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $25.63 10% 3004.10 Pyrazinamide 500 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $31.75 10% 3004.10 Rifampicin 150 mg film coated 542130 1000 Tabs $2.93 10% 3004.10 Rifampicin 300 mg film coated 542130 100 Tabs $4.93 10% 3004.10 Rifampicin 150 mg film coated 542130 100 Tabs $24.75 10% 3004.10 Rifampicin 300 mg film coated 542130 1000 Tabs $44.75 10% 3004.10 Rifampicin 150 mg/isoniazid 100 mg film 542130 1000 Tabs $26.95 10% coated 3004.10 Rifampicin 150 mg/isoniazid 150 mg film coated 542130 1000 Tabs $51.75 10% 3004.10 Rifampicin 120 mg/isoniazid 50 542130 1000 Tabs mg/pyrazinamide 300 mg film coat $23.6 10% 3004.10 Streptomycin 1 g 542130 500 Tabs $4.23 10% 3004.10 Streptomycin 5 g 542130 50 Vials $16.5 10% Anti Fungal Drugs 3004.10 Griseofuvin 125 mg, fine particle 542130 50 Vials $13.88 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Griseofuvin 500 mg, fine particle 542130 1000 Tabs $44.75 10% 3004.10 Ketoconazole 200 mg 542130 1000 “ $26.88 10% 3004.10 Nystafin 500,000 IU oral 542130 100 “ $4.23 10% 3004.10 Nystafin 100,000 IU Vaginal 542130 100 “ $2.00 10% Anti Protozoal Drugs Anti Amoebic Durgs 3004.10 Metronidazole 200 mg 542130 100 “ $5.00 10% 3004.10 Metronidazole 250 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $5.38 10% 3004.10 Metronidazole mg/ml, 100 ml 542130 1000 “ $17.05 10% 3004.10 Metronidazole 125 /5 ml, dry powder for 25 Vials oral suspension $107.5 10% Anti Leishmaniasis Drugs 3004.10 Meglumine Antimonate 30% 5 ml 542130 $11.75 10% 3004.10 Sodium stibogluconate 30%, equiv to 100 542130 5 amps $2.75 10% mg pentavalent antimony/ml Anti Malarial Drugs 3004.10 Chloroquine Phosphate 100 mg base, uncoated 542130 1 Vial $6.48 10% 3004.10 Chloroquine Phosphate 150 mg base, uncoated 542130 1000 Tabs $7.33 10% 3004.10 Chloroquine Phosphate 150 mg base, coated 542130 1000 Tabs $9.33 10% 3004.10 Cholroquine phosphate dry powder for 542130 1000 Tabs $8.00 10% syrup 50 mg base/5 ml 3004.10 Cholroquine Phosphate syrup 50 mg base 5/ml 542130 5 L $85.00 10% 3004.10 Cholroquine phosphate 40 mg base/ml, 5 ml 542130 200 X 50 Ml $7.13 10% 3004.10 Cholroquine phosphate 40 mg base/ml, 30 ml 542130 100 amps $21.63 10% 3004.10 Mefloquine 250 542130 50 Vial $61.38 10% 3004.10 Primaquine phosphate 15 mg base 542130 100 Tabs $8.73 10% 3004.10 Proguanil 100 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $35.75 10% 3004.10 Quinine sulphate 200 mg film coate 542130 1000 Tabs $22.48 10% 3004.10 Quinine sulphate 300 mg film coate 542130 1000 Tabs $32.75 10% 3004.10 Quinine di- HCI 100 mg/ml, 2 ml 542130 1000 Tabs $9.75 10% 3004.10 Quinine di- HCI 300 mg/ml, 2 ml 542130 100 amps $13.75 10% 3004.10 Suifadoxine 500 mg + pyrimethamine 25 542130 100 amps $28.25 10% mg Anti Trypansomal Drugs (African Trypansomiasis) 3004.10 Melarsoprol 3.6%, 5 ml 542130 50 amps $294.75 10% Anti Migraine Drugs

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Ergotamine 1 mg + Caffeine 100 mg 542130 30 Tabs $2.7 10% Anti Neoplastic Drugs Immunosuppressive Drugs 3004.10 Asathioprine 50 mg 542130 100 Tabs $48.25 10% Cytotoxic Drugs 3004.10 Cyclophosphamide 50 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $115 10% 3004.10 Cyclophosphamide 200 mg 542130 10 Vials $20.3 10% 3004.10 Cyclophosphamide 500 mg 542130 10 “ $27.25 10% 3004.10 Methotrexate 2.5 mg 542130 100 Tabs $10.43 10% 3004.10 Methotrexate 2.5 mg/ml, 2ml 542130 25 Vials $39.5 10% 3004.10 Vincristine 1 mg (..) 542130 10 amps $34.5 10% Anti Parkinsonism Drugs 3004.10 Biperden 2mg 542130 1000 Tabs $60.38 10% 3004.10 Levodopa 250 mg + carbidopa 25 mg 542130 50 Tabs $8.5 10% Drugs Affecting The Blood Anti Anaemia Drugs 3004.10 Cyanocobalamine 1 mg/ml, 1 ml ( vitamin b 12 ) 542130 100 amls $8.00 10% 3004.10 Ferrous Fumarate suspension 20 mg/ml 542130 5 L $12.25 10% 3004.10 Ferrous Sulphate 200 mg, film coated ( 65 542130 5000 Tabs $6.98 10% mg iron) 3004.10 Ferrous Sulphate 200 mg + folic acid 0.25 mg 542130 1000 “ $2.2 10% 3004.10 Folic acid 5 mg 542130 5000 “ $7.75 10% 3004.10 Iron dextran 50 mg/ml, 2 ml 542130 100 amps $24.00 10% 3004.10 Iron dextran 50 mg/ml l5 ml 542130 100 “ $43.75 10% Anti Coagulants and Antagonists 3004.10 Heparine Sodium 5,00 UI/ml, 5 ml 542130 25 Vials $23.05 10% 3004.10 Phytomenadione 10 mg/ml (Vitamin K1) 542130 100 Amps $13.88 10% 3004.10 Phytomenadione 1 mg/ml 542130 100 Amps $9.98 10% 3004.10 Protamine Sulphate 10 mg/ml , 5 ml 542130 50 Amps $41.15 10% 3004.10 Warfarin sodium 5 mg 542130 100 Tabs $2.83 10% Blood Products and Blood Substitutes Plasma Substitutes 3004.10 Dextran 70 6% in dextrose 5% ,500 ml 542130 20 Btls $54.75 10% 3004.10 Dextran 70 6% in dextrose 0.9% ,500 ml 542130 20 “ $54.75 10% 3004.10 Haemaccel 500 ml 542130 10 “ $48.75 10% Plasma Fractions for Specific use 3004.10 Albumin 20% human, normal, 20 ml 542130 1 Vial $18.75 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % Cardoivascular Drugs Anti Anginal/ Anti Dysrhythmic Durgs 3004.10 Captopril 25 ml 542130 56 Tabs $3.75 10% 3004.10 Isosorbide dinitrate 5mg 542130 500 “ $2.08 10% 3004.10 Nitroglycerine 0.5 mg ( = glyceryl trinitrate) 542130 100 ” $0.5 10% 3004.10 Verapamil 40 mg 542130 100 ” $1.38 10% Anti Hypertensive Drugs 3004.10 Atenolol 50 mg 542130 1000 Tabsd $12.68 10% 3004.10 Hydralazine HC1 25 mg 542130 500 “ $5.1 10% 3004.10 Hydralzine 20 mg ( dry powder for 542130 5 Amps $3.4 10% injection) 3004.10 Nifedipine 10 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $25.88 10% 3004.10 Propranolol HC1 40 mg 542130 1000 “ $21.25 10% 3004.10 Reserpine 0.25 mg 542130 1000 “ $4.6 10% Cardiac Glycoside 542130 1000 “ $4.1 10% 3004.10 Digoxin 0.25 mg 542130 1000 “ $3.88 10% 3004.10 Digoxin 0..25 mg/ml 2 ml 542130 100 “ $7.75 10% Drugs Used in Vascular Shock 3004.10 Dopamine HC1 40 mg/ml, 5 ml 542130 100 Amps $39.58 10% Anti Thrombotic Drugs 3004.10 Acetylsalicylic acid 100 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $3.33 10% Dermatological Drugs Antifungal Drugs 3004.10 Bensioc acid 6% + salicylic acid 3 % 542130 50 Tubes $18.25 10% ointment,, 40 g 3004.10 Bensioc acid 6% + salicylic acid 3 % 542130 800 g $3.48 10% ointment 3004.10 Clotrimazole 1% cream 20 g 542130 50 Tubes $17.73 10% 3004.10 Nystatin 100,000 IU/g ointment, 30g 542130 50 “ $26.08 10% 3004.10 Miconazole 2% Cream, 30g 542130 50 “ $21.98 10% Anti Infective Drugs 3004.10 Gentanvioet crystals (for 5L) 542130 4 X25g $4.00 10% 3004.10 Neomycin 0.5% + bacitracin 500 IU/g 542130 50 Tubes $15.00 10% ointment, 15 g 3004.10 Potassium permanganaat 500 mg ( UN 542130 1000 Tabs $36.23 10% 1490) 3004.10 Silver Sulfadiazine 1% Cream 542130 400 g $8.75 10% 3004.10 Tetracyclin HC 3% skin ointment, 15 g 542130 50 Tubes $14.1 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % Anti Inflammatory Drugs 3004.10 Betamethasone 0.1% ( as valerate ) 542130 50 Tubes $18.98 10% Cream,15 g 3004.10 Hydrocortisone aceatate 1% skin ointment, 542130 50 “ $13.17 10% 15 g Astringent Drugs 3004.10 Zinc oxide 10% ointment 542130 800 g $3.43 10% Diagnostric Agents Ophthalmic Diagnostic 3004.10 Fluorescein Strips 542130 1000 Strips $30.00 10% 3004.10 Tropicamide 0.5% eye drops 542130 10 ml $2.23 10% Radiocontrast Media 3004.10 Amidotrizoic acid 60% 10 ml 542130 10 Vial $18.08 10% 3004.10 Amidotrizioc 76%,20 ml 542130 10 Vials $27.38 10% 3004.10 Barium Sulphate 542130 25 Kg $100.00 10% Disinfectants And Antiseptics 542130 5 L $19.25 10% 3004.10 Alcoholic disinfectant, 70% propanol + 542130 5 L $17.25 10% detergent (UN 1274) 3004.10 Cetrimide 40% Solution ( UN 1987) 542130 5 L $11.00 10% 3004.10 Cetrimide 15% Cholrthexidine gluconate 542130 1000 Tabs $10.25 10% 1.5% 3004.10 Chloramine 500 mg 542130 $42.98 10% 3004.10 Chlorhexidene gluconate 20% soltion 542130 50 Kg $185.00 10% 3004.10 Chlorinated lime 65% (UN1748) 542130 1000 Tabs $ 7.4 10% 3004.10 Chlorine disinfectant tablets 100 mg 542130 5 L $7.88 10% chloride (Sodium dichloroisocyanurate, NaDCC 167 mg) 3004.10 Glutaraldehyde 2% + activator 542130 1 L $7.58 10% 3004.10 Iysol (43% Cresol in Soap) (UN3142) 542130 200 ml $0.85 10% 3004.10 PVP iodine 10%, Solution 542130 500 g $6.15 10% 3004.10 PVP iodine 10%, ointment, 500 g 542130 48 bars $12.38 10% 3004.10 Soap (surgical) 2% TCC 542130 Diuretics 3004.10 Furosemide 40 mg ( frusemide) 542130 1000 Tabs $5.20 10% 3004.10 Fursoemide 10 mg/ml, 2 ml (frusemide) 542130 100 Amps $7.25 10% 3004.10 Hydrochlorthiazide 50 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $3.8 10% 3004.10 Spironolactone 25 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $19.65 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % Gastro Intestinal Drugs Antacids 3004.10 Aluminium Hydroxid 300 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $4.40 10% 3004.10 Aluminium Hydroxid 500 mg 542130 1000 “ $5.48 10% 3004.10 Cimetidine 200 mg 542130 500 “ $6.7 10% 3004.10 Magnesium Trisilicate Compound 250/120 mg 542130 1000 “ $3.98 10% Anti Emetic Drugs 3004.10 Metoclopramid HC1 10 mg Tabs 542130 1000 Tabs $4.25 10% Anti Haemorrhoidal Drugs 3004.10 Anti haemorrhoid ointment, 30g 542130 10 Tubes $7.5 10% 3004.10 Anti haemorrhoid Suppositories (*a) 542130 100 Supps $6.78 10% Anti Spasmodic Drugs 3004.10 Butylscopolamine bromide 20 mg/ml, 1 ml 542130 100 $10.7 10% 3004.10 Butylscopolamine Bromide (Hyoscine 542130 1000 10% butylbromide) 10 mg $14 3004.10 Propantheline bromide 15 mg 542130 1000 $8.23 10% Laxatives 3004.10 Bisacodyl 5 mg, enteric coated 542130 1000 Tabs $4.25 10% 3004.10 Senna, 7.5 mg sennosides 542130 1000 “ $5.5. 10% Drugs Used For Oral Rehydration 3004.10 Oral Rehydration salts, sachet for 1 water, 542130 100 Sachets $6.63 10% WHO formuation Hormones, Other Endocrine Drugs and Contraceptive Adrenal Hormones and synthetic Substitutes 3004.10 Dexamethasone 0.5 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $4.5 10% 3004.10 Dexamethasone Sodium phosphate 5 542130 100 Amps $11.7 10% mg/ml, 1 ml 3004.10 Hydrocortisone 100 mg ( As sodium 542130 100 Vials $34.98 10% Succinate) 3004.10 Prednisoone 5 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $8.48 10% Contraceptives 3004.10 Condoms, lubricated and tested 542130 144 Pcs $5.98 10% 3004.10 Ethinylestradiol/ 0.05 mg/d norgestrel 15 mg 542130 100 Amps $21.98 10% 3004.10 Ethinylestradiol/ levo ( d) norgestrel 0.30.15 542130 100 Vials $21.98 10% mg

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Intra uterine device with 250 ug copper ( 542130 10 Pcs $34.75 10% multiload Cu 250) 3004.10 Pregnancy test ( Planosec ) 542130 20 Pcs $25.00 10% Omsi;oms Amd Ptjer Amto Doanetoc Agents 3004.10 Glibenclamide 5 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $3.63 10% 3004.10 Insulin isophane ( N.P.H) 40 IU/ML,10 ml 542130 1 Vial $2.03 10% (..) 3004.10 Insulin neutral ( Soluble) 40 IU/ml, 10 ml (..) 542130 1 Vial $2.03 10% 3004.10 Insulin Zinc Suspension ( Lente) 40 IUM/ 542130 1 Vial $2.03 10% ml, 10 ml(..) 3004.10 Tolbutamide 500 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $12.33 10% 3004.10 Progestgens 542130 1000 Tabs $21.28 10% Norethisterone 5 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $21.28 10% Thyroid Hormones and Anti Thyroid Drugs 3004.10 Carbimazole 5 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $10.75 10% 3004.10 Levothyroxine Sodium 0.1 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $2.48 10% Immulogogical Diagnostic Agents 3004.10 Ais-test SOUD. HIV 1 + 2,30 tests (.) 542130 1 Amps $1.65 10% 3004.10 Bromeline, 1 ml, 20 test for anti D test (..) 542130 1 Amps $1.65 10% 3004.10 Blodgrouping serum, anti A, lyophilized 1 1 Amps $1.65 10% ml,20 test(..) 3004.10 Blodgrouping serum, anti B, lyophilized 1 542130 1 Amps $2.65 10% ml,20 test(..) 3004.10 Rhesus Antigen, anti D, lyophilized 1 ml, 20 test 542130 10 Vials $27.9 10% 3004.10 Tuberculin purified rotein derivative 100 IU, 542130 10% (10 doses)(..) Sera And Immunoglobulins 3004.10 Anti rabies Serum 5 ml, 1000 IU (..) 542130 1 Amp $12.00 10% 3004.10 Gamma globulin 16%, i. M 5ml in syringe 542130 1 Syringe $19.75 10% 3004.10 Tetanus antitoxin (serum) 1,500 IU (..) 542130 20 Amps $18.25 10% Vaccine For Universal Immunization 3004.10 DTPertussis, triple antigen 10 ml (= 20 542130 10 Vials $25.75 10% doses) (…) 3004.10 Measles vaccine, (10 doses/vial +solvent 542130 10 Vials $21.65 10% 3004.10 Poliomyelitis Vaccine, 542130 10 Vials $14.18 10% (Oral)(10doses/vial)(…) 3004.10 Tentanus toxoid vaccine (20 doses) (…) 542130 10 Vials $17.25 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % Or Specific Groups Of Individuals 3004.10 Rabies Vaccine, duck embryo, improved 542130 1 Vial $14.25 10% (…) 3004.10 Rabies Vaccine, human diploid (…) 542130 1 “ $20.38 10% Muscle Relaxants and Cholinesterase 542130 10% Inhibitors 3004.10 Gallamine triethioded 20 mg/ml, 2 ml 542130 5 Amps $2.40 10% 3004.10 Neostigmine methylsuphate 0.5 mg/ml 1ml 542130 100 “ $7.88 10% 3004.10 Panicuroium bromide 2mg/ml 2m (..) 542130 100 “ $65.75 10% 3004.10 Suxamethonium chloride 500 mg, dry 542130 50 Vials $28.88 10% powder (for 10 ml) Ophthalmological Preparations. Anti Infective Agents. 3004.10 Aciclovier 3 % eye ointment 4.5 g 542130 1 Tube $8.1 10% 3004.10 Chloramphenicol 0.5% eye drops, 10 ml 542130 50 Btls $18.2 10% 3004.10 Chloramphenicol 1% eye ointment , 5 g 542130 100 Tubes $16.25 10% 3004.10 Gentamicin 0. 3% eye drops , 5 ml 542130 100 Btls $49.98 10% 3004.10 Neomycin sulphate 0.5% eye drops, 10 ml 542130 100 Btls $32.6 10% 3004.10 Tetracycline HC1 1% eye ointment, 5 g 542130 100 Tubes $13.75 10% Anti Inflammatory Acents 3004.10 Dexamethasone sod, Phosph. 1 mg/ml eye 542130 100 B tls $82.5 10% drops, 10 ml 3004.10 Hydrocortisone acetate 1% eye drops, 10 ml 542130 100 “ $48.18 10% 3004.10 Hydrocortisone acetate 1% eye ointment, 5 g 542130 100 Tubes $31.25 10% 3004.10 Hydocortisone aceate 1.5%neomycin 542130 100 Btls $58.43 10% 0.5% eye drops, 10 ml Local Anaesthetics 3004.10 Tetracaine HC1 0.5%, 10 ML 542130 100 Btls $60.25 10% (Amethocaine) eye drops Miotics And Glaucoma Drugs 3004.10 Acetazolamide 250 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $21.25 10% 3004.10 Piilocarpine HC1 2% eye Drops , 5 ml 542130 100 Btls $70.85 10% 3004.10 Timolol 0. 25% eye drops, 5 ml 542130 100 Btls $65.00 10% Mydriatics 3004.10 Atropine sulfate 1% eye drops, 5 ml 542130 10 Btls $4.15 10% Oxyrocics 3004.10 Ergometrine malete 0.5 mg/ml, 1 ml (.) 542130 100 Amps $9.73 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Methylergometrine maleate 0.2 mg/ml, 1 ml (.) 542130 100 “ $9.63 10% 3004.10 Oxytlocin 10 IU/ml, 1 ml (.) 542130 100 “ $7.98 10% Psychotherapeutic Drugs 3004.10 Amitriptyline HCI 25 mg coated 542130 1000 Tabs $4.20 10% 3004.10 Chlorpromazine HCI 25 mg coated 542130 100 Amps $11.5 10% 3004.10 Chlorpromazine HCI 100 mg coated 542130 1 Pcs $3.98 10% 3004.10 Diazepam 5 mg (pt) 542130 100 Amps $9.75 10% 3004.10 Diasepam 5 mg/ml, 2 ml (pt) 542130 1000 Tabs $2.88 10% 3004.10 Fluphenazine decanoate 25 mg/ml, 10 ml 542130 1000 Amps $3.48 10% 3004.10 Haloperidol 5 mg/ml 1, ml 542130 100 Amps $11.25 10% 3004.10 Haloperidol 5 mg 542130 1 Pcs $1.48 10% Drugs Acting On the Respiratory Tract Anti Asthmatic Drugs 3004.10 Aminopyline 100 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $4.2.00 10% 3004.10 Aminopylline 25 mg/ml, 10 ml 542130 100 Amps $11.5 10% 3004.10 Beclometason inhaler 50 mg/dose, 200 542130 1 Pcs $3.98 10% doses 3004.10 Ephedrine HCL 50mg/ml, 1 ml 542130 100 Ampas $9.75 10% 3004.10 Salbutamol 2mg 542130 100 Tabs $2.88 10% 3004.10 Salbutamol 4mg 542130 1000 Amps $3.48 10% 3004.10 Salbutamol 0.5 mg/ml, 1 ml 542130 100 Amps $11.25 10% 3004.10 Salbutamol 0. 1ml/dose, oral inhaler 200 542130 1 Pcs $1.48 doses Anti Tussives 3004.10 Noscapine 15 mg 542130 1000 Tabs $7.83 10% Solutions Correcting Water, Electrolyte, And Acid Base Disturbances Parenteral 3004.10 CPD- a bag 35 ml for 250 ml blood + taking 542130 10 Bags $12.08 10% set 3004.10 CPD- a bag 63 ml for 450 ml blod + taking set 542130 10 Bags $12.08 10% Dextrose 5 % in water, 500 ml + set 542130 20 Btls/ Bags $15.58 10% 3004.10 Dextrose 5 % in water , 1000 ml + set 542130 12 Btls/ Bags $12.25 10% 3004.10 Dextrose 5 % in sodium chloride 542130 12 Btls/ Bags $14.85 10% 0.9%, 1000 ML + set 3004.10 Dextrose 50% , 50 ml 542130 25 Vials $13.65 10% 3004.10 Hartmann’s solution ( Lactated 542130 20 Btls/ Bags $15.75 10% Ringer’s),500 ml + set

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Hartmann’s solution (lactated Rijngers,s) 542130 12 Btls/ Bags $11.75 10% 1000 ml + set 3004.10 Sodium chloride 0.9 500 ml + set 542130 20 Btls/ Bags $15.75 10% 3004.10 Sodium chloride 0.9 1000 ml + set 542130 12 Btls/ Bags $11.75 10% Miscellaneous 3004.10 Water for injection 5 ml 542130 100 amps $0.75 10% 3004.10 Water for injection 10 ml 542130 100 amps $0.75 10% Vitamins and Minerals 542130 1000 Tabs $2.23 10% 3004.10 Ascorbic acid 50 mg (Vitamin C) 542130 1000 Tabs $5.4 10% 3004.10 Ascorbic acid 250 ml ( Vitamin C) 100 Amps $9.8 10% 3004.10 Calcium gluconate 10 %, 2.23 mmol Ca2 542130 1000 Tabs $5.15 10% +10 ml 3004.10 Calcium lactated 300 mg 542130 5000 Tabs $9.98 10% Multivitamin 3004.10 Multivitamin, dry powder, one sachet to 542130 10 Sachets $7.65 10% make 500 ml or syrup 3004.10 Pyridoxine HC1 50 MG (Vitamin B 6) 542130 1000 Tabs $4.00 10% 3004.10 Pyridoxine HC1 250 MG (Vitamin B 6) 542130 1000 Tabs $12.9 10% 3004.10 Retinol 50,000 IU (Vitamin A) 542130 1000 Caps $11.98 10% 3004.10 Retinol 200,000 IU (Vitamin A) 542130 1000 Caps $21.25 10% 3004.10 Thiamine HC1 50 mg (Vitamin B1) 542130 1000 Tabs $4.48 10% 3004.10 Vitamin B Compound BPC 542130 1000 Tabs $2.05 10% 3004.10 Vitamin B Compound 2 ml 542130 100 Amps $7.25 10% 3004.10 Vitamin B Compound 10 ml 542130 100 Amps $10.65 10% Medical Supplies Surgical Dressings, Bandages, Plasters, And Gloves Bandages 3004.10 Bandage, Crepe 6 cm X 4 m 542130 10 Pcs $1.45 10% Bandage, Crepe 8 cm X 4 m 542130 10 Pcs $180 10% 3004.10 Bandage, Crepe 10 cm X 4 m 542130 10” $2.25 10% 3004.10 Bandage, hydrophylic 5 cm X 10 w.o.w 542130 10 Role $0.93 10% 3004.10 Bandage , hydrophlic .5 cm X 5 Selfedged 542130 20 Role $2.6 10% 3004.10 Bandage, hydrophylic 7.5 mc X 10 m 542130 10 Role $1.4 10% selfedged 3004.10 Bandage, hydrophylic 7.5 cm X 5 m 542130 20 Role $3.08 10% selfedged

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Bandage, hydrophylic 10 cm X 5 m 542130 12 pcs $3.83 10% selfedged 3004.10 Bandage, plaster of Paris 7.5 cm X 2.7 m 542130 12 pcs $3.1 10% 3004.10 Bandage, plaster of Paris 10 cm X 2.7 m 542130 12 pcs $7.48 10% 3004.10 Bandage, Plaster of Paris 15 cm X 2.7 m 542130 12 pcs $8.79 10% 3004.10 Bandage, Plaster of Paris 20 cm X 2.7 m 542130 20 Role $6.25 10% 3004.10 Bandage, elastic 8 Cm X 4 m 542130 10 Pcs $7.25 10% 3004.10 Banedage, tricot, 6 cm X 4 m 542130 10 Pcs $8.25 10% 3004.10 Bandage, tricot, 8 cm X 4 m 542130 10 Pcs $1.20 10% 3004.10 Bandage, tricot, 10 cm X 4 m 542130 10 Pcs $14.25 10% 3004.10 Bandage, tricot, 15 cm X 4 m 542130 1 Pcs $2.13 10% 3004.10 Cotton wool 500 Eur, Ph, zig-zag 542130 1 rol $1.45 10% 3004.10 Cotton wool 500 g rolls BP 542130 12 rol $26.25 10% 3004.10 Elastic adhesive bandage 7.5 cm X 4.5 m ( 542130 45 pcs $3.00 10% Stretched) 3004.10 Gauze Compresses 10 X 10 cm , 12 ply, sterile 542130 100 pcs $2.25 10% 3004.10 Gauze impregnated with paraffin 10 X 10 cm 542130 36 pcs $1.38 10% 3004.10 Gauze hydrophylic ( BP. 17 g/m2 ) 90 cm X 542130 1 pcs $15.63 10% 91m 3004.10 Undercast padding synthetic 5 cm X 2.7 m 542130 12 rol $1.85 10% 3004.10 Undercast padding synthetic X 542130 12 rol $2.75 10% 2.7m Gloves 3004.10 Examination, latex, non disposabole S/M/L 542130 100 Pcs $1.30 10% 3004.10 Examination, vinyl, non sterile, disposable 542130 100 Pcs $4.25 10% S/M/L 3004.10 Examination, plastic, non sterile, 542130 1000 Pcs $4.00 10% disposable 3004.10 Surgical sterile, latex, size 6,7, 7 ½ 8, 8 ½ 542130 50 Pair $5.00 10% 3004.10 Surgical, non sterile, latex size 7.5 mc X 2.7 m 542130 50 Pair $3.00 10% Tapes 3004.10 Tape , adhesive 1. 25 cm X 5m 542130 10 Rolls $1.68 10% 3004.10 Tape, adhesive 2.5 cm X 5 m 542130 8 “ $2.2 10% Tape, adhesive 5 cm X 5 m 542130 4 “ $2.08 10% 3004.10 Tape, adhesive 7.5 cm X 5 m 542130 2 “ $1.5 10% Tape , adhesive 10 cm X 5 m 542130 2 “ $1.95 10% 3004.10 Tape, adhesive perforated 5 cam X m 542130 1 roll $1.33 10% Tape, adhesive, perforated 18 cm X 5 m 3004.10 542130 1 “ $3.5 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % Various 542130 10% 3004.10 Applicator sticks with cotton tip, 15 cm 542130 100 pcs $0.43 10% 3004.10 Condoms, lubricated and tested 542130 144 pcs $5.98 10% 3004.10 Maternity pads 542130 20 pcs $1.75 10% 3004.10 Wound plastic 542130 1 pcs $1.93 10% Sururing Materials Catgut 542130 3004.10 Each box contains 36 envelopes of X 150 542130 1 Box $17.1 10% cm 3004.10 Catgut Chromic 2/0 542130 1 Box $17.1 10% 3004.10 Catgut Chromic 3/0 542130 1 Box $17.1 10% 3004.10 Catgut Chromic 0 542130 1 Box $17.1 10% 3004.10 Catgut Chromic 1 542130 1 Box $17.1 10% 3004.10 Catgut Chromic 2 542130 1 Box $17.1 10% 3004.10 Catgut Chromic 3 542130 1 Box $17.1 10% 3004.10 Catgut Plain 0 542130 1 Box $17.1 10% 3004.10 Catgut Plain 1 542130 1 Box $17.1 10% 3004.10 Catgut Plain 2 542130 1 Box $17.1 10% 3004.10 Catgut Plain 3 542130 1 Box $17.1 10% 3004.10 Catgut Plain 2/0 542130 1 Box $17.1 10% 3004.10 Catgut Plain 3/0 542130 1 Box $17.1 10% Suture, Synthetic absorbable

Each box contains 36 envelopes of 2 X 70 cm 3004.10 Suture Synthetic 2, braided, violet ( vicryl) 542130 1 Box $65.25 10% 3004.10 Suture Synthetic 1, braided, violet ( vicryl) 542130 1 Box $55.75 10% 3004.10 Suture Synthetic 0, braided, violet ( vicryl) 542130 1 Box $54.75 10% 3004.10 Suture Synthetic 2/0, braided, violet ( vicryl) 542130 1 Box $52.75 10% 3004.10 Suture Synthetic 3/0, braided, violet ( vicryl) 542130 1 Box $48.25 10% 3004.10 Suture Synthetic 4/0, braided, violet ( vicryl) 542130 1 Box $47.25 10% Suture, Synthetic , non absorbable Each box contains 36 envelopes of 1 X 150 cm 3004.10 Suture synthetic 2, braided polyester 542130 1 Box $15.75 10% 3004.10 Suture synthetic 1, braided polyester 542130 1 Box $15.75 10% 3004.10 Suture synthetic 0, braided polyester 542130 1 Box $15.75 10% 3004.10 Suture synthetic 2/0, braided polyester 542130 1 Box $15.75 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Suture synthetic 3/0, braided polyester 542130 1 Box $15.75 10% Suture Needles 3004.10 Suture needles, assorted size, cutting 542130 12 pcs $2.20 10% 3004.10 Suture needles, assorted size, round body 542130 12 pcs $2.20 10% Atraumatic sutures 3004.10 Vicry 1, 90 cm +1/2 ct. ndl. 36 5 mm 542130 36 Pcs $115.25 10% 3004.10 Vicryl ,2/0,70 cm + 2/0 rb.ndl. 26 mm 542130 36 Pcs $76.2 10% 3004.10 Vicryl ,2/0 70 cm + 3/8 ct,ndl, 30 mm 542130 36 Pcs $76.2 10% 3004.10 Vicryl, 3/0 45 cm + 3/8 ct.ndl, 18.5 mm 542130 36 Pcs $76.2 10% 3004.10 Vicryl, 4/0 45 cm + 3/8 ct.ndl, 18.5 mm 542130 36 Pcs $76.2 10% 3004.10 Vicryl, 3/0 70 cm +1/2 rb.ndl 26 mm 542130 36 Pcs $76.2 10% 3004.10 Vicryl, 3/0 70 cm +1/2 rb.ndl 17.5 mm 542130 36 Pcs $76.2 10% 3004.10 Vicryl, 4/0 70 cm +1/2 rb.ndl 17.5 mm 542130 36 Pcs $76.2 10% 3004.10 Polyamide 3/0, 45 cm + 3/8 ct.ndl 26 mm 542130 36 Pcs $25.25 10% 3004.10 Polyamide 4/0, 45 cm + 3/8 ct.ndl 18.5 mm 542130 36 Pcs $29.75 10% 3004.10 Silk 2/0, 45 cm + 3/8 ct. ndl. 24 .5 mm 542130 36 Pcs $27.25 10% 3004.10 Silk 2/0, 45 cm + 3/8 ct. ndl. 18 .5 mm 542130 36 Pcs $32.25 10% Needles And Syringes 3004.10 Syringe Luer, 2 ml, disposable ( two piece) 542130 100 Pcs $0.45 10% 3004.10 Syringe Luer, 3 ml, disposable ( two piece) 542130 100 Pcs $0.60 10% 3004.10 Syringe Luer, 5 ml, disposable ( two piece) 542130 100 Pcs $0.90 10% 3004.10 Syringe Luer,10 ml, disposable ( two piece) 542130 100 Pcs $1.35 10% 3004.10 Syringe Luer, 20 ml, disposable ( two piece) 542130 100 Pcs $1.80 10% 3004.10 Syringe Luer, 50 ml, disposable ( two piece) 542130 100 Pcs $2.10 10% 3004.10 Syringe Luer, 2 ml, synth ( 50 X autoclavable) 542130 100 Pcs $17.15 10% 3004.10 Syringe Luer, 5 ml, synth ( 50 X autoclavable) 542130 100 Pcs $19.75 10% 3004.10 Syringe Luer, 10 ml, synth ( 50 X autoclavable) 542130 100 Pcs $30.75 10% 3004.10 Syringe Luer, 20 ml, synth ( 50 X 542130 50 Pcs $24.43 10% autoclavable) 3004.10 Syringe Luer, 2, ml with bypacked 542130 100 Pcs $3.48 10% needle 23G X 1 ½ “ Disposable

3004.10 Syringe Luer, 5, ml with bypacked 542130 100 Pcs $4.4 10% needle 22G X 1 ½ “ Disposable

3004.10 Syringe Luer, 10, ml with bypacked 542130 100 Pcs $5.65 10% needle 21G X 1 ½ “ Disposable

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Needs luer, disposable, 18 G to 27G 542130 100 Pcs $1.45 10% available 3004.10 Needs luer, non disposable, 18G to 25G 542130 12 Pcs $0.98 10% available 3004.10 Blood giving set with air inlet and needle, 542130 100 Pcs $31.00 10% 3004.10 Blood taking set with needles, disposable 542130 100 Pcs $34.95 10% 3004.10 Infusion giving set with air inlet and needle, 542130 100 Pcs $12.57 10% disosable 3004.10 I.V. Placement units ( I.V. catheter, I.V 542130 100 Pcs $2.00 10% cannula) size 16G , 18G, 20G ,22G, and 24G. 3004.10 EDTA 542130 100Pcs $2.00 10% 3004.10 Scalp vein infusion set, 19G,21G, 23G, 25, 542130 100 Pcs $6.95 10% 3004.10 Syringe, ear 60 ml ( rubber) 542130 1 Pcs $0.25 10% Surgical Instruments ( General) 542130 100 Pcs $4.75 10% 3004.10 Blades for surgical knives, size 542130 1 Pce $0.8 10% 10,12,15,20,21,22,23,24,25,26, 3004.10 Brush for scrubbing nails- wood 542130 1 Pce $1.00 10% 3004.10 Brush Scrubbing, Surgical, Sterilisable 542130 1 Pce $2.00 10% 3004.10 Forceps, artery, Kocher, 145. Cm straight 542130 1 Pce $3.00 10% Forceps, artery, Kocher, 18. Cm Straight 542130 1 Pce $1.78 10% 3004.10 Forceps, artery, Pean, 14.5 cm Straight 542130 1 Pce $2.9 10% 3004.10 Forceps, artery Pean 18 cm Straigh 542130 1 Pce $1.03 10% 3004.10 Forceps, dissecting, 11 cm delicate ( 542130 1 Pce $1.1 10% Spring Type) 3004.10 Forceps, dissecting, 14.5 cm (Dressing 542130 1 Pce $1.08 10% Spring Type) 3004.10 Forceps , tampon, Foerster 25 cm 542130 1 Pce $3.4 10% 3004.10 Forceps, tissue, 14.5 cm ( Spring Type) 542130 1 Pce $1.18 10% 3004.10 Handle for surgical blades N o. 3 542130 1 Pce $1.15 10% 3004.10 Handle for surgical blades No.4 542130 1 Pce $1.15 10% 3004.10 Instrument Box with Iid, st, steel 20 X 10 X 542130 1 Pce $4.9 10% 5 mc 3004.10 Instrument Box with Iid, st, steel 30 X 10 X 542130 1 Pce $11.27 10% 5 mc 3004.10 Instrument try 30 X 20 X 2 cm 542130 100 Pcs $4.65 10% 3004.10 Michel Clops 14 mm 542130 100 Pcs $4.00 10% 3004.10 Michel Clops 16 mm 542130 100 Pcs $5.40 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Michel Clops 18 mm 542130 1 Pce $5.95 10% 3004.10 Michel Clops forceps 542130 1 Pce $3.08 10% 3004.10 Needle Box, s.s. with perforated inside box, 542130 1 Pce $7.5 10% 8 cm 3004.10 Needle holder Matthieu 17 cm 542130 1 Pce $3.75 10% 3004.10 Needle holder Mayo Hegar 16 cm 542130 1 Pce $2.38 10% 3004.10 Scissors, bandage , Lister, 16 cm 542130 1 Pce $2.25 10% 3004.10 Scissors, nals,, bent, 10 542130 Per Dozen $1.50 10% 3004.10 Scissors, Plasster 542130 1 Pce $1.25 10% 3004.10 Scissors, surgical blunt/blunt straight 14.5 cm 542130 1 Pce $1.25 10% 3004.10 Scissors, surgical sharp/blunt straight 542130 1 Pce $1.25 10% 14.5 cm 3004.10 Scissors, surgical sharp/blunt straight 542130 1 Pce $1.25 10% 10.5 cm 3004.10 Scissors, surgical sharp/sharp straight 542130 14.5 cm 3004.10 Reanimation Equipment 542130 1 Pce $170 10% 3004.10 Resuscitator, Flynn + Children masks + 4 542130 1 Pce $202.5 10% guedelairways 3004.10 Resuscitator Ambu mark III, incl. Masks No 542130 1 Pce $172.5 10% 2 + 5 3004.10 Resuscitator Ambu 38019 for babies 542130 Diagnostic Instrument 542130 1 Pce $90.00 10% 3004.10 Oto/ophthalmoscope mini with battery 542130 1 Pce $40.00 10% handle 3004.10 Otoscope m9ini with battery handle 542130 1 Pce $3.00 10% 3004.10 Reflex hammer Beriner 95g, 30 cm 1 Pce $10.00 10% 3004.10 Speculum vaginal Sims, 2 size double 542130 1 Pce $8.75 10% ended 3004.10 Speculum nasal, adults 542130 1 Pce $8.75 10% 3004.10 Speculum nasal, childern 542130 1 Pce $4.5 10% 3004.10 Speculum vaginal graves adjust, 542130 1 Pce $5.00 10% smal/medium/large 3004.10 Speculum vaginal Cusco virginis 542130 1 Pce $5.00 10% 3004.10 Sphygmomanmeter, anaeroid, simple 542130 1 Pce $25.75 10% 3004.10 Sphygmomanometer, anaeroid, Speidel & 542130 1 Pce $6.25 10% Keller 3004.10 Stethoscope, foetal , metal 542130 1 Pce $6.25 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Stethoscope, foetal , wood 542130 1 Pce $3.25 10% 3004.10 Stethoscop, Littman type meta, lightweight, 542130 1 Pce $1.27 10% dual, with spares 3004.10 Tongue Depressor, metal 542130 1 Pce $0.6 10% 3004.10 Tongue Depressor, wood 542130 1 Pce $70.5 10% 3004.10 Tonmeter Schiotz 542130 1 Pce $18.75 10% 3004.10 Visual acuity chart with c figures (suitable 542130 for illiterates) Anaesthesiology 542130 1 Set $11.5 10% 3004.10 Airways, Guedel, set of 5 size , non 542130 1 Pce $4.525 10% disposable 3004.10 Anaesthetic apparatus EMO ( ETHER AIR) 542130 1 Pce $16.75 10% Complete, portable 3004.10 Blade, Mclntosh (adults) for laryngoscope 542130 1 Pce $16.75 10% 7325 3004.10 Blade, Mclntosh (babies) for laryngoscope 542130 1 Pce $16.75 10% 7325 3004.10 Blade, Mcintosh (Children) for 542130 1 Pce $13.45 10% laryngoscope 7325 3004.10 Breathing bag 2 L 22 mm opening 542130 1 Pce $13.45 10% 3004.10 Breathing bag 0.75, 22 mm opening 542130 1 Pce $80.00 10% 3004.10 EMO machine oxygen atachment kit 542130 1 Pce $0.648 10% 3004.10 EMO machine paediatric oufti 542130 1 Pce $7.25 10% 3004.10 Endotracheal tubing, red rubber, cuffed, 542130 10 Pce $21.25 10% oral (diameter range 4 up to 10 mm ). Non- disposabel 3004.10 Endotracheal tubing, , cuffed, oral ( 542130 1 Pce $22.5 10% diameter range 4 up to 10 mm ) disposable, sterile 3004.10 Face mask, Everyseal, size 0,1,2,3,4, or 5 542130 1 Pce $19.25 10% 3004.10 Face mask, paediatric, size 0 542130 1 Pce $19.25 10% 3004.10 Face mask, paediatric, size 1 542130 1 Pce $19.25 10% 3004.10 Face mask, paediatric, size 2 542130 1 Pce $16.00 10% 3004.10 Laryngoscope handle, hook on standard , 542130 1 Pce $40.75 10% without blades 3004.10 Tubing, black corrugated, length 105 cm, 542130 22 mm opening 542130 1 Pce $2.75 10% Equipment

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 tape ( steam sterilisaion) 18 mm 542130 1 Pce $22.5 10% X 50 m 3004.10 Sterilisation tape ( dry heat sterlisation) 18 542130 1 Pce $1.63 10% mm X m 3004.10 Beaker glass, heart resistant, 100 ml 542130 1 Pce $1.73 10% 3004.10 Beaker glass, heart resistant, 250 ml 542130 $2.63 10% 3004.10 Beaker glass, heart resistant, , 500 ml 542130 1 Pce $3.65 10% 3004.10 Beaker glass, heart resistant, , 1000 ml 542130 1 Pce $20.75 10% 3004.10 Blood counting chamber Neubauer 542130 1 Pce $10.58 10% (Improved) 3004.10 Plain tube (for blood) 542130 1 Pce $0.21 10% 3004.10 542130 1 Pce $70 10% 3004.10 Centrifuge, hand operated, 2 X 15 ml 542130 10 Pce $5.5 10% 3004.10 Coverslips for blood counting chamber 542130 100 Pcs $2.10 10% neubauer

Laboratory Equipment 3004.10 Dental Stralizer 542130 Per Pc $250 10% 3004.10 Ultra Voilent Stralizer 542130 Per Pc $195 10% 3004.10 , 9 cm diameter 542130 100 Pcs $2.23 10% 3004.10 Filter paper, 11 cm diameter 542130 1 pce $1.75 10% Flask, Erlenmeryer 100 ml 542130 1 pce $2.00 10% 3004.10 Flask, Erlenmeryer 500 ml 542130 1 pce $2.25 10% 3004.10 Flask, Erlenmeryer 1000 ml 542130 1 pce $4.00 10% 3004.10 Haemoglobinometer, BMS 542130 1 pce $300 10% 3004.10 binocular Olympus ( Complete) 542130 1 pce $2025 10% Microscope binocular Guangzhou type 542130 1 pce $347.5 10% L- 1100 B 3004.10 Microscope binocular Guangzhou type 542130 1 pce $260 10% L- 1100 A 3004.10 Microscope coverslips 18 X 18 mm 542130 200 pcs $1.6 10% 3004.10 Microscope immersion oil 542130 100 ml $11.13 10% 3004.10 Microscope slides 75 X 25 mm tropical 542130 5000 pcs $90 10% packing 3004.10 Mortar and Pensteur 542130 1pce $17 10% 3004.10 , RBC with tubing and mouth piece 542130 250 pcs $6.85 10% 3004.10 Pipette, WBC with tubing and mouth piece 542130 1 pce $2.38 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Pipette, Westergreen (2,5 MM x 300 MM 542130 1 pce $2.38 10% Macrometh) 3004.10 Pipette rack, Westergeen 5 , places, s.s 542130 1 pce $0.83 10% complete with tubes 3004.10 Pipette rack, Wesergreen ( E.SR) ,10 542130 1 pce $50 10% places, s.s. complete with tubes 3004.10 rack, 24 holes, plastified, 12 dry 542130 1000/Pcs $20 10% pins 3004.10 Test tubes 15 cm, glss 542130 1000/ pce $10 10% 3004.10 Urine test strips protein/glucse 542130 100 Pcs $4.45 10% 3004.10 Urine test strips protein/glucose/ Ph 542130 100 Strips $4.18 10% 3004.10 Urine test strips ketones 542130 100 Strips $4.75 10% 3004.10 Urine test strips , protein 542130 100 Strips $2.6 10% 3004.10 Urine test strips, blood/ 542130 100 Strips $2.6 10% urobilinogen/ketones/ glucose/ PH 3004.10 Urine test strips, glucose 542130 10% 3004.10 Semi Automated Chemistry Analyzer 542130 Unit $180 10% 3004.10 Manual Chemistry Analyzer 542130 “ $270 10% 3004.10 Automated Chemistry Analyzer 542130 “ $330 10% 3004.10 Acid Phosphates 542130 10x10ml $1.8 10% 3004.10 Albumin 542130 4x100ml $2.4 10% 3004.10 Alkaline Phosphate (ALP) 542130 10x10ml $1.35 10% 3004.10 Alpha Amylase 542130 10x10ml $1.2 10% 3004.10 Bilirubin Liquicolor 542130 2x100ml $1.8 10% 3004.10 Bilirubin Direct/Total 542130 2x100ml $2.7 10% 3004.10 Cholesterol Enzymatic 542130 4x30ml $2.55 10% 3004.10 CK-MB 542130 10x10ml $0.6 10% 3004.10 CK-NAC Activated 542130 $1.305 10% 3004.10 Creatinine 542130 10x10ml $2.115 10% 3004.10 Gamma GT 542130 2x100ml $1.68 10% 3004.10 Glucose 542130 10x10ml $0.285 10% 3004.10 Glucose LiquiUV 542130 10x10ml $0.6 10% 3004.10 GOT (ASAT) 542130 10x10ml $0.675 10% 3004.10 GPT (ALAT) 542130 10x10ml $0.675 10% 3004.10 542130 HBA 1c 100Tests $2.175 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 HDL Cholesterol 542130 4x100ml $1.425 10% 3004.10 Hemoglobin Liquicolor 542130 20x10ml $1.425 10% 3004.10 Iron Liquicolor 542130 1x500ml $1.425 10% 3004.10 LDH SCE Mod 542130 10x10ml $1.68 10% 3004.10 LDL Cholesterol 542130 4x100ml $1.65 10% 3004.10 Lipase 542130 10x10ml $1.425 10% 3004.10 Magnezium 542130 10x10ml $1.68 10% 3004.10 Pancreas-Amylase 542130 10x10ml $1.425 10% 3004.10 TIBC Total Iron Biding Capacity test 542130 10x10ml $1.68 10% 3004.10 Total Protein 542130 4x100ml $1.65 10% 3004.10 Triglycerides 542130 4x100ml $1.95 10% 3004.10 Urea Liquicolor 542130 2x100ml $1.425 10% 3004.10 Uric Acid 542130 4x30ml $1.68 10% 3004.10 Autocal 542130 1x2.5ml $1.65 10% 3004.10 Huma Trol N 542130 1x2.5ml $2.175 10% 3004.10 Huma Trol P 542130 1x2.5ml $1.8 10% 3004.10 Serodos 542130 1x2.5ml $1.8 10% 3004.10 Serodos Plus 542130 1x2.5ml $1.8 10% 3004.10 Turbidos 542130 1x2.5ml $2.1 10% 3004.10 Hemostat Control Plasma 542130 1x5ml $1.635 10% 3004.10 Apolipoprotein A1 and B 542130 1x400ml $2.865 10% 3004.10 Complement C3 and C4 542130 4x100ml $1.665 10% 3004.10 CRP (C-reactive protein) 542130 2x100ml $2.925 10% 3004.10 Ferritin 542130 1x400ml $2.88 10% 3004.10 Immunoglobulins Direct 542130 1x200ml $2.25 10% 3004.10 Immunoglobulins IgG, IgA & IgM Test 542130 3x100ml $2.25 10% 3004.10 Lipoprotein (a),Lp(a) 542130 1x400ml $2.175 10% 3004.10 Microalbumin 542130 1x400ml $2.4 10% 3004.10 Transferrin 542130 1x400ml $2.85 10% 3004.10 Calcuim 542130 2x100ml $1.5 10% 3004.10 Chloride 542130 4x100ml $1.05 10% 3004.10 Phosphorus 542130 2x100ml $0.675 10% 3004.10 Potassuim LiquiRapid 542130 4x100ml $0.525 10% 3004.10 Soduim Rapid 542130 1x60ml $0.9 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Automatic Hematology Analyzer 3 part 542130 Unit 10% differential $180 3004.10 Automatic Hematology Analyzer 5 part differential 542130 Unit $270 10% 3004.10 HB Mission Meter 542130 “ $3 10% 3004.10 HB Mission Strips 1x25 542130 Pcs/Box $0.21 10% 3004.10 HB Mission Strips 1x100 542130 “ $0.75 10% 3004.10 ESR Automatic System 5 Tubes 542130 Unit $112.5 10% 3004.10 ESR Automatic System 10 Tubes 542130 “ $138 10% 3004.10 ESR Rack 6 Holes 542130 “ $1.8 10% 3004.10 ESR Rack 10 Holes 542130 “ $2.85 10% 3004.10 ESR Fast Detector 542130 “ $2.7 10% 3004.10 ESR Westegreen Pipette ( Long) 1x10 542130 Pcs/Box $1.35 10% 3004.10 ESR Fast Detector Tubes 20x100 542130 Pcs/Box $13.5 10% 3004.10 Hematocytometer ( WBC Chamber) 1x10 542130 “ $3 10% 3004.10 Oil Immersion for 100x Objective 542130 10ml $1.68 10% 3004.10 HC-Diluents for HumaCounts 542130 Litter $1.00 10% 3004.10 HC-Lyse for HumaCounts 542130 “ $1.2 10% 3004.10 HC-Cleaner for HumaCounts 542130 “ $0.675 10% 3004.10 HC5-BasoLyse for HumaCounts 5 542130 “ $2.25 10% 3004.10 HC5-EoLyse for HumaCounts 5 542130 “ $1.35 10% 3004.10 Rinse Solution 20 542130 “ $0.75 10% 3004.10 HC-Control 542130 3x2.5ml $1.5 10% 3004.10 Elisa Reader Strip Reader 542130 Unit $180 10% 3004.10 Elisa Reader 542130 ” $210 10% 3004.10 Elisa Auto Analyzer 542130 “ $270 10% 3004.10 Elisa Washer Manual 542130 “ $165 10% 3004.10 Elisa Washer Automatic 542130 “ $142.5 10% 3004.10 Cortisol 542130 96 tests $4.515 10% 3004.10 DHEA-S 542130 ” $4.515 10% 3004.10 Estradiol Antigen Test 542130 “ $4.515 10% 3004.10 Estriol 542130 “ $4.515 10% 3004.10 FSH ( Follicle Stimulating Hormone) 542130 “ $4.515 10% 3004.10 HCG ( Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) 542130 ” $4.515 10% 3004.10 LH ( Luteinizing Hormone) 542130 “ $4.515 10% 3004.10 PRL ( Prolactin) 542130 “ $4.515 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Progersterone Antigen Test 542130 ” $4.515 10% 3004.10 Testosterone Antigen Test 542130 “ $4.515 10% 3004.10 T3 (Total Triiodothyronine )Antigen Test 542130 “ $4.515 10% 3004.10 T4 ( Total Thyroxin) Antigen Test 542130 “ $4.515 10% 3004.10 fT3 ( free Triidothyronine) Antigen Test 542130 “ $4.515 10% 3004.10 fT4 ( free Thyroxin) Antigen Test 542130 ” $4.515 10% 3004.10 TSH( Thyrotropin) Antigen Test 542130 “ $4.515 10% 3004.10 AFP 542130 “ $4.515 10% 3004.10 CA 125 Ag Antigen test 542130 “ $4.515 10% 3004.10 CEA (Carecinoembryonic Antigen) 542130 “ $4.515 10% 3004.10 PSA 542130 ” $4.515 10% 3004.10 fPSA ( Free PSA) Antigen test 542130 “ $4.515 10% 3004.10 Total IgE ( Immunoglobin E) 542130 “ $4.515 10% 3004.10 Coagulation Analyzer Single Channel 542130 Unit $165 10% 3004.10 Coagulation Analyzer Dual Channel 542130 Unit $180 10% 3004.10 APTT 542130 10x10ml $1.515 10% 3004.10 PT 542130 10x10ml $4.365 10% 3004.10 Fibrinogen 542130 10x10ml $3.615 10% 3004.10 Thrombin Time 542130 10x10ml $4.215 10% 3004.10 Hemostat Control Plasma 542130 10x10ml $4.215 10% 3004.10 Urine Analyzer Automated 542130 Unit $93 10% 3004.10 Urine Anlayzer Manual U120 542130 Unit 10% (Mission/Insight Expert) $60 3004.10 Mission/Expert Strips Combina 2 542130 Bottle/100Pcs $0.375 10% 3004.10 Mission/Expert Strips Combina 3 542130 Bottle/100Pcs $0.555 10% 3004.10 Mission/Expert Strips Combina 9 542130 Bottle/100Pcs $0.675 10% 3004.10 Mission/Expert Strips Combina 10 542130 Bottle/100Pcs $0.9 10% 3004.10 Mission/Expert Strips Combina 11 542130 Bottle/100Pcs $1.05 10% 3004.10 Huma Scope Light 542130 Unit $76.5 10% 3004.10 Huma Scope Classic 542130 ” $117 10% 3004.10 Huma Scope Advance 542130 “ $138 10% 3004.10 Microscope China 107 etc 542130 “ $48 10% 3004.10 542130 “ $88.5 10% 3004.10 Waterbath 542130 “ $48 10% 3004.10 Mixer 542130 ” $15 10% 3004.10 542130 Centrifuge electric, 6 holes “ $6 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Balance Scale 542130 “ $13.5 10% 3004.10 Huma Pette ( 10-100)(100-1000)(5-50) 542130 “ 10% adjustable volume $9 3004.10 Huma Pette ( 10-100)(100-1000)(5-50) fixed 542130 “ 10% volume $4.5 3004.10 Anti Streptomycin O 542130 1x5ml $0.9 10% 3004.10 ASO Complete Kit 542130 1x5ml $1.08 10% 3004.10 CRP Reagent Only 542130 1x5ml $0.9 10% 3004.10 CRP Complete Kit 542130 1x5ml $1.08 10% 3004.10 Rheumatoid factor Reagent Only 542130 1x5ml $0.9 10% 3004.10 RF Complete Kit 542130 1x5ml $1.08 10% 3004.10 Salmonella Typhi H Antigen 542130 8x5ml $0.72 10% 3004.10 Salmonella Typhi O Antigen 542130 8x5ml $0.72 10% 3004.10 Brucella Abortus Antigen 542130 8x5ml $0.72 10% 3004.10 SLE Latex Test 542130 1x5ml $2.1 10% 3004.10 Toxoplasma Gondi Latex Test 542130 1x2.5ml $1.725 10% 3004.10 Huma type Anti-A 542130 3x10ml $1.8 10% 3004.10 Huma type Anit-B for ABO typing 542130 3x10ml $1.725 10% 3004.10 Huma type Anit-A for ABO typing 542130 3x10ml $1.755 10% 3004.10 Huma type Anit-D ( IgM) 542130 3x10ml $1.725 10% 3004.10 AHG-Anti Human Globulin 542130 3x10ml $1.875 10% 3004.10 Human type Albumin 22% 542130 3x10ml $1.95 10% 3004.10 H Pylori Device 542130 1 Box/40 $0.6 10% 3004.10 Pregnancy Test hCG Device 542130 1 Box/40 $0.465 10% 3004.10 Pregnancy Test hCG Strips 542130 1 Box/50 $0.15 10% 3004.10 HBsAg Device 542130 1 Box/40 $0.675 10% 3004.10 HBsAg Strips 542130 1 Box/50 $0.18 10% 3004.10 HCV Device 542130 1 Box/40 $0.78 10% 3004.10 HCV Strips 542130 1 Box/50 $0.885 10% 3004.10 Malaria 542130 1 Box/40 $0.795 10% 3004.10 Syphilis Device 542130 1 Box/40 $0.285 10% 3004.10 Syphilis Strips 542130 1 Box/50 $0.18 10% 3004.10 PSA Antigen 542130 1 Box/40 $6 10% 3004.10 HIV 1/2/0 Triline 542130 1 Box/40 $0.36 10% 3004.10 TB Device 542130 1 Box/40 $0.885 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 TB Strips 542130 1 Box/50 $0.9 10% 3004.10 Chlamydia 542130 1 Box/40 $1.44 10% 3004.10 cTnl Troponin 542130 1 Box/25 $0.66 10% 3004.10 LH Rapid Test 542130 1 Box/40 $3.6 10% 3004.10 FSH Menopause 542130 1 Box/40 $0.735 10% 3004.10 Torch Combo 542130 1 Box/40 $1.455 10% 3004.10 Toxoplasma IGM 542130 1 Box/40 $0.33 10% 3004.10 CK-MB 542130 1 Box/25 $1.275 10% 3004.10 Myoglobin 542130 1 Box/25 $1.365 10% 3004.10 H Pylori Feces 542130 1 Box/40 $0.18 10% 3004.10 Rota Virus 542130 1 Box/40 $0.63 10% 3004.10 Adeno Virus 542130 1 Box/40 $0.63 10% 3004.10 FOB Strips 542130 1 Box/40 $1.305 10% 3004.10 BGMS-On call Platinum Meter 542130 Unit $2.1 10% 3004.10 BGMS-On call Plus Meter 542130 Unit $1.35 10% 3004.10 BGMS-On call EZ Meter 542130 Unit $1.05 10% 3004.10 On Call Strips 542130 1 Box/25pcs $0.225 10% 3004.10 On Call Strips 542130 1 Box/50pcs $0.18 10% 3004.10 Lancets 542130 1 Box/100pcs $0.135 10% 3004.10 Maconkey Agar Medium 542130 500g $5.85 10% 3004.10 Alternative Thioglycollate Medium 542130 500g $5.7 10% 3004.10 Deoxycholate Agar 542130 500g $5.55 10% 3004.10 Deoxycholate Citrate Agar 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Dextrose Broth 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Double Sugar Agar, Russell,500 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Fluid Selenite Cystine Meduim 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Nutrient Agar 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Peptone Water 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Selenite F Broth ( Twin Pack) 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar ( 542130 500g 10% XLD Agar) $5.1 3004.10 Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar) 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Brusella Agar Base 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Candida Medium 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Chocolate Agar Base 542130 500g $5.1 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Dextrose Agar 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Nitrate Agar 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Nutreint Agar 1.5% 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 SS Agar, Modified 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 TB Broth Base 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Tryptose Blood Agar Base 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Coliform PA Broth 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Deoxycholate Citrate Agar, Modified ( Hynes) 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Lactic Differential Broth 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Listeria Identification Agar Base (PALCAM) 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Urea Agar Base (Christensen) 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Urea Broth ( Filter Sterilizable) 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Acid Broth 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 C.L.E.D Agar Base w/o Indicator 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Pseudomonas Agar (For Fluorescein) 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Shigella Broth Base 542130 500g $5.1 10% 3004.10 Bacitracin 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $1.41 10% 3004.10 Bile Solubility 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $1.41 10% 3004.10 Coagulase 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $1.41 10% 3004.10 Factor V 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $1.41 10% 3004.10 Factor X 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $1.41 10% 3004.10 Impvic(Indole Methyl Phenol) 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $1.41 10% 3004.10 Kovack‟s Indole Reagent 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $1.41 10% 3004.10 Kliger Iron Agar 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $1.41 10% 3004.10 Optichin 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $1.41 10% 3004.10 Oxidase 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $1.41 10% 3004.10 Peta Lactamase 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $1.41 10% 3004.10 Triple Sugar Iron Agar 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $1.41 10% 3004.10 Urea 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $1.41 10% 3004.10 Amoxicilin Amx 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $0.21 10% 3004.10 Amikacin Ak 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $0.21 10% 3004.10 Amoxyclav Amc 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $0.21 10% 3004.10 Ampilicin A 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $0.21 10% 3004.10 Ceftriaxone Ci 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $0.21 10% 3004.10 Chloramphenicol C 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $0.21 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Chlortetracycline Ct 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $0.21 10% 3004.10 Ciprofloxacin Cf 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $0.21 10% 3004.10 Trimoxazole Co 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $0.21 10% 3004.10 Erythromycin E 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $0.21 10% 3004.10 Gentamicin G 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $0.21 10% 3004.10 Methicillin M 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $0.21 10% 3004.10 Metronidazole Mt 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $0.21 10% 3004.10 Nalidixic Acid Na 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $0.21 10% 3004.10 Nitrofurantoin Nf 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $0.21 10% 3004.10 Norfloxacin Nx 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $0.21 10% 3004.10 Penicillin-G.P 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $0.21 10% 3004.10 Streptomycin S 542130 5x50 Disks/vial $0.21 10% 3004.10 Novorapid Flexpens 542130 1 Pen $1.71 10% 3004.10 Novomix Flexpens 542130 1 Pen $1.71 10% 3004.10 Levemir Flexpens 542130 1 Pen $1.71 10% 3004.10 Levemir penfills 542130 1 Pen $1.71 10% 3004.10 Actrapid HM 100iu/ml 542130 1x10ml/vial $0.21 10% 3004.10 Insulatard HM 100iu/ml 542130 1x10ml/vial $0.81 10% 3004.10 Mixtard 30 HM 100iu/ml 542130 1x10ml/vial $1.11 10% 3004.10 Novopen 542130 1 Pen $1.71 10% 3004.10 ZN Acid fast stain-kit (contains 542130 1 kit 10% So33,S005.S022) $2.475 3004.10 Gram Stain Kit 542130 1 kit $2.475 10% 3004.10 Lugol‟s Lodine 542130 125ml $1.5 10% 3004.10 Methylene Blue 542130 125ml $1.8 10% 3004.10 Nutrient Agar 542130 500g $3.075 10% 3004.10 Blood Agar Base ( Infusion Agar) 542130 500g $3.075 10% 3004.10 Maconkey Agar W/o CV, NaCl 542130 500g $3.075 10% 3004.10 Mueller hinton Agar 542130 500g $3.075 10% 3004.10 Citrate Agar 542130 500g $3.075 10% 3004.10 Giemsa‟s Stain 542130 100ml $2.475 10% 3004.10 W.B.C Diluting Fluid 542130 500ml $2.475 10% 3004.10 Hematoxylin ( Mayer‟s) 542130 500ml $2.475 10% 3004.10 Rapid Papanicolau Stain-kit ( 3 Minute) 542130 4x3 kits $4.575 10% 3004.10 542130 Leishman‟s Stain ( Twin Pack) 250ml $30.75 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Aluminum Ammonium Sulphate, Dodecahydrate 542130 500g $3.00 10% 3004.10 Paraffin wax ( noncaking) 542130 500g $3.00 10% 3004.10 Lithium carbonate A.R 542130 500g $3.00 10% 3004.10 Mercuric oxide red, A.R 542130 500g $3.00 10% 3004.10 Sodium Hydrogen carbonate, extra pure 542130 1kg $6.00 10% 3004.10 Citric Acid anhydrous 542130 500g $3.975 10% 3004.10 Sodium Iodine, monohydrate , extra pure 542130 100g $2.925 10% 3004.10 Alumuim Potassium sulphate 542130 2.5kg $5.925 10% 3004.10 Heamatoxylin stain, practical grade 542130 5g $3.54 10% 3004.10 Higas Burner ( with LPG connector for gas) 542130 1 unit $1.875 10% 3004.10 Discs dispenser mark 3 542130 1 unit $4.74 10% 3004.10 Slides staining racks stainless steel 542130 1 unit $3.24 10% 3004.10 Straight wire ( Nickrome) 542130 1 unit $1.425 10% 3004.10 Nickrome Loop D3 542130 1x20/pack $1.425 10% 3004.10 Stainless steel forceps 542130 1x2/pack $2.04 10% 3004.10 Hi Media Manual 542130 1 Book $6.00 10% 3004.10 Meta Loop CH2 542130 1x20pcs/pack $1.5 10% 3004.10 Meta Loop SS2 542130 1x8pcs/pack $1.5 10% 3004.10 Hi Gynacc TM Spatula Wooden 542130 1x250pcs/pack $3.225 10% 3004.10 Non sterile Powder free Gloves 542130 100/Box $1.5 10% 3004.10 Non sterile with Powder gloves 542130 100/Box $1.5 10% 3004.10 Plain Tubes 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $0.21 10% 3004.10 EDTA K2 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $0.21 10% 3004.10 EDTA K3 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $0.21 10% 3004.10 Heparin Sodium 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $0.21 10% 3004.10 Heparin Lithium 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $0.21 10% 3004.10 Sodium Citrate, 13x75mm 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $0.21 10% 3004.10 Sodium Citrate,3.2% 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $0.21 10% 3004.10 Watch 542130 1 unit $2.025 10% 3004.10 Conical Beakers 542130 1 unit $2.25 10% 3004.10 Boiling Flasks 542130 1 unit $2.25 10% 3004.10 Boiling Flasks 542130 1 unit $2.25 10% 3004.10 Nitrogen Flask 542130 1 unit $2.25 10% 3004.10 Conical Flask 542130 1 unit $4.35 10% 3004.10 Conical Flask , Erlanger 542130 1 unit $3.75 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Iodine Flask 542130 1 unit $4.5 10% 3004.10 Evaporating Dishes, flat 542130 1 unit $4.5 10% 3004.10 Evaporating Dishes, round 542130 1 unit $3.45 10% 3004.10 Glass Mortar with Pestle 542130 1 unit $2.55 10% 3004.10 Reagents Bottles 542130 1 unit $1.5 10% 3004.10 Reagents Bottles, wide mouth 542130 1 unit $1.8 10% 3004.10 Glass Funnel, Long 542130 1 unit $0.975 10% 3004.10 Glass Funnel, short 542130 1 unit $0.975 10% 3004.10 Measuring Cylinders 542130 1 unit $0.825 10% 3004.10 Measuring Cylinders 542130 1 unit $0.9 10% 3004.10 , Grade A/B 542130 1 unit $0.975 10% 3004.10 Porcelain 542130 1 unit $0.75 10% 3004.10 Pertridhishes, Plastic 542130 500 Pcs/Box $1.575 10% 3004.10 Pertridhishes, Glass 542130 500 Pcs/Box $3.375 10% 3004.10 Micro Plate 96 wells, Lid Optional 542130 1000 Pcs $3.00 10% 3004.10 542130 1000 Pcs $0.375 10% 3004.10 Cell Spreader 542130 10 Pcs $3.75 10% 3004.10 Swabs, without medium 542130 100 Pcs/Box $0.3 10% 3004.10 Swabs, with medium 542130 100 Pcs/Box $1.05 10% 3004.10 Slides 542130 50 Pcs/Box $0.075 10% 3004.10 Cover Glass (Cover slide) 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $1.5 10% 3004.10 Slide Mailer 542130 Pcs $1.5 10% 3004.10 Slide Mailer 542130 Pcs $1.5 10% 3004.10 Slide Mailer 542130 Pcs $1.5 10% 3004.10 Slide Trays 542130 Pcs $1.5 10% 3004.10 Storage Box 542130 Pcs $1.5 10% 3004.10 Slide Dispenser 542130 Pcs $1.5 10% 3004.10 Storage Cabinet 542130 Pcs $1.5 10% 3004.10 Staining Jar and Racks 542130 Pcs $1.5 10% 3004.10 Urine Container, Economy 40Ml 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $1.8 10% 3004.10 Urine Container, Economy 60Ml 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $1.545 10% 3004.10 Urine Container, Economy 100Ml 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $2.16 10% 3004.10 Urine Container, Economy 150Ml 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $0.75 10% 3004.10 Stool Container, Economy 60Ml 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $2.4 10% 3004.10 542130 Stool Container, Economy 100Ml 1000 Pcs/Box $3.6 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Stool Container, Economy 150Ml 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $3.045 10% 3004.10 Universal Stool Container, Leak Proof 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $1.545 10% 3004.10 Specimen Container , Leak proof 542130 $0.45 10% 3004.10 Flip Top 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $4.545 10% 3004.10 Measuring Flask with spout 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $2.25 10% 3004.10 Transfer Pipette 542130 100 Pcs/Box $0.075 10% 3004.10 Transfer Pipette, Glass 542130 Pcs $0.075 10% 3004.10 Pipette Tips, Blue 542130 Pcs $1.5 10% 3004.10 Pipette Tips, Yellow 1000/Box 542130 Pcs $1.5 10% 3004.10 Pipette Tips, Neutral 542130 Pcs $1.5 10% 3004.10 Tip Rack 542130 Pcs $1.8 10% 3004.10 Pipetting Reservoir 542130 Pcs $3.00 10% 3004.10 Pipettor, single Channel 542130 Pcs $3.00 10% 3004.10 Pipettor, 8 Channel 542130 Pcs $12 10% 3004.10 Pipettor, 12 Channel 542130 Pcs $15 10% 3004.10 Pipettor, fixed 542130 Pcs $7.5 10% 3004.10 Pipette Controller 542130 Pcs $2.25 10% 3004.10 Pipettor, rack 542130 Pcs $3.75 10% 3004.10 Test Tubes, Glass 542130 250 Pcs/Box $3.75 10% 3004.10 Serological Tubes 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $2.325 10% 3004.10 Serological Tube with Aluminum screw 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $7.5 10% 3004.10 Test Tube, Glass with RIM 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $75 10% 3004.10 Centrifuge tube glass 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $3.75 10% 3004.10 Test Tubes, Plastic 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $3.75 10% 3004.10 Test Tubes, plastic with RIM 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $3.75 10% 3004.10 Dual Tubes, Plastic 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $3.75 10% 3004.10 Conical Tubes, Plastic 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $3.75 10% 3004.10 Tubes, Plastic with cap, with label 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $3.75 10% 3004.10 Transport Tubes, Plastic 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $3.75 10% 3004.10 , Plastic 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $2.25 10% 3004.10 Cryo Tube 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $3.3 10% 3004.10 Freezing Box, Plastic 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $1.5 10% 3004.10 Centrifuge Tube , Plastic 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $3.75 10% 3004.10 Micro-Centrifuge ,Tubes 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $2.25 10% 3004.10 PCR Tube Strip 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $7.5 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 PCR Plate 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $0.75 10% 3004.10 PCR Storage Box 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $0.9 10% 3004.10 PCR Storage Box 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $1.35 10% 3004.10 Freezing Box, Card board 542130 1000 Pcs/Box $1.275 10% 3004.10 Tube Dispenser 542130 Pcs $1.425 10% 3004.10 “Z” Shaped Tube Rack 542130 Pcs $2.325 10% 3004.10 Detachable Tube Rack 542130 4 pcs/bag $3.3 10% 3004.10 Delivery Kit A 542130 Different Items $1.5 10% 3004.10 Delivery Kit B 542130 Different Items $3.00 10% Catheters/ Tubes 3004.10 Catheter, 3 way ballon 30 –50 ml, sterile 542130 100 Pcs $27 10% ch, 20, 22 3004.10 Feeding tube ch. 5 disposabel, 40 cm, luer 542130 100 Pcs $27 10%

3004.10 Feeding tube ch. 6 disposabel, 40 cm, lear 542130 100 “ $27 10% 3004.10 Feeding tube ch. 8 disposabel, 40 cm, lear 542130 100 “ $27 10% 3004.10 Feeding tube ch. 10 disposabel, 40 cm, 542130 10 “ $5.95 10% Lear 3004.10 Foley, balloon 15 ml , sterile ch. 16 ,18 ,20 542130 Per Pcs $0.18 10% 3004.10 Male catheter, external, No. 2, 25 mm 542130 1 Pcs $1.9 10% 3004.10 Nelaton, plain , rubber , reusable ch. 10 542130 100 Pcs $14.9 10% ,12,14 3004.10 Nelaton, plain , Plasticdisposable, ch. 10 542130 100 Pcs $23 10% ,12,14 3004.10 Oxygentube ch. 10 disposable 542130 50 Ppca $9.5 10% 3004.10 Rrctal catheter, disp. 40 cm ch, 22, 25 542130 100 Pcs $36.03 10% 3004.10 Stomach tube ch 12, 14 Plastic, disp. 80 cm 542130 10% 3004.10 Miscellaneous Items 542130 600 Pcs $1.20 10% 3004.10 Bag for collecting urine, 2 L with tap & valve 542130 100 Pcs $12.73 10% 3004.10 Bedoan, Plastic 542130 200 Pcs $2.45 10% 3004.10 Blood lancets, disposable 542130 42 pcs $7.75 10% 3004.10 Bottle with screw cap 100 ml, brown galss 542130 1 Pair $16.25 10% Crutches, adjustable 542130 1 Pair $647.5 10% 3004.10 Delivery bed, folable, with leg supports 542130 Per Pcs $$15 10% and wash basin,folded ; 110 X 90 X 40 cm, weight 60 kg

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Dispensing bags, plastic, reseablabel 60 X 542130 80 mm, with pictogram Miscellaneous Items ( Continued) 542130 1 Pce $5.9 10% 3004.10 Drum for Cotton wool and gauze diam. 15 542130 1 Pce $187.5 10% cm, 15cm height Examinatio couch, foldable and portable 542130 1 Pce $2.00 10% 3004.10 Kidney dish, 255 X 115 X 55 mm, 542130 1 Pce $2.45 10% graduated 3004.10 Kidney dish, stainless steel 25 cm 542130 1 Pce $1.00 10% 3004.10 Pencil, Skin Marking 542130 1 Pce $1.5 10% 3004.10 Pulse Couner, ½ minute 542130 100 Pcs $13 10% 3004.10 Razor, with blade & handle, disposable 542130 1 Pce $0.75 10% 3004.10 Raod to health chart + plastic cover, 542130 1 Pce $0.75 10% English 3004.10 Roda to health chart + plastic cover, 542130 1 box $7.00 10% French 3004.10 Savfety pins, 3.t cm 144 pc 542130 1 box $9.6 10% 3004.10 Safety pins, 5.t cm 144 pc 542130 1 pcs $7.00 10% 3004.10 Scale, adults, metric (bathroom type, max. 542130 1 pcs $27.5 10% 100 kg) 3004.10 Scale, hanging max. 7 kg 542130 1 pcs $22.5 10% 3004.10 Scale, hanging 25 kg X 100 g (Salter Type, 542130 48 Bars $12.38 10% including trousers) 3004.10 Saop (Surgical) 2% TCC 542130 10 bars $5.00 10% Saop, hangin unwrapped, 200 g 542130 1 pcs $6.6 10% 3004.10 Split, inflatable plastic, ½ arm 542130 1 pcs $11.15 10% 3004.10 Split, inflatable plastic, ½ Leg 542130 1 pcs $26.00 10% 3004.10 Split, inflatable plastic, 1 Leg 542130 1 pcs $5.4 10% 3004.10 Split, inflatable, hand pump for 542130 1 pcs $197.5 10% 3004.10 Suction pump, foot/hand operated (twin) 542130 12 pcs $3.6 10% 3004.10 clinical /0 F, flat type 542130 1 pcs $4.00 10% 3004.10 Urinal for men, 1 L with lid, graduated 542130 1 pcs $370 10% 3004.10 Vacuum extractor Malmstom (40, 50,60mm 542130 1 pcs $6.5 10% cups, vacuum pump, one spare bottle and spare gaskets) – new mode 3004.10 Wash basin, round, 6.6L 346 X 120 mm 542130 1 pcs $10.00 10% 3004.10 Weight for height chart, plastified, coloured 542130 3004.10 Dressing Back Kit 542130 Set $1.00 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Kodhe (Sisibad) 542130 Doz $5.00 10% 3004.10 Dawada Ilkaha Cadaysa 542130 Doz $3.00 10% 3004.10 Powder dental 542130 Doz $4.30 10% 3004.10 Xabagta ilkaha lagu cadeyo 542130 KGs $0.50 10%

Medicines Asia & Africa Tablets 3004.10 Aspro Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.8 10% 3004.10 Anti Acid Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $1.20 10% 3004.10 Aldomethat Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $1.00 10% 3004.10 Ananas Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $1.80 10% 3004.10 Actoin Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $1.2 10% 3004.10 Choice Tablet (Dhalmo kala fogeeye) 542130 1,000Tabs $2.00 10% 3004.10 Anti Melaria Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.4 10% 3004.10 Cotrimoxazole Tabs 480MG 542130 1,000Tabs $0.556 10% 3004.10 Cotrimoxazole Tabs 960MG 542130 1,000Tabs $0.76 10% 3004.10 Bal-Riactin Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.38 10% 3004.10 Metrinidizol Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.80 10% 3004.10 Mebendizole Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.70 10% 3004.10 Inderal Tabs 10MG 542130 1,000Tabs $0.50 10% 3004.10 Inderal Tabs 40MG 542130 1,000Tabs $1.00 10% 3004.10 Vitamin C Tabs 100MG 542130 1,000Tabs $0.32 10% 3004.10 Vitamin C Tabs 250MG 542130 1,000Tabs $0.44 10% 3004.10 Diclofenac Tabs 50MG 542130 1,000Tabs $0.40 10% 3004.10 Dexamathazone Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.32 10% 3004.10 Diazpen Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.40 10% 3004.10 Paracetamol Tabs 500MG 542130 1,000Tabs $0.40 10% 3004.10 Dipyron Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.60 10% 3004.10 Mult-Vitamin Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.30 10% 3004.10 Vitamin B Complex Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.18 10% 3004.10 Parkinol Tabs (Artane 5MG) 542130 1,000Tabs $0.30 10% 3004.10 Atenonol Tabs 100MG 542130 1,000Tabs $0.32 10% 3004.10 Atenonol Tabs 50MG 542130 1,000Tabs $0.28 10% 3004.10 Nystatin Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.10 10% 3004.10 Frusemid Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.28 10% 3004.10 Navodaxine Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.18 10% 3004.10 Promathizin Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.068 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Prednisole Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.38 10% 3004.10 Metoclopramide Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.38 10% 3004.10 Avil Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.26 10% 3004.10 Furasolidone Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.22 10% 3004.10 Melleril Tabs 100MG 542130 1,000Tabs $1.00 10% 3004.10 Melleril Tabs 30MG 542130 1,000Tabs $0.40 10% 3004.10 Phenparbiton Tabs 10MG 542130 1,000Tabs $0.20 10% 3004.10 Neurobion Tabs A 542130 1,000Tabs $0.29 10% 3004.10 Haloperidol Tabs 5MG 542130 1,000Tabs $0.264 10% 3004.10 Tyriptizol Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.40 10% 3004.10 Ibuprofen 200MG 542130 1,000Tabs $0.178 10% 3004.10 Ibuprofen 400MG 542130 1,000Tabs $0.42 10% 3004.10 Furro Salphate 542130 1,000Tabs $0.14 10% 3004.10 Primalut-N Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.246 10% 3004.10 Strepsil Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.46 10% 3004.10 Buscopan Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.40 10% 3004.10 Pen V Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.40 10% 3004.10 Erhtromycin Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.40 10% 3004.10 Librax Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.40 10% 3004.10 Ranitidine Tabs 150MG 542130 1,000Tabs $0.60 10% 3004.10 Daonil Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.60 10% 3004.10 Salbotimol Tabs 4MG 542130 1,000Tabs $0.06 10% 3004.10 Supardyne Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.14 10% 3004.10 Chlorpheniramin Tabs 542130 1,000Tabs $0.40 10% 3004.10 Griseofuvin 125MG 542130 1,000Tabs $0.158 10% 3004.10 Digoxin 0.25MG 542130 1,000Tabs $0.138 10% 3004.10 Carbimazol 5MG 542130 1,000Tabs $0.1152 10% 3004.10 Carbamazepine 200MG 542130 1,000Tabs $0.24 10% 3004.10 Viagra 542130 100Tabs $1.00 10%

Capsules 3004.10 Ampicillin Cap 250MG 542130 1,000 Caps $1.00 10% 3004.10 Ampicillin Cap 500MG 542130 1,000 Caps $1.40 10% 3004.10 Amoxycillin Cap 250MG 542130 1,000 Caps $1.00 10% 3004.10 Amoxycillin Cap 500MG 542130 1,000 Caps $1.40 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Indomatinzin Caps 542130 1,000 Caps $0.40 10% 3004.10 Doxyciclin Cap 100MG 542130 1,000 Caps $0.40 10% 3004.10 Vitop Caps 542130 1,000 Caps $0.30 10% 3004.10 Tetracycil Caps 542130 1,000 Caps $0.24 10% 3004.10 Cephalexin Caps 500MG 542130 1,000 Caps $0.60 10% 3004.10 Chloramphenicol Caps 542130 1,000 Caps $0.40 10% 3004.10 Cloxacillin Cap 250MG 542130 1,000 Caps $0.60 10% 3004.10 Ampicillin + Cloxa Caps 500MG 542130 1,000 Caps $1.40 10% 3004.10 Daibatic sugar 542130 Per BTL 100 gram $0.70 10% Syrups 3004.10 Ampicillin Syr 125MG 542130 Bottle $0.04 10% 3004.10 Ampicillin Syr 250MG 542130 Bottle $0.06 10% 3004.10 Amoxycillin Syr 125MG 542130 Bottle $0.04 10% 3004.10 Amoxycillin Syr 250MG 542130 Bottle $0.06 10% 3004.10 Cefelaxine Syr 250MG 542130 Bottle $0.08 10% 3004.10 Cefelaxine Syr 125MG 542130 Bottle $0.064 10% 3004.10 Anti-Acid Syr 542130 Bottle $0.04 10% 3004.10 Caugh Syr 542130 Bottle $0.038 10% 3004.10 Salbotimol Syr 542130 Bottle $0.04 10% 3004.10 Vitamin B Complex Syr 542130 Bottle $0.042 10% 3004.10 Mult- Vitamin Syr 542130 Bottle $0.0464 10% 3004.10 Hemoton Syr 250ML 542130 Bottle $0.038 10% 3004.10 Ferro B Complex Syr 542130 Bottle $0.022 10% 3004.10 Gripe Mixture (Maal-qariib) 542130 Bottle $0.06 10% 3004.10 Penicillin Syr 542130 Bottle $0.024 10% 3004.10 Furasolidone Syr 542130 Bottle $0.08 10% 3004.10 Amocaf Syr 542130 Bottle $0.08 10% 3004.10 Paracetamol Syr 542130 Bottle $0.038 10% 3004.10 Mebendazole Syr 542130 Bottle $0.030 10% 3004.10 Promethazine Syr 542130 Bottle $0.08 10% 3004.10 Piriton Syr 542130 Bottle $0.08 10% 3004.10 Tot hema (foro, manganes, cober) 542130 10 Ampas $0.038 10% Injection 3004.10 Suxsmethonium Injection 542130 Per 50 Vials $11.20 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Anti Diabetic Injection 542130 Per 100 Vial $2.40 10% 3004.10 Spinal Needle 542130 Per 5 Vial $2.80 10% 3004.10 Anti Rabies Vaccine Human 542130 1 Vial $8.00 10% 3004.10 Anti Rabies Vaccine Duck Embryo 542130 1 Vial $8.00 10% 3004.10 Ampicillin Inj 1GR 542130 100Vials $1.40 10% 3004.10 Ampicillin Inj 500MG 542130 100Vials $1.00 10% 3004.10 Chlorequine Inj 250MG 542130 100Vials $1.20 10% 3004.10 Insulin 542130 100Vials $1.20 10% 3004.10 Ergomatherin Inj 542130 100Vials $8.00 10% 3004.10 Meclopramide Inj 10MG 542130 100Vials $0.70 10% 3004.10 Neurobione Inj 542130 100Vials $1.20 10% 3004.10 Lignocaine Inj 2% 542130 100Vials $1.00 10% 3004.10 Pen G Inj 5MG 542130 100Vials $1.20 10% 3004.10 Pen G Inj 1MG 542130 100Vials $0.60 10% 3004.10 Procaine Penicillin Inj 1MG 542130 100Vials $0.78 10% 3004.10 Procaine Penicillin Inj 4MG 542130 100Vials $1.20 10% 3004.10 Promethazine Inj 542130 100Vials $0.80 10% 3004.10 Diclofenac Soduim 75MG/3ML 542130 100Vials $1.40 10% 3004.10 Benzathin Pencillin 2.5MIU 542130 100Vials $1.10 10% 3004.10 Chloramphenicol 1G 542130 100Vials $1.20 10% 3004.10 Gentamycin 40MG/ML 542130 100Vials $1.26 10% 3004.10 B. Complex Inj 542130 100Vials $0.46 10% 3004.10 Progestone Inj 542130 100Vials $1.20 10% 3004.10 Dexamethazone Inj 542130 100Vials $1.084 10% 3004.10 Ampiclox Inj 542130 100Vials $1.60 10% 3004.10 Streptomycin Inj 542130 100Vials $1.40 10% 3004.10 Dipyron Inj 542130 100Vials $1.08 10% 3004.10 Kanecort Inj 542130 100Vials $1.024 10% 3004.10 Oxytetracyclin Inj 5% 542130 100Vials $1.00 10% 3004.10 Adenoplex Inj 542130 100Vials $0.96 10% 3004.10 Ultravists 370 MG 542130 100Vials $1.08 10%

Ointments 3004.10 Tetracyclin Eye Ointment 542130 100 Tubes $2.00 10% 3004.10 Tetracyclin Skin Ointment 542130 100 Tubes $2.60 10% 3004.10 Neo-Phinecol Eye/Skin Ointment 542130 100 Tubes $2.00 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3004.10 Neomycin Skin Ointment 542130 100 Tubes $2.80 10% 3004.10 Chloramphenicol Eye Ointment 542130 100 Tubes $2.40 10% 3004.10 Neodex Skin Ointment 542130 100 Tubes $2.80 10% 3004.10 Hyrocortizone Skin Ointment 542130 100 Tubes $2.60 10% 3004.10 Neodex Eye Ointment 542130 100 Tubes $3.00 10% 3004.10 Lignocaine Ointment 542130 100 Tubes $3.20 10% 3004.10 Pain Gay Ointment 542130 100 Tubes $2.40 10% 3004.10 Diclofenac Ointment 542130 100 Tubes $3.00 10% 3004.10 Chorpheniramin Meleate Ointment 542130 100 Tubes $2.68 10% 3004.10 Nystatin Ointment 542130 100 Tubes $2.40 10% 3004.10 Miconazole Ointment 542130 100 Tubes $2.40 10%

Infusions 3004.10 Glucose Infusion 5% 542130 Bottles $0.04 10% 3004.10 Ringer Lactat 542130 Bottles $0.04 10% 3004.10 Sodium Chloride 0.9% 542130 Bottles $0.04 10% 3004.10 Metronidazol Inj 542130 Bottles $0.030 10% Drops 3004.10 Chloramphenicol Eye Drop 542130 100 BTLS $3.00 10% 3004.10 Chloramphenicol Ear Drop 542130 100 BTLS $3.00 10% 3004.10 Gentamycin Eye/Ear Drop 542130 100 BTLS $3.20 10% 3004.10 Dexamethazine Eye/Ear Drop 542130 100 BTLS $3.40 10% 3004.10 Hydorocortizone Eye Drop 542130 100 BTLS $3.60 10% 3004.10 Metoclopramide Drop 542130 100 BTLS $2.60 10% 3004.10 Nystatine Oral Drop 542130 100 BTLS $3.80 10% 3004.10 Viagara Honey 542130 KGs $5.00 10% 3004.10 Coffe viagara 542130 KGs $4.00 10% 3004.10 Reman Spray (viagara) 542130 BTL $3.00 10%

Suppositories 3004.10 Paracetamole Sopp 542130 Boxes/100Pcs $2.40 10% 3004.10 Anti-Haemorrhoide Supp 542130 Boxes/100Pcs $3.00 10% 3004.10 Canesten Supp 542130 Boxes/100Pcs $3.20 10% 3004.10 Metronidazole Supp 542130 Boxes/100Pcs $2.60 10% 3004.10 Nystatin Veg Supp 542130 Boxes/100Pcs $3.00 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % Gauze 3004.10 Sterile Gauze 10X10cm,12ply 542130 Per 100 Pcs $1.60 10% 3004.10 Cotton Wool 500 g 542130 Per 12 Roll $9.60 10% 3004.10 Plaster of Paris 20 cm 542130 Per 20 Roll $3.60 10% 3004.10 Plaster of Paris 15 cm 542130 Per 12 Pcs $3.04 10% 3004.10 Finger Plaster 542130 Per 100 Pcs $0.48 10% 3004.10 Adhesive Plaster 5cm 542130 Per 4 roll $0.96 10% 3004.10 Adhesive Plaster 2.5 cm 542130 Per 8 roll $1.15 10% 3004.10 Elastic Bandage 15 cm 542130 Per 1 pc $0.28 10% 3004.10 Elastic Bandage 10 cm 542130 Per 10 Pc $0.20 10% 3004.10 Roll Bandage 542130 Per Doz $0.56 10% Syringes 3004.10 Syringes 10ml 542130 Per 100 Pcs $0.80 10% 3004.10 Syringes 5ml 542130 Per 100 Pcs $0.60 10% 3004.10 Syringes 3ml 542130 Per 100 Pcs $0.40 10% 3004.10 Insulin Syringes 542130 Per 100 Pcs $0.50 10% Gloves 3004.10 Gloves Sterile surge 6,7,71/2 ,8,81/2 542130 Per 50 Pair $4.00 10% 3004.10 Gloves Non Sterile surge 7.5mcX2.5 542130 Per 50 Pair $1.60 10% Medical Instrument Miscellaneous Items 3004.10 Catheter 16,18,14,20g 542130 Per PCs $0.16 10% 3004.10 Urine Bags 2000ml 542130 Per 100 Pcs $6.40 10% 3004.10 IV Canola 24,22,20,18 542130 Per 100 Pcs $0.80 10% 3004.10 Blood Bags 542130 Per 10 Bags $4.64 10% 3004.10 Envelope Bags 542130 Per 100 Pcs $0.32 10% 3004.10 Glucose Test Strips 542130 1box/50pcs $0.18 10% 3004.10 Surgical Blades 542130 Per 100 Pcs $2.40 10% 3004.10 Suture, catgut vieryl absorbable 542130 1 box $4.80 10% 3004.10 Suture, catgut vieryl non absorbable 542130 1 box $4.00 10% 3004.10 Glucometer Machine 542130 Per Unit $4.00 10% 3004.10 Xience Xpedition 542130 Per Pc $5.00 10% 3004.10 Nose Mask 542130 Per 50 Pcs $1.20 10% 3004.10 Head Cover Surgical Mask 542130 Per 50 Pcs $1.20 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ %

Herbal Medicines 3004.10 Saw palmetto 500 mg caps 542130 Boxes/100Pcs $2.430 10% 3004.10 X-Tend tabs 60‟s 542130 Boxes/60Pcs $3.820 10% 3004.10 Candida Vails 60‟s 542130 Vails/60Pcs $4.330 10% 3004.10 Joint Matrix 90‟s 542130 Boxes/90Pcs $5.570 10% 3004.10 Liver plastic V-caps 60‟s 542130 Boxes/60Pcs $7.110 10% 3004.10 Kidney support 60‟s 542130 Boxes/60Pcs $3.850 10% 3004.10 Prevent defense 60‟s 542130 Boxes/60Pcs $8.570 10% 3004.10 Herbal Medicine (Dhirta Jinka) 542130 Per KG $1.00 10% 3004.10 Herbal Medicine (Biyaha Jinka) 542130 Per LTR $0.22 10%

Veterinary and Agriculture 3004.10 Vapcocidin 542130 1Ltrs $0.35 10% 3004.10 Vapcotox 542130 1Ltrs $0.35 10% 3004.10 Vermizole 542130 1box of 50 Tab $0.40 10% 3004.10 Tetramizole 542130 1box of 50 Tab $0.40 10% 3004.10 Cypermethrin ( Vapco) 542130 1Ltrs $0.35 10% 3004.10 Vapmalithion 542130 1Ltrs $0.35 10% 3004.10 Deltarin 542130 1Ltrs $0.35 10% 3004.10 Carbaryl 542130 1Kg $0.35 10% 3004.10 Agrinate 542130 1Kg $0.35 10% 3004.10 De de Vap 542130 1Ltrs $0.35 10%

Chapter 31 Fertilize 3104.30 Minerals and Chemical Fertilser 562320 Per 50 Kgs $ 15.00 15% 3104.20 Other Fertilsers 562399 Per 50 Kgs $15.00 15%

Chapter 32 Dyes,Colours,paints,Varnishes,andPutty 3204.13 Sibaaq ( Dye) 531130 Lts $ 0.30 25% 3204.13 Dyes ( Buluug) 51130 Kg $ 0.3 25% 3210.00 Distemper Powder 533431 KG $ 0.50 25% 3210.00 Distemper Liquid 533432 Lts $ 0.50 25% 3210.00 Emulsion Paint 533439 Kg $ 0.50 25% 3210.00 Metallic paint 533439 Kg $ 0.50 25% 3210.00 Spray paint 533439 Lts $ 1.2 25% 3208.10 Enamel paint 533421 Kg $ 0.50 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3208.10 Anti-Rust Paint 533421 KG $ 0.90 25% 3213.10 Artist Color Powder 533521 KG $ 1.00 25% 3213.10 Artist Color Tubes 533521 Doz $ 0.5 25% 3213.10 Artist Color Bottle Jugs 53321 Lts $ 1.5 25% 3214.90 Putty 533549 KG $ 0.50 25% 3214.90 Metallic putty 533549 KGd $ 2.00 25% 3214.90 Spray Putty 533549 Lts $ 1.2 25% Printing Ink, Writing or Drawing Ink and other inks, whether or not concentrated or solid 3215.11 Printer cartridge DPI 533210 Pcs $ 10.00 25% 3215.11 Printer Cartridge Laser 5333210 pcs $ 4.00 25% 3215.11 Hp Desk Jet 78D 533210 Pcs $ 3.00 25% 3215.11 Hp Desk Jet 23D 533210 Pcs $ 7.00 25% 3215.11 Hp Desk Jet 49A 533210 Pcs $ 7.00 25% 3215.11 Hp Desk Jet 25A 533210 Pcs $ 6.00 25% 3215.11 Hp Desk Jet 20A 533210 Pcs $ 5.00 25% 3215.11 Hp Desk Jet 15A 533210 Pcs $ 5.00 25% 3215.11 Hp Desk Jet 26A 533210 Pcs $ 5.00 25% 3215.11 Hp Desk Jet 17A 533210 Pcs $ 7.00 25% 3215.11 Hp Desk Jet 45A 533210 Pcs $ 5.00 25% 3215.11 Hp Laser Jet 1200 533210 1 Box $ 11.00 25% 3215.11 Hp Laser Jet 1100 533210 Pcs $ 11.00 25% 3215.11 Hp Laser Jet 1300 533210 Pcs $ 11.00 25% 3215.11 Canon.T.NB6317 533210 Pcs $ 4.00 25% 3215.11 Canon.NB612 533210 Pcs $ 4.00 25% 3215.11 Canon BC05 533210 Pcs $ 4.00 25% 3215.11 Ph.Copy Pc.Ink CP16 533210 Pcs $ 6.00 25% 3215.11 Ph.Copy Pc.Ink CP17 533210 Pcs $ 6.00 25% 3215.11 Stencil Ink 533210 Per Box 12 Tubes $2.5 25% 3215.11 Stamp pad Ink 533210 Lts $ 1.2 25% 3215.11 Writing Ink 533210 Lts $ 1.00 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ %

CHAPTER 33 Essential Oil And Resinous; Perfumery, Cosmetic Or Toilet Preparation. 3304.70 Hair Oil Perfumed Superior 3304.80 Lts $ 2.2 50% 3304.70 Hair Oil Perfumed Inferior 3304.80 Lts $ 1.50 50% 3304.70 Alcohol ( Isbiirto) 3304.80 Lts $ 1.00 50% 3304.70 Hair Oil Not Perfumed 3304.80 Lts $ 0.40 50% 3304.70 Neo Hair Oil (Timo-Bixiye) 3304.80 Lts $32.00 50%

Alcoholic perfumes 3304.70 American Perfumes Superior Quality 3304.80 Lts $ 10.00 50% 3304.70 American perfumes Inferior Quality 3304.80 Lts $ 8.00 50% 3304.70 European perfumes superior Quality 3304.80 Lts $ 8.00 50% 3304.70 European perfumes Inferior Quality 3304.80 Lts $ 7.00 50% 3304.70 Toilet perfume 3304.80 Lts $ 2.5 50% 3304.70 Alcoholic perfume 3304.80 Lts $ 2.5 50% 3304.70 Other Countries perfumes 3304.80 Lts $ 5.00 50% 3304.70 Non Alcoholic Perfumes 3304.80 Lts $ 2.00 50% 3304.70 Nuile A Vocal (Non Perfumed) 3304.80 Lts $0.40 50% 3304.70 Hair Remove Waxing (Bandage) 3304.80 PKT $1.00 50% 3304.70 Shower Gel 3304.80 Lts $0.80 50% 3304.70 Deodorant ( Dhidid Tire) 3304.80 Lts $ 2.00 50% 3304.70 Air fresh (sprayer) 3304.80 Lts $ 2.00 50% 3304.70 Air fresh (Paper) 3304.80 Doz. $ 1.5 50% 3304.70 Eye Lids Pencil 3304.80 Doz $ 2.00 50% 3304.70 Eye Lash-Pencil 3304.80 Doz $ 0.10 50% 3304.70 Air fresh 3304.80 Doz $ 1.00 50% 3304.70 Cream all Types 553290 KG $ 1.50 50% 3304.70 Baasliin All Types 553290 KG $1.30 50% 3304.70 Lotion All Types 3304.30 Lts $ 1.40 50% 3304.70 Make up 553290 KG $ 5.5 50% 3304.70 Tooth Paste 553290 KG $ 3.00 25% 3304.50 Lips Stick 3304.70 Doz $ 2.00 50% 3304.90 Nail Polish 3304.90 Doz $ 1.00 50% 3304.70 Hair Softener 553330 KG $2.5 50%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3304.70 Hair Spray 553330 LTR $ 3.00 50% 3304.70 Baby Oil 551319 LTR $ 2.8 50% 3304.70 Baby Perfumes 553190 LTR $ 2.5 50% 3304.70 Baby Powder 553490 KG $ 0.55 50% 3304.70 Baby Soap 554.199 KG $ 0.70 50% 3304.70 Baby Shampoo 551319 LTR $ 0.70 50% 3304.70 Hair Oil Perfumed 551319 LTR $ 2.2 50% 3304.70 Talcum Powder 553490 KG $0.60 50% 3304.70 Ordinary Hinna 3304.40 KG $0.10 50% 3304.70 All Other Hinna 3304.40 KG $0.25 50% 3304.70 Turmeric ( Huruud) 3304.50 KG $ 0.80 50% 3304.40 Beauty Stuff (Cusbur) 3304.60 KG $ 0.80 50% 3304.60 Eye Shadow ( Indha kuul) 3304.80 Doz $ 0.80 50% 3304.91 Paper Perfumed Napking/Tissue Paper 3304.90 Per/Ctns $ 2.00 50% 3304.99 Impregnated Paper Perfumed 3304.91 Per/Ctns $ 0.50 50% 3304.99 Betnovate 3304.99 KG $ 2.50 50% 3305.10 Shampoo With Blasma Superior 3304.99 Lts $ 0.60 50% 3305.20 Shampoo Inferior 3305.10 Lts $ 0.46 50% 3305.60 After Shampoo Perfume 3305.20 Lts $ 0.6 50% 3300.70 Hair Dye with Water 3305.30 KGs $ 3.18 50% 3300.70 Hair Colour oxidize 3305.30 KGs $2.65 50% 3307.20 Before Shaving Cream 3303.10 Lts $ 0.40 50% 3307.20 After Shaving Lotion/Cream 3307.10 Lts $ 0.50 50% 3307.41 Scented Wood/Cuud 553541 KG $ 1.5 15% 3307.41 Agrobati (10) Sticks 553541 Dozen $ 0.60 15% 3307.41 Agrobati (20) Sticks 553541 Dozen $ 0.75 15% 3307.41 Agrobati (25) Sticks 553541 Dozen $ 0.85 15% 3307.41 Agrobati (30) Sticks 53541 Dozen $ 1.00 15% 3307.41 Agrobati (40) Sticks 553541 Dozen $ 1.40 15% 3307.41 Agrobati (50) Sticks 553541 Dozen $ 1.50 15% 3307.90 Cafaasiyad 553590 KG $ 0.5 15% 3307.90 Jaawi 553590 KG $ 1.00 15% 3307.90 Uunsi 553590 KG $ 0.50 15% 3307.90 Black Amber 553590 KG $ 10.00 15% 3307.90 White Amber 553590 KG $ 12.00 15% 3307.90 Maawarad Water 553590 KG $0.195 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3307.90 Misk Perfume for Funeral 553590 Ltr $1.00 50%

Chapter 34 Soap organic surface-active agents, washing preparation, lubricating preparation, artificial waxes, prepared waxes or scouring preparations candles and similar articles modelling 3401.20 Toilet soap 554191 Kg $0.55 30% 3401.20 Medicated soap 554191 Kg $ 0.46 30% 3401.19 Laundry soap all kind 55419 Kg $ 0.30 20% 3401.11.00 Powder soap Tide 554211 Kg $ 0.24 20% 3401.11.00 Vim Powder 554211 KG $0.30 20% 3401.91.00 Liquid detergent 554211 Lts $ 0.70 20% 3402.10.00 Bleach liquid 554211 Lts $ 0.55 30% 3402.20.00 Bleach powder 554211 Kg $ 0.70 30% 3403.20.00 Dyes For Leather Preparation 597730 Lts $ 0.30 25% 3405.20.00 Boot polish 340510 KG $1.00 25% 3405.20.00 Spray boot polish 554354 Lts $ 1.80 25% 3405.20.00 Wood polish (furniture) 554320 Lts $ 0.30 25% 3405.20.00 Floor polish 554320 Lts $ 0.30 25% 3405.20.00 Metal polish 554330 Lts $ 0.30 25% 3406.59.00 Spray polish for car 554350 Lts $ 0.50 25% 3406.59.00 Tyres Foam Polish 554350 Lts $0.50 25% 3405.49.00 Glass polish 598391 Lts $ 0.30 25% 3405.49.00 Powder car polish 598391 kg $ 0.40 25% 3406.00.00 Candles 899320 Kg $ 0.45 25%

Chapter 35 Albuminoidal substance modified starches; glues; enzymes 3506.10.00 Starch glue liquid 592260 Lts $ 0.6 25% 3506.10.00 Liquid Glue for inner Tyre 592260 Lts $0.70 25% 3506.10.00 Glue for Tyres Gun (Bastoolad) 592260 Per 12 Box $2.00 25% 3506.10.00 Spray Insulation Foam 592260 Per KG $3.60 25% 3506.10.00 Glue for trapping rats Paper 592260 Dozen $1.10 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3506.10.00 Starch glue solid 592260 Lts $ 0.90 25% 3506.10.00 Starch glue powder 592260 Kg $ 1.2 25% 3506.10.00 Adhesive glue 592260 Kg $ 0.5 25% 3506.10.00 Glue for traping rats 592260 Ctns $ 4.00 25% 3506.10.00 Adhesive glue for batches 592260 Per Pks $ 1.5 25% 3506.10.00 Adhesive glue for Tyre Tubes 592260 Per Kg. $ 0.5 25% 3506.10.00 Masking Tape Large 592260 Per Dozen $0.70 25% 3506.10.00 Masking Tape Medium 592260 Per Dozen $0.60 25% 3506.10.00 Masking tape Small 592260 Per Dozen $ 0.5 25% 3506.10.00 Sealing tape for money 592260 Doz $ 0.10 25% 3506.10.00 Thread Tape 592260 Dozen $0.10 25% 3506.10.00 Luky 592260 Per KG $0.90 25% 3506.10.00 Wood Fix 592260 Per KG $0.50 25%

Chapter 36 Explosive,pyrotechnic PROducts; Matches Pyrophoric alloys; Certain Combustible preparation 3602.10.00 Rushes 3602.10 Doz $ 1.00 40% 3604.90.00 Powder Preparing for explosives 593339 Kg $ 6.00 40% 3604.90.00 Matches ( kabriid) 8999321 Gross $ 0.36 40% 3605.90.00 Toy Explosives ( Baaruud) 893339 Ctns $ 6.00 40% 3606.20.00 Liquid Gas in Container Kind used for 899340 Lts $ 0.30 40% refilling cigarette lighters

Chapter 37 Photographic or Cinema tog Graphic Goods 3701.10.00 X-ray films 18cmX24 3701.10 100 Pcs $ 20 10% 3701.20.00 X-ray films 24cmX30 3701.20 100 Pcs $ 33.25 10% 3701.30.00 X-ray films 30cmX40 3701.30 100Pcs $ 55 10% 3701.40.00 X-ray films 35cmX35 3701.40 100 Pcs $ 58.50 10% 3701.50.00 X-ray films 35cmX43 3701.50 100Pcs $70.50 10% 3701.50.00 X-ray Developer Powder for 22.55L 3701.50 2.6KGs $8.75 10% 3701.50.00 X-ray Fixer Powder for 22.5L 3701.50 3.3 KGs $18.5 10% 3702.20 Film Rolls 36x35mmm 882331 Dozen $ 0.60 50% 3702.20 Film Rolls 24x35mm 882331 Dozen $0.50 50%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3702.20 Film Rolls 12x35mm 882331 Dozen $ 0.30 50% 3702.20.00 Sensitized paper roll 60 Gm/M2 3702.20 Ream $ 8.00 50% 3702.30.00 Sensitized paper roll 80 Gm/M2 3702.30 Ream $ 9.00 50% 3704.00.00 Sensitized plates 3704.00 Ream $ 9.00 50% 2706.90.90 Slides 2706.90 Ream $ 9.00 50% 3707.90.00 Washing & developing Chemicals 3707.90 Ltrs $ 0.20 50%

Chapter 38 Miscellaneous Chemicals products 3805.10.00 Gum, Wood or Sulphate Turpentine 598120 Lts $ 0.70 10% 3805.10.00 Sulphate Turpentine 598120 Lts $ 0.70 10% 3808.10.00 Insecticides 591190 KG $ 0.8 10% 3808.20.00 Horticulatural,Agricultural & Fungicidal 591190 Lts $ 0.5 10% 3808.40.00 Disinfectes Liquid 598390 Lts $ 1.5 10% 3808.10.00 Insecticide Spray 591190 lts $ 0.30 10% 3808.20.00 Chalk insecticide 591190 KG $ 1.00 10% 3808.30.00 Insect. In powder ( DDT) 598390 KG $ 1.00 10% 3808.40.00 Mosquito Coil 591120 KG $ 1.00 10% 3808.10 Mosquito Candle 591190 KG $ 1.00 10% 3808.10.00 Mosquito Chips 591120 KG $ 1.00 10% 3808.10.00 Mosquito Sensor 591190 Pcs $ 2.40 10% 3808.70.00 Fly Waxed paper 591110 Kg $ 1.50 10% 3808.80.00 Anti Sprouting and plant growth regulator 598310 Lt $ 0.5 10% 3809.10.00 Powder For Textile Care 598913 KG $ 0.80 10% 3809.10 Naphtaline Powder 59110 Kg $ 0.80 10% 3809.20.00 Naphthaline 591110 Lts $ 0.80 10% 3810.10.00 Welding Rods 598961 KG $ 0.20 15% 3810.20.00 Welding Powder 598961 KG $ 0.20 15% 3810.30.00 Anti Rust 598939 KG $ 0.20 15% 3810.40.00 Brazing 598961 KG $ 0.30 15% 3814.00.00 Turpentine “ Solution 533550 Lts $ 0.8 25% 3814.20.00 Turpentine Solvent in Drums 3810.20 Lts $ 1.2 25% 3814.20.00 Stannous Soctoate 3810.20 KG $7.50 25% 3814.30.00 White Spirit Thinner 3814.30 Lts $ 0.30 25% 3824.90.20 Correction Fluid Stencil ( Stencil Correction) 3824.90 Lts $ 1.00 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % Chapter 39 Plastic and articles thereof 3907.42.00 Poliyol Polymeric (Chemical) 582210 KG $1.20 25% 3920.42.00 Plastic Sheets Plain. 582210 Per Mtr. $ 0.10 25% 3920.42.00 Plastic Food Rolls 582210 Per Roll $0.20 25% 3920.42.00 Shopping Hand Bags Large 582210 Per Doz $1.20 25% 3920.42.00 Shopping Hand Bags Small 582210 Per Doz $0.80 25% 3920.42.00 Gift wrap ( kaado) 3920.41 Doz $3.00 25% 3920.42.00 Tire Snow Chain Plastic 3920.41 Set $20.00 25% 3920.41.00 C.P. Sheets ( Corrugated Plastic Sheet) 3920.41 “ Pcs $2.50 25% 3920.41.00 Plothylene Mats 10 Pc. 3920.41 “ Pcs $0.80 20% 3921.42.00 Plothylene Mats 20 Pc. 582251 Per Pcs. $0.80 20% 3921.42.00 Plothylene Mats 30 Pcs. 582251 Per Pcs. $0.80 20% 392321 Plothylene shopping bags large 89311 Per Gross $ 1.60 25% 392321 Plothylene Shopping bags medium 89311 Per Gross $ 0.80 25% 392332 Polthylene shopping bags small ( mica) 89311 Per gross $ 0.20 25% 392321 Trash bags (bacaha qashinka) 893111 Per gross $2.00 25% 392321 Bacaha Shubka 893111 Meter $0.10 25% 392321 Bac suit 893111 Per roll $3.00 25% 3923.30.00 Plastic Film Food Wrap 3923.30 Per Roll $2.50 25% 392321 Ice Cream Bags 893111 Per gross $1.10 25% 3923.30.00 Jerricans 5 Ltrs. 3923.30 Per Pcs. $0.10 20% 3923.30.00 Jerricans 10 Ltrs. 3923.30 Per Pcs. $0.15 20% 3923.30.00 Jerricans 20 Ltrs. 3923.30 Per Pcs. $0.30 20% 3923.30.00 Jerricans 30 Ltrs. 3923.30 Per Pcs. $0.40 20% 3923.30.00 Jerricans 40 Ltrs. 3923.30 Per Pcs. $0.60 20% 3923.30.00 Plastic Water Drums. 50/80 Ltrs. 3923.30 Per Pcs. $2.50 20% 3923.30.00 Plastic Water Drums 90/120 Ltrs. 3923.30 Per Pcs. $3.50 20% 3923.30.00 Plastic Water Drums 130/200 Ltrs. 3923.30 “ “ $5.00 20% 3923.30.00 Plastic Water Buckets 10/20 Ltrs. 3923.30 Per Pcs. $0.20 20% 3923.30.00 Plastic Water Buckets 25/40 3923.30 “ “ $0.30 20% 3923.30.00 Plastic Water Buckets Less 10 Ltrs. 3923.30 “ “ $0.10 20% 3923.30.00 Empty Bottles for Mineral Water 3923.30 CTN $$5.00 20% 3923.30.00 Caps for Bottles 3923.30 CTN $3.00 20 3922.10.00 Baby Bath Tube. 3922.10 Per Pcs $2.00 20%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3922.10.00 Washing Basin “Round” Large 3922.10 Per Dozen $2.20 20% 3922.10.00 Washing Basin “Square”. Meduim 3922.10 “ “ $1.75 20% 3922.10.00 Round Washing Bowls. 3922.10 Per Doz. $1.10 20% 3923.30.00 Plastic Pitcher “Weyso”. 3923.30 “ “ $1.10 20% 3923.30.00 Empty Plastic Bottles. 3923.30 “ “ $1.10 20% 3923.30.00 Funnel Plastic. 3923.30 “ “ $1.00 20% 3923.30.00 Empty Medicine Bottles. 3923.30 “ “ $0.80 20% 3924.90.90 Plastic Water Jugs. 3924.90 Per Doz. $1.76 20% 3924.90.90 Plastic Water Jugs with Cups. 3924.90 “ “ $2.75 20% 3924.10.00 Plastic Water Cups with handle. 3924.10 “ “ $1.98 20% 3924.10.00 Plastic Water Cups without handle. 3924.10 “ “ $1.60 20% 3924.10.00 Plastic Water Tea Cups. 3924.10 “ “ $1.50 20% 3924.10.00 Plastic Plates Large. 3924.10 “ “ $2.40 20% 3924.10.00 Plastic Plates Medium 3924.10 “ “ $1.60 20% 3924.10.00 Plastic Plates Small 3924.10 “ “ $1.20 20% 3924.10.00 Melamine Plates Large 3924.10 “ “ $3.20 20% 3924.10.00 Melamine Plates Medium 3924.10 “ “ $2.40 20% 3924.10.00 Melamine Plates Small 3924.10 “ “ $1.60 20% 3924.10.00 Melamine Trays Large 3924.10 “ “ $5.00 20% 3924.10.00 Melamine Trays Medium 3924.10 “ “ $2.50 20% 3924.10.00 Melamine Trays Small 3924.10 “ “ $1.20 20% 3924.10.00 Melamine Bowl Large 3924.10 “ “ $4.00 20% 3924.10.00 Melamine Bowl Medium 3924.10 “ “ $3.00 20% 3924.10.00 Melamine Bowl Small 3924.10 “ “ $2.00 20% 3924.10.00 Melamine Cups. 3924.10 “ “ $2.00 20% 3924.10.00 Round Divided Plates. 3924.10 “ “ $3.00 20% 3924.10.00 Rectangular Plates. 3924.10 “ “ $2.00 20% 3924.10.00 Dinner Plates “Divided”. 3924.10 “ “ $3.00 20% 3924.10.00 Bread Plates. 3924.10 “ “ $2.00 20% 3924.10.00 Plastic Bowls Large 3924.10 “ “ $2.40 20% 3924.10.00 Plastic Bowls Medium 3924.10 “ “ $1.60 20% 3924.10.00 Plastic Bowls Small 893321 “ “ $1.20 20% 3924.10.00 Plastic Plates ( One Time Use) 893321 Set of 50 Pcs $0.75 20% 3924.10.00 Plastic Spoons ( One Time Use) 893321 Per 100 Pcs $0.60 20% 3924.10.00 Hot Pots 893321 Per Dozen $4.00 20%

3924.10.00 Hot Pot large 893321 Per Pcs $5.00 20%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 3924.10.00 Hot Pot double 893321 Per Pcs $6.00 20% 3924.10.00 Hot Pots dixies large 893321 Per Pcs $8.00 20% 392410 Plastic Stool Cups 893321 Set of 50 Pcs $0.27 20% 3923.90.90 Plastic Ice Cream Cups ( One Time Use) 893321 Per 50 Pcs $0.30 20% 3923.90.90 Plastic Tray Large. 893321 Per Dozen $5.00 20% 3923.90.90 Plastic Tray Medium. 893321 “ “ $2.50 20% 3923.90.90 Plastic Tray Small 893321 “ “ $1.20 20% 3923.10.00 Bread Crate. 893321 “ “ $2.00 20% 3923.10.00 Baskets. 893321 “ “ $1.00 20% 3923.10.00 Stackable Vegetable Rack. 893321 “ “ $1.00 20% 3923.10.00 Vegetable Crate. 893321 “ “ $1.50 20% 3923.10.00 Diary Crate. 893321 “ “ $1.50 20% 3923.10.00 Pepsi cola Crates. 893321 “ “ $1.50 20% 3922.90.90 Plastic Baby Toilet Large( Boo) 893321 “ “ $0.30 20% 3922.90.90 Plastic Baby Toilet Small ( Boo) 893321 “ “ $0.20 20% 3924.90.10 Waste Baskets. 893321 Per Dozen $1.00 20% 3926.90.90 Coat Hangers For Wall, 893321 Per Pcs $2.00 20% 3926.10.00 Office Plastic Tray 893940 “ Set $1.50 20% 3926.10.00 3D Letters 893940 Per Doz $3.60 20% 3926.10.00 Cosmetic Organizer 893940 Per Doz $5.00 20% 3926.10.00 Tooth Brush Holder 893940 Per Doz $2.00 20% 3926.10.00 Cake Decoration 893940 Per Doz $4.00 20% 3926.10.00 Car Mobile Holder 893940 Per Doz $2.00 20% 3926.10.00 Plastic Car Mats 893940 Set $1.50 20% 3924.10.00 Strainers Large. 893321 Per Doz $1.50 20% 3924.10.00 Strainers Medium 893321 “ “ $1.20 20% 3924.10.00 Strainers Small 893321 “ “ $0.60 20% 3924.90.90 Orange Crushers Large. 893321 “ “ $1.00 20% 3923.30.00 Infant Bottles Large. 893192 “ “ $ 4.00 20% 3923.30.00 Infant Bottles Medium. 893192 “ “ $ 3.00 20% 3932.30.00 Infant Bottles Small. 891210 “ “ $ 2.00 20% 391721 Plastic Pipes. ½ Inch pvc 581210 Per Pcs $0.77 20% 391721 Plastic Pipes. 1 Inch Pvc 581210 “ “ $1.43 20% 391721 Plastic Pipes. 1 1/2-21/2 Inch Pvc 581210 “ “ $2.20 20%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 391721 Plastic Pipes. 2 ½ Inch Pvc 581210 “ “ $3.85 20% 391721 Plastic Pipes. 3 1/2 –4 “ 581210 Per “ $5.50 20% 391721 Plastic Pipes. 4 1/2 –5 “ 581210 “ “ $6.05 20% 391721 Plastic Pipes. 5 1/2 –6 “ 581210 Per “ $6.60 20% 391721 Plastic Pipes. 7-10 “ 581210 Per “ $11.00 20% 391721 Plastic Pipes. 11–15 “ 581210 Per “ $15.40 20% 391721 Plastic Pipes. 16-20 “ 581210 Per “ $19.80 20% 391721 Plastic Pipes. 21–25 “ 581210 Per “ $24.20 20% 391721 Plastic Pipes. Above 25 “ 581210 Per “ $27.50 20% 391721 Plastic Pipes. Majaroor 2 “ 581210 Per “ $2.20 20% 391721 Elbow/Joint/Sleeve Plastic Large 581210 Per Doz $4.00 20% 391721 Elbow/Joint/Sleeve Plastic Small 581210 Per Doz $3.00 20% 391721 Electric Pipes, electric plastic hoses(Rolls) 581210 Per Mtr $0.20 20% 392510 Water Tanks 1000-1500 Ltrs 581210 Per Each $90.20 20% 392510 Water Tanks 1501-3000 Ltrs 581210 “ “ $110 20% 392690 Rosaries 99. 581210 Per Doz $2.00 20% 392690 Rosaries 33. 581210 Per Doz $1.50 20% 3926.90 Beads For Ladies 581210 Per Doz $2.00 20% 3926.90 Plastic Bangles 581210 Per Doz $0.046 20% 3926.90 Plastic Spring Bangles 581210 Per Doz $0.035 20% 3926.90 Hardened Plastic Bangles 581210 Per Doz $0.92 20% 3926.90 Plastic Ear Rings, Arm Laces, Neck Laces 581210 Per Gross $6.00 20% 3917.21 Plastic floor tiles 581210 Per pc $0.5 20% 3917.21 Expanded polystene fish box 581210 Per pc $0.5 20%

Chapter 40 Rubber and Articles Thereof 4009.10 Small Rubber Pipe for Badeecad 621410 Per Doz $4.00 25% 4009.10 Rubber Hose pipe ½- Inch 621410 Per MT $ 0.15 25% 4009.10 Rubber Hose pipe 2 ½-Inch 621410 Per MT $ 0.20 25% 4009.10 Rubber Hose pipe 3 ½-Inch 621410 Per MT $ 0.25 25% 4009.10 Rubber Hose pipe 4 ½-Inch 621410 Per MT $ 0.30 25% 4009.10 Rubber Hose pipe 5 ½ and above 621410 Per MT $ 0.40 25% 4010.19 Rubber Slincs for Aluminium Frame 621410 Per Meter $ 0.05 25% 4010.20.10 Endless Transmission belt ( not exceeding 60cm-180cm) 621410 Per Meter $ 0.4 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 4010.22.00 Endless Transmission Belts not exceeding 621410 Per Mtr $ 0.7 25% 180-2400m 4011.10.00 Belt Used on motor cars, including station 621410 Per Pcs $0.2 25% wagon racing cars 4011.20.00 Kind used motors cars buses/lorries 629210 Per Pcs $3.00 25% 4011.10.00 Tyres China/Korea 2100/33 625200 Per Pcs $139 25% 4011.10.00 Tyres China/Korea 1800/38 625200 Per Pcs $148 25% 4011.10.00 Tyres China/Korea 1800/33 625200 Per Pcs $126 25% 4011.10.00 Tyres China/Korea 1800/30 625200 Per Pcs $121 25% 4011.10.00 Tyres China/Korea 1800/25 625200 Per Pcs $113 25% 4011.10.00 Tyres China/Korea 1800/24 625200 Per Pcs $90 25% 4011.10.00 Tyres 1200/24 China/Korea 625200 Pcs $ 60 25% 4011.10.00 Tyres 1200/20 China/Korea 625200 Pcs $ 55 25% 4011.10.00 Tyres 1100/20 China/Korea 625200 Pcs $ 50 25% 4011.10.00 Tyres 1100/24 China/Korea 625200 Pcs $53 25% 4011.10.00 Tyres 1000/20 China/Korea 625200 Pcs $ 40 25% 4011.10.00 Tyres 900-850-825/20 China/Korea 625200 Pcs $ 35 25% 4011.10.00 Tyres 825/16-800/20 China/Korea 625100 Pcs $ 26 25% 4011.10.00 Tyres 750-700/15-750- 700/16 625100 Pcs $ 17 25% China/Korea 4011.10.00 Tyres 650-600/15 China/Korea 625100 Pcs $ 12 25% 4011.10.00 Tyres 600-550-500-185-175- 625100 Pcs $ 10.50 25% 185/14China/Korea 4011.10.00 Tyres China/Korea 195/15 625100 Pcs $13 25% 4011.10.00 Tyres China/Korea 285/15/16/17 625100 Pcs $15 25% 4011.10.00 Tyres 165-155-145/13 China/Korea 625100 Pcs $ 10 25% 4011.10.00 China/Korea 400-350/12 625100 Per Pcs $ 9 25% 4011.10.00 Tyres 265-275 15/16 China/Korea 625100 Pcs $13 25% 4011.20.00 Japan Tyres 1200/24 625200 Pcs $ 90 25% 4011.20.00 Japan Tyres 1200/20 625200 Pcs $ 80 25% 4011.20.00 Japan Tyres 1100/20 625200 Pcs $70 25% 4011.20.00 Japan Tyres 1100/24 625200 Pcs $ 75 25% 4011.20.00 Japan Tyres 900/20 625200 Pcs $ 60 25% 4011.10.00 Japan Tyres 850/20 625100 Pcs $ 50 25% 4011.10.00 Japan Tyres 750/16 upto 700/16 625100 Pcs $ 25 25% 4011.10.00 Japan Tyres 650/16 upto 600/14 625100 Pcs $ 20 25% Japan Tyres 265-275 15/16 4011.10.00 625100 Pcs $14 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 4011.10.00 Japan Tyres 125/12 upto 185/12 625100 Pcs $ 15.00 25% 4011.10.00 Japan Tyres 1800/24 625100 Pcs $100 25% 4011.10.00 Japan Tyres 1800/25 625100 Pcs $126 25% 4011.10.00 Japan Tyres 1800/30 625100 Pcs $135 25% 4011.10.00 Japan Tyres 1800/33 625100 Pcs $140 25% 4011.10.00 Japan Tyres 2100/33 625100 Pcs $155 25% 4011.10.00 Japan Tyres 1800/38 625100 Pcs $165 25% 4011.90.00 Wheel barrow tyres 625510 Pcs $ 1.00 25% 4011.40.00 Motor Cycles Tyres 625410 Pcs $ 3.00 25% 4011.50.00 Bicycles Tyres 625420 Pcs $ 2.00 25% 4013.10 Tubes 1200/20-24 625911 Pcs $ 4.00 25% 4011.30.00 Tubes 1000/20 625911 Pcs $ 3.5 25% 4011.30.00 Tubes 900-800/20 925911 Pcs $ 3.00 25% 4011.30.00 Tubes 750-650/15 925911 Pcs $ 2.8 25% 4011.30.00 Tubes 700-600/15 625911 Pcs $ 2.5 25% 4011.30.00 Tubes 450-600/14 625911 Pcs $ 2.30 25% 4011.30.00 Tubes 400-300/13 925911 Pcs $ 1.80 25% 4011.30.00 Tubes 300-200/12 925911 Pcs $1.30 25% 4011.30.00 Motor Cycles Tubes 625915 Pcs $0.70 25% 4011.10.00 Bicycles Tubes 625914 Pcs $ 0.30 25% 4016.91 Car Mats 62991 Per Dozen $ 3.00 25% 4001.19 Rubber Car Mats in Roll 621410 Meter $1.20 25% 4017.00 Hard rubber sheets (qarbadka baliyada) 62995 Per sqm $ 1.00 25% 4017.00 Hard shaped rubber (qarbadka biyaha) 62995 Per pcs $ 40.00 25% 1000-3000 ltr 4017.00 Hard shaped rubber (qarbadka biyaha) 62995 Per pcs $ 50.00 25% above 3000 ltr 4017.00 Drip irrigation for farming 62995 Per meter $ 0.08 25% 4014.90 Rubber Teats 629191 Per Gross $ 2.00 20% 4014.90 Baby Water Teether (Kadaabad) 629191 Doz $1.00 20% 4016.99 Rubber Band 62995 Per Carton $ 5.00 20% Chapter 41 Finished Raw Hides & Skins/Leather 4104.20 Cattle Leather (Maas) 611411 Per KG $ 2.50 25% 4107.10 Camel Leather (Maas) 611790 “ “ $ 2.50 25% 4403.10 Sheep/Goat Leather (Maas) 211411 “ “ $ 2.50 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 4103.10 Goat Leather (Maas) 211411 “ “ $ 2.50 25% 4103.10 Sheep/Goat Raw Skin 211411 Per Pc $0.30 25% Chapter 42 Articles of Leather & Other Containers 4202.11 Camera Case 831210 Pcs $ 2.00 30% 4202.29 Bottle Case 831192 Doz $ 2.00 30% 4202.29 Similar Container 831190 Doz $ 0.1 30% 4202.29 Musical Instrument case 831190 Pcs $ 4.00 30% 4202.29 Gift Box Baby 831190 Set $ 3.00 30% 4202.29 Gift Box Lady 831190 Set $ 5.00 30% 4202.29 Gift Box Boy 831190 Set $ 8.00 30% 4202.29 Gift Box Men 831190 Set $ 10.00 30% 4202.11 Iron box (Trunks) 83120 Set $ 10.00 30% 4202.31 Soap Box 831911 Doz $ 0.60 30% 4202.31 Mobile case 831911 Doz $4.00 30% 4202.21 Lab-top computer case 831110 Dozen $4.00 30% 4202.11 Tool Bags 831210 Pcs $0.20 30% 4202.99 Jewellery Boxes 831999 Per Dozen $ 4.00 30% 4202.31 Tobacco Pouches 831911 “ “ $2.00 30% 4202.31 Cigarettes Cases 831911 “ “ $0.2 30% 4202.12 Leather Suit cases large 831220 Per pcs $ 14.00 30% 4202.12 Leather Suit Cases Medium 831220 Per pcs $ 11.00 30% 4202.21 Suit Cases of Artificial Leather Large 83110 Per pcs $ 10.80 30% 4202.21 Suit Cases of Artificial leather medium 83110 Per pcs $ 8.40 30% 4202.12 Suit cases of somsonite type large 831220 Per Pcs $ 5.00 30% 4202.12 Suit cases of somsonite type medium 831220 Per Pcs $ 4.00 30% 4202.12 Suit cases of somsonite type small 8312220 Per pcs $ 3.00 30% 4202.12 Set of Suit Cases. Somsonite 831220 Per Set $ 20.00 30% 4202.32 Textile or Plastic suit cases large 831912 Per pcs $ 8.80 30% 4202.32 Textile or Plastic suit cases medium 831912 Per pcs $ 6.40 30% 4202.32 Textile or Plastic suit cases Small 831912 Pcs $ 5 .00 30% 4202.32 Set of 4 suit cases “ textile” 831912 Set $ 12.00 30% 4202.21 Brief cases of leather gents 83110 Pcs $ 15.00 30% 4202.12 Brief cases of samsonite type gents 831220 Pcs $ 8.20 30% 4202.12 Brief of cases of textile/plastic gents 831220 Pcs $ 6.40 30%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 4202.12 Lady brief cases “ beauty case 831220 Pcs $ 6.00 30% 4202.22 Hand Bags plastic with zip large per set of 4 pcs 831120 Set $ 10.00 30% 4202.22 Hand Bags Plastic with zip medium per set 831120 Set $ 8.00 30% of 4 pcs 4202.20 Canvas Hand Bags “ Large” 4 pcs 831120 Set $ 7.00 30% 4202.20 Canvas Hand Bags “medium” 4 pcs 831190 Set $ 6.00 30% 4202.20 Canvas Suit Case 831190 Set $ 7.40 30% 4202.20 School Hand Bags 831999 Doz $ 2.00 30% 4202.20 School Kit bags Large 831999 Doz $ 3.00 30% 4202.20 School Kit Bags Medium 831999 Doz $ 2.00 30% 4202.99 Lady hand bags “ bourses” large 831999 Doz $ 5.00 30% 4202.99 Lady hand bags “ bourses” medium 831999 Doz $ 3.50 30% 4202.99 Lady bourses for money 831991 Doz $ 1.00 30% 4202.91 Wallets leather 831991 Doz $ 1.5 30% 4209.91 Wallets artificial leather 831991 Doz $ 1.00 30% 4202.91 Dressing artificial leather 831991 Pcs $ 4.20 30% 4202.31.00 Shaving bags 831190 Doz $ 2.00 30% 4202.31.00 Tissue Box 831190 Doz $1.00 30% 4202.29 Other kit bags 831190 Doz $ 7.50 30%

Chapter 43 Raw Furskins (Including Heads, Tails) 4302.12 Of Rabbit 613110 Kg $7.00 50% 4302.30 Other furskins 613300 Kg $4.00 30% 4302.13 Of Lamp 613130 Kg $6.00 50%

Chapter 44 Wood & Articles of wood charcoal 4402.25 Charcoal 248450 Per Ton $ 250 25% 4402.25 Smart Charcoal 248450 Per Roll $5.00 25% 4407.25 Red timber 248450 Per M3 $ 160 15% 4407.26 White timber 248460 “ “ $ 130 15% 4407.30.00 Wooden doors 3 sections 4407.30 PER Pcs $ 13 15% 4407.30.00 Wooden doors 2 sections 4407.30 “ “ $ 10 15% 4407.30.00 Wooden doors 1 sections 4407.30 “ “ $ 7.00 15% 4407.30.00 4407.30 “ “ $ 2.5 15% Wooden door frames

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 4407.30.00 Wooden windows-large 4407.30 “ “ $ 4.00 15% 4407.30.00 Wooden windows-frames 4407.30 “ “ $ 2.00 15% 441213 Ply wood 4x8x3mm 634311 Per Pcs $2.00 15% 441213 Ply wood 4x8x4mm 634311 Per Pcs $ 2.5 15% 441213 Ply Wood 4x8x6mm 634311 PC $3.00 15% 441213 Ply Wood 4x8x8mm 634311 Per Pcs $ 3.50 15% 441213 Ply Wood 4x8x9mm 634311 Per Pcs $4.00 15% 441213 Ply Wood 4x8x12mm 634311 Per Pcs $ 3.00 15% 441213 Ply Wood 4x8x15mm 634311 Per Pcs $5.20 15% 441213 Ply Wood 4x8x18mm 634311 Per Pcs $ 5.00 15% 441213 Ply Wood Decoration 634311 Per Pcs $15 15% 441213 M.D.F Ply Wood 18mm 634311 Per Pcs $5.40 15% 441213 M.D.F Ply Wood 15mm 634311 Per Pcs $5.20 15% 441213 M.D.F Ply Wood 12mm 634311 Per Pcs $5.00 15% 441213 M.D.F Ply Wood 9mm 634311 Per Pcs $4.40 15% 441213 M.D.F Ply Wood 6mm 634311 Per Pcs $4.00 15% 441213 M.D.F Ply Wood 4mm 634311 Per Pcs $3.80 15% 441213 M.D.F Ply Wood 3mm 634311 Per Pcs $3.00 15% 4407.50.00 Hard board “Ceiling” 4407.50 “ “ $ 3.00 15% 4407.60.00 Decoration ceiling 4407.60 “ “ $ 3.20 15% 4407.60.00 Wooden Frame for mirrors 4407.60 “ Mtr $0.30 15% 4407.90.00 Wooden mirror frames 4407.90 Per Doz $ 3.00 15% 4407.91.00 Wooden picture frames 4407.91 “ “ $ 7.20 15% 4407.92.00 Wooden handles for spades 4407.92 “ “ $ 7.20 15% 4407.93.00 Wooden handles for picks 4407.93 “ “ $ 6.00 15% 4407.94.00 Wooden handles for brooms 4407.94 “ “ $ 7.20 15% 4407.95.00 Wooden handles for axes 4407.95 “ “ $ 7.20 15% 4407.96.00 Wooden handles for hoes 4407.96 “ “ $ 3.00 15% 4407.97.00 Ice cream sticks 4407.97 Per Crtns $ 7.00 15% 440798.00 Wooden trays 440798 Per Doz $ 12.00 15% 4407.99.00 Other wooden ornaments 4407.99 “ “ $ 1.20 15% 4407.20.00 Wooden posts, electrical telephone. 4407.20 Per pcs $ 1.20 15% 442010 Wooden hand craft 635491 Per Pc $ 1.00 15% 4421.90 Tooth Picks ( Findhicil) 635990 Per Crtn $ 7.00 15% 4419.00 Pestle ( Mooyi Qori ah) 635420 Per Dozen $ 1.5 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 4419.00 Mooye Qori ah (For Grains) Large 635420 Per Dozen $2.00 15% 4412.10.00 Cloth Hunger Original from Wood 4412.10 Pcs $ 1.00 15% 4412.10.00 Wood Floor Tiles 4412.10 Per S.Q.M $0.35 15% 4412.10.00 Shutting For Concrate Construction 4412.10 Per S.Q.M $160 15% Work

Chapter 45 Cork and Articles of Cork 4501.10.00 Natural Corks,raw or simple prepared 244030 4503.90.00 Floats for fishing nets 6333191 Per Pcs $2.00 15%

Chapter 46 Articles of Straw 4601.20 00 Praying Mats “Caw” 899740 Per Doz. $2.5 10% 4602.10 10 Baskets of Straw Large ( Sallada) 899711 “ “ $2.25 10% 460210 Baskets of Straw Medium 899711 “ “ $1.80 10% 4601.20 00 Straw Mats Large ( Darmo) 899740 “ “ $5.00 10% 4601.20 00 Straw Mats Medium ( Sali) 899740 “ “ $3.00 10% 4602.10 00 Baskets of Straw ( Kolay) 89711 “ “ $0.48 10% 4602.10.00 Hand brooms ( Mafiiqo) 899719 “ “ $0.24 10% 4602.10.00 Haamaha Qabada ah 899719 PC $1.50 10% Chapter 48 Paper & Paper Board 4801.00 00 News Printing Paper roll 641100 Per Kg $0.60 20% 4810.29 00 Drawing Papers 641349 Per Kg $0.40 20% 4806.40 00 Transparent Papers 641533 “ “ $0.4 20% 480220 Coloured Papers 641220 Per Ream $3.00 20% 4802.52 00 Writing Papers Large 641260 “ “ $ 2.08 20% 4802.50 00 Writing Papers Medium 641260 “ “ $ 1.69 20% 4802.50 00 Writing Papers Small 641260 Per Pcs $ 1.56 20% 4802.50 00 Balays for Metal and Wood (Sandpaper) 641260 100Pcs $3.00 20% 481200 Paper Cups One Time Use 64193 Per Set of 50 $ 0.25 20% Cups 4814.20 00 Wall Paper 4 X6 641240 Per Pcs $8.00 20% 4814.20 00 Wall Paper 4 X 4 641240 Per Pcs $6.00 20%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 4814.20 00 Wall Paper 2 X3 64240 Per Pcs $2.64 20% 4814.20 00 Wall Paper 0.7 X 1mtr 64240 Per Pcs $1.00 20% 4814.20 00 Wall Paper 0.5 X 2 mtr 64240 Per Pcs $1.30 20% 4816.10 00 Carbon Paper Blue 642421 Per Pkt $ 3.20 20% 4816.10 00 Carbon Paper Black 642423 “ “ $ 2.20 20% 4816.30 00 Stencil Sheets 641930 Per Pkt $1.08 20% 4812.10 00 Block Notes Large 641930 Per Dozen $2.50 20% 4812.10 00 Block Notes Small 642310 Per Dozen $1.50 20% 4820.10 00 Writing Pads Lined 642310 Per Ream $6.00 20% 4820.10 00 Writing Pads Plain 642220 Per Ream $4.00 20% 4817.20 00 Letter Cards “Pin Cards ”Large 642220 Peer Doozen $1.00 20% 4817.20 00 Letter Cards “Pin Cards ”Small 642220 Per Doz $0.80 20% 4817.20 00 Identity Card holder ( Galka ID-ga) 642220 Per Doz $2.00 20% 4817.20 00 Post Cards 642220 “ 50 Pcs $1.50 20% 4817.20 00 Invitation Cards 642220 Doz $1.20 20% 4817.20 00 Stickers 642220 Per CTN $5.00 20% 4817.20 00 Plastic Envelopes 642220 Per Doz $1.50 20% 4817.10 00 Envelopes 23 X 40 Cms 642210 100 Pcs $0.80 20% 4817.10 00 “ 23 X 11 Cms 6422210 “ “ $0.70 20% 4817.10 00 “ 18 X 12 Cms 642210 “ “ $0.65 20% 4817.10 00 “ 16 X 10 642210 “ “ $0.60 20% 4819.10 Brown Envelopes Large 642110 “ “ $1.60 20% 481910 “ “ Medium 642110 “ “ $1.10 20% 481910 Empty Cartons 642110 “ “ $ 0.40 20% 481910 Photo Papers 642110 Per Ream $2.00 20% 481910 Sandwich Paper 642110 Per Ream $0.20 20% 481910 Cake Papers 642110 Per 500 Pc $0.25 20% 4810.30 00 Pocket note books 642310 Per Dozen $1.00 20% 4818.10.00 Napking/tissue not perfumed (pocket) 642430 Peer Dozen $0.22 20% 4818.20.00 Napking for babies 642949 “ “ $2.00 20% 4818.20.00 Toilet Paper Wheel Shaped (Large) 642949 Per Roll $5.50 20% 4818.20.00 Soft napkin in Roll 642949 Per KG $0.44 20% 4819.60 10 Files With Clips 642161 Per pcs $0.20 20% 4819.60 10 Folders 642161 “ “ $0.10 20%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 4820.30 00 Paper Egg Tray 642161 Per 50 Pcs $1.50 20% 4820.30 00 Box Files Large 642161 Per pcs $0.8 20% 4820.30 00 “ “ Small 642161 “ “ $0.7 20% 4820.30 00 File Covers. 642161 “ “ $0.15 20% 4820.30 00 Book Covers 642161 Per KG $0.40 20% 4820.30 00 Plastic Files 642161 Per Pcs $0.15 20% 4820.30 00 Plastic Folder 642161 Per Pcs $0.12 20% 4820.30 00 Writing Boards ”Paper Holders” 642120 Per Pcs $1.00 20% 4820.10 00 Registers 50-100 Sheets 642310 Per Doz $2.4 20% 4820.10 00 “ “ 101-200 Sheets 642310 “ “ $3.6 20% 4820.10 00 “ “ 201-300 “ 642310 “ “ $4.8 20% 4820.10 00 Ledgers 50-100 642310 “ “ $5.00 20% 4820.10 00 “ “ 101-200 642310 “ “ $6.00 20% 4820.10 00 “ “ 201-300 642310 “ “ $7.00 20% 4820.90 00 Duplicate Books Large 642310 $7.00 20% 4820.90 00 “ “ “ Medium 642310 “ “ $5.00 20% 4820.90 00 “ “ Small 642310 “ “ $4.00 20% 4820.90.00 Diaries 642310 Per Book $0.5 20% 4820.90.00 Receipt/Order/Purchase books 642310 “ Doz $10.00 20% 4820.90.00 Albums Large 642350 “ Pcs $1.5 20% 4820.90.00 “ “ Medium 642350 “ Pcs $1.00 20% 4820.90.00 “ “ Small 642350 Per Pcs $0.80 20% 4823.40.00 Calculating Machine Rolls. 642994 “ Doz $2.50 20% 4823.40.00 Fax Machine Rolls. 642994 Per Doz $4.8 20% 4823.40.00 Counter machine papers 642994 Per Roll $0.36 20% 4818.10.00 Toilet Papers 642430 “ Doz $0.2 20% 4817.20.00 Greeting Cards 642210 “ “ $1.00 20% 4817.20.00 Exercise Books 200 Sheets 642210 “ “ $6.44 5% 4820.20.00 Exercise Books 120 Sheets 642320 “ “ $4.20 5% 4820.20.00 “ “ “ 100 “ 642320 “ “ $2.86 5% 4820.20.00 “ “ “ 80 “ 642320 “ “ $2.57 5% 4820.20.00 “ „ “ 60 “ 642320 “ “ $1.72 5% 4820.20.00 “ “ “ 50 “ 64320 “ “ $1.43 5% 4820.20.00 “ “ “ 40 “ 64320 “ “ $1.29 5%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 4820.20.00 “ “ “ 30 “ 64320 “ “ $1.22 5% 4820.20.00 “ „ “ 20 “ 64320 Per Doozen $0.93 5% 4820.20.00 “ „ “ 16 “ 64320 Per Doz $0.60 5% 4820.20.00 “ „ “ 10 “ 644320 Per Doz $0.36 5% 4820.20.00 Spiral Note Book Large 644320 Per Doz $11.00 20% 4820.20.00 Spiral Note Book Meduim 644320 Per Doz $8.80 20% 4820.20.00 Spiral Note Book Small 644320 Per Doz $5.50 20%

Chapter 49 Printed Books, News Papers 4901.99.00 Printed Books, Novels 892150 Per Doz $2.00 5% 4901.10.00 Booklets Pamphlets. 892190 “ “ $1.00 5% 4902.10.10 News Papers, Journals. 892212 “ “ $0.30 5% 4903.00.00 Children Drawing Books. 892120 Per Doz $1.50 5% 4901.99.00 Educational Books 892190 “ Doz $2.00 5% 4901.91.00 Dictionaries. 892160 “ “ $3.00 5% 4910.00.00 Calendar For Commercial Propose 892840 Per Doz $1.50 20% 4911.91.00 Printed Pictures (Framed) 892870 “ “ $3.5 20% 4911.91.00 “ „ “ “ Without Frame 892870 Per Dozen $1.80 20% 4902.1020 Old news Papers 892212 Per Kgs $0.20 20% 4907.00.10 Bank Notes 892831 Per Kg 4907.00.20 Revenue Stamps 892832 Per KG 4907.00.20 Postage Stamps 892832 Per Kg 4907.00.30 Cheque Forms 892833 Per Doz $15.00 20% 4907.00.90 Prepared Cards 892839 Per Pcs $0.035 25% 4907.00.90 Sim Cards 892839 Per Pcs $0.050 25% 4907.00.90 Graphic Cards 892839 Per Pcs $25.00 25% 4907.00.90 Mifare Cards 892839 Per Pcs $3.00 25% 4907.00.90 Master cards (Credit Cards) 892839 Per Pc $0.10 25% 4907.00.90 Printed Commercial Receipts 892839 Per Doz $10.00 20% Commercial Advertising Boards 4907.00.90 Commercial Advertising Board 1mtr x 892839 Per Pcs $5.00 20% 0.5mtr 4907.00.90 Commercial Advertising Board 2mtr x 2mtr 892839 “ “ $10.00 20%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 4907.00.90 Commercial Advertising Board 3mtr x 3mtr 892839 “ “ $15.00 20% 4907.00.90 Commercial Advertising Board 15mtr x 892839 “ “ $75 20% 10mtr 4907.00.90 Commercial Advertising Board 15mtr x 892839 “ “ $60 20% 20mtr

Chapter 50 Silk 5004.00. Silk yarn 651920 Per Yard $ 2.00 15% 5004.00. Silk Shirting 651950 “ “ $3.00 15% 5007.00. Woven fabric silk suiting 654110 “ “ $4.00 15% 5007.00. Other silk 654110 Per “ $5.00 15%

Chapter 51

Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair; Horse Hair Yarn and Woven Fabric 5109.10 100% Wool yarn 651160 Per Yard $ 1.5 15% 5109.90 Mixed Woood Yarn 651190 “ “ $1.5 15% 5111.12 Suiting material ( superior quality) 6542190 “ “ $2.00 15% 5111.20 Mixed wool material 654319 “ “ $1.50 15%

Chapter 52 Cotton 5204.20 Cotton sewing thread 651211 Per Pkt $ 1.00 15% 5204.20 Cotton Raw 651211 KG $5.00 15% 5205.11 Cotton yarn ( other than sewing thread) 651211 “ Kg $1.00 15% 5201.11 Cotton thread for daabaca 651211 “ Pkt $1.00 15% 5201.11 Teeth Pick Thread 651211 “ Pkt $0.80 15% 5205.11 Thread for funaanadaha 651333 “ “ $1.50 15% 5210.11 Grey sheeting 652511 “ Yard $0.09 15% 5210.21 Bofta white 652511 “ “ $0.10 15% 5210.21 Melmel cotton 652511 “ “ $0.12 15% 5210.32 Cotton twil kaaki 65211 “ “ $0.20 15% 5210.21 Poplin cotton white 652511 “ “ $0.20 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 5210.21 Poplin cotton coloured 652511 “ “ $0.30 15% 5210.21 Voil cotton cloth 652511 “ “ $1.50 15% 5210.21 Voil cotton/polyter cloth 65211 “ “ $1.00 15% 5208.51 Drill cloth white 652341 “ “ $1.50 15% 5208.51 Drill cloth cloured 652341 “ “ $1.70 15% 5208.11 Curtain cloth 652211 “ “ $0.75 15%

Chapter 55

Man Made Staple Fibre(Stupple) 5513.11.00 Damas Clothes 653217 Per Yard $0.75 15% 5513.11.00 Polyester Cloth for Shirting 653217 Per Yard $0.20 15% 5513.11.00 “ “ For Ladies Dress 653317 “ “ $0.20 15% 5513.11 Elastic Cloth Ladies etc 653317 “ “ $0.10 15% 5510.30.00 Synthetic Fibre for All Purpose 653317 “ “ $0.10 15% 5515.13.00 Teterex,Terital, Tetron, Decoron Mohair, 653317 “ “ $1.00 15% Kerpiline Acrylic etc 5515.13.00 Suiting Cloth 653411 “ “ $1.30 15% 5513.11.00 Safari Polyester Cloth Plain/Mixed 653317 “ “ $0.32 15% 5513.11.00 Jersa Ladies Dress 653317 “ “ $0.30 15% 5513.11.00 Bride Groom Cloth 653317 “ “ $4.00 15% 5513.11.00 Stock Cloth for Suiting 653317 Per kg $1.40 15% 5513.11.00 Stock Cloth for Shirting 653317 “ “ $1.00 15% 5513.11 Stock cloth for shirting “ladies dress” 653317 “ “ $1.10 15% 5515.11 (Googarado) in Rolls 653317 Per yards $0.20 15% 5513.33 Spun rayon ( shiid) 653431 “ “ $0.075 15% 5513.33 Polyester cloth for suiting 653318 “ “ $0.3 15% 5513.33 Polyester Cloth Ladies Dress (Jalabiib) 653318 “ “ $0.20 15% 5513.33 Soft polyester dress ( shirting) 653318 Per yards $0.24 15% 5513.33 Jersa polyester dress for ladies 653318 “ “ $0.32 155 5513.11 Polyester cloth nets sheets 65318 “ “ $1.00 15% 5513.11 Polyester black nets sheets 653318 “ “ $0.2 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % Chapter 56

Wadding,Felt and Non-wovens ;especial Yarns;Twine,Cordage,Ropes and Cables and Article thereof 5605.00.00 Matelised Yarn for sewing 651919 Per Yard $0.20 15% 580310 Children bombers/daipeis 652110 Per Doz $0.10 20% 580310 Lady pads 652110 “ Pkt $0.08 20% 580310 Baby Nice Diapers & Womens Nice Diapers 652110 Per Doz $0.10 20% 580310 Ladies Modes Large 652110 Per PKT $0.08 20% 580310 Ladies Modes Meduim 652110 “ “ $0.08 20% 580310 Ladies Modes Small 652110 “ “ $0.08 20% 560710 Jute/Nylon Ropes for Ships 657511 Per MTR $1.00 15% 560710 “ “ “ “ for Packing 657511 Per Roll $0.12 15% 560710 Ropes of Sisal or Jute 65711 Per Roll $0.05 15% 560710 Woven Jute, Sisal for Packing 657511 “ “ $0.05 10% 560729 Nylon Ropes Large 657511 Per Roll. $0.40 15% 560729 Nylon Ropes Medium 657511 “ “ $0.30 15% 560729 Nylon Ropes Small 657511 “ “ $0.12 15% 560729 Plastic Strings (Bac) “ “ $0.20 15% 5608.11.00 Fishing Nets 657521 Per Pcs $7.00 15% 5608.19.90 Fishing Nets Rolls 657521 “ Yard $0.24 15% 5608.90.90 Other Net Cotton for fishing 657522 “ “ $0.30 15% 5608.90.90 Other Nets Nylon/Cotton 657222 “ “ $0.40 15% 5607.90.00 Fishing String ( Witir) 657529 Per Doz $0.01 15% 56081900 Black Net Per yard $0.15 15%

Chapter 57

Carpets and Other Textile floor Coverings 5701.10.00 Woollen Carpets 4 X4 Mts 659210 Per Pcs $120 30% 5701.10.00 “ “ “ “ 3 X4 Mts 659210 “ “ $84 30%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 5701.10.00 “ “ 2 X 3 “ “ 659210 “ „ $54 30% 5701.10.00 “ “ 2 X 2 “ “ 659210 “ “ $27 30% 5701.10.00 “ “ 2 X 1 “ “ 659210 “ “ $16 30% 5703.20.00 Synthetic Carpets 5 X 6 Mtrs 659420 “ “ $72 30% 5703.20.00 “ “ “ “ 4 X5 “ “ 659420 “ “ $48 30% 5703.20.00 “ “ “ “ 4 X4 “ “ 659420 “ “ $36 30% 5703.20.00 “ “ “ “ 3 X5 “ “ 659420 “ “ $36 30% 5703.20.00 “ “ “ 3 X 4 “ “ 659420 “ „ $24.00 30% 5703.20.00 “ “ “ “ 2 X 3 “ 659420 “ “ $16.00 30% 5703.20.00 “ “ “ 2 X 2 “ 659420 “ Pcs $12.00 30% 5703.20.00 “ “ “ 1 X 2 “ 659420 “ “ $8.00 30% 5703.20.00 “ “ “ 1 X 3 “ 659420 “ “ $11.00 30% 5703.20.00 “ “ “ 1 X 4 “ 659420 ‟ ´ $14.00 30% 5705.00.00 Other in Rolls Coloured 659690 Per Mtr $2.00 30% 5705.00.00 “ “ “ Plain 659690 “ “ $1.6 30% 5705.00.00 Plain Sheet Under Carpet(Masjid) 659690 “ “ $0.10 20% 5705.00 Door Mats ( Dacsado) 659690 Per dozen $ 3.00 30% 5703.10.00 Artificial grass 659620 PER SQMT $2.00 30% 5703.10.00 Wall decorating Carpets 2 X 2 659620 “ Pcs $6.00 30% 5703.10.00 “ “ “ “ “ “ 2 X 1 659690 “ “ $4.50 30% 5703.10.00 Plastic carpet 659620 PER SQMT $1.00 30% 5703.10.00 Praying Rugs 659690 Per Dozen $2.00 30%

Chapter 58

Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace; tapestries; trimmings; embroidery(Mosquito Net) 580310 Cotton Gauze 6511000 Per packet of 10 $ 1.80 15% pcs 580310 Mosbar, dermal mosquito repellent bar, 542130 Per Dozen $2.00 10% 20% deet,0.5%permethrin 580310 Mosquito net 70 X 180 X 150 cm ( 542130 Per Dozen $5.08 10% impregnated)

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 580310 Mosquito net 130 X 180 X 150 cm 542130 Per Dozen $6.75 10% (impregnated) 580310 Permethrin 10 % EC 25: 75 (Public health 542130 Per Dozen $7.00 10% garade) (UN 1993) 5807.10.00 Labels, badges 5807.10 Per MTR $ 2.00 25%

Chapter 59

Impregnated ,cooked covered or Laminated textile fabrics; textile article of a kind suitable for industrials use 590410 Linoleum 659121 Per MTR $ 0.40 18% 590410 Linoleum table cover 659121 Per MTR $ 0.25 18% 590410 Linoleum Cover for Boards 659121 Per MTR $0.40 18% 590410 Lamination Plastic 659121 Per MTR $0.10 18% 5908.00.00 Wicks for Petromax 5908.00 Per100 Pc. $ 3.00 25% 5908.00.00 Wicks for Faynuus 5908.00 Per Doz. $0.30 25% 5908.00.00 “ “ Stoves 5908.00 “ “ $0.20 25% 5906.32.90 Wicks for Curtains 5906.32 Per Mtrs $0.02 15% 5908.00.00 “ “ Lighter ( Dubaalad) 5908.00 Per doz $0.50 15% 590800 Elastic wicks 657720 Per MTR $ 0.02 15% 590800 Elastic strigs 657720 Per MTR $ 0.01 15% 590800 Masonery Balance Strings Max. 657720 Per 100 Yrds $ 0.5 15% 22 mm 5906.31.90 Shoe Laces 5906.31. Per Gross $0.30 20% 5909.10.00 Textile hose pipes 5909.10 Per MTR $ 0.25 25% 5910.00.00 Transmission textile belts or conveyor 657920 PER MTR $ 0.70 25% textile belts

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ %

Chapter 61

Ready Made Textile Men’s Outer Garment 6109.10.00 Tee Shirts 854410 Per Doz 3.00 20% 6110.10.00 Pullover with Long Sleeves Wool 845310 “ “ 3 20% 6110.10.00 “ with out Sleeves Wool 845310 “ “ 2.50 20% 6110.20.00 “ with Long Sleeves Cotton 845310 “ “ 1.50 20% 6110.20.00 “ with out Sleeves Cotton 845310 Per Doz 1.40 20% Boy’s Outer Garments 6110.10.00 Baby Trousers 845310 “ “ 5.00 20% 6110.10.00 “ Pullover Wool with Sleeves 845310 “ “ 2.50 20% 6110.10.00 “ “ “ with out Sleeves 845310 “ “ 1.50 20% 6110.20.00 “ “ Cotton with Sleeves 845310 “ “ 1.30 20% 6110.20.00 “ “ “ with out Sleeves 845310 “ Doz 1.20 20% Men,Ladies, Children Under Wear Garments 6107.91.00 Singlet for Men/L Cotton 843811 Per Doz 2.50 20% 6107.92.00 “ “ “ Synthetic 843811 “ “ 2.30 20% 6111.20.00 Singlets Nylon 843811 Per Doz 2.00 20% 6111.20.00 Stocking for Sports 843811 “ “ 1.60 20% 6111.30.00 Socks Nylon 843811 “ “ 1.00 20% 6111.20.00 Under wear Nylon 846220 “ “ 2.00 20% 6111.20.00 Under wear Nylon with singlet 846220 “ “ 4.60 20% 6111.30.00 “ “ Synthetic 846220 “ “ 1.20 20% 6117.80.00 Makarams Gorgette 846220 Scors 4.80 20% 6117.80.00 “ Nylon 846220 “ “ 3.60 20% 6117.80.00 “ Meimoni and Others 846991 Scores 3.20 20% 6117.80.00 Mandlis Superlior Quality 846991 Per Doz 1.50 20% 6117.80.00 “ Ordinary Quality 846991 “ “ 1.20 20% 6116.10.00 Gloves 846910 “ “ 3 20% 6115.11.00 Ankle socks 846211 “ “ $1.92 20% 6115.11.00 Ankle caps 846991 “ “ $1.92 20% 6115.11.00 Knee caps 846991 “ “ $1.92 20% 61151100 Elastic Bandage 846211 “ “ 2 20%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % Chapter 62

Article of Apparel and Clothing accessories not knitted or crocheted 6205.20.00 Men‟s Cotton Shirts 841591 Per Doz 8.00 20% 6205.30.00 “ Synthetic Fibre Shirts 847591 “ “ 6.50 20% 6205.30.00 “ Nylon Shirts 841591 “ “ 4.50 20% 6205.30.00 African dress waaweyn(Nayreeri) 847591 “ “ 6.5 20% 6205.30.00 Africn dress yaryar (Nayreeri) 841591 “ “ 4.00 20% 6203.41.00 Men‟s Woollen Trousers 841210 “ “ 10.00 20% 6203.42.00 “ Cotton Trousers Jeans 841210 “ “ 8.00 20% 6203.43.00 “ Synthetic Tetrex Trousers 841210 “ “ 8.00 20% 6203.43.00 Short Trousers Up the Knees 841210 “ “ $8 20% 6203.41.00 Men‟s Woollen Shorts 841210 “ “ 6.00 20% 6203.42.00 “ Cotton Shorts Jeans 841210 “ “ 7.00 20% 6203.43.00 “ Synthetic/Tetrex 841210 “ “ 9.00 20% 6203.12.00 Men‟s Safari Suit Superior 841221 “ “ 14.00 20% 6203.12.00 “ “ “ Inferior 841221 “ “ 12.00 20% 6203.11.00 Men‟s Suit 841210 “ “ 30.00 20% 6203.11.00 “ “ 3 Pcs 841210 “ “ 50.00 20% 6203.11.00 Cover Coat 841210 “ “ $8.00 20% 6203.11.00 Single Suit 841210 Per Pc $3.50 20% 6203.11.00 Men‟s Jackets Leather /Wool 841210 “ Pcs 3.50 20% 6203.12.00 “ “ Plastic 841210 “ “ 3.00 20% 6203.12.00 Overall Clothes 841210 Per Doz $12.00 20% 6201200 Ordinary Jackets 841210 “ Pcs $ 2 20% 6201200 Life Jackets 841210 “ Pcs $ 3 20% 6201.13.00 Rain Coat 841123 “ Pcs 2.00 20% 6211.33.00 Men‟s Sports Wear Tuute 845873 “ Doz 5.00 20% 6211.33.00 Men Sports Trouser 845873 “ Doz $6.00 20% 6211.33.00 Sports Trouser Children 845873 “ Doz $5.00 20% 6207.22.00 Men‟s Longs 1st Class. 841622 “ Score 20.00 20% 6207.22.00 “ “ 2nd Class 84122 “ “ 14.00 20%

Page 78

Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 6207.22.00 “ “ 3rd Class 841622 Per Score 12.00 20% 6214.20.00 Shawls Ordinary 846122 Per Score 10.00 20% 6214.20.00 Shawls Inferior ( ShaalDile) 846122 Per score 8.00 20% 6214.20.00 Shawls Large Size superior 846122 “ “ 12.00 20% 6214.20.00 “ Small Size for women 846123 Per Score 8.00 20% 6214.20.00 Woollen Turbans 846123 Per Score 10.00 20% 6214.30.00 Turban Rishwaan 846123 Per Score 5.00 20% 6214.30.00 “ Shimaakh 846123 “ “ 4.00 20% 6214.30.00 “ Cimaamad White 846132 “ “ 3.00 20% 621520 Scarf‟s Woollen 846132 “ Dozen 4.50 20% 621520 “ Cotton 846132 Per Doz 3.00 20% 6208.11.00 Khamiis (Arabic Toob) 846132 “ Dozen 8.00 20% 6215.20.00 Ties 84132 “ Dozen 3.50 20% 6215.20.00 Cravats 846132 Per Doz 3.00 20% 6205.20.00 Boy‟s Shirts Cotton 84159 “ “ 5.00 20% 6205.30.00 “ “ Synthetic 841592 “ “ 4.00 20% 6205.30.00 “ “ Nylon 841592 “ “ 3.00 20% 6205.10.00 Baby Shirts 841591 Per Doz 4.00 20% 6205.10.00 Boy‟s Shirts Wool 841951 “ “ 5.00 20% 6205.20.00 “ “ Cotton 841510 “ “ 3.00 20% 6205.30.00 “ “ Synthetic Tetrex etc 841592 Per Doz 5.00 20% 6203.41.00 Boy‟s Trousers Woollen 841410 “ “ 8.00 20% 6203.42.00 “ “ Cotton 841420 “ “ 6.00 20% 6203.43.00 “ “ Synthetic Tetrex etc 841430 Per Dozen 4.00 20% 6203.12.00 Boy‟s Safari Superior 841221 “ “ 10.00 20% 6203.12.00 “ “ Inferior 841221 “ “ 8.00 20% 6203.12.00 “ Suits 841210 “ “ 10.00 20% 6203.12.00 Boy‟s Suit 3 pc With tie 841210 “ Doz 12.00 20% 6201.13.00 “ Rain Coats Sunthetie 841123 “ Pcs 1.50 20% 6211.33.00 “ Sports Wear Complete 845873 Per Doz 8.00 20% 6207.22.00 Boy‟s Longies 841622 “ Score 10.00 20% 6109.10.00 “ Tee Shirts 845410 Per Doz 3.00 20% 6207.21.00 Bajama for Gents 841621 “ “ 6.00 20% 6207.21.00 Bajama For Boys 841621 Per Doz 3.00 20% 6207.21.00 Jum Jum for Children Superior 841621 “ “ 4.00 20%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 6207.21.00 Jum Jum for Children Ordinary 841621 “ “ 3.00 20% 6207.21.00 Jum Jum for Children Inferior 841621 “ “ 2.50 20% 6207.21.00 Complete Baby Set 841621 Per Set 10.00 20%

Ladies over Garments 620200 Bulji 6 yards 842141 Per yard 0.25 20% 620200 Guntiimo Xariir ( Saafi) 4/6 yard 842111 “ “ 0.25 20% 620600 Women‟s Blouses 842710 Per doz 5 20% 620600 Girls Blouses 842710 Per doz 4 20% 620400 Shalmado in rolls 84211 Per yard 0.25 15% 6244.30.00 Shalmado-Silk (Xariir) 842212 Per Doz $7.50 20% 6244.30.00 Shalmado-Voil (Wil) 842212 Per Doz $5.76 20% 6244.30.00 Shalmado-Spun Rayon(Shiid) 842212 Per Doz $4.80 20% 6244.30.00 Ready Made Xijaab Small 842212 “ “ $2.50 20% 6244.30.00 Ready Made Xijaab Large 842212 “ “ $3.50 20% 6244.30.00 Bride Dress (Taashka Dumarka) 842212 Per Pcs $10.00 20% 6244.30.00 Bridesmaid (Toobka Mixiisada) 842212 Per Pcs $3.00 20% 6244.30.00 Baby carrying jacket ( Qayd) 842212 Per Doz $3.00 20% 6208.19.00 Googarad Synthetic/Fibre 842212 Per Doz 2.50 20% 6208.19.00 ( Cabaayado) for ladies 842212 Per Doz 3.60 20% 6208.19.00 Ladies Dress ( Set of 3 pieces) 842212 Per Set $4.00 20% 6208.19.00 Ladies Dress ( Set of 2 pieces) 842212 Per Set $3.00 20% 6208.19.00 Ladies Set With Watch 842212 Per Set $17.00 20% 6208.19.00 Ladies Khumaar 842212 Per Doz $2.40 20% 6208.19.00 Kurdado 8422213 Per Doz 3.60 20% 6208.19.00 Ready Made Toops for Women 8422213 “ “ $8 20% 6208.19.00 Ready Made diric (will) 8422213 “ “ $10 20% 6208.19.00 Other Ready Made diric (will) 8422213 “ “ $7 20% 6207.11.00 Under Wear for Men/ L Cotton 814611 “ “ 2.30 20% 6207.11.00 “ “ “ M.A. Green Leaf 841611 “ “ $ 2.24 20% 6211.33.00 “ “ “ Sports 841611 “ “ 3.20 20% 6211.11.00 “ “ “ Swimming 841611 “ “ 2.80 20% 6211.11.00 Singlets for Men Cotton 841611 “ “ $2.30 20% 6211.11.00 Singlets for Men Synthetic 841611 “ “ $2.50 20% 6212.10.00 Ladies Breast Holder 841611 Per Doz $1.00 20%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 6213.20.00 Handker chives for Men 845510 “ “ 0.60 20% 6213.20.00 Handker Chives For Ladies 846112 “ “ 0.60 20% 6215.20.00 Socks Wool 846112 “ “ $1.80 20% 6215.20.00 Socks Coton 846112 “ “ $1.50 20% 6215.20.00 Socks Nylon 846112 “ “ $1.00 20% 6215.20.00 Stockings for Sports 846112 “ “ $2.00 20% 6217.10.00 Sleeve Protectors in Pcs 841612 “ “ $1.20 20% 6217.10.00 Ladies Arm and Leggs Sleeves 841612 “ “ $1.50 20% Infant Under Wear Garments 6217.10.00 Singlets Nylon 841612 Per Doz $2.00 20% 6217.10.00 Socks Nylon 841612 “ “ $0.80 20% 6217.10.00 Under Wear Nylon 841612 “ “ $1.80 20% 6217.10.00 Under Wear Synthetic 841612 “ “ $1.20 20% 6217.10.00 Collars in Pcs. 841612 Per Doz. $1.20 6217.10.00 Canvas Belts 846112 “ “ $1.20 25% 6217.10.00 Kiishad ( Belt) 846191 “ “ 4.00 25% 6217.10.00 Leather Belts 846191 Per Doz 4 25% 621710 Artificaial leather belt 846191 Per doz 2.50 25% 621710 Plastic belts 846191 Per doz 1.50 25%

Chapter 63

Other Made up Textile articles; sets; Worn clothing and Worn textile articles; Rags 6301.20.00 Blankets And Bed Cover 658320 Per Set 5.00 20% 6301.20.00 Blankets Woolen Double 200X240cm 658320 Per pcs 2.5 20% 6301.20.00 Blanket Woolen Single 160X 220cm 658390 “ “ 2 20% 6301.90.00 Mixed Infant Blanket 90X140cm 658411 Per Pcs 0.80 20% 6301.90.00 Mixed Blankets Double 658411 Per Pcs. 1.60 20% 6301.90.00 Mixed Blankets Single 658411 “ “ 1.00 20% 6301.90.00 Fire Blankets 658411 Per Pcs $2.00 20% 6302.10.00 Bed Sheets double 228X254cm 658411 Per Scores 12 20% 6302.10.00 Bed Sheets Medium 228X152cm 658449 “ “ 10 20%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 6302.10.00 “ “ Single “ 658471 “ “ 8 20% 6302.10.00 Bed Covers double 658471 “ pcs 4 20% 6302.10.00 Bed Covers Single 658471 “ pcs 2 20% 6302.10.00 Below Cover (Gal-barkimo) 658471 Per Doz $3.60 20% 6302.10.00 Arabian Sitting Cover (Gal-Qaaci) 658471 Per Set $5.00 20% 6302.10.00 Table Linen 658471 Per Doz 6.00 20% 6302.60.00 Towel Cotton Large Size 658471 “ Doz 7.20 20% 6302.60.00 “ “ Medium 658471 “ “ 6 20% 6302.60.00 Towels for Hands 658471 “ “ 2.00 20% 6302.60.00 “ “ Sweating 658471 “ “ 1.48 20% 630311 Ready made curtains 658110 Per yard 0.75 20% 630311 Ready made curtains for car 658110 Set 10.00 20% 630311 Cover Dress for Chairs 658110 Per Pc $0.35 20% 6305.10.00 Empty Gunny Bag 100 kg 658110 100pcs 0.40 10% 6305.10.00 “ “ “ 50 kg 658211 Per 100 pcs 0.20 10% 6306.11.00 Tarpaulins 4 X 6 Mtrs 658211 Per pcs 9.20 15% 6306.11.00 “ „ 4 X 8 “ 658211 “ “ 12.00 15% 6306.11.00 “ “ 4 X 10 Mtrs 658211 “ “ 15.00 15% 6306.11.00 “ “ 4 X 12 “ 658211 “ “ 16.00 15% 6306.11.00 “ “ 8 X 8 “ 658211 “ “ 20.00 15% 6306.11.00 “ “ 10x10 658211 “ “ $25.00 15% 6306.11.00 “ “ 15x15 658211 “ “ $30.00 15%

6306.11.00 “ “ 20x20 658211 “ “ $35.00 15% 6306.21.00 Tents Large 658221 Per Pcs 24.09 15% 6306.21.00 Tents Medium 658221 “ “ 20.00 15% 6306.21.00 “ Small 658221 “ “ 18.50 15% 6306.21.00 Polyester Tent Small 658221 “ “ $7.00 15% 6306.21.00 Front Door Sun Shield (Hadh iyo Hagoog) 658221 “ “ $30 15% 6306.21.00 Green House 8M*24M 658221 Set 450 15% 6306.21.00 Green House 8M*30M 658221 Set 500 15% 6306.21.00 Green House Above 8M*30M 658221 Set 600 15% 6307.90.00 National Flag Large 629010 Per Doz $3.00 20% Per 100 Pcs 6307.90.00 National Flag Small 629010 $0.54 20%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 6307.90.00 Other Flag Large 629010 Per Doz $4.00 20% 6307.90.00 Other Flag Small 629010 Per 100 Pcs $0.80 20% 6307.90.00 Face Mask 629010 Per Doz $3.50 20% 6307.90.00 Face Mask for Medical 629010 Per Doz $0.14 20% 6309.00.00 Old Used Clothes European 1Kg to 100Kgs 629010 Per Bundle 20.00 15% 6309.00.00 Old Used Clothes Asian 1Kg to 100Kgs 629010 Per Bundle 20.00 15% 6309.00.00 Used Clothes 1-50 kG 629010 Per Bundle $10 15% 6309.00.00 Old Used Clothes Above 101Kgs European 629010 Per Kgs 0.20 15% 6309.00.00 Old Used Clothes Above 101Kg Asian 629010 Per Kgs $0.20 15% 6309.00.00 Used Shoes “ “ 269010 “ Bdles 18.00 15% 6309.00.00 Used Belts Who Died 269010 “ “ 8.00 15% 6309.00.00 “ Ties “ “ 269010 “ “ 8.00 15% 6309.00.00 “ Blankets Who Died 269010 “ Per Pcs 0.40 15% 6309.00.00 Used Handbags for Ladies Who Died 269010 Per Doz 3.25 15% 6301010 Used Rugs 269021 Per MTR 1.25 30% Chapter 64 Footwear, Gaiters & the Like: Parts Such Articles: 6403.99.00 Rubber Sandle. Thick. 851489 Per Doz 2.70 15% 6403.99.00 Rubber Sandle. (Dacas). Ordinary. 851489 “ “ 2.50 15% 6403.99.00 Rubber Sandle. (Dacas). for Children. 851489 “ “ 2.40 15% 6403.99.00 Plastic Sandle (Caag) Adults. 851489 “ “ 4.80 15% 6403.99.00 Plastic Sandle (Caag) Children. 851489 “ “ 4.00 15% 6402.12.90 Plastic Shoes Adults. 851210 “ “ 4.80 15% 6402.12.90 Plastic Shoes Children. 851210 “ “ 4.00 15% 6402.12.90 Baby Shoes 851210 “ “ 3.20 15% 640212.90 Audalts Plastic or Rubber Sports Shoes. 851210 “ “ 9.60 15% 640212.90 Children Sports Shoes (Plastic). 851210 “ “ 4.00 15% 640212.90 Baby Sports Shoes (Plastic). 851210 “ “ 2.00 15% 6402.91.00 Plastic or Rubber School Boys Shoes. 851481 “ “ 6.40 15% 6403.51.00 Leather Shoes Adults (Men Boots) 851421 “ “ 21.00 20% 6403.19.10 Leather Sports Shoes (Puma/Adidas) 851481 “ “ 19.20 20% 6403.51.00 Leather Shoes Children 851481 “ “ 14.40 20%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 6403.59.00 Ladies Leather Shoes 845148 “ “ 16.00 20% 6405.20.00 Canvas Shoes Adults 851590 “ “ 7.20 15% 6405.20.00 Canvas Shoes Children 851590 Per Doz 5.60 15% Shoes of Leather Composition Imitation (Uppers or Soles) 6403.51.00 Leather composition shoes adults European Origin 851481 Per Doz 20.00 20% 6403.51.00 Leather composition shoes for adults Other Origin 851481 “ “ 18.00 20% 6403.59.00 Leather sandal adults European Origin 851481 “ “ 16.00 20% 6403.59.00 Leather composition sandals for adults Other Origin. 851481 “ “ 13.00 20% 6403.51.00 Leather composition shoes children European Origin 851520 “ “ 14.00 20% 640420 Leather composition shoes for children Other Origin 851520 “ “ 12.00 20% 640420 Leather composition Sandal for children 851520 “ “ 12.00 20% 640420 Leather sandal children superior 851520 “ “ 18.00 20% 640420 Leather sandals for children ordinary 848514 “ “ 12.00 20% 6403.91.00 Army or Police Boot 851483 “ “ 22.00 20% 6403.91.00 Sahara Shoes 851483 “ “ 12.00 20% 6403.30.00 Ladies Sandles Qaraafiic 851420 “ “ 4.80 20% 6403.30.00 “ Long heels Shoes 851420 “ “ 17.00 20% 6403.30.00 Swedish Clogs upper soles of wood/cork 851420 “ “ 12.00 20% 6402.99.00 Hospital Sandle Shoes 851311 “ “ 16.00 20% 6403.19.90 Poles Climbing Shoes 851220 “ “ 20.00 20% 6403.40.00 Industrial purpose Shoes of any Kind 8511150 “ “ 20.00 20% 6402.91.00 Fire Fighting Shoes/Rubber 851231 “ “ 20.00 15% 6402.19.90 Diving Shoes/Plastic 851231 Per Doz 9.00 15%

Chapter 65 Headgear and Parts Thereof 6501.00.00 Sawahili Hats Kofiyad 657610 Per Doz 3.36 20% 6501.00.00 Arabic Hats 657610 “ “ 1.00 20% 6501.00.00 American Cow Boy Hats 657610 “ “ 4.00 20% 6501.00.00 Arabian Cigaal 657610 “ “ $2.00 20% 6501.00.00 Shower Caps 657610 Per Gross $2.00 20%

6501.00.00 Egyptian Darboush Hat 657610 Per Doz 5.00 20%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 6501.00.00 Hat Shapes 657610 “ “ 2.00 20% 6501.00.00 Hats with Front Shade (Caps) 657610 “ “ 4.00 20% 6506.99.00 Hamlets of Iron 848499 “ “ 6.00 20% 6506.91.00 Hamlets of Plastic/Rubber 848480 “ “ 6.00 20% 6506.91.00 Industrial Head Gear 848450 “ “ 6.00 20% 6506.99.00 Special Purpose Head Gear 848499 “ “ 6.00 20% 6501.00.00 Army & Police Hats 657610 “ “ 5.00 20% 6506.99.00 Army & Police Hamlets 848499 “ “ 6.00 20% 6506.10.00 Sports Cap or Hat. 848450 “ “ 3.60 20% 6506.10.00 Children Hats/Caps 848450 “ “ 1.50 20% 6506.10.00 Head Bands/ Head Cover 848491 “ “ 2.00 20% 650400 Hats with Complete Heads Strips 848420 “ “ 6.00 20% 6507.00.00 “ Foundation 848430 “ “ 2.00 20% 6507.00.00 “ Frames 848480 “ “ 2.00 20% 6506.99.00 Opera Hats 848499 “ “ 6.00 20% 6507.00.00 Peaks & Chinstraps for Headgear 848480 Per Doz 5.00 20%

Chapter 66

Umbrellas, Sun-Umbrellas, Walking Sticks, seat sticks, Whips, riding crops: and Parts Thereof 6601.10.00 Umbrellas for Rain and Sun Ordinary 899411 Per Doz 7.50 40% 6601.99.00 Mini Umbrellas/Folding Umbrellas 899417 “ “ 5.00 40% 6601.10.00 Medium Coffee Bar Table Umbrellas 899411 “ “ 8.00 40% 6601.10.00 Garden or Beach Umbrellas 899411 “ “ 12.00 40% 6601.99.00 Umbrella Tents Large 899147 Per Doz 12.00 40% 6602.00.00 Fancy Walking Sticks (Superior) 899420 “ “ 8.00 40% 6602.00.00 Walking Sticks Ordinary 899420 “ “ 6.00 40% 6602.00.00 Climbing Sticks 899420 “ “ 7.00 40% 6602.00.00 Seat Sticks, (Sitting Sticks) 899420 “ “ 6.00 40%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ %

Chapter 67

Prepared feathers and down articles made of feathers or of down artificials flowers articles of human hair

Artificial Flowers 6702.10.00 Artificial Flowers, Christmas Tree Each 899210 Per Pcs 5.00 50% 6702.10.00 Artificial standing Tree(Geed Taagan) 899210 “ “ 3.00 50% 6702.10.00 “ “ in Basket 899210 “ “ 1.00 50% 6702.10.00 “ “ in Bottles or Jars 8999210 “ “ 0.70 50% 6702.10.00 Artificial flowers(small) or Wall & Table 899210 “ “ 0.50 50% 6703.00.00 Human Hair 899940 “ Doz 7.50 50% 6703.00.00 Animal Hair Artificial 899940 “ “ 7.50 50% 6703.00.00 Artificial Hair Wool or Textile(Long) 899940 “ “ 7.50 50% 6703.00.00 “ “ “ “ (Short) 899940 “ Doz 5.20 50% 6703.00.00 “ “ Afro Style 899940 “ “ 5.20 50% 6703.00.00 False Beards (Gadhka- Ragga) 899995 “ “ 6.00 50% 6703.00.00 Ladies Artificial Nails 899995 Per 50 Pc $2.50 50% 6703.00.00 Feather Dusters 899920 Per Doz 1.00 50%

Chapter 68 Articles of Stone ,of Plaster, of Cements, of Asbestos, of Micas, &

Similar Materials 680222 Stone Hand Crafts 661359 Per Pc 10 15% 6804.10.00 Millstones 663121 “ Doz 12.00 15% 6804.10.00 Grindstone 663121 “ “ 10.00 15% 6804.10.00 Grinding Wheels ( electric) 663121 Per Pc 25.00 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 6804.30.00 Hand Sharpening Stones 663121 “ Doz 6.00 15% 68.6804.30 Hand Polishing Stones 663130 “ “ 17.00 15% 6811.10.00 Asbestos corrugated sheets 661831 Per pcs 3.00 15% 6811.10.00 Burjiko ( Girgire Xmari) large Size 661832 Per Pcs 0.5 15% 6811.10.00 Burjiko ( Girgire Xamari) Medium 661832 “ “ 0.35 15% 6811.10.00 Dabqaad ( Small) 661832 “ “ 0.2 15% 6811.30.00 “ Tubes/Pipes 668831 “ “ 1.00 15% 6811.30.00 “ Tubing Joints & Accessories 668831 Per doz 3 15%

Chapter 69 Ceramic Products 6901.10.00 Heat Insulating Bricks, Blocks, etc 662310 Per Doz 4.50 15% 6904.10.00 Building Bricks, Flooring Blocks 662414 “ “ 4.00 15% 6905.10.00 Roofing Tiles ,Chimney ,Cowls ,Liners 662421 Sq.Mtrs 6 15% 6905.10.00 Vinyl Laminated Gypsum Ceiling 662421 Sq.Mtrs $2.250 15% 6905.10.00 Wheather Strip 662421 Per Roll 2 15% 6906.00.90 Piping Conduits, Angles, bends, etc 662431 Per Doz 6.00 15% 6904.90.00 Floor Tiles of Stone Ware 662439 Sq.Mtrs 2.00 15% 6904.90.00 Floor Tiles of Ceramic ware 662411 “ “ 2.00 15% 6904.10.00 Wall Tiles of Ceramic ware 662411 “ “ 2.00 15% 6909.11.00 Laboratory, Chemical or Industrial Ceramic Ware 663911 Per pcs 2.00 15% 6909.11.00 Pots, Jars and Similar Articles of Ceramic 663911 Per Doz 4.00 15% 6910.10.10 Washing Basin Face 663911 Per pcs 9.00 20% 6910.10.10 Toilet basing European style 812211 “ “ $ 17 20% 6910.10.10 Toilet basin Arabian style 812211 “ “ $10 20% 6910.10.10 Toilet washing basin large 812211 “ “ $24.00 20% 6910.10.10 Shawer Washing plates 812211 “ “ $6.00 20% 6910.10.10 Toilet washing Basin small 812299 “ “ 11 20% 6910.10.10 Urinal Basin (Bidet)Urine 812299 “ “ 12 20% 6910.10.10 Sink Basin bath (Saxan) 812219 “ “ $6.00 20% 6910.10.10 Sink Toilet (Godka yar) 812219 “ “ $10.00 20% 6910.90.90 Steel washing basin 812299 “ “ 7 20%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % China Table Ware of Broceling 6911.10.00 Tea Cups set of 12Pcs 666110 Per Set 4.20 30% 6911.10.00 Tea Cups Set of 6 Pcs. 666110 “ “ 2.10 30% 6911.10.00 Tea Cups with Saucers 666110 “ Dozen $2.50 30% 6911.10.00 Tea Cups Without Saucers 666110 “ Dozen $1.68 30% 6911.10.00 Coffee cups with saucer 666110 “ Doz 2.50 30% 6911.10.00 Coffee cups with saucer small 666110 “ “ 2.10 30% 6911.10.00 Coffee Cups Set of 12 Pcs. 666110 “ Set 3.36 30% 6911.10.00 Coffee Cups Set of 6 Pcs. 666110 “ “ 2.24 30% 6911.10.00 Ceramic/Tea set Complete with Kettle & Acc L 666110 “ “ $7.00 30% 6911.10.00 Plates Large 666110 Per Doz. 7.70 30% 6911.10.00 “ Medium 666110 “ “ 3.64 30% 6911.10.00 “ Small 666110 “ “ 2.87 30% 691190 Bowl Large 666120 “ “ 8.40 30% 691190 Bowl Meduim 666120 “ “ $4.40 30% 691190 Bowl Small 666120 “ “ $2.50 30% 6911900 Bilaale 666120 “ “ 1.75 30% 6911900 Complete Brocelin Dinner Set Large “ Set 19.20 30%

Chapter 70 Glass and Glass ware 7000392 Toilet Mirrors 664511 Per pcs $ 2.00 25% 7000391 Mirror For Barbers/Coffeur 664511 Per pcs $ 5.00 25% 700392 Plastic framed mirrors Large 664511 “ Doz $ 1.00 25% 700392 Plastic framed mirrors Meduim 664511 “ “ $ 0.70 25% 700392 Plastic framed mirrors Small 664511 “ “ $ 0.50 25% 700312 Wall Mirror 664511 Per Pc $ 6.00 25% 700992 Wooden framed mirrors large 664891 “ Doz $ 9.00 25% 700992 Wooden framed mirrors medium 664891 “ “ $ 6.00 25% 700312 Wooden framed mirrors small 664891 “ “ $ 3.50 25% 700312 Clear Glass Sheets 18mm 664891 Per Sqmt $2.25 25% 700312 Clear Glass Sheets 12mm 664891 Per Sqmt $2.00 25% 700312 Clear Glass Sheets 10mm 664891 Per Sqmt $1.60 25% 700312 Clear Glass Sheets 8mm 664891 Per Sqmt $ 1.30 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 700312 Clear Glass Sheets 6mm 664511 Per Sqmt $ 1.25 25% 700312 Clear Glass Sheets 5mm 664511 Per Sqmt $ 1.20 25% 700312 Clear Glass Sheets 4mm 664511 Per Sqmt $ 1.15 25% 700312 Clear Glass Sheets 3.5mm 664511 Per Sqmt $ 1.10 25% 700312 Clear Glass Sheets 3mm 664511 Per Sqmt $ 1.00 25% 700312 Colour Glass Sheets 18mm 664511 Per Sqmt $3.15 25% 700312 Colour Glass Sheets 12mm 664511 Per Sqmt $2.10 25% 700312 Colour Glass Sheets 10mm 664511 Per Sqmt $1.75 25% 700312 Colour Glass Sheets 8mm 664511 Per Sqmt $ 1.40 25% 700312 Colour Glass Sheets 6mm 664511 Per Sqmt $ 1.35 25% 700312 Colour Glass Sheets 5mm 664511 Per Sqmt 1.32 25% 700312 Colour Glass Sheets 4mm 664511 Per Sqmt 1.30 25% 700312 Mirror Glass Sheets 8mm 664511 Per Sqmt 1.42 25% 700312 Mirror Glass Sheets 6mm 664511 Per Sqmt 1.40 25% 700312 Mirror Glass Sheets 5mm 664511 Per Sqmt 1.37 25% 700312 Mirror Glass Sheets 4mm 664511 Per Sqmt 1.35 25% 700312 Mirror Glass Sheets 3mm 664511 Per Sqmt 1.32 25% 700312 Bathroom Glass 664511 Set 150 25% 700392 Pocket mirrors 664511 Per Doz, $0.40 25% 700721 Glass Door (1000X2100)66mm 664729 Per Pc $10 25% 700721 Glass Door two Section 664729 Per Pc $14 25% 700721 Door Glass for cars 664729 “ Pcs 4.00 25% 700721 Front Wind Sheet Glass for cars 664729 “ Pcs 15.90 25% 700721 Front wind sheet glass hillux/landcruiser 664729 “ “ 23.00 25% 700721 Front wind sheet glass dyna/tracks 664729 “ “ 30.00 25% 700721 Front wind sheet glass busses 664729 “ “ 35.00 25% 700721 Back safety glass for cars 664810 “ “ 7.00 25% 7007.21.00 Back safety for helux/L/Cruiser 664511 “ “ 7.00 25% 7007.21.00 Back safety glass for trucks/dyna 664822 “ “ 7.00 25% 7007.21.00 Back safety glass for busses 664892 “ “ 25.00 25% 7009.10.00 Rear view mirrors for vehicles 664892 Per Each 1.10 25% 7010.00.00 Glass bottles any size 664931 Per Doz 2.60 25% 7010.00.00 Glass jars bottles any size 664931 “ “ 3.00 25% 7010.00.00 Glass pots bottles any size 664931 “ “ 3.60 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 7011.10.00 Bulbs 5 watts. 664931 “ “ 0.60 15% 7011.10.00 Bulbs 10 watts up to 40 watts clear 664931 “ “ 1.20 15% 7011.10.00 Bulbs 60 watts up to 100 watts clear 664931 “ “ 1.80 15% 7011.10.00 Bulbs 101 watts up to 1000 Watts “Frosted” 664931 “ “ 2.4 15% 7011.10.00 Flourecent lamp 4ft 664931 “ “ 2.50 15% 7011.10.00 Flourecent lamps 2ft 664931 “ “ 1.25 15% 7011.10.00 Energy saver bulb ( tube) 5watt 664931 “ “ 2.00 15% 7011.10.00 Energy saver bulb ( tube) 9/15watts 664931 “ “ 4.00 15% 7011.10.00 Energy saver bulb ( tube) 20/ 60watts 664931 “ “ 6.00 15% 7011.10.00 Energy saver bulb ( tube) 85/110 watts 664931 “ “ 7.00 15% 7011.10.00 Energy saver bulb ( tube) 110/150 watts 664931 “ “ 9.00 15% 7011.10.00 Energy saver bulb ( tube) 150/200 watts 664931 “ “ 11.00 15% 7011.10.00 LED Panel Light (Bulbs)1 Watt 664931 Per Doz $2.00 15% 7011.10.00 LED Panel Light (Bulbs) 5Watt 664931 “ “ $4.00 15% 7011.10.00 LED Panel Light (Bulbs) 9-15 Watt 664931 “ “ $8.00 15% 7011.10.00 LED Panel Light (Bulbs) 20-60 Watt 664931 “ “ $12 15% 7011.10.00 LED Panel Light (Bulbs) 85-110 Watt 664931 “ “ $14 15% 7011.10.00 LED Panel Light (Bulbs)150-200 Watt 664931 “ “ $22 15% 7011.10.00 LED Signs 664931 Per Pc $5.00 15% 7011.10.00 Slim Light Box (Frame) 664931 Per Pc $2.00 15% 7011.10.00 Flash Light (Khashaafad) 201-500 Watt 664931 Per Pc $18.00 15% 7011.10.00 Flash Light (Khashaafad)1-200 Watt 664931 Per Pc $15.00 15% 7011.10.00 Candle Light (Guluub) 664931 Per Pc $0.10 15% 7011.10.00 Glass Massage Cupping (Toobin) 664931 Per Doz $6.00 25% 7011.10.00 Emergency Lamb Portable with Radio 664931 Per Pcs 3.00 15% 7011.10.00 Decoration lamp Large 664931 Per Pcs $300 15% 7011.10.00 Decoration lamp Medium 664931 Per Pcs $200 15% 7011.10.00 Decoration lamp Small 664931 Per Pcs $100 15% 7011.10.00 Decoration lamp Mini 664931 Per Pcs 2.00 15% 7011.10.00 Desk lamp 664931 “ “ 2.00 15% 7011.10.00 Gate lamp 664931 Per doz 15.00 15% 7011.10.00 Halogen lamp 665120 “ “ 13.00 15% 7011.10.00 Emergency Portable lamp 665120 Per Pcs. 1.50 15% 7011.10.00 Decoration light-hose ( pigpig) 665120 Per Mtr 0.30 15% 7011.10.00 Torch bulbs ( guluub) 665120 Per Crnt $ 30.00 15% 7011.10.00 ARC Lamps 664931 Per Doz $ 5 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 7012.00.00 Inner glass for vacuum flasks-large 664931 Per Doz $ 4.80 25% 7012.00.00 Inner glass for vacuum flasks-medium 664931 “ “ $ 4.20 25% 7012.00.00 Inner glass for vacuum flasks small 664931 “ “ $ 2.00 25% 7013.00.00 Glass water cups 665210 “ “ $ 2.10 25% 7013.00.00 Glass tea cups 665210 “ “ $ 2.10 25% 7013.00.00 Glass coffee cups 665210 “ “ $ 2.10 25% 7013.00.00 Glass tea cups small 665210 “ “ $ 1.90 25% 7013.00.00 Glass coffee cups small with saucers 665210 “ “ $ 3.10 25% 7013.00.00 Glass plates ordinary large 665213 “ “ $ 4.40 25% 7013.00.00 Glass plates ordinary medium 665231 “ “ $ 3.10 25% 7013.00.00 Glass bowls ordinary Medium 665231 “ “ $ 4.90 25% 7013.00 Glass bowls large 665231 Per doz $ 5.60 25% 7013.00.00 Glass bowls ordinary small 665231 “ “ $ 3.60 25% 7013.00.00 Glass rice dishes 665231 Per Doz $ 4.55 25% 7013.00.00 Glass dinner set 665231 Per Set $ 16.00 25% 7013.00 Glass Tea/coffee Cups 665210 Per Doz $ 12.60 25% 7013.00.00 Glass water jags with cups 665231 “ “ $ 12.80 25% 7013.00 Glass Jugs 665231 Per Doz $ 14.00 25% 7013.00 Glass tumbler duralex large 66525 Per Doz $ 3.5 25% 7013.00.00 Glass tumbler duralex unbreakable medium 665210 “ “ $ 3.15 25% 7013.00.00 Glass tumbler duralex unbreakable small 665210 “ “ $ 2.80 25% 7010.90 Infant glass bottles large 665929 Per doz $ 5 25% 7010.90 Infant glass bottles medium 665929 Per doz $ 4 25% 7010.90 Infant glass bottles small 665929 Per doz $ 3.00 25% 7010.90 Milking Glass for Women Per doz $0.15 25% 7013.00.00 Glass ashtray large 665231 “ “ $ 1.80 25% 7013.00.00 Glass ashtray medium 665231 “ “ $ 1.60 25% 7013.00.00 Glass ashtray small 665231 “ “ $ 1.50 25% 7013.00.00 Flower glasses jars 665231 Per pcs $ 0.25 25% 7013.00.00 Glass for Tobacco ( Badeecad) 665231 Per Doz $18.00 25% 7014.10.00 Signaling glass ware for rail way/road traffic 664939 Per pcs $ 1.80 25% control 7015.00.00 Glass for wrist watches 665950 Per doz $ 1.80 25% 7015.00.00 Glass for clocks 664941 “ “ $ 3.50 25% 7018.10 Glass beads 665931 Per Doz $ 2.4 25% 7018.90 Glass Rosaries 99 665939 Per Doz $ 2.00 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 7018.90 Glass Rosaries 33 665939 Pe Doz $ 1.5 25% 7702.10 Glass Marbless ( Fataatiir) 664121 Per Grosss $ 2.4 25% 7702.10 Awards Crystal 664121 Per pcs $3.00 25%

Chapter 71 Jewellery 7113.11 Imitation Necklace earring etc. superior 897211 Per Gross $ 11.07 55% 7117.11 Imitation Necklace earring etc. ordinary 897211 “ “ $ 4 55% 7117.11 Imitation Necklace earring etc. inferior 897211 “ “ $ 3.60 55% 7117.11 Imitation bangles superior 897211 “ “ $ 5 55% 7117.11 Imitation bangles ordinary 897211 “ “ $ 4 55% 7117.11 Imitation bangles inferior 897211 “ “ $ 1.23 55% 7117.11 Reel Gold Ear Rings 897211 “ Doz $ 0.19 55% 7117.11 Finger Ring with Ornament 897211 “ Gross $ 4.00 55% 7117.11 Nut Ear Rings 897211 “ “ $ 3.60 55% 7117.11 Flat Rings 897211 “ “ $ 4.60 55% 7117.11 Pure gold prepared 897321 Per Gram $ 2.00 55% 7117.11 Silver 897321 Per Gram $0.30 55%

Chapter 72 Iron and Steel 7208.10.00 Flat bars ( biyaati) 7208.10. Per Sheet $ 0.25 15% 7216.31.00 U-Shape channels 40x20x6m 7216.31. Per Pcs $ 2.00 15% 7216.31.00 “ “ 60x30x6m 7216.31. “ “ $ 3.50 15% 7216.31.00 “ “ 75x40x6m 7216.31. “ “ $ 4 15% 7216.31.00 “ “ 80x40x6m 7216.31. “ “ $ 4.50 15% 7216.31.00 “ “ 100x50x6m 7216.31. “ “ $ 5 15% 7216.31 “ “ 50x25x6m 676821 Per pc $ 3 15% 7216.31 U shape channels 125x65x6m 676821 Per pc $ 5.50 15% 7216.31 U shape channels 160x80x6m 676821 Per pc $ 6 15% 7216.31 U shape channels 200x80x6m 676821 Per pc $ 6.50 15% 7222.20 Iron bars 676340 Per Ton $259.00 15% 7222.20 Iron bar bender (biro lab) 676340 Per pc $ 750 15% 7222.20 Bending Wire (Miiq-Bireed) 676340 Per Kg $ 0.40 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ %

Chapter 73 Iron, steel, and articles there of 7301.10.00 Blain iron sheets 676861 Per Sheet $ 2.00 15% 7301.10.00 G.I.Sheets ( Jiingad) 676861 Per Sheet $ 2.00 15% 7301.10.00 G.I.Sheets ( Jiingad) 6 meter 676861 “ “ $4.00 15% 7301.10.00 M.S. Sheets 1.2x2.4mm 676861 “ “ $ 3.00 15% 7301.10.00 M.S.sheets 1.00x2.00mm 676861 “ “ $ 2.40 15% 7301.10.00 Household Waterfall( Majaroor) 676861 Per pcs $2.00 15% 7301.10.00 M.S. Tubes 20x20x6m 676861 Per pcs $0.75 15% 7301.10.00 M.S. Tubes 16x16x6m 676861 Per pcs $0.50 15% 7301.10.00 M.S. Tubes 25x25x6m 676861 Per pcs $1.20 15% 7301.10.00 M.S. Tubes 30x30x6m 676861 Per pcs $1.70 15% 7301.10.00 M.S. Tubes 40x40x6m 676861 Per pcs $3.00 15% 7301.10.00 M.S. Tubes 40x20x6m 676861 Per pcs $ 1.50 15% 7301.10.00 “ “ 60x30x6m 679431 “ “ $ 2.00 15% 7301.10.00 “ “ 60x40x6m 679431 “ “ $ 2.50 15% 7301.10.00 “ “ 80x40x6m 679431 “ “ $ 3.00 15% 7301.10.00 “ “ 100x50x6m 679431 “ “ $ 3.50 15% 7306.30.10 G.I. Pipes ½” x6m 679431 “ “ $ 1.20 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ ¾” x6m 679431 “ “ $ 2.25 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ 1” x6m 679431 “ “ $ 2.50 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ 1.5” x6m 679431 “ “ $ 2.80 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ 2” x6m 679431 “ “ $ 3.00 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ 2.50” x6m 679431 “ “ $ 3.20 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ 3” x6m 679431 “ “ $ 3.50 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ 4” x6m 679431 “ “ $ 4.00 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ 6” x6m 679431 “ “ $4.50 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ 10” x6m 679431 “ “ $6.00 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ 16” x6m 679431 “ “ $11.50 15% UngalVanized Ironpipes 7306.30 Ungalvanized iron pipes ½ “ 679431 Per Pc $ 0.70 15% 7306.30 Ungalvanized iron pipes ¾” 679431 “ “ $ 1.10 15% 7306.30 Ungalvanized iron pipes 1 “ 679431 “ “ $ 1.50 15% 7306.30 Ungalvanized iron pipes 1 1/4 “ 679431 “ “ $1.15 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 7306.30 Ungalvanized iron pipes 1 1/2” 679431 “ “ $ 1.70 15% 7306.30 Ungalvanized iron pipes 2 “ 679431 “ “ $ 1.80 15% 7306.30 Ungalvanized iron pipes 2 1/2” 679431 “ “ $ 1.90 15% 7306.30 Ungalvanized iron pipes 3“ 679431 “ “ $ 2.10 15% 7306.30 Ungalvanized iron pipes 3 1/2” 679431 “ “ $ 2.40 15% 7306.30 Ungalvanized iron pipes 4 “ 679431 “ “ $ 2.80 15% 7306.30 Ungalvanized iron pipes 10 “ 679431 “ “ $4.75 15% 7306.30 Ungalvanized iron pipes 14 “ 679431 “ “ $8.00 15% 7306.30 Ungalvanized iron pipes 16 “ 679431 “ “ $10 15% 7306.30 Drill Pipes 1 feet diameter 679431 “ “ $ 4.00 15% 7306.30.10 Furniture Pipes 16cmx6m 679431 “ “ $ 1.00 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ 20x20cmx6m 679431 “ “ $ 1.20 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ 25x25cmx6m 679431 “ “ $ 1.50 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ 30x30cmx6m 679431 “ “ $ 1.80 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ 40x40cmx6m 679431 “ “ $ 2.00 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ 50x50cmx6m 679431 “ “ $ 2.50 15% 7306.30.10 Iron bars for curtains 679431 Per meter $ 0.02 15% 7306.30.10 Bangles for iron bar curtains 679431 Per doz $ 0.02 15% 7316.69 Angular Bars 25x25x6m 676849 “ “ $ 1.60 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ 20x20x6m 676849 “ “ $ 1.20 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ 30x30x6m 676849 “ “ $ 2.00 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ 40x40x6m 676849 “ “ $ 2.20 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ 75x75x6m 676849 “ “ $ 2.80 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ 50x50x6m 676849 “ “ $ 2.40 15% 7306.30.10 “ “ 60x60x6m 676849 “ “ $ 2.60 15% Enamel/Stainless Steal Ware 7323.92.10 Enamel mugs with lid 20cmx30cm 697412 Per doz $ 7.00 20% 7323.92.10 Enamel mugs without lids 20cmx30cm 679412 “ “ $ 6.00 20% 7323.92.10 Enamel mugs without lids 14cmx16cm 697412 “ “ $ 3.80 20% 7323.92.10 Enamel mugs without lids 8cmx12cm 697412 “ “ $ 2.16 20% 7323.92.10 Enamel mugs without lids 7cmx10cm 697412 “ “ $ 1.40 20% 7323.92.10 Enamel mugs without lids 10cmx10cm 697412 “ “ $2.00 20% 7323.92.10 Enamel mugs without lids 12cmx10cm 697412 “ “ $2.40 20%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 7323.92.10 Enamel jugs without lids 14cmx16cm 697412 “ “ $ 7.00 20% 7323.92.10 Enamel jugs without lids 18cmx26cm 697412 “ “ $ 8.00 20% 7323.92.10 Enamel jugs without lids 28cmx40cm 697412 “ “ $ 14.00 20% 7323.92.10 Enamel bowls top less 14cm-16cm 697412 “ “ $ 6.90 20% 7323.92.10 Enamel bowls top less 18cm-26cm 697412 “ “ $ 7.50 20% 7323.92.10 Enamel bowls topless 28cm-40cm 697412 “ “ $ 10.00 20% 7323.92.10 Enamel bowls with top 14cm-16cm 697412 “ “ $ 9.00 20% 7323.92.10 Enamel bowls with top 18cm-26cm 697412 “ “ $ 11.00 20% 7323.92.10 Enamel bowls with top 28cm-40cm 697412 “ “ $ 16.00 20% 7323.92.10 Enamel plates 6cm-10cm 697412 “ “ $ 3.00 20% 7323.92.10 Enamel plates 12cm-18cm 697412 “ “ $ 3.42 20% 7323.92.10 Enamel plates 20cm-28cm 697412 “ “ $ 3.60 20% 7323.92.10 Enamel plates 30cm-40cm 697412 “ “ $ 3.80 20% 7323.92.10 Enamel kettles 10cm-20cm 697412 “ “ $ 5.16 20% 7307.11.00 Enamel kettles 30cm-40cm 697412 “ “ $ 8.16 20% 7308.40 Purlin Steel Beam shed Z shape 697413 Per Pc $ 5.50 20% 7323.93 Stainless steel utensils all kinds 679520 Per Kg $ 1.50 20% 7307.19 Water pipe fittings 679520 Per Doz $ 1.50 20% 7308.90 Pillars, Shutters, Blustered 691190 Per Pc $ $ 95 15% 7308.90 Folding Iron Doors 691190 Per Pc $25 15% 7308.90 Steel Bars for Barande 691190 Per Set $750 15% 7303.10.00 Iron door-ready made One Section 691130 Per Pcs $ 7.00 15% 7303.10.00 Iron door-ready made Two Section 691130 “ “ $10.00 15% 7303.10.00 Iron windows ready made 691130 “ “ $ 4.00 15% 7309.10.00 Car Shade Parking Structure 691130 Per Pc $1,500 15% 7309.10.00 Structure hanger complete 691190 Per MSQ $ 22 15% 7309.10.00 Prefabricated houses complete 811010 Per Unit $ 6,000 15% 7309.10.00 Prefabricated House Base Structure 811010 Per Unit $2,500 15% 7303.10.00 Iron door frames 691130 Per Pcs $ 2.50 15% 7303.10.00 Iron windows ready made 691130 “ “ $ 1.50 15% 7319.10.00 Columns shapes & sections 691190 “ “ $ 150 15% 7319.10.00 Prefab house base structure 691190 “ “ $ 100 15% 7310.10.00 Tanks for water size 500 lts 692411 “ “ $200 15% 7310.10.00 Tanks for water size 1000-3000 lts 69241 “ “ $500 15% 7310.10.00 Tanks for water size 51-100 Ton 69241 “ “ $4,600 15% 7310.10.00 Tanks for water/fuel 692411 6 Tons $ 700 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 7310.10.00 Tanks for water/fuel 692411 8 Tons $ 850 15% 7310.10.00 Tanks for water/fuel 692411 12 Tons $ 900 15% 7310.10.00 Tanks for water/fuel 692411 20 Tons $ 1,000 15% 7310.10.00 Tanks for water/fuel 692411 24 tons $ 1100 15% 7310.10.00 Tanks for water/fuel 692411 25-50 tons $ 2300 15% 7310.10.00 Tanks for Gas Storage 4200 Ltr 692411 Per Pcs $1,375 15% 7310.10.00 Haamaha Birta ah 692411 Per Pcs $1.00 15% 7310.10.20 Drums 200 Ltrs-New 692411 Per pcs $ 2.00 15% 7310.10.20 Drums 100 Ltrs-New 692411 “ “ $ 1.00 15% 7310.10.20 Used drums 200 ltrs 692411 “ “ $ 0.80 15% 7310.10.21 New jerricans 20 ltrs 692415 “ “ $ 0.60 15% 7311.00.00 Gas cylinders empty 692430 “ “ $ 1.50 15% 7313.10.00 Barbared fencing wire 693211 Per KG $ 0.40 15% 7314.20.00 Cross section wire for fencing 693513 “ “ $ 0.50 15% 7314.20.00 Iron net for windows (xpin) 693514 Per sheet $ 2.00 15% 7314.30.00 Iron net for windows ( mosquito) 693514 Per Mtrs $ 0.15 15% 7315.11.00 Ordinary chains 748310 Per Mtrs $ 0.30 15% 7315.11.00 Key Chains 748310 Per Doz $0.50 15% 7315.12.00 Steel watch belt 748310 Per Doz $ 0.60 15% 7317.00.20 Nails for all kinds 694101 Per Kg $ 0.50 15% 7318.11.00 Screw nails 694211 “ “ $ 1.00 15% 7318.15.00 Bolts and nuts 694215 “ “ $ 2.00 15% 7318.21.00 Washers 694221 “ “ $ 1.00 15% 7318.15.00 Tower bolts 694215 “ “ $ 2.40 15% 7318.15.00 Barrel Bolts 694215 “ “ $ 2.4 15% 7318.23.00 Rivets 694223 “ “ $ 1.00 15% 7319.10.00 Needles for carpets 699319 Per Gross $ 2.20 15% 7319.10.00 Needles sack ( maxaadh) 699319 “ “ $ 0.50 15% 7319.90.00 Needles sack knitting ( funaanad) 699311 Per Doz $ 0.96 15% 7319.90.00 Ordinary hand needles 699311 Per Gross $ 0.10 15% 7319.10.00 Needles sewing machine 699311 “ “ $ 0.30 15% 7319.30.00 Pins ( biin) 699329 Per Gross $ 0.80 15% 7319.90.00 Fishing hooks 699319 Per Doz $ 1.00 15% 7319.90.00 Iron buckets 5 ltrs 697419 “ “ $ 2.00 15% 7340.99.30 Iron buckets 10 ltrs 697419 “ “ $ 2.60 15% 7340.90.30 Iron buckets 20 ltrs 697419 “ “ $ 3.20 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % Kerosine Stoves & Gas Cookers 7321.11.00 Stoves kerosene pressurized large 697311 Per Pcs $ 5.70 15% 7321.11.00 Stoves kerosene pressurized Medium 697311 “ “ $ 4.60 15% 7321.11.00 Stoves kerosene with wicks large 697311 “ “ $ 4.60 15% 7321.11.00 Stoves kerosene with wicks medium 697311 “ “ $ 4.00 15% 7321.11.00 Stoves kerosene with wicks small 697311 “ “ $ 3.00 15% 7321.11.00 Gas cookers 697311 “ “ $ 25 15% 7321.11.00 Butane Gas Domestic Cooker with Oven (1 Burner 697311 Per Pcs $ 25.00 30% Stand) 7321.11.00 Gas Domestic Cooker with Oer 2 697311 Per Pcs $ 30.00 30% Burner 7321.11.00 Butane Gas Domestic Coker With Over 3Burner 697311 Per Pcs $ 35.00 30% (Stand) 7321.11.00 Butane Gas Domestic Coker With Over 4Burner 697311 Per Pcs $39 30% (Stand) 7321.11.00 Butane Gas Domestic Coker With Over 5Burner 697311 Per Pcs $44 30% (Stand) 7321.11.00 Butane Gas Domestic Coker With Over 6Burner 697311 Per Pcs $48 30% (Stand) 7321.11.00 Butane Gas Domestic Coker With Over 7Burner 697311 Per Pcs $56 30% (Stand) 7321.11.00 Butane Gas Domestic Coker With Over 8Burner 697311 Per Pcs $64 30% (Stand) 7323.99 Pestle ( Mooye Bir ah) 697419 Per Doz $ 6.00 20% 7323.99 Daawa Bir ah 697419 Per Doz $ 1.80 20% 7323.99 Gir-gire Bir ah (Dab-madhxiye) 697419 Per Pcs $5.00 20% 7323.99 Jiingada Roodhida 697419 Per Pcs $0.75 20% 7323.99 Alqaban 697419 Per Doz $ 1.20 20% 7323.94 Ironing charcoal ( kaawiiyad dhuxul) 697313 Per Pc $ 1.00 20% 7323.94 Tea trays of iron in large size 697414 Per Doz $ 6.00 20% 7323.94 Tea trays of iron in medium size 697414 “ “ $ 4.00 20% 7323.94 Tea trays of iron in small size 697414 “ “ $ 2.50 20% 7323.94 Chafing Dish 697414 Per Set $59 20% 7323.94 Ash trays of ferrous large 697414 Per Doz $ 2.00 20% 7323.94 Ash trays of ferrous small 697414 “ “ $ 1.00 20%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ %

Articles of iron steel 15% 7326.90.10 Mouse and rat trap large 699691 Per Doz $ 6.80 15% 7326.90.10 Mouse and rat traps small 699691 “ “ $ 5.70 15% 7326.90.10 Mouse and rat traps boxes large 699691 “ “ $ 9.10 15% 7326.90.10 Mouse and rat traps boxes small 699691 “ “ $ 6.80 15% 7326.90.90 Wild animal traps large 699691 “ “ $ 17.00 15% 7326.90.90 Wild animal traps small 699691 “ “ $ 12.00 15% 7326.90.90 Can opener 699699 “ “ $ 2.40 15% 7326.90.90 Bottle opener 699699 “ “ $ 2.20 15% 7326.90.90 Opener with accessories ( swiss knife) 699699 “ “ $ 6.00 15% 7303.10.00 Drill Pipe 1 Feet Diamiter 6911120 Per Pc $ 4.00 15% 7307.11.00 Fittings of elbows and sleeves 697520 Per Doz $ 3.00 15% 7307.11.00 Structures of bridges and bridge 691110 Per Section $ 1700 15% sections 7308.10.00 Towers and lattice masts 691120 Per Set $ 2000 15% 7308.20.00 Equipment for scaffolding 691140 Per Set $ 5.00 15% 7315.11.00 Skid chains ( Baytal) 699210 Per Doz $ 2.00 25% 7323.92 Basin of Iron 697412 Per Pc $ 0.30 20% 7323.93 Sinks of Steel Washing Basin 697511 Per pc $ 7.00 20% 7323.93 Sink of Stainless Steel Baths 697511 Per Pc $ 20.00 20% 7323.93 Stainles Steel Utensils 697412 Per Kg $ 1.20 20% 7323.93 Set of complete kitchen stainless 697412 Set $250 20% 7322.11.00 Fencing Posts, Telephone or Electric 812111 Per pc $ 2.50 15%

Chapter 74 Copper 7408.10.00 Tubes and pipes ½ 682721 Per Pcs $ 1.50 15% 7412.10.00 Fitting of pipes and tubes of cupper 682721 Per Doz $4.00 15% 7414.10.00 Hooks of cupper ( fishing) 682721 “ “ $1.00 15% 7417.10.00 Stoves kerosene pressurized large 679341 Per Pcs $5.70 15% 7117.10.00 Stoves kerosene pressurized small 679341 “ “ $4.70 15% 7417.10.00 Stoves kerosene with wicks large 679341 “ “ $4.60 15% 7117.10.00 Stoves kerosene with wicks medium 679341 “ “ $4.00 15% 7417.10.00 Stoves kerosene with wicks small 679341 “ “ $3.00 15% 7417.10.00 Gas cookers 679341 “ “ $25.00 30%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 7418.10.00 All Kind of utensils from cupper like, Pots 697421 Per Kg $1.80 20% ETC 7419.99 Other Articles of Copper 699739 Per Kg $ 1.80 20%

Chapter 75 Nickel and Articles thereof 7502.10.00 Nickel, not alloyed 7502.10. Per Kg 7502.20.00 Nickel, alloys 7502.20. “ “ 7503.00.00 Nickel waste and scrap 7503.00. “ “

Chapter 76 Aluminum Material 7615.11 Almunium compsite panel for building 697439 Per M3 $ 2.5 20% (1220MM*2240MM*3MM) 7615.11 Other almunium compsite panel 697439 Per M3 $ 5.00 20% 7615.11 Aluminium Ware any Kind 697439 Per Kg $ 1.20 20% 7610.10 Other Aluminium Articles 684270 Per Kg $ 0.30 20% 7617.10 Foil Paper 684241 Per Roll $ 0.02 20% 7617.10 Alluminium Stairs Long 684241 Per Pcs $7.00 20% 7617.10 Alluminium Stairs Meduim 684241 Per Pcs $5.00 20% 7617.10 Alluminuim Folding Stairs 684241 Per Pcs $3.00 20% 7617.10 Alluminuim Stairs with wheels for 684241 Per Pcs $200.0 20% Aircrafts 0 7617.10 Aluminium Rivets 684241 Per KG $0.22 20% 7617.10 Aluminium Flat Sheet Red 684241 Per KG $0.25 20%

Chapter 77 Will be reserve

Chapter 78 Lead and articles there of 7801.10.00 Refined lead 7801.10. Tons $20.00 15% 7802.00.00 Lead waste and scrap 7802.00. tons $10.00 15% 7805.00.00 Lead tubes pipes ½ inch 7805.00. mtrs $0.50 15% 7805.00.00 Lead tubes pipes 1 inch 7805.00. Mtrs $1.00 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 7805.00.00 Lead tubes pipe 1.5 inch 7805.00. Mtrs $1.50 15% 7805.10.00 Tub or pipe fittings 7805.10. Doz $4.00 15%

Chapter 79

zinc and articles there of 7905.10.00 Zinc Sheets 28 gg 7905.10. Per pcs $2.60 15% 7905.10.00 Zinc Sheets 30 gg 7905.10. Per pcs $2.40 15% 7905.10.00 Zinc Sheets 32 gg 7905.10. Per pcs $2.20 15% 7905.10.00 Zinc Sheets 34 gg 7905.10. Per pcs $2.00 15%

Chapter 80

Tin and articles there of 8001.10.00 Tin , not alloyed 8001.10. Per Ton $20.00 15% 8001.20.00 Tin alloys 8001.20. Per Ton $40.00 15% 8002.00.00 Tin waste and scrap 8002.00. Per Ton $50.00 15%

Chapter 81 Other base metals, cermets; articles there of 8101.1.00 Tungsten powder 8101.10. Per Ton $30.00 15% 8101.91.0 Unwrought tungsten 8101.91. Per Ton $20.00 15% 8105.0.00 Waste and scrap 8105.00. Per Ton $40.00 15% 8113.0.00 Bismuth waste and scrap 8113.00. Per Ton $40.00 15% 8113.0.00 Cermets waste and scrap 8113.00. Per Ton $50.00 15%

Chapter 82 Tools Tools , implements, cutlery, spoons and forks, or base metal there of , of base metal 8201.40 Machete ( Banga ) 695140 Per Doz $ 20.00 15%

8203.20 Long Nose Pilers 695232 “ “ $3.00 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8205.40 Allan Keys 695440 “ “ $4.00 15% 8205.30 Carpentry Chisels 695430 “ “ $5.00 15% 8205.51 Glass Cutter 695451 “ “ $3.50 15% 8205.59 Masonry Level. L. Shape 695461 “ “ $3.00 15% 8205.59 Electric Masonry Level. L. Shape 695461 “ “ $8.00 30% 8205.59 Chalk Line Reel 695461 “ “ $3.50 15% 8205.59 Aluminium Cutter 695461 Per Pcs $17.85 15% 8203.30 Bolt Cutter 695233 Per Doz $6.00 15% 8214.90 Clipper 695690 “ “ $2.50 15% 8214.90 Compass For School 696590 “ “ $7.00 15% 8214.90 Office Stapler 696590 “ “ $3.00 15% 8214.90 Two Hole Punch Small 696590 “ “ $2.50 15% 8214.90 Three Hole Punch Large 696590 “ “ $5.00 15% 8214.90 Paper Cutter ( Manual) 696590 “ “ $6.00 15% 8203.10 Trowel ( Malqacadda Wastaadka) 695220 “ “ $3.60 15% 8207.70 Vice ( Masalabada) 695470 “ “ $9.60 15% 8207.70 Grinding Wheels of Iron 695648 Per Pc $1.50 15% 8205.30 Plane bocks ( Smoother) Faarad 695430 Per Doz $20.00 15% 8207.20 Plumber Dieset (2 2/2-4”) 695642 Per Set $20.00 15% 8210.00 Wheel Barrow ( Keeryoone) 695490 Per Pc $10.00 15% 8210.00 Wheel Barrow ( Daawe Keeryoone) 695490 Per Pc $0.35 15% 8214.90 Nail Cutter Large 696590 Per Doz $2.00 15% 8214.90 Nail Cutter Medium 696590 “ “ $1.80 15% 8214.90 Nail Cutter Small 696590 “ “ $0.50 15% 8214.90 Shaving Sticks 696590 “ “ $4.00 15% 8203.10 Nail Files 696590 “ “ $1.20 15% 8201.10.00 Large spades 659110 Per doz $13.00 15% 8201.10.00 Small spades 695110 “ “ $9.00 15% 8201.10.00 Large shovels 695110 “ “ $14.00 15% 8201.10.00 Small shovels 695120 “ “ $8.00 15% 8201.20.00 Large forks 695120 “ “ $14.00 15% 8201.30.00 Small forks 695120 “ “ $10.00 15% 8201.30.00 Tile Cutter 695120 “ Pcs $5.00 15% 8201.30.00 Mottocks 695130 Per doz $13.00 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8201.30.00 Large picks 695130 “ “ $14.00 15% 8201.30.00 Small picks 695130 “ “ $9.00 15% 8201.30.00 Large hoes 695130 “ “ $14.00 15% 8201.30.00 Small hoes 695130 “ “ $9.00 15% 8201.30.00 Large rakes 695130 “ “ $14.00 15% 8201.30.00 Small rakes 695130 “ “ $10.00 15% 8201.40.00 Large axes 695140 “ “ $14.00 15% 8201.40.00 Small axes 695140 “ “ $8.00 15% 8201.40.00 Bill hooks (Faash Qalooca) 695140 “ “ $8.00 15% 8201.40.00 Hooks 695140 “ “ $3.60 15% 8201.40.00 Hewing tools 695140 “ “ $9.00 15% 8201.40.00 Large secateurs 695140 “ “ $6.00 15% 8201.40.00 Small secateurs 695140 “ “ $4.00 15% 8201.40.00 One handed pruners 695140 “ “ $8.00 15% 8201.40.00 Poultry shears 695140 “ “ $9.00 15% 8201.60.00 Hedge shears 695140 “ “ $10.00 15% 8201.60.00 Two handed pruning shears 695140 “ “ $25.00 15% 8201.60.00 Hand tools used in agriculture 695140 “ “ $15.00 15% 8201.60.00 Hand tools used in horticulture 695140 “ “ $15.00 15% 8208.40 Hay Knives Large (Majo) 695614 Per Doz $ 4.00 15% 8208.40 Hay Knives Small (Majo) 695614 Per Doz $ 3.00 15% 8201.60.00 Hand tools used in forestry 695191 “ “ $15.00 15% 8201.90.00 Blanks and unfinished hand tools without 695199 “ “ $15.00 15% handles 8201.90.00 Hack Saw blade 695199 “ “ $2.00 15% 8201.90.00 Iron Saw (Miinshaar Xadiid) 695199 “ “ $3.80 15% 8201.90.00 Daabka Miinshaar Xadiida 695199 “ “ $5.00 15% 8201.90.00 Electric Saw ( For Wood) 695199 Per Pc $10.00 15% 8201.90.00 Electric Saw ( For Iron) 695199 “ “ $20.00 15% 8202.10.00 Hand saw large 695211 Per doz $3.80 15% 8201.10.00 Hand saw medium 695211 “ “ $3.00 15% 8201.10.00 Hand saw small 695219 “ “ $2.50 15% 8201.10.00 Saw blades 695211 “ “ $1.80 15% 8201.10.00 Butchers saw 695211 “ “ $8.00 15% 8203.10.00 Files with large brush 695220 “ “ $10.00 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8203.10.00 Files with small brush 695220 “ “ $8.00 15% 8203.10.00 Files set of 4 pcs 695220 Per set $3.00 15% 8203.10.00 Nails files 695232 “ Doz $1.20 15% 8203.20.00 Pliers 695232 “ “ $3.00 15% 8203.20.00 Pincers 695233 “ “ $3.00 15% 8203.20.00 Tweezers 695233 “ “ $3.00 15% 8203.30.00 Pipe-cutter large 695234 “ “ $5.00 15% 8203.30.00 Pipe cutter medium 695311 “ “ $3.00 15% 8203.40.00 Perforating punches 695311 “ “ $3.00 15% 8204.11.00 Flat Spanners 695311 Per Doz $3.50 15% 8204.11.00 Box Spanners 695311 “ “ $5.00 15% 8204.11.00 Ring Spanners 695311 “ “ $6.00 15% 8204.11.00 Plug Spanners 695311 “ “ $4.00 15% 8204.11.00 One Side Wheel Spanners 695311 “ “ $7.00 15% 8204.11.00 Four Side Wheel Spanners 695311 “ “ $10.00 15% 8204.11 Electric Wheel Spanner 695311 Per Pcs $ 5.00 15% 8204.11 Screw Spanner 695311 Per Doz $ 6.00 15% 8204.11.00 Hand operated large spanners 695311 “ “ $5.00 15% 8204.11.00 Hand operated medium spanners 695311 “ “ $2.00 15% 8204.11.00 Wrenches 695311 “ “ $6.00 15% 8204.11.00 Chain Pipe Wrench (Baanada Qasabada) 695311 “ “ $8.50 15% 8204.11.00 Spirit Level 695311 “ “ $3.00 15% 8204.11.00 Socket-wrench ½ drive 695311 Per set $10.00 15% 8204.11.00 Socket-wrench ¼ drive 695311 “ “ $8.00 15% 8204.12.00 Adjustable spanners 695312 Per doz $3.50 15% 8204.12.00 Interchangeable spanner sockets 695320 “ “ $4.00 15% 8205.10.00 Hand drilling tools 695410 Per set $10.00 15% 8205.10.00 Electric Drilling 695410 Per Pc $10.00 15% 8205.10.00 Drill head bits 695410 Per Set $5.00 15% 8205.10.00 Tapping tools 695410 Per doz $3.00 15% 8205.20.00 Large hammers 695420 “ “ $10.00 15% 8205.20.00 Medium hammers 695420 “ “ $8.00 15% 8205.20.00 Small hammers 695420 “ “ $6.00 15% 8205.20.00 Sledge hammers 695420 “ “ $16.00 15% 8205.30.00 Plane bocks 695430 “ “ $20.00 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8205.30.00 Chisels head set 695430 Per set $3.00 15% 8205.30.00 Marking Gauges 695430 Per doz $2.00 15% 8205.40.00 Screwdrivers 695440 “ “ $3.00 15% 8205.80.00 Anvils 695470 “ “ $9.60 15% 8205.80.00 Portable forges 695420 “ “ $8.00 15% 8207.20.00 Dies for extruding metal 695642 Per set $20.00 15% 8207.60.00 Tools for boring 695647 Per doz $15.00 15% 8207.60.00 Hand Rivet Gun 695647 Per doz $3.60 15% 8207.70.00 Coffee mills 695647 Per pcs $8.00 15% 8207.70.00 Meat mincer 695647 “ “ $3.00 15% 8207.70.00 Egg beater 695613 “ “ $6.00 15% 8207.70.00 Juice extractors 695649 “ “ $6.00 15% 8207.70.00 Halwa Cutter (Magafka Xalwada) 695649 Per Doz $2.00 15% 8208.30 Knives Large 695613 Per Doz $5.00 15% 8208.30 Knives Medium 695613 Per Doz $4.00 15% 8208.30 Knives Small 695613 Per Doz $ 2.40 15% 8208.30 Nicer Dicer for Cutting vegetable/fruits 695613 Per Pc $4.30 15% 8208.30.00 Knives for kitchen 696895 Per Doz $2.40 15% 8211.91.00 Forks 696895 “ “ $1.50 15% 8211.95.00 Handles of base metals 696895 “ “ $2.00 15% 8212.10.10 Disposable razors ( One Time Use) 696311 “ “ $0.60 15% 8212.10.90 Other razors. 696311 100 pcs $0.40 15% 8212.20.00 Razor blade blanks in strips 696380 “ “ $0.40 15% 8213.00.00 Pocket scissors ( Small) 696400 Per Doz $0.50 15% 8213.00.00 Scissors small folding type 696400 “ “ $1.50 15% 8213.00.00 Iron sheet scissors 696400 “ “ $15.00 15% 8213.00 Scissors For Cutting Tree ( Shear) 696400 “ “ $15.00 15% 8213.00 Scissors for container sealing 696400 “ “ $17.50 15% 8213.00.00 Tailors scissors Large 696400 Per doz $8.00 15% 8213.00.00 Tailors medium 696400 “ “ $7.00 15% 8213.00.00 Tailors small 696400 “ “ $6.00 15% 8213.00.00 Barber scissors Large 696400 “ “ $4.00 15% 8213.00.00 Barber scissors medium 696400 “ “ $3.00 15% 8213.00.00 Barber scissors small 696400 “ “ $2.00 15% 8213.00.00 Barber Spray hand Pump 696400 “ “ $1.00 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8214.00.00 Paper knives 696510 “ “ $3.00 15% 8214.10.00 Letter openers 696510 “ “ $2.00 15% 8214.10.00 Erasing knives 696510 “ “ $3.00 15% 8214.10.00 Pencil sharpeners 696510 “ “ $0.50 15% 8214.20.00 Manicure 696550 “ “ $3.00 15% 8214.20.00 Pedicure 696550 “ “ $3.00 15% 8215.10.00 Cake servers 696610 “ “ $2.00 15% 8215.10.00 Fish knives 696630 “ “ $2.00 15% 8215.10.00 Butter knives 696630 “ “ $2.00 15% 8215.10.00 Sugar tongs 696630 “ “ $2.00 15% 8215.10 Table Spoon Large 696610 Per Doz $2.00 15% 8215.10 Table Spoon Medium 696610 “ “ $1.80 15% 8215.10 Table Spoon Small 696610 “ “ $1.50 15% 8215.10 Tea Spoons (Plastic) 696610 “ “ $1.70 15% 8215.10 Plastic Spoons 696610 “ “ $1.00 15% 8215.10 Table Spoon (Plastic) 696610 “ “ $2.40 15% 8215.10 Tea Spoon Stainless Steel 696610 “ “ $0.96 15% Chapter 83 Miscellaneous Articals Base of Metal Locks 8301.20.00 Pad locks large 699112 Per Doz $5.00 15% 8301.20.00 Pad locks medium size 699112 “ “ $3.00 15% 8301.20.00 Pad locks small size 699112 “ “ $1.00 15% 8301.2 0. Locks for door cars 699112 “ “ $2.00 15% 8301.2 0.0 Electric Door Lock 699112 Per Pc $5.00 15% 8301.00 Electric Inner Lock encoder program 699120 Per Pc $300 15% 8301.00 Inner Locks 8 Rounds 699120 Per Doz $12.00 15% 8301.10.00 Inner locks for doors 6 round 699111 “ “ $10.00 15% 8301.10.00 Inner locks for doors 4 round 699111 “ “ $7.00 15% 8301.10.00 Inner locks for doors 3 round 699111 “ “ $6.00 15% 8301.10.00 Inner locks for doors 2 round 699111 “ “ $5.00 15% 8301.10.00 Inner locks with handles superior 699111 “ “ $25.00 15%

8301.10.00 Inner looks with bush ordinary 699111 “ “ $15.00 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8301.10.00 Inner locks for furniture 699115 “ “ $2.00 15% 8301.50.00 Clasps and frame with locks car/home 699117 “ “ $2.40 15% 8301.70.00 Keys presented separated 699131 Per gross $1.40 15% 8302.10.00 Door hinges 699131 Per doz $4.00 15% 8302.10.00 Windows hinges Large 699131 “ “ $1.80 15% 8302.10.00 Hinges for furniture 699131 “ “ $1.80 15% 8302.10 Door Handraps Large 699131 Per Doz $3.00 15% 8302.10 Door Handraps Small 699131 Per Doz $2.50 15% 8302.10 Door Handle without inner 699131 Per Doz $10.0 15% 8302.10 Knobs 699131 Per Doz $0.10 15% 8302.10 Hinges for Windows Small 699131 Per Doz $0.90 15% 8302.10.00 Automatic door Closer 699196 “ “ $7.00 15% 8303.00.00 Safes each KG 699120 Per KG $0.20 20% 8303.00.00 Cash boxes 699120 Per pcs $15.00 20% 8303.00.00 Deed box 699120 “ “ $10.00 20% 8303.00.00 Wall saves 895110 “ “ $40.00 20% 8304.00.00 Filling cabinets 4 doors 895110 “ “ $30.00 20% 8304.00.00 Filling cabinets 3 doors 895110 “ “ $25.00 20% 8304.00.00 Filling cabinets 2 doors 821310 “ “ $20.00 20% 8304.00.00 Filling cabinets 1 doors 895110 “ “ $15.00 20% 8303.00 Iron cupboards 895110 “ “ $35.00 20% 8304.00.00 Card index cabinets 895110 “ “ $35.00 20% 8304.00.00 Paper rests 895110 Per crtns $4.00 20% 8304.00.00 Paper trays 895110 “ “ $4.00 20% 8304.00.00 Pen trays 895121 “ “ $6.00 20% 8304.00.00 Office stamp Stands 895121 Per doz $4.00 20% 8304.50.00 Leaf binders or file 895129 “ “ $4.00 20% 8304.50.00 Letter clips 895129 boxes $2.00 20% 8304.50.00 Letter corners claps 895122 “ “ $4.00 20% 8304.50.00 Paper clips and Pins 697822 “ “ $4.00 20% 8304.50.00 Indexing tags 697822 “ “ $6.00 20% 8305.20.00 Staples strips 699339 Boxes/ctn $4.00 20% 8306.10.00 Metel Frames For pictures 697822 Per pcs $2.00 20% 8303.10.90 Metel frames for mirror 697822 “ “ $2.00 20% 8306.10 School bells Large 699520 Per Pc $0.50 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8306.10 Bicycle Bells Large 699520 “ “ $1.00 15% 8306.10 Bicycle Bells Medium 699520 “ “ $0.80 15% 8306.10 Animal Bell 699520 “ “ $0.80 15% 8310.10.00 Beads of spangles of base metal 699339 “ “ $0.14 20% 8300.10.00 Plate No. For Vehicles 699541 “ “ $0.50 20% 8311.10.00 Welding rods 699555 Per Kgs $0.20 15% 8311.10.00 Soldering brazing 699555 Per Kgs $0.20 15% 8314.10.00 Any transmission belts with metal 699559 Per Pc $4.00 15%

Chapter 84


Heaters 8401.30.00 Element ( cartridges) 718770 Per pc $1600 40% 8401.12.00 Water tube boilers with a steam production 718770 Per Pc $1500 40% not exceeding 45t/hrs 8401.10.00 Super heated water boiler 718770 Per Pc $25.00 40% 8401.10.00 Economiser 742110 Per Unit $20.00 40% 8401.10.00 Gas recovered 742110 Per Unit $20.00 40% 8403.10.00 Marine propulsion engines 742300 Per Pc $30.00 20% 8403.10 Water Heater Domestic use (Bath) 742719 Per Pc $20.00 40% 8403.10 Water Heater Domestic use 2-5 Ltrs 742719 Per Pc $2.00 40% 8403.10 Water Heater Domestic use 6-10 Ltrs 742719 Per Pc $3.00 40% 8403.10 Mini Twisted Bars Domestic Heater 742719 Per Pc $1.50 40% Pumps and

Compressors 8403.10 Water Heater Domestic use 10-30Ltrs 742719 Per Pc $10.00 40% 8413.11.00 Used Fuel station pump single outlet 743130 Per Pc $200 20% 8413.11.00 Used Fuel station pump double outlet 743130 Per Pc $250 20% 8413.11 Fuel Station Pump sinlge out let new 742110 Per unit $ 300 20% 8413.11 Fuel Station Pump Double Out Let New 742110 Per Unit $ 350 20% 8403.11.00 Hand pump for drum large 742300 Per pc $17.00 20% 8403.40.00 Concrete pumps 742300 Per pc $140 20% 8413.60.00 Auto grease pump (grease gun). 742719 Per Pc $4.00 15% 8413.60.00 Air pump for hand bump for foot truck 743130 “ “ $6.00 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8413.70.00 Pumps apparatus for road motor vichles 743130 “ “ $12.00 15% 8413.70.00 Air Pumb for Balls 743130 “ “ $0.50 15% 8413.70.00 Air Pumb for Biycles 743130 “ “ $1.00 15% 8413.70.00 Spray Gun for Paints “ “ $2.50 15% 8413.81.90 Air Compressors With Engines 750Kgs 742719 Per Unit $1,900 10% 8413.81.90 Air Compressors With Engines 600Kgs 742719 Per Unit $1,628 10% 8413.81.90 Air Compressors With Engines 500Kgs 742719 Per Unit $1,357 10% 8413.81.90 Air Compressors With Engines 450 Kgs 742719 Per Unit $1,221 10% 8413.81.90 Air Compressors With Engines 300 Kgs 742719 Per Unit $1,100 10% 8413.81.90 Air Compressors With Engines 250 Kgs 742719 Per Unit $950 10% 8413.81.90 Air Compressors With Engines 200 Kgs 742719 Per Unit $900 10% 8413.81.90 Air Compressors With Engines 150Kgs 742719 “ “ $800 10% 8413.81.90 Air Compressors With Engines 100 Kgs 742719 “ “ $650 10% 8413.81.90 Air Compressors With Engines 30 Kgs 742719 Per Unit $195 10% 8413.81.90 Electric Air Compressors 1000 Kgs 742719 Per Unit $2,300 10% 8413.81.90 Electric Air Compressors 900 Kgs 742719 “ “ $2000 10% 8413.81.90 Electric Air Compressors 700 Kgs 742719 “ “ $1,700 10% 8413.81.90 Electric Air Compressors 500 Kgs 742719 “ “ $1400 10% 8413.81.90 Electric Air Compressors 200 Kgs 742719 “ “ $700 10% 8413.81.90 Electric Air Compressors 150 Kgs 742719 “ “ $600 10% 8413.81.90 Electric Air Compressors 100 Kgs 742719 “ “ $450 10% 8413.81.90 Electric Air Compressors 50 Kgs 742719 “ “ $250 10% 8413.81.90 Air Compressor portable car 742719 “ “ $18.00 10% 8414.20.20 Bicycles pumps 743130 “ “ $2.00 15% 8414.30 Compressor For Refrigerators ( 1/6 743150 “ “ $ 17.00 40% type) 8414.30 Compressor for Refrigerators (1/5 type) 743150 “ “ $ 16.00 40% 8414.30 Compressor for Refrigerators ( ¼ Type) 743150 “ “ $ 15.00 40% 8414.40.00 Air compressors mounted on a wheeled 743170 “ “ $9.00 15% chassis for towing 8414.40.00 Air pump by car plug 743170 “ “ $10.00 15% 8414.40.00 Air pump operating by car Cigarettes 743410 “ “ $10.00 15% letter

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ %

Electric Fans 8414.51 Desk Fans 743410 Per Pc $ 6.00 30% 8414.51 Desk Fans with Light 743410 Per Pc $7.00 30% 8414.51 Ceiling Fan with LED light 743410 “ “ $8.00 30% 8414.51 Floor Fans Ordinary 743410 “ “ $7.50 30% 8414.51 Floor Fans with radio & Light 743410 “ “ $9.00 30% 8414.51 Ceiling Fans Small 743410 “ “ $6.00 30% 8414.51 Ceiling Fan Large 743410 “ “ $7.00 30% 8414.51 Wall Fan 743410 “ “ $5.50 30% 8414.51 Ventilation Fan 743410 “ “ $3.00 30% 8413.81.90 Hydraulic Ram Water Powered Pumps ( 742719 Per Unit $2.800 10% Lebaajo) 8413.81.90 Leebaajo Heavy Truck 742719 Per Unit $5800 10% 8413.81.90 Portable Electric Car Wash 742719 Per Pc $250 30% 8413.81.90 Mini Electric Car Wash 742719 Per Pc $100 30% 8413.81.90 Electric Tyre Changing Machine 742719 Per Pc $150 30%

Water Pumps 8413.70.00 Water pump china shimge 45gm/18-20 742600 Per Pc $153 10% 8413.70.00 Water pump china shimge 45gm/25-30 742600 “ “ $191 10% 8413.70.00 Water pump centrifugal 30 cum/hrs 742600 Per Pc $2870 10% 8413.70.00 Water pump centrifugal 20 cum/hrs 742600 “ “ $2,450 10% 8413.70.00 Water pump submergible 16cum/hrs 742600 “ “ $1,155 10% 8413.70.00 Water pump submergible 17 cum/hrs 742600 “ “ $1,820 10% dep 38m 8413.70.00 Water pump submergible 18cum/hrs dep 80m 742600 “ “ $2,240 10% 8413.70.00 Water pump submergible 27cum/hrs/30m 742600 “ “ $3,150 10% 8413.70.00 Water pump line shaft 10cum/hrs dep 180 742600 “ “ $14700 10% 8413.70.00 Water pump line 10cum/hrs dep 60m 742600 “ “ $7840 10% 8413.70.00 Water pump line shaft 5 cum/hrs dep 60 m 742600 “ “ $7000 10% 8413.70.00 Automatic Controller Water Pump 742600 “ “ $75 10% 8413.70.00 Surface Water Hp 1-2 742600 “ “ $70.00 10% 8413.70.00 Surface Water Pump HP 2.5-4 742600 “ “ $100 10% 8413.70.00 Afrid V Hand Pump Water 742600 “ “ $45.00 10% Mini dynamo for water $30.00 8413.70.00 742600 “ “ 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8413.70.00 Daynabo For Water Large 742600 “ “ $70 10% 8413.70.00 Daynabo for Machines(1-50kw) 742600 “ “ $60.00 10% " " " Daynabo for Machines(51-200kw) “ “ “ “ $300 25% " " " Daynabo for Machines above 200 kw “ “ “ “ $400 25% 8413.70.00 High pressure machine (booster) 742600 “ “ $580 10%

Air Conditions 8415.10.00 Door/wall air condition one ton 742600 “ “ $110 40% 8415.10.00 “ “ “ one & half tone 742600 “ “ $120 40% 8415.10.00 “ “ “ two tone 742600 “ “ $130 40% 8415.10.00 “ “ “ two & half 742600 “ “ $150 40% 8415.10.00 Door/wall air condition 3 ton -5 ton 742600 “ “ $482 40% 8415.10.00 Small A.C Portable 742600 “ “ $60 40% 8415.10.00 Air purifier Large 742600 “ “ $10 40% 8415.10.00 Air purifier Medium 742600 “ “ $7.00 40% 8415.10.00 Air purifier Small 742600 “ “ $5.00 40% 8415.20.00 Air condition for motor vehicles 742600 “ “ $40.00 40% 8415.20.00 Central air condition with accessories 742600 “ “ $3000 40% 8415.20.00 Electric Air Cooler Using Water Large 742600 “ “ $55.00 40% 8415.20.00 Electric Air Cooler Using Water Meduim 742600 “ “ $50.00 40% 8415.20.00 Electric Air Cooler Using Water Small 742600 “ “ $45.00 40%

Electric Cookers & Ovens 8416.20 Electric oven without cooker 741210 “ “ $17.5 30% 8416.20 Electric Domestic cooker with oven 1 741210 “ “ $35.00 30% burners 8416.20 Electric Domestic cooker with oven 2 741210 “ “ $40.00 30% burners 8416.20 Electric Domestic cooker with oven 3 741210 “ “ $45.00 30% burners 8416.20 Mini Electric Cookers (Small) 697311 “ “ $7.00 30% 8416.20 Microwave 697311 “ “ $35 30% 8417.10.00 Industrial ovens for disposal 741360 “ “ $4400 30% 8417.20.00 Laboratory ovens for disposal 741370 “ “ $400 30% 8417.20.00 Bakery ovens 741370 “ “ $1800 30% 8417.20.00 Biscuit/confictionery ovens 775211 Per Pc $2200 30%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8417.20.00 Bread moulder machine ( roodhi dube) 775211 Per Pc $1200 10% 8417.20.00 Tar ( Butumen) Boiler Plant 775211 Per Pc $1200 10% Refrigerators/Freezers 8418.10.00 Electric Water Dispenser ( Refrigerator) 775211 “ “ $15.00 40% 8418.10.00 Refrigerator of 1-99 ltrs 775211 “ “ $15.00 40% 8418.10.00 Refrigerator of 100-200 ltrs 775211 “ “ $20.00 40% 8418.10.00 “ “ 201-400 ltrs 775212 “ “ $35.00 40% 8418.10.00 “ “ 401-500 ltrs 775211 “ “ $70.00 40% 8418.10.00 “ “ 501-1000 ltrs 775212 “ “ $75.00 40% 8418.10.00 “ “ 1001-1500 ltrs 775219 “ “ $90.00 40% 8418.10.00 “ “ 1501-2000 ltrs 775219 “ “ $120 40% 8418.20.00 “ “ 2001-2500 ltrs 775219 “ “ $140 40% 8418.20.00 Ice Cream Machines 775219 “ “ $400 40% 8414.20.00 Cold Storage Room 743130 “ “ $585 40% 8414.20.00 Container Freezer 743130 “ “ $418 40% 8418.20.00 Compressive Cooling With Refrigerator(Hot & 775219 “ “ $70.00 40% Cold) 8418.61.00 Compression type unit whose condensers are 741452 “ “ $25.00 40% Heat exchange 8419.11.00 Electric water Cooling machines 100-200lts 741452 “ “ $20.00 40% 8419.11.00 Electric water Cooling machines 201-400lts 741452 “ “ $25.00 40% 8419.11.00 Electric water Cooling machines 401-above 741452 “ “ $30.00 40% 8419.20.00 Medical surgical or labotary sterillisers 741830 Per Set $10.00 10% 8419.40.00 Distilling or rectifying plant 741730 Per UNT $3500 10% 8420.10.00 Calendaring & rolling machines 745910 “ “ $1200 10% 8421.11.00 Cream separators 743510 “ “ $1100 10% 8421.12.00 Dust Collection System Plant 743510 “ “ $9,556 10% 8421.12.00 Machines cleaning & drying 743550 “ “ $1300 10% “ filtering & purifying 743610 “ “ $2800 10% 8421.22.00 For filtering or purifying beverages 743620 “ “ $1650 10% machines 8422.20 Machines for cleaning or drying 745230 “ “ $700 10% bottles/cans 8422.30 Machines filling bottle/cans 745271 “ “ $1650 10% 8422.30 “ closing “ “ 745271 “ “ $500 10% 8422.30 Machines sealing bottle/cans 745271 “ “ $500 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8422.30 Machines labeling bottle/cans 745271 “ “ $500 10% 8422.30 Machines capsulling , bottle, jars,tubes 745271 “ “ $500 10% 8422.30 Machines wraping/packing 745271 “ “ $500 10% 8422.30 Fermentation Machine 745271 “ “ $3500 10% 8422.90 Dish Washing machines for house hold 745291 $50.00 20% type 8422.30 Bearing machine 745271 “ “ $50 10% 8422.30 Napkin machine 745271 “ “ $6000 10% 8422.30 Tissue paper cutting machine 745271 “ “ $2000 10%

Scales & Balances 8423.10.00 Gold smith electric balance 745320 Per Pc $10.00 20% 8423.10.00 Hanging balance 745320 “ “ $4.00 20% 8423.10.00 Grocery ( counter) 1-5 KG 745320 “ “ $8.00 20% 8423.10.00 Grocery (Counter) 5-10 KG 745320 “ “ $15.00 20% 8423.10.00 Grocery (Counter) 11-50 KG 745320 “ “ $25.00 20% 8423.10.00 Infant Scales On The Table 745320 “ “ $10.00 20% 8423.10 Infant Scale Electronic 745320 Per pc $15.00 20% 8423.10 Personel Weigh Weghing Machine 745320 Per Pc $6.00 20% 8423.10.00 Infant Hanging Spring 745320 “ “ $5.00 20% 8423.10.00 Standing Scales 1-100 Kg 745230 “ “ $115 20% 8423.10.00 “ “ 200 KG 745313 “ “ $225 20% 8423.10.00 “ “ 300 KG 745313 “ “ $335 20% 8423.10.00 “ “ 400 KG 745313 “ “ $450 20% 8423.10.00 “ “ 500KG 745313 “ “ $560 20% 8423.10.00 “ “ 600KG 745313 “ “ $670 20% 8423.30.00 “ “ 800KG 745313 “ “ $895 20% 8423.30.00 “ “ 1000KG 745313 “ “ $1120 20% 8423.30.00 Digital Scale 745313 “ “ $6.00 20% 8423.30.00 Ground level scales Upto 100 Tons 745313 “ “ $12,000 20% 8424.10 Fire extinguishers charged 745610 Percyliner $2.00 15% 8424.10 Fire extinguishers un charged 745610 Percyliner $1.00 15% 8424.10 Spray Fire extinguishers small in litres 745610 Percyliner $0.3 15% 8424.20 Spray guns & similar appliance 745620 Per pc $2.50 15% 8424.30 Steam or blasting machines 745630 “ “ $3.00 15%

8424.81 Agricultural or horticultural pumbs 745640 “ “ $2.50 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8424.81 Agriculture Spray Pump (Manual) 745640 “ “ $46.00 15% Jacks & Pulley Tackles 8425.39 Jacks for light cars 744259 “ “ $2.00 15% 8425.39 Jacks for medium cars/lorries 744259 “ “ $3.60 15% 8425.39 Jacks for heavy trucks 744259 “ “ $5.00 15% 8425.39 Electric Car Lifter for Jack 744259 “ “ $300 15% 8425.39 Chain Block “Kamilon” for Garage 1 ton 744259 “ “ $6.00 15% 8425.39 Chain Block “Kamilon” for Garage 2 ton 744259 “ “ $12.00 15% 8425.39 Chain Block “Kamilon” for Garage 5 ton 744259 “ “ $20.00 15% 8425.39 Electric Jacks for Car 744259 “ “ $10.0 15% 8425.11 Jacks for garage and building use 744410 “ “ $7.50 15% 8425.39 Pulley tackles 744259 “ “ $13.30 15% 8423.20 Belt conveyors 745310 “ “ $12.50 15% 8426.20 Motorized cranes for garage 744340 “ “ $15.00 15% 8427.20 Non motorized lifter for garage 744340 “ “ $15.00 15% Lifters/Cranes & Buldozers ‘etc’ 8427.90 Mobil fork lifter of 3 tons new 744810 Per Unit $6000 15% 8427.90 Mobil fork lifter of 4 tons new 744810 “ “ $6,800 15% 8427.90 Mobil fork lifter of 5 tons new 744810 “ “ $7500 15% 8427.90 Mobil fork lifter of 6 tons new 744810 “ “ $10,200 15% 8427.90 Mobil fork lifter of 7 tons new 744810 “ “ $8,500 15% 8427.90 Mobil fork lifter of 8 tons new 744810 “ “ $13,600 15% 8427.90 “ “ “ “ 10 tons 744810 “ “ $9500 15% 8427.90 “ “ “ “ 20 tons 744810 “ “ $15000 15% 8427.90 “ “ “ “ 25 tons 744810 “ “ $16,500 15% 8427.90 “ “ “ “ 40 tons 744810 “ “ $21,000 15% 8427.90 “ “ “ “ 50 tons 744810 “ “ $23000 15% 8426.12 Mobil cranes 5 tons 744320 Per Unit $7000 15% 8426.12 “ “ 10 tons 744320 “ “ $10,000 15% 8426.12 “ “ 20 tons 744320 “ “ $15000 15% 8426.12 “ “ 30 tons 744320 “ “ $18000 15% 8426.12 “ “ 50 tons 744320 “ “ $25000 15%

8426.12 “ “ 75 tons 744320 “ “ $35000 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8426.12 “ “ 100 tons 744320 “ “ $45000 15% 8428.20 Elevator. Of 230 Kg Capacity 744710 Per Unit $6,700 15% 8428.20 Elevator. Of 446 Kg Capacity 744710 Per Unit $10,050 15% 8428.20 Elevator. Of 580 Kg Capacity 744710 Per Unit $11,050 15% 8428.20 Elevator. Of 600 Kg Capacity 744710 Per Unit $12,250 15% 8428.20 Elevator. Of 1,000 Kg Capacity 744710 Per Unit $13,400 15% 8428.20 Elevator. Of 2000 Kg Capacity 744710 Per Unit $14,350 15% 8429.40 Escalators & Moving Walkwats 744710 “ “ $4,500 15% 8429.40 Excavator 3tons 723330 Per Unit $6000 15% 8429.40 “ 6tons 723330 “ “ $7500 15% 8429.40 “ 8tons 723330 “ “ $8500 15% 8429.40 “ 10tons 723330 “ “ $9,500 15% 8429.40 “ 16tons 723330 “ “ $12,142 15% 8429.40 “ 18tons 723330 “ “ $19,125 15% 8429.40 “ 24tons 723330 “ “ $25,500 15% 8429.40 “ 32tons 723330 “ “ $34,000 15% 8429.20 Levelling & grading machines/ Grader 723120 “ “ $10000 15% 8429.40 Tamping & road roller machines1ton 723120 “ “ $2,738 15% 8429.40 Road Rollars 2 Ton 723120 “ “ $5,478 15% 8429.40 Road Rollars 3Ton 723120 “ “ $8,219 15% 8429.40 Road Rollars 5Ton 723120 “ “ $13,695 15% 8429.40 Road Rollars 10Ton 723120 “ “ $27,390 15% 8429.40 Road Rollars 20Ton 723120 “ “ $30,000 15% 8429.40 Road Rollars 40Ton 723120 “ “ $35,000 15% 8429.40 Road Rollars 50Ton 723120 “ “ $40,000 15% 8429.20 Bulldozers D9 723119 “ “ $18000 15% 8429.40 “ D8 723119 “ “ $17000 15% 8429.20 “ D7 723119 “ “ $16,500 15% 8429.20 “ D6 723119 “ “ $16000 15% 8429.40 “ D4 723119 “ “ $15000 15% 8429.40 “ D3 723119 “ “ $11250 15% 8432.21 Shovels or front loaders Large 723210 “ “ $10,000 15% 8432.21 Shovels or front loaders Medium 723210 “ “ $9,000 15% 8432.21 Shovels or front loaders Small 723210 “ “ $8,000 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8432.21 JCB Shovels 723210 “ “ $7,500 15% 8432.21 Harrows 721139 “ “ $1800 7% 8432.21 Cultivator 721119 “ “ $1600 7% 8431.21 Seed distributor 721121 “ “ $1400 7% 8432.30 Fertilizer distributor 721124 “ “ $1400 7% 8431.42 Buldozer and Angledozer Blades 721124 “ “ $1000 15% 8432.10 Plough Plates 721124 “ Pcs $30.00 7% 8432.10 Ploughs 721124 “ Unit $500 7% 8429.40.00 Sport ground roller 72330 Per Unit $1,400 15% 8433.30.00 Hay Making Machines 721233 “ “ $1,500 7% 8433.40.00 Harvesting machines 721234 “ “ $3,500 7% 8433.40.00 Straw binding machines 721234 “ “ $1,500 7% 8433.30.00 Grass cutting machines 721233 “ “ $1,500 7% 8433.30.00 Grass Grinding Machine 721233 “ “ $500 7% 8433.60.00 Seed or gain cleaning machine 721260 “ “ $1,500 7%

Various Machines 8433.60.00 Mobile Coating Machine (Liquid) 721260 “ “ $100 10% 8433.60.00 Eggs grading machines 721260 “ “ $1,500 10% 8433.10.00 Vegetable grading machines 721310 “ “ $1,500 10% 8434.10.00 Milking machines 721910 “ “ $1,200 10% 8434.20.00 Dairy machinery 721910 “ “ $1,200 10% 8435.10.00 Fruits crashing machines 721910 “ “ $1,200 10% 8436.91.00 Poultry keeping machines 721991 “ “ $1,200 10% 8436.29.00 Bee keeping machine 721951 “ “ $1,200 10% 8437.80.00 Germination seeds Machine 727110 “ “ $1,200 7% 8436.91.00 Poultry incubator machine large size 721991 “ “ $2,000 10% 8436.91.00 Poultry incubator machine medium size 721991 “ “ $1,500 10% 8436.91.00 Poultry incubator machine small size 721991 “ “ $1,000 10% 8436.99.00 Grain milling machines 721999 “ “ $1,200 10% 8438.10.00 Bakery machines 727221 “ “ $7,500 10% 8438.20.00 Chocolate Machinery 727222 “ “ $6,000 10% 8438.10.00 Macaroni machinery 727221 “ “ $6,000 10% 8438.10.00 Spaghetti machinery 727221 “ “ $6,000 10% 8438.30.00 Machinery for mini sugar manufacture 727223 “ “ $3,500 10% 8438.40.00 Brewery machinery 727224 “ “ $6,000 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8438.50.10 Meat poultry preparation machinery 727225 “ “ $4,000 10% 8438.50.00 Bone Saw (Meat mincer) Machine 727225 “ “ $858 10% 8438.50.00 Fish Processing Machine 727225 “ “ $4,000 10% 8439.10.00 Fruit Mincing & Slicing machinery 727226 “ “ $1,200 10% 8439.20.00 Machinery for making Paper or Paper 725121 “ “ $7,000 10% Board 8440.10.00 Machinery for finishing paper & paper 725123 “ “ $6,000 10% board 8440.10.00 Paper Cup Machine 725123 “ “ $2,200 10% 8440.10.00 Book binding machinery 726810 “ “ $500 10% 8440.10.00 Manual Book Binding Machine 726810 “ “ $25.00 10% 8440.10.00 “ sewing “ 726810 “ “ $500 10% 8440.10.00 Finger Printing Machine 726810 “ “ $70.00 30% 8440.10.00 Plastic Bottling Machine 726810 “ “ $2500 10% 8440.10.00 Hinges Drill Machine 726810 “ “ $390 10% 8441.10.10 Paper, paper board cutting machinery for 725211 “ “ $500 10% printer 8441.20.00 Paper Shredder Machine 728339 “ “ 5.00 10% 8441.20.00 Machines for making bags, sacks, or 725230 “ “ $1,200 10% envelops 8442.30.00 Machines for making cartons, boxes, 725250 “ “ $4,000 10% cases tubes Photocopy & Printing Machines 8442.10.00 Photo typesetting & composing machines 726311 “ “ $2,000 10% 8442.10.00 Photo Copy Machine Heavy Duty 726311 “ “ $3,500 25% 8442.10.00 Photo Copy Machine Large 726311 “ “ $650 25% 8442.10.00 Photo Copy Machine Meduim 726311 “ “ $300 25% 8442.10.00 Photo Copy Machine Small 726311 “ “ $150 25% 8442.10.00 Photo Printer Machine With Stander Large 726311 “ “ $2,600 25% 8442.10.00 Photo Printer Machine With Stander Small 726311 “ “ $1,250 25% 8442.50.00 Billboard printer machine 3.2M 726350 “ “ $5,000 10% 8442.50.00 Billboard printer machine 2.2M 726350 “ “ $4,000 10% 8442.50.00 Billboard printer machine 1.2M 726350 “ “ $3,000 10% 8442.50.00 Printing machines Block 726350 “ “ $2,500 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8443.10.00 Printing machines plates 726350 “ “ $ 2.50 10% 8443.10.00 Printing machines cylinders 726350 “ “ $ 50 10% 8443.10.00 Printing machines lithographic stones 726350 “ “ $ 25.00 10% 8443.10.00 Other printing machines 726350 “ “ $ 200 10% 8443.10.00 Electric Mug Heater Press 726350 “ “ $65 30% 8443.10.00 Electric Heater Press ( Clothes) 726350 “ “ $30 30% 8445.20 Textile spinning machines 724431 Per Unit $12,000 10% 8445.40 Textile reeling machines 724434 “ “ $3,000 10% 8446.10 Weaving machines 724540 “ “ $1,200 10% 8445.30 Textile twisting machines 724433 “ “ $10,000 10% 84451.40 Bleaching and dyeing machines 724744 “ “ $1,100 10% 8447.11 Knitting machines 724521 “ “ $3000 10% 8447.90 Embroided Machines 724530 “ “ $1200 10% 8451.10 Dry cleaning machines 724720 “ “ $1500 10% 845.30 Ironing machines 724741 “ “ $300 10% 8450.11 House hold washing machine Large 775111 “ “ $70.00 10% 8450.11 House hold washing machine Small 775111 “ “ $50.00 10% 8450.11 Laundry washing machine ( auto) 775111 “ “ $1,500 10% 8450.11 Gear Box Washing Machine 775111 “ “ $2.00 10% 8450.11 Pressure Washing machine 775111 “ “ $580 10% 8451.11 Sewing machine ( manual) large 72330 “ “ $100 10% 8452.10 Sewing machine ( Manual) Medium 724330 “ “ $80.00 10% 8452.10 Sewing Mchine ( Manual ) Small 724330 “ “ $60.00 10% 8452.21 Sewing Machine ( Electric) 724351 “ “ $50.00 10% 845229 Sewing machine for leather & canvas 724359 “ “ $90.00 10% 845229 Dynamo for Sewing Machine 724359 “ “ $10.00 10% 8453.10 Machinery for tang hides & skins 724810 “ “ $1500 10% 8453.20 Machinery for making or repairing foot wear 724830 “ “ $180 10% 8460.19 Grinding machines 731620 “ “ $600 10% 8460.19 Dough Mixer (Cajiin Walaaq) 731640 “ “ $429 10% 8460.19 Metal sharpening machines 731640 “ “ $400 10% 8461.50 Metal cutting machines 731770 “ “ $420 10% 8461.50 Electric Files Machine 731770 “ “ $500 10% 8461.50 Key Making Machine 731770 “ “ $200 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ %

Welding Machines 8468.80 Welding machines 160 Amp 737430 “ “ $105 10% 8468.80 Welding machines 200 Amp 737430 “ “ $130 10% 8468.80 Welding machines 250 Amp 737430 “ “ $150 10% 8468.80 Welding machines 300 Amp 737430 “ “ $190 10% 8468.80 Welding machines 400 Amp 737430 “ “ $200 10% 8468.80 Welding machines 500 Amp 737430 “ “ $250 10% 8468.80 Welding machines 600 Amp 737430 “ “ $300 10% 8468.80 Welding machines 650 Amp 737430 “ “ $325 10% 8468.80 Welding machines 700 Amp 737430 “ “ $350 10% 8468.80 Gaas welding and cutting set 737430 “ “ $50.00 10% 8468.80 Soldering & brazing gas operated set 737430 “ “ $50.00 10% 8468.80 Electrical welding booster 160-315amp 737430 “ “ $52.5 10% 8468.80 Electrical welding booster 400-630amp 737430 “ “ $105 10% 8468.80 Perforating machine 733130 “ “ $2.40 10% 8462.29 Machine tools for shearing machines 733130 “ “ $1000 10% 8462.39 Portable Hammer Drill Gasoline Machine Large 733130 “ “ $1,500 10% 8462.39 Portable Hammer Drill Gasoline Machine 733130 “ “ $1,000 10% Medium 8462.39 Portable Hammer Drill Gasoline Machine Small 733130 “ “ $500 10% 8462.39 Machine for punching or notching 733130 “ “ $400 10% machines 8462.10 Machine-tools for drew benches for bars, 733130 “ “ $70.00 10% tubes profiles, wire or the like 8469.20 Heavy duty Plasma Cutting Machine 798112 “ “ $14,950 10% 8469.20 Diameter Threaded Steel Machine 798112 “ “ $1,786 10% 8469.20 Frame Torno 798112 “ “ $1,000 10% 8469.20 Cut of wheel ( Torno) 798112 “ “ $5.0 10% 8469.20 Drill torno 798112 “ “ $7.5 10% 8469.20 Complete torno 798112 “ “ $7500 10% 8469.20 Briquette Machine 798112 “ “ $300 10% 8469.20 Dust Cleaning Polish Machine for Shoes 798112 “ “ $300 10% 8469.20 Polishing machines 798112 “ “ $300 10% 8469.20 Long carriage electric type writers 751151 “ “ $150 25% 8469.20 Short carriage electric type writer 751151 Per unit $100 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8469.20 Manual Long carriage type writer 751151 “ “ $80.00 25% 8469.20 Manual short carriage type writer 751181 “ “ $60.00 25% 8469.20 Manual small portable type writer 751181 “ “ $40.00 25% Calculating machines and pocket-size data recording, reproducing and displaying machines with calculating functions. 8470.10 Electronic calculating machine 751210 Per doz $3.00 25% 8470.10 Electronic calculating pocket- size 751210 “ “ $2.00 25% 8470.10 Calculating Machines electrical office use 751210 “ “ $15.00 25% 8470.29 Manual accounting machine 75122 Per pc $6.00 25% 8470.10.00 Electronic desk-top 10 digit/roll 751210 Per doz $5.00 25% 8470.10.00 Electronic desk-top 10-12 digit/roll 751210 “ “ $6.00 25% 8470.10.00 Electronic scientific calculators 751210 Per Doz $10.00 25% 8470.10.00 Other calculating machines 751221 Per pc $6.00 25% 8470.10.00 Counter Digital (Tusbax) 751221 Per Doz $3.00 25%

8470.10.00 Electrical accounting machines Large 751221 Per pc $250 25% 8470.10.00 Electronic accounting machines Medium 751221 “ “ $120 25% 8470.40.00 Postage franking machines 751230 “ “ $60.00 10% 8470.40.00 Ticket-issuing machine 751240 “ “ $60.00 10% 8470.50.00 Cash register Machine 751240 “ “ $60.00 10% 8470.50.00 Statistical machines 751240 “ “ $50.00 10% 8470.50.00 Sorting and tabulation machines 751280 “ “ $40.00 10% 8472.10.00 Electric stencil duplicating machines 751910 “ “ $120 25% 8472.10.00 Manual stencil duplicating machines 751990 “ “ $80.00 25% 8472.10.00 Punching machines 751990 “ “ $20.00 10% 8472.90.00 Pencil sharpener machines 751990 Per Doz $3.00 10% 8472.90.00 Perforating or Stapling machine 751990 Per Pcs $2.40 10%

Other Machines 8472.90.00 Fog Machine 751990 “ Unit $85.00 10% 8472.90.00 Tile Making Machine 751990 “ Unit $2500 10% 8472.90.00 Tile Cutting Machine 751990 “ Pcs $3.00 10% 8474.80 Block making machine electric 728339 “ “ $1450 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8474.80 Block making machine manual 728339 “ “ $850 10% 8474.20.00 Salt Crushing Machine 728320 “ “ $858 10% 8474.20.00 Stone crushing machines -large 728320 “ “ $5000 10% 8474.20.00 Stone crushing machines small 728320 “ “ $3000 10% 8474.31 Concrete mixing machine manual 728331 Per unit $1000 10% 8474.31 Concrete mixing machine electric small 728331 “ “ $1600 10% 8474.31 Concrete mixing machine electric large 728331 “ “ $1950 10% 8474.31 Concrete mixing machine electric Medium 728331 “ “ $1,775 10% 8474.31 Complete Concrete Plant 728331 “ “ $5,715 10% 8474.31 Bitumen Mixing Machine 728331 “ “ $2500 10% 8474.31 Vibrate Concrate Machine 728331 “ “ $90.00 10% 8475.21.00 Glass working machines 728412 Per pc $500 10% 8476.21 Automatic vending machines 728412 “ “ $500 10% 8478.10 Machinery for preparing or making tobacco 728430 Per Unit $50,000 10% 8457.30 Carpentry machine large 731230 “ “ $2,500 10% 8457.30 Carpentry machine medium 731230 “ “ $2,250 10% 8457.30 Lamination Machine 731230 “ “ $100 10% 8457.30 Impulse Sealer 731230 “ “ $20.00 10% 8457.30 Milk Making Machine 731230 “ “ $2500 10% 8457.30 Plastering Machine 731230 “ “ $2800 10% 8457.30 Edge Bending Machine 731230 “ “ $5980 10% 8457.30 Spindle Moulder Machine 731230 “ “ $3250 10% 8457.30 Portable Carpentry Machine 731230 “ “ $2500 10% 8457.30 Wood Decoration Machine 731230 “ “ $750 10% 8457.30 Hydraulic Carpentry Machine 731230 “ “ $500 10% 8457.30 Fitting Circular Machine 731230 “ “ $2500 10% Computer & Accessories 8471.30 New Surfer Large 752100 Per Unit $7,500 25% 8471.30 New Surfer Medium 752100 Per Unit $5,000 25% 8471.30 New Surfer Small 752100 Per Unit $2,500 25% 8471.30 Computer set, (C.P.U, Monitor, printer, 752100 Per Set $ 130 25% Keyboard & Mouse) 8471.30 Computer set, (C.P.U, Monitor, Keyboard & 752100 Per Set $112 25% Mouse) 8471.30 C.P.U (System Unit) 752100 Per Pc $50 25% 8471.30 Speaker Phone 752100 “ “ $2.00 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8471.30 Small Speaker with Memory 752100 Per Set $2.50 25% 8471.30 Medium Speaker with Flash and Memory 752100 “ “ $6.00 25% 8471.30 Large Speaker with Flash and Memory 752100 “ “ $8.00 25% 8471.30 Data Projector 752100 Per Pc $35 25% 8471.30 Rutter 752100 “ “ $5.00 25% 8471.30 Network Switch box 752100 “ “ $100 25% 8471.30 Network Switch 752100 “ “ $5.00 25% 8471.30 Network Face Plate 752100 “ “ $10.00 25% 8471.30 Network Cable 752100 Per Roll $25.00 25% 8471.30 USB Cable 752100 Per Doz 1.50 25% 8471.30 D-Link Network 752100 Per Pc $8.00 25% 8471.30 OPC Drum 752100 Per Pc $3.00 25% 8471.30 Drum Unit 752100 “ “ $12.00 25% 8471.30 Tablet 752100 “ “ $35 25% 8471.30 Computer Floppy Disk 752100 “ “ $0.10 25% 8471.30 Computer CD ROM 752100 “ “ $18.00 25% 8471.30 Computer Flash Disk 752100 Per Doz $0.5 25% 8471.30 Flash Disks (2GB) 752100 Per Doz $1.00 25% 8471.30 Flash Disks (4GB) 752100 Per Doz $1.50 25% 8471.30 Flash Disks (8GB) 752100 Per Doz $2.00 25% 8471.30 Flash Disks (16GB) 752100 Per Doz $2.50 25% 8471.30 Flash Disks (32GB) 752100 Per Doz $4.00 25% 8471.30 Flash Disks (64GB) 752100 Per Doz $7.00 25% 8471.30 Flash Disks above (64GB) 752100 Per Doz $20.00 25% 8471.30 Computer Portable (Lab Top) 752100 Per Pc $100 25% 8471.30 Used Computer Portable (Lab Top) 752100 “ “ $60 25% 8472.90 Money notes counting machine 751990 “ “ $400 25% 8472.90 Machine checking money/notes 751990 “ “ $600 25% 8472.90 UPS 525-850watt 751990 Per Pcs $20.00 25% 8472.90 UPS 851-1,500 watt 751990 Per Pcs $35 25% 8472.90 UPS 10,000VA 751990 Per Pcs $404 25% 8472.90 UPS 20,000VA 751990 Per Pcs $808 25% 8472.90 UPS 24,000-30,000VA 751990 Per Pcs $1,413 25% 8472.90 UPS 32,000-40,000VA 751990 Per Pcs $1,880 25% 8472.90 UPS 50,000-100,000VA 751990 Per Pcs $3,727 25% 8472.90 Computer Card Internal 751990 Per Pcs $30.00 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8472.90 Computer Card External 751990 Per Pcs $140 25% 8472.90 Hard Disk External 751990 Per Pcs $25 25% 8472.90 Hard Disk Internal 751990 Per Pcs $20.00 25% 8472.90 CD Disk 751990 Per 100 $2.50 25% 8472.90 Ram 751990 Per Pcs $10.00 25% 8472.90 C.D Rom 751990 Per Pcs $7.00 25% 8472.90 D.V.D Rom 751990 Per Pcs $24.00 25% 8472.90 CD Holder 751990 Per Pcs $4.00 25% 8472.90 D.V.D & C.D Rewriter 751990 Per Pcs $8.00 25% 8472.90 C.D & Cassettes 751990 Per 100 $15.00 25% 8472.90 D.V.D & Cassettes 751990 Per 100 $6.00 25% 8472.90 Hup for Internet 751990 Per Pcs $18.00 25% 8472.90 Monitor Flat 751990 Per Pcs $25.00 25% 8472.90 Monitor Other 751990 Per Pcs $20.00 25% 8472.90 Printer Disk Jet 751990 Per Pcs $18.00 25% 8472.90 Printer Laser Jet Colour 751990 Per Pcs $115 25% 8472.90 Printer Laser Jet B/White 751990 Per Pcs $80.00 25% 8472.90 Scanner 751990 Per Pcs $15.00 25% 8472.90 Mp3-4 751990 Per Pcs $15.00 25% 8472.90 MP4 Car studio 751990 Per Pcs $2.00 25% 8472.90 MP3 Car Studio 751990 Per Pcs $1.00 25% 8472.90 MP3 Car Studio with Bluetooth 751990 Per Pcs $4.00 25% 8472.90 MP5 751990 Per Pcs $8.00 25% 8472.90 Power Supply 751990 Per Pcs $5.00 25% 8472.90 VGA 751990 Per Pcs $3.00 25% 8472.90 Memory Card below 2GB 751990 Per Doz $1.00 25% 8472.90 Memory Card 2GB- 4GB 751990 “ “ $2.00 25% 8472.90 Memory Card 8GB- 16GB 751990 “ “ $3.00 25% 8472.90 Memory Card 32GB- 64GB 751990 “ “ $5.00 25% 8472.90 Memory Card above 64GB 751990 “ “ $7.00 25% 8472.90 Memory Carrier 751990 Per Doz $0.50 25% 8472.90 Mother Card 751990 Per Pcs $15.00 25% 8472.90 Card Reader 751990 Per Pcs $0.500 25% 8472.90 Quran Pen Reader 751990 Per Doz $5.00 25%

8472.90 Sound Card 751990 Per Pcs $4.00 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8471.30 Network Card 752100 “ “ $3.00 25% 8472.90 Anti-Virus 751990 Per Pcs $3.00 25% 8472.90 Dust Cleaner For Machine 751990 Per Unit $2.00 25% 8472.90 Mouse 751990 Per Pcs $1.00 25% 8472.90 Key Board 751990 Per Pcs $2.50 25% 8472.90 Fax, Printer, Scan (All in One) 751990 Per Pcs $80.00 25% 8472.90 Hp Scan Jet 751990 Per Pcs $40.00 25% 8472.90 Modem 751990 Per Pcs $7.00 25% 8472.90 Wifi Router 4G 751990 Per Pcs $5.00 25% 8472.90 Computer Power Cable 751990 Per 100Pc $10.00 25% 8472.90 Laptop Adopter 751990 Per Pc $4.00 25% 8472.90 Computer Case with Keyboard, Mouse, and 751990 Per Set $11.00 25% Speaker 8472.90 Processor 751990 Per Pc $12.00 25% 8472.90 RJ 45 Connector 751990 Per 100Pc $3.00 25% 8472.90 Computer Data Cable 751990 Per 100Pc $9.00 25% 8472.90 Laptop Stand 751990 Per Pc $0.50 25% 8472.90 Bar Code Reader 751990 Per Pc $3.00 25% 8472.90 Docking Station 751990 Per Pc $15.00 25% 8472.90 Computer Toolkit 751990 Per Pc $3.00 25% 8472.90 Automatic teller machine (ATM) 751990 Per Pc $6500 25%

Chapter 85

Elecrticity 8501.10.00 Electric generator 1 KVA 716190 Per Units $54.00 10% 8501.10.00 “ “ 1.5 “ 716190 “ “ $81.00 10% 8501.10.00 “ “ 2 “ 716190 “ “ $108.00 10% 8501.10.00 “ “ 3.5 “ 716190 “ “ $189.00 10% 8501.10.00 “ “ 5 “ 716190 “ “ $270 10% 8510.10.00 “ “ 7.5 “ 716190 “ “ $405.00 10% 8501.10.00 “ “ 10.5 “ 716190 “ “ $567.00 10% 8501.10.00 “ “ 12.5 “ 716190 “ “ $675.00 10% 8501.10.00 “ “ 15 “ 716190 “ “ $810.00 10% 8501.10.00 “ “ 20 “ 716190 “ “ $1,080 10% 8510.10.00 “ “ 30 “ 716190 “ “ $1620 10% 8501.10.00 “ “ 40 “ 716190 “ “ $2160 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8501.10.00 “ “ 50 “ 716190 “ “ $2700 10% 8501.10.00 “ “ 60 “ 716190 “ “ $3240 10% 8501.10.00 “ “ 75 “ 716190 “ “ $4050 10% 8510.10.00 “ “ 100 “ 716190 “ “ $5400 10% 8501.10.00 “ “ 120 “ 716190 “ “ $6400 10% 8501.10.00 “ “ 130 “ 716190 “ “ $7020 10% 8501.10.00 “ “ 140 “ 716190 “ “ $7560 10% 8501.10.00 “ “ 150 “ 716190 “ “ $8100 10% 8510.10.00 “ “ 160 “ 716190 “ “ $8640 10% 8501.10.00 “ “ 170 “ 716190 “ “ $9180 10% 8501.10.00 “ “ 200 “ 716190 “ “ $10800 10% 8501.10.00 “ “ 200-250 “ 716190 “ “ $13500 10% 8510.10.00 “ “ 251-300 “ 716190 “ “ $16200 10% 8508.10.00 Electric tools 778410 Per kit $20 30%

Electric Appliances 8509.10.00 Electric Hoover 775711 Per unit $35 30% 8509.10.00 Dust Sucking Machine 726810 Per unit $455 10% 8509.10.00 Electric floor polisher 775711 Per unit $50 30% 8509.30.00 Kitchen waste disposers 775731 Per pcs $25 30% 8509.40.00 Electric mixer fruits & vegetable Extractor 775720 Per Pcs $6.00 30% 8509.40.00 Electric Hand Blender 775720 “ “ $3.00 30% 8509.40.00 Hand Mixer with Bowl 775720 “ “ $7.00 30% 8509.40.00 Electric Meat Mincer 775720 “ “ $6.00 30% 8509.40.00 Electric Milk Mixer 775720 “ “ $4.50 30% 8509.40 Electric juice cooler 2 chambers 775720 Per pc $40 30% 8509.40 Electric juice cooler 3 chambers 775720 Per pc $60 30% 8510.10.00 Electric shavers ac or dc 775419 Per Doz $6.00 30% 8510.10.00 Electric Liquid insect Killer 775419 Per pc $2.00 30% 8510.10.00 Insect Killer Tennis 775419 Per pc $1.50 30% 8510.10.00 Insect Killer lamp 775419 Per pc $3.00 30% 8510.10.00 Electric Inductors 775419 Per pc $3.00 30% 8510.10.00 Hair clippers 775419 Per Doz $4.00 30% 8510.10.00 Hair removers 775429 “ “ $7.00 30% 8510.10.00 Electric hair straighten brush large 775419 Per pc $7.00 30%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8510.10.00 Electric hair straighten brush Small 775419 Per pc $3.00 30% 8513.10.00 Iron Torches with 3 cells 813129 Per Doz $3.50 20% 8513.10.00 Iron Torches with 2 cells 813129 “ “ $2.00 20% 8513.10.00 Torches with 2 cells Plastic torches 813124 “ “ $2.00 20% 8513.10.00 Plastic Torches 3 Cells 83129 Per Doz. $3.00 20% 8513.10.00 Mini Torches ( Pocket) 813129 “ “ $1.00 20% 8513.10.00 Electric Rechargeable Torches 813129 “ “ $3.50 20% 8513.10.00 Solar portable (Lantern) 813129 “ “ $9.00 20% 8513.10.00 Solar battery (Lantern) 813129 “ “ $7.00 20% 8513.10.00 Solar Portable with USB Inverter 813129 Per Set $9.00 20% 8513.10.10 Electric Portable Lamps Large 813121 Per Doz $24 15% 8504.34 Dry cell portable lamps 813121 Per Doz $21 15% 8516.71.00 Electric Kittles Large 775871 Per Pcs. $4 30% 8516.71.00 Electric Kittles Small 775871 Per Pcs. $3 30% 8516.71.00 Electric Cooking Bags 775871 Per Doz $5.00 30% 8516.71.00 Electric Cooking Pot 775871 “ “ $5.00 30% 8516.21.00 Storage heating radiators 775821 Per Pcs. $90.00 30% 8516.31.00 Hair dryers Apparatus. 775831 “ “ $14.00 30% 8516.32.00 Hair dressing apparatus. 775831 “ “ $16.00 30% 8516.33.00 Hand dressing apparatus. 775833 “ “ $20.00 30% 8516.40.00 Electric smoothing iron ( kaawiyad) 775821 “ “ $2.00 30% 8516.60.00 Other ovens With Accessories 775869 “ “ $70.00 30% 8516.60.00 Microwave Oven (Kulayliso) 775869 $35.00 30% 8516.60.00 Dry Oven (Water) 775869 “ “ $71.00 30% 8516.60.00 Rechargeable Mobile Water Pump 775869 “ “ $4.00 30% 8516.71.00 Electric coffee & tea makers 775871 “ “ $500 30% 8516.71.00 Electric Small Coffee Maker 775871 “ “ $25.00 30% 8516.72.00 Electric toasters machine 775871 Per unit $50 30% 8516.72.00 Electric Kitchen toasters 775871 Per unit $400 30% 8516.72.00 Electric brush cutter for agriculture 775871 Per pcs $72 30% 8516.72.00 Electric power sprayer for agriculture 775871 Per pcs $64 30% 8516.80.00 Electric heating resistors 775880 “ “ $40.00 30% 8516.80.00 Electric Skin Care Dispenser 775880 “ “ $20.00 30% 8516.80.00 Aerosol Skin Care Dispenser Manual 775880 “ “ $10.00 30%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8516.80.00 Waste Basket with Paper Cutter 775880 “ “ $1.00 30% 8516.80.00 Electric Egg Boiler 775880 “ “ $5.00 30% 8516.80.00 Electric Crepe Maker 775880 “ “ $35.80 30% 8516.80.00 Electric Launch Box 775880 “ “ $30.00 30% 8516.80.00 Popcorn Maker 775880 “ “ $36.00 30% 8516.80.00 Shawarma Maker 775880 “ “ $70.00 30% 8516.80.00 Food Warmer Show Case 775880 “ “ $30.00 30% 8516.80.00 Waffle Maker 775880 “ “ $5.00 30% 8516.80.00 Electric Pan ( Maqli) 775880 “ “ $1.20 30% 8516.80.00 Electric Boiler 775880 “ “ $195 30% 8516.80.00 Electric Egg beater 695613 “ “ $6.00 30% 8516.80.00 Electric Burjiko 775880 “ “ $3 30% 8516.80.00 Electric wood cutter portable 775880 “ “ $150 30% 8516.80.00 Cake Maker Small 775880 “ “ $30 30% 8516.80.00 Cake Maker Medium 775880 “ “ $50 30% 8516.80.00 Saambuse Maker 775880 “ “ $50 30% 8516.80.00 Deep Fryer 3 Litter 775880 “ “ $10.00 30% 8516.80.00 Deep Fryer 6 Litter 775880 “ “ $20.00 30% 8516.80.00 Pizza Machine 775880 “ “ $300 30% 8516.80.00 Mini cement mixer 775880 “ “ $84 30% 8516.80.00 Hospital Electric Pot 775880 “ “ $35 10% 8516.80.00 Electric Coffee Grinder 775880 “ “ $3.00 30% 8516.80.00 Screening Bar for Security 775880 Per Pcs $3.50 30% 8516.80.00 Security Sticks 775880 Per Pcs $3.50 30% 8516.80.00 Mine lap gold monster large 7000 775880 Per Pcs $400 30% 8516.80.00 Mine lap gold monster medium 4500 775880 Per Pcs $250 30% 8516.80.00 Mine lap gold monster small 1000 775880 Per Pcs $200 30% 8516.80.00 Gold tester 775880 Per Pcs $100 30% 8516.80.00 Diamond tester 775880 Per Pcs $100 30% 8516.80.00 Gemstone tester 775880 Per Pcs $100 30%

Transformers 8504.34 Automatic voltage regulator 500 WATS 771197 Per pc $12.00 25% 8504.34 Automatic voltage regulator 200WATS 771197 Per pc $5.00 25% 8503.10.00 Transformers 1. KVA 813129 Per unit $40 15% 8504.21.00 Transformers 16 KVA 771191 Per unit $150 15% 8504.21.00 Transformers 50 KVA 771191 Per unit $350 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8504.21.00 Transformers 500 KVA 771193 Per unit $1250 15% 8504.21.00 Transformers 1000 KVA 771193 Per unit $2,500 15% 8504.21.00 Transformers 1500 KVA 771193 Per unit $3,750 15% 8504.21.00 Transformers 2000 KVA 771193 Per unit $5,000 15% 8504.21.00 Transformers 2500 KVA 771193 Per unit $6,500 15% 8504.21.00 Transformers 3000 KVA 771193 Per unit $7,500 15% 8504.21.00 Transformers 3500 KVA 771193 Per unit $8,750 15% 8504.22.00 Liquid di-electric transformers having 771197 Per unit $2500 15% Handling up to 650 KVA 8504.22.00 Liquid di-electric transformers having 771197 Per unit $3,080 15% Handling up to 700-1,000 KVA 8504.23.00 Liquid electric transformers having a power 771111 Per unit $20000 15% handling 10,000 KVA above 8504.40.00 Static converters a/c-d/c 771112 Per unit $50.00 25% 8504.50.00 Electric stabillisers/regulator 5000 wats 771210 “ “ $20.00 25% 8504.50.00 “ “ “ 1000 “ 771250 “ “ $7.00 25% 8504.50.00 “ “ “ 1500 “ 771250 “ “ $10 25% 8504.50.00 “ “ “ 500 “ 771250 “ “ $4.00 25%

Batteries 8506.10.00 Dry cell battery radio-torch large 771250 Per doz $0.60 20% 8506.10.00 “ “ “ “ “ medium 778117 “ “ $0.55 20% 8506.10.00 “ “ “ “ “ small 778117 “ “ $0.50 20% 8506.10.00 Mini Battery Size AA 778117 “ “ $0.15 20% 8506.10.00 Dry Cell Mini Battery AAA 778117 “ “ $0.12 20% 8506.10.00 Energizer dry batteries 778117 “ “ $1.2 20% 8506.10.00 Button battery for calculator, lighters, watch 778117 “ “ $0.29 20% 8506.10.00 Motor Cycles Batteries, 4-5amps 778117 “ “ $1.00 20% 8506.10.00 Motor Cycles Batteries, 6-7amps 778117 “ “ $3.00 20% 8506.10.00 Motor Cycles Batteries, 8-12amps 778117 “ “ $5.00 20% 8506.80.00 Car battery 40 Amps Euro/Japan 778117 Per pcs $13.00 25% 8506.80.00 “ “ 50 “ “ “ 778117 “ “ $17.00 25% 8506.80.00 “ “ 70 “ “ “ 778117 “ “ $25.00 25% 8506.80.00 “ “ 100 “ “ “ 778117 “ “ $30.00 25% 8506.80.00 “ “ 120 “ “ “ 778117 “ “ $37.00 25% 8506.80.00 “ “ 150 “ “ “ 778117 “ “ $45.00 25% 8506.80.00 “ “ 32 “ Korea/china 778117 $10.00 25% 8506.80.00 “ “ 40 “ Korea/china 778117 “ “ $11.00 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8506.80.00 “ “ 45 “ Korea/china 778117 $12 25% 8506.80.00 “ “ 50 “ Korea/china 778117 “ “ $13 25% 8506.80.00 “ “ 60 “ Korea/china 778117 $15 25% 8506.80.00 “ “ 70 “ Korea/china 778117 “ “ $18.00 25% 8506.80.00 “ “ 75 “ Korea/china 778117 $20 25% 8506.80.00 “ “ 100 “ Korea/china 778117 “ “ $24.00 25% 8506.80.00 “ “ 120 “ Korea/china 778117 “ “ $30.00 25% 8506.80.00 “ “ 150 “ Korea/china 778117 “ “ $33.00 25% 8506.80.00 “ “ 200 “ Korea/china 778117 $38.00 25% 8506.80.00 External batteries Packs 778117 “ “ $71.00 25% 8506.10.00 Computer battery laptop 8506.10. “ “ $5.00 25% 8506.10.00 Walk & mobile telephone battery 8506.10. “ “ $4.00 25%

Telecommunications 8529.10.00 Reciever, Atenna & Cards, Rint Cable( Per Set $6.30 10% Sports, Films & others) 8529.10.00 Telecommunication Towers. 764931 Per Pcs. $10,00 25% 0 8517.11.00 Line telephone sets with cordless hand set 764110 “ “ $4.00 25% 8517.19.00 HF.trans-receiver base phone 761119 “ “ $3500 25% 8517.19.00 VHF mobile 761119 “ “ $450 25% 8517.19.00 Mobile telephone. 761119 “ “ $12 25% 8517.19.00 Ipad Mobile Phone 761119 “ “ $50 25% 8517.19.00 Smart watch phone 761119 “ “ $8.00 25% 8517.11.00 Satellite Mobile Phone 764110 Per Pcs $200 25% 8517.11.00 Mobile Phone With Camera 764110 Per Pcs $45 25% 8517.11.00 Smart Phone Mobile all kind 764110 Per Pcs $10.00 25% 8517.11.00 Mobile Phone Complete Ordinary 764110 Per Pcs $ 4.00 25% 8517.11.00 Smart Mobile phone display 764110 Per Pcs $ 3.00 25% 8517.11.00 Ordinery Mobile Display 764110 Per Pcs $1.50 25% 8517.11.00 Screen Touch for Smart Mobile 764110 Per Pcs $1.50 25% 8517.11.00 Power bank under 3,000 mAh 764110 Per Pcs $ 2.00 25% 8517.11.00 Power bank 3,001- under 10,000 mAh 764110 Per Pcs $ 3.00 25% 8517.11.00 Power bank 20,000- 50,000 mAh 764110 Per Pcs $ 6.00 25% 8517.11.00 Power bank above 50,000mAh 764110 Per Pcs $ 8.00 25% 8517.11.00 Central Telephone Parallel 764110 Per Pcs $3.58 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8517.11.90 Mobile Phone Hard Cover 764910 Per Doz. $6 25% 8517.11.90 Mobile Phone Case Holder 764910 “ “ $3 25% 8517.11.90 Mobile Phone Battery 764910 “ “ $1.5 25% 8517.11.90 Mobile Phone Head Set 764910 “ “ $1.5 25% 8517.11.90 Bluetooth Head set 764130 “ “ $5 25% 8517.11.90 Mobile Phone AC Charger 764910 “ “ $1.6 25% 8517.11.90 Mobile Screen Protector 764910 “ “ $3 25% 8517.11.90 Mobile Ear Phone/Speaker 764910 “ “ $6 25% 8517.11.90 Mobile Phone DC Charger 764910 “ “ $3 25% 8517.11.90 Selfie Stick 764910 Per Pcs $1.50 25% 8517.11.90 Video Phone 764130 Per Unit $400 25% 8517.11.90 Tele Printer 764190 Per Unit $400 25% 8517.11.90 DSL Slam 764190 Per Unit $450 25% 8517.11.21 Facsimile Machine with Telephone. 764190 Per Unit $300 25% 8517.19.00 Walkie talkie radio 761119 “ “ $150 25% 8518.19.00 VHF base station 761119 “ “ $550 25% 8517.19.00 VHF handled 761119 “ “ $500 25% 8517.50.00 VHF Repeated Station 764180 Per Set $1900 25% 8517.50.00 Inner Sat Standard “C” Satellite 764180 Per Unit $8500 25% 8517.50.00 Sat Phone Inner STD M Portable 764180 “ “ $1,200 25% 8517.50.00 Public Sat Phone 764180 “ “ $12,00 25% 8517.50.00 Antenna For Public Sat Phone 764180 “ “ $10,000 25% 8517.50.00 Antenna Mask Kit Telescopic Small 764180 “ “ $3,600 25% 8517.50.00 Telephone Hand Set Executive 764180 “ “ $120 25% 8517.50.00 Coax Cable 7/8 Inch. 764180 Per Unit $75.45 25% 8517.50.00 Coax Cable 1 Inch. 764180 “ “ $45.55 25% 8517.50.00 BTS Spare 764180 “ “ $755.76 25% 8517.50.00 BTS units 764180 “ “ $1683.74 25% 8517.50.00 Telephone Jack Box 764180 “ “ $0.20 25% 8717.19.00 VH-F mobile radio package 761119 “ “ $4000 25% 8517.19.00 Telephone hand set-executive 761119 “ “ $120 25% 8517.19.00 Mobile phone inner std portable 761119 “ “ $1200 25% 8517.21.00 Telephone fax machine in jet 8517.21. “ “ $1100 25% 8517.25.00 Telephone fax machine laser jet 8517.25. “ “ $1800 25% 8517.30.00 Telephone fax machine ordinary 8517.30. “ “ $550 25% 8517.50.00 Telephone closure 10-50 pairs 764180 Per pcs $1.12 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8517.50.00 “ “ 70-200 pairs 764180 Per unit $1.69 25% Inventory List of

Telecom Material 8517.50.00 Mobile Station, 8similar,128 Channels 764180 Per Pcs $150 25% 8517.50.00 Mobile Power(Battery) 764180 “ “ $25.00 25% 8517.50.00 BSC „Base Station Control‟ 764180 “ “ $1500 25%

Network Subsystem 8517.50.00 Network Extreme 764180 “ “ $555 25% 8517.50.00 HLR 764180 “ “ $176 25% 8517.50.00 VLR „ Visitor Location Register‟ 764180 “ “ $17.88 25% 8517.50.00 MSC „ Mobile Services Switching Centre” 764180 “ “ $135 25% 8517.50.00 EIR „ Equipment Identify Register‟ 764180 “ “ $66.00 25% 8517.50.00 AuC „Authentication Centre‟ 764180 “ “ $135 25% 8517.50.00 PS48/00-2/25 „BTS‟ 764180 “ “ $298.12 25% 8517.50.00 AC/DC „ Distribution Um‟ 764180 “ “ $328.00 25% 8517.50.00 HD4825-3 „Rectifier‟ 764180 “ “ $60.00 25% 8517.50.00 PS48100-2A/25 „Cabinet‟ 764180 “ “ $500.00 25% 8517.50.00 PS48100-2C/25 „Cabinet‟ 764180 $350 25% 8517.50.00 COBA6002 „Antenna 60cm.8GHZ Comhat 764180 “ “ $1831.12 25% HEAQBOS5‟ 8517.50.00 COJA120Z „Antenna 120cm.7GHZ Comhat 764180 “ “ $2418.07 25% HEAO712‟ 8517.50.00 AMA002 „Antenna, Mount Fu 30/60cm 764180 “ “ $1878.95 25% Comhat‟ 8517.50.00 Satellite Antenna Dish 240 CM 764180 “ “ $262 25% 8517.50.00 Satellite Disk for Communication 764180 “ “ $150 25% 8517.50.00 Satellite Antenna-outdoor 6Review 764180 Per Pcs $52.00 25% 8517.50.00 Satellite Antenna GM-1518 11Reviews 764180 “ “ $175. 25% 8517.50.00 Satellite Antenna Converter 764180 “ “ $26.00 25% 8517.50.00 Satellite Antenna Outdoor 7Reviews 764180 “ “ $68.00 25% 8517.50.00 Weather Proofing “Nit” 764180 Per Pcs $5.50 25% 8517.50.00 Shelter Frame 764180 “ “ $3200 25% 8517.50.00 Heat Exchanger 764180 “ “ $350.00 25% 8517.50.00 Antenna Feeder System 764180 “ “ $5.00 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ %

BTS Dish “ “ 8517.50.00 0.8m 764180 “ “ $506800 25% 8517.50.00 3.4m 764180 “ “ $517300 25%

Towers “ “ 8517.50.00 Length:20-40m 764180 “ “ $4000 25% 8517.50.00 Base: 40-50m 764180 “ “ $8000 25%

Radio “ “ 8517.50.00 100FQSA 764180 “ “ $213.20 25% 8517.50.00 Alcatel 764180 “ “ $582.82 25% 8517.50.00 Hertz 4EI 764180 “ “ $400 25%

Solar System “ “ 8517.50.00 SC48200-Ams „Emerson‟ 764180 $198.99 25% 8517.50.00 DS45100-2/25 764180 “ “ $149 25%

Modem “ “ 8517.50.00 SDM-300 764180 “ “ $384 25% 8517.50.00 Comp-tech 764180 “ “ $330 25% 8517.50.00 Paradise 764180 “ “ $203 25%

Transceiver “ “ 8517.50.00 Anacom 764180 “ “ $2854.97 25% 8517.50.00 Achilles 764180 “ “ $2804.99 25% 8517.50.00 EF Data 764180 “ “ $2761.19 25% 8517.50.00 PUC 764180 “ “ $2409.0 25% 8517.50.00 Transceiver Expansion Module 764180 Per Pcs $580.00 25% 8517.50.00 Digital Card 764180 “ “ $432.00 25% 8517.50.00 EI Trunk Card 764180 “ “ $225.00 25% 8517.50.00 TI Trunk Card 764180 “ “ $154.00 25%

Terminals 8517.50.00 4Prs 764180 Per Set $555 25% 8517.50.00 8Prs 764180 “ “ $740 25% 8517.50.00 16Prs 764180 “ “ $960 25% 8517.50.00 24Prs 764180 “ “ $1320 25% 8517.50.00 32Prs 764180 “ “ $1545 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ %

Terminal Switches 8517.50.00 4-port console serial port switch dual power 764180 “ “ $555 25% 8517.50.00 4-port SSH Console serial switch with 764180 “ “ $1220 25% environmental monitoring and AC power 8517.50.00 8-port console serial port switch 764180 “ “ $740 25% 8517.50.00 8-port SSH Console Serial Switch with 764180 “ “ $1345 25% Environmental Monitoring and AC Power 8517.50.00 Rack Mount Kit for scrimux-secure-8 764180 “ “ $45.00 25% 8517.50.00 16-port SSH Console Serial Switch with 764180 “ “ $1590 25% Environmental Monitoring and AC Power 8517.50.00 16-port SSH Console Serial Switch 764180 “ “ $2315 25% 8517.50.00 24-Port SSH Console Serial Switch with 764180 “ “ $1905 25% Environmental Monitoring and AC Power 8517.50.00 24-port SSH Console serial switch with 764180 “ “ $2065 25% environmental Monitoring and dual AC power 8517.50.00 32-port SSH Console Serial Switch with 764180 “ “ $2135 25% environmental monitoring and AC Power 8517.50.00 32-port SSH Console serial switch 764180 “ “ $3315 25%

Multiplexers 8517.50.00 Video Multiplexer Colour-NTSC EX/104/PAL-4ch 764180 “ “ $595 25% 8517.50.00 Video Multiplexer Colour-NTSC EX/104 764180 “ “ $716 25% 8517.50.00 Video Multiplexer Colour-WJ-SX/50A 764180 “ “ $817 25% 8517.50.00 Video Multiplexer Colour-YS-W270A 764180 “ “ $647 25% 8517.50.00 Video Multiplexer Colour-CM6700-16 764180 “ “ $758 25% 8517.50.00 Video Multiplexer Colour-WJ-MP204C-4ch 764180 “ “ $336 25% “ “ Cables 8517.50.00 Dual Axis Motor Control Cable 764180 “ “ $2.40 25% 8517.50.00 19 Pairs Replacement Cable 764180 “ “ $2.75 25% 8517.50.00 8 Conductor-ice Cable 764180 “ “ $0.59 25% 8517.50.00 3 Pair, 22 Gauge Resolver Cable 764180 “ “ $0.79 25% 8517.50.00 25 Conductor, 18 Gauge Control Cable 764180 “ “ $2.15 25% 8517.50.00 25 Conductor, 22 Gauge Control Cable 764180 “ “ $1.55 25% 8517.50.00 Insulated Communication Cable 764180 “ “ $0.99 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8517.50.00 Solid Copper Conductor 764180 “ “ $0.999 25% 8517.50.00 Copper Dad Aluminium Conductor 764180 “ “ $0.999 25% 8517.50.00 OHMF Connector Straight Plug 764180 Per Pcs $4.74 25% 8517.50.00 BNC 764180 “ “ $6.84 25% 8517.50.00 75CF Compression Connector 764180 “ “ $20.50 25% 8517.50.00 FINF-7570 Connector 764180 “ “ $96.48 25% 8517.50.00 RFQ 72 OHM Connector 764180 “ “ $85.00 25% 8517.50.00 FINM-7550-H Connector 764180 “ “ $45.00 25%

Loud Speakers 8518.10.00 Loud speaker public address 764210 Per pcs $15 30% 8518.10.00 “ “ for studio 764210 “ “ $15 30% 8518.10.00 “ “ mini for hand DC battery 764210 “ “ $7.5 30% 8518.10.00 Electric loud speaker with accessories 764210 “ “ $15 30% 8518.10.00 Non electric loud speaker DC battery with stand 764210 “ “ $8 30% 8518.30.00 Bluetooth Music with LED Bulbs 764240 “ “ $8.60 30% 8518.30.00 Micro Bluetooth Speaker 764240 “ “ $1.30 30% 8518.30.00 Head Phone 764240 “ “ $1.00 30% 8518.30.00 Ear Phones 764240 “ “ $6 30% 8518.30.00 Air Pod Phones 764240 “ “ $6.00 30% 8518.30.00 Stereo Ear Phones 764240 “ “ $3.00 30% 8518.40.00 Electric sound amplifiers 764260 “ “ $10.00 30% 8518.40.00 Audio frequency electric amplifiers 764250 “ “ $10 30%

Radio/Recorders 8519.10.00 Mini radio walk man recorder 763310 “ “ $0.25 55% 8519.10.00 Radio record with headphone 763310 “ “ $4.50 55% 8519.10.00 “ “ “ Medium 763310 “ “ $3.50 55% 8519.10.00 Radio With USB China 763310 “ “ $1.00 55% 8519.10.00 Radio recorder 3 band 763310 “ “ $2.00 55% 8519.10.00 “ “ 4 Band 763310 “ “ $3.00 55% 8519.10.00 “ “ 6 Band 763310 “ “ $4.00 55% 8519.10.00 “ “ 8 Band 763310 “ “ $6.00 55% 8519.10.00 “ “ 10 Band 763310 “ “ $8.00 55% 8519.10.00 Record with head phone 763310 “ “ $2.00 55%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8519.10.00 Ordinary Radio with 3Band 763310 “ “ $2.10 55% 8519.10.00 Radio record Disks CD 763310 “ “ $6.00 55% 8519.10.00 Disks video drive &cassettes cords DVD 8519.10. “ “ $3.00 55% 8519.10.00 Disc for D.V.D. & V.C.D 8519.10. “ “ $0.30 55% 8519.12.00 Pocket size cassette player record 8519.10. “ “ $1 55% 8519.10.00 Transcribing machines 8519.10. “ “ $120 55% 8519.10.00 Cassettes for recorders 8519.10. Per Doz. $1.50 30% 8523.13.10 Video Cassettes Long Size 898451 “ “ $3.5 30% 8523.13.10 Video Cassettes Short Size 898451 “ “ $3 30% 8520.10.00 Telephone Answering machines. 8520.10. Per Pcs. $20 25% 8524.10.00 Disc Video & Radio with two doors double 898710 “ “ $10 55% Speaker 8524.10.00 Disc Video & Radio with one doors double 898710 “ “ $8 55% Speaker 8524.10.00 Disc Cassette Record/Radio, two doors double 898710 “ “ $6.5 55% Speaker 8524.10.00 Disc Cassette Record/Radio, one doors double 898710 “ “ $6 55% Speaker 8524.10.00 Cassette Recorder with Radio two Doors Double 898710 “ “ $4 55% Speaker 8524.10.00 Cassette Recorder with Radio one Speaker 898710 “ “ $3.5 55% 8524.10.00 Cassette Recorder with one Door One 898710 “ “ $2.5 55% Speaker/Ordinary 8524.10.00 Cassette Recorder with one Door One Speaker 898710 “ “ $2 55% Medium. 8524.10.00 Gramophones 898710 Per Pcs. $12 55% 8524.10.00 Gramophones with Radio Recorders 898710 Per Psc. $30 55% 8525.10.00 Iron radio Antenna 8525.10. Per Doz $1 55% 8525.10.00 T.V. Remote control 8525.10. Per Doz $1 55% Radio And Television

Transmitters 8525.10.10 Radio Broadcasting Transmitter FM 764311 Per Unit $30,000 55% 8525.10.10 Radio Broadcasting Transmitter Medium Wave 764311 “ “ $40,000 55% 8525.10.10 Radio Broadcasting Transmitter Short Wave 764311 “ “ $50,000 55% 8525.10.10 Radio Broadcasting Transmitter Towers 764311 “ “ $10,000 55% 8525.10.10 Television Transmitter Black/White 764311 “ “ $35,000 55%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8525.10.10 Television Transmitter Towers 764311 “ “ $10,000 55% 8525.12.90 Video Cassette Re-winder 761110 Per Pcs. $1 55% 8525.10.00 Radio Telephone Complete (Fooniye) 764311 Per Pcs $2,000 55% 8525.10.00 Navigation Radio 764311 Per Pcs $2,000 55%

Moving Camera 8525.30.00 Digital Photo Camera Small 764820 Per Pcs $30.00 40% 8525.30.00 Digital Photo Camera Large 764820 Per Pcs $30.00 40% 8525.30.00 Digital Moving Camera 764820 Per Pcs $25.00 40% 8525.40.00 Video Moving Camera Small 764820 Per Pcs. $10.00 40% 8525.40.00 Video Moving Camera Ordinary 764820 Per Pcs $45.00 40% 8525.40.00 Video Moving Camera Large 764820 Per Pcs $50.00 40% 8525.30.00 Television Moving Camera 764329 Per Pcs $60.00 40% 8525.30.00 Web Camera 764329 Per Pcs $2.50 40% 8525.30.00 Drone Camera Large 764329 Per Pcs $210 40% 8525.30.00 Drone Camera Medium 764329 Per Pcs $150 40% 8525.30.00 Drone Camera Small 764329 Per Pcs $100 40% 8525.30.00 Security Camera large 5-8 pcs 764329 Per Set $100.00 40% 8525.30.00 Security Camera Small 1-4 Pcs 764329 Per Set $60.00 40% 8525.30.00 CCTV Camera Single 764329 Per Pcs $30.00 40% 8525.30.00 CCTV Receiver Camera 764329 Per Pcs $20.00 40%

T.V. And Accessories 8525.12.90 T.V Screen (16-42 inch) 761110 Per Pcs. $ 20.00 55% 8525.12.90 T.V Screen (12-14 inch) 761110 “ “ $16.00 55% 8525.12.90 T.V Flat Screen (15-41inch) 761110 “ “ $35.00 55% 8525.12.90 T.V Flat Screen (42-70 inch) 761110 “ “ $59.00 55% 8525.12.90 T.V Flat Screen (71-105 inch) 761110 “ “ $89.00 55% 8525.12.90 T.V stand with speakers 761110 “ “ $23.00 55% 8525.10.00 Arab sat Antenna Discs with access 8525.10. “ “ $3.00 55% 8526.10.00 Digital Antenna discs 8526.10. “ “ $4.00 55% 8526.10.00 Signal Finder 8526.10. Per Doz $2.00 55% 8526.10.00 Conductor Dish 8526.10. “ “ $2.00 55% 8526.10.00 Mini Antenna For TV 8526.10. Per Pcs. $0.50 55% 8526.10.00 Receiver 25cm above Large 8526.10. Per Pcs. $4.00 55%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8526.10.00 Receiver 19-24cm medium 8526.10. Per Pcs. $2.70 55% 8526.10.00 Receiver 15-18cm Small 8526.10. “ “ $2.20 55% 8526.10.00 Mini TV Receiver 1-14cm ( China) 8526.10. “ “ $1.800 55% 8526.10.00 Television short Antenna Receiver 8526.10. “ “ $4.00 55% 8526.10.00 LNB 8526.10. Per Doz $4.00 55% 8526.10.00 Complete Radar 764831 Per Pcs. $5,000 55% 8526.10.00 Video Cassette recorder 8526.10. “ “ $3.50 55% 8528.12.00 Mini TV with radio 8528.12. “ “ $1.50 55% 8528.12.00 Video projectors 8528.12. “ “ $60.00 55% 8528.12.00 Advertising Screen With Video 8528.12. Per MSQ $120 55% 8528.12.00 Trans Receiver Visual Signalling Board 8528.12. Per Pc $500 55% 8528.12.00 Remote control receiver & video, etc 8528.12. Per doz $1.00 55% 8528.12.00 Co-ordinator wire for television 8528.12. Per pcs $1.00 55% 8528.12.00 AV Wire Connection 8528.12. Per doz $0.6 55% 8528.12.00 T.V Wire/Coaxial Wire 8528.12. Per Mtrs $0.04 55% 8528.12.00 T.V Flat Hanger 8528.12. Per Pc $5.00 55% Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers; television image and sound recorders reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles 8530.10.00 Traffic control equipment 3 Signals with Control 778821 Per Set $150 25% Box 8530.80.00 Electrical signalling parking facilities 778828 Per Pcs. $20 25% Electric sound or visual signalling apparatus: 8531.10.00 Burglar of five alarms 778884 “ “ $20 25% 8531.80.00 Electric bells-office use` 778848 Per Doz $3.0 25% 8531.80.00 Electric bells for gate use 778848 “ “ $1.2 25% 8531.80.00 Electric bells for other uses 778848 “ “ $1.50 25% 8531.20.00 Indicator panels 778842 “ “ 25% 8532.10.00 Electrical capacitors ( circuits) single 778610 “ “ 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8533.19.00 Electrical capacitors multi layers 778610 “ “ 25% 8533.10.00 Electrical resistors 772310 “ “ 25% 8534.00.00 Printed circuits 7722200 “ “ 25% Electrical Apparatus and Fitting 8536.90.00 Adopters AC/DC 772590 Per Pcs. $1.50 15% 8536.20.00 Main Switch One Circuit 772520 Per Doz. $8.40 15% 8536.20.00 Main Switch two Circuits 772520 “ “ $9.10 15% 8536.20.00 Main Switch three Circuits 772520 “ “ $14 15% 8536.20.00 Panel board empty 36 holes 772520 “ “ $30.00 15% 8536.20.00 Panel board empty 24 holes 772520 “ “ $25.00 15% 8536.20.00 Panel board empty 18 holes 772520 “ “ $21.00 15% 8536.20.00 Panel board empty 12 holes 772520 “ “ $14.00 15% 8536.20.00 Panel board empty 8 holes 772520 “ “ $11.00 15% 8536.20.00 Panel board empty 6 holes 772520 “ “ $9.00 15% 8536.20.00 Breakers one pole France (6-32 AMP) 772520 “ “ $1.00 15% 8536.20.00 Breakers one pole France (50-63 AMP) 772520 “ “ $1.25 15% 8536.20.00 Breakers two pole France (6-32 AMP) 772520 “ “ $3.60 15% 8536.20.00 Breakers two pole France (50-63 AMP 772520 “ “ $4.60 15% 8536.20.00 Breakers three pole France (32-63-100) AMP 772520 “ “ $6.00 15% 8536.20.00 Breakers four pole France (32-63-100) AMP 772520 “ “ $9.00 15% 8536.20.00 Breakers one pole china (6-32 AMP) 772520 “ “ $0.30 15% 8536.20.00 Breakers one pole china (50-63 AMP) 772520 “ “ $0.50 15% 8536.20.00 Breakers two pole china (6-32 AMP) 772520 “ “ $2.00 15% 8536.20.00 Breakers two pole china (50-63 AMP 772520 “ “ $3.50 15% 8536.20.00 Breakers three pole china (32-63-100) AMP 772520 “ “ $4.00 15% 8536.20.00 Breakers four pole china (32-63-100) AMP 772520 “ “ $5.00 15% 8536.31.00 Flourcent Fixtures 4 FTz 772521 “ “ $3 15% 8536.31.00 Flourcent Fixtures 2 FT 772521 “ “ $2 15% 8536.10.00 Insulation Tape 772510 “ “ $0.50 15% 8536.10.00 Starter (Per 100 Pcs.) 772510 “ “ $0.85 15% 8536.61.00 Lamp Holders 772580 “ “ $1.20 15% 8536.50.00 Auto transfer switch 772550 Per Pcs. $100 15% 8536.50.00 Switches (On/Off) 772550 Per Doz. $2.10 15% 8536.50.00 Switches (On/Off) Double 772550 “ “ $3.00 15% 8536.50.00 Switches (On/Off) Trible (3) 772550 “ “ $4.00 15% 8536.50.00 Ceiling Rose 772550 “ “ $0.50 15% 8536.50.00 Sockets 772550 “ “ $0.50 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8536.90.00 Electric Fitting Clips 772820 Per Box $0.15 15% 8536.39.00 Flourcent Transformer 778221 Per Doz. $2 15% 8536.90.00 Box Switch 778221 “ “ $1 15% 8536.90.00 Join Box 778221 “ “ $3.00 15% 8536.90.00 Electric Divider (Dab-qaybiso) 778221 “ “ $12.00 15% 8536.10.00 Board Switch 772810 “ “ $15 15% 8536.90.00 Angular Holder 772590 “ “ $3 15% 8536.90.00 3 Pin Plugs 772590 “ “ $7.00 15% 8536.90.00 2 Pin Plugs 772590 “ “ $7.00 15% 8536.10.00 Fuses 772510 “ “ 2.80 15% 8536.90.00 Voltage Tester 772590 Per Pcs,. 12 15% 8536.90.00 Amps Tester 772590 Per Doz. 5 15% 8536.90.00 Electrical Screw Tester 772590 “ “ 5 15% 8536.44.00 Relay 772541 “ “ 7.10 15% 8536.44.00 Ac/DC Distributor Board 772541 Per Pc $150 15% 8536.44.00 Bir Danab 772541 Per Doz. $3.00 25% Boards, panels, consoles , desks, cabinets and other bases equipped with two or more apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity

8537.10.00 For a voltage not exceeding 1,000W 8537.10. Pcs 8537.20.00 For a voltage exceeding 1,000 W 8537.20. “ “ 8538.10.00 Mini Distribution Boards Single 8538.10. “ “ 30.00 15% Phase(3A,660W) 8538.10.00 Normal Distribution Boards Single 8538.10. “ “ 50.00 15% Phase(5A,1000W) 8538.10.00 Industrial Distribution Boards 8538.10. “ “ 150.00 15% 3Phase(100A,20000W) 8538.10.00 Control Panel 8538.10. “ “ 100 15% 8538.10.00 Panels 8538.10. “ “ 8538.10.00 Consoles 8538.10. “ “ 8538.10.00 Desks 8538.10. “ “

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8538.10.00 Cabinets 8538.10. “ “ Electric filament or discharge lamps, including sealed beam lamp units and ultra-violet or infra-red lamps, are lamps 8540.79.00 Vacuum Valves 8540.79. 8540.79.00 Vapour valves 8540.79. 8540.79.00 Gas filled valves 8540.79. 8540.18.00 Receiver or amplifier valves 8540.18.

Solar 8541.40.00 Solar Panels 2.5WT 8541.40. Per Pcs 0.75 15% 8541.40.00 Solar Panels 3.5WT 8541.40. “ “ 0.95 15% 8541.40.00 Solar Panels 10-50W 8541.40. “ “ 3.00 15% 8541.40.00 Solar Panels 60-100W 8541.40. “ “ 4.50 15% 8541.40.00 Solar Panels 110-150W 8541.40. “ “ 6.00 15% 8541.40.00 Solar Panels 160-200W 8541.40. “ “ 7.50 15% 8541.40.00 Solar Panels 201-500W 8541.40. “ “ $20 15% 8541.40.00 Solar Batteries 1-49A 8541.40. “ “ $7.00 15% 8541.40.00 Solar Batteries 50-100A 8541.40. “ “ 12.00 15% 8541.40.00 Solar Batteries 120-200A 8541.40. “ “ 15.00 15% 8541.40.00 Solar Batteries 201-500 A 8541.40. “ “ $30 15% 8541.40.00 Solar Kit With Battery 8541.40. “ “ $10 15% 8541.40.00 Solar invertors 8541.40. “ “ $200 15% 8541.40.00 Solar emergency lamp 8541.40. “ “ $15.00 15% 8541.40.00 Power Invertors 500-1000W 8541.40. “ “ 18.50 15% 8541.40.00 Power Invertors 1100-2000W 8541.40. “ “ 20.50 15% 8541.40.00 Power Invertors 2100-4000W 8541.40. “ “ 24.00 15% 8541.40.00 Charge Controls 5-10A 8541.40. “ “ 6.00 15% 8541.40.00 Charge Controls 10-60A 8541.40. “ “ 12.00 15% 8541.40.00 Solar Water Pumps (Same) 8541.40. “ “ 15.00 15% 8541.40.00 Solar Water Pump with AC/DC 2200 8541.40. “ “ $513.50 15% 8541.40.00 Solar Water Pump with AC/DC 1500 8541.40. “ “ $435.50 15% 8541.40.00 Wind Turbine 300-1000W 8541.40. “ “ 10.00 15% 8541.40.00 Wind Turbine 1100-2000W 8541.40. “ “ 20.00 15% 8541.40.00 Wind Turbine 2100-3000W 8541.40. “ “ 30.00 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8543.20.00 Signal generators 8543.20. “ “ 8543.20.00 Solar Water Heater 8543.20. “ “ $100 15% insulated wire, cable and other insulated electric coneluetors WIRES AND CABLES List of Electric Copper Cables Arranged to their Size 8544.11.10 Single Code 1.5mm 773111 Per Meter $0.06 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 1.5mm 773111 “ “ $0.11 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 1.5mm 773111 “ “ $0.13 15% 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 1.5mm 773111 “ “ $0.17 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 2.5mm 773111 “ “ $0.08 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 2.5mm 773111 “ “ $0.17 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 2.5mm 773111 “ “ $0.25 15% 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 2.5mm 773111 “ “ $0.34 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 4mm 773111 “ “ $0.14 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 4mm 773111 “ “ $0.28 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 4mm 773111 “ “ $0.42 15% 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 4mm 773111 “ “ $0.56 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 6mm 773111 “ “ $0.30 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 6mm 773111 “ “ $0.60 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 6mm 773111 “ “ $0.90 15% 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 6mm 773111 “ “ $1.20 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 10mm 773111 “ “ $0.50 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 10mm 773111 “ “ $1.00 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 10mm 773111 “ “ $1.50 15% 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 10mm 773111 “ “ $2.00 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 16mm 773111 “ “ $0.70 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 16mm 773111 “ “ $1.40 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 16mm 773111 “ “ $2.10 15% 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 16mm 773111 “ “ $2.80 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 25mm 773111 “ “ $0.90 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 25mm 773111 “ “ $1.80 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 25mm 773111 “ “ $2.70 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 25mm 773111 “ “ $3.60 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 35mm 773111 “ “ $1.20 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 35mm 773111 “ “ $2.40 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 35mm 773111 “ “ $3.60 15% 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 35mm 773111 “ “ $4.80 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 50mm 773111 “ “ $1.60 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 50mm 773111 “ “ $3.20 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 50mm 773111 “ “ $4.80 15% 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 50mm 773111 “ “ $6.40 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 75mm 773111 “ “ $2.00 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 75mm 773111 “ “ $4.00 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 75mm 773111 “ “ $6.00 15% 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 75mm 773111 “ “ $8.00 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 100mm 773111 “ “ $2.50 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 100mm 773111 “ “ $5.00 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 100mm 773111 “ “ $7.50 15% 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 100mm 773111 “ “ $10.00 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 150mm 773111 “ “ $3.00 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 150mm 773111 “ “ $6.00 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 150mm 773111 “ “ $9.00 15% 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 185mm 773111 “ “ $18.50 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 200mm 773111 “ “ $5.00 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 200mm 773111 “ “ $10.00 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 250mm 773111 “ “ $7.00 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 250mm 773111 “ “ $14.00 15% 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 300mm 773111 “ “ $28.57 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 300mm 773111 “ “ $10.00 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 300mm 773111 “ “ $20.00 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 400mm 773111 “ “ $15.00 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 400mm 773111 “ “ $30.00 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 630mm 773111 “ “ $23.60 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 630mm 773111 “ “ $47.25 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % Aluminium Electric Cables Listed to their Size 8544.11.10 Single Code 6mm 773111 Per Meter $0.10 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 6mm 773111 “ “ $0.20 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 6mm 773111 “ “ $0.30 15% 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 6mm 773111 “ “ $0.40 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 10mm 773111 “ “ $0.12 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 10mm 773111 “ “ $0.24 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 10mm 773111 “ “ $0.36 15% 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 10mm 773111 “ “ $0.48 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 16mm 773111 “ “ $0.15 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 16mm 773111 “ “ $0.30 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 16mm 773111 “ “ $0.45 15% 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 16mm 773111 “ “ $0.60 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 25mm 773111 “ “ $0.18 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 25mm 773111 “ “ $0.36 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 25mm 773111 “ “ $0.54 15% 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 25mm 773111 “ “ $0.72 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 35mm 773111 “ “ $0.21 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 35mm 773111 “ “ $0.42 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 35mm 773111 “ “ $0.63 15% 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 35mm 773111 “ “ $0.84 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 50mm 773111 “ “ $0.30 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 50mm 773111 “ “ $0.60 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 50mm 773111 “ “ $0.90 15% 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 50mm 773111 “ “ $1.20 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 75mm 773111 “ “ $0.40 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 75mm 773111 “ “ $0.80 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 75mm 773111 “ “ $1.20 15% 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 75mm 773111 “ “ $1.60 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 100mm 773111 “ “ $0.50 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 100mm 773111 “ “ $1.00 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 100mm 773111 “ “ $1.50 15% 8544.11.10 4 Code Wire 100mm 773111 “ “ $2.00 15%

8544.11.10 Single Code 150mm 773111 “ “ $0.60 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8544.11.10 Double Code 150mm 773111 “ “ $1.20 15% 8544.11.10 3 Code Wire 150mm 773111 “ “ $1.80 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 200mm 773111 “ “ $0.70 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 200mm 773111 “ “ $1.40 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 250mm 773111 “ “ $0.80 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 250mm 773111 “ “ $1.60 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 300mm 773111 “ “ $0.90 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 300mm 773111 “ “ $1.80 15% 8544.11.10 Single Code 400mm 773111 “ “ $1.20 15% 8544.11.10 Double Code 400mm 773111 “ “ $2.40 15% 8544.11.10 Telephone Cables 400 Pairs 773111 “ “ $1.30 15% 8544.11.10 Telephone Cables 200 Pairs 773111 “ “ $0.65 15% 8544.11.10 Telephone Cables 100 Pairs 773111 “ “ $0.35 15% 8544.11.10 Telephone Cables 50 Pairs 773111 “ “ $0.25 15% 8544.11.10 Telephone Cables 30 Pairs 773111 “ “ $0.18 15% 8544.11.10 Telephone Cables 20 Pairs 773111 “ “ $0.15 15% 8544.11.10 Telephone Cables 10 Pairs 773111 “ “ $0.10 15% 8544.11.10 Telephone Cables 5 Pairs 773111 “ “ $0.12 15% 8544.11.10 Telephone Drop Wires 773111 “ “ $0.06 15% 8544.11.10 Telephone Inside Wires 773111 “ “ $0.06 15% 8544.11.10 Telephone Closure 10-50 pairs 773111 “ “ $1.12 15% 8544.11.10 Telephone closure 70-200 pairs 773111 “ “ $1.69 15% 8544.11.10 Guy wire 773111 “ “ $0.38 15% 8544.11.10 Wire Rope ( Kaawo) 773111 “ “ $0.38 15% 8544.11.10 Winding wire of copper 8544.11. 8544.19.90 Co-axial cable 8544.19. 8544.19.90 Other co-axial electric conductors 8544.19. 8544.30.00 Ignition wiring sets 8544.30.

Chapter 86 8609.00.00 Container with Tank 40Ft 786300 Per pcs $1,972 20% 8609.00.00 Empty containers 40 Feet 786300 Per pcs $ 1,500 20% 8609.00 Empty Containers 20 Feet 786300 Per Pcs $800 20%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ %

Chapter 87

Tractors 8701.90 Tractors for agricultural ordinary 722490 Per Unit $2400 7% 8701.90 Massy Fruegson large with accessory 722490 “ “ $2400 7% 8701.90 Massy Fruegson Medium with 722490 “ “ $1600 7% accessory 8701.90 Massy Fruegson Small with accessory 722490 “ “ $1000 7% Vehicles, Parts & Accessories. 8703.90 Japan pick up D/cabin ( 1 Year) 781282 Per Unit $1,430 20% 8703.90 Japan pick up D/cabin ( 2 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,276 20% 8703.90 Japan pick up D/cabin ( 3 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,144 20% 8703.90 Japan pick up D/cabin ( 4 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,034 20% 8703.90 Japan pick up D/cabin ( 5 Year) 781282 “ “ $924 20% 8703.90 Japan pick up D/cabin ( 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $836 20% 8703.90 Japan pick up D/cabin (Above 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $770 20% 8703.90 Japan Pick Up S/Cabin (1 Year) 781282 “ “ $1320 20% 8703.90 Japan Pick Up S/Cabin (2 Year) 781282 “ “ $1188 20% 8703.90 Japan Pick Up S/Cabin (3 Year) 781282 “ “ $1078 20% 8703.90 Japan Pick Up S/Cabin (4 Year) 781282 “ “ $1056 20% 8703.90 Japan Pick Up S/Cabin (5 Year) 781282 “ “ $880 20% 8703.90 Japan Pick Up S/Cabin (6 Year) 781282 “ “ $770 20% 8703.90 Japan Pick Up S/Cabin (Above 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $660 20% 8703.90 Japan Pick Up S/Cabin 4WD (1 Year) 781282 “ “ $1650 20% 8703.90 Japan Pick Up S/Cabin 4WD (2 Year) 781282 “ “ $1430 20% 8703.90 Japan Pick Up S/Cabin 4WD (3 Year) 781282 “ “ $1210 20% 8703.90 Japan Pick Up S/Cabin 4WD (4 Year) 781282 “ “ $1100 20% 8703.90 Japan Pick Up S/Cabin 4WD (5 Year) 781282 “ “ $990 20% 8703.90 Japan Pick Up S/Cabin 4WD (6 Year) 781282 “ “ $935 20% 8703.90 Japan Pick Up S/Cabin 4WD (Above 6 781282 “ “ $880 20% Year) 8703.90 Japan Pick Up D/Cabin 4WD (1 Year) 781282 “ “ $1760 20% 8703.90 Japan Pick Up D/Cabin 4WD (2 Year) 781282 “ “ $1540 20%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Japan Pick Up D/Cabin 4WD (3 Year) 781282 “ “ $1320 20% 8703.90 Japan Pick Up D/Cabin 4WD (4 Year) 781282 “ “ $1155 20% 8703.90 Japan Pick Up D/Cabin 4WD (5 Year) 781282 “ “ $1045 20% 8703.90 Japan Pick Up D/Cabin 4WD (6 Year) 781282 “ “ $990 20% 8703.90 U.S.A Jeep Station Wagon Long Base (1Year) 781282 “ “ $4,104 90% 8703.90 U.S.A Jeep Station Wagon Long Base (2Year) 781282 “ “ $3,706 90% 8703.90 U.S.A Jeep Station Wagon Long Base (3Year) 781282 “ “ $3,294 90% 8703.90 U.S.A Jeep Station Wagon Long Base (4Year) 781282 “ “ $2,882 90% 8703.90 U.S.A Jeep Station Wagon Long Base (5Year) 781282 “ “ $2,471 90% 8703.90 U.S.A Jeep Station Wagon Long Base (6Year) 781282 “ “ $2,264 90% 8703.90 U.S.A Jeep Station Wagon Long Base 781282 “ “ 90% $2,059 (Above 6Year) 8703.90 U.S.A Jeep SW Short Base 2Doors (1 Year) 781282 “ “ $2,873 90% 8703.90 U.S.A Jeep SW Short Base 2Doors (2 Year) 781282 “ “ $2,594 90% 8703.90 U.S.A Jeep SW Short Base 2Doors (3 Year) 781282 “ “ $2,305 90% 8703.90 U.S.A Jeep SW Short Base 2Doors (4 Year) 781282 “ “ $2,017 90% 8703.90 U.S.A Jeep SW Short Base 2Doors (5 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,729 90% 8703.90 U.S.A Jeep SW Short Base 2Doors (6 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,584 90% 8703.90 U.S.A Jeep SW Short Base 2Doors (Above 781282 “ “ 90% $1,441 6 Year) 8703.90 Japan Hilux S/Wagon 4WD ( 1year) 781282 “ “ 90% $3,432 Surf/Terrano 8703.90 Japan Hilux S/Wagon 4WD ( 2year) 781282 “ “ 90% $3,089 Surf/ Terrano 8703.90 Japan Hilux S/Wagon 4WD ( 3year) 781282 “ “ 90% $2,746 Surf /Terrano 8703.90 Japan Hilux S/Wagon 4WD ( 4year) 781282 “ “ 90% $2,574 Surf /Terrano 8703.90 Japan Hilux S/Wagon 4WD ( 781282 “ “ 90% $2,231 5year) Surf /Terrano 8703.90 Japan Hilux S/Wagon 4WD ( 6 781282 “ “ 90% $2,059 year) Surf /Terrano 8703.90 Japan Hilux S/Wagon 4WD ( 781282 “ “ 90% $1,888 Above 6 year) Surf/ Terrano

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Ford/Chevrolet/Hummers Station 781282 “ “ 90% $6,486 Wagon $ WD (1Year) 8703.90 Ford/Chevrolet/Hummers Station 781282 “ “ 90% $6,126 Wagon $ WD (2Year) 8703.90 Ford/Chevrolet/Hummers Station 781282 “ “ 90% $5,766 Wagon $ WD (3Year) 8703.90 Ford/Chevrolet/Hummers Station 781282 “ “ 90% $5,406 Wagon $ WD (4Year) 8703.90 Ford/Chevrolet/Hummers Station 781282 “ “ 90% $5,045 Wagon $ WD (5Year) 8703.90 Ford/Chevrolet/Hummers Station 781282 “ “ 90% $4,325 Wagon $ WD (6Year) 8703.90 Ford/Chevrolet/Hummers Station Wagon $ 781282 “ “ 90% $3,604 WD (Above 6Year) 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser /Prado S/W 4WD ( Long Base) 781282 “ “ $6,178 90% 1 Year 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser /Prado S/W 4WD ( Long Base) 781282 “ “ $5,834 90% 2 Year 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser/Prado S/W 4WD ( Long Base) 3 781282 “ “ $5,491 90% Year 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser/Prado S/W 4WD ( Long Base) 4 781282 “ “ $5,148 90% Year 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser/Prado S/W 4WD ( Long Base) 5 781282 “ “ $4,805 90% Year 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser/Prado S/W 4WD ( Long Base) 6 781282 “ “ $4,118 90% Year 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser/Prado S/W 4WD ( Long Base) 781282 “ “ $3,432 90% Above 6 Year 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Prado 1 Years (4 781282 “ “ $5,458 90% Pistons). 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Prado 2 Years (4 781282 “ “ $5,114 90% Pistons). 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Prado 3 Years (4 781282 “ “ $4,771 90% Pistons). 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Prado 4 Years (4 781282 “ “ $4,428 90% Pistons). 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Prado 5 Years (4 781282 “ “ $4,409 90% Pistons). 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Prado 6 Years (4 781282 “ “ $3,742 90% Pistons).

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Prado 6 Years and 781282 “ “ 90% $3,120 Above (4 Pistons). 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Pick Up ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $3300 20% 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Pick Up (2 Year) 781282 “ “ $3080 20% 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Pick Up ( 3 Year) 781282 “ “ $2640 20% 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Pick Up ( 4 Year) 781282 “ “ $2420 20% 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Pick Up ( 5 Year) 781282 “ “ $2156 20% 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Pick Up ( 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $1584 20% 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Pick Up ( Above 6 781282 “ “ $1430 20% Year) 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Pick Up Double Cabin (1 781282 “ “ $3795 20% Year) 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Pick Up Double Cabin (2 781282 “ “ $3542 20% Year) 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Pick Up Double Cabin (3 781282 “ “ $3036 20% Year) 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Pick Up Double Cabin (4 781282 “ “ $2783 20% Year) 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Pick Up Double Cabin (5 781282 “ “ $2479 20% Year) 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Pick Up Double Cabin (6 781282 “ “ $1821 20% Year) 8703.90 Toyota Land-Cruiser Pick Up Double Cabin 781282 “ “ $1644 20% (Above 6 Year) 8703.90 Land Rover S/W Upto (1 Year) 781282 “ “ $2,746 90% 8703.90 Land Rover S/W Upto (1 Year) 781282 “ “ $2,402 90% 8703.90 Land Rover S/W Upto (3 Year) 781282 “ “ $2,059 90% 8703.90 Land Rover S/W Upto (4 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,716 90% 8703.90 Land Rover S/W Upto (5 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,373 90% 8703.90 Land Rover S/W Upto (6 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,186 90% 8703.90 Land Rover S/W Upto (Above 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,030 90% 8703.90 Land Rover P/Up upto ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $1540 20% 8703.90 Land Rover P/Up upto ( 2 Year) 781282 “ “ $1430 20% 8703.90 Land Rover P/Up upto ( 3 Year) 781282 “ “ $1210 20% 8703.90 Land Rover P/Up upto ( 4 Year) 781282 “ “ $990 20% 8703.90 Land Rover P/Up upto ( 5 Year) 781282 “ “ $770 20% 8703.90 Land Rover P/Up upto ( 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $660 20%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Land Rover P/Up upto ( above 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $550 20% 8703.90 Range Rover Discovery (1 Year) 781282 “ “ $3,569 90% 8703.90 Range Rover Discovery (2 Year) 781282 “ “ $3,122 90% 8703.90 Range Rover Discovery (3 Year) 781282 “ “ $2,676 90% 8703.90 Range Rover Discovery (4 Year) 781282 “ “ $2,231 90% 8703.90 Range Rover Discovery (5 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,784 90% 8703.90 Range Rover Discovery (6 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,541 90% 8703.90 Range Rover Discovery (Above 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,338 90% 8703.90 Pajero Isuzu Tropper S/W 4Wd ( 1 Year) Long 781282 “ “ $5,148 90% Base 8703.90 Pajero Isuzu Tropper S/W 4Wd ( 2 Year) Long 781282 “ “ $4,805 90% Base 8703.90 Pajero Isuzu Tropper S/W 4Wd ( 3 Year) Long 781282 “ “ $4,462 90% Base 8703.90 Pajero Isuzu Tropper S/W 4Wd ( 4 Year) Long 781282 “ “ $4,118 90% Base 8703.90 Pajero Isuzu Tropper S/W 4Wd ( 5 Year) Long 781282 “ “ $3,775 90% Base 8703.90 Pajero Isuzu Tropper S/W 4Wd ( 6 Year) Long 781282 “ “ $3,432 90% Base 8703.90 Pajero Isuzu Tropper S/W 4Wd ( Above 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $2,917 90% Long Base 8703.90 Pajero Isuzu Tropper S/W 4Wd ( 1 Year) Short 781282 “ “ $3,860 90% Base 8703.90 Pajero Isuzu Tropper S/W 4Wd ( 2 Year) Short 781282 “ “ $3,604 90% Base 8703.90 Pajero Isuzu Tropper S/W 4Wd ( 3 Year) Short 781282 “ “ $3,346 90% Base 8703.90 Pajero Isuzu Tropper S/W 4Wd ( 4 Year) Short 781282 “ “ $3,089 90% Base 8703.90 Pajero Isuzu Tropper S/W 4Wd ( 5 Year) Short 781282 “ “ $2,831 90% Base 8703.90 Pajero Isuzu Tropper S/W 4Wd ( 6 Year) Short 781282 “ “ $2,574 90% Base 8703.90 Pajero Isuzu Tropper S/W 4Wd ( Above 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $2,316 90% Short Base 8703.90 Nissan petrol S/W 4WD ( 1 Year) Long 781282 “ “ $6,178 90% Base 8703.90 Nissan petrol S/W 4WD ( 2 Year) Long 781282 “ “ $5,491 90% Base

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Nissan petrol S/W 4WD ( 3 Year) Long Base 781282 “ “ $4,805 90% 8703.90 Nissan petrol S/W 4WD (4 Year) Long Base 781282 “ “ $4,462 90% 8703.90 Nissan petrol S/W 4WD ( 5 Year) Long Base 781282 “ “ $3,775 90% 8703.90 Nissan petrol S/W 4WD ( 6 Year) Long Base 781282 “ “ $3,432 90% 8703.90 Nissan petrol S/W 4WD ( above 6 Year) Long 781282 “ “ $3,174 90% Base 8703.90 Nissan petrol S/W 4WD ( 1 Year) Short Base 781282 “ “ $4,633 90% 8703.90 Nissan petrol S/W 4WD ( 2 Year) Short Base 781282 “ “ $4,170 90% 8703.90 Nissan petrol S/W 4WD ( 3 Year) Short Base 781282 “ “ $3,706 90% 8703.90 Nissan petrol S/W 4WD (4 Year) Short 781282 “ “ $3,244 90% Base 8703.90 Nissan petrol S/W 4WD ( 5 Year) Short Base 781282 “ “ $2,780 90% 8703.90 Nissan petrol S/W 4WD ( 6 Year) Short Base 781282 “ “ $2,549 90% 8703.90 Nissan petrol S/W 4WD ( above 6 Year) Short 781282 “ “ $2,316 90% Base 8703.90 Toyota Land Cruiser S/W 4WD Short ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $3,604 90% 8703.90 Toyota Land Cruiser S/W 4WD Short ( 2 Year) 781282 “ “ $3,242 90% 8703.90 Toyota Land Cruiser S/W 4WD Short ( 3 Year) 781282 “ “ $2,882 90% 8703.90 Toyota Land Cruiser S/W 4WD Short ( 4 Year) 781282 “ “ $2,522 90% 8703.90 Toyota Land Cruiser S/W 4WD Short ( 5 Year) 781282 “ “ $2,162 90% 8703.90 Toyota Land Cruiser S/W 4WD Short ( 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,981 90% 8703.90 Toyota Land Cruiser S/W 4WD Short ( above 6 781282 “ “ $1,801 90% Year) 8703.90 Toyota Land Cruiser Hard Top 3 Door (1 Year) 781282 “ “ $5,458 90% 8703.90 Toyota Land Cruiser Hard Top 3 Door (2 Year) 781282 “ “ $5,114 90% 8703.90 Toyota Land Cruiser Hard Top 3 Door (3 Year) 781282 “ “ $4,771 90% 8703.90 Toyota Land Cruiser Hard Top 3 Door (4 Year) 781282 “ “ $4,428 90% 8703.90 Toyota Land Cruiser Hard Top 3 Door (5 Year) 781282 “ “ $4,409 90% 8703.90 Toyota Land Cruiser Hard Top 3 Door (6 Year) 781282 “ “ $3,742 90% 8703.90 Toyota Land Cruiser Hard Top 3 Door (Above 6 781282 “ “ $3,120 90% Year) 8703.90 Mitsubishi GD1 Zuzuki/Daihatsu Rav 4 Doors 781282 “ “ $3,089 90% S/W ( 1 Year) 8703.90 Mitsubishi GD1 Zuzuki/Daihatsu Rav 4 Doors 781282 “ “ $2,917 90% S/W ( 2 Year) 8703.90 Mitsubishi GD1 Zuzuki/Daihatsu Rav 4 Doors 781282 “ “ $2,746 90% S/W ( 3 Year)

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Mitsubishi GD1 Zuzuki/Daihatsu Rav 4 Doors S/W ( 781282 “ “ $2,402 90% 4 Year) 8703.90 Mitsubishi GD1 Zuzuki/Daihatsu Rav 4 Doors S/W ( 781282 “ “ $2,059 90% 5Year) 8703.90 Mitsubishi GD1 Zuzuki/Daihatsu Rav 4 Doors S/W ( 781282 “ “ $1,888 90% 6 Year) 8703.90 Mitsubishi GD1 Zuzuki/Daihatsu Rav 4 Doors S/W ( 781282 “ “ $1,716 90% above 6 Year) 8703.90 Mitsubishi GD1 Zuzuki/Daihatsu Rav 2 Doors S/W ( 781282 “ “ $2,574 90% 1 Year) 8703.90 Mitsubishi GD1 Zuzuki/Daihatsu Rav 2 Doors S/W ( 781282 “ “ $2,402 90% 2 Year) 8703.90 Mitsubishi GD1 Zuzuki/Daihatsu Rav 2 Doors S/W ( 781282 “ “ $2,128 90% 3 Year) 8703.90 Mitsubishi GD1 Zuzuki/Daihatsu Rav 2 Doors S/W ( 781282 “ “ $1,922 90% 4 Year) 8703.90 Mitsubishi GD1 Zuzuki/Daihatsu Rav 2 Doors S/W ( 781282 “ “ $1,716 90% 5Year) 8703.90 Mitsubishi GD1 Zuzuki/Daihatsu Rav 2 Doors S/W ( 781282 “ “ $1,544 90% 6 Year) 8703.90 Mitsubishi GD1 Zuzuki/Daihatsu Rav 2 Doors S/W ( 781282 “ “ $1,373 90% above 6 Year) 8703.90 Daihatsu 3 Piston SW ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $2,161 90% 8703.90 Daihatsu 3 Piston SW ( 2 Year) 781282 “ “ $2,041 90% 8703.90 Daihatsu 3 Piston SW ( 3 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,921 90% 8703.90 Daihatsu 3 Piston SW ( 4 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,681 90% 8703.90 Daihatsu 3 Piston SW ( 5 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,441 90% 8703.90 Daihatsu 3 Piston SW ( 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,321 90% 8703.90 Daihatsu 3 Piston SW ( Above 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,201 90% 8703.90 Zusuki/Daihatsu Pick Up ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,430 20% 8703.90 Zusuki/Daihatsu Pick Up ( 2 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,276 20% 8703.90 Zusuki/Daihatsu Pick Up ( 3 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,144 20% 8703.90 Zusuki/Daihatsu Pick Up ( 4 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,034 20% 8703.90 Zusuki/Daihatsu Pick Up ( 5 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 924 20% 8703.90 Zusuki/Daihatsu Pick Up ( 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 836 20% 8703.90 Zusuki/Daihatsu Pick Up ( Above 6 781282 “ “ $ 550 20% Year) 8703.90 Zusuki/ Shagian 4 Doors ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $3,952 90% 8703.90 Zusuki/ Shagian 4 Doors ( 2 Year) 781282 “ “ $3,593 90% 8703.90 Zusuki/ Shagian 4 Doors ( 3 Year) 781282 “ “ $3,266 90%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Zusuki/ Shagian 4 Doors ( 4 Year) 781282 “ “ $2,970 90% 8703.90 Zusuki/ Shagian 4 Doors ( 5 Year) 781282 “ “ $2,670 90% 8703.90 Zusuki/ Shagian 4 Doors ( 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $2,454 90% 8703.90 Zusuki/ Shagian ( Above 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $2,231 90% 8703.90 USA/European Pick up S/Cabin 4WD ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,870 20% 8703.90 USA/European Pick up S/Cabin 4WD ( 2 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,760 20% 8703.90 USA/European Pick up S/Cabin 4WD ( 3 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,595 20% 8703.90 USA/European Pick up S/Cabin 4WD ( 4 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,485 20% 8703.90 USA/European Pick up S/Cabin 4WD ( 5 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,375 20% 8703.90 USA/European Pick up S/Cabin 4WD ( 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,265 20% 8703.90 USA/European Pick up S/Cabin 4WD ( Above 6 781282 “ “ $1,155 20% Year) 8703.90 USA/European Pick up D/Cabin 4WD ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,980 20% 8703.90 USA/European Pick up D/Cabin 4WD ( 2 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,760 20% 8703.90 USA/European Pick up D/Cabin 4WD ( 3 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,650 20% 8703.90 USA/European Pick up D/Cabin 4WD ( 4 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,540 20% 8703.90 USA/European Pick up D/Cabin 4WD ( 5 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,430 20% 8703.90 USA/European Pick up D/Cabin 4WD ( 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $1,320 20% 8703.90 USA/European Pick up D/Cabin 4WD ( Above 6 781282 “ “ $1,210 20% Year) 8703.90 Mini Bus 5-7 Seats ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $1540 15% 8703.90 Mini Bus 5-7 Seats ( 2 Year) 781282 “ “ $1425 15% 8703.90 Mini Bus 5-7 Seats ( 3 Year) 781282 “ “ $1232 15% 8703.90 Mini Bus 5-7 Seats ( 4 Year) 781282 “ “ $1078 15% 8703.90 Mini Bus 5-7 Seats ( 5 Year) 781282 “ “ $924 15% 8703.90 Mini Bus 5-7 Seats ( 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $847 15% 8703.90 Mini Bus 5-7 Seats ( Above 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $770 15% 8703.90 Mini Bus 8-10 Seats ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 2,200 15% 8703.90 Mini Bus 8-10 Seats ( 2 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 2,035 15% 8703.90 Mini Bus 8-10 Seats ( 3 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 1,760 15% 8703.90 Mini Bus 8-10 Seats ( 4 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 1,540 15% 8703.90 Mini Bus 8-10 Seats ( 5 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 1,320 15% 8703.90 Mini Bus 8-10 Seats ( 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 1,210 15% 8703.90 Mini Bus 8-10 Seats ( Above 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 1,100 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 12-15 Seats ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 3,080 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Passenger Bus 12-15 Seats ( 2 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 2,640 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 12-15 Seats ( 3 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 2,200 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 12-15 Seats ( 4 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 1,760 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 12-15 Seats ( 5 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 1,320 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 12-15 Seats (6 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 1,210 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 12-15 Seats ( above 6 781282 “ “ $ 1,100 15% Year) 8703.90 Passenger Bus 25 Seats ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 3,960 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 25 Seats ( 2 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 3,520 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 25 Seats ( 3 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 3,080 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 25 Seats ( 4 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 2,200 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 25 Seats ( 5 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 1,760 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 25 Seats (6 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 1,650 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 25 Seats ( above 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 1,540 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 30-35 Seats ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 4,840 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 30-35 Seats ( 2 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 4,400 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 30-35 Seats ( 3 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 3,960 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 30-35 Seats ( 4 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 3,080 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 30-35 Seats ( 5 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 2,640 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 30-35 Seats (6 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 2,420 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 30-35 Seats ( above 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 2,090 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 54 Seats ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 6,340 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 54 Seats (2 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 5,764 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 54 Seats (3Year) 781282 “ “ $ 5,240 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 54 Seats ( 4 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 4,764 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 54 Seats( 5Year) 781282 “ “ $ 4,331 15% 8703.90 Passenger Bus 54 Seats( 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 3,938 15 % 8703.90 Passenger Bus 54 Seats(Above 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 3,580 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 24 Tons ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $17,600 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 24 Tons ( 2 Years) 781282 “ “ $15,840 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 24 Tons ( 3 Years) 781282 “ “ $14,256 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 24 Tons ( 4 Years) 781282 “ “ $12,831 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 24 Tons ( 5 Years) 781282 “ “ $11,548 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 24 Tons ( 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $10,392 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Tankers of 24 Tons ( above 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 9,354 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 12 Tons ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ 15% $11,000 8703.90 Tankers of 12 Tons ( 2 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 9,900 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 12 Tons ( 3 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 8,910 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 12 Tons ( 4 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 8,019 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 12 Tons ( 5 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 7,217 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 12 Tons ( 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 6,496 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 12 Tons ( above 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 5,846 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 10 Tons ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 8,250 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 10 Tons ( 2 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 7,425 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 10 Tons ( 3 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 6,683 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 10 Tons ( 4 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 6,014 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 10 Tons ( 5 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 5,413 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 10 Tons ( 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 4,872 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 10 Tons ( above 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 4,385 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 8 Tons ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 6,600 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 8 Tons ( 2 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 5,940 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 8 Tons ( 3 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 5,346 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 8 Tons ( 4 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 4,812 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 8 Tons ( 5 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 4,330 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 8 Tons ( 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,897 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 8 Tons ( above 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,508 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 6 Tons ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 5,500 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 6 Tons ( 2 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 4,950 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 6 Tons ( 3 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 4,455 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 6 Tons ( 4 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 4,010 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 6 Tons ( 5 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,609 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 6 Tons ( 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,248 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 6 Tons ( above 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,923 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 4Tons ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 4,400 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 4 Tons ( 2 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,960 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 4 Tons ( 3 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,564 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 4 Tons ( 4 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,208 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Tankers of 4 Tons ( 5 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,887 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 4 Tons ( 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,598 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 4 Tons ( above 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,339 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 3 Tons ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 3,800 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 3 Tons ( 2 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,420 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 3 Tons ( 3 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,078 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 3 Tons ( 4 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,770 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 3 Tons ( 5 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,493 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 3 Tons ( 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,244 15% 8703.90 Tankers of 3 Tons ( above 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,020 15% 8703.90 Tankers 4Tons ( Bulaacadda) (1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 4,550 15% 8703.90 Tankers 4Tons ( Bulaacadda) (2Year) 781282 “ “ $ 4,110 15% 8703.90 Tankers 4Tons ( Bulaacadda) (3 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 3,714 15% 8703.90 Tankers 4Tons ( Bulaacadda) (4 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 3,358 15% 8703.90 Tankers 4Tons ( Bulaacadda) (5 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 3,037 15% 8703.90 Tankers 4Tons ( Bulaacadda) (6 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 2,748 15% 8703.90 Tankers 4Tons ( Bulaacadda) (Above 6 781282 “ “ $ 2,489 15% Year) 8703.90 Tankers 6Tons ( Bulaacadda) (1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 5,650 15% 8703.90 Tankers 6Tons ( Bulaacadda) (2 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 5,100 15% 8703.90 Tankers 6Tons ( Bulaacadda) (3 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 4,605 15% 8703.90 Tankers 6Tons ( Bulaacadda) (4 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 4,160 15% 8703.90 Tankers 6Tons ( Bulaacadda) (5 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 3,759 15% 8703.90 Tankers 6Tons ( Bulaacadda) (6 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 3,398 15% 8703.90 Tankers 6Tons ( Bulaacadda) (Above 6 781282 “ “ $ 3,073 15% Year) 8703.90 Tankers 8Tons ( Bulaacadda) (1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 9,100 15% 8703.90 Tankers 8Tons ( Bulaacadda) (2 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 8,220 15% 8703.90 Tankers 8Tons ( Bulaacadda) (3 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 7,428 15% 8703.90 Tankers 8Tons ( Bulaacadda) (4 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 6,716 15% 8703.90 Tankers 8Tons ( Bulaacadda) (5 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 6,074 15% 8703.90 Tankers 8Tons ( Bulaacadda) (6 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 5,496 15% 8703.90 Tankers 8Tons ( Bulaacadda) (Above 6 781282 “ “ $ 4,978 15% Year) 8703.90 Tankers 12Tons ( Bulaacadda) (1 Year) 781282 “ “ $11,150 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Tankers 12Tons ( Bulaacadda) (2 Year) 781282 “ “ $10,050 15% 8703.90 Tankers 12Tons ( Bulaacadda) (3 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 9,060 15% 8703.90 Tankers 12Tons ( Bulaacadda) (4 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 8,169 15% 8703.90 Tankers 12Tons ( Bulaacadda) (5 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 7,367 15% 8703.90 Tankers 12Tons ( Bulaacadda) (6 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 6,646 15% 8703.90 Tankers 12Tons ( Bulaacadda) (Above 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 5,996 15% 8703.90 Tankers 2 4Tons ( Bulaacadda) (1 Year) 781282 “ “ $17,750 15% 8703.90 Tankers 24Tons ( Bulaacadda) (2 Year) 781282 “ “ $15,990 15% 8703.90 Tankers 24Tons ( Bulaacadda) (3 Year) 781282 “ “ $14,406 15% 8703.90 Tankers 24Tons ( Bulaacadda) (4 Year) 781282 “ “ $12,981 15% 8703.90 Tankers 24Tons ( Bulaacadda) (5 Year) 781282 “ “ $11,698 15% 8703.90 Tankers 24Tons ( Bulaacadda) (6 Year) 781282 “ “ $10,542 15% 8703.90 Tankers 24Tons ( Bulaacadda) (Above 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 9,504 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 24 Tons ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $15,400 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 24 Tons ( 2 Years) 781282 “ “ $13,860 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 24 Tons ( 3 Years) 781282 “ “ $12,474 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 24 Tons ( 4 Years) 781282 “ “ $11,227 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 24 Tons ( 5 Years) 781282 “ “ $10,104 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 24 Tons ( 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 9,094 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 24 Tons ( above 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 8,184 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 18 Tons ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $13,192 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 18 Tons ( 2 Years) 781282 “ “ $11,874 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 18 Tons ( 3 Years) 781282 “ “ $10,688 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 18 Tons ( 4 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 9,620 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 18 Tons ( 5 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 8,659 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 18 Tons ( 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 7,794 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 18 Tons ( above 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 7,015 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 12 Tons ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 8,800 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 12 Tons ( 2 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 7,920 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 12 Tons ( 3 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 7,128 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 12 Tons ( 4 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 6,415 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 12 Tons ( 5 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 5,774 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 12 Tons ( 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 5,196 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 12 Tons ( above 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 4,677 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 10 Tons ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 7,150 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Tipper Truck 10 Tons ( 2 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 6,435 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 10 Tons ( 3 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 5,792 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 10 Tons ( 4 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 5,212 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 10 Tons ( 5 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 4,691 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 10 Tons ( 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 4,222 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 10 Tons ( above 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,800 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 8 Tons ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 5,720 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 8 Tons ( 2 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 5,148 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 8 Tons ( 3 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 4,633 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 8 Tons ( 4 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 4,170 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 8 Tons ( 5 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,753 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 8 Tons ( 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,378 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 8 Tons ( above 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,040 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 6 Tons ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 4,400 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 6 Tons ( 2 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,960 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 6 Tons ( 3 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,564 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 6 Tons ( 4 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,208 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 6 Tons ( 5 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,887 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 6 Tons ( 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,598 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 6 Tons ( above 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,338 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 4Tons ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 3,700 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 4 Tons ( 2 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,330 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 4 Tons ( 3 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,997 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 4 Tons ( 4 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,697 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 4 Tons ( 5 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,428 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 4 Tons ( 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,185 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 4 Tons ( above 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 1,967 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 3 Tons ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 2,860 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 3 Tons ( 2 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,574 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 3 Tons ( 3 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,317 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 3 Tons ( 4 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,085 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 3 Tons ( 5 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 1,877 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 3 Tons ( 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 1,689 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 3 Tons ( above 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 1,520 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Tipper Truck 1.5-2Tons ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 2,520 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 1.5-2Tons ( 2 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,268 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 1.5-2Tons ( 3 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,041 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 1.5-2Tons ( 4 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 1,837 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 1.5-2Tons ( 5 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 1,653 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 1.5-2Tons ( 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 1,488 15% 8703.90 Tipper Truck 1.5-2Tons ( above 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 1,339 15% 8703.90 Dumper 781282 “ “ $ 350 15% All Trucks of 24 Tons 8703.90 Upto 1 Year 781282 “ “ $13,200 15% 8703.90 Upto 2 Years 781282 “ “ $11,880 15% 8703.90 Upto 3 Years 781282 “ “ $10,692 15% 8703.90 Upto 4Yearss 781282 “ “ $ 9,623 15% 8703.90 Upto 5 Year 781282 “ “ $ 8,660 15% 8703.90 Upto 6 Years 781282 “ “ $ 7,794 15% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $ 7,015 15% All Trucks of 12 Tons 8703.90 Upto 1 Year 781282 “ “ $ 6,600 15% 8703.90 Upto 2 Years 781282 “ “ $ 5,940 15% 8703.90 Upto 3 Years 781282 “ “ $ 5,346 15% 8703.90 Upto 4Years 781282 “ “ $ 4,811 15% 8703.90 Upto 5 Year 781282 “ “ $ 4,330 15% 8703.90 Upto 6 Years 781282 “ “ $ 3,897 15% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $ 3,507 15% All Trucks of 10 Tons 8703.90 Upto 1 Year 781282 “ “ $ 5,500 15% 8703.90 Upto 2 Years 781282 “ “ $ 4,950 15% 8703.90 Upto 3 Years 781282 “ “ $ 4,455 15% 8703.90 Upto 4Yearss 781282 “ “ $ 4,100 15% 8703.90 Upto 5 Year 781282 “ “ $ 3,609 15% 8703.90 Upto 6 Years 781282 “ “ $ 3,248 15% Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $ 2,923 15% All Trucks of 8 Tons 8703.90 Upto 1 Year 781282 “ “ $ 4,400 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Upto 2 Years 781282 “ “ $ 3,960 15% 8703.90 Upto 3 Years 781282 “ “ $ 3,564 15% 8703.90 Upto 4Years 781282 “ “ $ 3,208 15% 8703.90 Upto 5 Year 781282 “ “ $ 2,887 15% 8703.90 Upto 6 Years 781282 “ “ $ 2,598 15% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $ 2,338 15% All Trucks of 6 Tons 8703.90 Upto 1 Year 781282 “ “ $ 3,500 15% 8703.90 Upto 2 Years 781282 “ “ $ 3,150 15% 8703.90 Upto 3 Years 781282 “ “ $ 2,835 15% 8703.90 Upto 4Years 781282 “ “ $ 2,552 15% 8703.90 Upto 5 Year 781282 “ “ $ 2,297 15% 8703.90 Upto 6 Years 781282 “ “ $ 2,067 15% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $ 1,861 15% All Trucks of 4 Tons 8703.90 Upto 1 Year 781282 “ “ $3,200 15% 8703.90 Upto 2 Years 781282 “ “ $2,880 15% 8703.90 Upto 3 Years 781282 “ “ $2,592 15% 8703.90 Upto 4 Years 781282 “ “ $2,333 15% 8703.90 Upto 5 Years 781282 “ “ $2,100 15% 8703.90 Upto 6 Years 781282 “ “ $1,890 15% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $1,701 15% All Trucks of 3 Tons 8703.90 Upto 1 Year 781282 “ “ $2,640 15% 8703.90 Upto 2 Years 781282 “ “ $2,376 15% 8703.90 Upto 3 Years 781282 “ “ $2,138 15% 8703.90 Upto 4Years 781282 “ “ $1,925 15% 8703.90 Upto 5 Years 781282 “ “ $1,732 15% 8703.90 Upto 6 Years 781282 “ “ $1,559 15% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $1,403 15% All Trucks of 1.5 upto 2 Tons 8703.90 Upto 1 Year 781282 “ “ $ 2,200 15% 8703.90 Upto 2 Years 781282 “ “ $ 1,980 15% 8703.90 Upto 3 Years 781282 “ “ $ 1,782 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Upto 4Yearss 781282 “ “ $ 1,604 15% 8703.90 Upto 5 Year 781282 “ “ $ 1,443 15% 8703.90 Upto 6 Years 781282 “ “ $ 1,299 15% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $ 1,169 15% 8703.90 Trailer Truck-Rimoodh ( 1 Year upto 4 years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,400 15% 8703.90 Trailer Truck-Rimoodh ( 5 years and Above ) 781282 “ “ $ 2,040 15% 8703.90 Trailer Tank Rimoodh 781282 “ “ $ 3,000 15% 8703.90 Semi Trailer 20 FT ( 1 Year upto 4 781282 “ “ $ 2,000 15% years)(Rimoodh) 8703.90 Semi Trailer 20 FT ( 5 Years and Above ) 781282 “ “ $ 1,700 15% (Rimoodh) 8703.90 Semi Trailer Tank 20FT(Rimoodh) 781282 “ “ $ 2,500 15% 8703.90 Semi Trailer 40 FT ( 1 Year upto 4 Years ) 781282 “ “ $ 4,000 15% (Rimoodh) 8703.90 Semi Trailer 40 FT ( 5 Years and Above ) 781282 “ “ $ 3,400 15% (Rimoodh) 8703.90 Semi Trailer Tank 40FT(Rimoodh) 781282 “ “ $ 4,500 15% 8703.90 Trailer Mask Truck 12 Tons ( Kur) ama ( 781282 “ “ $ 7,000 15% Jiide) 8703.90 Trailer Mask Truck 20 Tons ( Kur) ama 781282 “ “ $10,400 15% ( Jiide) 8703.90 Trailer Mask Truck 24 Tons ( Kur) ama 781282 “ “ $12,480 15% ( Jiide) 8703.90 Trailer Mask Truck 40 Tons ( Kur) ama ( 781282 “ “ $15,400 15% Jiide) 8703.90 Iron Body For Cargo Trucks ( 6Tons) 781282 “ “ $ 400 15% 8703.90 Iron Body For Cargo Trucks ( 8Tons) 781282 “ “ $ 500 15% 8703.90 Iron Body For Cargo Trucks ( 10Tons) 781282 “ “ $ 600 15% 8703.90 Iron Body For Cargo Trucks ( 12Tons) 781282 “ “ $ 700 15% 8703.90 Iron Body For Cargo Trucks ( 24Tons) 781282 “ “ $ 900 15%

Saloon Cars 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Two Doors (Jiir Bararay) 1 78128 “ “ $2,400 90% Year 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Two Doors (Jiir Bararay) 2 78128 “ “ $2,280 90% Year 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Two Doors (Jiir Bararay) 3 78128 “ “ $2,166 90% Year

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Two Doors (Jiir Bararay) 78128 “ “ $2,058 90% 4 Year 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Two Doors (Jiir Bararay) 78128 “ “ $1,956 90% 5 Year 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Two Doors (Jiir Bararay) 78128 “ “ $1,848 90% 6 Year 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Two Doors (Jiir Bararay) 78128 “ “ 90% Above 6 Years $1,740 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Three Doors (Jiir 78128 “ “ 90% Bararay) 1 Year $2,760 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Three Doors (Jiir 78128 “ “ 90% Bararay) 2 Year $2,622 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Three Doors (Jiir 78128 “ “ 90% Bararay) 3 Year $2,490 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Three Doors (Jiir 78128 “ “ 90% Bararay) 4 Year $2,364 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Three Doors (Jiir 78128 “ “ 90% Bararay) 5 Year $2,244 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Three Doors (Jiir 78128 “ “ 90% Bararay) 6 Year $2,124 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Three Doors (Jiir Bararay) 78128 “ “ 90% 6 Years Above. $2,022 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Four Doors (Jiir 78128 “ “ $2,880 90% Bararay) 1 Year 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Four Doors (Jiir 78128 “ “ $2,736 90% Bararay) 2ear 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Four Doors (Jiir 78128 “ “ $2,598 90% Bararay) 3 Year 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Four Doors (Jiir 78128 “ “ $2,466 90% Bararay) 4 Year 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Four Doors (Jiir 78128 “ “ $2,286 90% Bararay) 5 Year 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Four Doors (Jiir 78128 “ “ $2,160 90% Bararay) 6 Year 8703.90 R.V.R Mitsubishi Four Doors (Jiir 78128 “ “ 90% Bararay) 6 Year Above $2,052

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % Cars with Cubic Capacity from 500 to 800 CC 8703.90 Upto 1 year 781282 “ “ $893 90% 8703.90 Upto 2years 781282 “ “ $755 90% 8703.90 Upto 3 years 781282 “ “ $618 90% 8703.90 Upto 4years 781282 “ “ $721 90% 8703.90 Upto 5 years 781282 “ “ $480 90% 8703.90 Upto 6 years 781282 “ “ $343 90% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $245 90% Cars with Cubic Capacity from 801 to 1000 CC 8703.90 Upto 1 year 781282 “ “ $1,201 90% 8703.90 Upto 2years 781282 “ “ $1,030 90% 8703.90 Upto 3 years 781282 “ “ $961 90% 8703.90 Upto 4years 781282 “ “ $858 90% 8703.90 Upto 5 years 781282 “ “ $755 90% 8703.90 Upto 6 years 781282 “ “ $686 90% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $618 90% Cars with Cubic Capacity from 1001 To 1200 CC 8703.90 Upto 1 year 781282 “ “ $1,544 90% 8703.90 Upto 2years 781282 “ “ $1,373 90% 8703.90 Upto 3 years 781282 “ “ $2,196 90% 8703.90 Upto 4years 781282 “ “ $1,098 90% 8703.90 Upto 5 years 781282 “ “ $995 90% 8703.90 Upto 6 years 781282 “ “ $893 90% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $686 90% Cars with Cubic Capacity from 1201 to 1400 CC 8703.90 Up to 1 year 781282 “ “ $1,888 90% 8703.90 Upto 2years 781282 “ “ $1,681 90% 8703.90 Upto 3 years 781282 “ “ $1,510 90% 8703.90 Upto 4years 781282 “ “ $1,373 90% 8703.90 Upto 5 years 781282 “ “ $1,236 90% 8703.90 Upto 6 years 781282 “ “ $1,098 90%

8703.90 Up to 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $961 90%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % Cars with Cubic Capacity From 1401 To 1600 CC 8703.90 Up to 1 year 781282 “ “ $2,231 90% 8703.90 Upto 2years 781282 “ “ $1,991 90% 8703.90 Upto 3 years 781282 “ “ $1,784 90% 8703.90 Upto 4years 781282 “ “ $1,613 90% 8703.90 Upto 5 years 781282 “ “ $1,441 90% 8703.90 Upto 6 years 781282 “ “ $1,304 90% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $1,030 90% Cars with Cubic Capacity from 1601 To 1800 CC 8703.90 Upto 1 Year 781282 “ “ $2,574 90% 8703.90 Upto 2years 781282 “ “ $2,299 90% 8703.90 Upto 3 Years 781282 “ “ $2,059 90% 8703.90 Upto 4years 781282 “ “ $1,853 90% 8703.90 Upto 5 Years 781282 “ “ $1,681 90% 8703.90 Upto 6 Years 781282 “ “ $1,510 90% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $1,373 90% Cars with Cubic Capacity From 1801 To 2000 CC 8703.90 Upto 1 year 781282 “ “ $2,917 90% 8703.90 Upto 2years 781282 “ “ $2,609 90% 8703.90 Upto 3 years 781282 “ “ $2,334 90% 8703.90 Upto 4years 781282 “ “ $2,094 90% 8703.90 Upto 5 years 781282 “ “ $1,888 90% 8703.90 Upto 6 years 781282 “ “ $1,681 90% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $1,544 90% Cars with Cubic Capacity from 2001 to 2200 CC 8703.90 Upto 1 year 781282 “ “ $4,118 90% 8703.90 Upto 2years 781282 “ “ $3,432 90% 8703.90 Upto 3 years 781282 “ “ $3,329 90% 8703.90 Upto 4years 781282 “ “ $2,986 90% 8703.90 Upto 5 years 781282 “ “ $2,711 90%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Upto 6 years 781282 “ “ $2,402 90% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $2,128 90% Cars with Cubic Capacity from 2201 to 2400CC 8703.90 Upto 1 year 781282 “ “ $4,633 90% 8703.90 Upto 2years 781282 “ “ $4,462 90% 8703.90 Upto 3 years 781282 “ “ $4,118 90% 8703.90 Upto 4years 781282 “ “ $3,706 90% 8703.90 Upto 5 years 781282 “ “ $3,089 90% 8703.90 Upto 6 years 781282 “ “ $2,746 90% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $2,402 90% Cars with Cubic Capacity from 2401 to 2600 CC 8703.90 Upto 1 year 781282 “ “ $5,491 90% 8703.90 Upto 2years 781282 “ “ $4,805 90% 8703.90 Upto 3 years 781282 “ “ $4,118 90% 8703.90 Upto 4years 781282 “ “ $3,947 90% 8703.90 Upto 5 years 781282 “ “ $3,500 90% 8703.90 Upto 6 years 781282 “ “ $3,089 90% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $2,746 90% Cars with Cubic Capacity from 2601 to 2800 CC 8703.90 Upto 1 year 781282 “ “ $6,178 90% 8703.90 Upto 2years 781282 “ “ $5,491 90% 8703.90 Upto 3 years 781282 “ “ $4,805 90% 8703.90 Upto 4years 781282 “ “ $4,462 90% 8703.90 Upto 5 years 781282 “ “ $4,050 90% 8703.90 Upto 6 years 781282 “ “ $3,432 90% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $2,917 90% Cars with Cubic Capacity From 2801 To 3000 CC 8703.90 Upto 1 year 781282 “ “ $6,864 90% 8703.90 Upto 2years 781282 “ “ $6,178 90% 8703.90 Upto 3 years 781282 “ “ $5,491 90%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Upto 4years 781282 “ “ $4,805 90% 8703.90 Upto 5 years 781282 “ “ $4,462 90% 8703.90 Upto 6 years 781282 “ “ $3,775 90% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $3,260 90% Cars with Cubic Capacity From 3001 To 3200 CC 8703.90 Upto 1 year 781282 “ “ $7,550 90% 8703.90 Upto 2years 781282 “ “ $6,796 90% 8703.90 Upto 3 years 781282 “ “ $6,040 90% 8703.90 Upto 4years 781282 “ “ $5,286 90% 8703.90 Upto 5 years 781282 “ “ $4,908 90% 8703.90 Upto 6 years 781282 “ “ $4,153 90% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $3,586 90% Cars with Cubic Capacity From 3201 To 3400 CC 8703.90 Upto 1 year 781282 “ “ $9,060 90% 8703.90 Upto 2years 781282 “ “ $8,155 90% 8703.90 Upto 3 years 781282 “ “ $7,248 90% 8703.90 Upto 4years 781282 “ “ $6,343 90% 8703.90 Upto 5 years 781282 “ “ $5,890 90% 8703.90 Upto 6 years 781282 “ “ $4,983 90% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $4,303 90% Cars with Cubic Capacity From 3401 To 3600 CC 8703.90 Upto 1 year 781282 “ “ $9,966 90% 8703.90 Upto 2years 781282 “ “ $8,971 90% 8703.90 Upto 3 years 781282 “ “ $7,973 90% 8703.90 Upto 4years 781282 “ “ $6,977 90% 8703.90 Upto 5 years 781282 “ “ $6,479 90% 8703.90 Upto 6 years 781282 “ “ $5,481 90% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $4,733 90%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % Cars with Cubic Capacity From 3601 To 3800 CC 8703.90 Upto 1 year 781282 “ “ $10,963 90% 8703.90 Upto 2years 781282 “ “ $9,868 90% 8703.90 Upto 3 years 781282 “ “ $8,770 90% 8703.90 Upto 4years 781282 “ “ $7,675 90% 8703.90 Upto 5 years 781282 “ “ $7,127 90% 8703.90 Upto 6 years 781282 “ “ $6,029 90% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $5,206 90% Cars with Cubic Capacity From 3801 To 4000 CC 8703.90 Upto 1 year 781282 “ “ $12,059 90% 8703.90 Upto 2years 781282 “ “ $10,855 90% 8703.90 Upto 3 years 781282 “ “ $9,647 90% 8703.90 Upto 4years 781282 “ “ $8,443 90% 8703.90 Upto 5 years 781282 “ “ $7,840 90% 8703.90 Upto 6 years 781282 “ “ $6,632 90% 8703.90 Upto 7 Years and Above 781282 “ “ $5,727 90% Special Purpose Cars/Trucks 8703.90 Ambulance cars L/Cruiser Type (1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 4,160 15% 8703.90 Ambulance cars L/Cruiser Type (2 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,930 15% 8703.90 Ambulance cars L/Cruiser Type (3 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,930 15% 8703.90 Ambulance cars L/Cruiser Type (4 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,465 15% 8703.90 Ambulance cars L/Cruiser Type (5 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,235 15% 8703.90 Ambulance cars L/Cruiser Type (6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,770 15% 8703.90 Ambulance cars L/Cruiser Type (Above 6 781282 “ “ $ 2,310 15% Years) 8703.90 Ambulance Trucks 3-6 Ton Type (1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 3,235 15% 8703.90 Ambulance Trucks 3-6 Ton Type (2 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,135 15% 8703.90 Ambulance Trucks 3-6 Ton Type (3 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,035 15% 8703.90 Ambulance Trucks 3-6 Ton Type (4 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,835 15% 8703.90 Ambulance Trucks 3-6 Ton Type (5 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,635 15% 8703.90 Ambulance Trucks 3-6 Ton Type (6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,435 15% 8703.90 Ambulance Trucks 3-6 Ton Type (Above 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,235 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Car L/Rover Type ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 1,850 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Car L/Rover Type ( 2 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 1,620 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Car L/Rover Type ( 3 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 1,385 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Car L/Rover Type ( 4 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 1,155 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Car L/Rover Type ( 5 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 925 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Car L/Rover Type ( 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 810 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Car L/Rover Type ( Above 6 781282 “ “ $ 695 15% Years ) 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 8 Tons Type ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 4,160 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 8 Tons Type ( 2 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,745 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 8 Tons Type ( 3 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,350 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 8 Tons Type ( 4 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,030 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 8 Tons Type ( 5 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,725 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 8 Tons Type ( 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,450 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 8 Tons Type ( Above 6 781282 “ “ $ 2,080 15% Years ) 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 18 Tons Type ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $9,360 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 18 Tons Type ( 2 Year) 781282 “ “ $8,738 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 18 Tons Type ( 3 Year) 781282 “ “ $8,115 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 18 Tons Type ( 4 Year) 781282 “ “ $7,493 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 18 Tons Type ( 5 Year) 781282 “ “ $6,870 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 18 Tons Type ( 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $6,248 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 18 Tons Type ( Above 6 781282 “ “ $5,625 15% Year) 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 24 Tons Type ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $12,480 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 24 Tons Type ( 2 Year) 781282 “ “ $11,650 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 24 Tons Type ( 3 Year) 781282 “ “ $10,820 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 24 Tons Type ( 4 Year) 781282 “ “ $9,990 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 24 Tons Type ( 5 Year) 781282 “ “ $9,160 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 24 Tons Type ( 6 Year) 781282 “ “ $8,330 15% 8703.90 Fire Extinguisher Truck 24 Tons Type ( Above 6 781282 “ “ $7,500 15% Year) 8703.90 Work-Shop Truck 6 Tons Type ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 3,870 15% 8703.90 Work-Shop Truck 6 Tons Type ( 2 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,400 15% 8703.90 Work-Shop Truck 6 Tons Type ( 3 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,900 15% 8703.90 Work-Shop Truck 6 Tons Type ( 4 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,700 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Work-Shop Truck 6 Tons Type ( 5 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,450 15% 8703.90 Work-Shop Truck 6 Tons Type ( 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,200 15% 8703.90 Work-Shop Truck 6 Tons Type ( above 6 years) 781282 “ “ $ 1,950 15% 8703.90 Garbage collection truck 8 tons type ( 1 Year) 781282 “ “ $ 4,160 15% 8703.90 Garbage collection truck 8 tons type ( 2 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,745 15% 8703.90 Garbage collection truck 8 tons type ( 3 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,350 15% 8703.90 Garbage collection truck 8 tons type ( 4 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 3,050 15% 8703.90 Garbage collection truck 8 tons type ( 5 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,725 15% 8703.90 Garbage collection truck 8 tons type ( 6 Years) 781282 “ “ $ 2,445 15% 8703.90 Garbage collection truck 8 tons type( above 6 781282 “ “ $ 2,100 15 % years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 12 tons type ( 781282 “ “ $ 7,000 15% 1 year) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 12 tons type ( 781282 “ “ $ 6,300 15% 2 years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 12 tons type ( 781282 “ “ $ 5,670 15% 3 years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 12 tons type ( 781282 “ “ $ 5,103 15% 4 years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 12 tons type ( 781282 “ “ $ 4,593 15% 5 years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 12 tons type ( 781282 “ “ $ 4,135 15% 6 years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 12 tons type ( 781282 “ “ $ 3,720 15% above 6 years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 10 tons 781282 “ “ $ 6,200 15% type ( 1 year) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 10 tons 781282 “ “ $ 5,580 15% type ( 2 years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 10 tons 781282 “ “ $5,022 15% type ( 3 years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 10 tons 781282 “ “ $4,520 15% type ( 4 years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 10 tons 781282 “ “ $4,068 15% type ( 5 years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 10 tons 781282 “ “ $3,661 15% type ( 6 years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 10 tons 781282 “ “ $3,295 15% type ( above 6 years)

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 8 tons type ( 1 781282 “ “ $5,800 15% year) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 8tons type ( 2 781282 “ “ $5,220 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 8 tons type ( 3 781282 “ “ $4,698 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 8 tons type ( 4 781282 “ “ $4,228 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 8 tons type ( 5 781282 “ “ $3,806 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 8 tons type ( 6 781282 “ “ $3,425 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 8 tons type ( 781282 “ “ $3,083 15% above 6 years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 6 tons type ( 1 781282 “ “ $4,500 15% year) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 6tons type ( 2 781282 “ “ $4,050 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 6 tons type ( 3 781282 “ “ $3,645 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 6 tons type ( 4 781282 “ “ $3,281 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 6 tons type ( 5 781282 “ “ $2,953 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 6 tons type ( 6 781282 “ “ $2,657 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 6 tons type ( above 781282 “ “ $2,392 15% 6 years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 4 tons type ( 1 781282 “ “ $3,900 15% year) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 4tons type ( 2 781282 “ “ $3,510 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 4 tons type ( 3 781282 “ “ $3,159 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 4 tons type ( 4 781282 “ “ $2,843 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 4 tons type ( 5 781282 “ “ $2,559 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 4 tons type ( 6 781282 “ “ $2,303 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 4 tons type 781282 “ “ $2,073 15% ( above 6 years)

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 3 tons type ( 1 781282 “ “ $3,200 15% year) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 3 tons type ( 2 781282 “ “ $2,880 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 3 tons type ( 3 781282 “ “ $2,592 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 3 tons type ( 4 781282 “ “ $2,333 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 3 tons type ( 5 781282 “ “ $2,100 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 3 tons type ( 6 781282 “ “ $1,890 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 3 tons type ( above 781282 “ “ $1,701 15% 6 years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 1.5 to 2 tons type ( 1 781282 “ “ $2,600 15% year) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 1.5 to 2tons type ( 2 781282 “ “ $2,340 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 1.5 to 2tons type ( 3 781282 “ “ $2,106 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 1.5 to 2 tons type ( 4 781282 “ “ $ 1,896 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 1.5 to 2tons type ( 5 781282 “ “ $ 1,706 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 1.5 to 2tons type ( 6 781282 “ “ $ 1,535 15% years) 8703.90 Truck with small crane mounted 1.5 to 2tons type ( 781282 “ “ $ 1,382 15% above 6 years) 8703.90 Truck with Drilling Derricks ( Rig) 12-15 Tons ( 1 781282 “ “ $21,500 15% Year) 8703.90 Truck with Drilling Derricks ( Rig) 12-15 Tons ( 2 781282 “ “ $20,400 15% Years) 8703.90 Truck with Drilling Derricks ( Rig) 12-15 Tons ( 3 781282 “ “ $19,400 15% Years) 8703.90 Truck with Drilling Derricks ( Rig) 12-15 Tons ( 781282 “ “ $18,550 15% 4 Years) 8703.90 Truck with Drilling Derricks ( Rig) 12-15 Tons ( 781282 “ “ $17,650 15% 5 Years) 8703.90 Truck with Drilling Derricks ( Rig) 12-15 Tons ( 781282 “ “ $16,800 15% 6 Years) 8703.90 Truck with Drilling Derricks ( Rig) 12-15 Tons ( 781282 “ “ $16,000 15% above 6 Year) 8703.90 Truck with Drilling Hammering ( Rig) 12-15 Tons ( 1 781282 “ “ $11,511 15% Years)

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Truck with Drilling Hammering ( Rig) 12-15 Tons ( 2 781282 “ “ $10,951 15% Years) 8703.90 Truck with Drilling Hammering ( Rig) 12-15 Tons ( 3 781282 “ “ $10,418 15% Years) 8703.90 Truck with Drilling Hammering ( Rig) 12-15 Tons ( 4 781282 “ “ $ 9,911 15% Years) 8703.90 Truck with Drilling Hammering ( Rig) 12-15 Tons ( 5 781282 “ “ $ 9,429 15% Years) 8703.90 Truck with Drilling Hammering ( Rig) 12-15 Tons ( 6 781282 “ “ $ 8,970 15% Years) 8703.90 Truck with Drilling Hammering (Rig) 12-15 Tons 781282 “ “ $ 8,533 15% ( above 6 Years) 8703.90 Head Drilling for Rig (Water) 781282 $ 3,500 15% 8703.90 Leg’s Rig ( Cagaha Riiga) 781282 Per Set $280 15% 8703.90 Road cleaning Truck 6 Tons type 1 year 781282 Per Unit $ 3,700 15% 8703.90 Road cleaning Truck 6 Tons type 2 781282 “ “ $ 3,235 15% years 8703.90 Road cleaning Truck 6 Tons type 3 years 781282 “ “ $ 2,770 15% 8703.90 Road cleaning Truck 6 Tons type 4 years 781282 “ “ $ 2,540 15% 8703.90 Road cleaning Truck 6 Tons type 5 years 781282 “ “ $ 2,300 15% 8703.90 Road cleaning Truck 6 Tons type 6 years 781282 “ “ $ 2,100 15% 8703.90 Road cleaning Truck 6 Tons type Above 6 781282 “ “ $ 1,850 15% Years 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 2 Tons up to 1 781282 “ “ $1,495 15% Year 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 2 Tons up to 2 781282 “ “ $1,420 15% Year 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 2 Tons up to 3 781282 “ “ $1,350 15% Year 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 2 Tons up to 4 781282 “ “ $1,282 15% Year 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 2 Tons up to 5 781282 “ “ $1,218 15% Year 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 2 Tons up to 6 781282 “ “ $1,156 15% Year and Above 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 3 Tons up to 1 781282 “ “ $ 3,540 15% Year 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 3 Tons up to 2 781282 “ “ $ 3,186 15% Years

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 3 Tons up to 3 781282 “ “ $ 2,868 15% Years 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 3 Tons up to 4 781282 “ “ $ 2,582 15% Years 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 3 Tons up to 5 781282 “ “ $ 2,324 15% Years 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 3 Tons up to 6 781282 “ “ $ 2,092 15% Years 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 3 Tons up to above 6 781282 “ “ $2,000 15 % Years 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 6 Tons up to 1 781282 “ “ $4,520 15% Year 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 6 Tons up to 2 781282 “ “ $4,068 15% Years 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 6 Tons up to 3 781282 “ “ $3,662 15% Years 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 6 Tons up to 4 781282 “ “ $3,296 15% Years 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 6 Tons up to 5 781282 “ “ $2,967 15% Years 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 6 Tons up to 6 781282 “ “ $2,670 15% Years 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 6 Tons up to above 6 781282 “ “ $2,403 15% Years 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 8 Tons up to 1 8703.90 “ “ $5,500 15% Year 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 8 Tons up to 2 8703.90 “ “ $4,950 15% Years 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 8 Tons up to 3 8703.90 “ “ $4,455 15% Years 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 8 Tons up to 4 8703.90 “ “ $4,010 15% Years 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 8 Tons up to 5 8703.90 “ “ $3,609 15% Years 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 8 Tons up to 6 8703.90 “ “ $3,247 15% Years

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Truck with Cold Storage 8 Tons up to 8703.90 “ “ $2,923 15% above 6 Years 8703.90 Concrete Mixer Truck 12 Tons type 1 8703.90 “ “ $7,950 15% year 8703.90 Concrete Mixer Truck 12 Tons type 2 8703.90 “ “ $6,600 15% year 8703.90 Concrete Mixer Truck 12 Tons type 3 8703.90 “ “ $5,300 15% year 8703.90 Concrete Mixer Truck 12 Tons type 4 8703.90 “ “ $4,750 15% year 8703.90 Concrete Mixer Truck 12 Tons type 5 8703.90 “ “ $4,225 15 % year 8703.90 Concrete Mixer Truck 12 Tons type 6 8703.90 “ “ $3,700 15% year 8703.90 Concrete Mixer Truck 12 Tons type 8703.90 “ “ $3,170 15% above 6 year 8703.90 Concrete Mixer Truck 24 Tons type 1 8703.90 “ “ $15,900 15% year 8703.90 Concrete Mixer Truck 24 Tons type 2 8703.90 “ “ $14,548 15% year 8703.90 Concrete Mixer Truck 24 Tons type 3 8703.90 “ “ $13,312 15% year 8703.90 Concrete Mixer Truck 24 Tons type 4 8703.90 “ “ $12,180 15% year 8703.90 Concrete Mixer Truck 24 Tons type 5 8703.90 “ “ $11,145 15% year 8703.90 Concrete Mixer Truck 24 Tons type 6 8703.90 “ “ $10,197 15% year and Above 8703.90 Bitumen Mixer Truck 12 Tons 1 8703.90 “ “ $7,950 15% Year 8703.90 Bitumen Mixer Truck 12 Tons 2 8703.90 “ “ $ 6,600 15% Years 8703.90 Bitumen Mixer Truck 12 Tons 3 8703.90 “ “ $5,300 15% Years 8703.90 Bitumen Mixer Truck 12 Tons 4 Years 8703.90 “ “ $4,750 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8703.90 Bitumen Mixer Truck 12 Tons 5 Years 8703.90 “ “ $4,225 15% 8703.90 Bitumen Mixer Truck 12 Tons 6 Years 8703.90 “ “ $3,700 15% 8703.90 Bitumen Mixer Truck 12 Tons Above 6 8703.90 “ “ $3,170 15% Years 8703.90 Bitumen Mixer Truck 24 Ton1Year 8703.90 “ “ $15,900 15% 8703.90 Bitumen Mixer Truck 24 Ton 2 Year 8703.90 “ “ $13,200 15% 8703.90 Bitumen Mixer Truck 24 Ton 3 Year 8703.90 “ “ $10,600 15% 8703.90 Bitumen Mixer Truck 24 Ton 4 Year 8703.90 “ “ $9,500 15% 8703.90 Bitumen Mixer Truck 24 Ton 5 Year 8703.90 “ “ $8,450 15% 8703.90 Bitumen Mixer Truck 24 Ton 6 Year 8703.90 “ “ $7,400 15% 8703.90 Bitumen Mixer Truck 24 Ton Above 6 8703.90 “ “ $6,340 15% Year

Cycles and Invalid Carriers. 8712.00 Bicycles for Sports 785209 Per Pcs $40 20% 8712.00 Bicycles for Ordinary 785209 “ “ $30 20% 8712.00 Bicycles for Children 785209 “ “ $25 20% 8712.00 Tricycles for Children 785209 “ “ $18 20% 8714.20 Motorized invalid Carriage 785360 “ “ $70 20% 8715.00 Baby Walkers 894110 “ “ $5 20% 8715.00 Baby Carriage Complete 894110 “ Set $10 20% 8715.00 Baby Car Seat 894110 “ Set $3.00 20% 8713.10 Non-Motorized Invalid Carriages. 785315 “ PCs $15 20% 8713.10 Tri-Cycle Motorized for Passenger(TIG) 785315 “ “ $600 20% 8713.10 Tri-Cycle Motorized with Trail (TIG) 785315 “ “ $600 20% 8714.19 Motor Cycles-150 DXE 785359 “ “ $600 20% 8714.19 Motor Cycles Honda –1250 “ “ “ “ $560 20% 8714.19 Motor Cycles Yamaha – 125 CC “ “ “ “ $480 20% 8714.19 Motor Cycles Others “ “ “ “ $400 20%

Spare Parts 8708.99.9 Used Heavy Truck Engines 785359 Per Unit $350 25% 8708.99.9 Used Engine Dyne4,3,2 Tons “ “ “ “ $217 25% 8708.99.9 Used Engine With Gear Box Dyne “ “ “ “ $273 25% 8708.99.9 Used Salon Car Engine “ “ “ “ $210 25% 8708.99.9 Used Engine with Gear Box Surf, L/Cruser,Nissan “ “ “ “ $350 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8708.99.9 Used gear box for tractor “ “ “ “ $252 25% 8708.99.9 Ilko cagaf “ “ “ “ $7.0 25% 8708.99.9 Used Complete Gear Box Truck “ “ “ “ $84 25% 8708.99.9 Used Engine Only Surf,L/Cruser,Nissan “ “ “ “ $280 25% 8708.99.9 Used Engine with Gear Box Suzuki,Hillux “ “ “ “ $280 25% 8708.99.9 Used Engine Only Suzuki, Hillux “ “ “ “ $210 25% 8708.99.9 Used Car front Face (Fuqa Hore) “ “ “ “ $35 25% 8708.99.9 Trus hore saloon cars “ “ “ “ $15 25% 8708.99.9 Trus hore station wagon “ “ “ “ $20 25% 8708.99.9 Used Car Dash-Board (Dhash Kawar) “ “ “ “ $49 25% 8708.99.9 Used Landcruiser Cabin “ “ “ “ $420 25% 8708.99.9 Used Truck Cabin “ “ “ “ $595 25% 8708.99.9 Used Rear Double Exle Waaraad “ “ “ “ $350 25% 8708.99.9 Used Rear Exle Waaraad “ “ “ “ $210 25% 8708.99.9 Used Fron Exle Waaraad “ “ “ “ $210 25% 8708.99.9 Used Chasis (caqaayad) “ “ “ “ $700 25% 8708.99.9 Used Buudhi “ “ “ “ $560 25% 8708.99.9 Buudhi Cagaf “ “ “ “ $715 25% 8708.99.9 Body Bus( Buudhi) “ “ “ “ $425 25% 8708.99.9 Jambi Waaraad “ “ “ “ $134 25% 8708.99.9 Used Front Exle Dyne “ “ “ “ $70 25% 8708.99.9 Used Rear Exle Dyne “ “ “ “ $105 25% 8708.99.9 Used Rear Exle Hillux,Suzuki “ “ “ “ $70 25% 8708.99.9 Used Front Exle L/Cruiser, Surf, Nissan, “ “ “ “ $70 25% MITSh 8708.99.9 Used Rear Exle L/Cruiser, Surf, Nissan, “ “ “ “ $105 25% MITSH 8708.99.9 Dubbe Cagaf “ “ “ “ $357 25% 8708.99.9 Wheel Ring “ “ “ “ $3.46 25% 8708.99.9 Cover Fan “ “ “ “ $2.85 25% 8708.99.9 Madaxa Baytariga “ “ “ “ $1.10 25% 8708.99.9 Majaroor Gaadhi “ “ “ “ $1.43 25% 8708.99.9 Daawe Tyre “ “ “ “ $13.00 25% 8708.99.9 Madax-tuumbo Rimoodh “ “ “ “ $3.60 25% 8708.99.9 Kiish Candho “ “ “ “ $100 25% 8708.99.9 Used Rear Differential (Candho) Truck “ “ “ “ $84 25% 8708.99.9 Used Rear Differential (Candho) Dyne “ “ “ “ $63 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8708.99.9 Used Rear Differential (Candho) “ “ “ “ $56 25% Suef,L/Cruser,MITSh 8708.99.9 Used Rear Differential (Candho) “ “ “ “ $49 25% Suzuki, Hillux 8708.99.9 Rear Exle for Saloon Cars “ “ “ “ $75 25% 8708.99.9 Gear Box for Saloon Cars “ “ “ “ $80 25% 8708.99.9 Mirror side car decoration “ “ Per pair $10 25% ❖ Toyota: Cressida, Corolla, MarII, Crown, Tercel Celica, Corona, Carina, Camary Etc. ❖ Nisan: Sunny, Blue Bird, Laurel, 200L, March 240C, Sky Line Etc. ❖Mitsubishi: Glant, Lancer Etc. ❖ Izusu: Aska Etc ❖ Susuki: SJ410, 413, Samural, Froza, Etc. ❖ Mazda, 929l, 626,323, Etc. ❖ Daihatsu Rocky Etc ❖ Eurepean Cars,Flat 132,124,Argenta,V/W Pasla- Rbbit,BMW,M/Benz Reugiot,Reanult,Etc

ENGINE, SUSPENSTION & ELECTRIC GROUP 8708.99.90 Cylinder Block ASSY “ “ 1PC 77.00 25% " " " Head Cylinder Assy “ “ 1PC 57.00 25% " " " Crank Shaft Assy “ “ 1PC 26.00 25% " " " Main Bearing “ “ 1Set 3.70 25% " " " Conn.Rod Bearing “ “ 1Set 3.70 25% " " " Con.Rod Bearing “ “ Set 3.70 25% " " " Cam Shaft Assy “ “ 1 Set 11.00 25% " " " Cam Shaft Bearing “ “ 1Set 2.50 25% " " " Thrust Washer “ “ 1Set 1.60 25% " " " Pistons “ “ Set 13.20 25% " " " Pistons Assy “ “ 1 Set 11.00 25% " " " Pistons with Rings “ “ 1Set 16.50 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % " " " Rings Pistons “ “ 1Set 3.30 25% " " " Oil Pump Assy “ “ Set 4.40 25% " " " Conn.Rod Bushes “ “ 1 Set 1.30 25% " " " Conn.Rod Assy “ “ 1Set 3.85 25% " " " Engine Valve ( Inlet) “ “ 1Set 2.40 25% " " " Engine Valve Exh “ “ 1PC 1.65 25% 8708.99.90 Rubber Valves “ “ 1 Set 0.65 25% " " " Fornt Cover Assy “ “ 1pc 2.20 25% " " " Oil Filter “ “ 1pc 0.50 25% " " " Shaando frame “ “ 1pc 3.20 25% " " " Wheel net bolting for TIG “ “ 1pc 0.50 25% " " " Engine mounting TIG “ “ 1pc 0.65 25% " " " Cluch cover TIG “ “ 1pc 1.30 25% " " " Linked shoes “ “ 1pc 0.80 25% " " " Brake drum TIG “ “ 1pc 1.30 25% " " " Engine Mounting “ “ 1PC 1.30 25% " " " Water PumP Assy “ “ 1Set 5.30 25% 8708.91.00 Radiator Assy “ “ 1PC 13.00 25% 8708.91.00 Radiator Top Cover “ “ 1PC $2.50 25% 8708.94.00 Steering ( Gear & Link) “ “ 1PC 6.00 25% " " " Steering Column Shaft “ “ 1PC 7.00 25% " " " Steering Wheel Assy “ “ 1PC 27.00 25% Vane Pump & Reservoir “ “ 1PC 11.55 25% " " " Str.Power O/H Kit “ “ 1PC 0.25 25% 8708.80.00 Shock Absorbers “ “ 1PC 4.00 25% " " " Shock Absorber ( Bushes) “ “ 1PC 0.13 25% Front Spring Assy “ “ 1PC 11.00 25% " " " Rear Spring Assy “ “ 1pc 9.25 25% 8708.60.00 Front Axle Shaft “ “ 1pc 19.30 25% 8708.93.00 Clutch Cable “ “ 1PC 2.60 25% 8708.99.90 Front Hub Brg ( Inner) “ “ 1Set 1.30 25% " " " Front Hub Brg ( Outer) “ “ 1PC 1.00 25% 8708.50.00 Rear Axle Brg “ “ 1PC 2.00 25% " " " Hub Oil Seal (R/Front) “ “ 1PC 1.10 25% " " " Acc.Cable “ “ 1PC 1.60 25% " " " Older Sub-Assy ( T/Belt) “ “ 1PC 15.50 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % " " " Ilder Wheel Gear “ “ 1PC 6.50 25% " " " Speedo Meter Cable “ “ 1PC 1.30 25% 8708.40.00 Distrabutor Gear “ “ 1PC 5.40 25% 8708.99.90 Universal Joint “ “ 1PC 1.60 25% 8708.91.00 Radiator Cap “ “ 1PC 0.25 25% 8708.99.90 Oil Cap ( Lid) “ “ 1PC 0.25 25% 8708.50.00 Axle Shafta Oil Seal “ “ 1PC 0.35 2% 8708.39.00 Brack Drum Assy “ “ 1PC 2.40 25% 8708.99.90 Ignition Coil “ “ 1PC 2.55 25% 8708.99.90 Resister Coil “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Ignition Cord Wires “ “ 1Set 1.10 25% " " " Distrabutor Assy “ “ 1PC 2.60 25% " " " Distrabutor Cup “ “ 1PC 0.07 25% " " " Contact Point “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " “ “ 1PC 0.25 25% " " " Sparkling plugs “ “ 1PC 0.40 25% " " " Alternator (Dynamo) “ “ 1PC 8.00 25% " " " Starter motor Assy “ “ 1PC 9.25 25% " " " Carburator Assy “ “ 1PC 14.50 25% " " " Injection Pump Assy “ “ 1PC 155.00 25% " " " Carburator O/H Kit “ “ 1set 0.70 25% " " " Injecton Nozzle “ “ 1set 7.00 25% " " " Fuel Pump Assy “ “ 1pc 7.00 25% " " " Fuel Pump Assy “ “ 1pc 0.25 25% " " " Fuel Filter ( Petrol) “ “ 1pc 0.25 25% " " " Fuel Filter ( Deisel) “ “ 1PC 0.70 25% " " " Fuel Pipe “ “ 1PC 0.80 25% " " " Rotor Ram “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Fuel Electric Jin.Pump ( Efi) “ “ 1PC 31.00 25% " " " Carbon Brushes “ “ 1set 0.35 25% " " " Water Temp Switch “ “ 1pc 0.55 25% " " " Oil Pressure Switch “ “ 1pc 0.70 25% " " " Starter Bushes F/Rear “ “ set 0.25 25% " " " Diesel Glow Plugs “ “ 1PC 1.30 25% " " " Stater Pinion “ “ 1PC 4.70 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % " " " Regulator Dynamo ( Regulator) “ “ 1PC 2.40 25% " " " Flasher Unit “ “ 1PC 0.17 25% " " " Horn Assy “ “ 1PC 2.20 25% 8708.99.90 Horn Bushes “ “ 1set 0.80 25% " " " Starter Swich “ “ 1PC 1.30 25% " " " Cooling Fan ( Electric) “ “ 1PC 2.30 25% " " " Head Lamp Bulb “ “ 1PC 0.25 25% " " " Bulb 12V-315w “ “ 1PC 1.00 25% " " " Bulb 12v-21W “ “ 1PC 1.00 25% " " " Sealed Beam “ “ 1PC 0.70 25% " " " Fuses “ “ 1Set 0.15 25% " " " Ignition Switch Wire “ “ 1PC 090 25% " " " Head Lamp Complete. “ “ set 4.00 25% " " " Front Turn Signal Lamp Complete. “ “ 1PC 1.30 25% " " " Front Clearnace & Lamp Complete. “ “ 1PC 0.08 25% " " " Head Lamp Lens. “ “ 1PC 2.30 25% " " " Side Turn Signal Lamp Complete “ “ 1PC 3.10 25% " " " Side Turn Signal Lens “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Stop Back Lens “ “ 1PC 3.50 25% " " " Internal Miror “ “ 1PC 0.90 25% " " " Side Mirror “ “ 1PC 1.30 25% " " " Wiper Blades “ “ 1PC 1.30 2% " " " Wiper Blades “ “ 1PC 0.40 25% " " " Wiper Motor Assy “ “ 1PC 3.50 25% " " " Wiper Arm Set of 2PCS “ “ 1PC 1.10 25% " " " Hose Pipes “ “ 1PC 1.30 25% " " " Fan Radiator “ “ 1PC 1.65 25% " " " Fan Belt “ “ 1PC 0.18 25% " " " Air Cleaner “ “ 1PC 2.00 25% " " " manifold Assy “ “ 1PC 5.50 25% 8708.92.00 Exhaust Pipe “ “ 1PC 4.40 25% " " " Exhaust Silencer ( Muffleer) “ “ 1PC 9.00 25% " " " Exhaust Complete “ “ 1PC 13.00 25% " " " Exhaust Gasket “ “ 1PC 0.17 25% 8708.99.90 Manifold Gasket “ “ 1PC 0.17 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % " " " Fly Wheel Assy “ “ 1PC 5.50 25% " " " Fly Wheel Brg “ “ 1PC 3.50 25% " " " Linner Pistons “ “ 1set 16.50 25% " " " Timing Belt “ “ 1PC 2.60 25% " " " Timing Gears “ “ 1pc 1.65 25% " " " Tensioner Chain “ “ 1PC 1.50 25% " " " Vibration Damper “ “ 1PC 2.00 25% " " " Crank Shaft Pulley “ “ 1PC 2.70 25% " " " Engine O/H Gasket “ “ 1PC 1.80 25% " " " Head Clyinderf Gasket “ “ 1PC 1.80 25% " " " Front Engine Oil Seal “ “ 1PC 0.33 25% " " " Rear Engine Oil Seal “ “ 1pc 0.33 25% " " " Front Drive Shaft Assy “ “ 1PC 77.00 25% " " " Core Plugs “ “ 1PC 1.10 25% " " " Cam Shaft Gear “ “ 1PC 1.65 25% " " " Door Motor ( Automatic) “ “ 1PC 11.55 25% " " " Terminal Battery (+,-) “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Indicator For Flasher Switch “ “ 1PC 11.55 25% " " " Car Tape Recorder “ “ 1PC 2.75 25% " " " Car Tape Recorder With Radio “ “ 1PC 3.30 25% " " " Car Radio “ “ 1PC 2.25 25% " " " Car Speaker “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Car Antena “ “ 1PC 0.45 25% " " " Car Seat Dress Superior “ “ Per Set $10.00 25% " " " Car Seat Dress Ordinary “ “ Per Set $5.00 25% " " " Lamp Skin for Cars “ “ Per Pc $5.00 25% " " " Dash Board Cover “ “ Per Pc $3.00 25% " " " Steering Wheel Cover “ “ Per Pc $0.25 25% " " " Head of Transmision Gear “ “ Per Pc $0.11 25% 8708.99.90 Electric Fuel Lump “ “ 1PC 3.30 25% 8708.93.00 Clutch Plate “ “ 1PC 2.60 25% 8708.99.90 Release Brg “ “ 1PC 0.30 25% " " " Release Fork “ “ 1PC 2.35 25% 7843.99.00 Pressur Plate ( Cover Clutch) “ “ 1PC 4.00 25% " " " Clutch Master Cyl.Assy “ “ 1PC 1.60 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % " " " Clutch Release Cyl.Assy “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Sleeve Clutch Kit “ “ 1set 0.11 25% 7843.39.00 Brake Master Cyl.Assy “ “ 1PC 3.30 25% " " " Brake Master Cyl.Kit “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Brake Disc Assy “ “ 1PC 15.50 25% " " " Brake Disc.Pads “ “ 1PC 1.80 25% " " " Brake Shoes “ “ 1set 2.00 2% " " " Cliper ( F/Disc Type) “ “ 1PC 11.55 25% " " " Brake Booster Assy “ “ 1pc 4.50 25% " " " Brake Booster O/H Kit “ “ 1PC 1.65 25% " " " Brake Pipe ( Flexible) “ “ 1PC 0.25 25% 7843.60.00 Front Axle ARM “ “ 1PC 2.65 25% 7843.99.90 Front Hub Assy “ “ 1PC 3.90 25% " " " Tie Rod Ends “ “ 1set 1.30 25% " " " Upper Ball Joint “ “ 1PC 2.00 25% " " " Low ball Joint “ “ 1pc 2.20 25% " " " Wheel Cyl/Assy “ “ 1PC 2.20 25% " " " Wheel Cyl. O/h Kit “ “ 1PC 0.40 25% " " " Support Suspension Rear “ “ 1set 13.50 25% " " " Rear Suspension Arm “ “ 1PC 3.30 25% " " " Front Suspension Arm] “ “ 1PC 3.30 25% " " " Spring Leaf ( no"1) “ “ 1PC 2.20 25% “ “ Spring Leaves in Set “ “ Each 9.00 25% “ “ Spring Bushes “ “ 1 Pc 0.11 25% “ “ Str.Relay Assy “ “ 1PC 15.50 25% “ “ Str.Relay Kit “ “ 1PC 8.00 25% “ “ U-Bolts “ “ 1PC 0.17 25% “ “ Water Pump O/H/Kit “ “ 1PC 2.20 25% “ “ Hub Nut “ “ 1PC 3.50 25% “ “ Wheel Nut “ “ 1PC 0.55 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % Toyota,L/Cuiser Pick up &S/Wagon, Nissan,Patrol Pick Up &S/wagon Mitsubish, Pajero Pick Up & S/Wagon Isuzu Trooper L/Rover IILA, Pick up & S/Wagon, L/Rover 110,90 Pick up & S/wagon " " " Engine Cylnde Blick Assy " " " 1PC 192.00 25% " " " Engine Cranka Shaft Assy " " " 1PC 40.00 25% " " " Engine O/H Gasketr " " " 1Set 5.20 25% " " " Pistons Assy " " " 1Set 20.00 25% " " " Ring Pistons " " " 1Set 5.20 25% " " " Main Bearing " " " 1Set 3.50 25% " " " Conn. Rod Bearing " " " 1Set 3.30 25% “ “ Thrust Washer “ “ 1Set 1.50 25% “ “ Linner Pistons “ “ 1Set 24.00 25% “ “ Camshaft Assy “ “ 1Set 31.00 25% “ “ Camshaft Brg “ “ 1PC 1.55 25% “ “ Conn. Rod Assy “ “ 1Set 4.50 25% " " " Conn. Rod Bushes " " " 1PC 1.10 25% " " " Timing Gears " " " 1PC 17.35 25% " " " Timing Belt " " " Each 2.70 25% " " " Water Pump Assy " " " 1PC 5.20 25% " " " Carburator Assy " " " 1PC 17.00 25% " " " Carburator O/H Kit " " " 1PC 3.50 25% " " " Injection Pump Assy (Bomb) " " " 1PC 20.00 25% " " " Injection Nozzles " " " 1Set 8.00 25% " " " Fuel Pump Assy " " " 1PC 7.00 25% “ “ Fan Belt “ “ 1PC 0.18 25% “ “ Fan Radiator “ “ 1PC 1.76 25% “ “ Radiator Assy “ “ 1PC 17.00 25% “ “ Engine Mounting “ “ 1Set 1.30 25% “ “ Gear Box Mounting “ “ 1PC 1.65 25% " " " universal Joint “ “ 1pc 2.00 25% " " " Release Air Valves “ “ 1PC 46.00 25% " " " Engine Mounting “ “ 1PC 1.30 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % " " " Spring Leaves “ “ 1PC 20.00 25% " " " Spring Leaf ( no"1) “ “ 1PC 5.20 25% " " " Oil Filter “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% 8708.93.00 Clutch Plate “ “ 1PC 4.00 25% 8708.99.90 Pressure Plate “ “ 1PC 7.00 25% " " " F/Hub Bearing “ “ 1PC 1.00 25% " " " R/Hub Oil Seal “ “ 1PC 0.40 25% " " " Hub Oil Seal (R/Front) “ “ 1PC 0.30 25% " " " Engine Oil Seal “ “ 1PC 0.30 25% " " " Fuel Filter “ “ 1PC 0.70 25% 8708.80.00 Shockele Absorber “ “ 1PC 4.60 25% 8708.99.90 Water Pump Assy “ “ 1PC 7.00 25% " " " R/Propeller Shaft"Jeen" “ “ 1PC 27.70 25% " " " Engine Valves ( Inlet/Out Let) “ “ 1PC 4.00 25% 8708.92.00 Exhaust Muffler “ “ 1PC 7.00 25% 8708.99.90 Hydrulic Pipes “ “ 1PC 0.11 25% " " " Oil Pump Assy “ “ 1PC 7.00 25% " " " manifold Assy “ “ 1PC 29.00 25% " " " Manifold Gasket “ “ 1PC 0.17 25% 8708.92.00 Exhaust Complete “ “ 1PC 31.00 25% " " " Exhaust Muffler “ “ 1PC 6.60 25% " " " Exhaust Pipes “ “ 1PC 3.30 25% 8708.92.00 Exhaust Gasket “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% 8708.99.90 Engine Valves (Inlet) “ “ 1set 3.96 25% " " " Engine Valves (9 Exh) “ “ 1set 3.96 25% " " " Rubber Valves “ “ 1set 0.80 25% Engine Diesel Parts 3B Engine 4CYL,Diesel 8708.99.90 Set Ring “ “ 1set 7.00 25% 8708.99.90 Main Bearing & Conn.Rod Brg “ “ 1set 8.00 25% " " " Gas.Set O/H Engine “ “ 1set 7.00 25% 8708.99.00 Clutch Plate “ “ 1set 4.60 25% " " " Cover Clutch “ “ 1PC 7.00 25% 8708.99.90 Plungers “ “ 1set 10.60 25% " " " Injection Nozzles “ “ 1set 8.00 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % " " " Glow Plugs (4Pcs) “ “ 1set 2.60 25% " " " Emblum ( Toyota 4Ckuser) “ “ 1PC 0.80 25% 2H Engine 6 Cyl.Diesel Electrical Parts 8708.98.90 Set Rings Pistons “ “ 1set 8.00 25% " " " Engine O/H Gasket “ “ 1set 8.00 25% " " " Main Bearing/Conn.Rod Breg “ “ 1set 8.00 25% " " " Pistons Assy “ “ 1set 21.00 25% " " " Sparking Plugs “ “ 1PC 0.90 25% " " " Contact Point “ “ 1PC 0.60 25% " " " Condenser “ “ 1PC 0.30 25% " " " Rotar Arm “ “ 1PC 0.60 25% " " " Ignition Coil “ “ 1PC 2.75 25% " " " Resister Coil “ “ 1PC 0.60 25% " " " Regulator Dynamo “ “ 1PC 2.40 25% " " " Alternator Assy “ “ 1PC 9.00 25% " " " Starter Motor Assy “ “ 1PC 10.50 25%

2H Engine 6 Cyl.Diesel Electrical Parts 8708.99.90 Distrabutor “ “ 1PC 2.75 25% " " " ignition Lead Wires “ “ set 0.33 25% " " " ignition Switch Wire “ “ set 5.00 25% " " " Starter Switch “ “ 1PC 1.59 25% " " " Indicator For Flasher Switch “ “ 1PC 13.50 25% " " " Relay Glow Plug,Starter ( Relays) “ “ 1PC 0.90 25% " " " Flasher Unit “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Head Lamp Complete “ “ 1PC 5.80 25% " " " Head Lamp Lens “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% " " " Head Lamp ( Bulb) “ “ 1PC 0.25 25% " " " Flasher Lamp Complete “ “ 1PC 1.65 25% " " " Flasher Lamp Lens “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% 8708.39.00 Rear Brake Shoes “ “ 1set 2.20 25% " " " Brake Master Cyl.Assy “ “ 1set 3.30 25% " " " Brake Disk.Assy “ “ 1PC 30.00 25% " " " Brake Caliper Assy “ “ 1PC 15.00 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % " " " Brake Pooster O/H Assy “ “ 1PC 5.20 25% " " " Brake pooster O/H kit “ “ 1PC 1.65 25% " " " Brake pipes ( Flexible) “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% " " " Brake Dreum Assy “ “ 1PC 7.90 25% " " " Clutch plate “ “ 1PC 2.75 25% " " " Clutch Cover Assy “ “ 1PC 0.17 25% " " " Clutch Master CYL.Kit “ “ 1PC 0.17 25% " " " Clutch Master CYL.Kit “ “ 1PC 0.17 25% " " " Sleeves Clutch Assy “ “ 1PC 0.46 25% " " " Sleeves Clutch Kit “ “ 1PC 0.11 25% 8708.99.90 Release Bearing “ “ 1PC 1.00 25% " " " Release Fronk “ “ 1PC 0.80 25% " " " Front Bumper “ “ 1PC 15.00 25% 8708.80.00 Shockle Absorber (Front) “ “ 1PC 3.85 25% " " " Shock Absorber (Rear) “ “ 1PC 3.85 25% " " " Shock Abs. ( Rubers) “ “ set 1.50 25% " " " (IHZ) Front Spring Assy “ “ 1PC 5.20 25% " " " Rear Spring Leaves “ “ 1PC 0.55 5% " " " Spring Leaf “ “ set 12.30 25% " " " Spring Bushes “ “ set 0.22 25% " " " U-Bolt “ “ set 0.17 25% " " " Wheel Cyl.Assy “ “ 1PC 2.20 25% " " " Wheel Cyl.O/H Kit “ “ 1PC 0.37 25% " " " Axle Shaft oil Seal “ “ 1PC 0.45 25% " " " Str.Rod Engs “ “ set 1.30 25% " " " Suspension Arm “ “ 1PC 9.60 25% " " " Suspension Rod “ “ 1PC 7.00 25% " " " Str.Cover “ “ set 0.26 25% 8708.99.90 Speedo Meter Cable “ “ 1PC 1.40 25% " " " Rack Roof “ “ 1PC 10.60 25% " " " Pinion & Crown “ “ set 23.00 25% " " " Ball Brg “ “ 1PC 0.25 25% " " " Differential Assy ( Biinle) “ “ 1PC 116.00 25% " " " Cor Plugs ( Besad) “ “ 1PC 0.006 25% 8708.99.90 Front Hood Assy “ “ 1PC 13.00 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8708.10.00 Body Parts “ “ 1PC 13.00 25% " " " Front Doors “ “ 1PC 27.00 25% " " " Rear Door “ “ 1PC 27.00 25% " " " Door Handle – outer “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% " " " Door Handle – Inner “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% 8708.99.90 Door Regulators “ “ 1PC 2.60 25% " " " Door Glass “ “ 1PC 4.00 25% " " " Front Wind Shield Screen Galss “ “ 1PC 17.00 25% " " " Side Miror “ “ 1PC 1.30 25% " " " Interior Miror “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Front Fender Assy “ “ 1PC 8.00 25% 8708.91.00 Radiator Grile Assy “ “ 1PC 3.30 25% 8708.99.90 Head Lamp Rims “ “ 1PC 0.26 25% " " " Door Lock & Keys “ “ set 0.90 25% " " " Wheel Rim/Disc “ “ set 2.60 25% Gear Box Parts " " " Out-Put Shaft-Assy “ “ 1PC 16.50 25% " " " G/Box Roller Bearings “ “ 1PC 0.43 25% " " " Inetmediate Pin Shaft Assy “ “ 1PC 17.30 25% " " " G/Box Thrust Washers “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% " " " G/Box Oil Seal “ “ 1PC 0.45 25% " " " G/Box Ball Brags “ “ set 0.26 25% " " " Main Shaft Assy “ “ 1PC 17.00 25% " " " Lay Shaft Claste Brg “ “ 1PC 17.00 25% " " " G/Box O/H Gasket “ “ 1PC 1.65 25% " " " Synchro Coins “ “ set 0.45 25% " " " Bumber Flasher Lam Comp. “ “ set 1.65 25% " " " Bumber Flasherf Lamp Comp. “ “ 1PC 1.65 25% " " " Wiper Blades “ “ 1PC 0.39 25% " " " Wiper Blades “ “ set 1.10 25% " " " Wiper Arm “ “ set 1.10 2% " " " Wiper Motor Assy “ “ set 4.60 25% " " " Bulb 12,24v-35,21 Watts “ “ Box 0.22 25% Power Train and Chasiss 8708.99.99 Hub Assembly “ “ 1PC 4.65 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % " " " Hub Assembly “ “ 1PC 0.33 25% " " " Hub Oil Seal Front “ “ 1PC 0.33 25% " " " Hub Oil Rear “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% " " " Hub Bearing Front “ “ 1PC 0.39 25% " " " Swivel Pin Oil Seal “ “ set 3.85 25% 8708.99.90 Swivel Pin Bearing “ “ 1PC 4.60 25% 8708.50.00 Rear Axle Shaft “ “ 1PC 8.30 25% 8708.60.00 Front Axle Shaft “ “ 1PC 7.15 25% " " " Front Axle Assy “ “ 1PC 154.00 25% 8708.50.00 Rear Axle Assy “ “ 1PC 192.50 25% " " " Diferential Assy “ “ 1PC 95.70 25% 8708.99.90 Propeller Shaft Front “ “ 1PC 57.75 25% " " " Universal Joint “ “ 1PC 1.05 25% 8708.39.00 Brake Disc Pads Front “ “ set 0.66 25% 8708.99.90 Nozzles Injection ( G Pcs) “ “ set 7.90 25% " " " Plungers ( G Pcs) “ “ set 10.56 25% " " " Glow-Plugs " " “ “ set 2.60 25% " " " Head Cyl.Gasket “ “ 1PC 1.85 25% " " " Fuel Filter “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Oil Filter “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Water Punp Assy “ “ 1PC 7.00 25% Buses & Lory Toyota-Dyna-Coaster Nissan-Cabstar Civilian Mitsubishi-Bus, Isuzu-Kb Dr Jounery Etc Engine Parts Cylinder Block Assy Crank Shafta Assy Engine Parts 8708.99.90 Cylinder Block Assy “ “ 1PC 154.00 25% " " " Crank Shaft Assy “ “ 1PC 115.50 25% " " " Camshaft Assy “ “ set 10.60 25% " " " 3B Head Cyl.Assy “ “ set 192.50 25% " " " Pistons Assy “ “ set 13.20 25% " " " Ring piston “ “ set 4.00 25% " " " Main Breg “ “ set 4.00 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % " " " Conn.Rod.Brd “ “ 1PC 4.00 25% " " " Pistons Assy “ “ set 4.00 25% " " " Ring piston “ “ set 3.96 25% " " " Main Bearing “ “ 1PC 3.96 25% " " " Conn/Rod Bearing “ “ 1PC 3.96 25% 8708.99.90 Camshaft Bearing “ “ 1PC 2.00 25% " " " Conn.Rod Assembly “ “ 1PC 25.00 25% " " " Engine O/H Gasket “ “ 1PC 5.20 25% " " " Conn.Rod Bushes “ “ 1PC 1.10 25% " " " Cyl.Head Gasket “ “ 1PC 1.30 25% " " " Oil Filter “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Water Pump Assy “ “ 1PC 7.00 25% " " " Fuel Pump Assy “ “ 1PC 7.00 25% " " " Core Plugs “ “ 1PC 0.45 25% " " " Fuel Filter “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% 8708.92.00 Exhaust Hunging Rubber “ “ set 0.11 25% " " " Exhust Muffler “ “ set 7.00 25% " " " Timing Chain “ “ set 1.30 25% " " " Timing Belt “ “ set 2.60 25% " " " Timing Belt “ “ 1PC 2.60 25% " " " Timing Gear “ “ 1PC 2.00 25% " " " Radiator Assembly “ “ 1PC 15.00 25% " " " Oil Pump Assy “ “ 1PC 7.00 25% " " " Engine Valves ( Inlet) “ “ 1PC 4.00 25% " " " Engine Valves ( Outlet) “ “ 1PC 4.00 25% " " " Rubber Valves “ “ 1PC 0.80 25% " " " Fly Wheel “ “ 1PC 23.00 25% " " " Granshaft Gear “ “ 1PC 2.00 25% " " " Fan Belt “ “ set 2.00 25% " " " Fan Belt “ “ 1PC 0.18 25% " " " Tensioner Chain “ “ 1PC 1.85 25% " " " Vib.Qamper “ “ 1PC 6.90 25% " " " Speedo Meter Cable “ “ 1PC 1.30 25% 8708.93.00 Clutch Plate “ “ 1PC 2.60 25% " " " Carburator Assy “ “ 1PC 14.50 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % " " " Carburator O/H Gasket “ “ 1PC 0.60 25% 8708.99.90 Release Brg “ “ 1PC 0.30 25% 8708.99.90 Fork For Release “ “ 1PC 3.10 25% " " " Hoose Pipe “ “ 1PC 0.03 25% " " " Linner Pistons “ “ set 13.00 25% " " " Thrust Washer “ “ set 0.07 25% " " " Injection Pump Assy “ “ 1PC 193.00 25% " " " Injection Nozzles “ “ set 8.00 25% " " " Universal Joint “ “ 1PC 0.80 25% " " " Power Train Parts “ “ 1PC 2.20 25% 8708.39.00 Brake Master Cyl.Assy “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Brake M.CYL.Kit “ “ set 0.17 25% 8708.39.00 Clutch Master Cyl.Kit “ “ 1PC 1.60 25% " " " Clutch Master Cyl.Kit “ “ set 0.22 25% " " " Sleeve Clutch Assy “ “ 1PC 0.11 25% " " " Sleeve Clutch Kit “ “ set 3.30 25% 8708.80.00 Shock Absorber ( Front) “ “ 1PC 3.30 25% " " " Shock Absorber ( Rear) “ “ set 1.22 25% " " " Str.Arm “ “ 1PC 1.05 25% 8708.80.00 Shock Abs.Bushes “ “ set 0.11 25% 8708.99.90 Spring Leaves “ “ set 14.50 25% " " " Spring Leaf “ “ 1PC 2.60 25% " " " hub Ball Brg ( Inner) “ “ 1PC 0.90 25% " " " Hub Ball Brg ( Outer) “ “ 1PC 1.00 25% " " " Front Axle Shaft “ “ 1PC 8.58 25% 8708.50.00 Rear Axle Shaft “ “ 1PC 10.00 25% 8708.99.90 Hub Oil Seal “ “ 1PC 0.33 25% 8708.39.00 Brake Shoes Front “ “ set 2.40 25% " " " Brake Shoes Rear “ “ set 2.40 25% " " " Brake Drums “ “ 1PC 8.00 25% 8708.99.90 Propeller Shaft “ “ 1PC 23.00 25% 8708.40.00 Gear Box S/H Gasket “ “ 1PC 1.65 25% " " " Gear Box Gears “ “ set 5.80 2% " " " G/Box Oil Seal “ “ 1PC 0.45 25% " " " G/Box Synchro Coins “ “ 1PC 0.50 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % " " " G/Box Casing “ “ 1PC 19.20 25% " " " Engine Mounting “ “ 1PC 1.30 25% " " " G/Box Mounting “ “ 1PC 1.30 25% Body & Electric Parts "8708.10.00 Front Bumper “ “ 1PC 1.50 25% " " " Rear Bumper “ “ 1PC 1.50 25% 8708.94.00 Str.Cover “ “ 1PC 1.50 25% 8708.99.90 Wiper Blades “ “ set 0.38 25% " " " Wiper Arm “ “ set 1.10 25% " " " Wiper Motor Assembly “ “ set 8.00 25% " " " Indicator For Flasher Switch “ “ 1PC 13.50 25% " " " Ignition Switch Wire “ “ 1PC 1.80 25% " " " Starter Switch “ “ 1PC 1.22 25% " " " Starter Motor Assy “ “ 1PC 7.00 25% " " " Starter Bushes “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% " " " Dynamo Alternator “ “ 1PC 2.20 25% " " " Flasher Unit “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% " " " Horn Assembly “ “ set 2.20 25% " " " Flasher Unit “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% " " " Horn Assembly “ “ 1PC 2.20 25% " " " Horn Bushes “ “ set 0.22 25% " " " Sprk Plugs “ “ set 0.38 25% " " " Contact point “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Condenser “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% " " " Distrabutor Assy “ “ 1PC 2.60 25% " " " Distrabutor Cap “ “ 1PC 0.06 25% " " " Ignition Lead Wires “ “ set 0.33 25% 8708.99.90 Ignition Coil “ “ 1PC 2.75 25% " " " Ignition Resister “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Glow-Plugs " " “ “ 1PC 2.20 25% " " " Efi (Fuel Pump Asy/For Injection Type) “ “ 1PC 38.50 25% " " " Head Lamp Complete “ “ 1PC 5.80 25% " " " Head Lamp Lens “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% " " " Flasher Lamp Comp. “ “ 1PC 1.65 25% " " " Flasher Lamp Lens “ “ 1PC 0.55 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % " " " Parking Lamp Comp. “ “ 1PC 3.00 25% " " " Side Lamp Comp “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% " " " Side Lamp Lens “ “ 1PC 0.06 25% " " " Terminal Battery “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Front Wind Shield Screen Glass “ “ Box 15.80 25% " " " Radiator Grille “ “ 1PC 2.75 25% " " " Head Lamp Rims “ “ 1PC 0.26 25% " " " Wheel Rim/Disc “ “ 1PC 19.25 25% " " " Door Glass “ “ 1PC 4.00 25% " " " Wheel Cyl.Assembly “ “ 1PC 2.60 25% " " " Water Temp.Switch “ “ 1PC 0.55 2% " " " Oil Pressure Switch “ “ 1PC 0.66 25% " " " Wheel Cyl.O/H Kit “ “ Box 0.37 25% Heavy Trucks ❖Mercedes Benz(24t) ❖Hino 24Tons ❖Nissan UD Diesel ❖Mitsubishi 24Tons ❖Volvo Trailers ❖Flat N3 Trailers ❖Iveco,Etc 8708.99.90 Piston With Rings “ “ set 33.00 25% 8708.99.90 Linner Pistons “ “ set 46.00 25% " " " EngingeO/H Gasket “ “ set 27.50 25% 8708.99.90 Main Brg “ “ set 13.00 25% " " " Conn.Rod Brg “ “ set 13.00 25% 8708.99.90 Thrust Washer “ “ set 13.50 25% " " " Nozzles “ “ set 10.50 25% " " " Plungers “ “ set 13.00 25% Pick Up and Wagon Toyota-Hilux 4 Runner ❖4WD Hilux Pick Up ❖Datsun Pick UP,4WD ❖Nissan Pick UP,4WD ❖Isuzu Pick Up,4WD

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % ❖Daihatsun Rocky ❖Daihatsu-Froza ❖Peugeot,Pick Up Etc. Group 1 Engine Parts 8708.99.90 Engine O/H Gasket “ “ Set 3.30 25% " " " Engine Block Cyl.Assy “ “ 1PCS 115.50 25% " " " Engine Crankshaft Assy “ “ 1PCS 77.00 25% " " " Pistons Assy “ “ Set 9.20 25% " " " Rings Pistons “ “ Set 4.50 25% " " " Conn.Rod Brg “ “ Set 3.30 25% 8708.99.90 Main Brg “ “ 1PC 3.30 25% " " " Cam Shaft Assy “ “ 1PC 30.00 25% " " " Oil Pump Assy “ “ 1PC 4.50 25% " " " Cam Shaft Brg ( Bushes) “ “ 1PC 1.30 25% " " " Conn.Rod Bushes “ “ set 0.90 25% " " " Conn.Rod Assy “ “ set 4.00 25% " " " Timing Chain “ “ 1PC 1.30 25% " " " Timing Belt “ “ 1PC 2.60 25% " " " Timing Gear “ “ 1PC 2.60 25% " " " Interior Miror “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Door Hundle ( Outer) “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% " " " Door Hundle ( Inner) “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% " " " Door Regulator “ “ 1PC 1.30 25% " " " Head Lamp Assy “ “ 1PC 4.60 2% " " " Sealed Deam “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Head Lamp Assy “ “ 1PC 2.30 25% " " " Head Lamp Lens “ “ 1PC 2.30 25% " " " Head Lamp Bulb “ “ 1PC 0.25 25% ” Flasher Lamp Complete “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% " " " Bulb 12v 3w,21 W Etc “ “ Box 0.22 25% " " " Flasher Lamp Complete “ “ 1PC 0.90 25% " " " Flasher Lamp Complete “ “ 1PC 1.155 25% " " " Flasher Lamp Lens “ “ 1PC 1.15 25% " " " Parking Lights Lens “ “ 1PC 1.65 25% " " " Parking Lights Complete “ “ 1pc 2.30 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % " " " Side Lamp Complete “ “ 1PC 1.65 25% " " " Side Lamp Complete “ “ 1PC 0.80 25% " " " Side Lamp Lens “ “ 1PC 1.50 25% " " " Bumper Flasher Lamp Comp. “ “ set 1.50 25% " " " Wiper Arm “ “ 1PC 1.10 25% " " " Wiper Motor Assy “ “ 1PC 2.20 25% " " " Flasher Unit “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% " " " Water Temperature Switch “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% 8708.99.90 Oil Dressure Switch “ “ 1PC 0.70 25% " " " Stop Back Complete “ “ 1PCS 1.65 25% " " " Timing Chain “ “ 1PCS 1.10 25% " " " Vib.Qamper “ “ 1PC 2.70 25% " " " Carburator Assy “ “ 1PCS 14.50 25% " " " Carburator “ “ 1PCS 2.00 25% " " " Fuel Pump Assy “ “ 1PC 7.00 25% " " " Fuel Filter ( Petrol]) “ “ 1PC 0.11 25% " " " Fuel Filter ( Diesel) “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Oil Filter “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Air Calearner “ “ 1PC 0.90 25% " " " Injection Pump Assy “ “ 1PC 154.00 25% " " " Sparking Plugs “ “ 1PC 0.46 25% " " " Contact point “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Condenser “ “ 1PC 0.26 25% " " " Dist.Cap. “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% " " " Ignition Lead Wires “ “ Set 1.10 25% " " " Ignition Coil With Presister “ “ 1PC 2.75 25% " " " Ignition Resister “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Starter Motor Assy “ “ 1PC 6.05 25% " " " Starter Pionion “ “ 1PC 1.65 25% " " " Alternator Dynamo Assy “ “ 1PC 8.00 25% " " " Starter Pionion “ “ 1PC 8.00 25% " " " Armature “ “ 1PC 1.10 25% " " " Reglator Dynamo “ “ 1PC 2.40 25% " " " Engine Oil Seal (F/R) “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% " " " Enginge Valves ( Inlet) “ “ 1PC 2.40 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % " " " Engine Valves ( Outlet) Exh “ “ set 2.40 25% " " " Rubber Valves “ “ set 0.80 25% 8708.99.90 Fan For Radiator “ “ 1PC 1.65 25% " " " Thrust Washer “ “ set 1.40 25% " " " Engine Mounting “ “ 1PC 1.10 25% 8708.91.00 Radiator Assy “ “ 1PC 13.00 2% 8708.99.90 Hoose Pipes “ “ 1PC 1.65 25% " " " Water Pump Assy “ “ 1PC 7.00 25% " " " Fan Belt “ “ 1pc 0.20 25% " " " Manifold Assy “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% 8708.92.00 Exhaust Complete “ “ 1PC 23.00 25% " " " Exhaust Silencer ( Muffler) “ “ 1PC 5.20 25% " " " Exhaust Pipes “ “ 1PC 2.20 25% 8708.99.90 Fly Wheel “ “ 1PC 15.00 25% " " " Fly Wheel Drg “ “ 1PC 0.33 25% " " " Crank Shaft Pullery “ “ 1PC 4.60 25% " " " Crank Shaft Gear “ “ 1PC 2.00 25% " " " Cam Shaft Gear “ “ 1PC 2.00 25% " " " Rotar Arm “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Front Cover Assy “ “ 1PC 15.00 25% " " " Core Plugs “ “ 1PC 1.10 2% " " " Head Cyl.Gasket “ “ set 1.50 25% " " " Front Bauanced Shaft / Sabarad Miisan “ “ set 3.30 25% " " " Suspension Arm ( IY,2Y) “ “ 1PC 3.30 25% " " " Clutch Plate “ “ 1PC 2.60 25% " " " Release Brg “ “ 1PC 1.45 25% " " " Release Fork “ “ 1PC 5.80 25% " " " Clutch Cable “ “ 1PC 2.60 25% " " " Clutch Master .Kit “ “ 1PC 0.17 25% " " " Clutch master Kit “ “ Set 1.60 25% " " " Clutch Sleeve Assy “ “ 1pcs 0.46 25% " " " Clutch Sleeve O/H Kit “ “ Set 0.11 25% 8708.93.00 Brake Master Cyl.Assy “ “ 1PCS 1.43 25% 8708.39.00 Brake Master Cyl Kit. “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Brake Disc Pads Front “ “ 1PCS 1.80 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % " " " Brake Shoes Rear “ “ 1PCS 2.00 25% " " " Brake Booster Assy “ “ 1PC 4.50 25% " " " Brake Booster O/H kit “ “ 1PC 1.65 25% " " " Front Brake Disc Caliper “ “ 1PC 1.65 25% " " " Front Brake Disc O/H Kit “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Brake Drum Assy “ “ 1PC 4.50 25% " " " Brake Pipes ( Flexible/Upper) “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% 8708.40.00 Str.Link & Gear Assy “ “ 1PC 23.00 25% 8708.99.90 Front Suspension Arm ( Lower/Upper) “ “ 1PC 3.30 25% 8708.60.00 Front Axle Shaft “ “ 1PC 5.80 25% 8708.69.00 Shockle Absorber ( Front) “ “ 1PC 3.30 25% " " " Shockle Absorber ( Rear) “ “ Set 3.30 25% " " " Shock Abs.Bushes “ “ 1PC 0.11 25% 8708.39.00 Brake Disc Assy “ “ 1PC 27.00 25% 8708.99.90 Front Spring Assy “ “ 1PC 12.00 25% " " " Vane Pump Resrvoir “ “ 1PC 13.00 25% " " " Rear Spring Assy “ “ 1PC 16.50 25% " " " Front Propeller Shaft “ “ 1PC 21.00 25% " " " Rear Propeller Shaft “ “ 1PC 17.00 25% " " " F/Hub Oil Seal “ “ 1PC 0.45 25% " " " R/Hub Oil Seal “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " f/Hub Brg( Inner) “ “ 1PC 0.90 25% " " " R/Hub Brg(Outer) “ “ set 1.00 25% " " " Swivel Pin Oil Seal “ “ set 2.30 25% " " " Swivel Pin Oil Bearing “ “ 1PC 2.30 25% " " " Rer Axle Shaft Assy “ “ set 0.90 25% 8708.99.90 Ball Joint “ “ 1PC 2.00 25% " " " Tie Rod Ends “ “ 1PC 1.30 25% " " " Hub Assy “ “ 1PC 4.60 25% " " " Hub Nut “ “ 1PC 0.07 25% " " " Wheel Cyl Assy “ “ 1pc 2.20 25% " " " Wheel Cyl O/H Kit “ “ 1PC 0.40 25% " " " Universal Joint “ “ 1PC 0.33 25% 8708.50.00 Differential Assy “ “ 1PC 2.20 2% " " " Axle Shousing Assy “ “ 1PC 6.00 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % " " " Spring Leaves ( Set) “ “ 1PC 13.00 25% " " " Spring Leaf “ “ 1PC 3.30 25% " " " U-Bolts “ “ 1PC 0.17 25% " " " Front Hood Assy “ “ 1PC 11.00 25% " " " Front Fender Assy “ “ 1PC 3.30 25% " " " Front Wind Screen Shield Glass “ “ 1PC 15.90 25% " " " Door Glass “ “ 1PC 4.00 25% " " " Side Mirror “ “ 1PC 1.10 25% " " " Antena “ “ set 0.45 25% " " " Horn Assy “ “ set 2.20 25% " " " Indicator For Flasher Switch “ “ 1PC 0.40 25% " " " Horn Bushes Set “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% " " " Carbon Brushes Set “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% " " " Starter Bushes ( F/R) Set “ “ 1PC 0.22 25% " " " Battery Terminal (+,-) “ “ 1PC 0.17 25% " " " Reverse Horn “ “ 1PC 1.10 25% " " " Car Radio and Tape Recorder “ “ 1Pc 6.17 25%

Diesel Engine Parts 4Cyl/4Pistons EG B 2B, L, 2L & 6 Cyl. /6 Piston Eg.H, 2H Etc, 4Cyl. 8708.99.90 Linner Pistons ( 4Pcs) “ “ Set 24.00 25% " " " Pistons Assy “ “ Set 18.00 25% " " " Ring piston “ “ Set 7.00 25% " " " Main Bearing “ “ Set 4.60 25% " " " Conn.Rod Brg “ “ Set 4.60 25% " " " Engine Gasket “ “ Set 6.00 25% " " " Injection Nozzles (4Pcs) “ “ Set 8.00 25% " " " Plungers “ “ Set 9.20 25% " " " Glow-Plugs “ “ set 2.60 25% " " " Head Cyl.Gasket “ “ 1PC 1.10 25% " " " Fuel Filter ( Diesel Filter) “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Oil Filter “ “ 1PC 0.55 25% " " " Water Pump Assy “ “ 1PC 7.00 25% " " " Head Cyl.Assy “ “ 1PC 15.80 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 6CYL Cylinder 8708.99.90 Piston Asy (6pcs) “ “ Set 25.00 25% " " " Ring piston “ “ set 8.00 25% " " " Main Brg “ “ set 5.20 25% " " " Conn.Rod Brg “ “ set 5.20 25% " " " Engine O/H Gasket “ “ 1PC 7.00 25%

Cargo Truck Vehicles 6 Tons

Toyota, Nissan, Mitusbishi Hino,Flatllo, Merces Bens


Skoda, Volvo, Bedford, Iveco

Cheverlot, Berrilet, Reanult

Part Name. 8708.99.90 Pistons Ring “ “ set 6.33 25% " " " Linner Pistons “ “ set 13.00 25% " " " Engine O/H Gasket “ “ set 16.50 25% " " " Main/Conn.Rod Brg “ “ set 8.00 25% " " " Nozzles “ “ set 8.00 25% " " " Pungers “ “ set 10.50 25% " " " Brake Shoes F/Rear “ “ set 9.20 25% " " " Clutch Plate “ “ 1pc 10.50 25% " " " Cover Clutch “ “ set 13.00 25% " " " Brake master Cyl.Kit “ “ set 4.00 25% " " " Starter Motor Assy. “ “ 1PC 26.00 25% " " " Dynamo Complete. “ “ 1PC 24.00 25% Bajaaj Spare Parts " " " Engine Moto Bajaaj New “ “ Per PCs $75.00 25% " " " Excel Bajaaj “ “ Per PCs $22.00 25% " " " Exhaust Valve Bajaaj “ “ Per PCs $0.20 25% " " " Extension Spring Bajaaj “ “ Per PCs $2.25 25% " " " Bolt Bearing Bajaaj “ “ Per PCs $0.10 25% " " " Fadhi Leewar Bajaaj “ “ Per PCs $0.15 25% " " " Fadhi Muraad-haad Bajaaj “ “ Per PCs $0.25 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % " " " Flash Water “ “ “ “ Per PCs $16.00 25% " " " Flasher Plug “ “ Per PCs $2.50 25% " " " Fur Taangi (Radiator Cup) “ “ Per PCs $0.17 25% " " " Fuel Pump “ “ Per PCs $10.00 25% " " " Fuse “ “ Per PCs $0.10 25% " " " Gacan Baraas “ “ Per PCs $2.00 25% " " " Door Handle “ “ Per PCs $0.16 25% " " " Gacan Piston “ “ Per PCs $0.25 25% " " " Gear “ “ Per PCs $4.00 25% " " " Gear Drive “ “ Per PCs $1.00 25% " " " Gear Pinning Shaft “ “ Per PCs $1.20 25% " " " Gear Wheel Tik “ “ Per PCs $1.50 25% " " " Glow Plugs “ “ Per PCs $0.50 25% " " " Head Cylinder “ “ Per PCs $1.00 25% " " " Head Kawar “ “ Per PCs $10.20 25% " " " Kaanweysyo “ “ Per PCs $0.15 25% " " " Adhax “ “ Per PCs $0.92 25% " " " Afar Gees “ “ Per PCs $0.28 25% " " " Air Cleaner “ “ Per PCs $0.43 25% " " " Air Cylinder “ “ Per PCs $0.35 25% " " " Air Filter “ “ Per PCs $0.35 25% " " " Alternative “ “ Per PCs $0.39 25% " " " Armation Daynabo “ “ Per PCs $1.25 25% " " " Assly Breather “ “ Per PCs $0.10 25% " " " Assly Oil Pump “ “ Per PCs $1.25 25% " " " Assly Fan “ “ Per PCs $0.05 25% " " " Backing Head “ “ Per PCs $0.50 25% " " " Below Lewer “ “ Per PCs $0.25 25% " " " Belt Safety “ “ Per PCs $0.15 25% " " " Bidh-bidho “ “ Per PCs $0.50 25% " " " Biin Qabo “ “ Per PCs $0.10 25% " " " Binii Gear “ “ Per PCs $0.40 25% " " " Blinker “ “ Per PCs $0.10 25% " " " Bolt Bearing “ “ Per PCs $0.10 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % " " " Box Brake “ “ Per PCs $0.55 25% " " " Box Camp Shaft “ “ Per PCs $7.90 25% " " " Box Hobos “ “ Per PCs $0.10 25% " " " Brake Cable “ “ Per PCs $0.30 25% " " " Brake Disc “ “ Per PCs $0.75 25% " " " Box Dram “ “ Per PCs $0.60 25% " " " Brake Shoes “ “ Per PCs $0.40 25% " " " Compressor “ “ Per PCs $2.50 25% " " " Cover Clutch “ “ Per PCs $1.00 25% " " " Cover Crine “ “ Per PCs $0.85 25% " " " Cover Speed “ “ Per PCs $0.10 25% " " " Cylinder Glass “ “ Per PCs $2.85 25% " " " Clutch Plate “ “ Per PCs $0.75 25% " " " Clutch “ “ Per PCs $0.90 25% " " " Cylinder “ “ Per PCs $13.50 25% " " " Cylinder Liner “ “ Per PCs $0.10 25% " " " Bully Idier “ “ Per PCs $0.50 25% " " " Bush Maqas “ “ Per PCs $0.10 25% " " " Bush Cleaner “ “ Per PCs $0.50 25% " " " Bush Sound “ “ Per PCs $0.80 25% " " " Caagada Saa’idka Biyaha “ “ Per PCs $1.15 25% " " " Cable/xadhig “ “ Per PCs $0.10 25% " " " Capnut “ “ Per PCs $0.20 25% " " " Daawe “ “ Per PCs $0.30 25% " " " Engine Mounting “ “ Per PCs $1.00 25% " " " Oil Filter “ “ Per PCs $0.35 25%

Electric Generators ❖Deutz ❖Lambardin ❖Lister ❖Parkin ❖Van Mar ❖Honda ❖Robin Etc

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % ❖2 Piston-3Pistons ❖3 Piston-4 Pistons ❖5Kva-10 Kva ❖10Kva-25Kva Etc 8708.99.00 Pistons Assy “ “ set 0.55 25% " " " Ring Set “ “ set 0.33 25% " " " Engine Brg “ “ set 0.45 25% " " " Linner Pistons “ “ set 0.90 25% " " " Engine O/H Gasket “ “ set 1.80 25% " " " Injection Nozzles “ “ Set 1.60 25% " " " Water Pump Assy “ “ 1pcs 1.80 25% " " " Air Cooling System 9 Sex Pc “ “ PC 1.80 25% " " " Daynabo for Heavy Machines “ “ Unit $580 25% " " " Aspestos Rolls for Gasketting “ “ Per MTR $25.00 25% " " " Power Steering ( Assy) “ “ 1pcs $8.00 25% " " " Wheel Cover “ “ Per Set $5.00 25% " " " Laser Bulbs “ “ Per 100pc $1.00 25% " " " Solar Sun Shade ( Persol) “ “ Per Doz $3.00 25%

Small Generator " " " Nozzles “ “ Set 1.30 25% " " " Pistons “ “ Set 0.70 25% " " " Rings “ “ Set 0.80 25% " " " M.Con.Rod Brg “ “ Set 0.50 25% " " " Engine Gasket “ “ Set 0.80 25%

Chapter 89 Ships and Other Floating Structures. 8901.10 200 Tons 793280 Each $160,000 15% 8901.10 250 Tons 793280 “ “ $200,000 15% 8901.10 300 Tons 793280 “ “ $240,000 15% 8901.10 350 Tons 793280 “ “ $280,000 15% 8901.10 400 Tons 793280 “ “ $320,000 15% 8901.10 500 Tons 793280 “ “ $400,000 15% 8901.10 600 Tons 793280 “ “ $480,000 15% 8901.10 700 Tons 793280 “ “ $560,000 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8901.10 800 Tons 793280 “ “ $640,000 15% 8901.10 1000 Tons 793280 “ “ $800,000 15% 8901.10 1500 Tons 793280 “ “ $1,200,000 15% 8901.10 2000 Tons 793280 “ “ $1,600,000 15% 8901.10 2500 Tons 793280 “ “ $2,000,000 15% 8901.10 3000 Tons 793280 “ “ $2,400,000 15% 8901.10 4000 Tons 793280 “ “ $3,200,000 15% 8901.10 5000 Tons 793280 “ “ $4,000,000 15% Tug Boats. 8904.00 Tug Boat 100 Tons. 793700 “ “ $100,000 15% 8904.00 Tug Boat 200 Tons. 793700 “ “ $200,000 15% 8904.00 Tug Boat 250 Tons. 793700 “ “ $250,000 15% Fishing Boats. 8902.00 Fishing Boat 3 To 4 Meters 793240 Each $1,500 15% 8902.00 Fishing Boat 4 To 6 Meters 793240 “ “ $2,000 15% 8902.00 Fishing Boat 6 To 8 Meters 793240 “ “ $2,500 15% 8902.00 Fishing Boat 8 To 10 Meters 793240 “ “ $3,000 15% 8902.00 Fishing Boat 10To 12 Meters 793240 “ “ $3,500 15% 8902.00 Fishing Boat 12 To 14 Meters 793240 “ “ $4,000 15% 8902.00 Fishing Boat 15 To 18 Meters 793240 “ “ $4,500 15% 8902.00 Fishing Boat 20 To 25 Meters 793240 “ “ $6,000 15% Cargo Boats 8903.92 Cargo Boat 20 Tons 793191 “ “ $20,000 15% 8903.92 Cargo Boat 30 Tons 793191 “ “ $30,000 15% 8903.92 Cargo Boat 40 Tons 793191 “ “ $40,000 15% 8903.92 Cargo Boat 50 Tons 793191 “ “ $50,000 15% 8903.92 Cargo Boat 60 Tons 793191 “ “ $60,000 15% 8903.92 Cargo Boat 70 Tons 793191 “ “ $70,000 15% 8903.92 Cargo Boat 80 Tons 793191 “ “ $80,000 15% 8903.92 Cargo Boat 100 Tons 793191 “ “ $100,000 15% 8903.92 Cargo Boat 120 Tons 793191 “ “ $120,000 15% 8903.92 Cargo Boat 150 Tons 793191 “ “ $150,000 15% 8903.92 Cargo Boat 200 Tons 793191 “ “ $200,000 15% 8903.92 Cargo Boat 250 Tons 793191 “ “ $250,000 15%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 8903.92 Cargo Boat 300 Tons 793191 “ “ $300,000 15% 8903.92 Cargo Boat 350 Tons 793191 “ “ $350,000 15% 8903.92 Cargo Boat 400 Tons 793191 “ “ $400,000 15% 8903.92 Cargo Boat 450 Tons 793191 “ “ $450,000 15% 8903.92 Cargo Boat 500 Tons 793191 “ “ $500,000 15% 8903.92 Cargo Boat 550 Tons 793191 “ “ $550,000 15% 8903.92 Cargo Boar 1000 Tons 793191 “ “ $1,000,000 15% Fishing Boat Engines Auxiliary Motors. 8903.99 Fishing Boat Engines 10 HP 793199 “ “ $1,000 15% 8903.99 Fishing Boat Engines 15 HP 793199 “ “ $1,200 15% 8903.99 Fishing Boat Engines 20 HP 793199 “ “ $1,500 15% 8903.99 Fishing Boat Engines 25 HP 793199 “ “ $1,800 15% 8903.99 Fishing Boat Engines 30 HP 793199 “ “ $3,000 15% 8903.99 Fishing Boat Engines 40 HP 793199 “ “ $4,000 15% 8903.99 Fishing Boat Engines 50 HP 793199 “ “ $5,000 15% 8903.99 Fishing Boat Engines 60 HP 793199 “ “ $6,500 15% 8903.99 Fishing Boat Engines 80 HP 793199 “ “ $8,500 15% 8903.99 Fishing Boat Engines 100 HP 793199 “ “ $11,500 15% 8903.99 Fishing Boat Engines 120 HP 793199 “ “ $13,500 15% 8903.99 Fishing Boat Engines 140 HP 793199 “ “ $16,500 15% 8903.99 Fishing Boat Engines 160 HP 793199 “ “ $19,500 15% 8903.99 Fishing Boat Engines 180 HP 793199 “ “ $22,500 15% 8903.99 Fishing Boat Engines 200 HP 793199 “ “ $25,500 15%

Chapter 90 Optical and Photographic Instruments Optical Glasses 9001.10 Optical Glass Cut into Shapes 884191 Per Doz. $8 10% 9001.20 Optical Glass in Sheets. 884192 Per Mtr. $6 10% 9001.20 Contact Lenses 884192 Per Pc. $1.50 10% 9001.20 Intar-ocular Lenses 884192 Per Pc. $1.00 10% 9001.20 Magnifier Lenses 884192 Per Doz. $9.00 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 9001.40 Spectacle Lenses of Glass. 884150 Per Doz. $12 10% 9003.11 Plastic Frames. 884211 Per Doz. $8 10% 9003.19 Metal Frame for Glass Lenses. 884219 Per Doz. $12 10% 9003.19 Spectacle Frame or other Material 884219 Per Doz. $7 10% 9004.10 Sun Glasses Superior 884231 Per Doz. $18 30% 9004.10 Sun Glasses Inferior. 884231 “ “ $7 30% 9004.10 Persol (Sunglass) 884231 “ “ $3.00 30% 9004.10 Protective Eye Glasses. 884231 “ “ $10 30% 9005.10 Binoculars 871110 “ “ $17 10% 9004.10 Plastic Sunglasses 871110 “ “ 1.00 30% Photographic Cameras 9006.40 Studio Camera 881114 Per Pc. $10 40% 9006.40 Ordinary Camera 881114 “ “ $5 40% 9006.40 Car Camera 881114 “ “ $3.00 40% 9006.40 Instant Photo Camera Large 881114 “ “ $4 40% 9006.40 Instant Photo Camera Small 881114 “ “ $3 40% 9006.30 Under Water Camera 881113 “ “ $60 40% 9006.30 Special Purpose Camera 881113 “ “ $60 40% 9006.30 Camera Stand (Lugaha Camerada) 881113 “ “ $3.00 40% 9006.20 Camera for Recording Documents 881112 “ “ $70 40% 9006.40 Other Cameras 881114 “ “ $60 40% 9006.10 Camera for Preparing Printing Plates or 881111 “ “ $80 40% Cylinders 9006.62 Photographic Flash-light Bulbs 881120 Per Doz. $2 40% 9006.62 Compack Studio Flash (Sawirlaha) 881120 Per Pc. $48.00 40

9007.20 Cinematographic Projectors 881220 Per Pc. $500 40% 9012.10 Microscope Complete 871310 “ “ $2,025 10% 9013.10 Telescope 871910 “ “ $2,000 10% 9015.10 Surveying Equipment 874131 Per Set $1,250 10% Drawing and Calculating Instruments etc 9014.10 Navigation Compass 874111 Per Set. $350 20% 9017.20 Drawing Set 874221 Per Set. $200 20% 9017.20 Provisional Mathematical Calculating 874221 “ “ $120 20% Instruments

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 9017.20 Mathematical Calculating Instruments 874221 “ “ $2 20% for School Measuring Tapes 9017.80 Measuring Tapes 1 Meter size metal 874232 Per Doz. $1.5 20% 9017.80 Measuring Tapes 5 Meter size metal 874232 “ “ $5 20% 9017.80 Measuring Tapes 1 Meter Textile 874232 “ “ $1.2 20% 9017.80 Measuring Tapes 10 Meter Textile 874232 “ “ $1.8 20% 9017.80 Measuring Tapes 20 Meter Textile 874232 “ “ $2.4 20% 9017.80 Measuring Tapes 40 Meter Textile 874232 “ “ $2.8 20% 9017.80 Measuring Tapes 50 Meter & above of 874232 “ “ $3.2 20% Textile 9017.80 Measuring Tapes 50 Meter and above of 874232 “ “ $3.6 20% Metal. 9017.80 Other Measurement Tapes. 874232 “ “ $3.4 20% 9017.80 Rulers of Plastic 874233 “ “ $0.40 20% 9017.80 Rulers of Wooden 874233 “ “ $0.34 20% 9017.80 Rulers of Metal 874233 “ “ $0.45 20% Artificial Parts of the Body & Medical Apparatus 9018.49 Dental Drilling Engine. 872119 Per Pc. $70 10% 9018.49 Dental Machine Chair Complete 872119 Per Pc. $858 10% 9018.49 Dental Chair With X- Ray. 872119 Per Pc. $1150 10% 9018.49 Dental Chair Ordinary 872119 Per Pc. $250 10% 9019.20 Artificial Respiration Apparatus 872330 Per Set. $400 10% 9020.00 Divers Kit 872351 Per Set. $250 20% 9020.00 Dental Adhesive Kit 872351 Per Pc. $13.00 10% 9020.00 Dental Cabinet 872351 Per Pc. $35.00 10% 9020.00 Dental Compressor 872351 Per Pc. $179 10% 9020.00 Dental mirror 872351 Per Pc. $5.00 10% 9020.00 Dental Table 872351 Per Pc. $22.00 10% 9020.00 Dental Water 872351 Ltr $0.35 10% 9020.00 Dental Tool Box 872351 Per Pc. $11.00 10% 9020.00 Gas Mask Protective Apparatus 872351 Per Pc. $80 20% 9021.21 Artificial Teeth and Fittings. 899651 Set of 18 Pc. $1.8 10%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 9021.11 Artificial Joints 899631 Per Pc. $30 10% 9021.11 Foot Drop Splint 899631 Per Pc. $2.85 10% 9021.29 Artificial Eyes 899659 Per Pc. $5 10% 9021.40 Hearing Aids. 899610 Per Unit $40 10% X-Ray 9022.14 Complete X-Ray Digital 774211 Per Unit $5,775 10% 9022.14 Complete X-Ray Large 774211 Per Unit $3,850 10% 9022.14 Complete X-Ray Medium 774211 Per Unit $2,650 10% 9022.14 Complete X-Ray Small 774211 Per Unit $1860 10% 9022.30 X-Ray Tubes 774230 Per Pc. $800 10%

Medical Instruments 9018.12 E.C.G. Machines 77414 Per Unit $400 10% 9018.12 ULTRA Sound Scanning Machine 77414 “ “ $600 10% 9018.12 Medical oxygen sterilized machine 5 litter 874350 “ “ $200 10% 9018.12 Blood Pressure Machine big size 77414 “ “ $60 10% 9018.12 Blood Pressure Machine medium size 77414 “ “ $20 10% 9018.12 Blood Pressure Machine small size 77414 “ “ $10 10% 9018.12 Blood pressure manual type 77414 “ “ $0.5 10% 9018.12 Blood Glucose Testing Machine 77414 “ “ $4.00 10% 9018.12 Incubator infant machine 77414 “ “ $1200 10% 9018.12 Scanner for Human Digital 77414 “ “ $3950 10% 9018.12 MRA Body Scan 77414 “ “ $50,000 10% 9018.12 Door Scan Frame(Metal Detector) 77414 “ “ 70.00 10% 9018.12 Automatic Vacuum Light 77414 “ “ $215 10% 9018.12 Patient monitor 77414 “ “ $250 10% 9018.12 Defibrillator Monitor 77414 “ “ $57 10% 9018.12 Iron for Body ( kaawiyada jidhka ) 77414 Per pcs $10 30% 9018.12 Foot Massager 775880 “ “ $200 30% 9018.12 Massage Machine Large 775880 “ “ $600 30% 9018.12 Massage Machine Medium 775880 “ “ $450 30% 9018.12 Massage Machine Small 775880 “ “ $300 30% 9018.12 Mini Massage Machine 775880 “ “ $30 30% 9018.12 Vacuum forn machine 775880 “ “ $175 30%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 9018.12 Trimmer machine 775880 “ “ $500 30% 9018.12 Electric cardio graphic 775880 “ “ $40 30% 9018.12 Body steam Bag 775880 “ “ $20.00 30% 9018.12 Diathermy Machine 775880 “ “ $30.00 30%

Measuring Apparatus 9025.11 Thermometer For Body Temperature 874551 Per Pc. $0.5 10% 9025.11 Thermometer For Weather 874551 Per Pc. $80 20% Temperature 9025.11 Barometer 874551 Per Pc. $70 20% 9026.10 Rain Gauges 874310 “ “ $50 20% 9026.20 Air-Pressure Gauges for Tires 874350 “ “ $7 20% 9028.20 Water Meter 1 Inch Diameter Kent 873110 “ “ $10 20% 9028.20 Other Water Meter 873110 “ “ $6.00 20% 9028.30 Electricity Meter double phase 873150 “ “ $10 20% 9028.30 Electricity Meter three phase 873150 “ “ $15 20% 9028.30 Electricity Meter 873150 “ “ $6.00 20%

Chapter 91

Clocks and Watches 9102.11 Wrist Watch‟s Rolex and Omega 885411 Per Doz. $100 35% 9102.11 Automatic Swiss Made Superior 885411 “ “ $95 35% 9102.21 Automatic Swiss Made Ordinary 885421 “ “ $85 35% 9102.21 Ladies Rolex/Omega E.T.C. 885421 “ “ $70 35% 9102.11 Non Automatic Swiss Rolex/Omega 885411 “ “ $36 35% Superior 9102.11 Non Automatic Swiss Rolex/Omega 885411 “ “ $30 35% Ordinary 9102.21 Other Automatic Swiss Made 885411 “ “ $28 35% 9102.11 Electronic Watches with Battery 885419 “ “ $30 35% 9102.11 Pedometer Watch 885419 Per Pc. $6.00 35% 9102.12 Automatic Superior Japan. 885411 Per Doz. $40 35% 9102.11 Automatic Ordinary Japan. 885411 “ “ $30 35% 9102.11 Non Automatic Japan Inferior 885411 “ “ $26 35% 9102.21 Other Automatic Watches Superior 885411 “ “ $30 35% 9102.11 Non-Automatic Other Origin. 885411 “ “ $24 35%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 9102.19 Digital Wrist Watches 885419 “ “ $24 35% 9102.11 Pocket Watches all Original Automatic 885411 “ “ $30 35% 9102.11 Pocket Watches all Original Non-Automatic 885411 “ “ $24 35% 9102.11 Stop Watches all origin 885411 “ “ $30 35% 9105.29 Wall Clocks Large 885760 Per Pc. $5 35% 9105.29 Wall Clocks Medium 885760 “ “ $4 35% 9105.29 Table Clocks Superior 885760 “ “ $5 35% 9105.29 Table Clocks Ordinary 885760 “ “ $4 35% 9102.11 Children Plastic Watch 885760 “ Doz. 0.5 35%

Chapter 92 Musical Instruments 9201.10 Up-right Pianos 898131 Per Pc. $50 25% 9210.20 Table Pianos 898132 “ “ $100 25% 9201.20 Other Pianos 898139 “ “ $60 25% 9201.10 Violins 898139 “ “ $70 25% 9201.10 Guitars Electric 898151 “ “ $310 25% 9201.10 Guitars Manual 898151 “ “ $130 25% 9201.10 Other Guitars 898151 “ “ $135 25% 9201.90 Small Kaman 898159 “ “ $60 25% 9201.90 Large Kaman 898159 “ “ $90 25% 9202.00 Keyboard Pipe Organs 898210 “ “ $350 25% 9202.10 Accordions ( Rabaab) 898221 “ “ $100 25% 9204.20 Mouth Organs 898222 “ “ $120 25% 9205.10 Saxophone 898222 “ “ $20 25% 9205.10 Trumpet 898231 “ “ $110 25% 9205.90 Clarinets (Safaarad) 898239 “ “ $10 25% 9206.00 Cymbals 898240 “ “ $100 25% 9206.00 Drums 898240 “ “ $10 25% 9206.00 Mixed Console & Powered Mixer 898240 “ “ $100 25% 9208.90 Other Musical Instruments 898229 “ “ $40 25% 9208.90 Army Police Steel Whistles 898229 Per Doz $2 25% 9208.90 Sports Whistles 898229 “ “ $1.5 25% 9208.90 Children Plastic Whistles 898229 “ “ $1 25% 9208.90 Children Whistles with Balloon 898229 Per Doz $0.25 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 9209.10 Strings, Tuning, Forks & Pitch Pipes 898910 Per Pc $8.60 25% E.T.C.

Chapter 93

Other Fighting Weapons 9307.00 Swords 891130 Per Pc. $5 15% 9307.00 Cutlasses 891130 “ “ $3 15% 9307.00 Bayonets 891130 “ “ $2 15% 891130 Lasses 891130 “ “ $4 15% 891130 Bullet proof jacket 891130 “ “ $30 15%

Chapter 94 Furniture, Bedding, Mattresses & Parts there of.

Metal Furniture 9401.20 Seats for Motor Vehicles 878212 Per Pc. $11.00 30% 9402.10 Barbers Revolving Chairs 872411 Per Pc. $14.30 30% 9402.10 Hear Dressing Chairs 872411 “ “ $16.50 30% 9402.10 Hospital Operating & Examination 872419 “ “ $33.00 10% Table 9402.10 Hospital Beds 872419 “ “ $22.00 10% 9402.10 Hospital Head Beds (Madaxa Sariirta) 872419 “ “ $8.250 10% 9402.10 Frame hospital beds 872419 Pers set $11.00 10% 9402.10 Delivery Beds 872419 Per Pc. $25.30 10% 9402.10 Hospital Folding Screen 872419 Per Pc. $6.05 10% 9402.10 Medicine Delivery Trolley 872419 “ “ $11.88 10% 9402.10 Ambulance Trolley 872419 “ “ $12.10 10% 9402.10 Surgical Beds 872419 “ “ $27.50 10% 9403.10 Iron Chairs folding type Superior 821310 “ “ $1.87 30% 9403.10 Iron Chairs folding type Ordinary 821310 “ “ $0.88 30% 9403.10 Ordinary Chairs 821310 “ “ $0.88 30% 9403.10 Ordinary Iron Chairs with Cushion 821310 “ “ $1.87 30% 9403.10 Set of 4 Iron Chairs with Table Superior 821310 Set $17.60 30% 9403.10 Set of 4 Iron Chairs with Table Ordinary 821310 Set $8.80 30%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 9403.10 Sikino glass ( table) 821310 Set $4.40 30% 9403.10 Executive Revolving Chair 821310 Per Pc. $11.00 30% 9403.10 Office Revolving Chair Large 821310 “ “ $6.60 30% 9403.10 Office Revolving Chair Medium 821310 “ “ $5.50 30% 9403.10 Office Desk Iron 821310 “ “ $19.80 30% 9403.10 Ordinary Iron Table 821310 “ “ $7.15 30% 9403.10 Iron Cupboard 821310 “ “ $38.50 30% 9403.10 Complete Metal Shelves 821310 Set $110 30% 9403.10 Iron Spring Bed Single Ordinary 821390 Per Pc. $17.60 30% 9403.10 Iron Spring Bed Double Ordinary 821319 “ “ $33.00 30% 9403.10 Ordinary Camping bed 821390 “ “ $8.80 30% 9403.10 Baby Bed with Mattress 821390 “ “ $16.50 30% 9403.10 Baby Bed without Mattress 821310 “ “ $13.20 30% 9403.10 Furniture Fittings (Angles) 821310 “ “ $1.30 30%

9403.10 Drip Stand 821310 “ “ $3.50 30

Wooden Furniture 9403.30 Bedroom ( single) 821510 Per Pc. $192.50 30% 9403.30 Ordinary Single Bed Wooden 821510 Per Pc. $16.50 30% 9403.30 Ordinary Double Bed Wooden 821510 “ “ $33.00 30% 9403.30 Bed Side Cabinet 821510 “ “ $5.50 30% 9403.30 Wooden Skeleton Chairs Frame 821510 Per Set $55.00 30% 9403.30 Wooden Chairs Folding Type Superior 821510 Per Pc. $0.66 30% 9403.30 Wooden Chairs Folding Type Ordinary 821510 “ “ $0.55 30% 9403.30 Ordinary Wooden Chairs with Cushions 821510 “ “ $4.40 30% 9403.30 Ordinary Wooden Chairs. 821510 “ “ $3.85 30% 9403.30 Ordinary Wooden Table 821510 “ “ $5.50 30% 9403.30 Beach Chairs 821510 “ “ $3.30 30% 9403.30 Visitors Chairs Combined 821510 “ “ $16.50 30% 9403.30 Baby bassinet 821510 “ “ $14.50 30% 9403.30 Set of 4 Wooden Chairs with Table Superior 821510 Set. $16.50 30% 9403.30 Set of 4 Wooden Chairs with Table Ordinary 821510 “ “ $7.70 30% 9403.30 Coffee Table with 6 Chairs 821510 “ “ $44.00 30% 9403.30 Wooden Cupboard with 2 Doors 821510 Per Pc. $44.00 30% 9403.30 Wooden Cupboard with 3 Doors 821510 “ “ $49.50 30%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 9403.30 Wooden Cupboard with 4 Doors 821510 “ “ $55.00 30% 9403.30 Wooden Cupboard with 6 Doors 821510 “ “ $66.00 30% 9403.30 Buffet Utensils Cupboard 821510 “ “ $40.00 30% 9403.30 Wooden Shelf for Books 3 Section 821510 “ “ $60.50 30% 9403.30 Wooden Shelf for Books 2 Section 821510 “ “ $44.00 30% 9403.30 Wooden Shelf for Books 2 Section with Glass 821510 “ “ $50.00 30% 9403.30 Master Cupboard with 6 doors 821510 “ “ $110 30% 9403.30 T.V. Rack Cupboard 821510 “ “ $33.00 30% 9403.30 Complete Master Bed-room 821510 Set $275 30% 9403.30 Master Bed only 821510 Per Pc. $110 30% 9403.30 Leather Bed (Jinbarti) 821510 “ “ $2.20 30% 9403.30 Leather Chair (Gambadh) 821510 “ “ $0.66 30% 9403.30 Master toilet Cupboard 821510 “ “ $55.00 30% 9403.30 T.V. Troller-Stand 821510 “ “ $16.50 30% 9403.30 Shoes Rack Cupboard 821510 “ “ $16.50 30% 9403.30 Shoes Rack Large Size 821510 “ “ $11.00 30% 9403.30 Shoes Rack Medium Size 821510 “ “ $6.60 30% 9403.30 Shoes Rack Small Size 821510 “ “ $3.30 30% 9403.30 Plastic Shoes Rack Large Size 821510 “ “ $5.50 30% 9403.30 Plastic Shoes Rack Medium Size 821510 “ “ $4.40 30% 9403.30 Plastic Shoes Rack Small Size 821510 “ “ $2.20 30% 9403.30 Western Sitting Room with Sofa 821510 Set $220 30% 9403.30 Osier (Qaysaraan) Sitting Room 821510 “ “ $110 30% 9403.30 Osier (Qaysaraan) Dinning of 6 Chair & Table 821510 “ “ $55.00 30% 9403.30 Wooden Dinning Set of 6 Chairs with Table 821510 “ “ $66.00 30% 9403.30 Wooden Dinning Set of 8 Chairs with Table 821510 “ “ $88.00 30% 9403.30 Wooden Dinning Set of 12 Chairs with Table 821510 “ “ $132 30% 9403.30 Office Desk Wooden 821510 Per Pc. $11.00 30% 9403.30 Computer Desk 821510 “ “ $3.30 30% 9403.30 Executive office Table Large 821510 “ “ 22.00 30% 9403.30 Executive office Table Medium 821510 “ “ $18.70 30% 9403.30 Executive office Table Small 821510 “ “ 16.50 30% 9403.30 Reception Table 821510 “ “ $30.00 30% 9403.30 Conference Table with 8 Chairs 821510 Set $55.00 30%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 9403.30 Conference Table with 12 Chairs 821510 “ “ $82.50 30% 9403.30 Conference Table without Chairs Large 821510 “ “ $55.00 30% 9403.30 Conference Table without Chairs Medium 821510 “ “ $44.00 30% 9403.30 Conference Table without Chairs Small 821510 “ “ $33.00 30% 9403.30 School Desk 821510 Per Pc. $2.20 30% 9403.30 Typing Desk 821510 Per Pc. $3.30 30%

Plastic Furniture. 94.03.70 Set of 4 Plastic Chairs with Table Superior 821590 Set $13.20 30% 94.03.70 Set of 4 Plastic Chairs with Table Ordinary 821590 “ “ $6.60 30% 94.03.70 Beauty Salon Trolley 821590 Per Pc. $22.00 30% 94.03.70 Ordinary Plastic Table 821590 Per Pc. $1.65 30% 94.03.70 Office Desk Plastic 821590 “ “ $4.40 30% 94.03.70 Plastic Chair Superior Quality 821590 “ “ $1.65 30% 94.03.70 Plastic Chair Ordinary 821590 “ “ $1.10 30% 94.03.70 Plastic Chairs with Bed man 821590 “ “ $1.10 30% 94.03.70 Plastic Chairs( Gambadh) 821590 “ “ $0.55 30% 94.03.70 Baby Plastic Chairs 821590 “ “ $0.83 30% 94.03.70 Air Beds (Rubber) 821590 “ “ $16.50 30% 94.03.70 Sofa Air Chairs ( Rubber) 821590 “ “ $16.50 30% Glass Furniture 94.03.70 Glass Coffee Table set of 3 Chiars 821590 Per Set $11.00 30%

Mattresses and Pillows 9404.21 Mattresses Sponge with Spring Double 821230 Per Pc. $41.80 30% 9404.21 Mattresses Sponge with Spring Single 821230 “ “ $33.00 30% 9404.21 Mattresses Sponge Double 190X180 821230 “ “ $36.30 30% X14 Cm. 9404.21 Mattresses Sponge Medium 190X140 821230 “ “ $31.50 30% X14 Cm 9404.21 Mattresses Sponge Single 190X90 X9 Cm 821230 “ “ $23.10 30% 9404.21 Mattresses Sponge (Baby) 120X60X7 Cm 821230 “ “ $4.40 30% 9404.29 Mattresses Cotton Double 821250 “ “ $5.50 30% 9404.29 Mattresses Cotton Single (Xalaaf) 821250 “ “ $3.52 30% 9404.29 Mattresses Single without 821250 “ “ $2.42 30%


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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 9404.30 Sleeping Bags with Zip. 821270 $3.85 30% 9404.30 Arabian Sitting Room Set (Saudi) 821270 Set $35 30% 9404.30 Arabian Sitting Room Set (Xalaaf) 821270 Set $29.70 30% 9404.90 Pillows of Feather 821290 Per Pc. $1.32 30% 9404.90 Pillows of Sponge 821290 Per Pc. $1.10 30% 9404.90 Pillows of Cotton 821290 “ “ $0.88 30% 9404.90 Sponge Cushion 821290 Per Doz $5.50 30% Petromax and Hurricane Lamps 9405.50 Hurricane Lamps Large 813172 Per Doz. $5.60 20% 950550 Hurricane Lamps Medium 813172 “ “ $4.80 20% 9505.50 Hurricane Lamps Small 813172 “ “ $4.00 20% 9505.50 Petromax All Origin 813173 “ “ $10.50 20% 9405.91 Glass for Hurricane Lamps Large. 813171 “ “ $2.25 25% 9405.91 Glass for Hurricane Lamps Medium 813171 “ “ $1.75 25% 9405.91 Glass for Hurricane Lamps Small 813171 “ “ $1.45 25% 9405.91 Glass for Petromax 813171 “ “ $3.20 25%

Cloth Hangers. 9403.20 Plastic Folding Hangers (Fancy Case) 821390 Per Pc. $3.85 30% 9403.20 Cloth Hangers Stand 821390 “ “ $4.93 30% 9403.20 Cloth Hangers Wall Metal 821390 “ “ $0.22 30% 9403.20 Cloth Hangers Wall Wooden 821390 “ “ $0.17 30% 9403.20 Cloth Hangers Wall Plastic 821390 “ “ $0.11 30% 9403.20 Coat Hangers 821390 “ “ $0.06 30%

Chapter 95 Toys, Games, Sports, and Requisites. Toys 9501.00 Wheeled Toys, Bicycles, Tricycles, 894210 Per Doz $3 25% Cars ETC. 9501.00 Electric Car for children with Battery 894220 Per Pc. $40.00 25% 9501.00 Car for Children with Remote Large 894220 Per Pc. $10.00 25% 9501.00 Car for Children with Remote Meduim 894220 Per Pc. $7.00 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 9501.00 Car for Children with Remote Small 894220 Per Pc. $5.00 25% 9501.00 Non Motorized car for Children 894220 Per Pc. $25.00 25% 9501.00 Children Boat 894220 Per Pc. $7.50 25% 9501.00 Brick Yard Building Blocks Toys 894220 Per 12 Set $15.00 25% 9502.10 Children Dolls (Caruusad Caruureed) 894220 Per Doz $2 25% 9503.80 Battery Operated Toys (Cars, Tanks, 894292 “ “ $4 25% Planes, and Pistols ETC.) 9503.41 Battery Operated Animal Toys 894259 “ “ $4 25% 9503.50 Toys Musical Instruments 894260 “ “ $3 25% 9503.49 Balloons 144 pcs 894749 Per Sheet $1.5 25%

Indoor Games 9504.10 Video Games 894310 Per Set $5 15% 9504.10 Billiard Game Set 894310 Per Set $15 15% 9504.10 Hand Game 894310 Per Pcs $3 15% 9504.10 Playing Cards Plastic (Turub) 894310 Per Pct. $1.5 15% 9504.10 Playing Card Non Plastic (Turub) 894310 Per Pct. $1 15% 9504.10 Dominoes (Dumnad) 894310 Per Set $1 15% 9504.10 Ludo (Laaduu) 894310 Per Set $1.5 15% 9504.10 Dart Boards 894310 Per Set $4 15% 9504.10 Chess 894310 Per Set $4 15% 9504.10 Other Indoor Games 894310 Per Set $2 15% 9504.10 Playstation Portable Vita 894310 Per Set $30 15% 9504.10 Playstation 1 894310 Per Set $40 15% 9504.10 Playstation 2 894310 Per Set $60 15% 9504.10 Playstation 3 894310 Per Set $70 15% 9504.10 Playstation 4 894310 Per Set $80 15% 9504.10 Video Game machine 42 inch lcd screen 894310 Per Set $200 15%

Out-Door Games. 9506.31 Golf Balls 894754 Per Pc. $0.60 25% 9506.31 Golf Sticks 894751 Per Pc. $1.20 25% 9506.40 Table For Tennis 894791 “ “ $5 25% 9506.40 Table Tennis Rackets Superior 894791 “ “ $0.70 25% 9506.40 Table Tennis Rackets Ordinary 894791 “ “ $0.50 25% 9506.40 Long Tennis Rackets 894791 “ “ $1.90 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 9506.40 Table Tennis Net 894791 “ “ $0.70 25% 9506.40 Long Tennis Net 894791 “ “ $5 25% 9506.40 Foot Ball with Tube 894791 “ “ $1.40 25% 9506.59 Foot Ball N0. 5 ( Children Foot Ball) 894679 “ “ $1.00 25% 9506.59 Foot Ball N0. 4 894679 “ “ $0.60 25% 9506.59 Foot Ball N0. 3 894679 “ “ $0.40 25% 9506.59 Children Plastic Foot Ball Medium 894679 “ “ $0.40 25% 9506.59 Children Plastic Foot Ball Small 894679 “ “ $0.30 25% 9506.59 Sports Cup 894679 “ “ $10.00 25% 9506.59 Long Tennis Balls 894679 “ “ $0.10 25% 9506.59 Table Tennis Balls 894679 “ “ $0.08 25% 9506.59 Basket Balls 894679 “ “ $2 25% 9506.59 Valley Balls 894679 “ “ $2 25% 9506.59 Hockey Balls 894679 “ “ $0.50 25% 9506.99 Hockey Sticks 894799 “ “ $1 25% 9506.11 Gymnastic Bicycles 894731 “ “ $50 25% 9506.11 Gymnestic Electric Belt 894731 “ “ $6.00 25% 9506.11 Treadmill 894731 “ “ $5.00 25% 9506.11 Air bag Swim Booms 894731 “ “ $30.00 25% 9506.59 Baby See Saw (Leexo) 894679 “ “ $10.00 25% 9506.59 Children See Saw ( Leexo) 894679 “ “ $15.00 25% 9506.99 Adult See Saw ( Leexo) 894799 “ “ $25.00 25% 9506.11 Electric See Saw ( Leexo) 894731 “ “ $5000 25% 9506.11 Leexo Large 894731 “ “ $100 25% 9506.11 Dumbel Rack (Biro-saar) 894731 “ “ $2.50 25% 9506.11 Other Gymnastic Material 894731 “ “ $5 25% 9506.11 Gymnastic Belts Manual 894731 “ “ $4 25% 9506.11 Hand Gymnastic Tools 894731 “ “ $1 25% 9507.10 Fishing Rods 894711 “ “ $0.10 25% 9507.20 Fishing Hooks 894712 Per Doz. $1 25% 9507.30 Fishing Reels 894713 Per Pc. $0.15 25% 9507.30 Boxing Gloves 894713 Per Doz. $1.00 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ %

Chapter 96 Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 9601.10 Worked Ivory 899111 Per GRM. $1 25% 9603.10 Brooms with Long Handle 899721 Per Doz. $5 25% 9603.10 Brooms with Short Handle 899721 “ “ $4 25% 3924.90.90 Self-steering Mop (Masaxaad) 3923.30 Pc $2.00 20% 9603.10 Toilet Brooms 899721 “ “ $3 25% 9603.10 Toilet Cleaning Set 899721 “ “ $1.2 25% 9603.90 Black-board Dusters 899729 “ “ $1 25% 9603.90 Feather Dusters 899729 “ “ $2 25% 9603.90 Synthetic Dusters 899729 “ “ $1 25% 9603.21 Tooth Brushes 899722 “ “ $1 25% 9603.30 Artist Brushes 899724 “ “ $1.5 25% 9603.90 Synthetic Dusters for Domestics 899729 “ “ $1 25% 9603.90 Ear Cleaner (Dhukay) 899729 “ Crt 7.00 25% 9603.30 Writing Brushes 899724 “ Doz $1.5 25% 9603.10 Shaving Brush 899724 “ “ $2.4 25% 9603.10 Bottle Cleaning Brushes 899724 “ “ 1.00 25% 9603.10 Hair Brush 899724 “ “ $4 25% 9603.40 Paint Brushes 2 Inches. 899725 “ “ $2.40 25% 9603.40 Paint Brushes 4 Inches 899725 “ “ $2.80 25% 9603.40 Paint Brushes 6 Inches & Above 899725 “ “ $3.20 25% 9603.40 Boot Polishing Brushes 899725 “ “ $0.80 25% 9603.40 Cleaning Brushes for Machines 899725 “ “ $20 25% 9603.40 Painting Roller Brushes 899725 “ “ $6 25% 9603.40 Body Washing Brushes 899725 “ “ $1 25% 9603.40 Cloth Brushes 831997 “ “ $2.40 25% 9604.00 Hand Sieves For Cereals Large 899811 “ “ $4 25% 9604.00 Hand Sieves For Cereals Meduim 899811 “ “ $3 25% 9604.00 Hand Sieves For Cereals Small 899811 “ “ $1 25% 9606.10 Press Studners 899831 Per Gross $0.10 25% 9606.20 Button for Shirts/ Trousers 899831 “ “ $0.10 25% 9606.30 Button for Coats 899831 “ “ $0.16 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 9606.30 Button for Ladies Dress 899831 “ “ $0.16 25% 9606.30 Hook for trousers 899831 “ “ $0.50 25% 9607.11 Sip Fasteners for Trousers and Shirts 899851 Per Doz. $0.24 25% 9607.11 Slide Fasteners for Ladies Dress (Siib) 899851 “ “ $0.36 25% 9607.19 Slide Fasteners Sip for Jackets 899857 “ “ $0.48 25% 9608.10 Ball Point Pens (Parkers, 895211 “ “ $0.96 25% Sheavers,Cross,Dior ETC 9608.20 Fountain Pens (Parkers, Sheavers, Cross, 895212 “ “ $1.20 25% Dior ETC 9608.10 Ball Point Pens (Big, Biro & Others) 895211 “ “ $0.25 25% 9608.91 Pens Nips 895220 “ “ $0.08 25% 9608.60 Re-fills for Ball Point Pens 895217 “ “ $0.12 25% 9608.60 Pen Ink 895217 “ “ $1 25% 9609.20 Pencils 895232 “ “ $0.06 25% 9609.10 Crayon Pencils (Qalin Xaydh) 895231 “ “ $0.12 25% 9609.20 Drawing Pencil Set (For Engineering) 895233 Per Set $0.30 25% 9609.20 Slate Pencils 895233 Per Doz. $0.08 25% 9609.20 Coloured Pencils 895233 “ “ $0.12 25% 9609.20 Marking Pens 895233 “ “ $0.18 25% 9609.20 Highlighting Pens 895233 “ “ $0.15 25% 9609.20 Correction Pens 895233 “ “ $0.17 25% 9609.90 Tailors Chalk 895239 “ “ $0.16 25% 9610.00 Slate (Sabuurad Yar) 895920 “ “ $2 25% 9610.00 Black Boards 895920 “ “ $1 25% 9610.00 Pencil Eraser 895920 “ “ 0.4 25% 9610.00 Wire wool Liif for Utensils 895920 “ KG 3.00 25% 9610.00 Filip Package Chart 895920 “ Package 5.00 25% 9611.00 Price Labeling (20) Rolls X1000 Pc. 895230 Per Roll $3 25% 9611.00 Sealing Stamp 895930 Per Pc. $2 25% 9611.00 Manual Packing Tape Sealer 895930 “ “ $3 25% 9611.00 Date Stamp 895930 “ “ $0.50 25% 9611.00 Numbering Stamp 895930 “ “ $15 25% 9611.00 Stamp Pads Medium 895930 Per Doz. $1.20 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 9611.00 Stamp Pads Small 895930 “ “ $0.96 25% 9612.20 Ink for Stamp Pads 895942 “ “ $1.20 25% 9612.10 Type Writer Ribbons 895941 “ “ $1.44 25% 9612.10 Calculator Ribbons 895941 “ “ $1.44 25% 9612.10 Sealing Wax 895941 “ “ $8 25% 9612.10 Filter for Cigarettes 895941 “ “ $2.00 25% 9614.20 Smoking Tobacco Pipes 899371 “ “ $8 25% 9614.20 Cigarette Pipes Single 899371 “ “ $1.20 25% 9614.20 Cigarette Tar off (One Time Use) 899371 “ “ $0.15 25% 9614.20 Cigarette Pipes Set 899371 Per Set $1 25% 9614.90 Cigar and Cigarettes Holder 899378 Per Doz. $1.50 25% 9613.20 Cigarette Lighters Refillable 899322 “ “ $3.20 25% 9613.10 Cigarette Lighters Non Refillable 899331 “ “ $1.20 25% 9613.20 Cigarette Lighter Electronic 899322 “ “ $3.20 25% 9613.20 Cigarette Table Lighter 899322 “ “ $1.20 25% 9613.20 Toy Cigarette Lighter 899322 “ “ $1.20 25% 9613.10 Cigarette Lighter One Time Use 899322 “ “ $0.20 25% 9615.11 Plastic Comps For Pockets 899891 “ “ $0.12 25% 9615.11 Plastic Comps Ordinary 899891 “ “ $0.40 25% 9615.11 Plastic Comps With Handle 899891 “ “ $0.64 25% 9615.11 Afro Comps 899891 “ “ $0.96 25% 9615.11 Beauty Comp Set 899891 Per Set $0.90 25% 9615.11 Hair Pins 899891 Per Doz. $0.70 25% 9615.11 Hair Clips 899891 “ “ $0.10 25% 9615.11 Hair Fasteners 899891 “ “ $1.00 25% 9615.19 Ladies Plastic Hair Covers 899892 “ “ $1.40 25% 9615.90 Wood or Plastic “Cloth Pins” 899892 “ “ $0.07 25% 9615.90 Plastic Tubes for Sucking Drinks 899892 Per CTN $7.00 25% 9615.90 Liif for Utensils 899892 Per Crt $2.00 25% 9615.10 Scent For Cars (Air Fresh) 899870 “ Dozen $2 25% 9615.10 Scent Spray for Toilet (Air Fresh) 899870 “ “ $2 25% 9615.10 Flasks Superior UK. 899971 “ “ $50 25% 9615.10 Flasks Ordinary UK. 899971 “ “ $35 25% 9615.10 Flasks Superior Hong Kong 899971 “ “ $30 25% 9615.10 Flasks Ordinary Hong Kong 899971 “ “ $20 25%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 Tariff No. Description Goods Statistics Unit of Value in Rate No. Measurement US $ % 9615.10 Flasks Superior China 899971 “ “ $16 25% 9615.10 Flasks Medium China 899971 “ “ $8.00 25% 9615.10 Baby Vacuum Flasks 899971 “ “ $10 25% 9615.10 Thermos Mug Cup 899971 “ “ $10.00 25% 9615.10 Micro solar glass vacuum 899971 “ “ $50 25% 9617.10 Water Cooler 5 Gallons Capacity. 899971 Per Pc. $4.80 25% 9617.10 Water Cooler 4 Gallons Capacity 899971 “ “ $4.40 25% 9617.10 Water Cooler 3 Gallons Capacity 899971 “ “ $3.44 25% 9617.10 Water Cooler 2 Gallons Capacity 899971 “ “ $2.88 25% 9617.10 Water Cooler 1 Gallons Capacity 899971 “ “ $2.08 25% 9617.10 Vacuum Bowls. 899971 Per Set. $3 25% 9615.10 Wooden Swan 899971 Per Pcs. $10.00 25% 9615.10 Tailors Dummies (Caruusadda Dharka) 899971 Per Pcs. $10 25%

Chapter 97 Works or Art, Collectors Pieces and Antiques 9701.10 Hand Paintings 896110 Per Pc. $160 20% 9701.10 Hand Drawings. 896110 “ “ $230 20% 9702.00 Original Engravings, Prints and 896200 “ “ $90 20% Lithographs 9703.00 Original Sculptures and Statuary 896300 “ “ $70 20% 9704.00 Old Postage Stamps, Pieces of Historical 896400 “ “ $150 20% Value 9706.00 Antiques of an Age Exceeding 100 896600 “ “ $650 20% Years

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Customs Valuation Book 2020

B) Customs Export Valuation List.

I) Livestock S/No Description Inspection Admin Export Road Total Duty Maxjar Export Fees SLSH Tax Duty Levy Per Head Levy Duty SLSH SLSH SLSH $ Levy $ 1. Sheep & Goats 3 5 44 3,500 3,552 $1.50 $2 2. Cattle 18 30 300 14,000 14,348 $4.50 $11 3. Camels 30 50 400 14,000 14,480 $4.50 $15 4. Fresh Meat 3 5 44 52 $1

S/No Description Unit Duty ( Rate Measurement US$) 1 Animal Intestine Per kg $ 0.040 5% II) Hides and Skins 2 Sheep & Goats Skin Per Pc. $0.04 5% 3. Cattle Hides Per Pc. $0.20 5% 4. Camel Hides Per Pc. $0.35 5% 5 Other Skins Per Pc. $1 5% Finished Hides and Skins 6 Finished sheep/Goats Skins Per Pc $0.10 5% 7 Finished Cattle Hides Per Pc $0.30 5% 8 Finished Camel Hides Per Pc $0.40 5% III) Fish and Fish Products 9 Fresh Fish wadani Per Kg. $0.5 5% 10 Fresh Fish dalalka jaarka ah Per Kg. $2 5% 11 Royalities wadani Per Kg. 10% 12 Royalities joint venture 15% 13 Royalities ajanabi ah Per Kg. 20% 14 Shrimps wadani Per Kg. $1.5 5% 15 Shrimps dalalka jaarka Per Kg. $3 5% 16 Lobster wadani Per Kg. $15 5% 17 Lobster dalalka jaarka ah Per Kg. $20 5% 18 Sea Cucumber (Gus Badeed) Per Kg. $5 5%

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 19 Shark oil Per litter $0.34 5% 20 Shark Fins Per Kg. $15 5% 21 Shark Fish Meat Per Kg. $0.10 5% 22 Dried Fish Meat Per Kg. $0.15 5% 23 Other Fish Mear Per Kg. $0.15 5% 24 Ambar – Black Per Kg. $200 5% 25 Ambar White Per Kg. $250 5% Lumsum Fish (Ajnabi)/markab/maraakiib 26 Kaluunka Qoloflayda Per Kg. $14.00 20% ah(Shrimps,crabs,lobster,crayfish,prawn,krill,woodlic e,barnacles) 27 Lizard fish/sepia Fish Per Kg. $1.30 20% 28 Dhamaan noocyada kaluunka ee biyaha sare ama Per Kg. $2.00 20% ku wa hoose ku nool(Pelagic and Demersal fish) 29 Equarium Fish 10-15 xidhmo Per Box $17.00 Toos Lumsum Fish (Ajnabi) Doonyaha/Laashashka 30 Kaluunka Qoloflayda Per Kg. $14.00 20% ah(Shrimps,crabs,lobster,crayfish,prawn,krill,woodlic e,barnacles) 31 Dhamaan noocyada kaluunka ee biyaha sare ama Per Kg. $2.00 20% ku wa hoose ku nool(Pelagic and Demersal fish) Doonyaha ama weelka u dhigma kaluumaysi ee ajnabi leeyahay ama wada leeyihiin wadani iyo ajnabi waxa laga qaadayaa qiimaha kor ku xusan, iyadoo laga jarayo xisaabta muga weelka 30% (Boqolkiiba Sodon) taas oo loo tixgalinayo baraf ahaan N.B Joint Venture (Xaga qiimaha wuxuu la mid 15% yahay qiimaha ajnabiga) Lumsum Fish (Wadani) 32 Kaluunka Qoloflayda ah Per Kg. $3.00 10% (Shrimps,crabs,lobster,crayfish,prawn,krill,woodlice,b arnacles) 33 Dhamaan noocyada kaluunka ee biyaha sare ama Per Kg. $1.00 10% ku wa hoose ku nool(Pelagic and Demersal fish) 34 Equarium Fish 10-15 xidhmo Per Box $17.00 Toos IV) Gums (Xabkaha).

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 35 Mushaat Per Kg. $0.55 5% 36 Mujarwal Per Kg. $0.45 5% 37 Faskabiir Per Kg. $0.35 5% 38 Fas Saqiir Per Kg. $0.30 5% 39 Shoote Per Kg. $0.25 5% 40 Foox Per Kg. $0.15 5% 41 Malmal Per Kg. $0.20 5% 42 Xabag Cadaad Per Kg. $0.15 5% 43 Xabag Hadi. Per Kg. $0.15 5% 44 Arabic gum oil Per liter $0.15 5%

V). Animal and Fruit Products 45 Fresh Meat Per Kg. $0.20 5% 46 Fresh Milk Per Kg. $0.15 5% 47 Fresh Ghee Per Kg. $0.40 5% 48 Fresh Egg Per Doz. $0.20 5% 49 Fresh Natural Honey Per Kg. $0.40 5% 50 Fresh Fruit Per Kg. $0.20 5% 51 Fresh Vegetables Per Kg. $0.15 5% VI). Hand Crafts 52 Articles of Lime Stone Hand Crafts Per Pc. $0.50 5% 53 Wooden Hand Crafts Per Pc. $0.30 5% 54 Praying Mats (Sijaayad Caw ah) Per Doz. $2 5% 55 Basket of Straw (Sallad) “ “ $1.8 5% 56 Straw Mats Large (Darmo) “ “ $3 5% 57. Straw Mats Medium (Salli) “ “ $2.50 5% 58 Straw Hand Brooms (Malfiiqo) “ “ $0.30 5% 59 Gambadh (Kursi Saan ah) Per Pc. $0.60 5% 60 Jiinbaar (Sariir Saan ah) “ “ $1.80 5% VII). Fertilizers (Bacrinta) 61. Manure (Digo) Per Ton $50 10% 62. Ciid iyo Dhoobo “ “ $50 10% 63. Uuska iyo Dhiiga “ “ $50 10% 64. Lafaha “ “ $50 10% VIII). Lime Stone and Salt 65 Dhagaxa Dhismaha Per Ton $200 10% 66 Dhagaxa Sibidhka “ “ $150 10%

Page 220

Customs Valuation Book 2020 67 Milix Dhagaxda (Rock Salt) “ “ $50 10% 68 Milix (Ordinary Salt) “ “ $15 10% 69 Lime Stone (Grade A) “ “ $25 10% 70 Lime Stone (Grade B) “ “ $20 10% 71 Lime Stone (Grade C) “ “ $10 10% IX). Mineral and Precious Stones:

72 Crude Gold (Dahab Ceydhin) Per Gm. $1.00 20% 73. Diamond “ “ $4.00 20% 74. Rubby (Corundum) “ KG $2000 20% 75 Saphire(Corundum) “ KG $500 20% 76 Bery (Emerald ) “ KG $2000 20% 77 Aquamarine (Blue Beryl) “ KG $500 20% 78 Opal “ KG $15 20% 79 Opal (Rough) “ KG $5.00 20% 80 Garnet (Rhodolite, Hassanite) “ KG $4.00 20% 81 Tourmaline “ KG $500 20% 82 Other Precious Stones “ “ $3.5 20% 83 Iron Ore Per Ton $60 20% 84 Quartz Per KG $10 20% 85 Feldspar (Quartz), Granite Per KG $5.00 20% 86 Pearl Per KG $0.15 20% 87 Terro Tetanium Per KG $15 20% 88 Columbite Per KG $15 20% 89 Beryllium Per KG $15 20% 90 Tantalite Per KG $16 20% 91 Other Industrial Mineral Stones Per KG $15 20% 92 Coal Per Ton $100 20% 93 Amazonite Per KG $2.00 20% 94 Agate Per KG $0.30 20% 95 Amethyst Per KG $400 20% 96 Topaz Per KG $25 20% 97 Crystal Beryl Per KG $1000 20% 98 Chalcedony Per KG $2.00 20% 99 Flourite Per Ton $1.00 20% 100 Jade Per Ton $205.10 20%

X). Crude Oil.

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 101 Crude Oil Per Ton $75 5%

XI). Cereals 102 Kidney Beans Per Bag of 50 Kg. $2 5% 103 White Beans “ $2 5% 104 Maize “ $2 5% 105 Barley “ $2.5 5% 106 Shumburo ( Waddi) “ $2.5 5% 107 Wheat “ $2.5 5% 108 Sesame Oil Per LTR $0.05 5% 109 Sesame Crops Per KG $0.03 5% 110. Sesame (Mankaal) Per KG $0.01 5%

Fruits and Fresh Vegetable 111 Orange Per KG $0.08 5% 112 Water Milon “ “ $0.08 5% 113 Other Fruits “ “ $0.08 5% 114 Fresh Vegetable “ “ $0.08 5% 115. Chips “ “ $0.20 5%

Beverages/Sweets 116. Soft Drinks Liquid Per LTR $0.02 5% 117 Soft Drinks Powder Per KG $0.01 5% 118 Sweet Drops Per KG $0.10 5%

Soap 119 Soap power Per kg $0.02 5% 120 Laundary soap Per kg $0.02 5%

Coffee 121 Coffee Beans Per Kg $0.50 5%

XII). Medicated Trees 122. Weged Leaves Per KGS. $ 0.25 5% 123. Other Medicated Trees Per KGS $ 0.25 5%

XIII). Scraps 124 Iron Scraps Per Ton $400 5% 125. Plastic Scraps Per Ton $200 5% 126. Aluminium Scrap Per Ton $400 5% 127 Copper Scrap Per Ton $200 5%

Page 222

Customs Valuation Book 2020 128 Battery Scrap Per Ton $100 5% Water Tanks 129 Plastic water tanks (vibber) 1000 ltr $20 5% 130 Plastic water tanks (vibber) 3000 ltr $30 5% 131 Plastic water tanks (vibber) 4000 ltr $50 5% Transhipment 132 Cigarettes Per CTN $1.50 133 Rushes “ “ $0.30 134 Toys Explosives ( Baaruud) “ “ $0.30 135 Yeast ( Baking Powder) “ “ $0.30 136 Tobacco in Buckets “ “ $1.50 137 Tobacco in Leaves Per Bdl $3.00 138 Medicine Per CTN $1.00 139 Hinne Per KG $0.01 140 Medicine for Vetenary/Agriculture Per CTN $1.00 141 Fertilization Per Bag of 50KG $1.50 142 Used Clothes Per KG $0.02 143 Rice Per bag of 50kg $0.15 144 Wheat flour Per bag of 50kg $0.10 145 Sugar Per bag of 50kg $0.20 146 Cooking oil Per litters $0.009 147 Biscuits KGs $0.008

Aircraft Fees and Charges


1 Liisanka Shirkadaha Diyaaradaha Iyo $5000 Cusbooneysiinta

2 Liisanka Wakiilada Socdaalka(Travel Agency) Iyo Cusbooneysiintooda

Page 223

Customs Valuation Book 2020

Landing Fees Handling Charges For Class A Airport

Class AIRCRAFT TYPE TONNAGE Landing Handling fee $ charge $ I C 180 CESSNA 206,182 C208, C406. CESSNA 1-5T 30 60 525/208, PILATUS-68 MO20 PGT8TP PIPER-31, PIAGGIO PA42-/72 C210, C500, BE90, B58P,AC-69 II L410 LR-31A, L r-35A/36A/C21,SN-60, 5.1-10T 50 100 BE02,BE200, BE400, C12, C21, C404/402 CESSANA406 CESSNA550/52,CESSANA 560/4 CESSANA650/3,DA10,DHC6,DORNIE R 228,HS 125/3A,AN2 III C670-4/650-6/660,DA20 10.1-15T 70 110 DASH-DHC8 DORNIER328/328, SAAB SF 340/B IV ATR 42-100, ATR 42-200, ATR42-320 15.1-25T 500 150 ATR72,F27-100/300, F27-200/400,F50, G-159, GUL 1/PC,HS 748/2A, SAAB 2000, CL-60, CONV AIR 340,CONVA AIR 580,DA50,DA900,DASH- DHC7,DASH-DHC7,DASH-DASHDHC8,DASH8,- S/300,DH5, VC-1 (VKING), YAK,40, AN-24, AN-26, AN-30,BA-ATP V GU II, GUL III,GUL ,IV,HS146/100,HS 25.1-40T 160 200 200, TU 125,V,V813/814,AN-8,F28,AN-32, AN-74,AN- 72 VI C160/ND16, DC9-15,DC-30,DC9-30 41-55T 180 300 DC9-40, DC9-50 F100,F100B,FK70,HS121,L1049,MD16,ND16,TU134A BOEING 737,CARAVELLE SE210 VII HIE, H2E, HH3B,ILI8B/DN, L1049C, 55.1-70T 350 600 MD,MD82,P3W,58227, V95/3 YAK42,,DC9 SERIES 80,AN-12 TRIDENT HS 121 C-130 VIII BOEING 727,757-200, TU 154, 71-100T 450 700 BRISTOL, 175, CL-44, CONVAIR 850, CONVAIR 880, M, TU104 XI BOEING 707 CARGO 101-150T 600 900

X IL 74, IL 62, IL86, IL76, BOEING 747, 151-200T 1100 1800

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Customs Valuation Book 2020 CARGO,AIRBUS, DC-10

1. Parking charges commencing after 3 hours $ 0.5 per ton / hour 2. Airport service charges for Somaliland sl sh 10,000( embarkation fee) 3. Airport service charges for foreigners $10.( embarkation fee) 4. Tax royalties adult 10% per ticket on international routes & v.v 5.Tax royalties adult 5% per ticket on domestic flight child exempted. 6. Cargo royalties for domestic $40.00 per ton 7. Chartered aircraft 10% per commission on the amount rented 8. Cargo international flight $30.00 per ton 9. Security charge $ 15.00 per ton 10. Manifest fees (arrival and departure)

N.B There are various aircraft which are not show how ever such aircraft may be charged according to their licensed maximum take-off weight

Immigration fees

S.No Passport Type Arrival

1 Somaliland passport 30,000 Slsh

2 Foreign passport $60

3 Ethiopean Passport $30

4 Somali passport $15

5 Djibouti passport $15 6 Embarcation Fee $10 7 UN Embarcation $10

Page 225

Manifest fees

Arrival and departure fees

1. MT , metal tanker above 7000MT $300

2. MT metal vassal above 7000 MT $300 3. MT metal less than vassal 7000 $200 MT 4. MT , metal tanker less than $200 7000MT

5. Wooden boat above 150 MT $70 6. Wooden boat less than 150 MT $40

ROYALITIES 1. Royalty licences fees 2. Royalties tax 3. Royalties service Ruqso

S.No Type of vessel Fee Time

1 Maraakiibta $300 30 days

2 Doonyaha $100 15 days

3 Laashashka $30 10 days

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