6Mwilwne1',Rolta for a Radical Change In

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6Mwilwne1',Rolta for a Radical Change In THE SUN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1919. ... .. ... PtiAW ' opens ca FnrrerateV Conrt. KEW WEST SIDE CAiiAOB. rART IT. Before Mitchell. J. Court at be. Albert rntiieui. ouraw.- COURT CALENDARS. Albert Pugheill. gTand Urteny: Anton o Tar- CJIAitBERS Wlngata, 9,-- Day calendar l A eve, I H A. L new story garage and senici COTTON FUTURES RAW SILK PRICES Makers of Clothing seaalon. asano, nurgiary; uaruei bjctuih, muiu -- " jo A. 21. statjon Is to be epea, Frank erected on the niot itl 1'KI) ERAL COURT. at of: Arthur Sellnter. 100 343, 344 261 JiJ2& f Louis Dlenier. at and West Bxtl.tJ to Discuss Problems K Sonthem District. ourt open, at --d W Darls. street, between Amsterdam wV.i ;;-- "" Coh.,an. rape; SMffi-IKS- V jo Nathan and DISTRICT COURT-Spe- clal Thlllp is - Annie Ludwlg. End avenuen by ADVANCE TO RECORD Ulster J. PVi J, Moouej iiueo. inranis. tho Whiting Motor Com HIGHER AT Rowlewlci, rape: William Hoax-lard- CLOSE, Clothing Manufacturers McCoak. room S27, P. O. Bldr.. t 10 A. M. 7ArrriiJ ner D,nnl!lly' J Court ocena rape Harry P pany. assault; Samuel Nusbaum. Miller. AnJrew Qnlnn. of New York, Inc.. Sehifflnoff; N T Cons Mackentle name. iV foro Otto A. Bosalsky. Frederick Assembling of this t,lto THK ore ourt opeaa PT Jude M. Depntr. Adelheld Doscher. va comntetsj meeting nn co. Newman I?'-"ef- Brlanter. Kleanor Whelland. joud Joseoh 8 by called a to be :me. AT M. .he? Vtarv crlmlnaUy Katherine Roujhsedge. Eleanor V Craft. yesterday tho purchase of 24! held at tho Thursday (faemitui:rae. P Krao:ime, Mnrrar Camnanella Slrtl-t- h street, w.i Hotel Ansonla Hi r lis: time. H Krauss Estates of: a live ttory tenemcnL Finn, Quotations Arc 3 to H5 Trotluct Jicing rurchascd at evening for the purpose of having a Healy name. :m. 10 A. M. Susan Cunningham. Kr.te Bennett. 26x100, from tho estate ot Welnteln:me. J-- William general HalMy:sanie. PARToXaI-!?'f- ore ot,eM prop'erty: DeorTt.r.nd William Bcrrl. Anna O Tltorc. discussion regarding the va- FtltDia:nme. Uk"' ScelvlnVolea Peter Oevory, former t'olice Commissioner hv Points Up Spots Also High Iintes Will Bo Used rious problems, confronting tho In- Relchel :sme . Berwtnd-Whlt- e Ceil t..UK- -. n.. ..n, nn,i c,...iiri Weln William Bern. the Whiting Motor Company, flniano :sanie, Co TART XII.-Bef- ore Hendrick, opens jatnM Mackey. grand i County Court. through dustry and to Uke some action In :iame. (tock mmS ltToeay. the Cross & Brown Companj C Pond Raroeiiame. lneny; Frank Shanks, grand larceny; At 19 A. M. Civil CM' Show Some Gains. in Spring. respect to M sfi..i' Xlll-nef- ourt opens at Moyrla PAnT J. Forty-fou- r the amendments to tho Dowduame. RameiMme. PiPT. Lydon, George McLaughlin. burglary: t fJ'J Hundred and and 24 5 West constitution, recently passed by the O'Neill :iinu. Fculke tsame. talth Relnfanl. Sixtieth steeet, a five story le.nemer. XIV-Be- J.-- Atl0 A. M. GaV Feeneyaa Bleo board of directors, creating a mar- Bart :satne. Gardiner name. PART fore Finch. HrW.TdS,"ir.nd l'nVT Sophie Senrenll:CaTanauh, nnd ft va.rjint tot. nn n r,ln tn.i,. LebowlU.'same. to oejseni irmn un v" ner. grand larceny: Samuel urosa. amiui, RR. Slnshul So. 1 was quoted at $1,350 ket committee to take the place of XIV.j.es to IndnslTe for trlaL . convlc- - - BALLY COMES NEATl END the Before Ward. Itoren, Iloiuh and Uaatao, 17. XVIH. Martin Walah. carryinr pistol alur liSryVr -3 Industrial Exchange. ror Wesley ih?'A"". P"",""".."-uvn win do 1S3 pounds, and other . lion . crime: irvine. aneraii. McDonough :Coney BR, com. a balo of Ai iu:j a. u., la room to, u. uiox. Inquests : Consumers Llnter Co: grana lal """" Motlona grand larceny: Charles Lopyn. iajxr.ru; A B'klyn RR. Mschlano :sscns. incirucu ijiiiucuusiaijr. trades were priced In proportion In the Matter of rerfill. ltosenbaum ITtoffers. Samuels. Louis Llcht (appeal) disorderly conduct Dennehy '.Mcnowen. AroniSS CortTanalt Pater-.Rat- MP-chl-ts. Rotheutfenr :Nasaau yester- Iek .. 400.00 8t Paul. Cbeathim Pathe Exchanre lETe For sentence James Morgan and Moe Stewart tLoeltler. Greater Tart of Small Activity raw elite market In Yokohama U 8 Llrht A Heat Co: Co. Mall Hynd. Brady :Frank Manser Elec BR. co. I Adams iOotdsteln. Badalamenll :Soutli mcn nuYs im pnAnt. st. day. Prices for all grades were the bronx. sarety car Co. Martin :Imbrle. Bubln iFlexenhelmer, Co. " C. T. Crals By Co. Duyn. r Before Jndre Thorraa Johanson :Naasau Elec B'klyn A, & Ts highest on record and show an advance $17S.7S ' Teint:88 Van Crelirblon :True Bern. LlTOtl :LlTotl. Inter Arrleult Corp: Frank Flanagan, murder: Alexander Jolin Caakey Elec William White Sons, in conjun- Trovided by Operations Fallon. May PlonUi iB'klra nta RR Snore & Trlest Co: Co. BR. :Nasaau of 113 a bale over figures marked up a a. Swackhamer. 7U.40 Day calendar: Ttnneeeee Fert son. murder: Ralph Mocho. mnrder: Mahmnt WarrrarCarter A KB. ction with Benjamin Weiss, have t0d tcr firm. m. nnrir wrman :umiea states. riremen'a lei An ' un George A- during trading on Saturday. Jimi 3II.il C. I Marble Uttnaertllelmw. Blaia and Charlea Arthurs, murder! Weeka Steredorlng Connor :1 elnbers. H, - Breldenbach to the Krlm of Professional?. Trow, Jacob Hill Sanatorium... tl.71 DescaUliVan Djke. Taper CosDomestle Williams .Whitney Co. Ryan, manslaughter. Inge'.I.Inbbsld. Reiliv Cablegrams received also contained :Denlel-Ide- Co. Company 111 I'earl street UilliarnA SATISFIED JUDGMENTS. Before Learned Hand, 331. V. O. Mills Paper Co. 8 Anarfyroe Sentences Ferdlnando Trocchlano. .."I" Boscarello :Atlantlc SeaTcr:llolder. Uio Japaneso crop 10 : Uvaldo & Albin. White & Sons a few ago tor the Information that Bide., at A. Jt. Crlailnil calendar. Aipualt Grady. Claude Alexander. Bwnet Ntereslnrlnff Co. V rsnces :uarrviv montlu told AAA V . 1 (.tin, MANHATTAN, a Gon- - tA a u tVila rtnann Ihn vtt.. B Jt Par Co:t'lty of N Y, McDowell :Glcns I alls James Ellerd. Lottie Scott and I cruel August Kllpstetn to the Krlm yes- - namo William M Byme. (Jerome Dumont STATES DISTRICT COlBl, Realty The cotton mruket was featured 'supp!y 12,0oo rirst that of debtor: that Hyroe. Brokerage A. Landsman iLandeman. Ins Co. cale UNITED Company 112 ,b,s nt thl(, tmo belnK of creditor filed: William If U s Tiffany Z Mfg MulquJea. District of New York. Pearl stieet, It Is the . dur-lio- and date Judgment was Studios: Moore :B Walk P tip 1 Before .ludra Joseph T. Kiul.rn terday by a sharp jally In Us last half bales, which la 8.000 bales leas than Demurrers : Tradlni! Co. 323. Port tention of the Kitm company to JaRe, Louis, and Fidelity A. Solomon ShuMlr.cr. (J S PreMln. Co. Lino Deneira, robben": William Johrsou Chatfleld. J. Court opens In Boom connect i Brokersse Amuset criminally carry- e tho two buildings occupy of trading. Which followed a period Ins the corresponding period last jear. casualty Co. of N. Y. People. Oeromc S & Co. Solomon Merrills ifireenwlch Trocadero Co: assault: William. Johnson, Office Building, urooaiyn. iyi and the gto'ind Dumont Trlln 1.1 A 11) 10 !3" A. M. or which Ac; June 1, 191S (vacated).., 12,600.00 V H & Geroine iho Co. Cent BMe Imp ing firearm: William Johnson. Michael A. M. floor for their burlnees, known as thi o more or . reactionary sent men, Brokerate i. Sbuldlner McGinnis. and - States .Camp-thai niley, William, and Fidelity & Trading Co. M Doners KJIty nf N T, latest Co. alias Michael Frank United States :Rosn- United Hanover Lunch On who's ouy a was , wasuauy uo. or A. same; Benesch Dsumhatm :Muns. Dale, robbery: Carow McKlnney. grand lar- A Markowlts bell. auth,2 the tho business thla country from threerPto six months r. Rolomon Shuldiner, :Frledbn. Tjonnle Watson Carragher (for Juno 39, (vacated) 1,(00.00 Newraark :nopeen. Blbn:GoId. ceny; Harold Lyons, robbery: (on trial). cjll). without feature, professionals providing fnJm now. nnd wl be used for prcKUclng Bray, lilt Before Soepard, 401, P. O. Bldt., at Co. George Green, opens In room 812. - . David, and Fidelity & feen lAnderson. FlnkelstelntFls and James Banks, burrlary: Thomas, J. Court SATISFIED MORTGAGES. the greater part oi the prevailing actlv- 10:30 A. If. Jury oalendar. A Con Supply Sullivan, grand larcenv; Brooklyn, N. Y., at 10:30 ds for next sprlng and summer. Casualty Co. of N. T. eamej Glass :Marh A Metals Pipe burglary; Oarnle - Offlc Building, (With name and addreas of lenders uy, which, to tay t.ie least, was smaii. The loca, wholesaIe broad BUk market March It, ltlt (vacated) 1,000.00 Pltttreln Coil Co: Co. Sales Co. Co:N Y Munlclpa! Thomas While, aeaault: Krank Laurla. rob- torney.) at. wan desorted. Berler, Oscar and Auguat Me- Math-- r Win Bradley Ttaionk :raour. RR. United' States iGenrgej I trial). At times the ring all tut oriened yesterday prices generally Mroll. "f Schul-ma-n t, with Rasook Haynea :Meloy. Sentences-A- Samuel (on I Manila ttan. oper-alcr- In- - chanic! Bank: Sept. IT, 1109.. (om Zimmerman :8wls Hotel Wnudwnrd Co: :Mut Life Ins bl HoskowlU. T McQuade et al Wall Street and outside week, advance In Com- awaiting further hgm,r than Iast Nackanhorit, William United BinkTereln. Ford Motor Co. Co. Klrsch tPadflc and Louis Korlander. 41ST ST, 123 E Richard Croker, Jr, Vestors In general are tQme Unea be, ag much as 25 centa a Wine & Trading Co.; Jan. 10. Cowen Co :llcmk Mff Klsr :floldmsn. mercial Co. Cheatar, N T, to Magdalsna Smyth.r1 might to n- - ! , A A Ill nevelooments that tend uaiiinir mo l,tS7.(0 Before Mayer, Boom 1, twelfth floor.
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    * THE MOOREMACK NEWS * * * * * * * * HE YEAR having ended, the new one come in, Jimmy Ray, good Joe Beatty, and all the northbound TThe old beefs remaining, the new ones begin. May the freight be a ton where it once was a pound While ships at their berths call for cargo and more To Geddes, Molloy, Joe Kelly and Beyts And problems harass us at sea and ashore And to Wallace that pastmaster genius of rates We cant let them get us, we just wont sit by To Wilcox, to Kennedy, to Erickson, Roselle Or take down our tresses and have a good cry And all the solicitors a swell year, boys, swell. No, lets gather round for a drink and a song Lets bellow our greetings, lets bellow them strong. To smiling Bob Aitken and purser boss Cerf The boys of the Mail Room (the best to you, Murph) You two out in front there, who got this thing going And speaking of Murphys a hand for the Joes Whose backs had the strength in the first rugged rowing The same for I. Ewers who all the law knows. You two who have led us and lead us on still To Bachmann, to Hollis, Tamasik and Clausen May your new year be happy we know that it will Your flow of good luck may there never be a pause in, May you thrive and grow stronger and keener and then ' May you grow even stronger and stronger as men To Czapski, Silfverberg, O Donnell and Dickson May you drink at the well thats reserved for the best We hope all your troubles are set for a fixin May you help us, the weak ones, come through in the test.
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