...... PtiAW ' opens ca FnrrerateV Conrt. KEW WEST SIDE CAiiAOB. rART IT. Before Mitchell. J. Court at be. Albert rntiieui. ouraw.- COURT CALENDARS. Albert Pugheill. gTand Urteny: Anton o Tar- CJIAitBERS Wlngata, 9,-- Day calendar l A eve, I H A. L new story garage and senici COTTON FUTURES RAW SILK PRICES Makers of Clothing seaalon. asano, nurgiary; uaruei bjctuih, muiu -- " jo A. 21. statjon Is to be epea, Frank erected on the niot itl 1'KI) ERAL COURT. at of: Arthur Sellnter. 100 343, 344 261 JiJ2& f Louis Dlenier. at and West Bxtl.tJ to Discuss Problems K Sonthem District. ourt open, at --d W Darls. street, between Amsterdam wV.i ;;-- "" Coh.,an. rape; SMffi-IKS- V jo Nathan and DISTRICT COURT-Spe- clal Thlllp is - Annie Ludwlg. End avenuen by ADVANCE TO RECORD Ulster J. PVi J, Moouej iiueo. inranis. . tho Whiting Motor Com HIGHER AT Rowlewlci, rape: William Hoax-lard- CLOSE, Clothing Manufacturers McCoak. room S27, P. O. Bldr.. t 10 A. M. 7ArrriiJ ner D,nnl!lly' J Court ocena rape Harry P pany. assault; Samuel Nusbaum. Miller. AnJrew Qnlnn. of New York, Inc.. Sehifflnoff; N T Cons Mackentle name. iV foro Otto A. Bosalsky. Frederick Assembling of this t,lto THK ore ourt opeaa PT Jude M. Depntr. Adelheld Doscher. va comntetsj meeting nn co. Newman I?'-"ef- Brlanter. Kleanor Whelland. joud Joseoh 8 by called a to be :me. AT M. .he? Vtarv crlmlnaUy Katherine Roujhsedge. Eleanor V Craft. yesterday tho purchase of 24! held at tho Thursday (faemitui:rae. P Krao:ime, Mnrrar Camnanella Slrtl-t- h street, w.i Hotel Ansonla Hi r lis: time. H Krauss Estates of: a live ttory tenemcnL Finn, Quotations Arc 3 to H5 Trotluct Jicing rurchascd at evening for the purpose of having a Healy name. :m. 10 A. M. Susan Cunningham. Kr.te Bennett. 26x100, from tho estate ot Welnteln:me. J-- William general HalMy:sanie. PARToXaI-!?'f- ore ot,eM prop'erty: DeorTt.r.nd William Bcrrl. Anna O Tltorc. discussion regarding the va- FtltDia:nme. . Uk"' ScelvlnVolea Peter Oevory, former t'olice Commissioner hv Points Up Spots Also High Iintes Will Bo Used rious problems, confronting tho In- Relchel :sme . Berwtnd-Whlt- e Ceil t..UK- -. n.. ..n, nn,i c,...iiri Weln William Bern. the Whiting Motor Company, flniano :sanie, Co TART XII.-Bef- ore Hendrick, opens jatnM Mackey. grand i County Court. through dustry and to Uke some action In :iame. (tock mmS ltToeay. the Cross & Brown Companj C Pond Raroeiiame. lneny; Frank Shanks, grand larceny; At 19 A. M. Civil CM' Show Some Gains. in Spring. respect to M sfi..i' Xlll-nef- ourt opens at Moyrla PAnT J. Forty-fou- r the amendments to tho Dowduame. RameiMme. PiPT. Lydon, George McLaughlin. burglary: t fJ'J Hundred and and 24 5 West constitution, recently passed by the O'Neill :iinu. Fculke tsame. talth Relnfanl. Sixtieth steeet, a five story le.nemer. XIV-Be- J.-- Atl0 A. M. GaV Feeneyaa Bleo board of directors, creating a mar- Bart :satne. Gardiner name. PART fore Finch. HrW.TdS,"ir.nd l'nVT Sophie Senrenll:CaTanauh, nnd ft va.rjint tot. nn n r,ln tn.i,. LebowlU.'same. to oejseni irmn un v" ner. grand larceny: Samuel urosa. amiui, RR. Slnshul So. 1 was quoted at $1,350 ket committee to take the place of to IndnslTe for trlaL . convlc- - - BALLY COMES NEATl END the Before Ward. Itoren, Iloiuh and Uaatao, 17. XVIH. Martin Walah. carryinr pistol alur liSryVr -3 Industrial Exchange. ror Wesley ih?'A"". P"",""".."-uvn win do 1S3 pounds, and other . lion . crime: irvine. aneraii. McDonough :Coney BR, com. a balo of Ai iu:j a. u., la room to, u. uiox. Inquests : Consumers Llnter Co: grana lal """" Motlona grand larceny: Charles Lopyn.; A B'klyn RR. Mschlano :sscns. incirucu ijiiiucuusiaijr. trades were priced In proportion In the Matter of rerfill. ltosenbaum ITtoffers. Samuels. Louis Llcht (appeal) disorderly conduct Dennehy '.Mcnowen. AroniSS CortTanalt Pater-.Rat- MP-chl-ts. Rotheutfenr :Nasaau yester- Iek .. 400.00 8t Paul. Cbeathim Pathe Exchanre lETe For sentence James Morgan and Moe Stewart tLoeltler. Greater Tart of Small Activity raw elite market In Yokohama U 8 Llrht A Heat Co: Co. Mall Hynd. Brady :Frank Manser Elec BR. co. I Adams iOotdsteln. Badalamenll :Soutli mcn nuYs im pnAnt. st. day. Prices for all grades were the bronx. sarety car Co. Martin :Imbrle. Bubln iFlexenhelmer, Co. " C. T. Crals By Co. Duyn. r Before Jndre Thorraa Johanson :Naasau Elec B'klyn A, & Ts highest on record and show an advance $17S.7S ' Teint:88 Van Crelirblon :True Bern. LlTOtl :LlTotl. Inter Arrleult Corp: Frank Flanagan, murder: Alexander Jolin Caakey Elec William White Sons, in conjun- Trovided by Operations Fallon. May PlonUi iB'klra nta RR Snore & Trlest Co: Co. BR. :Nasaau of 113 a bale over figures marked up a a. Swackhamer. 7U.40 Day calendar: Ttnneeeee Fert son. murder: Ralph Mocho. mnrder: Mahmnt WarrrarCarter A KB. ction with Benjamin Weiss, have t0d tcr firm. m. nnrir wrman :umiea states. riremen'a lei An ' un George A- during trading on Saturday. Jimi C. I Marble Uttnaertllelmw. Blaia and Charlea Arthurs, murder! Weeka Steredorlng Connor :1 elnbers. H, - Breldenbach to the Krlm of Professional?. Trow, Jacob Hill Sanatorium... tl.71 DescaUliVan Djke. Taper CosDomestle Williams .Whitney Co. Ryan, manslaughter. Inge'.I.Inbbsld. Reiliv Cablegrams received also contained :Denlel-Ide- Co. Company 111 I'earl street UilliarnA SATISFIED JUDGMENTS. Before Learned Hand, 331. V. O. Mills Paper Co. 8 Anarfyroe Sentences Ferdlnando Trocchlano. .."I" Boscarello :Atlantlc SeaTcr:llolder. Uio Japaneso crop 10 : Uvaldo & Albin. White & Sons a few ago tor the Information that Bide., at A. Jt. Crlailnil calendar. Aipualt Grady. Claude Alexander. Bwnet Ntereslnrlnff Co. V rsnces :uarrviv montlu told AAA V . 1 (.tin, MANHATTAN, a Gon- - tA a u tVila rtnann Ihn vtt.. B Jt Par Co:t'lty of N Y, McDowell :Glcns I alls James Ellerd. Lottie Scott and I cruel August Kllpstetn to the Krlm yes- - namo William M Byme. (Jerome Dumont STATES DISTRICT COlBl, Realty The cotton mruket was featured 'supp!y 12,0oo rirst that of debtor: that Hyroe. Brokerage A. Landsman iLandeman. Ins Co. cale UNITED Company 112 ,b,s nt thl(, tmo belnK of creditor filed: William If U s Tiffany Z Mfg MulquJea. District of New York. Pearl stieet, It Is the . dur-lio- and date Judgment was Studios: Moore :B Walk P tip 1 Before .ludra Joseph T. Kiul.rn terday by a sharp jally In Us last half bales, which la 8.000 bales leas than Demurrers : Tradlni! Co. 323. Port tention of the Kitm company to JaRe, Louis, and Fidelity A. Solomon (J S PreMln. Co. Lino Deneira, robben": William Johrsou Chatfleld. J. Court opens In Boom connect i Brokersse Amuset criminally carry- e tho two buildings occupy of trading. Which followed a period Ins the corresponding period last jear. casualty Co. of N. Y. People. Oeromc S & Co. Solomon Merrills ifireenwlch Trocadero Co: assault: William. Johnson, Office Building, urooaiyn. iyi and the gto'ind Dumont Trlln 1.1 A 11) 10 !3" A. M. or which Ac; June 1, 191S (vacated).., 12,600.00 V H & Geroine iho Co. Cent BMe Imp ing firearm: William Johnson. Michael A. M. floor for their burlnees, known as thi o more or . reactionary sent men, Brokerate i. Sbuldlner McGinnis. and - States .Camp-thai niley, William, and Fidelity & Trading Co. M Doners KJIty nf N T, latest Co. alias Michael Frank :Rosn- United Hanover Lunch On who's ouy a was , wasuauy uo. or A. same; Benesch Dsumhatm :Muns. Dale, robbery: Carow McKlnney. grand lar- A Markowlts bell. auth,2 the tho business thla country from threerPto six months r. Rolomon Shuldiner, :Frledbn. Tjonnle Watson Carragher (for Juno 39, (vacated) 1,(00.00 Newraark :nopeen. Blbn:GoId. ceny; Harold Lyons, robbery: (on trial). cjll). without feature, professionals providing fnJm now. nnd wl be used for prcKUclng Bray, lilt Before Soepard, 401, P. O. Bldt., at Co. George Green, opens In room 812. - . David, and Fidelity & feen lAnderson. FlnkelstelntFls and James Banks, burrlary: Thomas, J. Court SATISFIED MORTGAGES. the greater part oi the prevailing actlv- 10:30 A. If. Jury oalendar. A Con Supply Sullivan, grand larcenv; Brooklyn, N. Y., at 10:30 ds for next sprlng and summer. Casualty Co. of N. T. eamej Glass :Marh A Metals Pipe burglary; Oarnle - Offlc Building, (With name and addreas of lenders uy, which, to tay least, was smaii. The loca, wholesaIe broad BUk market March It, ltlt (vacated) 1,000.00 Pltttreln Coil Co: Co. Sales Co. Co:N Y Munlclpa! Thomas While, aeaault: Krank Laurla. rob- torney.) at. wan desorted. Berler, Oscar and Auguat Me- Math-- r Win Bradley Ttaionk :raour. RR. United' States iGenrgej I trial). At times the ring all tut oriened yesterday prices generally Mroll. "f Schul-ma-n t, with Rasook Haynea :Meloy. Sentences-A- Samuel (on I Manila ttan. oper-alcr- In- - chanic! Bank: Sept. IT, 1109.. (om Zimmerman :8wls Hotel Wnudwnrd Co: :Mut Life Ins bl HoskowlU. T McQuade et al Wall Street and outside week, advance In Com- awaiting further hgm,r than Iast Nackanhorit, William United BinkTereln. Ford Motor Co. Co. Klrsch tPadflc and Louis Korlander. 41ST ST, 123 E Richard Croker, Jr, Vestors In general are tQme Unea be, ag much as 25 centa a Wine & Trading Co.; Jan. 10. Cowen Co :llcmk Mff Klsr :floldmsn. mercial Co. Cheatar, N T, to Magdalsna Smyth.r1 might to n- - ! , A A Ill nevelooments that tend uaiiinir mo l,tS7.(0 Before Mayer, Boom 1, twelfth floor. Wool. Meltcer:Elmer. Karten:Bachmeler MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Lexington av, Oct 17, UU; atty L nothing cj.. J. 1C0 . aiaV. fluence the course of values but agents think further....inadvances may be Memel. William, and National wortn, Hiaj., at 10:30 A. H. Equity eaienaar. Miller :Stem. Co. BRONX COUNTY. Cn. Bwav Bears laid Surety Co. People, &c: Juno Walker :Wamer. Mst :lTtnson. S5TI1 ST, n e. 250 e 2d av, Il.llxl00.i-e- iu decided has shown Itself. Imperial :Meyers-Joetsc- Supreme Court. MINIATURE ALMANAC. I k Mas! as r i expected. 7, 191S too. 00 Mara Co Nicholson iStera Pub C I. Burke, Ine:Law Slpkln h n. viz TV.. atdmf on the, Inprovcd weather TERM-(Chaml- Survey-Stand- ard u fuiiuvii turn krw3 much etress Many buyers are operating In tho Ltnqulat, Kdwln, and National noes 4 stlndt. & Norelty Co. Union & Bock Isl Co. SPECIAL ers) Mullsn. J. United States Coast and Geodetic Minna Leopold. May 34, 190,, lttyi map, showed generally fair con- April 10, Same Met Life Ina Co ame :i'oitt. Tn . in a. M. Et narte business. Time, 5! which market, but buying Is not as active as Surety Co. Same; - to. Hatch :Buffalo Term rn.t .Mm Oerlleh, 114 E 7tth st. . l Hafct- Bros - MOTIONS-Mull- an. tl ditions and no Important rain. Eastern 1318 soo.oo Nat Gis Cock Samelofr Im McCaikeTiCumber- RR. SPECIAL TERM TOR J. nn rises. 7:13 AM Sunsets :WPJl 58T1I ST, H and A lei bj usually Is when spring Is under . In tho central It trade Garth, William nnil Ivuli W. A. t o:Cons (ias Co. port uirort. land Glass Mfr Co. Calne :5hal'eobeier. Motion cslendsr. Moon rises 33 A M gro to Cornellua J Sullivan and Gujrirti sections were clear, while Kelallcra appear to be 31). consideration. Farmfr. July 1S)S C J O'Brien, Inc: An'Vron:Prstt. A Kill- - :Brody. WATER THIS DAY fecit was some cloudiness. Local -- NeubertiBell Jscobson HIGH there the largest buyer.". Supplies held by Corr I'Jtcr H. J. It. Vliher; "e-rt- A. M. Admiralty MOKS. WHkrnlnilMoore. no gn In tho Bld. At 10:30 cullcn. Inc. llofman :IIofmsn. Sandy AS OltcSlATBDf.ST.e t map readers t of front manufacturers nnd pclllng agents are Oct. :o. 1810 ..I rudar. Kllner P.Icli. Menasha Wondenwtro :Boyle. a. Adolpli Ererson l,t,M a,l?T"" '.,!dV. belt. limited, and tho situation now stands Verstonillff, A. Plne; Llne:Sloin Ktandurd Oil Co. Kllby Csr k yotmdry ('o:Lsndeck. Abramo Iti tAbrsmo- - Rota Jackson to Harrv M r.j partly as Jan. 7. 1918 Biilxr fS Co:Ss shenr. Kaplan :Kaplsn. LOW WATER TH S DAY . i S0 W 110th at. April 10, VttrV The weather facto" was offset ;i:.i A Co. f Libdsk :PesrImsn. ti'..lSi2 all conditions favor the holder. V. Retnbaiuh nltr. M Gross A 309 ..... cables and Thompson. John, and Martin Uattorf Co; name sLelpltt. Itothsteln :Iloenfeld. Holllns :Yoimc. J, Sandy Hook. 12:27 A M Gov. Island. .1:41 A Sneiidalra. Ra.i by better than due I.lvernool Corbett It. A. Wallace; Juno Contract Ames :Gen Platers Sm'th .Donahne. SPECIAL TERM TOR TRIALS Mnl'an. COLUSIBUS AV, n e c8Sth It, 7ix activity. I illaakel. lieu uaie. a continued British fpot market 13. 1901 713.94 Hupreme Court. supply Co. Blsckwell trinlay. Ginsberg :Glnsbrs. Ilorowlta ..,...:i tie Realty Co, 1281 Clay av, to approximately t Tnrn Buying: Lighter. 15. . SelU:llarlem Rlrer A Block :Block. 1076 lima there again tottlled Hulls, Alphonee A. A. McUec ore Klrsch & Co:5foscli-- Dietrich tltofs tatter. MONDAY. OCT. 33. Berman. Flndlay av Sales VPPEIXATB DIVISION-Bef- Clarke, r. I :Eandl. ARRIVALS and Eltttl unsettle-me- nt et Sept. 7, 1917 KI.91 Ins Co: O Portchester RB. Eandl Corp, 215 Montague 2 15,000 bales. Thero was eomo Philadelphia, Oct. 20. Cotton yarns al.: LauxhUn. Smith, Fate and l'nllbla, JJ. ahldea. Travelers J Plymouth. Oct. 12. at. Bklin. Jjns Henry L,. Hill; April J.; A Greene, Devlin Const Co. TERM-PA- RT Luce. Sa Rotterdam, atty, S II Goldlng. 1J5 In market on the In portions list aro Smith. J. Court opens 3 Bsllard TRIAL I. J. Havre, Oct. U. 11: Bway the later con'ract certain of the stil II. 1916 K3.70 it P. it. InesBetts. Fsnelll :Ferrnaon (2). , Walsh :r,ausjner. 8s La Touralne. 12JD ST. s s. 100 w Amjterdarn iv. iiJi Liverpool exchange but the tone re- advancing, according to reports of sales Meenan; M Y Rys. Co. Ry Co. Ss Siboney. Brest, Oct. 12. 100.11 Kugelman, Ieaac D. PonoheriN lnd KltietiiCnlon B Grace :Cnlon . 10. 114th St A 7th Av Const Co M In ee- - 1 Y PART TV Before Greenbanm, Kecesa un- Ss Hel lg 0-r- Chrlstlanla. Oct. mained fairly steady. The strength put through but In no case did Feb. 21. 191 (cancelled) 909.:t II Ponrher :samc. LeeiN Rys. J. Woert:Rosenfeld. HrtlldtlolSo Bird Bit. . y1'Sn.J,.ZB- - ?.W "th ,u and Hy Sssi, Meyer L. (llaacow; Matter Bsrraby. Cons Mach A: Wreck- til October 57. 131. Ss Edward L. Doheny III.. Glasgow, Net, 33 May curlt es here was a powerful rentimcntai th tinturn for rnirpnt business amount Silversteln, of Mayer tMajer. Beirenstreif :Van 4. at. 14. ISIS; attys. Stol 73S.07 Berthet:J ing Co:IIarper PART XVI Before Tleroey, J. Court opens BUI Ss San Giorgio, Pa'rmo. Oct. A Mark. 128 . - and not a little Further-buytn- s Juno :o. Schubert Knsel:Unlon Ry. Bueren ANY S. dard Bway..... iwso- factor of butl'sh value to more tl,an a cent a pound. Cotton Co. Mach Co. st 10 A. M. Co. Ss Chicago City. Bristol. Oct. S2D ST. n a. 473 s w 2d 17x.00.S-- UIIONX. Denardla:Klrk. Posting -- av. .S H by the Wall Street element was i more ther8 waa n evidence h distinct O'Neill .McKlnler Grlllln :Wlelsndt. PART T VII. Not In session. iHoolaban. Ss Baton Rouge. Leghorn, Sept. J. A E Styles to Paul ...... l . .. , . . , Kotrbaty :Interman, Nsrheman Roanfeld and ass ow-,.- ,. V Pnmra,nl . American Surety opens Oct. 1. aaseai on ui-- j mavc m .u...... snoring aown oi activity in we wtni Scott. Jennie C MUSIC CO. Baron :P Gens A Co. PART NVI1I. Before Tord, it Jr. Same:same. Ss Eonga. Christtanla. Oct 13, 1166; atty, N 7 T A M "o lis easing j ag- Co.; Feb. :5. 1910 7.;s.s; D People :Jarduie. 10 A. M. Sa Balsam. G.asgow, Oct. . Bway was aroused aga'n by reported market, with actual buying of a less 26, 630. Luria Witt I Byron :13d St, Ac RR. IJ so Same fame; Feb. 191S.... io Am Fidelity Co, Wilson A N Co:nrt-for- d Ss lntan. , Oct. 4. 1ST AV, a e C 82d et, 25.8X10S.CWOHM Off In spot at Southern points ami gressive has recently PART II Mtlllan. .1. S. tales character than Leahy. Tire ln Co. Surrogates' Court. S Francisco. Hull, Oct and Amalle Motes to Joseph Moses, lilt chances for a jerlod of good' weather. been tho case and with a decided con- P WsmenMlttendorf. I'hem Corns A nupfela Sons:Mlele. Ss Amur Maru. Antwerp, uct. Feb 1,0 CHAMBERS S. 10:S i.10. ,'!: a.' " Maurice RPp Sentiment, whllo holding bullish, waa traction In the number of inquiries re- J I Warner :me. Gcu riater Supply Before Cohalan. At PART III. Cases to be sent from Tsrt I. Ss Wakuia, Southampton, Oct. 124 Bway Mill or A. M. Motion calendar Ss Hovland, London. Oct. 6. CLARK ST. 24 Rsc'toV more mixed than for rom time. In ceived by dealers. SCHOOL CHILDREN Mutter Marshall. Co. Surrogates' Court. w. Aborn Steel Co to tew remarks Wclnrichter :Incorp Msry Ss Nicholas Cunco, Baracoa. Oct. Church. 187 Fulton at. Marcs brokerage circles not a That the market Is nearing Its maxi- J Klncslsnd. Au?ub Otto. CHAMBERS Srhnlt. S. Ex part business. S Calbanen. Oct. 11. 1913;7lty D TEltM-Kece- ss. De H S." cal- Iko Marhbam. 2. atty. B Ogden, 31 William favoring the bear side wero heard. To mum prlro level seems to be indicated APPELLATE Eurene Bidder. Jacob FrsnVenberc. TRIM, TERM Before Schula, No day ss Monta. Tampleo. Oct. 12. SPECIAL TERM PART I. Bloro Glejcrlch, Fnrene De Bidder. Harris C Fshnestock. endar. 13. 123D ' "s" 'si ' 206.V some extent they were true of tho Cotton by several phases of trading, Eugene De A Ss Jackson, St. Thomas, Oct. 'o '7th av.' 17x100 -- wero J. Litigated motions, al 10:15 A. M. Rldder. Jscob Gelssenhalner D. St, John, N. a., 'TK Exchange floor. Nevertheless few which Impressed themselves on brokors SEE BDSINESS SHOW Alfred t. Compton. Becky Bosenberj. County Court. ss Walter Muneou, Ells and Albert E Smith to Edward w Pedro y Heltier, Inc: . Lalua:Capltal Lunch Harris, V willing Mac their rtatements with the delayed In making Co, Jebn T Adeline Grant. SPECIAL TERM (Chambers) Gibbs, J. Ex 12. admr estate of Hannah Dsaj. to and may not be long Brlrlo. Zletr. tt Gulf Queen. Port Arthur, Tex., Oct. ler. July 3, 1SS1; attye, Forbea A Is, cotton for salo. among spinners. Same :same. B N C Waist Co: i Toputr Emily Valla. parte business. HarrU. actual proof: that their Influence felt tho MOTIONS-Glb- bs, Sa Svarten. Boston. Oct. II. v 137 Bway to S Y B Charlotte Kruss. Ann Leonard. SPECIAI, TERM FOR J. !isbi nerc were unchanged wave D.ckinsoniN Trib- N B Waist Co. W B First prices It was expected that an unusual Mowery :Mowery. Henry L Cronk. Gract Morris. Schmidt :Ackerman. PeonIe:Sareclm. "T,H ?43 Hattle J to active. monthB except une. YORK. ,l.e. ey,1J5 E 8t APrll 33. po'nta up on tho of buying would open the week, perhaps Wonders Boseilleller. Daniel Prentice. Nellie B TERM GIbbS, ARRIVED FROM NEW A, 'tl H3 4 points. In Youngsters Marvel at Bealord Mills :Bener. TRIAL J. .a."..Tltl, GAT Co. 178 Bway 111 o July, which sold off the final one for a while, but of such NadelltNtdell. Woolson Hpec'l Co: Iteuiien n Wearer. C Brown. Sa Lepanto, at Antwerp. CLARK ST. 22 followed the call the Reuben II Wearer. Almlrantl Contl. Aborn Steel o, 105 Leror the trading that proportions as to assure dealers of prices Modern Office Equip- Hsresillayea. Columbia Trust Co. Ss Valacia, at hottcruam. '5 .,.bo Rectr. &c. Trinity Church. mrstly towaid somewhat at- of ltllers:Goiuelln. HacketCUackett. Antonio Falco. Annie Reren. KINGS COUNTY", Ss Mltn gan, al Antwerp. trend seemed margins wide enough to compel the Stephen Ooorahlan. Msry Orpen. iun" ,917' M- - Tills level?, but It cannot bo tald truth- buy- Muahel:N Y Conitol Cole Xlnde. supreme Court. Ss Lafcoino, at Rio. Q ?h lower tention of spinners. Thus far thl ment. UK Co. V S Trust CoiGrsnt. Abraham Klsenberjr. Helnrlch Stedini. Ss Sidlaw Range, at Cardiff. Vr? was during Uio DIVISION-BECO- ND fully that the undertone ing has been held In abeyance and the Mstter of City of N T Osar :Uroder. Catherine Morflno. Anna Roeckel. APPELLATE DEPART- Ss Fennla. at Gibraltar. session wort.0 than barely steady. price fluctuations disclosed y have llnwood Hill Park). Peeple of State of Mamie Knnstrelch. John J Callshan. MENT Recess. Ss Eglantler, at Antwerp. RECORDED LEASES. The lowest prices were seen during consequently been far less Important Saltiman :Couey Itl N YiMIchslonoV. Nathsn HntkofT Max G Selmlts. APPELLATE TERM SECOND DETARTMUNT Ss Georgia, at Gibraltar. Manhattan. when nressure from the The National Business Show started k B klyn Rll Co. Melnhsrd :Gldsteln. John Lechthaler. Airnes Rlpney Recess. Ss Breyton. at Gibraltar. he forenoon, than had been anticipated. :saroe. Borp:Epsteln. Marxaret O Connor. Anna Mattloll. SPECIAL TERM PART I. (Motions). Bene- Sa George G. Henry, at Rotterdam. BROADWAY. 1465. s w cor 4.d si part was not very readily Slsty-nlnt- h Bassist South and tocals yesterday afternoon In Uie EltlnjClBluui. Kelser :Thompsnn Adam Beecher. Oscar dict. J., at 10 A. M. Ss Clan Cumtmng, at Algoa Bay. babement Subway Central Service Co tt absorbed. In the afternoon movements row Bros. Benjamin W Williams. Simon Gold stela. (Board Abr HotTman. 1702 Clay av, from coa-- o Itcglment Armory, Iyexlngton avenue 1j is Hi :Schwitx. Dunne :CorporatIoo Re Dangerfleld Ss Mexlio. at Mo'lendo. generally kep' within a narrow-tang- l'rompt Ilay for I'nrrlera. :Kleto Co. MsIloj:Mslloy. Gertrude Vosteler. Ruth Ostheln. Co. Sequoya. Co ombo. tat,wily entrance to Mav l wero Jackson EI Trust of Electlona). Ss at 1930, 1j Twenty-Bft- h street, and was at- V S Co: Frank Ira McManus. Catharine McNamara. - Alma, at Auckland. of net proflte and IJOOD and mostly tround Saturday's finals, 0 per of the J13.000.000 and I'ld Gusr :Frsnk. Dlntenfasa :Dintrn- Lancaster :ETerctt. Ss Port ttj-- Fully cent Krlnsky, La : Booth. John Murphy. I.udwlc Roseniwelg. SS at Talcahuano. Bandlesa A II, 2 Rector bl 18.10' rometim'-- s a little under and sometimes a auc- of school children Fetra fass. nnnon :Sohnen. Totosl. e worth of furs sold at the recent fall tended by hundreds Parish Co:Cooper. J E A. vera m Kenier. Rosa Von Zimmerman. Colonial Distributing :I'alken- - X AV' cor 50th "t, all 8th Am P. E "Wires po nta in M Willy Helcbel. Falkenbach Co to Tho lUtle above them. from tion of Funsten Bros. & Co. in St. Louis sent there with complimentary tickets Ladles Animate: C:Glo Ansaldo Sc Rita Kohler. Co:ke r. bach. SAILED FOR NEW YORK. Morning Telegraph a, t expon. . - - . 1 Ethan Allen. Morris B Medbury. ond 50th 10 yra the South telling of an increasea J wccun nlnnM1'... their Goodman. Co. Meyer :McC,ray Tire A Sullivan :Vlremen'a S Irom Southampton. !i!?.,'v t. from Jan , recently hau j to investigate modern business appli- Mlrbele Cltro. Anns Wldeman. Manretanu. 1020; atty, B Patterson, 302 Bwa Jcmand asaln md t better bis s did purchaf,ers up t0 ia6t night. Indicating Boocicault :Eualan!cr. Clark Rubber Co. Mutual Benev Ass'a. Ss Walter A. Luckenbach. Irom Rotterdam. tax., r. Nebel :Nojea. Simon :Bsnk of British Frank Comm. Glorannl Cltllo. Salmngxl Musi- - Co. Ac,, and 1.10" mti,.i inward swavlntr wentlment in the r onri ances. V roler:Crsnford , from Naples. -- jm. ,h. .rt.i :Clnelll. nest Africa. Isaac Denbr. Incenro Blundo. Reld Ss .TH ST. 64 W. allWos J Jr prevailing market and prices Steinberf Oyorxy Dornek. De cale Itallana :lteld. Ss Komi, from Marseilles. ano. to Hyman sensitive acllye dcmand for un classes of Representatives of the different busi- MatreshkalN Y Tomp- Btejelelsen :Knrtc. Fernando Teresa. to Nov. 11). Felnsteln iFelnstein. Caloric, Tyne. and Susman 10: W ,'th t. rrankiyn Burger. Carl M Ss from were nm up u. Yesterday was prompt uay ior kins Estate. Zubchuk :Bc.-n-r- Ouenther. . "tarreame (adjourned Hauser :Narahoe Egorl. from Accra, V:,6 J"..fIom Ma l9;0 att Jos .,ins ness apparatuses sighed for tho day to Bernard McEleameT. Thomas Reltly. Ss Krlnsky. 320 Bway 1 ss dem-vn- steady, although Strsus '.Edlrose Slut Emrwm:5d St Msn- - to or. II) Bealty Co. i Trade th. sale. Charles Mahr. Luther Vail. ps rmina. from Genoa. CLAHEMONT AV, not heavy, and prices advanced to new In end and intimated that It was fatiguing Mf Co. hattanrltle Ry Co. THrtoro:Salrman McGonlrle:Walih. Ss Tidewater. Irom Genoa. apt 9th aT The national committee of the fur Kennett. Jr'.NewgoId. Ostmsn :same. ara C Nelson. S'.fon Gnldenberg. Rea Co. Selner:Se,ner. Macglivary. Calcutta Cerabone Constr Co to Chas Modjck ti hlgha tho day, more than 23 points Hannah M Turck, William Bourne. tr Sa Clan West End 3 for dustry will meet at the Holland House work trying to explain the advantages of nsren slUmlrlea. Walker :sme. Burton : Jarrett- - Eroerr Drspkln A cc. Manchester. av. yra from Julr ' un prev ending in most - Samuel H Vpsteln. A h Hymans. from yrs renew; up from the oils this afternoon at 4 o clock to take some things as automatic chock Uimmelman :UimmeI- Tlnney :Buckley, Austin fbambers Co. Goldberg Constr Co. Ss Londoner. Irom C yuu ? atty, Joa P Fri, d that gain right such man. Schwsrta :Cony Stephen D Prlnrle. In the estate of Joseph Dahl :Wagel. Bway j, ... cases. The market h'd In respect to the Jefferls bill, now eager youngsters. Isl Comerford. :Chllda. Butler Sa Treganna, from Co. ombo. vhlch was or to action. to a flock of Cohen iNat'l Liberty RR Mtrjorie Asrli. McCsrthev:nicley. Cohn :Cohn. HOL'STON ST. 179, 184 and 189 onEr up to the flnlsh, ?5 Way8 committee , 1, 3 5 f and But the children had a great time Ins Co. Irrlri NatT Bink: Hrmsn Plough-Bourn- e Bcchtold 'ReoMold. and and gore lot In rear points up radical change in Bela.ftsky.nasjTO Co Wills tor Probate. OUTGOINO STEAMSHIPS. W IlOUStOll St Cotiffi-A- s ir - for a weighing themselves on perfectly bal- Landers. Corn'n. U S Grand Lodge Ua,.h.., i apois nuro 6MWIlwNe1',roltacommodity system of China Herbert Illerbert. Loewy. Kupoler-Llo- Brewery 1 O B S:Indept Today. Forwarding Corpn to Portola Mfg Co '(( V" tnc tax weighing machines and roaming Benno Georga RafTerty. -- anced JIcMscns :McManus. Cherdak nts urooK M'nkowltxcr Lodge Mails Veela d av 54 yrs from Oct ! jttri Onon Irw. CJve. day. to booth adding to their Thomas V O'Connor. Peter Gelger. incnuil. Close. Sail l'4. Ilbh. from booth People ' State of RR. reter Gelger. Annie Dlehl. losses :Jamlson, I O II S. 1 October ... . Jt.w MM MS30 1I.V0 They ' YlScopas. Same Ssme :same. Re Presldente Wilson, Gib- - oKiyn ZA.Vi supply of technical literature. 'same. Anns Eriksson John Kelly. Phillips. M Norcmbcr. ;i 60U Vcr Plsnck :Dawson. Dub:same. j Mphan Wilson. Re same, raltar 10 00 A M 1 00 P BROADWAY, s e cor 142o 14 21 34 may have lccn warned beforehand that Sarah Fltieerald. Beta Marx. CO 2 00 - . . Ot.t-- t 33 01 'J. Rosenthal .Itosentlial. Koffeesleder lie Perei. Lisbon 11 A M PM Federgreen to Deckle Berns-- r lluimner 35 only :Ns.iu Sara l IVlelson. Margaret A Hears, Stewart :B'klyn Show MoDermott. JannAry ,. 34.07 34 S3.75 31.3 3107 Business Troubles. it would be their chance to vhdt Usshlmura:A O An- Elect Kit. Co. Re same. Luckenbach, 134th t. 0 yrs frum O-- t 1 33 80 KhSO toward A M Hor-vlt- . IVbruary JI.03B exposition and chil- & Co. KntiofskyiConey TRIAL TERM Before Fowler, S. At SWAM 1. W David n II.-- 1 7 the that thereafter derson Isl McFsrIn:ne!nlcV. lllalr:Blalr. Rotterdam M Bwas j' March .. 33 75 33 33.35 3W9S 33 dren would not be admitted. Anyway Brpan :Prttu. BP.. A. M. o day calendar. I'reller:nesd. Nolan :B n P,m Co. Me.ssonier. Rto CO A M 10 00 A BLEECKER ST, 136; Wct B a PETITIONS IN BANKIlt'ITCV. 00 10 00 M , April No Amer Wsall Pspei Altsiiul :B'klyn Ills '7.lpf. I awrer Mtge Co: 7acapa. Santa Marta.... 7 AM A iaII Henry W Brush et ai. a . odor. S3.0.5 33 1 S3 3 they made the most of their oppor- 'inf 12 00 M May . 33.10 33.41 HERMAN nOTHSTEIN Voluntary, 314 BR. City Court. ("handler. San Juan 8 30 A M Lunch Co, 277 Bwa) , 10 j ' 33 33 Co:Jaksn Coast reor tAnderson. Braios. r, Mi June 33 30B Cast Twenty-Ilrs- t etreet. Liabilities, tunity. Co. IVkleatNassau Elec :same. t.tnhrM-- e Allianca. Cristobal 12 00 M 3 00 P a 1920; atty. S G Geller. 277 I". SIS 35 7S 31 33.33 SPECIAL- - TERM PABT I. -- Before La etra, arre IItsii. B.t.i July 33.11 33.17 136,377; assets, none. Principal creditors: Booths displaying typewriters were Jlsrshsll Field & Cot BR. l nderon same. Gr3v:McMnrray. AMSTERDAM AV. 14 an . . Es- 03 33.10 31.65 33.15B 33.10 J. Litigated motions at 10 A. M. o August. . . 23 James Tallcott tc Co., 1736; Kaplan & pos Newman. Mslacf ttl'klm. Woolley. to .Morns or pr-- n s. 31 faor!tes. The boys and girls took Scott 'Svtt. Verier Rochamb-a- u, ... 8 30 uoiasteln. Septenilicr... 31.33B 10 Marasch, (500: Bowery Bank. 12,000. At- Herman :Mlller. Queens Co & Sub RP, Beacon Falls Rubber Boedeliperger:tame. Rlken :Kaplan. Daly :Daly. Havre AM ?..yrA ct 1919: Henr Lam torney Archibald Palmer, session of tho simpler types of ma- France. Havre 8 A M 1!J13 M M W 134thtt at a"r J(( Tho local market for spot cotton waa steady for petitioner, Peeen :Ste'nbrink. Meslrff:Coner isl RR Shoe Co:Barrrtt Pike:Ocean Ry. Ssme :enme. Pssno'Auilltore 8 00 M - 350 Broadway. chines and proceeded to run off the Needle :BTtlyn Elec La Savole, Havre 30 A M 12 ilAUlhU.N- AV. 1743, u tr Rebec, a 30 points hither at 31c: sales all South, Toilette :Brand. Hta RB National Tbrvad Co: Popllgcr Slater. Schwarti 'FltrseTald. SteTedor'ne Co. 6 30 tOOOAM ffreur ' tad S3 WINSTON SANGBH Voluntary, Tie same. Mavoro. Grenada AM to jacon Kinkelstein. 93 E spot markets: Galrestoo firm. points MACK next day's lessons on the typewriter, or rarker:Cohen. M Ererwear Mfg Corp. Graves :Marlne Wreck r'le'nes 'Weber. 8 M 00 A M ltntn m av. Liabilities, 111.142; Mexico. 00 A U yrs. from May 1. 1917. iOI 37.3: sale 7.PS3 hales. New Orlan l?l St. Nicholas Orkera 'Townsend. O'Donn ell :Nasau Elec Glass ll'ollack'. tng Co. Ssme same, Garment Workers M tdaber at to poke out with one linger letters to Coamo. San 8 30 A M 11 00 TH AV. 2S2-- n w b 3J points hliher at 33.63: sales 10.113 assets, none. Prinripal creditors: 8. r. Ssme 'same, RB. Kllrerman :BsrTett. Morgannam SMNrmsn. Union. Local 20. Jnas cor 30th s' "on' steadr. their friends. :Rohlnson. tceiis (TsracflS. 930AJ1 lOKl'M 11 Gibbons, steady. Si points higher at C'hapln & Co., 5,24; James J, Stewart Keller :Bcdell Co. ni N T Ccms RR. Hubener :Dona. Letlson Cunnlnsham 'Billiard. duavra.. M 'tr John exr. Ac n;ti, bales. Mobile :SchussIer. Teer 'Lcser. Paruna, St. Thomas 13 0) M 1 00 P Takls, 1893 20 fro-- r f ' &0 ba'ee. Savannah steadr, o & Co., 15,500: attorney for petitioner, All the kids had due respect for tho Stelsel .Poir.ersntB. SrheetN.T:B'klyn, Ac, Hsgeman :Emst. O'Connor Klo-id- Keller. feksi-sk- r 'Pekarsky. 7th av. vrs. Ms 31.M: sa'es :Duboouo. Cuneo, King- - 1920: ttttv. W Kharn ?SR Sfh t i 31 80'; sales 151 bales. Charles- Moses S. Adter. S53 Third avenue. stamped and 250 Betj;NaOonal Biscuit BR. Friedman :Krohnberr. Rosen Becker Wasnn. Nicholas M F points hither at Uablll-tie- s machine which scaled :Handelmsn. :Becker Tsnara S 30 P M 5 00 P SAME A 'r unchanged at Stc. : sales nil Nor- BERTHA COHEN Inioluntary. Co. Ssme :ssme. Box Re on-s-- M aton PROPERTY. 1st loft pa" ton tlrm. u minute, and kept count of the Wlsser Bosrd Co: Beacon Falls Rubber Ilsnvm (Board of Vstional mii 10 vrs. ' steady. 35 points at 31c. ; sales sej and assets not stated Attorne for letters Grift Greenwich Sar Same :sarre. C L L Bolteau Co. Shoe Thursday. to Blme, frm Ma folk hliher 15 stamps Ci.ltarret. F'ectlonO Bank'nrs'tnng. A 10 yrs ' ' unchanited 54. 50; petitioner, Dashew i. Darnett, Park number of used, but for business Tlsnk. Skwlrsky:Coney Tsl iSlegcl. D SO 1 00 M rent at 19.000. attv ar .sle Aueusta steady, at - Kaplan Meierltrky Mezeri'tiky Gldber; .Goldberg. eellg:Pellg. Stavanyerf.'ord. Bergen... A M P 3.S33 bale. Memphis steady, lc. hither lto- reasons the demonstrators wero clad Alfoni:Motor Hsul- - nn. Bloom ;Occan Elec Ry Jacobs :RoIoff. n ri'lnn. 9 A M 1 00 P M tlrra, un-- i 1IKRMAN GP.Otj.SMAN 139 TERM-PA- RT II. Cropsey. Ex at 37c ; sales 4. SO hales. St. Louis lnoluntar:', that w,tenlay sonld be thn only day sirc Co. Priedmsn :Lntlr. Co. Same :aamc. SPFIAL J. r,i,.t,,'a Harms ... . 0 30 A 31 12 00 M LIS and Dot Mel-- parte 10 l'ENDl.N 36.ri0; sales 30 bales. Houston steady. Ktanton street. I.Uhilltlea assets rPor.ieranlz. Metier of Ga'nes. Welnsteln :Rocktnn 1 business at A. M. 12 00 --M 3 00 M hsnred at 1 likely to a question such as, "Hey, lckett:A B Bene-.c- Chcbaulip, Uio P S5 37 35: sales C.SM bales Lit- stated. Attorneys for petitioners, M. elicit Akrap:Wllllam Urtca Klsssc :huzenlllsn. Manhattan. points hlrher at Const Co. A Co. SPECIAL TERM-PA- RT DO points hliher at 3fic. : sales Shane, 533 Broadway, and Archibold Pal- Mister, but supposln' you ain't got that Co. CaputanlltcVi B'klyn : ID AV, a s. cor 107th t. ' tle nock steadr. Me:erltik j Mezerltiky Tyndall :VaiKir Heat J.--At A. M. INCOMING STEAMSHIPS. r 1M Pallas steady, 30 points bi;Ufr at mer, 330 Uroadnay. letters a DsnleUen :Kerr SS Rt Co. Rame:snme. S Cahn agt Chas E McM.mua m'ny minute" Co. Due To-da- 7c.: sales 3 7"' aIe DISrilAUCiKS IN 11ANKHU1TCV. They played with tho adding machines, Co. Pnchs 'Puchs. SeHin Star Co. Heine A Ltebmsn .Hall. Eje Brand Confec-tioner- r closure of mtg); atty N Sea ' Ileebe-Vs- CoiRoblnson. Kuppcrman sept. 14. COTTON STATISTICS. in United DnTr Dnnphy. Kirk. Boedelsperger :Streat. Ratxkm. 'hoenlgjberr. Ss Nopolela. Copenhagen, GRAND ST. No 54- 6- Alfred c Dlscharrcs the States District which also subtracted and performed Acke rmsn :RfJker DeM?hsnel Internat'l Lockmsn Mnrtorl. Glmk :Bloom. Sa Cremond. Bordeaux, Sept. 31. agt Plncus Margullus e. 'fore ,usef Tester- - Last Court Branted by Judffo John C Knox yes- In Lat wenders with figures less than no Dsnlclson :Kerr 8H Co:D'irrel) Bros Co. PART II Before Zeller, J. Court opens at Sootln Forslchbaum. FaU Both. Sa Meuapter. Antwerp. Sept. 34. mtg); attys, Tomllnson, Cos &. , r dar. week. 3 ear terday wero: A . N 24 C. time, and were convinced that some- Co. Calembler, Lerln .it. r.x ,srir mailers at la:?; A, 21, Batthans Cltr of T. Frrs. Sa Britannia, Marseilles, Sept. .Unson. Tort receipts 31.612 Ho'May W.6U Melillle Welsmlller. Chris F. Hansen. Adams TERM I Glelm RlTerdale Hotfl- - Kohlfrs Kohl. Sept. at. . 1S.1M ought bo JonmtAbraTaya. Co:No Xtg TRIAL PART Before. Al'en. I Ss Waukesha, Rotterdam, 56TH ST. No 359 W City Rea' F Cs Tiipoits 7.J00 Holiday Theodoro Blank. Sydney A. Horwlth. J. E. thing like that to a part of - Cllf-c.- Haar:Holshan. Co. Casea to be sent from this part to Inj Co. Pavne tPayne. Sa Glenaifric Bania. sewl agt T Fenlon et al ifor- j. o' S12.154 Philip Bowk, is - - Parts IL. I John jtt Exports season 917.313 Holiday Bronston, Glaser Bros., their school equipment Rsme same, Wv1 Wood. IS-. , ., 1-.,, ...T . . . I CaTaParoiCavallaro. Orton 'TanncnhaTrci, Henry Clay. London. 4 iioilrtay fnrd s. Peets. Isr. Mildorf. Herman Schmerl. aa, bui .ha, iur uiaj. 8s 0t mtg): atty, II Snaln. New York stocks... W Every app.tanca for the saving of noffmsn :Contr. MTirl''. Z'mmennan. 'Smrthe. BlalnBlalr. Ss Hattle Luckenbach. Rottdra. Os4. 1 BLEECKCR ST, n w cor Green, s Or'.O) ,1,0M,1 Holiday 1,131. 3 Samuel J. Gorges, Charles Bronson, Theresa Llrei-poo- l, X. Port stocks time and energy was there and Is ex- Tne:DsTldson. Woods :Bol4t. Nash :Rhlnelander. Sciwartr :Bonwlt Ward Baking Co Palmer :Rotary Bealty Sa Lake Ontario, Oct. Stephen A Powell agt Guy Interior receipts... iBrlardlrle n Veers. Mobllla :Lopresti. A Urscirung et al. Co. Sa SevUle. ixi. al & Gi'.ti 3.230 so.5 .insepn jr. pected to men Iderer Teller Co. Nuns, 4 (partition); attys, Lachman v.trtnr hlnments Holinir it, nuKeistein. Annur uerei. Interest business with an Ivtre Ham wick Bscker. Hoffman :McEroy. Smith :Bo'eTithal. Orion :Tunenbaum. Sa Shedrecht. Rotterdam. Oct. New York s.sw uoiiaay o.&j lieorire nar, iiuam neynoias, Clocks, pay- A'n. iGoldsteln. Oct. S. smith. arrivals,.. taui eye for system. safes and Oryers'rTownsend. Generearrr A Co: Same:same. Harris :Ecllpee Light case ( Sa King Alfred. Antwerp, 17TII ST, s B, 375 e of lOth av Frltrlano. The followlnr marked readr will Oct. 6. ft LlTerpool cables Spot cotton In pod demand ing machines which throw out chango rinneTtT:r,'lford. Stsnd Motor Track JacobsonlM B Kauf- Co. be paaeed for the day. No case win be set Sa Corcoran, Havre. C Vernam agt E'.le Bo'E at 15 points decline: mlddUnc 35.03d. flalea KECEHTSn IN DANKBCPTCT. at a pressure of the 'ringer all manner wlh :LTnch. Co. man Coat A Suit Co. Goldstein :IIslma. down for a diy upon the call. The answer Sa Gregory. Para, Oct. 7. et al of mtg', a' vs. Kare 11.000, Amerlran 10.0CO. Imports 3,000 none C. appointed Mor. H Simpson wsrtee tHsft. Walpole:Klndall. Kasteln:lt'kl)-- A "mady" s a. Cristobal. Oct S. son A - Judge John Knox haa saving devices spread out un- Pnrre:l No must be or off" rial. 7 Ka'elson- American Tenders, new docket, 4,eoo bales. rls Krank receiver for Carmelu Palozzo of labor llsrdwsre Co. Wood Oopenhelm. Wells :GoMb!atr. Blrer Bit. Ss Munalbro. Antwerp. Oct. 77TII ST. S'o 153 W Cooper I n (" 5 9 points Seism :Scism. Bslrd :Emplre State Oct. . Futures opened quiet at to advance. bond, 11,000. der the red, white and blue dome of Storm end :Roman Valentine 'Gonzales. Burkers:l( A L Oper- Landes :W S Wilson Ss Verbanla. Loadon. Advancement of Science n . ar Closed quiet !ut steady, net unchanged to 8 armory, Catholic Orphcn :n.u.tra. ating Corp. Corp. Rllhy:Kat. Steel Products C. Ss Mount Vernon Bridge, null, Oct. i .MGN.M tJVlfl. tho and the exhibition will ilrr. Berg :Grossmsn. Durabach Oct. Herman L Collyer et al for sj points lower Octolr. 2L04: December, 31.74; Asrlum. NorrissiNat'l Drama KtngjUnlon By Co. Jaffe :Kc4.che. :Dumbsch. Ss Morrlatown. London. i. mtg); attys, Tarsons. Clohsot, 4 31.U; March, 31 S3: May, 30 71: July, KI.13LSS In poarl continue until October 33. Granoff :Korpus. Schnoont :S Brooklyn Gibraltar, Oi.t. 7. Januarr, ANTON Dealer buttons Fsme 'name, Co. MlnarlkiOpatOTsky. Same :same. :Kelly. Sa Salerro, S1.41. Manchester Yarns, a fair business dolnr; ami novelties, uio Kant street Motor Haul- - I,wn-e- r :Broadwsy Poncmore Bros Dry Goods Store. Ss Bonnelon, London, Oct. 7. bixtn nsffee'o Contarla :Lask. Petrone Shamllan. Dunne :Dunne. Jala :OeTsky. 21ST ST. n s. 225 ft e of 10th a cloths lu good demand. slsned for tho beneut of creditors to ngc Co. Cent llsr.k. Due a- - a ' Welntnub:Dlckler. Rachlln :Smlui. PrlslnianoiPrltlniano. Loudon iDlmltrofsty. Lxwyers Mortgage Co agt M li. Morns iavitt, 25 iiroadway. IHntsb TU..ln Col Lc Roy sUk Mills: Bukaretsky ;Bothman. :Neleplnsky. Liverpool. Oct. IS. Co et al (foreclosure of iir a HERMAN' GROSSMAN UntnH clothinr, Van A Ktoraee Co, Nrlepli'sky Ss Celtic. - Xciv Orleans. Cotton lurket. Police Department I'smp', Haber. Mererltrky : MexerlUky Ss Lilleborg. Copenhagen, Oct. . Shearman A- Sterling 139 tantftn street, aslcrned for the Goldman Highest number reached on regular call, 3KL 11 - 20. or TAUT II Before Garecsn, J Court epetu it :Penn RR. bame :same. Ss Toronto, Hull. Oct. 8. TTTH ST. No 266 W Frank L New Orleans, Oct. Tho trading benent creditors to Aaron L. Palmer, 31. parte Block :Brtnn. Supreme agt Benjamin K . y lo:zo a. business. Ellersteln:Feuer. Court. Sa Panama. Cristobal, Oct IS. Romnlne e' " morning pesston In cotton ts park Row. Orders. Pl-t'- of the PsRT VI J. Motions. Rablnowltz iButchlk. Yslden:C H Schuita TBI AT, TERM Part Cai'aghan. J.: Part Sa Frederlcksborg. Copenhagen, Oct. I sure of mtg); atty, R P noos brought declines as the result of ' Corp Gollalee .Penn. Corp. I. Cherbourg. Oct. 8, MADISON AV, s w cor SO h relllns JUDGMENT. Seaal Rlty :Ket:sl M(c Co. trooper II., Tawcett. J. Part HI., Lazansky, J. Ss Tougrler. ShlpbolWlns :Francls, Kenny :Jenk1ne. IV., Van Slclcn. Ss Amsterdam, Oct 7. Boyal Atlantic Bealty Cor ag' M ti bated on much better weather conditions MANHATTAN. TEMPORARY ASSIGN31ENTS, Standard Gosel'n CorprTap. Tart J. Part V., AaplnalL Java. t ' over belt, but the afternoon saw a Corn:Am Standard parelll. Rubin :Bradr. Smltb rTocker. , J. Tart VIII., Seeger. J. Ss Republic, Cristobal. Oct. 14. Inc. et al; (speclttc perforr-.a- a tho Judcmenta tiled yesterday nrat name The following temporary aaalgnment la Corp. Perpa Rosenthal .Well. Zlmmer:Grsnde. name to B E Slegelsteln. complete recovery and moderate net ad- S F :Serpa. Ry. Reynold The of counsel try the case must be Due Thursday. that or the aebtor: ordered: Pelouie Kunt .Union :2d St Msnh handed to the calendar clerk when nroux, vances, fol'owlns accounts of a better UEUTENANT. Farnum Coirartoli :Peloure. Rcub'n :Urbach. St Mch At By. the rase Star, Genoa. Oct, 3. Andrews, Krank M John Wana trpears on the reserve calendar. No case will Ss e w s prices on Bpot. N. Y Demurrer. Wolf sKatnnan. Larrimore '.Sometime or engagement Ss Python. St. Naialre. Oct. . 149TII .ST, s, 29 ft of Robr. " business at higher the maker. Charles Antony, 105th Free, aaatined as :Kesno. be held passed for of counsel s a 2 " h ' T, W. special In In Erane Schenck :Vollmer. Co. whose name la not so left Ss Mabaniis. Fayal. Oct. 13. 100: Union uv. 212 ft s .Last prices showed net advances for the Bauer, John J. Hlnrlchs duty ortlcer 104th Free., Preferred Causes. srlth the S. 19X100 V Pagglo 0 et al 378.80 to his duties, for 4 daya from Mechlowlta: Hlrechltg. Edison iLawton, crk Ss Western Spirit. Rotterdam. Oct. Estelle (' ' 'r day li to 10 points. Close: October, other I Y" Conaol Oct. . recover m of ajrand, Claude Z. J, i'. "fhrock 4 A. M., October 27, during absence of O'Nell :Blrdseye. Teo ex rel N T C ft H George iJerZeraon. Matlock :N Sacka:Internatlonal Ss J L. Luekenbscb, Rotterdam, ben taction to 'n a' 33.10; December, 34.50: January, 34.04; Con B RR : Woodbury, RR. Steam Ilartlenool. uct 9 Wlae A Sellgaberg. morton 163.14 sergeant on vacation. Friedman c:8ta PART 1 1. caoaes. nshr ; .May, 33.43. St G Co. I Short EUIgers:B 11 RR. Jamrln:Cltr or v Ss Anton Van Driel. Rotterdam, Oct. 4. March, 33.65 Brod, Joseph Knoclopaedla LEAVES AI1SKNCK'. irate ' lilg'lier. Corp 136. Ol' Behan"? A Jsi-to- Ifkofjjonat Ros I. II RR. C " Q t put cvttui) steady, 3S points Britannic -a Genersl Csiendar. lilt" 4 Sa' III Cohen, Benjamin M. Tok- - The followlnr leaves ot ubsence h- Co. .lohss :Glasecr. BlrnenDanillo. TRANSATL-iNn- MAILS. Middling, 3i.63. ' authorised: ;telner:Stelner. Gordon :Senlch. :Ctty of N Y". 4elukey:Pos1al .Manhattan. et al Mr ' HI.-Be- Pollack Trans- .'liaur Prank :1 Iteil A Pro. Fentress iTentress. PART fore Meyer, cal :Berger AV. 299 Berg Marj C ity ot N. Y. . WITHOUT PAY. Felceubaum fer Service. LEXINGTON Frank :saine. Drummond :Drummond, endar. A Const'n Netherlands, via Rotterdam; also parcel I) II et costs 114.94 PATROLMEN. Bealty Lebl:Flu.shlnc Auto- - Netherlands, Ss Edward Mlttenthal TO SELL TROPICAL OIL STOCK. OE McClurciMeCluiT. Newmsn :Mlnter. Knitting Mills: Bakery Co. Co. post malls for 19T1I ST. 56 E Mod Cameron. Julia E J. II. Lohnas 334. Mttchsll, 1 llekru uivuiie uarage, Oforje P. tlh Prec, for day Kester:Msrrulles. J M Gordon Est:' of N Y. Luckenbach. s A M. 56 U C9th St . i.rp i:onror. IJrvaii A. A. llontzc... 4,190.1'J 8 M. latsrowlu. t'latt:IIaas. Matteo Clty Sanionc ;Oster:reen A from A. October 15. Lowell. Ltnib i. Co: Abramsoa. W Crouch Co:Far- - J Garage :A A :Lanyon A ano. ano. s,..nAA nltnni Kiimsnla.. TltllrsrlA. I.nTem. 1917 ,IYnfUr1Vll- 153.17 Flynn, 1 J P Voli Pleccl Jugo-Slsvl- II ircc turn Authorlxc halo of - '!"nonk.I,!anTch James 13th Prec, for day from vw. Y Co:Wlll- - burg. Slovakia. Trentlno, 5 S 60 i; 15. iC, V" 111 U. JIH- - llerskorlti. rell. N Utility Margllensk.v:B'kIyn Ccho ST. to Uaa J lWUIO Bosenman Symous, . Trieste, oerraan-ousin- 1 uuiQu. naeriBim, ,g , maii Co., Inc S92.74 B. 2 IIochkl3, J, Court opens Quirk iMarttn. lamsburg Steam ano. 3. 63th St t ori e' Louie Jeswlak, 26th Prec.. for days PART. 'A'T15'.'.0'0 Green .Green. Co, I Italy. Spain. Greece. Portugal, Egypt, British; Fuller. Benjamini K. R. A. Jones 1.716.11 from 13:01 A. M. Octpber 22. ,M Fine :IIart stein. Laundry Lithuanian Tailors : Ceylon, jjjj OH R. w. 114.71 !ti;?) McAvoy, opens Carton :Schaad. MIlleriAuerbarh. Falrhnrst Tag. LeTy. India, British East Africa, . same PROPERTY Beujan i Directors of the Tropical Company Fetur. Lovl T. Bristol., Harry Hauser. S7th 1 PART J. Court at i Sehu-shar- Prec. for day vi s. 191 Frshlnn yore. Inc. Horn. 12:01 A. M M: Slutxky :PoIonsky Model Drese A Cos- Akelroth :Fankuchen 1'sge :Shoenfelt 'Straits settlements imu,; same: Oct .have authorized the sale of 165,000 from October IT. !0:? A aiSO parcel IH'st uiaua iti " I ART VI. Before Lehman, Court opens Josephson :Rlndl. tume Co: Wind. et al. Auerbach :Taylor. riMtw, aiisii of company's treasury ' na.2i Irving Elklns. Jlth Prec. for 1 day J. st I Corsica and Tunis, Ss. France, 8:30 A. M, that stock auV"tutr,Buila: LankV- from I A. M., October 17. Krerwear Mfg Corp: Sustman iSlmlansky. Carrlck A Thorp: Simon :Krleger st ano. formerly held by IL C. Ueeser, trustee, 217.70 ii':3e TURM PA Bellas Hesa A Co. Emat:Elwood Relnlaa Btegelmann, SherUT, Aiores islands ana via necker John F. Gray. 40tb Pre., for 2 daya'TBIAk PT II. Before Pendleton. .. li-''- .. r T.lshnn: also narcel rireasAd M. W, 1,101.43 14 '.Fsggen. A Co. Ac. T.lrf. an nost mill, cnreesnonHance' r',. to its stockholders of record of No-- Hebron, James Hall fruni a. pi. Lfciooer v. J. At A H. No day calendar. Hlalostork Portugal, by 9 A IS., An-- Prod- BuDce:BerIln. Dehold Schmidt. McGowari lliJiy .1 for Aaores Ialands and rail to Genoa, Ss. Duca d'Aosta '0 " 1 112.50 a In Jame. Jr. II. T. PART III. Before Newburger, J. At 10 A. M, - vember at share the ratio Injram. ArPLI CATION FOR FULL PAY. ucts Co. IgeriLlchtcnfeld. :B RR. SlngiRubrl. Providence. R I., and tnence per Ss. Brltan- Saturday, Oct ph tock Cases ts be sent from this part to Parts 1IL Carey II :' a of nw for two chares ireun"" w!' I 71 TTia folio In application for full to XIII, Inclusive for trial. rlublak Mwde. Lriinaid rs A old stocK. Ham 113.41 while on alck report Is n iuusu Hsgerty. . ef 'Klatskln, II. Slejel approved: Mack In 1 :sarae. K. :Msnnlnr. Sharer IV. TW fore O'Dwyer, P. ourt opens '.Morris. The larger stockholders, who have Kawara, John Pliella 114.78 PATROLMAN. : Ruchmeyer. Z Henry PART Bojd Khoury. Morln. adm. J. Hurtle: ('ready :Albert. at It A. M. Rawllnza :Ipp. .nd P.tras; also parcel post malls .i''?.' '.r waived their rights to subscribe pro ranker :Orarf. M llenry:aame. ibu S'- - j,.":,. 127.50 Georie J. Kettler, lllth Prec. from V. Before Flsellta, Court opens at 'Prudcntla. r and G"w' ' 13:30 A. M. 4, :Kennedy. PART J. Chlusano CyniRudlger et .1. "d' "fcllS'unmin. ratah'y, havo reserved the right to take i,yons,8 wilila'm' B. N.' T. LyonV; October during disability. Artus:Rlkcr Hanna 10 A. M. .n.nfvlrcb. WK Rap i Up $12.50 thy up IlKSU. NATIONS. noffmeyeriLloa Miller tint Tr Co. VI. Walih, opens . Portugal and Spain (special y addressed T."""Lf"f. V'-'- all of slock 125.21 Before J, Court at at to tho coits Cooper PART tir.- - " . brewery. isame. Tho following caus. marked readr. sstn only). . a Usbon. Cadis and Barcelona, also J5ernian 03,000 which may un.3Ub- - Levin, BudolpU firadley Weed, following resignations 10 A. M. ir 7e"'- " ' ' shares be The aro accepted: Roos:N Y Rya. Dudley :N Y Rys Co. paased for the day. parcel po!st mails for Portugal. Maderla. i'.V't 1,,s Sr,", V, rlbed by the emalnlng e,tockllder. 679.81 VABT VII. Before Valente, J. Court opens at be nii coVinc.-- iV j! John: PATROLMEN. J SchnleriAdlermaa. llemmerlch:tams. 11 A. M. cause wiu oc sri. aown jor a day upon Spain, i,anary is anas aim cuia, .nruin ana Vl''.:. Tho ncn Isbue, It was announced yea- - J et 1.132.C7 To take effect 12 p. M, October M Schnleriismc. Mahou :iame. Before Smith, J, Court opens this call. Tangier In Morocco. Ss. Emilia S. do Perez. ?,c": ?,"?" 1,.m.r,u". ,on al.. 17: Rap FART VII. at . si a f Vu JI3rCcl i is to H. 810.41 Albert F, Maoollen, No. 2C2, S Schnler isame. Fossilnt Tr. - 'Tday, nuance the company's vo.j, Iluburt J. Mitchell... Trafllo :Komp. 10 A. M. I A'gerU. Corsica aid Tu - Mandevllle, ,s. Berime: 111.70 Dlv, sub-dl- D. Brennau Ullronan :MIIIer. I Oct Oolcrrblj operations. Including drilling John Itoo:City N walbach'klyn inland, MBrt.., & Sons, Inc. C. Treu- - To take effect 13 P. M. October Martin :Peck. of Y. Court of General Seeslons. n Hun- - ; wells, retlnery on Mng-da.en- a M. Aslncf II: Great Bntaln. Netherlands. of bulldlns.a the David Case, No. 64H, Bronson lArmbow. Kemenblattslnt R T. iUCrrt-VVclah- , denthal: costs 112.34 J. 70th Prec Judge William II Wadhams. gary. Finland. Archangel, South Africa. gary. Fiuland. Archonr-- i b.. ' Hlver, construction of pipe lines Naylor, W., Kyman N, To take erfect 12 I. M. October 19: Operating Corp. lebman iDoo'.ey. PART Capt Islands, via Tlymouih llchard Roeenbaum :47th St Bergertaame. James J. Hayes, grand larceny; Joaquin '.Wsyalde v Madeira and ello raltsr. Maderla and Cape V and other new Improvements. Jones and Walter It. Mason, Abraham Solomon, No, C127, 17th grand Isrceny; Fagln, Johnson "ealty :ana raumnrs, vm sou alfco post " Prec Taxlcah Co. Ward:N Ophthalmic I'errszos, Jacob ' grand Co. iioueraam louier Liverpool; parcel trustees J, N. Shedd et al: larceny: John Hetternaiv grand larceny; A logne. must be specially addreseedi. also Britain. Egypt. Mllella iSchllmowltx. ilosp. I Ireland. Bm costs 114.43 James Ducey, burglary; Walter Jonea. burg- NXolkla parcel post malls for Great Britain, Ireland, Easl Africa, Malta. Zanilbar r Corp. HjmeaiPenn RR Co, Ilotrmsn:nelghts l.vUe-.Con- M'uoleaco. CHARTER AKRON TIRE CO. N. Y. Hippodrome K. J, FINANCE BILL ADVANCES. lary: Louis Martello. attempted burglary: Be" Rosa , Egypt. British India. British East Africa, Be'glc, 0 A M Pomeroy 2(5.75 TuffyiMastea. Taxlcab Co. Hoppe M(r Trust Co. :I.uiT ,t Zanilbar. Pemba and Netherlands, Brsrtley:Ivln. BUa '.Burling Esg A Robert and John Cook, grand larceny. Malta. Norway, burden Denmam Neubader, Max I. nerman (34.05 Wt'llarn McCarthy, Ixjula Streger, Michaels. se,leU'u nn. as isouruaui, i n. i , H. Oppen-helme- r; Const Co. Sentences ;Mot Truck o Lithuania and Itvls. via G' Incorporatesi Oppenhelm, Helen B. llouao Committee Amends the) De KratttlWsnamaker. Eddlng. W.gner to A Franre, Helgium, Rumania, Bulgaria, Lnx, S With 100,000 Khnrea Leonard Joseph Gould. Francesco Sub nn ' parrel poat malla lor Swtdec 15 Arcadia Realty Kllleenllayward. Co al. . 4 Ctecho-Slovaki- Jugo-Slavi- , costs lot. Reiner: Btculo. John Blmonelli. James Dreen, Cor- Renting et emburtr Tren-Uno- 10 A. M. In Delannre, Georse H. Glaus 261.20 Senate Ueasore. Co. Tortonl:Carlton. :Nlcol. Germsn-Auatn- Swlts-er'and- , Pitt. nelius Cavanagh and Michael Alner. Nlcol Trleats. , Poland, , . Ilrman, Annie, and Avraham w...... DarldsoniN T Rys. Chaltln:Clty of N T. PART II. Before Judge James T. M Italy, Spa'n. Grees-e- Portugal, Egypt, The. Akron r'nmni m . . .. "ADiimuiuA. iscu .v. inst rsenaris . Breguhl :Wolf. alone. Selander:hnaon. flr uhI.h blU ' Dave Brodsky, alias William Brady, alias Yoroda Church West fiilnsDavis. British India. British East Africa, Malls, TRANSPACIFIC Ms.' 100.000 rhares of no par - A, Starr; costs, nam creating Federal foreign finance cor. iter Rklm Q Co A O'Brien :Coagrore. Co et al. value author Ftelnberc. Iuls David Brrger. burglary; David Berger, true Realty Ceylon, Straits Settlements and Persia via The connecting malls c o- ized caimailzHtlnii hns stmuh. Anna J, Uunlzer 2,049.60 porntlons to further International bank- - Sub RB. Aaronowlts :Gouldea. name Dave Brodsky, alias McAllister ' parcel post h..n :Belden. William Bradr. Sullivan MuloanyiVa..,. 1?v"! also malls lor Franw. post Ofhre ano City Hall 1' 1,4(2.03 Ing was advanced another step to-d- Silmiutr J BulleriLlnch. burglary; John Henneaay and William Lighterage Lino A Algeria. Corelca Tunis, i3!r"n?rAnn?Sar:,l-- II Smith, Clncotu"jrm nn' and bs. Rochambcau, New York, at 6 P. M as -- re n throu,!, a favorablo report BnIIer:aame. burglary: Samuel brott, robbery; George ano. Sao "I furf'p llutay, l orest I, Young and 34"so of it to tho KpJiSVf n"t. Oudravka:N J Zinc Co - lorlsiCouey '(parcel Hawaii. v iuchner uonnlSr-In- Toomer. aeaault: William Tobin. assault- 'Kent. i,i & Greece post maUs onlyi. via Palraa, 'janiei Jr. Tim .,.-,..- . Boy T. Sweet. O-- r House by tho banking and currency t Bap Tr. Frser Oct. 28. Strlt'ncr, k of Penn. Jacob Meadow grand larrem: Leslie llener. bchonarte, 10 A. M Co.-e-a l to ii 231.?; committee. OrbacJiiF.rte R U. Gennerlch c...i...vrVs. n..v.,.-- .. - s. Jspan. China aid n ,C;,n an(1 c ft,., Inc :Keller, ttiie name Leslie Brener. robbery, N T, -- ,C''B post a t0,: Y Thomas Ferlel Cltr of ' ' onol Prcei m. ia (iiiij via Piraeus. Cliina. NeiherUnd. Ea-- i l (leoire llnojclepae. I Wunch;N R)s. O'Brien . nfi In Long Island v. villi , 1'alnor, f. The Houo eommltteo added amend- - :Talbot. ,.v. ; Herman lllrsuse, .SB. .auaua. 10..S) A .M Island, vm fit costa 1S3.-- 1 lianak :N Y Ityj. iuv,,.u uuriisri rsniMinn turo autoir.tibile . die Uriiannln: metits which would prohibit V?','.:,"??'..,n,, "W .W.MriJ, I rlTSTII, Mills, Ta'lman :B g Co A Gibraltar and Aiorr. Islands 'Hal) be tires :in,l Van Sant, Mabel II. 13. Wlnat- - purchase McKenxie:Iane. burglary George Morscliaus--IUIIJTr Perttore must. Sa Empress of Asia. of Bt0 or "rtlncateB of ownership in A.Tl,YTo.end; and Herman Price Fn ler. Sub RR. specially addressed lor despatch by this Hawaii and Rhanthai lhc cor"I'any ar Judoii hee Apple Corp l.US.. Wlckes:Clty of N T. Trager, grand larcenj j Louis Tucker und Jo- RR. Savage Ind R, competing corporations Y firearrs :Njssau illosenthal via Gibraltar Pnnta Delrada and Cisco. Ss. Nippon Miru ' Van Wagner, Samuel Jt II. and the sale of Kan:N Rys. JackoskCHIckox. seph Tucker, grand larceny, Hf rnde!l, Itealtv l ".. x. - . Olwell, president J. nlvelre ,.....,,.... e,2Sl.oi stock at auction after receivership has Blfaro:Glennon. ' Hollander :N Spinal. For sentence Edward Leahy Biiottefnoco apies: parcel post mails for Gibraltar, Japan, lorea. China of the Overland Tiro Co.. HorosrltiFe'n. umefcend Liempt Vol Atorea and Italy. Ss. I'anoplc. 12 M and Netherlanda East Ind-e- Company; A. H. Wearlte Umbrella Inc., anj been declared. The general provision Are R B. Hollander :A Spinal. TART HI. Before Judge Charlea C. Nott, Jr. of I of , Msrnil'a :Schlff. Hremen.Aa.T4: Cisco Ss hiberla Ma.'u the United Wm. H. Rich, Jr.- tr. Aiatzen. Kaufman , i . , Thursdav.Oct.23. Of . oiisiea .""on ' th' frame1 fcy th Senate, l.ChMcC?irVTntn:d :Kata. u.i ai v.iuiuas maiouev. Lake. China, Ss Assay Office: D. barber et al 350.20 which Ityanilnt Bay Tr. grand larceny: Joseph Caasano. grand la- - lonor Normar. Sweden. Denmark. via Seattle victor Cohen, Eugene Sum-Sws- permits Investment of not 10 (Jold I ro, Johnsen'ilnterstaln ftsrtn.nv Maruuesaa Cook L, v Whlteliill. IC I. moro than ShRSmLv Kgan:N Y Ryi. Leo and Hrman Mejerson. at' - AO of I Umpted ?"' :Ilom ft Lighterage Co. IJlhunan'a and Latla, via Bcrten and Cluls. land and sndresi- & Co., and merxrade 119.20 per cent, capital and surplus In Inter- - Borers ;N T Bja. erner :Chaster. burglirr: Charles C Elaenberr. F"tmau aso parcel poat C' Burell Ituskay, 1 Realty Co. B. Frsdtr- - grand larcenv: Charlea Mararnnla t a no. hca votiev. llanla: Dial's Ior Norway tra la, vis San Franc'S'O s M a Wlldbart corporations, waa unchanged. 1 ShaTr:aam. Framing IN X Bra. wi.r. .M a -- -1 -- I ' Hawaii. Samoan Islands. Auit 1 Jnatlonsd iiHsnsn, aui al Patrick Mo Hlgheat number reached on regular call, 174J. cJtaly .niSsV postXl..i1V - , I and .ooclallr ad z,aad, vis San Francisco. Si Ssosru.