THE SUN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1919. ... .. ... PtiAW ' opens ca FnrrerateV Conrt. KEW WEST SIDE CAiiAOB. rART IT. Before Mitchell. J. Court at be. Albert rntiieui. ouraw.- COURT CALENDARS. Albert Pugheill. gTand Urteny: Anton o Tar- CJIAitBERS Wlngata, 9,-- Day calendar l A eve, I H A. L new story garage and senici COTTON FUTURES RAW SILK PRICES Makers of Clothing seaalon. asano, nurgiary; uaruei bjctuih, muiu -- " jo A. 21. statjon Is to be epea, Frank erected on the niot itl 1'KI) ERAL COURT. at of: Arthur Sellnter. 100 343, 344 261 JiJ2& f Louis Dlenier. at and West Bxtl.tJ to Discuss Problems K Sonthem District. ourt open, at --d W Darls. street, between Amsterdam wV.i ;;-- "" Coh.,an. rape; SMffi-IKS- V jo Nathan and DISTRICT COURT-Spe- clal Thlllp is - Annie Ludwlg. End avenuen by ADVANCE TO RECORD Ulster J. PVi J, Moouej iiueo. inranis. tho Whiting Motor Com HIGHER AT Rowlewlci, rape: William Hoax-lard- CLOSE, Clothing Manufacturers McCoak. room S27, P. O. Bldr.. t 10 A. M. 7ArrriiJ ner D,nnl!lly' J Court ocena rape Harry P pany. assault; Samuel Nusbaum. Miller. AnJrew Qnlnn. of New York, Inc.. Sehifflnoff; N T Cons Mackentle name. iV foro Otto A. Bosalsky. Frederick Assembling of this t,lto THK ore ourt opeaa PT Jude M. Depntr. Adelheld Doscher. va comntetsj meeting nn co. Newman I?'-"ef- Brlanter. Kleanor Whelland. joud Joseoh 8 by called a to be :me. AT M. .he? Vtarv crlmlnaUy Katherine Roujhsedge. Eleanor V Craft. yesterday tho purchase of 24! held at tho Thursday (faemitui:rae. P Krao:ime, Mnrrar Camnanella Slrtl-t- h street, w.i Hotel Ansonla Hi r lis: time. H Krauss Estates of: a live ttory tenemcnL Finn, Quotations Arc 3 to H5 Trotluct Jicing rurchascd at evening for the purpose of having a Healy name. :m. 10 A. M. Susan Cunningham. Kr.te Bennett. 26x100, from tho estate ot Welnteln:me. J-- William general HalMy:sanie. PARToXaI-!?'f- ore ot,eM prop'erty: DeorTt.r.nd William Bcrrl. Anna O Tltorc. discussion regarding the va- FtltDia:nme. Uk"' ScelvlnVolea Peter Oevory, former t'olice Commissioner hv Points Up Spots Also High Iintes Will Bo Used rious problems, confronting tho In- Relchel :sme . Berwtnd-Whlt- e Ceil t..UK- -. n.. ..n, nn,i c,...iiri Weln William Bern. the Whiting Motor Company, flniano :sanie, Co TART XII.-Bef- ore Hendrick, opens jatnM Mackey. grand i County Court. through dustry and to Uke some action In :iame. (tock mmS ltToeay. the Cross & Brown Companj C Pond Raroeiiame. lneny; Frank Shanks, grand larceny; At 19 A. M. Civil CM' Show Some Gains. in Spring. respect to M sfi..i' Xlll-nef- ourt opens at Moyrla PAnT J. Forty-fou- r the amendments to tho Dowduame. RameiMme. PiPT. Lydon, George McLaughlin. burglary: t fJ'J Hundred and and 24 5 West constitution, recently passed by the O'Neill :iinu. Fculke tsame. talth Relnfanl. Sixtieth steeet, a five story le.nemer. XIV-Be- J.-- Atl0 A. M. GaV Feeneyaa Bleo board of directors, creating a mar- Bart :satne. Gardiner name. PART fore Finch. HrW.TdS,"ir.nd l'nVT Sophie Senrenll:CaTanauh, nnd ft va.rjint tot. nn n r,ln tn.i,. LebowlU.'same. to oejseni irmn un v" ner. grand larceny: Samuel urosa. amiui, RR. Slnshul So. 1 was quoted at $1,350 ket committee to take the place of XIV.j.es to IndnslTe for trlaL . convlc- - - BALLY COMES NEATl END the Before Ward. Itoren, Iloiuh and Uaatao, 17. XVIH. Martin Walah. carryinr pistol alur liSryVr -3 Industrial Exchange. ror Wesley ih?'A"". P"",""".."-uvn win do 1S3 pounds, and other . lion . crime: irvine. aneraii. McDonough :Coney BR, com. a balo of Ai iu:j a. u., la room to, u. uiox. Inquests : Consumers Llnter Co: grana lal """" Motlona grand larceny: Charles Lopyn. iajxr.ru; A B'klyn RR. Mschlano :sscns. incirucu ijiiiucuusiaijr. trades were priced In proportion In the Matter of rerfill. ltosenbaum ITtoffers. Samuels. Louis Llcht (appeal) disorderly conduct Dennehy '.Mcnowen. AroniSS CortTanalt Pater-.Rat- MP-chl-ts. Rotheutfenr :Nasaau yester- Iek .. 400.00 8t Paul. Cbeathim Pathe Exchanre lETe For sentence James Morgan and Moe Stewart tLoeltler. Greater Tart of Small Activity raw elite market In Yokohama U 8 Llrht A Heat Co: Co. Mall Hynd. Brady :Frank Manser Elec BR. co. I Adams iOotdsteln. Badalamenll :Soutli mcn nuYs im pnAnt. st. day. Prices for all grades were the bronx. sarety car Co. Martin :Imbrle. Bubln iFlexenhelmer, Co. " C. T. Crals By Co. Duyn. r Before Jndre Thorraa Johanson :Naasau Elec B'klyn A, & Ts highest on record and show an advance $17S.7S ' Teint:88 Van Crelirblon :True Bern. LlTOtl :LlTotl. Inter Arrleult Corp: Frank Flanagan, murder: Alexander Jolin Caakey Elec William White Sons, in conjun- Trovided by Operations Fallon. May PlonUi iB'klra nta RR Snore & Trlest Co: Co. BR. :Nasaau of 113 a bale over figures marked up a a. Swackhamer. 7U.40 Day calendar: Ttnneeeee Fert son. murder: Ralph Mocho. mnrder: Mahmnt WarrrarCarter A KB. ction with Benjamin Weiss, have t0d tcr firm. m. nnrir wrman :umiea states. riremen'a lei An ' un George A- during trading on Saturday. Jimi 3II.il C. I Marble Uttnaertllelmw. Blaia and Charlea Arthurs, murder! Weeka Steredorlng Connor :1 elnbers. H, - Breldenbach to the Krlm of Professional?. Trow, Jacob Hill Sanatorium... tl.71 DescaUliVan Djke. Taper CosDomestle Williams .Whitney Co. Ryan, manslaughter. Inge'.I.Inbbsld. Reiliv Cablegrams received also contained :Denlel-Ide- Co. Company 111 I'earl street UilliarnA SATISFIED JUDGMENTS. Before Learned Hand, 331. V. O. Mills Paper Co. 8 Anarfyroe Sentences Ferdlnando Trocchlano. .."I" Boscarello :Atlantlc SeaTcr:llolder. Uio Japaneso crop 10 : Uvaldo & Albin. White & Sons a few ago tor the Information that Bide., at A. Jt. Crlailnil calendar. Aipualt Grady. Claude Alexander. Bwnet Ntereslnrlnff Co. V rsnces :uarrviv montlu told AAA V . 1 (.tin, MANHATTAN, a Gon- - tA a u tVila rtnann Ihn vtt.. B Jt Par Co:t'lty of N Y, McDowell :Glcns I alls James Ellerd. Lottie Scott and I cruel August Kllpstetn to the Krlm yes- - namo William M Byme. (Jerome Dumont STATES DISTRICT COlBl, Realty The cotton mruket was featured 'supp!y 12,0oo rirst that of debtor: that Hyroe. Brokerage A. Landsman iLandeman. Ins Co. cale UNITED Company 112 ,b,s nt thl(, tmo belnK of creditor filed: William If U s Tiffany Z Mfg MulquJea. District of New York. Pearl stieet, It Is the . dur-lio- and date Judgment was Studios: Moore :B Walk P tip 1 Before .ludra Joseph T. Kiul.rn terday by a sharp jally In Us last half bales, which la 8.000 bales leas than Demurrers : Tradlni! Co. 323. Port tention of the Kitm company to JaRe, Louis, and Fidelity A. Solomon ShuMlr.cr. (J S PreMln. Co. Lino Deneira, robben": William Johrsou Chatfleld. J. Court opens In Boom connect i Brokersse Amuset criminally carry- e tho two buildings occupy of trading. Which followed a period Ins the corresponding period last jear. casualty Co. of N. Y. People. Oeromc S & Co. Solomon Merrills ifireenwlch Trocadero Co: assault: William. Johnson, Office Building, urooaiyn. iyi and the gto'ind Dumont Trlln 1.1 A 11) 10 !3" A. M. or which Ac; June 1, 191S (vacated).., 12,600.00 V H & Geroine iho Co. Cent BMe Imp ing firearm: William Johnson. Michael A. M. floor for their burlnees, known as thi o more or . reactionary sent men, Brokerate i. Sbuldlner McGinnis. and - States .Camp-thai niley, William, and Fidelity & Trading Co. M Doners KJIty nf N T, latest Co. alias Michael Frank United States :Rosn- United Hanover Lunch On who's ouy a was , wasuauy uo. or A. same; Benesch Dsumhatm :Muns. Dale, robbery: Carow McKlnney. grand lar- A Markowlts bell. auth,2 the tho business thla country from threerPto six months r. Rolomon Shuldiner, :Frledbn. Tjonnle Watson Carragher (for Juno 39, (vacated) 1,(00.00 Newraark :nopeen. Blbn:GoId. ceny; Harold Lyons, robbery: (on trial). cjll). without feature, professionals providing fnJm now. nnd wl be used for prcKUclng Bray, lilt Before Soepard, 401, P. O. Bldt., at Co. George Green, opens In room 812. - . David, and Fidelity & feen lAnderson. FlnkelstelntFls and James Banks, burrlary: Thomas, J. Court SATISFIED MORTGAGES. the greater part oi the prevailing actlv- 10:30 A. If. Jury oalendar. A Con Supply Sullivan, grand larcenv; Brooklyn, N. Y., at 10:30 ds for next sprlng and summer. Casualty Co. of N. T. eamej Glass :Marh A Metals Pipe burglary; Oarnle - Offlc Building, (With name and addreas of lenders uy, which, to tay t.ie least, was smaii. The loca, wholesaIe broad BUk market March It, ltlt (vacated) 1,000.00 Pltttreln Coil Co: Co. Sales Co. Co:N Y Munlclpa! Thomas While, aeaault: Krank Laurla. rob- torney.) at. wan desorted. Berler, Oscar and Auguat Me- Math-- r Win Bradley Ttaionk :raour. RR. United' States iGenrgej I trial). At times the ring all tut oriened yesterday prices generally Mroll. "f Schul-ma-n t, with Rasook Haynea :Meloy. Sentences-A- Samuel (on I Manila ttan. oper-alcr- In- - chanic! Bank: Sept. IT, 1109.. (om Zimmerman :8wls Hotel Wnudwnrd Co: :Mut Life Ins bl HoskowlU. T McQuade et al Wall Street and outside week, advance In Com- awaiting further hgm,r than Iast Nackanhorit, William United BinkTereln. Ford Motor Co. Co. Klrsch tPadflc and Louis Korlander. 41ST ST, 123 E Richard Croker, Jr, Vestors In general are tQme Unea be, ag much as 25 centa a Wine & Trading Co.; Jan. 10. Cowen Co :llcmk Mff Klsr :floldmsn. mercial Co. Cheatar, N T, to Magdalsna Smyth.r1 might to n- - ! , A A Ill nevelooments that tend uaiiinir mo l,tS7.(0 Before Mayer, Boom 1, twelfth floor.
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