Middle School Handbook

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Middle School Handbook MIDDLE SCHOOL HANDBOOK 1 MOTTO DUTY VISION PROVIDING OPORTUNITIES FOR EVERY BOY TO EXCEL STATEMENT OF PURPOSE TO BE A LEADER IN BOYS’ EDUCATION: • where students achieve to their potential and enjoy their school years • where staff are supported professionally in an excellent working environment • where society benefits through the contributions of the Hale School community 2 Section CONTENTS 2 School Motto, Vision, 14 Communication Statement of Purpose • Obligations and expectations • Newsletter 4 Welcome to Hale School • Email communication • From the Head of Middle School • Parent interviews and reports 5 School organisation 15 Sport HALE SCHOOL • Behaviour and expectations • Code of behaviour in sport VALUES • Student leadership • Students • Parents and other spectators 6 Pastoral care TEACHING AND LEARNING • Pastoral care overview 17 Illness at school and medications We encourage a lifelong • The pastoral care system • Long-term medication passion for creativity, • Short-term medication innovation and learning. 8 House system • Day boys • Boarders and the house system • Boarders • Houses • Nurse-initiated medication INTEGRITY • Illness at school and medications policy • Emergency medication We act in a manner 10 Curriculum • Asthma that demonstrates respect • Timetable • Allergies and engenders trust. • Gifted and Talented Education • Auto-injectors • Curriculum Support • Medication on camp/excursion/tour • Student diary • Misuse of prescribed medication EXCELLENCE • Homework • Food allergies • Student responsibility We strive for excellence • Parent responsibility in all that we do. 19 Contact details 12 The school day • Late arrivals/absentees 20 School Song and School Prayer COMMUNITY • Approved leave We contribute enthusiastically as • Drop off and pick up - buses 22 Campus map and floor plans responsible members of the School • Bus travel - code of conduct • Canteen and wider communities. • New student debit card account • Lockers and padlocks • Bicycles LEADERSHIP • Personal property We take responsibility for our own • Mobile phones and similar devices actions and have the care and • Uniform courage to guide others. Contents 3 WELCOME FROM THE HEAD OF MIDDLE SCHOOL The Middle School is a distinct and staff to build positive relationships with our students. We dynamic environment, focused on believe that when students are known and valued they are more developing learning opportunities likely to experience and enjoy meaningful success, not only that are tailored to this unique academically, but in other areas of their lives as well. period of growth and development. We provide a programme that allows for continued academic development, along with Opportunities within the Middle School are abundant and our a significant emphasis on personal and social development. students are expected to become actively involved in the full life The culture is supportive yet challenging and the students are of the School, from academics and athletics to arts, community encouraged and guided to pursue personal excellence over their service and our music and sporting programmes. As a result, two-year journey in the Middle School. at this crucial age in their development, our students are able to find passions both within and beyond the classroom. To support their growth in these critical years, we offer a purpose-built facility that provides a specialised learning We encourage you to visit the campus and see first-hand the environment with outstanding facilities. We understand that enthusiasm, the intellectual exploration and the feeling of early adolescents have distinctive and diverse needs and our community that exists in the Middle School. dedicated and highly-trained staff are cognisant of their social and academic requirements. As such, the teachers’ roles extend Andrew Manley beyond the classroom as pastoral care leaders, coaches and Head of Middle School managers of clubs and activities. These multiple roles allow 4 Welcome to Hale School SCHOOL ORGANISATION The Middle School community comprises 400 boys in 16 classes A focus on student-teacher relationships and a rigorous, who are taught by a range of subject and specialist teachers. purposeful and engaging curriculum ensure our Middle School Each class has a Pastoral Care Leader who is responsible for offers a dynamic, productive and memorable educational the boys’ general well-being and communication with parents experience for all of our boys and their teachers. and their other teachers. They attend camps and have meetings with the boys before or after school on most days. The boys will have their own particular classroom for the year where they will STUDENT LEADERSHIP undertake many of their core subjects. Their lockers are outside The Middle School Leadership model is based on research these classrooms and often this is where they will start their day. suggesting that boys of this age have a very strong need to feel connected with their learning environment. In giving the students The Middle School features a large number of specialist a voice within the School, they feel a sense of ownership over teachers who teach the boys in Years 7 and 8 in various parts and commitment to the Vision and Values of Hale. In the of the school as well as in their classrooms. As boys continue Middle School we recognise that young adolescents face many through Middle School, they will move from their classrooms challenges associated with the transition from dependence to during each day to various parts of the campus for subjects independence. Our leadership programme facilitates practical as diverse as French, Art, and Design and Technology. Their opportunities that enable boys to be involved in a wide range of lessons coincide with the Senior School boys’ changeover and it decision-making processes. is important that the Middle School boys have the opportunity to converse and interact with the senior boys and senior teachers Each semester, two students from each pastoral care group in in this informal daily routine. Years 7 and 8 are elected by their peers to represent them as Student Councillors. From this group of Student Councillors, The Middle School is led by an executive team comprising of two Year 8 representatives are chosen by staff to be Middle the Head of Middle School, Head of Middle School Curriculum, School Captains. Head of Middle School Pastoral Care and Head of Brine House (Boarding). The teaching team also includes psychologists and the Chaplain, who support the boys through a strong pastoral care programme. School Organisation 5 PASTORAL CARE OVERVIEW Hale School commits to the implementation of pastoral care processes that directly respond to the needs of young adolescent boys within the Middle School. A wealth of resources has been devoted to the effective delivery of targeted pastoral care and a large team of pastoral support staff work tirelessly to ensure the boys are feeling known, safe and happy. Pastoral Care Leaders (PCLs) are pivotal in ensuring the effective delivery and coordination of our pastoral care processes. Not only are they charged with maintaining effective communication between the students, parents and the staff who teach their group, they also have an integral role in the development of a collaborative culture as well as setting a climate that promotes continual improvement and best practice. Part of this responsibility includes the successful transition of students into and through the Middle School. This process involves the careful planning and implementation of strategies designed to ensure boys feel welcomed and secure as quickly as possible. Particular emphasis is given to Year 7 and 8 students entering the School for the first time, and to boarding students, where ongoing communication between Brine House, the School and the home is critical. In addition, PCLs also monitor the academic progress of each student in his/her group and communicates this progress to parents. They play a crucial role in initiating effective strategies to help students improve their performance. A climate of respect, warmth and care is evident within the Middle School, with an emphasis on providing students with opportunities to: • develop productive and affirming relationships with adults and peers • act independently, cooperatively and responsibly • use individual talents and expertise • have success recognised • set realistic learning challenges in an environment characterised by high expectations and constructive and honest feedback • learn in a safe, caring and stimulating environment that actively addresses issues of discrimination and harassment 6 Pastoral Care THE PASTORAL CARE SYSTEM BEHAVIOUR & EXPECTATIONS There are many people in the school community who are It is a fundamental expectation that all boys will use every available to help with particular challenges. The first point opportunity to participate fully in the life of the School. This of contact for Middle School boys is their Pastoral Care commits each individual to engage with their teachers and Leader. Occasionally, students may be referred to one of the peers in activities involving academic, spiritual, physical, and following people for guidance or help: social/personal aspects of our curricular and co-curricular programmes in Middle School. It is also expected that all boys will: THE CHAPLAIN • treat all individuals with courtesy and respect, regardless of Hale School aims to foster the spiritual dimensions of life physical, intellectual, racial, cultural or religious differences
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