ST HELENS COUNCIL LICENSING ACT 2003 VALID APPLICATIONS RECEIVED, LICENCES GRANTED AND APPLICATIONS FOR REVIEW Please note - Any relevant representations must be forwarded to the Licensing and Land Charges Manager, Wesley House, Corporation Street, St Helens, Merseyside WA10 1HF no later than the date stated. Telephone: 01744- 676770 email
[email protected] To view the Council’s Public Register of Licences issued pursuant to the Licensing Act 2003 please visit:- APPLICATIONS RESOLVED ARE SHOWN IN BLUE Licensing Act 2003 – dealing with representations St Helens Council as licensing authority must examine all representations submitted to establish whether they are valid and relevant to the application. Only representations which relate to the likely effect of the granting of the licensing on one or more of the licensing objectives can be considered. The four objectives are;- The prevention of crime and disorder Public safety Prevention of public nuisance The protection of children from harm Each objective is of equal importance. Some examples of issues which may be raised but which are outside the scope for consideration are:- Representation which are frivolous or vexatious Made by persons who do not reside or have businesses in the vicinity of the premises and are not likely to be directly affected by the grant of the licence Commercial considerations or demand Matters which duplicate or relate to other legislation e.g. fire precautions, restrictions on a planning permission. Matters which are outside the control of the applicant e.g. on street parking, traffic, general anti social behaviour. Speculation about the effects of the licence being granted The legislation/guidance states that shops, stores and supermarkets should normally be free to provide sales of alcohol for consumption off the premises at any times when the retail outlet is open for shopping unless there are good reasons, based on the licensing objectives for restricting those hours.