NEWSLETTER For customers of kongsberg MARITIME

03/11 The SUBSEA newsletter

Publisher: Kongsberg Maritime Editor: Subsea Division Tel.: +47 33034100 Hydroid Awarded AUV Fax: +47 33044753 e-mail: [email protected] Contract From Ocean Observatories Initiative content Hydroid, Inc. has been awarded a major contract to provide AUVs and seafloor docking stations for the Coastal and Global Scale Nodes (CGSN) component of the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI).

New courses aimed at hydrographic survey market PAGE 3

Demo of first EM 2040 0,5 x 1 Degree Dual Head System PAGE 4

Kongsberg equipment on Fugro Survey’s newest survey vessel PAGE 5 The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institu- use networked infrastructure of science- Shallow Water Hydrographic tion (WHOI), an implementing organi- driven sensor systems to measure the Product Seminar at Kongsberg zation of the OOI, and the Consortium physical, chemical, geological and bio- Maritime office in Rome PAGE 6 for Ocean Leadership, awarded the con- logical variables in the ocean and sea- tract to Hydroid for initial development floor. The data will then be collected and HUNT WHEN YOU CAN and design modification of its REMUS disseminated on coastal, regional and PAGE 7 600 AUV and docking stations to meet global scales. Through a unique cyber- OOI specifications. The OOI Program infrastructure, OOI will make ocean ob- Training for REMUS 100 is managed and coordinated by the OOI serving data available to anyone with an PAGE 8 Project Office at the Consortium for internet connection. Greater knowledge Ocean Leadership, in Washington, D.C., of the ocean’s interrelated systems is vi- and is responsible for construction and tal for increased understanding of their initial operations of the OOI network. effects on biodiversity, climate change, The OOI, a project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), will Read more on page 2 The SUBSEA NEWSLETTER page 2 September 2011

ocean and coastal ecosystems, environ- effective. Such capabilities were demon- mental health and climate. strated during the successful search for Newly appointed Hydroid’s REMUS AUVs are modular wreckage, during Product Sales and may be fitted with different types which WHOI utilized the larger Hydroid of sensors. They have also been used to REMUS 6000 vehicles and launch and Manager for aid in hydrographic surveys, harbor se- recovery systems. Naval products curity operations and scientific sampling “The REMUS 600 is a good fit for this and mapping, as well as many basic and mission,” said Christopher von Alt, Presi- applied research programs funded by dent and one of the co-founders of Hy- the Office of Naval Research (ONR), droid. “The system goes deeper, further Defense Advanced Research Projects and is highly modular, allowing for great- Agency and the Min- ly increased operational scope. We’re so istry of Defense. pleased that our REMUS technology will play a significant role in furthering the As part of the OOI program, oceanog- important work being done by OOI.” raphers will deploy multiple REMUS 600 AUVs fitted with a variety of sen- Subsequent phases of the OOI contract sors to observe the environment. These will include delivery of production AUVs vehicles will autonomously swim into and seafloor docking systems used to col- seafloor docking stations that are pow- lect data as a part of the OOI Pioneer Ar- ered from moorings on the surface. The ray located off the New England coast. vehicles will autonomously recharge Thomas Nilsen Dahle was appoint- their batteries, upload scientific data col- The Pioneer Array spans the continen- ed as Product Sales Manager for Na- lected during the previous missions and tal shelf-break, where water depths drop val in May, taking over from acquire configuration data for their next quickly from about 100 meters to greater Trond Helland as he reaches retire- mission. When fully operational two than 500 meters over a distance of about ment. REMUS 600 AUVs and seafloor docks 40 km. The shelf break is a boundary Thomas graduated from the Royal will be become part of the array and region between cool coastal waters and Norwegian Naval Academy in 2001 will be deployed for periods of up to 120 warmer offshore and Gulf Stream wa- as a B.SC. in electronics and lead- days. During this period, each vehicle is ters. Its biological productivity and vari- ership. He served five years in the expected to complete multiple missions ability are strong, and the Pioneer Ar- Norwegian submarine service work- without direct human intervention. ray plans to understand the interplay of ing as a sensor and weapons engi- physical and biological processes across neer onboard the ULA-class. Fur- ther, he was significantly involved in The REMUS 600 vehicle was originally many scales, from hundreds of meters to the ULA-upgrade project, working developed in collaboration with WHOI hundreds of kilometers. The Pioneer Ar- as technical authority in the Norwe- with funding from ONR to support the ray AUVs will operate in the vicinity of gian Defence Logistics Organisation Navy’s growing need for equipment that the shelf break, with each vehicle capa- (NDLO). is capable of supporting operations re- ble of making more than 50 missions per quiring extended endurance, increased year in water depths up to 600 meters. He left his role as Lieutenant Com- payload capacity, and greater operating mander in the Royal Norwegian depth. Hydroid, Inc. has significantly en- “AUVs are a critical tool to rapidly sample Navy in 2010 for a position as Advi- hanced the capabilities of this AUV sys- variability on dynamically relevant scales sor in the Norwegian Costal Admin- tem by investing additional private funds. within the complex frontal system,” said istration in Horten. Here he worked The REMUS 600 AUV, now commer- Al Plueddemann, a WHOI senior scientist with preparedness against acute pol- cially available from Hydroid, boasts and project scientist for the Pioneer Array. lution in the Operation department, specialising in incidents involving the same proven software and electronic “This capability is key to improving our hazardous material. subsystems found in Hydroid’s high- understanding of interactions between the ly successful REMUS 100 AUV, but continental shelf and slope.” Born in 1978 Thomas is the young- with an increased depth rating and new est in the Kongsberg Maritime Sub- capabilities that make fully autonomous sea Sales department, but his strong multivehicle operations reliable and cost technical background and opera- tional experience will help in pro- moting innovative KONGSBERG products to Navies around the world. The SUBSEA NEWSLETTER page 3 September 2011

New courses aimed at hydrographic survey market

Kongsberg Maritime Ltd has announced survey, research and naval hydrographic will tailor the attendees already acquired the introduction of a range of new training vessels. Training courses now intro- knowledge to the KONGSBERG equip- courses at its Training & Simulation Cen- duced into the Kongsberg Maritime ment. The Multibeam practical courses tre in Westhill, Aberdeen, aimed at the hy- Training portfolio includes EA 400/600 will also offer a hands-on, interactive drographic survey market. Building on an Singlebeam and SIS Multibeam operator learning experience for attendees, with already established portfolio of Dynamic courses, EM Mulitbeam practical cours- an emphasis on integrating the KONGS- Positioning, Automation and Acoustic es covering installation and integration BERG Multibeam with other systems that Positioning courses, the new courses will of the system and GeoSwath wide swath will be present on the vessels.” offer participants technical and operational bathymetry sonar system training. training on established KONGSBERG The introduction of the new survey hydrographic technology, with a focus on David Shand, General Manager Offshore courses at the Training Centre forms part their application in the survey market. at Kongsberg Maritime explains: “We of a company strategy to expand the cur- recognised that there was a demand from rent portfolio of courses offered at the The new courses will allow users to customers to get the most out of their Training Centre, which is already a lead- maximise their productivity by the use KONGSBERG systems by increasing ing provider of specialist Dynamic Po- of KONGSBERG equipment which pro- the technical training offered to users to sitioning, Acoustic Positioning and Au- vides efficient high quality and accurate help them achieve maximum efficiency tomation Systems courses. The courses data. One of the aims of the new courses from their equipment. The courses will consist of both classroom based lessons is to enhance the hydrographic capa- allow new users to be trained how to and hands-on practical sessions using the bilities of offshore survey operations for use the systems most effectively, while latest simulation systems and individual effective seabed mapping, by ensuring educating existing users on the latest desktop consoles, with an emphasis on all users, including freelance surveyors features, benefits and applications of the replicating realistic scenarios for partici- are using the equipment effectively. technology. pants to overcome. Kongsberg’s training centre is located at Kongsberg Maritime is a key supplier of “For those who have experience of other 15 Abercrombie Court, Arnhall Business hydrographic equipment to the survey hydrographic equipment, we have instruc- Park, Westhill. For more information industry, with hydrographic suites in- tors with extensive operational and techni- about Kongsberg Maritime, log onto stalled on the majority of commercial cal experience of using these systems who The SUBSEA NEWSLETTER page 4 September 2011

Demo of first EM 2040 0,5 x 1 Degree Dual Head System

The first EM 2040 with 0,5x1 degree dual head system was recently installed and tested on Geo Plus’ new vessel Geo Motion. The vessel will be used for dredging and wind mill surveys worldwide.

About 50 people from all major survey, dredging and construction companies witnessed the excellent performance of the new EM 2040. The system was tested in the well known storm barrier close to Hoek van Holland, where all multibeam systems are tested, and results showed really clean data where no editing was needed. These data can be used for bathymetric maps, inspection and pipe line surveys and other applications. The demo ended with full speed ahead to 22 knots, leaving all the participants im- pressed by the system. The system pro- vides great prom,isesfor the future and keeps the system provides great promises for the future.

About Geoplus Geo Plus is a survey company which already has three EM 3002 dual head systems on their existing survey vessels for many years. With up-to-date-geodetic instruments Geo Plus Holland has for many years delivered quick and profes- sional measurements in several areas such as hydrography in shallow waters, sediment mapping, measurements for constructions, infrastructure, digital ter- rain models, quantity survey, etc. for businesses, regional and national govern- ment agencies.

Particularly the hydrographic branch of Geo Plus Holland has developed into a nationally and internationally operat- ing hydrographic service provider for governments, port authorities, pipeline- and cablelayers and the near/offshore dredging world.

Four modern well equipped ships are available. Projects include seabed map- ping, multi-and single beam measure- ments for: foreshore renourishments, beach nourishment, control nautical depths, quays-and port constructions, en- vironmental monitoring, other near-and offshore services and ship geometry etc. The SUBSEA NEWSLETTER page 5 September 2011

Advanced Wide Angle version of Leading OE14- 502 HD Camera Developed

Kongsberg Maritime has introduced in harsh environments, for various ap- tor work and pipeline inspections. It of- the OE14-502-WA with Wide Angle plications including pipe surveys. fers 800 TV lines per picture height hor- Lens Option to its market-leading The affordable OE14-502-WA HD izontal resolution , 10 x optical zoom, camera and imaging sonar portfolio. Camera with Wide Angle Lens Option 4500 metre depth rating and has multi This new version of the OE14-502 HD offers an angle of view as wide as 70° standard video capability with the abil- Camera has been developed in direct in water, while retaining superb image ity to change video formats by using Re- response to increased customer de- and color quality and non of the opti- mote Control (RC) or by Graphical User mand for a wide angled high defini- cal aberrations often associated with Interface (GUI). tion underwater video camera for use wide angle viewing. This represents an Long line cable drive can be set by RC expected 20° increase to the diagonal or GUI and allows the component signal viewing angle when compared to the to drive three matched coax cables with standard 50° version of the OE14-502. no degradation over two hundred me- The OE14-502 is a rugged multi stan- tres. Colour balance can also be set to dard ROV HD video camera used for a 3200k, 6500k, outdoor or Auto Track- range of detailed ROV inspection and ing White (ATW) to match different intervention tasks, including manipula- lighting set-ups.

Kongsberg equipment on Fugro been built to the same highly technical specifications and designed for maxi- Survey’s newest survey vessel mum performance, safety, efficiency and reliability.

As part of the build project Kongsberg Maritime installed a full suite of hydro- graphical equipment onboard the ves- sel, including the EA400 Singlebeam Echo Sounder, EM 710 Multibeam Echo Sounder and Topas PS40 Sub Bottom Profiler. Kongsberg Maritime also installed Dynamic Positioning systems kPOS and cJoy as well as the latest HiPAP Acoustic Positioning tech- nology as part of the fit-out, in addition to operation training to ensure maxi- mum productivity from the systems.

In selecting Kongsberg technology, M.V. Fugro Galaxy will feature the latest, most sophisticated equipment, making it one of the most advanced ves- sels of its type in the world. In particu- Aberdeen based Kongsberg Maritime The contract to install the KONGS- lar, the high-resolution multibeam will Ltd has recently completed the installa- BERG technology on the Fugro Galaxy provide Fugro Survey Ltd with highly tion of a suite of KONGSBERG equip- followed a similar agreement between accurate and reliable data for safe, ef- ment onboard Europe’s newest geo- Kongsberg Maritime and Fugro Survey ficient and cost-effective global survey physical survey vessel, the M.V. Fugro for the supply of equipment onboard the operations. Galaxy. The newly-built vessel is oper- previously commissioned survey vessel ated by Fugro Survey Ltd, also based in M.V. Fugro Searcher, delivered to Fu- To find out more about Kongsberg Mar- Aberdeen, and will be deployed to vari- gro Survey in March 2010. The Fugro itime’s offshore solutions portfolio, visit ous survey locations worldwide. Galaxy, 65 meters in length overall, has The SUBSEA NEWSLETTER page 6 September 2011

Shallow Water Hydrographic Product Seminar at Kongsberg Maritime office in Rome

GeoAcoustics Vice President, were present throughout the seminar and an- swered many questions from the guests.

The one day seminar covered the whole range of product Kongsberg Maritime develops for hydrographic data acquisi- tion: bathymetry with multi and single beam, side scan sonar and sub bottom profiler.

Presentations were shown demonstrat- ing the equipment features, technology and performance. Results gained dur- ing different tests and demonstrations were of great interest to the guests whilst the open discussion between guests and speakers provided the right feedback for customer expectation and future equip- ment improvement.

In June, a hydrographic product seminar introduced the new Kongsberg Maritime At the end of the seminar during the was held at the Kongsberg Maritime of- shallow water hydrographic products: closing speech, Robert Dadini fixed fice in Rome. The seminar took place in the EM 2040 wideband high resolution the dates with all guest for the first EM the new training room, which was only multibeam system and the Geo Swath 2040 demonstration in Italy for the end just inaugurated for this particular event. Plus 500 KHz wide swath bathymetry of September 2011. Kongsberg Maritime system. thanks all guests for their attendance Robert Dadini, the Rome office’s Gen- and hopes to meet them again at future eral Manager, welcomed the guests form Helge Uhlen, the EM Product Sales events. different Italian companies to Rome and Manager from Horten, and Ralf Timm,

Kongsberg Maritime Sponsors Italian Seafarers Event

Kongsberg Maritime recently spon- sored the Sporting Memorial event for Italian seamen hijacked by pirates in Somalia, which was held in Fiumicino (Rome - Italy) during the weekend of the 17th - 19th of June.

Young students from the Sporting As- sociation of Procida (Naples) attended this sporting and cultural event, which was also connected to an organized tour around Rome to visit some of the most historical sites in the city. Kongsberg Maritime supplied the official outfits with new EM 2040 caps and Kongs- berg Maritime polo shirts, which were appreciated by the students and the or- ganizers. The SUBSEA NEWSLETTER page 7 September 2011

complex mine-hunting system. HUNT WHEN YOU CAN • This contract is the first HUGIN AUV contract for Kongsberg in the The ’s newest range of mine-hunters – the Ka- naval market outside of Norway. tanpää class – is state-of-the-art in terms of mine localisa- tion technology. They are among the first vessels in the world Since then, Kongsberg Maritime has equipped with Kongsberg’s HUGIN 1000 AUVs. acquired Hydroid, the company behind the REMUS AUVs. The Kongsberg de- livery to the Finnish Navy includes two REMUS 100 AUVs. REMUS 100 is a man-portable AUV, designed for shallow water operations and can be operated from RHIBs, or reinforced hull inflat- able boats. REMUS 100 has achieved very good market acceptance and is in operation for many navies. Hydroid also manufactures the REMUS 600 AUV, a long range and versatile midrange solu- tion. Kongsberg is actively working to harmonise the HUGIN and REMUS product lines to provide customers with operational synergies and strengthened support and a technology base. Isberg They say that mine-clearing vessels are terms of area coverage rate and resolu- explains how the Finnish Navy settled the most sophisticated and difficult naval tion, as well as navigation accuracy, you on HUGIN 1000 from Kongsberg Mari- vessels to specify and build, after subma- can’t do better than this in one package,” time. “When this programme was still in rines. Why? “The ship and its systems says Kongsberg’s Bjørn Jalving. the planning phase, we invited 10 differ- have to be shock-proof and at the same ent navies from across Europe to bring time the ship’s underwater signature Significance to Kongsberg, their mine-countermeasure vessels to has to be low in terms of acoustic and and to the Finnish Navy our waters. “Here we put them through electro-magnetic emission,” says Kris- When the Finnish Navy signed its con- their paces. Twelve different sensor sys- tian Isberg of the Finnish Navy. That’s tract with Kongsberg Maritime and tems on eleven different vessels were a contradiction, as most of the measures Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace for tested, including those from leading you would employ to make a ship shock- its Mine Hunting Vessel Programme in Norwegian, Swedish, British, French and proof, would also make it noisy. In ad- May 2007, it was a momentous occasion. Danish companies. What we found was dition to this complex picture, the mine To Kongsberg Maritime, it was a major that some of the systems that excelled detection capabilities must be robust, event for three reasons: in the Mediterranean and the North Sea but with a small footprint. Add to this • “This is the first delivery from didn’t work as well in our Baltic Sea contradiction the dual missions of most Kongsberg Maritime Subsea conditions,” says Isberg. ’s Baltic mine-clearing vessels. During com- Division in Horten, where multiple waters are characterised by more water bat operations, they localise and sweep product lines are represented in the layers, with different characteristics, and mines; in peacetime, they must contrib- same project, and fully integrated in extreme bottom temperatures. During ute towards bottom mapping and other a common mine-hunting system.” the tests, the Finnish Navy discovered hydrographic tasks. The two tasks are • The Finnish Navy is the first navy in that AUVs, like HUGIN 1000, performed related, but require flexibility from sup- the world to fully integrate such a better than hull-mounted sonar systems. pliers. Enter Kongsberg. The company has worked closely with the Royal Nor- wegian Navy for over a decade on the HUGIN 1000 Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. It was partially because of this naval experience, and the Finnish Navy’s own performance tests, that the Finnish Navy decided to select a range of Kongs- berg technologies for the three Katanpää class mine-countermeasure vessels. “The system that the Finnish Navy is getting is absolutely the latest in state-of-the-art. In The SUBSEA NEWSLETTER page 8 September 2011

Training schedule for autumn semester 2011

HiPAP Operator – HiPAP LBL Operator – HiPAP Technical

Week Date Course 34 August 23-25 HiPAP LBL Operator Course 41 October 11-13 HiPAP LBL Operator Course 44 November 1-3 HiPAP Technical Course 46 November 15-17 HiPAP LBL Operator Course 47 November 22-23 HiPAP Operator Course Subscribe to news: 49 December 6-8 HiPAP Technical Course Four times a year Kongsberg Maritime releases its Subsea Position Reference System Operator course: APOS/HiPAP – Artemis – DARPS newsletter, which is available for download or sent by regular mail Week Date Course to your postal address. Please visit 38 September 19-23 PRS Operator course our website for subscribing and 44 October 31 - November 4 PRS Operator course unsubscribing. 48 November 28 - December 2 PRS Operator course 49 December 5-9 PRS Operator course Send us your story: Open EM & SIS Operator Course We would be delighted to print your experience or ‘products in Week Date Course action’ report that would fit the 38 November 7-11 EM & SIS Operator Course mission of this newsletter. Please forward your story and pictures All enrolments to : [email protected] to: [email protected]

KONGSBERG MARITIME AS P.O. Boks 111 N-3194 Horten Norway Telephone +47 33 03 41 00 E-mail [email protected]