INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE APPLICATIONS • HUGIN® • SEAGLIDER™ • REMUS™ OUR MISSION OUR PHILOSOPHY We shall earn the respect and recognition for our Our success depends on the success of our customers. dedication to provide innovative and reliable marine Actively listening to our customers and truly understanding electronics that ensure optimal operation at sea. By their needs, and then translating these needs into utilising and integrating our technology, experience and successful products and solutions is central to achieving competencies in positioning, hydroacoustics, our goal. communication, control, navigation, simulation and Our people are the key to our success and we empower automation, we aim to give our customers The Full Picture. them to achieve. Working together in a global network of The Full Picture yields professional solutions and global knowledge, guided by our values, engenders innovation services that make a difference enabling you to stay ahead and world class performance. Every day we have to think a of the competition. little differently, because every client is unique. We aspire to translate the imagination and dedication of our staff into successful technologies and solutions. Our commitment is to add value to your operations by providing you with The Full Picture.



Kongsberg Maritime • Document no. 420791 • November 2016 INTELLIGENT MARINE ROBOTS YOU CAN RELY ON

AUVs, also known as intelligent marine robots, have revolutionised naval exploration. Costly legacy systems and platforms are slow, heavy and have a large economic footprint. AUVs provide an automated approach to accelerate timelines and enable distributed expeditionary systems to operate from a variety of host platforms. Fast, light and precise, these modular systems remove the divers from the minefield and can be operated as organic systems. A flexible alternative to traditional surface vessels, AUVs can glide close to the surface, dive to depths of more than 6000 meters, explore shallow waters and hover in hazardous areas where navigation is difficult. The benefits are numerous.

Kongsberg Maritime, along with its subsidiaries Kongsberg AUV Applications Underwater Technology, Inc. and Hydroid, Inc., produces a • Mine Countermeasures (MCM) range of vehicle systems that can meet the demands of • Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) virtually any marine environment. The REMUS 100, part of • Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) the REMUS product line of Hydroid vehicles, was the first • Port Survey combat deployed AUV in history. • Undersea Search & Survey Kongsberg Maritime provides its customers with the most • Harbour Protection Tasks & Port Clearance effective and efficient AUVs by incorporating the most • Communication/Navigation Aid advanced, commercially-proven technology. Today the • Clearing Beachhead Amphibious Operations. company is synonymous with excellence in AUVs. Benefits In addition to Hydroid’s widely adopted REMUS vehicles, • Reduces tactical timelines from slow, Kongsberg Maritime designs and manufactures the HUGIN diver-centred operations to efficient, multi-aspect and SEAGLIDER product lines of commercial off-the-shelf AUV-centred area operations (COTS) AUVs. HUGIN boasts operational experience in • Eliminates manned search operations in the minefield both commercial and naval operations, and SEAGLIDER • Increases margins of safety for divers has revolutionised the way oceanographic data is collected • Provides significant battle space coverage. Enables by being able to complete long endurance missions. manoeuvre space from narrow linear lanes to tactical flexibility along the coast • Allows for quick mission completion; timely, accurate information feedback • Provides covert and low observable operations • Reduces military assets required to perform mission evolutions • Platform independent.


The HUGIN AUV program started in the early ‘90s as Rather than an electrically driven propeller, SEAGLIDER a joint project between KONGSBERG, the Norwegian uses wings and small changes in buoyancy to achieve Defence Research Establishment (FFI), Statoil and the forward motion. This extremely efficient propulsion Royal Norwegian Navy. It has since evolved to be the method results in the longest endurance of any most capable and successful commercial AUV in commercial glider system - up to 10 months. Instead of operation. HUGINs are traditionally equipped with HISAS using external control surfaces to affect vehicle attitude, or SSS, MBE, SBP and cameras, plus a range of SEAGLIDER uses adjustable ballast. The SEAGLIDER environmental sensors that can all operate concurrently. moves through water in a saw-tooth like pattern, diving to Available with a range of modular payload and energy depths of up to 1000 meters. It surfaces periodically to options and a world class inertial navigation system, the determine its position, transmit collected data and receive HUGIN AUV can run for up to 80 hours at depths of up to commands via satellite telemetry. 6000 meters. Navigation is accomplished using a combination of GPS The vehicle is launched and recovered using a Stinger fixes while on the surface and internal sensors that ramp system. The Stinger extends over the stern of monitor the vehicle heading, depth and attitude during the ship and can be operated in Sea State 4 and up to dives. SEAGLIDER’s design allows for a range of standard 5 meter freeboards. instruments and custom sensor packages to be developed for unique applications. SEAGLIDER’s low capital cost, long HUGIN has seen commercial operation in Europe, Africa, deployment capacity and versatile payload capability allow the Americas, Asia and Australia. It is recognized as a collection of a wide range of high quality ocean data for a proven survey tool by operators offering class leading data fraction of the cost of traditional collection methods. quality and area coverage rates not seen on any other Satellite communications allow retrieval of most data in underwater survey platform. In addition, the HUGIN has near real-time. provided Mine Counter Measures (MCM) and Rapid Environmental Assessment in multiple navies for more than 15 years.

HUGIN: SEAGLIDER: Flexible System with Unmatched Performance Extreme Long Endurance, Low Cost AUV

2 The REMUS AUV is the culmination of 20 years of cutting- All REMUS AUVs are built on a common and proven edge research and development (R&D). Utilising a technology platform incorporating the intuitive Vehicle powerful and versatile suite of available high performance Interface Program (VIP). This keeps vehicle maintenance, sensors, it boasts a proven track record for highly reliable mission planning, checkout, data analysis and cross-vehicle and consistent field operations in commercial applications. training seamless across the product line. The vehicles REMUS AUVs are offered in three vehicle classes: the differ by size, depth, endurance and payload sensor lightweight, compact, man-portable REMUS 100; the configuration. highly versatile, modular REMUS 600; and the REMUS 6000, a deep-water workhorse.

REMUS 100: The Industry Standard, Compact, Man-Portable AUV

REMUS 600: Full Capability in a Cost-Effective System

REMUS 6000: Deep-Water Workhorse


Kongsberg Maritime is one of the major suppliers of high The vast operational experience is continually used quality marine electronics in the world, with products ranging to improve the quality and robustness of the vehicles, from underwater sensor systems; complex ship and process ensuring that customers benefit from the latest control systems for commercial vessels and oil rigs; improvements and developments. autonomous underwater vehicles; ; and REMUS and HUGIN product lines allow Kongsberg Maritime instrumentation systems for fisheries, naval and scientific to offer customers a full AUV product range and system research vessels. The products are designed, tested and solutions, strong worldwide customer support, product manufactured to withstand tough marine environments. commonalities and the benefit of strengthened research and Kongsberg Maritime designs and manufactures commercial development through product synergies. and military off-the-shelf (COTS) autonomous underwater As a COTS manufacturer, Kongsberg Maritime runs a vehicles (AUVs) and related equipment. These vehicles are in 24 hour on-site support service centre year round. Our first operational use in a wide number of applications including priority is to support our AUV customers and ensure that our defence, hydrography and marine research. Our AUVs boast AUVs are always operational. We also offer support and exceptional operational experience for commercial and naval training programs. operations in shallow and deep water and in arctic and tropical waters. REMUS and HUGIN vehicles have different We are a committed, reliable, dependable and long term capabilities and, as such, different applications and roles. partner for navies seeking superiority in the underwater battle space.

HUGIN image credit Turid Astrid Reksten


How to select the right product for you. The REMUS vehicles can operate a wide selection of The HUGIN and REMUS family is comprised of a wide sensors depending on customer requirements including range of vehicles with varying capabilities. The REMUS Synthetic Aperture Sonar (HISAS), Sidescan Sonar (SSS), 100 is a man-portable system capable of quickly and Bathymetry (MBE), optical and chemical sensors. The covertly being deployed from small, rigid-hulled inflatable HUGIN has a very high resolution Synthetic Aperture boats (RHIB). The HUGIN and REMUS 6000 vehicles are Sonar (HISAS), Multibeam Echo Sounder (MBE), camera capable of reaching the deepest regions of the world’s and sub-bottom profilers making it uniquely suited for large oceans with a range of sensors to accomplish diverse area MCM operations. mission objectives. The smaller systems can be deployed using standard Our AUVs are ideally suited for a wide range of shipboard handling equipment. The larger systems applications, from very shallow water mine are deployed with Launch & Recovery Systems (LARS) countermeasures to search and survey applications in the specifically designed for the system. The LARS enables deep ocean. All of our AUVs can be equipped with a wide AUVs to be deployed in open water and rough weather selection of sensors including acoustic and optical imaging, conditions without the need to put a small boat in the bathymetry and environmental data collection. water. The LARS also enables operations on vessels of opportunity.

Photo courtesy of the Italian Navy 5 APPLICATIONS COMPARISON

6000 m Operating Depth 1000 m Operating Depth Up to 80 Hours Mission Duration Up to 10 Months Mission Duration

• Most successful commercial AUV • Low capital cost – a fraction of • HISAS or SSS, MBE, SBP, Camera, traditional methods turbidity and CTD sensors – standard • Extremely long deployment time • Simultaneous sensor operation for • Versatile payload capability for multipurpose missions collection of a wide range of high • Obtain comprehensive data sets quality ocean data in a single dive • Robust design reduces the chance • Sensor integration with the of missions being aborted before vehicle’s navigation systems completion • Swappable batteries • Large variable buoyancy allows for operation in a wider range of water • Launch and recovery using a densities without requiring constant Stinger ramp system adjustment of the static ballast • Operation in conditions up to • Satellite communications provide Sea State 4 retrieval of most data in near real-time • Vehicle, equipment & LARS easily • Able to be piloted from virtually installed in DnV containers on ships anywhere in the world via satellite of opportunity and Internet connection • Additional options available

Route Survey — Mine Detection — Mine Classification —

Mine Identification — MCM Automated Target Recognition — Change Detection — Counter IEDs —

Area Survey —

Bathymetric Survey — REA Environmental Survey Environmental Survey

Area Survey —

Charting — ISR Change Detection —

Asset Location —

SAR Identification —

6 100 m Operating Depth 600/1500 m Operating Depth 6000 m Operating Depth Up to 12 Hours Mission Duration Up to 45 Hours Mission Duration 22 Hours Mission Duration

• Low logistics, two-man portable • Industry-leading mid-weight AUV • A deep-water workhorse at depths • Size and weight allows for economical • Built on success of REMUS 100 up to 6000 meters overnight shipping • Increased size & power capacity • Versatile design allows long mission • Simple deployment/recovery allow power-hungry payloads to durations in shallow littoral areas • Full suite of standard sensors for meet customers’ increasing mission • Configurable to include a wide range almost any subsea application demands of customer-specified sensors • New sensors being integrated on a • Increased depth rating allows for • In-field configurable to meet specific continuous basis greatly increased operational scope and varied mission requirements • Modularity provides for multiple • Fully modular for a wide variety of • Simple to operate with the same missions from the same vehicle customer-configured payloads. leading-edge technology as the REMUS 100 • Proven ten year track record of • Hull sections designed for ease of reliability separation for vehicle re-configuration, • Roll on/off launch and recovery maintenance and/or shipping system (LARS) designed to be • Intuitive, easy-to-learn vehicle installed easily off the stern or interface program (VIP) • Thousands of mission hours logged to date midship of a vessel of opportunity

Route Survey Route Survey — Mine Detection Mine Detection — Mine Classification Mine Classification — Mine Identification Mine Identification — MCM Automated Target Recognition Automated Target Recognition — Change Detection Change Detection — — — —

Area Survey Area Survey Area Survey Bathymetric Survey Bathymetric Survey Bathymetric Survey REA Environmental Survey Environmental Survey Environmental Survey

Area Survey Area Survey Area Survey

ISR Charting Charting Charting Change Detection Change Detection Change Detection

Asset Location Asset Location Asset Location

SAR Identification Identification Identification


Mission Planning and Operation Systems Post Mission Analysis All HUGIN and REMUS AUVs are equipped with highly Some navies have preferred systems for payload intuitive mission planning and operation systems which processing and post mission analysis. Our AUVs can greatly simplify mission planning, vehicle checkout, vehicle interface to these systems. operation and data analysis. Key functionality includes: We offer the post mission analysis (PMA) software suite • Integrated text editor for construction of the mission plan which provides a wide range of options, essentially covering: • Map view illustrating the planned mission for review • Navigation post-processing for increased position • Automatic error checking performed on all aspects of accuracy (NavLab) the planned mission, with warning messages that • Bathymetric processing, quality control, mosaicing, appear if any mission parameters are incorrect layering to charts and 3D view generation • Testing of important sub-systems such as the • Side scan sonar processing propulsion motor, rudders and emergency systems • Synthetic aperture sonar processing REA applications • Monitoring and displaying data from the vehicle • Automatic target recognition and other specialised and support systems functions for countermeasures • Input, sanity check and transmission of operator commands Launch and Recovery Systems • Training simulation mode One of the main challenges with AUV operations is recovery • Mission replay mode in open and rough seas. The REMUS 600/6000 and HUGIN have dedicated Launch and Recovery Systems (LARS) that have proved their efficiency and reliability in harsh operations over the years.

Photo courtesy of the Italian Navy

8 System Overview KONGSBERG and Hydroid offer full picture solutions. These include: • Mission planning systems • Launch and recovery systems • Communication and localisation equipment • Navigation equipment • Docking systems • Post-mission analysis • Spare part package • Maintenance equipment • Training systems. SYNTHETIC APERTURE SONAR

Transformational changes in warfare over the last two HISAS 1030 has been used operationally on HUGIN AUVs decades have increased the need for very high resolution by Navy customers since 2008. HISAS systems have been imagery and high area coverage rates in MCM operations. used to detect and classify thousands of mines, often in The shift towards expeditionary warfare means that route areas that were previously deemed impossible to explore. survey data will often not be available. Being able to An upgraded version, HISAS 1032, and the recently separate mines from mine-sized rocks is crucial. Modern introduced HISAS 2040 is now available on all of our mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) are difficult vehicles, and offers real-time processing and sonar quality to classify (or even detect) with traditional sonars. assessment, higher performance and much lower power consumption - all in a considerably smaller form factor. KONGSBERG’s high resolution interferometric synthetic aperture sonar (HISAS) provides a resolution of better The standard instrumentation on a HUGIN for MCM also than 5x5 cm over a swath of several hundred metres includes a high-resolution optical camera. With the use of (speed and water depth dependent), capable of covering in-mission HISAS processing, automated target recognition more than 2 square km per hour with sonar imagery (ATR) and rerouting, this allows the vehicle to perform allowing classification of modern mines and IEDs. This detection, classification, reacquisition and optical makes the system ideally suited for large area MCM identification of mine-like targets in the same mission, operations. Compared to a traditional high frequency side providing further time savings. scan sonar, HISAS typically reduces the MCM survey time by a factor of 3-6. The superior data quality and availability of additional products such as SAS bathymetry will also allow more reliable mine classification with fewer false alarms. This will, in turn, reduce time consumption for reacquisition, identification and disposal.

HISAS 1032 image of a shipwreck from the Skagerrak chemical munitions dumpsite. Image by Roy Edgar Hansen, © Norwegian Coastal Administration and Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)


Health Monitoring Some KONGSBERG and Hydroid AUVs also transmit HUGIN and REMUS AUVs have core systems designed to real-time side scan and bathymetry data back to the monitor the status and operation of essential components. operator acoustically. This data is displayed on the payload Health monitoring includes batteries, motors, sensors and computer screen to give the operations team confidence communications as well as conditions such as depth and that the mission is progressing as planned and there are no water ingress. gaps in the data. If an abnormality is detected, an alarm is raised. During When the AUVs are on the surface, they can communicate supervised missions, this will be transmitted to the via Wi-Fi or radio with the operator. They are also equipped operator enabling them to decide if the vehicle should with GPS receivers to update the AUV position with the return from its mission. When the vehicle is operating most accurate information available. autonomously, the response to an alarm is determined by the preselected response listed in the mission plan. This Emergency Localisation could include an emergency abort to preserve vehicle To assist with emergency localisation and recovery security. operations, the AUVs can be equipped with emergency radio beacons, strobe lights and satellite communications. Communication and Tracking In the event of an emergency ascent, the position and Operators can monitor the AUV’s progress and status via status of the vehicle can be sent via the Iridium network to an acoustic or satellite link. This also enables amendments the operators and home base simplifying post-emergency to the mission plan to be sent to the vehicle along with localisation. If two-way satellite communication is enabled, position updates if required. Many of our AUVs can be a revised mission plan can be sent to the vehicle from equipped with acoustic positioning systems that can aid anywhere in the world. the onboard navigation equipment to make the real-time position solution as accurate as possible.


The launch and recovery of an AUV is critical, as many LARS missions often take place in rough, open waters. Multiple This Launch and Recovery System (LARS) extends the LARS (Launch and Recovery Systems) are offered that operational weather window of our AUVs by allowing can meet a variety of parameters. launch and recovery in sea states up to Sea State 5.

Stinger LARS Docking AUVs are normally launched and recovered using the AUVs can be configured with autonomous docking Stinger ramp system. Capable of operating in Sea State 4, capability. The systems includes: the Stinger can be installed either on an open deck, or • Dynamic Docking more commonly in a container or workshop. The Stinger • Docking Stations system is available in two lengths for freeboards of either 3 • Line Capture Nose (Whiskers) or 5 meters. • Automated Recovery Mini-Stinger Custom Solutions The Mini-Stinger ramp system is a modular, transportable • RIDE (REMUS Integrated Deck Equipment) system designed to be used on vessels of opportunity. • RHIB customer developed solution The bottom section of the Mini-Stinger is flexible and has flotation built into it, providing some compensation for wave action during recovery.

Cranes Cranes can be utilised for launch and recovery with either a hydraulic or electric saddle attachment.


We are always there, wherever you need us. Our customer As part of our commitment to total customer service organisations are designed to provide high-quality, satisfaction, we offer a wide variety of services to global support, whenever and wherever it is needed. We meet individual customers’ operational needs. are committed to providing easy access to support and Support 24 is one of our solutions designed to give service, and to responding promptly to your needs. round-the-clock support. For mission-critical operations, Support and service activities are supervised from our Support 24 can be extended to include remote monitoring. headquarters in Norway, with service and support centres We can adapt the level of support needs by offering at strategic locations around the globe. service agreements, on-site spare part stocks and quick on-site response arrangements.


Norway (35) Russia Canada (5) UK (11) Denmark Poland (2) Ireland Germany Hungary France USA (14) Spain Italy (2) Greece South Korea (6) UAE (3) China (4)

Saudi Arabia Mexico (2) India (4)

Venezuela Nigeria Malaysia Singapore (4)

Brazil (3)

Australia (2) South Africa

Sales & Support 24 Antarctica HUGIN - Kongsberg Maritime Sales +47 3303 4100 • [email protected] Support +47 815 35 355 • [email protected]

SEAGLIDER - Kongsberg Underwater Technology Sales Global and Local Support +1 425-712-1107 • [email protected] We provide global support from local service and support Support facilities at strategic locations worldwide. Service and +1 425-712-1107 • [email protected] support work is carried out under the supervision of your personal account manager, who will ensure that you receive high-quality service and support where and when REMUS - Hydroid, Inc. you need it. Your account manager will ensure continuity Sales and work closely with your personnel to improve and (US) +1 508-563-6565 • [email protected] optimise system availability and performance. Under the (Europe) +44 (0)2392 417 222 • [email protected] direction of your account manager, and with a local Support inventory of spare parts, our well qualified field service (US) +1 508-685-9127 • [email protected] engineers will be able to help you quickly and effectively. (Europe) +44 (0)2392 417 222 • [email protected]