July 2019

Turn the page to read about our School Council’s achievement in raising money to buy this special Friendship Bench...

As we come to the end of another academic year I would like to pay tribute to the staff who are leaving us and moving on – Alison, Chrissy, Lorraine, Carly, Hannah, Chris, and Bex.

Chrissy and Alison have served St Martins professionally, skilfully and loyally, with 43 years’ service between them. They have positively influenced 100s of students and their families during this time. Lorraine has supported and been a real strength for our more complex students. Her skills and knowledge will be missed. Carly and Hannah have been fantastic teachers, meeting the needs of students across our school with creativity and care. Chris and Bex have not been with us long but they have forged strong relationships and added value during their time. I thank every single one for their own special contributions. Their commitment and dedication has been appreciated by us all.

St Martins St News Thanks also to Paul, Sophie and Rachel whose Fixed Term Contracts also come to an end. We value all that you have given to our school. We wish you all the very best for your futures and thank you for the difference you have made.

I wish a happy holiday to all of our students and their families and look forward to seeing you safe and well in September.

Debbie Gerring - Headteacher


The following students have achieved an amazing 100% attendance since the start of the academic year in September. Well done!

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Samuel G Thomas Aaron Josh Cindy Amy Samuel Hardy Jamie Lennon Harry Alex Evie Ethan Jamie Michael Nicholas Daniel Dominic Arjan Cameron Joseph Liam Shareen Dillon Leon Shafiera Leah Euan

Sabrina Oliver

Saskia Matt C

Please remember to keep school informed if your child is absent. Thank you.

School Council

It has been another fantastic year for the St Martins School Council and the Head Boy (Matt) and Head Girl (Mia). We have collectively organised and fundraised for a range of charities and in-school causes – well done!

Our Representatives – St Martins staff and students would like to thank the following representatives for dedicating their time to the School Council, sharing their class views and for making a dif- ference for our school and wider community. You should be extremely proud of what you have achieved. KS3 – James (KS3CP), Kelsey (KS3VT), Alex (KS3BG), Sam (KS3LH), Charlie M & Cameron (KS3HW), Leon (KS3CC), Thomas (KS3CO) & Harry (KS3SG)

KS4 – Adam (KS4MB), Callum (KS4RK), Ryan (KS4TB), Annija (KS4SW), Luke (KS4PP), Jack (KS4PB), Sufyaan (KS4LB), James (KS4JM), Cameron (KS4ML) and Mia & Matt (MS4LB)

What we have achieved - Over the course of the year we have organised and fundraised for a range of charities including; Jeans for Genes, Show Racism the Red Card, Children in Need, Save the Children and Comic Relief. When taking part, the School Council informed students and parents about the events and collected money through non-uniform days and bake sales. Everyone involved was dedicated and all money raised was for a fantastic cause! Our biggest achievement for the School Council has been working for two academic years to fundraise for a Friendship Bench. The idea came from a range of students who believed we needed somewhere for our students to feel safe and to make friends. The School Council also decided to dedicate the Friendship Bench to a very special person—Derek Heal, our ex Chair of Governors. Derek was incredibly committed to St Martins and was an excellent friend and advocate of the school. The School Council completed a range of fundraising events such as; non-uniform days, bake sales, quizzes and discos. Thanks to Glenis and Claire, Derek’s wife and daughter for unveiling the bench at this year’s Summer Fayre. It looks great in our new sensory garden! Turn to the front page for a photograph of the unveiling of our Friendship Bench.


Hubbub Theatre performed their Visitors from our partner school in Feste performance on India spent a week with us as we Kindness at our 50th celebration. learn about each other’s cultures.

Harvey and Niav play in our school band, ‘Notemade’ at the ‘This is Derby’ professionals event; joining other school children from across the city.

The athletics Billy won team displayed gold in the St Martins 800m. values at the National Finals. They were all ‘winners’ on the day.

Preparing afternoon tea for One of the many student/staff football employers during Careers Day. matches we play. KS4 students won!

Students taking part in the UKIT Challenge—a national competition which showcases the immense IT skills held by those in school.

Samuel won our ‘Most Positive Person’ trophy at Prize Day; Louisa— our ‘Sports Personality of the Year’ and Sabrina won the ‘Headteachers Award’ trophy. Sabrina contributes to school positively now each day. Well done to all those students who won awards—we are proud of all of your achievements.


KS3BG have been fantastic across the whole year and are preparing themselves for the final stretch before the summer holidays. The class have worked hard across this term and are getting excited for Year 8. Well done to all the students - enjoy your next adventure in Year 8!

In Maths, we have been working on number lines and place value. We have all enjoyed mastering our maths skills by sharing how we work out mathematical problems differently.

In English, we have been working on Harry Potter. We worked on our character descriptions with each student selecting a different character to describe. We have also looked at diary passage writing and wrote about a day in the life of Harry Potter. Keep being magical KS3BG!

In topic, the students looked at ‘Reuse, Reduce and Recycle’. We particularly enjoyed building our own recycled items from plastic bottles, cardboard and much more. We had some brilliantly made items such as a cat house, pencil pot and wind chime. Great work!

The students have also taken part in Outdoor Education which they have thoroughly enjoyed. It has helped to develop the students’ team work and problem solving skills. As the photo shows, we all take different paths but can all reach the same destination. Well done team!


The Summer term has been a busy one in KS3CP! We have continued to do great work and have been working particularly hard in English lessons, as well as preparing and planning our Karaoke Fundraising event, which we have been very excited about!

In English we did some research into different athletes and sports, including Olympic and Paralympic medal winners. We have also written stories and character descriptions from the story Black Dog by Levi Pinfold. We have loved this book and also created our own versions of Levi Pinfold’s book Greenling!

We have worked super hard in Maths, spend- ing a lot of time looking at coin values, how to add different coins together and what change we need to give too. We have also spent a lot of time learning about multiplication and division, working on our times tables! It has been tricky sometimes, but we always persevere and get our work done!

We were lucky enough to enjoy the sunny weather and help with the make-over of our garden/outdoor learning area this term. This involved painting, planting, digging a hole for the pond and moving soil and plants around to where they needed to be. It was a really lovely morning and everyone was part of the team!


We have had an amazing summer term in KS3FC. The students have had some great experiences.

We have visited Skegness for our residential and we have been to London to see the West End show ‘Wicked’ which everyone loved.

Standing outside Buckingham Palace on the way to see ‘Wicked’.

We have been involved in a Citizenship project this term, along with other students all over Europe. The project was run by the British Council. The students had to research and design their own project to work on. They chose homelessness as an area of concern. The students decided to fundraise by doing a car wash to raise money to make care bags for the homeless in Derby.


Wow, this year has flown by! We can’t believe it’s summer already. This term in English, we have been learning about Paralympians and the Paralympic values as well as writing biographies and fact files. We are currently working on reading and writing playscripts. We have just finished reading Kid Normal and the Rogue Heroes, which we have all enjoyed and our current class book is Jessica’s Ghost by Andrew Norriss.

At the beginning of May, we went on our class residential visit to Kingswood in the Dearne Valley. The weather wasn’t great, but we still had a fabulous time. We took part in several activities: Buggy Build, Scrapheap Challenge, Outdoor Climbing (in the pouring rain) and Fencing. Everyone was superbly behaved! Over the past couple of months, KS3LH have really enjoyed our Friday baking sessions. We have made scones, cookies, muffins, cupcakes and brownies. Not only have they been delicious, it has helped us improve our mathematical and team working skills and you never know, we might all be the next Mary Berry/Paul Hollywood! The last few weeks of the school year are going to be quite busy, we have lots of different activities in the calendar, including some trips as a reward for another excellent year at St Martins.


This past term KS3VT have said goodbye to Val after enjoying a lovely class trip to Nottingham to see Annie The Musical. The whole class had a brilliant time and their behaviour was fantastic and a real credit to the school.

We have welcomed Claire and Terrie to KS3VT this term and have been continuing on with our usual school work whilst once again enjoying Outdoor Education with Howard and Ryan.

It’s been a fabulous year overall for KS3VT, myself and Val have loved working with all of the students and we would like to wish them lots of luck next year.


Wow…This year has gone so fast! From the nervous group of Year 7s that started at We have enjoyed St Martins in September the students have working and all worked really hard and turned into the sensible mature group that we see now. learning together this year and have all settled into the St Martins way of doing things.


This half term we have been focusing on using money, addition of coins, and working We enjoy creative and practical activities. out change. Now to apply this We achieve the best results when we to real situations! We have work together. continued to work on maths mastery skills this term. English Students are getting used to This term we have been studying the Text this way of working. These Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. All skills will be developed of the students have enjoyed this story and across school. related activities. Everyone is keen to see what happens next after each lesson. Topic. We have been learning about a range of world religions. We have been learning about the Muslim religion this half term. The students have all been respectful about the differences between others and their traditions and customs.



Aaron, Josh and Jack from KS3CO recently enjoyed a successful residential trip to London. The students enjoyed marvelling upon the sights of London; Buckingham Palace, the Horse Guard Parade, Downing Street, The London Eye and Big Ben. A trip to the Na- tional History Museum sparked interest, where the group encountered rooms of rocks and minerals, skeletons and a moon exhibition. A trip to London wouldn’t be complete without travelling on the underground, and despite some nerves, most of the students braved the complex network of trains and experienced the bustle and busyness of the tube. In the evening, the group enjoyed a delicious meal.

Llama Trek Some students had the privilege of enjoying going on a Llama trek this summer! Not only did we get to learn about the different llamas and their personalities, but we also got to stroke the llamas, feed them, and comb their hair. This was followed by us walking a llama of our choice each around the field – this brought us lots of laughter! Some llamas stopped to munch on some leaves, some refused to move, and others occasionally stopped to use the fence as a scratching post!

Afternoon Tea This term, some of our students had the opportunity to work on an enterprise project with Business and Enterprise Partnership. Not only did the students have the opportunity to sample a range of foods as part of the project, but they also planned, prepared and hosted an afternoon tea on Careers Day. They worked excellently as a team – both with peers and with the business colleagues – to produce an outstanding spread of tasty food.


What a year it has been for KS3HW! We have made lots of memories, learnt lots of interesting, new information and made strong friendships along the way.

English & Maths During our English lessons we have read a range of texts such as Olympic Heroes, My Brother is a Superhero and our personal favourite – The Imaginary. We have written narratives, descriptions, poems, instructions, fact files and information

texts. We are all really creative and imaginative in KS3HW and this has helped us with our writing. In our Maths lessons we have covered lots of different topics. We have been focussing on how to explain our mathematical thinking and quite often we can prove/disprove our friend’s ideas! We are more confident with our numbers and can use a range of written methods. We have displayed lots of resilience in our Maths lessons!

Other lessons Like Maths and English, we have learnt lots in other areas of the curriculum. We have set things on fire in Science, produced our own sensory stories in Drama and made our own Garage Band Music. We have learnt how to become a respectful citizen in Citizenship, explored a range of Geography and History topics and developed our knowledge, awareness and socio-emotional skills in PSHE. We have also loved outdoor education and our class residential to Mount Cook! What a fun-filled, jam-packed year for all of us!


In May, we enjoyed a residential trip to Ilam Hall in Derbyshire. On the first day, we enjoyed exploring Dovedale, being very brave on the stepping stones and having a picnic in a cave! We all slept very well in our comfortable bunk beds! The next day, we had a day out in Ashbourne and ate at the ‘Best Fish & Chip Restaurant’ there! For some, this was their first night away from home – they were all fantastic and a credit to the school!

We visit the community every We were very lucky to be involved Friday. We are making great in the ‘This Is Derby’ event with progress within these sessions. We Sinfonia Viva. Some of us took part have learnt how to pay in shops by writing our own song and and cafes independently and performing it in front of other enjoy social time with schools. We are preparing for each other having drinks and and looking forward to the next cakes together. event in July!


KS3SG have had an amazing Summer term. The students have shown an excellent level of independence and maturity and are now ready for the next step in their St Martins journey

This is our ‘Talk 4 Writing’.

In English, we have focused on the books Meerkat Mail and The World’s Worst Children and the students have loved it! They have written excellent postcards, letters and persuasive texts and have enjoyed exploring different locations around the world that they’d like to visit. In QR Code to addition to this, the students have enjoyed learning about David Tyler’s diary Walliams awful children including Bertha the Blubberer, Grubby entry. Gertrude and Nigel Nit-Boy. They thoroughly enjoyed using their humour and language skills to describe the characters and create their own.

In maths, we have continued to enjoy practical activities and have used the school grounds as much as possible. The students have shown an increasing level of independence and confidence – which is super! As well as this, the students have enjoyed using their knowledge of number and money to explore their local community and put their skills to practice.


This year KS4JM have been given the opportunity to visit the capital city on this years residential visit to London. Students enjoyed the nearly three hour mini bus drive, singing songs eating snacks and talking about random topics to fill the time. After leaving our bags at the hotel we then ventured into London’s centre on the famous underground system learning about the various different routes and platform lines. The students visited the world famous Natural History Museum exploring dinosaurs, giant whale skeletons and a giant model of the moon! After that we had ice-cream and drinks in the Royal Green Park after visiting Buckingham Palace then heading to see Big Ben and the houses of parliament! Students were also taken for a fancy dinner where they stuffed themselves after a long day of sightseeing and travelling. They all behaved brilliantly and really represented the school to a high standard!


So it was with a heavy heart and plenty of tears that we said goodbye to KS4RK. After 2 years of fun and laughter it was time to wave them all off to the next stage of their journey. Horizons are lucky to be having Milo, Harry, Keira, Callum, Charlie and Archie; Brandon is off to study catering at YMCA and Michael is going to Broomfield College.

The 2 years in KS4 have disappeared in the blink of an eye and it's been great to watch all the students grow and see their friendships develop. Some of the highlights have definitely been when we've been lucky enough to get away from school, London in Year 10 where we went to a West End show and took a Thames river cruise, Walesby just a few weeks ago and our class day out last summer gorge walking in the Peak District. Uno and doughnuts have featured heavily over the years with Hangman (no rude words please!!) and draughts making a late show in Year 11. Most of all the memories have been of a class of good friends who have laughed and cried together and made it in one piece to the end of year 11!!!

Goodbye and good luck Class of 2019 - KS4RK


There is a new festival coming to the QUAD, Derby. HOME-GROWN 2019, is an exhibition showcasing up-and- coming talent from Derby’s young people, working in digital and traditional photography, and the #ThisIsDerby team who created the website by and for young people. Schools featuring in this exhibition are: St Martins School and Horizons Sixth Form, St Clare’s School, , Da Vinci Academy, The , plus work by members of the #ThisIsDerby Web Team. The team of students from St. Martins and Horizons who are having their work displayed in the festival are Cameron, Jamie, Dan, Tyler, and Sabrina from KS4LB. These creative students have attended the QUAD for photography workshops weekly. They have also worked with professional photographers David Wilson-Clarke, Jon Legge, and Jack Perks who have supported and sparked their creativity and talents further.


We said goodbye to the Year 11 students during their Leavers’ assembly. Staff had a last chance to let them know how proud we are of them and how much we will miss them. As usual tears and great stories about the students were shared with parents, carers and the Key Stage 3 and 4 students. Kerry and some of the students made a great video, with many embarrassing photos from Year 7 and dressing up events. Of course no St Martins Leavers’ assembly would be complete without the legendary Leavers’ hats. The assembly was a massive success and great send off for our leavers. The Year 11 and Year 13 Leavers also enjoyed a meal at Cosmo with staff, the night before and it was great to see all the students trying new foods and having great fun together. Over 50 staff and leavers attended the meal making the event a St Martins takeover of the restaurant. Cameron and Oliver worked very hard between them for their qualifications and accreditations in subjects such as GCSE Art, Maths, English, Science and Cookery. We are so proud of their efforts. Good luck Key Stage 4 ML, thanks for the memories.


It has been a very busy year for our class and we have done lots of exciting things including:

St Martins 50th Anniversary Sunflower event, outdoor education, making breakfast, Xmas factor, going to see the Snow Queen at the theatre, shopping, baking, making circuits, litter picking, cake sale, Conkers, our residential at Lea Green and Matlock bath.

Here is what our class had to say:

My favourite activity was making sunflowers for the 50th Party and plate spinning. By Cindy

I liked measuring heights in class for our Maths lesson and going to Lea Green. By Rasan

My favourite thing I did was making sunflower faces and having glitter on my face at the 50th Party. By Leah

I liked the buggies at Lea Green, going on the train at Conkers and Outdoor education climbing. By Jamie.

I enjoyed going to Matlock Bath and having a burger at the chip shop and the soft play at Lea Green. By Faizah

My favourite thing this year was going to Conkers. By Nathaniel

My favourite thing was seeing the Snow Queen at the theatre and making circuits in Science. By Euan

My favourite thing was making cakes for our cake sale and planets in Science. By Adam

I enjoyed lots of things this year including outdoor education and reading to the tortoise. By Noah


At the end of term, we had a football event to raise money for KS4/TB residential. Kristian was one of the team players that scored the winning penalty in the penalty shootout.

The day turned out to be a success where the students enjoyed taking part in football. Here is the team celebrating their win after the match.

As a reward trip the students went to Calke Abbey and then Scaddows Farm to pick strawberries. All the students picked a bounty of strawberries and the day was a fantastic success and the weather was glorious.

As a reward in Maths this year the students who have all worked brilliantly to achieve an Entry Level 2 were rewarded with Pizzas from a local Domino’s. Here is Mehdi in KS4PP enjoying a slice in our classroom.

Overall this year has been a real triumph for KS4PP, I wish them all well in year 11, it’s a really important year for students going forward and I look forward to hearing about their successes next year.


KS4SW are celebrating being one of four classes that have the best attendance in school for the second term running. A massive well done to Samantha, Arjan, Shareen and Tia who have all attended school 100% of the time during the Spring term The summer term has been a busy term for the class, showing resilience and determination to complete coursework and exams for their qualifications. Everybody has remained positive throughout and worked exceptionally well as a class team. Arjan and Shareen have been working closely with the Hubbub Theatre Company (pictured left) to create drama productions around the theme of kindness. They have been learning how to move and balance to music. Samantha has been involved with a national arts project called Splash, where she has contributed and represent- ed St Martins incredibly well. Samantha has been designing and making puppets for a national, professional drama production. The Splash project aims to deepen young people’s engagement with the arts and build creative and leadership skills. Finally, KS4SW are really looking forward to their residential trip to London. This will take place on Thursday 11th and Friday 12th July 2019. The class have worked hard to raise money towards the trip by washing cars for a whole day!


We cannot believe it is the last term of the year already!! It has been a fun-packed and busy term for KS4TB. We went on a teambuilding trip to Conkers this month and loved the Enchanted Forest and 4D cinema experience! We are currently preparing for our London Residential. At the end of last term, we organised a football fundraiser to raise money for our trip. The whole school had so much fun!

We had a great time in London - doing lots of sightseeing around our capital city as well as visiting the Natural History Museum.


On Friday 21st June 2019 we celebrated our last day together as a class. Two fabulous years together coming to an end with all of the leavers heading for new and exciting destinations. It has been a wonderful experience for all and we wish all the leavers the very best of luck.

Here are the proposed provisions for our leavers:

 William - Horizons  Matthew - T2

 Daniel - T2  Isaac - T2

 Azaid - T2  Lilee - Burton College

 Michael - T2  Adil and Milena - TBC


Horizons Activity Week

Horizons students at The Guildhall took part in an activity week from May 20th to 24th – the students helped throughout the whole process with planning, budgeting and choosing destinations.

The group of Year 12s and 13s had a fantastic few days team building, with a great mix of educational, cultural and fun experiences.

Activity Week Timetable

20th – Magna Sci- ence Park

21st – Bikeability, Markeaton Park

22nd – Bowling/ Laser Quest

23rd – Liverpool – Royal Albert Docks

Year 13 Leavers’ Destinations:

 Lewis—Project SEARCH  Jared M—YMCA Catering

 Sean—Project SEARCH  Lukas—Access Training

 Richard—Project SEARCH  Dan P—British Heart Foundation Apprenticeship  Will Cl— / Joseph Wright  Thomas—Central College (TBC)

 Will Co—  Ben—Employment

 Tyler—Derby College (TBC)  Ashley—YMCA Childcare


Horizons 6th Form – Gallery 5 host Derby Schools Art Exhibition

Horizons students at Gallery 5 in the Guildhall Market have been displaying a fantastic art exhibition throughout the Summer term. The exhibition has been a collaboration between St Clare’s, St Andrews, Kingsmead, Da Vinci, Landau Forte, St Martins and Horizons students. The feedback from visitors and local press has been amazing for the quality of work. We will be holding a new collaborative event this time next year so watch this space.


Our Year 11 students have recently left. Here is a list of their next steps from September. We wish them all a smooth transition and fantastic start to Year 12. Good luck!

Name Proposed Provision Rasan Horizons SEFL Matthew B Horizons Archie Horizons Matthew C Horizons Dillon Horizons Aqib Workpays Cindy Horizons SEFL Harry Horizons Callum Horizons Sufyaan Horizons Michael Broomfield Jack YMCA Brandon YMCA Noah Broomfield Shuhanur Derby College Oliver Portland College Euan Horizons SEFL Mia Horizons Cameron Horizons Adam Broomfield Charlie Horizons Nathaniel Horizons SEFL Milo Horizons Keira Horizons

LETTINGS Sports Hall for Hire!

Our Sports Hall is perfect for activities including indoor football, basketball, martial arts etc...

 Our usual times of hire are between 6pm and 10pm Monday to Friday and between 10am and 5pm Saturday and Sunday.

 We have plenty of parking and security on site during the hours of hire. Changing rooms are available for use.

 The cost of hire is £18 per hour.

If you would like more information on availability please contact Mary Jackson at school.


The Project SEARCH Team—Sarah from DEBP, Val and Adam from St Martins

In September 2019, St Martins School are launching an into employment programme called Project SEARCH in partnership with the NHS, ISS and the Derbyshire Education Business Partnership (DEBP).

Participants will be based at the Royal Derby Hospital and will undertake three different internships over the programme.

Traveling independently to and from Royal Derby Hospital, the program runs Monday - Friday.

The week will involve study time with tutors from St Martins— Val and Adam, time with Sarah—a job coach from DEBP and on the job training with staff from the NHS and ISS. Participants will gain qualifications in work related learning.

The first interns are from St Martins, Royal School for the Deaf Derby and Fountains High School. We wish them all the best as they start on this exciting adventure into employment.


Unbelievably another school year has come to a close already!

I was lucky enough to be at the Year 11 leaving assembly recently and it was an absolute privilege. To see the achievements of so many students since coming to St Martins was wonderful. Their teachers have clearly worked incredibly hard to help them along the way and set them up for the next step in their lives. I was jealous of their leaving hats!

It has to be said, this was despite a challenging year, due to council funding cuts and the school having to make some very difficult decisions for the future.

However, everyone has pulled together and ensured the students continued to achieve incredible things. This is the result of the outstanding attitude of all the staff in a period of uncertainty, but particularly by those affected by the changes and who will not be with us next year.

We thank them for their contribution to St Martins and wish them well for the future.

The new term will bring the challenge of Academisation, which we believe will be a great opportunity for the school to continue to develop, independent of the council, but with the support of the Shaw Education Trust.

Next year will also be the start of amazing opportunities for some students finishing Horizons, who will have the opportunity of internships at Derby Hospital with good prospects of employment at the end. We’ll keep you updated with this exciting new opportunity.

On behalf of the Governors I would like to wish you all a happy and hopefully....sunny holiday!

Jeff Howe Chair of Governors

Term Dates 2019-2020

Autumn Term 2019 School Opens Monday 9th School Closes Friday 25th October to Students September Tuesday 5th School Opens School Closes Friday 20th December November Spring Term 2020

School Opens Monday 6th January School Closes Friday 14th February

Monday 24th School Opens School Closes Friday 3rd April February Summer Term 2020

School Opens Monday 20th April School Closes Friday 22nd May

School Opens Monday 1st June School Closes Friday 24th July

INSET Days Bank Holidays Friday 6th September Friday 8th May Monday 4th November Friday 24th January Monday 23rd March Friday 3rd April

St Martins School, The Derwent Campus, Bracknell Drive, Alvaston, Derby, DE24 0BT t: 01332 571151 e: [email protected]