L Scientific Publications of the American Museum of Natural History e Croy American Museum Novitates TyPe SPeCIMeNS oF BIrDS IN THe Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History : Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History T AMERICAN MUSeUM oF NATUrAL HISTORY y P Publications Committee e SP PArT 8. PASSERIFORMeS: Robert S. Voss, Chair e Board of Editors CIM PACHyCePHALIDAe, AeGITHALIDAe, reMIZIDAe, Jin Meng, Paleontology e Lorenzo Prendini, Invertebrate Zoology NS PArIDAe, SITTIDAe, NEOSITTIDAe, CERTHIIDAe, Robert S. Voss, Vertebrate Zoology o rHABDORNITHIDAe, CLIMACTERIDAe, DICAeIDAe, Peter M. Whiteley, Anthropology F BI PArDALoTIDAe, AND NeCTArINIIDAe Managing Editor r DS: DS: Mary Knight 8. PAS M Ary L eCroy Submission procedures can be found at http://research.amnh.org/scipubs S ER Complete lists of all issues of Novitates and Bulletin are available on the web (http:// IF digitallibrary.amnh.org/dspace). Inquire about ordering printed copies via e-mail from OR
[email protected] or via standard mail from: M e American Museum of Natural History—Scientific Publications, S Central Park West at 79th St., New York, NY 10024. This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). AMNH BULL On the cover: The type specimen of Pachycephala nudigula Hartert, 1897, shown here in a lithograph by J.G. e TIN 333 Keulemans (Novitates Zoologicae, 1897, 4: pl. 3, fig.3), was collected by Alfred Everett on Flores Island, Indonesia, in October 1896. The bare, deep red throat, unique in the genus, occurs only in the adult male and is inflated when he sings.