THE LINKS a commemorative monument to him. constant exposure to the sun, begins The landscape is unusual and – due to its immediately and continues. Here you need The Links, which offer the cyclist climbs vegetation –resembles an Alpine pass. an extremely low gear - 39x19 - and to stand on your pedals. of various diffi culties, are situated along Link V from the southern slope the Dorsale. They reach different heights Even whilst concentrating on making the and have equally different gradients. The maximum effort, the cyclist should spare a higher the arrival level, the longer they are poignant thought for the tough challenge and generally, given the composition of the 339 that took place on these slopes, that were cycled an astonishing eighteen times in

places, they have much steeper gradients in 122 the initial stage of the climb. the 1985 World Cup, between the Italian and the American Greg Link I from the southern slope Lemond, who fi nished third and second respectively, pipped just a few hundred 0,00 2,80 metres from the fi nishing post by the Dutchman Joop Zooetemelk. 150 You leave from Volpago del Montello and The two-wheel enthusiast will also no doubt 89 head in the direction of Nervesa della remember a then young , Battaglia, following the southern strip of the unlucky protagonist of the amateur race, the Periplo. The route fl anks the Canale and of another youngster, who fi nished Brentella, an artifi cial canal dug during the only fi fth, but who just two years later 0,00 1,00 dominion of the Venetian Republic. would go on to become professional World It has a very rapid current that during Champion: . It is little more than a sprint, measuring 1km summer helps cyclists withstand the heat. After a few hundred metres and after going with an average gradient of 6%, and takes After about 4km, you reach the crossroads through a small village, the road appears you to the site where the aviator Francesco where, turning left, Climb V begins. to level out, but after going around a wide Baracca was shot down. There now stands The climb, which enjoys excellent and bend on the left, you come to a long straight 13 at the end of which the road becomes can nevertheless get up to high speeds arduous again. It’s time to stand back up on with more sustained pedalling. trials, which began and fi nished in your pedals. This is how you face the most The landscape also changes. There are no Treviso, but this time riding the circuit diffi cult stage of the climb, which fi nishes more houses, just the thick vegetation of in the opposite direction. These days at the end of the straight just after a bend Montello Wood. On this stretch, a lot of some of the most important amateur on the right where the gradient reaches as small dirt roads enter the woods, to the joy cycling races take place here, such much as 15%. of mountain-bikers and joggers, in fact to as: the G. Bianchin Trophy, a splendid From here onwards the route offers the joy of anyone wanting to enjoy being international race, which begins and unexpected stretches of ascents alternating surrounded by nature. ends in Paderno di Ponzano Veneto, with apparently fl at ground. You shift down After 2.8km going uphill, close to the and has been won by, amongst others, the gears of the back sprockets, changing junction on the Dorsale del Montello, is Giuliano Figueras (1997), Giorgio the gear ratio and the speed increases the Gran Premio della Montagna. Furlan (1985) and Giuseppe Petito considerably. A highly trained cyclist can (1979); the Popolarissima, a national race that begins and ends in Treviso, proceed with continual gear and rhythm The ‘Salita dei Mondiali’ changes. Those a little more out of shape and is also known as the ‘Piccola Milano – San Remo dei giovani’, as it No cycling enthusiast can resist takes place in concurrence with the taking on the legendary Link V, important professional spring race, better known as the ‘Salita dei with previous winners including Fabio Mondiali’ (World Cup Climb). It Baldato (1988), Silvio Marinello (1983) was on these climbs that the World and (1966), and the Cycling Championships road race famous bike maker Giovanni took place in 1985 in Treviso, with (1942). The Popolarissima, which in the fi nishing line at Giavera del 2005 celebrated its 90th year, is one of Montello. Link V was also ridden in the oldest races on the national bike- the World Cup in 1999, in the time racing calendar. 14 Link X from the southern slope Link XVI from the southern slope Link XIX from the southern slope 320 316 274 124 109 130 1,80 0,00 2,90 3,20 0,00 0,00 This is the ‘hardest’ of them all. It’s a little over This is also a tough one. In just 2.8km, This recalls the ‘walls’ of the northern rou- 3km and although it has an average gradient it presents a 217m rise with an average gra- tes. It is very short – just 1.8km – but has an of 6.6%, its initial stretch, about 1.5km in dient of almost 8%. You will need low gears average gradient of 8%, a hard and conti- length, has gradients of 15-18%. Therefore and to be in pretty good shape. nuous tract to be faced using low gears: you are going to need climbing gears; it is a 39x21. It could be useful for the fi rst climbs good idea to have at your disposal a 39x23 Link XVII from the southern slope at the beginning of the season. and to be fairly fi t. This stretch of road is particularly beautiful and much of it is in the shade of Montello Wood. 229 85 2,80 0,00 In technical terms, this is very similar to Link XVI. 15 Link V from the Panoramica Link VIII from the Panoramica Link XII from the Panoramica 320 243 189 145 135 129 0,00 2,60 3,00 0,00 3,20 0,00 It is 2.6 km long, but doesn’t have much This is also good for training at the From here on in, the links start getting of a height change: 44m, with an average start of the season. Measuring 3km, it harder. This one has an average gradient of gradient of less than 2%. It is characterised rises continuously without any brusque almost 6%, though the hardest part is at the by constant ups and downs where you will variations of gradient, the average being start. have to stand up on your pedals. It is parti- 3.8%. This means you can sit in the saddle cularly useful for training at the beginning of the whole way, even when in low gear. the season to go on ‘repetitive’ runs which can be ridden – depending on you physical condition – using either low or high gears.

16 Link XIV from the Panoramica Link XV from the Panoramica Link XVIII from the Panoramica 363 339 278 137 151 141 50 3,50 , 2,80 0,00 0,00 3 0,00 This is the fi nal climb that cycling enthusiasts Alongside the ‘World Cup’ one, this is the It is short, just 28km, with little height differen- face in the Fondo Pinarello. It is one of the link that riders in training cycle the most. ce, 141m, with a not too taxing average gradient longest, measuring 3.5km, and reaches the At 3.5km it is one of the longest and has an of 5%. However, the fi rst stretches of road, one highest point of Montello (Santa Maria delle average gradient of under 6%. However, of around 300m and the other about 500m, are Vittorie). The fi rst stretch poses extremely in the fi rst stretch the gradient is much truly arduous, with gradients reaching 18%. You taxing gradients; a fi t cyclist can go up using steeper, though you can still pedal it. For will need low gears: 39x23-25, for the less fi t, 39x19-21 gears. The average gradient is just those in good shape, it is possible to ascend but even those who are in good shape will need over 6%. using a 39x19 gear along these stretches. to take on the fi rst stage using a 39x21 gear.


Along the Montello Cycling Loop there are towns with ample parking from where you can set off on your training session: Ciano del Montello (church car park), Biadene (church car park), Volpago del Montello (sports centre car park), Giavera del Montello (church car park), Nervesa della Battaglia (council car park). 17 PEDALLING It was under the Venetians that, 3pm the church bells chime the THROUGH HISTORY in 1791, the ‘Dorsale’ was built to ‘Inno del Piave’ (the Piave Hymn). facilitate the transport of wood. In Nervesa della Battaglia, at the The highest part of Montello is still During the First World War, Montello beginning of the Dorsale, stands the covered by the luxuriant wood, was the site of epic battles and acted imposing Ossario dei Caduti (burial full of oaks, which was once the as a bastion against the Austrian ground for soldiers killed in battle), exclusive reserve for replenishing offensive. The offensive was launched near which, at the top of Link I, you the wood supplies of the Venetian on 18 June 1918, at the Battle of can fi nd the monument to Francesco Republic’s Arsenal. Solstizio, commemorated today in the Baracca, the famous World War I In those days, anyone caught town of Santa Croce with a road, pilot. Further ahead, almost at the top chopping down a tree or killing a Link V, that bears its name. of Link XV from the northern slope, plant risked six months in prison, Santa Croce is a pleasant town facing are the Osservatorio del Re (King’s banishment or the galleys. the Valle del Piave, where every day at Observatory), from which the entire

18 Valle del Piave was observed, and the council, and now a music and drama Colonna Romana (Roman Column), school where musical and theatrical a marble obelisk that commemorates performances are staged. a victorious battle. Finally, there is Ciano del Montello, However, if you travel along the Periplo which for many years (1915-1919 and from Nervesa towards Volpago, at the 1921-1926) was home to Gino Rossi, height of the parish church of Nervesa perhaps ’s greatest contemporary della Battaglia you can admire the painter. remains of the Abbey of Sant’Eustachio, where between 1550 and 1555, Monsignor Della Casa wrote ‘Galateo’. In Biadene you can see the 17th- century Villa Pisani, owned by the