Growing together,. reaching higher. The School Network:

Ark Boulton is part of the Ark network. Ark is an international education charity which runs

a network of 35 high-achieving, non-selective schools in , Hastings, London and Portsmouth. In 2015, Ark opened its first school in India. Welcome Our schools give children and young people from To Ark Boulton all backgrounds an exceptional education and real Academy: choices about their future. Each Ark school has its own distinctive character but they all share the same I am delighted to introduce you to Ark qualifications they Boulton Academy. need to be successful goal: to make sure every child can go to university or at university and in the pursue the career of their choice. I chose teaching as a profession, driven career of their choice; together by the idea that children’s experiences we make them role models for future and interactions are paramount for our generations, helping them to fulfil their future. It should be a right that all children potential and raise aspirations; and that have access to an excellent standard of together we reach higher by ensuring that education, are able to pursue the career of our young people compete on level terms their choice and become successful in their for places at university and in an ever chosen field, so they are able to give back to changing job market. communities and feel a sense of belonging. At Ark Boulton Academy we work The new Progress 8 measure, introduced in together to ensure that each of our 2016, demonstrates that students at Ark children overcome barriers to learning, Boulton Academy make significant progress catch up where needed and achieve at during their time at school. Our score of 0.4 the highest levels by working harder, (estimated at the time of going to print) behaving better and making faster is likely to position us among the top 25% progress than children in other schools. of schools nationally, above the national average, meaning that our students progress We are dedicated to helping our young further and more quickly than students in people to develop a lifelong love of other schools. learning, a sense of personal and civic pride and the confidence to not just As an academy we have been Ofsted rated navigate the modern world, but to as a “Good School”, an achievement we shape it. are very proud of and could not have been achieved without the dedication of our I look forward to welcoming you to our students, commitment of staff, support academy. from our families and community, and the provision provided from our governing body. My vision for Ark Boulton Academy has greatly supported this achievement Herminder Channa because together we give each of our students the skills, personal qualities and PRINCIPAL Our Vision: Growing together, reaching higher.

As a learning community we aim to grow together in understanding and cooperation, respecting each other’s needs, beliefs and backgrounds, working ever more closely to fulfil individual potential for the greater good. Together with families and the local community, Ark Boulton Academy is dedicated to helping our young people develop a lifelong love of learning, a sense of personal and civic pride and the confidence to not just navigate the modern world, but to shape it.

“Teachers have high expectations of what pupils will do and achieve.” Ofsted Our Curriculum:

As an , we have a lot of flexibility with our The award is highly regarded and certifies the academic curriculum – the subjects, learning methods, levels of credentials of the students that achieve it. The EBacc is also a study and qualifications that students pursue. method by which an academy or school is judged. It will be one on four performance measures used from 2016. Whilst it is not We have a broadly academic curriculum, emphasising compulsory, Ofsted will take it into account when inspecting the the importance of intellectual study and focusing on academy. The measure shows where students have gained a traditional learning. We believe that this is the best C grade or equivalent in the following: way to equip our pupils for university, the professions and success in whatever career they eventually • English. choose. We are determined that our students will • Mathematics. compete on equal terms with students coming from • History or Geography. the most privileged backgrounds, so we provide an • The Sciences. academic, but rounded, education that gives them • A Language. the best possible chance to succeed. • To pass the English element of the EBacc students need to get a grade 5 or above in English language GCSE and There are three main elements to the curriculum achieve a grade in an English literature GCSE. to address pupils’ academic, personal and social • To pass the Humanities element of the EBacc students development. either need to get a grade 5 or above in History or get a grade 5 or above in Geography. Educational Excellence • To pass the science element of the EBacc students either and Academic Rigour need to take 3 single sciences (from Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science and Physics) and get a grade 5 or Academic subjects leading to the English Baccalaureate above in 2 of them or get a grade 5 or above in science (EBacc) are at the core of the curriculum. Subjects double award. include English, Mathematics, Sciences, Languages, • To pass the Languages element of the EBacc students Humanities, and Arts. The content is driven by the need to get a grade 5 or above in French. syllabus and specifications of national examinations. There is the opportunity for additional literacy and Faculties numeracy lessons for pupils for whom the EBacc may not be appropriate. These students will also have the Our aim at Ark Boulton Academy is simple – we want to provide chance to complete the Duke of Edinburgh Award but all the best possible education for our students in the most secure pupils are expected to pursue a curriculum with a strong environment. We will help every individual to have the choice academic core. We believe that educational excellence of attending university or to pursue a career of their choice. The can only be guaranteed when what is studied is tailored delivery of the entire range of subject areas and student support to each individual student. is the responsibility of one of six faculties, with each faculty taking responsibility for its subject provision. Most students can study towards the EBacc. The English Baccalaureate – though not a qualification in itself Our faculties are: – is a measure of success in core academic subjects, specifically English, Mathematics, History or Geography, • Faculty of Modern Foreign Languages. the Sciences and a Language. These are subjects most • Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. likely to be required or preferred for entry to university • Faculty of Science and Innovation. degree courses and ones that will keep the most doors • Faculty of Humanities and Global Citizenship. open for students in the future. The top universities in • Faculty of Creative and Performing Arts. the country are grouped together in an organisation • Faculty of English Language and Literature. called the Russell Group. There are 24 of them. These • Faculty of Enhanced Provision. universities like to see that students have a broad range of subjects and would want students to achieve at least a grade 5 in most of the EBacc subject areas. March 2017 A year at Ark Students received a football master class from April 2017 Birmingham City Football Ark Boulton held its’ Boulton Academy: Club under 23’s. Students very first Rights and were put through their paces Responsibilities Conference for the Students at Ark Boulton Academy have access to a wide variety of enrichment activities with warm ups, a skills session whole school. The aim was to deliver that not only enhance academic learning but widen horizons, providing new experiences and various shooting drills. We important safeguarding information and opportunities and increasing aspirations. were honoured to have some time to our students. We had guest with the stars for a Q&A. speakers to help support the day and deliver workshops. October 2016 Nine of our female students June 2017 took part in a workshop May 2017 Nine students from Ark Boulton took September 2016 called ‘Girls Fence’ a project Ark Boulton was rated part in the 9th Annual Ark Schools supported by Sport England. ‘Good’ in every category Students travelled to Dovedale, Music Gala. The gala was held on the The project aims were to challenge from our very first Peak District to carry out Barbican Stage in Central London, a world famous misperceptions of young women, Section 5 Ofsted Report. The environmental quality and performance venue. The theme for this year’s gala by tapping into the empowerment dedication of our students, commitment pedestrian surveys on the was music inspired by ‘Mother Earth.’ The event was associated with fencing. of staff, support from families and landscape. Students loved spectacular and our students are already buzzing community and the governing body has the experience and also spoke about going back to London next year to be a part of November 2016 made this grading possible. to the locals about their views on the 10th Ark Schools Music Gala. environmental care and issues We invited college, training amongst us today in Britain. and university providers to come in and talk to our students about the range July 2017 of opportunities availbale Year 9 students took part in the to them post Ark Boulton. Super Science Challenge Day at December 2016 UCL, Department of Chemistry in London, one of the highest Students and staff kindly ranking universities in the world. donated towards the British Competing against other schools, Red Cross Shoe Box Appeal our students had to present their in time for the holiday ideas and solution to a problem they season. We were overwhelmed were given. We won 3rd prize for our with the response! presentation on Energy in Food. Well done team! August - Results

January 2017 February 2017 GirlDreamer is an initiative set Our Year 7 Futsal up by mOmhead Ltd that serves Team qualified for the as an empowerment platform for Birmingham School girls to build their confidence and Games by winning 4-3 in realise their potential. Our female the semi-final students have been taking part in various projects after school to help them take up challenges and take Jamil Ahmed achieved the highest level in Aisha Khanom has secured We are very proud of all our part in activity which they usually a number of subjects including a grade 9 in a place at Solihull Sixth students who achieved the Form and hopes to study highest level of grade 9 in wouldn’t look in to. Students have Mathematics. Jamil hopes to go on to study Biology, Mathematics and English Literature A Levels in Science. She Mathematics – only the top become more driven and focused in at college. “I want to thank all the staff achieved 2 A*’s, 5 As, 2 Bs. 3% of students nationally to all aspects of their life. who worked so hard to help me achieve my have achieved this outcome. grades. After college I hope to apply for one A great achievement. of the Russell Group Universities.” Our Virtues:

Life at Ark Boulton is underpinned by our set of virtues Purpose To enable the spiritual and moral development of students the From Summer 2016/17 the academy will seek to give even which are present throughout our curriculum and academy’s values are predicated on ten virtues which we seek more focus to development of students as young citizens and enrichment activity: At Ark Boulton Academy we believe that preparing students to make explicit and relate to day to day life in the academy to help prepare them for life in modern Britain by introducing for life in modern Britain includes providing opportunities for and the wider world. In order to complement this approach the Virtue Curriculum. This approach allows for daily exploration, • Courage students to develop morally, socially, spiritually and culturally. each week there is a specific virtue theme and related ‘key discussion and reflection on a wide range of spiritual, moral and • Justice These themes run throughout the formal curriculum; students question’. During assembly and form time students consider personal development themes across each year group. • Honesty learn about themselves, others, the local and global society in the impact of these virtues on their own lives, their community • Compassion which they live and about democracy, tolerance, diversity and and wider world. The assessment of student understanding for the Virtue • Self-discipline the rule of law. Curriculum will be based on student expositions and use a • Gratitude Students demonstrate their understanding of these themes and speaking and listening assessment rubric to grade student • Humility Personal, social and health education is also addressed issues through group discussion, personal reflection, written understanding as being: emerging, expected or exceeding • Service specifically through regular whole day student conferences reflections and by composing expositions. • Commitment on ‘rights and responsibilities’. During which students explore • Charity themes relating directly to their personal emotional, mental and physical health and wellbeing as well as positive relationships Staff at Ark Boulton will role model each of the virtues, and how to keep themselves and others safe. through every action and every interaction with our students, parents, visitors and community at all times. Role modelling will immerse our students with the behaviours we want to see.

“The focus on the Ark Boulton virtues such as charity, honesty, courage and commitment actively promotes the development of pupils’ social skills, empathy and understanding of right and wrong.” Ofsted Our Approach: Excellent teaching More time for learning Like other Ark schools, we use the A teacher is the most important factor affecting pupil Our school day is longer than most schools. In a achievement. That’s why we dedicate more time to typical week, our students get around five hours six pillars in everything we do. training our teachers than most schools. more teaching than average. This gives our students more time to progress academically. It also allows We work side by side with our teaching staff to them to take part in extracurricular activities which ensure excellent teaching and support them with develop their wider personal, social, sporting and High expectations exceptional training and development. musical skills. With the right teaching and support, we believe every Our smart uniform and logo reflect our local history child can realise their potential. We set exceptionally and were chosen by our students. We expect all Depth before breadth Knowing every child high expectations for all our students and do students to wear their uniform with pride and to be When students secure firm foundations in English We organise our schools so that every pupil knows whatever it takes to achieve them. Our aspirations ambassadors for the academy at all times - both at and mathematics, they find the rest of the curriculum and is known well by their teachers. Children do best are no lower for our most vulnerable students. the academy and in the community,. far easier to access. That’s why we prioritise depth when teachers and families work together: we involve in these subjects, giving students the best chance of families in all aspects of school life and encourage Exemplary behaviour academic success. All of our students – regardless participation and collaboration. We keep parents well Our academy is characterised by an orderly and of age or ability – have at least 45 minutes of these informed of students’ targets and progress and work calm environment. We expect students to be well subjects every day, often more. together to understand any challenges children may mannered and treat other students, staff and parents face at home or at school. Together we aim to create with respect. Staff deal with misbehaviour quickly, a safe, happy and dynamic school environment. and praise good behaviour. Applying For a Place:

Ark Boulton Academy is a non-selective, non-denominational, mixed school serving 11–16 year olds. To apply, you will need to go through the Birmingham City Council website –

When we admit students, we prioritise children with • Children who live closest to the academy by straight statements of special educational needs. Then, if our line distance from their home to the main entrance. academy is oversubscribed, we offer places to children in the following order of priority: We’ll keep a waiting list which is used to fill casual vacancies if students leave during the year or withdraw • “Looked After” or previously looked after children. from a place that has been offered.

• Children who, at the time of the admission, have a sibling, resident at the same address, who attends Our the academy. Key Staff:

Senior Leadership Team Principal Herminder Channa

Vice Principals Daniel Richards Caroline Entwistle Patrick Horner

Assistant Principals Farzana Ahmed – Literacy & Director of English Farooq Akhtar – Assessment & Planning and Director of Maths Michael Szwaba – Teaching & Learning Pawel Ptak – SENCO

Director of Faculties English - Farzana Ahmed Mathematics – Farooq Akhtar Science – Dawn Sutton Humanities – Stephanie Stringer MFL – Samira Dani Performing & Creative Arts – Yvette Crawford Health & Wellbeing – Lisa Marie Huckstep SEN/Enhanced Provision – Pawel Ptak

School Nurse Selene Haslem

School Counsellor Galia Edwards

Principal: Herminder Channa

Ark Boulton Academy Golden Hillock Road Birmingham B11 2 QG

0121 773 8156 [email protected]