'Lady Hops in Wales;
s. ‘ . f ' ■ / ..- ’ 'C, - V V. ■ • NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION 'or the month of May, 1028 5 , 1 4 0 Member of (he Andti Uorean of 1 OtrenlatloDM S U te , VOL. XLIL, NO. 222. i:iassiftecl Advertisiiii; on Page 10. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNfi 18, 1928, < Oo»n. »TWBLVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS HOOVER’S ADVISERS FIND MOUSE COOLIDGE IS ‘LADY IN WALES; PLAN THE CAMPAIGN IN BOTTLE OF SILENT, EVEN SOMWATER A S T O FISH HOPS Coming Political Battle to Be IFEAR AN01HER Fishing Three Days He Re Mapped Out Cabinet Local Health Authorities LADY LINDY AND HER PILOT Spends the Sabbath Quiet BREAK IN DAM; Investigating Complaint fuses to Tell How Many FORCED TO DESCEND ly. 2,000 HOMELESS Made to Police Here Yes-, He Caught— Starts to terday. Work Today. BY LACK OF FUEL Washington, June 18.— Herbert „m m — ) Hoover, Republican presidential Water From St. Francis Riv A thorough investigation was In Superior, Wis., June 18.— The nominee, will not resign as secre progress today under the super reputation of President Coolldge as Crew of the Friendship Stay Down Just Long Enough to tary of commerce “ for some time to er Rushes Into Varney vision of Manchester's . Board of a fisherman is considerably dimmed come.” Health as the result of a complaint if clrcumstanlal evidence is to be Get Gas Tanks Refilled— Hard Going All Along 2,400 This announcement was made by River and Levees Are Be made yesterday when a local man believed. Ills secretary. George Akerson, to found the skeleton of a mouse in a The Summer White House is lo Mile Flight From Newfoundland— Stultz at Controls All day after Hoover had conferred cated on that portion of the Brule ginning to Weaken.
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