Broadcasting M Sepia
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More foes than fans for rewrite Sep. 18, 1978 NRBA in San Francisco; RTNDA in Atlanta e m BroadcastingThe newsweekly of broadcasting and allied arts OurSepia 47th Year 1978 MORNgN(.SIDE COLLEGE U.!bRARY .TOUX CITY, IOWA ST TO6 1` ACK, OTTER Now sold in markets representing more than 60% of all U.S. television homes Warner Bros. Television Distribution A Warner Communications Company People turn us on! All the people of Gaylord radio and television stations share one common philosophy: To be uncommonly responsive to the people of the individual markets we serve. We stay tuned in to their information and entertainment preferences. That's why Gaylord Broadcasting continues to grow in the ability to offer you a receptive audience. And that's why advertisers, too, turn us on! BB GAYLORD Broadcasting Company One of America's largest privately owned groups of radio and television stations. 8áY9/5Ì WTVT KHTV KSTW -TV WUT Dallas /Fort Worth Tampa /S1. Petersburg Houston Seattle /Tacoma Cleveland /Lorain WVUE -TV WVTV WKY YTE -AM /FM KRKE- AM /Fvfl New Orleans Milwaukee Oklahoma City Portland Albuquerque To be turned on in Portland, be on the Gaylord station kgte M AM 97 and FM 101 Our high -flying name is symbolic of our rapid rise in the Portland, Oregon area. KYTE AM 97 and FM KYTE -101 have only been in this market f^ ::1 :tr,yet: KYTE IF i.arket as the Number 2 static 2 +.* it n morning and a rr. ta our KYTE .otiration .chie ng a s jt. the So K in t1:Y 01. he sky. a of Portland rises against f majesty of Mt. Hood, Oregon' allest peak. IIIHNIIIII01l11Ifi111t 111111111 11111111f111' 11111181111C1 I 1 J111 MI 111111111111 111111111 11111 nulnul 1 I Inni IIIIII1111 111111111 1111111 I111¡Will" I 11111 '' Ili 1 11111 JJI1 mm :; ®nY.aFS'cwrco. .11P''' AMERICAN ARB, April /May 1978 s low All estimates subject to source and method limitations. GRASS VALLEY GROUP NEW 3240 VIDEO PROCESSING SYSTEM !4'4'44,Vgtiter.e.M.,W44.1'44.,!7,4,.."4-`1,74.-!r 4314*-i 44T.,-113-4-31T1.- tr. w el Entirely new, entirely modular. A system of remarkable flexibility designed for requirements of network, remote, studio, transmitter or other broadcast applications. The new complete video processing system from the company proven by performance . THE GRASS VALLEY GROUP, INC. A TEKTRONIX COMPANY Grass Valley Group Field Offices: WEST; 4419 Van Nuys Blvd Ste 307, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 (213) 990-6172. SOUTHEAST; 1644 Tullie Cir NE, Atlanta, GA 33029 (404) 321-4318 NORTH CENTRAL; 810 W Bristol St, Elkhart, IN 46574 (219) 264-0931. NEW ENGLAND & MID ATLANTIC; Station Plaza East, Great Neck, NY 11021 (516) 487-1311* SOUTHWEST; 2639 Walnut Hill Ln Ste 143, Dallas, TX 75229 (214) 358-4229. MIDWEST; 3858 N Lexington Ave Ste 374, Arden Hills, MN 55112 (612) 483-2594 Broadcasting,-,Sep 18 TheWeek in Brief PROCESSIONAL Up to Capitol Hill last week marched a long line of witnesses to testify on the broadcast portion of the Communications Act rewrite. Van Deerlin tries to calm their fears. PAGE 23. BEHIND THE MAN Jane Cahill Pfeiffer is named NBC chairman, and Goodman shifts to chairman of the executive committee. She helped broker the Silverman move to NBC, and she'll be reporting to him. PAGE 26. HIRING AT CPB. The public broadcasting organization now has a new chairman and president. PAGE 30. RADIO'S THREE BIG DAYS The NRBA fifth annual Teleprompter, Viacom pool resources. Papers were signed convention opens in San Francisco with 24 workshops last week for the largest cable system owner to buy 50% of and 78 exhibitors ready for more than 1,500 registrants. Showtime, a wholly owned subsidiary of Viacom that is heavily in- Lionel Van Deerlin and Lou Frey will put the rewrite on the volved in pay programing. The joint venture is effective Jan. 1. At Teleprompter executive opening luncheon menu. Complete agenda starts on the announcement (l -r): Bill Bresnan, vice president; Ralph Baruch, Viacom president; Russell Karp, PAGE 32. Exhibitor list commences on PAGE 38. Teleprompter president; Terry Elkes, Viacom executive vice presi- dent, and Jeff Reiss, Showtime president. PAGE 71. ABC RESTRUCTURES The network shuffles its executive deck with Shaw, Newi, Keever, Savage and agenda starts on PAGE 72. A list of 46 companies that Johnsdn in key new assignments. The owned stations will be exhibiting is on PAGE 76. division also is realigned. PAGE 48. RALLY AROUND FARBER The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press draws a turnout of journalists and DON'T TRESPASS A House -Senate conference top speakers to a Washington session. It focuses on the committee warns the FTC that its proposed restrictions New York Times reporter and the First Amendment. on children's advertising could pose constitutional PAGE 77. problems. PAGE 59. FCC SURVIVES CHALLENGE An appeals court turns BULLISH ON TV BUYING New TVB compilations show down the protest of the United Church of Christ against that stock brokers are buying much more in television. the less restrictive equal -time stance of the commission. PAGE 59. PAGE 78. REBUTTAL to PBS'S NEW SEASON The public network is putting its NBC declines comment on the suit of best programing foot forward in moves to meet the producers who feel that the networks unfairly shut the competition of the commercial networks and to attract a door on outside news and public affairs programers. However, ABC and CBS and proof. younger audience. PAGE 64. deny the charges offer PAGE 78. 'ROOTS' WINS AGAIN The ABC rerun walks away with NOW COMES THE FUN PART RTNDA will have a new the ratings in the Sept. 4 -10 week. PAGE 67. president this week when its convention closes -Paul Davis of WCIA(TV) Champaign, III. -but the hardest task of MARCH ON ATLANTA RTNDA mobilizes a record stepping up to that job, planning the convention, is now turnout for its convention that opens tomorrow. The entire behind him. PAGE 105. Index to departments Changing Hands 56 For the Record 84 Profile 105 Broadcast Advertising. 59 Closed Circuit 7 Media 48 Programing 64 Broadcast Journalism. 72 Datebook 14 Monday Memo 20 Special Report 32 Business Briefly 10 Editorials 106 Open Mike 18 Stock Index 103 Cablecasting 71 Fates & Fortunes 81 Playlist 68 Top of the Week 23 Broadrnsbng is published 51 Mondays a year (combined issue at yearend) by Broadcasting Publications Inc. 1735 DeSales Street. NW Washington. DC 20036 SeCond.class postage paid at Washmgton. DC and additional offices. Single issue S1 50 except special issues $2.50 Subscriptions. US. and possessions one year S35. two years S65. three years S90. Canadian and other international subscriptions add $12 per year US and possessions add S I40 yearly for special delivery. S90 for first class Subscribers occupation required Annually BrrndcasIng Ynnrbnnk S3750 Cabin Sourrnbnok S20 Acre's% tm; D,ai Arnund ho Chnnn,'Is 5225 (by mad. prepaid only $3) JUSTICE FOR ALLS EN MEMORIA Santos Rodriguez Shot in police custody July 24, 1973 Richard Morales Shot in police custody September 14, 1975 Joe Campos Torres Drowned in police custody May 5, 1977 Juan Zuniga Shot in police custody May 18, 1977 .- -111Itlx--door KENS -TV let viewers be the judge. The recent deaths of four Mexi- can Americans in Texas shared one penetrating documentary, "... And common link. Each was killed in Justice for All ". Through absorb- took top honors in the Texas Asso- the custody of lawmen. ing interviews and a dramatic pre- ciated Press Awards. The lawmen were tried and con- sentation of the facts, Channel 5 We're proud KENS -TV is a victed. What were their sentences? took viewers beyond the headlines Harte -Hanks station. This award - Was justice done? And what for an impartial look at the issues. winning effort exemplifies the progress, if any, had been made Many, including the American community responsibility in since the 1968 report of the U.S. Bar Association, were impressed broadcasting all our stations strive Civil Rights Commission on the by the documentary's treatment of for. And how well we live up to administration of justice and its emotionally- charged subject. As that responsibility is how we are Mexican Americans? a result, the ABA honored KENS- ultimately judged. KENS -TV in San Antonio faced TV with its prestigious 1978 Silver Opening new channels of understanding. those questions and sent the Gavel Award, citing the program's HARTE-HANkS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. reporter-cameraman team of Juan ability "to increase public under- ENS -T GROUP Vasquez and Joe Duncan to fmd standing of the American system of KENSTV. San Antonio. Texas; WTLV-TV, Jacksonville, Florida; the answers. The result was their law and justice." The program also I_ WFMY -TV, Greensboro, North Carolina. ClosedECircuit' Insider report: behind the scene, before the fact line county and include households, persons, Robinson's second WARC mission Early morning 16 age /sex breaks, black, white and overseas in past two months. In July he Stanley E. Hubbard, pioneer broadcaster Spanish population, working women -all was among group attending meeting of and big newsmaker by virtue of affiliation demographics generally used. Plan is CITEL, communications arm of switch of his KSTP -TV Minneapolis -St. being worked out by committee headed by Organization of American States, in Rio Paul to ABC -TV from NBC -TV Hugh M. Beville Jr., executive director of de Janeiro. He described atmosphere there (BROADCASTING, Sept. 4, 11), is winning Broadcast Rating Council, and including as "workmanlike." strong endorsements for Distinguished representatives of both leading syndicated Service Award, highest honor bestowed by services, Arbitron and Nielsen.