Controversy Still Swirls
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Distribution 27,1S0 ' V''- . , i In mid 39. Tfeurtday*. dotlook, parfly cloudy and m ,< - . Copyrlght-The Red Bank Register. Inc., 1968. DIAL 741-0010 * MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS -VOL. 89. NO. 105 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1966 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE On 3d Anniversary of Assassination - Controversy Still Swirls WASHINGTON (AP) — Con- sion conclusion that Lee Harvey! round of debate is the most con- The assistant - Senate Demo- ing after a recent review of ajna- troversy dveFtKe shots lired dur- g lWUl JJ centrated yet by present and cratic leader, In answer to a teur films of the events: "There ing the assassination of Presi- nedy. past government bfficialsT" qr ,..,mv-.*.hsQiuts,,knQwjfdge . dent John P. Kennedy reached Life magazine, disputing find- Second Person? although there is no doubt that that one bullet caused the PresT-' new heights on this third anni- ings about the shots, called in Starting point for the new Oswald played a part in the as- dent's first wound, and that an versary of the Dallas tragedy. this week's issue for a new in- questioning is the commission sassination, "whoever fired that entirely separate shot struck me. Sen. Russell B. Long, D-La, vestigation. Texas Goy,, John finding that one bullet wounded second shot was a much better It's a certainty. I'll never change and former Kennedy adviser Ar- Connally, wounded during the as- both Kennedy and Connally. shot than Oswald." my mind." thur M. Schlesinger Jr. called for sassination, was quoted by Life Some—but not all—of the critics The commission said three Kilduff, who was the only further, investigation. as in positive disagreement with move from here to the question shots were fired. It concluded White House press aide in Dal- But Sen. Richard B. Russell, commission findings about the of whether a second person fired that one hit Kennedy and Con- las and rode in the motorcade, D-Ga, a member of the Warren shots. Its sister publication, at the Kennedy motorcade on nally, a later shot inflicted the said he agrees with Connally. Commission, and former Kenne- Time, said it saw no need for that early Dallas afternoon. major damage on Kennedy and But Kilduff added in a taped . dy press aide Malcolm M. Kil a probe.' Long said in New Orleans yes- one shot missed. The commission television-radio interview with duff, while disputing commission A spate of recent books has terday he has always thought was unable to conclude which of Westinghouse Broadcasting Co.: findings about the shots, took no questioned the commission re- that a second person was in- the three shots missed. "I have absolutely no doubt issue with the over-all commis- port. But this week's newest volved. Life quoted Connally as say- (See CONTROVERSY, Page 3) Welfare Board Acts on Unwed Parents Issue HONOR DEAD MARINE — Daniel Dorn Sr., left, Red Bank photography business owner, presents picture of his son, Marine Lance Cpl. Philip K. (Tinker) Dern, killed in Viet Nam, to Harry L. Andrews, commandant of Philip K. Dorn Detachment of Marine Corps League, during ceremony last night in Buck Smith's Restaurant, East To Study Children's Care Costs Keansburg. Newly formed detachment was granted permission by Mr. Oorn to uie FREEHOLD — A study of pos- own program but it would heed its objective was consistent with lisher of the Asbury Park Press, terday's special meeting, Mr. hit son's name. Looking on are Detachment Adjutant Herbert Altonburg and Pay- sible costs and staff additions more help and money. his main objective of better care and Mr. Wells over an article in; Daly accused the chairman of master John W. Sharrod, right. (Register Staff Photo) which might be needed to fully Freeholder Marcus Daly had for innocent children. The Press Nov. 13 dealing with delaying the story in furtherance supervise the home care of chil- prompted the discussion with his At last month's meeting, the two unwed mothers. of his newspaper's policy not to dren of unwed parents was au- proposal one and two months ago board rejected Mr, Daly's plan, Mr, Lass has acknowledged support the Freeholder's re-elec- thorized by the Monmouth Coun- to prosecute unwed parents for asserting that it would be illegal holding up publication of the tion candidacy. ty Welfare Board yesterday. adultery and fornication when to disclose records obtained from story until after election to avoid Mr. Daly said the article sup- they seek aid for dependent chil- applicants in confidence. involving the paper in the elec- ported points he had been mak- (Related Story, Page 2) dren. Mr. Daly, assailed that position tion campaign which had been U.S. Infantrymen Recommending the study by last week when he attacked heated by the Daly controversy. ing about unwholesome condi- The directive to Robert C. Mr. Wells, the freeholder said Chairman Ernest W. Lass, pub- Continuing discussion at yes- (See WELFARE, Page 3) Wells, welfare director, came af- ter he declared that the |tatcBu- reau of Children's Services is too County-Will Approver Plans - understaffed to handle the super- vision job which is assigned to it. Mr. Wells said that the state SAIGON (AP) - 1U.S.. dnfantry- The North Vietnamese killed force that overran the Cavalry bureau, which is required to in- men tangled with North Vietnam- several wounded Americans as platoon was reported to be 150 "to vestigate all referrals for place- ment in foster homes and insti- State Rt. 35 Hearing Is Today regulars in two small new they swept across the battlefield, 200 men. tights today in the central high- the spokesman reported. U.S. BS2 bombers roared over tutions, has only one caseworker ' FREEHOLD — Plans for widening of Rt. Earlier this year Mr. Mullen said that lands north of the battlefield,on The Cavalrymen reported kill- the Plei Djerlng area today in assigned to Monmouth. which U.S. Air Cavalrymen took support of the 25th and 1st Air Help, Money Needed 35 In Eatontown and Ocean Township,, includ- even after the alignment is okayed — the ing 102 North Vietnamese with ing construction of a. center barrier,1 will get first step after today's meeting — it could heavy casualties yesterday. the aid of air strikes and artil- Cavalry Divisions and dropped If the county wants to follow leading, examples in Baltimore approval today .from the county -Board of take another two years to get construction Units of the 25th Division lery. The North Vietnamese force their bombs on a North Vietnam- Freeholders and Planning Board. underway; skirmished' with the North Viet-was estimated at a battalion of ese staging area 17 -miles west and'in areas of Missouri, Mr. of the special forces camp. Wells said, it could get up Its The state Highway Department will hold But, local officials contend, Gov. Richard ramese'12 miles southwest of the about 500 men in all", and the a public hearing on the widening and barrier J. Hughes and Mr. Mullen, meeting with them U.S. special forces camp at Flel proposal at 10 a.m.' at Ocean Township Hall. earlier this fall, pledged to make a start Djerlng and 13"miles northwest Soldier. •Freeholder Harry Larrlson,- director of nejtt falj. > *t the G«ett,$preV<ifl>l». T&ree highways,-and E. Donald Sterner, chairman ' In a statement prepared for today's ses- North Vietnamese were reported ,al,.ihe county Planning Board, will tell Act- sion, Mr. Larrison said: killed In the flnrtttwh. but there i&g Highway Commissioner Russell H. Mullen was no word of casualties in that the county supports his proposals. "On (he basis of information presented" top other. Bennett Getting tinib "But," Mr. Sterner said yesterday, "we at conferences, the freeholders endorse im- A U.S. military spokesman said will also make it clear that we don't, want to provements proposed by the highway de« the North' Vietnamese' Inflict- vet was told on his return from wait two years to have the; work done. We'll partment. ' • By WILLIAM J. ZAOttSKI that the local 'DAV chapter is go along with their plans, but we expect them ed heavy casualties on a three- FREEHOLD—Three days after helping Him in his fight with the a six-day leave at the Veterans "The many resolutions passed by the platoon force of about 105 men Administration Hospital,. East to be expedited." . .!..•'•.;,-. his charges of neglect by the Army. He said he received poor Called "death alley" by local .officials on. board, action of Crusade 35 and.of our leg- of the U.S. lit Air Cavalry Di- Army came to light, Sp5 Carl E. medical treatment, was harassed Orange, that a replacement for islators has been with the hope that the vision in yesterday's fighting 22 his amputated right leg is being the five-mile stretch between' the Eatontown Bennett was assured yesterday by military officials and got in- and Asbury circles, Rt. 35 has been the scene Highway Department would make whatever miles southwest of Flei Djering. that an artificial limb he seeds adequate disability compensa- made ready. improvements necessary to reduce the acci- Spec. Bennett of the U.S. Ar of many fatal and multi-injury accidents. VS. Platoon Overrun will be fitted today. tion. Reacting to repeated mishaps, an organi- dent rate- and provide the highway safety The spokesman said one pla- "We are very grateful for the At the same time, his parents my's Airborne Diyision had pro the people of Monmouth County deserve. tested to President Johnson that zation called Crusade 35 has been created to toon—about 35 men—was over- wonderful assistance that Dis- told of fears of when their son press for speedy improvements.