Circulation Larger Than That of Any Other Radio Publication
CIRCULATION LARGER THAN THAT OF ANY OTHER RADIO PUBLICATION SEPTEMBER 25 Cents Over 200 Illustrations Edited by HUGO GERNSBACK r ulf ist tN . ri aumum SCIENCE and INVENTION RADIO REVIEW AMAZING STORIES RADIO INTERNACIONAL Radio News for September, 1926 193 majestically sweet LKE the grand cathedral organ- Due co the exclusive direct -drive unit mighty monarch of all musical in- with its eight points of contact from unit struments -the new Tower Cone runs the to cone, the new Tower Cone gives not entire gamut of tone, bringing to you each only a complete range of tone, but a note, majestically sweet and clear -with beauty of "voicing ", and a' responsiveness the variety of color and shading de- to changes of tempo, long sought but manded by the real musical critic. never until now achieved. Your Dealer Will Be Glad to Demonstrate Radio News for September, 1926 'NIEWS Published by EXPERIMENTER PUBLISHING COMPANY, Inc., Publishers of "Radio News," "Science and Invention," "Radio Internacional," "Radio Review" and "Amazing Stories." Editgrial and General Offices: 53 Park Pl., New York City H. GERNSBACK, President. S. GERNSBACK, Treasurer. R. W. DEMOTT, Secretary Member: Audit Bureau of Circulations Radio Magazine Publishers Association SEPTEMBER, 1926 NUMBER 3 Contents of This Issue: [®3 Is Radio at a Stalidstill? The Eusonic Receiver, By Hugo Gernsback 203 By Joseph Bernsley 228 How to Make Radio Pay Your Way, How to Build Wireless Receivers, By C. William Rados 204 By Edmund T. Flewelling 231 Television an Accomplished Fact, A Family Receiver, By Watson Brown 232 By A.
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