Map 51 Thracia Compiled by E.N
Map 51 Thracia Compiled by E.N. Borza, 1994 with the assistance of G. Reger Introduction Mainland: see Introduction to Map 50. Islands For Thasos in particular, the harvest of toponyms and sites is very rewarding, and grows every year with the work of the Franco-Hellenic archaeological teams that continue to scour the island. The map marks only a selection of the sites that could have been shown here, and possibly a rather arbitrary one at that. As on other islands rich in towers, only a selection is marked (again, perforce somewhat arbitrarily); all are shown as forts without prejudice to their actual function (see Bon 1930; and above all Osborne 1986), except for two of the three structures identified as lighthouses by Kozelj (1989). Omitted are the potteries that seem to be coming to light with bewildering frequency (Garlan 1996). For a variety of reasons, Imbros remains underexplored. Directory All place names are in Greece unless otherwise noted Abbreviations IGBulg G. Mihailov (ed.), Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria Repertae, 4 vols., Sofia, 1956-70 TIB Thrakien P. Soustal, Tabula Imperii Byzantini 6, Thrakien, DenkWien 221, Vienna, 1991 TIR Naissus Tabula Imperii Romani K 34, Naissus, Dyrrhachion–Scupi–Serdica–Thessalonike, Ljubljana, 1976 TIR Philippi Tabula Imperii Romani K 35, I, Philippi, Athens, 1993 Names Grid Name Period Modern Name/ Location References H4 Abarnis CH Çardak? TKY RE Abarnias; NPauly Abarnias §Abarnias § Abarnos D3 Abdera ACHR Avdira Isaac 1986, 73-108; TIR Philippi 17 B1 Ablanica Rodopi HRL BUL IGBulg 4.2335-37; TIB Thrakien 159 G4 Abydos ACHRL Maltepe TKY PECS; Hakkert, Lex.
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