Acc.12477 September 2011 Inventory Acc.12477 Gael Turnbull National Library of Scotland Manuscripts Division George IV Bridge Edinburgh EH1 1EW Tel: 0131-466 2812 Fax: 0131-466 2811 E-mail:
[email protected] © Trustees of the National Library of Scotland Commonplace books and a photograph album, from the archive of Gael Turnbull (1928-2004), poet and medical practitioner. For further papers of Gael Turnbull, please see Acc12552, Acc.12553, Acc.12554, Acc.12555, and Acc.12556. Bought, 2005. This accession contains: 1-2. Commonplace books, circa 1957-1972. 3. Photograph and manuscripts and typescripts of poems, 1953-1973 and undated. 4. Photograph album. 1-2. Commonplace books, circa 1957-1972. These books contain copies of poems and other writings by various writers made by Gael Turnbull, and entries made by other poets themselves. They also have printed and manuscript poems and letters pasted in, and loosely inserted. 1. Commonplace book, circa 1957-1972. This volume includes poems, prose and translations by Kingsley Amis, Guillaume Apollinaire, George Barker, Basil Bunting, André du Bouchet, Gregory Corso, Donald Davie, Pierre Henri Delattre, Robert Duncan, Laurence Durrell, William Empson, David Gascoyne, Allen Ginsberg, CM Grieve, Robert Graves, Thom Gunn, Melville Hardiment, Thomas Hardy, Geoffrey Hazard, Jeremy Hilton, Godfrey John, CG Jung, Hugh Kenner, Jack Kerouac, Philip Larkin, DH Lawrence, Denise Levertov, Edward Lowbury, George MacDonald, Stéphane Mallarmé, Barissa Mills, Ewart Milne, William Morris, Charles Olson, Kenneth Patchen, Laura Riding, Christina Rossetti, Michael Shayer, Robert Louis Stevenson, Charles Tomlinson, Simone Weil, Reed Whittemore, Richard Wilbur, William Carlos Williams, William Wordsworth and Louis Zukofsky. 2.