ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 10/11 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 293 - Juni 2011 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, schlecht. Denn der Slasher wurde hat allerdings die Freigabe erst ab liebe Filmfreunde! von der FSK mit einer Freigabe ab 18 Jahren weiterhin Gültigkeit – Es darf wieder geschwitzt werden 16 Jahren durchgewinkt. Dabei ist zurecht. in deutschen Landen! Der Sommer, die darin gezeigte Brutalität nicht so scheint es, hält in diesem Jahr anders als im allerersten Teil der Falls Sie sich mittlerweile fragen schon früher Einzug als erwartet. erfolgreichen Serie. Und der wurde sollten, warum wir ausgerechnet Darunter leidet momentan nicht nur seinerzeit nicht nur erst ab 18 Jah- LIMITLESS (deutscher Verleih- die Natur, sondern auch wir. Da ren freigegeben, sondern zusätzlich titel: OHNE LIMIT) auf die Titel- sich unsere neuen Büroräume im auch noch durch die Bundes- seite dieses Newsletters gestellt obersten Stockwerk des Gebäudes prüfstelle auf den Index gesetzt. haben, dann dürfte Sie ganz sicher befinden, sind 25 Grad Celsius Verkehrte Welt? Und ob! Denn vor folgender Blogbucheintrag unseres (Tendenz steigend) bei solchem zwei Wochen nahm die Bundes- Filmbloggers Wolfram Hannemann Wetter schon fast zur Normalität prüfstelle den ersten SCREAM auf interessieren, den er im Anschluss geworden. Da ist dann die zusätzli- Antrag des Lizenzinhabers Kino- an die Pressevorführung im März che Wärmeentwicklung, die unsere welt endlich wieder vom Index her- getätigt hat: “Einen derart PC-Systeme produzieren, noch gar unter. Und um es komplett zu ma- schwindelerregenden Einstieg in nicht eingerechnet! Nichtsdesto- chen wurde der erste Teil jetzt so- einen Film hat man seit Jahren trotz schlagen wir uns ganz tapfer gar mit einer 16er-Freigabe be- nicht mehr gesehen! Da zoomt die in unserer Sauna, damit wir Ihnen lohnt. Damit passen jetzt zumindest Kamera dank modernster Digital- trotz der etwas widrigen Umstände SCREAM 1 und SCREAM 4 wie- technik von der Spitze des Hoch- wieder einen neuen Newsletter der harmonisch ins Gesamtbild. hauses in irrwitzigem Tempo auf präsentieren können. Und der ist Doch ein etwas bitterer Nachge- die Straße nach unten und dann jetzt im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes schmack bleibt. Denn derart brutale immer weiter geradeaus. Diese noch ganz warm ;-) Messerabschlachtereien, wie sie schier unendlich lange und ge- Wes Craven in diesen Filmen zele- nauso schnelle Kamerafahrt sym- Behördenmühlen mahlen bekannt- briert, sollten unserer Meinung bolisiert besonders schön Eddies lich langsam - aber sie mahlen. Als nach nicht jugendfrei sein. Übri- Leben auf der Überholspur, das wir uns jüngst den vierten und bis- gens hat die Bundesprüfstelle zwi- aufregend und tödlich zugleich lang letzten Teil der SCREAM- schenzeitlich auch Brian De Pal- zu sein scheint. Die Bildgestal- Reihe von Wes Craven im Kino an- mas Gangsterepos SCARFACE tung überzeugt auch in den jetzt geschaut haben, staunten wir nicht offiziell vom Index gestrichen. Hier folgenden 105 Minuten und gibt stets klar zu erkennen, ob Eddie unter Drogeneinfluss steht oder nicht. Um seinen Drogenkonsum herum entwickeln die Filmema- cher eine spannende Story, die in ein genreübliches Blutbad mündet und immer nur eines sein möchte: cool. Wem actionreiches Kino mit technischer Raffinesse liegt und sich weniger um Authentizität schert, dem sei OHNE LIMIT grenzenlos empfohlen.” Wer den Film im Kino verpasst hat, der kann ihn sich demnächst als DVD oder Blu-ray nach Hause holen. In den USA ist der Film ab dem 19. Juli verfügbar, in Deutschland erst ab 08. September. Wir wünschen Ih- nen schon jetzt viel Spaß damit!

Ihr Laser Hotline Team

Nach Jahren endlich vom Index gestrichen: SCREAM und SCARFACE

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011

Killer Girls Die Superheldenflut in Hollywood bricht nicht ab. Aber in lywood hier von seiner perfiden, sexistischen Seite. diesem Ozean aus Muskeln, bunten Kostümen und au- Eine Frau ist einem Mann generell unterlegen, körper- ßergewöhnlichen Fähigkeiten scheint sich ein neuer Or- lich und geistig. Ist sie das mal nicht, wird sie sofort zur ganismus gebildet zu haben, der all diese “Klischees” Heldin. Sie muss bewundert und gelobt werden, weil sie verhöhnt. Dieser Organismus ist eine kleine Riege pu- beweist, dass auch Frauen mal was auf dem Kasten bertierender Mädchen, deren Welt ihrem ganz eigenen haben können. Takt folgt. Diese Mädchen heißen Hanna, Mattie, Hayley oder auch Ree. Ihr (Super-) Heldentum liegt Insofern sind “klassische” Superheldinnen wie Lara nicht immer in physischen Begebenheiten, sondern vor Croft, Wonder Woman, Tank Girl oder die besse- allem in ihrem Durchsetzungsvermögen, ihrer Sturheit, ren Vorbilder. Sie zeichnen sich nicht durch ihr Ge- ihren Überzeugungen, ihrer inneren Kraft und nicht zu- schlecht aus. Sie sind nicht besser, weil sie Frauen letzt ihrer überdurchschnittlichen Intelligenz. Es liegt sind. Sie sind einfach weiblich und Heldinnen; nicht Hel- auch in ihrem Geschlecht. Die Bewunderung, die wir dinnen, weil sie weiblich sind. Ihre Aktionen wären, von Hanna & Co. zuteil werden lassen, ist nicht so verdient, einem Mann durchgeführt, genauso ehrenvoll und wie es auf den ersten Blick aussieht. Die positive Spitze schlau. Ihre körperliche Kraft ist das Ergebnis von Trai- des Eisbergs ist, dass die Supermädchen scheinbar ning (und manchmal Genetik), genau wie bei den Män- neue, interessante und originelle Vorbilder für die heuti- nern. In Aliens wird Jenette Goldsteins Figur Vasquez ge Frauengeneration sein könnten. Sie beweisen, wie gefragt, ob sie jemals mit einem Mann verwechselt wor- wichtig Bildung, Anpassungsvermögen und der Glaube den sei. Ihre Klimmzüge genüsslich absolvierend ent- an die eigenen Fähigkeiten und Werte sind. Mattie Ross gegnet sie ihrem Kollegen: “Nein, und du?” kann lesen und wickelt deshalb ihre Familienangelegen- heiten ab. Hanna schafft es dank ihrer Fähigkeiten von Vasquez hat es erfasst. Es geht nicht darum, wie es die Finnland über Marokko bis nach Deutschland ohne ei- Feministinnen wollten, dass Frauen wie Männer werden. nen einzigen Cent in der Tasche. Hayley Stark aus Hard Frauen sind keine Männer. Sie gebären die Kinder. Sie Candy nimmt das Gesetz (wie es ihrer Meinung nach sind anatomisch und emotional anders gestaltet. Nicht sein sollte) gekonnt selbst in die Hand, um zwei Pädo- schwächer, nicht schlechter, anders. Frauen sollten philen das Handwerk zu legen. Eigentlich hervorragende sich weder darauf konzentrieren, Gleichheit mit den Lektionen in Girlpower. Die Spice Girls wären bestimmt Männern zu erreichen (wobei hier natürlich nicht Rechte stolz. Oder? Werfen wir einen Blick auf den verborgenen gemeint sind) noch sich ständig bemühen, sich strikt Teil des Eisbergs. von den Männern abzusetzen. Da lebt frau nämlich nicht für sich, sondern definiert sich wieder nur über den Was hier als Geschichten cooler, intelligenter Mädchen Mann. Viel besser wäre es, so wie Lara Croft und Bat- beworben wird, ist eigentlich eine neue Form von subti- girl, sich mit der eigenen Weiblichkeit anzufreunden, sie lem Sexismus. Die heldenhaften, unglaublichen Stories nicht allzu sehr zu hinterfragen und das Beste aus ihr der jungen Damen würden, wären sie junge Herren, ju- zu machen. Dann entfaltet eine Frau nämlich ihr volles gendliche Psychopathen, Sadisten und Mörder zeigen. Potenzial, welches, wie auch immer geartet, großartig Bei Winter’s Bone bestenfalls einen Kontrollsüchtigen. sein kann. Hanna, Mattie, Hayley und Ree sollten nicht Wieso nehmen wir diese Filme nicht so wahr? Wieso gefeiert werden. In den Worten von Batgirl: “Chicks like unterstützen wir die Killermädchen den ganzen Film hin- you give women a bad name.” Denn im Umkehrschluss durch? Einen 14-jährigen Jungen, der einer CIA-Agentin ist ihre Existenz für die Männerwelt genauso sexistisch. das Genick bricht, würden wir als gewalttätig, verwerf- Dass die Mädchen vermeintlich männlichen Idealen lich, kurzum ein schlechtes Beispiel empfinden. Doch nacheifern oder “typische” männliche Eigenschaften zu wir sehen nur blutjunge, andersartige Heldinnen. Weil Tage legen, beweist nämlich, dass Hollywood Männer sie weiblich sind. Ihre Kämpfe, ihre mentalen wie physi- nur als gewaltbereite Actionsüchtige sieht. Auch das ist schen Fähigkeiten sind außergewöhnlich, weil wir von inakzeptabel. Mädchen (und Frauen) immer noch nicht erwarten, dass Anna Rudschies sie all das können und wollen. Eigentlich zeigt sich Hol- ([email protected])

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Dienstag, 24. Mai 2011 Max‘ Chiropraktiker und Vater seines Gruppentherapie Patenkindes, gesteht ihm seine Liebe Sich zweieinhalb Stunden im Kino ein. Derart aus der Bahn geworfen therapieren zu lassen ist nicht nur billi- steht der Urlaub für Max unter keinem ger als beim Psychologen, sondern guten Stern. Doch auch die anderen macht auch sehr viel mehr Spaß! Freundinnen und Freunde der nach außen hin fröhlichen Clique haben ihre KLEINE WAHRE LÜGEN (1:2.35, DD Geheimnisse, wenn es um ihre Bezie- 5.1) hungen geht... Regisseur und Dreh- OT: Les Petits Mouchoirs buchautor Guillaume Canet macht gar Verleih: Tobis keinen Hehl daraus, dass er für seinen Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2010 Film ein großes Vorbild hat: Lawrence Regie: Guillaume Canet Kasdans DER GROSSE FRUST. Auch Darsteller: François Cluzet, Marion wenn der bislang noch unerreicht ist, Cotillard, Benoît Magimel, Jean birgt Canets Gruppentherapie einiges Dujardin an Potenzial. Hier paart sich Ausgelas- Kinostart: 07.07.2011 senheit, teils fast schon slapstick- artiger Humor mit Tiefgang. Sein Film Ihr Urlaub am Strand war schon seit handelt von den Lügen, mit denen man langer Zeit geplant. Doch die Vorfreude sich stets einzureden versucht, dass darauf wird dem erfolgreichen und ver- man alles richtig macht. Fast niemand mögenden Restaurantbesitzer Max und der Protagonisten wagt es, in den gro- seiner Freundesclique durch ein tragi- ßen Abgrund zu blicken, der sich vor Kobus, Stefan Kurt sches Ereignis genommen: Lebemann ihnen auftut – es könnte schmerzhaft Kinostart: 07.07.2011 Ludo liegt nach einem Motorradunfall sein. Da gibt es z.B. Antoine, der die auf der Intensivstation. Was tun? Ur- Trennung von seiner Freundin noch Evas Familie ist schon irgendwie selt- laub abblasen? Nach kurzem Zögern immer nicht überwunden hat und statt- sam. Die Mutter leidet an Kaufrausch, verständigt sich die Clique darauf, den dessen die ganze Clique mit seiner von der Vater verheimlicht seinen Urlaub einfach um eine Woche zu ver- Hoffnung genährten Geschichte nervt. Arbeitsplatzverlust, der Onkel ist ein kürzen, damit man rechtzeitig wieder Oder Marie, die Ex-Freundin von Ludo, erfolgloser Gitarrist und Klein- bei Ludo ist, wenn es diesem wieder die sich aus Angst vor einer Bindung krimineller und die Oma sprengt Staub- besser geht. Doch es ist nicht das ein- immer wieder in Affären stürzt. Canet sauger in die Luft. Und Eva selbst? Die zige Ereignis, das den gemeinsamen hat ein hochkarätiges Ensemble zusam- 17jährige leidet unter dem Tourette- Urlaub überschattet. Denn Vincent, mengestellt, das nicht nur phantastisch Syndrom. Statt zur Schule zu gehen zusammen spielt, sondern auch eine verbringt sie unnütze Stunden bei einer ganze Menge an grenzdebilen Psychologin, hängt mit Identifikationspotenzial für den Zu- Oma ab oder kümmert sich um die Lur- schauer liefert. Seine 154 Minuten che im Tümpel im Waldsee. Eva hat Laufzeit merkt man dem Film nicht wirk- sich ihr Leben gut eingerichtet. Als lich an, auch wenn ich persönlich die jedoch ihr Vater plötzlich einen neuen eine oder andere Szene etwas gestrafft Job findet, soll die ganze Familie vom hätte. KLEINE WAHRE LÜGEN bietet Dorf in die Großstadt Berlin umziehen. lustige und auch sehr gefühlvolle Mo- Eva gefällt das ganz und gar nicht und mente und garantieren damit einen ge- schmiedet einen Plan... Andi Rosen- lungen Kinoabend. hagen liefert mit seinem Film eine nette kleine und durchwegs sympathische Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011 Komödie ab, die ganz von seiner hüb- Keine Durchschnittsfamilie schen und talentierten Hauptdarstelle- Knappe 90 Minuten Spielzeit – lohnt rin getragen wird. Jasna Fritzi Bauer sich die Anfahrt dafür eigentlich? Und glänzt als Minderjährige, die sich nicht ob! nur mit Tourette herumschlagen, son- dern auch noch den gesamten Rest der EIN TICK ANDERS (1:2.35, DD 5.1 EX) Familie auf den richtigen Weg bringen Verleih: farbfilm (24 Bilder) muss. Dass der Film in der zweiten Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2011 Hälfte plötzlich von einer Jugend- Regie: Andi Rogenhagen komödie mit Anspruch in ein teilweise Darsteller: Jasna Fritzi Bauer, Waldemar

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog albernes Märchen umschlägt, macht ab der Mitte des Films enorme Proble- Büro geblieben wäre... leider in anfangs so gute Stimmung me bereitete und zu einer “Stop Moti- etwas zunichte. Dank der exzellenten on” Präsentation mutierte. Es kann nur SCHLAFKRANKHEIT (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Hauptdarstellerin und der hervorragen- besser werden... Verleih: farbfilm (24 Bilder) den Kameraarbeit von Ralf M. Mendle Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Frankreich. sowie der vielen witzigen Regieeinfälle HANGOVER 2 (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Niederlande 2011 aber dennoch sehenswert. OT: : Part II Regie: Ulrich Köhler Verleih: Warner Darsteller: , Jean- Freitag, 27. Mai 2011 Land/Jahr: USA 2011 Christophe Folly, Jenny Schily In den Sand gesetzt Regie: Todd Phillips Kinostart: 23.06.2011 Eine nicht sonderlich ergiebige Presse- Darsteller: Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, woche endete mit zwei nicht sonderlich Zach Galifianakis, Justin Bartha Fast zwei Jahrzehnte schon lebt der ergiebigen Filmen. Also: passt doch! Kinostart: 02.06.2011 Arzt Ebbo mit seiner Frau Vera in Afri- ka. Die gemeinsame Tochter geht auf EIN SOMMERSANDTRAUM (1:1.85, Es ist wieder passiert! Phil, Stu und ein Internat in Deutschland und hat Stereo) Alan haben wieder einen Filmriss. sich vom Vater bereits entfremdet. OT: Der Sandmann Die4ses Mal nicht in Las Vegas, son- Ebbo ist voll erfüllt von seinen Aufga- Verleih: Neue Visionen dern im exotischen Bangkok, wo Stu ben als Arzt. Doch seine Frau zieht es Land/Jahr: Schweiz 2011 heiraten möchte. Aus einem gemütli- zurück in die Heimat. Hin- und herge- Regie: Peter Luisi chen Junggesellenabschiedsabend ist rissen zwischen seiner Familie und sei- Darsteller: Fabian Krüger, Irene jedoch offensichtlich nichts geworden nem Beruf entscheidet er sich schließ- Brügger, Beat Schlatter – die drei Freunde erwachen in einem lich alleine in Afrika zu blieben. Drei Kinostart: 21.07.2011 Zimmer, das sie nicht kennen. Der Bru- Jahre später wird der französische Me- der der Braut, der mit dabei war, ist ver- diziner Alex Nzila nach Afrika ge- Benno ist ein richtiger Kotzbrocken. schwunden. Nur sein abgetrennter Fin- schickt, um ein Entwicklungshilfe- Der gescheiterte Musiker arbeitet jetzt ger findet sich im Zimmer! Und bald projekt zu evaluieren, das Ebbo leitet. in einem Briefmarkenladen und macht schon liegt auch noch ein Toter auf Der aber entzieht sich seinem Gutach- mit seiner Arroganz und seinem über- dem Boden... Nach dem enormen Erfolg ter... Ein interessantes (und heisses) triebenen Ordnungssinn allen das Le- von HANGOVER war es eigentlich Thema spricht Ulrich Köhler in seinem ben schwer. Besonders seine Nachba- logisch, dass eine Fortsetzung folgen Film immerhin an: die Verschwendung rin Sandra, deren Bistro Benno stets wird. Leider aber haben es die Macher von Entwicklungshilfegelder an Projek- besucht, hat darunter zu leiden. San- versäumt, neue Einfälle zu integrieren. te, die schon lange keine mehr sind, da dra träumt von einer Karriere als Sän- Denn er scheint, als handele es sich sie längst schon erfolgreich abge- gerin und übt Abend für Abend in ih- hier mehr um ein Remake denn eine schlossen wurden. Natürlich ohne dies rem Bistro für ihre Ein-Frau-Kapelle. Fortsetzung. Viele der Gags aus dem an die Projekthilfe zu melden. Doch Niemand erbost sich mehr darüber als ersten Film werden mit leichten Varia- was Köhler daraus macht, darüber kann Benno. Eines Morgens jedoch stellt tionen wiederholt. Das reicht sogar bis ich persönlich nur den Kopf schütteln. Benno entsetzt fest, dass er Sand ver- in den Abspann des Films. Auch im Warum wird einem solchen Film der liert. Und zwar immer genau dann, zweiten Teil darf der Zuschauer alle “Silberne Bär” für die Beste Regie wenn er lügt. Für den Nerd beginnt ein anzüglichen Bilder sehen, die während überreicht? Einem Film, der auch noch Alptraum, in den auch Sandra irgend- des Junggesellenabschieds aufgenom- über weite Strecken nur unterbelichtete wie verstrickt zu sein scheint... Wieder men wurden und damit erst die ganze Bilder zu bieten hat. Zwei mögliche einmal wurde der Stoff für einen guten Geschichte erzählen. War das Original Erklärungen: 1. Ich habe es absolut Kurzfilm als Langfilm umgesetzt. Mit noch absolut brillant was seine Optik nicht verstanden. Oder 2.: Hier wurden der Folge, dass sich der “Gag” schon angeht, so gilt das nur noch bedingt sinnlos Fördergelder verschleudert, nach kurzer Zeit abgenutzt hat. Leider für Teil 2. Der versucht sich zwar an- was man durch eine Auszeichnung eini- reiten Regisseur und Drehbuchautor fangs noch am visuellen Stil des ersten germaßen zu vertuschen versucht. Per- trotzdem noch stundenlang auf demsel- Teils zu orientieren, gibt sich danach sönlich hoffe ich auf Option 1. Denn ben herum und beginnen ihr Publikum aber keine große Mühe mehr, ihn auf- die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt. zu langweilen. Etwas störend auch die recht zu halten. Damit ist HANGOVER Kameraarbeit, die vor unfreiwilligen 2 einer der Filme, die man definitiv Dienstag, 31. Mai 2011 Unschärfen nur so zu strotzen scheint. nicht gesehen haben muss. Das Baby im Taxi und die Führungsriege Das können dann auch die beiden gut ohne Job besetzten Hauptdarsteller nicht mehr Montag, 30. Mai 2011 Das einzige Double-Feature der Woche wett machen. Es sei noch erwähnt, Pechrabenschwarzes Afrika war zwar besser als das gestrige Epos, dass uns bei der heutigen Pressevor- Bei genauer Überlegung komme ich zu konnte mich verwöhnten Vielseher je- führung eine DVD gezeigt wurde, die dem Schluss, dass ich heute besser im doch nicht ganz überzeugen.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Land/Jahr: USA 2010 Verleih: Fox BELGRAD RADIO TAXI (1:1.85, DD Regie: John Wells Land/Jahr: USA 2011 5.1) Darsteller: Ben Affleck, Thomas R. Kee, Regie: Matthew Vaughn OT: Zena Sa Slomljenim Nosem Craig Mathers, Tommy Lee Jones, Chris Darsteller: James McAvoy, Michael Verleih: farbfilm (24 Bilder) Copper, Fassbender, Kevin Bacon, Jennifer Land/Jahr: Serbien, Deutschland 2010 Kinostart: 07.07.2011 Lawrence Regie: Srdjan Koljevic Kinostart: 09.06.2011 Darsteller: Nebojsa Glogovac, Anica 2008 ist ein schwarzes Jahr für die ame- Dobra, Branka Katic rikanische Wirtschaft. Das bekommen 1944 in einem KZ auf polnischem Bo- Kinostart: 21.07.2011 auch einige Führungsmitglieder des den: der Sadist Sebastian Shaw erkennt GTX-Konzerns zu spüren, die aufgrund die magnetischen Fähigkeiten des jun- Auf den ersten Blick ist Gavrilo ein von Sparmaßnahmen über Nacht ihre gen Erik und zwingt ihn, mit ihm zusam- richtiger Stinkstiefel. Der Bosnier ar- hoch dotierten Jobs verlieren. Einer menzuarbeiten, indem er seine Mutter beitet in Belgrad als Taxifahrer. Mitten von ihnen ist Bobby, ein gutsituierter erschießt. Zur gleichen Zeit begegnet auf der stets unter Stau leidenden Manager Mitte 30, dem es an nichts der Mutant Charles in England seiner Belgradbrücke, die den neuen mit dem fehlt: ein kleines Haus, zwei reizende Mutantenschwester . Anfang der alten Stadtteil verbindet, steigt eine Kinder, eine hübsche Frau, den Por- sechziger Jahre: Erik, jetzt erwachsen, junge Frau in sein Taxi. Ihre Nase ist sche vor dem Haus und Mitglied im ist auf der Suche nach seinem Peiniger, gebrochen und sie schleppt ein Baby elitären Golfclub. Seine Niederlage um Rache zu nehmen. Dabei trifft er auf mit sich herum. Eigentlich möchte sie kann und will er sich nicht eingestehen Charles und Raven sowie eine CIA- ins Krankenhaus gefahren werden, und will sein bisheriges Leben ohne Agentin, die alle drei sowie einige wei- doch ist sie genauso schnell wieder Einschränkungen weiterführen. Doch tere Mutanten für ihre Organisation aus dem Taxi verschwunden wie sie ein neuer Job lässt auf sich warten. rekrutiert. Die Superkräfte der Mutan- aufgetaucht ist und springt von der Einzig seine Frau Maggie schätzt die ten sollen den Amerikanern im Kampf Brücke! Gavrilo ist fassungslos. Erst zu Situation richtig ein und beginnt damit gegen die Russen helfen. Doch die spät realisiert er, dass das Baby noch zu sparen. Auch Oldtimer Phil landet Russen sind schon längst von Shaw immer in seinem Taxi liegt. Widerwillig auf der Straße. In seiner Verzweiflung und seinen ergebenen Mutanten unter- nimmt er sich dem Kind an. Mehr oder wendet er sich dem Alkohol zu. Und wandert. Die Welt steuert schnur- weniger gleichzeitig kreuzen sich die Gene, einer der ganz Großen bei GTX, stracks in die Kuba-Krise... Matthew Wege der Lehrerin Anica und der Apo- bekommt ebenfalls eine Kündigung Vaughn versteht es, trotz der Länge thekerin Biljana. Letztere flüchtet vor überreicht – von der Personalchefin seines Films von über zwei Stunden, ihrem Zukünftigen aus dem Auto und persönlich, mit der er eine Affäre hat. sein Publikum bei Laune zu halten. sucht Schutz bei Anica. Beide haben John Wells‘ Film zeigt die unterschied- Langeweile lässt er erst gar nicht auf- einen geliebten Menschen verloren: lichen Reaktionen, die die Kündigung kommen. Der rasant inszenierte Action- Anica ihren kleinen Sohn, Biljana ihren bei den betroffenen Führungskräften Film nach den bekannten Marvel-Co- Verlobten. Die beiden werden Freun- auslösen. Sicherlich ein interessantes mics überrascht mit spektakulären Ef- dinnen. Anica wiederum wird von ei- Thema, das von hervorragenden fekten, faszinierenden Schauplätzen nem ihrer Schüler bedrängt und Biljana Schauspielern dargestellt wird, doch und einer verjüngten Mannschaft. Bö- muss sich gegen die Annäherungsver- leider maximal auf Fernsehniveau. Das sewicht Kevin Bacon darf sich im Ori- suche ihres Schwagers wehren. Und ist nicht weiter verwunderlich, da Au- ginal sogar in deutscher Sprache ver- das alles passiert, während sich Gavrilo tor und Regisseur John Wells viele suchen – zumindest gibt er dafür sein immer mehr an dem Gedanken Gefallen Jahre beim Fernsehen für erfolgreiche Bestes. So manchen Patzer bei der Aus- findet, ein unfreiwilliger Vater zu sein. Formate wie THE WEST WING verant- stattung des Films (im Jahre 1962 gab Srdjan Koljevic Film ist eine Komödie wortlich zeichnet. Dass jedoch das es sicher noch keine Revox A77 Band- mit tragischen Momenten, in der sich Kino andere Ansprüche an die Ware maschine!) verzeiht man gerne ange- die Wege der Protagonisten immer wie- stellt, muss Wells wohl erst noch ler- sichts eines spannenden und stetig der kreuzen. Doch die Zufälle häufen nen. vorantreibenden Films, der erklärt, wie sich leider schon so oft, dass sie letzt- die Feindschaft zwischen Magneto und endlich schon fast unglaubwürdig er- Mittwoch, 01. Juni 2011 zustande kam. Vermutlich einer der scheinen. Die Besetzung indes ist gut Wie sie wurden was sie sind besseren Blockbuster des Jahres. ausgewählt und verleiht dem Film we- Ein erfolgreiches Franchise geht in die nigstens noch ein bisschen Authentizi- nächste Runde – und meine Presse- tät. woche damit in die letzte Runde. Immer aktuell: der Filmblog COMPANY MEN (1:1.85, DD 5.1) X-MEN: ERSTE ENTSCHEIDUNG im Netz: OT: The Company Men (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Verleih: Senator OT: X-Men: First Class

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Universum Film(Universum Kids) The Smurfs 19.08.2011 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981-1990 min. Animation 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041231 Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPHE) 15.12.2011 Angelina Ballerina: Angelinas G.I. Joe 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041244 G.I. Joe neues Zuhause Jack Angel - Dir. Don Jurwich Die Schlümpfe - Die komplette Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps Zeichentrick/Action 1986 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 siebte Staffel Dir. Davis Doi (E) 93min. The Smurfs Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2009 DD 2.0 (D) min. bellaphon records(Great Movies) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981-1990 min. Sony Music Entertainment & New Business 27.05.2011 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Division(Europa) 05.08.2011 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041212 15.12.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041236 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041245 Marsupilami - Hubah Hubah Hop, Angelina Ballerina: Bühne frei! Staffel 2 (4 Discs) Die Schlümpfe - Die komplette Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps Marsupilami - Hubah Hubah Hop Dir. Davis Doi vierte Staffel Dir. André Franquin Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2009 DD 2.0 (D) min. The Smurfs Trickfilm/Zeichentrick 2009-2010 min. Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981-1990 min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Studio Division(Europa) 05.08.2011 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Hamburg) 17.06.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041237 15.10.2011 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041240 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041242 Au Schwarte! - Der verzauberte Die Pinguine aus Madagascar - Signor Rossi - Herr Rossi träumt - Freund Spezialeinheit: Pinguin Jakers! The Adventures Of Piggley Winks 2 The Penguins Of Madagascar Dir. John Over Signor Rossi Dir. Bret Haaland Zeichentrick 2003-2004 92min. Dir. Bruno Bozzetto Zeichentrick 2008 Ltbx 16x9 106min. Black Hill Pictures 08.07.2011 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1976 FF DD 1.0 (D) Paramount Home 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041163 80min. Entertainment(DreamWorks) 09.06.2011 KSM 18.07.2011 Au Schwarte! - Wie Katz und 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041256 tba BestellNr.: 20041318 Maus Reporter Blues - Die komplette Superman Jakers! The Adventures Of Piggley Winks Serie (2 Discs) Superman Dir. John Over Reporter Blues Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 60min. Zeichentrick 2003-2004 92min. Dir. Kenji Kodama da music(Best Entertainment) 03.06.2011 Black Hill Pictures 08.07.2011 Trickfilm 1991 FF DD 2.0 (D) 624min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041304 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041162 KSM(NewKSM) 18.07.2011 Bella Sara - Der abenteuerliche 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041317 Tom & Jerry und der Zauberer Ausritt (Limited Edition, + Ma- von Oz Die Schlümpfe - Die komplette Tom And Jerry And The Wizard Of Oz gnet-Lesezeichen) achte Staffel Zeichentrick 2011 min. Bella Sara The Smurfs Warner Home Video Germany 16.08.2011 Magnet-Lesezeichen, Bonusfolge, Memory-Spiel, Sammelkar- ten-Show Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981-1990 min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041200 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 25min. 15.03.2012 Wonder Pets! - Kommt mit in den WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 30.09.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041246 Zirkus! 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041277 The Wonder Pets Die Schlümpfe - Die komplette Bonusepisode Bella Sara - Wie alles begann dritte Staffel Zeichentrick 2006-2010 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD Bella Sara Tales: The Adventure Begins The Smurfs 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 1.0 (Holl) 97min. Dir. Phil Trumbo Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981-1990 min. Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041259 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 50min. 15.10.2011 WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 30.09.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041241 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041155 Die Schlümpfe - Die komplette Film Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - Staffel 1, fünfte Staffel Vol. 1 The Smurfs 1066 - The War For Middle Earth Ben 10: Ultimate Alien Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981-1990 min. 1066 Abenteuer/Zeichentrick min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Mike Bailey, Francis Magee - Dir. Justin Warner Home Video Germany 19.08.2011 15.10.2011 Hardy 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041198 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041243 Action/Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - Staffel 1, Die Schlümpfe - Die komplette DD 2.0 (E) 150min. WVG Medien(polyband) 26.08.2011 Vol. 2 neunte Staffel 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041179 Ben 10: Ultimate Alien The Smurfs Abenteuer/Zeichentrick min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981-1990 min. Die 3 Musketiere Warner Home Video Germany 19.08.2011 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) The Three Musketeers 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041199 15.03.2012 Jack Mulhall, Raymond Hatton, Ralph 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041247 Bushman, John Wayne, Ruth Hall, Lon Chi Rho - Das Geheimnis, DVD 2 Chaney jr., Hooper Atchley, Gordon De Dir. Michael Schaack Die Schlümpfe - Die komplette Main, Robert Frazer, Noah Beery jr., Al Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD sechste Staffel Ferguson, Edward Peil Sr., William Des- 2.0 (D) 72min.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD mond, George Magrill, Robert Warwick - William Russ, Ethan Suplee, Joe Cortese, (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 88min. Dir. Colbert Clark, Armand Schaefer Guy Torry, Giuseppe Andrews, Antonio KNM Home Entertainment(Apollon Films) Abenteuer 1933 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) David Lyons, Keram Malicki-Sanchez, Jor- 14.07.2011 168min. dan Marder, Nicholas R. Oleson, Anne 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041325 da music(Great Movies) 03.06.2011 Lambton, Alex Sol, Paul Le Mat - Dir. Tony 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041305 Kaye Beastly Drama 1998 min. Beastly 5 Days of War Warner Home Video Germany 19.08.2011 Vanessa Anne Hudgens, Alex Pettyfer, 5 Days Of August 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041214 Mary-Kate Olsen, Peter Krause, Lisa Gay Rupert Friend, Val Kilmer, Andy Garcia, Hamilton, Neil Patrick Harris, Dakota Dean Cain, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Heather Anna Pihl - Auf Streife in Kopen- Johnson, Erik Knudsen - Dir. Daniel Barnz Graham, Mikko Nousiainen, Richard Coyle, hagen, Staffel 1 (3 Discs) Drama/Fantasy 2011 84min. Antje Traue, Rade Serbedzija, Mikheil Anna Pihl Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Gomiaschwili, Johnathon Schaech, Anna Charlotte Munck, Iben Hjejle, Paw Home Edition) 08.09.2011 Walton, Kenneth Cranham, Alan McKenna, Henriksen, Kurt Ravn, Peter Mygind, William 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041284 Steven Robertson, Rick Yudt - Dir. Renny Hagedorn-Rasmussen, Henrik Birch, Tammi Harlin Øst, Claes Bang, Frank Thiel, Lisbeth Beastly (Blu-ray) Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Wulff, Morten Hauch-Fausbøll, Ida Nielsen, Beastly Action/Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Said Chayesteh, Peter Hesse Overgaard, Vanessa Anne Hudgens, Alex Pettyfer, DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 109min. Karoline Munksnæs, Jonas Wandschneider, Mary-Kate Olsen, Peter Krause, Lisa Gay WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment) 26.08.2011 Kasper Leisner, Ole Lemmeke, Signe Hamilton, Neil Patrick Harris, Dakota 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041181 Egholm Olsen, , Dejan Cukic, Johnson, Erik Knudsen - Dir. Daniel Barnz Drama/Fantasy 2011 87min. 5 Days of War (Blu-ray) Ramadan Huseini, Anders Lund Kjeldsen, Simon Munk, Anne-Grethe Bjarup Riis, Concorde Home Entertainment 08.09.2011 5 Days Of August Henrik Jørgensen, Morten Lützhøft (Morten 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041295 Rupert Friend, Val Kilmer, Andy Garcia, Lundbæk), Laura Drasbaek, Jens Jørn Dean Cain, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Heather Spottag, Ellen Hillingsø, Jesper Lohmann, Ben Hur Graham, Mikko Nousiainen, Richard Coyle, Gunvor Reynberg, Carsten Kressner - Dir. Ben Hur Antje Traue, Rade Serbedzija, Mikheil Carsten Myllerup, Morten Arnfred, Mikkel Joseph Morgan, Eugene Simon, Stephen Gomiaschwili, Johnathon Schaech, Anna Nørgaard Campbell Moore, Toby Marlow, Emily Walton, Kenneth Cranham, Alan McKenna, Kriminalfilm 2006-2010 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 VanCamp, Lucía Jiménez, Kristin Kreuk, Steven Robertson, Rick Yudt - Dir. Renny (Dän) 400min. , Ben Cross, Hugh Bonneville, Harlin FilmConfect AG 17.06.2011 Alex Kingston, Simón Andreu, Julian Casey, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Trailer James Faulkner - Dir. Steve Shill Action/Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041171 Historienfilm 2011 185min. DTS-HD 5.1 (E) DTS-HD 5.1 (F) 113min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment) 26.08.2011 Assassins - Die Killer (Blu-ray) 14.06.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041190 Assassins Sylvester Stallone, Antonio Banderas, Juli- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041248 anne Moore, Anatoli Dawidow - Dir. Ri- Der Adler der neunten Legion Big Jake (Blu-ray) The Eagle chard Donner Big Jake Channing Tatum, Jamie Bell, Donald Action 1995 min. John Wayne, Richard Boone, Maureen Sutherland, Mark Strong, Tahar Rahim, Warner Home Video Germany 19.08.2011 O’Hara, Patrick Wayne, Christopher Denis O’Hare, Douglas Henshall, Paul Ritter, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041218 Mitchum, Bobby Vinton, Bruce Cabot, Harry Ben O’Brien, Zsolt László, Julian Lewis Carey Jr., John Ethan Wayne - Dir. George Jones, Aladár Laklóth, Lukács Bicskey, Au revoir, Taipeh Sherman James Hayes, Dakin Matthews, Pip Carter, Yi Yè TàI Bei Western 1971 Ltbx (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) Simon Day - Dir. Kevin Macdonald Jack Yao, Amber Kuo, Joseph Chang, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Alternatives Ende, Lawrence Ko, Frankie Gao - Dir. Arvin (F) (Sp) 110min. Audiokommentar, Trailer Chen Paramount Home Entertainment 30.06.2011 Abenteuer 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS Komödie/Liebeskomödie 2010 DD 5.1 (D) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041312 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 110min. DD 2.0 (D) 84min. Concorde Home Entertainment 04.08.2011 good!movies(Arsenal) 08.07.2011 Brothers - Zwei Brüder. Eine Lie- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041281 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041161 be. Brothers Der Adler der neunten Legion Bank Heist Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal, Natalie (Blu-ray) Graduation Portman, , Mare Winningham, The Eagle Shannon Lucio, Riley Smith, Chris Bailee Madison, Taylor Geare, Patrick Channing Tatum, Jamie Bell, Donald Marquette, Catherine L. Albers, Adam Arkin, Flueger, Clifton Collins Jr., Carey Mulligan, Sutherland, Mark Strong, Tahar Rahim, Greg Benson, Aimee Garcia, Brandon Omid Abtahi, Ethan Suplee, Navid Denis O’Hare, Douglas Henshall, Paul Ritter, Hanson, Robert Haley, Tommy Lafitte, Huey Negahban, Yousuf Azami, Jenny Wade - Ben O’Brien, Zsolt László, Julian Lewis Lewis, Chris Lowell - Dir. Michael Mayer Dir. Jim Sheridan Jones, Aladár Laklóth, Lukács Bicskey, Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes, Trailer James Hayes, Dakin Matthews, Pip Carter, (D) DD 5.1 (E) 85min. Drama/Kriegsfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Simon Day - Dir. Kevin Macdonald KNM Home Entertainment(Apollon Films) (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 100min. Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Alternatives Ende, 14.07.2011 Koch Media 24.06.2011 Audiokommentar, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041321 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041185 Abenteuer 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 114min. Bank Heist (Blu-ray) Brothers - Zwei Brüder. Eine Lie- Concorde Home Entertainment 04.08.2011 Graduation be. (Blu-ray) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041292 Shannon Lucio, Riley Smith, Chris Brothers American History X (Blu-ray) Marquette, Catherine L. Albers, Adam Arkin, Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal, Natalie Greg Benson, Aimee Garcia, Brandon Portman, Sam Shepard, Mare Winningham, American History X Hanson, Robert Haley, Tommy Lafitte, Huey Bailee Madison, Taylor Geare, Patrick Edward Norton, Edward Furlong, Fairuza Lewis, Chris Lowell - Dir. Michael Mayer Flueger, Clifton Collins Jr., Carey Mulligan, Balk, Beverly D’Angelo, Avery Brooks, Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 Omid Abtahi, Ethan Suplee, Navid Stacy Keach, Jennifer Lien, Elliott Gould,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Negahban, Yousuf Azami, Jenny Wade - Intergroove Media(Starlight Film) Dir. Jim Sheridan - Die zweite Season (3 01.07.2011 Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes, Trailer Discs) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041208 Drama/Kriegsfilm 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA Cheers (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 104min. Ted Danson, Shelley Long, Rhea Perlman, - Die komplette 4. Staf- Koch Media 24.06.2011 Nicholas Colasanto, Woody Harrelson, fel (5 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041191 George Wendt, John Ratzenberger, Kirstie Everwood Captain Nice - Das Geheimnis der Alley, Kelsey Grammer, Bebe Neuwirth, Treat Williams, Gregory Smith, Emily Paul Willson, Jackie Swanson, Roger Rees, VanCamp, Debra Mooney, John Beasley, blauen Tropfen (2 Discs) Keene Curtis, Peter Schreiner, Alan Koss, Vivien Cardone, Chris Pratt, Tom Amandes Captain Nice , Tim Cunningham, Jay Thomas, - Dir. David Petrarca, Michael Schultz, William Daniels, Alice Ghostley, Ann Richard Doyle, Frances Sternhagen, Dan Perry Lang Prentiss - Dir. Gary Nelson, Charles Hedaya, Jean Kasem, Tom Skerritt, Timothy Drama 2002-2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD Rondeau, Richard Kinon Williams, Anthony Cistaro, Fred Dryer, 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (Sp) DD 2.0 (It) min. Komödie/ 1967 DD 1.0 (D) Derek McGrath - Dir. James Burrows, Andy Warner Home Video Germany 19.08.2011 213min. Ackerman, John Ratzenberger 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041197 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.08.2011 Komödie/Drama 1982-1993 518min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041302 Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 Der Fall Sylvester Matuska 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041261 Viadukt Cheers - Die dritte Season (4 Michael Sarrazin, Towje Kleiner, Constanze Discs) Cold Fusion 2012 (Blu-ray) Engelbrecht, Ferenc Bács, Armin Mueller- Cheers Cold Fusion Stahl - Dir. Sándor Simó Ted Danson, Shelley Long, Rhea Perlman, Adrian Paul, Sarah Brown, Michelle Lee, Thriller/Drama 1982 DD 2.0 (D) 90min. Nicholas Colasanto, Woody Harrelson, William Hope, John Laskowski, Atanas Pidax film media(Pidax film) 01.07.2011 George Wendt, John Ratzenberger, Kirstie Srebrev, Mike Straub, Shelly Varod - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041158 Alley, Kelsey Grammer, Bebe Neuwirth, Ivan Mitov Paul Willson, Jackie Swanson, Roger Rees, Trailer Fast Getaway (k.J.) Keene Curtis, Peter Schreiner, Alan Koss, Action/Science Fiction 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 Fast Getaway Al Rosen, Tim Cunningham, Jay Thomas, (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 89min. Corey Haim, Cynthia Rothrock, Leo Rossi, Richard Doyle, Frances Sternhagen, Dan Intergroove Media 24.06.2011 Ken Lerner, Marcia Strassman - Dir. Spiro Hedaya, Jean Kasem, Tom Skerritt, Timothy 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041224 Razatos Williams, Anthony Cistaro, Fred Dryer, Action 1990 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 82min. Derek McGrath - Dir. James Burrows, Andy Copykill (Blu-ray) Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Ackerman, John Ratzenberger Copycat 01.07.2011 Komödie/Drama 1982-1993 592min. Sigourney Weaver, Holly Hunter, Dermot 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041210 Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 Mulroney, William McNamara, Will Patton, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041262 John Rothman, J. E. Freeman, Harry Final Destination 2 (Blu-ray) Connick jr. - Dir. Jon Amiel Final Destination 2 Cheers - Die erste Season (4 Thriller 1995 min. Ali Larter, A.J. Cook, Michael Landes, Discs) Warner Home Video Germany 19.08.2011 Terrence ‘T.C.’ Carson, Jonathan , 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041221 Cheers Keegan Connor Tracy, Sarah Carter, Lynda Boyd, David Paetkau, James Kirk, Tony Ted Danson, Shelley Long, Rhea Perlman, Earthquake in Tokyo (Blu-ray) Nicholas Colasanto, Woody Harrelson, Todd, Justina Machado, Enid-Raye Adams, George Wendt, John Ratzenberger, Kirstie Sarah Hattingh, Aaron Douglas - Dir. David Sarah Lynch, Erin Sullivan, Justin L. Jones, Alley, Kelsey Grammer, Bebe Neuwirth, R. Ellis Kazuyuki Okada, Yoshi Ando, Jennifer Kim, Paul Willson, Jackie Swanson, Roger Rees, Horror 2003 min. Akira Sato, Hiroshi Ueha - Dir. Erik Esten- Keene Curtis, Peter Schreiner, Alan Koss, Warner Home Video Germany 19.08.2011 berg 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041216 Al Rosen, Tim Cunningham, Jay Thomas, Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie Richard Doyle, Frances Sternhagen, Dan Action/Horror 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Final Destination 3 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Hedaya, Jean Kasem, Tom Skerritt, Timothy (E) 90min. Final Destination 3 Williams, Anthony Cistaro, Fred Dryer, bellaphon records(Great Movies) Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Ryan Merriman, Derek McGrath - Dir. James Burrows, Andy 27.05.2011 Kris Lemche, Alexz Johnson, Sam Easton, Ackerman, John Ratzenberger 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041222 Komödie/Drama 1982-1993 518min. Jesse Moss, Gina Holden, Texas Battle, Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 Einsame Entscheidung (Blu-ray) Chelan Simmons, Chrystal Lowe, Amanda Crew, Maggie Ma, Ecstasia Sanders, Jody 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041260 Executive Decision Racicot, Patrick Gallagher - Dir. James Kurt Russell, Halle Berry, John Leguizamo, Wong Cheers - Die vierte Season (4 Steven Seagal, Oliver Platt, Joe Morton, Horror 2005 min. Discs) , B.D. Wong, Len Cariou, Whip Warner Home Video Germany 19.08.2011 Cheers Hubley, J. T. Walsh - Dir. Stuart Baird 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041217 Ted Danson, Shelley Long, Rhea Perlman, Action 1996 min. Nicholas Colasanto, Woody Harrelson, Warner Home Video Germany 19.08.2011 Final Destination 4 (2D/3D) (Blu- George Wendt, John Ratzenberger, Kirstie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041220 Alley, Kelsey Grammer, Bebe Neuwirth, ray) (k.J.) Paul Willson, Jackie Swanson, Roger Rees, Elvira’s Haunted Hills The Final Destination Keene Curtis, Peter Schreiner, Alan Koss, Elvira’s Haunted Hills Bobby Campo, Shantel Vansanten, Mykelti Al Rosen, Tim Cunningham, Jay Thomas, Cassandra Peterson, Richard O’Brien, Mary Williamson, Nick Zano, Haley Webb - Dir. Richard Doyle, Frances Sternhagen, Dan Scheer, Scott Atkinson, Mary Jo Smith, David R. Ellis Hedaya, Jean Kasem, Tom Skerritt, Timothy Heather Hopper, Gabi Andronache, Jerry Horror 2009 min. Williams, Anthony Cistaro, Fred Dryer, Jackson, Theodor Danetti, Lucia Maier, Warner Home Video Germany 19.08.2011 Derek McGrath - Dir. James Burrows, Andy Constantin Cotimanis, Remus Cernat, Mark 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041215 Ackerman, John Ratzenberger Pierson - Dir. Sam Irvin Komödie/Drama 1982-1993 616min. Making of, Interview, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Filmografien Der flotte Dreier: 3 Kinokultfilme Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 Komödie/Horror 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) aus den 70ern (3 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041263 DD 2.0 (E) 90min. Beim Jodeln juckt die Lederhose / Kur-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD saison im Dirndlhöschen / Gipfelglück im ter Schlotterbeck, Alexander Wiedl, Henri- Ioan Gruffudd, Robert Lindsay, Dorian Dirndlrock ette Kaiser, Carsten Meyer-Grohbrügge, Healy, Michael Byrne, Robert Bathurst, Elke Hagen, Jutta Dorn, Peter Asam, Eva Peter Wekwerth, Wolfram von Bremen, Duncan Bell, Paul Copley, Sean Gilder, Si- Karinka, Gabriele Duppel, Josef Sebastian Grobler mon Sherlock, Chris Barnes, Jamie Bamber, Moosholzer, Edi Bierling, Nani Burger, Uli Making of, Featurettes, Alternativfassungen, Outtakes, Der Colin MacLachlan, Roger May, Vincent Steigberg, Franz Muxeneder, Judith Fritsch, letzte Drehtag, Abriss der Kulissen Grass, Richard Lumsden - Dir. Andrew Drama 1992-2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Rosl Mayr, Horst Pasterzky, Peter Wacker, Grieve 1200min. Dorothea Rau, Astrid Bergson - Dir. Alois Abenteuer 1998 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD Turbine Medien (Diamant Video) 17.06.2011 Brummer 2.0 (E) 100min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041186 Booklet KSM(NewKSM) 18.07.2011 Erotik 1971-1984 264min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041315 WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 26.08.2011 Halloween - Kreaturen des 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041156 Schreckens (3 Discs) (k.J.) Hornblower: Die Leutnants- The Beast of Bray Road / Alien Warrior / prüfung Freunde fürs Leben - Staffel 1 (4 666 The Child / The Bug / Bloodhead / Horatio Hornblower: The Examination For Mexican Werewolf / Pominable / Holly- Discs) Lieutenant wood kills / Death School Drama 1992-1993 (D) 638min. Ioan Gruffudd, Robert Lindsay, Denis Horror 761min. Universum Film(ZDF Video) 17.06.2011 Lawson, Ian McNeice, Andrew Tiernan, da music(Great Movies) 03.06.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041280 Jonathan Coy, Ian McElhinney, Paul Copley, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041307 Chris Barnes, Sean Gilder, Simon Sherlock, Freunde fürs Leben - Staffel 3 (3 Hamlet Colin MacLachlan, Rupert Holliday-Evans, Discs) Frank Boyce, Peter Corey - Dir. Andrew Hamlet Drama 1994 FF DD 2.0 (D) 630min. Grieve Sir Laurence Olivier, Jean Simmons, Eileen Universum Film(ZDF Video) 12.08.2011 Abenteuer 1998 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD Herlie, Basil Sydney, Sir Felix Aylmer, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041232 2.0 (E) 99min. Norman Wooland, Terence Morgan, Peter KSM(NewKSM) 18.07.2011 Cushing - Dir. Sir Laurence Olivier Das Geheimnis der Drachenperle 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041316 Drama 1948 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 148min. The Dragon Pearl KSM(NewKSM) 18.07.2011 Sam Neill - Dir. Mario Andreacchio Erich Kästner: Die verschwunde- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041303 Abenteuer/Musical 2011 min. ne Miniatur Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) Hamlet (Blu-ray) Paola Loew, Ralph Lothar, Paul Wester- 08.09.2011 Hamlet meier, Paul Bildt, Lina Carstens, Liesl Karl- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041286 Sir Laurence Olivier, Jean Simmons, Eileen stadt, Bum Krüger, Hubert von Meyerinck - Dir. Carl-Heinz Schroth GIRL friends - Die komplette Se- Herlie, Basil Sydney, Sir Felix Aylmer, Norman Wooland, Terence Morgan, Peter Komödie 1954 FF DD 1.0 (D) 87min. rie (24 Discs) Cushing - Dir. Sir Laurence Olivier Universum Film(Universum Kids) Mariele Millowitsch, Walter Sittler, Dagmar Drama 1948 DTS-HD 2.0 (D) DTS-HD 2.0 15.08.2011 Laurens, Wilfried Dziallas, Anette Hellwig, (E) 148min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041229 Chiara Schoras - Dir. Bettina Woernle, Ri- KSM(NewKSM) 18.07.2011 chard Engel, Christine Kabisch 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041311 King of the Avenue (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Komödie 1995-2005 DD 2.0 (D) 4880min. King Of The Avenue Edel Germany(Aviator) 24.06.2011 Haven - Die komplette erste Staf- Ving Rhames, Simon Rex, Esai Morales, 149,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041169 fel (4 Discs) Erick Nathan, Elizabeth Di Prinzio, Eddie B. Smith, Hemky Madera, Anthony Dilio - Dir. Haven Goodbye Marienhof - Die ultima- Ryan Combs Emily Rose, Lucas Bryant - Dir. Adam Kane tive Fan-Box (5 Discs) Trailer, Bildergalerie Behind the Scenes, Interviews Thriller/Horror 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA Leonore Capell, Katja Keller, Viktoria Thriller/Mystery 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 87min. Brams, Sasha Heymans, Gerd Udo Feller, DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 840min. KSM(NewKSM) 18.07.2011 Diana Greifenstein, Sven Thiemann, Mela- WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041309 nie Marx, Sebastian David Fischer, Berrit 30.09.2011 Arnold, Shirli Volk, Andreas Jung, Alfonso 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041201 King of the Avenue (k.J.) Losa, Gabriel Andrade, Frederik Babucke, King Of The Avenue Henriette Richter-Röhl, Christian Buse, Headhunter Ving Rhames, Simon Rex, Esai Morales, Erwin Aljukic, Melanie Rohde, Sabine Headhunter Erick Nathan, Elizabeth Di Prinzio, Eddie B. Bohlmann, Shary Reeves, Celia Kim, Donia Lars Mikkelsen, Henning Moritzen, Charlotte Smith, Hemky Madera, Anthony Dilio - Dir. Ben-Jemia, Simon Paul Wagner, Michael Munck, Burkhard Forstreuter, Charlotte Ryan Combs Jäger, Sebastian Deyle, Susanne Steidle, Fich, Troels Lyby, Preben Harris, Samuel Trailer, Bildergalerie Nicole Belstler-Boettcher, Antonio Fröler, Kjeld Nørgaard, Flemming Enevold - Thriller/Horror 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Putignano, Frank Ruttloff, Heike Ulrich, Nina Dir. Rumle Hammerich DD 5.1 (E) 83min. Louise, Carolin Gralla, Christian Petru, Jo- Thriller 2009 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Dän) KSM(NewKSM) 18.07.2011 hannes Raspe, Hanna Köhler, Felix zu 100min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041300 Knyphausen, Isabella Jantz, Isis Schabana, FilmConfect AG 17.06.2011 Severin Tyroller, Vanessa Loibl, Mirco 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041170 Kokowääh Wallraf, Tanja Mairhofer, Giovanni Arvaneh, Til Schweiger, Emma Tiger Schweiger, Jas- Nicholas Loibl, Wolfgang Seidenberg, Himmel über Australien min Gerat, Samuel Finzi, Meret Becker, Souzan Alavi, Jana Voosen, Jenny Marie Sophie Schütt, Julian Weigend, Rolf Kanies, Katharina Thalbach, Miranda Leonhardt, Muck, Janne Drücker, Nermina Kukic, Mary Merab Ninidze, Peer Jäger, Karin Boyd, Misel Maticevic, Friederike Kempter, Sönke Muhsal, Hakim-Michael Meziani, Isabella Mareike Fell, Natascha Hirthe - Dir. Thor- Möhring, Fahri Yardim, Birthe Wolter, Anna Hübner, Katherine Jungbauer, Fabian Baier, sten Schmidt Julia Kapfelsperger, Jessica Richter - Dir. Rebecca Goldblat, Vaile Fuchs, Jan Drama/Action 2005 DD 2.0 (D) 92min. Til Schweiger Stapelfeldt, Christian Polito, Verena Mörtel, Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 24.06.2011 Komödie 2011 DD 5.1 (D) min. Gina Lisa Lohfink, Tetje Mierendorf, Johan- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041166 Warner Home Video Germany 19.08.2011 na Klum - Dir. Dietmar Gassner, Markus 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041276 Schmidt-Märkl, Rainer Klingenfuß, Esther Hornblower: Die gleiche Chance Wenger, Irina Popow, Marcus Ulbricht, Die- Horatio Hornblower: The Even Chance

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Kokowääh (Blu-ray) Richard Dean Anderson, Dana Elcar, Bruce Til Schweiger, Emma Tiger Schweiger, Jas- The Last Sect McGill, Michael Des Barres, John min Gerat, Samuel Finzi, Meret Becker, The Last Sect Anderson, , Robert Donner - Katharina Thalbach, Miranda Leonhardt, David Carradine, Natalie Brown, Deborah Dir. Cliff Bole, Charles Correll Misel Maticevic, Friederike Kempter, Sönke Odell, Julian Richings, Sebastien Roberts, Action/Kriminalfilm 1986-1987 547min. Möhring, Fahri Yardim, Birthe Wolter, Anna Megan Fahlenbock - Dir. Jonathan Dueck Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 Julia Kapfelsperger, Jessica Richter - Dir. Horror/Thriller 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041266 Til Schweiger DD 5.1 (E) 85min. Komödie 2011 DD 5.1 (D) min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) MacGyver - Season 2, Vol. 2 (3 Warner Home Video Germany 19.08.2011 01.07.2011 Discs) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041288 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041251 MacGyver Richard Dean Anderson, Dana Elcar, Bruce Kommissar Beck: Der Mann, der Le Mans (Blu-ray) McGill, Michael Des Barres, John sich in Luft auflöste Le Mans Anderson, Teri Hatcher, Robert Donner - Steve McQueen, Siegfried Rauch, Elga An- Derek Jacobi, Judy Winter, Tomas Bolme, Dir. Cliff Bole, Charles Correll dersen, Ronald Leigh-Hunt, Fred Haltiner, Lasse Strömsted, Kjell Bergqvist, Thomas Action/Kriminalfilm 1986-1987 411min. Luc Merenda, Christopher Waite - Dir. Lee Oredsson - Dir. Péter Bacsó Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 H. Katzin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041267 Kriminalfilm 1980 DD 2.0 (D) 105min. Making of, Trailer Pidax film media(Pidax film) 01.07.2011 Action/Drama 1971 Ltbx (D) DTS-HD 7.1 MacGyver - Season 3, Vol. 1 (2 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041164 MA (E) (F) (Sp) 108min. Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 Discs) Konfuzius 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041287 MacGyver Confucius Richard Dean Anderson, Dana Elcar, Bruce Chow Yun-Fat, Zhou Xun, Lu Yi, Jianbin Der letzte Tempelritter McGill, Michael Des Barres, Elyssa Chen, Lu Yao, Zhenyu Qiao, Quan Ren, Season Of The Witch Davalos, Robin Mossley, Susan Chapple, Bang Wang - Dir. Hu Mei Nicolas Cage, , Claire Foy, Dale Wilson, Bruce Harwood, Claire Trailer Stephen Campbell Moore, Stephen Graham, Brown, Jackson Davies, Madison Mason - Drama/Abenteuer 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Ulrich Thomsen, Robert Sheehan, Christo- Dir. Cliff Bole, Mike Vejar (D) DD 5.1 (Manda) 120min. pher Lee - Dir. Dominic Sena Action/Kriminalfilm 1987-1988 361min. KSM(NewKSM) 18.07.2011 Interviews, B-Roll, Trailer Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041299 Abenteuer/Horror 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041268 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 91min. Konfuzius (Blu-ray) Senator Home Entertainment(Wild Bunch MacGyver - Season 3, Vol. 2 (3 Confucius Germany) 26.08.2011 Discs) Chow Yun-Fat, Zhou Xun, Lu Yi, Jianbin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041279 MacGyver Chen, Lu Yao, Zhenyu Qiao, Quan Ren, Richard Dean Anderson, Dana Elcar, Bruce Bang Wang - Dir. Hu Mei Der letzte Tempelritter (Blu-ray) McGill, Michael Des Barres, Elyssa Trailer, Making of, Bildergalerie Season Of The Witch Drama/Abenteuer 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 Davalos, Robin Mossley, Susan Chapple, Nicolas Cage, Ron Perlman, Claire Foy, MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Manda) 125min. Dale Wilson, Bruce Harwood, Claire Stephen Campbell Moore, Stephen Graham, KSM(NewKSM) 18.07.2011 Brown, Jackson Davies, Madison Mason - Ulrich Thomsen, Robert Sheehan, Christo- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041308 Dir. Cliff Bole, Mike Vejar pher Lee - Dir. Dominic Sena Action/Kriminalfilm 1987-1988 361min. Interviews, B-Roll, Trailer Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 La Cucaracha Abenteuer/Horror 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041269 La Cucaracha (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 95min. Eric Roberts, Joaquim De Almeida, Victor Senator Home Entertainment(Wild Bunch MacGyver - Season 4, Vol. 1 (2 Rivers, Jack McManus, Tara Crespo - Dir. Germany) 26.08.2011 Jack Perez 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041291 Discs) Abenteuer/Thriller 1998 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 MacGyver (E) 90min. MacGyver - Season 1, Vol. 1 (3 Richard Dean Anderson, Dana Elcar, Bruce Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Discs) McGill, Michael Des Barres, Susan 01.07.2011 Chapple, Teri Hatcher, Robert Donner, Dale MacGyver 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041252 Wilson, Cuba Gooding Jr., Kai Wulff, Richard Dean Anderson, Dana Elcar, John Madison Mason, Gerry Bean - Dir. William F. Anderson, Teri Hatcher, Christopher Der Landarzt - Staffel 14 (3 Discs) Gereghty, Michael Preece Neame, Kai Wulff - Dir. Cliff Bole, Charles Walter Plathe, Karina Thayenthal, Heinz Action/Kriminalfilm 1988-1989 368min. Correll Reincke, Frederike Euler, Leon Hilcken, Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 Action/Kriminalfilm 1985-1986 550min. Jakob Hilcken, Nynne Bugat, Jens 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041270 Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 Eulenberger, Till Demtrøder, Stefanie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041264 Mensing, Christian Schmidt, Aline MacGyver - Season 4, Vol. 2 (3 Hochscheid, Gerd Silberbauer, Gerhard MacGyver - Season 1, Vol. 2 (3 Discs) Olschewski, Franziska Troegner, Luise Discs) MacGyver Bähr, Andreas Bisowski, Eva-Maria Bauer, Richard Dean Anderson, Dana Elcar, Bruce MacGyver Karin Thaler, Edith Behleit, Victoria Sturm, McGill, Michael Des Barres, Susan Richard Dean Anderson, Dana Elcar, John Thorsten Nindel, Claudine Wilde, Gisela Chapple, Teri Hatcher, Robert Donner, Dale Anderson, Teri Hatcher, Christopher Trowe, Hans Georg Panczak, Daniela Wilson, Cuba Gooding Jr., Kai Wulff, Neame, Kai Wulff - Dir. Cliff Bole, Charles Hoffmann, Thomas Balou Martin, Klaus Madison Mason, Gerry Bean - Dir. William F. Correll Gehrke, Eckhardt Bogda, Gerd Grasse, Gereghty, Michael Preece Action/Kriminalfilm 1985-1986 472min. Janina Uhse, Andrea Popadic, Claus Jahn, Action/Kriminalfilm 1988-1989 512min. Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 Ulrich Gebauer, Jacqueline Svilarov, Eleo- Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041265 nore Weisgerber - Dir. Gunther Krää 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041271 Drama/Komödie 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) MacGyver - Season 2, Vol. 1 (3 MacGyver - Season 5, Vol. 1 (3 528min. Discs) Discs) Universum Film (ZDF Video) 26.08.2011 MacGyver 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041235 MacGyver

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Richard Dean Anderson, Dana Elcar, Bruce 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041314 NCIS - Season 7, 2.Teil (3 DVDs) McGill, Michael Des Barres, Robin Mossley, NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service John Anderson, Teri Hatcher, Robert Don- Marcus - Der Gladiator von Rom Mark Harmon, Sasha Alexander, Michael ner, Dale Wilson, Claire Brown, Jackson (Blu-ray) Weatherly, Pauley Perrette, David Davies, Cuba Gooding Jr., Christopher Cyclops McCallum, Sean Murray, Cote de Pablo Neame, Kai Wulff, Madison Mason, Gerry Eric Roberts, Kevin Stapleton, Frida Farrell, Featurettes Bean - Dir. William F. Gereghty, Michael Craig Archibald, Mike Straub, David Action/Kriminalfilm 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 Preece, Charles Correll, Michael Caffey McFarland, Dan Golden, Dimitar Maslarski - (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (It) Action/Kriminalfilm 1989-1990 549min. Dir. Declan O’Brien 498min. Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 Trailer, Bildergalerie Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041272 Fantasy/Action 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041258 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 99min. MacGyver - Season 5, Vol. 2 (3 KSM 18.07.2011 Die Nibelungen (2 Discs) Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041322 Gerd Seid, Antje Weisgerber, Hans MacGyver Caninenberg, Lola Müthel, Lutz Richard Dean Anderson, Dana Elcar, Bruce The Mechanic (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Hochstraate, Rolf O. Becker - Dir. Wilhelm McGill, Michael Des Barres, Robin Mossley, The Mechanic Semmelroth John Anderson, Teri Hatcher, Robert Don- Jason Statham, Ben Foster, Donald Wendecover Drama 1966 FF DD 1.0 (D) 249min. ner, Dale Wilson, Claire Brown, Jackson Sutherland, Tony Goldwyn, Mini Anden, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.08.2011 Davies, Cuba Gooding Jr., Christopher James Logan, Jeff Chase, Christa 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041239 Neame, Kai Wulff, Madison Mason, Gerry Campbell, Amber Gaiennie, Eddie J. Fernandez - Dir. Simon West Bean - Dir. William F. Gereghty, Michael Noise Preece, Charles Correll, Michael Caffey Featurette, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Trailer, Wende- cover Noise Action/Kriminalfilm 1989-1990 414min. Action 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- Tim Robbins, Bridget Moynahan, William Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 HD 5.1 MA (E) 93min. Hurt, Margarita Levieva, Gabrielle Brennan, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041273 Kinowelt Home Entertainment 01.09.2011 María Ballesteros, William Baldwin, Lou 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041290 MacGyver - Season 6, Vol. 1 (3 Carbonneau - Dir. Henry Bean Komödie/Drama 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD Discs) The Mechanic (k.J.) 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 89min. MacGyver The Mechanic MIG Film 01.09.2011 Richard Dean Anderson, Dana Elcar, Bruce Jason Statham, Ben Foster, Donald tba BestellNr.: 20041205 McGill, Michael Des Barres, Robin Mossley, Sutherland, Tony Goldwyn, Mini Anden, Susan Chapple, John Anderson, Kai Wulff, James Logan, Jeff Chase, Christa Noise (Blu-ray) Madison Mason, Gerry Bean - Dir. William F. Campbell, Amber Gaiennie, Eddie J. Noise Gereghty, Michael Preece, Mike Vejar, Mi- Fernandez - Dir. Simon West Tim Robbins, Bridget Moynahan, William chael Caffey Featurette, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Trailer, Wende- Hurt, Margarita Levieva, Gabrielle Brennan, Action/Kriminalfilm 1990-1991 551min. cover Action 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 María Ballesteros, William Baldwin, Lou Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 (E) 89min. Carbonneau - Dir. Henry Bean 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041274 Kinowelt Home Entertainment 01.09.2011 Komödie/Drama 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041278 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 93min. MacGyver - Season 6, Vol. 2 (3 MIG Film 01.09.2011 Discs) mein tba BestellNr.: 20041223 MacGyver Leni Wesselman, Detlef Bothe, Raffaele Richard Dean Anderson, Dana Elcar, Bruce Bonazza, Dominic Raacke, RP Kahl, Lisa Ohne Limit McGill, Michael Des Barres, Robin Mossley, Hofer, Natja Brunckhorst, Sybille Braun, Limitless Susan Chapple, John Anderson, Kai Wulff, Dietmar Mössmer, Susanna Kraus, Kerstin Bradley Cooper, Abbie Cornish, Robert De Madison Mason, Gerry Bean - Dir. William F. Voigt, Ariane Roth, Nathalie Schott - Dir. Niro, Anna Friel, Andrew Howard, Johnny Gereghty, Michael Preece, Mike Vejar, Mi- Detlef Bothe Whitworth, Robert John Burke, Tomas chael Caffey Drama/Thriller 2009 DD 2.0 (D) 104min. Arana, T.V. Carpio, Patricia Kalember, Eddie Action/Kriminalfilm 1990-1991 411min. good!movies(Zorro) 24.06.2011 J. Fernandez - Dir. Neil Burger Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041238 Thriller/Drama 2011 101min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041275 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Mum & Dad (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Home Edition) 08.09.2011 Ein Mann, den sie Pferd nannten Mum & Dad 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041285 (Blu-ray) Perry Benson, Dido Miles, Olga Fedori, A Man Called Horse Ainsley Howard, Toby Alexander - Dir. Ohne Limit (Blu-ray) Richard Harris, Judith Anderson, Jean Steven Sheil Limitless Gascon, Manu Tupou, Corinna Tsopei, Dub Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Biografien, Bilderga- Bradley Cooper, Abbie Cornish, Robert De Taylor, William Jordan, James Gammon - Dir. lerie Niro, Anna Friel, Andrew Howard, Johnny Thriller/Horror 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Elliot Silverstein Whitworth, Robert John Burke, Tomas (E) 82min. Abenteuer/Western 1969 Ltbx (D) DTS-HD Arana, T.V. Carpio, Patricia Kalember, Eddie KSM(NewKSM) 18.07.2011 5.1 MA (E) (F) (Sp) 110min. J. Fernandez - Dir. Neil Burger 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041324 Paramount Home Entertainment 30.06.2011 Thriller/Drama 2011 105min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041298 Concorde Home Entertainment 08.09.2011 NCIS - Season 7, 1.Teil (3 DVDs) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041296 Marcus - Der Gladiator von Rom NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service Mark Harmon, Sasha Alexander, Michael Cyclops La Petite Mort (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Weatherly, Pauley Perrette, David Eric Roberts, Kevin Stapleton, Frida Farrell, Manoush, Andreas Pape, Inés Zahmoul, McCallum, Sean Murray, Cote de Pablo Craig Archibald, Mike Straub, David Anna Habeck, Thomas Kercmar, Martin Action/Kriminalfilm 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 McFarland, Dan Golden, Dimitar Maslarski - Hentschel, Annika Strauß, Magdalena (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (It) Dir. Declan O’Brien Kalley, Tanja Karius - Dir. Marcel Walz Trailer, Bildergalerie 500min. Interview, Making Of, Testcut , Trailer, Entfallene Szenen Fantasy/Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 Thriller/Horror 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 DD 5.1 (E) 96min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041257 (D) 67min. KSM 18.07.2011 Intergroove Media(Starlight Film)

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01.07.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041294 McCormack, Lindsey Stoddart, Rocky 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041225 Marquette, Natalie Avital - Dir. Sheldon Rio Lobo (Blu-ray) Wilson La Petite Mort (k.J.) Rio Lobo Thriller/Horror 2004 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) 97min. Manoush, Andreas Pape, Inés Zahmoul, John Wayne, Jorge Rivero, Jennifer O’Neill, Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Anna Habeck, Thomas Kercmar, Martin Jack Elam, Christopher Mitchum, Victor 01.07.2011 Hentschel, Annika Strauß, Magdalena French, Susana Dosamantes, Sherry 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041255 Kalley, Tanja Karius - Dir. Marcel Walz Lansing, David Huddleston, Mike Henry, Bill Interview, Making Of, Testcut , Trailer, Entfallene Szenen Williams, Jim Davis, Dean Smith, Robert Shallow Ground (k.J.) Thriller/Horror 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Donner, George Plimpton, Edward Faulkner, Shallow Ground (D) 67min. Peter Jason, Chuck Courtney, Robert Timothy V. Murphy, Stan Kirsch, Patty Intergroove Media(Starlight Film) Rothwell - Dir. Howard Hawks McCormack, Lindsey Stoddart, Rocky 01.07.2011 Western 1970 Ltbx (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) Marquette, Natalie Avital - Dir. Sheldon 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041206 (F) (Sp) 114min. Wilson Paramount Home Entertainment 30.06.2011 Making of Piranha - Der Fluss des Todes 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041313 Thriller/Horror 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Piranha, Piranha! DD 5.1 (E) 93min. William Smith, Peter Brown, Ahna Capri, Das Schmuckstück Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Tom Simcox, John Villegas, Julie Tecca, Potiche 01.07.2011 Ernie Francis, Miguel Berzares - Dir. William Catherine Deneuve, Gérard Depardieu, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041250 Gibson Fabrice Luchini, Karin Viard, Judith Horror/Action 1972 FF DD 1.0 (D) 83min. Godrèche, Jérémie Renier, Sergi Lopez, Sherlock - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) bellaphon records(Best Entertainment) Evelyne Dandry, Bruno Lochet, Elodie Sherlock 27.05.2011 Frégé, Gautier About, Jean-Baptiste Benedict Cumberbatch 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041204 Shelmerdine, Noam Charlier, Martin de Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD Myttenaere - Dir. François Ozon 2.0 (E) 270min. Planet der Affen - Legacy Making of, Outtakes, Featurette, Teaser, Trailer WVG Medien(polyband) 08.08.2011 Collection (5 Discs) Komödie 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041160 Planet Of The Apes / Beneath The Planet (D) DD 5.1 (F) 99min. Of The Apes / Escape From The Planet Of Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Sherlock - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) (Blu- The Apes / Conquest Of The Planet Of Home Edition) 08.09.2011 ray) The Apes / Battle For The Planet Of The 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041282 Sherlock Apes Benedict Cumberbatch Dir. Franklin J. Schaffner, Ted Post, Don Das Schmuckstück (Blu-ray) Audiokommentar, Making of, Booklet Taylor, J. Lee Thompson Potiche Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) DTS- Audiokommentar, Trivia Game, Behind the Scenes, Catherine Deneuve, Gérard Depardieu, HD 5.1 (E) 270min. Featurettes, Outtakes Fabrice Luchini, Karin Viard, Judith WVG Medien(polyband) 08.08.2011 Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1968-1973 Godrèche, Jérémie Renier, Sergi Lopez, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041177 475min. Evelyne Dandry, Bruno Lochet, Elodie Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Frégé, Gautier About, Jean-Baptiste Ein Sonntag im Oktober Germany 15.07.2011 Shelmerdine, Noam Charlier, Martin de Októberi Vasárnap tba BestellNr.: 20041289 Myttenaere - Dir. François Ozon Klaus Maria Brandauer, Ferenc Bács, Mar- Making of, Outtakes, Featurette, Teaser, Trailer tin Lüttge, Lajos Öze - Dir. András Kovács Reflections Of War Komödie 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) Drama 1979 DD 1.0 (D) 90min. Dir. Kristijan Milic DTS-HD 5.1 MA (F) 103min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 01.07.2011 Kriegsfilm 2006 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Kroat) Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041184 88min. Home Edition) 08.09.2011 KSM 18.07.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041293 Soul Boy 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041301 Soul Boy Der Sechs-Millionen-Dollar-Mann Samson Odhiambo, Leila Dayan Opollo, Reflections Of War (Blu-ray) - Staffel 1-3 (14 DVDs) Krysteen Savane, Frank Kimani, Joab Dir. Kristijan Milic The Six Million Dollar Man Ogolla, Lucy Gachanja, Katherine Damaris, Kriegsfilm 2006 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) Lee Majors, Richard Anderson, Martin E. Kevin Onyango Omondi, Calvin Shikuku DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Kroat) 91min. Brooks, Lindsay Wagner - Dir. Dick Moder, Odhiambo, Nordeen Abdulghani, Christo- KSM(NewKSM) 18.07.2011 Cliff Bole pher Abuga, Rose Adhiambo, Jones 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041310 Science Fiction 1974-1978 FF DD 1.0 (D) Onyango Ajwala, Consolata Apondi, DD 1.0 (E) 2875min. Micheal Babu - Dir. Hawa Essuman Der Richter und sein Henker Universum Film 26.08.2011 Drama 2010 DD 5.1 (D) min. Jon Voight, Jacqueline Bisset, Martin Ritt, 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041234 Warner Home Video Germany(X Filme) Robert Shaw, Helmut Qualtinger, Gabriele 05.08.2011 Ferzetti, Rita Calderoni, Friedrich Dürren- Serum of the Reanimator (k.J.) tba BestellNr.: 20041195 matt - Dir. Maximilian Schell Serum Thriller 1975 88min. Derek Phillips, Dennis O’Neill, Lizabeth The Specialist (Blu-ray) Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Cardenas, David Hickey, Bill Sebastian, The Specialist Classic Selection) 04.08.2011 Kevin Squires, Shawn Kurz, Betheny Zolt - Sylvester Stallone, Sharon Stone, James 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041283 Dir. Steve Franke Woods, Rod Steiger, Eric Roberts - Dir. Luis Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes Llosa Der Richter und sein Henker (Blu- Thriller/Horror 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Action 1994 min. ray) (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 85min. Warner Home Video Germany 19.08.2011 Jon Voight, Jacqueline Bisset, Martin Ritt, KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041219 Robert Shaw, Helmut Qualtinger, Gabriele 14.07.2011 Ferzetti, Rita Calderoni, Friedrich Dürren- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041320 Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod (Blu- matt - Dir. Maximilian Schell Shallow Ground (Blu-ray) (k.J.) ray) Thriller 1975 92min. C’Era Una Volta Il West Shallow Ground Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Claudia Cardinale, Henry Fonda, Charles Classic Selection) 04.08.2011 Timothy V. Murphy, Stan Kirsch, Patty

LASER HOTLINE Seite 15 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Bronson, Jason Robards, Gabriele Ferzetti, Action/Fantasy 2011 min. Sullivan - Dir. Leigh Scott Frank Wolff, Keenan Wynn, Paolo Stoppa, Warner Home Video Germany 05.08.2011 Trailer, Making of Lionel Stander, Woody Strode, Jack Elam, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041194 Science Fiction/Action 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD Keenan Wynn - Dir. Sergio Leone 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 83min. Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Bildergalerie, Trailer Sucker Punch (Extended Cut) Intergroove Media(Starlight Film) Western 1968 Ltbx (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) (Blu-ray) 24.06.2011 (F) (Sp) 164min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041207 Sucker Punch Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 Emily Browning, Abbie Cornish, Jena 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041174 Traumprinz in Farbe Malone, Vanessa Anne Hudgens, Jamie Sophie Schütt, René Steinke, Katja Chung, Oscar Isaac, Carla Gugino, Jon Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod Woywood, Kai Ivo Baulitz, Kathrin Spiel- Hamm, Scott Glenn - Dir. Zack Snyder vogel, Sandra Borgmann, Andreas (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Action/Fantasy 2011 min. Pietschmann, Edgar M. Böhlke, Saskia Fi- C’Era Una Volta Il West Warner Home Video Germany 05.08.2011 scher, Inge Meysel, Daniela Preuß - Dir. Claudia Cardinale, Henry Fonda, Charles 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041213 Bronson, Jason Robards, Gabriele Ferzetti, Oliver Dommenget Frank Wolff, Keenan Wynn, Paolo Stoppa, The Terror - Schloß des Schrek- Komödie 2002 (D) 92min. Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 24.06.2011 Lionel Stander, Woody Strode, Jack Elam, kens (Blu-ray) Keenan Wynn - Dir. Sergio Leone 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041167 The Terror Western 1968 Ltbx (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) Jack Nicholson, Boris Karloff, Sandra (F) (Sp) 164min. Unser Lehrer Dr. Specht - Staffel Knight, Dick Miller, Dorothy Neuman, Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 3 Jonathan Haze - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041175 Trailer, Darstellerinfos Drama 1994 FF DD 2.0 (D) 800min. Thriller 1963 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Universum Film(ZDF Video) 19.08.2011 A Star Is Born 79min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041233 A Star Is Born Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 24.06.2011 Judy Garland, James Mason, Jack Carson, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041227 Unsere Farm in Irland - Box 2 Charles Bickford, Tommy Noonan, Lucy Liebe meines Lebens / Eifersucht Marlow, Amanda Blake - Dir. George Cukor Der Teufelspakt - The Covenant Eva Habermann, Daniel Morgenroth, Kathi Drama/Musical 1954 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (E) The Covenant: Brotherhood Of Evil Leitner, Henner Quest, Lea Fassbender, 110min. Edward Furlong, Chandra West, Michael Isolda Dychauk, Noemi Slawinski, Johanna bellaphon records(Best Entertainment) Madsen, Richard Stroh, Sandra Steier, John Klante, Jürgen Kluckert, Luise Deschauer, 27.05.2011 Innes - Dir. Michael Bafaro Matthias Bundschuh, René Hofschneider, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041202 Trailer, Bildergalerie Mathias Herrmann, Eckhard Preuß, Helena Horror/Thriller 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Siegmund-Schultze, Bigi Fischer, Jan Hart- The Stranger DD 5.1 (E) 89min. mann, Martina Servatius, Markus Böker, The Stranger bellaphon records(Great Movies) Christina Rainer - Dir. Karola Meeder Steve Austin, Erica Cerra, Adam Beach, 27.05.2011 Drama/Lovestory 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 Ron Lea, Viv Leacock, Jason Schombing, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041203 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 180min. Stephen Dimopoulos, Dalila Bela, Anthony Universum Film(ZDF Video) 05.08.2011 Harrison, Andrew Wheeler, Timothy Paul Titanic - Nachspiel einer Kata- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041230 Perez, Geoff Gustafson - Dir. Robert strophe Lieberman Hans Korte, Sigmar Solbach, Volkert Vale Todo (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Making of, Trailer Kraeft, Arthur Brauss, Til Erwig, Benno (k.J.) Action/Thriller 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Sterzenbach - Dir. Lutz Büscher Vale Todo: Anything Goes 87min. Drama 1984 DD 2.0 (D) 103min. Royce Gracie, Carlos Valencia, Christopher WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment) 30.09.2011 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 01.07.2011 Andrews - Dir. Roberto Estrella 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041178 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041182 Action/Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS (E) The Stranger (Blu-ray) 94min. The Tomb (k.J.) Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Global The Stranger The Tomb Cinema) 22.07.2011 Steve Austin, Erica Cerra, Adam Beach, Victoria Ullmann, Christian Behm, Gerard tba BestellNr.: 20041254 Ron Lea, Viv Leacock, Jason Schombing, Griesbaum, Michael Barbour, Shawn Smith, Stephen Dimopoulos, Dalila Bela, Anthony Naidra Dawn Thomson - Dir. Ulli Lommel Vale Todo (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Harrison, Andrew Wheeler, Timothy Paul Thriller/Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Vale Todo: Anything Goes Perez, Geoff Gustafson - Dir. Robert DD 2.0 (E) 81min. Royce Gracie, Carlos Valencia, Christopher Lieberman Making of, Trailer Intergroove Media(Starlight Film) Andrews - Dir. Roberto Estrella Action/Thriller 2010 Ltbx DTS (D) 90min. 01.07.2011 Action/Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS (E) WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment) 30.09.2011 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041209 94min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041188 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Global Transmorphers (Blu-ray) Cinema) 22.07.2011 Die Stunde des Léon Bisquet Transmorphers tba BestellNr.: 20041253 Klaus Schwarzkopf, Beatrice Kessler, Matthew Wolf, Amy Weber, Shaley Scott, Günter Mack, Matthias Ponnier, Hans-Peter Eliza Swenson, Griff Furst, Sarah Hall, Erin Vale Todo (k.J.) Hallwachs - Dir. Lutz Büscher Sullivan - Dir. Leigh Scott Vale Todo: Anything Goes Wendecover Science Fiction/Action 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 Royce Gracie, Carlos Valencia, Christopher Kriminalfilm 1986 DD 2.0 (D) 85min. (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 89min. Andrews - Dir. Roberto Estrella Pidax film media(Pidax film) 01.07.2011 Intergroove Media(Starlight Film) Action/Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041159 24.06.2011 DD 5.1 (E) 90min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041226 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Global Sucker Punch Cinema) 22.07.2011 Sucker Punch Transmorphers (Remastered Editi- tba BestellNr.: 20041249 Emily Browning, Abbie Cornish, Jena on) Malone, Vanessa Anne Hudgens, Jamie Transmorphers Vergessene Western Vol. 1 - Noch Chung, Oscar Isaac, Carla Gugino, Jon Matthew Wolf, Amy Weber, Shaley Scott, hänge ich nicht (Blu-ray) Hamm, Scott Glenn - Dir. Zack Snyder Eliza Swenson, Griff Furst, Sarah Hall, Erin One-Eyed Jacks

LASER HOTLINE Seite 16 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Marlon Brando, Karl Malden, Katy Jurado, Anton Kalinitchenko, Selina Lo, Damian 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 91min. Pina Pellicer, Slim Pickens, Ben Johnson - Mavis, Yardthip Rajpal, Kirk Schiller - Dir. polyband Medien GmbH 26.08.2011 Dir. Marlon Brando Sakchai Sribonnam 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041176 Wendecover, Bildergalerie, Trailer Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Musikvideo, Bilderga- Western/Drama 1959 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) lerie, Trailer Sagat (Uncut) (k.J.) Action/Abenteuer 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 144min. Sagat 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (Thai) DD 2.0 (Thai) 98min. Intergroove Media(Voulez Vouz) Dir. Jérôme M. Oliveira, Pascal Roche 24.06.2011 KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Interviews, Videos 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041228 14.07.2011 Dokumentarfilm 2011 45min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041319 PRO-FUN MEDIA 16.06.2011 The Walking Dead - Die komplet- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041173 te erste Staffel (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Wie angelt man sich seine Chefin Sophie Schütt, Dominic Raacke, Ernst-Ge- (k.J.) Seen On IMAX: Wolves - Lords Of org Schwill, Till Trenkel, Traute Hoess, The Forests (Blu-ray) The Walking Dead Charly Hübner, Marie Luise Stahl, Herbert Lords Of The Forests Andrew Lincoln, Jon Bernthal, Sarah Fritsch, Peter Ketnath, Xenia Seeberg - Dir. Dokumentation DD 5.1 (D) 40min. Wayne Callies, Laurie Holden, Jeffrey Sophie Allet-Coche KSM(NewKSM) 18.07.2011 DeMunn, Chandler Riggs, Carl Grimes, Komödie/Lovestory 2007 DD 2.0 (D) 90min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041323 - Dir. , Michelle Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 24.06.2011 Maxwell MacLaren, Gwyneth Horder- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041165 Payton, Johan Renck, Ernest R. Dickerson, Guy Ferland The Young Tiger Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews u. a. Xiao Lao Hu Horror/Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) Meng Fei, Maggie Lee, Jackie Chan, Dean DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 400min. Shek - Dir. Wu Ma WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment) 28.10.2011 Alternative Vor- und Abspänne, Werbetrailer 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041189 Action/Eastern 1973 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 87min. The Walking Dead - Die komplet- da music(Great Movies) 03.06.2011 te erste Staffel (k.J.) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041306 The Walking Dead Andrew Lincoln, Jon Bernthal, Sarah Ein zauberhaftes Biest (2 Discs) Wayne Callies, Laurie Holden, Jeffrey Gerd Baltus, Beate Bock, Veronika Faber, DeMunn, Chandler Riggs, Carl Grimes, Franziska Stömmer - Dir. Hartmut Griesmayr Emma Bell - Dir. Frank Darabont, Michelle Komödie/Familie 1981 DD 1.0 (D) 405min. Maxwell MacLaren, Gwyneth Horder- Edel Germany(Aviator) 24.06.2011 Payton, Johan Renck, Ernest R. Dickerson, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041168 Guy Ferland Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews u. a. Zeugnis aus der grünen Hölle Horror/Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Lettres Du Bagne DD 5.1 (E) 400min. Macha Méril, Robert Liensol, Hélène Duc, WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment) 28.10.2011 Marc Ranieri - Dir. Jean L’Hote 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041180 Wendecover Abenteuer 1983 DD 2.0 (D) 90min. Die Waltons - Die komplette 9. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 01.07.2011 Staffel (6 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041183 The Waltons Ralph Waite, Michael Learned - Dir. Herbert Hirschman, James Sheldon, Lawrence Dobkin, Philip Leacock Special Interest Drama 1980-1981 min. Warner Home Video Germany 19.08.2011 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041196 Cirque du soleil - Journey of Man (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Wann sind wir endlich da? Cirque Du Soleil - Journey Of Man Wann sind wir endlich da? Brian Dewhurst, Nicky Drewhurst, Anait Kinderfilm 180min. Karagyezyan - Dir. Keith Melton ZYX Music 17.06.2011 Dokumentarfilm/Kunst 1999 min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041187 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 21.07.2011 White Force (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041297 White Force Sam J. Jones, Kimberley Pistone, Timothy Russland - Im Reich der Tiger, Hughes, Paul Aragon, Jaime Fabregas - Dir. Bären und Vulkane Eddie Romero Dir. Jörn Röver Action 1987 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) Making of, Trailer, Interviews 90min. Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 91min. 01.07.2011 polyband Medien GmbH 26.08.2011 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041211 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041157 The White Monkey Warrior (k.J.) Russland - Im Reich der Tiger, Hanuman Klook Foon Bären und Vulkane (Blu-ray) Sornram Theppitak, Dean Alexandrou, Dir. Jörn Röver Sonthaya Chitmanee, Brahim Achabbakhe, Making of, Trailer, Interviews Kotee Arramboy, Matt Cho, Lex de Groot, Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD

LASER HOTLINE Seite 17 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011

LASER HOTLINE Seite 18 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Kekkaishi: Set Two Castle! Shaggy and Scooby-Doo are then captured by Redbeard the Pirate in Go Away Ghost Ship. Zoinks! If the Yoshimori’s brother Masamori has loads of advice for his case isn’t solved soon, somebody’s going to walk the plank! Animation little brother, but whether or not Yoshimori takes it remains to And when Scooby and friends get lost in a swamp, they meet be seen. Then a mysterious named Gen shows up at up with the Harlem Globetrotters and Redbeard the Pirate - Bob The Builder: Super the Karasumori site to help out, and Tokine has her hands full again! - for a swashbuckling adventure worth a treasure keeping Gen and Yoshimori focused on fighting Ayakashi chest full of Scooby Snax! Scrambler instead of each other! Comedy, Family, Mystery, Pirates, Animated Action, Adventure, Anime, Fantasy, Get ready for super-sized fun with Bob the Builder and the Animals 84min. Foreign, Japanese, Martial Arts min. Can-Do Crew in these four exciting adventures! Scrambler Warner Bros. 06.09.2011 wants to be a Super- Smasher hero while he builds Farmer Viz Entertainment 13.09.2011 Pickles’ milk shed. When Scratch tries to make a dream room 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100551 come true, it almost turns into a building nightmare. And Roley 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100555 is on a mission to find a lost document but ends up getting lost himself. Wendy, Travis, and Muck show them there’s more to Kite Liberator Special Edition Scooby-Doo! And The Robots strength than lifting heavy blocks and that following First stop is Cyber Gulch, where the Mystery, Inc. gang must instructions is always important. Bob and his crew finish the Teenage assassin Sawa has discovered that the man behind solve the riddle of the man-a-trons or get terminated in Go job with the super power of tools and teamwork! her parents’ deaths was her foster father, police detective West Young Scoob. En route to Florida, Freddy runs into a Family, Preschool, Stop Motion Animation Akai. Now, the story of a new killer has begun to circulate real Monster Truck at a championship stock car race in around the city. Called the Angel of Death, she eliminates her Gentlemen, Start Your Monsters. Buckle up for a roller coast 44min. targets with grace and precision, and then vanishes without a ride of fun and fear in Foul Play in Funland when the gang Lionsgate 16.08.2011 trace into the darkness. discovers a fully-operating amusement park...with nobody in 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100661 Action 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 60min. it! Will they find the phantom in the Hall of Mirrors? Stay Allegro Entertainment 05.07.2011 tuned for more creepy escapades with Scooby-Doo - and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100635 watch out for those robots! Chuggington: It’s Training Time! Comedy, Family, Mystery, Robots / Family 2011 62min. Androids, Animated Animals 60min. Starz / Anchor Bay 02.08.2011 The Lion King: Diamond Edition Warner Bros. 06.09.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100485 (Blu-ray) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100552 Whoopi Goldberg, James Earl Jones, Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (Blu- Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Nathan Lane, Scooby-Doo! And The Zombies ray) Cheech Marin, Jeremy Irons, Rowan Smile and say „ciao“! The phantom-busters travel to Italy in Atkinson, Robert Guillaume, Moira Kelly, Pompeii and Circumstance. With a colossal mystery to solve, Beau Billingslea will our friends be ghoulish gladiator goners, or will their They’re here to the planet. But not for free.. Mars. Days Madge Sinclair, Matthew Broderick, Ernie love for Italian art and Scooby Snax save the day? Then it’s before Halloween 2071. Villains blow up a tanker truck on Sabella off to the City by the Bay for the Grind Games in San Highway One, releasing a deadly virus that kills hundreds. Disney, Family, Animated Animals, Animated Franpsycho, where a seaweed-sprouting ghoul from Alcatraz Fearing a bigger, even more devastating biochemical attack, prison scares competing skateboarders to the core. If they an astronomical reward is offered for the arrest and capture Feature Films 1994 min. don’t find the creep behind the Legend of the Creepy Keeper, of the person behind the destruction. On the spaceship Disney / Buena Vista 04.11.2011 it’ll be lights out in Fright House of a Lighthouse. Who’s „Bebop,“ Spike Spiegel and his crew of bounty hunters (Jet 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100549 scared of zombies? Not Scooby-Doo! Black, Faye Valentine, Ed and Ein) are bored and short of Comedy, Family, Mystery, Zombies, cash. But with the news of the reward everything changes. Animated Animals 61min. Based on the wildly popular TV series, Cowboy Bebop, the The Lion King: Diamond Edition big-screen smash Cowboy Bebop: The Movie pits Spike and Warner Bros. 06.09.2011 Co. against their deadliest adversary ever. Featuring (DVD Case) (Blu-ray) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100553 stunning, state-of-the-art animation, this action-packed sci-fi Whoopi Goldberg, James Earl Jones, adventure builds to a breath-taking, nail-biting climax, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Nathan Lane, guaranteed to keep you hanging on the edge of your seat. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Science Fiction, Space, Anime, Action, Cheech Marin, Jeremy Irons, Rowan Atkinson, Robert Guillaume, Moira Kelly, Season 9 Adventure, Bounty Hunters, Crime, Join the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as they face off against Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese 2001 115min. Madge Sinclair, Matthew Broderick, Ernie new opponents, the evil Lord Dregg and Hi-tech while also Image Ent. 28.06.2011 Sabella fighting against their own uncontrollable mutations in the Disney, Family, Animated Animals, Animated mind-bending Season 9! With the help of Carter, a new ninja 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100609 ally, Michelangelo, Leonardo , Raphael, and Donatello Feature Films 1994 min. struggle to stop Lord Dregg from enslaving Earth, while Fanboy & Chum Chum: Brain Disney / Buena Vista 04.10.2011 overcoming Replicon, a battle droid that regenerates after 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100717 each defeat. Featuring nonstop, sewer to-street action, these Freeze eight adventures will leave you wanting more turtle power! Jamie Kennedy, Estelle Harris, Josh Includes 8 Shell-Busting Episodes: The Unknown Ninja, Queen’s Blade 2: The Evil Eye Dregg of the Earth, The Wrath Of Medusa, The New Mutati- Duhamel, David Hornsby on, The Showdown, Split-Second, Carter the Enforcer, 2011 88min. Series - Part 2 Doomquest The end of the Queen’s Blade tournament has come, and only Action, Based On Comic Book, Martial Arts, Nickelodeon 16.08.2011 the strongest remain. Everything comes down to the final 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100621 match-ups. Tomoe fights Shizuka, and Leina fights Risty. Aldra Ninjas, Superheroes 176min. waits to challenge the final winner personally with her inhu- Lionsgate 16.08.2011 man powers. When the smoke clears, who will be crowned 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100663 Hoodwinked Too!: Hood Vs. Evil queen? Glenn Close, Amy Poehler, Hayden Anime 2011 Ltbx S 150min. Panettiere, Bill Hader Allegro Entertainment 19.07.2011 Vampire Knight: Guilty - The Red Riding Hood is training in the group of Sister Hoods, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100692 Complete Series when she and the Wolf are called to examine the sudden Yuki is torn between the two people she cares for most when mysterious disappearance of Hansel and Gretal. Sequel to Zero is accused of Shizuka Hio’s murder and Kaname refuses Hoodwinked. Scooby-Doo! And The Ghosts to attest to his innocence. Drawn deeper into the world of Comedy, Family 2011 87min. The thrills kick off with a Cajun caper and a Big Scare in the vampires, Yuki struggles to recall the events of ten years Starz / Anchor Bay 16.08.2011 Big Easy when Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. crew earlier but fails time and again, despiteZero’s help. Kaname uncover unearthly spirits at a haunted New Orleans cemetery! continually evades Yuki’s questions, but when her visions of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100603 Then, the gang heads to Hollywood in Lights! Camera! blood grow more frequent and intense, the past may come to Mayhem!, where a tour of Piranha Studios brings them face to light whether anyone wants it to or not! Hoodwinked Too!: Hood Vs. Evil face with the ghost of a legendary teen idol. Follow Scooby- Vampires, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror, Doo and his friends for more haunted fun as they outwit a Japanese, Romance 312min. (Blu-ray) bank robber in Jeepers, lt’s the Creeper! Remember, when it Viz Entertainment 20.09.2011 Glenn Close, Amy Poehler, Hayden comes to solving mysteries involving spooks and kooks, Scooby-Doo and his crew know just what to do! 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100554 Panettiere, Bill Hader Comedy, Family, Ghosts, Mystery, Animated Red Riding Hood is training in the group of Sister Hoods, when she and the Wolf are called to examine the sudden Animals 63min. mysterious disappearance of Hansel and Gretal. Sequel to Warner Bros. 06.09.2011 Hoodwinked. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100550 Comedy, Family 2011 87min. Film Starz / Anchor Bay 16.08.2011 Scooby-Doo! And The Pirates 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100612 Splash into action with seafaring sleuths Scooby-Doo and the 2 Fast 2 Furious Mystery, Inc. gang as they collide with a mystery ship and try Racing, Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Auto to uncover clues from a vanished crew in Hassle in the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 19 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Racing, Car Modification, Chases, Crime, Mystery, Classics, Family 1946 FF S Drama, Drifting min. Avalon 1609min. Universal Studios 30.08.2011 From Mamoru Oshii, the acclaimed director of Ghost in the Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100622 Shell, Avalon is a mesmerizing sci-fi thriller with explosive 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100732 action and state-of-the-art visual effects in the stunning style of The Matrix! In the not-so-distant future, desperate young 2033: Apocalipsis Futuro people risk everything to play „Avalon“ - an illegal and BFF It is the year 2033 in Mexico City, now called Villaparaiso. potentially lethal virtual war game where addicted combatants A world where friends come with benefits.. Takira (Ja’kani After a bloody revolution, the military regime restored civil earn points and wealth. For one of the game’s greatest Tashmeka) and Jake (Don Hale) have been friends since order - all religion and protests are now banned, and warriors, the „noble soldier“ Ash, the search for Avalon’s junior high school. In fact, they have been best friends for as corporations control society to ensure their own prosperity. legendary game stage Class Real will either lead to an long as they can remember. So when Jake splits up with his Pablo is a young member of the elite class being groomed into entirely higher level of existence - or be a journey from which longtime girlfriend Charlotte, he looks to Takira to be the military power. He plays life on the edge, believes the state she will never return! With awe-inspiring visuals and an shoulder he can lean on. Meanwhile, Takira is preparing to go propaganda, and lives for the decadence of it all. One day, intriguing futuristic story, lose yourself in the excitement of to college and recovering from her own breakup, so she is through an underground priest Miguel, Pablo learns his real this amazing cinematic adventure! more than happy to spend time comforting Jake as the two help father was the leader of the revolutionary movement and so he Polish, Action, Foreign 2001 107min. each other through the pain of breaking up. But soon the lines joins the uprising to take down the military regime. Lionsgate 14.06.2011 become blurred as the two friends begin to explore their War, Action, Adventure 2009 93min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100687 relationship... E1 Entertainment 07.06.2011 Drama 2011 Ltbx 16x9 S 80min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100724 Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 Beneath Hill 60 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100629 As the Great War rampages across Europe, a brave platoon 36th Precinct of tunnelers fight beneath enemy lines to defend an In this action packed cop thriller, a gang of armed robbers underground labyrinth packed with enough explosives to The Big Lebowski: Limited Editon have committed seven deadly robberies within a year. When change the course of the war. (Blu-ray) two lieutenants are told that whoever stops the gang will War, Action, Adventure 2010 122min. become the next Chief Of Police, the competition between E1 Entertainment 28.06.2011 Stoners, Thrillers, Buddy Pictures, Comedy, them becomes increasingly ruthless, blurring the lines of Cult Film / TV, Dark Comedy, Film Noir, Kid- morality, until there is no difference between the police and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100748 the criminals they chase. napping 119min. Action, Adventure 2004 111min. Bereavement Universal Studios 16.08.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100641 E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 John Savage, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100726 There are some evils so unspeakable... They will scar you forever.. In 1989, six-year-old Martin Bristol was kidnapped Black Sheep / Tommy Boy (2 from his backyard. Graham Sutter, a psychotic recluse, kept 36th Precinct (Blu-ray) MArtin imprisoned in his derelict slaughterhouse, forcing him Pack) (Blu-ray) In this action packed cop thriller, a gang of armed robbers to witness and participate in unspeakable horrors. For five Chris Farley, David Spade, Brian Dennehy, have committed seven deadly robberies within a year. When years, Martin’s whereabouts have remained a mystery, until a two lieutenants are told that whoever stops the gang will young girl is sent to live with her uncle. Her curiousity about Tim Matheson, Christine Ebersole, Bo become the next Chief Of Police, the competition between the deserted slaughterhouse disturbs a hornet’s nest of evil Derek, Gary Busey them becomes increasingly ruthless, blurring the lines of and despair that once torn open, can never be closed. Tommy Boy. The boys are back and they’re bigger than ever in morality, until there is no difference between the police and Thrillers, Horror, Kidnapping 2011 103min. the gut-busting comedy. Crack-up comedians Chris Farley the criminals they chase. Starz / Anchor Bay 30.08.2011 and David Spade star as two ne’er-do-well traveling Cops, Action, Adventure 2004 111min. salesmen who the road in order to save the family business 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100605 in this „infectiously funny“ (Gary Arnold, The E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 Times), larger-than-life movie. Co-starring Rob Lowe, Bo 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100759 Derek, Dan Aykroyd and Brian Dennehy. Black Sheep. Meet The Best Of Global Lens: Brazil Mike Donnelly (Chris Farley). He’s one lovable, hilarious Almost Brothers (Quase Dois Irmãos) A film by Lúcia Murat. accident waiting to happen. Dedicated to helping his big Arthur This searing look at the class struggle of Brazil over a period brother Al (Tim Matheson) win the race for Washington State Helen Mirren, Jennifer Garner, Russell of four decades is told through the closely linked yet fatally Governor, he turns every opportunity for votes into an divided lives of Miguel, a middle-class white rebel, and embarrassing disaster. Campaign aide and super slacker Brand, Nick Nolte, Greta Gerwig, Luis Jorge, his black childhood friend. Remembering their time of Steve Dobbs (David Spade) volunteers to baby-sit Mike. Big Guzman imprisonment by the right wing government in the ’60s, Miguel mistake! When Mike discovers that the incumbent governor is Russell Brand reinvents the role of lovable billionaire Arthur returns as a progressive politician to the prison where Jorge a crook, he dives headfirst into a whole new level of well- Bach, an irresponsible charmer who has always relied on two serves a sentence as a gang leader, to seek his help in intended destruction. Black Sheep is „a crowd pleaser things to get by: his limitless fortune and lifelong nanny changing the cycle of death and poverty. The New York directed with maximum energy!“ (Kevin Thomas, Hobson (Academy Award® winner* Helen Mirren) to keep him Times. SF Bay Guardian. Cinema, Aspirins and Vultures Times). out of trouble. Now he faces his biggest challenge: choosing (Cinema, Aspirinas e Urubus) A film by Marcelo Gomes. Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Double Features, between an arranged marriage to ambitious corporate exec 1942. Johann, a young German opposed to Hitler’s war, Susan (Jennifer Garner) that will ensure his lavish lifestyle, travels the dusty roads of northeastern Brazil selling a new Road Trips, 2 Packs 1996 184min. or an uncertain future with the one thing money can’t buy - wonder drug, Aspirin, to peasants and farmers. Along the way Paramount Pictures 02.08.2011 (Greta Gerwig), his true love. With Naomi’s he picks up a hitchhiker, the sharp-tongued Ranulpho, who 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100559 inspiration and some unconventional help from Hobson, Arthur helps in his efforts. But as Brazil enters the war against will take the most expensive risk of his life and learn what it Germany and Johann is ordered back home, each man must means to be a man in this reimagining of the beloved Oscar®- decide his own fate. Time Out . The New York Times. Blade / Ring Of Death (Double winning* romantic comedy Arthur. Mango Yellow (Amarelo Manga) A Film by Cláudio Assis. The Romance, Comedy 2011 110min. hothouse Feature) Warner Bros. 15.07.2011 Adventure, Art House, Boxed Sets, Franco Nero, Rue McClanahan, John 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100614 Brazilian, Comedy, Drama, Foreign 381min. Marley, Adolfo Celi, Florinda Bolkan, First Features 23.08.2011 Morgan Freeman, William Prince, Ted Lan- Arthur (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100489 ge, Joe Santos, Steve Landesberg, Renzo Palmer, Jon Cypher Copy) (Blu-ray) Best Of Sherlock Holmes Blade. An all-star cast including John Marley (The Helen Mirren, Jennifer Garner, Russell Godfather) come together in this murder mystery. Marley is Collection Det. Tommy Blade, who is trying to solve the murder of a Brand, Nick Nolte, Greta Gerwig, Luis congressman’s daughter. A cold, calculating killer plays a Guzman Basil Rathbone, Reginald Owen, Raymond dangerous game of cat and mouse with the police in this Russell Brand reinvents the role of lovable billionaire Arthur Massey, Ronald Howard, H. Marion thriller, shown un-cut for the first time on home video. Ring Of Bach, an irresponsible charmer who has always relied on two Crawford, Arthur Wontner Death (Un Detective). Franco Nero (Django) is Detective things to get by: his limitless fortune and lifelong nanny The super sleuth collection features nine of the very best Belli, a corrupt detective hired to investigate a murder. Hobson (Academy Award® winner* Helen Mirren) to keep him Sherlock Holmes films starring Basil Rathbone, Arthur Through the course of his investigation, he finds himself torn out of trouble. Now he faces his biggest challenge: choosing Wontner, Raymond Massey, and more! Plus 20 episodes of the between feeling the need to do the right thing and find the between an arranged marriage to ambitious corporate exec critically acclaimed TV series hailed as the most faithfully murderer, and the beautiful Vera Fontant, a key suspect in the Susan (Jennifer Garner) that will ensure his lavish lifestyle, filmed adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s legendary case. or an uncertain future with the one thing money can’t buy - character. A must have for every avid Sherlock Holmes fan! Action, Adventure, Detectives, Double Fea- Naomi (Greta Gerwig), his true love. With Naomi’s The Woman In Green. Terror By Night. Dressed To Kill. tures 1973 180min. inspiration and some unconventional help from Hobson, Arthur Sherlock Holmes And The Secret Weapon. Triumph Of will take the most expensive risk of his life and learn what it Sherlock Holmes. Murder At The Baskervilles. The Sign Of Code Red 23.08.2011 means to be a man in this reimagining of the beloved Oscar®- Four. The Speckled Band. A Study In Scarlet. 39 Episodes of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100595 winning* romantic comedy Arthur. Sherlock Holmes: The Complete TV Series: Starring Ronald Comedy, Romance 2011 110min. Howard as the world famous sleuth and H. Marion Crawford Warner Bros. 15.07.2011 as the unflappable Dr. Watson, this critically acclaimed TV Bored To Death: The Complete series is hailed as the most faithfully filmed adaptation of Sir Second Season 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100639 Arthur Conan Doyle’s legendary characters.

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Ted Danson, Heather Burns, Zach to avenge his family and make a toast with the blood of his director of elegant erotic arthouse, comes the dazzling new Galifianakis, Jason Schwartzman enemies. 2000 version of Alexandre Dumas The Lady of the Camellias. When we last dropped in on Jonathan Ames — New York Revenge, Action, Latin 2010 86min. Erotica 1969 115min. writer, romantic, unlicensed private detective — he was Navarre 09.08.2011 E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 taking a pounding in the boxing ring while still licking his 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100575 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100760 (more painful) breakup wounds. Now that hissecond novel has been completed (and rejected), Jonathan is augmenting his income by moonlighting as a creative-writing teacher, Charles Bronson Collection Choose while taking on some new, desperate clients, ranging from a kinky policeman to the publishing rival of his sexagenarian (Collectable Tin) Bruce Dern, Katheryn Winnick, Talia Bal- pal, George Christopher. How he solves anything is a James Mason, Anthony Perkins, Liv sam, Kevin Pollak, Nathan Jones mystery. Ullmann, Susan George, Jill Ireland, Charles Choose: Lose your mother or your father? Lose your beauty or Comedy, Detectives, HBO, Mystery 2010 your eyesight? Lose your hearing or your fingers? What Bronson, Trevor Howard would you Choose. The slasher genre gets an iconic new 326min. International superstar and iconic tough guy Charles Bronson killer with Nathan Jones, the monster at the center of Marcus HBO Home Video 27.09.2011 stars in three thrilling films plus 29 action-packed episodes of Graves’ Choose. His methods are simple. He selects a victim 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100696 Man With A Camera. Cold Sweat. Bronson is at his brutal, and forces them to choose between horrific options, his blood- brawling best as an ex-con whose past returns to haunt him filled hour glass counting down the seconds they’re allowed when members of his old gang kidnap his family. It’s a race to decide. And if his victim fails to choose, then Nathan forces Bored To Death: The Complete against time as he takes on the captors one by one! Someone both horrible options upon them. Katheryn Winnick (Love And Behind The Door. A hapless amnesiac (Bronson), who is also Other Drugs) and Kevin Pollak (The Usual Suspects) star in Second Season (Blu-ray) a murder suspect, becomes the instrument of death in a this nail-biting thriller that unleashes a terrifying new face Ted Danson, Heather Burns, Zach conniving brain surgeon’s (Anthony Perkins) scheme to onto the horror scene. murder his unfaithful wife (Jill Ireland). Lola. Welcome to the Crime, Drama, Horror 2011 86min. Galifianakis, Jason Schwartzman other side of Charles Bronson! A funny, loving, and vulnerable When we last dropped in on Jonathan Ames — New York middle-aged writer falls for a flirtatious 16-year-old nymphet MPI 09.08.2011 writer, romantic, unlicensed private detective — he was (Susan George). Once married, their relationship is put to the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100574 taking a pounding in the boxing ring while still licking his test as they try to be a „normal“ couple. In the gritty, action- (more painful) breakup wounds. Now that his second novel packed TV series Man With A Camera, Bronson stars as has been completed (and rejected), Jonathan is augmenting Mike Kovac, a New York City freelance photographer who Chuck: The Complete Fourth his income by moonlighting as a creative-writing teacher, specializes in getting difficult shots other lensmen cannot. Season while taking on some new, desperate clients, ranging from a Assisting law enforcement and insurance agencies, he kinky policeman to the publishing rival of his sexagenarian invariably winds up acting as a private eye and get Sarah Lancaster, Yvonne Strahovski, Adam pal, George Christopher. How he solves anything is a mystery. Action, Collections 1971 Ltbx 16x9 S Baldwin, Zachary Levi, Joshua Gomez, Vik Comedy, Detectives, HBO, Mystery 2010 960min. Sahay, Mark Christopher Lawrence 326min. Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 Action, Comedy, NBC 2010 817min. HBO Home Video 27.09.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100719 Warner Bros. 06.09.2011 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100711 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100654 Brujos Contra Chamanes The Boss Pepe Magana, Alicia Encinas, Edgar Vivar Chuck: The Complete Fourth Based largely on real people and actual events, Fernando Di Veteran Mexican TV actor Edgar Vivar stars in this hilarious Season (Blu-ray) Leo’s action-packed film - the final part of his Milieu Trilogy - comedy about thieves and con artists. Tito reaches the port of is his boldest commentary on corruption and the criminal Acapulco and is waiting to collect a large sum of money from Sarah Lancaster, Yvonne Strahovski, Adam underworld. A bomb attack in a cinema in Palermo kills all the an associate. Figuring he has been stiffed, he employs two Baldwin, Zachary Levi, Joshua Gomez, Vik members of one mafia family except for Cocchi. Realizing that local thieves to find the man. What Tito doesn’t know is that Sahay, Mark Christopher Lawrence the instigator of the bomb attack is Daniello from another mafia all eyes are actually on him... a local police officer, employed family, Cocchi is determined to revenge. Lanzetta, a hired by a „Shaman“ is following him closely with the intent of taking Comedy, NBC, Action 2010 817min. killer employed by Daniello is told to assassinate the rival all of the money for the Shaman. Warner Bros. 06.09.2011 family. Following Lanzetta’s successful hit he finds himself in Thieves, Comedy, Latin 2010 90min. 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100688 the midst of the ensuing gangland war, with Daniello Navarre 09.08.2011 attempting to turn him into the police, his boss’ daughter 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100577 kidnapped, and the rival gang looking for revenge. Coming To America / Trading Action, Adventure 1973 100min. Places (2 Pack) (Blu-ray) E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 Caliber 9 Eddie Murphy, Dan Aykroyd, James Earl 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100739 In the first film of the Trilogy, small-time gangster Ugo Piazza has just been released from prison. He tries to convince the Jones, Jamie Lee Curtis, Arsenio Hall, police, the mafia, and his one-time associate Rocco, a Ralph Bellamy, John Amos, Don Ameche Braveheart / Gladiator (2 Pack) sadistic hoodlum who enjoys sick violence and torture, that he Join Eddie Murphy (Norbit, Dreamgirls) on an unforgettable (Blu-ray) wants to go straight, but everyone believes he has $300,000 comic quest to the New World. As an African prince, it’s time of stolen money hidden somewhere. Caliber 9’s stylized for him to find a princess... and the mission leads him and his , Russell Crowe, Joaquin violence, fast-paced action sequences, tight editing and plot most loyal friend (Arsenio Hall) to Queens, New York. In Phoenix twists prefigure the work of and John Woo. disguise as an impoverished immigrant, the pampered prince The film also features a notable score by Luis Bacalov and the relishes the chance to test his mettle in the urban wilderness. Braveheart. Mel Gibson stars on both sides of the camera, stunning Barbara Bouchet as Ugo’s go-go dancing girlfriend. playing the lead role plus directing and producing this Keep an eye out for both Murphy and Hall in some brawling, richly-detailed saga of fierce combat, tender love Action, Adventure 1972 102min. unforgettable cameo roles! What happens when you combine and the will to risk all that’s precious for something more E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 the comic genius of Eddie Murphy (Norbit, Dreamgirls) with precious: freedom. In an emotionally charged performance, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100729 Dan Aykroyd (, Christmas With The Kranks) Gibson is William Wallace, a bold Scotsman who used the and director John Landis (Animal House, Coming To steel of his blade and the fire of his intellect to rally his America)? You get a timeless comedy classic laced with countrymen to liberation. Filled with sword-clanging Camille 2000 sidesplitting, satiric humor. Murphy stars as a small time con spectacle, Braveheart is a tumultuous tapestry of history come artist who gets a chance to switch lives with Aykroyd’s big A child of the sixties sexual revolution, beautiful, sensuous time stock market maven. But their reversal of fortunes is just alive, „the most sumptuous and involving historical epic since Marguerite (Daniele Gaubert) is addicted to sex and money. Lawrence Of Arabia“ (Rod Lurie, Los Angeles Magazine). a cruel joke perpetrated by two bored mega rich brothers She is kept by a wealthy man, has a string of young lovers (Don Ameche and Ralph Bellamy) as part of an idle bet. And Gladiator. Winner of five Academy Awards, including Best and hosts wild orgies in her luxurious villa. When she falls in Picture and Best Actor, Gladiator is a dazzling combination of when comes out... the consequences are sheer love with the handsome bachelor Armand (Nino Castelnuova), comedy gold! vivid action and extraordinary storytelling. Discover the he insists on absolute fidelity. Known by her reputation, unparalleled power of Gladiator, masterfully directed by Armand’s controlling father soon intervenes, triggering a Comedy, 2 Packs, Romance, Royalty 1983 Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner), and featuring a riveting tragic turn of events. From Radley Metzger, the essential 232min. performance from Russell Crowe, hailed by Newsweek as „a director of elegant erotic arthouse, comes the dazzling new genuine larger-than-life hero!“ Paramount Pictures 02.08.2011 2000 version of Alexandre Dumas The Lady of the Camellias. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100557 Drama, 2 Packs, Action, Adventure 2007 Erotica 1969 115min. min. E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 Paramount Pictures 02.08.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100733 The Con Artist 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100547 When ex-con Vince is forced back into stealing cars, he finds solace welding sculptures out of discarded car parts. But Camille 2000 (Blu-ray) after a calculating art dealer discovers his talent, Vince finds Brinde Con Sangre A child of the sixties sexual revolution, beautiful, sensuous himself torn between the pressures of the criminal world and Marguerite (Daniele Gaubert) is addicted to sex and money. the art world. Starring Rebecca Romijn, Russell Peters and Eleazar Garcia Jr. Donald Sutherland. Only the death of your enemies will bring you peace.. Twenty She is kept by a wealthy man, has a string of young lovers years ago, a group of ruthless assassins gunned down the and hosts wild orgies in her luxurious villa. When she falls in Action, Adventure 2010 97min. family of an innocent child named Diego. The years have love with the handsome bachelor Armand (Nino Castelnuova), E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 passed by, and during this time Diego has turned to drug he insists on absolute fidelity. Known by her reputation, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100741 dealing, but he has also become a merciless and coldblooded Armand’s controlling father soon intervenes, triggering a assassin. He has never forgotten the murders, and is driven tragic turn of events. From Radley Metzger, the essential

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 22 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

The Conspirator survivors of the attack are a Sergeant, his lovely daughter, demonically possessed German shepherd whose hunger for and 7 chain gang prisoners. The Sergeant must somehow human souls far exceeds that of the normal household pet. In the wake of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, seven men deliver these prisoners to their destination while protecting Although not above resorting to the usual throat mauling, the and one woman are arrested and charged with conspiring to his daughter and evading the remaining bandits. Joshua. A satanic psycho-pup’s preferred method of attack is to kill the President, Vice President, and Secretary of State. The black soldier returns from fighting for the union in the Civil supernaturally cause the deaths of various friends and lone woman charged, Mary Surratt (ROBIN WRIGHT), 42, War only to find out that a band of dirty outlaws killed his neighbors, in a style remeniscent of The Omen. owns a boarding house where John Wilkes Booth (TOBY mother and kidnapped a rancher’s young wife. The rancher KEBBELL), 26, and others met and planned the simultaneous Possession, Devils And Demons, Horror, sends Joshua out to find the outlaws and kill them one by one. Monsters 1978 FF M 95min. attacks. Against the ominous backdrop of post-Civil War Revenge, Western, 2 Packs, Action 1976 Washington, newly-minted lawyer Frederick Aiken (JAMES Allegro Entertainment 26.07.2011 180min. McAVOY), a 28-year-old Union war hero, reluctantly agrees 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100651 to defend Surratt before a military tribunal. Aiken realizes his Code Red 16.08.2011 client may be innocent and that she is being used as bait and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100593 hostage in order to capture the only conspirator to have Dexter: The Complete Fifth escaped a massive manhunt, her own son, John (JOHNNY SIMMONS). As the nation turns against her, Surratt is forced Dawning Season to rely on Aiken to uncover the truth and save her life. From director Robert Redford, The Conspirator is a riveting thriller Horror 81min. , Lauren Velez, James that tells a powerful story about America then and now. Breaking Glass Pictures 28.06.2011 Remar, Michael C. Hall, Desmond Thrillers, Drama, Historical / Period Piece 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100723 Harrington, David Zayas, C.S. Lee min. This season, Dexter goes from happily married husband to Lionsgate 16.08.2011 guilt-ridden single dad. How will it affect his ability to Dawning (Blu-ray) maintain an average-guy facade while satisfying his need to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100658 Horror 81min. kill? Crime, Drama, Mystery 2010 618min. Breaking Glass Pictures 28.06.2011 Paramount Pictures 16.08.2011 The Conspirator (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100758 In the wake of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, seven men 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100608 and one woman are arrested and charged with conspiring to kill the President, Vice President, and Secretary of State. The Death’s Door Dexter: The Fifth Season (Blu- lone woman charged, Mary Surratt (ROBIN WRIGHT), 42, Each week, on her local cable show The Séance Hour, owns a boarding house where John Wilkes Booth (TOBY psychic medium Madame Camille holds a séance with guests ray) KEBBELL), 26, and others met and planned the simultaneous from her viewing audience. But it’s all a sham, special effect attacks. Against the ominous backdrop of post-Civil War smoke and mirrors and everyone on the show knows it’s fake, Jennifer Carpenter, Lauren Velez, James Washington, newly-minted lawyer Frederick Aiken (JAMES including Madame Camille. Or is it? What no one knows is Remar, Michael C. Hall, Desmond McAVOY), a 28-year-old Union war hero, reluctantly agrees that Madame Camile does possess powerful psychic powers Harrington, David Zayas, C.S. Lee to defend Surratt before a military tribunal. Aiken realizes his and her séances actually open a door to „The Other client may be innocent and that she is being used as bait and This season, Dexter goes from happily married husband to Side“,connecting with the spirit world. When the producer, as guilt-ridden single dad. How will it affect his ability to hostage in order to capture the only conspirator to have a ratings stunt, brings in a controversial guest to boost the escaped a massive manhunt, her own son, John (JOHNNY maintain an average-guy facade while satisfying his need to ratings, one whose past holds a dark and horrible secret, they kill? SIMMONS). As the nation turns against her, Surratt is forced get unexpectedly terrifying results. Before long, the cast and to rely on Aiken to uncover the truth and save her life. From crew of the show find themselves trapped by vengeful spirits. 2010 618min. director Robert Redford, The Conspirator is a riveting thriller Evil will be unleashed. Showtime Entertainment 16.08.2011 that tells a powerful story about America then and now. Horror 2008 92min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100640 Thrillers, Drama, Historical / Period Piece E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100734 Lionsgate 16.08.2011 The Uschi Digard Collection 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100690 Uschi Digard, the voluptuous and talented star of Defiance / Enemy At The Gates (2 Supervixens and Beyond the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens, is celebrated in this breathtakingly erotic three-film and rare Cougar Town: The Complete Se- Pack) (Blu-ray) shorts collection from Retro Seduction Cinema: Erotic Jude Law, Rachel Weisz, Liev Schreiber, journalist Karin Nykquist (Uschi Digard) samples the seamier cond Season side of while reflecting on her amorous past in TV’s funniest mom (and the cul-de-sac crew) return for more Daniel Craig, Joseph Fiennes this picturesque and kinky gem directed by Nick Philips. laughs in their not-so-quiet Florida neighborhood. Courteney Defiance. Daniel Craig (James Bond: The Quantum of Solace) Uschi Digard stars as Martine, a passionate adventuress Cox leads an all-star cast in the hilarious second season of stars as Tuvia Bielski, an ordinary citizen turned hero, in this with a lethal desire for wealth, in this decadent and erotic ABC’s hot hit comedy, Cougar Town. It’s a new year of action-packed epic of family, honor, and salvation. feature from Nick Philips. A sexy reinterpretation of the Nick uproarious challenges as Travis prepares to leave for Defiance is a riveting adventure that showcases the Philips’ original featuring the stunningly beautiful Julian college, Jules’ and Grayson’s relationship reaches another extraordinary true story of the Bielski brothers, simple Wells (Dr. Jekyll and Mistress Hyde) and the smoldering level and Bobby tries to stand on his own. Meanwhile, Andy farmers - outnumbered and outgunned - who turned a group of Darian Caine (Gladiator Eroticus). and Ellie find clever new ways to keep their marriage lively, war refugees into powerful freedom fighters. Tuvia, along with Triple Feature, Erotica 218min. and Laurie ramps up her search for love — in her own unique his unyielding brother, Zus (Liev Schreiber, X-Men Origins: E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 way. Relive all 22 episodes and every laugh-out-loud moment Wolverine), motivate hundreds of civilians to join their ranks of ABC’s Cougar Town: The Complete Second Season, with against the Nazi regime. Their „Inspirational story“ (David 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100744 never-before-seen bonus features, in this sensational 3-disc Densby, The New Yorker) is a true testament to the human box set. spirit. Enemy At The Gates. An all-star cast lights up the Dream Home ABC, Comedy 2010 506min. screen in this riveting epic hailed as „a vivid dramatization of one of history’s titanic turning points.“ (Gene Shalit, Today) Norman Chu, Josie Ho, Eason Chan, Disney / Buena Vista 30.08.2011 The year is 1942 and the Nazis are cutting a deadly swath Lawrence Chou 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100705 through . Under the leadership of Khrushchev (), the citizens of Stalingrad are mounting a brave Li-sheung is a woman obsessed. She has found the perfect resistance, spurred by the exploits of their local hero, Vassili home and it will be hers, no matter what the cost. Though she Cult Classics Collection Zaitsev (Jude Law). An expert sni doesn’t have the money, there is nothing she won’t do for the security and prestige that comes with owning her ideal dream Get ready for a roller-coaster trip of emotion with this campy Drama, Epics, 2 Packs, Action, Thrillers, home. And if that means shedding a bit of blood, then so be it. collection from the golden age of Hollywood! Originally War, World War II 2001 267min. And Li-sheung will spill far more than a bit of blood. One of intended to warn America’s youth of the perils of drugs, sex, Paramount Pictures 02.08.2011 the most extreme films ever produced in Hong Kong, Dream and alcohol, these outlandish and unintentionally hilarious Home is anchored by a startling, bold performance from Josie tales have heartache, tragedy, crime, and even insanity, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100558 Ho as Li-sheung and assured direction from acclaimed lurking around every corner! Assassin of Youth She Should’a filmmaker Pang Ho-Cheung (Isabella). A blood-drenched thrill Said No The Devil’s Sleep The Violent Years How to Deliver Us From Evil ride from start to finish, Dream Home is one savage and Undress in Front of your Husband Protect Your Daughter The satirical slasher you won’t want to miss. Narcotic Story Slaves in Bondage Narcotic Marihuana Sex Violence erupts in a small town when a drunken truck driver, Madness Damaged Lives Tomorrow’s Children Devil’s Lars, runs over a local woman and pins the blame on the Chinese, Drama, Foreign, Horror 2010 Harvest What Becomes of the Children Delinquent Parents town´s Bosnian refugee. When Lars´ brother Johannes stands 96min. Collections, Cult Film / TV 2011 FF S up for the man and gives him shelter, Lars and his friends MPI 09.08.2011 head for Johannes´ secluded house, armed with a shotgun and 1140min. boundless rage. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100576 Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 Romance, Drama 2009 93min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100730 E1 Entertainment 28.06.2011 Dylan Dog: Dead Of Night 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100749 Brandon Routh Cut-Throats Nine / Joshua (Doub- Dylan Dog (Brandon Routh) is a world famous private detective who specializes in the supernatural. Armed with an le Feature) Devil Dog: Hound Of Hell (Blu- edgy wit and carrying an arsenal of silver and wood-tipped Fred Williamson, Isela Vega, Emma Cohen, ray) bullets, Dylan must track down a dangerous artifact before a war ensues between his werewolf, vampire and zombie Brenda Venus, Alberto Dalbes, Claudio Richard Crenna, Kim Richards, Ike Eisen- clients living undercover in the monster infested backstreets Undari, Bud Stout mann of New Orleans. Cut-Throat Nine. A wagon load of convicts is on their way to This eerie ’70s horror gem pits a suburban family against a Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies, prison when the wagon is attacked by bandits. The only

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Detectives, Horror 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 group’s members disappear, the others are forced to flee, all Gian Maria 108min. the while being pursued by a shadowy adversary. However, Eastwood is a keen-eyed, quick-witted bounty hunter on the is this haunting figure that stalks them from the shadows bloody trail of Indio, the territory’s most treacherous bandit. 20th Century Fox 26.07.2011 actually after them or only some of them? But his ruthless rival, Colonel Mortimer, is determined to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100694 Serial Killers, Thrillers, Horror 2011 85min. bring Indio in first...dead or alive! Failing to capture their Osiris Entertainment 23.08.2011 —or eliminate each other—the two are left with only one option: team up, or face certain death at the hands of Indio and Dylan Dog: Dead Of Night (Blu- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100700 his band of murderous outlaws. ray) Classics, Cult Film / TV, Spaghetti We- Brandon Routh The Fabulous Betty White sterns, Western 1965 131min. Dylan Dog (Brandon Routh) is a world famous private Collection MGM / UA 02.08.2011 detective who specializes in the supernatural. Armed with an 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100708 edgy wit and carrying an arsenal of silver and wood-tipped Betty White, Bill Williams, Del Moore bullets, Dylan must track down a dangerous artifact before a The fabulous Betty White is one of television’s most beloved war ensues between his werewolf, vampire and zombie and talented actresses. As star and producer of Life with Godfather Squad / Bruce’s Last clients living undercover in the monster infested backstreets Elizabeth and Date with the Angels, White was one of the first of New Orleans. women in TV to wield creative control both in front of and Battle (Double Feature) behind the camera. White’s skillful comic timing as part of the Detectives, Horror, Vampires, Werewolves, ensemble casts of Mary Tyler Moore and The Golden Girls Shirley Corrigan, Lo Lieh, Gordon Mitchell, Zombies 2010 Ltbx DTS 108min. earned her three Emmy Awards and a loving, devoted Bruce Le, Yasuaki Kurata 20th Century Fox 26.07.2011 following. After over 50 years on TV, Betty White has become Godfather Squad. Originally released by Cannon Pictures in a worldwide sensation, and she is now more popular than 1977, this martial arts film features Bruce Leung as a martial 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100710 ever! In Life with Elizabeth, Betty White and Del Moore star arts action hero whom the mob wants dead for interfering in an as Elizabeth and Alvin White, a married couple that inevitably assassination. The „dynamite dog“ scene cannot be missed! Eagle Vs Shark manages to get into comic predicaments. White earned her Bruce’s Last Battle. What happens when people are out of first Emmy for her work on this series. Whistler’s Father New ideas and product to sell? They put together pieces of several Loren Horsley, Jemaine Clement Car Remodel Bill Dunning Counterfeit Bill Bad Day Ping Pong kung-fu films starring Bruce Le (Lu Chien Kung) and call it Luckily, Love Is Blind.. From Miramax Films and acclaimed Momma’s Visit Board Game Long Trip Patio Tree Lobster Bruce’s Last Battle! We see Bruce killed by Five Fingers Of director Taika Waititi comes a wicked and witty offbeat Dinner Day Off Relaxing Afternoon Morning Grouch Death’s Lo Lieh all over again, as well as Bruce fighting comedy for the closet romantic in all of us. Nominated for the Psychological Study Remorse Code Not For The Birds In villain after villain - it is non-stop madness! Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival, this hilarious Date With The Angels, Betty White and Bill Williams star as Action, Double Features, Martial Arts 1974 story about relationships and redemption finds humor in the newlyweds Vicki and Gus Angel fumbling through their first most unexpected places and proves that love is truly blind. year of wedd 180min. When Lily, a lonely, oddball fast-food waitress and hopeless Collections, Comedy 1958 FF S 1035min. Code Red 23.08.2011 romantic, and Jarrod, another forsaken eccentric who has 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100596 spent the last decade plotting revenge against a bully from Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 high school, connect at a „dress as your favorite animal“ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100703 party, it’s a match seemingly made in outcast heaven. But as The Godfather / The Godfather: Jarrod bumbles his way to his day of reckoning, he and Lily are pushed to find faith and hope in each other while the Fast & Furious Part II (2 Pack) (Blu-ray) world of „foolish suckas“ spins around them. Racing, Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Auto Robert Duvall, , Robert De Niro, New Zealand, Revenge, Romance, Art Racing, Car Modification, Chases, Crime, James Caan, Marlon Brando House, Comedy, Foreign 2007 88min. Drama, Drifting min. The Godfather. Francis Ford Coppola’s epic masterpiece Lionsgate 14.06.2011 features Marlon Brando in his Oscar-winning role as the Universal Studios 30.08.2011 patriarch of the Corleone family. Director Coppola paints a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100664 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100620 chilling portrait of the Sicilian clan’s rise and near fall from power in America, masterfully balancing the story between the Everybody Loves Mel Corleone’s family life and the ugly crime business in which The Fast And The Furious they are engaged. Based on Mario Puzo’s best-selling novel Julie Hagerty, Vanessa Evigan, Ernest Racing, Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Auto and featuring career-making performances by Al Pacino, Borgnine, Greg Evigan, Bug Hall, Jack James Caan and Robert Duvall, this searing and brilliant film Racing, Car Modification, Chases, Crime, garnered ten Academy Award nominations, and won three Scalia, Joshua Paddock Drama, Drifting 107min. including Best Picture of 1972. The Godfather: Part II. This Set in the beauty of the Pacific Northwest, the legend of Universal Studios 30.08.2011 brilliant companion piece to the original The Godfather Swanson Lake is kept by one man, Bill (Ernest Borgnine). And continues the saga of two generations of successive power he’s not about to surrender it! When Bill’s grandsons come for 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100623 within the Corleone family. Director Francis Ford Coppola a summer visit, they stumble into a big-time adventure with a tells two stories in Part II: the roots and rise of a young Don giant turtle named Mel. When Bill’s neighbor Bailer (Jack The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Vito, played with uncanny ability by Robert De Niro, and the Scalia) tries to kidnap Mel in order to feature him in a ascension of Michael (Al Pacino) as the new Don. proposed theme park, the grandsons plot to hide Mel from the Drift Reassembling many of the talents who helped make The neighbor. Then the fun begins, and Mel becomes an unlikely Godfather, Coppola has produced a movie of staggering hero. Racing, Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Auto magnitude and v Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Kidnapping Racing, Car Modification, Chases, Crime, Drama, 2 Packs 1974 min. 1998 88min. Drama, Drifting min. Paramount Pictures 02.08.2011 Osiris Entertainment 16.08.2011 Universal Studios 30.08.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100548 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100701 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100624 : The Complete Fourth Everybody Loves Mel (Alternate A Fistful Of Dollars (Blu-ray) Season , Marianne Koch, W. Art) Blake Lively, Leighton Meester, Kelly Julie Hagerty, Vanessa Evigan, Ernest Lukschy, S. Rupp, John Wels, Joe Edgar First-class western bravado!“ - The New York Times. Clint Rutherford, Taylor Momsen, Jessica Szohr, Borgnine, Greg Evigan, Bug Hall, Jack Eastwood’s legendary „Man With No Name“ makes his Matthew Settle, Penn Badgley, Ed Scalia, Joshua Paddock powerful debut in this thrilling, action-packed „new breed of Westwick, Chace Crawford Set in the beauty of the Pacific Northwest, the legend of western“ (Motion Picture Herald) from the acclaimed director Swanson Lake is kept by one man, Bill (Ernest Borgnine). And of The Good, The Bad And The Ugly and For A Few Dollars The CW, Drama, High School, Romance, he’s not about to surrender it! When Bill’s grandsons come for More. Exploding with blistering shoot-outs, dynamic Soap Opera 2010 935min. a summer visit, they stumble into a big-time adventure with a performances and atmospheric cinematography, it’s an Warner Bros. 23.08.2011 giant turtle named Mel. When Bill’s neighbor Bailer (Jack undisputed classic of the genre. A mysterious gunman has just Scalia) tries to kidnap Mel in order to feature him in a arrived in San Miguel, a grim, dusty border town where two 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100655 proposed theme park, the grandsons plot to hide Mel from the rival bands of smugglers are terrorizing the impoverished neighbor. Then the fun begins, and Mel becomes an unlikely citizens. A master of the „quick-draw,“ the stranger soon Guerra Callajera hero. receives offers of employment from each gang. But his loyalty Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Kidnapping cannot be bought; he accepts both jobs...and sets in motion a Luis Aguilar, Alicia Encinas, Lorena plan to destroy both jobs...and sets in motion a plan to destroy Herrera, Yolanda Lievana, Pedro 1998 88min. both groups of criminals, pitting one against the other in a Osiris Entertainment 16.08.2011 series of brilliantly orchestrated set-ups, showdowns and Armendariz Jr., Eleazar Garcia Jr., Andres 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100702 deadly confrontations. Garcia, Ernesto Laguardia, Arturo Farfan Classics, Cult Film / TV, Exploitation, Spa- Retribution is the name of the game in this 4 DVD set. ghetti Westerns, Western 1964 100min. Includes: El Corrido Del Hijo Desobediente Maria La The Eves Guerrillera La Amargura De Mi Raza MGM / UA 02.08.2011 Cathy Baron Action, Latin 2010 361min. Are you ready to be delivered?. A group of students head to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100706 Navarre 09.08.2011 the beach for an unforgettable spring break vacation. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100578 However, complications arise when their car overheats and For A Few Dollars More (Blu-ray) they find themselves stranded at a secluded hunting lodge nestled in the middle of a desolate ranch. After several of the Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef, Luigi Pistilli,

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Hav Plenty 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100625 HBO Home Video 20.09.2011 Chenoa Maxwell, Robinne Lee, Tammie 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100713 Katherine Jones, Hill Harper, Christopher House: Season Seven (Blu-ray) Scott Cherot, Reginald James He’s sarcastic, incorrigible, bitter and in a relationship? Infested (Blu-ray) Lee Plenty has never been lucky in love. This weekend that’s Hugh Laurie returns in all 23 Season Seven episodes of House, the role that earned him 5 Primetime Emmy® Award Zach Galligan, Amy Jo Johnson about to change.. From the producers of the smash hit Soul Invasion of the killer bugs.. After the funeral of a friend, the Food comes Hav Plenty, a hilarious look at love and sex that nominations and 2 Golden Globe wins. Dr. Gregory House has spent his career taking on seemingly hopeless cases, but old gang gathers for a weekend of emotional reflection, but it audiences and critics alike. For struggling novelist all starts to go horribly wrong when they discover an Lee Plenty, the only thing sorrier than his writing career is when his rapport with Dr. Lisa Cuddy (Lisa Edelstein) changes, he finds himself facing new and very different infestation of mutant flies. The flies don’t just , they fly his love life. That is, until Lee’s old college friend, Havilland, into their victim’s mouths and breed, inhabiting and controlling invites him to her home to celebrate New Year’s Eve. Before challenges. His team at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital (Omar Epps, Jesse Spencer, Peter Jacobson, Robert their bodies. All the gang can rely on is ingenuity, the will to long, Lee finds himself surrounded by three gorgeous women: survive, and a case of bug spray that’s quickly running out! Havilland, her uninhibited best friend, and her affection- Sean Leonard, Amber Tamblyn and Olivia Wilde) also starved sister. It looks like Lee’s in for a weekend filled with continues to blaze trails as they investigate baffling medical Bugs, Horror, Killer Animals 2002 Ltbx 16x9 plenty of laughter, love and surprises. A hit soundtrack cases involving a religious zealot, a professional bull rider S 84min. featuring & Des’ree, , SWV and Abso- and possibly even smallpox. Featuring phenomenal guest Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 lute energizes this fresh and funny romp! stars, including Candice Bergen (Murphy Brown), Jennifer Grey (Dirty Dancing), Jack Coleman (Heroes), Michael 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100646 Romance, Comedy 1997 87min. Gladis (Mad Men), and more, it’s the addictive hit series that Lionsgate 14.06.2011 continues to surprise and captivate audiences. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100666 Drama, Fox, Medical Mysteries, Mystery The Italian Connection The second film in Fernando Di Leo’s Milieu Trilogy focuses min. on Luca Carnali, a small-time mobster and pimp who has been Haven: The Complete First Universal Studios 30.08.2011 set up by his gangland boss. When a shipment of heroin 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100642 disappears between Italy and New York, Carnali is framed for Season the theft. Carnali is pursued through Milan by a pair of FBI Agent Audrey Parker (Emily Rose) travels to Haven, merciless American hit men - played by Henry Silva and Maine to investigate the murder of a local ex-con, but soon How To Make It In America: The Woody Strode, and referenced by Quentin Tarantino in Pulp discovers that the small town is a refuge for people with Fiction (1994) - whom mistakenly believe that he has stolen a supernatural afflictions. Now, it’s up to her to unlock Haven’t Complete First Season drugs shipment. Following the murder of his wife, the hunted mysterious secrets, including the hidden truth about her past. Lake Bell, Shannyn Sossamon, Eddie Kaye becomes the hunter as Carnali takes his revenge on his boss, Based on The Colorado Kid by . As seen on the hit men and anyone else who stands in his way. Syfy. Thomas, Victor Rasuk, Bryan Greenberg In the bohemian subculture of downtown NYC, two 20- Action, Adventure 1972 100min. Crime, Drama 2010 572min. something friends plot a series of entrepreneurial strategies E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 to short-circuit the traditional route to success - and achieve 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100742 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100735 the American Dream on their own terms. Bryan Greenberg (Prime, Bride Wars) and Victor Rasuk (Lords Of Dogtown, ER) star in an all-new HBO comedy series: How to Make It In Jersey Shore: Season Three Haven: The Complete First America. Sammi Giancola, Ronnie Magro, Nicole Comedy, Drama, Friendships, HBO 2010 Season (Blu-ray) Polizzi, Jenni Farley, Angelina Pivarnick, 240min. FBI Agent Audrey Parker (Emily Rose) travels to Haven, Mike Sorrentino, Pauly Del Vecchio, Vinny HBO Home Video 20.09.2011 Maine to investigate the murder of a local ex-con, but soon Guadagnino discovers that the small town is a refuge for people with 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100697 supernatural afflictions. Now, it’s up to her to unlock Haven’t It’s tee-shirt time! New Jersey’s most recognizable house- mysterious secrets, including the hidden truth about her past. mates are reunited in Seaside, NJ - where all the fist pumping Based on The Colorado Kid by Stephen King. As seen on How To Make It In America: The magic began - living in their original shore house and working Syfy. at the tee-shirt shop. There’s still a fallout from „the note“ in Complete First Season (Blu-ray) Miami, but nothing can stop the family dinners, G.T.L. and Crime, Drama 2010 572min. gorilla hunting that have bonded them from the beginning. E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 Lake Bell, Shannyn Sossamon, Eddie Kaye Angelina is long gone, but nobody told the roomies Snooki 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100761 Thomas, Victor Rasuk, Bryan Greenberg invited her BFF Deena to move in. And like Snooki, Deena In the bohemian subculture of downtown NYC, two 20- will prove that big fun and drama come in small packages. So something friends plot a series of entrepreneurial strategies brace yourself as they hit the boardwalk, beat up the beat and Hollywood Bombshells Collection to short-circuit the traditional route to success - and achieve continue to prove that a summer at the Jersey Shore is truly Angela Lansbury, Barbara Stanwyck, Ava the American Dream on their own terms. Bryan Greenberg unforgettable. (Prime, Bride Wars) and Victor Rasuk (Lords Of Dogtown, Comedy, Drama, Reality 2011 572min. Gardner, Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell, ER) star in an all-new HBO comedy series: How to Make It in Paramount Pictures 26.07.2011 Loretta Young, Lizabeth Scott, Leslie America. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100503 Brooks, Gene Tierney, Marie Windsor, Bar- Comedy, Drama, Friendships, HBO 2010 bara Payton, Hedy Lamarr, Constance 240min. Towers, Yvonne De Carlo HBO Home Video 20.09.2011 Judge John Deed: Season Four The most beautiful women in cinema history! Starring Jane 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100712 Martin Shaw Russell, Marilyn Monroe, Gene Tierney, Ava Gardner, Hedy Never afraid to question the establishment - despite threats to Lamarr, Yvonne De Carlo, Barbara Stanwyck, Lizabeth Scott, his future and to his loved ones - Judge John Deed returns for Angela Lansbury, Ida Lupino, Barbara Payton, and more! Hung: The Complete Second a fourth season on the bench. Menace and intimidation fill Algiers Dishonored Lady Cause For Alarm! The Naked Kiss Season Deed’s court when three young men are charged with Too Late For Tears Lady Of Burlesque A Life At Stake Please shooting a gang member and a main witness in the case is Murder Me Sundown Outpost In Morocco Salome, Where She Thomas Jane, Anne Heche, Jane Adams killed in a hit and run. When Deed has an affair with a Danced Bride Of The Gorilla HBO® presents the Season Two premiere of Hung®, the hit plaintiff, his fellow judges turn against him and exile him to Classics, Collections 1964 FF S 1567min. comedy series from Colette Burson and Dmitry Lipkin (The Warwick. Jo Mills is threatened in a high stakes trial over Riches), and starring Thomas Jane, Jane Adams and Anne government bribes and Deed returns determined to protect her Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 Heche. Set in the (still) recession-plagued suburbs of De- and continue the trial. Further risking his position, Deed 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100736 troit, Hung continues to revolve around the unorthodox efforts pursues a case that contends a Home Secretary accepted a of divorced teacher/coach Ray Drecker (Jane) to generate bribe on a defense contract. Putting his own position in extra cash - by selling his „winning tool“ to desperate women. jeopardy, the Judge continues to fight for justice in this House: Season Seven Comedy, Drama, HBO, Sexy Comedies 2010 thrilling fourth season of Judge John Deed. He’s sarcastic, incorrigible, bitter and in a relationship? BBC, British, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Inter- Hugh Laurie returns in all 23 Season Seven episodes of 350min. House, the role that earned him 5 Primetime Emmy® Award HBO Home Video 20.09.2011 national TV, Lawyers / Legal Issues, nominations and 2 Golden Globe wins. Dr. Gregory House 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100698 Mystery 2005 356min. has spent his career taking on seemingly hopeless cases, but BBC Home Video 20.09.2011 when his rapport with Dr. Lisa Cuddy (Lisa Edelstein) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100693 changes, he finds himself facing new and very different Hung: The Complete Second challenges. His team at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital (Omar Epps, Jesse Spencer, Peter Jacobson, Robert Season (Blu-ray) Judgement In Berlin (Blu-ray) Sean Leonard, Amber Tamblyn and Olivia Wilde) also Thomas Jane, Anne Heche, Jane Adams continues to blaze trails as they investigate baffling medical HBO® presents the Season Two premiere of Hung®, the hit Martin Sheen, Sean Penn, Sam Wanamaker, cases involving a religious zealot, a professional bull rider comedy series from Colette Burson and Dmitry Lipkin (The Carl Lumbly and possibly even smallpox. Featuring phenomenal guest Riches), and starring Thomas Jane, Jane Adams and Anne Only two things stand between him and freedom. The Iron stars, including Candice Bergen (Murphy Brown), Jennifer Heche. Set in the (still) recession-plagued suburbs of De- Curtain...And the .. An American judge in Grey (Dirty Dancing), Jack Coleman (Heroes), Michael troit, Hung continues to revolve around the unorthodox efforts Germany must decide if the hijacking of an East German plane Gladis (Mad Men), and more, it’s the addictive hit series that of divorced teacher/coach Ray Drecker (Jane) to generate into West Berlin was justified. continues to surprise and captivate audiences. extra cash - by selling his „winning tool“ to desperate women. Thrillers 1988 Ltbx 16x9 S 96min. Drama, Fox, Medical Mysteries, Mystery Comedy, Drama, HBO, Sexy Comedies 2010 Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 min. 350min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100649 Universal Studios 30.08.2011

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Be heard. Be strong. Be proud. It’s time to turn up the music 1930’s-style musical that’s earned terrific critical acclaim! and have some fun with an all-new Disney Original Movie, The King of Navarre (Alessandro Nivola - Mansfield Park, Julie Darling starring Bridgit Mendler and Adam Hicks and introducing ten Face/Off) and his three best friends think that they’ve sworn Sybil Danning, Cindy Girling, Anthony awesome new songs! When five ragtag freshmen first meet in off love in the pursuit of intellectual enlightenment. But when detention, it seems they have nothing in common. But, through the Princess of France (Silverstone) and her beautiful Franciosa music, they form an bond and discover they have attendants arrive for a diplomatic visit, their high-minded She’s sweet sixteen, and she simply loves her daddy... she’ll the makings of the greatest high school garage band in plans are turned completely upside down! Then, as war rages slaughter you if you love him too.. A teenage girl with a history! In the face of incredible odds, Olivia, Stella, Wen, and secret passions burn, loyalty and devotion are tested like fixation on her father witnesses the rape and murder of her Mohini and Charlie find they can make a real difference when never before! Also featuring hilarious Matthew Lillard (She’s mother, whom she despised. Years later, her father remarries. they learn to lean on each other and let go of everything All That, Scream) and the classic songs of Cole Porter, Irving Despising her step-mother and step-brother as much as she holding back their dreams. Turn the world into your own stage Berlin and more — go back in time and allo did her real mother, Julie begins plotting her new mom and with Lemonade Mouth: Extended Edition, complete with an Music, Musical, Comedy 2000 min. brother’s demise, all in an effort to keep daddy all to herself. exclusive music scene. Life is just a roller coaster - take the Horror 1981 90min. ride! Lionsgate 14.06.2011 Code Red 02.08.2011 TV Movies, Musical, Disney Channel, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100675 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100561 Family 2011 107min. Disney / Buena Vista 24.05.2011 The Magdalene Sisters Killer Weekend (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100514 Geraldine McEwan, Eileen Walsh, Dorothy Eric Roberts, Robert Miano, Al Sapienza Duff Two days is just not enough... to kill you all.. A series of Lifted Compelling and Shocking!“-Jeffrey Lyons, NBC-TV. A murders at a Santa Barbara beach house has three couples stirring, must-see motion picture critics called one of the best terrified for their own safety, and pitted against one another Ruben Studdard, Nicki Aycox, Dash Mihok, films of the year, The Magdalene Sisters is the triumphant for survival. The murderer has to have been one of them, and Trace Adkins story of three extraordinary women whose courage to defy a as the body count rises, time to figure out who it is is fast century of injustice would inspire a nation! Abandoned by Drama, Dysfunctional Families 2010 94min. society and cast out by their families for crimes they did not running out. Screen Media Films 09.08.2011 Thrillers 2004 FF S 92min. commit, these women found themselves stripped of their liberty 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100538 and dignity and condemned to indefinite sentences of manual Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 labor. Within the church-run Magdalene Laundries, these 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100648 women were forced into unbearable institutional servitude in Limitless order to cleanse themselves of the „sins“ of which they had Robert De Niro, Bradley Cooper been accused. From acclaimed director Peter Mullan, this Kit Kittredge: An American Girl - award-winning powerhouse not only reveals the truth behind Bradley Cooper (The A-Team) and two-time Academy-Award one of the great tragedies of our time, but celebrates the Deluxe Edition winner Robert De Niro, star in this provocative and action- bravery that would bring it to an end. packed thriller with unlimited surprising twists. Eddie Morra Abigail Breslin, Stanley Tucci, Joan (Cooper), a burnt-out writer, discovers a top-secret pill that Art House, British, Drama, Foreign, Inde- Cusack, Wallace Shawn, Glenne Headly, unlocks 100% of his brain’s capacity. He instantly acquires pendent Women 2003 120min. Julia Ormond, Jane Krakowski, Ann mind-bending talents and mesmerizing visions that bring him Lionsgate 14.06.2011 big money, beautiful women and limitless success. But his Peacock, Valerie Tripp, Ellen L. Brothers, dream life soon becomes a waking nightmare, as the drugs 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100676 Lisa Gillan, Julie Goldstein, Patricia Rozema brutal side effects take their toll and Eddie finds himself The Great Depression hits home for nine year old Kit entangled with a cunning Wall Street power broker (DeNiro) The Magnificent Seven (Blu-ray) Kittredge when her dad loses his business and leaves to find who wants everything Eddie has... and more. work. Oscar nominee Abigail Breslin stars as Kit, leading a Mystery, Thrillers 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 105min. Steve McQueen, Eli Wallach, Yul Brynner, splendid cast in the first ever American Girl theatrical movie. Robert Vaughn, Charles Bronson, James In order to keep their home, Kit and her mother must take in 20th Century Fox 19.07.2011 boarders - paying house - guests who turn out to be full of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100504 Coburn, Brad Dexter, Horst Buchholz fascinating stories. When mother’s lockbox containing all Genuinely Magnificent. The Very Finest Of The Genre Ever their money is stolen, Kit’s new hobo friend Will is the prime Made!!“ -Los Angeles Times. Spectacular gun battles, epic- suspect. Kit refuses to believe that Will would steal, and her Limitless (Blu-ray) sized heroes and an all-star cast that includes Academy efforts to sniff out the real story get her and friends into big Robert De Niro, Bradley Cooper Award® winners Yul Brynner and James Coburn, together trouble. The police say the robbery was an inside job, with Steve McQueen, Eli Wallach and Charles Bronson, make Bradley Cooper (The A-Team) and two-time Academy-Award The Magnificent Seven a legend among westerns. Spawning committed by someone they know. So if it wasn’t Will, then winner Robert De Niro, star in this provocative and action- who did it? three sequels and a successful television series, and packed thriller with unlimited surprising twists. Eddie Morra featuring Elmer Bernstein’s Oscar®-nominated score, this Mystery, Drama, Family, Historical / Period (Cooper), a burnt-out writer, discovers a top-secret pill that stunning remake of The Seven Samurai is „a hard-pounding Piece 2008 86min. unlocks 100% of his brain’s capacity. He instantly acquires adventure“ (Newsweek) and „an enduringly popular“ (Leonard New Line Home Entertainment 06.09.2011 mind-bending talents and mesmerizing visions that bring him Maltin) cinematic classic. Merciless Calvera (Wallach) and big money, beautiful women and limitless success. But his his band of ruthless outlaws are terrorizing a poor Mexican 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100580 dream life soon becomes a waking nightmare, as the drugs village, and even the bravest lawmen can’t stop them. Despe- brutal side effects take their toll and Eddie finds himself rate, the locals hire Chris Adams (Brynner) and six other Knight Club (Blu-ray) entangled with a cunning Wall Street power broker (DeNiro) gunfighters to defend them. With time running out before who wants everything Eddie has... and more. Calvera’s next raid, the heroic seven must prepare the Lou Diamond Phillips, Lochlyn Munro, Glenn Mystery, Thrillers 2011 Ltbx DTS 105min. villagers for this battle and help them find the courage to take Plummer 20th Century Fox 19.07.2011 back their town - or die trying! Nothing you learned out there will help you in here.. Every 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100517 Classics, Action, AFI Top 100, Western night’s a party in Hollywood - but to get into the party, you 1960 128min. have to get past the doorman. When it comes to the hottest MGM / UA 02.08.2011 clubs in L.A., the bouncers are called Knights. This is the Little Voice story of the best of the best, and how their ruthless 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100707 manipulation gets out of control when they combine Ewan McGregor, Brenda Blethyn, Jane celebrities, drugs, and sex. Drunk with newfound power, Horrocks, Michael Caine, things get out of control and the Knights soon become targets. Finding Your Own Voice Can Be Magic.. In an inspirational The Man Who Collected Food Action, Adventure 2001 Ltbx 16x9 S 95min. story about a painfully shy young woman and how the power Mike Kelly Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 of music leads her to an amazing transformation! A hopeless Keep your collection pristine, eat out!. Miguel is a serious introvert, Little Voice can only manage to express herself by collector of vintage food items. He must have the color 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100647 singing in the timeless voices of Judy Garland, Marilyn varients, the rarities, the 1950s originals; anything he can Monroe and others. But once her eccentric mother’s new find - and keep - in mint condition. No one but his overbearing Last Night boyfriend - a sleazy talent scout - overhears Little Voice’s mother knows that his home, tucked away in the quiet incredible crooning he’ll do anything to drag the recluse into suburbs, has become a massive museum to consumables. But Eva Mendes, Keira Knightley, Guillaume the spotlight and make her a star! what does Miguel eat? Miguel eats people. He has to, since Canet, Sam Worthington Music, Romance, British, Comedy, Drama, eating his precious collection is not an option. However, Michael (Sam Worthington) and Joanna Reed (Keira Knightly) Foreign 1998 96min. being a cannibal is not as easy as it seems... appear to have it all. Young and successful, they’re a married Lionsgate 14.06.2011 Cannibalism, Comedy, Horror 2010 Ltbx S couple who share a comfortable and seemingly perfect life. 79min. But when Michael finds himself alone on a business trip with 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100674 an attractive new colleague (Eva Mendes) and Joanna Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 encounters the other great love of her life (Guillaume Canet), Love’s Labour’s Lost 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100634 each is thrust into an evening of temptation. Matthew Lillard, Alessandro Nivola, Alicia Romance, Drama 2010 90min. Master Of Study Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Silverstone, Adrian Lester, Natascha McElhone, , Timothy Spall, Bae Doo Na 02.08.2011 Kang Seok-Ho (Kim Soo-Ro) is an ordinary lawyer and former 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100633 Nathan Lane bike gang member. He then takes a position to revive a third A New Spin on the old Song and Dance.. With Kenneth rate high school named „Byeong-Mun High School.“ To revive Branagh (Wild Wild West, Celebrity), Alicia Silverstone the school, Kang Seok-Ho needs his students to become Lemonade Mouth: Extended Edi- (Blast From The Past) and Nathan Lane (At First Sight, accepted into prestigious universities. Because of this, Kang Mouse Hunt) leading a stellar ensemble cast, Stanley Donen Seok-Ho decides to teach a bunch of rebellious students tion and Martin Scorsese present a sexy, glamorous and fun

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 28 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

(Hwang Baek-Hyeon, Kil Pul Ip, Hong Chan-Du, Na Hyeon- In this irreverent comedy, awkward teenager Tobe (Dustin Vosloo, Liam Cunningham, Maria Bello, Jeong, and Oh Bong-Ku). He promises to get five of them into Ingram) sets off on a road trip to meet Monica Velour (Kim their most prestigious colleges in the country. Kang Seok-Ho Cattrall), his favorite ’80s porn star, at a rare live Isabella Leong, John Hannah, Jonathan takes students who have bad scores, and guides them to appearance hundreds of miles away. Instead of the glamorous Hyde, Russell Wong, Oded Fehr improve not only their scores but their outlook on life. One sexpot portrayed on film, he finds a 49-year-old single mom Embark on the ultimate action adventure that spans continents such student is Hwang Baek-Hyeon (Yoo Seung-Ho) a defiant living in a trailer in rural Indiana, performing at seedy strip and centuries in the spectacular Mummy Trilogy: The Mummy and headstrong student who is similar to Kang Seok-Ho at clubs to make ends meet. A starry-eyed Tobe, still captivated Deluxe Edition, The Mummy Returns Deluxe Edition and The that age. Their strong personalities causes them to have by his crush, befriends Monica, further complicating her Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor Deluxe Edition! Follow clashes, but gradually, Hwang Baek-Hyeon opens up to Seok- difficult life. Kim Cattrall gives a career-defining performance the exhilarating journeys and exploits of daring explorer Rick Ho’s teaching methods and eventually becomes the best in this offbeat love story that appeals to the dreamer - and the O’Connell (Brendan Fraser) and his family as they combat the student in the class. nerd - in all of us. evil undead from the dusty tombs of Egypt to the hidden Comedy, Foreign, High School, International Comedy, Road Trips 2010 97min. catacombs of China. Filled with amazing special effects, breathtaking battles and thrilling bonus features, it’s a TV, Korean, Teachers 2010 960min. Starz / Anchor Bay 16.08.2011 passport to spellbinding entertainment you can watch again Tai Seng 31.05.2011 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100611 and again! 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100627 Boxed Sets, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Action, Memoirs Of A Lady Ninja 2 Adventure, Ancient China, Ancient Egypt, The Matrix Reloaded / The Matrix Hiding in plain sight at a boxwood inn, Kaede discovers that a Mummies min. Revolutions (Double Feature) skilled killer and his crew are already gathering in the area. Universal Studios 30.08.2011 Will a single lady ninja be able to complete her mission in the 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100644 (Blu-ray) face of so many armed and dangerous men? Ninjas, Action, Foreign, Japanese 2011 Laurence Fishburne, Keanu Reeves, Jada Ltbx S 81min. My Sassy Girl II Pinkett Smith, Monica Bellucci, Gloria Allegro Entertainment 05.07.2011 Bosco Wong Foster, Hugo Weaving, Harold Perrineau Jr. Sentinels swarm. Smith clones. Neo flies... but perhaps not 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100632 Romance, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Korean even a Chosen One gifted with astonishing new powers can 2011 103min. stop the advance of the Machines. Neo. Morpheus. Trinity. The Mentalist: The Complete Tai Seng 31.05.2011 They’re back for the powerful second chapter of The Matrix 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100628 trilogy, and exciting new allies join them in the struggle Third Season against foes who are cloned, upgraded and closing in on Robin Tunney, Owain Yeoman, Amanda humanity’s last enclave. Back, too, are the Wachowski My Son The Fanatic Brothers and producer Joel Silver, expanding their vision Righetti, Simon Baker, Tim Kang with a spectacle that rocks the senses, probes the heart and CBS, Crime, Drama, Mystery 2010 1058min. Rachel Griffiths, Stellan Skarsgard, Om Puri shapes filmmaking’s tomorrows. What is the Matrix? The The most shocking event in this father’s life is about to bring answers lead to more worlds of bold possibility - and to a Warner Bros. 20.09.2011 him joy he never expected.. Academy Award nominee Rachel destiny that passes from revelations to Revolutions. Neo. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100656 Griffiths (Hillary And Jackie, My Best Friend’s Wedding) Trinity. Morpheus. They and other heroes stand on the brink stars in a critically acclaimed story of unlikely love set of victory or annihilation in the epic war against the Machines against a clash of cultures and generations! Parvez is a cab in the stunning final chapter of the Matrix trilogy. For Neo, A Midsummer Night’s Dream driver who left Pakistan in search of a better life for his that means going where no human has dared - into the heart of Lindsay Duncan, Alex Jennings, Desmond family. Now he feels that he is losing his only son, Farid, to Machine City and into a cataclysmic showdown with the the conservative beliefs he abandoned long ago. Meanwhile, exponentially more powerful renegade program Smith. For Barrit, Barry Lynch Parvez befriends a compassionate woman (Griffiths) and finds writer-directors the Wachowski Brothers and producer Joel ’s Comedy Masterpiece!. Miramax Home the comfort, support and tenderness he does not have with his Si Entertainment invites you to enjoy this playful interpretation of own family. When the disapproving Farid discovers this Cult Film / TV, Double Features, Killer William Shakespeare’s classic romantic comedy! A rich man’s relationship, however, an uncomfortable situation boils over daughter has a difficult choice to make: do her duty and as Parvez is forced to choose between the son he Technology, Action, Apocalyptic Future, accept an arranged marriage... or follow her heart to her one adores...and the woman who understands him! Robots / Androids, Science Fiction 265min. true love! But then, the fun takes flight! When the humorous Kingdom of Fairies begins to toy with this funny, romantic Romance, Art House, British, Comedy, Dra- Warner Bros. 27.09.2011 entanglement, magic and mischief are spun into the lives of ma, Foreign 1998 87min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100714 everyone involved! An outstanding presentation of this Lionsgate 14.06.2011 timeless favorite, A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a delightful must-see for Shakespeare fans new and old! 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100678 Me And Orson Welles Shakespeare, Art House, British, Comedy, Claire Danes, Zac Efron, Kelly Reilly, Zoe Drama, Fantasy, Foreign 1996 103min. A Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Kazan, Eddie Marsan, Ben Chaplin, James Lionsgate 14.06.2011 Freddy’s Revenge / A Nightmare Tupper 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100677 What a whirl, what a world! High-schooler Richard Samuels On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors lucks into a role in a daring Broadway production of Julius (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Caesar. Cues, staging, rehearsals, romance, rivalries: he has Molly: An American Girl On The a lot to learn. And the first thing to learn is never upstage Robert Englund, Laurence Fishburne, Craig Mercury Theatre’s genius director, 22-year-old Orson Home Front - Deluxe Edition Wasson, Robert Rusler, Patricia Arquette, Welles. Zac Efron wins hearts and applause as Richard, the Maya Ritter, Molly Ringwald, Sarah Me of this celebratory curtain call for when dreams - and the Zsa Zsa Gabor, Hope Lange, Heather theater - were big. Christian McKay offers an uncanny Manninen, Genevieve Farrell, Tory Green, Langenkamp, Priscilla Pointer, Kim Meyers, Welles, the imposing, impetuous center of Richard’s exciting David Aaron Baker, Andrew Chalmers John Saxon, Clu Gulager, Dick Cavett, Mark new universe. Claire Danes is the enterprising stage It’s 1943 and the World is at War. For Molly, Life on the Home assistant drawn into both men’s lives. And Richard Linklater Front Will Never be the Same Again.. The doll you love comes Patton (Before Sunset, The School Of Rock) directs with the vibrant home on DVD in a full-length, live-action movie. Molly: An Five years have passed since Freddy Krueger (Robert spirit of those for whom all the world is a stage. Bravo! American Girl On The Homefront has all the joy, excitement Englund) was sent howling back to hell. But now, a new kid Romance, Drama 2008 114min. and you-are-there history of the best-selling books about on Elm Street is being haunted every night by gruesome Molly McIntire. Molly McIntire is a girl growing up in 1944. visions of the deadly dream stalker. And if his twisted soul Warner Bros. 13.09.2011 The world is at war, and she misses her father who is takes possession of the boy’s body, Freddy will return from 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100630 overseas caring for wounded soldiers. Molly doesn’t like the dead to wreak bloody murder and mayhem upon the entire many of the changes the war has brought, like rationing town. When A Nightmare On Elm Street made a killing, horror rubber, eating turnips for dinner, and not seeing her Dad on fans shrieked for more. Soon the diabolic Freddy was Meet Monica Velour Christmas. But she learns the importance of getting along and resurrected with a vengeance — along with some of the most Brian Dennehy, Kim Cattrall, Keith David pulling together, just as her country must do to win the war! terrifying special effects ever to spatter the screen. Look for Lively and lovable, she is t Robert Englund minus his Freddy face in the opening In this irreverent comedy, awkward teenager Tobe (Dustin sequence. He’s a real scream! Born the bastard son of a Ingram) sets off on a road trip to meet Monica Velour (Kim World War II, Drama, Family 2006 83min. hundred maniacs, demented killer Freddy Krueger is back for Cattrall), his favorite ’80s porn star, at a rare live Warner Bros. 31.05.2011 fresh victims in this hallucinatory co-written by appearance hundreds of miles away. Instead of the glamorous 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100581 original creator Wes Craven (Scream 1, 2 and 3). The last of sexpot portrayed on film, he finds a 49-year-old single mom the Elm Street kids are now at a psychiatric ward where living in a trailer in rural Indiana, performing at seedy strip Freddy haunts their dreams with unspeakable horrors. Their clubs to make ends meet. A starry-eyed Tobe, still captivated The Mother Of Invention only hope is dream researcher and fellow survivor Nancy by his crush, befriends Monica, further complicating her A mockumentary about an aspiring inventor who dreams of Thompson (Heather Langenkamp of the original Nightmare), difficult life. Kim Cattrall gives a career-defining performance who helps them battle in this offbeat love story that appeals to the dreamer - and the winning an annual young inventor award. The only problem nerd - in all of us. is... he’s never made an invention that works. Cult Film / TV, Double Features, Gay / Road Trips, Comedy 2010 97min. Comedy, Family 2009 97min. Lesbian Interest, Horror, Horror Series, Starz / Anchor Bay 16.08.2011 E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 Serial Killers, Slasher, Watersports 183min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100602 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100743 New Line Home Entertainment 27.09.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100715 Meet Monica Velour (Blu-ray) The Mummy Trilogy (Blu-ray) Brian Dennehy, Kim Cattrall, Keith David Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, Arnold No Eres Tu, Soy Yo

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 29 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Romance, Comedy, Foreign, Mexican situations along the way! : The Complete Third Comedy, Religion/Spirituality 2011 Ltbx 99min. Season (Slim Pack) Lionsgate 16.08.2011 16x9 S 144min. USA Network, Comedy, Detectives, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100659 Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100631 Mystery 172min. Universal Studios 23.08.2011 Ocean’s Twelve / Ocean’s 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100617 Thirteen (Double Feature) (Blu- Pastor Jones: Sisters In Spirit ray) Double Feature Queen Of The Lot A good looking young Pastor takes charge of a church in this Matt Damon, Julia Roberts, Andy Garcia, installment in the Pastor Jones series. But when he arrives, Comedy, Drama 2010 min. Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Don Cheadle, Pastor Jones finds the two daughters of the church’s former Breaking Glass Pictures 07.06.2011 Pastor fighting for his attention, with both of them casting Bernie Mac, Al Pacino, Carl Reiner, Elliott romantic advances in his direction. Pastor Jones discovers 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100721 Gould, Ellen Barkin, Casey Affleck, Scott that his mentor and spiritual advisor, who has just passed Caan, Vincent Cassel, Eddie Jemison, away, is actually his biological father. And that the two The Quiet American sisters who have been vying for his attentions are actually Shaobo Qin his half-sisters! Brendan Fraser, Michael Caine, Rade Danny Ocean and pals return in a sequel to the cool caper that saw them pull off a $160-million heist. But $160 million African Americans, Drama 159min. Sherbedgia, Do Thi Hai Yen doesn’t go as far as it used to. Not with everyone spending E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 In a land of mystery, murder and betrayal, your closest friend like sailors on leave. Not with Vegas big-shot Terry Benedict 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100738 can be your worst enemy.. The acclaimed performances of out to recover his dough. And not with a mysterious someone two-time Academy Award winner Michael Caine (Best stalking Danny and crew. It’s time to pull off another stunner Supporting Actor: The Cider House Rules; 1999 Hannah and of a plan - or plans. With locations including Amsterdam, The Perfect Man Her Sisters, 1986) and Brendan Fraser (The Mummy, Gods Paris and Rome, the direction of Steven Soderbergh and the and Monsters) power a stylish political thriller where love Russell and Bailey Thomas’ marriage fell apart years ago but and war collide in Southeast Asia! Set in early 1950s Vietnam original cast plus Catherine Zeta-Jones and others, Twelve is they agreed to stay together until their son Justin left home for your lucky number. George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon - a young American (Fraser) becomes entangled in a college. When Justin leaves, so does Russell, but he soon dangerous love triangle when he falls for the beautiful and more reteam with director Steven Soderbergh for a third realizes he made a huge mistake. Now he must win his wife split-second caper that stacks the deck with wit, style and mistress of a British journalist (Caine). As a war is waged back from her seemingly perfect new man Jason, exposing the around them, these three only sink deeper into a world of cool. Danny Ocean again runs the game. No one gets hurt, depravity behind his charm. except double-crossing Vegas kingpin Willy Bank (Al drugs, passion and betrayal where nothing is as it seems! Pacino). Ocean’s crew will hit him where it hurts: in his Romance, African Americans 1981 109min. Based on the classic novel by Graham Greene - you’ll find wallet. On opening night of Bank’s posh new casino The E1 Entertainment 28.06.2011 yourself riveted by the fascinating intricacies and ever- Bank, every turn and dice roll will come up a winner for 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100757 developing intrigue of this outstanding motion picture! bettors. And they’ll hit him in his pride, ensuring the hotel Mystery, Thrillers, Art House, Drama, Love doesn’t receive a coveted Five Diamond Award. T Gone Bad 2002 101min. Caper, Comedy, Crime, Double Features, Picture Bride Lionsgate 14.06.2011 Thieves, Thrillers 247min. Toshiro Mifune, Tamlyn Tomita, akira 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100683 Warner Bros. 27.09.2011 takayama 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100716 epic vision in which the natural and supernatural blend effortlessly...highly sensual!“ - Los Angeles Times. Hawaii, The Return Of The Magnificent 1918. She left Japan for a man she had never met, in a new Seven (Blu-ray) Once Upon A Warrior world she couldn’t imagine...America Inspired by the true From the Disney World Cinema Collection, Once Upon A stories of Hawaii’s picture brides, this unforgettable story is Yul Brynner, Elisa Montes, Warren Oates, Warrior is an action-packed adventure of courage and set amidst the breathtaking scenery of a tropical paradise. Claude Akins, Robert Fuller, Julian Mateos, friendship. Set in the fictitious tear-shaped land of With only a picture in hand, a spirited young woman leaves Jordan Christopher, Virgilio Texeira Sangarashtra, Once Upon A Warrior follows the epic journey behind all she knows for the far-off islands of Hawaii - and an arranged marriage with a man she has known only through A magnificent sequel with „plenty of action!“ -Time. The of Moksha, a nine-year-old girl with special healing powers. legendary Magnificent Seven thunder through Mexico and As she embarks on a quest to save her homeland from the photographs and letters. Though stunned by the reality she encounters upon her arrival, in time her new life is filled with make cinematic history — again! Starring Academy Award® tyranny of an evil Queen, Moksha joins forces with the winner Yul Brynner and a stellar supporting cast that includes swash-buckling blind warrior, Yodha, and his gypsy unexpected discovery and joy. featuring Youki Kudoh (Snow Falling On Cedars), Tamlyn Tomita (The Joy Luck Club), and Robert Fuller, Warren Oates and Claude Akins, Return Of girlfriend, Priya. Working together, will all three be able to The Magnificent Seven features Elmer Bernstein’s Oscar®- save their village from the evil Queen’s army? the legendary Toshiro Mifune (Seven Samurai) in his final film appearance. Picture Bride won the coveted Audience Award nominated score and raises the bar for rugged western Action, Disney, Fantasy 150min. for Best Dramatic Fil adventure to a new, heart-stopping level! It’s been six years Disney / Buena Vista 26.07.2011 since Chico (Julian Mateos) rode with Chris Adams Romance, Art House, Drama, Foreign, (Brynner) and his band of gunslingers. It was then that he 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100484 Japanese 1994 95min. married the beautiful Petra (Elisa Montes) and promised to lay Lionsgate 14.06.2011 down his weapons forever. But when the cruel outlaw Lorca Parenthood: Season 2 (Emilio Fernandez) begins to terrorize his village, Chico, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100681 Chris and five new brave gunmen must ride again. Now, with NBC, Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional the odds against them, the heroic seven emerge with guns Families, Family Relationships min. Prozac Nation blazing to face the shoot-out of their lives...and what my be Universal Studios 30.08.2011 their final battle! Christina Ricci, Anne Heche, Jessica Lan- Western 1966 96min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100626 ge, Michelle Williams, Jason Biggs MGM / UA 02.08.2011 Award winners Christina Ricci (Cursed, Monster) and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100709 Pasion Morena Jessica Lange (Big Fish, Rob Roy) star in this emotionally charged true story about a journey into excess! When Paola Nunez, Evangelina Elizondo, Ari talented young writer Elizabeth Wurtzel (Ricci) earns a Road To Avonlea: Season 4 Telch, Fernando Ciangherotti, Victor scholarship to Harvard, she sees it as her chance to escape Gonzalez the pressures of her working-class background and Remastered concentrate on her true talent. But what starts out so Sarah Polley, Treat Williams, and Meg Tilley star in the new They came from different worlds, but their destinies brought promising leads to self-destructive behavior and paralyzing them together. Morena, a designer educated in New York, is widescreen presentation of Road To Avonlea: Season Four. depression that reflects an entire generation’s struggle to Sara and her cousins continue to wreak havoc and land in unlucky in love and still hasn’t found what she is looking for. navigate the effects of divorce, drugs, sex and high Leo was raised in the jungle. He is poorly educated, except in trouble, much to the adults’ dismay and disapproval. In expectations! Based on the best-selling autobiographical addition to the light-hearted and fun-filled stories, each of the ways of survival in the jungle. The two meet initially, but novel, Prozac Nation also stars Michelle Williams (The their differences drive them apart. Morena leaves for Mexico these episodes is a textured and compelling exploration of life Station Agent), Anne Heche (John Q), Jason Biggs (Jersey in the mythical farming village of Avonlea. Experience Road to follow up on a job offer. Shortly after, Leo learns that the Girl) and Jonathan Rhys-Meyers (Bend It Like Beckham). man that raised him is actually not his father at all. He tracks To Avonlea, like you’ve never seen it before: meticulously down his real father, and through a chance encounter, finds Substance Abuse, Drama, Mental Illness restored from the original film and digitally remastered in the that the man that employs Morena is his real father. Destiny 2001 95min. full cinematic splendor that Executive Producer Kevin brings the two together again, but can love build a bridge Lionsgate 14.06.2011 Sullivan originally intended for the series. Adventure, Drama, Family 1993 600min. between their two worlds? 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100682 Drama, Latin 2010 903min. E1 Entertainment 07.06.2011 Distrimax 09.08.2011 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100725 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100615 Psych: The Complete Fourth Season (Slim Pack) Secret Diary Of A Call Girl: The The Pastor Jones Chronicles USA Network, Comedy, Detectives, Final Season Mystery 171min. Find laughter & inspiration with Jean-Claude LaMarre as Billie Piper Pastor Jones in this comedy about a graceful, yet flawed, Universal Studios 23.08.2011 young pastor desperately trying to manage his flock and Belle (real name Hannah Baxter) is living the ultimate London ministry. With an exceptional cast of characters, Pastor Jones 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100618 dream. She owns a beautiful house, dines at the hottest leaps from one crisis to another, resulting in hilarious restaurants and has the most fabulous wardrobe ever, all financed by her wildly successful career as a high-class

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 30 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA escort. Bell’s journey comes to a climactic conclusion when on the Nerdlucks in a hardcourt game to decide in the Looney she must make the ultimate choice between continuing her Tunes remain here... or become attractions at a far-off galactic lurid and sexy career or pursuing a blossoming romance with offramp called Moron Mountain. The Nerdlucks have a Super (Blu-ray) her best friend, Ben. See how the final season of Secret Diary monstrous secret weapon: they’ve stolen the skills of top NBA Michael Rooker, Sean Gunn, Linda Of A Call Girl concludes with all 8 sexy and sophisticated stars like Charles Barkley and Patrick Ewing and become episodes of the sensuous Showtime series. Monstars. The Tune Squad’s secret weapon just happens to Cardellini, Liv Tyler, Ellen Page, Kevin Ba- Drama, Showtime 2011 187min. be the finest player in this or any other universe. He’s outta con, Nathan Fillion, Rainn Wilson, Gregg Paramount Pictures 09.08.2011 this world. So’s the fun. Henry, Andre Royo, Stephen Blackehart Comedy, Family, Basketball, Animated 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100606 When sad-sack loser Frank (Rainn Wilson, The Office), a Animals, Sports 1996 88min. short-order cook, sees his ex-addict wife (Liv Tyler, The Lord Warner Bros. 04.10.2011 of the Rings) willingly snatched away by a seductive drug Sexting dealer (Kevin Bacon), he finds himself bereft and unable to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100689 cope. But he decides to fight back under the guise of a do-it- Liam Card, Carly Pope, Eric Mccormack, yourself superhero called Crimson Bolt. With a red hand- Jason Lewis Spreading Ground (Blu-ray) made suit, a wrench, a crazed sidekick named Boltie (Ellen Sexting follows the twists and turns in the complicated love Page, Juno) - and absolutely nothing in the way of lives of two twentysomethings, Breslin (Sex And The City’s Dennis Hopper, Frederic Forrest, Leslie superpowers - Crimson Bolt beats his way through the mean Jason Lewis) and Carly Pope, as they navigate the world of Hope, Tom McCamus streets of crime in hopes of saving his wife. digital dating. In order to get into a relationship, these two To catch a serial killer is to know him, feel him... anticipate Comedy, Drama, Action, Superheroes 2010 must first untangle themselves from the significant others him.. Apocalypse Now. 96min. they’ve been managing through their BlackBerry’s. A quirky, quick-witted look at courtship in the 21st century, Sexting. Serial Killers, Thrillers 2000 FF S 99min. MPI 09.08.2011 Romance, Comedy 94min. Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100579 Screen Media Films 23.08.2011 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100650 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100537 Super Hybrid (Blu-ray) Steamy Art House Hits Oded Fehr, Ryan Kennedy Shooter / The Italian Job (2 Pack) Secret Things A film by Jean-Claude Brisseau. Two young Late one night, a mysterious car is brought into the women discover the power of sex to get what they want in the police impound garage after a deadly traffic accident. Soon (Blu-ray) male-dominated business world. Nathalie, a performance the on-call mechanics discover the car has a mind of its own. artist-stripper, instructs her new friend, the beautiful but It’s a killing machine that is capable of outrunning and Mark Wahlberg, Charlize Theron, Donald inexperienced Sandrine, on the art of seduction. Without outwitting humans. Sutherland, Seth Green, Edward Norton, delay they put their skills to the test at a Parisian bank, Horror, Thrillers 2010 94min. Mos Def where both rise to the top. But they meet their match in the Starz / Anchor Bay 23.08.2011 The plan was flawless. The execution was perfect. Charlie ruthless son of the bank’s president - Christophe, a vain, Croker pulled off the crime of a lifetime. The one thing that he unbridled, power-hungry monster. Starring Coralie Revel, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100613 didn’t plan on was being double-crossed. Now he wants more Sabrina Seyvecou, Fabrice Deville. The New York Times. than the job’s payoff...he wants . Mark Wahlberg is Variety. House of the Sleeping Beauties A film by Vadim Take Me Home Tonight electrifying as Croker in this „fast and furious action- Glowna. Edmond, a man in his sixties whose wife has recently adventure.“ Along with a drop-dead gorgeous safecracker passed away, is told about a secret establishment where men Topher Grace, Anna Faris, Teresa Palmer, (Charlize Theron), Croker and his team take off to re-steal can spend an entire night in bed alongside beautiful, sleeping Dan Fogler the loot and end up in a pulse-pounding, pedal-to-the-metal young women, who stretch, roll over and dream, but never awaken. Bedazzled by their seductive yet innocent A talented ensemble cast delivers laugh-out-loud chase that careens up, down and below the streets of Los performances in this „fun nostalgia trip“ (Richard Roeper). Angeles. With an ensemble all-star cast that also includes tenderness, but distressed about the reason for their deep sleep, he delves into the mystery of the house of sleeping When Matt Franklin’s (Topher Grace) high-school crush Tori Edward Norton, Seth Green, Jason Statham, Mos Def, Franky (Teresa Palmer) shows up at his dead-end mall job, he and G and Donald Sutherland, The Italian Job is hot! Get ready for beauties. Based on the beautifully strange novella by Yasunari Kawabata, his buddy Barry (Dan Fogler) devise a wild scheme for Matt edge-of-your-seat thrills as Mark Wahlberg ignites the to finally win the girl of his dreams. But only time will tell if screen in his most compelling role yet: the Shooter. When Art House, Boxed Sets, Comedy, Drama Matt can seduce this gorgeous goddess at a wild party and respected former Marine scout sniper Bob Lee Swagger 389min. survive an outrageous night of seduction, destruction and (Wahlberg) is pressed into service to stop an assassination debauchery. Take this hilarious comedy home tonight! attempt against the President, the unthinkable occurs: he’s First Run Features 23.08.2011 double-crossed and framed for the attempt. Determined to 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100488 Comedy 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 98min. prove his innocence, the rogue shooter is now in a high- 20th Century Fox 19.07.2011 tension r 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100508 Crime, Drama, 2 Packs, Action, Revenge Stoney / Killer Likes Candy 2007 235min. (Double Feature) Take Me Home Tonight (Blu-ray) Paramount Pictures 02.08.2011 Barbara Bouchet, Marilu Tolo, Michael Ren- Topher Grace, Anna Faris, Teresa Palmer, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100556 nie, Gordon Mitchell, Michael Preston, Dan Fogler Venantino Venantini A talented ensemble cast delivers laugh-out-loud Shutter Island / Primal Fear (2 Stoney. Caught up in an international mishmash of espionage performances in this „fun nostalgia trip“ (Richard Roeper). and double crosses in the Philippines, two gunrunners hunt When Matt Franklin’s (Topher Grace) high-school crush Tori Pack) (Blu-ray) for buried treasure and are disrupted by the quest for the (Teresa Palmer) shows up at his dead-end mall job, he and Richard Gere, Leonardo DiCaprio, Edward same woman. Killer Likes Candy. Shrewd and evasive ex- his buddy Barry (Dan Fogler) devise a wild scheme for Matt Nazi and top assassin Oscar Snell is determined to rub out to finally win the girl of his dreams. But only time will tell if Norton the King of Kadiristan. His sole weakness is his sweet tooth; Matt can seduce this gorgeous goddess at a wild party and Shutter Island. Academy Award winning director Martin he leaves candy wrappers at the scene of every crime. It’s up survive an outrageous night of seduction, destruction and Scorsese once again teams up with Leonardo Dicaprio in this to no nonsense CIA agent Mark Stone to find Snell and stop debauchery. Take this hilarious comedy home tonight! spine-chilling thriller that critics say „sizzles with so much him before it’s too late! Comedy 2011 Ltbx DTS 98min. suspense that it’s hot to the touch.“ When U.S. Marshal 2 Packs, Action, Double Features 1969 20th Century Fox 19.07.2011 Teddy Daniels (DiCaprio) arrives at the asylum for the 180min. criminally insane on Shutter Island, what starts as a routine 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100518 investigation quickly takes a sinister turn. As the Code Red 16.08.2011 investigation unfolds and Teddy uncovers more shocking and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100594 terrifying truths about the island, he learns there are some Tracker places that never let you go. Primal Fear. Guilty? Innocent? An ex-war soldier has just returned to his beloved country Those questions aren’t for high-powered Chicago attorney Super and is quickly sent back out to track a man accused of killing Martin Vail (Richard Gere) to decide. His job is to defend— Michael Rooker, Sean Gunn, Linda a fellow s oldier. While hunting through the country land he especially if a case will put his name in the headlines and captures his fugitive only to learn that he’s innocent of his further his career. When Vail hears that a penniless altar boy Cardellini, Liv Tyler, Ellen Page, Kevin Ba- accused crime. When faced with the life changing decision to (Edward Norton) is accused of murdering the local con, Nathan Fillion, Rainn Wilson, Gregg turn him in or set him free only one man will walk away alive. archbishop, he snaps up the case, eager for the media spotlight. Little does he know that it will uncover a viper’s Henry, Andre Royo, Stephen Blackehart Thrillers, Western, Drama 102min. nest of corruption, pit him against a prosecutor who’s his ex- When sad-sack loser Frank (Rainn Wilson, The Office), a Lionsgate 23.08.2011 lover, and test all his skills, judgment and even his win-at-any short-order cook, sees his ex-addict wife (Liv Tyler, The Lord of the Rings) willingly snatched away by a seductive drug 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100722 Thrillers, 2 Packs 2010 min. dealer (Kevin Bacon), he finds himself bereft and unable to Paramount Pictures 02.08.2011 cope. But he decides to fight back under the guise of a do-it- Triple Hit 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100546 yourself superhero called Crimson Bolt. With a red hand- made suit, a wrench, a crazed sidekick named Boltie (Ellen Three-parallel universes collide when a scientist, Rebecca Page, Juno) - and absolutely nothing in the way of Hunter, conducts an illegal experiment in time travel. She Space Jam (Blu-ray) superpowers - Crimson Bolt beats his way through the mean soon discovers three doors are now open to parallel universes - present day, past, and a totalitarian nation in an Michael Jordan, Bugs Bunny, Wayne streets of crime in hopes of saving his wife. Superheroes, Action, Comedy, Drama 2010 unknown timeline. As her evil fascist self tries to kill her to Knight, Theresa Randle invade the other universes with an army, the multi-verse Michael Jordan slams, Bugs Bunny jams and the Looney 96min. begins to unravel. Rebecca must use her sharp intellect and Tunes stars hoop it up in Space Jam, the rim-rattlin’ roundball MPI 09.08.2011 mastery of quantum physics to save the multi-verse. romp that’s one of the cleverest and funniest animation/live- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100571 2010 85min. action capers ever made. Jokes fly as the Tune Squad takes E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 32 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100745 What’s a girl to do about destiny?. Hot stars Joseph Fiennes Wild Cherry (Blu-ray) (Shakespeare In Love) and Monica Potter (Patch Adams, Con Air) lead an impressive cast in this sexy romantic comedy Tia Carrere, Tania Raymonde, Kristin The Twilight Zone: Season 5 (Blu- about three old friends who unwittingly fall for the same Cavallari, Rumer Willis, Rob Schneider, woman! Martha (Potter) has decided to leave her life in the ray) U.S. and start over in London, free of romance and other Jesse Moss, Ryan Merriman, John White Martin Landau, Lee Marvin, Telly Savalas, complications. But then, one by one, she meets Frank (Rufus Never give it up.. Three hot high school seniors are shocked Sewell - Dangerous Beauty, Dark City), Daniel (Tom to discover their names in a legendary book that pairs the Shelley Fabares, Gladys Cooper, William Hollander) and Laurence (Fiennes)...childhood buddies who school’s virgins with football players. Outraged, the girls are Shatner, Mickey Rooney, James Coburn, each fall instantly in love with her! As the guys compete with determined to show the guys who’s really running the game of George Takei, Jackie Cooper, Jack outrageous schemes to win her love, you’ll be entertained by love and launch a series of hilarious, humiliating pranks to get a funny and charming comedy where Martha gets swept away back at the baffled boys in a hysterical battle of the sexes. Klugman, Bill Mumy, Richard Donner, Jo- in three whirlwind romances while pondering which one to Rumer Willis (90210), Tania Raymonde (Lost) and Kristin seph M. Newman, Rod Serling, Rod Serling choose! Cavallari (The Hills) star with Rob Schneider (Saturday All 36 episodes of the fifth and final season of Rod Serling’s Romance, Comedy 1999 min. Night Live) as an overprotective father reluctant to let his classic, groundbreaking series, now presented in pristine daughter grow up. high-definition for the first time ever, along with hours of new Lionsgate 14.06.2011 Comedy, Football, High School, Sexy and exclusive bonus features not available anywhere else! 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100686 Comedies, Sports 2009 85min. Classics, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Image Ent. 28.06.2011 Science Fiction, Thrillers 1963 916min. Violencia En La Frontera 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100610 Image Ent. 30.08.2011 Gabriel Cosme, Socorro Bonilla, Pancho 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100515 Muller, Isabel Rojas, Mario Almada, Carlos World War II Commando Cardan, Raul Ramirez, Diana Del Reyo Collection Two And A Half Men: The This 3 DVD set is loaded with crime stories, murder, human smuggling, and most of all - value. Malditos Polleros Robert Mitchum, Van Johnson, Lee Van Complete Eighth Season Matadero En Laredo Cleef, Randolph Scott, Richard Conte, Dana Charlie Sheen, Jon Cryer, Angus T. Jones Action, Latin 2010 274min. Andrews, Erika Blanc, Margaret Lee, CBS, Comedy, Family Relationships 2010 Navarre 09.08.2011 Sheila Carol, Klaus Kinski, Lloyd Bridges, 484min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100592 Michael Rennie, Noah Beery Jr, George Warner Bros. 06.09.2011 Hilton, Guy Madison, Ken Clark, Gianni 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100657 Warriors Of The Apocalypse Garko, Wally Campo, Richard Devon, Jack Science Fiction, Action, Apocalyptic Future, Kelly, Horst Frank, Michael Forest, Robert United 93 (Blu-ray) End Of The World min. Hossein, Peter Lee Lawrence, Giampiero It’s an event that shook the world. Honest, unflinching and Green Apple Entertainment 09.08.2011 Albertini, Lane Nakano, Ron Kennedy, profoundly moving, United 93 tells the unforgettable story of the heroic passengers and crew members who prevented the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100720 George Miki terrorists from carrying out their plans for the fourth hijacked An Army Sergeant (Van Cleef) assembles a crack force of plane on September 11, 2001. As on-ground military and Wayne’s World / Wayne’s World Italian-American commandos to impersonate Italian soldiers in civilian teams scrambled to make sense of the unfolding order to infiltrate an Axis stronghold in North Africa. Five events, forty people who sat down as strangers found the 2 (2 Pack) (Blu-ray) German commandos parachute into North Africa on a secret mission to assassinate Churchill, Roosevelt and de Gaulle at courage to stand up as one. Mike Myers, Dana Carvey, Kim Basinger, Terrorism, Drama, 9/11 111min. a conference in Casablanca. This film commemorates the Tia Carrere, Christopher Walken, Rob Lowe 442nd Regimental Combat Team, a unit composed of Japanese- Universal Studios 06.09.2011 Wayne’s World. Wayne Campbell (Mike Myers) and Garth American volunteers from US internment camps. They fought 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100645 Algar (Dana Carvey) are two most excellent and hilarious with such uncommon valor in Italy, southern France, and hosts who hit the big time when their home-based public Germany to become the most decorated battalion in the history access TV show goes Primetime thrusting them into a world of the US military, including 21 Medals of Honor. During United States Of Tara: The filled with radical babes and ragin’ party opportunities. Rommel’s epic North African campaign, Nazi and Italian Complete Third Season Wayne’s World 2 . Having achieved godlike status with the troops fight shoulder to shoulder to ward off the British forces success of their TV show, Wayne (Mike Myers) and Garth under General Montgomery. American commandos cross Toni Collette, Brie Larson, John Corbett, (Dana Carvey) are back - but this time they’re moving from behind enemy lines by skis to blow up a strategic railroad Eddie Izzard the big stage after a message from a dead rock star, and a bridge. Their daring mission is compromised when they are desire to find life after cable, inspires them to present a huge double-crossed by a beautiful fraulein. One of the greatest The battle for the student body begins as Tara (Emmy Award World War II films ever made! In this riveting war drama, Sgt. winner Toni Collette) and her alters return to college. Her rock concert, „Waynestock.“ Party on! Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Double Features, Tyne leads an Army infantry platoon, from their landing at Sale alternate personalities further complicate her life as they turn World War II, Action, Collections 1969 Ltbx the school upsidedown and send her family into a ridiculous Friendships, 2 Packs 1993 188min. 16x9 S 802min. tailspin. Will Tara and her alters push through their Paramount Pictures 02.08.2011 boundaries in pursuit of academia? Join Tara and the Gregson Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 family as they dramatically navigate the halls of higher 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100560 education. This 2 disc set features all 12 chaos and comedy- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100704 filled episodes of the hit Showtime series. Comedy, Drama 2011 328min. Weakness Yo Gabba Gabba: Music Makes Paramount Pictures 02.08.2011 Danielle Panabaker, June Diane Raphael, Josh Charles, Bobby Cannavale, Keith Me Move! 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100539 Turn it up and rock out in Gabba Land in these four music- Nobbs filled episodes of Yo Gabba Gabba! Form a band with DJ Vatel Romance, Teachers, Comedy, Drama, High LAnce Rock and friends, move your body, celebrate School, Mental Illness 2010 98min. differences through song, and use music to learn about trains Gerard Depardieu, Uma Thurman, Tim Roth, Osiris Entertainment 09.08.2011 too! Julian Sands, Julian Glover, Timothy Spall Family, Nickelodeon 2011 95min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100699 Passion. Seduction. Betrayal.. Starring Uma Thurman (The Nickelodeon 09.08.2011 Avengers, Pulp Fiction), Gerard Depardieu (The Man In The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100607 Iron Mask) and Tim Roth (Rob Roy), Vatel is based on the Wild Cherry true story of an ordinary man, a decadent king and the woman caught between them! In the west of France, Prince de Conde Tia Carrere, Tania Raymonde, Kristin has a scheme to save his bankrupt province: he’ll regain the Cavallari, Rumer Willis, Rob Schneider, favor of King Louis XIV with a weekend of spectacle and merriment. The plan’s success rests with Vatal (Depardieu), Jesse Moss, Ryan Merriman, John White the one man who can deliver the sumptuous food, elaborate Never give it up.. Three hot high school seniors are shocked Music amusements and all-out decadence fit for this king! But in the to discover their names in a legendary book that pairs the midst of it all, Vatel catches the eye of the beautiful Anne school’s virgins with football players. Outraged, the girls are AC/DC: Live At River Plate (Thurman)...and places himself in direct competition with the determined to show the guys who’s really running the game of King! Visually stunning and grandly entertaining, it’s a motion love and launch a series of hilarious, humiliating pranks to get Concerts, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Music picture you must see to believe! back at the baffled boys in a hysterical battle of the sexes. Rumer Willis (90210), Tania Raymonde (Lost) and Kristin min. Romance, Art House, Drama, Foreign, Cavallari (The Hills) star with Rob Schneider (Saturday Sony Music Video 10.05.2011 French, Historical / Period Piece 2000 min. Night Live) as an overprotective father reluctant to let his 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100637 Lionsgate 14.06.2011 daughter grow up. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100685 Sexy Comedies, Sports, Comedy, Football, High School 2009 85min. AC/DC: Live At River Plate (Blu- The Very Thought Of You Image Ent. 28.06.2011 ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100584 Concerts, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Music Rufus Sewell, Monica Potter, Ray min. Winstone, Joseph Fiennes, Tom Hollander

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Sony Music Video 10.05.2011 Naxos 28.06.2011 History Of The Organ: Latin 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100653 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100532 Origins To The Modern Age Boxed Sets, Classical Music, Documentary, Martha Argerich & Mischa Maisky Boston Symphony Orchestra: Music, Organ 212min. Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 112min. Charles Munch (Haydn & Bruck- Naxos 28.06.2011 Naxos 28.06.2011 ner) 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100510 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100505 Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 92min. Naxos 28.06.2011 Holst: In The Bleak Midwinter Martha Argerich & Mischa Maisky 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100531 The first ever film about this extraordinary man - who taught (Blu-ray) himself Sanskrit, lived on a street of brothels in Algiers, cycled into the Sahara Desert, allied himself during the First Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 112min. Benjamin Britten: Billy Budd World War with a ‘red priest’ who pinned on the door of his Naxos 28.06.2011 church „prayers at noon for the victims of Imperial Aggressi- Classical Music, Music, Opera, Orchestral, on“, who hated the words used to his most famous tune „I Vow 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100516 Performing Arts 200min. to Thee My Country“ because it was the opposite of what he Naxos 28.06.2011 believed, who distributed a newspaper called The Socialist Louis Armstrong: Masters Of Ame- Worker, whose music - especially The Planets - owed little 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100536 or nothing to anyone, least of all the ‘English folk song rican Music: ‘Satchmo’ tradition’, but was a very great composer who died of cancer, Satchmo. There are few people in this country, and around the Benjamin Britten: Billy Budd (Blu- broken and disillusioned, before he was 60. world, who will not recognize the name. Louis Armstrong Documentary, Music 2011 70min. embodied 20th century American culture. No other performer ray) E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 of his era had such a profound effect as a singer as well as Classical Music, Music, Opera, Orchestral, an instrumentalist. With over a dozen of his classic film 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100740 performances, numerous television and concert performance Performing Arts 200min. as well as never before seen home movies and nightclub Naxos 28.06.2011 Madame Butterfly footage from 1935, this is te most comprehensive look at this 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100545 American icon. Classical Music, Music, Opera, Orchestral, Classical Music, Documentary 1986 86min. Performing Arts 137min. E1 Entertainment 28.06.2011 Aaron Copeland: Fanfare For Naxos 28.06.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100750 America 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100522 Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Orche- Arrau And Brahms: The Two stral 60min. Madame Butterfly (Blu-ray) Romantics Naxos 28.06.2011 Classical Music, Music, Opera, Orchestral, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100506 Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Orche- Performing Arts 137min. stral 110min. Naxos 28.06.2011 Naxos 28.06.2011 Diabelli, Handel & Bach Goldberg 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100542 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100525 Variations Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 170min. Mahler: Autopsy Of A Genius Backstage Naxos 28.06.2011 Choral Music, Classical Music, DMX, , Redman, Ja Rule, Ami, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100524 Documentary, Music 88min. DJ Clue, Beanie Sigel, Memphis Bleek Naxos 28.06.2011 Multiplatinum-selling rappers like DMX, Method Man, Jay-Z Dialogues Des Carmelites 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100527 and others take you where you’ve never been before: behind the scenes of the hottest hip-hop concert tour ever! Hip, Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing irreverent and real, Backstage rides along with the Arts 152min. Mozart: Da Ponte Operas groundbreaking, 50-city „Hard Knock Life Tour“ and doesn’t Naxos 28.06.2011 Boxed Sets, Music, Musicals On Stage, hold anything back! From the tour bus to the hotel to the stage, cameras are there to capture all the craziness as the show 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100520 Opera, Performing Arts 570min. rolls from city to city! Also featuring the powerful Naxos 28.06.2011 performances of Redman, Ja Rule, Beanie Sigel — and a red- Dialogues Des Carmelites (Blu- 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100526 hot soundtrack by DJ Clue — you don’t want to miss this exclusive chance to see what really happens when Rap hits ray) the road! Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Music Video Exposed: David Documentary, Music 2000 min. Arts 152min. Mallet Lionsgate 14.06.2011 Naxos 28.06.2011 In the 1980’s, David Mallet was behind the camera for some of 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100660 the most influential music videos of the decade. Featuring in- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100540 depth interviews along with the videos themselves, Music Video Exposed is the ultimate behind-the-scenes look at the Baroque Academie Bob Dylan: Gotta Do My Life music and videos that shaped the MTV generation. Documentary, Music, Opera, Performing For the most part, the 1970’s was almost as good for Bob Music 2010 109min. Arts 93min. Dylan fans as the 1960’s had been - Blood On The Tracks, E1 Entertainment 28.06.2011 Naxos 28.06.2011 Rolling Thunder, The Basement Tapes, Desire and Street 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100752 Legal had all delighted the cognoscenti and most were looking 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100512 forward to what would come next. But by the end of the decade Dylan’s adherence to fundamental Christian beliefs Music Video Exposed: Russell Hector Berlioz: Les Troyens split his fan-base in a manner as dramatic as his ‘going electric’ had done 15 years before but this time God took the Mulcahy Ballet, Music, Opera, Performing Arts place of electronic amplification. This film, whose release In the 1980’s, Russell Mulcahey was behind the camera for 260min. coincides with Dylan’s 70th birthday celebrations in Spring some of the most influential music videos of the decade. 2011, looks again the period between 1978 and the dawn of Featuring in-depth interviews along with the videos Naxos 28.06.2011 his ‘born again’ period’ and takes the Dylan saga up to 1989 themselves, Music Video Exposed is the ultimate behind-the- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100521 and the release of Oh Mercy, thought by most to be a complete scenes look at the music and videos that shaped the MTV return to form. Extras include; The Dylan Gospel Interviews generation. Hector Berlioz: Les Troyens (Blu- Bob Dylan in conversation during his most fervent phase of Music min. Christianity with commentary by Derek Barker. E1 Entertainment 28.06.2011 Music 2011 127min. ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100753 Ballet, Music, Opera, Performing Arts E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100727 260min. Music Video Exposed: The Naxos 28.06.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100541 The Great Mass (Blu-ray) Collection In the 1980’s Russell Mulcahy, David Mallet and Wayne Ballet, Classical Music, Music, Opera, Isham were behind the cameras for the most influential music Boston Symphony Orchestra: Performing Arts 130min. videos of the decade. Featuring in-depth interviews along Charles Munch (Brahms) Naxos 28.06.2011 with the videos themselves, Music Video Exposed: The 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100543 Collection is the ultimate behind-the-scenes look at the music Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 85min. and videos that shaped the MTV generation.

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Music 2010 541min. & Beethoven Hammersmith Apollo in London to their home town of Sydney, Australia. Their songs are instantly memorable and get you E1 Entertainment 28.06.2011 Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 80min. wiggling in seconds! Those same songs have seen music 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100755 Naxos 28.06.2011 royalty line up to record music with the fab four of fun! We’ve picked the best for you to listen to, but snap it up as this DVD 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100528 will go potatoes! Music Video Exposed: Wayne Family, Music, Preschool min. Isham Bruce Springsteen: Between The Warner Bros. 09.08.2011 In the 1980’s, Wayne Isham was behind the camera for some Lull & The Storm 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100583 of the most influential music videos of the decade. Featuring in-depth interviews along with the videos themselves, Music How different the career and music of Bruce Springsteen Video Exposed is the ultimate behind-the-scenes look at the could have turned out had it not been for his legally enforced Yes: Union music and videos that shaped the MTV generation. recording hiatus, witnessed between the release of his celebrated Born To Run album and the delayed but We are proud to announce the release of YES: UNION. This Music 2010 119min. extraordinary follow-up, Darkness On The Edge Of Town - concert film of the band was made on August 8th 1991 at the E1 Entertainment 28.06.2011 almost three years later. Despite the undeniable strength of Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, . It was 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100754 his ’75 opus, during this break from the studio, many subsequently only released in Japan on video and then on the wondered if ‘the future of rock n’ roll’ was a one trick pony briefly new format of Laser Disc. This fantastic film however, who had somehow managed to capture the imagination of the was not widely available for a long time and has since become A MusiCares Tribute To Neil media for a brief moment, but in reality was just yet another a much sought after artifact amongst Yes fans. This package ‘new Bob Dylan’ who got lucky. This film examines the period includes the original film from the Shoreline Amphitheatre Young between the start of the lull and the threat of the storm, when (taken directly from the master tapes), with artwork approved Concerts, Music min. Bruce Springsteen recorded and released, arguably, the finest by Roger Dean and is an official Yes release, including the music he was ever going to make. Featuring rare and classic hits: I’ve Seen All Good People, Roundabout, Rhythm of Love, Shout Factory Music 31.05.2011 performance footage, archive interviews with the Boss Owner of a Lonely Heart, and many others. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100636 himself, contributions from those who know the man best and Music 2011 60min. who were around him during the 1975-1985 period, plus E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 seldom seen photographs, news reports, newly discovered A MusiCares Tribute To Neil film material and some of the finest music ever made! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100747 Young (Blu-ray) Music 2011 81min. Concerts, Music min. E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 Shout Factory Music 31.05.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100728 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100652 Special Interest Les Sylphides- Giselle Michael Nyman: Composer In Ballet, Dancing, Performing Arts 92min. 3D Safari: Africa (Blu-ray) Progress Naxos 28.06.2011 Reality, 3D, Adventure 2011 90min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100533 Classical Music, Concerts, Music 52min. Millennium Entertainment 20.09.2011 Naxos 28.06.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100643 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100507 Michael Tilson Thomas Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 87min. All Aboard: Great American La Petite Danseuse De Degas Naxos 28.06.2011 Railroads (Collector’s Tin) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100534 Music, Opera, Performing Arts 132min. Book yourself a window seat on the American Dream Express! Naxos 28.06.2011 More than any other modern nation, the United States was Verbier Festival 2010: Martha Arg- engineered by its legendary network of railroads. Now, you 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100509 can retrace the tracks of the whistling wonders that made this erich country sing- from sea to shining sea! Find out how the West was won! (Hint- it had more to do with the „Iron Horse“ than Roger Reynolds: Sanctuary Red Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 87min. the cowboy!) Learn about the epic role played by trains on Fish Blue Fish Naxos 28.06.2011 both sides of the Civil War! Get set for a first-class journey 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100535 through time and space, with a panoramic view of every hill Roger Reynolds’ work Sanctuary for percussion ensemble is and dale (not to mention some of the most impressive both visually and sonically dramatic. Composed for a spatially mountains in the world), aboard these powerful pacemakers of distributed ensemble and live electronics, the work makes Verbier Festival 2010: Martha Arg- the heartland! spectacular use of DVD’s surround sound capabilities. Three Transportation, Documentary 1997 425min. versions of Sanctuary are presented: 1) a controlled studio erich (Blu-ray) Madacy 28.06.2011 performance which visually focuses on the direct source of Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 87min. the action, allowing the viewer to see details often lost to the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100585 audience, 2) A complete live performance from Washington Naxos 28.06.2011 DC’s National Gallery of Art, with the percussionists 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100544 spatially distributed through the Gallery’s dramatic interior, America The Beautiful and 3) Excerpts from the outdoor sunset performance at The Salk Institute, La Jolla, Calif. in its architecturally famous Giuseppe Verdi: Macbeth (Collector’s Tin) courtyard with a view of the sea. Music, Opera, Performing Arts 194min. The National Parks system stretches across thousands of Music 2010 209min. miles, from sea to shining sea - but now you can take it all it Naxos 28.06.2011 E1 Entertainment 28.06.2011 in, in one majestic sweep! America The Beautiful carries you 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100513 from the depths of Death Valley to the heights of Mount 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100756 Rushmore; from the lush forests of the Everglades to the rugged terrain of Yellowstone! The collection is packed with Giuseppe Verdi: Macbeth (Blu- information about the spotlighted parks; and every Louis Riel invigorating vista is captured, giving you a front row seat to Music, Opera, Performing Arts 126min. ray) nature’s splendor! Naxos 28.06.2011 Music, Opera, Performing Arts 194min. Documentary 2006 367min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100511 Naxos 28.06.2011 Madacy 28.06.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100519 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100586 Rozhdestvensky At The BBC Proms Vienneses Night At The Proms America: The Story Of Us - Boom Choral Music, Classical Music, Music Americans conquer a new frontier, the modern city, with Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Orche- 87min. Carnegie’s empire of steel as its backbone. Skyscrapers and stral 64min. the Statue of Liberty are symbols of the American dream for Naxos 28.06.2011 Naxos 28.06.2011 millions of immigrants. The discovery of oil is a boom to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100529 industry; Henry Ford puts America on the road. Urban life 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100530 introduces a new breed of social ills, while prohibition fuels the growth of organized crime. It could be said that America Poul Ruders: Selma Jezkova The Wiggles: Ukelele Baby was invented, not discovered. America: The Story Of Us The Wiggles looks at history from an entirely new viewpoint with untold Classical Music, Music, Opera, Orchestral, stories about the men and women - both famous figures and The most successful children’s entertainment group in the everyday people - who pushed innovation and ingenuity to the Performing Arts 120min. world has finally released a collection of their most loved very edge of possibility to create a modern world that was Naxos 28.06.2011 songs, Hot Potatoes! The Best of The Wiggles. The Wiggles’ unthinkable at its founding. From the taming of the west, to the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100523 songs have drawn millions of people over the years to see building of our great cities, to the conflict that united and their live concerts. The New York Times called The Wiggles, divided a nation, America: The Story Of Us immerses viewers „the band that rocks the cradle“ and this is certainly true. in each moment as it happens. Sir Georg Solti: Wagner, Strauss, They have set records for their sold out performances everywhere from Madison Square Garden in New York to the Documentary, History Channel 2010 92min.

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 36 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

A&E 19.07.2011 divided a nation, America: The Story of Us immerses viewers moves into a fun and energizing mid=life cardio workout. Life 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100562 in each moment as it happens. Force offers three levels intensity during the cardio segment, War, World War II, Documentary, History as well as the opportunity to exercise anywhere from ten to Channel 2010 92min. fifty minutes, in ten-minute increments. An eight-week program America: The Story Of Us - Civil is provided on the back cover if you are new to exercise. A&E 19.07.2011 Equipment: one pair of one-pound dumbbells. War 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100566 Fitness, Health 60min. The Civil War rages. The formidable Confederate army BayView Entertainment 09.08.2011 cannot match the Union’s mastery of technology as railroads, supply lines and the telegram become new weapons in a America: The Story Of Us - West- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100669 modern war. The transcontinental railroad unites the nation ward and transforms the heartland. Farmers settle the continent; The Big One their cattle replace wild buffalo as king of the plains. The Trailblazing pioneers set out to conquer the west, but find the cowboy becomes a new American icon. It could be said that land already claimed. Wagon trains meet hardship on the road Michael Moore America was invented, not discovered. America: The Story of to California’s gold. The steamboat ushers in a new era of It’s a BIG Country...And Only One Man Can Save It!. Us looks at history from an entirely new viewpoint with untold commerce, industry, and unprecedented wealth. In the south, Outrageously entertaining and widely acclaimed, The Big One stories about the men and women - both famous figures and cotton is king but slavery fuels a growing divide. Violence is more unforgettable filmmaking from America’s favorite everyday people - who pushed innovation and ingenuity to the flares across the territories and the election of Lincoln is a corporate avenger, Academy Award winner Michael Moore very edge of possibility to create a modern world that was harbinger of war. It could be said that America was invented, (Bowling For Columbine, Best Feature Documentary 2002; unthinkable at its founding. From the taming of the west, to the not discovered. America: The Story of Us looks at history Roger & Me). Armed only with a camera and a sharp sense of building of our great cities, to the conflict that united and from an entirely new viewpoint with untold stories about the humor, Moore is back in the nation’s heartland and searching divided a nation, America: The Story of Us immerses viewers men and women - both famous figures and everyday people - for an executive - any executive - who will respond to one in each moment as it happens. who pushed innovation and ingenuity to the very edge of tough question: If Fortune 500 companies are posting record- War, American Civil War, Documentary, possibility to create a modern world that was unthinkable at setting profits, why do they continue laying off thousands of its founding. From the taming of the west, to the building of our workers? Looking out for the little guy with plenty of laughs History Channel 2010 92min. great cities, to the conflict that united and divided a nation, along the way, Moore’s howlingly funny crusade has resulted A&E 19.07.2011 America: The Story of Us immerses viewers in each moment in a crowd-pleasing motion picture that’s BIG entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100563 as it happens. fun! Documentary, History Channel 2010 92min. Comedy, Documentary, Politics 1997 min. A&E 19.07.2011 America: The Story Of Us - Lionsgate 14.06.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100567 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100662 Millennium America becomes a global superpower; the economy and Anni’s Force Fitness: Cardio population boom. In the jet age and the space age, pioneers Brainy Baby: Animals - Deluxe conquer new frontiers and run headlong into Cold War. The Force Edition Challenger disaster and 9/11 are tragedies that try the Are you short on time but want amazing results? Then get The Brainy Baby Animals Deluxe Edition DVD features music nation’s spirit. From the television to the credit card and the ready to jump, step and kick your way to total fitness with personal computer, technology drives America into the 21st and gentle voices to help kids explore entertaining and Cardio Force! This exhilarating, fast-paced workout was amazing animals like Fins and Flippers, Beautiful Bugs, century. It could be said that America was invented, not designed by fitness professional Anni Mairs to increase discovered. America: The Story Of Us looks at history from Wonderful Wings and more! Includes a toe-tapping visit to muscle tone, muscle endurance, and cardiovascular Old MacDonald’s farm. The Deluxe Edition DVD also an entirely new viewpoint with untold stories about the men endurance, while at the same time boosting your metabolism and women - both famous figures and everyday people - who includes fun special features such as Baby Bloopers, Behind and burning major calories. You’ll instantly feel successful the Scenes, and Video Sing-Along and Interactive Activity. pushed innovation and ingenuity to the very edge of and see results in no time at all. Anni uses easy-to-follow possibility to create a modern world that was unthinkable at Brain Baby has been a leader in preschool video development step, low-impact, boot camp, and kickboxing moves in one- for more than a decade and this series has been the recipient its founding. From the taming of the west, to the building of our minute intervals to deliver a safe, fun and highly effective great cities, to the conflict that united and divided a nation, of over 75 National Awards and, unlike our competitors, a cardio workout. She then moves to the floor and challenges university study has confirmed the educational value of the America: The Story Of Us immerses viewers in each moment you with an abdominal segment that recruits ever inch of your as it happens. Brainy Baby DVD. Created by educators and parents, this core. Next, enjoy a relaxing cool down - the perfect ending to award-winning series uses a time-tested, proven teaching 9/11, Documentary, History Channel 2010 a completely satisfying workout that leaves you feeling great. method that follows a lesson plan format and each DVD 92min. Fitness, Health 60min. reinforces lessons through engaging real-life objects and fun A&E 19.07.2011 BayView Entertainment 09.08.2011 sing-along’s to which kids can relate. Brainy Baby helps children discover a world of learning with quality products 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100564 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100667 that children love and parents trust. Educational, Family 45min. America: The Story Of Us - Anni’s Force Fitness: Core Force BayView Entertainment 16.08.2011 Rebels Do you spend too much time on the floor doing those 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100671 crunches, feeling the burn, but never seeing the results you From Jamestown to Plymouth, early settlers fight for survival. want? Then get up and start moving with Core Force! The Tobacco sows the seeds of opportunity; the north becomes a one-minute intervals used in Core Force boost your Brainy Baby: Art - Deluxe Edition powerhouse of trade. Tension, taxation and resistance metabolism and burn fat, revealing your awesome abs! This The Brainy Baby: Art - Deluxe Edition DVD features music explode into war as the rebels take on the might of the British ultimate cardio workout was personally developed by fitness Empire. Washington’s army is near defeat, but new weapons and gentle voices to introduce kids to the fundamentals of art professional Anni Mairs to get your heart pumping, tone your including color, texture, mediums and more. Highlights fun and battle tactics turn the tide. Forged through revolution, a muscles and sculpt your midsection. You’ll enjoy fun, easy to new nation is born. It could be said that America was activities, painting styles and classic art images such as Van follow low-impact Pilates and athletic-type moves that Gogh’s „Starry Night“. The deluxe edition DVD includes fun invented, not discovered. America: The Story Of Us looks at specifically target and recruit your core muscles. You’ll feel history from an entirely new viewpoint with untold stories special features such as Baby Bloopers, Behind the Scenes, successful and see results in no time at all. Core Force. Video Sing-Along and an Interactive Activity. Brainy Baby has about the men and women - both famous figures and everyday Equipment: On pair of on-pound dumbbells, step (optional) people - who pushed innovation and ingenuity to the very been a leader in preschool video development for more than a edge of possibility to create a modern world that was Fitness, Health 55min. decade and this series has been the recipient of over 75 unthinkable at its founding. From the taming of the west, to the BayView Entertainment 09.08.2011 National Awards and, unlike our competitors, a university building of our great cities, to the conflict that united and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100668 study has confirmed the educational value of the Brainy Baby. divided a nation, America: The Story Of Us immerses viewers Created by educators and parents, this award-winning series in each moment as it happens. uses a time-tested, proven teaching method that follows a Anni’s Force Fitness: Jump Force lesson plan format and each DVD reinforces lessons through War, American Revolution, Documentary, engaging real-life objects and fun sing-along’s to which kids History Channel 2010 92min. Want to look like you spend hours at the gym but don’t? Then can relate. Brainy Baby helps children discover a world of A&E 19.07.2011 Jump Force is the workout for you! Customize your workout to learning with quality products that children love and parents fit your busy schedule with Beginner, Intermediate or trust. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100565 Advanced Workout Levels; 10 or 45 Minute Cardio Workouts; 45 minute Cardio Workout offers 25, 30, 35, 40 or 45 minute Teachers, Family 45min. segments, 2, 5, or 10 Minute Cool Downs. this exhilarating, BayView Entertainment 16.08.2011 America: The Story Of Us - Rise fast-paced exercise program was designed by fitness profes- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100672 Of A Superpower sional Anni Mairs to increase muscle tone, muscle endurance and cardiovascular endurance. Easy to follow Step, Low- Boom turns to bust when the stock market crashes. The Great Impact, Kickboxing and Jump Rose moves are used to create Brainy Baby: English - Deluxe Depression and the dust bowl blanket the nation in darkness. an intense calorie- burning, muscle- sculpting routine. Roosevelt’s New Deal signals recovery. Hope for the Ameri- Fitness, Health 60min. Edition can future collides with world conflict; the attack on Pearl The Brainy Baby English Deluxe Edition DVD contains over Harbor brings war. American innovation and manufacturing BayView Entertainment 09.08.2011 50 words including colors, numbers, favorite objects, action power invigorate the Allies in Europe. In the Pacific, the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100670 words and familiar phrases as well as fun music and nursery ultimate piece of technology ends the war; a new global rhyme song in English, plus a vocabulary review section. The superpower takes the stage. It could be said that America was deluxe edition DVD includes fun special features such as invented, not discovered. America: The Story of Us looks at Anni’s Force Fitness: Life Force Baby Bloopers, Behind The Scenes, and Video Sing-Along history from an entirely new viewpoint with untold stories Are you ready to be fit in just 8 weeks? Let Life Force lead and an Interactive Activity. Brainy Baby has been a leader in about the men and women - both famous figures and everyday the way to a slender new you! This ultimate cardio workout preschool video development for more than a decade and this people - who pushed innovation and ingenuity to the very was personally developed by fitness professional Anni to tone series has been the recipient of over 75 National Awards and, edge of possibility to create a modern world that was your muscles and get your heart pumping. The on-minute unlike our competitors, a university study has confirmed the unthinkable at its founding. From the taming of the west, to the intervals will boost your metabolism and burn major calories! educational value of the Brainy Baby. Brainy Baby. building of our great cities, to the conflict that united and Anni combines Low-Impact, Boot Camp, Kickboxing and Step Teachers, Family 45min.

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BayView Entertainment 16.08.2011 Comedy, Documentary 1998 85min. The Mystery Of Picasso 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100673 Lionsgate 14.06.2011 In 1984 The French Government Named This Film A National 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100665 Treasure. Like a matador confronting a bull, the artist approaches his easel. As he wields his brush, we watch as Celebrity Bowling the painting dances into being before our eyes. Pablo Picas- The biggest names in television and film, including William Bob Harper: Beginner’s Weight so, the most influential artist of the 20th century, is making art, Shatner, Leslie Nielsen, Roy Rogers, and Adrienne Barbeau, and Henri-Georges Clouzot, the famous French director appear on this made for TV series pitting celebrities against Loss Transformation (Wages of Fear, Diabolique), is making a movie. In 1955, each other, bowling for prizes in hopes of not embarrassing Bob Harper Clouzot joined forces with his friend Picasso to make an themselves. Bob’s first and only training DVD dedicated to beginners. entirely new kind of art documentary-one that captured the Variety / Game Shows, Family, Sports moment and the mystery of creativity. For the film, the master Fitness, Health, Instructional 2011 58min. created 20 artworks-ranging from playful black-and-white 375min. Starz / Anchor Bay 02.08.2011 sketches to widescreen color paintings. Using inks that bled E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100600 through paper, Picasso rapidly created fanciful drawings that 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100731 Clouzot was able to film from the reverse side, capturing their creation in real time. When the artist decided to paint in oils, Bob Harper: Totally Ripped Core the filmmaker switched to color film and employed the magic of Dance Off The Inches: Belly stop-motion animation. By contract, almost all of these Bob Harper paintings were destroyed when the film was completed. Dance New from The Biggest Loser’s superstar trainer, Bob Harper. Unavailable for more than a decade, The Mys Kili Marti 2 cutting-edge workouts on one DVD. Art House, Documentary, Foreign, Fitness, Health, Instructional 2011 62min. Get fit with the shake of your hips.. Dancer Kili Marti uses Photography/Art 1956 75min. Starz / Anchor Bay 02.08.2011 moves from belly dance, Bollywood and other Eastern- Oscilloscope Laboratories 14.01.2003 flavored dances to create a sexy, fat burning program that is 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100599 truly upbeat and never dull or boring. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100638 Bellydance, Fitness, Health, Instructional 2007 61min. Joel Harper’s Self Defense Naqoyqatsi This show can save your life. NYC celebrity trainer Joel Starz / Anchor Bay 02.08.2011 Harper and muscle fitness specialist Donovan Green will Life As War. Miramax Home Entertainment and Academy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100598 walk you through 6 different ways you could be attacked and Award-winning director Steven Soderbergh (Best Director, show you step by step how you can defend yourself and Traffic, 2000) present Naqoyqatsi („Life As War“), from safely get out of each situation in a very clear and simple way. filmmaker Godfrey Reggio, in collaboration with composer Dear Uncle Adolf There are also fitness tips that will help your strengthen the Philip Glass, whose original score features renowned cellist More than any other historical documents, it is the personal exact muscles you need to defend yourself. Hopefully, you’ll Yo-Yo Ma. In this cinematic concert-the concluding film of the private letters written by a people to „their“ dictator, Adolf never have to use these tips. But this program and two full Qatsi Trilogy preceded by critically acclaimed Koyaanisqatsi Hitler, that provide the most intimate glimpses of the history of workouts will help you to be prepared, strong and safe. („Life Out Of Balance“), and Powaqqatsi („Life In Transforma- the Third Reich. A cache of more than 100,000 such letters Fitness, Health 2011 55min. tion“)-mesmerizing images reanimated from every day reality, was recently found, hidden in a secret Russian archive. The then visually altered with state-of-the-art digital techniques, uncensored letters reveal the true feelings of the German E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 chronicle the shift from a world organized by the principles of people - their hopes, longings and fears. They include love 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100737 nature to one dominated by technology, the synthetic and the letters, declarations of loyalty, birthday wishes, and the virtual. Extremes of intimacy and spectacle, tragedy and hope occasional words of protest. As one man wrote in April 1932, fuse in a tidal wave of visuals and music, giving rise to a a day after elections made the Hitler an unstoppable force: Korea: The Unfinished War unique artistic experience that reflects Reggio’s vision of a „We only want Adolf Hitler as leader, as dictator. We Natio- (Collector’s Tin) brave new globalized world. nal Socialists want to see a ban on all newspapers that inject Sports, Art House, Documentary 2002 poison into our Fuehrer, to see Jews classified as what they Five years after the defeat of Nazi Germany and Japan, a new 87min. are...We will give our blood to Adolf Hitler! Take an iron hand menace to freedom arose in the East! Communist North Korean and fulfill your programme with a dictatorial will. Do not forces, backed by the might of a newly victorious Red China, Lionsgate 14.06.2011 negotiate but act!“ Women who wrote particularly ardent crossed the 38th parallel into . The violation of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100679 letters were monitored by the Gestapo as Hitler feared that this agreed-upon treaty line caused the United Nations to his cult of personality could lead to a destabilisation of home spring into action, triggering the first heated action of the life in the Reich. As hi „Cold War.“ Three years later, the conflict ground to an Nature’s Treasures (Collector’s inconclusive halt, as the political will of the exhausted We- Documentary, German 60min. stern democracies bled out on the battlefield of Pork Chop Tin) First Run Features 23.08.2011 Hill. This extraordinary series captures the ferocity and the Richer than any empire in human history, the Animal Kingdom 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100486 futility of a war America never fully committed to, is full of delightful surprises! This extraordinary 16-part incorporating expert commentary, shocking newsreel footage series cracks open a vault full of vibrant vertebrates! Watch and documentary films made during the thick of the fight by the pageant of life unfold in gloriously photographed scenes, Michael Flatley Returns As Lord John Ford and John Wayne. Must-see viewing for anyone accompanied by expert commentary. Fall under Nature’s spell who hopes to understand the roots of the ongoing tensions and learn the survival secrets of creatures great and small! Of The Dance between Democracy and the current regime of North Korean Meet up with mammalian marvels! Become the wind beneath a Since its premiere, Lord of the Dance has been captivating madman Kim Jong-Il, Korea: The Unfinished War offers a bird’s wings! Cuddle up to a zoo-full of beautiful babies! Get a audiences and critics around the globe and has grossed over terrifying lesson in military and diplomatic history! monkey’s eye view of the rain forest! These are just a few of one billion dollars worldwide. Now fans will have a once in a War, Documentary, Korean War 499min. the gems that await you in this treasury of wonderment culled lifetime opportunity, when the world famous Lord of the Dance Madacy 28.06.2011 from land, air and sea! and its creator, producer, director, and star Michael Flatley Documentary 2010 409min. brings his vision to home audiences giving the viewer an 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100587 unparalleled sense of the scale of the show as never seen Madacy 28.06.2011 before. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100589 Dancing, Folk Dance 2011 107min. Legends Of The Silver Screen E1 Entertainment 28.06.2011 (Collector’s Tin) Nature’s Wrath (Collector’s Tin) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100751 Charlton Heston, Anthony Quinn, Gregory Look a storm in the eye, through the steely gaze of world- Peck, Robert Mitchum, Richard Widmark, famous adventurer George Kourounis! The intrepid Canadian stormchaser and his Angry Planet crew pull out all of the Michael Flatley Returns As Lord Cary Grant, Walter Matthau, Jack Lemmon, stops to bring you face to face with Mother Earth at her Of The Dance (Blu-ray) Steve McQueen, Shirley Temple, Roger crankiest! Nature’s Wrath presents 13 of the group’s most Moore, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, harrowing encounters with the elements, filmed in their Since its premiere, Lord of the Dance has been captivating patented up-close-and-perilous style! Dive into the vortex of audiences and critics around the globe and has grossed over Grace Kelly, Tommy Tune, Gary Cooper, Yul a Floridian whirlwind! Spend a (category) five star weekend one billion dollars worldwide. Now fans will have a once in a Brynner, Richard Kiley in the Caribbean with Hurricane Dean! Meet up with „ultra lifetime opportunity, when the world famous Lord of the Dance Roll out the red carpet and get set to meet 15 of Hollywood’s marathoners“ running a tightrope of hot and cold from Death and its creator, producer, director, and star Michael Flatley most glamorous legends! Peel back the silver screen curtain Valley to the Arctic Circle! When Nature lashes out, George brings his vision to home audiences giving the viewer an and find out what makes a star shine! What was Cary Grant’s doesn’t get mad, he gets even closer - and you can join him on unparalleled sense of the scale of the show as never seen real name? How did land the role of a lifetime in the storm front lines! before. To Kill A Mockingbird? Where did Audrey Hepburn get that Disasters, Documentary 294min. Dancing, Folk Dance 2011 107min. accent? You’ll find the answers to these and many other Madacy 28.06.2011 E1 Entertainment 28.06.2011 questions in this collection! Legends Of The Silver Screen. Anthony Quinn Charlton Heston Yul Brynner Audrey Hepburn 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100590 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100762 Grace Kelly Marilyn Monroe Cary Grant Gary Cooper Gregory Peck Jack Lemmon Shirley Temple Walter Matthau God Said, Ha! Robert Mitchum Roger Moore Steve McQueen Paris Is Burning Biography, Documentary, Hollywood Willi Ninja, Anji Xtravaganza, Pepper Julia Sweeney Saturday Night Live’s Julia Sweeney in the film that proves Legends 1997 953min. Labeija, Venus Xtravaganza, Dorian Corey, laughter is the best revenge.. Saturday Night Live’s Julia Madacy 28.06.2011 Junior Labeija, Freddie Pendavis, Octavia Sweeney has teamed with producer Quentin Tarantino (Jackie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100588 St. Laurent Brown, Pulp Fiction) to create this uplifting motion picture Having A Ball... Wish You Were Here. The award-winning presentation of Julia’s hilarious stand-up performance, God Paris Is Burning has been igniting audiences and critics Said, „Ha!“.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 38 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA across the country and all over the world with record- the 107-ye Beginning with the fan favorite Jason Varitek, currently in his breaking box office performances. An unblinking behind-the- Sports, Baseball, 15th season and all with the Red Sox, this set also features scenes story of fashion-obsessed New Yorkers who created the legendary and beloved Luis Tiant, members of the ’86 team „voguing“ and drag balls, and turned those raucous 144min. and one of the greatest pitchers and hitters of all time Roger celebrations into a powerful expression of fierce personal A&E 19.07.2011 Clemens and Wade Boggs, an incredibly rare interview with pride. This world-within-a-world is instantly familiar, filled 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100569 Dom DiMaggio and arguably the greatest hitter of all time, Ted with ambitions, desires and yearnings that reflect America Williams. itself. Paris Is Burning is an intimate portrait of one urban Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball community, a world in which the allure of high fashion, status Reds Memories: The Greatest Mo- and wealth becomes an affirmation of love, acceptance and 118min. joy. ments In Cincinnati Reds History Team Marketing 14.06.2011 Documentary, Gay / Lesbian Interest 1990 Cincinnati and professional baseball go back a long way- to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100490 the beginning - May 4, 1869 - when the Red Stockings 76min. debuted as the nation’s first professional team. And there is Lionsgate 14.06.2011 quite a litany of „firsts“ in Reds Memories, an incredibly Talking Baseball With Ed Rand- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100680 detailed compilation of Cincinnati Reds history. The 1919 title - the first for the franchise - is brought to all: Chicago Cubs Vol. 1 life like never before. Watch Johnny Vander Meer become the A must for every Cubs fan, where could you find interviews The Perfect English Village first and only man to throw back-to-back no-hitters. Return to with the beloved player and broadcaster Ron Santo, Hall of Is there such a place as the perfect English Village? A that evening in 1935 when Cincinnati became the first Major Fame pitcher Ferguson Jenkins, legendary broadcaster Harry whimsical odyssey across rural England as author and League team to host an evening baseball game. Witness the Caray, MVP Andre Dawson, and an interview with Hall of broadcaster Nigel Farrell decides to escape the frustrations rise and fall of the amazing Big Red Machine - the first team Famer „Mr. Cub“, Ernie Banks! of the city and sets off in an old Morris Minor in search of the in the division era to sweep the postseason. And, of course, Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball perfect village. The task isn’t quite as easy as he’d imagined - you’ll relive the hitting milestones of the phenomenal Pete 84min. his journey takes him to the beautiful villages of Bosham in Rose and the wire-to-wire journey of the 1990 championship Sussex; Lacock in Wiltshire; Drewsteignton in Devon; team. For more than 140 years Cincinnati has been one of the Team Marketing 14.06.2011 Finchingfield in Essex; and Coneysthorpe in North Yorkshire. bedrocks of professional baseball, featuring unparalleled 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100495 players and managers - from Joe Nuxhall to - Documentary 2008 52min. from Bid McPhee to - from to Music Video Distribution 21.06.2011 Lou Piniella. It’s all right here: the Hal Talking Baseball With Ed Rand- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100718 Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball all: Cincinnati Reds Vol. 1 108min. Every Reds fan will revel in the interviews of Sparky Phillies Memories: The Greatest A&E 19.07.2011 Anderson, manager of the Big Red Machine world series 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100570 champion who dominated the 1970’s, Tony Perez, the Hall of Moments In Famer who spent 16 years in Cincinnati and was the History centerpiece of the great 60’s teams and then the Big Red Secret Mysteries Of America: The Machine of the 1970’s, George Foster, the incredible home From the very first pitch thrown in 1883 to the nasty slider run hitter on the Big Red Machine teams and Barry Larkin, the Brad Lidge uncorked that clinched the Untold History (Collector’s Tin) wondrous and beloved shortstop who played all 19 seasons title, the Philadelphia Phillies have been a never-ending topic Secret Mysteries Of America: The Untold History. with the Reds and led them to the title. of conversation for their loyal and passionate fans. Six pennants, two titles and countless „what ifs“ have transpired Conspiracies, Documentary 2010 758min. Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball in parks from Recreation to Shibe to Citizens Bank. Madacy 28.06.2011 85min. Unforgettable names have been etched in the red and white - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100591 Team Marketing 14.06.2011 Tugger, Whitey, Schmitty, Dutch and Chase. The stories are amazing . . . and they’re all here - from the monstrous home 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100500 runs that Richie Allen and Greg Luzinski rocketed into the Sesame Street: Learning Letters night . . .to Lefty’s unbelievable ’72 season . . . to the emotio- Talking Baseball With Ed Rand- nal parades down Broad Street in ’80 and ’08. With archival With Elmo film clips, exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes footage Educational, Family, Sesame Street 50min. all: Detroit Tigers Vol. 1 and never-before-heard sound, Major League Baseball Warner Bros. 02.08.2011 Interviews with one of the most beloved broadcasters in the Productions brings you the definitive history of Philadelphia’s history of the game , Sparky Anderson who favorite sports team. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100582 managed the 1984 world champion Tigers ( the last Tiger team Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball to win a world series), Jack Morris who played with the 176min. The Shaman & Ayahuasca Tigers for 14 seasons and was the pitching ace in 1984 and A&E 19.07.2011 slugging infielder Travis Fryman. Journey to sacred realms.. Ayahuasca is an entheogentic or Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100568 psychoactive vine-based plant brew that have been used for healing by shamans for thousands of years. It is widely known 85min. throughout South America for its healing and visionary Team Marketing 14.06.2011 Polo Polo VIP II properties that has, in recent years, caught the attention of the Western world. Ayahuasca is called a „plant teacher“ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100498 Polo Polo because it can heal physical, psychological, and emotional Polo Polo is a legendary Mexican comedian who has recorded blocks. This is done through vivid visions that take the patient Talking Baseball With Ed Rand- over 20 albums to date and has had audiences laughing since to other realms and dimensions providing profound insights he first hit the comedy scene in the late 1970’s. And now he’s into human beings’ true nature and place in the cosmos. all: Los Angeles Dodgers Vol. 1 back, live on stage in Mexico City! Shot in high definition, Intrigued by these extraordinary claims, filmmaker Michael This very special set features legendary base stealing this stand-up comedy special event features more of the adult Wiese went to the home of Don Jose Campos, an themed antics of this beloved comedian. From his sexual shortstop and member of the great 60’s championship teams internationally known Peruvian shaman or curandero, to Maury Wills, one of the centerpieces of the great innuendos to his creative story-telling, Polo Polo will have experience firsthand the healing and transformational aspects you laughing from start to finish. championship teams of the 70’s and 80’s Dusty Baker, of Ayahuasca. Shot on location in the jungle and in the legendary hitter Frank Howard, Johnny Podres, a Comedy, Latin 2009 102min. Amazonian river towns of Pulcallpa and Iquitos Peru, this 72- vital member of the great Brooklyn Dodger teams of the 50’s, Navarre 09.08.2011 minute film documents the shamanic work and ayahuasca the great 1955 world championship team and then a member of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100572 ceremonies of Don Jose Campos and includes the last filmed the great 60’s LA Dodger championship teams, Hall of Fame interview wi pitcher Don Sutton who spent 16 years with the Dodgers and Documentary 2010 72min. who was a part of the 60’s and 70’s championship teams, and Red Sox Memories: The Greatest Passion River 23.08.2011 Ralph Branca, the legendary Dodger Pitcher who threw the famous „Shot heard Round the World“ bottom of the 9th inning Moments In Boston Red Sox 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100619 home run pitch to Bobby Thomson sending the Giants over the History Dodgers in one of the greatest games ever played, the 1951 Talking Baseball With Ed Rand- final playoff game. The spectacular successes and memorable characters of the Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball Boston Red Sox® are legendary in the annals of baseball all: Atlanta Braves Vol. 1 history. Red Sox Memories: The Greatest Moments In Boston 128min. Red Sox History celebrates these October heroes, Real nostalgia is achieved with Del Crandall, a member of the Team Marketing 14.06.2011 fascinating characters and amazing rookies. You’ll see the original Boston Braves and Milwaukee Braves before the unveiling of an all-time Red Sox dream team that will inspire franchise moved to Atlanta, three 300 game winning pitchers 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100494 countless memories of more great BOSOX performances that Tom Glavine, Greg Maddux and Phil Niekro follow with David cemented the team’s unparalleled legacy. The Red Sox Justice, a member of the powerful ‘90’s Braves and world Talking Baseball With Ed Rand- timeline stretches back more than a century, from 1903 when series champion bringing up the rear. they won the first-ever World Series championship, to 2007 Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball all: Minnesota Twins Vol. 1 when a seventh World Series trophy took up residence at 83min. With Hall of Famer Rod Carew, a member of the 3000 hit club, Fenway Park. And the story line overflows with some of the Team Marketing 14.06.2011 Tony Oliva, the beloved player who spent his entire 15 year greatest and most compelling players in baseball history too. career with the Twins and led them to the , From Cy Young, and Ted Williams to Bill Lee, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100496 Tom Kelly, the mastermind manager who led the Twins to two Pedro Martinez and David Ortiz - their stories fill the pages world series championships and the Hall of Fame and of record books and biographies, while sensations such as Talking Baseball With Ed Rand- legendary Harmon Killebrew, a member of the 500 home run Dustin Pedroia, Fred Lynn and Carlton Fisk breathed new life club. into their team and city as only remarkable rookies can. In all: Boston Red Sox Vol. 1 Red Sox Memories, the stories behind the greatest moments in Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 40 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

87min. honeybees. Team Marketing 14.06.2011 Talking Baseball With Ed Rand- Bugs, Documentary 2010 87min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100492 E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 all: St. Louis Cardinals Vol. 1 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100746 This set is a St. Louis fan’s dream come true. Legendary Hall Talking Baseball With Ed Rand- of Fame shortstop Ozzie Smith who spent 15 years with the Cardinals taking them to 3 world series and playing his What On Earth? Inside The Crop all: New York Mets Vol. 1 position so brilliantly that he was known as „The Wizard of A treasure trove of Met heroes with one of the greatest Oz“, Hall of Fame pitcher who is considered one Circle Mystery pitchers of all time and a member of the Hall of Fame Tom of the greatest pitchers of all time, borderline Hall of Fame Intricate designs in crops turn up in farmer’s fields overnight. Seaver, longtime and beloved sportscasters Bob Murphy and catcher Ted Simmons, and the legendary Curt Flood, a major Although they have appeared throughout the world for many who both were in the Mets broadcasting booth factor and great player on the 60’s championship teams who years, no one knows where they come from or why they from the very beginning in 1962, and key members of the 1986 challenged baseball free agency rules in 1969 and was arrive. For fifteen years, Suzanne Taylor has been part of a World Series champions Keith , Ron Darling and effectively and sadly „run out of baseball“. lively community of visionary artists, scientists, philosophers, Howard Johnson. Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball geometers, and farmers who are drawn to England by the Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball circles every summer. This documentary tracks her 83min. interactions with these „croppies“ as they go circle-chasing, 127min. Team Marketing 14.06.2011 indulge in circle-analysis, and share why they are so Team Marketing 14.06.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100499 fascinated by the phenomenon. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100502 UFOs, Aliens, Documentary 2009 81min. The Three Amigos: Outrageous! Passion River 09.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100616 Talking Baseball With Ed Rand- Carlos Mencia, Pablo Francisco, Freddy all: New York Yankees Vol. 1 Soto This set is a Yankee fan’s dream. Featuring the greatest From the director of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour.. The Three Oprah Winfrey: Past Present And Yankee pitcher of all time and Hall of Famer Whitey Ford, Amigos brings you all the hilarious and outrageous comedy Future - Unauthorized another Hall of Famer and beloved player and announcer Phil from a red-hot trio of Latino headliners on their sold-out Rizzuto who was with the Yankees for over 8 decades, Hall of national tour! With the biting social commentary of Carlos Documentary Famer and legendary catcher and Manager Yogi Berra, under- Mencia (29 Palms, Comic Relief VI), the off-the-wall sound rated Clete Boyer who was the third baseman on the greatest effects of Pablo Francisco (Mad TV, Comedy Central Oprah Winfrey team ever assembled (’61 Yanks), the cult hero and lovable Presents: Pablo Francisco) and the hysterical family humor of Oprah Gail Winfrey is the most influential women in the world. Joe Pepitone, and one of the greatest players the game has Freddy Soto (Spanglish), it’s all-out stand-up hilarity like The Oprah Winfrey show has been on the air for 25 years, ever seen, the larger than life Mickey Mantle. you’ve never seen before! Directed by C.B. Harding (Blue and is the highest rated show of its kind in history. Her Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball Collar Comedy Tour, The Osbournes Family Christmas tenacity, vision, and passion are just a few attributes that Special) - you’ll laugh till it hurts as these fresh and original make her extraordinary! In this inspirational documentary film 129min. comics do what they do best - live on stage! we examine her trials, tribulations and triumphs. This is the Team Marketing 14.06.2011 Comedy 2001 74min. untold story of a true American icon. Talk Shows, Documentary 70min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100501 Lionsgate 14.06.2011 Music Video Distribution 09.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100684 Talking Baseball With Ed Rand- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100691 all: Philadelphia Phillies Vol. 1 TNA: 2011 / Wishful Drinking Leading off is the Lead Off hitting Hall of Famer and one of the 2011 most beloved figures in Philadelphia sports history Richie Carrie Fisher Ashburn, a member of „The Whiz Kids“ of 1950 and a longtime , Mickie James, , Rob Van Wishful Drinking brings the unique sensibilities of actress/ broadcaster for 3 decades, Larry Bowa, the feisty shortstop of Dam, AJ Styles, , , author Carrie Fisher to HBO via a 76-minute adaptation of her the powerhouse Phillie teams of the 70’s and world series acclaimed one-woman stage production. As she demonstrates champions in 1980, Robin Roberts, Hall of Fame pitcher who , Beer Money in this uproarious and often poignant performance, Carrie spent 14 seasons with the Phillies and was a member of the TNA Wrestling’s Twin Pack includes over 6 hours of Total Fisher is not just an accomplished actress, screenwriter and 1950 „Whizz Kids“, Lonnie Smith, a slick hitting and fielding Nonstop Action! In this 2 disc set, you’ll see two of TNA’s top best-selling author. She’s the offspring of show-biz royalty, member of the champions and 14 year Pay-Per-View events: Slammiversary 2011 daughter of celebrated actress Debbie Reynolds and crooner Phillie catcher Darren Daulton. Sports, Sports Entertainment 2011 360min. Eddie Fisher, whose very public affair with Elizabeth Taylor Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball Navarre 23.08.2011 ended a storybook marriage. Despite growing up around movie stars and experiencing early fame of her own (she was 105min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100597 cast as Princess Leia in Star Wars at 19), Fisher’s life was Team Marketing 14.06.2011 hardly enviable. She faced more than her share of challenges: 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100497 UFC 130: Rampage Vs. Hamill tragic relationships, drug and alcohol addiction, stints in rehab, bipolar disorder, and electroshock therapy. That she Quinton Jackson has survived and even prospered in the face of such Talking Baseball With Ed Rand- Quinton „Rampage“ Jackson, who has had one of the greatest adversity is a tribute to Fisher’s resiliency, intelligence and, careers in MMA history, will be facing Matt „The Hammer“ above all, heroic sense of humor. Wishful Drinking. all: Pirates Vol. 1 Hamill to compete for a spot in the upcoming light heavyweight Star Wars, Substance Abuse, Biography, Interviews with cult character who famously threw championship. Both fighters are ready to take the title but only a no-hitter while admitting to be high on LSD, the legendary one can win. Comedy, Documentary, Family Hall of Famer Ralph Kiner who set home run records galore, Sports, UFC, Mixed Martial Arts 2011 Relationships, Mental Illness, Rocky Jim Leyland, brilliant manager of the powerhouse 80’s and Relationships 2010 76min. 90’s teams, the beloved „Pops“ , the Hall of 300min. Fame Great who spent his entire 21 year career with Pitts- Starz / Anchor Bay 02.08.2011 HBO Home Video 13.09.2011 burgh and led the „We are Family“ 1979 team to a world 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100601 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100695 series championship, , the manager for 10 years and leader of the 1979 world series champs and Bill Virdon, a manager for the Pirates and a beloved player for 10 seasons UFC 131: Dos Santos Vs. Carwin Wrong Side Of The Bus with the Pirates and a member of the 1960 world champion A quest for reconciliation becomes a journey to forgiveness.. team that shocked the Yankees and the world in the bottom of Junior Dos Santos Sidney Bloch, an internationally recognized professor of the ninth in Game 7. The road to a shot at the UFC heavyweight title gets shorter psychiatry from Australia, returns to Cape Town, South Africa Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball on Saturday June 11th, as number one contender Junior dos for his medical school reunion. Sid has suffered from a Santos meets former interim champion Shane Carwin in a troubled conscience for forty years and wants to resolve his 121min. battle between two of the hardest punchers to ever set foot in guilt for colluding with Apartheid but what will it take to free Team Marketing 14.06.2011 the Octagon. him from his past? He’s accompanied on his quest for 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100491 UFC, Mixed Martial Arts 2011 300min. reconciliation by his son, Aaron, who is also his harshest Starz / Anchor Bay 23.08.2011 critic. Narrated by Aaron, the film explores how easy it is for 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100604 a good person to accept injustice and compromise one’s Talking Baseball With Ed Rand- morals. Wrong Side Of The Bus is one man’s journey to forgiveness. all: San Francisco Giants Vol. 1 Vanishing Of The Bees Documentary, South African 56min. Starting off with Will Clark who led the Giants to a world series appearance, legends fill out this set with Hall of Famer Honeybees, a keystone species vital to sustaining our First Run Features 23.08.2011 Orlando Cepeda, Hall of Famer and one of the greatest ecosystem, are mysteriously disappearing across the planet, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100487 pitchers in the game Juan Marichal and the duo of Ralph literally vanishing from their hives. Known as Colony Branca and Bobby Thomson who talk about Thomson’s famous Collapse Disorder, this phenomenon has brought beekeepers game ending home in 1951, one of the greatest moments in to crisis in an industry responsible for producing apples, Yankee Stadium: Baseball’s Giants, and baseball history. broccoli, watermelon, onions, and a hundred other fruits and vegetables. Narrated by Academy Award nominee Ellen Page, Cathedral Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball the film follows commercial beekeepers David Hackenberg Fans and ballplayers have congregated for more than 80 85min. and Dave Mendes as they strive to keep their bees healthy years to witness history - they cheer their hearts out, realize Team Marketing 14.06.2011 and fulfill pollination contracts across the U.S. The two their dreams and heal their souls in this ultimate baseball friends also must plead their case on Capitol Hill and travel cathedral. Yankee Stadium has meant so much to so many. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100493 across the Pacific Ocean in the quest to protect their Babe Ruth christened The House That Ruth Built? with the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 41 Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA first home run on opening day in 1923. Yankee Stadium has Baseball’s Cathedral. since seen it all. From World Series® championships to Sports, Baseball, Documentary, Major pitching perfection; from tear-wrenching good-byes to chances for redemption, Yankee Stadium has witnessed the League Baseball 168min. wonder that baseball has to offer, treating its fans to a A&E 19.07.2011 seemingly endless list of memorable moments. Yankee Stadium: 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100573 Telefonische Bestellannahme: Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr

Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- und Feiertags (Baden- Württemberg) bleibt unser Verkauf geschlossen.

Newsletter 10/11 (Nr. 293) ISSN 1610-2606 Credits Redaktion: Wolfram Hannemann Design & Layout: Wolfram Hannemann Assistenz: Beate Hannemann Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Anna Rudschies © (2011) by LASER HOTLINE ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt nur in Verbindung mit einem „Persönlichen Import- service“-Vertrag und be- inhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 42