AS Pcc Io Lim D # Tf! 9 in STOCK!!
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20 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Feb. 24, 1989 ROOMMATES |g y || MISCELLANEOUS CARS I CARS WANTED FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE Brand new listing!!! Well FOR SALE: carburetor, FOR Sale. 1974 Jeep J4000 1982 TOYOTA Tercel. A Spcciolim D#tf! maintained 7 room Holley 750 CFM with pick-up, power steer 83K, Am/Fm. Asking spilt level on Bryan vacuum secondaries. ing, power brakes, au $1800. Call Linda, 647- Drive In Manchester. 1 Mint condition. Less tomatic transmission, 8691 or 647-1419. full bath and 2'/2 baths, than 1000 miles. $100. Meyers 4 way plow. 1985 MERRCURY Capri. CARPENTRY/ fireplace, central air, firm. Call Joe after 7 $2000 or best otter. 18,000 miles, cruise CHILD CARE REMODELING FLOORING !FLOORING 20 x 40 In-ground pool. 643-1798. 871-0014.____________ control, power win 140 X 170 lot. One car FOR Sale. 1987 Suzuki LT dows. Excellent condl- EXPERIENCED 14 year garage. $169,900. Jack- 500 Quad Racer. Never tlon. 645-1224.________ old girl looking for RENOVATIONS son & Jackson Real SNOW Thrower, to tit several makes of 1 raced. Very low hours. 1980 Chevy Monza. Runs babysitting work. Por PLUS Simon ^ Simon Estote, 647-8400.D $2500, firm. 871-0014. ter Street area. S2.50 horse power tractors. good. Am /tm , bass, per hour, Call Jenny, Complete Home TILEMASTERS $75. 649-0964. FOR Sale. 1986 Suzuki stero w/eQuallzer 67k. 643-8579. Maintenance Merchandise Quad Sport 230. $1200 or Needs some work. $ ^ . best otter. 871-0014. or best otter. 647-0042 Repair / Renew Tile Sales and Installation WHEEL CHAIR. Slightly CLEANING used, like new. $125. 1980 PONTIAC Sunbird. after 4pm. I Ceillngt, Walls, Painting, Bed rails, adlustable, Automatic, power SERVICES Papering, Carpentry practically new. $50. Intund m Sdnior DiBcounI steering, power I q r JAUTO FURNITURE 527-2199 brakes, air condi tioner, Am/Fm 1 services We are bath remodel and ceramic tile specialists. SIX Hardwood Chairs, cassette stereo. High comb back, wlndsor- CLEANING Let us win your confidence! Call us today for a ENDROLLS mileage, needs some LAREWS CAR Servicing the Monchttler ft WII- style. $45 a piece. 649- work. $500 or best otter. llmontlc area. Honcitond rtllo- PAINTING/ 27'A width - 25d DETAIUNG. I free estimate, commercial or residential. 8412.________________ 647-9004, otter 6pm. blt couple to Cleon your home, PAPERING 13% width - 2 for 2S« Thorough cleaning office or window*. 9 veort ex-, I Member Chamber of Commerce QUEEN size sleeper sola, MUST be picked up at the inside-out. Wash, wax. perlence ond references. Coll antique blue with tiny shampoo rugs, etc. Call Lourle for o free estimate. Ivory pattern. Excel Herald Oflica Monday thru Thuriday before 11 a.n. only. CLYDE now and make your 742-0267 PAINTING & HEATING/ lent condition. $400. appointment for March WALLPAPERING PLUMBING DISTRIBUTION 646-5115. CHEVRDLET-BUICK, INC. ______ 645-8441._______ RDUTE 83, VERNON F re e Eatlmatea LABELS BOOKKEEPING/ Tired of manually addressing ITV/STEREO/ 83 NItean 280ZX *7 4 9 5 Call John M&M OIL AUTOS FOR INCOME TAX distribution mall ~ we can I APPLIANCES 84 Monte Carlo *6 4 9 5 PLUMBING a HEATING automate this process providing RENT/LEASE 84 Century LTD wagon *6 6 9 5 649-3331 • OH Burner Sarvice & Salsa auelity service for a reasonable ELECTRIC Stove. Sears, NOTICE. Connecticut Gen price. Call 644-6101. 84 Skyhawk wagon *5 9 9 5 FREE Mileage on low Celtics get ‘home win’ over Bucks ... page 48 1988 INCOMI TAXES 20", 4 burner. White eral Statute 23-65 prohibits • Automatic Oil Delivery the posting of advertise 84 Camaro Blue *5 9 9 5 cost auto rental. Vil Consultation / Preparation I ROOFING/ Nutone Coppertone • Well Pumps Salsa S Service Range hood with vent ments by any person, firm or 85 Century 4 Dr. (2) *8 9 9 5 lage Auto Rental, 643- SIDING corporation on o telegraph, 2979 or 646-7044. Individuals / • Water Hsatsrs (Eiwtiic a Oisi MISCELLANEOUS to outside. Very good telephone, electric light or 85 Spectrum 4 Dr. *5 1 9 5 Sole Proprietors • Bathroom ft Kitchen SERVICES condition. Ideal tor power pole or to o tree, 85 Century wagon *7 4 9 5 LEAKY RQOF? Remodeling apartment or summer shrub, rock, or onv other 86 Cutlass Clera wgn. *8 9 9 5 MISCELLANEOUS M oft roof* canin t r«pair«d. camp. Both tor $75. natural oblect without o writ Dan Mosler 6 4 9 -3 3 2 9 • Senior Citizen Discounts GSL Building AAoInte- 86 Grand Am 2 Dr. *8 3 9 5 In placa of total rarooflng axpanaaf ten permit for the purpose of AUTOMOTIVE • Electric work by Manchester, 646-0271. Complata roroofing of all typaa. nonce Co. Commercl- protecting It or the public and 88 Subaru CLIO *7 4 9 5 Complete accounting services Precision Electric ol/ResIdentlol building fR€E esTikiAres carries o tine of up to $50 tor 88 Nova 4 Dr. *6 9 9 5 FOR Sale. Car tor parts. Including A/R, A/P. P/R. G/L. FREE ESTIMATES repairs and home Im MUSICAL each offense. $100 best otter. 649-9233. P&L Statement and quarterly Manchester Roofing provements. Interior ITEMS MOVING, e ia n f Tag 88 Celebrity 4 Dr. *7 6 9 5 Phone: 649-2871 tax returns. Can design 6 4 5 -8 8 3 0 and exterior painting, Sale. Everything goes. New Pricing Policy additional applications light carpentry. Com PJ's Plumbing, Heating & KIMBALL Organ. Saturday and Sunday, 872-9111 tailored lor your business plete lanitorlal ser Rhythm and Instru February 24 and 25. Air Conditioning V O LU M E needs. Call 644-6191. ELECTRICAL vice. Experienced, rel ment tabs. Some 10am-3pm. 93 Lydoll Jlanrltpalpr lipralb Boilers, pumps, hot water iable, tree estimates. books. $200 643-4223. Street. New Pricing Poiicy ^ tanks, new and 643-0304.___________ I PRICING CARPENTRY/ DUMAS ELECTRIC replacements. Service changes, addi FREE ESTIMATES BARGAINS REMODELING tional wiring and repairs on Spring is coming S VOLUME I existing homes. Quality 643-9649/228-9616 For all your cleanup work at affordble prices. : New Pricing Policy 30 Cents FARRAND REMODELING IMIBCELLANEOUB chores call Rudy, I PRICING I Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charni Room additions, decks, roof Entirely owner operated. 27 years exp. Call Joseph SERVICES 847-9925. •9202A Saturday, Feb. 25, 1989 ing, aiding, windows and gutt I Reasonable, reliable, THIS WEEK’S Dumas B40-S2S3. I BARGAINS! 1987 Buick Park Avenue ers, All types of remodeling and and references. repairs. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. UWKES TREE SERVICE 4 Door Sedan ELECTRICAL & 1 SUPER SPECIALS!! Bucket, truck ft chipper. Stump ^New Pricing Policy’^ Bus. 647-8509 SECURITY WORK Angelic Home Now >12y880^ removal. Free estimates. 1985 Plymouth Turismo Res. 645-6849 Fire, Burglar and Care Registry •911BA Special conelderstlon for #1857 Freeze Alarms. elderly and hendicapped. Local registry offers quality 1989 Buick MFM Construction FREE ESTIMATES care... lower cost to patients... <4995 Skyhawk JET BLOWOUT A MYSTERY Kitchen, baths, attics, 647-7553 companions, home makers, SOV-P“ 561-2020 1984 Buick Skyhawk 2 Door Coupe basement additions, 647-1956 garages, decks, texture ] PAINTING/ PAINTING/ #1863 Auto. AC. Tin. FM Casa. te06<A ceilings. Call PAPERING PAPERING FARADAY DRYWALL Factory Label: *11,002. 1987 Buick Regal Heroic pilot <4495 Cuatom Coups 232-6832 - 561-4423 Interior Construction Volume Pridno CAA Fully Insured/Free Estimates DIaeount: w w O . Selling Price: *10,394. ow >9,66D<^ Let ut remodel your kitchen or Wllllim Firidiy t^EXTRA SPEOAL i^ lands plane bath from floor to celling. We 1985 Thunderbird fS212A offer cablnele, vanHIee, coun FRANK YOUNG Quality Guaranteed At 1987 6lds Delta 88 tertops whatever your needs Affordable Prices Coupe #1870 1989 Buick 4 Door Sedan are. Cell RALPH NADEAU ct PAINTING ^ ^ gsSkytark after 9 lost Interior SpeelelMa <3995 New »11,990” 643-6004 [auto 4 Door Sedan KHehea A B«tb Detiga Cealar Pride taken In every job we del I SERVICES Auto. AC. Tilt. FM Stereo Quality is our main concern, 1985 Pontiac Sunbird 2 By Christine Donnelly Factory Label: *12 ,116 . The Associated Press BRIAN'S HOME REASONABLE RATES ‘• • S O L D * ' TIERINNI’S Dr. #1865 Vduma Pricing 1,5 75 . IMPROVEMENTS We cater to the home owner. Automotivi Engliwirlng. Inc. Olaoount: HONOLULU - A gaping hole Kitchens, Baths, Rec Rooms, <4995 BaHIng Prioa: *10 ,5 41. •OOOOA Senior Citizen Discount 276 Hartford Rd., Manchester ripped open on the right side of a Decki ft Additions 1983 Renault Alliance 2 1987 Pontiac Grand Am Fraa fafJtnatat • LJoanaatf 6 Jnsu/vd FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED 649-5823 United Airlines jumbo jet carry Dr. #1869 1989 Buick 4 Door Sedan ing 354 people Friday, sucking 646-3923 643-6774 Care, Trucki, Vena, 4x4's ~Wa do lh» unuiuel to Hi* ordlntry" Century Now * 8 3 8 0 ° ° nine passengers to their death ____ ^2995 4 Door Sedan taosaA 20,000 feet above the Pacific Auto. ve. Caseette i^SUPER SPECIALS 1986 Bukk Skylailt Ltd. Ocean, authorities said. 4 Door Sedan ROOMS R o l APARTMENTS CONDOMINIUMS r n VACATION 1983 Dodge 600 ES 4 Factory Label: The pilot brought the Boeing 747 l ^ F O R RENT | £ £ J fo r r e n t Volume Pricing Now *7980°° back safely for an emergency [ ^ F O R RENT 1 ;^ RENTALS Dr. #1868 Olecount; Selling Price: *e04OA landing at Honolulu International MANCHESTER. Profes MANCHESTER. One bed MANCHESTER. Two CAPE COD. Yarmouth. 3 Aiport. Two of the engines had sional female, kitchen <2995 1986 Buick Regal room apartment, se bedroom Townhouse bedrooms, 1 block to Cuatom Coupe failed, but it wasn’t clear whether and bath privileges.