20 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Feb. 24, 1989 ROOMMATES |g y || MISCELLANEOUS CARS I CARS WANTED FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE Brand new listing!!! Well FOR SALE: carburetor, FOR Sale. 1974 Jeep J4000 1982 TOYOTA Tercel. A Spcciolim D#tf! maintained 7 room Holley 750 CFM with pick-up, power steer­ 83K, Am/Fm. Asking spilt level on Bryan vacuum secondaries. ing, power brakes, au­ $1800. Call Linda, 647- Drive In Manchester. 1 Mint condition. Less tomatic transmission, 8691 or 647-1419. full bath and 2'/2 baths, than 1000 miles. $100. Meyers 4 way plow. 1985 MERRCURY Capri. CARPENTRY/ fireplace, central air, firm. Call Joe after 7 $2000 or best otter. 18,000 miles, cruise CHILD CARE REMODELING FLOORING !FLOORING 20 x 40 In-ground pool. 643-1798. 871-0014.____________ control, power win­ 140 X 170 lot. One car FOR Sale. 1987 Suzuki LT dows. Excellent condl- EXPERIENCED 14 year garage. $169,900. Jack- 500 Quad Racer. Never tlon. 645-1224.________ old girl looking for RENOVATIONS son & Jackson Real SNOW Thrower, to tit several makes of 1 raced. Very low hours. 1980 Chevy Monza. Runs babysitting work. Por­ PLUS Simon ^ Simon Estote, 647-8400.D $2500, firm. 871-0014. ter Street area. S2.50 horse power tractors. good. Am /tm , bass, per hour, Call Jenny, Complete Home TILEMASTERS $75. 649-0964. FOR Sale. 1986 Suzuki stero w/eQuallzer 67k. 643-8579. Maintenance Merchandise Quad Sport 230. $1200 or Needs some work. $ ^ . best otter. 871-0014. or best otter. 647-0042 Repair / Renew Tile Sales and Installation WHEEL CHAIR. Slightly CLEANING used, like new. $125. 1980 PONTIAC Sunbird. after 4pm. I Ceillngt, Walls, Painting, Bed rails, adlustable, Automatic, power SERVICES Papering, Carpentry practically new. $50. Intund m Sdnior DiBcounI steering, power I q r JAUTO FURNITURE 527-2199 brakes, air condi­ tioner, Am/Fm 1 services We are bath remodel and ceramic tile specialists. SIX Hardwood Chairs, cassette stereo. High comb back, wlndsor- CLEANING Let us win your confidence! Call us today for a ENDROLLS mileage, needs some LAREWS CAR Servicing the Monchttler ft WII- style. $45 a piece. 649- work. $500 or best otter. llmontlc area. Honcitond rtllo- PAINTING/ 27'A width - 25d DETAIUNG. I free estimate, commercial or residential. 8412.________________ 647-9004, otter 6pm. blt couple to Cleon your home, PAPERING 13% width - 2 for 2S« Thorough cleaning office or window*. 9 veort ex-, I Member Chamber of Commerce QUEEN size sleeper sola, MUST be picked up at the inside-out. Wash, wax. perlence ond references. Coll antique blue with tiny shampoo rugs, etc. Call Lourle for o free estimate. Ivory pattern. Excel­ Herald Oflica Monday thru Thuriday before 11 a.n. only. CLYDE now and make your 742-0267 PAINTING & HEATING/ lent condition. $400. appointment for March WALLPAPERING PLUMBING DISTRIBUTION 646-5115. CHEVRDLET-BUICK, INC. ______ 645-8441._______ RDUTE 83, VERNON F re e Eatlmatea LABELS BOOKKEEPING/ Tired of manually addressing ITV/STEREO/ 83 NItean 280ZX *7 4 9 5 Call John M&M OIL AUTOS FOR INCOME TAX distribution mall ~ we can I APPLIANCES 84 Monte Carlo *6 4 9 5 PLUMBING a HEATING automate this process providing RENT/LEASE 84 Century LTD wagon *6 6 9 5 649-3331 • OH Burner Sarvice & Salsa auelity service for a reasonable ELECTRIC Stove. Sears, NOTICE. Connecticut Gen­ price. Call 644-6101. 84 Skyhawk wagon *5 9 9 5 FREE Mileage on low Celtics get ‘home win’ over Bucks ... page 48 1988 INCOMI TAXES 20", 4 burner. White eral Statute 23-65 prohibits • Automatic Oil Delivery the posting of advertise­ 84 Camaro Blue *5 9 9 5 cost auto rental. Vil­ Consultation / Preparation I ROOFING/ Nutone Coppertone • Well Pumps Salsa S Service Range hood with vent ments by any person, firm or 85 Century 4 Dr. (2) *8 9 9 5 lage Auto Rental, 643- SIDING corporation on o telegraph, 2979 or 646-7044. Individuals / • Water Hsatsrs (Eiwtiic a Oisi MISCELLANEOUS to outside. Very good telephone, electric light or 85 Spectrum 4 Dr. *5 1 9 5 Sole Proprietors • Bathroom ft Kitchen SERVICES condition. Ideal tor power pole or to o tree, 85 Century wagon *7 4 9 5 LEAKY RQOF? Remodeling apartment or summer shrub, rock, or onv other 86 Cutlass Clera wgn. *8 9 9 5 MISCELLANEOUS M oft roof* canin t r«pair«d. camp. Both tor $75. natural oblect without o writ­ Dan Mosler 6 4 9 -3 3 2 9 • Senior Citizen Discounts GSL Building AAoInte- 86 Grand Am 2 Dr. *8 3 9 5 In placa of total rarooflng axpanaaf ten permit for the purpose of AUTOMOTIVE • Electric work by Manchester, 646-0271. Complata roroofing of all typaa. nonce Co. Commercl- protecting It or the public and 88 Subaru CLIO *7 4 9 5 Complete accounting services Precision Electric ol/ResIdentlol building fR€E esTikiAres carries o tine of up to $50 tor 88 Nova 4 Dr. *6 9 9 5 FOR Sale. Car tor parts. Including A/R, A/P. P/R. G/L. FREE ESTIMATES repairs and home Im­ MUSICAL each offense. $100 best otter. 649-9233. P&L Statement and quarterly Manchester Roofing provements. Interior ITEMS MOVING, e ia n f Tag 88 Celebrity 4 Dr. *7 6 9 5 Phone: 649-2871 tax returns. Can design 6 4 5 -8 8 3 0 and exterior painting, Sale. Everything goes. New Pricing Policy additional applications light carpentry. Com­ PJ's Plumbing, Heating & KIMBALL Organ. Saturday and Sunday, 872-9111 tailored lor your business plete lanitorlal ser­ Rhythm and Instru­ February 24 and 25. Air Conditioning V O LU M E needs. Call 644-6191. ELECTRICAL vice. Experienced, rel­ ment tabs. Some 10am-3pm. 93 Lydoll Jlanrltpalpr lipralb Boilers, pumps, hot water iable, tree estimates. books. $200 643-4223. Street. New Pricing Poiicy ^ tanks, new and 643-0304.___________ I PRICING CARPENTRY/ DUMAS ELECTRIC replacements. Service changes, addi­ FREE ESTIMATES BARGAINS REMODELING tional wiring and repairs on Spring is coming S VOLUME I existing homes. Quality 643-9649/228-9616 For all your cleanup work at affordble prices. : New Pricing Policy 30 Cents FARRAND REMODELING IMIBCELLANEOUB chores call Rudy, I PRICING I Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charni Room additions, decks, roof­ Entirely owner operated. 27 years exp. Call Joseph SERVICES 847-9925. •9202A Saturday, Feb. 25, 1989 ing, aiding, windows and gutt­ I Reasonable, reliable, THIS WEEK’S Dumas B40-S2S3. I BARGAINS! 1987 Buick Park Avenue ers, All types of remodeling and and references. repairs. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. UWKES TREE SERVICE 4 Door Sedan ELECTRICAL & 1 SUPER SPECIALS!! Bucket, truck ft chipper. Stump ^New Pricing Policy’^ Bus. 647-8509 SECURITY WORK Angelic Home Now >12y880^ removal. Free estimates. 1985 Plymouth Turismo Res. 645-6849 Fire, Burglar and Care Registry •911BA Special conelderstlon for #1857 Freeze Alarms. elderly and hendicapped. Local registry offers quality 1989 Buick MFM Construction FREE ESTIMATES care... lower cost to patients... <4995 Skyhawk JET BLOWOUT A MYSTERY Kitchen, baths, attics, 647-7553 companions, home makers, SOV-P“ 561-2020 1984 Buick Skyhawk 2 Door Coupe basement additions, 647-1956 garages, decks, texture ] PAINTING/ PAINTING/ #1863 Auto. AC. Tin. FM Casa. te06<A ceilings. Call PAPERING PAPERING FARADAY DRYWALL Factory Label: *11,002. 1987 Buick Regal Heroic pilot <4495 Cuatom Coups 232-6832 - 561-4423 Interior Construction Volume Pridno CAA Fully Insured/Free Estimates DIaeount: w w O . Selling Price: *10,394. ow >9,66D<^ Let ut remodel your kitchen or Wllllim Firidiy t^EXTRA SPEOAL i^ lands plane bath from floor to celling. We 1985 Thunderbird fS212A offer cablnele, vanHIee, coun­ FRANK YOUNG Quality Guaranteed At 1987 6lds Delta 88 tertops whatever your needs Affordable Prices Coupe #1870 1989 Buick 4 Door Sedan are. Cell RALPH NADEAU ct PAINTING ^ ^ gsSkytark after 9 lost Interior SpeelelMa <3995 New »11,990” 643-6004 [auto 4 Door Sedan KHehea A B«tb Detiga Cealar Pride taken In every job we del I SERVICES Auto. AC. Tilt. FM Stereo Quality is our main concern, 1985 Pontiac Sunbird 2 By Christine Donnelly Factory Label: *12 ,116 . The Associated Press BRIAN'S HOME REASONABLE RATES ‘• • S O L D * ' TIERINNI’S Dr. #1865 Vduma Pricing 1,5 75 . IMPROVEMENTS We cater to the home owner. Automotivi Engliwirlng. Inc. Olaoount: HONOLULU - A gaping hole Kitchens, Baths, Rec Rooms, <4995 BaHIng Prioa: *10 ,5 41. •OOOOA Senior Citizen Discount 276 Hartford Rd., Manchester ripped open on the right side of a Decki ft Additions 1983 Renault Alliance 2 1987 Pontiac Grand Am Fraa fafJtnatat • LJoanaatf 6 Jnsu/vd FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED 649-5823 United Airlines jumbo jet carry­ Dr. #1869 1989 Buick 4 Door Sedan ing 354 people Friday, sucking 646-3923 643-6774 Care, Trucki, Vena, 4x4's ~Wa do lh» unuiuel to Hi* ordlntry" Century Now * 8 3 8 0 ° ° nine passengers to their death ____ ^2995 4 Door Sedan taosaA 20,000 feet above the Pacific Auto. ve. Caseette i^SUPER SPECIALS 1986 Bukk Skylailt Ltd. Ocean, authorities said. 4 Door Sedan ROOMS R o l APARTMENTS CONDOMINIUMS r n VACATION 1983 Dodge 600 ES 4 Factory Label: The pilot brought the Boeing 747 l ^ F O R RENT | £ £ J fo r r e n t Volume Pricing Now *7980°° back safely for an emergency [ ^ F O R RENT 1 ;^ RENTALS Dr. #1868 Olecount; Selling Price: *e04OA landing at Honolulu International MANCHESTER. Profes­ MANCHESTER. One bed­ MANCHESTER. Two CAPE COD. Yarmouth. 3 Aiport. Two of the engines had sional female, kitchen <2995 1986 Buick Regal room apartment, se­ bedroom Townhouse bedrooms, 1 block to Cuatom Coupe failed, but it wasn’t clear whether and bath privileges.
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