C6500 COMING HOME (USA, 1978) (Other titles: Hemkomsten; Navrat domiu; Regreso; Retour; Tornado a casa)

Credits: director, ; writers, Waldo Salt, Robert Jones. Cast: , , , Robert Carradine, Robert Ginty. Summary: Melodrama set in San Diego in 1968. A poignant love story set against the social upheaval of the Vietnam war. Sally Hyde (Fonda) is the wife of a Marine Corps captain (Dern). While he is serving in Vietnam, Sally does volunteer work at a local veterans’ hospital. There she meets and falls in love with paraplegic Luke Martin (Voight).

Adair, Gilbert. Hollywood’s Vietnam [GB] (p. 70-75, 109, 206) ______. Vietnam on film [GB] (p. 103-9, 153, 188) Alemanno, Roberto. “Tornado a casa” Cinema nuovo 27 (Sep/Oct 1978), p. 58-9. Amiel, Mirelle. “Coming home” Cinema 78 235 (Jul 1978), p. 108-9. Applebaum, Ralph. “Positive thinking: Hal Ashby” Films and filming 24 (Jul 1978), p. 129-30. Arnold, Gary. “‘Coming home’: Jon Voight’s sexuality, Jane Fonda’s ideology” Washington post (Apr 12, 1978), p. B1, B5. Ashby, Hal. “Coming home” Film und Fernsehen 10/2 (1982), p. 14-15. Auster, Al and Quart, Leonard. “Hollywood and Vietnam: the triumph of the will” [GB] ______. How the war was remembered: Hollywood & Vietnam [GB] (p. 42, 49-52, 79, 84, 120) ______. “The wounded vet in postwar film” Social policy 13 (fall 1982), p. 24-31. Baron, Gyorgy. “Amerikai turmix” Film Kultura 16 (May/Jun 1980), p. 53-5. Barry, John. [Coming home] Democratic left 7/6 (Jun 1979), p. 14. Bates, Milton J. The wars we took to Vietnam : cultural conflict and storytelling Berkeley : University of California Press, 1996. (p. 148-55, 157, 162) Behar, Henri. “Retour (Coming home)” Revue du cinema 329 (Jun 1978), p. 129-30. Biskind, Peter. [Coming home] Sevendays 2/4 (Mar 24, 1978), p. 32. Blake, Richard A. “Films/TV: The revolution is forever” America 138 (Mar 18, 1978), p. 211. Blumenberg, Hans C. [Coming home] Die Zeit (May 12, 1978), p. ? Boost, Charles. “‘Coming home’: Vietnam na de vrede en het salonprotest van Jane Fonda” Skoop 14 (Jul 1978), p. 35-7. Boyum, Joy Gould. “On film: Painful journeys to fulfillment” Wall Street journal (Mar 3, 1978), p. 9. Britton, Andrew. “Sideshows: Hollywood in Vietnam” [GB] Brudnoy, David. [Coming home] Boston magazine 70 (Apr 1978), p. 40+ [2 p.] Bullitta, Juan M. “‘Esta tierra es mi tierra’: ‘Regreso sin gloria’” Hablemos de cine 71 (Apr 1980), p. 61-3. Butcher, Maryvonne. “Cinema” Tablet 232 (Jun 3, 1978), p. 536. Cagin, Seth and Dray, Philip. Hollywood films of the seventies: sex, drugs, violence, rock ‘n roll & politics [GB] (p. 258-60) Campbell, James. “‘Coming home’: Difference and reconciliation in narratives of return to ‘the world’” in The United States and Viet Nam from war to peace : papers from an interdisciplinary conference on reconciliation (edited by Robert M. Slabey) Jefferson, NC : McFarland, 1996. (p. 198-207) Canby, Vincent. “Film: post-Vietnam romantic triangle” New York times 127 (Feb 16, 1978), p. C20. ______. “Hollywood focuses on Vietnam at last” New York times 127 (Feb 19, 1978), sec. 2, p. 1+ Cebe, Gilles. “Retour” Ecran 71 (Jul 15, 1978), p. 57-8. Chotiner, H. [Coming home] East Bay 3/2 (Jun 1978), p. 14. Coleman, John. “Crying out loud” New statesman 95 (Jun 2, 1978), p. 751-2. Combs, Richard. “Coming home” Sight and sound 47/3 (1978), p. 191-2. [Coming home] Cineaste 8/3 (winter 1977), p. 60. “Coming home” Films and filming 24/10 (Jul 1978), p. 17-19. [Coming home] Hollywood reporter 250/18 (Feb 15, 1978), p. 3, 12. [Coming home] [report on court case - film not based on “Concomitant soldier - woman and war” by Sonya Jason] Hollywood reporter 269/37 (Dec 11, 1981), p. 15. [Coming home] Hollywood reporter 303/16 (Jul 18, 1988), p. 4, 8. [Coming home] Ladies home journal 95 (May 1978), p. 18+ [Coming home] times (Feb 12, 1978), Calendar, p. 1. [Coming home] Maclean’s 91 (May 1, 1978), p. 82-3. [Coming home] Mademoiselle 84 (May 1978), p. 60. “Coming home” Motion picture guide (edited by Jay Robert Nash and Stanley Ralph Ross) Chicago : Cinebooks, 1985. (v. 2, p. 465) [Coming home] Motion picture herald product digest (Feb 22, 1978), p. 25. [Coming home] New times 10 (Mar 20, 1978), p. 54-9+ [Coming home] New times 10 (Mar 20, 1978), p. 65-8. [Coming home] St. Anthony messenger 86 (Jul 1978), p. 8. [Coming home] Screen international n. 140 (May 27, 1978), p. 18. [Coming home] US 2 (May 2, 1978), p. 12. Coming home. Toluca, Calif. : Film Analysis Series, 1983. [A minute-by-minute analysis of the film] (43 leaves) Conlon, James. “Making love, not war” Journal of popular film and television 18/1 (spring 1990), p. 18-27. Connolly, K. “Vietnam on film” Cinema papers 21 (May/Jun 1979), p. 334-8. Cook, David A.. Lost illusions : American cinema in the shadow of Watergate and Vietnam, 1970-1979 New York : Scribner’s, 1999. (p. 113-15+) Crane, William. “Creative conflict: Bruce Dern and the making of ‘Coming home’” Post script 1/2 (winter 1982), p. 27-45. Cros, Jean-Louis. “Retour (Coming home)” Revue du cinema 332 (Oct 1978), p. 258-9. Cumbow, Robert C. “Coming home” Movietone news 60-61 (Feb 1979), p. 49-50. Denisoff, R. Serge and Romanowski, William D. Risky business: rock in film [GB] (p. 607-9, 612, 643) Devine, Jeremy M. Vietnam at 24 frames a second [GB] (p. 148-58+) Dickstein, Morris. “Going to the movies: Bringing it all back home” Partisan review 45/4 (Apr 1978), p. 627-33. Dray, Philip (see under Cagin, Seth) Early, Emmett. The war veteran in film Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, 2003. (p. 8, 27, 38, 118) Ehrenstein, David. “Melodrama and the new woman” Film comment 14 (Sep/Oct 1978), p. 59-62. Ehrhart and Venes. [Coming home] In these times 2/26 (May 17, 1978), p. 22. Elwood, Ron. How we live: an analysis of the films directed by Hal Ashby from 1970 to 1980 Thesis (Ph.D.)--New York University, 1988. Emerson, Gloria. “Gloria Emerson comes home” MS 6 (May 1978), p. 26-7, 32. ______. “Jon Voight: making peace with an endless war” Village voice 23 (Feb 20, 1978), p. 38-9. Enjuto, Esther (see under Llacer, Eusebio V.) Epstein, Leslie. “Why are we in Vietnam films” Boston magazine 72 (Mar 1980), p. 186+ [6 p.] “Family Circle goes to the movies” [review] Family circle 91 (May 19, 1978), p. 228. Farber, Stephen. [Coming home] New West 3 (Feb 27, 1978), p. 59-60. Feldman, Silvia. “Picture shows: Coming home” Human behavior 7 (Jun 1978), p. 75. Fieschi, Jacques. “Retour (Coming home)” Cinematographe 39 (Jun 1978), p. 27-8. Fleming, Michael and Manvell, Roger. Images of madenss : the portrayal of insanity in the feature film Rutherford, N.J. : Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press, 1985. (p. 205) Francois, Pierre. “Retour (Coming home)” Telecine 230 (Jul/Aug 1978), p. 77. Fuller, Richard. [Coming home] Philadelphia magazine 69 (Apr 1978), p. 67+ [2 p.] ______. [Coming home] St. Louisan 10 (Apr 1978), p. 44-51. Gehler, Fred. “Coming home” Film und Fernsehen 10/6 (1982), p. 41. Girard, James P. “Coming home” Magill’s survey of cinema—English language films, first series Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Salem Press, 1980. (v. 1, p. 374-79) Goodwin, Michael. “Kovacs & Wexler: the fine art of cinematography” Moving image 5 (Mar/Apr 1982), p. 55-9. Gow, Gordon. “Coming home” Films and filming 24 (Jul 1978), p. 32. Greenspun, Roger. “Films: unhappy returns” Penthouse 9 (Jun 1978), p. 54-5. Haddad-Garcia, George. The films of Jane Fonda Secaucus, N.J. : Citadel Press, 1981. (p. 201-8) Harvey, Stephen. [Coming home] Inquiry 1 (Apr 2, 1978), p. 30-31. Hasan, Zia. American films of the 1970s: through fantasy (“Star wars,” 1977) ... and the Vietnam war (“Coming home,” 1978) Thesis (Ph.D.)--Oklahoma State University, 1980. Haskell, Molly. “The great Hollywood con: machismo doesn’t live here anymore” Village voice 23 (Sep 18, 1978), p. 74-5. ______. “Movies: home from the hell” New York 11 (Feb 27, 1978), p. 68-9. Henry, Michael. “Retour (Coming home)” Positif 208/209 (Jul/Aug 1978), p. 116- 17. Hillson, J. [Coming home] Militant 42/20 (May 26, 1978), p. 26. Hillstrom, Kevin and Hillstrom, Laurie Collier. The Vietnam experience : a concise encyclopedia of American literature, songs, and films [GB] (p. 72-78) Hillstrom, Laurie Collier (see under Hillstrom, Kevin) Holzl, Gebhard and Peipp, Matthias. Fahr zur Holle, Charlie! [GB] (p. 199, 218-21+, 227, 230, 260) Honeycutt, Kirk. “The five tear struggle to make ‘Coming home’” New York times 127 (Feb 19, 1978), sec. 2, p. 13+ Hurley, Joseph. [Coming home] Honolulu 12 (Jun 1978), p. 99. Jackson, Martin A. “Films: ‘Coming home’; ‘An unmarried woman’” USA today 107 (Jul 1978), p. 64-5. Jansen, Peter W. [Coming home] Kirche und Film (Jul 1978), p. ? Jeffords, Susan. “Coming home” Vietnam war feature filmography (1992 draft) [GB] (p. 89-90) and Vietnam war films [GB] (Entry 117) ______. “Friendly civilians: images of women and the feminization of the audience in Vietnam films” Wide angle 7/4 (1983), p. 13-22. ______. Remasculinization of America: gender and the Vietnam war [GB] (p. 118, 145-47) Jensen, Niels. “De der matte ofres - og de der kom tilbage” Kosmorama 25/142 (summer 1979), p. 78-88. Jones, Robert C. (Bob) (see under Salt, Waldo) Jorgensen, Ul. “Coming home - Pa vej hejm” Kosmorama 24/139 (1978), p. 236-7. Kael, Pauline. “The current cinema: mythologizing the sixties” New Yorker 54 (Feb 20, 1978), p. 119-21. Kaiser, Robert Blair. “A believable movie about Vietnam” Horizon 21 (Mar 1978), p. 18-21. Kauffmann, Stanley. “Stanley Kauffmann on films: far from Vietnam” New Republic 178 (Mar 4, 1978), p. 26-7. Keller, David. “‘Coming home’: an interview with Haskell Wexler” Filmmaker’s newsletter 11/5 (Mar 1978), p. 18-21. Knight, Arthur. [Coming home] Westways 70 (Apr 78), p. 76. Kroll, Jack. “Vietnam hero worship” Newsweek 91 (Feb 20, 1978), p. 89-90. Lanning, Michael Lee. Vietnam at the movies [GB] (p. 195-6) Leirens, Jean. “Cinema capitale: Cannes: ‘Retour’” Amis du film et de la television 266/267 (Jul/Aug 1978), p. 18-19. Lembcke, Jerry. “From oral history to movie script: The Vietnam veteran interviews for ‘Coming home’” The oral history review 26/2 (summer/fall 1999), p. 65- 86. ______. The spitting image : myth, memory, and the legacy of Vietnam New York : New York Univ. Press, 1998. (p. 9, 80, 144-8, 150, 157, 161-74) Letner, Ken. [Coming home] San Diego magazine 30 (May 1978), p. 61-67. Letremble, Marc. “Coming home” Sequences 93 (Jul 1978), p. 28-30. Lillevig, Sharon. [Coming home] Cleveland 7 (Jun 1978), p. 48-9. ______. [Coming home] Playboy 25 (May 1978), p. 30+ [2 p.] Llacer, Eusebio V. and Enjuto, Esther. “Coping strategies: three decades of Vietnam War in Hollywood” Film-historia 8/1 (1998), p. 3-27. MacTrevor, Joan. “Coming home” Cine revue 58 (May 4, 1978), p. 14-17. Magee, D. [Coming home] Win 14/11 (Mar 30, 1978), p. 21. Manvell, Roger (see under Fleming, Michael) Martin, Andrew. Receptions of war: Vietnam in American culture [GB] (p. 90, 110- 13, 117, 119, 132, 138, 142-6) ______. “Vietnam and melodramatic representation” East-West film journal 4/2 (1990), p. 54-68. Maslin, Janet. “Critic’s notebook: there’s many a slip ...” New York times 127 (May 4, 1978), p. C17. ______. “For Jon Voight: a coming home” New York times 127 (Feb 13, 1978), p. C15. Mayo, Mike. Videohound’s war movies : classic conflict on film Farmington Hills, MI : Visible Ink Press, 1999. (p. 529-31) McCreadie, Marsha. “Coming home” Films in review 29 (Apr 1978), p. 239-40. McInerney, Peter. “Apocalypse then: Hollywood looks back at Vietnam” Film quarterly 33/2 (1980), p. 21-32. Michel, Sonya. “Danger on the home front: Motherhood, sexuality, and disabled veterans in American postwar films” Journal of the history of sexuality 3/1 (1992), p. 109-28. Millar, Dan. “Coming home” in The world at war (Ann Lloyd, editor) London : Orbis ; New York : RCA Direct Marketing, 1982. (p. 86-87) Mills, Nicolaus. “Movies: memories of the Vietnam war” Dissent 26/3 (summer 1979), p. 334-7. Mitchell, Verner D. “I, too, sing America: Vietnam as metaphor in ‘Coming home’” Vietnam generation 1/2 (1989), p. 118-24. Moran, Gabriel. “Stage & screen: Attention must be paid” Sign 57 (May 1978), p. 42- 3. Morris, George. “Coming home” Take one 6/6 (1978), p. 9. Morris, Meaghan. “Coming home” Cinema papers 19 (Jan/Feb 1979), p. 222-3. Morrow, Lance. “Nation: Viet Nam comes home: two winning films signal the struggle to learn from a lost war” Time 113 (Apr 23, 1979), p. 22-4+ [5 p.] Munroe, Dale. “Coming home” Filmbulletin 47 (Mar 1978), p. 28. Murphy, Arthur D. (Murf.). “Coming home” Variety 290 (Feb 15, 1978), p. 19, 21. Muse, Eben J. The land of Nam : the Vietnam war in American film [GB] (p. 80, 82, 95-100, 108, 112-13, 124, 129, 134-5, 155, 163, 240) ______. “Romance, power, and the Vietnam War: Romantic triangles in three Vietnam War films” Durham University journal 86/2 (Jul 1994), p. 307-13. Norden, Martin F. “The disabled Vietnam veteran in Hollywood films” Journal of popular film & television 13/1 (1985), p. 16-23. O’Nan, Stewart. “First wave of major films” in The Vietnam reader : the definitive collection of American fiction and nonfiction on the war (edited by Stewart O’Nan) New York : Anchor Books, 1998. (p. 257-77) Palmer, William J. The films of the seventies: a social history [GB] (p. 210-12) ______. “The Vietnam war films” Film library quarterly 13/4 (1980), p. 4- 14. Pede, Ronnie. “Coming home” Film en televisie 254/255 (Jul/Aug 1978), p. 21. Peipp, Matthias (see under Holzl, Gebhard) Perchaluk, Edward. “Coming home” Independent film journal 81 (Feb 17, 1978), p. 11-12. Pollock, Dale. “Oscars give Viet pix more b.o. bang: a case history of award boosts for ‘Hunter,’ ‘Home’” Variety 295 (May 30, 1979), p. 1+ [2 p.] Pym, John. “Coming home” Monthly film bulletin 45 (May 1978), p. 86-7. Quart, Leonard. “On screen: Hollywood discovers Vietnam” USA today 107 (May 1979), p. 65. ______. (see also under Auster, Al) Quenneville, D. [Coming home] Workers power 2/60 (Jul 13, 1978), p. 11. Quinlan, David. “Coming home” Films illustrated 7 (Jun 1978), p. 370. Rich, Frank. “The dark at the end of the tunnel” Time 111 (Feb 20, 1978), p. 68. Romanowski, William D. (see under Denisoff, R. Serge) Rottenberg, Dan. [Coming home] Chicago 27 (Jun 1978), p. 88+ [2 p.] ______. [Coming home] Miami magazine 29 (Jun 1978), p. 46-7. Roy, Jean. “Avis different sur ... ‘Coming home’” Cinema 78 235 (Jul 1978), p. 109- 10. Safford, Kimberley. “Disabled picket theater” Jump cut n. 18 (Aug 1978), p. 37-8. Salt, Waldo and Jones, Bob. Coming home: draft screenplay (with 1/3/77 blue sheet revisions) [Penelope Milford’s copy] ______. Coming home: draft screenplay (with 1/3/77-1/21/77 revisions) [photocopy] Salvagnini, Rudy. Hal Ashby. Firenze : La nuova Italia, 1991. Sarris, Andrew. “Films in focus: ‘70s going on ‘60s” Village voice 23 (Feb 20, 1978), p. 38-9. Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. “The worst years of our lives” Saturday review 5 (Apr 29, 1978), p. 24. Selig, Michael. “Boys will be men: Oedipal drama in ‘Coming home’” in From Hanoi to Hollywood : the Vietnam War in American film [GB] (p. 189-202) Silber, Irwin. [Coming home] Guardian 30/24 (Mar 22, 1978), p. 19. Simon, John. “The movies: truth - for beginners” National review 30 (Apr 14, 1978), p. 480-81. [Reprinted in his Reverse angle : a decade of American films New York : C.N. Potter, 1981. (p. 350-51)] Sterritt, David. “Indelible, skillful Vietnam drama” Christian science monitor (Feb 15, 1977), p. 22. ______. “Voight and Vietnam: once more with feeling” Christian science monitor (Feb 23, 1977), p. 12. Stjerne, Harald. “Hemkomsten” Chaplin 20/6 [159] (1978), p. 264. Stone, Elizabeth. [Coming home] Viva 5 (Jun 1978), p. 37-8. Suid, Lawrence H. “Hollywood and Vietnam” Journal of American culture 4/2 (1981), p. 136-48. Tongeren, Phil van. “De voorgangers van John Rambo: de Veteranenziekte” Skoop 21 (Sep/Oct 1985), p. 48-9. Tournes, Andree. “Le retour” Jeune cinema 112 (Jul/Aug 1978), p. 36-7. Tracey, Grant. Filmography of American history [GB] (p. 245-6) Tuomola, Simo. “Katkera paluu” Filmihullu 2 (1979), p. 28-9. Turan, Kenneth. “Vietnam and culture; Lessons and legacies / 25 years after Vietnam; The horror, the madness, the movies” Los Angeles times (Apr 16, 2000), Calendar, p. 7. Vakanjac, Milenko. “Vojakova vrnitev (Coming home)” Ekran 4/3-4 (1979), p. 20- 22. Venes (see under Ehrhart) Viana, Norberto. “Jane Fonda, actriz de talento” Celuloide 24/278 (Jun 1979), p. 169-71. Viguier, Jacques. “La guerre du Viet Nam au cinema” Cinema 82 281 (May 1982), p. 16-29. Walker, Mark Edward. Vietnam veteran films [GB] (p. 120, 125, 129) Westerbeck, Colin L., Jr. “The screen” Commonweal 195 (Apr 28, 1978), p. 274-5. Young, Tracy. “Fonda Jane” Film comment 14 (Mar 1978), p. 54-7.