C6500 COMING HOME (USA, 1978) (Other titles: Hemkomsten; Navrat domiu; Regreso; Retour; Tornado a casa) Credits: director, Hal Ashby ; writers, Waldo Salt, Robert Jones. Cast: Jane Fonda, Jon Voight, Bruce Dern, Robert Carradine, Robert Ginty. Summary: Melodrama set in San Diego in 1968. A poignant love story set against the social upheaval of the Vietnam war. Sally Hyde (Fonda) is the wife of a Marine Corps captain (Dern). While he is serving in Vietnam, Sally does volunteer work at a local veterans’ hospital. There she meets and falls in love with paraplegic Luke Martin (Voight). Adair, Gilbert. Hollywood’s Vietnam [GB] (p. 70-75, 109, 206) ___________. Vietnam on film [GB] (p. 103-9, 153, 188) Alemanno, Roberto. “Tornado a casa” Cinema nuovo 27 (Sep/Oct 1978), p. 58-9. Amiel, Mirelle. “Coming home” Cinema 78 235 (Jul 1978), p. 108-9. Applebaum, Ralph. “Positive thinking: Hal Ashby” Films and filming 24 (Jul 1978), p. 129-30. Arnold, Gary. “‘Coming home’: Jon Voight’s sexuality, Jane Fonda’s ideology” Washington post (Apr 12, 1978), p. B1, B5. Ashby, Hal. “Coming home” Film und Fernsehen 10/2 (1982), p. 14-15. Auster, Al and Quart, Leonard. “Hollywood and Vietnam: the triumph of the will” [GB] ________________________. How the war was remembered: Hollywood & Vietnam [GB] (p. 42, 49-52, 79, 84, 120) ________________________. “The wounded vet in postwar film” Social policy 13 (fall 1982), p. 24-31. Baron, Gyorgy. “Amerikai turmix” Film Kultura 16 (May/Jun 1980), p. 53-5. Barry, John. [Coming home] Democratic left 7/6 (Jun 1979), p. 14. Bates, Milton J. The wars we took to Vietnam : cultural conflict and storytelling Berkeley : University of California Press, 1996. (p. 148-55, 157, 162) Behar, Henri. “Retour (Coming home)” Revue du cinema 329 (Jun 1978), p. 129-30. Biskind, Peter. [Coming home] Sevendays 2/4 (Mar 24, 1978), p. 32. Blake, Richard A. “Films/TV: The revolution is forever” America 138 (Mar 18, 1978), p. 211. Blumenberg, Hans C. [Coming home] Die Zeit (May 12, 1978), p. ? Boost, Charles. “‘Coming home’: Vietnam na de vrede en het salonprotest van Jane Fonda” Skoop 14 (Jul 1978), p. 35-7. Boyum, Joy Gould. “On film: Painful journeys to fulfillment” Wall Street journal (Mar 3, 1978), p. 9. Britton, Andrew. “Sideshows: Hollywood in Vietnam” [GB] Brudnoy, David. [Coming home] Boston magazine 70 (Apr 1978), p. 40+ [2 p.] Bullitta, Juan M. “‘Esta tierra es mi tierra’: ‘Regreso sin gloria’” Hablemos de cine 71 (Apr 1980), p. 61-3. Butcher, Maryvonne. “Cinema” Tablet 232 (Jun 3, 1978), p. 536. Cagin, Seth and Dray, Philip. Hollywood films of the seventies: sex, drugs, violence, rock ‘n roll & politics [GB] (p. 258-60) Campbell, James. “‘Coming home’: Difference and reconciliation in narratives of return to ‘the world’” in The United States and Viet Nam from war to peace : papers from an interdisciplinary conference on reconciliation (edited by Robert M. Slabey) Jefferson, NC : McFarland, 1996. (p. 198-207) Canby, Vincent. “Film: post-Vietnam romantic triangle” New York times 127 (Feb 16, 1978), p. C20. ____________. “Hollywood focuses on Vietnam at last” New York times 127 (Feb 19, 1978), sec. 2, p. 1+ Cebe, Gilles. “Retour” Ecran 71 (Jul 15, 1978), p. 57-8. Chotiner, H. [Coming home] East Bay 3/2 (Jun 1978), p. 14. Coleman, John. “Crying out loud” New statesman 95 (Jun 2, 1978), p. 751-2. Combs, Richard. “Coming home” Sight and sound 47/3 (1978), p. 191-2. [Coming home] Cineaste 8/3 (winter 1977), p. 60. “Coming home” Films and filming 24/10 (Jul 1978), p. 17-19. [Coming home] Hollywood reporter 250/18 (Feb 15, 1978), p. 3, 12. [Coming home] [report on court case - film not based on “Concomitant soldier - woman and war” by Sonya Jason] Hollywood reporter 269/37 (Dec 11, 1981), p. 15. [Coming home] Hollywood reporter 303/16 (Jul 18, 1988), p. 4, 8. [Coming home] Ladies home journal 95 (May 1978), p. 18+ [Coming home] Los Angeles times (Feb 12, 1978), Calendar, p. 1. [Coming home] Maclean’s 91 (May 1, 1978), p. 82-3. [Coming home] Mademoiselle 84 (May 1978), p. 60. “Coming home” Motion picture guide (edited by Jay Robert Nash and Stanley Ralph Ross) Chicago : Cinebooks, 1985. (v. 2, p. 465) [Coming home] Motion picture herald product digest (Feb 22, 1978), p. 25. [Coming home] New times 10 (Mar 20, 1978), p. 54-9+ [Coming home] New times 10 (Mar 20, 1978), p. 65-8. [Coming home] St. Anthony messenger 86 (Jul 1978), p. 8. [Coming home] Screen international n. 140 (May 27, 1978), p. 18. [Coming home] US 2 (May 2, 1978), p. 12. Coming home. Toluca, Calif. : Film Analysis Series, 1983. [A minute-by-minute analysis of the film] (43 leaves) Conlon, James. “Making love, not war” Journal of popular film and television 18/1 (spring 1990), p. 18-27. Connolly, K. “Vietnam on film” Cinema papers 21 (May/Jun 1979), p. 334-8. Cook, David A.. Lost illusions : American cinema in the shadow of Watergate and Vietnam, 1970-1979 New York : Scribner’s, 1999. (p. 113-15+) Crane, William. “Creative conflict: Bruce Dern and the making of ‘Coming home’” Post script 1/2 (winter 1982), p. 27-45. Cros, Jean-Louis. “Retour (Coming home)” Revue du cinema 332 (Oct 1978), p. 258-9. Cumbow, Robert C. “Coming home” Movietone news 60-61 (Feb 1979), p. 49-50. Denisoff, R. Serge and Romanowski, William D. Risky business: rock in film [GB] (p. 607-9, 612, 643) Devine, Jeremy M. Vietnam at 24 frames a second [GB] (p. 148-58+) Dickstein, Morris. “Going to the movies: Bringing it all back home” Partisan review 45/4 (Apr 1978), p. 627-33. Dray, Philip (see under Cagin, Seth) Early, Emmett. The war veteran in film Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, 2003. (p. 8, 27, 38, 118) Ehrenstein, David. “Melodrama and the new woman” Film comment 14 (Sep/Oct 1978), p. 59-62. Ehrhart and Venes. [Coming home] In these times 2/26 (May 17, 1978), p. 22. Elwood, Ron. How we live: an analysis of the films directed by Hal Ashby from 1970 to 1980 Thesis (Ph.D.)--New York University, 1988. Emerson, Gloria. “Gloria Emerson comes home” MS 6 (May 1978), p. 26-7, 32. _____________. “Jon Voight: making peace with an endless war” Village voice 23 (Feb 20, 1978), p. 38-9. Enjuto, Esther (see under Llacer, Eusebio V.) Epstein, Leslie. “Why are we in Vietnam films” Boston magazine 72 (Mar 1980), p. 186+ [6 p.] “Family Circle goes to the movies” [review] Family circle 91 (May 19, 1978), p. 228. Farber, Stephen. [Coming home] New West 3 (Feb 27, 1978), p. 59-60. Feldman, Silvia. “Picture shows: Coming home” Human behavior 7 (Jun 1978), p. 75. Fieschi, Jacques. “Retour (Coming home)” Cinematographe 39 (Jun 1978), p. 27-8. Fleming, Michael and Manvell, Roger. Images of madenss : the portrayal of insanity in the feature film Rutherford, N.J. : Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press, 1985. (p. 205) Francois, Pierre. “Retour (Coming home)” Telecine 230 (Jul/Aug 1978), p. 77. Fuller, Richard. [Coming home] Philadelphia magazine 69 (Apr 1978), p. 67+ [2 p.] ____________. [Coming home] St. Louisan 10 (Apr 1978), p. 44-51. Gehler, Fred. “Coming home” Film und Fernsehen 10/6 (1982), p. 41. Girard, James P. “Coming home” Magill’s survey of cinema—English language films, first series Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Salem Press, 1980. (v. 1, p. 374-79) Goodwin, Michael. “Kovacs & Wexler: the fine art of cinematography” Moving image 5 (Mar/Apr 1982), p. 55-9. Gow, Gordon. “Coming home” Films and filming 24 (Jul 1978), p. 32. Greenspun, Roger. “Films: unhappy returns” Penthouse 9 (Jun 1978), p. 54-5. Haddad-Garcia, George. The films of Jane Fonda Secaucus, N.J. : Citadel Press, 1981. (p. 201-8) Harvey, Stephen. [Coming home] Inquiry 1 (Apr 2, 1978), p. 30-31. Hasan, Zia. American films of the 1970s: through fantasy (“Star wars,” 1977) ... and the Vietnam war (“Coming home,” 1978) Thesis (Ph.D.)--Oklahoma State University, 1980. Haskell, Molly. “The great Hollywood con: machismo doesn’t live here anymore” Village voice 23 (Sep 18, 1978), p. 74-5. ___________. “Movies: home from the hell” New York 11 (Feb 27, 1978), p. 68-9. Henry, Michael. “Retour (Coming home)” Positif 208/209 (Jul/Aug 1978), p. 116- 17. Hillson, J. [Coming home] Militant 42/20 (May 26, 1978), p. 26. Hillstrom, Kevin and Hillstrom, Laurie Collier. The Vietnam experience : a concise encyclopedia of American literature, songs, and films [GB] (p. 72-78) Hillstrom, Laurie Collier (see under Hillstrom, Kevin) Holzl, Gebhard and Peipp, Matthias. Fahr zur Holle, Charlie! [GB] (p. 199, 218-21+, 227, 230, 260) Honeycutt, Kirk. “The five tear struggle to make ‘Coming home’” New York times 127 (Feb 19, 1978), sec. 2, p. 13+ Hurley, Joseph. [Coming home] Honolulu 12 (Jun 1978), p. 99. Jackson, Martin A. “Films: ‘Coming home’; ‘An unmarried woman’” USA today 107 (Jul 1978), p. 64-5. Jansen, Peter W. [Coming home] Kirche und Film (Jul 1978), p. ? Jeffords, Susan. “Coming home” Vietnam war feature filmography (1992 draft) [GB] (p. 89-90) and Vietnam war films [GB] (Entry 117) ____________. “Friendly civilians: images of women and the feminization of the audience in Vietnam films” Wide angle 7/4 (1983), p. 13-22. ____________. Remasculinization of America: gender and the Vietnam war [GB] (p. 118, 145-47) Jensen, Niels. “De der matte ofres - og de der kom tilbage” Kosmorama 25/142 (summer 1979), p. 78-88. Jones, Robert C. (Bob) (see under Salt, Waldo) Jorgensen, Ul. “Coming home - Pa vej hejm” Kosmorama 24/139 (1978), p. 236-7. Kael, Pauline.
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