OCTOBER 2020 CO2 EMISSIONS FROM COMMERCIAL AVIATION 2013, 2018, AND 2019 BRANDON GRAVER, PH.D., DAN RUTHERFORD, PH.D., AND SOLA ZHENG ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Jennifer Callahan and Dale Hall (ICCT), Tim Johnson (Aviation Environment Federation), and Andrew Murphy (Transport & Environment) for their review. This work was conducted with generous support from the Aspen Global Change Institute. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Additional country-specific operations and CO2 emissions data for 2013, 2018, and 2019 can be found on the ICCT website. International Council on Clean Transportation 1500 K Street NW, Suite 650, Washington, DC 20005
[email protected] | www.theicct.org | @TheICCT © 2020 International Council on Clean Transportation EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Last year, the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) developed a bottom-up, global aviation inventory to better understand carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from commercial aviation in 2018. This report updates the operations and emissions analyses for calendar year 2018 based on improved source data, and includes new analyses for 2013 and 2019. In 2013, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) requested its technical experts develop a global CO2 emissions standard for aircraft, and states began to submit voluntary action plans to reduce CO2 emissions from aviation. This paper details a global, transparent, and geographically allocated CO2 inventory for three years of commercial aviation, using operations data from OAG Aviation Worldwide Limited, ICAO, individual airlines, and the Piano aircraft emissions modeling software. Our Global Aviation Carbon Assessment (GACA) model estimated CO2 emissions from global passenger and cargo operations on par with totals reported by industry (Figure ES-1). In all three analyzed years, passenger flights were responsible for approximately 85% of commercial aviation CO2 emissions.