SATYAMHOUSE Edition-4 Design Tide

Ishnoor Kalra Rayna Garg Harshita

Yukti Narrotra Vaanya Sharma

Abhiraj Kumar Origin-Bhaiya Dooj/ is a festival which is celebrated among of India, Nepal and other countries on the second Bha i dooj lunar day of the ShuklaPaksha (bright fortnight) Of the Karthika month of Vikram samvat the Ok jaan falls on the last day of thefive day long celebrations Of or Tihar festival. It is also celebrated as “ Dwitiya” in the southern parts of India There are few Hindu mythological based stories related to the origin of this auspicious day. Meaning and Significance- The festival of Bhai Dooj has a literal meaning attached to it. It is made up of two words namely- "Bhai" meaning brother and "Dooj" meaningthe second day after the new moon which is a day of its celebration. The day holds the special significance into the lives of a brother and a sister. Sisters invite their brothers to visit their place and CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO SEE A prepare the beloved dishes for them. Sisters also pray to God for BEAUTIFUL VIDEO BY the well-being and longevity of theirbrothers against all the evils ANZEL and bad fortune. In return,brothers https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NZJvjfgLpY4aJe follow their responsibilities of caring and loving their sisters. Q0ktWc62FEp0KQkmIs/view?usp=sharing

By Parisha TO SEE A FANTABULUOUS VIDEO MADE BY ABHIRAJ ੴ ਸਤਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਕਤਰਾ ਪੁਰਖੁ ਿਨਰਭਉ ਿਨਰਵੈਰੁ ਅਕਾਲ ਮੂਰਤਿ ਅਜੂਨੀ ਸੈਭੰ ਗੁਰ ਪਰਸਾਤਿ

Gurpurab is also known as Guru Nanak Jayanti. It is one of the biggest festivals of Sikhs. The birthday of Guru Nanak Dev is celebrated as Gurpurab. Gurpurab is celebrated in the month of on the day of full moon known as Kartik . Guru Nanak was the founder of the Sikh religion. He was the first Sikh Guru. On Gurpurab, Sikhs wear new clothes and go to the Gurudwaras. The morning of Gurpurab starts with Prabhat Feris in the Gurudwara followed by processions in localities singing hymns. Sikhs offer their prayers and pay homage to the Guru Granth Sahib. On this day, the holy book of Sikhs, the Guru Granth Sahib is continuously read and recited in the Gurudwaras. Lamps are lit, processions are FOR MANIT’S SPEECH ON GURUPURB taken out, free langars are arranged and a sweet prasad is distributed all over the country. The Nanakpanti Hindus and https://drive.google.com/file/ the other followers of Guru Nanak’s philosophy apart from the d/19PDhNZKqHe5E2BcNqIotlg Sikhs also observe this sacred festival. MG1rhrnble/view?usp=drives -BY PRANAVA dk is one of the most important festivals celebrated by hindu women mainly in . The name of Karva Chauth was coined by two words:’Karva’ and ‘Chauhath’. According to the Hindu calendar, it falls on the fourth day of the full moon in the month of Kartik. It usually comes in the month of October/November according to Hindu calendar. On this day women pray for the safety and welfare of their husband. On the day of Karva Chauth, before sunrise women eat a special dish called ‘Sargi’ which consists of ‘Fruit and Fenyin’. After this, they keep a fast for the whole day without any food or water. Women also apply ‘mehandi’ on their hands. They wear the best clothes and traditional ornaments. They open their fast in the night with arrival of moon. But now, Karva Chauth is not only limited to Northern India By Riya Constitution Day

On 26 November 1949, the constituent assembly of India adopted the Constitution Click on the text to know more about CONSTITUTION of India, and it came into affect on 26 January 1950. The government of India DAY by Satyam Gupta declared 26 November as Constitution day on 19 November 2015 by a gazette notification. It is also known as Samvidhan Divas.The prime minister of India Narendra Modi made the declaration on 11 october 2015 while laying the Foundation stone on the B.R. Ambedkar Statue of Equality memorial in Mumbai. The year 2015 was the birth anniversary of B.R. Ambedkar. Previously this day was celebrated as law day. Constitution day is not a public holiday. Constitution day is celebrated in schools by conducting online or offline quizes . Constitution related activities in schools, run for equality and special parliamentary session is also conducted.

We should celebrate constitution day by spreading love and equality instead of hate.

-By Pratham Saini Father of the Constitution VAANYA


Far of in a barren land, The shone right upon the sand In the past, educators all over the world have Making it glitter just like gold placed tremendous stress on the intellectual & Although it was bit old. physical development of students. The result is Even for plants it was hard to survive The animals too died side by side that we have become human beings who are The earth was abandoned and thirsty physically and intellectually superior. The Then came alone a mortal amount of knowledge that we are gaining today Through a portal is doubling at a much faster rate than it did With dreams in eyes. previously. Dreams he had to fulfill Spirituality means inculcaring love in our heart Not for himself but for other lives By working night and day, irrespective of skin color, religion or nationality. They started off with houses built of clay It is important that spiritual and ethical values Then the time came when roads had to be are taught properly in the school along with their laid syllabus. In our school we have taken a strong Roads that led to success, step to achieve this by introducing our students No doubt in capability, to the process of meditators. Through They were no less. They built factories, industries and schools meditators we not only develop the higher human too values but also realize our true selves and gain Facing the dangers, that is how they got knowledge about ore spiritual side. This will help through students to develop into a complete individual, Now living a life of luxury who will always make good decision that will All by the grace of the Almighty benefit the entire humanity. We still remember that day When life wasn’t so merry and gay. Abhivyakti Remebering Nehru ji on Rights of a Child:- Right to survival Children’s Children have the right to survive and be Day protected from illness. Right to development- Children have the right to receive education, to help them grow mentally and socially as well as participate in recreational activities. Right to participation-

Failure Comes only when we forget our ideals, Children have the right to have and express principles and objectives . their opinion and make decisions involving

The children of today will make the India of their lives. tomorrow. The way we bring them up will determine the future of the country. Right to Protection-

Children are like buds in a garden and should be Children have the right to be protected carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they are the against mistreatment, exploitation, abuse future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow. and neglect. At school, they learn many things, which are no doubt useful, but they gradually forget that essential thing to be human and kind, playful and make life richer for ourselves and others. By - Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Prisha Ahuja The Moonlit Night

The Petals of Joy Lord

The Oil Lamp Of Glory The Elegant Peacocks

The purpose of rangoli is to feel strength, generosity, and it is thought to bring good luck. Design depictions may also vary as they reflect traditions, folklore, and practices that are unique to each area. It is traditionally done by girls or women.


Group Effort by: 1. Anandita Chauhan 2. Mayank Sinha 3. Pranav Pratap Singh 4. Sanskriti Khattry 5. Vinayak Bansal THE PROBLEM THAT I FACED IN LOCKDOWN AND HOW I HANDLED IT Coral, my buddy, my pet dog had joined our family on March 9, 2019. He belongs to a breed called beagle. This breed needs an exercise for at least one and a half hour daily. Usually we would take him for a walk, make him run around and play with him in our apartment, but during the lockdown, our movement was restricted and so was Coral’s. We couldn’t take him for a walk and this showed an impact on Coral’s health. One night, he had a lot of pain in his legs, so much so that he couldn’t even climb his bed. I still remember how Coral had spent the entire night moaning in pain and it took about two to three days to recover. Soon did we realize that Coral needed much more space, a lot of physical activity. We knew that we had to look for a new home for Coral for his wellbeing. Am not wrong in saying that we were very fortunate that my very own classmate, Anandita, readily accepted to adopt Coral. She belongs to an army background & her entire family is dog loving. She also has her own pet dog, Flare. On October 14, 2020 came the day when we handed over Coral to his new family. The problem started after this moment. The fact that Coral was no more around me starting having a negative impact on my mental state. I was not being able to digest this emptiness. I used to cry a lot for him every day. But soon realized that we had taken this decision for Coral’s good health. I thank Anandita, her family and especially her dog, Flare because they open heartedly accepted my Coral. Even today, when Anandita shares his photographs & videos, he looks very happy. Coral & Flare are best buddies now. Coral is living a life which he deserved. Coral’s HAPPINESS is my HAPPINESS because I love him from the deepest core of my heart. I eventually learnt that if we love someone, we don’t hold him tight, but let him fly free in the sky. -MAYANK SINHA INTERACTION WITH MADAM PRINCIPAL

A principal is not only the head of the institution but a source of inspiration for the whole school. The teachers and students look forward to her and see her as a source of endless energy and encouragement. Getting a chance to speak to her personally, hearing to her invaluable words is a once in a lifetime experience. We, the students of Bhavan Vidyalaya had got this golden opportunity. The interaction with Ma'am started with a story derived from the nature, about lions. This story basically explained the law of unwasted effort, which says that not every effort you make is successful and yet you should try harder till you succeed. Then she came to know that nowadays due to online classes students aren't only more engaged with their mobiles but getting distracted with it as well, so she explained the reasons regarding the same and discussed the preventive methods as well. During this talk, she mentioned a term 'Digital Cocaine' which is derived from a person's research which says that a person consuming drug was taken through the process of MRI, on the other hand a person extensively using mobile phone was taken through the same process. To his surprise, the researcher found that the person using phone was at more risk that the person consuming drugs. That was an alarming discovery and thus she asked us to reduce the use of mobile to the bare minimum. Next we had put forth our suggestions regarding virtual classes and she promised to try her best to implement them. Then finally we had to bid farewell to her. Although the time period was short but her own life experiences and worthy words had really enchanted us. I will never forget this amazing virtual meet. -ANANDITA CHAUHAN THE TRICK DIRECTORY

Hey guys, ever open your laptop and had nothing to do? So, here are a few things you can do if you want to kill time… 1.Automatically shut down your laptop after a desired amount of time: Suppose you are watching a movie at night and you don’t know when will you fall asleep. Use the Windows key + R shortcut key to open the run dialog box and type the following command: shutdown -s -t 600 Now your laptop/computer will automatically shut down after 600 seconds i.e. 10 minutes. 2.Create a shortcut on your desktop to Slide to Shut down your laptop: Click on a blank space on your desktop and click on new shortcut option. Now, in the location of the shortcut type- SlideToShutdown and now click on next and finish. You should have an icon on screen named slidetoshutdown.exe… And to use this shortcut you need to either click it and press enter or double click it. 3.You can make any folder your recycle bin: Just rename the folder as – Your Folder Name.{645FF040- 5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} 4.Access all the settings that windows hides from you: All you have to do is create a folder named- God.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} 5.Use any browser as your Notepad quickly: Just type the following text into the taskbar- data:text/html, Note: You can always bookmark this tab to use it quickly. P.S: Most of these tricks can only be used in Windows 10… So, sorry Mac/Windows 8,7 users  -PRANAV PRATAP SINGH PRANAV PRATAP SINGH