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The thI acan, 1932-33

10-12-1932 The thI acan, 1932-10-12 Ithaca College

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Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1932-10-12" (1932). The Ithacan, 1932-33. 2. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1932-33/2

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1932-33 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. GET YOUR ENTERTAIN­ FOOTBALL PARADE MENT TICKETS FROM STARTS FRO~I MAIN MISS VAN DYNE Jt aran BUILDJ:'\G, I :00, SAT.

Vol. III, No. 3 ltha_ca College, Ithaca, , October 12, 1932 Price: Five Cents Arthur Rowland I h C ll h · Chosen President t aca _o ege C eeks Oswego Normal By 12 to 0

Of Players' Club Ea,e of Education 1Cortland State TO Invade Ithaca This Saturday

Ithaca College Man Organizes Seen By Joe Coso Little Movement In In New Cr,t System Blue And Gold Squad Important Notice! First Home Game Of West Repulses Oswego 11 Entertainment tickets are to be Season To Rally Stu· Dear Editor,- given out at l\'1iss \' an Drnc's of­ 1 You know, this new cut svstem In Thrilling Contest fice, Thursday, Friday, an·d Satur­ I dents .To Percy Field Arthur C. Rowland, an Ithaca Col­ seems to present a lot of wonderful day of this week. Each student of lege student, has started the Little possibilities. First we are relieved Patrick, Sawyer, and Hickey Ithaca College is entitled to one j Parade Led by Ithaca College: Theatre movement at· Weirton, \Vest of stiff final exams and now we Are Outstanding Ithaca Men; ticket. The cards are non-transfer­ : Band to Precede Game With Virginia, and Hollidays Cove. Mr. don't even have to go to classes ex­ Briggs Stars for Oswego able therefore must hear the signa­ ' Cortland State Normal Rowland was enrolled in the Depart­ cept when we want to. However, ture of the owner. ment of Speech and Drama. He was By Metcalf Pafmrr 1 I suppose L. \Vhit~ey will get out , Faculty Entertainment Tickets 1 Ithaca College will plar its first one of the most active members, hav­ of bed occasionally to eat. It seems The Ithaca College football team are also obtainable at the same of- , home football game on P~rcy Field, ing been featured in numerous pro­ a shame that there couldn't be some defeated Oswego Normal at Oswego ~ce. However, faculty members are : Saturday afternoon at I :30. The blue ductions. A write-up of l\fr. Row­ way of eliminating the registration. Saturday by a 12-0 margin. The blue to pav a fee of $5.00 upon applica- ! and gold elr\·en will be opposed lw land's qualifications and recent accom­ Have you seen the new smoking and gold supplied the fans with manv tion for a ticket. Cortland State '.\ ormal. · plishments which appeared in a \\7 est room of a certain popular sororitv? ! thrills as they plunged through o;- The student and faculti· enter- The Ithaca College hand will lead Virginia paper on September 29, Its big feature is that it is absolute­ \\·ego's line for large gains. Coach tainment tickets admit the· owners the parade of students and facultv to states the· following: ly fire-proof, for how could anvone Freeman's ball carriers c ver e d to all home athletic contests, pro- Percy Field. Everyone is requ~sted O "\Vith the meeting of a group of start a fire in the gorge? · ground consistently but upon reaching ductions of drama, musicales and to obtain his entertainment ticket from people interested in dramatic activi­ \Vatching the band leave for El­ the shadows of Oswego's goal posts recitals. i 1Iiss \-an Dyne before the game. Ad­ ties the organization of a club of mira last Friday reminded me of were repeatedly confronted b\· an in-1 Get your ticket in time for Sat- i mission to outsiders is SO cents. The players was formed last evening at the choir tours of last year, except spired team which prevented ·scoring. urday's football game with Cort- j par_aclc ,~,ii\ assemble in front of the a session held at the high school build­ that I really missed the band. Ithaca kicked off. Galbraith re- I land! main huil1 es. . t I and '.\a\·y club of :'.\Ianila. He is ;1 o! Theta chapter of Delta P,i Kappa, November 8 February H Collci;:e Choir Concerts - Little Theatre I InS rumenta program. 8:15 . ' \Vatch the bulletin boa)qs for fur- s<'.n of :\Ir. ~ml _~Irs. F. D. \Vhiting,. :'\ewark, ~e\\" Jnsey, poured. :\Iiss November 22 March H December 6 April 1S ( Continrrrd on page four) ther notice! J ot Ithaca, \. 'i. Jan·i, was hostess. Page 2 The Ithacan: Wednesday, October 12, 1932

\ to an usher as he entered the i j ! Little Theatre and a restriction I R. A. HEGGIE & BRO: CO. 'was set on the· number of cuts I NOTES AND NOTIONS · : Manufacturing Jewelers 'I allowed him. The move from the • i i I tab system is favorable and· Ithaca I i New York !:~\ ,should be accepted with the prop- 1 ------Br Bob deLany, '30------1 t'•o ' J er attitude of mind, in other I ------I words, giving assembly a _fair Le Roy, New York tongue"; "what the devil"; "for W eJT()IU.\I. ST.IIT L ' - • • - , ... 1 and 1 College band will occupy the a':y h~lf-baked soul-searcher who home I can sew on Plain clothin' Ld,ro, ,., _,,,,,., . · · · · 1 hil,p !..mg, -~' , •h• 1 h L t , th" . will give them the latest dope on BILLIE BURKE 1,,1,,,., .,, /!urn,,,...... R111h Bi me. ,4, C ape OUr. as year IS 01- I of children not a first class seam­ -in- Spn,r, '~:'~'':_ __ ~: __:_:_:_ ·_:_: __: ~-~~~-':'..~1'-'.Im~~--~~ I ganization met with such stu- the future. . stress, but if you give me a trial "BILL OF 1n.PoRToR1,\1. sT.\FF ! dent approval that the Little It mak~s no difference ~hether ~:end me a pattern an goods' for one DIVO_RCEMENT" · Theatre attendence increased at the mystic uses the medium of Lorr,irnc Joliu,10:1. ·; ~ I.con.ml Whitner.·_; l d I h d • small child dress an give me a trial !\l.uy 1:.11., Bo1·cc. ·;; l\.ilrec \·,,,,,,. •_;; each band assembly, car S, pa ms, astrology, an Wrlt- as I can not come very handy, an 1 R.,.r,c \' 1.,.,, ,.. (.:.,,hcrine J.,mei, :';s" Wil,on, ·_;; We should be grateful to the in g, 0 r tea let me no if suit you I sure would administration for the aban- leaves so long as like some thing that I could do to STATE AD\'Ell.'I ISi '.\(; R.\TES - Furnished on request. ,\II .1d ulP\' mu,t he 111 the l1fhcc of the busmcss donment of compulsory student he slings a good help me along a Person have to do Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. m.111,1i.:cr not l.11cr 1h.111 2 p.m. Tucsd,1y prior to attendance at assemblies. We line. There is a all they can now day. Pleas let me Norma Frederic _p~1~1':..:~.'c:."c.::"'------can show our approval by wilful waiting list on .\ll\ ERTISJ:<,;G BOARD hear if I can help you. Sincerely SHEARER MARCH attendance. -E.P. the appointment Mrs. Maggie Bostwick." -in- ~o_~cr D,'.'\11~~: ·;; ______::J_o,--'ep'--h_S_h_or....;t,_'_J; book of every Scientists have decided th a t "SMILIN' THRU" DirNtor or Cofl\' ...... Dorothy \Vood, '33 f o r t un e - dis­ Sun.-Mon.-Tues.-Wed. SttnoJ:ral!,htr ...... C.:uhcrinc Cronin, 'jJ moths have a way of communicat­ penser who is ing with one another. In other Richard Barthelmess ~ORTO'." 1'1<1,11,t. lo.~ ln1.,cA, NLW Yo11.s. clever enough to words, they chew the rag? -in- ---·- ---·-. -·-·--·· - The Scythe --·-·--·--·-·- employ a few • 'CABIN in the COTTON' Ec/1ors of T,u,•o Years Ago simple tricks of THE BLUE AND GOLD the trade. Not so long ago a buxom young HOCHS' TEMPLE Words by Bub ,frLa11y, '30 The Conservator\' students hear !adv who called herself "Madame Fri.-Sat. .l/usic by Roger Schwartz, '30 Professor \Veaver ~f Cornell in a M~rvalini," scratched my palm a NEW BARBER SHOP TIM McCOY :lrrangl'd for th,· Band by bit, gazed into my eyes with heavy JI auricr IV lzitncy, '32 talk on the University Concerts. -in- meaning and said : "Young inan, "CORNERED" The first student recital takes place you're on a bright pathway." Rule First National Bank Bldg. Sound the call IO battle! Sun.-Mon.-Tues. II ear the noise and din! in the Little Theatre on Tuesday, No. I-Hatter the victim and gain· WALTER HUSTON Court or field, we'll never yield, October 15. his confidence. Elevator Service LUPE VELEZ For we're on deck to win! The rest of her fifteen minutes of -in­ Fight! Fight! Fight! predictions, past, present, and fu­ "KONGO" Blue and Gold, - our colors, Ithaca loses to Cortland, I 2-0. The Phone 6506 True and bold, - our ,ong, Phnical Education students start off ture, were, to put it gently-quite \\'ork up ,team and cheer the team weil but become baffied when oppon­ lousv. She rattled the stuff off at One thou,and ,trong! ents open up a splendid passing game. a s;ell rate, and every time a word Long; Dallaker, and ::\:Iillman star was missed she had too retrace her. Hear the cheering chorus! Gathered 'round the foe, on offense. The game is played amid remarks in order to get back on the Follow through the gold and blue snow flurries. track. The p/ay's the thing, - let's go! "Well," thought I, "if I couldn't Fight! Fight! Fight! Dorothy \Vood arranges a program pour forth a flood of more eloquent ~o ,uch word as failure, \\'ith victory's flag unfurled: for Freshman stunt night. The event prose in the name palmistry than The College ga,ne will win 'us fame is held under the auspices of you, I'd give up the game and go Around the world! W.S.G.A. into selling can openers." And straightway I- decided-as has been Professor Yavits heads the Mad declared at the b~ginning of this Hatter's Ball parade. Miss Taber is mess of split infinitives-that I will. THE FIRST HOME GAME presented with a dog statuette as become a teller of fortunes. I can prize for the most original costume. shoot as fast a line as that palmist, The golden autumn brings any day, and she received fifty cents along with the harvest the spirit Ernest S. \Villiams, dean of the a hand-out. ( Or a dollar for two of football - a spirit which hov­ Ithaca l\'lilitary Band school, makes hands out.) ers in the brisk air and instills changes in organization. Three bands All I need is a crystal, a few vel­ the love of activity into the tiny are started: the second, first, and the velt drapes, darkened eyebrows, and tots as well as into college men; a concert. Only Freshmen play in the long sideburns. The rest is cream spirit which stirs this nation. -:econd band. pie. During the gridiron season, hun- . . : The only overhead expense is a dreds of college men will partici- :\~1~s Gertrude Evans, director of J steady tax on the imagination. And pate in this American he-man. publicity, speaks to the ~embers of I that would be a pleasant tax indeed

stronghold. Thousands of en- J \\:.s.G.A., as r_cpresentative of the I -at fift,· cents a turn-over. 1 thusiasts will flock to the bleach- I"' elf are Comn_ mee. Dean Pm~'ell J By g~lly. I'm going to do it- I I wish you knew ers to witness the human scram-1 addresses the girls for the first tune I someday! I bles Ver mere pigskins. There! of the year. , Across the wav in a rncant lot what I know is the !hrill of a sturdy ba~tle, I Iran Lee Latham of the \Villiams th is a sign rcadi ng·: "\Va ring. Keep I t~e thrill of a punt, e fascm'.1-, S...i1ool facult\' accepts a position as out!" There's a case where incor- i about clothes. tion of a touc~down - all rn I rditor and pla·,. reviewer for the Dra­ rect spelling is an adrnntage. · . ! fo.otball, - a~l m the great out-· matic Publisl;ing Companv of Chi- Then you'd know why I'm so opposed to let­ of-doors. cago. · Did you hear about the woman ting down the bars on quality and selling any­ On Saturday afternoon, Ith­ who co.uld speak eight languages, thing but the best. aca College will contribute its but couldn't shut up in one? share of he-men to the sport of sports, when the blue and gold 1 I was reading over some plays of A machine - no matter how cleverly it func­ will play Cortland Normal in Moliere this morning and discov­ tions - can ever make a suit that equals the Ithaca. It is Ithaca's first home It is not long that we shall be a part ered the following so-called modern product of skilled men putting their best into game. It is our first opportuni­ Of all that lives, and living, casts expressions: "don't poke your nose ty to see what our boys can do. a glow into o t h e r peoples' business" ; their work. The parade is scheduled to be­ Of light and hope and faith upon "mum's the word"; "nothing that I gin at one-thirty from the main the heart. say has any weight"; "hold your I'm prouder than ever, of my suits and top­ It is so sweet a time before we building. The strains of the Ith­ coats, this Fall. aca College band and the cheers know ARTHUR ROWLAND IS of Ithaca and Cortland fans will That time was sweet, but is not now. We sing CHOSEN PRESIDENT Every one of them is the product of painstak­ bring about the kick-off on Per· OF PLAYERS CLUB cy Field. The note that once was all we ( Continued from page one) ing workmen who have been making clothes, Coach Freeman's squad has to thought about, good clothes, long before most of us were in­ That once again the earth will date performed admirably. It the letter to Dr. Tallcott appears terested in clothes. hear, and ring: has an enviable record. It de­ below. "Oh Life, hear us; we are so serves our support. Weirton, · You've never seen such styling, you've never All is set for the athletic spec. young, throw out September 29, 1932 had a coat slide so comfortably on your should­ tacle. It is up to each one of us Your arms and hold us ever so, lest Dr. Rollo Anson Tallcott to make the event an unforget- we SliP.pery Rock State Normal School ers as these of mine. a· bl e one. - E ..p Who are so frail, forget that it is Slippery Rock, you My dear Dr. Talli:ott: And when they are as low as $19.SO it seems a \Vho gave what most we loved. The recently organized dramatic group ,hame to get less than the best. Oh, let there be of Weirton and Hollidays Cove beg the STUDENT ASSEMBLIES So sweet a time again when all is privilege of naming their society "The new, Rollo Tallcott Players." In keeping with the democra­ That we, who have not learned to We trust our request may have your tic trend of modern education, cry salt tears, favorable consideration and that we may Ithaca College abandons compul­ May learn to love the bitter-sweet hear from you at your convenience. sory attendance at student as­ of years." Very respectfully yours, W.J.· REED semblies. Here-to-fore, each stu­ R. V. B. ARTHUR C. ROWLAND Secretary dent gave his assigned number MRS. KARL GRAHAM President '11

The Ithacan: \\' ednesday, October 12, 1932 Page 3 ------..------l "I., rs. I-Iastmgs, . f ormer mstructor. I'\ of English in Ithaca College was the speaker. She called to our attention a FRATERNITY REPORTS certain bishop's observation that col­ lege students arc like riders on 1an Shop Rothschild's English dog-cart-they don't see the Amards Jo Bruner wished to announce for landscape until it has passed. Her ad­ Dorathy Garber the benefit of her friends, that Pee­ monition to sec the scenery as we go, First Those who attended Walter Hamp­ \ Vee has been found and she will be is timely.