To Download the 2018 Annual Report
2018 ANNUAL REPORT CONTENTS PRESIDENT'S REPORT 4 CEO'S REPORT 10 FINANCIAL REPORT 14 STRATEGY UPDATE 20 PARTICIPATION 30 COMMUNITY FOOTBALL 38 NATIONAL PREMIER LEAGUES 46 DOCKERTY CUP & TEAM APP CUP 52 FFA CUP & NPL NATIONAL SERIES 54 REFEREES 58 COACHING 62 REGIONAL 66 TALENTED PLAYER DEVELOPMENT 76 AWARDS & HONOURS 80 BOARD & MANAGEMENT 84 COMMUNITY IN BUSINESS 92 LIFE MEMBERS 96 THANK YOU 97 PRESIDENT'S REPORT PRESIDENT'S REPORT 6 2018 ANNUAL REPORT PRESIDENT'S REPORT ON BEHALF OF THE FOOTBALL FEDERATION VICTORIA (FFV) BOARD, MANAGEMENT AND STAFF, I WISH TO THANK THE COUNTLESS VOLUNTEERS, FAMILIES, PARENTS AND SPONSORS FOR THEIR ENERGY, GENEROSITY AND DEVOTION TO THEIR CLUBS AND THE BEAUTIFUL GAME ACROSS THE STATE OF VICTORIA. This year provided significant progress and success in the Football Council to FFA Congress, commitment to the reforms underway throughout the sport of football, at a 40/40/20 gender balance on the FFA Board, bodies national, state and local level. and committees, and male and female delegates for each member of FFA Congress. NATIONAL The final task of the CRWG was to set out a pathway for October 2018 finally culminated in the an alternative A-League governance model, which would substantial governance reforms across the Football consider the national professional football structures, Federation Australia (FFA) constitution, following the including the Hyundai A-League, Westfield W-League, recommendations of the Congress Review Working Foxtel Y-League, national second division and state based Group (CRWG), which included FFV as Chair of the competitions. A taskforce comprising representatives State Member Federations. from football stakeholders has formed the New Leagues Working Group (NLWG) to consider corporate structures The main objective of the CRWG was to propose an and licences, financial models, competition growth and FFA Congress which provided a broader and more integration and cohesion with grassroots football.
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