(Former) PUBLIC SCHOOL 64, 605 East 9Th Street (Aka 605-615 East 9Th Street and 350-360 East 10Th Street), Manhattan
Landmarks Preservation Commission June 20, 2006, Designation List 377 LP-2189 (Former) PUBLIC SCHOOL 64, 605 East 9th Street (aka 605-615 East 9th Street and 350-360 East 10th Street), Manhattan. Built 1904-06, C.B. J. Snyder, architect. Manhattan Tax Map: Block 392, Lot 10. On May 16, 2006, the Landmarks Preservation Commission held a public hearing on the proposed designation of (former) Public School 64 (Item No. 4). The hearing was continued to June 6, 2006 (Item No. 1). Both hearings had been duly advertised in accordance with the provisions of law. Forty-eight people spoke in favor of designation including City Councilmember Rosie Mendez and representatives of City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, State Assemblymember Sylvia Friedman, Manhattan Borough President Scott M. Stringer, Comptroller William C. Thompson, Jr., Congressmember Nydia Velazquez, State Assemblymember Deborah Glick, State Senator Martin Connor, Community Board Three, the East Village Community Coalition, Place Matters Project, Lower East Side Tenement Museum, Society for the Architecture of the City, Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation, the Landmarks Conservancy, Municipal Art Society and Historic Districts Council. Six people spoke in opposition to designation including three representatives of the owner, and a representative of REBNY. In addition the Commission has received several hundred letters, petitions and postcards in support of designation. Summary (Former) Public School 64 was designed by master school architect C.B.J. Snyder in the French Renaissance Revival style and built in 1904-06. This was a period of tremendous expansion and construction of new schools due to the consolidation of New York City and its recently centralized school administration, school reforms, and a burgeoning immigrant population.
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