The City Record. Borough of the Bronx. •
THE CITY RECORD. VoL. XXXIII. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1905. NUMBER 9843. Estimated THE CITY RECORD. No. Hearing. Cost. Initiated. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 332. East One Hundred and Seventy-second street, from Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the Boston road to Southern Boulevard Mar. 2 Mar. 2 336.- Bronx street, from Tremont avenue to One Hundred BOARD OF CITY RECORD. and Eightieth street Mar. 2 Mar. 2 GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MAYOR. 347. Locust avenue, from White Plains road to Elm street. Mar. I I Mar. r s 358. Twenty-first avenue, from Second street to Bronxwood JOHN J. DELANY, CORPORATION COUNSEL. EDWARD M. GROUT, COMPTROLLER. avenue Mar. 27 359. Twentieth avenue, from Bronx river to Kingsbridge road Mar. 27 PATRICK J. TRACY, SUPERVISOR. 36o. Byron street, from Two Hundred and Thirty-third street Published daily, except legal holidays. to Baker avenue Mar. 27 Subscription, $9.3o per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. 362. Concord street, from Two Hundred and Thirty-third street to Baker avenue MRS. 27 SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 cents; 363. Twenty-second avenue, from Bronx river to Fourth Canvass, to cents; Registry Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; Law Department and Finance street. Filed. New petition presented Mar. 27 Department supplements, io cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents each 352. Jennings street, from Edgewater road to Bronx river Mar. 27 section. 365. Belmont street, between Longwood avenue and Feather Published at Room z, City Hall (north side), New York City.
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