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Gambier Observer 1835


Gambier Observer, June 05, 1835

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ID A Y , JUNE 5, 1 835 . NO. 35.

at very imil r conclu ion , , hether under t e The dignity of our ffic -th e olemnity of the R V . W. SPARRO V & } EDIT ORS. b lin

}1 r t for the privil eges and duties of the Sabba th? able, to influence the opinions and the judg­ petual apprchen ion."-S. S. Journal. 5. Do 5 the word preached refresh my sou l, and quick­ ment of the hearers, and lead to the avoidance of jt in the path of duty? what is ~bus ridiculed. · RESTORATIONISM IN GERMANY. J • Am I silent sometimes for the sake of my own peace; We are of opinion, that th is weapon may be The "Pieti t " it appea rs, from the foregoing, n I o ght to peak ? used by th e Chr ist ian advoc te,and the orthodoxy are the Evan gelical Chri t"ans of Germ any . The of this decision is, we thin , ufficient ly atte t­ majority of th em, a we learn trom Prof. Sears, MISSIONARY . ed by the Scripture itsel f, wh en there ar n mer­ are Restor ationists. Of this number i Prefessor mis examples of its necessity and force. God Th oluck, one of the mo t eminent theologians of HEA THEN ANTI- MISSION MAN. him i;-elf is frequ ent ly represented as spe · king in the age.-I nd. Messenger. In r,IKinc id's Journal, as p ubl i hed io the May - this manner, when there was in the conclu t

ol . Sometimes they sewed five oles i it with you this morning?" '· Ab , Bob, I'm ve­ with the extraordinary ch nge vi ible in hi mas­ r no th er; anr, and pro po ed " some tea." The cap­ life, any more th an the Lord's Prayer my mother days loncrer on thi s side of eternity. The extreme t io had been a de perate and wicked man beyond taught me.'' "0 Bob, pray for me; go down on agita tion of my mind, of late, ha s inc reased tho many, a he knew he had no mercy to expect from your knees , and cry for merc y ; do, Bob, there's fever of my bocly, and I shall soon breath my last." J1i re,v he wa uete rm ine

i norant as he was wicked. Brought up among for my 1 aste r.'' Risin 0 from his k 1ees , he said , pau sed ancl waite a few moments, fearful of


B1s110P r Ic ILVAisE's APPJl!AL,-Thc I ~t London 'h ristian Ob ser ver contain n app e I by Bp . )i 'llv inc, to tbc E ng. li h pu blic, in beh If of the T heological Semin ary an, it i at your service. mended to the B ritish public by th e E ditor of the Chri stian . R. W. S. Ob server . ·we notice one apparent error i n the Bi shop' s statement . onvention. Enum erat ing the clergyme n in the V{est, he says tha t Illi nois The next annual Convention of the P rotes nt Epi scopa l has but one. So stood the matt er wh en Bishop l\Icilvaine Church of the Di ocese of Ohio will be held in Cincinnati on tho last Friday of J une , (26th ins t.) Jcft home, o far as he, or we in this place, knew at the time ; H . DYER, S ecretanJ, and so far as it could be learn ed from Sword s's Alma nack: now Gambier, J1me 2d, 1 35. the Stat e has five or six clergy and a B ishop at their he11d.­ 'f hc fact is a striki ng exampl e of th e rapidity with which th e 9" Th e Stockholders of the W estern Epis­ Episcopa l Church is moving '\Vestward. c opal Pre s, are her eby no tified to meet at Gambier on Satur­ tlay th e 13th day of Ju ne next at 2 o'clock P . M. for the B ISHOP McILVAINE's Evrn ENcEs.-T bis work whi ch h a~ pu rpose of a more comp lete org anization, and the tr an action passed throu gh two editions in this country , has been repub. of other necessary bu siness. Jished in En gland , u .1der the care of Dr. Gr egory of th e By order of the E xecutiv e Co'mmittee. Mil itary Academy, Woolwich, an

1 ti the intention of • Ir . Brook! to pc nd ab out a year in Eur op , durin.,, which time , e may !P ~t l? hear from him a fair anrl imp rti 1 ccount of the 111 t1tut100 and pr at politi I tate of th at contin nt.-Pol Arena . Th e B altimme m,mtion on Friday, nominated, unani- mously, M art in V n Bur n 'ror President,. and Richard M, A ociety for introducin g nd t nding the knowleU shed at Albany N, Y., c nt Hotel to ran e with that of A. tor's. There arc not has a 50,000 oirculation per month . Hot 1 nough to accomm odat th e th ou nd of travcll rs, r grot ful, medical officcr,for th e_grace you _have dis­ Land ale .-N otice is iven, by proclam ation publ ished who now com h r • Asto r ci p cts to hav 0,000 rent t in iving u~ ben •fits, perfoctly cur_11~g the _diseases of in th e ov •rnment paper , that puhl ic sales of lat d will t ke for this Hotel . ur y , nnd granting us food an? _prov1s1ons, without o~ pl ace at the pl, ces and time fol(owin ~ :iz :_ . . ~ Jiu n particle of mou.:y. It 1s rnd • •d what may be call. At the lund olli ea t O<.?tro1t, 111 th \l Icmtory of M1ch1gan, FOREIG , p II ivl! ben evolence . Your fotne will spread over the comm encing 011 \lond ay, tho 10th dny of Angu·t next . The pack et-ship Can dn, nrri, ·ed at :New ork on Saturday, t. men of ull ages. We have now no ability to re­ At th e Jund otfice at Min ,ra ( P oint , in the Wi sconsin dis. • hringing Lond on date s to the ID b of April, and Paris to the ~ iLh favour , hut can m •rely expre sour go cl wi hes tri ct in the Territory of i\lic higun, comme ncing on Monday , 16th . ,u ul~ ,r l n ·ru:1 re. May your happine . -, medical officer and th e 7th day of cpt •ml>• r ne t. h •r , o th e c 'ltern ca, the wave overtopping each oth- From the London Morning II erald of April 17th,. Fir e fo Bosto,i.-The fire commenced in Me ssr . Smith & in 't.bou mJ t ·p~; and muy your longevity compare with St et on's carpenter' ~hop, in Black-;tonc street, cca ·ioned by Very criou s event for the Fr n h npp ar to lie taki~1g pince th uLh •JU mountains, and be perpetual as the sun and u ineen iS!u ed, but the following wer e in operation through the night. Th e los~ is ~ timated is a corre ct list of th e mini s ry . to be about $250 ,000; $2 ,0~ of which fall on our msur r,co Lord Melbou rne l•'ir t ord of th T reasury. office pretty ~c1uully.-Ohristian Watchman . Lord John ltu ssel Secr eta ry of the State for the Homo Departme 1t. A D ::troit paper states , that fo1irtec11, hundred votes were Lord Pnlmers on , Do o · tbe Fo r ign cpart mcnt, p lle~ in that city, altbourrh it is well known th at ther aro Lon] Howick , or Mr. but abo ut fuur liundrecl 1~,ral voter · in th e place! Th e ma. q . • Grant Do fi r the Colon b l Depa rtm ent . jority were the votes of forc.gn cmwrants . Mr. Spring Rico hance lor of the Ex hcqucr. A N w York paper say th at durin th la t thre or four Lord Ackl and l<'irst Lord of the Ar.lmiralty. month , pr obably about eigbty or a hu nd red foundling chi l­ ir J. . IIobhouse B oard of on rol . dr n have b en pie e

my heart felt: it PO.E1'UY. festiv l. Some of und nee v the Bluffdale Temp ranee Society; F&OM POETICAL PORTRAIT • lll" L. E. L. and of eour tho e who e arrangemcn permitted cho e to go. ' Ac orclingly,' as soon a,; the pre 1·1mmar1es · · w I· e ettl d·, Thou knowest wha t thou ha. t power to be, the horse borrowed of one, the carriage of nnoth r, and tb Thou k nowe t, too, what thou art; harne .-s whcrev r it could be got, I put my wife a11d th babe And heavily doe discontent Sit ra nkling at thy heart; (of cour e) into it; und away we went. . • And thou dost mask thy grief the while, My fri n