Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange Gambier Observer 1835 6-5-1835 Gambier Observer, June 05, 1835 Follow this and additional works at: Part of the United States History Commons Recommended Citation "Gambier Observer, June 05, 1835" (1835). Gambier Observer 1835. 18. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Gambier Observer 1835 by an authorized administrator of Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • -"that THY way may be known upon earth, TH Y sav ing health among all nations ." ID A Y , JUNE 5, 1 835 . NO. 35. at very imil r conclu ion , , hether under t e The dignity of our ffic -th e olemnity of the R V . W. SPARRO V & } EDIT ORS. b lin<lne · of pagan uper tition , or in the mid ·t of oc i o a r i=s-t 11 dread r lity of our REV. M. T. C. WING , Go pel light and .1rnowledgc; proving, t oo, tha t proclamation of truth- the importance of imp re s­ sin is the ame ro ot of bitterne ', wh' ch , in every ing ou r " rers with a belief of our inccrity-the un r newed mind, pro ucc~ captio u ne s, , ho stilit y pr ence of God-and ou r character a Ambas a­ rom the Boston R corder. to G od, and active opposi tion to his truth. The dor~ for him, all enjoin upon us to bewar e of tri­ THE CAF FEE CHIEF . same argument which thi~ Heath en u ed, i ap­ fling with Ridicule . one even ng a Catfre chi f waited on 'Mr. B:irker, an plied, wi hout any modification by anti-mi sion n j h l\Iis ionary in South Africa , and thu stated the me in a Chri tian country . From which we may bj~ct of hi vi. it-" I havt'; Jong desi: ed to h~ve a m i~sionary 0 ~ W RD. t m Kraal [Vill age ] but after lookrn g a~x1~u ly for ~n~, le rn that it is not wi:e, as to give eviuence of When we are in the way of duty, the great fi y ars post, I began to de pair _of ever CIIJO~·mg tha t prm~ ad vanc d knowled ge of high moralit y ; that it is th ing is, to go forward . Sloth and cowar dic e are ) . Tbe laws of the colony will 11ot permit me to co;ne not s pecu liar in its app lication as to b ear only th e tw o thin gs whic h pre en t our doi ng O'Ood. In od Ii ta mi sionar y stat ion , el e I would forsak e my native u pon the different hades of nominally Ch ri tian untry, nd come and live amon g you. But much n~ I de­ our efforts to benefit mankind, the word of co - ·r to e near a m issionary on my own account, my clucf con­ faith, but may be suited with equ al pert inency mand is o WARD . Sometimes it is bette r to da h rn i now abou t mv children. And if I cannot have a to any attempt to supplant paganism by th e reli­ forw ard, even at the hazar d of mistake, than to sit h r ith me I shall live and die , in peace, ir you will take gion of J us Christ. This assumpt ion (for we down in the stupo r of he itation . H en e your ra­ 1h t o ·bo s ~nder your care and see them instructed in can not ca ll it by any better name) req ujre s it see ms pid, incon side rate reckless men often do more ur r ligion , and be a father to them ." but the light of heatheni m to give it birth ;-who• good than the cautious and discreet. The form­ I omc, tl, e chiefui n aid, a weary way, ever, therefore, may henceforth advance it, we er pu shes for ward, sometimes falls, ometimes err s, To s ek the h rald of the King of heaven, ma y ju tly obey with re pect to him, the injunc­ sometimes work s mischief; but in the long run he F r I have sins that will not wash away, tio n of the Apostles -" Let him be unto thee an :But tho u canst t ach my gu ilty soul to pr ay as accompl ishe much g ood. The latter waits and T tho Great God, so I may be forgiven. he ath en man" I-Christia n Witness. ponder , and he itates, until all opportunities are I long bad hop ed, in ':1Yown la_nd, to hear · pa t, and he effects very little. Th ere are some h word of life and 1mmort ality- RELIGIOUS. wary and deliberate pe rsonage who spend h• If d that ruig ht dry the mo urner's bitter tenr, their day in calcul ating the chance of defeat, and From the Chri tian Observer. nd point the sinn er, when deat h hovers near, qu erying whether it is ju t time to begin . T re lms of rest, eternal, and on hi gh . ON THE USE OF WIT IN THE PULPIT . Th ere are very few difficultic in a course of ut )if' i wnning now, and I must rest It has been said, that . in praying, we address Cini tian benevol ence which Jo not give way be­ ith the forgotten dead . Wou ld I could know, God ; and in pr eac hin g, God addre ' es us. Now fore a decided and persevering advance. Go on Tho.t when th is clny sha ll for tbe "rave be drest, the obj ect of wit i to divert. Doe it th en require and the path will co mmonly become clearer and 1y w ary oul to re gio ns of the blest, . much con ·ideration to dete rmine wh eth er God re­ '\! h r sin, and griet, _and death arc not, might go. smoother. A man ha bee n known to hesitate quires to be divert ed by u , or wh ther he is ca­ for d ys as to the probability of being favour­ r t, 'ti n ot for myself that I would plead. pac le of diverting him elf with sinners? We think , cou:d joy to sleep beneath the clod, ably rec eived by a neighbour whom he wished to th dea r boys might find what most they nee , not, and we have no he itation, therefore, in con­ acldre on the concern of his soul, and yet, when fri nd to uard and kc p them, and to lead cludi ng tfiat in all it form s, Wit i inappropriately he summoned up re olution to und ertake it he not Tl ir wond er ing foot steps to tho throne of God. and irreverently intro~uced int the pulpit, for it only found the difficulties dimini hed almoit to will be granted that the production of deep and D thou h ir father, let them be thy sons, a nothing, but discovered th at the neighbour had And t nch them thy reli g ion, pure and high, solemn impre ssion is the intention of the speaker. been long wondering why this very step had not 'it them to min g le with the, holy on_e. Whatever, therefore, oppo es th i ~ ultimate design been taken by his friend. · J ond the vale wher e death s cold river runs, is manifestly injudiciou , and con idering the im­ Two youn g men were once travelling among the nd I in peace shall live, in peace will dio. T. I. C. portance of the occasion, is evidently improper. mountains. In such districts, it is well known Nothing will have this effect sooner than Wit.­ there are often heavy showers which are very L F-E X A M IN AT 10 N; The sensibility of the ridiculous, is a strong and much limit ed in their extent. Thes e companions powerful principle in the heart. It sways us with 65 QUESTIONS, BEING ONE FOR EVERY DAY were suddenly surprised, very soon after they set a most mastering control. It lies in ambu sh, and IN THE YEAB. out, by a storm of wind and rain. The younger pro­ no matter what may be the circumstances of at­ posed to go back, as they were not far from home JUNE. tending ceremony and solemnity; no matter what but the elder prefetred to go forward. Each fol­ . Wh n, in answer to prayer, I have been delivered from the importance of the occasion, and the <leep im­ lowed his determination; but mark the issue. He nT bindrance to religious ex ercises, have I improved the pre ssiveness of the scene, it eagerly seizes upon who returned was drenched with the torrent fr d m ~ith grati tude and diligence? the finest display of Wit, and oversets the mind which poured upon him every step of his way; he 11. Am I candid and cautiou , in judging of others. from its stability and seriousness, and plun ge s it who went forward, had not travelled a mile before 12.
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