S T U D E N Special Contributor
S T U D E N Tiffanie Amirante Andrea udala Denise Pricket!t Janice Barnet Laura Jane Gresey Gatherine Quigg Genevieve Betken Dee Hanson Jyoti Raghu Charles Boswell Jeanne H son Holly Rushakoff Casey Brookshier Jessica Huth Steve Shepard Neil Bucalo Kathy Kleiva Barbara Singer Joyce Butak Kristin Kolesiak Phillip Stahnke James Cates Barb Kottmeier Kathleen Struif Carol Coutts-Siepka Barbie Markay Frank Tebbe John Czapiga Anahid Melkoni Doriann Thompson Steven Davis Laurin Navratil Rosemary Vitale Erika Dobson Darraugh Nolan Kyle Van Wickevoort Tracey Dorus Mary Patanella Flora Wu Nanette Fabros Christine Pomroy Beth Zimmermann Kim Zurek Special Contributor Martin . Ry� The Harper Anthology of Academic Writing Issue IX 1997 William Rainey Harper College T h e Harper Anthology Human language has the potential to be insensitive, ugly, even brutish. And yet we want to think, too, Foreword that Aristotle was right, that words are indeed what set human beings apart from the balance of the ani mal kingdom. We want to trust that just around the corner from the vulgar phrase lurks a sentence that resonates with ravishing poetry. We hope, as we pass ungraspable utterances, that we will come upon the sounds of words that are clear, frank, and true. The HarperAnt hology Selection Committee is determined and optimistic about unearthing lan guage that possesses clarity, frankness, and truth; we believe that human beings will, in obedience to cer tain internal impulses, fashion words uniquely and express themselves transparently, sometimes beauti fully. Most of all, we believe that good writing poetic, lyrical, illustrative, substantive, altogether soulful writing-is perennial, like baseball.
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