
2014 Journal of Undergraduate Research 2014 Journal of Undergraduate Research 5 Letter from the Interim Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs

7 Editorial Statement Editorial Board

Arts and Humanities 10 Sor Juana: The Dangerous Game of Exercising Intellectual Freedom By Carolina G. Drobenak

17 La búsqueda de la identidad en ‘Chac Mool’ By Victoria Gabriel

Table of Contents of Table

2 Social Sciences Graphic Design 23 Yoga and Mindfulness as a Therapeutic 55 Cosmopolitan Magazine Technique for Treating Stress and Illnesses By Natalie Alarcon By Erin Krasnowiecki 56 Leopard Symbol 46 Cabrini College and Poverty-Focused By Erin Decker Development Assistance: Advocating for Life Saving Programs in the 57 Just Pop Magazine United States’ Federal Budget By Noelle DiCioccio By Clare Pressimone 58 Canary Garden Packaging By Jamie Gentile

59 Rio de Janeiro Travel Poster By Thomas Hale

60 XBOX World Magazine By Theresa Paesani

3 Letter from the Interim Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs April 16, 2014

To the Cabrini College community,

It is with great pride that I offer my enthusiastic congratulations to the editor, editorial review board, students, faculty, and staff who contributed to the production of the sixth annual Cabrini College Journal of Undergraduate Research. This year’s journal upholds the tradition of Cabrini College students demonstrating their passion for discovery and their profound commitment to research and exemplary scholarship. The unique and collaborative efforts of students, faculty, and staff showcase the collective response to our signature appeal to “Do Something Extraordinary”.

Undergraduate research nourishes the academic and leadership development of students which further enhances the College’s mission to provide an Education of the Heart. Numerous studies corroborate the finding that through undergraduate research, students develop indispensable interdisciplinary skills in research design, data collection, comprehensive analysis, and professional communication. As a complement to classroom learning, undergraduate research inspires students to deeply explore questions, ideas, and assumptions by applying rigorous and scholarly investigative methods and critically analyzing findings to draw conclusions with potential real-world applications. The research experience enhances academic and leadership credentials to enable students to earn scholarships, awards, and acceptance into premier graduate programs while encouraging and preparing them to become trailblazers in their chosen field following graduation.

I am so proud of the mentorship that our Cabrini faculty provides to our students. I am thankful for the many ways in which our faculty emulate how professional scholars conduct and present research. This helps students build their self-confidence and cultivate intellectual independence fostering trust in their own abilities to share their conclusions and potentially affect change in the world.

The integration of academic excellence and leadership development evidenced by this Journal of Undergraduate Research affirms the extraordinary legacy of the Cabrini College culture. It is this culture that fosters collaboration in the pursuit of synthesizing interdisciplinary knowledge and innovation. I congratulate all those who contributed to this endeavor to share meaningful scholarship with the Cabrini College community.


Jeff Gingerich, Ph.D.

Vice-Provost & Dean for Academic Affairs

5 Editorial Statement

The Cabrini College Journal of Undergraduate Research is an annual, reviewed publication dedicated to the discovery, promotion and publication of outstanding work done annually by Cabrini undergraduates. The Journal’s Editorial Board reviews, selects and cultivates the best work for inclusion. Drawn from the Undergraduate Arts, Research & Scholarship Symposium—an annual event where students present and showcase their research to the College community—the Board seeks academically rigorous and distinctive efforts that demonstrate Cabrini students’ evolution into public intellects with a firm grasp of the stakes and conventions of meaningful scholarship. Articles are selected for publication based on their scholarly and rhetorical quality. They are from all disciplines, and exemplify one or more of the following accomplishments:

• An original research project • Unique contribution to the scholarship of the student’s field • A new interpretation of an intellectually important problem; phenomenon or text • An interdisciplinary endeavor that suggests an innovative approach to an altogether new subject for scholarly inquiry.

The board also considers for publication any work of artistic merit that demonstrates academic seriousness and intellectual ambition.

CO-EDITOR REVIEWERS John W. Cordes, Ph.D. Cynthia Halpern, Ph.D. Department of Communication Department of Romance Languages and Literatures David Dunbar, Ph.D. Department of Science Kathleen McKinley, Ph.D. Department of Sociology

Vivian Smith Ph.D. Department of Sociology

Tamarah Smith Ph.D. Department of Sociology

Nicholas Uliano, Ph.D. Department of Romance Languages and Literatures

7 Arts and Humanities 10 Arts and Humanities | 2014 Drobenak that she,andwomeneverywhere, werecapableofengaginginsuchphilosophical exercisesand a writerandasnun.SorJuana’smotivationswere in partto and severalliteraryjournals,thisauthorwillclarifythemotivesbehindSorJuana’sdecisions as defend herdecisiontowriteatheologicalcritique.ThroughtheanalysisofSorJuana’s works decides toengageintheologicaldiscourse,andRespuestaaSorFilotea , inwhichshemust remembered fortwoofheradvanced,controversial writings choosing apiousrole.UnderthewatchfuleyeofCatholicChurch,SorJuanawillforeverbe La Cruzwasaself traditionally reservedformen,example,engagingintheologicaldiscourse.SorJuanaInésde expression. Womenwererestrictedfromcontr place astrictpatriarchalsocietythatcompletelysubjugatedwomenandsuppressedtheirfree one’s conscience. feminine voiceandtoadvocatefortherightpreserveintellectualfreedomwith and areligiouswoman.ShewasthefirstwomaninSpanishAmericanletterstodefend and bishop.Asawriter,SorJuanariskedeverythingtoexerciseherfreedomasanintellectual hierarchy oftheMexicanCatholicChurchwhenshecompliedwitharequesttrustedfriend discusses howSorJuanabecomesembroiledinastruggleforpowerandcontrolwithinthe seventeenth centurynun,whochosetochallengethereligioushierarchyofhertime.Theessay Abstract: ThisessayexploresthedifficultiesencounteredbySorJuanaInésdelaCruz,a Faculty Mentor:RaquelA.Green,PhD Author: CarolinaG.Drobenak During theseventeenthcentury,MexicowasruledbySpanishEmpire Sor Juana:TheDangerousGameofExercising IntellectualFreedom -taught, intellectualnunwhowasabletodefysociallimitationsdespite ibuting toscholarlyactivitiesthatwere Carta Atenagórica,inwhichshe satisfy herownego,andtoprove out betraying , whichhadin

her actionsobjectionableandknewthat,iftheyhadengagedinsuchanexercise , theytoowould explain herpointofview,butsheultimatelymadeamistake.Evenreasonablemenconsidered unacceptable; therefore,shewaspersecuted. process ofanalyzingsacredtextsandphilosophicaltopics,butthispractice was culturally her wordswereconsideredoffensive.SorJuanahadtheintelligencetotheorizeandengagein as thetheologianhadchancetovoicehisopinion.However,becauseshewasawoman, was acombativegesture.SorJuanamerelywantedthech not wanttoattacktheArchbishoportheologian repercussions sothatshehadtodefendherdecisionbywritingRespuestaaSorFilotea.Shedid publication turnedpowerfulreligiousmenagainsther(Paz1 exposed herworktothepublicbyprintingCartaAtenagóricaundernameSorFilotea,which Archbishop admiredgreatly.Heranalysiswastoremainbetweenthetwofriends,but a criticallysermonwrittenbyPortuguesetheologianwhomheroppressiveMexican Juana’s experience.Attherequestofatrustedfriendand of defiance.Pazputintocontextthesurround did notwanttocelebrate. persuades thereaderthatGodinfacthadendowedherwithabilities challenge thatSorJuanafacesultimatelyexposesthehypocrisyofamaledominantsociety,and also showSorJuana’sinnocenceinthinkingthatshewasimmunefrompersecution.The to proveherselfthatshehadtheintellectualcapabilityparticipateintheseactivities.Itwill should havetherighttoexpressthemfreely.ThisessaywilldemonstratethatSorJuana In writinghertheologicalcritique,SorJuanatriedto demonstrateshehadthecapacityto In 1982,theMexicanwriterOctavioPazcontributedhisownaccountofSorJuana’sact ing activitiesinhishistoricalanalysisofSor personally; however,heractofwritingalone bishop, SorJuanawasaskedtoanalyze ance tobeapartofthediscussion,just -3). Heractionstriggeredterrible that theChurchhierarchy intended bishop

Drobenak 11 Arts and Humanities | 2014 12 Arts and Humanities | 2014 Drobenak Juana startedwritingextensivelyand,asayoungadult, shebegantoberecognized with hergrandfather,whosuppliedabroad library (Mendez knowledge asshedid.InLaRespuesta,SorJuanaexplain ed thatshehadtheopportunitytolive desire tobeculturedandeducated.Womendidnothave theopportunitytogainasmuch intellectual abilitiesasawoman. her abilitiesdespiteanyrulesofconduct.SorJuanalivedinaworldthatwasnotsuitedfor invited tocraftCartaAtenagórica,sheseizedtheopportunity;wasdeterminedexercise juvenile worksthatentertainedindividualsratherthaneducatethe without bringingunwantedattentiontoherself Sor Juanawasanexceptionallyintelligentwomanwhoexpressedherselfthebestwayshecould Respuesta aFilotea,onelearnsthatshewasnotasnaiveclaimedtobe(Perelmuter167). aware ofherpositionasanunandwomaninsociety conduct forwomenthatwerespokenofpublicly,privately,andbiblically.SorJuanawaswell (316). PerelmuterelucidatedthatSorJuanaexistedinaman’sworldandtherewererulesof participación delamujerenelcamporetórica,asociadaalespaciopúblicomasculino” manuales deconductayenlostratadoslaépocaseencu Perelmuter’s perspectiveonthistopic,Grossiexplain that shehadnevertouchedonthesubjectbeforebecauseitwasnotherplace. Songs untiltheywerethirty.”(17).Whenmakinghercase,SorJuana pointed out,SorJuanabelieved“ Arrogance,” SorJuanabelievedthat“theology[must]betreatedwithcare,”(17)forasPowell have beenchastised.AsLisaPowellexplainedinherpaper,”SorJuana’sCritiqueofTheological At averyyoungage,SorJuanaknewthatsocietywasincontradictionwithherburning that evenlearnedmenwereforbiddenfromreadingthe

, andmostofherwritingsconsistedalmost ed, “Enlaliteraturaaurisecular,enlos entran argumentosqueinvalidanla ; however,asonereadsherreplyin m. WhenSorJuanawas -Faith 56).Asaresult,Sor was veryeagertoexplain In quoting Song of

why shecouldnotparticipateinanactivity analysis wouldbepublishedandclaimedthatshewasignorantofherassertions,yet she asked women’s capabilitiestoexpressthemselves.SorJuana claim while exposingthehypocrisyoflivinginamaledominant society. consequences fortheideasexpressedinCartaAtenagóricadidshebegintodefendherposition, regard, shefeltthatwouldnotbeunderthesamescrutiny.Onlyafterfacingserious consequences involvedforcommonersiftheyweretohavemadethissamedecision.Insome rules ofconductthatwereinplaceduringhertime.SorJuanaknew individuals whoassuredhersafetyandprotection.SorJuanabelievedshewasimmunetothe relations ofhertime”(12).SorJuanawasawareowntalentandknew viceroyalty andaslaveservingherintheconvent,shewasnot who “doesnotknowanything.”LisaPowellexplained,“WithalliesamongtheSpanish suspicion, assheclaimedinRespuestaaSorFilotea.Juanathatwassomeone lived undertheprotectiveumbrellaofviceroyalty.Duringhertime,shewasnotabove continued thistrend. not havetofollowthesamerulesintendedforherasanadult,andinthisparticularsitu against thegrainofsocietysothatshecouldlearnandthink,makingothersawaredid understanding inallsubjects(Mendez-Faith57).Eversincewasveryyoung,SorJuanahadgone role ofanunaffordedherthetimeandflexibilitytostudymaintainwell to adomesticrole,SorJuanaelectedbenun.Sheexplain internationally forherplaysandintellectualworks. Sor Juanacouldnotfullygraspthesocialinequalities inplacebetweenmen Sor Juanalivedaprivilegedexistenceasnunwho in whichlearnedmenwereabletoparticipate. To notbecomedistracted,orhavetosubmit m manypeopleadmiredandwho ed thatshewasnotawareher ed inherresponsethatthelifeand ‘innocent’ ofthecomplexpower

that thereweregrave thattherewere -rounded levelof ’s and ation she

Drobenak 13 Arts and Humanities | 2014 14 Arts and Humanities | 2014 Drobenak not stopfromstudyingtheworldbecauseGodcreated herwithanintellect.Asawomanand saw thatshecouldnotreflecton.Evenifdid havethematerials,suchasbooks,shecould menudas ymateriales”(Mendez-Faith57).SorJuanaexplain ed thattherewasnothingshe máquina universal.Nadaveíasinreflejo,nadaoía consideración,aunenlascosasmás observing theworldaroundher:“Dioscrió,sirviéndomeellasdeletras,ylibrotoda esta form theseideas,andevenwhenshewasnotallowedtolearnorstudy,couldceasefrom same that thisisatalentshewisheddidnothave,forhasbeggedGodtoturnitoff.Atthe guardar suLey,pueslodemássobra,segúnalgunos,enunamujer”(Pascual365). decía, quelehepedidoapaguelaluzdeentendimientodejandosololobastepara asked Godtoturnoffherintelligence,asonecriticrecount she toohadthecapabilitytoreadwordofGodandinterpretsacredwords. her life,whileatthesametimesheaskedaudiencetoreconsidernormand reason andunderstanding.SorJuanahadtodefendandplaydownherownintelligencesave and thehypocrisybehindthoseconventions. of engaginginanytopicjustasmuchweremen.Shewastryingtoexposetheculturalrules was intelligentandmorethancapable prove herowncapabilities.TheculturallimitationswerenotrationaltoSorJuana concerned withtheroleshewassupposedtofulfill;s and ideasweresowrongtoexpresswhenmenhadtherighttheirs.Shewasnot forming anopinioncontrarytoVieira’s”(21).SorJuana Powell explained,“Sheaskswhyshehasbeensochastisedforexercisingherrationalfreedomin time, shedidnotrefrainfromusinghertalent.SheclaimedthatGodgavethewillto The rulesdidnotmakelogicalsensebecauseGodhadcreatedherandeveryhumanwith of participating.Shebelievedthatallwomenwerecapable he wasmoreconcernedwithbeingableto did notunderstandwhyherthoughts ed SorJuana’swords:“Diossabe,le She even because she to acceptthat She explained

Méndez-Faith, T.(1997).Panoramasliterarios:Américahispana , :55-57.Independence,KY: God createdher. intellectuals ofhertime.Shewasexpres Atenagórica, butshewantedthechancetoexpandhermindand accomplished thistask.SorJuanaknewtherisksinvolvedwithagreeingtowrite superiors inherlifethatshewasabletoparticipateanyintellectualactivity mental capacitytohavetheirownthought-outopinions.Hermotivationwasprovethe stating thatGodhimselfhadcreatedallpeople than capableofparticipatinginsuchanadvancedactivity.SorJuanaju the menwhowereallowedthatprivilege.Shedesperatelywantedtoproveshewasmore participate intheologicaldiscourse;however,SorJuanawasmoreintelligentthanthemajorityof versed. SorJuanalivedinaworldwhichwomendidnotbecomeintellectualbeings,letalone insatiable hungerforknowledgeandthatshehadspentherlifeself-educatingbecomingwell task ofprovingherself.InRespuestaSorFiloteawelearnthatJuanawasbornwithan not pleasedwiththeoutcomeofhercritiquebeingmadepublic; price. not followingtherulesthathadbeenintendedforher;therefore,sheultimatelytopay capabilities putherabovethoseunjustrules.Herdecisionwasnotfreeofguiltbecauseshe nun, shewassociallyraisedtobesubmissiveanddeferential,butfeltthatherinnate Heinle &. Sor Juanaenduredapainfulandsadexistenceattheendofherlifesheclearlywas sing herselfintheonlywaysheknewhow,that Works Cited —men andwomentohavefreewillthe however, sheaccomplishedthe to debatewiththeother stified hercritique,by — andshe Carta

Drobenak 15 Arts and Humanities | 2014 16 Arts and Humanities | 2014 Drobenak Méndez-Faith, T.(1997).Panoramasliterarios:Américahispana,:5557.Independence,KY: God createdher. intellectuals ofhertime.Shewasexpres Atenagórica, butshewantedthechancetoexpandhermindand accomplished thistask.SorJuanaknewtherisksinvolvedwithagreeingtowrite superiors inherlifethatshewasabletoparticipateanyintellectualactivity mental capacitytohavetheirownthought-outopinions.Hermotivationwasprovethe stating thatGodhimselfhadcreatedallpeople than capableofparticipatinginsuchanadvancedactivity.SorJuanaju the menwhowereallowedthatprivilege.Shedesperatelywantedtoproveshewasmore participate intheologicaldiscourse;however,SorJuanawasmoreintelligentthanthemajorityof versed. SorJuanalivedinaworldwhichwomendidnotbecomeintellectualbeings,letalone insatiable hungerforknowledgeandthatshehadspentherlifeself-educatingbecomingwell task ofprovingherself.InRespuestaSorFiloteawelearnthatJuanawasbornwithan not pleasedwiththeoutcomeofhercritiquebeingmadepublic; price. not followingtherulesthathadbeenintendedforher;therefore,sheultimatelytopay capabilities putherabovethoseunjustrules.Herdecisionwasnotfreeofguiltbecauseshe nun, shewassociallyraisedtobesubmissiveanddeferential,butfeltthatherinnate Grossi, V.(2007).LoslímitesdelafemineidadSorJuanaInésCruz.HispanicReview, Powell, L.D.(2011).ElisabethSchüüsslerFiorenzanewscholarawardfirst-placewinner:Sor Paz, O.(1982)SorJuanaInésdelaCruz,o,Lastrampasfe.Barcelona,Spain:Seix Pascual Buxó,J.(2012).LaslágrimasdeSorJuana:NuevosTextosunapolémicainconclusa Heinle &. Sor Juanaenduredapainfulandsadexistenceattheendofherlifesheclearlywas http://search.proquest.com /docview/227254830?accountid=40240 75(3), 316–320.Retrievedfromhttp://ezproxy.library.cabrini.edu/login?url= 11–30. RetrievedfromAcademicSearchPremier. critiqueof Juana's Barral,. International Index. (Spanish). RevistadeEstudiosHispanicos,44(2):363–397.RetrievedfromHumanities TheologicalArrogance.JournalofFeministStudiesinReligion,27(2): sing herselfintheonlywaysheknewhow,that Works Cited —men andwomentohavefreewillthe however, sheaccomplishedthe to debatewiththeother stified hercritique,by — andshe Carta

Mexico toprovetheilleffectsofculturaldominance. examined creativelytheculturaltensionsbetweenindigenousandSpanishculturesin cultural coexistenceaffectsone´sidentity.Finally,theessaydemonstratedhowFuentes existence. Inthisanalysis,theideaofmixedculturesisexaminedfurthertodeterminehow story´s characterandastonestatueofChacMool,Mayandeitywhosoughttoreclaimhuman cultural tensionsofMexicansociety.Thesefindexpressionintherelationship a textofmultiplelayers.Byapplyingvarietylit Abstract: Theshortstory“ChacMool”bywell-knownLatinAmericanauthorCarlosFuentesis Faculty Mentor:RaquelA.Green,Ph.D. Author: VictoriaGabriel “La búsquedadelaidentidaden‘ChacMool’” especialmente ensufamosocuento“ChacMool.”Ademásdetenerimportancia porserun vida. LahistoriadelaculturaMéxicotienemuchaimportanciaenobraCarlos Fuentes, la solidezdeidentidaddelpersonajesevesiempre vulnerablealoscambiosqueleimponesu mexicano. Enelcuento“ChacMool,”CarlosFuente s exploraestastensionesparamostrarcómo indígena yespañola.Yesapartirdelatensiónestasdosidentidadesqueseconfiguraelser una batallainternaentredosidentidades.Estasidentidadesformanpartedesudescendencia Haciendo ecoaestapostura,otrosafirmanquelosmexicanosbuscanconstantemente

En laspalabrasdelescritormexicanoOctavioPaz, bone onwhichreasonbreaksitsteeth.(2) one andthesame.Butotherrefusestodisappear;itsubsists,persists;ishard Identity [equals]reality,asif,intheend,everythingmustn The otherdoesnotexist:thisisrationalfaith,theincurablebeliefofhumanreason. erary techniques,Fuentesrecreatedthe

ecessarily andabsolutelybe reconciliar Gabriel Gabriel


Gabriel 17 Arts and Humanities | 2014 18 Arts and Humanities | 2014 Gabriel

y lamaneradeserindígena: La batallaentreesasdosidentidadesescausadaporlastensioneslamaneradeserespañola máscaras, ytodossesientendistantesdelmundodelasotraspersonas,einclusosímismos. en símismoconelfindeprotegerse.Pazdicequelacaraysonrisalosmexicanosson famosa obraEllaberintodelasoledad,Pazdescribealmexicanocomoalguienqueseencierra de cómoFuentesinterpretaeltemalaidentidadparalosmexicanos. artefacto históricodeMéxico,elChacMoolrepresentalaculturaindígenaMéxicoybase mexicanos tratandemantenervivaenlascostumbres españolas.Elcuentocaptacómoel dentro delrelatoporquerepresentalapurezadecultura indígenaenMéxicoquemuchos escritura deldiariodeFiliberto.Laselecciónartefacto deChacMooltienemuchosignificado artefacto indígenadelChacMoolycuandohaceque el“diosdeltrueno”tengaaccesoala postura quelosmexicanosllevanmáscarasparaocultarsedetrásdeellasyprotegersedelmundo. que eso(Fuentes).”ConestaspalabrasenbocadesupersonajeFiliberto,Fuentesaludeala todas lasomisionesqueimpidieronsurealización Desfilaron enmimemorialosañosdelasgrandesilusiones,pronósticosfelicesy,también con Pazcuandoelpersonajedelcuentoescribe,“Medisfracédetrásdelosexpedientes. existencia. Fuentesmencionaestaideaensurelato“ChacMool”yélparte Hay muchatensióncausadaporelintentodepretenderasimilarlasdosculturasenuna extent thathef midday, ofthesilencethatsurroundshim.Hedisguiseshishumansingularitytosuchan against, whichheleansattwilight,ofthedarkearthonstretchesouttorest The Indianblendsintothelandscapeuntilheisanindistinguishablepartofwhitewall Primero, esnecesarioexplicarlastensionesentredosidentidadesmexicanas.Ensu En estecuento,Fuenteshacealusiónalaconquistaespañolacuandodecide usarel (Paz 43) inally annihilatesitandturnsintoastone,tree,wall,silence,space . Losdisfracestanqueridos,nofueronmás

seestávinculando Gabriel Gabriel 2 .

México tiendeapertenecerungruposocialpobrey apesardetododelreconocimientosu problemas económicosquelagentenoesindígena (Yoshioka8).Lagenteindígenaen para señalarestarealidadenMéxico.Esunatristequelagente indígenasufremás clases socialescomienzanahacersemuyevidentes.Fuentes estáusandoesteaspectodelcuento egresados, dondeFilibertocomentasobrelosamigos quehantenidomáséxito,lasdivisionesde mexicana. ÉlcomentasobrelasdivisionesdeclasequeexistenenMéxico.Enlareunión profundo dentrodeltexto,esobvioqueFuentestieneencuentamuchosaspectosdelacultura referencias alosdiosesylaculturaindígenaensurelato.Conelfindehacerunanálisismás de CarlosFuentessobrelapérdidaculturaindígenaenMéxico.Fu dioses queexistentodavíaensumenteylamemoriadegentemexicana. El escritorquiererecordarelmundomexicanodesupasado,folklore ocurrieron enesaocasiónalllegarelChacMool(Reeve70).DeacuerdoaFuentes, exhibición deartemexicanoenunviajeporEuropa,ydebidoal su singularsangremestiza,tieneensusgeneslaunidaddelpasadoyelpresente(Reeve69 excavación delmetro,revelaronaúnmásentidadespasadoazteca.Hoyelmex descubrimientos arqueológicosdelsigloveinte,comolosquetuvieronlugardurantela caracterizada porloscontrastes,unlugarconpasadoculturalmuyantiguo.Los presente yelpasadosonunamezcladelamanerasermexicana.Méxicoes tarde entarde,atravésdeunmisterio,unaaparición,reflejo México perdidoparasiempreyque,sinembargo,seresisteamorirmanifiestade para todoslosmexicanos:hastaquégradosiguenvivaslasformas Fuentes dicequesuinspiraciónpara“ChacMool”vinodeunartículosobreuna Además deexpresarestaidea,granpartedelcuento“ChacMool”elaboralaperspectiva Los datosdelanotarojaartísticaenfocaronmiatenciónenunhechoevidente as lluviastorrencialesque . (Reeve70) desusancestrosylos entes agregaotras cosmológicas deun

icano, debidoa tierra

Gabriel Gabriel -70). s 3

Gabriel 19 Arts and Humanities | 2014 20 Arts and Humanities | 2014 Gabriel

El hechoqueFuentesexplicadecómolastensionespueden llegaraaniquilarlaintegridadde entre laculturaindígenayespañolabatalla necesari lectores sobrelaculturaindígenaenMéxico.Eneste cuento,elescritorexploralastensiones transición deunaformavidaaotraestandifícilpara lasin adaptación paraestaspersonas.Fuentesestáaludiendoatodoesoyexplicandoporquéla es comosuprimirunapartedesuser.Estoexplicaentoncesporquehaymuchosproblemas Esas creenciassuprimidassonmuysignificativasparalaspersonasindígenas,porquee reprimir otrascreenciasqueeranunaparteimportantedesuconcepcióndelmundoespiritual. creencias enlosindígenas.Estafuerzadelareligiónlesobligóaindígenassuprimiry buenas delareligiónindígenasehanolvidado.Losespañolesimpusieronyforzaronsus pudo mezclarbienconlascreenciasindígenasperoqueelproblemasedebeacualidades causados porlascreenciasreligiosasdeloses Fuentes criticaloscambioscausadosporlainquisiciónespañola,yespecialmente de lainfiltraciónlascreenciaseuropeas. entramos enlatramadelcuento,discuteconFilibertolascreenciasreligiosasdeMéxicodespués 9). FuentesenesecasoesastutorespectoasureferenciadelaculturaindígenaMéxico. derechos culturalesindígenas,estaspersonastodavíatienendificultadeseconómicas(Yoshioka En resumen,Fuenteshaconfabuladoen“ChacMool” unmensajedirigidoatodoslos en ellos.(Fuentes) son rechazados.YtodoenMéxicoeseso:hayquemataraloshombresparapodercreer novedosa delareligiónindígena.Losaspectoscaridad,amoryotramejilla,en sentido cálido,sangriento,desacrificioyliturgia,sevuelveunaprolongaciónnatural arranquen elcorazón,¡caramba,jaquemateaHuitzilopochtli!Elcristianismo,ensu Pero unDiosalquenolebastasesacrifiquenporél,sinoinclusovaa Igualmente, otroejemplodeestoescuandoPepe,elpersonajeapa

pañoles. Fuentessugierequeelcristianismose dígenas. a pararesolverestastensiones. rtir decuyalectura cambio, Gabriel Gabriel

llos 4

Yoshioka, H.(2010).Indigenouslanguageusageandmaintenancepatternsamong Reeve, R.M.Fuentes“ChacMool”:Itsancestorsandprogeny.Mester,11ucla_spanport_ Paz, O.(1985).ThelabyrinthofsolitudeL.Kemp Fuentes, C.(2013).ChacMool.CiudadSevaLuisLopez,12December1995.Retrievedfrom de suidentidadyquesonvitalesparaeldesarrollohumanopleno. dominación cultural.EnMéxico,losindígenassiguenreprimiendocreenciasquedefinenparte una personasirveparailustrarlaspoderosasconsecuenciaspsicológicasqueproducetoda mester_13665. Retrievedfromhttp://escholarship.ucop.edu/uc/item/931054w7 http://www.ciudadseva.com/textos Bibliography. American ResearchReview,45(3):5-34.RetrievedfromtheMLA people intheeraofneoliberalmulticulturalismMexicoandGuatemala. Obras Citadas /cuentos/esp/fuentes/chac.htm (Trans.).NewYork,NY:GrovePress.

International Latin indigenous Gabriel Gabriel 5

Gabriel 21 Arts and Humanities | 2014 Social Sciences

22 psychological illnesses. illnesses. psychological mindfulness practices as an alternative or adjunctive therapy should be considered to heal those suffer who from that yoga exposure has greater positive effects onstress and related behaviors, further exploration of yoga depression, ability to cope with trauma and ability to cope with illness. Although nosignificant findings indicated ability and with trauma illness. to with asignificant cope However, correlation fou was and a high- at practitioners members, gym local students, College Cabrini included participants The illness. survey assessed the participants’ levels of stress, depression, addictive behaviors and ability to cope with trauma and benefits, the 30participants practice who yoga and the 30participants who study focused on the benefits of yoga and mindfulness practices on stress and related illnesses. To measure the alternative therapy, offering patients em an mind the illnesses, physical and Faculty Mentor:Dr.MelissaTerlecki Author: ErinKrasnowiecki chronic, andphysicalillnesses,themind–bodyapproachhasbecomeanincreasinglypopular Although severaltreatmentsandtherapies techniques intheworld“withmorethan15millionpractitioners intheUnitedStates”(p.89) many illnesses.AsTaylor(2003)noted,yogaisoneofthemostpopularmindandbody For morethanathousandyears,yogaandmindfulness meditationhasbeenusedtoheal The findingsThe nosignificant showed effect of yoga practice onstress, addiction, depression, ability to cope Although several therapies treatments and Although are psychological, available suffer from chronic, to those who end, yoga clothing store. Yoga andMindfulnessasaTherapeuticTechniqueforTreatingStress

– body approach has been proven byother researchers to be an adjunctive or

powering to way heal the bodyfrom the inside out. researcher’s The are availabletothosewhosufferfrompsychological, Illnesses Abstract

do not practice yoga were compared. The nd between stress, addiction,

a local yoga studio and . 1 23 Social Sciences | 2014 24 Social Sciences | 2014 Krasnowiecki Fletc & Williams,1994;Teasedaleetal.,2000)andanxiety disorders(Kabat Stellars, 1986),bingeeatingdisorders(Kristeller&Hallett,1999),depression(Teasdale,Segal, (Kabat-Zinn, 1982;KabatZinn,Lipworth,&Burney1985;Lipworth,Burney, psychological disorders.Ithasbeenprovenanadjunctivetherapyforchronicpainconditions Mindfulness BasedStressReduction(MSBR)isatechniqueusedtotreatmanyphysicaland treating suchillnesses,fewtechniquesareknownfordevelopingpositivepsychologicalskills. illnesses. Althoughwell Freedman, 273). Sharma, Sharma,&Sood,2009;Kissen-Kohn,Daleetal.,Dittman associated withstress,historyofabuse,addiction,andeatingdisorders(Hamilton restructured, andnewskillscanbedevelopedinpeoplewithchronicillnesses,lifestylediseases Through thepracticeofawareness,observation,acceptance,andtolerance,mindcanbe practice hasbenefitedawiderangeofpeoplewithmentalillnessesandphysicalailments. aware inthepresentmomentbyfocusinginwardand postures, orpranayama,meditationthroughbreath,thepracticereinforcesindividualtobe Whether practicingShavasna,arelaxingpostureofstillness,asanasthephysicalmovement heal thebodyfrominsideout.Themindfulnesspracticecomesinalldif intervention (Hamilton,Kitzman,&Gyotte2006),offeringpatientsanempoweringwayto (Baer, 2003;Levine2000)withMSBR,themindfulnessmeditationtechnique has tradition thatemphasizesthetransformationofexistenceby transformation her, &Kabat-Zinn,1995).Bycombiningcognitivebehavioraltherapy (CBT),a Mindfulness meditationhasincreasinglybeenusedintreatingphysicalandpsychological -developed medicaltreatmentsandeffectivetherapies accepting thebodyandmindasitis.The -Zinn etal.,1992;Miller, ferent forms. are availablefor ofthoughts etal.,2006; affected western 2 Metacognition involvesone’sbeliefsaboutthenature andmeaningofthoughts.Teasda functioning. strengthening one’sattentionalcontrol,it brain function,whichisimportantinruminationofthoughts, asymptomofdepression.By (2002) suggestedthattheprobablecausewasmindfulnessmeditationincreasesanterior overall indexofmood.Inrecentinvestigations,Seigal,Steinahuer,Thase,Stenger generate new,novelsolutionstoproblem,thusshowingfewersymptomsandanincreasein meditation enabledthepatientstoreducethoughtlesscopingand and postinterventionchangesofsymptomsoverallindexmood.Exposuretomindfulness necessary forchronicallyillpatientstomaintainnormallevelsoffunctioning. The practiceofkeepingthemindinnowandfocusingon fundamentals ofpositivepsychology.Attentionregulationistheprimaryprocessmeditation. thoughts, feelings,emotions,healthandillness,mindfulnessmeditationcanpromotethe Therefore, themeansandmodalityofCBTmindfulnessmeditationaredifferent. Rather, itisthepracticeoflearningtoliveandacceptemotionratherthanpush mindfulness meditationdoesnotemphasizethepathologybehindthoughtsorgoalofchange. psychology. AlthoughthegoalofCBTandmindfulnessmeditationistoeliminatesuffering, schemas. cognitive operations,includingattentionregulation,metacognitive In Kabat-Zinn’s(1982)studyofdepressionandanxiety,patientswereevaluatedonpre Changes inone’smetacognitionhavealsoyieldedchanges indepressedpatients. Hamilton etal.(2006)supportedmindfulnessasalinkbetweenCBTandpositive By strengtheningone’sattentionregulation,metacognitiveskillsandschemas might produceobservablechangesinanterior daily goalsdespitethepainis to increasetheirability skills, andproblematic

, andCarter ing itaway.

related to le etal.’s Krasnowiecki 3 25 Social Sciences | 2014 26 Social Sciences | 2014 Krasnowiecki therapy andpositivepsychology. disability hasprovenmindfulnessmeditationasamissing linkbetweencognitivebehavioral metacognitive skills.Thedecreaseofdepressivesymptom activate negativeschemasbydevelopingattentionregulation andstrengtheningone message ofacceptinghasallowedchronicallyillpatientsto learn tolivewiththepain,acceptphysicalillness,andtesttheirlimits.Theconstant mindfulness meditationhasallowedpatientstochangetheirschemasaboutdisability.They and acceptingway(Kabat-Zinn,1982,1990).Ratherthanfightingtheirphysicaldisabilities, encourage anonjudgmentalapproachtoobserveratherthanchallengethought. change andchallengeathoughtbyidentifyingwithitspathology,mindfulnessmeditationcan western medicalethicofCBTisthatthequalityliferequireschange.Ratherthanstrivingto behindthe and modesofCBTmindfulnessmeditation(Kabat-Zinn,1990).Thebelief and “thoughtlesscoping”(Kabat-Zinn,1982). schema, depressedpatientscanlearntoappraisestressorsmoreeffectively,lettinggoofhabitual observe externaleventswithoutassociating episodes. Bychangingtheschemathroughmindfulnessmeditation,patientshavelearnedto states ofunpleasantemotion. emotion states,viewingthemasreflectionofrealityandparttheself,ratherthantemporary (2002) metacognitvemodelofdepressionacknowledgedaspoordifferentiation The mindfulnessmeditationpracticecanchangethemagnitude ofnegativethoughtsthat Chronically illpatientshavebenefitedfromapproachingtheirillnessinanonjudgmental The “non-striving”attitudebehindacceptingthecontentsofschemasdiffersinmeans The negativeschemasthatdepressedpeopletendtocreatearesaidtriggerdepressive them withtheself.Bychangingnegative s, chronicillness,andphysical liveinafunctionalway.

’s 4 rates ofmorbidity,disabilityandprematuredeaths lifestyle diseasescausedbychronicstress combat thephysiologicaleffectsofstress. testing theeffectsofShavasnaoncardio-respiratoryparameters,itshowedhowyoga could was reducedafter10minutesofShavasna,andthemost4weeksShavasna training. By The resultsshowedthatthestressinducedCPTproducedriseinallthreevariables,but received theCPTandweremeasuredontheirbloodpressure,pulserate,respiratoryrate. inducing stress.TotesttheeffectivenessofShavasnaonstress,60studentsbetweenAges18–25 effectively. training canincreasetheparasympathetictone,modulatingsympatheticresponsestostressmore that promotesrelaxation,regulatesbreath,andtonesthewholenervoussystem.Shavasn time fromstress-inducedstimuli.Shavasna,knownasthedead/corpsepose,isayogicposition lifestyle diseasescanbereducedandeventuallycured. body techniquessuchasmeditation,stressrelaxationtechniques,yoga disorders, mentalillness,andpsychosomaticdisorders.Ithasbeensuggestedthat,throughmind– Some modernlifestylediseasescausedbystressincludeobesity,eatingdisorders,mood developingalifestyle detrimental effectsonthebody,increasingchancesof onthemindandbody.Chronicstresscanhaveextremely behind chronicstressanditseffects onthemind,Sharmaetal.(2009)acknowledgedphysiology chronic diseasesanditseffects Although Hamiltonetal.(2006)recognizedthepsychologicalassociationsbehind Integral healthandholisticmedicineclinicshave Sharma etal.assessedthestudent’srecoverytimefromacoldpressortest(CPT) Sharma etal.(2009)devisedastudytotesttheeffectivenessofShavasnaonrecovery

become responsibleforreducingthe , anddietarychanges, -related disease. a 5 Krasnowiecki 27 Social Sciences | 2014 28 Social Sciences | 2014 Krasnowiecki p. 89),washypothesizedtobettertheimpactofabuseonpsychologicalfunctioning. benefits ofyoga,“onethemostcommonlypracticedmind tend tosufferfrommooddisturbancesanddissociationthemindbody;therefore, determine whetheryogawouldbehelpfultowomenwhoexperiencedabuse.Abusesurvivors coping styleandendorsedyogabenefitsthroughself functioning anddevelophealthiercopingskills. postures andbreathwerehypothesizedasaneffectivestrategytonormalizeexecutive struggle tomobilizefromareactives automatic responsetostress,evenwhenstressmightnotexist,suggestedthatvictimsofabuse to “tune”theirautonomicnervoussysteminpreparationforfight physiologically restructuringtheirstressresponse.Aphysiologicalbasisexistsforabusevictims physiology topreventandcurelifestylediseases. physiologists haveblendedthemodernscienceofbody,breath,andmindwithapplied (Sharma etal.,2009).Usingtheknowledgeofstress’sphysiologicalimpactonmindandbody, experienced abuse. a therapeutictechniqueandalternativetotraditionalpsychotherapy forthosewhohave concept, dysfunctionalcopingskills,andendorsedyoga benefits.Thefindingssupportedyogaas disturbances inmood,women’syogaexperiencewas the greatestcontributortotheiroverallself Although abusehistoryattributedtolowerself By measuringwomenwithahistoryofchildoradultabuseon The mind–bodytechniquehasappliedtoabusevictimswhoarealsoinneedof tate toacalmstate.Thecalmingeffectsofyogathrough

-report, Daleetal.(2009)testedto -concept, dysfunctionalcopingskills,and –body approaches”(Taylor,2003, -orflight behaviors.The their mood,self

-concept, 6 - become lessdependentonexternalfactors,andmore dependent ontheinnerself( allow onetoletgoofpainfulfeelingswithoutcoveringthemup.Self With repeatedattentiontothenow, (Kissen &Kissen control cancomefromcreating warmth andusuallygotoabottle,pills,sex,orfoodfindthatsenseofsafety.A environment, whiletheexperiencecancreatewarmthwithinbody.Manyaddictslongfor and motorfunctioningofthebody.Repetitionisimportantbecauseitcancreateacomforting andself hypothesized tostrengthenonesexecutivefunctions destructive cycles.Byconnectingtothebodythroughmindfulnessmeditation,yogahasbeen Yoga involvespracticingwithintentionaroundthebody,whichusuallyliesatcenterofself to disownself-soothingcapabilitiesandprojectthemtheouterenvironment(Krystal,1978). alter one’sconsciousnessandegofunctioningthataffectaddictivebehavior.Addictstend Kissen offered towomenabusevictimshasextendedthosewhosufferfromaddict and focusingontheimmediacyofnow,withoutfleeing fromthediscomfort.Thetherapeutic Kissen -Kohn (2009)suggestedthattheself -Kohn, 2009). The developmentofhealthycopingskillsandexecutivefunctioningthatyogahas Yoga canprovideanatmospherewithouttheself Repeating posturesandstretches,whileusingthebreath,hasallowedmasteryinsensory Letting goofaddictionthroughyogaisamindfulprocess thatinvolvesscan -Kohn, 2009). one’s ownsafety;somethingthataddictsdidnotthinkexisted one canfocusonthebodyandemptymind.Yoga -soothing skillsdevelopedinyogameditationcan -destructive behaviorsofaddiction. -soothing capabilities. -soothing capabilitiescan ion. Kissenand Kissen ning thebody and - Krasnowiecki 7 29 Social Sciences | 2014 30 Social Sciences | 2014 Krasnowiecki disorders. bodies. Theseimprovementssupportedyogaasanadjunctive therapyinthetreatmentofeating showed improvementinallvariables,withgreaterself that yogaandassociatedspiritualityhadapositiveeffectonthesampleofwomen.The women whether thespiritualreasonscontributedtogreaterBA,BR, IE, andBS,buttheydiddetermine who practicedyogaforphysicalreasons.Dittman for spiritualreasonshadmoreinfluenceonbodyimag BA, BR,BS,IE,andSR.DittmanFreedmanhypothesizedthatwomenwhopracticedyoga study predictedthatreasonsforpracticingyogawouldresultinhigherscoresthewomen’s satisfaction (BS),intuitiveeating(IE),spiritualreadiness(SR),andreasons questioned onvariablessuchasbodyawareness(BA),responsiveness(BR), included 157womenwhowerepractitionersofyogaandatleast18yearsage.They attitudes towardstheirbodysatisfactionanddisorderedeatinghabits.Thestudiessampl awareness andacceptanceofoneself. inw mind, body,andspiritcanforcethefocus the bodyasanobject,andsomethingoutsideofoneself and strengths.Theself Women experiencingbodydissatisfactiontendtodevaluetheirpersonalsk improving bodydissatisfactionanddisorderedeatinginwomen(Dittman&Freedman,2009). harmful behaviorsandheighteningone’strustwithin. effect canreinforceamorerespectful,caringwaytotreatthebody,protectingbodyagainst Dittman andFreedman(2009)examinedhowposturalyogacaninfluencewomen’s The therapeuticeffectofyogaalongwithaspiritualcounterparthasalsobeenhelpfulin -objectification cancreateadisconnectbetweenmindandbody,viewing

ard bylisteningtothebodywhilecreatinggreater andFreedmanwereunabletodiscover

e anddisorderedeatinghabitsthenthose -acceptance andappreciationoftheir . Theyogicphilosophyofjoining ills, characteristics, for practicing.The e 8

research questionwas,“Doesexposuretoyogaandmin dfulness practiceimprovelevelsof used toexaminefurtherhowpeoplecouldbenefitfromyogaandmindfulnesspractices. illnesses atlarge.Stressanditsrelatedarereal worldproblemssoappliedresearch is particulartoageneraldisorder, not beenfound.Althoughresearchershaveunabletoidentifywhichmind have createdmorebenefitsthanharm. not providewhichmindbodytechniqueisparticulartoageneraldisorder,mindfulnesspractices adjunctive therapyisthelackofanactivecontrolgrou accepting andcaringattitudes of thebodyandmindhasledthosewitheatingdisorderstoconnecttheirbody,generating encouraged tofeelthepain,ratherthancoveritup.Feelingbodilysensationsthrough their autonomicnervoussystem,benefitingfight-orflightresponsetostressors. By blendingthemind–bodytechniquewithappliedphysiology,abusevictimshaverestructured mind bywhichtheyhaveblendedthebreath,andbodytechniquewithappliedphysiology. have gainedgreaterknowledgeofthe the physiologicalawarenessofchronicstressanditsassociatedlifestylediseases.Physiologists (Hamilton etal.,2006).Thepsychologicalawarenessofchronicallyillpatientshasextendedto illnesses tochangetheirattentionalregulation,metacognitive of physicalandmentalillnesses.Themind Yoga asanadjunctivetherapyhasbeeneffectivelyexercisedinpeoplewithawiderange The researcherusedsystematicinfluencebytakingexistingresearchandtestingwhathas Yoga’s effectonhealthierresponsesandreactionshasalsobenefitedaddicts,whoare . Thelimitationofmindfulnessmeditationasanalternativeor the researcherwasinterestedinlookingatstressandrelated detrimental andfataleffectsofstressonthebody –body techniquehasallowedpatientswithchronic p. Eventhoughthepracticeofyogadoes skills, andnegativeschemas –body technique awareness The was Krasnowiecki 9 31 Social Sciences | 2014 32 Social Sciences | 2014 Krasnowiecki the onlyspecificcaseofinterest.Haphazardly, breath, pranyama,whichallyogaclassesoffer. based emphasizedmovingthebodythroughaseriesofpostures yoga. researcher enlisted30participantswhopracticedyogaanddidnotpractice in Wayne,PA.CabriniCollegestudentsfromRadnor,PA gym, ClubLaMaison,andahigh-end,yogaclothingstore,Lululemon,allofwhichwerelocated all differentages.Thesampleswerecollectedfromaprivateyogastudio,VergeYoga,local Participants practitioners onthefivedependentvariables. The researcherspecificallymeasuredthedifferencebetweenyogapractitionersandnon participant’s levelofstress,depression,addiction,andabilitytocopewithtraumaillness. illnesses wouldimprove. practices increase,levelsofstress,depression,addiction,abilitytocopewithtrauma theresearcherhypothesizedthat,asexposuretoyogaandmindfulness illnesses. Therefore, Yoga andmindfulnessmeditationcanbeatherapeutictechniquefortreatingstressrelated stress, depression,addiction,abilitytocopewithtrauma,andillness?” The samplesweregatheredthroughnonprobability,quotasampling.Yogaexposurewas A specif The targetsamplewasmaleandfemaleyogapractitionersnon The independentvariablewasyogapracticeandthedependent ic typeofyogawasnottargetedbecausetheresearch on whichthestudywas Methods

the 30participantswhopracticedyogaand , alsoparticipatedinthestudy.The , asaynas,withfocusonthe -yoga practitionersof the , and -yoga 10 practitioners ofyogaandnonpractitionersyoga.The in atable. Likert scalewasusedtoscoretheanswersinsurveyand thecorrelationsweredemonstrated practitioners wasmeasuredbyobservinghowyogapracticeaffectedtheirbehavior. A the abilitytocopewithtraumaandillness. the naturalcontrolgroup,giventhatsubjects’exposuretoyogawasnotmanipulated. practitioners servedasthenaturalexperimentalgroupand facto becauseitmeasuredanaturallyoccurringevent:engagementinyoga. also examinedbetweenyogapractitionersandnon ability tocopewithtraumaandillness.Throughdifferentialresearch,group direction, betweenexposuretoyogaandlevelsofstress,depression,addictivebehaviors, enabled correlationalresearch,allowingtheresearchertoobserverelationship,strength,and Materials yoga wereusedasanaturalcontrolgroup.Aplacebogroupwasnot. yoga exposurewouldaffectstressandrelatedillnesses,theparticipantswhodidnotpractice yoga wereobserved.Theparticipants’exposuretowasnotmanipulatedToobservehow researcher targetedparticipantsfromspecificlocationsthatofferedyoga. participants whodidnotpracticeyogaweregathered The studywasconductedinMarch2013.researcher createdthesurveyfor The surveyquestionsspecificallymeasuredstress,depression,addictiv A low-constraintdesignwasusedbyconductingasurveyoftheparticipants.The The experimentalgroupwasdefaultbynaturebecausethosewhonaturallypracticed The researchwasalsohigh-constraintandquasiexperimental.designexpost The intensityamongyogapractitionersandnon -yoga practitioners. . Thesamplewaspurposivebecausethe participants weregatheredfromalocal the non-yogapractitionersservedas

The yoga differences were e behaviors,and 5-point -yoga 11 Krasnowiecki 33 Social Sciences | 2014 34 Social Sciences | 2014 Krasnowiecki desk. ThemanagersatVergeYogastudioandLululemon inWayne,PA PA. Onceapprovalwasreceived,theresearcherdistributedahandfulof surveys tothefront distributed tothegymwheresheisemployed.Thegym,ClubLa Maison,islocatedinWayne, Procedure to thebenefitsofyoga. could havediffusedtreatmentknowingthattheywerenotassignedtothegroup being comparedtoyogapractitionersobservehowdecreasesthelifestyleillnesses,they disclosure ofpersonalinformation.Inaddition,ifnonpractitionersdiscoveredthattheywere confound becauseparticipantscouldoptoutofcompletingthesurveyforreasonssuchas By usingquotasampling,theresearcherobtained30participantsforeachsubgroup. the surveyswerereturned,theydividedintoyogapractitionersandnon Scale. A5-pointLikertsca Scale; andBonanno,Pat-HorenczykNoll’s(2011)PerceivedAbilitytoCopewithTrauma PROMIS Questionnaire;Felton,Revenson,andHinrichsen’s(1984)Illness-RelatedCoping Lovibond andLovibond’s(1996)DepressionAnxietyStressScale;Christoetal.(2003)Shorter addiction, andabilitytocopewithtraumaillnesses.Thequestionsweregatheredfrom frequency ofyogapractice.Specificquestionswereusedtomeasurestress,depression, students inRadnor,PA.Thesurvey’sdemographicsincludedgender,age,favoriteactivity,and Lululemon, alllocatedinWaynePA.ParticipantswerealsogatheredfromCabriniCollege yoga studio,VergeYoga,alocalgym,ClubLaMaison,high the surveyscouldbe The firststepinconductingtheresearchwastoaskarelative if Some ethicalconcernswerethesensitivityofquestions.Attritionwasalsoapotential le wasusedtoscorethesurvey,from5(moreof)1less.Once -end, yogaclothingstore, , agreedtogathertheir -yoga practitioners. that wasexposed

12 58)=1.10, p=.29,andabilitytocopewithtraumaF(1,58)=1.55, p=.22. Thus,therewereno depression F(1,58)=1.24,p.27,stress58)=2.95, p=.09, abilitytocopewithillnessF(1, were nosignificantdifferencesbetweenthetw addiction, depression,stress,abilitytocopewithillness andabilitytocopewithtrauma.There yoga practitionersandnon-onthefollowingfivedependentvariables: yoga hadcompletedasurvey. distributed until30respondentswhopracticedyogaanddidnotpractice time, theresearchergatheredcompletedsurveysfromeachmanager.Thewere each manageragreedtonotifytheresearcheronceallofsurveyswerecompleted,atwhich participate inthestudy.Oncetheywereapproved,surveysdistributedtoeachlocationand contacted themanagersandaskedthemiftheytheiremployeeswouldbewillingto surveys wereself their surveyswhiletheresearcherremainedinroomandreturned by distributingthesurveystostudentsatbeginningoftheirPilatesclass.Studentsfilledout benefits ofmindfulmovementonstressandrelatedbehaviors. debriefed andtoldthenatureofstudy.Theywereawarethatresearchwasassessing allowed metodistributethesurveystudent’sinherPilatesclass.Eachmanagerwas fellow employeestocompletethesurvey.Additionally,yogainstructoratCabriniCollege A multivariateANOVAwasconductedtodeterminesignifican The surveywascompletelyoptional.researcherguidedtheatCabriniCollege -administered atClubLaMaison,Lululemon,andVergeYoga.Theresearcher Results o groupsandaddictionF(1,58)=.06,p.80,

them uponcompletion.The t differencesbetween 13 Krasnowiecki 35 Social Sciences | 2014 36 Social Sciences | 2014 Krasnowiecki observe ifyogaexposurehasgreaterpositiveeffectson stress,depression,addictive better abilitytocopewithtraumayieldedmoreaddiction andstress. (or less)addiction.Surprisingly,betterabilitytoco (or less)addictionanddepression.Independentofstress,moredepressionyielded significant relationshipsamongstthestressrelatedillnesses. depression (r=.52,p<.001).Effectsizesrangedfrommoderatetolarge.Thus,therewerem stress (r=.20,p.12).Comparatively,wassignificantly,positivelycorrelatedwith significantly, positivelycorrelatedwithdepression(r=.26,p.05)buthadnocorrelation .11, p=.41)andabilitytocopewithillness(r–.15,.25).Copingwas negatively correlatedwithstress(r=–.46,p<.001)buthadnocorrelationdepression ability tocopewithillness(r=.24,p.07).Abilitytraumawassignificantly, negatively correlatedwithtrauma( depression (r=.46,p<.001)andstress.33,.01).Addictionwasalsosignificantly, that themajorityofvariableswererelated.Addictionwassigni related. TheresultsofthecorrelationalanalysisarepresentedinTable1. depression, stress,abilitytocopewithillnessandtrauma,weresignificantly trauma. levels ofaddiction,depression,stress,abilitytocopewithtraumaand significant differencesbetweenyogapractitionersandnon As outlinedpreviously,yogapractitionersandnon-werecompared to Pearson’s rwasalsocomputedtoseeifthefivebehavioralvariables:addiction, r=–.29, p.02)butwasnotsignificantlycorrelatedwith Discussion pe withillnessyieldedmoredepressionand -yoga practitionersonreported More (orless)stressyieldedmore ficantly, positivelycorrelatedwith

The f indings showed behaviors, any 14 meditation posesincreasedrecoverytimefromthestressor.Thefindings ofthestudysupported By exposingtheirparticipantstoatemporarystressor,theyfoundthat exposure toyogic focused onthephysiologybehindtemporarychronicstress anditseffectsonthemindbody. levels ofdepressionandincreasedabilitytocopewithillnessthannon -yoga practitioners. findings intheresearcher’sstudydidnotsupporthypothesisthatyogapractitionershadlower developing attentionregulationandstrengtheningonesmetacognitiveskills. activate negativeschemasindepressed,chronicallyillandphysic demonstrated thatmindfulnesspracticescouldchangethemagnitudeofnegativethoughts change andchallengeunhealthythoughts,positivepsychology. missing linkbetweenCognitiveBehavioralTherapy(CBT),aformoftherapythats mindfulness practicescouldpromotethefundamentalsofpositivepsychologybyservingasa psychological associatesbehindchronicdiseasesanditseffectsonthemind.Theybelievedthat depression andincreasedabilitytocopewithillness. conducted byHamiltonetal.(2006)toobservewhetheryogapracticeresultsinlowerlevelsof treatments fortreatingsuchillnesses.Theresearcher’sstudywasbasedonpreviousresearch illnesses. Previousresearchershaveacknowledgedthelackofwell correlated, significantrelations stress, depression,addictivebehaviors,andabilitytocopewithtraumaillnesswere as anadjunctive–alternativetherapyfortreatingstressandrelatedillnesses.However,when greater positiveeffectsontheabovevariables,thus and abilitytocopewithtraumaillness.Theresultsdidnotsupportthatyogapracticehas The researcheralsoobservedwhetheryogapracticedecreasesstress.Sharma etal.(2009) Mindfulness practiceshaveincreasinglybeenusedintreatingphysicalandpsychological hips betweenthevariables , rejectingpreviousresearchthatyogaserves Kitzman, andGuyotterecognizedthe wereapparent. ally disabledpatientsby -developed medical Kitzman, andGuyotte However, the trives to 15 Krasnowiecki 37 Social Sciences | 2014 38 Social Sciences | 2014 Krasnowiecki and non-yogapractitioners. Kissen and heighteningone’strustwithin.However,theresearcher’s findingsdidnotcoincidewiththe a morerespectful,caringwaytotreatthebody,pro exposure, yogaservedasanalternative–adjunctivetherapythatreducedaddictionbyreinforcing link tomasteringsensoryandmotorfunctioningofthebody.Theyfoundthatthroughrepeated addictive behavior.Kissenand-Kohnacknowledgedtheimportanceofrepetition who foundthatexposuretoyogacouldalterone’sconsciousnessandegofunctioning coping skillsandnon-yogapractitionersskills. trauma. However,theresearcherfoundnosignificantdifferencesbetweenyogapractitioners coping skills,thus,supportingyogaasatherapeutictechniqueforthosewhohaveexperienced state. Thef et al.acknowledgedthatvictimsoftraumastruggletomobilizefromareactivestatecalm to copewithtraumadiscoverwhetheryogapracticewouldresultsinbettercopingskills.Dale findings, theresearchercomparedyogapractitioners’andnon-ability therapy forreducingtheimpactofabuseonpsychologicalfunctioning. findings. practitioners andnon-yogastresslevels whole nervoussystem.InSharmaetal.’sstudy,nosignificantdifferencesbetweenyoga yoga practiceasatrainingtechniquethatpromotesrelaxation,regulates andKissen-Kohn’sfindings.Addictivebehaviorwasnotdifferentforyoga practitioners Finally, theresearcherusedpreviousfindingsbyKissenand-Kohn(2009) Dale indings showedthatyogaposturesandbreathresultedinbetterself et al.(2009)alsofoundthatyogapracticeservedasanalternative–adjunctive tecting thebodyagainstharmfulbehaviors werefound,thusrejectingtheresearcher’s Using Daleetal.’s breath, andtonesthe -concept and affect to affect ’ 16 use ofsensitivematerial,andhistory.Thes stress andrelatedillnesses. therapy foralloftheabovevariables,encouragesfurtherexploration ofyogaanditsrelationto and illnessweresignificantlyrelatedbasedonprevious researchofyogaasanadjunctive yielded moreaddictionandstress. better abilitytocopewithillnessyieldedmoredepressionandabil Independent ofstress,more(orless)depressionyieldedaddiction.Surprisingly, significantly correlated.More(orless)stressyieldedmoreaddictionanddepression. from moderatetolargeeffectsizes.Thus,themajorityofstress that traumawassignificantly,negativelycorrelatedwithdepression.Thestudy’sfindingsranged trauma alsohadnocorrelationwithabilitytocopeillness.Comparatively,thestudyfound significantly, positivelycorrelatedwithdepression. correlated withdepression,butithadnocorrelationwithstress.However,was correlation withabilitytocopeillness.Copingillnesswassignificantly,positively significantly, negativelycorrelatedwithtrauma.Comparatively,addictionhadnosignificant depression, andtheabilitytocopewithtraumaillness. found betweenthetwogroups,significantrelationshipswerestress,addiction, who practiceyogaandtheparticipantsdonotyoga.Althoughnodifference The limitationsofthisstudyincludeasmall,homogenous samplesize,socialdesirability, From thefindingsthatstress,addiction,depression,andabilitytocopewithtrauma Depression hadnocorrelationwithabilitytocopetrauma.Ability Addiction wassignificantly,positivelycorrelatedwithdepressionandstress The researcherattemptedtoconfirmpreviousfindingsbycomparing ample sizeincluded30participantswhopracticed

-related illnesseswere ity tocopewithtrauma the participants , andwas was 17 Krasnowiecki 39 Social Sciences | 2014 40 Social Sciences | 2014 Krasnowiecki the inclusionofyogaandmindfulnesspracticeasanalternative, adjunctiveandeffectivetherapy physical illnessisaworldwideissuethatmanytreatmentsandtherapiesareunabletotreat.With research becausetheprevalenceofmanypeoplewho suffer frompsychological, yoga asanadjunctive–alternativetherapycanbefurtherexplored.Itisimportanttoextendthe Through revisionandamorediversepopulationwith ahistoryofstressandrelatedillnesses, yoga andmindfulnesspracticesdonotbenefitthosewhosufferfromstressrelatedillnesses. depression, addiction,andtheabilitytocopewithtraumaillness, might benefitthestudy,creatinggreaterresultsthatsupportpastresearch. favorable andcorrespondedtowhattheresearcherwaslookingfor.Infu they hadtoanswersensitivematerial.Theparticipants desirability. Manyoftheparticipantsknewnatureandresearcherbehindstudybywhich previous orpresentstressandrelatedillnesses size larger andmorediverseinthefuture.Perhaps participants were30yearsandolder,all middle- tohighincometownscloseinparameter,RadnorandWayne,PA.Onlyeightofthe homogenous innature.Themajorityofparticipantswere20 studio andclothingstoreandnon-yogapractitionerswerefromCabriniCollege,alllocations participants werepredominantlyfemale.Yogapractitionersfromalocal,well yoga and30participantswhodidnotpracticeyoga.Therewerenoagelimitsthe were toincludeparticipants25yearsandolderbecausetheywouldhaveagreaterhistoryof Although theresearcherfoundnosignificanteffectsbetweenyogaexposureandstress, Other limitationsofthecurrentstudyincludeddemandcharacteristicsandsocial of whompracticedyoga.Thesamplesizecouldbe , findingswouldbemoresignificantifthesample . might haveansweredinawaythatwas –25 yearsold,Caucasian,andfrom this doesnotmeanthat

ture, anonymity chronic, and -known yoga 18 Bonanno, G.A.,Pat-Horenczyk,R.,&Noll,J.(2011).Copingflexibilityandtrauma: Baer, R.(2003).Mindfulnesstrainingasaclinical Antony, M.M.,Bieling,P.J.,Cox,B.Enns,W.,&Swinson,R.(1998).Psychometric available tothosewhosufferinthefuture. mind–body approachcanreducetheprevalenceoflifestylediseasesandinc for treatingstress,addiction,depression,andabilitytocopewithtraumaillness,the Dale, L.P.,Carroll,E.,Galen,G.C.,Schein,R.,Bliss, A.,Mattison,A.M.,&Neace,W. Christo, G.,Jones,S.L.,Haylett,S.,Stephenson,G.M.,Lefever,R.M.H.,& review. ClinicalPsychology:ScienceandPractice,10 doi:10.1037/1040–3590.10.2.176 clinical groupsandacommunitysample. properties ofthe42-itemand21versionsdepressionanxietystressscalesin doi:10.1016/S0306-4603(01)002313 Research, Practice,andPolicy,3(2),117–129.doi:10.1037/a0020921 perceived abilitytocopewithtrauma(PACT)scale. (2009). Yogapracticemaybufferthedeleteriouseffects ofabuseonwomen’sself assessment ofmultipleaddictivebehaviours. (2003). TheshorterPROMISquestionnaire:Furthervalidationofatoolforsimultaneous References Psychological Assessment,10(2),176–181. intervention: Aconceptualandempirical Addictive Behaviors Psychological Trauma:Theory, (2), 125–143. , 28(2),225–248. rease thetreatments The - P. 19 Krasnowiecki 41 Social Sciences | 2014 42 Social Sciences | 2014 Krasnowiecki Kabat-Zinn, J.(1990).Fullcatastropheliving:Usingthewisdomofyourbody andmindtoface Kabat-Zinn, J.(1982).Anoutpatientprograminbehavioralmedicineforchronicpainpatients Hamilton, N.A.,Kitzman,H.,&Guyotte,S.(2006).Enhancinghealthandemotion:mindfulness Felton, B.J.,Revenson,T.A.,&Hinrichsen,G.A.(1984).Stressandcopingintheexplanation Dittman, K.A.,&Freedman,M.R.(2009).Bodyawareness,eatingattitudes,andspiritual

47. stress, painandillness.NewYork,NY:Delacorte. based onthepracticeofmindfulnessmeditation. Cognitive Psychotherapy,20(2),123–134.doi:10.1891/jcop.20.2.123 as amissinglinkbetweencognitivetherapyandpositivepsychology. 18(10), 889–898.doi:10.1016/0277-9536(84)901588 of psychologicaladjustmentamongchronicallyilladults. doi:10.1080/10640260992991111 beliefs ofwomenpracticingyoga.EatingDisorders,17(4),273–292. 20(1), 89–1011.doi:10.1080/10926771.2011.538005. concept anddysfunctionalcoping.JournalofAggression,MaltreatmentTrauma, General HospitalPsychiatry,4(1),33– Social ScienceandMedicine, Journal of 20 Levine, M.(2000).ThepositivepsychologyofBuddhismandyoga:Paths toamaturehappiness. Kabat-Zinn, J.,Lipworth,L.,&Burney,R.G.(1985).Theclinicaluseofmindfulness Kristeller, J.L.,&Hallett,C.B.(1999).Anexploratorystudyofameditation

Krystal, H.(1978).Self Kissen, M.,&Kissen-Kohn,D.A.(2009).Reducingaddictionsviatheself Kabat-Zinn, J.,Massion,A.O.,Kristeller,Peterson,L.G.,Fletcher,K.E.,Pbert,L.,. Kabat-Zinn, J.,Lipworth,L.,Burney,R.G.,&Sellars,W.(1986).Fouryearfollow 6, 209–247 Mahwah, NJ:LawrenceErlbaum. yoga. BulletinoftheMenningerClinic,73 and compliance.ClinicalJournalofPain,2,159–173. meditation-based programfortheself 163–190. meditation fortheself for bingeeatingdisorder.JournalofHealthPsychology,4(3),357–363. the treatmentofanxietydisorders.AmericanJournalPsychiatry,149(7),936–943. Santorelli, S.F.(1992).Effectivenessofameditation-basedstressreductionprogramin -representation andthecapacityforself -regulation ofchronicpain.JournalBehavioralMedicine,8(2), -regulation ofchronicpain:Treatmentoutcomes (1), 34–43.doi:0.1521/bumc.2009.73.1.34 -care. AnnualofPsychoanalysis, -soothing effectsof -based intervention -up ofa 21 Krasnowiecki 43 Social Sciences | 2014 44 Social Sciences | 2014 Krasnowiecki Teasdale, J.D.,Moore,R.G.,Hayhurst,H.,Pope,M., Williams,S.,&Segal,Z.V.(2002). Taylor, M.J.(2003).Yogatherapeutics:Anancient,dynamicsystemstheory.Techniquesin Siegel, G.J.,Steinahuer,S.R.,Thase,M.E.,Stenger,A.,&Carter,C.S Sharma, G.,SharmaL.K.,&Sood,S.(2009).Synergisticapproachofappliedphysiologyand Miller, J.J.,Fletcher,K.,&Kabat-Zinn,(1995).Threeyearfollowupandclinical Lovibond, S.H.,&P.F.(1996).DepressionAnxietyStressScale.American 7. Journal ofConsultingandClinicalPsychology,70(2) , 275–287. Metacognitive awarenessandpreventionofrelapsein depression:Empiricalevidence. Orthopedics, 18(1),115–125. emotional informationindepressedindividuals. that feeling:Event-relatedfMRIassessmentofsustainedamygdalaactivityinresponseto yoga tocombatlifestylediseases treatment ofanxietydisorders.GeneralHospitalPsychiatry,17(3),192–200. implications ofamindfulnessmeditation Psychological Association,10(2),doi:10.1037/t01004-000 . TheInternetJournalofAlternativeMedicine,7 -based stressreductioninterventioninthe Biological Psychiatry,51(9),693–707. . (2002).Can’tshake (1), 1– 22 **p<.01 *p<.05 trauma with cope to Ability illness with cope to Ability Stress Depression Correlations AmongStressandRelatedIllnesses Table 1 Teasdale, J.D.,Segal,V.Z.,&Williams,M.,Ridgeway,A.,Soulby,Lau,M.A. Teasdale, J.D.,Segal,Z.,&Williams,M.G.(1994).Howdoescognitivetherapyprevent p r p r p r p r

cognitive therapy.JournalofConsultingandClinicalPsychology,68(4),615–623. (2000). Preventionofrelapse/recurrenceinmajordepressionbymindfulness Behavior ResearchTherapy,33(1),25–39. depressive relapseandwhyshouldattentionalcontrol(mindfulness)traininghelp?

Addiction – .02* .29 .07 .24 .01** .34 .00** .46

Depression – .41 .11 .05* .26 .00* .51

Stress – .00** .46 .12 .20

Ability to cope with illness with – .25 .15

-based Krasnowiecki 23 45 Social Sciences | 2014 46 Social Sciences | 2014 Pressimone Working forWorking Global Justice in Guatemala itsmake students global citizens have provided an atmosphere in which classes portion of the budget that is reserved for helping developing nations. United States. Less than of 1% the federal budget, is PFDA the piece of the international assistance action Poverty Faculty Advisors: students experienced while abroad. Seeing long argument for helping the poor, particularly in the developing world, with personal stories of what they poor people around the world. Th

Author: academic and immersive immersive and academic as a direct result of Cabrini’s commitment to social justice. To the outsider, this class class this outsider, the To justice. social to commitment Cabrini’s of result direct a as 300: for Working GlobalECG Justice in Guatemala communities, so that they can learn the envisioned to provide a structured inter curriculum is acore classes drivenof by called opportunity to s the world. It promotes this through its “Justice Matters” curriculum Cabrini CollegeandPoverty-FocusedDevelopmentAssistance:AdvocatingforLifeSaving , and providing opportunity for the disenfranchised to - Cabrini College is a rare institution that truly strives to prepare its students to involved become in

focused development as so that they Clare Pressimone tudy social justice issues in both academic and personally engaging settings Dr. Raquel Raquel Dr.

can can influence opportunities f Programs intheUnitedStates’FederalBudget

Green sistance rough first legislators toward supporting

and Dr. Jerry Zurek Jerry Dr. and - action between the students and their term development assistance development term integral and human productive or its students so tha (PFDA) (PFDA)

can - hand experience, the students are able to support their

help students understand Engagements of the Common Good Engagements of the Common Abstract is a minimal yet crucial part of the of part crucial yet minimal a is and inefficient functions of societies

is ofthese ideal an classes example i and

succeed t they can change the inequity PFDA ,

, offer a crucial experience which provides t Cabrini C Cabrini

the various they ways can assist accounts. Cabrini is creating local and global ollege and its mission to such as

(ECGs) which are are which (ECGs)

federal budget of the he students with the might

ECG 300: ECG all over the world.

development in

in the world. . The . The

Pressimone 1 look like s carried out


simply an opportunity to take a trip to Guatemala

greater cause, for they are chall done to support the people throughout the impoverished parts of the world and inform the United States government what must be learning about Guatemala while we lived there, also we while learnedlearning we aboutthe role Guatemala about how Guatemala for PFDA. This mea This PFDA. for accounts1% for foreign assistance. Roughly 50% poverty in helping these parts of the world through the foreign assistance portion of the budget, particularly the that benefit the mem the benefit that to thatfederal often, too and, balance account is easy suffer an not budget the programs the cuts are those globe; assists, wide range of life These poverty- PFDA portionPFDA of purpose: amounts to $19.1 “[PFDA] billion from the Uni spreadbecome out and more. more these With cuts, every country in the world that receives assistance (Chantrill,community 2013). Dividing that the among amount 100 budget) the the

but we - , and As part of this of part As The federalThe budget The UnitedThe States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB

pment assistancepment develo focused people live and try to survive in the most impoverished corners of the wo less than $20 billion is allotted to provide assistance to the entire impoverished international

for 8days factoring in the cuts proposed by ted States will feel the effects. effects. the feel will States ted also learned focused programs serve the programs poorestfocused communities in the developing world. support They a

the federal budget and discovered - saving an ns that bers of society most in need. poverty The

as an alternative spring break trip in 2013. W


that this small part of the budget is still at risk of being cut by by cut being of risk at still is budget the of part small this that , who are who in desperate need of

of the d dignity of the $3.8 trillion this country has to spend in a year ( 00 enged class class United States con States United - protecting activities to bring back their experiences of the injustices being committed that Cabrini College supports, m (PDFA) (PDFA)

. just over one C ongress, this $20billion begins to slowly disappear and . accounts.

of this portion (or of 0.5% the entire portion this of federal budget) However, the students in this class class this in students the However, sists of approximately $3.8 how ithow has helped thous

help. ” (

p. 1, paragraph 1 - half percent (.6%) of federal spending.

- focused accounts are slowly chipped away away chipped are accounts slowly focused - e learned a tremendous about amount p , lus countries the 2012) y classmates and I traveled ands of defined ) . As a class, we studied we class, a . As


trillion. Of that amount, amount, that Of trillion. rld. In addition to using the the United States plays plays States United the people around the PFDA and itsPFDA are called to a that that C United States States United ongress.

Pressimone 2 FY 2013 FY

to to The The

the the is is Pressimone 47 Social Sciences | 2014 48 Social Sciences | 2014 Pressimone get onthe ladder of development. understand throughout the 1980s poverty and destitution to reduce the deficit or increase national protection through military spending, for example. Seeing it

wealth and work to gain una amount total the calculate to achieving this sum, but are like States United health clinic cannot fight preventable diseases that are spreading through the area. in we the Whether teachthe their teachers who children, the sustainable develop farmerscannot agricultural practices, the very small piece of the budget that of Guatemala is from other coming countries tocome expect our from gov begin to bring the poorest of the poor out of poverty if were a move of theeven 5% entire federal budget only $1.08 per person per day is n however, thehas proven Bank World with certainty that lives. cost hope and homelessness, dignity and degradation, inclusion to succeed. Clark and Alford the world is unevenly distributed. In fact, it is this uneven distribution that it makes difficult for the poor cannot provide federal assistance to its citizens, something t all all the poor people Guatemala is a destitute country that is still pulling itself out the ashes of the civil wa civil the of ashes the out itself still pulling is that country destitute a is Guatemala Contemporary rhetoric suggests

how thehow foreign aid budget it works and how is instrumental in helping th

it or not, our dollars are of great importance topeople many and the truth is that cuts redistribu in

- first to the early 1990s. government The is still working onbecoming stable in the wholeworld missing the by33cents, mark or $113per year. Using these figures togethe hand ernment te te ( ) stated, 2010) it. chieved bythe poor, $124billion dollars per gave 300class us in the the ECG know ecessary basic to needs. meet A

it of the of . This means that the majority of the assistance to the poorest parts ha s

that poverty cannot be allotted for PFDA, PFDA, for allotted

United States. This comparison illustrates how the wealth of of wealth the how illustrates comparison This States. United the the “The income gap can also be a gap be , such as access to basic needs

the United States. As soon as as soon As States. United the

this is not true. According to the Bank, World and exclusion” (p. __ lan cannot community the support Guatema hat as citizens we of the United States have

ended; therefore, to try to end it is pproximately 1.1 billion peo to to

(Sachs, re - ledge and experienceledge to and evaluate controls who the

2005). This amount

year is all that is needed to ). Much tween lifetween death, and Congress e poorest of the poor could Pressimone 3

r that raged cut ple are not ; be done to

therefore s is not not is

futile; futile; into the the into r ,

last ayear at atime. W funds and handed out the wealth to bring the poorest of the poor out of poverty, these funds would only families have more accessto assistance?families more have year sustaining? Without addressing these questions the and making necessary adjustments, a we mustwe find the most effective approach to the assistance and government support to a caused a rift in the global society. Its success depends oninvestment now, rather than later. limitin By fully in the global economy. focuses onmaking a community self necessary to bring the developing world out of poverty. However, long farml of rehabilitation (e.g., assistance humanitarian global through capacity lasting more a in issues immediate impact community; in contrast, long disasters, is to meant bring relief in a short period of time t assistance programs that respond to emergencies. assistance, Emergency such as responding to natural this approach is lo especially in times of distress, of times in especially the world the (Clark Alford, & 2010). Clark and creating conflicts that can affect the entire world through the environment, economy pe e elimination“Th of world hunger has also, in the global era, a requirement become for safeguarding the ace and stabilityace and the of planet ” ( ,

the impoverished people of the world However, if the United States and the rest of the developed world merely pulled together their - Long - Long ,

the the term development assistance can be explained bycontrasting its goals with those of term development assistance development term wealth gap continues to grow, ng- term development assistance development term and, education, efficient living). Both methods of assistance are important and hat to happen at the end of that year? Have

- term development assistance focuses onprograms that are designed to

development will never p. 14

Alford Alford - sufficient while working towards the people ). ). Was Putting (2010)

community community would be is the most efficient means of closing of means efficient most the is

direct poverty creat

development addressed th to make

off off cite ing tension more the among disenfranchised poor and .

assistance toin need those most

d right back where they were the year before. they were right where back

occur. poverty As continues to expand Pope Benedict XVI’s words before it is stablebefore enough to support itself, - o address the immediate concerns of a focused focused

policies changed so development assistance programs, and - term development assistance development term ese self people -

the w the ’s ability to participate participate to ability ’s that underlie thi underlie that

and political systems systems political and will perpetuate will that that ealth that gap has t the end of that individuals and Pressimone 4 throughout Thus,

s idea:

the the g

Pressimone 49 Social Sciences | 2014 50 Social Sciences | 2014 Pressimone (Cabrini Guatemala, your food. It’s g items. homegrown Fr.own Greg related one of the comments from aof member the mission started helping with this, the people able were to cultivate their crops their own and make food their from theof how mission started helping the people of Lucas San Toliman someone tosomeone realize their potential and the opportunity to use personal Fr. Greg’s focus supported on IHD his vision: to appreciation practice and of 2013). focus A onsolidarity will allow for the most effective approaches in development along with full path that the you are not walking behind pushing them them, but youare walking alongside them, walking the same in life. Fr. explained Greg that solidarity is “not walking in front of and someone pulling themalong, and levelhuman that acknowledges through integral developme human can exercise it to assist the poorest of the poor in this world. developed societies must realize what their responsibility is towards the developing nations they and how hold of hunger, conflict, sickness,

approach d Diocese Ulm, of Minnesota, New understood that long

(Cathol good of every person and the whole person; it is cultural, economic, political, social and spiritual. environment. It is the sustained growth that everyone has the right to enjoy. promotes the IHD wellbeing can only be achieved in the contex developmentHuman cannot be reduced or separated into component parts As the director of of director the As

goals. understood He that these people had extremely high potential evelopment; he also understood y are taking” (Volunteer at Lucas San Toliman Mission, personal communication, 3, March ic Relief Services, ood. But don’t give us your food. Help us buyland can produce so we food” our own

2012). their skills and put forth the effort, they could achieve anything; t the mission in San Lucas Toliman, Guatemala, Fr. Greg Schaffer, Fr. apriest Greg Guatemala, Toliman, ofthe Lucas the in mission San One mustOne interact with every being, human IHD their equal importance and potential to .

and poverty 2011). nt is (IHD). a IHD concept derived Catholic social from teaching: to to help toward work them its achievement. Fr. told Greg the story

that the most effective method to ac to method effective most the that

of the most impoverished communities. discover t of just and peaceful relationships and a thriving - term development assistance development term is to the best way

what the people needed to achieve their

obtain land. the mission When

succeed even the poorest of the poor and that, if they were given hieve this development is , no matter one’s situation situation one’s matter , no . Rather, personal

Therefore, the hey only needed Pressimone 5 , “Thanks for ,

on a

(Catholics Confront Globalrty, Pove 2012). Also, in the last 10years, 7th the school building buildings two was with only p there no were different, and damagingly so. States that enrollment of girls in elementary school increased two allowed people many in these countries to gain (motivated byIHD)

for the first time in Africa (Catholics Confront Glo Confront (Catholics Africa in time first the for write next; was children what I saw doing, was they swarmed. First, Victor wanted to that show he could write; Maria barely 5 rightname so I pulled notebook out and pen my and asked if sh th learning in this environment. progressed so far beyond this type of classroom atmosphere that it is nearly impossible to small village onthe outskirts of the Providencia town. Nueva La was children, was none of whom they clearly valued. Education ese children have nofuture, but consider what I happened pulled when out a notebook and pen.

grade. Furthermore, only three teachers represents ,

so I put the pen in his hand and helped write out the letters. All of an amazingmoment! these What had only been given access to education in the past 10years. While inWhile Lucas San Toliman, Sitting on the ground next to a little girl named Thelma, I wanted to see if I was pronouncing her factors to need Many years old ) so I wrote it for her. could She not read hereither, name but as soon as the other Lorenzo came backLorenzo a times few came until he finally got it right; Francisco to did how not know roughly 17million people more than aved roads, most of the houses were a reality in the poorest of the poor countries. such factor One is education. has PFDA


One One work tog

is something

might than 10 the students 300class of the ECG ether in ether

look at this situation and think that it is completely lost and that that and lost completely itis that think and situation this at look

show their ability through writing through ability their years, wanted to show

were availablewere we

order long to make

a better 1970 education. Between in the United States United the in

a few rooms in that each rooms a few bal Poverty merely live in all all in live - fold in to from sub 97% 43% for all of the children the of all for

sheets of metal leaning against each other, and , 2012 of the United States. Imagine United if the e could write it. could She not (she was - term development assistance development term

The situation The highly value, ). put To that in number perspective,

a 50 million children went to school visibly destitute village

visit house ed

d La Nueva Providencia, a Nueva La .

American societyAmerican has all of the students upto and 2009 would be d and I believeand it is easy - Saharan Africa ne imagi ,

Pressimone 6 the the rastically rastically --something because

Pressimone 51 Social Sciences | 2014 52 Social Sciences | 2014 Pressimone

and must put their voices together and call for support of PFD

CabriniGuatemala. (Videographer). (2012, January 16). United States Conference of Catholic States Bishops. (2012).United Background onpoverty - Catholic Relief Services. (2011). Global Humanitarian Assistance. (n.d.). (n.d.). Assistance. Humanitarian Global C. Clark, C Cat Sachs, J. Sachs, community byprovidingcommunity food and shelter necessary when t there is run bya native now - world tosomeone realize our potential and help us achieve it? That is is our duty to assist can. themin we If anywereliving way we in utter poverty, not we want would and improve their lives all ontheir own are to wares jobsmore and producing more they have slowly gained access to better technology an initiated, and realized. For example, they constructed operate and now a coffee bean plantation assure them that we find PFDA acrucial part the of that budget find that to PFDA protected.assure needs be them we citizens America’s as membe be lost to hunger and other poverty related issues. citizens As of the United States, and through our roles saving lives every day. government The has the a totrue power make lives impact onso many that could miniscule t with treated and respect and integrity with ma to improve itself byslowly beginning to climb out of the poverty hole in whichit has been struggling for at alevelimplemented ofIHD provide opportunity for countless people in the commun deserve to see that even the most impoverished communities in the world

he m hantrill, hantrill, ny years. holic less fortunate than themselves. IHD ission has over grown the years, they have illustrated they how can help those poorest in the ; our obligatio ; our assistance: February 2012 http://www.confrontglobalpoverty.org http://www.usgovernmentspending.com http://www.crsprogramquality.org Retrieved fromhttp://www.youtube.com http://www.globalhumanitarianassistance.org Incorporated Catholic Truth Society. We can hope thatWe the poorest of the poor will be able someday to pull themselves out of poverty San Lucas Toliman is a perfect example of all how of these factors have been woven together to this access to education, in and we the developed world have the capacity to s Confront Global Poverty. (2012

visitors to visitors

if wantto the we make end of poverty a reality. D. (2005).

M. rs of the Cabrini College community, it is our duty to keep our legislators accountable and C in the grand scheme of the federal budget of the United S . (2013). T

O. Alford & A., hey have completed

the the n needs to be creating a world The End of poverty: Economic possibilities of our time US federalUS budget analysis: Federal budget for 2013 FY m ission. This creates revenue while revenue creates This ission. born Guatemalan, best Chona, whose interests are

P., H. (2010). to ensure long products Technical resources: Integral development human

several projects that the people of Guatemala . Retrieved from http://www.usccb.org from . Retrieved ;

to contribute to Lucas San Toliman’s economy. Also, the mission however, Defining humanitarian assistance ). ). he same dignityhe same in every corner of the world Rich andpoor: Rebalancing the economy - Cuts cost lives term development assistance, Lucas San Toliman has begun

where, unti Works Cited Works l that day, these peopl d been able to create a higher output, providing

ity. Through the assistance provided byPFDA

Fr. Schaffer: Greg 03Personal story no matter one’s situation ,

and A throughA long also promoting the idea of helping those . Retrieved June 18, 2013, from furthermore by the simple ask of the poor people of the also also

tates, is doing amazing things while while things amazing doing is tates, val ue it for their children their it for ue -

term development assistance development term e need . Retrieved from from . Retrieved . New York,. Penguin. NY: New

selling those people’s for the community; and as . Retrieved from from . Retrieved

have been imagined, focused international ,

help, people help achieve them it. . Retrieved from from . Retrieved . . London

and as it humans PFDA

are viewed are viewed Pressimone 7 Pressimone 8 . They for which , .

al Web video.Web , UK though who who : The : The

United States Conference of Catholic States Bishops. (2012).United Background onpoverty - Sachs, J. Sachs, (n.d.). Assistance. Humanitarian Global C. Clark, C Catholic Relief Services. (2011). Cat CabriniGuatemala. (Videographer). (2012, January 16). and must put their voices together and call for support of PFD

hantrill, hantrill, holic IHD assistance: February 2012 http://www.confrontglobalpoverty.org http://www.usgovernmentspending.com http://www.globalhumanitarianassistance.org Incorporated Catholic Truth Society. Retrieved fromhttp://www.youtube.com http://www.crsprogramquality.org s Confront Global Poverty. (2012

if wantto the we make end of poverty a reality. D. (2005). M. C . (2013).

O. Alford & A., The End of poverty: Economic possibilities of our time US federalUS budget analysis: Federal budget for 2013 FY P., H. (2010). Technical resources: Integral development human . Retrieved from http://www.usccb.org from . Retrieved Defining humanitarian assistance ). ). Rich andpoor: Rebalancing the economy Cuts cost lives

Works Cited Works

Fr. Schaffer: Greg 03Personal story

A throughA long . Retrieved June 18, 2013, from


term development assistance development term . Retrieved from from . Retrieved . New York,. Penguin. NY: New . Retrieved from from . Retrieved focused international . Retrieved from from . Retrieved . London Pressimone 8 .

Web video.Web , UK : The : The

Pressimone 53 Social Sciences | 2014 Graphic Design VOLUME 5 & 50 “natural glamour” withloose,sexy waves. After Hairstylist Serge Normant amplified Klum’s said. her skintone. “Iwanted her to really glow,” she to cover Kluminmakeup two shades darker than artist Brigitte Reiss—Andersen used a giant sponge so she needed an era wanted to capture Klumasa 1960sVogue girl, Cosmopolitan creative director Paul Cavaco German accent, and 2)Seal was a lucky guy. Everything sounds authoritative when said ina our reporter said she discovered two things: 1) what she’s learned (off the record, of course), and motion that signifies blowies. She explained the universal tounge—moving—rapidly—in—cheek our reporter asked. Klumpaused, and then made things about men that are useful.” “Like what?” thoughts and opinions. They teach you so many “They are like thiskaleidoscope of interesting explained the importance of gay men inher life: is just asuninhibited inconversation. She Klum, who had no qualms about posing nude, we have four kids;they have to go to school.” through our trashcans. It’scrazy. And you know, just like for other couples,” says Klum.“People go couple announced their separation. “It’shard, perfect marriage untilthisJanuary, when the Klum married Seal in2005and had a seemingly in thisindustry, or it’smaybe not my industry.’ to say, ‘OK, you’re going to find other things to do And Ialways wanted firstto be a model. So I had couture, you don’t really see girlswithbigboobs. you have hipsand boobs, and that’s it.Haute about it.ButIwas by no means heavy, Ijust—well, I seal ! about talks down strips $ | 12 . 00 USFEB2013 model. “And Iwas a little bit self—conscious too short,” she says of her early days asa was too curvy and too busty and a little | ISSUE 2 f ebruary 2013 —appropriate tan. Makeup Cosmopolitan Magazine |By Natalie Alarcon happened. Things just turnout the way they turn or that...’ No. I don’t resent anything that ever back intime and say, ‘Ishould have changed this know, Iwouldn’t change anything. IfIhad to go When the topic of Seal comes up, Klumsays, “You s-h-i-t really hitsthe fan?” What are they gonna do at 40or 50,when the person? And Iknow girlshalf my age who do it. me so beautiful, and now it’slike... who isthis Wow, Iremember you five years ago, looking to girls. Idon’t want to name names, but it’slike, to me. Especially when Isee iton really young not pretty, and [surgery] just doesn’tlookpretty “Everyone has a view of what’s pretty and what’s and age,Ihaven’t done anything,” Klumsays. 65, but...I’m proud to be able to say, inthis day surgery—even Botox. “Askme againwhen I’m Klum swears she’s never had any cosmetic products because Iwanted the hair to move.” over the top for extra shine. “I didn’t use too many shake through her waves and smoothed a dry oil When he tookthem out, he used hishands to curling iron. He setthose sections inhairpins. dried itand wrapped sections around a one —inch working volumizer through her wet hair, he blow— walkIN I’m gOIN I’m dOwN theruway. g wIthastIC g t bedroom fashion to Runway. her mouth. Then she dishes on everything from on the couch popping handfuls of red grapes into last shot inglitter pants and sexy heels, relaxes sits down during the day, Klum,dressed for her and four kids.Inone of the few times she actually plenty of hot sex,even after sixyears of marriage She doesitallwhile apparently was having advice and shopping recommendations. a new lifestyle channel, on which she doles out Balance partnership, two maternity lines and fragrance, HeidiKlumShine. Then there’s a New an QVC jewelry line, Wildlife, aswell asa Coty designer inher own right.She’s about to launch season of hosting Runway, but she’s now a Notonly isKlum,40,heading into her ninth happy. And she’s earned it. smiling that famous smile,she just seems so she’s starring ina music video. Bopping around, Runway host sings along withMissy Elliottlike for the Cosmopolitan cover shoot, the Project seriously getting down. Inbetween sexy poses be apart inorder to figure it out.”Heidi Klumis all a little bitcrazy. Butsometimes you have to out... I’mstillin the eye of the storm now, and it’s O be80, being happy secret to secret over skin over hang beat to Makeup hot 247 looks t he k ... departme 4 08 CON He callsitfallopian length. He teases me. with me. He says that my skirtsare really short. [Kors] isa little bitmore never say, “Why are you wearing this?”Michael one bitesthe dust....” Ihave more funwithitnow. designers and startsinging thissong, “Another first few seasons. Now I’m more at ease. Isee the I’m more comfortable now than Iwas during the whole army of pajamas. show, how do you keep itfresh? style advice? more forceful. Do you agree? seasons, itseems like your critiques have gotten on that later! ButProject Runway first.Over the would itbe? wear only one outfit for the rest of your life, what COsmOplIta heId klum COsmOplIta heId klum COsmOplIta heId klum COsmOplIta of red lipsof | The his The : He hasn’t. He’sso polite—he would : Idon’t thinkso. ButIdo thinkthat : Hmm,maybe my pajamas? Ihave a T ory ory f ebruary 2013 T ick N N N N : After so many seasons of the : HasTimGunnever given you : Wait, wait, I’ve gotquestions : Let’s talk clothes. If you could ...well, he always jokes 70 69 39 20 12 te i T ’s all abou M cos get &events news letters to editor the letters agazine spotlightagazine her ! her N Nts ts T M o on the ipado on the 24 your be man probably bad at reading. at baking. I’mbad at letting go of things. I’m like a poodle,but itwas cool at the time. hairdresser, so even my dad had a perm! Ilooked had a perm, and it was really big.My mom was a the same withhairdos. When Iwas younger, I stick down the runway. because itblends inwithhistan. [Laughs.] hands, though you can’t really tell on Michael, that we eat a lotof Cheetos! We allhave orange than others. One thing that’s stayed the same is designers. Of course, some seasons are better bad at? fashion sense. What was your worst misstep? think the show willlast? heId klum COsmOplIta heId klum COsmOplIta heId klum COsmOplIta heId klum 7 ways T : There are many things! I’mbad : Ican’t thinkof one that Ihated. It’s : I’mgoing to be 80,walking witha : It’sreally about the specific o dress seal ! & talks about strips down N N N TT : Isthere anything that you’re : You’re known for your bold : How much longer do you er FEBUARY 2013 30 it, saw her inhisclothes when she Michael Kors, who, asshe recalls includes her Project Runway cohost, but no one would bookme.” That or even inNew York City. Itried, fashion shows—not inParis or Berlin models, she says, “Inever did Victoria’s Secret’s best-known Before Klum’syears asone of 10 beau 10 10 Tha Top celebriTybeaubrands make guysT make talks seal about mel T y T 48 T | strips down ISSUE 2 ricks ricks only live once. feel something, why would you letthat pass?You before they callyou? Idon’t see the point.Ifyou numbers” and then people wait four or five days get. Thiswhole thing about “Oh,let’sexchange “No, but you should know. You’re the mommy.” do you know what thismeans?” And she says, don’t know what that means?” And I’mlike, “No, [Klum’s oldest daughter] islike, “Mommy, you is thisword?” And Istartstuttering, and Leni usually the aggressor? heId klum COsmOplIta heId klum COsmOplIta heId klum COsmOplIta rafters. It’sfunto sauce itup a little bit. up inyour bedroom and startswinging off the garter belt. I’mnot saying you have to put a pole you thinkevery woman should own? fab features fab & : I’mnot someone who plays hard to : Yeah! Sometimes I’mlike, “What : There’s nothing wrong witha nice Natalia Alaverdian. and Yves SaintLaurent styled by la Renta, Stella McCartney, Prada Louis Vuitton, MiuMiu,Oscarde include selects from the likes of that harken backto 60sstyle.Looks bold mixof elegant autumn pieces thanks.” Here, Klumisstriking ina was 20and said,“Thanks, but no N 35 N N : What’s the one piece of lingerie makeup T : Inrelationships, were you : Bad at reading? f f ebruary 2013 ebruary 2013 o bea T hangoverskin | | 51 49 Alarcon 55 Graphic Design | 2014 56 Graphic Design | 2014 Decker Leopard Symbol |By ErinDecker Pink 15 YEARS&COUNTING TRAIN: pop ARTISTSOF2012 TOP 10! 14 16 Doing It Her Way Pink her fair share of high school drama. than more faced superstar young the Moore,Alicia called still was she when and famous, became she opinion on the subject she’d tell you the same. Before High school is tough. And if you were to ask Pink her doing Just Pop Magazine |By NoelleDiCioccio

it from 4 Non Blondes. Pink spent a a spent Pink Blondes. 4Non from Perry Linda is singers favourite ofher One perform. her hearing to used are we ofmusic type the sing always not However, did she Philadelphia. in aclub in singing while scout by atalent discovered eventually was and get could she chance any sang She nightclubs. in sing to began after soon and school of out dropped Pink Predictably, toin.” fit just changed never “I claims, it,”with she fine “I’m outcast. the being minded really never she However, says Pink them wrong.” to prove try I’d has,’ so it always say, ‘Because ‘why?’ask They’d Iwould way acertain to be it had say authority, would they “When with aproblem developed Pink eventually that surprise no It’s to.”them expect teachers the way the act and frustrated get just kids of alot Ithink me. gave they label to the conformed Ijust Ifeel but yes, end it? the in Ideserve “Did continues, and says bad,” Pink act you so bad, you treat They grow into you itanyway. you, give they label the like “It’s began. cycle vicious the and expected teachers the what deliver to began Pink Unfortunately, trouble, itis!” here well You trouble. want you show I’ll ‘trouble?’ like, Iwas so trouble as labelled Iwas was, problem “The I

troublemaker at school, atschool, troublemaker a as stereotyped was she admits Pop, Pink Just with interview n her her


changed with her family, her with “I’m changed has chat nothing that Launch a told in She fans same. the with her family family her with relationship her it, with comes that all and to fame rise her With color. natural her is apparently which hair-do, blonde aless-wild sporting is star pop Currently, young our Pink’. of‘Mr. character colourful the and Dogs ofReservoir release the after permanent became name Later, nick the pink. bright to turn caused her which embarrassed As easily was she a girl young name. to match her hair her dyed actually she color: hair her from name her get not did Pink obvious, seems what Despite including Perry. Linda friends, her from help little a with some herself, songs of her most writes She Marmalade.” for, “Lady Award Video Best MTV an and songs hit several with stardom into launched was know, she we as and LaFace Records, with signed she when sixteen was Pink Aerosmith. from Steven Tyler with be it would anyone with aduet do could she if and Jackson Michael be would it anyone for up open could she if fans her told she’s and Hathaway to Danny to Madonna Joel Billy from vary interests musical Her time. short a for band apunk in asinger even was and ofmusic types to all open was Pink artist, aspiring an As Perry. with associated boots combat and hats fancy the wearing started even and clubs local the in tunes her covering oftime lot

VOLUME 5ISSUE52 has remained JUNE 2013$6.99

- 8 PINK the same. opinion onthesubjectshe’dtellyou High schoolistough,Pinkgivesher Doing ItHerWay departments Features misunderstood, and our main main our and misunderstood, feel all we think “I says, also And Missundazstood! album, her for inspiration her was ‘life’ that says She misunderstood. been has she felt has Pink time along For thing.” right the Idid think -I else to to conform everyone want way, didn’t Ijust another to go Iwanted and way a certain to record me my album wanted record “My label recalls, and says she industry,” music into the get to want you if to be need you afighter, to be me which taught “It stronger. you make times tough that believes also Pink “ s close my with dad,” very she blessings more,” she says. more,” she blessings appreciate you itmakes Plus bad. the to have seen you have good the “To experience thing. a good is age young ata difficulties many so faced having believes She interview. Pop Just her in said Iam,” she who change would that “To change could. she if past her change not would and done has she anything regret not does She change.” doesn’t He consistent. he’s and itis itlike tells and real “He’s life. in idols ofher one also is who aid of her father, a Vietnam vet, vet, father, aVietnam ofher aid outselves” even understand of the time we dont all that we are most be appreciated for our main goal is to missunderstood, and Ithink we all feel CONTENTS

35 12 21 Concert At theDemoLavato Justin BieberQ&A Demented Excess Celebrating Pop Music’s Grammy Awards 2013: prove them wrong.” prove them is do can you thing best the you, give they label what matter no matter. Because itwon’t then ofyears itacouple “Give says, “Just she wait,” labelled. being about to not worry and ourselves to us be encourages Pink ourselves.” we time ofthe most are we that all for appreciated to is be goal was neverreleased. President Obamabutit She recorded asongfor she saidno,no. out tobeanAprilFoolsif 1st, thenhecouldmake it proposed toheronApril P!nk’s firstboyfriend 2001-2006. ceremonies between MTV P!nk won8awardsinthe and hermotherisJewish. P!nk’s father isCatholic Awards. VideoMusic on theMTV while doingatrapeze act P!nk performed‘Sober’ On 13thSeptember2009 movies. She doesn’tlike horror fast-food restaurants. She worked at alotof year shedropped out. of ArtandDesign,after a She wenttoMoore College US. Doylestown, Pennsylvania, P!nk wasbornin Facts AboutP!nk don’t even understand even understand don’t 14 TRAIN have riddentothetop. records worldwideand They’ve soldmillionsof 15 Years &Counting

18 24 11 15 ISSUE 52 VOLUME 5 2013 JUNE TOP 10! on thecharts. favorite popartistfalls Find outwhere you’re Pop Artistsof 2012 Demented Excess Celebrating Pop Music’s Grammy Awards 2013: Pop ConcertTours Perfect Why Pop MusicSounds Auto-Tune


2013 27 17 DiCioccio 57 Graphic Design | 2014 58 Graphic Design | 2014 Gentile Canary GardenCanary Packaging |By JamieGentile dE JANEIRO BRASIL Rio deJaneiro Travel Poster | By ThomasHale RIO Hale 59 Graphic Design | 2014 60 Graphic Design | 2014 Paesani January 2013 January $5.95 25 Most Anticipated Anticipated Most Games of 2013 ›› Halo 10 ›› Penny Arcade Returns to Xbox Returns Arcade Penny TH Anniversary XBOX World Magazine |By Theresa Paesani Volume 10, 1 Issue Cover Story Cover 66 by us. ok is gameplay, its aprequel for known aseries in but can, astory to chapter next the that impact emotional have the rarely Prequels franchise. the to multiplayer introducing by path trodden awell down series the takes and Furies the against Kratos covered ash freshly a pits Ascension game, first the events of the before years ten nearly Set 12March Ascension War: of God told. be to waiting just there, story arich always was there but granted, for taken of sort just was history Her one. for situated perfectly was Croft Lara reboots, recent the all Of change. to needed something that sense made it So on. was it path the on potential full its out maxed since Tomb long had needed. is Raider what exactly are reboots then and now Every 5 March Tomb Raider into. looking worth is one this talking, people gotten has that mode amultiplayer as as well mechanics, shooter person first and horror survival year. the of Blending games intriguing more the of one from off you turn that let don’t But sorry. writers: game all of behalf On over, “game times. adozen phrase atleast man” the toread Expect 12 February Aliens: Colonial Marines to? want you why would face, the in helicopters punch to enough powerful acharacter and game, the in anything about just through cut can that asword like, you with if but Revengeance in sections stealth some play You humanity. and his of hide cost can atthe came redemption whose acharacter and 2, Solid Gear Metal of hero majority the Raiden, on falls now spotlight the time This 19 February Rising: Gear Metal Revengeance around. franchises impressive graphically most the of one of return the over salivating begin should fans PC conspiracy. in a embroiled himself finds and tale, arevenge on Apple Big the to returns suit fancy the in man the by adome, Encapsulated soon. any time coming not is soldiers/monsters/meteorites/aliens enemy by York destroyed New City seeing of tired grow people day when the Thankfully 19 February 3 Crysis sleep. to going before immediately play to year the of game worst the be also for. known could It is franchise the staples horror survival the of foundation the on built but series, the for direction anew It’s world. afrozen of whiteout by the replaced is space of darkness the with time This scourge. Necromorph spreading the kneecap again once to returns Clarke Isaac crazy somewhat The 5 February Dead Space 3 survive. to needs franchise neglected the what just may be style in for, shift the known and is series the that action ass-kicking the all retain will character the Dante, looking mopier 100% the despite But reality. alternate an into Dante taking reboot, one-part and prequel one-part is game The attitude. smacking demon same the but look, emo anew with returns Dante 15 January Cry May Devil DMC: Ascension War: of God 64 4


| | January 2013 January January 2013 January January 2013 January

25 Aliens: Colonial Marines Colonial Aliens: Games of 2013 Anticipated Most Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Rising: Gear Metal most radars when it came out. If this one one this If out. came it when radars most on ablip barely was game original The grown. and grown has that following way. acult gained It untraditional extremely an in experience atraditional offered and weird, and quirky was game first The 2013 March Metro: Light Last way.your in those of feet atthe grenades laying of memories make beautiful and afriend, with Play that. just do to apartner with in go you and killing, agood need that guys bad are There incidental. is story The ascience. to down has series this something person, another with ateam as working about all is game This 26 March Two: of Cartel Army Devil’s The Xbox. the on best the of one series this made that mythology the on expand will campaign the and present, be will modes multiplayer New Locust. the against war days the of early the from astory and Baird, and Cole to switches series the now for but something, chainsaw Fenix Marcus see we will that are Odds 3. of War Gears of events final seemingly the before years place takes that game a with continues, prequel-o-rama The 19 March Judgment War: of Gears released. is expansion third the until over fans totide content enough offer and it expand will it but forward, franchise the won’t push It own. of its storyline a full with itself, in agame essentially is II StarCraft to pack expansion This franchise. the of power the to thanks listed be to deserves it expansion, an technically it's Although 12March Swarm the of Heart II: StarCraft

Injustice: Gods Among Us Among Gods Injustice:

Although this game will be 100% Michael Michael 100% be will game this Although 2013 Spring Blacklist Cell: Tom Splinter Clancy’s U. Wii the on possible be only could and unique is awayin that GamePad the uses and games, Pikmin favorite cult the back brings that game this out check have is they do to do. All can it what and system the of out most make the to how out figure year, developers as next late blossom to begin will library U Wii the that chance agood is There 2013 Spring Pikmin 3 it. buy we’ll game, probably the of logic the within possible remotely atleast is it as long as and characters, balancing explains that element astory supposedly is There afight? Superman offer Catwoman could how But cool. is Nightwing and Lantern Green with battle to able Being universe. DC the of best and biggest the on based afighter see to excited be should you fan, book acomic are you If 2013 April Injustice: Gods Among Us way. agood in same, the of more offer should one this boat, infested zombie your floated game first the If time. long along, for around be could that franchise anew is this that proves that agame also It’s game. original the of events the after up picks that right own its in story acomplete is it sequel, a technically isn’t this While 23 April Dead Island: Riptide audience. bigger amuch reach and original, the surpass easily should it a hit, original the made what on build can mind, we our offer list of the 25 games we are most anticipating for 2013. crumble.properties It was awild year, and it paved the way for an even crazier 2013. So with that in volley in the next wave of console wars with the Wii U. We saw new franchises born, and established year, but 2012 more so than most. We saw the rise of the digitally distributed game, and the first It was transitional and informative, and nothing will ever be the same! course, Of that is of true every A Infinite BioShock: including games, anticipated most year's this of some at look first Exclusive

›› Every Issue In ›› Features Volume 10, Issue 1 Issue 10, |Volume 2013 January 100 92 10 74 7

(right). Us of Last The and (left) Connect Connect Feedback Game Over Reviews Previews 34 Ironside free, Sam Fisher returns returns Fisher Sam free, Ironside 25

political elections and Mayan doomsday prophecies. 2012 was an interesting one in gaming. year. Embrace the future, and help us welcome 2013, akinder, gentler year, completely free of lthough 2012 still is clinging to life, days its are numbered. But weep departed not our dearly for

Charting aNew Course for Sega 46 with a new voice and and voice anew with

Halo 10


30 Characters 30 Who Defined a Decade

64 a new a new


25 Most Anticipated Games of25 2013 Games Most Anticipated Anniversary 74

Twisted Metal 88 chain. food RPG the of top the to moved series the and Skyrim, with year last awesome of shot amassive received brand Scrolls new, Elder the anything isn’t community amassive around built game online an for setting afantasy of idea the Although Online Scrolls The Elder back. franchise the see to nice still it’s but GTAV that offer, shocking could anything to us have desensitized likely years The agame. against protest fashioned old agood, been has there since a while been It’s splash. aloud with land will it releases, eventually game this Whenever V Auto Theft Grand Trekdays Star of TOS. the since seen not enemy an Gorn, the against fight the up lead Spock and Kirk game, aco-op as Designed DNA. its to in built missions multiple of excuse have the to enough Star fortunate is films. the Trek of universe the within set agame built Extreme atDigital guys the movie, the of version aplayable making than Rather Trek Star games. original the than base fan wider a to appeal should that one but series, the on take oriented action more afar It’s people. of full aroom murdering joyof the embraced also has he but stealthiness, his retains still Fisher mission. Red Faction: Armageddon Marvel needs a good superhero superhero agood needs Marvel

Games of Games Anticipated Most 2013 game of its own to keep up, keep to own its of game by Ryan Fleming

something it has not shown shown not has it something the aptitude to do. to Even aptitude the if you played past past played you if

Dead Space 3 Space Dead —continued —continued on page 90 page on are going to be following this title closely. title this following be to going are gamers dedicated most sure be can you but does, game Creed like Assassin’s an something that appeal mainstream the have not might one This about. talk could people all was do, Watch Dogs could game the what off showed clip the After WATCH DOGS way we’ve before. seen a in not but universe larger the within set game Wars Star new acompletely is It next. or gen this on be will it if certainty absolute with confirm can one no and game, the surrounding mystery of a lot still is There anymore. friends be can’t we list, this on is why it question still and game, this about anything seen have you If STAR WARS 1313 trip. the worth humanity of future possible dark voyage the to make the will that a game like looks Us of Last The apocalypse. an after place takes that world seen before never totally and original, awholly to us takes game This it. of idea the with affair have alove had fans gaming debut, its made title this moment the Since US OF LAST THE her as acts and Page’swith character co-exists that entity a poltergeist-like being other –the stars two the of one as Page we’ve even Ellen It has ever seen. as movie aplayable to close as may be and original possibly and unusual most like the looks one this games, the all Of SOULS TWO BEYOND: deliver. to game this for great looking are Things ever. settings gaming iconic most the of one as toRapture next place its take will Columbia of city the and fans, of flesh the wayonto their find probably will songbird now. Tattoos creepy right year the of the of game title the this give probably could you alone, anticipation the on Based BIOSHOCK: INFINITE TOP OF THE LIST THE OF TOP

dudes hit on her. on hit dudes other when jealous gets that issues rage -like with boyfriend angry adrunken, of equivalent occasional and protector, friend,

World Xbox World Xbox

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