“Fistory” by Bro. Wesley Uwaezuoke, A'18
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the REVIEWST. ANTHONY HALL • SPRING 2021 COVER ART: “FISTORY” BY BRO. WESLEY UWAEZUOKE, A’18 FROM THE EDITOR reetings from 2021! It’s hard to believe that 2020 is over, because that year felt interminable. Most of the world is approaching just under or just over a year of living in lockdowns and G social distancing at some level. A year ago, picturing my life under lockdown and socially distant was hard, and it was terrible to con- front the fact that I might not get to see my family, my friends, and my colleagues. But one thing remained clear throughout the year, and that is how grateful I am for Delta Psi. My siblings, brothers and sisters, got me through the year in so many ways, as I hope did yours. When there is not much in the way of physical closeness or camara- derie, I feel confident that we can still maintain our bonds. But it is also with great sadness and frustration that I think about the ways that my and other siblings’ experiences have been shaped by racism this year. In a time when we are all worried about our loved ones, whether they live near or far from us, some of us feel the added strain of navigating violent and vile aggressions against our communities on racial or ethnic terms, the stress of being unable to cross the borders we need or want to, and the difficulty of facing extended separation from our families of origin or, in some cases, unsafe proximity. Whatever the case, one thing that living through a pandemic is teaching me is that sur- vival has many applications and many meanings. Sometimes, surviving means doing the least possible to make it through. Sometimes, surviving means relearning our relationship to work and play, to family and friends. Sometimes, surviving means doing what makes you happy or the happiest you’ve felt lately. And yes, sometimes, surviving even means stepping back from commitments to evaluate what you need for your own well-being. We’ve strengthened our bonds in the past year, reminded ourselves of the order’s ability to endure and of our dedication to supporting each other through unprecedented challenges. But we should acknowledge the brothers, sisters, and siblings who have stepped down or back from their activity in the fraternity too, who have had to make difficult decisions to survive their current realities. Are they any less dear to us for that choice? I submit, my siblings, that they are not. Constancy and fidelity are jointly held by all of us, but they are not contracts. As members, we choose this order, and more fundamentally, we get to choose what that choice means to us. As an order, we have to be able to hold each other with love, even when that love is at a distance, and even when that love looks like accountability. I hope we can keep this in mind as we carry on through this year. It is with excitement, humility, and gratitude that I begin my term as H.Fpop alongside my wonderful fellow G.C. officers! I am honored to get to facilitate and amplify your voices as editor of The Review. I hope that you enjoy this issue and find something that speaks to you in its pages. Respectfully submitted and LITB, L.M., Σ’21 2 A LOOK INSIDE THE REVIEW • SPRING 2021 VISIONS FOR THE HALL Inaugural Remarks of Incoming H.D. E. Bro. 4 Geoffrey Kenly Walker, Σ’67, E’21 Inaugural Remarks of Incoming H.D. M.H.&E. 7 Bro. Nicholas Brent Hammond, Φ’99, I’10 AWARD WINNERS L.D. Award Winner Sis. Antonella Masini Ortiz, T’17 8 “Centimeters to Inches” L.D. Award Runner-Up Sis. Anna Kothuis, A’18 8 “‘Bahala Na’” MacNelly Award Winner Bro. Wesley Uwaezuoke, 10 A’18 UNDERGRADUATES 11 Spring 2021 Undergraduate Reports St. Anthony Hall The Fraternity of Delta Psi SAEF GRANTS SAEF Is Ready To Help Active Chapters 15 ALPHA – Columbia University Α DELTA – University of Pennsylvania Δ INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT EPSILON – Trinity College Ε Fostering Alumni Support and Financial Health THETA –Princeton University Θ 16 IOTA – Rochester, New York Ι KAPPA – Brown University Κ ALUMNI XI – University of North Carolina Ξ Health/Care: A Community Issue SIGMA – Yale University Σ 19 Interview with E. Sis. Dr. Mary I. O’Connor, Σ’76 TAU – Massachusetts Institute of Technology Τ UPSILON – University of Virginia Υ NECROLOGY PHI – University of Mississippi Φ 21 Deaths Recorded Since Fall 2020 Remembering Bro. Charles Hill, E’66, The Man 23 Who Found “The Scream” 2021 Grand Chapter Officers St. Anthony Hall Nicholas B. Hammond, Φ’99, I’10, H.D. National Headquarters Ellen F. Sweeney, K’00, Φ’07, H.S. Phone: 607-366-0555 Richard E. Cleary, E’82, H.Dncq. Fax: 607-533-9218 Email: [email protected] Sweyn M. Venderbush, Σ’15, H.F.W. L.M. Σ’21, H.Fpop. The Review is funded by the St. Anthony Angelica M. Vielma, Θ’16, H.Ebul. Educational Foundation and St. Anthony Hall. 3 VISIONS FOR THE HALL Inaugural Remarks of Incoming H.D. E. Bro. Geoffrey Kenly Walker,Σ ’67, E’21, to the 173rd Annual Convention of the Fraternity of Delta Psi on January 11, 2020 Excellent Sisters and Brothers; First, I learned from my year as H.S. that really good things Honorable Sisters and Brothers; happen every time we talk and work with one another, espe- Most Noble Sisters, Brothers, and cially across chapters and across generations. Our bylaws pro- Siblings; vide that the H.D. is supposed to appoint specified standing Worthy Sisters, Brothers, and Siblings; committees at the annual G.C., along with ad hoc committees. Sisters, Brothers, and Siblings All I know I will need a lot of help from a lot of people, and good things will happen when lots of us get involved, so I decided it I ask you to imagine what strong emo- would be smart to make those bylaw-mandated appointments. tions I feel being entrusted with stewardship of The Hall, and And I will do that right now! This committee information will how difficult it is to find the right words. Who am I? I joined all be posted on the website, but I want to use this opportunity the Sigma Chapter in the fall of 1967, my junior year. When to ask each of the people I am about to name to stand up and be I graduated in June 1969, I had been admitted to Yale Law recognized. And I urge you to follow up with them, in person School and felt good about my future. I got married that sum- or through the website, as you are interested and able to partici- mer and found an apartment. Then, in August, I got drafted. pate—the more the better! The next two years knocked me down—hard. The Vietnam era • The H.D. appoints two ex-H.D.s to the Executive Com- was a fraught time to serve in the military. My wife left me for mittee, and (please stand) Excellent Sister Tildy Davidson someone else. It’s a long story, and this isn’t the time to tell it, and Excellent Sister Sandy Carielli have agreed to serve but trust me; at the end of my two years in the Army, I felt next year. Tildy will also serve on the Policy Committee. utterly alone, angry, alienated, and depressed. Thank you both! When I returned to New Haven, I took to stopping by The • The chair of the Grand Chapter Organizing Committee for Hall for coffee on the way to classes—Yale Law School is only next January’s G.C. at Xi is Sister Fiona Matthews. The H.D. a block away. I came by St. A’s some afternoons to shoot pool is supposed to appoint the chair of this committee two years with Sigma’s retired janitor and later admitted brother, Armand in advance. The chair for the 2022 G.C. at Tau is Honor- Dupre. Welcomed by Bt. David Wilk and other active mem- able Brother John Yazbek, at least until he finds a successor. bers, I found myself going to Thursday meetings. I began to Please stand, both of you. Thanks Fiona and John. feel back at home in The Hall. I began to recover. In October • The Volunteer Support Committee, whose report we have 1972, I danced with Ann Kennedy at a Hall party. We have heard, will be chaired by Sister KJ Garner. Thanks, KJ! been together ever since. I am deeply, deeply grateful for Delta • The Archives Committee—many snaps for the new Psi. I love The Hall. My heart is in it. archives, please!—will be chaired by Excellent Brother Jim The purpose of this address is to tell you my goals for the Wilson. Please stand. Thanks. coming year. To do that, I must start by saluting the work of my • The Communications Committee’s functions will be folded immediate predecessors. Excellent Brother Gary Stahlberg is the into a new ad hoc committee I will describe in a minute. most organized person you will ever know, and, at the end of his • The Finance Coordination Committee will be chaired by tenure a year ago, there were no dangling threads. Excellent Sister soon-to-be Honorable Brother Peter Wender. Please stand. Tildy Davidson’s genius has been to focus on our undergraduates, Thanks. communicating in a deeply personal way that the essential work of • The Law Committee is primarily responsible for internal the G.C.