Cleaner Fossil Power Generation in the 21St Century – Moving Forward
Cleaner Fossil Power Generation in the 21st Century – Moving Forward A technology strategy for carbon capture and storage UK Advanced Power Generation Technology Forum January 2014 Contact Further information on this report and the UK Advanced Power Generation Technology Forum (APGTF) can be obtained from: Philip Sharman APGTF Chairman January 2014 Preamble The UK Advanced Power Generation Technology Forum (APGTF) is an industry-led stakeholder group that provides a technology focus for the power generation sector in the UK on carbon abatement technologies for fossil fuels including CCS. The industrial members of the APGTF have included almost all of the key players in the development of CCS in the UK over the last 12 years, including Alstom, AMEC, BP, Costain, Doosan Babcock, E.ON, EDF Energy, Rolls-Royce, RWE npower, Scottish Power, Siemens and SSE. These organisations have invested heavily in research and development (R&D) and project development since the first APGTF Foresight Report published in 2001. Many agencies and associations interested in CCS are also represented on the APGTF, including the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI), the Technology Strategy Board (TSB), the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the UK CCS Research Centre (UKCCSRC), the Industrial & Power Association (IPA), the CCS Association (CCSA), the Confederation of UK Coal Producers (COALPRO), the Association of UK Coal Importers (CoalImp), the Health & Safety Laboratory (HSL), the Coal Research Forum (CRF) and other university groupings, and from the UK Government the Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC), the Department of Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) and UK Trade & Investment (UKTI).
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