
P.16E FO El( SAN JOSE. CALIF., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEI1 12, 1932 Soccer Team Meets Stanford Today State Concert Series Edition San Jose Victory F. w. C. RACE WILL BE 'COACH DE GROOT FEARS Second Conference 3huir Spartan Spasms TOUGH ACCORDING LET-DOWN BEFORE Buy Your Ticketa San Jose, Cal. Cause Dopesters to By Alurdoek and Bishop Game Is Scheduled Subs. Rate, 91.00 GAME to the !Movie,. TO DOPE NEXT ftttr Per Quarter BENEATH BAXTER BULBS Today at 4 o'clock Tiallrgr Be More Cautious With two scalps lied securely to If a Far Western Conference (Translated into English this A LIBERAL his belt, Coach Dud DeGroot will COLLEGE PUBLICATION season ran be predicted after an means. "Observed in Baxter Sta- COACH WALKER IS WORKING FAVORED TO start training hi% Spartans for the DEFEAT WASHINGTON; opening Saturday dium, Stockton, Friday night, ()et. (IN OFFENSIVE TAcrlCs on which four Sacramento Junior College clash VOL. 21 SAN JOSE, CALIF., TillIISIMY, OCTOBER 13, 1932 No. 13 STATE TO WIN 7.") ' FOR GAN1E of the six teams involved played. this Saturday afternoon. Some renovated and rejuven- let it be said that this season will Harry "Hack" Applequist's By Theron Fox ated Spartan ramblers rendering San Jose Slate's soccer team present closer scores, stiffer emu- snarling panthers will be very Upsets were the rule bast week some Righter runners into re- play its second Californiai Inter. petition. more outstanding play- much ill evidence with about six in the gridiron circles. Nlany fains verse. (l:onse. Come! This has collegiate Soccer Conference gain, ers, and more color than ever be- teams in suit. Eueli player will lecke(' their way to Stanford ex- got to stop!) today at 4 is when the Stan- International Artists Featured to Are fore. be eagerly awaiting his chance pecting to see a real battle against That the season is already himself to the mercy of his ford Indians invade the San Car- San Jose Stale and California litirl Santa Clara. They passed up the success. It's twice as good as it inevitable conqueror. the Spar- los Street field. Altaic's, both underdogs, won their Frank SI. Mary's-Califurnia game on the was last year and Pacific haa Spairtans are out to even Triena Will Play Concert conference openers. defeating Col- , ton. "Attorney for the Interest grounds that it would Ire a walk- been vanquished for the first Applequist fully aware the score and are in condition to First Concert Artist lege of Pacific and Fresno State, Hack at Musical Half away for the Gaels. time since San Jose State entered tlie same do so. With the weaknesses respectively. that he is not meeting of Will Be Is Increasing as In botb eases they vvcre wrong. the 1,iir Western Conference. ealibre team produced in San last Saturday corrected, the squad Defense" San Jose State 7, College of Hour Friday After the first quarter, fans were The way in which Simoni and Jose State in peva ions years. Sae- should prove a formidable oppon- Pacific 0. What looked to be a yawning anal stretching them- Slietanian were smacking Pacific 1.11M0110 would rather win this ent for the Cards. Worth While Show la. 4* First Approaches selves waiting for the,game at rip-snorting vicious College of The second Musical Half nom left halfbacks. Hubbard, Buehler. game than any one of their own (:oisch Charles Walker sent hit Stanfgord to end. It finally did, Pacifle 'rimer. was transformed of this quarter will be given in Dieu, and company, would smear ...inference contests, which gives men through light praetices klon NOSEY FRON1 l'irrURE TO LOCAL MUSIC STORES ARE cf course. anti the score favored into something that was about as the interference. The ball carrier us reason to believe he will have day and l'uesday, polishing the SWELL STUDENT Morris Dailey auditorium NOW HANDLING A the Cards by a 14-0 score. ferocious as a house-cat by Cap- Benno Rabinof, would barge tip to the line of his team well prepared to meet rough edges that came to light BODY FI'N1) Friday. October 14, at 12:25 by FEW TICKETS At Berkeley the fans were kept Hubbard and a great scrimmage going full lilt and :),Yffffiii.irt.ever the Spartans have I.) Iasi Saturday. Monday he con- Frank Therm, concert master of and pupil of the on their toes from the opening bunch of determined Spartans. big as you please. THEN Mr. Icentrated on co-ordination of his "Attorney' for the Defense," u Interest in the coming Concert whistle to the final gun, and the From the opening whistle until San Jose State symphony orches- late Leopold Atter. who Shetanian, at left half. and NIr. At Pail& Retiring's men used forward line. Colunthia production al the Stale Series is spreading throughout Iwo teams left the field with the the final gun the mighty 11101 of Simoni, tackle by trade, but Ira, and pupil of Kathleen Parlow. will be the featured rill six play's, but it can be assured' It may be that Walker will move Little Theatre, presents Edmund the campus; the empty spaces in score tied up with each squad ; DeGroot outfought, outplayed. play ing out of the line II% part of Triena will present an till Bach that the Panthers are developing 'Perry Stratton from fullback to Lowe as a district iittorney who artist of the Concert the reserve seat plan in the quad scoring an even dozen points. But land outsmarted. the over-confl- the DeGroot defense, would ar- a defense against those plays.1 the weak right halfback position, sours on his profession when he' program, consisting of the Bach booth ore nearly filled; there that is football. !dent Tigers in every department rive also traveling Series on February 28 al full till, This week however, the squad I left. finds lie bas sent an innocent man "Fuga" and "Ciaccona." Both are never was a depressionjudging Getting closer to home, San of the great American game. and shift Jacobsen to the ItesultPacific used four left will concentrate on offense and lo the electric to be played unaccompanied by in the Morris Dailey from the amount of tickets sold. iStale s touchdown came in the outside post. If those men can chair. No more Jose started the upsets for the loilfbacks namely. Wicker. Wit. will have a diversified attack of , and are animist the most In fact, the concert committee is second quarter when Charlie satisfactorily fill the positions, suitable role could have been auditorium. week by benting the College of son, Farina, und Challis. Simoni offense to offer the pleased with everything but the a crushing Walker will have a balanced team found for LOWC. difficult works in litera the Pacific. San Jose's win hurt Baracchi, end, swooped in and and Shelanian played nearly the stragglers Panthers. The erratic and highly dramatic' ture. These pieces were originally way he few remaining the average of sny dope aheet. but blocked a Pateiflc punt. Hubbard. to place on the field. whole game. They were all clean Both teams hare won two file of a man. W110 a written without piano accompani refuse to get the tickets they my feelings were not hurt a bit. end, recovered the ball and ran The probable starling line-up public tackles too. games and neither have been prosecutor turns ment. know they're going to buy any- As a matter of fact the only thing twenty yards to a touchdown. Its for this afternoon'a game will be: persecutor to The way in which Hubbard and scored upon, which makes them way. virtue of this victory, the Spar- reach the Governor's chair, until Triena will perform on a $9000 that favored the Spartans on pa- liaracciti hounded the Pacific just about even on statistical ba- Forward lineWittenberg. Ea- Tickets In Town tans. who were a week ago the death of an innocent man Gaultier violin. which was loaned per WHS that I thought they were passers. The 'riger long -heave sis. Last Saturday night Chico gleson, Leslie. Greenfield, and There are still a few days left termed as the "tlarkhorse" the turns him disgustedly away from through the courtesy of Mr. It going to lose. artists, Wilson anal Hamilton, was taken into ramp by the Pan itillwiller or Jacobson. to buy Concert Series tickets. Conference, are now considered a the district attorneyship, moves Ablxgt of . The in- Here is a little sideline from were unable to get the range even titers, 7-0. and 1wit weeks ago lialfbacksJohnnie Stratton 'rickets are now on sale at Sher- serious threat. in the nmsf active court in the, strument is one from the famous Tulane. Don Zimmerman starred they beat Nlarin, 35-0, in their (captain), Clemo. and Perry Strat- Band Shares in Try-Outs for Yell man Clay's, Mciiiernan's. nnd Fer- when the receivers were in the world's Criminal' Hermann collection. S. J. State in the Green Wave's 34-25 victory Cal Aggies 3, Fresno Stale O. clear because of the pernicious opening tilt. ton or Mines. guson's music stores. Sherman over Georgia. Zimmerman and The Aggies reverting back to old and In the past three years the FullbateksWooll and Moe.. College of Pacific Leaders Are Scheduled Clay and Company has special ar- tactics of Ntessrs. Hubbard Lowe's superb performance is our own Jack Wool vvere the out- fashioned football defeated Fres- Spartan has not beaten the Pan. lioalieSophomore Holbert. rangements for the handling of Baracchi. siren admirable support by the standing performers in the Na- no State by means of a kick from titer. 'Iwo of the games being German Oub Holds Victory Try-outs for the student body tickets, and telephone orders. Laughlin going in at end und Portrayals of Evelan Brent HS Val tional A. A. U. pole vault cham- placement. Louis DeMarlini, main ties and a defeat to the tune of are to be held at a spe- Those in charge have gladly con- wearing number "44" reminded ma Lorraine. a lady who loves only Wetmg October 14 yell leader pionship in 1931. Zinunerman cog in both offense and defense 12-0 last season. A different fret The Slate College band, undet sented to take care of all reserve of another (get Iluit, another) ahen there is money in it for her. cial assembly called for next copped the junior championship for the Aggies. *lade the place ing prevails this year, howei, r. the directoin of Mr. G. Mille!, dill seat tickets required after 8 p. in. great end who sported that num- Soccer Shorts sad Constance Cu ings. Lowe's There will be a meeting of the Tuesday at eleven o'clock. and Wool took second. In the kick from the thirty -yawl! marker spirit, a better team and ., 'Phones For Deaf eralnamely, Garrett Arlx,Ibitie More Ity Dick Ito e hes secretaryfaithful. German Club in Scofield its share in the College of the senior event Wool was victprius, in the middle of the third quarter. adoring, effi- The yell leader is also a mem- Jerry Irwin. Senior music ma- of the University of Southern new coach have changed the sit - cient. W. C. A., Friday evening.: Pacific game Friday by spiritedly und the Tulane star was his accur- the Y. State College that ear- forced to DeMortini, by means of nation to aggressiveneas anal we 1 the Spartan team. and ber of the San Jose jor, has announced California. You sawyer entitle-ask won't After Burton. District Attorney, October 14, at 7:30. Songs, a serenading the silver medal. ate passing. and chisive running. are looking forworal to a great board, besides leading phones will be set up in the Mor- becomes play, student singing. goalies,' before the game, and in between executive I hall rather bad luck in picking put a position to kick. Speaking of numbers reminds have far 10 go now to see a real Burton, defense attorney. Dailey auditoritun for the com- the ball in ReIlS011. halves. marching on the field the rooting section at all ris us of the incident of mysteriona 1 man's game. Tonight the Spar. determined to keep accused men dancing and refreshments are phones are for winners last week, two games Fresno State scored a touch- TO keep the 11.81111 level-headed , of important ing concerts. The Mr. "56". II seems Dud DeGrool first out of the chair as he before had scheduled for the evening. Every- Due to the absence Shield Awarded ending in ties, which, of course, closing is important in that they are ha- ban soceerites piny their the convenience of any deaf peo- down in the minutes of sent them in German except members the S. J. could not be threw my average off. I was just had some of the boys put on dry game on the San C:irlos Street there. he tries to make thing will he At the same time the class ple who attend the concerts. This playin fact they scored two of ble to take things too easy after 1 formed on the flelti. jersey s at half-time. Well. we turf. Their opponent is the Stan- mends by taking under his care the dancing and refreshments. to the arranged about ready to quit, but there them, both being called back. winning a game or Iwo and bet shield will be awarded sort of thing is seldom spoiled most of the changes be one of the the wife anal son of the innocent Plans will be discussed for the During the first half the band seems to be several cinches this taken for a ride. ford varsity, who boast Sophomore class for winning thy at concerts. anti the phones at the From the six inelt line. McQuidtly, hinianinsefinfrrsesslii)osnis. picture. "Bare& played "Hail. Alma Mater," for the week, so it would be a bad time fore the boys put their head gears strongest teams in the C. I. S. (:. ibillee0th he holds :German moving Frosh-Soph tussle. Morris Dailey auditorium are (-ee- Bulldog quarterback. pulled his who wen on. However, there was one wt I roily." to be shown at the Hester benefit of State rooters, many who other- to toss in the sponge. scoring play out of the bag and Nlembers of the State stweer tain to attract missed until after things had Val Lorraine, his former para- :theatre, Tuesday evening. Gret- singing it lustily. At one time 1 San Jose State over Sacra- Tennis Tournament for Rol, Clem() and Ilerman Witten- ICBM also are to be introduced la wise would lie unable to attend. scored a touchdown; the play be- mour, tries presilent of the (luring the game the Pacific hand mento. (This la not one of the started. That was number "56". berg played last Salm,' is with to encourage Burton chen Ebert,: is as well as San Jose State Teachers College ing called hawk as the referee had and both the student body, Now in the flrst half Joe Dieu Women to be Held Soon both (Continued on Page Three) club. ioined with State's, on Page Three) cinches). The Panthers probably called lime mit to clear the end bad colds. Neverth, less. Coach Walker. (Continued wore number "1". We spotted a played "The Thunderer" together have a stronger team than Pacific, played a hard. fast 14,111W zones of little kids. Again, from .1,a1 opportuniiy for tennis well. Band numbers but San Jose will have many Me- number "7" in the melee, and It went the six inch line the Bulldogs petition is being offered to any! phyell in the stand were led by lon( in its favor that were against concluded thail it was Mr. Dieu Through the courtesy of C. C. scored; this HMI` It lineman used girl who is interested in the sport.. Mr. Miller. it last week. Ity proeess of elimination then and our l'ry. Ed. departimail. the "Anna Christie," First Play of Rabinof, Concert Violinist, his hands illegally. Fresno being ileggiiining today and ending Fri- - Benno California to beat Washington "56" beeaine Buehler, varsity entire soccer squad was admit- penalized fifteen yards. ruining day ti list will be posted on the State. The Bears started out tackle. But imagine our tanbar- ted to Nlemorial Stadium. where all scoring hopes. 11y no melons Ittilletin Muted in the women's poorly, but SCPIII to be improving nssment a few minutes later when N%iltleStil.11 California and St Season Entering Second Week's Work Skylight Club Holds Meeting Considered at Top of Music Ladder does this defeat puf Fresno out gym. and all are invited I., with each game. "56" carried the ball. The mys- Nlary's struggle to a 12 to 12 tie. of the running in the Far Western sign oil for 1111. Appoint Big win from tery was nol solved until quite a any- To Oregon to U. (:. I.. A. Conference game. 1f ((trial expressions mean "Anna bit later when NIr. Dieu removed WhiCh will begin next week. Chriatie", first play man, is taking charge id abigi Benno Habitual, violinist, who had the aatisfaction of seeing his Stanford to trounce the West In practice thing the fellows reetaiiiI augee- the gnmes the Univer- There will lie no double), ...nib new season is coming around manager. AI Dunn, experience( Sisters Coast Army. his head gear and identified him- eiuted the kitulues, 281h, last great pupil launched as a suc- sity of Nevada tied the UniversilS ia One undertak- will he heard here February self as "56". How Mr. ittuffilei petition, :la the tournaments are, shape. of ...mese this is man about the slage, is a soloist U. S. C. will do the same to of Utah. 0 to fi: and cessful recitalist and Chico State got "57" is all to be singlea. Anyone, expert ) the second weok of rehear- : ing the important job of light The Skylight Club held its reg. at the Nlorris.:Dailey auditorium Yoyola. still a myttery how- orchestras both dropped at 7 to 0 contest to Sacra- mls, hut new stu- on Nionday. Tht with the great OVer. or not, is eligible to enter, as it is al the present rate the , ing. Louise Winans, a ular meeting in the high place Santa Clara should bent the Ma- mento Junior College. Sophomore Meeting Is play stands Imlay abroad. Thut Joe Dieu, by the way to an (Intimation tournament. 1 is going to be a success of : dent. willing and hard worker, is titnin purpose of the meeting was here and rille%. !mein' that was prophesical for him on Burned in a splendid ball game. Friday night names will be successes. 1 I.) handle the "props". Watch this to discuss plans for future As evidence of belief in his pu- St. Mary's to defeat University To Be Held Tomorrow auspicious debut In search of a There lady, she'll make her :nark activities and appoint "Big Sis the event of his conducted the of San Francisco. little tough Playing in the line defensively drawn, and Saturday morning 11. are people health, the cast young pil. Professor Atter going to bring his who are tem" for the new art students in New York several years ago. players and in the backfield offensively, list of matches will be posted onl Sophomore% who milt at present working hard here. Philhairmonie Orchestra on the down MI that Every Freshman art major is out of the (gouda, in he WIIS importaint cog in the the bulletin board. of the play IN' a SI11.1.001 Carl Palmer heads the tickets Rabinof wits designated by thc Carnegie ' LOST take parl in the nomination the bulletin occasion of Itabinors whirhathey have been floating Spartan triumph. Cie people are Klitherine Smith is in urged to wateli officers are warned to be present 'isnot!). forgot- ...mutative late as "the most Nev.. York. Since since the Pacific game. ten and Baldwin boards and CO-Op 1)0XeS as many HMI debut in Coach That victory is sure sweet! over Watson's head to meet the! 11110IIIT morning are only given credit foi charge of makeup. Gail Nliss Nieto M. 1114. Thairsallay their store. The mem gifted of all the pupils he had violinist has been heard Goldsmith of the Dud IteGroot take. hia charges This boy Randall, fullback of turf exactly hard work on costume mistress. Dor- surprises are in then, the on the chalk dust t at 11 o'clock. At this time olli- the programs is the new wig Language department, has report north to Palo Alt., thia after- the Pacific Cubs. contributed ,,f the play. are bee% of the Skylight Club taught in America." Today these with success in , France a marking the Spartan forty-yard: eine:tat,.ifi0r this quarter will be nom- This piny. I bolo' Oita %Ivrea and Grace Murray ed the loss of her anuill button. noon to acrimmaae mill list of "Little Sisters" on in a the Stan- beautiful piece of work to the line. A little more than sixty be different in this respect the head ushers. Publicity will find gifts have been developed England. Austria. Hungary and hole watch. ford Goof.. The featis Hie), are urelii ll i ll ary No as a and the bulletin board in the Art fracas Friday night. yards in the air, it was a kick The class expects to bold n !garter lel me mention be given by Katherine Hodges manner commensurate with their Italy in addition to having estab- Finder pleaae return to Nlisa aehoduled for Can o'clock the is and please get in touch foe Standing slightly behind his own deserving mention as one of the Sophte following committee. Nlargaret Roberts building. and even before his following in the %pirated meeting and all Proffie Sisters" Immo: importance, lished a large Goldsmith in the Training build- the benefit of any st h.) might goal line, Randall unrorked high lights Mel Newcombe. all by her lone .siviiiitthei;(.)ur "Little of the evening. Sixty %niti(1))rit)7,rtartii,iciiirrgnei.,linti(n, cleat.. present to well known the prompter, death, the distinguished teacher United States. ing. be inclined 10 journes thence. high twisting spiral Player that sailed yards in Ilia, air --that's kieking! und excellent backs! OM some. SAN JOSE, CALIF., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1932 OCTOBER 13, 1932 PAGE THREE PAGE TWO SAN JOSE, CALIF., THURSDAY, Miss Cooper Comes to High Class Artist Will eall Nast Captain R. Werner Christian Religion Miss Fee Gives Freshmen Dr. A. Einstein to YWCA Will Give Second Concert Series Entertain at #tate ' State With a Good Honored at Farewell Second Saving Race from Girls Advice on Color Accept Position at Business Managers Italian Supper at 'reaching Background Concert Series Combinations HALE VACTS LEON W A ENKE Phone Ballard 3843 by Reserves Alice C. Cooper. Dinner (Continuo' from Page One) Being Mental Wreck Institute in East Timm tifies Scofield Hall Soon Miss new I Blue, green, yellow, pink, or- San Jom State College member of 11te English depart- Bollard 3S3I LEAVING To ACCEPT ange, gray, white, which of these men', comes to San Jost State ut concert series to be the only one DR. DE VOSS 1S SPEAKER AT AMERICAN COLI.EGES ibl. Fitzgerald GAMES AND POSITION WITli LARGE are your colors? Not your school Editor Jim ENTERTAINMENT College with a line background presented in San FORUM HELD BY LOS GAIN IN PRESTIGE Jose this year. Managing Editor Dick Sanders ASSURE PLEASANIT TIME MILK COMPANI GATOS 'colors, but the colors you should of teaching and writing experi- Music-lovers, with CHURCH BY APPOINTMENT Sport. Filth.- Clarence Naas FOR GUESTS hitherto divid- Society Editor . . linwe (ismer Iwear every day. Miss Fee, of the Thelma Vickers It. J. Werner, former ed interests, are now concentrat- Desk Editor :.:1:0sruits,t,isra;risii,l,ry,t;rartsihNlii:susgili:,:isita,sii:.r. Captain The use of the Christian reli. Associate Editors Richard Hughes. ing Homemaking department, showed "Einstein will undoubtedls DeLano, Frank Hamilton ,Under the direction of Ruth and Education in- on our series. It will require Margaret Natural Science gion has been the means by which was wrong Ciretlieloll Mame...... Dorothy Wien.. airlists the girls just what bring prestige to this country in Moe ...... San Jose State Collage Townsend and Catherine Fisher, partinent of the University Iligh structor at the College, was hon. of more-than-the -average Times the race has kept from mental with their color seheme at the his acceptance of a (*acuity posi- an Italian style buffet supper will t bikland. She has been a 111011- Tuesday night at 41 farewell magnitude to satiate the ored artistic wreck, Special Writers be given by the Y. W. I:. A. on fellow mem- according to Dr. James C Freshmen Luncheon Club last tion in ;New Jersey," commented Dr. T. W. MarQusnie Iter of the samie department in the banquet given by appetite of the concert-goers 44f nacos, psychologist of Tuesday evening, October 181h, University of California, and of Company 11, the 15911i In- our this col- Tuesday. Dr. C. J. Br:tuer of the science Faculty . Dr. Carl Holliday bers city. Stale knows it litis such from 5:30 to 8:00 at the Schofield conies direct to us from the Slo fantry of the Nahanni Guard. a series, and lege. Several girls were chosen by department to a member of the Mon- welcomes the oppor Published every school day, except Hall of the city Y. W. C. A. The I). Jensen acted as day. by the Associated !Walsall of San desto Junior l:ollege, here she Major Elmer Runty of proving it November 15,1 This broad statement will be the group to illustrate the three Times staff. College. small sum of 25 cents Jose State will be had charge of extension courses toastmaster at the aliair vehich January 10, and February. 28. definite types. Miss Fee pointed the burden of a forum 'address Professor Albert Einstein, the Entered as second class matter at the charged for admission. There in literature, These were was held lit O'Brien's restaurant. tat, ingenue or demure, athletic, will Choiror Vienna Saengerknahen. to be tech- which Dr. DeVoss will give Sun- inallienuttical flan Jose Pootolfice. be fascinating games, music 'the Vienna Boys' very interesting and attracted a The conipany presented Copt:tin and dramatic. Stimples of colored wizard of the age, skits, and of the ac beloved musical organization in Europe. They WANTED day evening in the First Sebscription price. one dollar per quarter, presentations nicalis the most great deal of attention. Werner with a military cap o Method- silks were held close to the girls' who exponthled the theory of rel- tivities of the "Y". There will eine .ell, but they act well. This organization W1tS found- ist not only For a number of summers Slim pair of spurs. church at Los Gatos. faces and the most becoming col. ativity will take up work in this Prom of Wright-Bley Co.. century, and, through stars and l'wo "F.I Porte's". Hi N. Second St.. San Joss, California also be feattired, by Grace Mur- ed in the middle of the seventeenth Cooper taught in the The last ors for their particular coloring has Eng Captain Werner, who is State This fortun will be the first of country as a faculty member ol ray's committee, the reading of 'I'. uprisings of all kinds. it still survives. September issue. Will pay a reit were chosen. 14.11 and Education deptirtments the Institute of Advanced Study. A. Daly's Italian dialect poetry. Superintendent of Rural Ealueis minable price for them. a series tu be sponsored by that of Stamford University. A must Miss Fee invited the girls to Reporter Goes which, by the wny, is a riot in it 'inn, is leaving San Jose to take Morey Williams, in the Co-op j church. Other eminent speakers Object of Group Times in poetic composition, or "how phone her if they were puzzled self. Majors up u position in San Francisco will take care of them nicely.t will conduct "Further," commented Dr. General Elementary Speedl Arts Dept, verse is made.- is being give' the following for- over what to wear 10 the next To Have an Interview with the Golden State Nlilk Com- You know the nice looking boy ums. Brauer, "this project will bring All W11:1111C11 students are comb this quarter 'is. Nils% Cooper. discussing eurren and timely dance. It looks as if she might Organize at First pany. with the thirk curly thick hair. probl PHIS. together the most brilliant minds ally invited. Tickets may lx hail In this nionth's Education mag be rushed. With New Instructor Entertains Faculty of the world for this concentrated by calling to room 14 from 12 to Get-Together azint Nliss t:ooper will have an 3 daily, or from any cabinet mem- I I stud,. of science." A very bewildered Times re- article. "Creative Writing in the ber, or members planning the at- , at Informal Tea The purpose of the group as porter rang the ball, and a sec. officers I College." II will undoubtedly he fair. These people are: (1ene 'With an election of stated by its sponsors, "is the pur- ond later the door opened. of great interest to all students in SAN French, chairman; Florence scheduled for the first meeting. JOSE'S suit of advanced learning and ex- Ittt4INNING st:RIES TO the English department, and oth. "Is this it?" quavered the re Moore, tickets; Hazel Ousley, dec- o'clock ploration in the fields of pure which took place at 7 BE HELD moNPAV ers interested in the field. porter. orations; Helen Giovinnettl Mory science and high scholarship to Wednesday. evening. October 5, in ; AFTERNooNS "Poems of Today" and "Poems QUALITY CI-ORE "Yes, indeed, come right in,' Lockheed. Gail Coovert, Mary M. BLUM the utmost degree that the facili- anothologies & the organiza ! of Youth." of poetry. CO NI., Room 17, G. E. smiled back the instructor. Calais, Eloise French, and June ties of the institution and the abil- lion started last quarter for stu- The Speech Arts department en- have been collected by Miss Coo "Well, what is it?" Rayner. ity of the faculty and students dents with a general elementary , of per. The former is a favorite tertained the (maths members will permit. "Why don't you know?" asked Muriel Irwin, who is the pres- ac I major or minor. will resume the Education department yester- text in many. of the high schoolt the startled instructor. And the ident of the "YU"' promises this L This institution will undoubt- tivities for the fall quarter. and colleges throughout the Unit- ANNIVERSARY SALE to be one of THE "big" events of day at an informal tea given in edly be devoid of all unnecessary dumb reporter shook her head Ntw students are invited tc tal Slides and is even making its the ye:tr. Nliss Jenks' office, room 57. registration and clerical work, and dropped into a chair. join the society, so that they appearance in foreign instihe and that little will be taken di- "Well, I do hopt all the stu may become better acquainted This was the first tit a series lions. mow rectly out of the hands of the pro- dents on the campus 'Will find oul with others interested in the "'America's Message" was writ- of informal teas that the Speech tn Starts fessors so that they may devote where the Home-Making depart A Capella Choir Belins some field and with the facullY ten in coltdsoration with Mr. Will THURSDAY Arts department intend to give to their undivided time to the pur- ment is sand what it is. So few of Last spring a picnic and a tlinnet IC. Wood, former Slate Superin. the faculty members of the other suit of knowledge. them seem to know anything Its Second Season were given. departments in order to help the tendent of Schools, and in the about it." Nliss Frances Conkey, Organisation Plains have been made by Ger. faculty to become better acquaint- "Adventiires of English Litera- The A Capella Choir, with Mr. Advance Study a new instructor in the Home- tonic Gibson, president of the or. ture," Nliss Cooper has worked Climaxing 25 The Institute for and the Years personnel with the of Erlendsen wielding the baton, is ed Nlaking department, spoke with was tunde possible by an initial beginning its second year. Mr. ganization, to divide the members aims of the other departments. on the literature of the 19111 and real enthusiasm and delight as gift of $5,000.000 from Louis Bom- Erlendsen came from St. Olaf's into groups according to their These teas will be given on Nlon- 211th rentury, presenting the mate- she talked of the work carried on berger, retired Newark merchant, college in Minnesota last year to special interests. These groups day afternoons from four to flve rial in an interesting anti fascin- Apparel and his sister Mrs. Felix Fuld. by the girls in the department. Leadership

inaugurate this form of choral will meet separately as they wish. in Nliss Jenks' office. They are to ating manner. a It is with a great deal of inter- From East singing at Stale. .St. Olaf's pos- and meet together about twice strictly informal, the purpose Every Department Ilse est and speculation that the edu- Nliss Conkey comes to us from sesses one of the MOM famous A quarter. being solely to drink tea and talk cational peoples of the world look the East, born and raised in Illi- Capella choirs in the United Philip Niederaur is the vice 4over such situations that mos Mr. Erlendsen Attends upon this new project that in- nois, she received her A. B. from States. president, and Mary Lou Car- 'anise. There will be no program Participates POLO COATS cludes one of the greatest minds the University of Illinois, and Although not fainous through michael the secretary. The spon of any sort. U. S. C. Summer School T144 4,, tier kind--Itlinn quality in deep pile ALL $9.2 3 in its construction. holds out stirs of the organiaztion tire Dr of all times her NI. A. front the Iowa this country yet, San Jose's \ II' \ S 1111.0, silk linednewest ideas in collars, George Freeland, NIrs. Cecile Hall Among the members of the mu State College. choir is fast becoming popular sly le) sires es, shoulders and 'sockets. Mrs. Katherine Hall. anti Nliss El sic faculty to attend school tlui 25c For some time Miss Conkey locallyant1 who knows what the Barbecue at Lion's Den I Downstairs) Attorney for Defense I Toles. summer was William Erlendsee taught home economic.% in high future holds in store for it? sie Me. Erlendsen journeyed to the cosTumr: schools in Illinois. Previous to Promises To Be Good (Continued from Page One) t niversity of Southern Californa SLIPS 39c that she held u position as dieti- COLLEGIENNE DRESSES The barbecue and dance to he where he studied piano ;owl com clan in a New York hospital. jan Kalas Is Director Jack Figandue Is to relent in his persecution of position. He also studied elms; 4, held at the Lion's Den on the wool. Nick Quinn. gangster, her present Well Known in South ph no methods from Angela Diller, sot:TIES NIAIN of Orchestra Monday 15th of October. will be an event (for the head) 49c $9.25 AND lover, through n Citizen's Coininit- the Diller -Quad . 'that should not he missed. Won- co author of FI.0011 tee Burton hiss formed to get the Strmg Quartettes most of twenty- piano method being taught Isere. Jan Kolas, professor of ' Although ; (terra' plans, that promise a won- $ 1 4 real criminals that infest the city. hundred students attending EVENiNG BAGS Practice and theory in San Jose State's five derful thne, are now completed. WAFFLE SHEERSCANTONS--ROUGH SHEERS, Ft B Burton laughs her away. This Fall may not be awnre ilmported Bead 11:11C4, 4music department, directed the this institution Bids are being sold by the var- 89c chmisPLAii) feather clothVELVETSWOOLSfor street. after- A.sudden phone call one night with us one Jack , 14444411 :mil "Ssindas night." Symphony orchestra Monday of it, we have ious committee chairmen, who are Val brings Burton to her Thal important ensemble, the from night through the lilting melo- Fidanque. as follows: Frank Yearian, Bill FilisT BATON IfInd her murdered, , has, in the UNDIES upartment to Past dies and intricate rhythms of the Mr. Fidanque has recently re- Gifford, and Carl been Jones, Frances (1-0selY samples) 39c and lying in a tlrunken stupor be- somewhat neglected in the San Diego, whither Strauss waltz, "Tales from the turned from Pahner. To coi.i.EGE (Suede and Leather Jackets $5 .25 side her, Paul Wallace. the boy music department. This year flew by plane (these daring Vienna WI10113." be whose innocent father Burton had however, is a banner year at State orchestral imusF:KEEpEns. ( fin.. MT. Kolas spent his childhood in moderns!) to direct sin SILK he was for that type of string music. SPECLAL FOR THIS WEEK -? brown. tan. sent to the chair when the environment that inspired the in a publicity stunt sponsored by HOSIERY Permanent Wave. 81.00 59c district attorney. Val had been Three string quartet% have been Diego Chamber of Com- Strauss waltzes, and later plass,' the San OM clean hairi If you're "kitclienettinsr working the boy to get the in- established, and are practicing in- them while he was in the tinny iu merce. including Finger Wave sour way through Col- criminating papers in Burton's dustriously; others are in an em RAYON CliEl Knit Suits and Knit Dresses Czechoslovakin. Considering his lege, you'll find Chatter- possession. To shield Paul, Bur- bryo state. Undoubtedly, in lb' PAJAMAS past experience. Mr. Kates may Ise in ever\ goods$ ) near future, quartet recitals will Any two: Shampoo, Finger Imis Sour help $1 From SNIDER IlltoS., knit 5 , ton surrenders to the police and is accepted as an authority on tht Wave, Marcel, Color Rinse, $ 4.25 inne of need. Dt41444,444, array 1-2 and 3 brought to trial accused of the occupy the nsusic spotlight of the Eyebrow Arch. Manicure. stylistsglorious music of Strauss. ctItes and Pies, Iti 4,41 murder of Vitl I.orraine. college. Facial, or Hair Cut. 40c. NECKLACES piece outfits. 444,4 'tolls, Buns anti Off- The trial of Burton, who con- Miss Theta Manning, member ol 69c . t .akes. Cookies and duets his own defense. is one ot LOST AND FOUND SALE the music department faculty DON LUX ACADEMY, Ltd. N. charge for heels when dam with Pastriesbettet as the most dramatic and unusual was commissioned this summer lis your half moles Room 302, 210 S. 1st St. IVITERY Fur Jackets, special $25 511 I. WO! 11(11111 ANIMALS fr) ever screened. And the unique Thursday. October 13th Dr. Karl Gehrkens to write three Ballard 717t4 Willed with Flindt's 1 5 7 g .1 2Tr) Sol rem,' bath salts) LOC turn of circumstnntial events that articles for the magazine, "School finally gives Burton the clue to In room 19(ask in room 14 il Music," of which Gehrkens SMART DRESSES the real murderer. is an unusual door is locked). Hours---I2 to 3 editor. Miss Manning's articles CHATTERTON BETTER ILATs and cleverly worked out plot Sale will last until the end of will have to do with the choosine 111.: SILKS! $ Sand. idles b s.41,olit BAKERY $1.85 !,I crepe and $ complication. week. of music materials by teachers. ,,,4441 lerseyre- .95 SHEER WOIll.);! .95 LUNCH PLATES 221-22:1 SI MI II SPellIld Able players in the cast, in ad- Articles on Sale Miss Nlanning und Miss Maturint markt' ANNI- Jumpers and 15c - 35c SI LK Jacket frocks, dition 10 Lome are Miss Brent Umbrellas, pins, pencils. books Thompson. leacher of voice in the , 1101IES VERSARY GREEN ROOM 11'1" I t "V( " !Quin, 414 ’AillNI:" sole, big sleeves styles Miss Cummings and Donald Dill& binders, jackets, caps, dresses music department, attended Col $4.95 s. on s. h.t.H.fild" uav. totillita University this 1,111111111.11' OCTOBER 13, 1932 PAGE FOUR SAN JOSE, CALIF.. THURSDAY. eau 3100p attend SiateSacra- mento Game at San Jose, Cal. Spartan Field Rate, S1.00 Stanford Wins From State 2-1 Tomorrow ftttr Tolirgr Tittm Per Quarter A LIBERAL COLLEGE PUBLICATION

Reversal of Form VOL. 21 SAN Cal Aggie-Pacific I Sacramento Holds JOSE, CALIF., FRIDAY, 0C1'013E11 14, 1932 No. 3a9sec Coach Spartan Spasms Shown by Spartans Game to Feature in 7-0 Victory Over Fly Slurdock and Bishop , and there. . . . Dm Before Home Crowd Chico State Team Seen here Far Western Loop wearing out shoe-leather on tht Sacramento vs Spartans omorrow side lines. . . Hal (The Stissus NABILITY OF FORWARDS TIGERS CRIPPLED THROUGH COACH APPLEQU1ST LAt ItS DeFraga telling the boys how TO HANDLE BALL INJURIES RECEIVED IN SPARTAN COACH many touchdowns HIS team RESPONSIBLE Retold Crowd Will SAN JOSE GAME AND TEAM scored `ikintly on the Initial I ay Dance nite game. waterwtigon at the Slated ForThis

complete reversal Afternoon a Showing of In a letter received this morn- Nice work, Skinny. You were SUN With the College of Pacific and Saturday's form, State's soccer See Third Game in Cal Aggies playing the only F. W. ing from Socramento Junior Col- on Ike job anyway. . . . Jack team was defeated 2-1 esterday C. games on tap this week-end lege Coach "Hack" Apolegalist. Mengel with at stop watch and Special on the San Carlos Proceeds of Dance Assembly Ordered for Spartan's Schedule two of the Conference teams, Ne Panther mentor, makes the fol- muttering in his heard btcause afternoon tart vadii and Fresno Slate have lowing statement: the timet didn't fire the gun one 1 ay 1.1u. fighting Stanford Indians. SACRAMENTO J. C. BOASTS OF Jose Stade is playing it has pleasure Play sooner. Tell 'em. Ming Toy, Will Be Given To Tuesday Morning; Yell Leaders opens; San "It always been a The close score does not intli SMART OFFENSIVE practice game with Sacramento to play against San Jose due to It'll 'el111 Dull Shaw still trying ate Hie Stanford lentil's' super. TACTICS Junior College. the spirit of co-operation und the limping from the effects of Student Body Fund Will Frost' how I() do it. i (telly over the lethargic Spartans. Demonstrate Capabilities Eyes of all those interested in courteous treatintnt they hay,/ , to show the - i If Coach Dutl. DeGroot's Coach Applequist, who on Sat-1 us. The games, A few more with Dud's spirit s eemingly unable to co-onlinate up- the Far Western loop will be foc always extended to DANCE BEGINS AT FRANK urday will bring his strong Sac- hurt this or any other FOl It COVELLO TO HEAD and-corning gridders had any in- used on Pacific stodiann Saturday have been close and hard fought.' wouldn't ts strength, State's forwortl line Frank Triena, Violinist, r AND ENDS AT SIX STUDENT YELL LEADER Mr and Mrs. Frank Reidy flated ideas as to their own night when the Cal Ag,gies and ramento J. C. squad down to Spar- with this year furnishing no ex- college. . . . tongratulations epeateths lost opportunities to Saba- Hubbard. You and O'CLOCK TRY-OUTS worth when they journeyed to Pacific get together. Crip Toom tan Field for a game this relation as far as I can see. look to Captain Bud break.» the Indian's goal. Is To Play at Musical Will Be Honored at Palo Alto for a little scrinunage eyes Amities fresh from their 3 to daT for a very close score and, al- your tenni were great stuffthe On the other hand, Stanford Today, Friday. A special aissembly has been with the Stanford so-called 0 victory over Fresno State are though I am not predicting a vie- stuff to wake up this student October 14, is Half-Hour Today Faculty Dinner ost goals because of the forward the day for another called for Tuesday at 11 o'clock s" Wednesday afternoon anxious to chalk up their second tory for Satramento Junior Col body. Keep at it, boy. . . . successful "g o o f fast shots by ine's wildness. Many afternoon dance. It is to be a pay the Student Body President, they certainly left them on the Conterenee victory. From Stock ,DeGroot Proves Himself lege, we have every hope of win Frank Trienit, violinist and con- Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Frank Icared the top of the net by very dance; the nominal Leon Warmke. "farm." The supposedly lowly and ton comes the report that Tommy , rung." Looks like Mac has another fee of ten cert master of the college sym- by arrow margins. Both of the vis wilts will be charged rhis assembly will be in Hu Reidy, a faculty dinner will be battered "goofs" turned into Wilson, said to be one of the mosl Ma.ster Stratemt Boasting great potential powei basketball team on its way to n to students phony orchestra, will play a pro- tor's tallies resulted from power. form of a nomination assembly given tonight in the college cafe- roaring, raging lions and galloped outstanding passers on the coast the Panthers expect to come tc perfection. A glimpse into the I The proceeds Will be given to, gram of Bach at the Musical Half- Use of Ballyhoo tit kicks, Holbert. State goalie, for the position of yell leader, teria through, in, out, and around the hsa been working with the first San Jose and cateh the Spartans byin on Slondaiy, Wednesday, and r the student fund and all students1 Hour today at 12:30 o'cla.k in the at 6 o'chx.k. Preceding the acing unable to stop the ball. which hats been left open by the Spartans in a very distressing string in place of "Riff" Strow just a bit over-confident due ti Friday afternoons shows lite var.- I are urged to come and support it. Morns Dailey auditorium. There dinner, a reception will be held The mouth is mightier thon the Spartan's lone score was advancement of Frankie Covello fashion indeed. The Indiams used bridge, who was injured in the , their win over Pacific. l'hey have sily hard at work. The other I The Remember that the money actual- is no piano accompaniment. in Room 1 of the Home-Making sword, and the typewriter 'anent- made near the close of the game. Try-outs of the various contest- Sacramento plays, and, if theirs San Jose game. With Wilson in team and ninny of them two days, Mac takes the Frosh as- ly comes back to you. He will play "Gofriller." a 89000 building. an offense, is proclaimed a. ’" and ants will be conducted before the Miss Elsie Toles, chair- the imitation, what can the the game there vdll be plenty of ier than The starting backfield pirsints over the ropes. We can I Stanford fouled Eagleson, violin which tuts were The dance starts al four and is been loaned entire man of the Faculty Women's Club, by members of both the Pacific "lerans More State was awarded a penally kick assembly under the direc- real thing be like? Offensively, pigskin flying around. If 'room. will lie big, fast unit heavy, two use a good five this year. over at six, thal gives two hours through the courtesy of Mr. Rob- has charge of the affair. Mrs. ant .nin ost . a t , Leslie was chosen to try for the tion of Covello. San Jose fared little better be- (y’s outfit can stop passes they of whhh will weigh over 200 power to you Slay. . of dancing for len cents, and no ert Abbott (tf Nein Francisco. The Sarah Dowdle is managing the squads. Supporters of the Tiger point. and Ile responded with a The second feature of interest ing unable to advance the ball in might stop Pacific. pounds. math likes dancing violin is owned Its' the famous a master can afford on the program will be the award- banquet. the Sacramento Junior College will team proclaim DeGroot The line, made up of veterans, perfect shot into the net. any manner whatsoever, with Just hoe: far the 1,xal Frosh to miss such an opportunity. Ilerman collection. ing Mrs. Reidy has been connected strategist ond advise Swede halfback, Rob of the trophies won in the single exception of a nice pass, come t() San Jose Saturday after. is u hard charging and fighting outployell the thu.itle Cubs in San Jose's venter thing a date or mime alone, there The program is open to the Righter, Pacific mentor, to forbid kiewnrit wan, wit" win be bard of SophFrosh fracas. The awarding with San Jose State for seven Wool to Hubbard. noon to meet the Spartans. The gaining their 7-0 victory Fridas Clem. play.ed an outstanding will be plenty if stags. public and free of cluarge. The Y. squad for -0 both men Will be handled by Hale Vagts, years as Assistant Dean of Wo- lot of Sacrainentans have been "point- all newspapers to his penetrate. Harvey, a negro fensive and defensive game, av Three men who saw a night tan be told by looking at and women. W. C. A. is again sponsoring this men, and is well known and liked the balance or the sesson and also State'l who was in charge of the fracas. action against Pacific will prob- ing" for San Jose and will come end who caused San Jose nn end the number of first downs made also did Johnnie Stratton, Nam Ziegler's five-piece orches- very interesting half hour of en. close off their dressing rooms to Of trouble boa year. win be bark. left Carl Wells. of the music depart- by till who know her. She was ably grace the side-lines for the here with but one thought in by cacti lt.ain. The figures show tenacious little captain nail tra will play. Dick tertainment. visittng scouts. Sanders, chair- ment, will be in charge of the tbe wife of the late Dr. Snyder, entire Sacramento contest no mind"Whip the Spartans." On He is a marvel on defense onil the Spartans with 18, Pacific 2. halfback. nain of student reoimim is :is follows: alTairs, is in MUSiC111 program, which will in- former president of Son Jose (Continued on Page Four) the other hand, Headman DeGroot Defiroot introdutaal a new tech- probably the nmst consistent pass annoying men tad, Bait they still pay off in touch- Stanford's elitist charge of the dance. 1. elude Gerry Irwin and selections State. plans to start the second string nique into his work which may receiver Applequist has ever had. down, Washburn a were the two fullbocks. 2. Cm, by Paul Cos's ten -piece orchestra. and use them throughout the be very popular in the future. In Gant will start at the other end boot! and Branch, whose long The rest of the time will bo and game. giving the regulars a much his San Jose Mercrury Herald cold ond is also an end of fine calibre. of the don by yeths and talks in Estelle Hoisholt Theron (The Great Predictor) often sent the ball ont Y.W.C.A. Serves Buffet taken up Two Hundred Students needed rest. mina he dwelt la glowing terms on, woodard and Johnson will be til mon' Fox) was on the losing end of a ger zone, anti discouraged Freshman Division Now the form of an impromptu rally Dan Mendelowitz Are Fresno State, after three hard the great Patific offense. His best the tackle positions. Both then bet on the Sooe.T, for Excess Load Gael Gloat- to Theron) than one Spartan attack. at Scofield for the Fresno game on Friday. Apply games with Marines, West Coast work was done in the Tiger dress. nre well over nix feet tall and Bear fracas last Saturday. We Tonight Ilit Stale squad Wu-. Under Dean Goddard The nominees for yell leader to Showiog Art Works Army. and Cal Aggies on success- ing rooms after their first two have plenty of weight :Intl exper Hall Tuesday Evening won't mention who took the foxy practice for the S. F. U. game dale are: Jim Hamilton. Chorle! Two hundred and twenty-eight ive week -ends will rest this Sat games, when he loudly bewailed ience to carry out their assign- ori one to the cleaners because Rex San Francisco Saturday morning lirgistrAtion in Freshman Spencer, Howard Burns. Bill students hove petitioned the Reg- Estelle lloisholt and Daniel 'inlay. The Bulldog squod will his lack of material anal begged ments to an advantage on mita Nest and Jack might not went anY Tuesday night, October 18 cillation has 'neer:0'rd from 77: van istrar's office for permission to Mendelowitz, artists of the San Swede Righter to case up on tlic at 10 0"clock. d,,tu.s. Byron lamphear, Joy be well rested for their encounter I U111111)4 titter a stake. However. the y. w. A. is figure are systertitty wasp having ati Ital the first week, to a final R11,1c Jong. carry an irregular number of Jose State College faculty, with the Spartans on the twenty new coach and let DeGroot make center of the line is not ns ite's inn telTinhLe Fox informed his rivals thot 11, buffet supper in ScolltId flail 852. - - units. Of these, 118 were re- showing paints al an art exhibit second. a showing. heavy, but fight will be veil in onl N. bet cati cinclics . Tali . tall . the local Y. W. C. on Third The administration of Oa tpiests to carry an excess of the being held al the Benner Art The gas attack WHS plainly Vlf1. three Theron. Forward line flas. Greenfield. 'much in evithnee as sill Street. Tieki.ts are thirty fivo group has been changed and it !tawdry(' amount; 54 petitions Shop. 321 South First street, as ible in the read,. Pacific blocking. men. womb!, nna stecionhee tit 1.t.slie. Eggleson, and Wittenberg. Special Section Reserved PREVIEW cents and may be procured trim, 1111W direetly 111111er the supervi were granted. part of the celebration of National and their offense looked dopey Oliver al cen- Clemo, and A preview of "Attorney for the guards nad Captain The hatithembroidered tooth Ilalfbackslihines, y. W. C. A. room or :my mem ',ion of the Dean of Men, Mr. The office granted 86 petitions Picture Week. Sliss Hoisholt is Some idea of the offensive last year's chainpi- for Townspeople at Dtfense" proved picture to be ter. are from pick for the mo.at amusing play' m J. S4ratton. li.er of the "VW." Ruth Townsend Goddard. of the 1111 requests of students represented by a work in still life, strength of San ./1/Se was appar- onship 1C:1111 and know how to is in nil that a good law picture the Pacific game goes to Carl FullhocksIlityes and Wood. charge(' f the entertainment 1 tic Freshman have been en Sparta.n Game who Wanted 1(1 take ICSS than 12 while Sir. Mendelowitz is tlisplay- ent when they rtaovereil a fum down their jolts. shoult1 be. hold Sandholt, guard by profession. .11 GoalieHolbert. which is t consist id numerous joying varied and entertaining units this quarter. These figures ing a landscape representing ma- He on the Pacific six-yard line with many bams in suit Apple- a certain juncture of the proceedi oifics. itihl .1 program. All Programs since their first 11Se111 I dicistu from the people of are only complete to date and chinery and a' clump by the edge and vomind up on the 24 -yard line afford to make inns. twist 11111 easily the Sportan signal caller rI) Sari Jose that they are unable to may be revised later. or the water. on fourth down. he does frequent. tmentea mivismite changes, which it to fox tlic st,ort faYoratile seats when at - The Tigers ciin laugh about it siring men find them. \\Airs: YOl THINK '1: Put Your Money ly. First Tigers with a double reverse. As ltntling games at Spartan field all now and extend congratula this imi.h.1,, ori,itsise mos., -GOOD TIMES" selves on the third :Ind fourth , board to :MELVIN'S! has moved the othletic tions to San Jose on their victm.y IC:11115 when they slow up 11 11i1. II vottitytt it Itt,t,itit, it bit .riiiNK in::: a Sound State Students in Rice's set aside the main bleachers on San Jose State Stadium Would and the acquisition of a coach certainly sounds reasonable that It so involved in Nei Party Fr:ours Perform the west side of tile field 11S 11 who introduced a new stratega produce Ihr fight they llogiess Novelties Investment lie should it fooled the Spartans them rtservol section. int() the (ainference. They hoin Bridge Cards selves. For, lo and behold; when Comedy, Naples and Die" Students will occupy the sec- Show Profit for Department that the San Jose ttorn respond! If San Jose can penetrate tho Score Pads "See all was said anti done, Mr. Sand tion directly in front of the main X with a playing ability equati line they will be the Sacramento holt was in possession of the co. Tallies bleachers. 'I'llte athletic board has the literary ability of their foxy Nanette Kosoff.; FOR SALE first team to do so this Year. tied pigskin insttad of the left Decorations FrillaV night. October II. at cast by portraying For the year ending NI.,y 31, traded to such a stadium. and the tnentor. Practically the same line will Nov410 light that would be possible if halfback. The net gain of this' Ref reshmenl o'clock, in the Theodor,. the young bride: and lloward IE:1::ticindtilirs s wiihurscehaatine caipl:rilsabilrf 1932, the gate receipts from ath- games Tenor Sak $40. affront the Spartans that did last Midge Pri:,,s brilliant offensive move was neg- It.:,,,k mid Noson, peumment mate thespian.; 1000. These will be oecuthell bY blies alone ot the University or sealing accommodations were of :I. (Just overhauled) and they will have to go to 11"levrIt auditorium, FAR WESTERN CONFERENCE year limbic, but Mr. Sondholl cannot In., Booby Pri:es section, the band and i 47011, honorary part of her adoring hus-ithe rooting Colifornia amounted to 9.1311,070.30 fered, it would be a means ol BACKS work if theY eXtterl $10 Giftwores dramatic organ- olasx the Xking Alto Sax (Gold) HAS VERSATILE blamed for trying. completes the: other students and people not 4IIInn of tilin J,,,t. High setit,,,i. 11111111. 1.1111iS St.ides and that amount went a long way profit to San Jose State, anti with- ! $15.00 seats. . triangle by play ing the part of preftrring the reserved pushed Floyd Wilson lif Fresno to desiglIS ift prewiliing in establishing the annual profit in it few years enough could be ...I.: (Cases included) Every team in the Conference, It may be Peterson vs. Peterson Unusual Eiiiii r it ( s l Bernardi 'The returns from the reserved . ,. ler eon, 11- I"Ini .Catroll. Sian Smock and it seems, has one or more backs a neva' record in tlit Conference when San Jose tunnies Sue- &Mei' pro- s of $ made in profits to pay for the PitaihniS. ellY, "See Natilts iind It' " spice mu I c I Clr" Gee tion w .ill I it ...assets . to the stti- +11-flat Boehm Clarinet Pncifle pro- H Pritchord add who are being hailed for their low Willies lost spring. ramento &daintily. The Panthers' grams, flintier in Proceeds or i fund, and in this respect the Out of the gate receipts fin construct ion. $15.00 . --t. ." f+" t" lite! dialogue to the play by portray -1 dent speed and shiftiness. Lending the has Bob Wicker, who.is featured regular fullback answers to the cards. Schott' ., sports much was applied back Other colleges and universities grains, menu by stasrlkoilt loan fund to he uNe,1 ehmei players. The Sli,s.ses othletic board feels confident end sweeps and cut -back Mg two are minting in clear net profits parade is Captoin [WAS Sweet. the in thtir monicker of Pt.lerson and Wits etc. that the student.; will co-operate into minor sports equipment and 1114 Scrnll In "Ill"""' Pat Healy and Margaret Ryan i elusive leack.r of the Agates. Then ploys. Down at Fresno Walt from Fort Bragg. San Jose's re- their work. respective sec- non-proflt making activities of th annually juat what their stadium have important viten. its do Huth and stay in their many tales have come to our ears Glenn is captain and quite some serve fullInu.k also signifies his ELVIN The student association. means to them. It is a problem ! . Play is tentered aroimil a Chesnult and Starion Iloilo . ex- I lion. concerning Nevada's new find, pumpkins OS 11 ball packer. As for presence when addressed by this ROBERTS at . erng Webster I (Ilion, on which every State studen bride who runs siwit The cosi is rounded According to by some San Jose, well people iimy not ;mod old The ri -,o state eo-eibi. Drawing conclusions from that ahould think seriously and be Ray Rhodes "Bud" Hensley (rumored Swedish cognomen. HORWARTH Innrmastrinee husband. Russell, MIL othletie manager. this plan will What silt' tall With Richard to the uttnost if to be n cousin of St. Mary's Bens- hove heard !moth of Bennett, Ill - impellaition is Gus" and he hail, .. up I be tried for one game to determ San Jose Static College should able to back up 102 to S. First with and wind she fill N1111111'1% Warren Kathy, John Long- Ballard :77:41( ley I. Then op nt Chico there is ice and others, but we say "watch from San Francisco. (This last dr will be have a stadium. With the crowds the students nre ever offered such x 1.1.:II ' ies is chverly Griffiths, and Irma-line whether or not it revealed in Moth . Arthur opportunity. "Hank" Henry, the buy who their smoke!" fur the benefit of freshmen), in Plot. carrying out. j that would undoubted's' be at an 4.,...:::.4.4.4:.:::-:::.-:40400 Louise Scott heads the gard Itreklebausu. 'worth while