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Union with Christ REFORMATION TODAY NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 1990 \ Some of 1he paslors presenl al Nor1hwes1 R eformed Baplisl Family Conference, June 20-23, 1990. Kermil Minnick is on !he./ar 14i as y ou look al 1h e piclure and Bruce Ray and Don Lindblad on./ar rig hi (see edi!orial p. 3) The Carey Conference for Ministers January 2-4, 1991 College of Ripon and York St John, Yorkshire - Theme: Bring Back Biblical Preaching Speakers: Norman Porter, Don Garlington, Donald Macleod, John Blanchard The alarming casualty rate in Christian profession, the poor standard set for church membership, the hi gh profile for entertainment in worship services, all this can be traced to deficiencies in preaching. At our conference last year we considered the subject of revival; preaching follows this year. It is by the powerful presentation of the Truth that the people of God are sanctified and unbelievers called to saving fa ith. As those who stand before the people to bring forth the eternal truths of the Gospel we are to be always moving forward in the development of our gifts and under­ standing of the Scriptures. In particular, John Blanchard will deal with the matter of the impact of our preaching: how to place the hay down where the sheep can reach it and how pastoral concern is to be intrinsic in the work of preaching. This subject is relevant to all those in leadership in the church. Indeed, it represents the most urgent need throughout the world. Fee: £70 per person Write Carey Ministers' Conference (£ 10 deposit with ap pli cation) to: c/o Crag House Farm, Smithy Lane, (if inflation has hit yo u, Cookridge, Leeds LS16 7NH write to organi sers 1) Tel: (0532) 679422 From cover: Dani el Busakiva and Pastor Sikhone H a,;he of South Africa who are both studying at Toronto Baptist Seminary. Sikhone is an experienced pastor who is studying with a view to helping ministers in the T ra nskei. Both Daniel and Sikhone are Xhosa speaking ii Editorial Th e Whitefield ji"aremal has a fin e pmgramme of subjects. Shown above is Dr John Arms/rang who leads theFaremal, standing on rh e right (s ee p. 2) Without doubt the 20th century will go 1985. Difficult issues have arisen to down in Church history as the century dictate three bodies. However we are of Ecumenism. From the time of the not dealing with small groups such as Missionary Conference in Edinburgh the association in California whose in 1910 through 80 years to 1990, activity associational statement of faith is repor­ has escalated to bring Christendom ted in this issue but large groupings of together. In the Christian World churches. The Grace Baptist churches Encyclopaedia, Barrett speaks of a pro­ in England number about 500. With liferation of 20,800 denominations. a Reformed confessional basis they Where do we fit into that? What can we would qualify for membership with the do to improve true unity which does not ICRC. compromise the great centralities of the The paper given at the Westminster gospel? Every time a church in our Conference: The 1689, Why Another circles adds a line to the 1689 Con­ Confession? describes the historical fession and makes that line paramount reasons disposing the 1689 Confession. we have a new denomination. Christian unity was the primary Early in October I spent time with Dr purpose.' Paul Schrotenboer who recently retired Dr Schrotenboer told me that the forces from his position as executive director that work against unity are often greater of the Reformed Ecumenical Council. than the powers that promote and He has devoted 25 years of his life to encourage it. The human problems promoting unity among Reformed de­ causing division are as great as and nominations. The Reformed branch of sometimes greater than the doctrinal the World Church has had three inter­ problems. Don Garlington's articles in national ecumenical organisations, The this respect have been on target. World Alliance of Reformed Churches, 1875; followed by The Reformed Ecu­ Union with Christ menical Synod which began in 1946, The complexities involved with regard and then the International Conference to inter-church and interdenomina­ of Reformed Churches which began in tional unity are so daunting that one is tempted to ignore the subject as some­ persuasions attend the fraternal and thing beyond solution. Yet when we represent a unity of pastors who are realise the wonder of what it is to be one prepared to give their attention to in Christ we dare not be cavalier about serious doctrinal subjects and en­ Christian unity. The way in which we courage each other in their ministerial approach the subject must surely follow responsibilities. the model provided for us by our Lord in his prayer for unity (Jn 17:20-23). The Canada. The annual Carey Family Con­ importance of unity is further stressed ference bas served as a rallying point for by the parameters of that unity defined the Reformed faith for several years. As in Ephesians 4:1-6. We are in one body, the name suggests it is a Baptist meeting have one Spirit, share the same calling, but non-Baptists are attracted and sup­ have the same Lord, believe the same port the annual camp since they find so saving gospel, have the same baptism much in common and enjoy a strong (as is explained in the article, Union bond of unity. There is little available in with Christ), and are bonded together Canada which provides the blend of by adoption into the same family with Reformed teaching and fellowship the same Father. Divisions are for­ enjoyed at this annual camp by Lake bidden (1 Cor 1). We are to pray and Huron. work to maintain the unity already given to us by being completely humble California. Of similar flavour is the and gentle, with patience, forbearing annual family conference organised by one another in love. The constraint of the RB association in California whose statements such as Philippians l :27,28 constitution forms part of this issue. It and Paul's own prayers in Romans 15:5 was my privilege to be the visiting and Philippians 2: 1-11 are cogent. speaker this year at ldyllwild Pines, a beautiful resort high in the mountains. 250 attended. A strong desire for revival Examples of Christian unity is increasing in this group. After one and inter-church unity session about 18 men were spon­ South Africa. In this issue there is a t3Ll1eously drawn to spend an extended report of the annual conference at time in intercession for revival, meeting Skogheim, Natal, South Africa. The in a secluded place though no specific Skogheim conference is inter-denomi­ exhortation had been given before. national and multiracial. It is not a When the Holy Spirit inspires prayer it Baptist gathering. It continues to be an is probably a sign that we are moving annual event looked forward to by toward better times. During my travels many who value a reliable ministry and this year 1have noticed the breath of the a wider fellowship which crosses many Spirit, no mighty wind, not even a frontiers. breeze, but at least a breath and that is better than nothing. Remember that Chicago. The picture on p. l shows John Elijah prayed until he saw a cloud no Armstrong speaking to the men of the larger than the hand ofa man. He knew Whitefield fraternal at Wheaton. then that the much needed rain to end Recently I addressed this fraternal on the drought was on its way. the subject of the life and influence of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones, a subject The West Coast ofNorth America. Thirty prompted by the 800 page, 2nd volume years ago it seemed that the West Coast biography by lain Murray. My theme was destitute of Reformed churches. was, the doctor as Preacher-Evangelist, Now we are encouraged not only by the Puritan and Revivalist. Men of various Los Angeles area as reflected in the 2 Bearing One Another's Burdens Part 4 Look to Yourself An exposition by Don Garlington We have seen thus far that restoration of dislocated members of the body of Christ places an onus directly on the one who engages in the work. If restoration is the actual goal, then the way in which this is attempted is all important. According to Paul, correction is to be undertaken in a 'spirit of gentleness' only by those who are 'spiritual'. We might think that this is enough, but it is not. The reverse side of the same coin is expressed by verse la: 'Look to yourself, lest you too be tempted.' In other words, a true spirit of gentleness is realistic in its assessment of self, because, at the end of the day, we are no less vulnerable than our brother who has fallen. It is this pointedly admonitory dimension of Paul's counsel which is expanded in verses 3-5. Verse 3 sets before us the contrast of fact versus fiction. The fiction is my belief that I am 'something', while the fact is that I am actually 'nothing'. Paul's terms are clarified by the context and by parallel statements in other letters. The person of Galatians 6:3 who thinks he is 'something' sounds very much like the one addressed by Romans 12:3: 'I bid everyone among you not to think more above mentioned constitution but by dominance of young families and a large the unity represented in the North number of children.' West. Don Lindblad wrote in July to say: There is very little in the San Diego area of California and nothing cohesive 'Approximately 200, coming from 15 known to us in British Columbia, churches, attended the Fourth North­ Canada.
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