Nanoelectronic Mixed-Signal System Design Saraju P. Mohanty Saraju P. Mohanty University of North Texas, Denton. e-mail:
[email protected] 1 Contents Nanoelectronic Mixed-Signal System Design ............................................... 1 Saraju P. Mohanty 1 Opportunities and Challenges of Nanoscale Technology and Systems ........................ 1 1 Introduction ..................................................................... 1 2 Mixed-Signal Circuits and Systems . .............................................. 3 2.1 Different Processors: Electrical to Mechanical ................................ 3 2.2 Analog Versus Digital Processors . .......................................... 4 2.3 Analog, Digital, Mixed-Signal Circuits and Systems . ........................ 4 2.4 Two Types of Mixed-Signal Systems . ..................................... 4 3 Nanoscale CMOS Circuit Technology . .............................................. 6 3.1 Developmental Trend . ................................................... 6 3.2 Nanoscale CMOS Alternative Device Options ................................ 6 3.3 Advantage and Disadvantages of Technology Scaling . ........................ 9 3.4 Challenges in Nanoscale Design . .......................................... 9 4 Power Consumption and Leakage Dissipation Issues in AMS-SoCs . ................... 10 4.1 Power Consumption in Various Components in AMS-SoCs . ................... 10 4.2 Power and Leakage Trend in Nanoscale Technology . ........................ 10 4.3 The Impact of Power Consumption