The Messenger
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TTTHE MESSENGER ~ A Communication Ministry of Salem United Church of Christ ~ January 2017 Volume 63, Issue 1 We are God’s children called to seek, share, teach, and continue to experience the Word of God. The excitement and wonder of Christmas has faded and the New Year’s resolutions have all been forgotten. What do we have to look forward to now? There are predictions for a “very active” winter. We do have our sausage supper coming up – that is always exciting! Does it seem we are missing something? Could it be that the promise of Christmas was thrown out with all of the wrapping paper? Or maybe shoved into a box with all of our Christmas decorations only to be dragged out again next year? I fear that maybe we missed Christmas. I don’t mean the actual day but rather what Christmas is. Christmas is more than just a day of gift exchanging and good food. It’s more than the twinkling lights and decorated trees. In fact, those things do not have anything at all to do with Christmas. Then, what, you might ask, is Christmas about? It is all about Jesus – God incarnate. Where was this message before Christmas? It was there staring us in the face. However, we chose not to see it because we were too busy buying presents and making cookies. There is nothing wrong those things – I like exchanging gifts and eating cookies as much as the next person. I think it is important for us to reflect on Christmas and the profundity of the gift of Jesus Christ. The gift is a life changer. Nothing is the same after Jesus. We are called to usher in the “kingdom of God” here on earth. We are called to set aside our fears, prejudices, and our human nature to distance ourselves from the strange and unfamiliar. We are called to embrace one another as children of God. The Christ child is not just another child – this child is God; the same God who created Creation, the same God who loves and longs to be in relationship. Once God enters your life – you are no longer the same. Once you let Jesus into your heart – you are called to be and do things of which you never dreamed. However, most importantly, you are loved beyond what you can ever imagine! Let’s never store that away for next year. Blessings Pastor Jerry ******************************************************************************************************************* Monday Morning Reflections With Pastor Jerry Come join us at Maedge’s on Monday mornings at 10:00 a.m. to have a cup of coffee, discuss the sermon, read scripture together, and talk about whatever is on your mind. ******************************************************************************************************************* Did You Know? What important decision was part of the New Year’s Day meeting of Salem congregation on January 1, 1877? It was decided to build a new Sanctuary with Rev. Peter Goebel as Building Inspector. The Building Committee was comprised of Heinrich Suhre, Nicolaus Ochs, W.L. Suhre, Peter Gehrig, Jost Klaustermeier, Ernst Braundmeier and Rudolph Sander. “““Presence“Presence of GreatnessGreatness”””” (Suggested Readings: Psalm 139: 1-8 & Hebrews 13: 5-6) As I write this Christmas season; I think of the awe and wonder of the Shepherds and the Wisemen, as they beheld the Christ child. On almost any given day, you and I prepare ourselves, that we may be proper in our manner and relationship with others. We do not normally go about the world in our pajamas or bathrobe. We prepare ourselves; not only in dress, but in conduct, manners and behavior. That which so often eludes us, is that we are in the presence of greatness each moment of every day! In the 28 th chapter of Genesis; Jacob awakes from dream, where angels ascended and descended a ladder from heaven. God spoke words of promise and presence to Jacob. Jacob awoke in awe; saying “surely God is in this place!” When we come to the reality of that which Jacob awoke to; we realize, that we awake God’s presence daily. Are our hearts not convicted? May we consider all it means to be in the presence of God. How will you and I behold the Lord today? Do we come with humility, thankfulness, obedience and love devotion to God? Do we come with mercy, grace, forgiveness, hope, encouragement, service, generosity and love for our neighbor? We may look with desire to be with those who behold the Lord that Christmas; yet, Christ is with us each day. How will I behold him? At this moment, I am in the presence of greatness - so are You! Lord God, help make us right to be in Your Holy Presence; today and forever. Amen. May we always behold the wonder of our ever present God! God Bless You in the New Year! Pastor John ******************************************************************************************************************* EEEXHALE ––– YYYOUTH NNNEWS “Christmas Cheer All Year” For many, Christmas is the best time of year. Decorating, wrapping and giving gifts, making cookies, and celebrating the birth of Jesus with family and loved ones. Peace, love, joy and hope are spread all around. In the spirit, we feel compelled to share our gifts with not only our loved ones but also those we don’t know or those who are less fortunate than ourselves. We participate in giving trees, coat drives, Adopt-a-Family; donating to the food pantries, putting together care packages for soldiers, and the list goes. It truly is the season of giving. But why does this spirit and this time of spreading the love have to be seasonal? What about the other 11 months of the year? Those in need, people in pain, the homeless, the lost. All of these don’t go on vacation after the holidays. So why would our giving, our support, our love be packed away with the lights and tree? As the New Year passes and we set out New Year’s Resolutions, let’s continue the spirit and cheer of the Christmas season throughout the year. Continue to care for and help all of God’s children; continue to spread hope, peace, joy, and, most importantly, love. ~ Becca Braundmeier, Youth Director IMPIMPORTANTORTANT DATES FOR EXHALE: Sunday, January 1: NO Exhale Sunday, January 8: Exhale @ 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Sunday, January 15: Exhale @ 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Sunday, January 22: Exhale @ 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Sunday, January 28: Sausage Supper Coat Check Sunday, January 29: Exhale @ 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. ******************************************************************************************************************* From The Men’s Fellowship & Women’s Guild Next Meeting of the Men’s Fellowship & Women’s Guild: There will be a meeting on Thursday, January 19, at 7:00 p.m. January Golden Agers Are: Lorene Uhe on January 10, Julann Hastings on January 18, Ed Layher on January 18, Bob Dauderman on January 23 and Dorothy Knabel on January 29 . ******************************************************************************************************************* Church Council Meeting Summary December 8, 2016 Present: Pastor Jerry Amiri, President Steve Stille, Dagmar Annable, Gary Boda, Scott Demkey, Richelle Ernst, Donita Prott, Ronna Renken, Patrick Stille, Christopher Uhe “We are God’s children called to seek, share, teach, and continue to experience the Word of God.” Call to order/Devotion : The meeting was held at Pastor Amiri’s home, and was called to order by President Steve Stille. Pastor Jerry shared a Christmas parable: “The King and the Humble Maiden” by Kierkegaard. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes – Richelle Ernst moved to approve the minutes, and Ron Mindrup seconded the motion. The minutes were accepted by acclamation. Treasurer’s Report/Approval of Report – Scott reported that we hit our budgeted offering goal for the month, so that offset our deficit a bit. We are still running at a deficit for the year ($6374 deficit). Ronna Renken moved and Donita Prott seconded the motion to approve the report. Outstanding Bills/Approval to Pay – Scott reported that with year-end bills, it is quite a bit more; we’ll ask for a $5000 transfer to the General Fund to make sure we have money to cover the bills. We also received another bill from Ernst Heating ($232) for some additional repairs. Pastor Jerry also received the credit card bill today ($623) and will get that to Scott. This will bring payables to $29,089.02. Dagmar Annable moved to pay the bills; the motion was seconded by Gary Boda; motion carried. Committee Reports BOCE – No additions to the printed report Evangelism/Worship – Donita reported that they are prayerfully considering ways to maintain the current membership rolls in a considerate and inviting manner. Mission/Stewardship – Pastor Jerry reported that they have not met. Property –The boiler has passed its inspection. A fire inspection has also been done. Lewis reported that the snow blower we have doesn’t want to start in cold weather; he may look into having the Brotherhood buy a new one. The trees around the church need to be trimmed, and Gary thinks that we could do this ourselves with a bucket truck and pole saw. Personnel – Pastor Jerry reported that evaluation surveys have been mailed out, and they’d like to have this completed at by the end of the year. They are waiting for the compensation recommendation from the Council. Vision Committee – Pastor Jerry reported that they met Tuesday night, and it was an excellent, productive meeting. They had a good discussion over possible directions to go. They’re meeting again the first Tuesday in January. Pastor’s Report • Procedures for church cancellations (reminder – it will be in the Messenger) • Pastor Jerry presented a proposal for dividing his clergy renewal (sabbatical) into two periods.