~ A Communication Ministry of Salem United Church of Christ ~

January 2017 Volume 63, Issue 1

We are God’s children called to seek, share, teach, and continue to experience the Word of God.

The excitement and wonder of Christmas has faded and the New Year’s resolutions have all been forgotten. What do we have to look forward to now? There are predictions for a “very active” winter. We do have our sausage supper coming up – that is always exciting! Does it seem we are missing something?

Could it be that the promise of Christmas was thrown out with all of the wrapping paper? Or maybe shoved into a box with all of our Christmas decorations only to be dragged out again next year? I fear that maybe we missed Christmas. I don’t mean the actual day but rather what Christmas is. Christmas is more than just a day of gift exchanging and good food. It’s more than the twinkling lights and decorated trees. In fact, those things do not have anything at all to do with Christmas.

Then, what, you might ask, is Christmas about? It is all about Jesus – God incarnate. Where was this message before Christmas? It was there staring us in the face. However, we chose not to see it because we were too busy buying presents and making cookies. There is nothing wrong those things – I like exchanging gifts and eating cookies as much as the next person. I think it is important for us to reflect on Christmas and the profundity of the gift of Jesus Christ.

The gift is a life changer. Nothing is the same after Jesus. We are called to usher in the “kingdom of God” here on earth. We are called to set aside our fears, prejudices, and our human nature to distance ourselves from the strange and unfamiliar. We are called to one another as children of God. The Christ child is not just another child – this child is God; the same God who created Creation, the same God who loves and longs to be in relationship. Once God enters your life – you are no longer the same. Once you let Jesus into your heart – you are called to be and do things of which you never dreamed. However, most importantly, you are loved beyond what you can ever imagine!

Let’s never store that away for next year.

Blessings Pastor Jerry

******************************************************************************************************************* Monday Morning Reflections With Pastor Jerry

Come join us at Maedge’s on Monday mornings at 10:00 a.m. to have a cup of coffee, discuss the sermon, read scripture together, and talk about whatever is on your mind.


Did You Know?

What important decision was part of the New Year’s Day meeting of Salem congregation on January 1, 1877?

 It was decided to build a new Sanctuary with Rev. Peter Goebel as Building Inspector. The Building Committee was comprised of Heinrich Suhre, Nicolaus Ochs, W.L. Suhre, Peter Gehrig, Jost Klaustermeier, Ernst Braundmeier and Rudolph Sander.

“““Presence“Presence of GreatnessGreatness””””

(Suggested Readings: Psalm 139: 1-8 & Hebrews 13: 5-6)

As I write this Christmas season; I think of the awe and wonder of the Shepherds and the Wisemen, as they beheld the Christ child. On almost any given day, you and I prepare ourselves, that we may be proper in our manner and relationship with others. We do not normally go about the world in our pajamas or bathrobe. We prepare ourselves; not only in dress, but in conduct, manners and behavior. That which so often eludes us, is that we are in the presence of greatness each moment of every day! In the 28 th chapter of Genesis; Jacob awakes from dream, where angels ascended and descended a ladder from heaven. God spoke words of promise and presence to Jacob. Jacob awoke in awe; saying “surely God is in this place!” When we come to the reality of that which Jacob awoke to; we realize, that we awake God’s presence daily. Are our hearts not convicted? May we consider all it means to be in the presence of God. How will you and I behold the Lord today? Do we come with humility, thankfulness, obedience and love devotion to God? Do we come with mercy, grace, forgiveness, hope, encouragement, service, generosity and love for our neighbor? We may look with desire to be with those who behold the Lord that Christmas; yet, Christ is with us each day. How will I behold him? At this moment, I am in the presence of greatness - so are You! Lord God, help make us right to be in Your Holy Presence; today and forever. Amen. May we always behold the wonder of our ever present God!

God Bless You in the New Year! Pastor John



“Christmas Cheer All Year”

For many, Christmas is the best time of year. Decorating, wrapping and giving gifts, making cookies, and celebrating the birth of Jesus with and loved ones. Peace, love, joy and hope are spread all around. In the spirit, we feel compelled to share our gifts with not only our loved ones but also those we don’t know or those who are less fortunate than ourselves. We participate in giving trees, coat drives, Adopt-a-Family; donating to the food pantries, putting together care packages for soldiers, and the list goes. It truly is the season of giving. But why does this spirit and this time of spreading the love have to be seasonal? What about the other 11 months of the year? Those in need, people in pain, the homeless, the lost. All of these don’t go on vacation after the holidays. So why would our giving, our support, our love be packed away with the lights and tree? As the New Year passes and we set out New Year’s Resolutions, let’s continue the spirit and cheer of the Christmas season throughout the year. Continue to care for and help all of God’s children; continue to spread hope, peace, joy, and, most importantly, love. ~ Becca Braundmeier, Youth Director


 Sunday, January 1: NO Exhale  Sunday, January 8: Exhale @ 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.  Sunday, January 15: Exhale @ 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.  Sunday, January 22: Exhale @ 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.  Sunday, January 28: Sausage Supper Coat Check  Sunday, January 29: Exhale @ 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.


From The Men’s Fellowship & Women’s Guild

Next Meeting of the Men’s Fellowship & Women’s Guild:

There will be a meeting on Thursday, January 19, at 7:00 p.m.

January Golden Agers Are:

Lorene Uhe on January 10, Julann Hastings on January 18, Ed Layher on January 18, Bob Dauderman on January 23 and Dorothy Knabel on January 29 .


Church Council Meeting Summary

December 8, 2016

Present: Pastor Jerry Amiri, President Steve Stille, Dagmar Annable, Gary Boda, Scott Demkey, Richelle Ernst, Donita Prott, Ronna Renken, Patrick Stille, Christopher Uhe

“We are God’s children called to seek, share, teach, and continue to experience the Word of God.”

 Call to order/Devotion : The meeting was held at Pastor Amiri’s home, and was called to order by President Steve Stille. Pastor Jerry shared a Christmas parable: “The King and the Humble Maiden” by Kierkegaard.  Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes – Richelle Ernst moved to approve the minutes, and Ron Mindrup seconded the motion. The minutes were accepted by acclamation.  Treasurer’s Report/Approval of Report – Scott reported that we hit our budgeted offering goal for the month, so that offset our deficit a bit. We are still running at a deficit for the year ($6374 deficit). Ronna Renken moved and Donita Prott seconded the motion to approve the report.  Outstanding Bills/Approval to Pay – Scott reported that with year-end bills, it is quite a bit more; we’ll ask for a $5000 transfer to the General Fund to make sure we have money to cover the bills. We also received another bill from Ernst Heating ($232) for some additional repairs. Pastor Jerry also received the credit card bill today ($623) and will get that to Scott. This will bring payables to $29,089.02. Dagmar Annable moved to pay the bills; the motion was seconded by Gary Boda; motion carried.  Committee Reports  BOCE – No additions to the printed report  Evangelism/Worship – Donita reported that they are prayerfully considering ways to maintain the current membership rolls in a considerate and inviting manner.  Mission/Stewardship – Pastor Jerry reported that they have not met.  Property –The boiler has passed its inspection. A fire inspection has also been done. Lewis reported that the snow blower we have doesn’t want to start in cold weather; he may look into having the Brotherhood buy a new one. The trees around the church need to be trimmed, and Gary thinks that we could do this ourselves with a bucket truck and pole saw.  Personnel – Pastor Jerry reported that evaluation surveys have been mailed out, and they’d like to have this completed at by the end of the year. They are waiting for the compensation recommendation from the Council.  Vision Committee – Pastor Jerry reported that they met Tuesday night, and it was an excellent, productive meeting. They had a good discussion over possible directions to go. They’re meeting again the first Tuesday in January.  Pastor’s Report • Procedures for church cancellations (reminder – it will be in the Messenger) • Pastor Jerry presented a proposal for dividing his clergy renewal (sabbatical) into two periods. The Council discussed this and approved the proposal.  Old Business – We are still seeking candidates to serve on the Council and various church committees.  New Business – Pastor Jerry suggested that with possible future internet connectivity in the church it may make sense to have a technology line item in the budget at some point. We will hold the annual meeting on January 29, 2017.  Next Meeting – Thursday, January 12 @ 7:00 p.m.; Donita will keep the minutes.

Note: The approved minutes of all Church Council meetings are available in the church office.



We Need Your Help!

Once again we have a shortage of church keys. If you use your key, please keep it.

Please check for the following:

 If you do not use your key, please consider turning it in to the church office.  If you have a duplicate, please return one to the church office.  If more than one person in your family has a key, please consider returning one to the church office.

Again, if you use your key, please keep it. *******************************************************************************************************************

Salem UCC Treasurer's Report

(Month Ending 11/30/2016)

Current Activity YTD Activity

GENERAL FUND BEGINNING BALANCE 6,913.28 14,948.86 Offering – Loose 8,125.55 79,617.46

Offering – Envelopes 9,146.00 104,217.00

Facility Use Donations 0.00 3,865.00

Miscellaneous Receipts 0.00 1,387.90

Interest Income – General Fund 1.19 35.24

Benevolence Received 459.00 8,993.55 Total General Fund Income 17,731.74 198,116.15

Salaries 9,315.77 106,089.16 Employee Benefits 454.80 28,269.06 Maintenance/Property Services 845.22 8,786.04

Insurance 0.00 9,495.75

Utilities 2,030.37 21,865.29

Supplies – General 592.76 7,265.35 Professional Expense 479.96 3,622.87 Miscellaneous 0.00 610.39

Worship 165.86 3,517.24 Christian Education 183.75 3,937.46 Evangelism 0.00 1,210.05 Stewardship 0.00 373.25

Pastoral Care 0.00 455.02 Benevolence Paid 811.00 7,802.55 Total General Fund Expenses 14,879.49 203,299.48

GENERAL FUND ENDING BALANCE $ 9,765.53 $ 9,765.53


Memorials Received 200.00 9,250.00

Honorariums Received - 1,370.00

Miscellaneous Receipts - 345.00

Memorial Fund Expenses: Transfer to Building Fund (40,852.27)

Transfer to Reserve Fund (20,425.00)

Parish Hall Painting (9,000) Misc. – Postage; Paint for Parlor (665.95) Choir Folders; Book Lights (550.01)

MEMORIAL FUND ENDING BALANCE $ 22,938.55 $ 22,9 38.55


Building Fund Offering 450.00 9,950.00 Memorials Received 500.00 1,010.00 Misc. Receipts – Mower Purchase - 200.00 Transfer from Memorial Fund 40,852.27

Building Fund Expenses: Landscaping – New Mower - (5,100.00) Elevator alarm system install (3,294.50) (3,294.50) Passageway – Windows Replacement - (14,931.90) BUILDING FUND ENDING BALANCE $ 42,151.52 $ 42,151.52

SABBATICAL FUND BEGINNING BALANCE 13,896.12 12,896.12 Contribution from Men's Fellowship 0.00 1,000.00 SABBATICAL FUND ENDING BALANCE $ 13,896.12 $ 13,896.12


Memorials – Endowment Fund 15.00 535.00

Endowment Fund Disbursements:

Interest Distribution – General Fund (158.00)

Interest Distribution – Benevolence (158.00)

ENDOWMENT FUND ENDING BALANCE $ 61,392 .76 $ 61,392 .76


Change in Market Value 6,262.04 15,504.59

Withdrawal for Scholarships 0.00 (7,000.00)

INVESTMENT FUND ENDING BALANCE $ 182,512.81 $ 182,512.81


Change in Market Value 1,019.88 1,949.90

Donations for Ecuador 2016 2,230.70

Mission Fund Disbursements:

Expenditures for Ecuador Mission Trip (200.00)



Interest Income – Reserve Fund 15.11 180.54

Transfer from Memorial Fund 20,425.00

RESERVE FUND ENDING BALANCE $ 30, 913.24 $ 30,913.24


Donations for HD Camera 100.00 150.00 $ 1, 704 .11 $ 1,7 04.11

Salem Seekers

Calling the January 1 January 8 January 15 January 22 January 29 Disciples

Opening Opening Opening Opening Opening Gathering Room 8:45 – 9:05 8:45 – 9:05 a.m. 8:45 – 9:05 a.m. 8:45 – 9:05 a.m. 8:45 – 9:05 a.m. a.m.

Gathering Room ______(Media & Popcorn) All Children NO Sunday Pre-K – 6th Scribe’s Den School K & 1st 4th & 5th (Crafts) Media & Popcorn 2nd & 3rd Happy New Year! in Gathering Room

Faith Island 2nd & 3rd K & 1st (Games) 4th & 5th

Disciples Dunes 4th & 5th 2nd & 3rd K & 1st (Cooking)

Closing Closing Closing Closing Closing Gathering Room 9:40 – 9:50 9:40 – 9:50 a.m. 9:40 – 9:50 a.m. 9:40 – 9:50 a.m. 9:40 – 9:50 a.m. a.m.

All children will start in the Gathering Room at 8:45 a.m. After the opening gathering, the children will be led to their specific workshop by their shepherds.

Please pick up your child in the Gathering Room at 9:50 a.m.

Thank You Notes… Highland Area Christian Service Ministry would like to thank Salem UCC for their donation of $405.50 to the food

pantry. The food pantry provided a total of 941 servings of food to 652 people from 278 eligible families in the service

area in November.

Don and I would like to thank everyone for their pr ayers following his back surgeries and during his recuperation. They

mean a lot to us. Thank you again, god Bless. Don and Freddie Riepshoff

A BIG THANK YOU from the Giving Tree/Food Basket committee. Your support is greatly appreciated by all.

The Board of Christian Education would like to than k Rick Porter, Lewis Knackstedt, Ronald Mindrup and Leon Uhe for

installing the two new Wall Tack Panels on the east wall in the education building.

A big thank you to everyone who shared their musical talents with us during this Christmas season. We are truly blessed at Salem to have so many who are willing to provide us with special . Also a big thank you to Pastor Jerry and all of the staff at Salem for all of the extra time you put in to make our Christmas Cantata possible. We thank you for the great job you do setting up, running the sound, and preparing the bulletin. Thanks! Dawn

We thank you all; for the prayers, thoughts, cards, gifts; and especially the gift of being with you throughout the year.

Being united in the love of Christ is truly a wondrous blessing. God bless you all. Pastor John & Merilee Mindrup

Thanks for all the gifts, cards, and wishes of "Merry Christmas." We are always amazed and grateful for the generosity of Salem.*************************************************** We hope everyone has a joyous, wonderful*************************************************** Christmas and all have a happy, prosperous************* New Year. ~ Pastor Jerry & Carol Amiri


From the Historical Committee

The Sanctuary of Salem will be 140 years old in 2017 with a decision to build a new church made during the New Year’s meeting on January 1, 1877. To commemorate this very special year in Salem’s history, the displays in the Historical cabinet will tell the story of the building, enlarging and remodeling of the Sanctuary. We are fortunate to have so many records and artifacts and hope you will check out the cabinet displays as they are changed throughout the year.


~ From The Off ice Coo rdinator ~

New 2017 calendars are available in the Narthex and outside the church office. Calendars are compliments of Dauderman Mortuary. Annual Reports If you have not yet submitted your committee’s annual report, please do so as soon as possible. Attention All Treasurers: Please submit your treasurer’s reports to the church office as soon as you have them done and audited. Final deadline for all treasurers’ reports is Monday, January 16, by 9:00 a.m. Thanks! Annual Reports will be available on Sunday, January 24. 2017 Salem U.C.C. Phone Directory The 2017 Salem U.C.C. Phone Directory will be available for pick up by Sunday, January 29, on the table outside of the church office.

Melissa Taylor ***************************************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************************************************** 2017 OFFERING ENVELOPES Be sure to check the passageway for your 2017 offering envelopes. Please contact the church office: If there are no envelopes with your name on them, and you wish to receive the envelopes; if you would like your envelopes mailed out to you; if you no longer wish to receive the envelopes. Thank you

******************************************************************************************************************* SAUSAGE SALES: Thursday, January 26  12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, January 28  9:00 a.m. to ? 68th Annual Whole Hog Sausage Supper SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 2017 SERVING FROM 2:30 P.M. TO 8:00 P.M.

MENU: FRESH HOMEMADE PORK SAUSAGE Sauerkraut Potatoes Gravy Green Beans Applesauce Bread Dessert Coffee Milk

The ticket prices are $10.00 for adults and carry-outs and $5.00 for children ages 5 to 10. Ages 4 and under will be free. **************************************************************************************************************** Friends of the Conference Friends of the Conference is a second-mile giving program offering individuals, groups, and congregations the opportunity to make special gifts, over and above their regular OCWM giving, in support of the mission and ministries of the Illinois South Conference. Gifts received will become part of the Conference Operating Fund. They will NOT be reserved for special projects, nor will they be apportioned to DuBois Center, as DuBois has its own fund-raising programs. Despite efforts to move to a balanced budget, the Conference has continued to run a deficit. It is hoped that Friends of the Conference will help offset these operating losses. Please consider contributing to Friends of the Conference. Please make your check payable to “Salem UCC” and write “Friends of the Conference” on the memo line.

Thanks for all the gifts, cards, and wishes of "Merry Christmas." We are always amazed and grateful for the generosity of Salem. We hope everyone has a joyous, wonderful Christmas and all have a happy, prosperous New Year. ~ Pastor Jerry & Carol Amiri


Do you ever get tired of writing checks? Do you occasionally “forget” to make an offering? No worries! You now have the option of setting up online giving. It’s easy to set up. Go to the Salem website and select “Online Giving”. The link will enable to setup account and you decide the details of your giving such as: what day, how often, how much and, if you chose, you can also indicate a donation to offset the cost of the account. Once your account is set up, then you never have to write a check for offering again.

69th Annual Whole Hog Sausage Supper

SATURDAY, JANUARY 2828,, 2012017777

SERVING FROM 2:30 P.M. TO 8:00 P.M.



Sauerkraut Potatoes Gravy Green Beans Applesauce Bread Dessert Coffee Milk

******************************************************************************************************************* Sausage Supper Committee Chairs:

Purchasing: Vernon Uhe Ron Schmidt

Processing: Lawrence Henschen Seating: Justin Bonnell Lewis Knackstedt Michael Dauderman

Kitchen: Brian Duncan Jerry Frank

Rhet Mansholt Public Relations: Pastor Jerry Amiri

Dave Renken Courier: Gene Templeman

Dishwashing: Laura Muench Sausage Carriers: Donal Reagan Beverly Engelke Christopher Uhe

Fryers & Setup: Dennis Conrad Elevator: Delmar Korsmeyer Jim Reagan Ron Mindrup Greg Reinhardt Mark Vassier Leon Uhe Parking: Boy Scouts Sausage Sales: Charlie Brown Caine Kelso Clint Conrad Joe Reinhardt Vernon & Linda Uhe Butchering Date: January 23, 2017 Carry-Out: Jim & Dagmar Annable Bill & Carol Reckman Processing Dates: January 25, 2017 January 26, 2017 Tables: Joe Dauderman Dean Korsmeyer Supper Date: January 28, 2017 Advertising & Ticket Sales: Laverne Korsmeyer




In accordance with the Salem Constitution, the Church Council voted and approved that the 157th Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 29, 2017, following the 10:00 a.m. worship service. In addition to approving the budget, the Congregation will be asked to consider changing worship times in the Summer from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and alternatives for Christmas Eve.

Worship Ministry Schedule Date Acolytes Greeter(s) Liturgist Ushers Jan. 1 Clara Doubet Gale Bolen Laura Muench Brian Duncan & Connie Duncan (10am) Grace Ouart Emily & Katelyn Duncan Gene Templeman Terri Templeman Jan. 8 Kylie Ketcham Verna Gilley Laura Muench Kelsey Dauderman (10am) Riley Mansholt Amy Henschen & Krista Miller Chad Schuster & Tara Schuster Jan. 15 Health Follwell Jim Annable Dagmar Annable Joe Dauderman (10am) Syler Hogg Cindy Henschen & Susi Miller Erika Schlechte & Zach Schlechte Jan. 22 Sydney Basler Ken Gehrig Laura Muench Becca Braundmeier (10am) Barbara Meguire Kara Braundmeier Richelle Braundmeier & Shirley Gall Jan. 29 Brianna Follwell LaVerne Bloemker Irving Gray Scott Demkey & Krista Mansholt (10am) Tessa Renken Dave Renken & Ronna Renken Lisa Uhe

Nursery Schedule

January 1 January 8 January 15 January 22 January 29

Richelle Ernst Emily Uhe Amanda Brase Sarah Doubet - Jill Verson Patty Uhe Jennifer Hunsche Heather Luitjohan

Worship Schedule

Date Scripture Readings Sermon Title Worship Leader

January 1 – 10 a.m. Matthew 2:1-12 Worship with Pew Communion The Story of the Magi Rev. Jerry Amiri New Year’s Day Isaiah 60:1-6 January 8 – 10 a.m. Washed in New Isaiah 42:1-9 Rev. Jerry Amiri Worship/The Baptism of Christ Possibilities January 15 – 10 a.m. Old Testament Psalm 40:1-11 Worship/ Second Sunday after A New Song Rev. John Mindrup Epiphany Gospel John 1:29-40 January 22 – 10 a.m. Isaiah 9:1-4 Worship/ Third Sunday after Flipping the Switch Rev. Jerry Amiri Epiphany Matthew 4:12-23 January 29 – 10 a.m. Micah 6:1-8 Worship/ FourthSunday after Opened Hearts Rev. Jerry Amiri Epiphany Matthew 5:1-12

Communion Schedule for Hitz Home

January 1 – 10 a.m. Lisa Uhe

******************************************************************************************************************* Livestream

Have you ever had one of those days that for whatever reason you cannot make it to church? Fear not! Salem Church uses Livestream to broadcast our worship services. Here are four easy steps to watch the worship service online:

1. Go to 2. Click on “Watch.” 3. In the search box (top left), type “Salem UCC.” 4. Click on the black and white picture of the church, and you will either see the live broadcast of the worship service or you can look for archived services.


If you are sad or struggling inside,5.5.5. do not suffer alone. Ask for help. We have a 6. team of Stephen Ministers who are ready to listen, care, encourage, pray, and help you through a tough time. (It is confidential too!) Find out more about Stephen Ministry7. by talking with one of our Stephen Leaders listed below. Our Stephen Ministers are there to care!

Rev. Jerry Amiri: (O) 618-488-3215 / (C) 636-328-3332

Pastor John Mindrup: (C) 618-409-3941/ Betty Imboden: (C) 618-973-0572

PPPrayer LLLististist JJJanuary AAAnniversaries

Cancer Concerns: Reverend Arnold Bizer / Doug Bizer 01/11/1991 Greg & Dawn Reinhardt Jack Frandsen / Wayne Gentry / Pat Hinton 01/25/1964 Vernon & Judy Blom

Health Concerns: 01/29/1992 Gene & Terri Templeman

Connie Abert (Niece-in-Law of Fern Scheller) / Dagmar Annable Quintin Byrne (Cousin of Lisa Reinhardt) / Bob Dauderman Deanna Dauderman / Donohoo Helen Dugan / Ginny Gehrig / Lester Gentry Larry Kaufman / Marie Mindrup CCCorrection Roger Reilson Melvin Roberts / Wayne Stille Last month the Messenger listed the incorrect information for Sheryl Cecco. It should have read: Alhambra Care Center: Velma Henkhaus Born 01/19/1967 and died on 03/06/2016. Our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience. Eden Village: Hilbert & Verna Klenke

Faith Countryside Homes/Apartments: Dorothy Knabel AAA BBBirth IIIn OOOur CCChurch FFFamily…

Highland Home: Anita Suhre Harper Leigh Henschen was born on December 5, 2016, at 4:30 a.m. Hitz Memorial Home: to Nick & Anna Henschen. Orlean Hosto / Electa Leitch / Vernon Otto She weighed 9 pounds and 1 ounce. Our Servicemen & Servicewomen: She was 19 inches long. Lt. Col. Derek Bright / Thomas Eyman Her big brother is Raiden. Airman Dustin Garner / 2Lt. Sarah Guithues 2Lt. Her grandparents are Robert Guithues / Jason Schlechte Sgt. Kenny Randle / Jared Thiems / Kyle Thornton Gary & Cindy Henschen. His great-grandpa is Robert Dauderman. Our Sympathies to the Families of:

Rick Kruse (Brother of Judy Henschen) Who died on Tuesday, December 6, 2016

***************************************************************************************************************** JANUARY BBBIRTHDAYS

January 1 January 9 January 14 January 20 January 28 Lorena Gray Craig Henschen Roger Reilson Bryan Wernle Lorna McGee Allison Semanisin Natalie Rinderer Jordan Tillerson Lonnie Reckmann January 2 Mindy Suhre Logan Schlechte Dawn Reagan January 21 Bev Gibson Ian Grandame Carrie Torti January 15 Trent Otto Trevor Henkhaus January 10 Jeff Gibbons January 29 January 22 January 3 Lorene Uhe Tom Eyman Dorothy Knabel Lisa Reinhardt Ashley Knackstedt Linda Uhe Ryan Boxell January 31 Krista Mansholt Rick Allen Shyana Reckmann January 23 Greg Reinhardt Amanda Brase Bob Dauderman Dede Donohoo January 17 Richard Porter Jr. January 4 Carol Erbin January 11 Kenneth Suhre Brian Debatin Eva Babic Bill Prott January 18 Brett Henschen Tim Stille Neal Parker Julann Hastings Scott Trauernicht Caitlyn Burton January 24 Ed Layer Jake Esmon Patty Allen

January 12 Jerry Reckmann January 5 Lisa Paur Barbara Dugan January 26

Theresa Reinhardt Ronna Renken Joseph McGee Fern Scheller

Gale Bolen January 6 Kyle Frank Justin Gibbons Scott Demkey Barb Randle January 13 January 19 Deanna Dauderman Kay Koch Jack Nihiser January 27 Amber Koch Dianne Price Craig Nihiser Elizabeth Brown

Bradey McKinley Joni Sanders Greg Nihiser

Lauren Bolen

JJJanuary CCCalendar

Sunday Jan. 1 NO Salem Seekers (Sunday School) 10:00am Worship with Communion Historical Committee Meeting NO Praise Team Practice following Worship NO Exhale Monday Jan. 2 10:00am Monday Morning Reflections at Maedge’s 7:00pm Property Committee Meeting Tuesday Jan. 3 6:30pm Evangelism/Worship Committee Meeting 7:30pm Vision Committee Meeting Wednesday Jan. 4 6:00pm Salem Chimes Practice 6:30pm Confirmation Class 6:30pm Salem Ringers 7:30pm Salem Chancel Choir Practice Thursday Jan. 5 7:00pm BOCE Meeting Sunday Jan. 8 8:45am Salem Seekers (Sunday School) 10:00am Worship Praise Team Practice 4:00-5:30pm Exhale Monday Jan. 9 10:00am Monday Morning Reflections at Maedge’s Wednesday Jan. 11 6:00pm NO Salem Chimes Practice 6:30pm Confirmation Class 6:30pm NO Salem Ringers 7:30pm NO Salem Chancel Choir Practice Thursday Jan. 12 7:00pm Church Council Meeting Sunday Jan. 15 8:45am Salem Seekers (Sunday School) 10:00am Worship Praise Team Practice following Worship 4:00-5:30pm Exhale Monday Jan. 16 10:00am Monday Morning Reflections at Maedge’s 6:30pm Stephen Ministry Tuesday Jan. 17 9:00am Messenger Articles are Due 1:00pm Senior Citizens Wednesday Jan. 18 6:00pm Salem Chimes 6:30pm Confirmation Class 6:30pm Salem Chimes 7:30pm Salem Chancel Choir Practice Thursday Jan. 19 7:00pm Guild/Brotherhood Meeting Sunday Jan. 22 8:45am Salem Seekers (Sunday School) 10:00am Worship Praise Team Practice 4:00-5:30pm Exhale Monday Jan. 23 10:00am Monday Morning Reflections at Maedge’s Wednesday Jan. 25 6:00pm Salem Chimes 6:30pm Confirmation Class 6:30pm Salem Chimes Practice 7:30pm Salem Chancel Choir Practice Thursday Jan. 26 TBD Processing at Korte for Sausage Supper 12:00-6:00pm Sausage Supper Meat Sales Saturday Jan. 28 9:00am Sausage Supper Meat Sales 2:30-8:00pm 69 th Annual Whole Hog Sausage Supper Sunday Jan. 29 10:00am Worship Congregational Annual Meeting 4:00-5:30pm Exhale

The Pastor/Parish/Personnel Relations Committee

The Pastor/Parish/Personnel Relations Committee (PPPRC) is always ready to 2016 SALEM CHURCH COUNCIL: hear ideas and suggestions. 2016 PPPRC members are: Dennis Conrad, Krista President Steve Stille Mansholt, Kathy Porter, Jerri Riechmann, Ken Suhre, and Lisa Uhe. Vice-President Gary Boda The Salem Wire Secretary Ronna Renken There is a lot that happens from Sunday to Sunday—deaths, births, weddings, Treasurer Scott Demkey etc. Wouldn’t it be nice to know these things sooner than later? The Salem Wire Financial Secretary Chris Uhe is an email message delivery system where you would receive notice of events and happenings in the church. To sign up for the Salem Wire , please email the Dagmar Annable church office at [email protected]. Richelle Ernst

The Salem E-Messenger Kris Lynn

Would you rather receive The Messenger by email? The Salem E-Messenger is Ron Mindrup a delivery system where you would receive The Messenger and all committee Donita Prott meeting minutes by email instead of regular mail. To sign up for the Salem E- Patrick Stille Messenger , please email the church office at [email protected]. Jill Verson

Salem’s Procedures for Church Cancellations

Since we are entering the season of possible inclement weather, here is a reminder of the church cancellation procedures:

1. During the week, if Highland School District cancels school, all activities at Salem Church will also be cancelled.

2. Decision to cancel the worship service will be made by 6:00 a.m. by the Senior Pastor.

3. Salem Church has registered with Fox2 News, KMOV, and KSDK to be able to post church cancellations.

4. Announcements of church cancellations will be aired on WSMIV.

5. The Salem phone message will be updated enabling calls to the church phone number to check on church cancellations.

6. Salem will offer members the option of signing up for a phone tree in the event of Salem church cancellations. Please contact the church office if you would like to have your name placed on this phone tree.

7. Salem Wire will be sent by the Office Coordinator. If the Office Coordinator is unavailable, then the Salem Wire will be sent by the Senior Pastor or Youth Director.

Our hope is that with these new procedures in place, every member of the congregation will have sufficient notification of church cancellations.

Pastor Jerry’s Office Hours:

Tuesday – Thursday:

9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

(Available for Walk-Ins and Appointments)

Office Coordinator’s Office Hours:

Tuesday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Salem United Church of Christ NON-PROFIT ORG. 1117 West North Street BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID Alhambra, Illinois 62001 ALHAMBRA, IL Phone: 618-488-3215 PERMIT NO. 2 Fax: 618-488-3212


Rev. Jerry Amiri, Senior Pastor Pastor John Mindrup, Assistant Pastor Rev. Arnold A. Bizer, Pastor Emeritus Becca Braundmeier, Youth Director Melissa Taylor, Office Coordinator Dawn Reinhardt, Music Director Patti Reckmann, Custodian

TTTHEHEHE MESSENGER ~ A Communication Ministry of Salem United Church of Christ ~

Church’s Email: [email protected] Pastor’s Email: [email protected] Web Address:

Would You Like

Home Communion or a Visit

From Pastor Jerry?

If you would like or know of someone who would like home communion or a visit from Pastor Jerry in your home for conversation and prayer,

please contact him to schedule a time.

Church – 618-488-3215 / Cell – 636-328-3332 Email – [email protected]

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