2010 SCF Group - the winner of three prestigious international awards in 2010: • Lloyd’s List Global Awards – “Company of the Year” • Seatrade Awards – “Seatrade Global Performer 2010” in recognition of its pioneering work with Arctic icebreaking tanker operations in harsh weather and ice conditions • Marine Money Awards – “European Public Debt Deal of the Year” Contents: Chairman’s Statement 3 President & CEO’s Statement 5 Important events 7 Companies of the Group 21 Results 2010 23 Summary consolidated financial data 41 Fleet 43 Newbuilding programme 44 Russia’s largest shipping company and a world leader in seaborne transportation: • The Joint-Stock Company Sovcomflot was set up in 1988 following the Government Resolution of 23 March 1973 granting the USSR Ministry of Merchant Marine the right to acquire vessels via long-term lease to work at the world freight market • SCF’s fleet comprises 147 vessels (as at 31 December 2010) of some 11 million tonnes (dwt) in total. The current shipbuilding portfolio includes 20 ships representing an aggregate of 2.2 million tonnes (dwt) • SCF is one of the world’s leaders by deadweight tonnage in the product carrier, Aframax and Suezmax tanker segments • The Group owns the world’s largest ice-class fleets, being the No.1 operator in the Arctic shuttle tanker and ice-class LNG tanker market segments • The average age of the fleet is around seven years • More than 8,500 seafarers and shore-based personnel are employed • The Group’s services include seaborne energy transportation, trans- shipping crude oil via offshore floating storage facilities (FSO); offshore tugging operations; developing effective logistics for transporting energy in the harsh climate conditions of the Arctic and the Far Eastern seas; providing hydrocarbons shuttle tanker transportation and offering supply vessels to offshore production platforms and port tugs • SCF’s head office is in St. Petersburg; the Group also has offices and subsidiaries in Moscow; Novorossiysk; Murmansk; Vladivostok; Yuzhno- Sakhalinsk; London; Limassol; Madrid and Singapore Sovcomflot – a leader of the world’s seaborne energy transportation market 3 Sergey Naryshkin Sovcomflot (SCF) Board Chairman The Sovcomflot (SCF) Board of Directors notes with as one of its priorities, a significant growth of the satisfaction that the company fulfilled its tasks for Group’s share in servicing Russia’s foreign trade. 2010, set by the Development Strategy, in full. This includes the development and introduction of comprehensive logistical solutions, for the Russian Still faced by an unfavourable situation in the Federation’s existing and future promising offshore tanker industry’s freight market, Sovcomflot oil and gas field projects. Changes to the previously strengthened its leading position in the sphere of announced timetable for the implementation of seaborne energy transportation. The company a number of Russia’s major industrial offshore finished the year with its profit above forecast and projects, stipulated by the Energy Strategy of the demonstrated steady growth, confirming that the Russian Federation and the decision to partially choice of an industrial business model was the right privatise SCF in 2011-2013, demanded that we one. Such a model envisages the maintenance of start working on the updating of our development high quality results from the company’s fixed assets, strategy. We expect that this work will be i.e. its fleet; the implementation of a well-balanced completed in the first half of 2011. freight policy with a priority put on long-term projects, and the application of most advanced The Board of Directors considers it expedient to technical and technological solutions. maintain the company’s orientation towards an industrial business-model of development, and will In far from auspicious market conditions Sovcomflot consistently follow the route of being a leader in expanded its fleet, increased its sales volume, its industry and providing for its further institutional finished the year with its profit above forecast, development. broadened the range of services offered to its customers and entered new market segments. The While implementing the development strategy, the Group achieved great success in addressing the company will pay special attention to enhancing strategic task of setting up a national contractor energy efficiency and the environmental safety of its to provide comprehensive servicing for offshore fleet; to innovative technologies and to investing in oil and gas development projects, and specialist the ongoing training of its personnel. We will work operations in harsh climatic and ice conditions. The to improve SCF Group’s corporate governance, share of the company’s fleet in the existing offshore enhancing its efficiency and quality of service in energy projects of Sakhalin Island has grown accordance with the best international standards. extensively. Good conditions exist for the Group’s participation in the development of the Shtokman gas condensate field and Yamal LNG. Amongst the unique projects implemented by the company in 2010, one should note the Arctic voyage of the tanker SCF Baltica. This confirmed the technical possibility and economic expediency of transporting large shipments of hydrocarbons along the Northern Sea Route, from the ports of the Arctic and Sub-Arctic regions of Russia to the countries of the Asia Pacific region. The current Development Strategy, approved by the Board of Directors in December 2009, envisages Fleet expansion and renovation programme, envisaged by the Group’s Development Strategy, implemented in full 5 Sergey Frank Sovcomflot (SCF) President and CEO Last year the world economy began to recover icebreaking vessels, for servicing the production gradually, following a deep decline in 2008-2009. platform at the Arkutun-Dagi offshore oil field, Renewed activity in the volume of world trade, was placed at the Russian-Finnish joint venture however, failed to have any significant positive of United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) - STX impact on the freight market. Despite some minor Finland (Exxon Neftegaz Limited is the operator of improvements in a few market segments, freight the project). markets overall remained in a stagnation phase and did not recover to their pre-crisis positions. Against During 2010, SCF Group maintained a stable such a difficult market background, SCF Group financial position with the required reserves of continued to develop steadily. liquidity. This was confirmed by the investment level credit ratings assigned to the Group by Moody’s The programme of fleet renovation and expansion, and Fitch Ratings. Last year, for the first time, the identified in the company’s development strategy, Group attracted additional resources from the was implemented in full. Last year, 13 vessels of public capital markets. This followed a successful a total deadweight of 1.2 million tonnes joined placement of USD 800 million of unsecured the Group’s fleet. The aggregate deadweight of seven year term Eurobonds on the London Stock the owned fleet exceeded 10.4 million tonnes Exchange. The bonds had the lowest coupon (dwt). Meanwhile our tanker fleet remains one for a Russian corporate issuer at the time of their of the youngest and most technically advanced placement. in the world. By the end of the year the Group’s order book included 20 vessels, representing an Owning and operating a fleet comprising 147 aggregate of 2.2 million tonnes (dwt). vessels, SCF Group managed to increase gross revenue to USD 1.3 billion (a 7.4 per cent increase In order to satisfy customers’ demands to the on 2009). Time charter equivalent (TCE) revenue full, the scale of services offered by SCF Group exceeded the previous year by 1.2 per cent, has been broadened in the sphere of energy reaching USD 943.7 million. Net profit was USD transportation, and in servicing oil and gas 164.28 million (a 11.3 per cent decrease on 2009). production at Russia’s offshore fields. Delivering SCF’s net assets grew by 3.7 per cent up to USD liquefied natural gas and providing shuttle tankers, 3.12 billion. The results for the year allow SCF for oil transportation in the extreme conditions Group to continue paying dividends in accordance of the Arctic and the Sub-Arctic seas, have also with the dividend policy adopted by the Board of been developed successfully. At the same time Directors. SCF Group has been paying special attention to: improving the quality of its transportation services; On behalf of the company’s Executive Board, ensuring the safety of navigation; facilitating I should like to express my appreciation and protection of the marine environment and reducing gratitude to our shareholders, to our customers environmental risks; investing in employees, in their and partners, to the employees of the Group – to ongoing training and development. the masters and crews of our ships, to our shore personnel, for their loyalty and support which SCF Group contributed significantly to the helped us make progress throughout the year. development of Russia’s maritime cluster. The company is the major customer for large-capacity vessels ordered at Russian shipyards. In 2010 unique Arctic shuttle tankers, built at the Admiralty Shipyards (St. Petersburg), were put into operation. A large contract for the construction of a series of Aframax tankers at the joint Russian-Korean enterprise Zvezda-DSME (Primorskiy Region) was signed. Also an order for building multi-functional Important events 2010 2010: Important events Timofey Guzhenko, 70,000 tonnes dwt Arctic shuttle tanker, at the Fixed Offshore Ice-resistant Off-loading Terminal (FOIROT) at Varandey, Barents Sea, January 2010 January Shipment was completed of the first 10 million tonnes of crude oil, transported by Jan the Arctic shuttle tankers of the Vasiliy Dinkov type, from the Fixed Offshore Ice- 24 resistant Offloading Terminal (FOIROT) at Varandey, situated 22 km offshore in the Barents Sea. The tankers Vasily Dinkov, Kapitan Gotsky and Timofey Guzhenko, classified as ice class LU-6, can break ice of up to 1.7 metres thick and operate safely as well as effectively in the harsh climatic and complicated navigational conditions of the Arctic seas.
16/10/2017 LIBRARY Rds 701-800 1 Call Number RD-701 KHEIFITS
16/10/2017 LIBRARY RDs 701-800 1 Call number RD-701 KHEIFITS, Iosif Edinstvennaia [The Only One] Lenfil´m, Pervoe tvorcheskoe ob´´edinenie, 1975; released 17 March 1976 Screenplay: Pavel Nilin, Iosif Kheifits, from Nilin’s story ‘Dur´’ Photography: Genrikh Marandzhian Production design: Vladimir Svetozarov Music: Nadezhda Simonian Song written by: Vladimir Vysotskii Nikolai Kasatkin Valerii Zolotukhin Taniusha Fesheva Elena Proklova Natasha Liudmila Gladunko Boris Il´ich Vladimir Vysotskii Maniunia Larisa Malevannaia Iura Zhurchenko Viacheslav Nevinnyi Anna Prokof´evna, Nikolai’s mother Liubov´ Sokolova Grigorii Tatarintsev Vladimir Zamanskii Judge Valentina Vladimirova Ivan Gavrilovich Nikolai Dupak Scientist Aleksandr Dem´ianenko Train passenger Svetlana Zhgun Tachkin Mikhail Kokshenov Train passenger Efim Lobanov Wedding guest Petr Lobanov Black marketer Liubov´ Malinovskaia Anna Vil´gel´movna Tat´iana Pel´ttser Member of druzhina Boris Pavlov-Sil´vanskii Tania’s friend Liudmila Staritsyna Serega Gelii Sysoev Lekha Aleksandr Susnin Head Chef of the Uiut restaurant Arkadii Trusov 90 minutes In Russian Source: RTR Planeta, 13 March 2015 System: Pal 16/10/2017 LIBRARY RDs 701-800 2 Call number RD-702 SAKHAROV, Aleksei Chelovek na svoem meste [A Man in His Place] Mosfil´m, Tvorcheskoe ob´´edinenie Iunost´, 1972; released 28 May 1973 Screenplay: Valentin Chernykh Photography: Mikhail Suslov Production design: Boris Blank Music: Iurii Levitin Song lyrics: M. Grigor´ev Semen Bobrov, Chairman of the Bol´shie bobry kolkhoz Vladimir Men´shov
RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF EDUCATION ST. PETERSBURG INTELLIGENTSIA CONGRESS ST. PETERSBURG UNIVERSITY OF THE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES under the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia This is the Fifteenth Conference (initially named ‘The Days of Science in SPbUHSS’ ) and the Seventh in the status of the International Likhachov Conference St. Petersburg 2007 ББК 72 Д44 Scientific editor Professor A. S. Zapesotsky, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 7th International Likhachov Scientific Conference, Chairman of the Executive Committee of St. Petersburg Intelligentsia Congress, President of St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, Dr. Sc. (Cultural Studies), Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation Editor of the English language edition Professor S. R. Abramov, Dr. Sc. (Philology), English Chair of St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences Recommended to be published by the editorial board of SPbUHSS Minutes No. 17, 29.06.07 Promoters and participants of the Conference express profound gratitude to the company Xerox Eurasia for the support of this publication Dialogue of Cultures and Civilizations in the Global World: The 7th International Likhachov Scientific Conference, May 24–25, 2007. — SPb.: SPbUHSS Publishers, 2007. — 78 p. ISBN 978-5-7621-0392-3 This book contains proceedings of the 7th International Likhachov Scientific Conference held on May 24–25, 2007, at St. Petersburg University