September 8th, 2017 Note n°23 Eurocité, 12 Citémalesherbes, 75009 Paris
[email protected] What will France’s role in Europe be over the next five years? Spain’s expectations, by Dídac Gutiérrez-Peris For once, France’s 2017 presidential elections had a strong sense of déjà-vu in Spain. A reminder of the rifts, the changes and the divides which have marked the Spanish political life in the past 10 years, such as the rise of a more radical left beside a worn out socialist party, exhausted by the exercise of power. Many similarities are to be found in the rise of Mélenchon’s party and its relationship with the PS with Podemos’ ascent and the PSOE. Another example would be the appearance of a new centrist party which also plays the anti-system card. It’s no surprise to see that Ciudadanos claims to belong to the same political trend as Macron’s party and that the new French President views the Orange movement as a positive development for Spain. And finally, the conservative right which, despite the many crises it went through, remains present on the political scene. Les Républicains and Partido Popular are both seing their reputation damaged due to corruption scandals and yet both remain key political elements, with Partido Popular in power in Spain and Les Républicains as the main party of opposition in Parliament in France. There are two main differences between the two countries though. Even though France was the last one to go through such a transition, En Marche’s victory was a much more significant disruption of the bipartisan state of play than in Spain.