Special 2013 Is the First Year That a Europe´S European Rivers Riverprize Will Be Awarded
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2013 SPECIAL 2013 is the first year that a EUROPE´S European RIVERS RiverPrize will be awarded ... DANUBE Europe´s Green Corridor RHONE Coping with Climate Change THAMES Renaturation Front-and-Center ... by the International River Foundation (IRF) partnering with the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR), the European Centre for River Restoration (ECRR) and Coca-Cola Europe. DNIEPER Coming Back to Life 02 SPECIAL Sturgeons DANUBE 03 ix species of sturgeons were once native to rivers throughout the Danube River SBasin, including the beluga sturgeons, The Editorial which can reach lengths of up to six metres. The ICPDR sees sturgeons as a flagship species Sturgeon indicating high ecological water quality: they Dear Readers, Making only flourish in healthy rivers with diverse FLAGSHIP SPECIES: Way for ivers resemble a bloodstream. They pervade our continent, they habitats, which touches directly on several The sturgeon has characterize landscapes, they provide habitats for animals and areas in which the ICPDR is active. These Migration become a symbol Rplants, and they ensure the supply of water. They are focal points of include wetland and floodplain restoration, indicating high ecological social, economic and cultural development. It is no coincidence that the the development of fish migration aids, the water quality. history of Europe’s colonization runs along the great rivers: They provided reconstruction of natural river beds or cities with water and served as transportation routes. They have been measures against water pollution. Three praised in stories, myths, legends and songs. But rivers have also been used issues are of particular concern for as sewers, and seen as hindrances, nuisances, or imminent floods. The sturgeons in the Danube Basin today: relationship between humans and rivers is ambivalent. (1) the protection of habitats, Yet much has changed for the better in recent for example for spawning; years and decades. The river itself is seen again as a (2) illegal fisheries and caviar trade; living space in the original sense of the word. Clogged (3) longitudinal connectivity – the possibility streams have become flowing channels, and sewers for them to pass dams mostly of hydropower Liebe Leserinnen, liebe Leser! have become healthy water sources. Throughout plants to reach spawning grounds in upstream Europe, international, public, and private organiza- eit dem diesjährigen „Jahrhunderthoch wasser“ areas. An important partner of the ICPDR in tions are taking care of the rivers – working on them, stehen Flüsse wieder im Fokus der Öffentlich- working for sturgeon conservation is the with them and for them. keit. In dieser UNIVERSUM Spezialausgabe Danube Sturgeon Task Force, which aligns the Franziskus von Kerssenbrock S The International Commission for the Protection erfahren Sie mehr zu den Ansätzen, Programmen efforts of the ICPDR with other major players of the Danube River (ICPDR), for example, with its headquarters in Vienna, und Projekten, die alle zum Ziel haben, vier in the field, such as the World Sturgeon has coordinated initiatives, projects and programs to benefit the second- europäischen Flüssen und zwei Binnenmeeren eine Conservation Society or WWF, which recently longest river in Europe. In 2007, the ICPDR won the competition organized nachhaltige Zukunft zu sichern – und damit auch launched a project on sturgeon conservation. by the International River Foundation’s International RiverPrize. On den Menschen, die mit ihnen leben. September 12th, ICPDR and IRF will be awarding the European RiverPrize. Die „International Commission for the Protection of More information: Four river organizations are in the finale: the Danube River“ (ICPDR), mit Sitz in Wien, lädt am http://danube-sturgeons.org/ Rio Orbigo, Spain 12. September zur Verleihung des „European http://www.dstf.eu/ inst waren sechs verschiedene Stör-Arten in Mur / Drau / Danube, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia RiverPrize“. Vier Flüsse sind im Finale: Rio Orbigo der Donau und ihren Nebenflüssen heimisch. Rhine, with all of its neighboring countries (Spanien), Mur/Drau/Donau (Österreich, Kroatien, E Darunter der Beluga-Stör, mit einer Länge Upper Drau, Austria. Ungarn, Serbien, Slowenien), Rhein (mit allen von bis zu sechs Metern. Die Internationale Soon one of the world‘s major environmental awards will be given for Anrainerstaaten), Obere Drau (Österreich). Kommission zum Schutz der Donau (IKSD) exceptional, visionary and sustainable work. In this special edition of UNIVERSUM Magazin ist Medienpartner der betrachtet den Stör nun als „Flaggschiff-Spezies“. UNIVERSUM, you can learn more about current approaches to ensuring a internationalen Veranstaltung. Daher erscheint Gelingt es, den Fisch wieder in den Gewässern des sustainable future for four European rivers and two inland seas – and thus diese Ausgabe in englischer Sprache mit deutscher Donaubeckens heimisch werden zu lassen, dann ist for the people who live with them, as well. Zusammenfassung. dies auch ein Indikator für hohe Wasserqualität und Biodiversität. Denn die Fische brauchen gesunde Habitate, Auen und Überschwemmungsgebiete; die Möglichkeit, frei und ungehindert stromauf- und -abwärts zu ziehen; sowie sauberes Wasser. Alles Bereiche, die die IKSD als zentrale Aufgabengebiete ihrer Arbeit sieht. Ein wichtiger Partner der Kommission ist in diesem Zusammenhang die L S FranZisKus von KerssenbrocK Danube Sturgeon Task, die die Arbeiten der IKSD LDHÄU Editor-in-Chief und ihrer Partner wie dem WWF koordiniert. A APIA, W Weitere Informationen: K : O : OS http://www.dstf.eu T IMPRESSUM Medieninhaber: LW Werbe- und Verlags GmbH, Geschäftsführer, Herausgeber: Erwin Goldfuss, Projekt- COVER: SHUTTersTocK O leitung: Prok. Alexandra Salvinetti, Chefredaktion: Franziskus von Kerssenbrock, Grafik: Michael Demetler, Übersetzung: http://danube-sturgeons.org PH Caitlin Ahern, Christian Liberty Marshall, Anschrift: 1060 Wien, Linke Wienzeile 40/22, Tel.: +43 1 585 57 57-0, Fax-DW 415, [email protected], www.lwmedia.at, www.universum.co.at, Stand: August, Irrtümer und Änderungen vorbehalten Die vorliegende Beilage versteht sich als entgeltliche Einschaltung in Zusammenarbeit mit der Internationalen Kommision zum Schutz der Donau im Sinne des Medientransparenzgesetzes. Die redaktionelle Verantwortung liegt beim Universum Magazin. Universum Special | 2013 04 DanuBE Co-operation 05 AT THE EDGE: The Danube delta is one of the world´s most stunning wetland areas. “ he Danube,” Italian writer Claudio equally indispensable for flora and fauna; the Magris once said, “is a river that importance of their floodplains is vital due to Tconnects - unlike the Rhine, which was increasing floods; they are nesting and long perceived as the feud-causing border Europe´s breeding areas for mammals, birds, amphi- between Germany and France.” Magris argues bians and fish. In fact, one particular fish has from a cultural and social point of view, and Green become a symbol for the many tasks that the the facts alone speak for his thesis: The Danube has to deal with as an international, Danube is approximately 2,800 kilometers long, Corridor regional and local cooperation: the sturgeon. and 19 countries with around 81 million people are part of its watershed, with an area of How the Danube river THE STURGEON‘S JOURNEY approximately 800,000 square kilometers. In fosters international Most fish species migrate between different short, the Danube is an international river co-operation habitats during their life cycle. In the case of – the most international river in the world. sturgeons, this migration could range from The Danube’s source is the subject of much the Black Sea to Germany. At least until debate – particularly in Germany. Yet all agree hydropower plants and dams started to block that it lies somewhere in the Black Forest. Its the route in the 20th century. But now, delta is located on the border between habitats are protected and reconnected, for Romania and the Ukraine and is one of the example through fish ladders. These fish largest and most important wetlands on the migration aids should allow the sturgeons – planet. Home of countless animals, it is a as well as other fish – to circumvent the habitat of international standing. obstacles and penetrate again into the heart At the same time, the Danube is a major of Europe. European waterway. It is essential for the Take, for example, the Iron Gate. Here in production of renewable energy from hydro- the 1970s and ‘80s the largest hydroelectric power; it supplies agriculture with water, and power stations were built along the Danube, factories, industries, and cities are concen- putting the sturgeons’ 800-kilometer journey trated on its banks. to an abrupt end. A feasibility study is currently examining the possible erection of ie Donau ist ein Strom, der verbindet. STEPS FORWARD fish ladders that, for the project “Iron Gate 1” In jeder Hinsicht: Rund 2.800 The European Union recognises the impor- alone, bridge an altitude difference of 35 DKilometer lang ist die Donau, 19 tance of the Danube, initiating its own Danube meters, providing the fish with another 800 Länder mit rund 81 Millionen Menschen sind Region strategy. This region should spark kilometers of “open road”. Meanwhile, former Teil ihres Einzugsgebietes mit einer Fläche von action in business, society, science and culture. floodplains and wetlands are being reactivated etwa 800.000 Quadratkilometern. Kurz, die That‘s a big task for a river, even if